
Ottoman Safavid War 1638 - Enemy Brothers 

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@ahmedirfansamad 2 года назад
Both Ottoman and Safavid are our pride. 🇧🇩♥️🇹🇷❤️🇮🇷
@user-mb7nr6ck8d 2 года назад
But Safavid was Azerbaijanian empire.. Not persian, but we can say Iranian Azerbaijanis empire.
@tokytoky5532 2 года назад
Safavid are shia rt?
@joymani4915 2 года назад
Mukti Bahini ♥️ Pakistan.
@ahmedirfansamad 2 года назад
@@user-mb7nr6ck8d Azeris are members of Turkic family. Turks are your clan brother and Persians are completely different race.
@yaqubebased1961 Год назад
Shah Ismail named all of his sons after persian heroes and kings :)
@بکنناموسداشخسرو 2 года назад
Long life iran 🇮🇷
@brightburnedits4278 2 года назад
@@asefalyev9155 cry
@brightburnedits4278 2 года назад
@IAmNOob clown🤡
@تورج-ص1ص 2 года назад
@@asefalyev9155 lol👎🗿
@ryuk550 2 года назад
Yesss I am indian but for me iran is the best
@turkmanqilichi4694 2 года назад
@@brightburnedits4278 ur clown
@warpathss5253 2 года назад
Safavids had been doing atrocities against Sunnis in Iraq and Ottomans retaliated that's all. Iraq is shia today bcs of safavid atrocities.
@mightybritishempire2881 2 года назад
iraq was still ottoman
@safavidarmy3485 2 года назад
Iraq part of Persian Empire !
@safavidarmy3485 2 года назад
Ottoman protect Sunni in Iraq😀?😆😆😆😆😆😆
@elgun1036 2 года назад
В Ираке остались остатки кызылбашей
@hudaarifathul6950 2 года назад
@@safavidarmy3485 safavid has failed to destroy prophet Muhammad grave😂
@skmcia2091 2 года назад
safavid empire 🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷
@DAKEN711 2 года назад
@mongollempire Год назад
Safavid empire 🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿
@ussrman-l9g Месяц назад
the safavids are not azerbaijan tho it is more persian and ismail I shah of iran exists so that proofs it to be iran
@javierzanetti1433 3 года назад
@Nomadicenjoyer31 3 года назад
@K1zilbash 3 года назад
@@mamouta5376 ?
@K1zilbash 3 года назад
@K1zilbash 3 года назад
Moreover, there are a lot of facts about the Turkic origin of the Safavids in “Safvat as-safa” itself, the hagiography of the Safavid dynasty. For example, during the dialog of Shaikh Safi-al-din with murids in such a Persian city as Shiraz he was referred as “pir-i turk” (Turkic Saint) and the village of Ardabil where he was living was called “deh-i turk” (Turkic village). In most medieval sources the Safavid State is called “Devlet-i Kizilbash” since the kizilbash turcomans constituted the main core of the state and its army. Besides, according to “Tarikh-i alam-ara-yi Abbasi” by Iskandar Beg Munshi, 56 of 72 emirs known by names of 114 ones were kizilbash and 61 of them were Turks. Пожалуйста, не забудьте правильно оформить цитату: Мустафаева, Н. В. Culturology issues of comparative description of the ethnolinguistic identity of historical heritage of Azerbaijan (based on period of Safavid Empire) / Н. В. Мустафаева, Эльнур Лятиф оглу Гасанов. - Текст : непосредственный // Культурология и искусствоведение : материалы IV Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, июнь 2018 г.). - Казань : Молодой ученый, 2018. - С. 15-17. - URL: moluch.ru/conf/artcult/archive/292/12820/ (дата обращения: 11.03.2021).Safavid power with its distinctive Persian-Shi'i culture, however, remained a middle ground between its two mighty Turkish neighbors. The Safavid state, which lasted at least until 1722, was essentially a "Turkish" dynasty, with Azeri Turkish (Azerbaijan being the family's home base) as the language of the rulers and the court as well as the Qizilbash military establishment. Shah Ismail wrote poetry in Turkish. The administration nevertheless was Persian, and the Persian language was the vehicle of diplomatic correspondence (insha'), of belles-lettres (adab), and of history (tarikh). www.cambridge.org/us/academic/subjects/history/regional-history-1500/turko-persia-historical-perspective?format=PB&isbn=9780521522915 Google books point_down books.google.com.tr/books?id=g3JhKNSk8tQC&printsec=copyright&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Azeri&f=false (Cambridge University Press)The early Safavid court retained its Turkic culture and language, but gradually transitioned to more Persian bureaucratic structure as successive Shahs came to power. Likewise, the legitimacy and symbolism of the thrown became more Persian as time passed. Shah Isma'il described himself as a descendant of the Prophet Mohammad and claimed to have royal Sasanian blood as well, but was still very much a Qizilbash leader. projects.mcah.columbia.edu/nehasian/shahnamah/flash/text/safavid.pdfAs a century-long westward drive pushed Turkic clan after Turkic clan into the Iranian world, they often merged with it. In the last 1,000 years, most of the dynasties that ruled Iran rose out of Turkish clans - from the Ghaznavids who invaded northern India from their capital Ghazni in the 11th century, to the Seljuks, to the Timurids, to the Safavids and, latterly, to the Qajars. www.nytimes.com/2010/04/24/arts/24iht-melik24.htmlThe Aq Qoyunlu were then swept away by another Turkmen confederation known as the Safavids , who were united under a millenarian strain of Shi’ism. “Legacy of the Mongols.” The Mongols, by Timothy May, Arc Humanities Press, Leeds, 2019, pp. 93-102. The Safavids were Oghuz Turks (Turkmen) who had developed their own religious identity under Shaykh Safi al-Din. “The Ḥusaynābādī Scholiasts.” George Strachan of the Mearns: Sixteenth Century Orientalist, by TOM McINALLY, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2020, pp. 78-87. At the end of the 15th century, the Safavids , a religious-based group of Azerbaijani ancestry from northwestern Iran, gained power among the nomadic people displaced by the Mongol and Timurid invasions. “IRAN BEFORE THE 1979 REVOLUTION.” Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran, by MEDEA BENJAMIN, OR Books, New York; London, 2018, pp. 7-31. (Azerbaijani) dynasty of Safavids(1501-1736) who switched from Sunni to Shi‘a Islam. “Muslims of Central Asia before the Russian Conquest.” Muslims of Central Asia: An Introduction, by Galina M. Yemelianova, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2019, pp. 11-31. Unlike other Turkic mili- tary dynasties-the Seljuqs, Mamluks, Safavids -Ottoman religious policies Spannaus, Nathan. “RELIGION IN THE SERVICE OF THE STATE: DIYANET AND REPUBLICAN TURKEY.” Modern Islamic Authority and Social Change, Volume 1: Evolving Debates in Muslim Majority Countries, edited by MASOODA BANO, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2018, pp. 293-315. The Safavîds , themselves of Turkic origin Hosein, Rasheed. “Understanding ISIL: How History Explains Ideology.” American Intelligence Journal, vol. 32, no. 1, 2015, pp. 70-78.This was a forceful demonstration of royal power, levelling the field of potential successors, eliminating over- mighty subjects, and cautioning the Qizilbash elites that times had changed. 187 The Ottoman, Mughal, and Safavid dynasties all had Turkic roots and traced their provenance to the steppe. www.cambridge.org/core/books/dynasties/002241B6B91B298ED8C5C28E9FB29ABE/listing?q=Provenance&_csrf=gwwoUS33-Q6kxPygE10z02PNfmIouzLuGlng&searchWithinIds=002241B6B91B298ED8C5C28E9FB29ABE&fts=yes&searchWithinIds=002241B6B91B298ED8C5C28E9FB29ABE&aggs%5BproductTypes%5D%5Bfilters%5D=BOOK_PART They may have been Iranians or Turks, or even of Kurdish or Arabic origin, but their appeal was religious rather than ethnic or tribal. Devotion to the Safavid order was widespread among the Türkmen tribes of Azarbayjan and Anatolia. Safavid followers wore a distinctive red turban and were known as Qizilbash, or “red-heads.” The Safavid order was both Sufi and Shiite in orientation, and it is thanks to the Safavids that Iran is a Shiite country today. Religious overtones aside,in most other respects theirs was a typical turkish dynasty. As late as the 1660s and 1670s, a Frenchman at the Safavid court could still write: “Turkish is the language of the armies and of the court; one speaks nothing but Turkish there, as much among the women as among the men, throughout in the seraglios of the great; this comes about because the court is originally of the country of this language, descended from the Türkmens, of whom Turkish is their native tongue. www.cambridge.org/core/books/firearms/33BCC813B4FFB68D5C830DE09D9F2B47
@Nomadicenjoyer31 3 года назад
@@K1zilbash helal full spam yap
@blacklife2059 3 года назад
Sanki iki Türk devletinin savaşması büyük bir gururmuş gibi, Biri Safevini, Biri Osmanlını övüyor.Bu savaş tarihi utançdır! Türkler bir- biriyle savaşmak yerine birlik olsaydılar,Şimdi Hiçbir Türk devleti bu kadar çok toprak,düşman sorunuyla uğraşmazdı.Doğu Türkistan Çinin elinde kalmazdı.Ben bu savaşı görünce kahr oluyorum resmen.Gerçek bir Türk Bu savaşla gurur duyup kendini övmez! Ağlar 😭.Kaç kişi ölmüş😭😭
@zns7888 3 года назад
😞Evet.bu savaşla övünenler var.Türk olamaz onlar
@e_k8099 3 года назад
O zamanlar dünyada hiç bir ülke bu iki türk devleti ile savaşıcak güçde deyildi. Biri avrupaya diyeri ise asyaya yayılmaya başlamış ve pnleri kesilmezse 100 sene içerisinde dünyanın tamamını işqal ede bilirdi. Eee düşündüler eyer biz onları yenemiyirsakbonları bir birine düşürürüz işte bu kadar basit. Bizim atalarımız ister Yavuz Selim ister Şah İsmayil bu oyuna sazan gibi atladı. Savaşı Osmanlı kendini zafer kazanmış olaeak gördü. Amma anlamadı ki, bu büyük türk ulusunun en büyük yenilgisiydi. Safavinin zayıflaması rusların önünü açdı ve onlar da boş durmayıb gelişdi ve en sonunda da Osmanlını yenib yıllar sürecek üstünlüklerini kurdular. Yani uzub lafın kısası burda xristian dünyası kazandı. Ne Osmanlı ne de Safavi zafer kazana bildi. İnşallah bu haaları tekrar yapmayız.
@fbiturkiyetemsilcisi3422 3 года назад
@@e_k8099 aynen Türkçüler anlamaz ona kalırsa en büyük türk düşmanlarından bıri macaralrdı onlarda türk kökenliydi
@altunaze6127 3 года назад
Onlar heç biri özünü türk saymırdı, biri özünü osmanlı, digəri dəfəvi sayırdı. Osmanlı -Səfəvi savaşı
@CEB1896 2 года назад
Nationalism wasn’t a thing back then, that’s why they did this.
@sakurakou2009 3 года назад
I think muslim empires had fought against each others more then they had fought against outsider enemies
@siahcount7891 3 года назад
You are right
@sinabagherisarvestani8924 3 года назад
no not really ,
@sinabagherisarvestani8924 3 года назад
well both where Turks , savafids where Iranian Shia Turks and Ottomans where Istanbul Turks , the reason the ottomans won most of the time was due to the fact that the ottomans had gunpowder and cannons while the Persians had swords and axes , that gave the ottomans a huge advantage
@Taqi142 3 года назад
@@sinabagherisarvestani8924 What ever This is unfortunate that Muslim fought with each other for power
@philipampofo6435 3 года назад
@@Taqi142 ofc they would. Christians also fought each other. People dont stop fighting because they believe in the same man in the sky.
@mahdisalmani1157 2 года назад
@Asatryan18 2 года назад
We are also Avarayr war 451.🇦🇲vs🇮🇷 But we love Persians🇦🇲❤🇮🇷
@بکنناموسداشخسرو 2 года назад
Thanks my friend 😊 🇮🇷❤🇦🇲
@nsjsksjsjs3114 2 года назад
Safavids not persian
@بکنناموسداشخسرو 2 года назад
@@nsjsksjsjs3114 I know safavids are medes (kurds)
@nsjsksjsjs3114 2 года назад
@@بکنناموسداشخسرو no meds is persian
@بکنناموسداشخسرو 2 года назад
@@nsjsksjsjs3114 Iranic people: Medes Persians Parthians Medes : Kurds azeris(befor aghuz Turks)gilaks mazanis talyshs bakhtiaris Parthians : pashtuns Afghans tajiks hazaras baluchs Persians : Persians
@bablauansariansari3362 Месяц назад
Ottoman Empire 💪💪💪🇸🇦🦁 the conqueror of Baghdad,Istanbul and long lasted time Ottoman Empire
@samjonson6602 3 года назад
Shah Abbas, Nader shah, shah ismael❤️🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷
@samjonson6602 3 года назад
@Надир Шах shah Abbas and shah ismail are Iranian kurds,and the Nader shah was an Iranian Khorasani🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷
@samjonson6602 3 года назад
@Надир Шах all of these killed the ottoman Turks , lol
@samjonson6602 3 года назад
@Надир Шах Azerbaijan and Arran(current country azerbaijan) have too many kurds !
@biscolataman 3 года назад
@@samjonson6602 By the 16th century, the Caucasus was a battleground between the Sunni Ottoman Empire and the Turkic Shia Safavid Dynasty of Persia, and over the course of the 19th century, the Russians conquered the entire Caucasus region. www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780195390155/obo-9780195390155-0014.xml The Zand dynasty, which ruled Iran from 1751 to 1794, was the first native Iranian regime in almost six hundred years, as opposed to the Turkic and Mongolian sovereigns who until then had governed the land. oxfordislamicstudies.com/article/opr/t236/e0866?_hi=0&_pos=65 *The Safavid Empire differed little from the earlier tribal Turkic and Mongol tribal confederations that had dominated much of the Middle East since the 11th century.* www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199791279/obo-9780199791279-0185.xml But the Safavids of the 10th/16th century must not be regarded as a kind of Persian national dynasty. link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-94-010-3479-1_14 For nearly a thousand years, Iran has generally been ruled by non-Persian dynasties, usually Turkish. www.cambridge.org/core/books/cambridge-history-of-iran/political-and-dynastic-history-of-the-iranian-world-ad-10001217/024AA8933D346C06170E0D72EA6D71A4
@biscolataman 3 года назад
@@samjonson6602 Azerbaijani Turks
@sagorahmed6813 2 года назад
@anarmemmedzade4805 2 года назад
Osmanlı and Safavid brother Safavid is Azerbaijan Empire❤👌☝👍🤲🙏💪🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿
@anarmemmedzade4805 2 года назад
@Eternal shogun85 Shah Ismail was born in Ardebil. Ardebil is the city of Azerbaijan. Ancestor of Azerbaijanis SHAH ISMAIL
@eshaansarkar2017 2 года назад
Respect to both from India 🇮🇳! Another one of the past gunpowder empires.
@حقگوواقعی Год назад
Bruh listen Safavid was persian
@eshaansarkar2017 6 месяцев назад
I know​@@حقگوواقعی
@eshaansarkar2017 3 месяца назад
@@حقگوواقعی I know
@yenidenturktarihtezi 3 года назад
Üçüncü alıntı: "Şeyh o adamı dinlemeye başladığı zaman (Şeyh'e) şöyle dedi:'Türk piri! Hazır ol ki üç gün sonra asla namaz kılamayacaksın. Öğlen namazına ölecek ve bu dünyadan göçeceksin. Senin ömrün sona ermiştir'''.⁸⁸ Dördüncü alıntı: "Nağah⁸⁹ bir kişi hem böyle divardan çıhub dedi :'Ey ibadetlü Türk piri! Neşün melûl-hatır oturubsan ve gönlün neden örtü meşgûldür?"'⁹⁰ Beşinci alıntı: "Şeyh (k.s.), kendi ahval,vakıa ve makamâtını ona anlattı. Emir Abdullah (r.a.), uzun bir süre sessiz kaldı,başını eğdi. Sonra başını kaldırdı ve dedi:Ey Türk pîri! Bizim himmet⁹¹ kuşunuz bu yere kadar uçmamıştır'⁹²;"Hazret-i Şeyh kendünün ahvali ve vakıat ile mukaddemâtı ana arz erdi. Emir Abdullah (r.a.)bir saat dinc olun, düşün, başını aşağı salub, pes mübarek başını kaldırın, yukarı eyleyüb dedi:'Ey Türk piri! Bizim himmetimizin kışı buraya dengic uçmayubdur.' "⁹³ Altıncı alıntı: "Emir Abdullah, onun bu hâlini gördüğünde:"Ey Türk pîri! Şark âleminden garb âlemine kadar senin bu rüyanı ve hâlini halledebilecek kişi, Şeyh Zahid-i Gilani'den (k.r) başkası değildir.senin derdinin dermanı ancak onun irşad şifahanesindedir"de-di".⁹⁴ Yedinci alıntı: "Emir Abdullah çün Seyh'ün ıstırabı gördi dedi:Ey Türk pîri! Âlemin şarkından garba dekin kimse kim senin bakışlarının ta'birinin eyleye, müşkül işlerüni Hall kıla, kimse yohdur, şeyh İbrahim Zahid Gilani'den özde hâsıl olmaz";"pes emir Abdullah dedi:Ey Türk pîri! Sen oraya varmak gereksen kim meşrikden mağribe dekin kimse kin bu ma'ninden haberdar ola, andan Özge yohdur":"pes veda sebebi ilen anun huzûruna vardı. Şeyh Sa'di öz ashabına dedi: Bu türk pîri sefere varur, teberrürler ilen hediyyeler hazretine isar etmek vacipdür". Daha önce de bahsini ettiğimiz üzere meşhur safvetü's-Safâ dışında; *1. Şah İsmail'in Saray tarihçisi olan heratlı İbrahim Emini'nin Fütühât-ı Şahî isimli eserinde, *1540-48 yılları arasında yazıldığı tahmin edilen Cihângüşa-yı Hakan-ı Sahib-kıran isimli kaynakta, *Mirza Muhammed Yusuf Valeh Kazvinî'nin"Huld-i Berin" isimli kitabında Şeyh Sâfî Türk piri ve türk genci diye anılmaktadır. ⁸⁶Safvetü's-Safâ, Musahhih: Gulâm-Rızâ Tabâtabâî Mecid, Çev.: Serap Şah, s.253. ⁸⁷Şeyh Sâfî Tezkeresi, s.67. ⁸⁸Safvetü's-Safâ, Musahhih: Gulâm-Rızâ Tabâtabâî Mecid, Çev .: Serap Şah, s.254 ⁸⁹Ansızın, birden bire ⁹⁰Şeyh Sâfî Tezkeresi, s.68. ⁹¹Himmet , kalbin sadece Hakk'ı talep ederek ona bağlanması anlamında da kullanılır; sadece Hakk'ı talep, ödül talebi veya azaptan korkma niyeti taşımadan Hakk'ı istemek demektir. ... Bazen himmet, talebin son noktası anlamında da kullanılır.( Kâşânî, 2015, s.567-568)" ⁹²Safvetü's-Safâ, Musahhih: Gulâm-Rızâ Tabâtabâî Mecid, Çev.: Serap Şah, s.259 ⁹³Şeyh Sâfî Tezkeresi, s.71. ⁹⁴Safvetü's-Safâ, Musahhih: Gulâm-Rızâ Tabâtabâî Mecid, Çev.: Serap Şah, s.260. ⁹⁵Şeyh Sâfî Tezkeresi, s.71-73.
@رضامارمولک-ت1ك 2 года назад
Although this sequence is a film against Shiites and Safavid Iran, but congratulations to Turkey, it is a quality film. .
@QuitYourBullshit 2 года назад
What’s the film’s name?
@darth.cp1 Год назад
Safavid is Not Iran Safavid is Azerbaijan
@darth.cp1 Год назад
​@@QuitYourBullshit Muhtesem Yuzyil: Kosem series
@رضامارمولک-ت1ك Год назад
@@darth.cp1 ardebil not azarbaijan
@رضامارمولک-ت1ك Год назад
@@darth.cp1 The name of Azerbaijan was given to your country during the time of Joseph Stalin. Do not pay attention to the fake history that Aliyev's regime schools teach you, because no one in the world will accept your claim.
@aliak6220 3 года назад
@asena9078 2 года назад
Safavids not Persian. Safavids not Persian. Do you understand me?
@mastergamermapping494 4 месяца назад
@@asena9078Safavid is kurdish
@Pasha_Sabbah 2 месяца назад
@@asena9078Safavid is Persian Kurdish. Cope Pan Turk😂
@PersianPatriot434 5 месяцев назад
Respect to our brothers 🇮🇷❤️🇹🇷
@ardeshirbabakan9034 Месяц назад
برادر ؟ کصخلی مگه ما چه نسبت برادری با طورکا داریم
@ardeshirbabakan9034 23 дня назад
کصخل طورکا تورو آدم حساب نمیکنن
@mahdiansari2486 3 года назад
@Rumeli-j8b 3 года назад
@Fətəli xan Xoyski 🇦🇿 Persian empire, your country belong to iran too. Go thank russia for saving you
@paki_baloch 3 года назад
Safavid was Kurdish. They came from Azerbaijan but shah Ismael's heritage was Kurdish. And Kurdish have Persian blood
@paki_baloch 3 года назад
@Fətəli xan Xoyski 🇦🇿 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤣🤣🤣🤣 no he was Kurdish from Azerbaijan but spoke turkish
@yenidenturktarihtezi 3 года назад
@@paki_baloch Safavid was not Kurdish. ITS NOT TRUE. THE ORIGIN IS TURKIC
@safavidarmy3485 2 года назад
What Fafavid😀??😆😆
@amirmohammadrezaei8074 2 года назад
Shah Ismail Safavid did many things for Iran. But he had a problem. So his many conquests took his pride and he became proud. The Ottoman Sultan Salim, who could not tolerate the existence of the Shiites, declared war on Iran. Shah Ismail had fought many wars and had a weaker army than the Ottoman army. That is why he lost in Chaldoran. When the regions of the Caucasus and Ajam Iraq fell to the Ottomans, the Ottomans started collecting heavy taxes from the people and killing them. It was a very bad and dark time. As an Azeri, my heart aches when I think of Ottoman crimes inside my country, Iran. But Shah Abbas the Great and Nader Shah Afshar took revenge on the Ottomans for these crimes
@orhanaliyev9774 2 года назад
Let's start with the fact that Shah Ismail Khatai was not an Iranian)) he was an Azerbaijani and under his rule and the rule of his descendants until the 1920s, the Turks (Azerbaijanis) ruled Persia, there was no such country as Iran. secondly, Shah Ismail didn’t plan to fight, just the Ottoman sultan massacred Shiites in Anatolia and attacked first. Go teach history
@amirmohammadrezaei8074 2 года назад
@@orhanaliyev9774 All this is mentioned in history. If you Panthers say that Azeris are Turks, then why do they love Iran so much and sacrifice their lives for Iran? Sacrificers such as Babak Khorramdin, Sattar Khan, Baqer Khan and Mehdi Bakeri and many others. All of them defended Iranian territory. Why? Because they are Iranians. Pantherism is also a new, fake movement that is not very old and was born out of the sick minds of racists. I myself speak Turkish and I am Azeri. As an Azeri, I say that we will not surrender a single inch of our native Iranian soil to the enemy as long as we are alive. Dear friend, study true history without prejudice and give up ethnicism. We are all brothers. Thank you
@truearyan7880 2 года назад
@@orhanaliyev9774 Iranian doesn't mean Persian. You can be a Arab tourk lur baloch turk Persian gilak talysh turkman and........... So he was iranian
@nmamedov7544 3 года назад
Safavid 🇦🇿👍👍👍
@nmamedov7544 3 года назад
@Satrap of AdharPaigan aleykim salam qardaş yaşasin Azəri milləti! Yaşasın Devleti SƏFƏVİ
@elvinmammadov_ 3 года назад
@Satrap of AdharPaigan 🇮🇷🇦🇿❤
@K1zilbash 3 года назад
@پیر الکساندر خان ?
@sahin2705 3 года назад
@bitterlifes 3 года назад
Safavid war not a muslims
@logotech7376 3 года назад
Tarih o zaman türk anlayışı millet anlayışı olmamış . Yani normaldır . Sol sağ hep Türkler olmuş başqa kiminle savaşacaq.
@a4edition472 3 года назад
@felipeurrea3836 Год назад
@user-_37273 Год назад
@Samanyolu-ov1yk 7 месяцев назад
@@felipeurrea3836 Sah İsmail family from Akkoyunlu Azeri Anatolian Turk not persian
@theottomanpatriot1418 3 года назад
As an iraqi im happy Ottoman took Baghdad, it gave them a better life
@theottomanpatriot1418 3 года назад
@Toni Montana im not turk lol
@macheteist 3 года назад
@Alex Edmund the Ottoman Empire was the homeland of the Iraqis. uk just occupied their land.
@theottomanpatriot1418 3 года назад
@Alex Edmund not made by uk, fought to be independent from UK
@theottomanpatriot1418 3 года назад
@Alex Edmund Iraq still kept its name Iraq so it still existed just divided into 3 vilayets
@sakawusun6519 3 года назад
Ur mustafa and u commented on safaviyya shia channel
@تورج-ص1ص 2 года назад
@farhaadhussain2552 2 года назад
Both empire have played great role in the region like poetry,arts,landmarks 👍
@faraz8135 Год назад
All Ottoman and Iranian (Safavid, Afsharid, Zand and Qajar) wars .Battle of Chaldiran(23 August 1514)= Ottoman victory .Ottoman-Safavid War (1532-1555)= Ottoman victory .Ottoman-Safavid War (1578-1590)= Ottoman victory .Ottoman-Safavid War (1603-1618)= Safavid victory .Abbas I's Kakhetian and Kartlian campaigns= Safavid victory .Ottoman-Safavid War (1623-1639)= Ottoman victory .Western Persia campaign of 1730= Safavid victory .Tahmasp's campaign of 1731= Ottoman victory .Ottoman-Persian War (1730-1735)= Safavid victory .Ottoman-Persian War (1743-1746)= Treaty of Kerden .Ottoman-Persian War (1775-1776) = Zand (Iran) victory .Ottoman-Persian War (1821-1823)= Qajar (Iran) victory
@cbicbraylov832 3 года назад
Safavi 🇦🇿 Ottoman 🇹🇷 ❤️🇦🇿🇹🇷❤️ Turkic
@dashkhosrowfan3691 2 года назад
Safavi 🇮🇷
@cbicbraylov832 2 года назад
@@dashkhosrowfan3691 Safavi Azerbaijan impery. ✊🇦🇿✊
@dashkhosrowfan3691 2 года назад
@@cbicbraylov832 Why ?
@cbicbraylov832 2 года назад
@@dashkhosrowfan3691 Nadir Shah Afshar Turkic Shah TURKİC (AFSHAR)
@dashkhosrowfan3691 2 года назад
@@cbicbraylov832 Yes hes iranian turk
@persian_gamer631 Год назад
Iranians and Ottomans??? Brothers???? 😂 👉 Shah Ismail hated Ottomans 👉 Shah Ismail reestablished the Iranian identity and state, and became the first Iranian who unified the entire of Iran after the Sasanid persia. 👉 Shah Ismail wrote many poets in Persian, some of which are still available 👉 Shah Ismail only had knowledge over Azeri language, but declared Persian as the empire's offical language 👉 Shah Ismail fought many battles against the Turks and Uzbeks, and won most of them, but he was sadly defeated at Chaldiran ( but his successors avenged him ) 👉 The Ottomans always massacred the Iranians and Shias wherever they could, specially when they occupied Tabriz and committed many atrocities 👉 some ottoman shekhs, gave Fatwa that killing a Shia is equal to killing 75 Christians 👉 Even the kings of Iran, after Shah Ismail of Persia, continuesly fought the ottomans because of their aggression and crimes against Shia people, such as Shah Abbas the great, Tahmasb, Nader Shah, Karim Khan Zand etc. 👉 Iranians never considered the Ottoman criminals as their " brothers ", but as their arch enemies. Even as of today, Iranians still curse the Ottomans, and dismiss their hostility toward Iran.
@hhbb7710 3 года назад
Safavid empire 🇮🇷💪
@samjonson6602 3 года назад
@Надир Шах Safavid empire was Iranian empire and has Kurdish kings! Also Turks are Belong Iran civilization
@Cayzn 3 года назад
Safavid Empire🇦🇿💪 Shah İsmael💪🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿☪️
@hhbb7710 3 года назад
@@Cayzn good dreams but nah Go search any where you want it's not even 40 years to Aran turn to Azerbaijan 😂
@hhbb7710 3 года назад
@Надир Шах dude it was Turkish empire of iran we have turk and kurds and persians and Greeks and Armenians and azaris and blochis and lurs and torkaman in our country safavid was an Iranian Turkish empire they speaks persian on that time and you can see it in place to still is in iran
@hhbb7710 3 года назад
@Надир Шах good jobbbbbn then what's your problem??? 🇮🇷
@orhanaliyev9774 2 года назад
Our Shah Ismail was on the battlefield, unlike their cowardly Sultan Yavuz. We were defeated on the Chaldyran field due to cannons and nothing more.
@oldgamer9992 2 года назад
So funny selim is Coward??
@Ymncan 11 месяцев назад
Funny 😂 Selim ?
@jeetkar3557 Год назад
The three most gunpowder empires 1mughals,2ottomans3safavid
@aviationlife1434 3 года назад
i stand with safavids
@elmanificomexico2565 3 года назад
@aviationlife1434 3 года назад
@@elmanificomexico2565 because they have green outfits =)
@yenidenturktarihtezi 3 года назад
@@aviationlife1434 Qizilbash Turkmens 🇦🇿💚
@safavidarmy3485 2 года назад
@safavidarmy3485 2 года назад
@@K1zilbash Səfəvi Dövlətı🇦🇿Sefevi Devleti🇹🇷Sefewi Döwleti🇹🇲دولتی صفوی🇮🇷
@Mehrab-x4g 11 месяцев назад
enemy brother?😂😂😂😂😂
@ARDESHIRTASH 2 месяца назад
Film name ?
@shayanazad2768 2 года назад
Safavid great empire from Ardabil of Iran they were truely Iranian turkic speaking shia dynasty🇮🇷❤️❤️❤️❤️
@cyrusarya3084 3 года назад
Long live great Iran 💪🏻
@Spsubhanshorts 3 года назад
Long live safavid empire from mughal empire ♥️
@ENES-ec5zl 3 года назад
İran and great? 😂😂
@ImranKhan-gp2hc 3 года назад
@@Spsubhanshorts long live ottoman empire
@fatemehasghari9074 3 года назад
@@ENES-ec5zl yes
@fatemehasghari9074 3 года назад
@@ENES-ec5zl I love my iran
@paki_baloch 3 года назад
The only problem is that Baghdad is in middle of the desert not grasslands 😂
@killerpie5981 3 года назад
Iraq is one of the most fertile land
@paki_baloch 3 года назад
@@killerpie5981 I know it is but Baghdad is in middle of desert not grasslands
@killerpie5981 3 года назад
@@paki_baloch to an extent it was grassland
@paki_baloch 3 года назад
@@killerpie5981 Baghdad is in middle of a desert some parts of Iraq are fertile. That is what I am saying
@alphaomega8373 2 года назад
You're cop!
@randomdude956 3 года назад
Me an iranian and my turk friend after we couldn't settle thing down:*battle of chaldiran intensifies*
@tgmusic3484 3 года назад
Azerbaijani* not iranian
@randomdude956 3 года назад
@@tgmusic3484 no he's not from Azerbaijan he's from Turkey and I'm from iran
@samjonson6602 3 года назад
@@tgmusic3484 Azerbaijan is part of Iran
@tgmusic3484 3 года назад
@@samjonson6602 yes south azerbaijan is part of iran for now
@samjonson6602 3 года назад
@@tgmusic3484 Maybe northern back again to Iran ! , and im sure about that
@sfvi5881 2 года назад
Səfəvilər Tamamilə Azərbaycan imperiyasıdır. Dəlillər var bunla bağlı. Artıq anlayın. Anlayan var , anlamaq istəmən var. Anlayanlardan olun.
@alisan6691 2 года назад
Ardabili dilar
@safavidempire5103 2 года назад
@@alisan6691 ardabilde guney Azerbaycan şehridir
@alisan6691 2 года назад
@@safavidempire5103 gunay azarbayjan yox di iran di iran yani azarbayjan lidar da turk di
@repvoo4779 2 года назад
@@alisan6691 Nə dəxli var ? Azərbaycan Türkləri həm indiki Azərbaycan respublikasında , həm də Güney Azərbaycan coğrafiyasında eyni millət olaraq birgə yaşayıblar .
@alisan6691 2 года назад
@@repvoo4779 yaşaya bilar siz galin da yaşayax sizi rus lar ayir dilar siz bizim şia gardaş larimiz siz goy marik sizi israeli lar din dan ayira azarbayjan turku islama çan verar
@alisan6691 2 года назад
Safivi 💪💪🇮🇷🇮🇷
@KipchakWarmonger Год назад
@Azerbaijaniturk 2 года назад
Safavid Turk Ottoman Turk 😒🇦🇿🇹🇷❤
@jasinrudd1291 2 года назад
LoL safavid was part of Persian empire 🇮🇷
@Sadraxos 2 года назад
It was Azeri Persian mostly Persian because it was South Azerbaijan I’m from Isfhan the capital of the empire so I know better
@oldgamer9992 2 года назад
@@jasinrudd1291 Savavids were Türkmen go read history they created it
@مهردادنیکمهر 2 года назад
@@oldgamer9992 thats a good joke😂 safavid is azari Persian
@مهردادنیکمهر 2 года назад
@@oldgamer9992 you should go to read history
@Nomadicenjoyer31 3 года назад
Brother wars
@ssd2562 3 года назад
They are not our brothers
@mightykurgan3444 3 года назад
We are brothers were and always will be greetings from southern Azerbaijan
@kingofiran2733 3 года назад
We are not brother 🇮🇷❤🇮🇷❤🇮🇷❤🇮🇷❤❤
@mightykurgan3444 3 года назад
@@kingofiran2733 you're a Persian nationalist he meant Azerbaijan's turks not you
@mightykurgan3444 3 года назад
@Anoushirvan Sassani i don't care about ancestors even though they weren't Kurds you Persians make these stories up because it's hard for you to accept the fact that Arabic and turkic people have ruled your country for centuries he was turkic just like the rest of Azerbaijan and the war was because of the fact that safavids were shia and arabs , uzbeks and ottoman Turks were Sunnis And his army were ghizilbash 100% turkic (turkomans) So that's why as an Iranian turk i call it brother wars
@azerill1173 3 года назад
This is because it did not show the facts, so it is a lie. , and The Ottomans committed many crimes and killings. Love Safavid❤🇮🇷
@halildeniz5614 3 года назад
Safavid not persians 🙄🤨
@azerill1173 3 года назад
@@halildeniz5614 The Safavids were the king of the Iranians and in the hearts of the Iranian people. Love Safavid ❤🇮🇷😊
@youknow8653 3 года назад
@@azerill1173 *cough* qizilbash *cough*
صفوی‌ها اصالتا کرد بوده اند و این یعنی اینکه آنها ایرانی بوده اند اما به دلیل مهاجرت به مناطق ترک زبان این شاهان به ترکی حرف می‌زدند و چون این حکومت مذهب شیعه را به رسمیت شناخته برای مشروعیت بخشیدن به خود نسبشان را به امامان شیعه مرتبط دانسته اند
@azerill1173 3 года назад
@@youknow8653 what do you mean ?! I did not catch 😐
@davidabdielbensalem1911 3 года назад
However I like the Timurid Empire more than.
@armin3068 3 года назад
Safavid 🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷❤
@gafkas3130 3 года назад
Its turkic empire not iran
@biscolataman 3 года назад
According to É. Á. Csató et al.,[33]A specific Turkic language was attested in Safavid Persia during the 16th and 17th centuries, a language that Europeans often called Persian Turkish ("Turc Agemi", "lingua turcica agemica"), which was a favourite language at the court and in the army because of the Turkic origins of the Safavid dynasty. The Safavids were descended from a family of Turkmen Sufi sheikhs from Ardabil, in Azerbaijan. www.davidmus.dk/en/collections/islamic/dynasties/safavids The Safavid family probably descended from one of the Turkmen tribes who had settled in Persian Kurdistan and risen to power after the Mongols . books.google.com.tr/books?hl=tr&id=PFIkAQAAIAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=Safavid (BBC) Safavid power with its distinctive Persian-Shi'i culture, however, remained a middle ground between its two mighty Turkish neighbors. The Safavid state, which lasted at least until 1722, was essentially a "Turkish" dynasty, with Azeri Turkish (Azerbaijan being the family's home base) as the language of the rulers and the court as well as the Qizilbash military establishment. books.google.com.tr/books?id=g3JhKNSk8tQC&printsec=copyright&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Azeri&f=false (Cambridge University Press) The Ottoman,Mughal and Safavid dynasties all had Turkic roots and traced their provenance to the steppe. books.google.com.tr/books?id=5ky2CgAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Safavid+dynasty+cambridge+university+press&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjn0PCSmJXpAhXK_CoKHc2lDlcQ6AEINDAC#v=snippet&q=Roots&f=false (Cambridge University Press) Religious overtones aside,in most other respects theirs was a typical turkish dynasty. books.google.com.tr/books?id=esnWJkYRCJ4C&printsec=frontcover&dq=Firearms:+A+Global+History+to+1700++Sayfa+115&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiW6sLHl6bpAhWnyqYKHcBRA80Q6AEIJTAA#v=onepage&q=Turkish%20dynasty&f=false (Cambridge University Press) Ottoman eastward expansion was stalled by the rise of another Turkish dynasty, the Safavids, in Persia. books.google.com.tr/books?id=pcwzCgAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Conflict,+Conquest,+and+Conversion:+Two+Thousand+Years+of+Christian+Missions+...&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiy29DtmKbpAhXDfZoKHVwpBAwQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=Turkish%20dynasty&f=false (Columbia University Press) At much the same time, two more great states arose, each led by migrant Turkish princes: the Safavid Empire of Iran, founded in 1500, and the Mughal Empire of India and Afghanistan,founded in 1526. books.google.com.tr/books?id=Z013mXynh1wC&pg=PA72&dq=safavid+princes&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwilxZiLmabpAhXDxaYKHbZtAD04HhDoATADegQIARAW#v=onepage&q=safavid%20princes&f=false (Columbia University Press) With the rise of the Turkish Safavids the Shia heterodoxy became a state religion. books.google.com.tr/books?hl=tr&id=N_3UAAAAMAAJ&dq=&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=safavids (Columbia University Press) The early Safavid court retained its Turkic culture and language, but gradually transitioned to more Persian bureaucratic structure as successive Shahs came to power. projects.mcah.columbia.edu/nehasian/shahnamah/flash/text/safavid.pdf The Safavids were of Turkic origin and were originally the spiritual heads of the Safaviyya Sufi Order of Azerbaijan,the membership of which was predominantly Turkic.The military backbone of the Safavid Empire were the Qizilbash,a confederacy of Turkman tribes,who were murids,or affiliates,of the Safaviyya Sufi Order. books.google.com.tr/books?id=ZtShDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA78&lpg=PA78&dq==bl&ots=Cffy5VADCh&sig=ACfU3U0qmb_lY7mz-Pm_G1up2Nfu7CD7KA&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiruJfthMTtAhUR7eAKHSqqDmo4ChDoATAJegQICRAB#v=onepage&q=Safavids&f=false (Oxford University Press) and the Safavids (1501-1722) , two major dynasties of Turkish origin , dominated the Middle East in the ... books.google.com.tr/books?hl=tr&id=iLtkFddAh7gC&dq=&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=dynasties (University of Illinois Press) By the 16th century,the Caucasus was a battleground between the Sunni Ottoman Empire and the Turkic Shia Safavid Dynasty of Persia. books.google.com.tr/books?id=1RWTIYXTM98C&pg=PA3&dq=OXFORDUNIVERSITYPRESS&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj2tbyH_cfrAhXySRUIHfVrCjEQ6AEwAHoECAAQAQ#v=onepage&q=&f=false (Oxford University Press) Safavid Dynasty can be traced to the members of a ruling Turkish family who were natives of Ardabil. books.google.com.tr/books?hl=tr&id=8M4AQAAIAAJ&dq=&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=safavid (Oxford University Press) Safavid Dynasty. The modern history of Persia really begins with the rise of the SAFAVID dynasty in 1500. Although these rulers were also Turkish in origin, they espoused the SHITTE form of Islam. books.google.com.tr/books?hl=tr&id=ug8KAQAAMAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=Islam (New Catholic Encyclopedia-Catholic University of America) The Divan of Shah Ismail , the founder of the Safavid Dynasty was written in Turkish because he was of Turcoman origin . books.google.com.tr/books?hl=tr&id=XDVpAAAAMAAJ&dq=&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=turcoman (Syracuse University Press) The first was the establishment of the Saffavid dynasty ( 1502 - 1747 ) in Iran , which was a foreign power , that is , a Turkish dynasty . books.google.com.tr/books?hl=tr&id=VTNQAQAAIAAJ&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=saffavid (University of Durban-Westville Press) were Shaykh Şafi ' l - Dīn ' s staunch followers , and when Shāh Ismāʻil , himself of Turkish origin , declared his ... books.google.com.tr/books?hl=tr&id=QFfrAAAAMAAJ&dq=&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=Ism%C4%81%CA%BBil (Islamic Studies) The three Islamic empires of the early modern period - the Mughal, the Safavid, and the Ottoman - shared a common Turko-Mongolian heritage. www.cambridge.org/core/books/time-in-early-modern-islam/safavid-mughal-and-ottoman-empires/9D55F0A0262017473EC8A9A7ED86C508/core-reader *The Zand dynasty, which ruled Iran from 1751 to 1794 , was the first native Iranian regime in almost six hundred years, as opposed to the Turkic and Mongolian sovereigns who until then had governed the land.* www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780195305135.001.0001/acref-9780195305135-e-0866?rskey=x3ZJm4&result=11 *The Zands were the first dynasty of Iranian stock to rule after an interval of nearly a thousand years of Turkish rulers.“12* richardfrye.org/files/The_Zands_in_Iran.pdf The Safavid Empire had its roots in a Turkic dynastic line originating in Iranian Azerbaijan. [42] (42)Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa: An Encyclopedia editör: Andrea L. Stanton, Edward Ramsamy, Peter J. Seybolt, Carolyn M. Elliott The early Safavid court retained its Turkic culture and language, but gradually transitioned to more Persian bureaucratic structure as successive Shahs came to power. Likewise, the legitimacy and symbolism of the thrown became more Persian as time passed. Shah Isma'il described himself as a descendant of the Prophet Mohammad and claimed to have royal Sasanian blood as well, but was still very much a Qizilbash leader. projects.mcah.columbia.edu/nehasian/shahnamah/flash/text/safavid.pdf Mazzaoui, Michel B; Canfield, Robert (2002). "Islamic Culture and Literature in Iran and Central Asia in the early modern period". Turko-Persia in Historical Perspective. Cambridge University Press. pp. 86-7. ISBN 978-0-521-52291-5. Safavid power with its distinctive Persian-Shi'i culture, however, remained a middle ground between its two mighty Turkish neighbors. The Safavid state, which lasted at least until 1722, was essentially a "Turkish" dynasty, with Azeri Turkish (Azerbaijan being the family's home base) as the language of the rulers and the court as well as the Qizilbash military establishment. Shah Ismail wrote poetry in Turkish. The administration nevertheless was Persian, and the Persian language was the vehicle of diplomatic correspondence (insha'), of belles-lettres (adab), and of history (tarikh). *The Safavid Empire differed little from the earlier tribal Turkic and Mongol tribal confederations that had dominated much of the Middle East since the 11th century.* www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199791279/obo-9780199791279-0185.xml But the Safavids of the 10th/16th century must not be regarded as a kind of Persian national dynasty. link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-94-010-3479-1_14
@runeterrahikayeleri 3 года назад
Safavids are Turk. They killed a lot of Persians. We killed Persians. Persia hates us.
@armin3068 3 года назад
@@runeterrahikayeleri first of all persians dont have problem with no one and after that Safavid was an Iranian turk (azaris) empire You don't need to be a persian for being shah of Iran then dont waste my time
@hannibalbarca2928 3 года назад
@Toni Montana Safavid The early Safavid court retained its Turkic culture and language, but gradually transitioned to more Persian bureaucratic structure as successive Shahs came to power. Likewise, the legitimacy and symbolism of the thrown became more Persian as time passed. Shah Isma'il described himself as a descendant of the Prophet Mohammad and claimed to have royal Sasanian blood as well, but was still very much a Qizilbash leader. projects.mcah.columbia.edu/nehasian/shahnamah/flash/text/safavid.pdf
@hasanullalhasansaff4524 3 года назад
Ottoman first king of Jannah sultan mehmad, who conquered kustuntunya , on of the ahle sunnah, love from 🇮🇳
@imamdegilim8152 2 года назад
First Ottoman king is Osman gazi aq kim öğretiyor tarihi size
@رضامارمولک-ت1ك 2 года назад
@eshaansarkar2017 2 года назад
Are you mad?
@Iranian_soldier72 Год назад
Because the Ottomans were terrorists
@biscolataman 3 года назад
Türk vs Türk brother wars
@armin3068 3 года назад
They are azari
@user-tb7cc8yt7g 3 года назад
@@armin3068 Oghuz Türk vs Oghuz Türk
@armin3068 3 года назад
@@user-tb7cc8yt7g stop saying turk Its wasn't just turk we have 15 nasnalty in this country we had persian , kurd , Armenian , turk and.... in our meletery that time
@biscolataman 3 года назад
@Toni Montana Turks vs Turks By the 16th century, the Caucasus was a battleground between the Sunni Ottoman Empire and the Turkic Shia Safavid Dynasty of Persia, and over the course of the 19th century, the Russians conquered the entire Caucasus region. www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780195390155/obo-9780195390155-0014.xml The Zand dynasty, which ruled Iran from 1751 to 1794, was the first native Iranian regime in almost six hundred years, as opposed to the Turkic and Mongolian sovereigns who until then had governed the land. oxfordislamicstudies.com/article/opr/t236/e0866?_hi=0&_pos=65 *The Safavid Empire differed little from the earlier tribal Turkic and Mongol tribal confederations that had dominated much of the Middle East since the 11th century.* www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199791279/obo-9780199791279-0185.xml But the Safavids of the 10th/16th century must not be regarded as a kind of Persian national dynasty. link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-94-010-3479-1_14 For nearly a thousand years, Iran has generally been ruled by non-Persian dynasties, usually Turkish. www.cambridge.org/core/books/cambridge-history-of-iran/political-and-dynastic-history-of-the-iranian-world-ad-10001217/024AA8933D346C06170E0D72EA6D71A4
@samjonson6602 3 года назад
Turk is fake nation
@alparslanseljuqlu7791 2 года назад
we're not brothers with ottomans
@qayyss 2 года назад
Bruh safavid is shias Muslim so it's weak and ottoman strong than parsi
@middleeastrenwarriormen1017 10 месяцев назад
@sayyidzafarabasssafavi5346 2 года назад
Ottomans were using gunpowder powers and it is big advantage for them to defeat safavids!!!but with the new era of shah abass safavi the great , ottomans lost all the battles with safavids!!!! Live long safavids blood!!
@Dark.-night986 2 года назад
Long live safavid empire 🇮🇷
@yenidenturktarihtezi 3 года назад
Sen ey Türk-i peri peyker, ecaib sün-i Yezdan’san Görenden berü ruh-sarun, sözüm, Allahu ekber’dir.” (Sen ey peri vücutlu Türk! Yezdan’ın (Allah’ın) yarattığı olağanüstülüksün. Yüzünü gördüğümden beri Allahu ekber (Allah uludur) derim.” HATÂYÎ (Şâh İsma'il) (Şah İsmail, Hatâyî Dîvânı, s.318, Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı Yayınları, 1. Baskı, İstanbul, 2017
@moonandstar85 Год назад
Result: Deccisive Ottoman victory like always 🤣 Sultan Murad Khan IV☝️ Respect Azerbaijanian Turkish brothers from Türkiye
@ardeshirbabakan9034 Месяц назад
Murd V colonized Azerbaijan gay kid long live NADER SHAH that devided your gay army 🦁👑☀️🇮🇷👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👌👌👌👌🇹🇷🇹🇷🫄🫄🫄🫄🫄🫄🫄😂😂😂😂😂
@bablauansariansari3362 Месяц назад
Ottoman Empire 💪🇸🇦🇹🇷 the father of safavid Empire 👎💩🤣
@sina1216 2 года назад
brothers? 😂 lool how the hell?
@nemad-jf1wj Месяц назад
It is not true. Because Safavi‘s army on horses. There was no infantry Safavid army
@syedmuzammil6154 2 года назад
Don't fight each other I Pray to Allah.May Allah give unity and brother-hood at Muslim world
@guestguest62 2 года назад
We are not brother of Shias
@vonschmoth441 2 года назад
Well don't want to break you up with It champ but I don't think It will never happen
@HA-ts2xn 2 года назад
@@guestguest62 if those are not your brother that means you also not one of us.
@guestguest62 2 года назад
@@HA-ts2xn We don't accept shias as our brothers
@doeweeyah1236 Год назад
Stupid they arre not brothers,
@AnasTahir2006 Месяц назад
Ottoman empire❤❤
@aderinto3495 3 года назад
🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨❤❤❤❤🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷Allahu akbar🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨❤❤❤❤🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
@dashkhosrowfan3691 2 года назад
🇮🇷🇮🇷 🇮🇷
@amirdhn4270 3 года назад
Long love safavid
@armin3068 3 года назад
@Nomadicenjoyer31 3 года назад
@armin3068 3 года назад
@@Nomadicenjoyer31 ?????... Its even not 40 years to your country made Wtf
@samjonson6602 3 года назад
@@Nomadicenjoyer31 Azerbaijani has only 29 years old 😂😂😂
@biscolataman 3 года назад
@@samjonson6602 By the 16th century, the Caucasus was a battleground between the Sunni Ottoman Empire and the Turkic Shia Safavid Dynasty of Persia, and over the course of the 19th century, the Russians conquered the entire Caucasus region. www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780195390155/obo-9780195390155-0014.xml The Zand dynasty, which ruled Iran from 1751 to 1794, was the first native Iranian regime in almost six hundred years, as opposed to the Turkic and Mongolian sovereigns who until then had governed the land. oxfordislamicstudies.com/article/opr/t236/e0866?_hi=0&_pos=65 *The Safavid Empire differed little from the earlier tribal Turkic and Mongol tribal confederations that had dominated much of the Middle East since the 11th century.* www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199791279/obo-9780199791279-0185.xml But the Safavids of the 10th/16th century must not be regarded as a kind of Persian national dynasty. link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-94-010-3479-1_14 For nearly a thousand years, Iran has generally been ruled by non-Persian dynasties, usually Turkish. www.cambridge.org/core/books/cambridge-history-of-iran/political-and-dynastic-history-of-the-iranian-world-ad-10001217/024AA8933D346C06170E0D72EA6D71A4
@muhamadbanihikam2744 3 года назад
Ottoman, Safavid, & Mughal ia the great a Islam empires. Allahu Akbar
@sinabagherisarvestani8924 3 года назад
well both where Turks , savafids where Iranian Shia Turks and Ottomans where Istanbul Turks , the reason the ottomans won most of the time was due to the fact that the ottomans had gunpowder and cannons while the Persians had swords and axes , that gave the ottomans a huge advantage , the ottoman Turks had the best technology in guns and cannons at the time and they had made huge advances in artillery technology
@PreseusProductions 3 года назад
@@sinabagherisarvestani8924 Safavids where Kurdish and pontic Greek with a bit of Persian ancestry its documented as a Persian empire Iranians shia went out of their was to kill sunni turks
@sinabagherisarvestani8924 3 года назад
@@PreseusProductions not true , Iranian Shia protected both Christians and also Sunni Muslims during the crusades , the fight between shia Persian Turks and Sunni ottomans was for land and water , it was a war for water , not religious , both had corrupt leaders , the ottomans were not better than the Safavids
@sinabagherisarvestani8924 3 года назад
​@@PreseusProductions Safavids were originally from Azerbaijan , they were Turks , they didn't get along with ottomans since ottomans and Safavids were fighting over wood and water in Azerbaijan , who knows why they were fighting , but they fought each other and they both lost , both the Safavid empire and the ottoman empire collapsed
@PreseusProductions 3 года назад
@@sinabagherisarvestani8924 then why is it that all azervagina call themselves Iranian not Turkic
@ISTR-YT 22 дня назад
Safavid🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿 long live🇦🇿
@hanifnb8570 3 года назад
Iran 💪💪💪💪
@user-bv8vb3eb5i 3 года назад
Ottoman stronk
@paki_baloch 3 года назад
It lost the war but still a very strong empire
@kuvayinizamiye819 3 года назад
@@paki_baloch In most Ottoman-Safavid wars, the Ottomans were Victorius 🇹🇷
@paki_baloch 3 года назад
@@kuvayinizamiye819 I know they were victorious. I just said that Safavid Iran was also a very strong empire
@kuvayinizamiye819 3 года назад
@@paki_baloch And that although the Safavids only attacked the Ottomans when they were at war with European powers. And yet the Ottomans have won most of these two-front wars.
@yaqubebased1961 Год назад
Chaldiran shall be avenged. Selim's country will not see the dawn of the 22nd century, while Iran will live on to the end of days. May the eyes of the envious burn out of their sockets!
@Can-vl8sl Год назад
@brightburnedits4278 2 года назад
Safavid iran win
@Can-vl8sl 2 года назад
The Ottomans won this war.
@brightburnedits4278 2 года назад
@@Can-vl8sl after that safavid iran win go search
@Can-vl8sl 2 года назад
@@brightburnedits4278 Most wars were won by the Ottomans. And the most important battle, the Battle of Chaldiran, was won by the Ottomans. yes, the Safavids were strong, but the Ottomans were much stronger than the Safavids, admit it.
@faraz8135 Год назад
@@Can-vl8sl I don't think so 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 .Battle of Chaldiran(23 August 1514)= Ottoman victory .Ottoman-Safavid War (1532-1555)= Ottoman victory .Ottoman-Safavid War (1578-1590)= Ottoman victory .Ottoman-Safavid War (1603-1618)= Safavid victory .Abbas I's Kakhetian and Kartlian campaigns= Safavid victory .Ottoman-Safavid War (1623-1639)= Ottoman victory .Western Persia campaign of 1730= Safavid victory .Tahmasp's campaign of 1731= Ottoman victory .Ottoman-Persian War (1730-1735)= Safavid victory .Ottoman-Persian War (1743-1746)= Treaty of Kerden .Ottoman-Persian War (1775-1776) = Zand (Iran) victory .Ottoman-Persian War (1821-1823)= Qajar (Iran) victory
@faraz8135 Год назад
@@Can-vl8sl Of course, ottoman was bigger compared to Safavid, but not stronger
@Mbvdh40 9 месяцев назад
Safavid EMPIRE 🇮🇷💚💚💚💚💚
@tgmusic3484 3 года назад
Kardesler Savasi, Turk turke karsi
@tgmusic3484 3 года назад
@Arda birinin hakli oldugu veya olmadigi onemli deyil iki tafta turkuydu ve l savsta sunni shia kani akmadi, orda Turk kani akdi
@samjonson6602 3 года назад
fars fars
@ebumuezza9921 3 года назад
Müslümanlar zındıklara karşı kardeşmiş kafirden kardeş mi olur
@sad4172 3 года назад
@@samjonson6602 dostum safevi devletini iyi araştır iranda kuruldu diye fars devleti olmak zorunda değil ayriyetten babürü timur harzemşah ve memlük devletlerini de araştır ve bir daha bilip bilmeden yorum yapma
@sad4172 3 года назад
@@ebumuezza9921 şii olunca kafir olunmuyor haberin olsun da ama bir müslümanın müslümanlığını sorgulayınca kafir olabiliyorsun
@kingmeraj3819 3 года назад
Long live Ismail Soffi Shahanshah Iran
@gorkemozturk4148 3 года назад
Safevi is Turkish Dynasty
@kingmeraj3819 3 года назад
@@gorkemozturk4148 If Safavid is Turkish than why they fighting more than 200 years with ottomans
@macheteist 3 года назад
@king meraj Turks always fight with Turks. If we didn't, you would be speaking Turkish now.:)
@xshandy5812 3 года назад
@@kingmeraj3819 Safavid is Iran!🇮🇷
@xshandy5812 3 года назад
@@macheteist Bruh ahah The Ottomans spoke Persian & Arabic! Every Ottoman ruler had to learn Persian as Child.
@masihraki2404 2 года назад
@ztkcgt1425 Год назад
Safavids are Aq Qoyunlu so that's means Turkic who say they are ıranic than they are indo-european
@DARKmizah052 3 года назад
Atalarımız Savaşsada Şimdi kardeşiz🇦🇿❤️🇹🇷
@azerill1173 3 года назад
Tamam, lanet olası Osmanlılar
ترکیه ای ها دارن ازتون سوء استفاده میکنن🤣 انقدر احمق هستید که نمیفهمید ،شما برای ترکیه فقط وسیله هستید فقط!😑 💩🇦🇿🇹🇷💩
@DARKmizah052 2 года назад
@@نمیدانماطلاعیندارم-ض3ظ ə Rusun Köpəyi yum ağzını petux ağzının danışığını bil! Qarabağ Azərbaycandlr 🇦🇿🇹🇷🇺🇿🇰🇬🇹🇲🇰🇿❤️💪🤲
@@DARKmizah052 هرگز به این تصور نخواهید رسید😶
@DARKmizah052 2 года назад
@@نمیدانماطلاعیندارم-ض3ظ dediyini başa düşmürəm Köpəy
@eshaansarkar2017 2 года назад
What's the name of the music?
@xiongnu220 3 месяца назад
genç osman
@ghostxstarsgxs6036 3 года назад
امپراتوری بزرگ صفوی برای ما ایرانی ها عالی بود و ما آرزو داریم بازگشت سنی ها به پارسی باشد
@jamalnaserbek7764 3 года назад
صفوی مگه ترک نبود
@samjonson6602 3 года назад
@@jamalnaserbek7764 صفویان آذری و کرد بودن و ایران رو پس از نزدیک به هزار سال دوباره احیا کردن
@a.mj.d1467 3 года назад
@@jamalnaserbek7764 کسشر نگو اول کامنت هارو بخون به عنوان جنگ برادران توصیف میشه هر دوشون ترک اصل بودن ولی یکشون سنی یکیشون شیعه
@a.mj.d1467 3 года назад
@@samjonson6602 و اگه هم کرد بچدن باید همه کرد های الان تحت تاثیر این شیعه مذهب بودنپ
@samjonson6602 3 года назад
@@a.mj.d1467 کرد هایی که در حال حاضر میبینی سنی هستن اینها برای نزدیک به صد سال بخشی از عثمانی بودن و قبل از عثمانی هم سنی بودن و با آمدن حکومت صفوی بسیاری از مردم ایران ‌ و منطقه شیعه شدن !
@salamyaya162 2 года назад
They were not brothers, they really hated each other, it just the Azerbaijanis who thinks that they were Turks or something like this. This what Abbasd the Safavid said on the Ottomans: "I preferred the dust from the shoe soles of the lowest Christian to thehighest Ottoman personage." So much for brother
@aliemadi4993 Месяц назад
there was never a translator used between the Ottomans, the Safavids and the Mughals who is brother and who is not?
@IranEdit-j2z 5 месяцев назад
Safavid my iran
@artinfarmani5829 3 года назад
Safavids 🇮🇷👍🇮🇷
@lionbarsa5178 2 года назад
آره 🇮🇷💪
@K1zilbash 2 года назад
@masoodgh1131 2 года назад
@@K1zilbash listen loser no matter how hard you try all the world academically and culturally consider it a Persian empire like it or not you're like those bunch of desert dwellers who used the term Arab gulf instead of Persian gulf and all the world laughed at them and became clowns There's a reason why Seljuk empire isn't considered Persian while the Safavids are
@K1zilbash 2 года назад
@@masoodgh1131 cryyy.perjjj
@K1zilbash 2 года назад
@@masoodgh1131 .books of that time Alem-ârâ-yı Safavi. Alem-ârâ-yi-Şah Ismail. Tarihi-Alem-ârâ-yi-Abbasi In them the Seffevids are referred to as Turks, Turkomans.Butler writer Shah Abbas Iskender bey Munshi in his book about Abbas mentions him as a young Turkic ruler.Sheikh Sefi's Persian friends in their books indicated him as "Turk piri". Shah Ismail in his verse indicated himself as "turkistanpiri".turkistanpiri "the leader of Turkistan. From here you can even find out that he was a Turkic and considered his state as Turkistan. The state was otherwise called Devleti-Qizilbash
@RehanKhankhan-q9w 11 дней назад
best saltanat Osmaniya ❤🇹🇷🇹🇷 big impire Osman Gazi
@nriman-sahbazmirzyev6032 3 года назад
Kardeşlər Ben azəri türkü ya siz hemişə öz qələbivizdən yazırsız. Səfəvi Azərbaycan
@duno026 3 года назад
@William Jeff The official language of Safavid was Azerbaijani turk persian was second language
@K1zilbash 3 года назад
@William Jeff Moreover, there are a lot of facts about the Turkic origin of the Safavids in “Safvat as-safa” itself, the hagiography of the Safavid dynasty. For example, during the dialog of Shaikh Safi-al-din with murids in such a Persian city as Shiraz he was referred as “pir-i turk” (Turkic Saint) and the village of Ardabil where he was living was called “deh-i turk” (Turkic village). In most medieval sources the Safavid State is called “Devlet-i Kizilbash” since the kizilbash turcomans constituted the main core of the state and its army. Besides, according to “Tarikh-i alam-ara-yi Abbasi” by Iskandar Beg Munshi, 56 of 72 emirs known by names of 114 ones were kizilbash and 61 of them were Turks. Пожалуйста, не забудьте правильно оформить цитату: Мустафаева, Н. В. Culturology issues of comparative description of the ethnolinguistic identity of historical heritage of Azerbaijan (based on period of Safavid Empire) / Н. В. Мустафаева, Эльнур Лятиф оглу Гасанов. - Текст : непосредственный // Культурология и искусствоведение : материалы IV Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, июнь 2018 г.). - Казань : Молодой ученый, 2018. - С. 15-17. - URL: moluch.ru/conf/artcult/archive/292/12820/ (дата обращения: 11.03.2021).Safavid power with its distinctive Persian-Shi'i culture, however, remained a middle ground between its two mighty Turkish neighbors. The Safavid state, which lasted at least until 1722, was essentially a "Turkish" dynasty, with Azeri Turkish (Azerbaijan being the family's home base) as the language of the rulers and the court as well as the Qizilbash military establishment. Shah Ismail wrote poetry in Turkish. The administration nevertheless was Persian, and the Persian language was the vehicle of diplomatic correspondence (insha'), of belles-lettres (adab), and of history (tarikh). www.cambridge.org/us/academic/subjects/history/regional-history-1500/turko-persia-historical-perspective?format=PB&isbn=9780521522915 Google books point_down books.google.com.tr/books?id=g3JhKNSk8tQC&printsec=copyright&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Azeri&f=false (Cambridge University Press)The early Safavid court retained its Turkic culture and language, but gradually transitioned to more Persian bureaucratic structure as successive Shahs came to power. Likewise, the legitimacy and symbolism of the thrown became more Persian as time passed. Shah Isma'il described himself as a descendant of the Prophet Mohammad and claimed to have royal Sasanian blood as well, but was still very much a Qizilbash leader. projects.mcah.columbia.edu/nehasian/shahnamah/flash/text/safavid.pdfAs a century-long westward drive pushed Turkic clan after Turkic clan into the Iranian world, they often merged with it. In the last 1,000 years, most of the dynasties that ruled Iran rose out of Turkish clans - from the Ghaznavids who invaded northern India from their capital Ghazni in the 11th century, to the Seljuks, to the Timurids, to the Safavids and, latterly, to the Qajars. www.nytimes.com/2010/04/24/arts/24iht-melik24.htmlThe Aq Qoyunlu were then swept away by another Turkmen confederation known as the Safavids , who were united under a millenarian strain of Shi’ism. “Legacy of the Mongols.” The Mongols, by Timothy May, Arc Humanities Press, Leeds, 2019, pp. 93-102. The Safavids were Oghuz Turks (Turkmen) who had developed their own religious identity under Shaykh Safi al-Din. “The Ḥusaynābādī Scholiasts.” George Strachan of the Mearns: Sixteenth Century Orientalist, by TOM McINALLY, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2020, pp. 78-87. At the end of the 15th century, the Safavids , a religious-based group of Azerbaijani ancestry from northwestern Iran, gained power among the nomadic people displaced by the Mongol and Timurid invasions. “IRAN BEFORE THE 1979 REVOLUTION.” Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran, by MEDEA BENJAMIN, OR Books, New York; London, 2018, pp. 7-31. (Azerbaijani) dynasty of Safavids(1501-1736) who switched from Sunni to Shi‘a Islam. “Muslims of Central Asia before the Russian Conquest.” Muslims of Central Asia: An Introduction, by Galina M. Yemelianova, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2019, pp. 11-31. Unlike other Turkic mili- tary dynasties-the Seljuqs, Mamluks, Safavids -Ottoman religious policies Spannaus, Nathan. “RELIGION IN THE SERVICE OF THE STATE: DIYANET AND REPUBLICAN TURKEY.” Modern Islamic Authority and Social Change, Volume 1: Evolving Debates in Muslim Majority Countries, edited by MASOODA BANO, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2018, pp. 293-315. The Safavîds , themselves of Turkic origin Hosein, Rasheed. “Understanding ISIL: How History Explains Ideology.” American Intelligence Journal, vol. 32, no. 1, 2015, pp. 70-78.This was a forceful demonstration of royal power, levelling the field of potential successors, eliminating over- mighty subjects, and cautioning the Qizilbash elites that times had changed. 187 The Ottoman, Mughal, and Safavid dynasties all had Turkic roots and traced their provenance to the steppe. www.cambridge.org/core/books/dynasties/002241B6B91B298ED8C5C28E9FB29ABE/listing?q=Provenance&_csrf=gwwoUS33-Q6kxPygE10z02PNfmIouzLuGlng&searchWithinIds=002241B6B91B298ED8C5C28E9FB29ABE&fts=yes&searchWithinIds=002241B6B91B298ED8C5C28E9FB29ABE&aggs%5BproductTypes%5D%5Bfilters%5D=BOOK_PART They may have been Iranians or Turks, or even of Kurdish or Arabic origin, but their appeal was religious rather than ethnic or tribal. Devotion to the Safavid order was widespread among the Türkmen tribes of Azarbayjan and Anatolia. Safavid followers wore a distinctive red turban and were known as Qizilbash, or “red-heads.” The Safavid order was both Sufi and Shiite in orientation, and it is thanks to the Safavids that Iran is a Shiite country today. Religious overtones aside,in most other respects theirs was a typical turkish dynasty. As late as the 1660s and 1670s, a Frenchman at the Safavid court could still write: “Turkish is the language of the armies and of the court; one speaks nothing but Turkish there, as much among the women as among the men, throughout in the seraglios of the great; this comes about because the court is originally of the country of this language, descended from the Türkmens, of whom Turkish is their native tongue. www.cambridge.org/core/books/firearms/33BCC813B4FFB68D5C830DE09D9F2B47
@Mountain-Krd 3 года назад
@salam wait let me get this straight an Iranian government forced Iranians to speak Iranian are you genuinely a brainlet or something
@eraywayne2165 3 года назад
@Ibrahim Tatlıses nope kurdish, bruhhhhh
@mathewfreeman2698 Месяц назад
Ottomans crumbled into pieces because of such useless wars. It became the sick man of Europe and ultimately disintegrated. Exact thing happened to Saddam. Noone has the power to beat Shias.
@lox834 Месяц назад
cope harder they last for 600 years unlike your dreamy greedy empier who want the whole middle east
@سجادالملكي-ه8ق 2 года назад
@mastergamermapping494 4 месяца назад
Eranshahr will Not die
@grotox7073 4 года назад
Safavid is powerfull!
@mrkiraakgaming3676 4 года назад
Ottoman empire is super Powerful
@mrkiraakgaming3676 3 года назад
@@timurunfedaisi3790 doğru dedin
@armin3068 3 года назад
@armin3068 3 года назад
@@timurunfedaisi3790 I'm in Iranian side yasasin iran yasasin Azerbaijan
@grotox7073 3 года назад
@@armin3068 ayn I am from Azerbaijan.Yasasin turklerler yasasin muslumanlar.
@Sherlockstickman Год назад
Safavid Empire vs Otamman Empire ❤🇦🇿🇮🇷❤
@seyfoday2713 3 года назад
Both are Turkic and Muslim. Why we did wars?
@aliffarhan9183 3 года назад
Because safavid is shia and Turk is sunni
@tal_tal_1865 Год назад
Better Azerbaijani History And Turkey history :)
@yenidenturktarihtezi 3 года назад
*1. Şah İsmail'in Saray tarihçisi olan heratlı İbrahim Emini'nin Fütühât-ı Şahî isimli eserinde, *1540-48 yılları arasında yazıldığı tahmin edilen Cihângüşa-yı Hakan-ı Sahib-kıran isimli kaynakta, *Mirza Muhammed Yusuf Valeh Kazvinî'nin"Huld-i Berin" isimli kitabında Şeyh Sâfî Türk piri ve türk genci diye anılmaktadır.
@Iranian_soldier72 Год назад
The Safavids were not Turks, don't make up stories about yourself
@yenidenturktarihtezi Год назад
@@Iranian_soldier72 Safavids were Turks
@mrworld8593 Год назад
⁠@@Iranian_soldier72source:trust me
@ahmetsar7282 2 месяца назад
​@@Iranian_soldier72Why don't you accept that they are Turks? We ruled over Iran with the Seljuks, we merged, and their grandchildren founded the Ottoman Empire, and the Turks who remained in Iran founded the Savafi state. Why does it bother you?
@aliak6220 3 года назад
@Cayzn 3 года назад
Safavids Shah İsmael Khatai TURK💪🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿❤🇦🇿❤🇦🇿❤🇦🇿❤🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿☪️
@sahismailxatai1453 3 года назад
@aliak6220 3 года назад
@@sahismailxatai1453 its Iranian bro Go search anywhere you want
@aliak6220 3 года назад
@@Cayzn oh you like your own comment wooow Be happy for your self You right 😂👋🏻
@K1zilbash 3 года назад
@@aliak6220 Moreover, there are a lot of facts about the Turkic origin of the Safavids in “Safvat as-safa” itself, the hagiography of the Safavid dynasty. For example, during the dialog of Shaikh Safi-al-din with murids in such a Persian city as Shiraz he was referred as “pir-i turk” (Turkic Saint) and the village of Ardabil where he was living was called “deh-i turk” (Turkic village). In most medieval sources the Safavid State is called “Devlet-i Kizilbash” since the kizilbash turcomans constituted the main core of the state and its army. Besides, according to “Tarikh-i alam-ara-yi Abbasi” by Iskandar Beg Munshi, 56 of 72 emirs known by names of 114 ones were kizilbash and 61 of them were Turks. Пожалуйста, не забудьте правильно оформить цитату: Мустафаева, Н. В. Culturology issues of comparative description of the ethnolinguistic identity of historical heritage of Azerbaijan (based on period of Safavid Empire) / Н. В. Мустафаева, Эльнур Лятиф оглу Гасанов. - Текст : непосредственный // Культурология и искусствоведение : материалы IV Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, июнь 2018 г.). - Казань : Молодой ученый, 2018. - С. 15-17. - URL: moluch.ru/conf/artcult/archive/292/12820/ (дата обращения: 11.03.2021).
@muhddzikriizzudin1402 2 года назад
Sunni is now against Shia 😑 🇮🇷⚔️🇸🇦
@mirzairaniangilak9868 2 года назад
it doesn't matter for iranian people the Problem is the regime in Iran and we hate them also. we want a secular system.
@muhddzikriizzudin1402 2 года назад
Oh k u were right
@Karachiking45 2 года назад
@@mirzairaniangilak9868 cry more as a sunni i support Khamenei regime..
@mirzairaniangilak9868 2 года назад
@@Karachiking45 you are definitely not sunny and you are definitely not Iranian
@Karachiking45 2 года назад
@@mirzairaniangilak9868 I am not Iranian I am Pakistani 🇵🇰sunni and yes I support imam Khominie here we have some great shia scholars we listen them, they told us how reza phalavi killed innocent muslim, thanks to Khominie, we need same revolution in Pakistan soon, you will see revolution will spread everywhere islam will win ☪️☪️☝🏻
@sher7174 3 года назад
Enemy brothers lol you deluded Turkish nationalists. Shah Ismail has his roots from Kurds and his Dynasty was a mix of Kurdish, Persian and Turkmen people.
@Nomadicenjoyer31 3 года назад
Some of the Safavid sources recorded Turkish youth for the ancestor of Shah Ismai, Sheikh Safi. IIn his work titled Füthât-ı Şahî, heratlı İbrahim Emini, who is the historian of the Palace of Shah İsmail, is referred to as a Turkish piri and Turkish youth from Sheikh Sâfî. Herevi, Emir Sadreddin İbrahim Emini. Fütûhat-ı Sâhî, p. 16 Şeyh Safiyüddin and his family are referred to as Turks in the work named Alem-ârâ-yı Şah İsmail / whose author is not known. While describing the journey of Seyyid Jibril, the father of Sheikh, to Shiraz, emphasis is placed on a Turkish dervish. Likewise, when talking about Sheikh Safiyüddin, the expressions "Turkish son" and "Turkish youth" are used. Alem-ârâ-yı Şah İsmail, p. 6. Alem-ârâ-yı Şah İsmail, p.8.9,10. The famous palace historian of Shah Abbas, Iskender Bey Muneshi (1560-1634) records that Sheikh Safi is called a Turkish youth in his work. In this work, it is stated that during the trip to Shiraz, Persian sheikhs called Sheikh Safi as a Turkish youth. İskender Bey Türkman, Tarih-i Alemara-yı Abbasi (Müellifi Mukaddime ve Gerdaverende-yı Fihrist: İ. Afşar). p.12. According to the same work, Persian Sheikhs are not the only people who call Sheikh Sâfî a Turkish youth. Şeyh Zahid Geylanî also mentions Sheikh Sâfî as a Turkish youth. According to what is narrated in the work, Sheikh Zahid used to go to the house of the month of Ramadan and worship as he was customary. Nobody would see him until the holiday. One day when he was worshiping again, Sheikh Safi understood that he translated. He said to his elder son, Sheikh Jamaleddin: - Go to the middle of the lodge! There is a Turkish youth in such a dress, who is brought here for the first time and performs prayers. Say hi to him and tell him that my father, Sheikh Zahid, is calling you. (...) When the day of the feast came, his followers saw Sheikh Zahid grabbed the hand of the Turkish youth and left the house. jealousy wrapped up, one of them said some words. Sheikh Zahid understood with the light of murifet⁸⁴ and said: Do not leave any doubt in your mind about this young person. ⁸⁵ ⁸³ 'Alemara-yı Şah İsma'il, .9; Alemara-yı Safevi (Be Kûşiş-ı Y. Şükrü), p. 11th. ⁸⁴ "The servant must observe his own truth, know how to do it for and against it. (Kâşânî, 2015, p.526) " ⁸⁵ 'Alemara-yı Shah Isma'il, p.10; Lemara-yı Safevi, p. 12. Emir Abdullah addresses Sheikh Sâfî as follows: -O Turkish youth! Thanks to your diligence, diligence and high deeds, your grace has already reached our eyes. According to the same work, Persian sheikhs are not the only people who call Sheikh Sâfî a Turkish youth. Şeyh Zahid Geylani also mentions Sheikh Sâfî as a Turkish youth. ⁸² İskender Bey Türkman, Tarih-ı 'Alemara-yı' Abbasi (Müellif-ı Mukaddime ve Gerdaveren-yı Fihrist: İ.Afşar). P.12 In his famous safvetü's-Safa, Şeyh Sâfî 'introduces himself as the Turkish son Turk. “Pire Ahmed perniki Germrûdi told from Mevlana İsma'il (rh.a); he said: I was in the presence of Mawlana Izzeddin Merağı (rh.a.) and the sheikh (k.s.). He was busy with nice words. That twitter said, 'O community of caliphs! Pray to Hace Sadrettin that the throne of Sheikh Zahid and me, Turkoglu Turk, has been victorious for him with his own power. '' ¹⁰² The same event is described in the Turkish translation of Safvetü's-Sâfâ in Sheikh Sâfî tezkiresin: “Pire Ahmed of Bernik narrated; Who should be from Mawlana Ismail? He said: Marağalu Mevlana Izzeddin was the servant of Hazret-i Sheikh (k.s.) and His Holiness Sheikh (k.s.) was busy in the language-pezir word. In the middle of the word he said: Caliphs! Please pray to Hace Sadrettin who was the son of a Turk who took the throne of Sheikh Zahid and my menu place. '' ¹⁰² Safvetü's-Sâfâ, Musahhih: Gulâm-Rızâ Tabâtabâî Mecid, Trans.: Serap Shah, p. 1122 Şeyh Sâfî Permission, p. 826. Fifth quote: "Sheikh (ks) told him about his circumstances, facts and maqam. Emir Abdullah (ra) kept silent for a long time, bowed his head. Then he raised his head and said: O Turkish piri! Our bird of himmet⁹¹ has not flown to this place'⁹²; "The Prophet Sheikh's situation, his circumstances and his pride have ended. Emir Abdullah (r.a.) be religious for an hour, think, let his head down, give up his blessed head, say, 'O Turkish piri! The winter of our service is flying here. '"⁹³ Sixth quote: "Emir Abdullah, about this state of him:" O Turkish priest! From the oriental world to the garb world, the person who can handle this dream and state of you is none other than Sheikh Zahid-i Gilani (k.r). The remedy of your problem is only his irşad healing special "de-di". Seventh quote: "Emir Abdullah saw the suffering of Seyh, he said: O Turkish piri! From the song of the world to the garba, who is the one of your gaze to the act, the hard work of yours to do the Hall, no one is no, Sheikh Ibrahim Zahid Gilani" He said: "O Turkish priest! If you need to get there, nobody should be aware of his grudge, from the moment of his grudge, Özge is no longer": "The reason for saying goodbye was in the presence of the moment. It is wajib to invoke gifts with lemmings. ⁸⁶Safvetü's-Safâ, Musahhih: Gulâm-Rızâ Tabâtabâî Mecid, Trans.: Serap Shah, p.253. Şeyh Sâfî's Permission, p. 67. ⁸⁸Safvetü's-Safa, Musahhih: Gulâm-Rızâ Tabâtabâî Mecid, Translated by: Serap Shah, p.254 Suddenly, suddenly Şeyh Sâfî's Permission, p. 68. ⁹¹Himmet is used to mean only demanding God of the heart; The only intention to demand the God, to demand reward or to fear punishment means to demand the God. ... Sometimes it is also used to mean the end point of the demand. (Kâşânî, 2015, p.567-568) " ⁹²Safvetü's-Safâ, Musahhih: Gulâm-Rızâ Tabâtabâî Mecid, Trans.: Serap Shah, p.259 Şeyh Sâfî's Permission, p. 71. ⁹⁴Safvetü's-Safâ, Musahhih: Gulâm-Rızâ Tabâtabâî Mecid, Trans.: Serap Shah, p. 260. Şeyh Sâfî's Memorandum, pp. 71-73.
@sher7174 3 года назад
@@Nomadicenjoyer31 I was about to ask for the authors and stopped readin here . " Şeyh Safiyüddin and his family are referred to as Turks in the work named Alem-ârâ-yı Şah İsmail / whose author is not known." Honestly. If you want to be taken serious take out the realy sources or link it so we can read it too. I have seen Turks post allot of nonsense with fake sources. It's not the first time.
@K1zilbash 3 года назад
@@sher7174 Moreover, there are a lot of facts about the Turkic origin of the Safavids in “Safvat as-safa” itself, the hagiography of the Safavid dynasty. For example, during the dialog of Shaikh Safi-al-din with murids in such a Persian city as Shiraz he was referred as “pir-i turk” (Turkic Saint) and the village of Ardabil where he was living was called “deh-i turk” (Turkic village). In most medieval sources the Safavid State is called “Devlet-i Kizilbash” since the kizilbash turcomans constituted the main core of the state and its army. Besides, according to “Tarikh-i alam-ara-yi Abbasi” by Iskandar Beg Munshi, 56 of 72 emirs known by names of 114 ones were kizilbash and 61 of them were Turks. Пожалуйста, не забудьте правильно оформить цитату: Мустафаева, Н. В. Culturology issues of comparative description of the ethnolinguistic identity of historical heritage of Azerbaijan (based on period of Safavid Empire) / Н. В. Мустафаева, Эльнур Лятиф оглу Гасанов. - Текст : непосредственный // Культурология и искусствоведение : материалы IV Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, июнь 2018 г.). - Казань : Молодой ученый, 2018. - С. 15-17. - URL: moluch.ru/conf/artcult/archive/292/12820/ (дата обращения: 11.03.2021).Safavid power with its distinctive Persian-Shi'i culture, however, remained a middle ground between its two mighty Turkish neighbors. The Safavid state, which lasted at least until 1722, was essentially a "Turkish" dynasty, with Azeri Turkish (Azerbaijan being the family's home base) as the language of the rulers and the court as well as the Qizilbash military establishment. Shah Ismail wrote poetry in Turkish. The administration nevertheless was Persian, and the Persian language was the vehicle of diplomatic correspondence (insha'), of belles-lettres (adab), and of history (tarikh). www.cambridge.org/us/academic/subjects/history/regional-history-1500/turko-persia-historical-perspective?format=PB&isbn=9780521522915 Google books point_down books.google.com.tr/books?id=g3JhKNSk8tQC&printsec=copyright&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Azeri&f=false (Cambridge University Press)The early Safavid court retained its Turkic culture and language, but gradually transitioned to more Persian bureaucratic structure as successive Shahs came to power. Likewise, the legitimacy and symbolism of the thrown became more Persian as time passed. Shah Isma'il described himself as a descendant of the Prophet Mohammad and claimed to have royal Sasanian blood as well, but was still very much a Qizilbash leader. projects.mcah.columbia.edu/nehasian/shahnamah/flash/text/safavid.pdfAs a century-long westward drive pushed Turkic clan after Turkic clan into the Iranian world, they often merged with it. In the last 1,000 years, most of the dynasties that ruled Iran rose out of Turkish clans - from the Ghaznavids who invaded northern India from their capital Ghazni in the 11th century, to the Seljuks, to the Timurids, to the Safavids and, latterly, to the Qajars. www.nytimes.com/2010/04/24/arts/24iht-melik24.htmlThe Aq Qoyunlu were then swept away by another Turkmen confederation known as the Safavids , who were united under a millenarian strain of Shi’ism. “Legacy of the Mongols.” The Mongols, by Timothy May, Arc Humanities Press, Leeds, 2019, pp. 93-102. The Safavids were Oghuz Turks (Turkmen) who had developed their own religious identity under Shaykh Safi al-Din. “The Ḥusaynābādī Scholiasts.” George Strachan of the Mearns: Sixteenth Century Orientalist, by TOM McINALLY, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2020, pp. 78-87. At the end of the 15th century, the Safavids , a religious-based group of Azerbaijani ancestry from northwestern Iran, gained power among the nomadic people displaced by the Mongol and Timurid invasions. “IRAN BEFORE THE 1979 REVOLUTION.” Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran, by MEDEA BENJAMIN, OR Books, New York; London, 2018, pp. 7-31. (Azerbaijani) dynasty of Safavids(1501-1736) who switched from Sunni to Shi‘a Islam. “Muslims of Central Asia before the Russian Conquest.” Muslims of Central Asia: An Introduction, by Galina M. Yemelianova, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2019, pp. 11-31. Unlike other Turkic mili- tary dynasties-the Seljuqs, Mamluks, Safavids -Ottoman religious policies Spannaus, Nathan. “RELIGION IN THE SERVICE OF THE STATE: DIYANET AND REPUBLICAN TURKEY.” Modern Islamic Authority and Social Change, Volume 1: Evolving Debates in Muslim Majority Countries, edited by MASOODA BANO, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2018, pp. 293-315. The Safavîds , themselves of Turkic origin Hosein, Rasheed. “Understanding ISIL: How History Explains Ideology.” American Intelligence Journal, vol. 32, no. 1, 2015, pp. 70-78.This was a forceful demonstration of royal power, levelling the field of potential successors, eliminating over- mighty subjects, and cautioning the Qizilbash elites that times had changed. 187 The Ottoman, Mughal, and Safavid dynasties all had Turkic roots and traced their provenance to the steppe. www.cambridge.org/core/books/dynasties/002241B6B91B298ED8C5C28E9FB29ABE/listing?q=Provenance&_csrf=gwwoUS33-Q6kxPygE10z02PNfmIouzLuGlng&searchWithinIds=002241B6B91B298ED8C5C28E9FB29ABE&fts=yes&searchWithinIds=002241B6B91B298ED8C5C28E9FB29ABE&aggs%5BproductTypes%5D%5Bfilters%5D=BOOK_PART They may have been Iranians or Turks, or even of Kurdish or Arabic origin, but their appeal was religious rather than ethnic or tribal. Devotion to the Safavid order was widespread among the Türkmen tribes of Azarbayjan and Anatolia. Safavid followers wore a distinctive red turban and were known as Qizilbash, or “red-heads.” The Safavid order was both Sufi and Shiite in orientation, and it is thanks to the Safavids that Iran is a Shiite country today. Religious overtones aside,in most other respects theirs was a typical turkish dynasty. As late as the 1660s and 1670s, a Frenchman at the Safavid court could still write: “Turkish is the language of the armies and of the court; one speaks nothing but Turkish there, as much among the women as among the men, throughout in the seraglios of the great; this comes about because the court is originally of the country of this language, descended from the Türkmens, of whom Turkish is their native tongue. www.cambridge.org/core/books/firearms/33BCC813B4FFB68D5C830DE09D9F2B47
@K1zilbash 3 года назад
@@sher7174 read the cambridge articles.
@K1zilbash 3 года назад
@@sher7174 The Safavids came from a Turkmen mystical sheikh family from Ardebil, Azerbaijan. www.davidmus.dk/en/collections/islamic/dynasties/safavidsXIII. century with its capital Tabriz Being the center of empires, the Turkish country Azerbaijan XVI. It became the center of the Safavid State in the century. Safavid sources Shah They state that Ismail was fighting for the Azerbaijani reign and that he took the Azerbaijani throne in Tabriz. Researchers Shah During the rise of Ismail to power in 1501, the reign of Azerbaijan that he took over and declared himself the Shah of Azerbaijan they indicate. As the German historian H. Braun declared, this Azerbaijan was the heart of the entire Safavid Empire. Iran was reborn with Shah Ismail, a Turkish prince from the Caspian Sea coast. His dynasty is said to be Safavid (or Safavid) after Safi al-Din, a mystical religion from which he came. Even in his poems, Shah Ismail said that I am Turkistan Pir and the leader of Turks MY interest in Shāh Ismā'īl's poetry was aroused thirty-six years ago, when from my Ahl-i Ḥaqq friends I learnedt that the Khāṭu'ī mentioned in one of their hymns was no lessa person than the founder of the Ṣafavi dynasty: Khatā 'ī-dä nāṭiq oldï, Turkistanïn pīri oldï “(Godhead) came to speech in the person of Khatā'ī, (who) became the pīr of the Turks (of Āzarbāyjān)”, according to the explanation given to me. www.cambridge.org/core/journals/bulletin-of-the-school-of-oriental-and-african-studies/article/abs/poetry-of-shah-ismail-i/AFF46B11B7E30BA0FAEEE1612398DFDDA According to the same work, Persian Sheikhs are not the only people who call Sheikh Sâfî a Turkish youth. Şeyh Zahid Geylanî also mentions Sheikh Sâfî as a Turkish youth. According to what is narrated in the work, Sheikh Zahid used to go to his han and worship at the beginning of the month of Ramadan, as is his custom. Nobody would see him until the holiday. Again, one day when he was praying, he realized that Sheikh Safi was coming. Sheikh Jamaleddin said to his older son: - Go to the middle of the lodge! There is a Turkish young man in such a dress, who has come here for the first time in his life and performs prayers. Say hi to him and tell him that my father, Sheikh Zahid, is calling you. (...) When the holiday day came, his followers saw Sheikh Zahid grabbed the hand of the Turkish youth and left the house. jealousy swarmed, each of them spoke some words. Sheikh Zahid understood with the light of murifet⁸⁴ and said: -Do not leave any doubt in your mind about this young person. ⁸⁵ ⁸³ 'Alemara-yı Şah İsma'il, .9; Alemara-yı Safevi (Be Kûşiş-ı Y. Şükrü), p. 11th. kaynakca.hacettepe.edu.tr/eser/3695830/alem-ara-yi-sah-ismail ⁸⁴ "The servant must reveal his own truth, know the pros and cons. (Kâşânî, 2015, p.526) " ⁸⁵ 'Alemara-yı Shah Isma'il, p.10; Lemara-yı Safevi, p. 12. kaynakca.hacettepe.edu.tr/eser/3695830/alem-ara-yi-sah-ismail kutuphane.ttk.gov.tr/details?id=534164&materialType=KT&query=%C4%B0ran+_+ History In response to the Orthodox Muslim order, nomads developed a fanatical devotion to the leaders of the Sufi and Shia mystical orders. The most successful of these are the Ardabīl Safavids, a Turkish mystical sect that migrated from Eastern Anatolia with seven Turkmen tribes (the Kızılbaş ("Reds") as they used red caps to symbolize their allegiance; the Safavids used a unified religious and military call to conquer most of them. www.britannica.com/place/Ottoman-Empire/The-peak-of-Ottoman-power-1481-1566 Finally, at the beginning of the 16th century, a general Anatolian uprising forced Bayezid into a major expedition (1502-03) that pushed the Safavids and most of his Turkmen followers to Iran. There the Safavids turned from orthodox Sufism to heterodox Shiism as a way of gaining the Persians' loyalty to a Turkish dynasty. In the work titled: www.britannica.com/place/Ottoman-Empire/Military-organization / Alem-ârâ-yı Şah İsmail /, Sheikh Safiyüddin and his family are referred to as Turks. When describing the journey of Seyyid Jibril, the father of Sheikh, to Shiraz, it is emphasized that he was a Turkish dervish. Likewise, expressions of "Turkish son" and "Turkish youth" are used when talking about Sheikh Safiyüddin. Alem-ârâ-yı Şah İsmail, p. 6. Alem-ârâ-yı Şah İsmail, p.8.9,10. kaynakca.hacettepe.edu.tr/eser/3695830/alem-ara-yi-sah-ismail
@user-kq5gq 2 года назад
Safaris are shias they are not our brothers we are Muslims not shias ☝ Glory to Otomans TEKBIIIIIIIRRRR AAALLLAAAHU EKBERRR
@ابنالعراق-ك4ه4ه 2 года назад
True Muslims are only Shiites, but you are a fake Islam
@MuslimALTurki 2 года назад
İran'dan Selamlar ❤️ Sadece Osmanlı ve Tamam
@yaqubebased1961 Год назад
خاک تو سرت عثمانیا از ما متنفر بودن
@artinrahideh1229 Год назад
@Mustafa Yalınız iran Azərbaycanı
@artinrahideh1229 Год назад
Ve açikcasi nasil Sefevilerin arkasini -ki bizim atamız oluyorlar- böyle boşaltiyorsun anlamıyorum. Bu nasil bir türk?
@amir.hp.64amhp65 2 года назад
Iran power
@bakeee1453 3 года назад
Turks > Persians
@بکنناموسداشخسرو 2 года назад
Persians always winner
@brightburnedits4278 2 года назад
Persian was ruling half of the world when turks was not even in the world😂😂
@sktt1488 2 года назад
@@brightburnedits4278 yeah you needed a greek to completely destroyed it hahah
@brightburnedits4278 2 года назад
@@sktt1488 lol didnt macedon and sone greec cities and athen burned and conquered by iranians?😹and iran parthians destroyed biggest greec empire called selucuid lol
@Lemaann_ 3 месяца назад
📍Safavi is Azerbaijan. Shah Ismail is a Turkish son of a Turk!
@A.H..G Месяц назад
@famil1289 2 года назад
Qızılbash(golden head in turkic) turks against Anatolians 🇦🇿🇹🇷
@OsmanOsmanHan Год назад
Both were Turkish Empires.
@duo928 2 года назад
Safavids and Ottomans were not brothers safavids were Persians who spek Turkic language and Ottomans were Greek muslims
@naiterh8150 2 года назад
Ottoman no greek ottoman iş Turk
@duo928 2 года назад
@@naiterh8150 their whole army and empire population was Greek and slavic lol
@Can-vl8sl 2 года назад
@@duo928 lol only janissaries consisted of balkan peoples and their numbers were few. The units that made up the majority of the Ottoman army, such as the Sipahis and Akıncılar, were Turk.
@duo928 2 года назад
@@Can-vl8sl lol i m talking about their modern army and their was population was always Greek slavic and Arabs lol lol
@Can-vl8sl 2 года назад
@@duo928 You don't know anything about Ottoman History. The era of the Ottoman modern army begins in the 18th century and at that time Greeks, Slavs and Arabs rebelled against the Ottoman Empire and fought against the Turks, so you are lying.
@servantofahlebayt6908 Год назад
The fight between Shias and Sunnis lead to Muslim defeat.
@anarmemmedzade4805 2 года назад
🇦🇿vs🇹🇷 Yıllarca bir-birimizi yedik
@HusticeBoxer23 2 года назад
Sizin şeyhlerinizin sunni düşmanlığı yüzünden oldu bu savaşlar
@anarmemmedzade4805 2 года назад
@@HusticeBoxer23 Ya kardeşim biz düşmanlık falan yapmadık yavuz sultan selim işleri bozdu
@حقگوواقعی Год назад
@@anarmemmedzade4805 Safavid iran if you answer I will send you source
@anarmemmedzade4805 Год назад
​@@حقگوواقعی Safevi Azerbaycandır.Şah İsmail Azerbaycanın Erdebil şehrinde dünyaya geldi.
@حقگوواقعی Год назад
@@anarmemmedzade4805 en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safavid_Iran
@shahansindhi8141 2 года назад
Cinema knows how to present "male talent" in footage.
@musaalkurdi3170 3 года назад
2021:🇦🇿❤🇹🇷ayrılmaz kardeşlik,inanılmaz iki taraflı sevgi.Allah bizi ebediyyeten kardeşliyimizi bozmasın🇹🇷🇹🇷🇦🇿🇦🇿🤘🐺
@Iranian_soldier72 Год назад
Go tell these lies to the children
@synergistd519 Год назад
Ismail I, Shah of Iran - Savafid Empire
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