
Our plan to build the economy of the future 

Liberal Democrats
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2 окт 2024




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@marcanonime8078 Год назад
This from the party that helped privatise Royal Mail in exchange for a few peerages and titles.
@andyevans8585 Год назад
I'm looking forward to seeing the plan. I'm a sceptic of any big promise without the detail but for the first time in 13 years I actually do have hope we might get a pm next election that is going to make the right moves.
@22carmoon Год назад
Lol you’d think for a parties official YT account on having plans to tackle the economy you’d think they get more than 200 views on it.
@siufungchow 11 месяцев назад
台灣是民主國家, 有我喜愛詩詞、曲、舞、古筝、太極。我仍想寫詩填詞、跳舞、彈古筝、作曲、打太極, 所以, 我想去台灣。我不想被英國的邪惡噪音弄至傷殘。 沒人會知下一分鐘會發生甚麼事。地球太多邪惡人類。我對地球已不存希望 ! 我作了最壞打算, 如果我不能去其他民主國家, 如果我被噪音迫回香港, 我見證難民英國和其三百個難民祖國破產兼絕種、甚至插入地心熔岩, 死入地獄、永受刑的法輪因果報應 !I Taiwan is a Democracy country. Taiwan has my favorite poetry, music, dance, guzheng, and tai chi. I still want to write poems and lyrics, dance, play guzheng, and compose music. Therefore, I want to Taiwan. I don't want to be disabled by Britain's evil noise ! No one can know what would happen in the next minute or future. There are too many evil humans on the earth. I have no hope for the earth. I have prepared for the worst if I can not go to another Democratic country, if I return to Hong Kong, I will witness the bankruptcy and extinct of refugees Britain and 300 refugees home countries, and even be inserted into the core of the earth's lava, the retribution of the death and eternal punishment in the hell !!
@siufungchow 11 месяцев назад
《自由時報》報道, 受北京財政刺激政策支持的推動, 中國中央、地方政府出售的債券創今年以來新高。《彭博》引述中債數據計算得出, 今年10月中國預計將出售2.6兆人民幣的境內主權票據和地方政府債券, 較前9個月的單月發行平均值高出63%。中國地方政府10月預計賣出1.38兆人民幣債券。這總額主要包括1.11兆人民幣再融資債券, 可用於償還融資工具的債務。(以債冚債, 不斷發債券騙投資者的錢還債務, 如何付利息和本金?還有人買債券嗎? 還有多少人有錢買債券?) 2023年10月27日, 巴基斯坦人民幣清算銀行在伊斯蘭堡開業, 說是方便中國、巴基斯坦兩國貿易往來。
@siufungchow 11 месяцев назад
Many people discuss Jesus as God or not. I think Jesus is a human. If the alien gave medicine, he could heal. If aliens gave Jesus a food machine, his five loanes and two fish could produce a lot of good. If the alien gave Jesus a water skateboard, he could walk on water. If the alien gave Jesus a jet machine, he could fly into the sky. God and all the natural energy bless me !! And bless really good people !!
@alanfrost4661 8 месяцев назад
Post office scandal ha ha hes more chance of walking on the sun
@Webby104 Год назад
I love this party
@marcanonime8078 Год назад
Not as much as the Tories love it. Whenever the Conservatives are short of a majority they know their Lib Dem chums will help them out for a few life peerages and titles.
@siufungchow 11 месяцев назад
人類從歷史吸取教訓, 和自身的經歷, 避免重犯錯誤, 從而促進文化、科技和國家的進步。認識真實的歷史, 才不會重蹈歷史衰敗和滅亡的覆轍。 Human learns lessons from history and their won experiences to avoid making the same mistakes again, thus promoting the pogress of culture, technology, and country. Only by understanding the true history should be careful not to repeat the mistakes of history that led to decline and destruction.
@siufungchow 11 месяцев назад
祝願賴清德當選2024台灣總統 !! 以下是我填的兩厥宋詞 : 功 ! 落葉花飄雪雨喁, 寒泥綴, 穿梭繡青葱。 調寄十六字令。寫於24.3.2023. 年月渡, 稟誠虔, 志彌堅。躬眾事, 解民難。為公民, 彰正義, 作支援。 民壯舌, 說真言, 不辭鞎。倡自由, 護人權。衛台灣, 新憲政, 並盾拚。 調寄三字令。寫於28.3.2023. 賴清德做台灣總統是台灣國家國民之福 !! 國民黨、馬英九..等執政時, 國家和縣市的財赤是歷來最高。礦工之子賴清德深知民間疾苦, 棄醫從政, 以醫者之心對各種問題對症下藥, 做台南市長時建設台南, 到訪歐洲、東南亞..等國家, 台南產品出口到全世界。賴清德做行政院長時鬆綁一例一休, 更為台灣賺得第一個財政年度盈餘 !! 國際亦讚賞台灣的經濟奇蹟 !! 賴清德努力 !! 以全新憲法、新國旗正名「台灣國」的參選人努力 !! 台灣國家國民努力 !! 加油 !! 加油 !! 加油 !!中國視爭取民主的人為敵人 !! 1945年中華人民共和國成立後, 中國人不斷與政權合作合謀殺害不肯屈服的人, 更強迫他人做中國人, 早已殺盡所有優質遺傳基因。 100%中國人支持政權對付香港, 香港已死 !! 二戰時, 猶太人很乖的戴上標籤, 並進入集中營, 結果全被殺。 邱吉爾說 :「屈辱之後, 仍要面對戰爭」。 台灣人撇掉中華民國和中華民國憲法, 才能擺脱中華民國憲法的總統獨攬大權、五權不分致五權配合而造成的濫權、貪腐鏈遍布、黑金、選舉舞弊和出賣台灣國家國民的荒謬 !! 台灣人以全新憲法、新國旗正名「台灣國」, 與世界交往, 為地球村作貢獻 !! 以全新憲法、新國旗正名「台灣國」的參選人努力 !! 賴清德努力 !! 台灣國家國民努力 !! 100%中國人 (包括法輪功) 支持政權殺繁榮的「東方之珠」香港和殺不肯屈服的舊香港人, 香港和澳門死了 !! 中國時刻都想侵吞台灣國, 擁抱中國、中國人的國民黨、郝龍斌當長甚麼都不知道, 柯文哲言: "郝龍斌當市長甚麼都不知道, 該去死一死。" 郝龍斌當市長做甚麼都不知道, 當然要去死 !! 柯文哲曾言: 「中國要我選」! 香港、澳門由中國及親中陣營提名「特首」參選人, 香港和澳門死了 !! 柯文哲隨國黨到中國參觀毛澤東根據地延安, 與胡錦濤文膽共膳, 教中國醫生用葉克膜和換人體器官。柯文哲及其妻有不明來歷財產!! 柯文哲砸8千萬搞博覽會的錢來自台灣市民、納稅人 !! 砸市民的錢搞引入中國、中國人的博覽會, 出賣民主台灣國家国民 !! 柯文哲做市長, 甚麼都說不是牠做的, 是別人做的, 柯文哲沒能力、沒辦法做市長的職責, 為甚麼要參選和受市長薪金? 為出賣台灣國家國民?! 柯文哲要在金門建造通到中國的大橋, 讓解放軍長驅直入侵略台灣, 柯文哲通敵和出賣民主台灣國家, 是台奸 !! 是間諜 !!當然要去死 !! 侯友宜將財產轉到子女名下, 將土地用途改變為學生宿舍放租, 收取巨額租金, 然後稱房舍是妻子親屬的物業。新北市餵毒藥案, 身為新北市市長的侯友宜竟然推卸責任, 更要賴清德干預司法, 國民黨、侯友宜、柯文哲、民眾黨、郭台銘和親中陣營當自己是皇帝? 是上帝? 花蓮王傳其琨夫婦挪用救濟災民的脹災捐款補貼予支持牠們的公司和旅遊公司。當年連戰訪中, 表明 :「選舉缺經費, 到中國募款」。韓國瑜自言曾入地獄 !! 2020年競選時主張廉價開放台灣醫療, 吸引外國人到台灣就醫 (用納稅人的公帑替中個人和外國人補貼醫療費用 !!) 韓國瑜又主張在台海探石油, 全沒常識 !! 澳門大亨洗米華(周焯華)涉及北韓走私石油, 有衛星照片為證。周焯華與生意拍檔向北韓運送石油, 涉嫌違反聯合國制裁。國民黨KMT的盧秀燕台中市長, 台中顏清標與洗米華有關聯, 亦與虛擬加密幣有關(用加密幣交易、洗黑錢), 郭台銘與顧清標十指緊扣歡聚合照。郭台銘說 :「市場是我的祖國」。各國商人、廠商為賺更多的錢而到成太更低的國家設廠生產, (包括 "國家資本" 的中華人民共和國, 早已到越南、中亞細亞..等成本更低的國家設廠生產), 造成廠商本國缺廠商、缺企葉、缺貨(包括缺糧), 需要用向他國購買產品, 而出現更大的逆差。政權、廠商只知道賺更多的錢, 視市場為祖國, 怎會為其國籍國設想 ?! 甚至會出/賣其國籍國 !! 親中陣營執政是大災難 !!
@siufungchow 11 месяцев назад
英國很恐佈, 到處是噪音(包括醫院), 牠們的噪音令我耳朵痛, 這兩個月, 我掉了大量頭髮, 那些噪音是否有輻射 ? 如果是, 為何他們如此傷害我 ? 我不要被扡們的噪音傷害至殘或疾 !! 我不要被牠們傷害到長期食藥 !! 牠們想用噪音迫我回香港。請助我移居到台灣 !! 謝謝 !! Britain's terror. Their woo woo, we we, it it & wei wei.. noise noise make my ears pain. These two months, I lost a lot of hair. Are those we it noise radiating? If so, why are they so harmful to me? I don't want to be hurt by their woo, we, it & wei wei..noise to the point of being disabled or sick, I don't want to be hurt by them to the point of long - term medication. And they want to use noise to force me to return to Hong Kong. Please help me move to another Democracy country, I want to Taiwan. 請助我移居到台灣!! 謝謝 !!
@siufungchow 11 месяцев назад
When I live in Clifton Street, the refugees and foreign shops' people always say : " I love China, you go to China." I said : " I'm not China, I'm not Chinese. My BNO passport's nationality is in Britain. You love China, you ought to go to China." 27.10.2023. About 18: 25pm I back, several white boy riding bicycles at the opposite side of 109, when they saw me, they said Pou Tony Hau to me.I said : "You are boy party." Then they said something, I don't know what they said, I went into 109, I heard the door pum, I saw the bottom of the front door was broken, then, I went to Clifton Police Station to report the case with the phone outside the police station. Police and interpreter talk with me, I told police that the people of the shops of Clifton Street always said that they love China, then they said : "You go to China." And the black and white girls party said : " I head on your father. I head on you, I hate you forever." But when we talked, the phone was cut. Then I back. I don't know police how the police handle this case and the broken front door. 18 : 55pm I back, the FUNKY TASTES FUSION restaurant's woo woo noise, and the boiler also spread woo, we, it noise. Please stop the noise and take the boiler out of flat 4. And please help me move to another Democracy country, I want to Taiwan. Thanks. 請助我移居到台灣 !! 謝謝 !!
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