
Pastor John MacArthur on God's sovereignty and man's responsibility 

A Simple Christian
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@kathrynbriley4299 6 лет назад
I wish more preachers were as bold as John MacArthur.
@andrewadler4576 3 года назад
But he is really good at condemning people
@cmdesign01 2 года назад
@susanknapman6895 2 года назад
It’s totally understandable: Sovereignty means; Almighty God has Supreme power, the ultimate sovereign authority, however, it doesn’t mean that he uses it all the time! He wants us to take responsibility! Which takes absolutely nothing from His Sovereignty 🙏❣️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇬🇧. All the Glory belongs to our Holy Almighty Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit 💗
@timfotusky5327 Год назад
Everything he said is the essence of scripture not Calvinism. God is not confused by any of this and we dare not diminish any aspect of the issue in order to explain or justify any other part of the issue.
@isharakarunaratne-fj4ks Год назад
wow thank you Jesus..for giving us a brother like John glory to God alone
@jameswitt645 Год назад
Not contradictory at all. It's a paradox that can't be explained by our finite minds. It's no different than the paradox of God always existing, or Jesus being 100% God and 100% man, etc. You can't explain those either. If you're able to harmonize God's Sovereign election with man's responsibility, then you've created a hybrid explanation that doesn't exist in scripture.
@gwine2nine52 Год назад
Total inability = blind,dead,unable Total respons ability = unwilling, rebellious, hard hearted, suppress the truth. Both cannot be biblically correct if interpreted correctly. One makes him loving, compassionate, desiring and merciful.....the other makes him Allah
@reynaldodavid4755 5 лет назад
@DH-vy8hw 2 года назад
I would be careful not to say Paul didn't know the answer to who lived his Christian life. I don't think he was confused when he said it is "I, yet not I but Christ." He was confident just like any Christian should be in accepting both truth statements. I joyously and unashamedly proclaim both to all, just like Paul did without ambivalence. Conversely, who lives my sinful life? ME!
@cmdesign01 2 года назад
“In HIM we move and live and have our being …..”
@kennyjansen7536 2 года назад
So what you're saying, is that the judgement is going to blame us for something that we could'nt do?what an amazing and unjust God are you serving?You're worse then the Muslim's.
@oscarcoronel3021 5 лет назад
Excelent excelent answer!!! God bless you.
@Zaloomination 2 года назад
At 1:50 The verse quoted actually says *How often I would have gathered YOUR CHILDREN but you would not*. It was an indictment on the evil leaders of Israel. Dr. James White writes a lot about this verse in Matthew as one of The Big 3 that armenians use because they think it proves libertarian free will.
@ninjason57 Год назад
The reason JM doesnt know the answer and has never met anyone who knows the answer is because the only people he knows are Calvinists.
@loganbaumstark8950 Год назад
This seems very confusing if you don’t really understand what he’s trying to do. He is showing how Scripture teaches two things simultaneously and we are biblical first and foremost, they don’t contradict either. It’s what J.I. Packer calls in Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God an “antimony”
@jakecortezcb750 4 года назад
And God Decreed That He Ask That Question...
@jaxondabeastz2046 3 года назад
And he chose to ask it, it’s both
@kennyjansen7536 2 года назад
So God lied when He said that Christ died for the whole world and that salvation appeared to all man.
@jbartz2982 5 лет назад
God told Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, yet, if he predetermined them to do so, then what does that say about Gods character. He created them and predetermined them to disobey him, yet he told them not to disobey him and then punished them for disobeying him. This is a large stain on the character of God. God knowing and God willing something are two different things. A God who allows us to choose and yet still achieves his sovereign will is a much more sovereign God than A God who predetermines everything we will do.
@willi2643 5 лет назад
God may know the outcome but the opportunity is given, our free will is key in all of this, God can not change who He is, He is sovering and just; is that a bad thing?? Is that a stain in God's character??? Would you have preferred (if given a choice) to have been created without free will, a robot, a creature with no choice that would only obey God's design??? Would that take away that stain from God you speak off?? No; you would say now that stain remains because now God is a dictator that never gave me a choice and that is not just. We see what a dictator is capable of doing, latest situation in Venezuela, no choice, no self, obey or die. What's the solution to this dilemma?? Is simple, in order to clear that stain we should have never been created, for that matter nothing that exits should have been created, you wouldn't have experience, love, hate, joy and pain, we wouldn't have enjoyed the beautiful and painful lessons of what being a human with free will is, God gave us free will because He has sovering free will (we were created to His likeness and image) we make choices just like Adam and Eve did, does God know the outcome? yes but the choice to change is in us, the choice to fight, persevere like Joshua in the old testament and today with the help of the Holy Spirit (John 14). For us to excuse ourselves and use God's sovereignty and His foreseeing nature to blame Him for the outcome is to blame Him for our choices, in simpler terms, He sees the outcome but you according to your love for God (John 14) make decisions to follow and keep Jesus commandments that are the same ones as the father according to John 14. Some think a salvation and eternal life with God is free and easy to get, is not neither one, it take effort, determinations and choices throughout our whole existence, God does not interferes with our free will, is a gift, it gives some people freedom it makes others slaves (Romans 7 & 8) live in the flesh and be slaves of sin and death or live by the spirit and live free from the bondage of sin and death, the power of choice, free will, let us take responsibility for our choices and stop blaming God's sovereignty for the outcome. GBY
@abuelb 4 года назад
@@willi2643 what role did you play in your salvation? Nothing. It's all God's work. God willeth that you believe. He gave you faith to believe by his grace. All His sovereign will for His Glory. The only free will you have is to sin.
@willi2643 4 года назад
@@abuelb Do you believe in the bible? Do you believe in the word of God? Do you live and follow the word of God? If you answer yes, who is making you obey, follow or live by the word?? Do you play any part in it? Once saved always saved? Roman's 7 and 8 explain the predicament of sin, Romans 8 explains that where you have your mind that's where the person's heart is, and were they will end up. Are you saying that God control our mind? He makes a divine choice to make us choose Him? Free will give us a choice, Mathew 16: 13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? 14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. 15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven............. Peter believed first, then it was revealed to him by the father, believing is a choice. If God predetermined who is saved and who's not, why have Jesus do all He did, die the way He did? If it's all predetermined there was no need for Jesus. God bless you.
@kenfithen588 4 месяца назад
Calvinist have to take their interpretation of God’s sovereignty, that He controls every thought, action, sin, good deed, etc, to the logical conclusion that it’s not just God’s will that people sin, but that God Himself even compels a person to sin. Their sinful acts are mandated by God. I believe this error can be debunked with just one verse, “But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid.”
@alihoussney7870 3 месяца назад
The reconciliation of God's absolute sovereignty with man's responsibility is found in the first two chapters of Romans. Here is the hint: God chooses who will be saved yet Paul, as inspired by the Holy Spirit says that no one will have excuse on the Day of Judgment.
@JohnSmith-zo6ir 5 месяцев назад
From a worldly business point of view I understand this principle. As the CEO you can't get responsibility without accountability. You cannot have one without the other. As CEO you are responsible for yourself, family, the organisation and it's customers, yet ultimately accountable to God for all of those people as well as the consequences that flow, both positive and negative, are delivered as part of accountability. The two are inseparable. Responsibly without accountability leads to chaos, evil and bad performances/outcomes.
@nunnayuhbitness6708 5 лет назад
I don't agree with this answer. However, I am glad he said he is not sure.
@MrBazinthenow 5 лет назад
This highlights the issues with a system such as the 7 points of reformed theology.
@mr938 10 месяцев назад
God can control u without forcing u so u do it of your own freewill 100percent god in control 100percent freewill therefore we are responsible is anything impossible for god or difficult for him
@MrBazinthenow 5 лет назад
A question like this always exposes the errors of calvernism. Such as believing that the natural man cannot believe the Gospel unaided and that God only helps the ' elect ' ( frozen chosen ) ,yet commands all men everywhere to repent ? John's answer here also exposes the error of the ' P ' in T.U.L.I.P. it's no better than the arminian perseverance in trying to keep salvation through works .
@irishali896 3 года назад
‭Johns answer does not show errors in Calvinism, did you listen to the same video that I did? ‘God is responsible for the good, we are responsible for the bad’. John Calvin taught the same thing. Have you ever considered that God allows bad things to happen for a purpose? If something happens outside of Gods will that means that Evil has control over God. That does not make God the author of evil, because that evil is within us already. (Notice the terms used by Paul is Romans 1: ‘God gave them over’ ‘God gave them over’ ‘God gave them over’). “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭50:20‬ ‭ “for truly in this city there were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place.” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭4:27-28‬ ‭ ““Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves know- *this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men.”* ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2:22-23‬ ‭ God planned it, and decreed it. Gods plan cannot be thwarted, yet this does not leave the men in charge of the crucifixion guiltless. So how could God charge these men of evil when it was Gods plan? Let’s ask Paul; “So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills. You will say to me then, “Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?” But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use? What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory-” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭9:18-23‬ ‭ I’d recommend listening to the two videos ‘Questions and answers’ from RC Sproul, MacArthur and Duncan, they talk extensively on this subject and may be able to help express better what I’m trying to say. But basically, you’re not interpreting John correctly here if you think he is preaching against Calvinism.
@hollayevladimiroff131 Год назад
But it is in the bible, God chooses us, we do not choose him.
@i-jamesazubuike9208 Год назад
Pls clarify the error(s)...
@flixpix9984 2 года назад
What nonsense. He both believes God is responsible for what he decrees, and also believes God is not responsible for what he decrees. So either JM is right and a logical contradiction exists, or he's wrong.
@i-jamesazubuike9208 Год назад
I quite find this insightful...
@aironjonhsaguid 4 года назад
"You will die in your sins if you won't believe in me" but at same time dead already because of their sin?
@n.a.garciafamily 2 года назад
Physical die in their sins. Spirituality dead walking around.
@bobfree1226 6 лет назад
HOW can man be responsible for the evil he commits if GOD planned it all. Why would GOD give man a free will as Established Clearly in the Garden knowing that he created them and we had no abilty to refrain from sinning. was man Born Evil. IS God the author of SIN. .how can you have assurance when you cant possibly KNOW your elect? why does GOD command all men to REPENT if we can NOT. calvanism taken to its logical conclusion is illogical an I was a former 3-4 pt calvanist. Limited Atonement was rejected by the major majority of calavnist early in the reformation history.in fact they wrote against it passionately. HOW can any man be responsible before he was born. that's non sense. I have utmost respect for MAC but in this area it makes no sense.
@pinkdaisywigsboutique4717 6 лет назад
One of the most scriptural teachings on this subject is by Andrew Wommack " the sovereignty of God" It's the Best! 💜
@jeromesavary7033 5 лет назад
Not only that but god then condemns every human born thereafter as sinners. Is this just?
@ianpaterson4956 5 лет назад
God gave us all free will and he calls everyone to repent and make him King, enough said.
@abuelb 4 года назад
So what role did you play in your salvation? By grace through faith. Faith is a gift. Your only free will is to sin. You can't work for your salvation.
@matthewbrown9029 Год назад
​@@abuelb you still believe that?
@Pondimus_Maximus Год назад
@@abuelb God offered me a gift, and I accepted. I didn’t earn it or work for it. That’s why it’s a gift.
@graham5990 Год назад
@@Pondimus_Maximus Yes this is something that I go back and forth with constantly as I read through scripture, although I lean more towards a Calvinistic view. I look at verses like John 6:44 “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day." Notice it says "No one CAN" that is a word of ability he didn't say no one MAY cause we are told to go into all the nations preaching the gospel, but he literally says you CAN'T you don't have the ability to choose him unless God quickens your dead spirit (Ephisians 2:1 you were DEAD in your trespasses and sins) to life and draws you to him. John 6:37 All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out. 1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. Ephesians 1:4-5 Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Ephesians 1:11 also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will, John 15:16 You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you. John 6:37 All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out. Matthew 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen 2 Thessalonians 2:13 But we should always give thanks to God for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth. John 10:27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. Just other verses that point towards us being chosen, but there are also other verses that I read that get me caught up so this is something I still wrestle with so please don't take this as an attack of any sorts as I myself don't fully understand or grasp the concept was more just presenting why I lean more Calvinist than Arminian. I just wish people in this debate could show more love to one another as these conversations seem to get so nasty sometimes.
@catherina6739 Год назад
@@abuelb the salvation is because Christ died for our sins. Can you be God and die for our sins? Salvation is the grace given gift God gives us when we believe. God ordained that we believe the Gospel, that is love the Father through the Son - John 14 : 23 Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. So that is how we get saved through faith. Believing is not work, it is excepting God's great gift of salvation by answering His Love back by loving Him back.
@classact9557 Год назад
Salvation is a gift that was purchased by the blood of Christ. We cannot, and never could, earn our salvation through our own works. It is utterly impossible, because we are fallen, imperfect beings. Salvation is promised by God. And He will keep that promise for all those who repent and believe in Him once they are brought face-to-face with the consequences of sin. And in our repentance, and our faith, we obey His commandments. To love Him, and our neighbor. Because He first loved us.
@AL-ri6bk 5 лет назад
Going kinda manic cuz of this question. So how much responsibility am I for? 😶🙃
@bugnfront 5 лет назад
100 o/o because we are given the insight of understanding. Without realizing it...we decide based on our relationship with Christ. We onow about it and thus responsible to live accordingly. Example...a park bench with a sign.."do not touch...wet paint". what does everyone do when they see the sign.
@johnencinas4250 3 года назад
Once you have received the Good News, you can accept it or you can reject it. This is your free will. For God's redemptive plan to work, He offers each of us the opportunity to either accept him or to reject him.
@wis9592 5 лет назад
honesty i still find suspense in his answer. if God judges am for committing sin yet he predestined him to do so how is that justice ?
@wxyz237 5 лет назад
Read Romans 9:14-26. Your question is asked directly in that passage but not answered in a way that satisfies our minds. We are simply required to recognise ourselves as the clay and God as the potter. That requires humility.
@bugnfront 5 лет назад
God didnt predestine him to sin. The choice made by him put everything in one camp or the other...ie...obedeance or dis-obedeance. he chose wrong and it was sin...he chose right and is was obedeince and was rewarded! so rewards or punishment....sounds pike a faithful parent huh?
@WayoftheRaven 3 года назад
@@bugnfront Sorry, but it does away with God's Grace. (Rom. 5:8; Tit. 3:5)
@AL-ri6bk 5 лет назад
Yah. I don't get the obeying part. It's like I'm against? Hmmm
@Truthaholic1 2 года назад
Big Mac is unhinged but that’s what calvinism breeds!
@diogoepronto 6 лет назад
I appreciate his honesty, lots of calvinists doesn't have the same honesty when dealing with this problem. The truth is that in calvinism you can't properly harmonize both God's sovereignty and human's responsibility, you have to accept it as some kind of mystery akin to the Trinity. That's one of the reasons why I'm not a calvinist.
@ThuyLe-rz9ze 6 лет назад
wow so you have the understanding of the mystery of God.
@diogoepronto 6 лет назад
Well, that's a mystery only to the calvinist, if you ask me.
@ThuyLe-rz9ze 6 лет назад
that's what I meant, you've got it.
@diogoepronto 6 лет назад
I rather say that only calvinists didn't got it, haha It's not that I am super smart and so I understood a mystery of God, no, it wasn't a mystery to begin with, but calvinists put some clutter in the way that made it look like it were a mystery, even though it actually wasn't, you know?
@d.od.3463 6 лет назад
So you're an Arminian? Why? Do you find any sense in their corrupt theology?
@gwine2nine52 Год назад
1:18 -1:30 Total inability is why he comes to his conclusion. Blind and dead and unable is correct for total inability but unwilling and rebellious is not correct for total inability..If you have the total ability to suppress something you also have the total ability to recieve something 2 thess 2:10 in all decievableness and unrighteousness of men who recieved not the love of the truth so as to be saved
@petrolo72 9 месяцев назад
💯 great explanation by the pastor.
@georgefernandez3541 6 лет назад
maybe the answer is uuuuugh....free will??
@jacobgarcia4826 5 лет назад
George Fernandez Do you have scripture for that?
@bugnfront 5 лет назад
No such thing as "free will" for man We have what is "freedom of choice..ie..to submit to God,s will or rebellion"!. Only Christ had "free will" because He alone saw the end result of each descission there fore he could choose by the result he wanted. Man on the other hand can only make a descission based on what we know or under whos "Fathership" we ate under. ie. It is no lonnger I who live but Christ I n me". or …"..you are of your father satan and so do his will. so we are under influence of God or satan. A computer will only be as it is programmed. the correct understanding is this. We have freedom of choice...we make a choice to choose a direction by where we are at..ie..in relationship with Christ or satan. There is NO Free will envolved. Each descission is obedeince or rebellion.... sin or not..... "free will" is not in the Bible..It was a term from psychology with secular meanings. Man has a "will"...that will is either controlled in obedeince or dis-obedeonce. Hope that helps! God as a "gentileman" gives us some grace to learn right descissions...permissive Will, but will enact His sovereign Will over all things.
@Alex.Kalashnik 5 лет назад
al bugnfront How can you have freedom of choice without free will?
@John_Doe-c2d 4 года назад
@@Alex.Kalashnik Nice question!
@abuelb 4 года назад
@@Alex.Kalashnik you didn't choose God, but God chose you. Where is your free will there? No man comes to the father unless the father draws him. It's the work of God through the holy spirit that allowed you to believe. By grace through faith. Faith is a gift. The only will you have is to sin cause thats the only thing a fallen human being produce.
@damarrbrown6853 4 года назад
This is just something we can't comprehend we have to leave this up to God. I believe it's both
@trapperkcmo3460 2 года назад
jesus said there are many christs. you have the wrong one.
@Pondimus_Maximus Год назад
John could not have given a weaker answer if he tried! According to him, God desired that Adam and Eve sin against Him, that all of us should rebel, and that most of us spend eternity in Hell. That is our purpose for being, and we were made by God to do just that. Yet, this is our fault? What an unabashedly illogical, incoherent doctrine Calvinism is! If I gave my oldest son a knife, held a gun to his head, and ordered him to murder his brother, and then he does it, because I gave him no other choice, who’s responsible? After all, I’m not the one who stabbed his brother to death. And after all that bloody business was done, if I were to execute him for the crime of killing his brother, would that glorify me? Would living my life the way the Calvinist God operates bring glory to Him? Calvinism is a despicable, cynical doctrine, and a false one at that.
@KeithThompson52 9 лет назад
Amen pastor!
@pccj316 5 лет назад
Kiss Thy hand of Thy Reformed Pope.
@CaptainPantys Год назад
@Gericho49 2 года назад
Good response from Macarthur "I don't know the answer." Well here is the answer from someone who does know. This is how a PhD former presbyterian minister and doctor of theology explains God's so-called irresistible will or Sovereinty: Whereas most Christians believe the Bible teaching which emphasizes both God’s grace and man’s cooperation, there is no room in Calvinist teaching except for a staunch denial of St. Paul’s inspired notion of man as “CO LABORER” with God (1 Cor. 3:9). In Calvin’s words: If [by free will] is meant that after we are once subdued by the power of the Lord to the obedience of righteousness, we proceed voluntarily, and are inclined to follow the movement of grace, I have nothing to object… If, again, it is meant that man is able of himself to be a fellow-laborer with the grace of God, I HOLD IT TO BE A MOST PESTILENT DELUSION (Institutes, Bk. 2, Ch. 3, Para. 11) “Freewill” for the Calvinist means acting in accord with irresistible grace (aka God’s irresistible Will) that he cannot do anything but accept. Is the god you want to believe in who loves us all? John 3:16 Of course, the consensus view asserts that man cannot “of himself” merit anything from God- meaning, apart from God’s empowering grace. But Calvin’s meaning is very different. For him, “Subdued by the power of the Lord” means that man cannot resist the movement of God’s grace. If God wills for you to go to heaven, he will give you grace to that end and you will be irresistibly moved to act in accord with it. If God wills for you to go to hell, then you will not be given grace and you will be moved to sin by God’s eternal decree. Such is the damning indictment and absurdity of such an unjust notion. if God predestines every person, and not all are called, elected, or predestined for salvation, then God has predestined (the Westminster Confession says “fore-ordained”) some persons to hell or eternal damnation. Second, if God has predetermined the ultimate fate of all persons, then the individual has no power to make any important decisions. Presbyterians have learned to believe, also, in free will, realizing that these two doctrines are logically impossible to hold at the same time, but that each is true, as taught in the Westminster Confession…
@daleco1959 2 года назад
you must have missed most of this session. MacArthur explained it best with several examples of paradox that we must believe are true but with our limited minds will not be able to make sense of.
@elizeusilva9631 2 года назад
You explained well. But it is easier to say "no one can explain", than to admit the error. God tells us to choose and does not mess with our choice. That's free will.
@friendyadvice2238 2 года назад
These are difficult issues and anyone who thinks they understand it all, are just kidding themselves ... "and the will of my Father is this, that of all he has given me ... I lose none" and then the opposite ... Jesus weeping because sinners wouldn't repent. Here's another mind bending issue thrown in by science not Christianity .... "the future already exists". Einstein said the past, present and future all exist together. Time is just an illusion. So think about that for a minute, and it's consequences. My view is that I have already lived my life and made all my freewill choices. But in my "present" I experience time as a flow but it is not real. God is outside time and therefore sees all the choices I would freely make. But I can only witness it one moment at a time. I think whatever I do today, I've already done it somewhere in time. So the paradox doesn't seem so odd now about sovereignty and freewill, just like the past present and the future. Existence is far more complex than any of us could possibly comprehend.
@thegospel4374 3 месяца назад
@@daleco1959 rather, you must have NOT heard MacArthur double speak, as CONSTANTLY.
@1920s 4 года назад
@AL-ri6bk 5 лет назад
Tyyy sir
@tomsmythe4903 11 месяцев назад
Making a fool of someone seeking answers - very productive. God is sovereign. He is responsible for creation and all in it. He created everything and everyone. He laid down the plans from before time began (by Him). Yet... Man is responsible for sin? So, God is in control EXCEPT when it comes to man's responsibility for man's sin. Sounds like sovereignty is limited for God. I.e., man has control to make the choices if man is responsible. Thus, god is not sovereign over all. In fact, god is only sovereign when he choses to be. IF god is not sovereign at all times, then god is not in control of all things. After all, god created Lucifer and if god is not in control, then Lucifer was allowed to sin (the fall wtih 1/3 the heavenly host). This is how god can say he didn't create sin. He let others do the dirty deed for him - convenient, eh? He allowed Lucifer to wander the Garden of Eden and twist his creation to sin so he could use it in his plan. Remember, god created all things. God is sovereign. God knows all. God exists outside time and knows who's names will be in the book of life even before we were born. But, remember, we cannot chose god. God is sovereign, after all. He would never give up his sovereignty to allow us to chose sin, right? Wait, you mean we CAN chose sin and that's outside god's domain? God is not in control of everything? God cannot chose sin so, when angels/man chose sin, they go somewhere that god cannot? Doesn't that mean god is NOT in control of everything? A god of order. A god of justice. A god of laws. A god of love. A god who does what he wants when he wants to do it and who are we to question him (just look at what happened to Job). Isn't god simply amazing? One wonders how anyone could deny his great love for the chosen. Oh, the rest of you, just know he weeps for you. After all, he didn't include your names in the book of life. Don't worry, it's only an eternity in hell awaiting you because he did not chose you. He is sovereign, after all. You can't chose him in your sin nature. Allowing you to make that choice would usurp his sovereignty. Getting tired of the run-around yet? Because that's all this is. And to the question of do I make the choices in my life? Yes I do. Did Paul write Romans? Yes he did. You cannot prove it was god who inspired any of it, god who directed any of my life. Nothing can demonstrate god's existence. It's a belief system, nothing more. Finally, if you insist god is in control, then you cannot make the claim you are responsible for any part of your life. God laid down the plans for your life and the works you would do long before you were born. What makes you think anything you do is outside god's plan for you? How can you possibly stand there and claim you are in control of anything when you claim it's god who's in control. after all, he can't be in control some of the time (only when it's convenient for you). Either he is in control or, he isn't. He's the god of the bible or, he's not. Pick one.
@2001BornAgain Год назад
MacArthur has encountered people who could answer that. It’s only Calvinism that can’t answer the question of God’s sovereignty and mans responsibility.
@ShepherdMinistry Год назад
The camp that claims that also believes evil things happen outside of Gods decrees.
@christopherstroud8621 6 лет назад
People choose. They choose on the basis of who they are. They do not choose who they are. They do not choose when they are born, where they are born, why they were born, their D.N.A. or what grace they may or may not receive in life. God decides all of these. Judgement is living with the consequences of how we were made. John 3v35, Heb1v3, Mat 28v18 et al.
@Alex.Kalashnik 5 лет назад
Your actions shape your character.
@chrissy1310 Год назад
@@Alex.Kalashnik Or! Does your character shape/dictate your actions!
@markevans8054 Год назад
BAM, accept both, that's all we can do, glory to God ✝️✝️✝️
@jeromesavary7033 5 лет назад
A non answer.
@bobfree1226 6 лет назад
The Pivotal Question an why I Left Calavnism, is that Cal wants me to believe that GOD who made us all,knew beforehand that all people before they were born could all possibly go to Hell forever including Children, and that would be Glorius, IF God ordained that way. YET God said it was GOOD. Made in HIS IMAGE , calls us the jewel of his creation,Gives us choice as evidenced with the tree in the garden, yet none of Us have Nothing to do or say about anything, YET commands all to REPENT, pleads with people to Turn, But We cannot. No Wonder Some calvanists Wont Preach,yet its also another Command by Jesus to do just that!! 4 pt calvanists at least have rejected that terrible L in tulip .where Calvin Himself called it Dreadful and Terrible.Where Tension is the operative WORD by many leading calvinists today. Augustine and Calvin also rejected Limited Atonement and Earliest Refomers major majority Rejected it as well. Had to leave this Brutal view!!
@MyPhilemon6site 2 года назад
To me it’s rather simple….God is fully sovereign but when he made man, He (God) chose to limit His sovereignty when He gave man the first spoken and written promises to distinguish Himself from all other god’s who man create who are “capricious”. Therefore God sovereignly created man with freewill to choose in receiving or rejecting His promises because it declares that “whatsoever a man soweth he shall also reap” good or bad. In this God does not violate His main attribute of Love over a fallen creation who is given the opportunity to redeem themselves to their creator.
@a5dr3 7 лет назад
This guy's been struggling his whole life with this question and in the age of the Internet has never researched it till he knows the answer? Greg bahnsen has 3 short articles on cmf now that are by far the best I've seen on this topic.
@asimplechristian3390 6 лет назад
Are you talking about this one where he says: "So, a question is naturally raised: How can God ordain something and make it certain but not use coercion? The answer is this: we don’t know, and we don’t have an answer for that question. We don’t know how God does much of what he does. How did he part the Red Sea? How did he bring Jesus back to life from the dead? But just because we aren’t sure how God does these things doesn’t make them logically impossible. God can do things we cannot do - wouldn’t you agree?" This was from part 2 of a 3-part article. If it is, that's hardly any different from what MacArthur says
@amarjitsengupta2434 4 года назад
He not gave the Proper answer but Twisted whole thing. He is Calvanist but when come in free will he became Arminians view 😓
@johnencinas4250 3 года назад
God's sovereignty and man's responsibility is part of God's redemptive plan. God's sovereignty and man's responsibility are inseparable. God requires of man's responsibility in his redemptive plan.
@Chuck883 Год назад
A great answer to this question.
@elizeusilva9631 2 года назад
Very contradicting! The real issue is with the essence of calvinism: It says that God chose some to be saved and some to be condemned and they cannot reconcile free will. When God says "this is the way, walk in it", do humans do the walking, or God monitors and guides them like robots! When Joshua told the Israelite to choose whom they were going to serve, because "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord", did Joshua acted on that, or God moved him like a robot! It's easy just to say that "we don't know the answer", than to recognize God gave us free will and He does not mess with that!
@kryptic8956 Год назад
I guess this make us more powerful than Jesus sense we have free will. Lol may it never be.
@isaacvannote2370 Год назад
Brother, to believe that us wretched sinners could choose a Holy God is one of the most shallow approaches one can take to look at the will of God.(Jeremiah17:9) Christ’s death was sufficient for the whole world but God did not “elect” the whole world read (John 17:9). The word election or in Greek “exelexato” is found EVERYWHERE in the Word of God. Read Romans 9:11-23. It’s not about us it is about GOD! Election is found everywhere in scripture that is why free will teachers can’t teach exposition, they have to pick and choose which scripture they want to preach on or read and sadly water down the message of God’s great word.
@donniewiley314 3 месяца назад
Did Nebuchadnezzar willingly crawl around and eat grass?
@dexterseamusgaming3338 2 месяца назад
Youre a heretic
@duanehensley8835 5 лет назад
Lousy answer!
@DanSchaferMusic 6 лет назад
spot on...
@DRDickey 7 месяцев назад
Fortunately there are better answers than those found in Calvinism
@georgeakoto171 5 лет назад
@mccaboy 4 года назад
When he mocked charismatic worship it reveals his closed mind judgemental holier than thou attitude. Should we not be humble as servant leaders.
@i-jamesazubuike9208 Год назад
@eddiegallegos7672 6 лет назад
Well explained Mr. Mcarthur
@WayoftheRaven 3 года назад
I just don't understand. How is it that if we can claim credit for our salvation & security therein, that we somehow don't diminish God's Mercy, Love and Grace? We own NO part of our Salvation other than ACCEPTING THE FREE GIFT THAT IS OFFERED (Eph. 2:8-9) which is OUR choice, not Gods. How exactly do we 'endure to the end'? What little sins could we commit and still be considered 'enduring'? If I have pride in my heart that I am one of God's 'elect' and you're not, would I still be 'enduring'? Is that sin still acceptable? I think you need to go re-read Mat. 24 and see if you're not trying to fit a square (spiritual salvation) peg in what's clearly a round (physical salvation) hole in what Jesus is speaking about there. And Mr. MacArthur, you're not 'waxing eloquent' to answer questions with non-sensical questions - you're evading - and the reason you're evading is not because 'we can't know this mystery', it's because you can't reconcile your misunderstanding of the definition of the word 'Sovereign' with what the Bible clearly teaches concerning our choice. The Children of Israel had it (Deu. 30:19; Jos. 24:15) Jesus clearly taught it (Joh. 3:16; Rev. 3:20) We are instructed & exhorted to continually in Scripture (literally the entire Bible) God's Sovereignty comes to play that 1) He knew the choices beforehand (Rom. 8:28 - notice 'foreknow' comes before 'predestinate') and 2) ALL are ACCOUNTABLE to Him for the CHOICES WE MAKE. God ALLOWED Adam to choose - but Adam is accountable to God for His choices God ALLOWED Satan to choose - but Satan is accountable to God for His choices God ALLOWS mankind to choose - but each & every man is accountable to God for His choices There is no problem between God's Sovereignty & Man's Responsibility unless we don't understand what Sovereign means.
@Truthaholic1 2 года назад
No Christian takes credit! Wake up
@i-jamesazubuike9208 Год назад
Pls explain what sovereignty means.
@WayoftheRaven Год назад
​@@i-jamesazubuike9208 Since the word doesn't exist in the Bible, we must use the dictionary to define. My favorite dictionary is the M-W 1828 as it gives good historical definitions closely related to Biblical usage. It's defined there as: 1. Supreme in power; possessing supreme dominion; as a sovereign prince. God is the sovereign ruler of the universe. 2. Supreme; superior to all others; chief. God is the sovereign good of all who love and obey him. 3. Supremely efficacious; superior to all others; predominant; effectual; as a sovereign remedy. 4. Supreme; pertaining to the first magistrate of a nation; as sovereign authority. In short, Sovereign means to be 'Over all'. God is the Supreme ruler - over all. There is none above Him, none that He asks of or answers to. But this is not the definition that Reformers use. It's one of their own making. They take 'Over all' and turn it into 'Controls all' - which is linguistically dishonest. God is over all, yet does not control all. This does not mean that He's not in control. He 'works all things to good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose'. (Rom. 8:28). God is not the author of evil, but He can use evil to accomplish Good. And God IS Sovereign - He is over all and all will give answer unto Him. He doesn't control our actions as He has given man free will, yet we must give answer to Him for the decisions we make. I hope this helps. God bless.
@eelyeoj5799 5 лет назад
What people will not understand or believe is what is called Christian today is a false gospel. People think that they have a relationship with JESUS. 99 percent of all who claim to believe in JESUS do not know who JESUS is or the FATHER. If you know who JESUS is then you know the FATHER. If you know the FATHER then you know JESUS. This doesn't mean to say JESUS is the Son of God and the FATHER is JEHOVAH. You must have a relationship with JESUS to come to the FATHER and have a relationship with the FATHER. Only the FATHER and JESUS will declare this to you and it cannot be declared by any pastor or man. I can tell you who the FATHER is and who JESUS is but unless they reveal it to you, you will not understand. I will give you a clue; MATH and only the KJV Bible is the WORD OF GOD. You better know and understand numbers.
@AL-ri6bk 5 лет назад
Gg 🙃😶
@catherina6739 5 лет назад
John MacArthur does not understand the Gospel. Period.
@jamesaborque6007 5 лет назад
Oh really?
@chrissy1310 Год назад
Are you Arminian? Muslim?
@catherina6739 Год назад
@@chrissy1310 no, I love the Father through the Son - God ordained us to believe his true Gospel which is the power unto salvation. When we love the Son, we believe in Him. To love Him we need to know Him. Read "what Love Is This" by Dave Hunt.
@chrissy1310 Год назад
@Lapsed Judgment Vlogs I am genuine not a troll. I am learning my way thru all these terms.
@shakazulu365 2 года назад
This is terrible. Calvinism is terrible. How can anyone, especially a Christian believe such lunacy? God does not cause sin. Why can’t calvinists understand that? Calvinism is disgusting.
@Truthaholic1 2 года назад
@Truthaholic1 2 года назад
@chrissy1310 Год назад
I don't think God is "causing" sin, he has not bound the person to himself, so they are free to choose to deny him and sin. Love your profile pic by the way, James White thuggin! LOL
@i-jamesazubuike9208 Год назад
What exactly?
@IamtheKingsman 6 лет назад
To start with, Paul is the author of the Book of Romans while The Holy Spirit gives Paul the impetus and superintends the framing of the book. Finally, Paul used an emanuensis or secretary to actually pen the letter-*[[Rom **16:22**]] KJV* I Tertius, who wrote this epistle, salute you in the Lord. Neither MacArthur nor the gentleman to whom he was speaking knew the answer to this simple question. Neither of them are the theologians they think they are.
@asimplechristian3390 6 лет назад
Explain how the Holy Spirit "gives the impetus and superintends the framing of the scripture", and where did you get that from?
@IamtheKingsman 6 лет назад
A Simple Christian Just read 2nd Peter 1:20,21, 1st Peter 3:15-18
@asimplechristian3390 6 лет назад
I know what those verses say. I'm asking you to explain how the Holy Spirit inspired people to write scripture, since you're a theologian
@villiestephanov984 6 лет назад
Robert Christopulos : who wrote the book of Revelation?
@abuelb 4 года назад
Who is the Author of the Bible?
@frankthe2ndsonof1st16 5 лет назад
I am very disappointed! I thought Macarthur is more prepared than this?! Very shallow, even a first year student of theology can answer deeper than that. Sorry...
@ShepherdMinistry Год назад
How about you explain to us since you understand?
@frankthe2ndsonof1st16 Год назад
@@ShepherdMinistry do you really care?... or you want to start a debate knowing your preselectred answers already?
@ShepherdMinistry Год назад
@@frankthe2ndsonof1st16 I’m genuinely curious about your view, yes.
@chrissy1310 Год назад
@@ShepherdMinistry I want to hear what you have to teach as well!
@ShepherdMinistry Год назад
@@chrissy1310 Well I believe it’s a mystery and not easily explained. I was waiting for a response but he never told us what he claims to be so easy to understand.
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