
Parashah Points: Behar - Release Your Debt - 119 Ministries 

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In this week’s Parashah Point on the portion, Behar, we see that on Jubilee years or even every 7th year for the shemitah, the land resting and releasing financial debts applies physically to being in Israel. However, there is a deeper spiritual principle that we can all apply to our lives daily regarding forgiveness.
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30 сен 2024




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@williedenney7600 5 лет назад
Why you cut off the comments refuting the the Black Hebrew Israelites if you plan on speaking on it the Bible says You must be able to prove all things
@williedenney7600 5 лет назад
@@TorahisTRUTHPsalm that's true to a certain degree but God said he has a chosen people and that's what we have to deal with.
@TorahisTRUTHPsalm 5 лет назад
@@williedenney7600 “But in every nation he that feareth HIM, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with HIM .” Acts 10:35
@TorahisTRUTHPsalm 5 лет назад
@A. Dot Gods chosen people are those who Make Yeshua their Lord and Savior !!! AND you have ZERO Proof that the biblical chosen people were ONLY blacks !
@sceptre3524 5 лет назад
Paul obeyed the Torah Romans 2:13/3:31 That’s not true.... the chosen are exactly that “his chosen”.... via the seed of Jacob only!
@williedenney7600 5 лет назад
@Michael Weil all praises thanks for saying the truth
@bruthaboxwood 5 лет назад
To 119 Ministries and those that follow 119, why were the comments disabled for the Black Hebrew Israelite video? Whether people believe that the so called Africa Americans are descendants of the bloodline biblical Hebrews or not, you still have to judge a tree by it's fruit. Whether the tree being a black or white tree, or whatever. Focus on loving your neighbor and your enemies, and focus on keeping the commandments! Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of GOD!
@TorahisTRUTHPsalm 5 лет назад
they disabled them because all the racist demons posting their lies and slander here !...……. Black skin or White skin and all in between means NOTHING!!! What matters is having faith in Yeshua and keeping Yahs commandments !!!
@YHWH101 Год назад
Forgive debts. Sh’mitah release every 7th year. Rest the land.
@RG-27 5 лет назад
Lamentations 5:10 (KJV) Our skin was black like an oven because of the terrible famine. Job 30:30 (KJV) My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat. Song of Solomon 1:5 (KJV) I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon. Jeremiah 14:2 (KJV) Judah mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; they are black unto the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up. Revelation 1:14-15 (KJV) His head and his hairs were white like wool, (Jesus) as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. Daniel 7:9 (KJV) I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days (GOD) did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire. Do you want more proof you devil?
@TorahisTRUTHPsalm 5 лет назад
The Gospel of Skin color is Satans gospel..TRUE ISRAELITES WERE A MIXED MULTITUDE OF WHITE TO BLACK TO ALL INBETWEEN OF SKIN COLOR! .… Skin color means NOTHING To YAH.....What matters is is having faith in Yeshua and keeping Yahs commandments !!!
@jmarylastone 5 лет назад
who is this new guy??? - I like him - I have seen him before about a year ago on another channel but don't remember where
@JT-ip3ch 5 лет назад
David Wilber
@MrScott-rr9ld 5 лет назад
Freedom Hill Community. Great stuff.
@MrScott-rr9ld 5 лет назад
@@flipflopfellowship thank you so much. I will look up more of his teachings.
@mariod.harris245 5 лет назад
119 you have failed to respond to hundreds of legitimate disputes in your Hebrew Israelites video, But you've turned off the comments. Your viewers should go watch Hebrews to Negroes on Amazon prime or vimeo and the Hidden Hebrew series on RU-vid. They should test everything you say.
@TorahisTRUTHPsalm 5 лет назад
The Gospel of Skin color is Satans gospel..TRUE ISRAELITES WERE A MIXED MULTITUDE OF WHITE TO BLACK TO ALL INBETWEEN OF SKIN COLOR! .… Skin color means NOTHING To YAH.....What matters is is having faith in Yeshua and keeping Yahs commandments !!!
@Absynthexx1 5 лет назад
I'm not crazy about the stipulation 'when you enter into the land' being applied here. The same statement was used to warn the Israelites to not learn the ways of the pagans and follow after the way they worshiped their false gods. That applies outside the land of Israel does it not? So I think it would be better to assume this does as well. As far as I can tell, the only laws we must be very careful to not do outside of their prescribed location is offerings. In place of offerings and sacrifices, I think it's best to use prayer and fasting.
@Fred-ff6bv 5 лет назад
Not only what you said, but didn't YHWH give any land that anyone has to them? For instance, i own my house and land ergo YHWH gave it to me. So as such i should let it rest every seventh year.
@MrScott-rr9ld 5 лет назад
This is beautiful. This year we are letting our garden rest, no matter how hard it may be. This was a major step for my wife and I. My wife has been really reluctant to except any of the understanding that the Torah still applies to us today. This was the first thing that she truly was open to and wanted to follow. Thank Yah for baby steps to unlearn the lies. Pray she will come to the true meaning of the word, one step at a time.
@connorlinton5020 5 лет назад
I understand that many of you commenting may feel disrespected by the disablement of yesterdays comments, but that does not mean you need to post hateful comments on completely unrelated videos. You wonder why so many people go against the Hebrew Israelite movement but yet do the same thing they criticize you for. Paul stoned believers in Christ before he was saved, but I never saw any of the disciples claiming that he was inside of a cult or that he was racist. You reap what you sow. You're repeating the same sins our ancestors partook in, getting us into this mess. What many Hebrew Israelites enjoy ignoring is how Israel was an adulteress nation filled with sin and blasphemies worst than that of the gentile nations. I trust that 119 Ministries did not purposefully upload a video with factual inconsistencies layered throughout it, but if so, don't you think your playing into the same thing they would want you to do if they were truly after sinister means. Speak the truth in love and the truth shall be received, judgment is that of the Most Highs.
@Fred-ff6bv 5 лет назад
Y'SHUA said seventy X seven as in 490. Didn't YHWH let Israel go for 490 years before sending them into captivity for refusing to give the land her Sabbaths?
@shabbatsongs4801 5 лет назад
Good work David...🙏🏻
@jameshenry1285 5 лет назад
These Parashah Points are such a blessing. Thanks for all you do for the body of Messiah.
@cohencyrus5337 5 лет назад
hey , if we aren't to let our land rest since we aren't in "that land ". do we need to celebrate that Sabbath for land rest
@P.H.888 5 лет назад
Jesus Christ is our Rest!
@cohencyrus5337 5 лет назад
@@P.H.888 ohh yeah thats true bro, but God is as well our rest exodus 33:14 ( I will give you rest ) Jeremiah 6:16 (follow my ways and you shall find rest) have you read any where in scriptures when the prophets are claiming that God is our rest ,no need for his commandmets(sabbaths) any more just as it's being said by you today ..( for the same way the messiah stated in Mathew is the same way God stated in Jeremiah) hope you can think about it bro
@Fred-ff6bv 5 лет назад
And matthew 18:32-35 is a story not a parable. Stories teach something, parables are intended to withhold knowledge from those who it is not given to know. Refer to, Matthew 13:10-15 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? 11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. 12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. 13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. 14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: 15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. Furthermore, both stories and parables are 100% factually true otherwise Y'SHUA couldn't be the messiah. Because if they are not 100% true, then they are a lie, and a lie is a sin. ergo the one who told them couldn't be the messiah. So, as stated, both parables and stories have to be absolutely 100% factual and 100% true.
@LintyShinobi 5 лет назад
I understand that many of you are upset, but this video has no correlation with the one you are currently upset about. Before you insult 119 ministries as an organization, research some of their older videos and understand their points from there. Those of you who are more focused on the heritage of your people than the salvation of your soul shall split hell wide open. I too believe that the ancient Hebrews of the book are related to the modern day blacks of today. That being said, you have maintained that of the worst features of your fathers. Your hateful heart shall lead you straight to hell and prideful mind will place you in damnation. You may be Israel, but the sins you partake are is that of Satan himself. Before pride consumes you, remember why you are in this captivity, to begin with. Repent Israel, we may be the people of the book, but your sins are that of the Pagans.
@TorahisTRUTHPsalm 5 лет назад
Deut 28 is NOT just about blacks silly !.........… The Gospel of Skin color is Satans gospel...… Skin color means NOTHING To YAH.....What matters is is having faith in Yeshua and keeping Yahs commandments !!!
@LintyShinobi 5 лет назад
@@TorahisTRUTHPsalm I agree, Duet 28 is about everyone, I just believe the people in the book are Negroes. It has nothing to do with skin color, but prophesy. I'm not liken the Hebrew who cuss out white people on the street. All I am saying is that the prophesies line up with the "Negroes", (not all black people so not skin color) and that the book was written people who looked like Eddie Murphy and not Jerry Seinfeld. Black or white salvation is to all, but Christ said himself that the gospel was given to the Jews and not the Gentiles. Deut 28 also isn't the only scripture
@LintyShinobi 5 лет назад
@@TorahisTRUTHPsalm also give me one scripture who says the people in Israel are the true Jews, cause last time I checked, the Jews aren't supposed to return the kingdom until the end of times.
@LintyShinobi 5 лет назад
BTW my comment was targeted towards the hateful sects of the Hebrew Israelites (Korahs) and not the people coming here for an education in the scripture.
@LintyShinobi 5 лет назад
@@TorahisTRUTHPsalm I mean, I'm not the one who said it, the bible did. Take that up with the most high and not me. You act as if the Jews in the bible were these chill dudes who were always peaceful, Israel was an adulterous nation that had turnt its back on the most high and sinned. I do not think of blacks as any more superior than any other race, I'm just stating what I have found. If you don't want to read the scripture that's on you buddy, but your statement questioning the location of the Jews proves avoidance of the truth. Read the scripture before you come at me about it.
@HITMANMHp 5 лет назад
Can you do a study on I Corinthians 15:56 56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
@P.H.888 5 лет назад
Jesus Christ taught us The Golden Rule Matthew 7v12. The Greatest commandment Love God & Love People Matthew 22v35-40. & a New Commandment John 13v34&35. God is Love! ✝️ Salvation is in The death of Jesus Christ on The Cross and His Resurrection by Faith Receiving God’s exchange! Jesus fills His Believers with The Holy Spirit continually, indwelling, teaching, guiding, comforting, exhorting, sanctifying The fruits of God and gifts for The body to build us All up to maturity in God. Amen 🙏🏼
@TheKingsComingAlefTav 5 лет назад
What is your point? Are you saying now we can have sex with animals since it's just love God and neighbor 🤔
@jkid9942 5 лет назад
Do we release the debt after 7 years, or in the same year as the shemitah? And are you saying that applies to us today, even when we aren’t in the land?
@TorahisTRUTHPsalm 5 лет назад
That would be impossible.
@TorahisTRUTHPsalm 5 лет назад
The Gospel of Skin color is Satans gospel...… Skin color means NOTHING To YAH.....What matters is is having faith in Yeshua and keeping Yahs commandments !!!
@TorahisTRUTHPsalm 5 лет назад
@Michael Weil OH no it doesnt !!!!!
@sceptre3524 5 лет назад
Paul obeyed the Torah Romans 2:13/3:31 Sure is , that’s how “we” got “Edomite Jesus”... isn’t that right?
@TorahisTRUTHPsalm 5 лет назад
@@sceptre3524 Racist heretics like you is why they had to shut down the comments, You're following the god of this world right now !
@TorahisTRUTHPsalm 5 лет назад
@Michael Weil There is ZERO Verses describing what Yeshua looks like, I personally believe HE was a middle eastern dark skinned NOT black, NOT White but in between and these men in the beginning are a hate filled racist demonic cult !!!...………… Iv been posting this to show them that there really unsaved racist who hate whites ……………….. Lets pretend the biblical Israelites were only black, That means ONLY blacks lived in rebellion, then why do you blame the white man for your Ancestors sins ??? See you all are blinded by Satan to follow him and proclaim his racist hate filled gospel !
@TorahisTRUTHPsalm 5 лет назад
@Michael Weil …………… Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile , there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
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