
John MacArthur- Amazing Sermon on Election 

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This Excerpt from Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul Features Guest Speaker John MacArthur Giving A Great Presentation on Sovereign Election
Podcast Can be found At: feeds.feedburne...
Series (Essential Truths of the Christian Faith) is available for purchase At: www.ligonier.or...



11 окт 2024




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@jmitch9269 3 месяца назад
I know this is true not because of some preacher or because I read it but because it what happened to me personally. God changed my heart. In a blink of an eye! He transformed my heart. Nothing I could have done or would have done. My Faith is from Him Alone.
@jomanning1015 2 месяца назад
Same 🙏🏻
@rodneynewby7611 Месяц назад
I am saved according to the way CHRIST explained through scripture also.🥲 John 3:3 “ You must be Born again.”🙏
@reynaldoperez7285 17 дней назад
@@jmitch9269 CALVINISM. 1. T. TOTAL DEPRAVITY , A DOCTRINE OF DEMONS. I'M NOT SAYING THE PEOPLE ARE DEMONIC, IM SAYING THE DOCTRINE IS. Calvinist, say we are dead, and that we can Not even respond to God unless he regenerates us. They turn salvation into a 2 step program, Get REGENERATED, then get BORN FROM ABOVE. 1st, God does a spiritual work that allows you to see the truth, then if you believe, you are born again. But the bible says,1 step is needed BELIEVE. New International Version JOHN 3:3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” This total depravity is said to result in a total inability to contribute anything to one’s salvation, NOT EVEN A RESPONSE. ( But at the same time they teach age of accountability.) What a j😃ke English Standard Version JOHN 5:25 “Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming, and is (NOW) here, when (the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God,) and those who HEAR will live. 2. U. UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION This means, only the ones Christ chose from the foundations of life are going to be saved, The rest are going to hell. BUT THE BIBLE SAYS. English Standard Version MATTHEW 7:13 (“Enter by the narrow gate.) For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. English Revised Version REV 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And he that heareth, let him say, Come. And he that is athirst, let him come: he that will, let him take the water of life freely. 3. L. LIMITED ATONEMENT They say Christ only shed his blood for The elect. BUT THE BIBLE SAYS. Berean Standard Bible 1john 2:2 He Himself is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. YES ITS LIMITED TO WHOEVER WILL RECEIVE IT, BUT ITS OFFERED TO EVERYONE . 4. I. IRRESISTIBLE GRACE Grace that cannot be resisted, but its only for the elect. This is the belief that the elect (those chosen by God) are going to be saved whether they desire to be or not. New International Version Acts 7:51 “You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: (YOU ALWAYS RESIST THE HOLY SPIRIT!) (Joshua 24:15). Joshua told THE Israelites that they had the ability to choose whom they will serve Peter told those on the day of Pentecost to save themselves (Acts 2:40). By BELIEVING. 5. P. PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS This means YOU HAVE TO persevere, hang on, hold fast to, not give up in order to be saved. BUT THE BIBLE SAYS. New International Version 1 CORINTHIANS 15:57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Calvinist make the death burial and resurrection of no effect, because if you are not elect it doesn't matter. Charles Spurgeon there is no such thing as preaching Christ and him crucified unless we preach what is called CALVINISM. What a joke! 🤔 First of all, notice that God gives man his soul (Ecclesiastes 12:7; Zechariah 12:1). Can or would God give a man an evil soul? NO. This would contradict James 1:17 which says that every good and perfect gift comes from God. God does not bring forth evil Psalm 51:5, X Psalm 58:3. X GOD IS THE GIVER OF THE SOUL, AND INDEED EVERYTHING THAT COMES FROM GOD IS GOOD. THE SEED OF ADAM IS BORN WITH A SINFUL NATURE, BECAUSE OF ADAMS SIN , BUT ADAM HIMSELF WAS PERFECT AND SINLESS WHEN HE WAS CREATED. SO NO MAN WAS NOT CREATED WITH A SINFUL NATURE, ONLY HIS SEED WAS BORN WITH ONE. ADAM = MAN= PERFECTION. ADAM’S SEED = US = SINFUL NATURE. WHEN GOD SPOKE WITH CAIN, HE SAID TO HIM, IF YOU DO WELL , WILL YOU NOT BE ACCEPTED. THERE WAS NO TOTAL DEPRAVITY THERE. CALVINISM IS BLASPHEMY. THEY DO NOT TRUST IN THE FINNISHED WORK OF CHRIST AND THE FULL ASSURANCE THAT COMES WITH IT. English Standard Version HEBREWS 10:22 let us draw near with a true heart in (FULL ASSURANCE OF FAITH with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. NOWHERE IN THE BIBLE, DOES IT TALK ABOUT BEING ELECTED FOR SALVATION, ONLY BEING ELECTED FOR SERVICE. There are those that God foreknew, and those he never knew. ROMAN'S 8:29 THE ONES HE KNEW. MATTHEW 7:23 THE ONE'S HE NEVER KNEW. JUST BECAUSE HE FOREKNEW YOU DOESN'T MEAN YOU WERE ELECTED, FOR SALVATION OR CONDEMNATION. JUST LIKE THE ONE'S HE NEVER KNEW, DOESN'T MEAN THEY WEREN'T ELECTED. THE BIBLE CLEARLY TELLS US THAT THE JUDGMENT IS THAT THEY LOVED THE DARKNESS RATHER THAN THE LIGHT. WE ARE CALLED TO TAKE THE MESSAGE OF SALVATION TO THE WHOLE WORLD, SO THAT EVERYONE CAN HAVE A CHANCE TO BE SAVED, IF THEY WOULD BELIEVE IT. King James Bible 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. God talked to Cain, Cain didn't believe God. God talked to Abraham. Abraham believed God. BOTH HAD A CHOICE. WHEN GOD CREATED ADAM AND EVE, HE GAVE THEM WITH FREE WILL TO CHOOSE. I HAVEN'T SEEN 1 VERSE WHERE GOD TAKES IT AWAY THAT ABILITY TO (CHOOSE) GAME OVER. 🎮 🥌 🏑 🎲 🎴 🏀 🎮 MAN HAS NEVER LOST HIS ABILITY TO HEAR, OR LISTEN. Berean Standard Bible MATTHEW 13:15 For this people's heart has grown callous; (THEY HARDLY HEAR WITH THEIR EARS), and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them." English Standard Version ROMAN'S 10:18 But I ask, have they not heard? Indeed they have, for "Their voice has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world." YOUR CHOICE. GOD ELECTED PHAROH AND JUDAS , ELECTED DOESN'T MEAN SALVATION. FOR CALVINIST FAITH IS A WORK, SO THEY ARE NOT SAVED BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH.
@Warrior.king300 2 года назад
OKAY just finished watching your video and i have quite alot to say about this doctrine GREAT channel by the way i love listening to MacArthur one of my most favorite pastors. I've been a christian all my life and was raised in a christian home with a christian family. Predestination is new to me i stumbled on it like 2 months ago and haven't stopped studying it since lol i have been studying this topic for the past month in a half every single day i have read scripture watched sermons and have done DEEP research on this as it is the most hated and most controversial topic in the christian community and is hated even more then faith alone and eternal security (which is totally expected) so in conclusion to election,predestination, and limited atonement i have come to see that all of it like once saved always saved is in fact BIBLICAL the ones who reject this just don't like the way that it sounds and are looking at it their human moral codes but it's ALL OVER THE BIBLE. That's how God does it. He has ALWAYS picked one people over another people. We see it with noah's family, abraham and his decendants, Lots family, moses and the israelites, the bride of christ and the tribulation saints. No one can come to the christ unless the father draws him to him and no one can come to the father without the son. Man's total depravity is clear in scripture if you care enough to look for it and then receive it. When adam and eve gave of the forbidden tree they ate the fruit of KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL that's the SIN. That is the sin we inherited from them. Knowledge of good and evil. We were not supposed to have this knowledge but that's what happened. Once adam and eve ate from the tree they became spiritually dead and passed that sin on to us. Making all of mankind dead in trespasses and totally depraved incapable of choosing him but God had a plan to save us before that happened and had already wrote our names in the book of life before the foundation of the earth and Predestined us to christ....he secured the bride. I don't know why that's not clear to everyone who hates this doctrine but God and jesus himself said it is not man that chooses God it is God that chooses man. So the argument should be over by default. Nobody should be talking about they have freewill because they DON'T! freewill is the delusion of MAN every person is either a slave to sin or a slave to christ you serve SOMEBODY GODS WILL TRUMPS FREE WILL OF MAN! you can't do ANYTHING God doesn't allow. every single person that says the opposite of what god the father and jesus christ said out of their own mouths are in DENIAL. They reject the concept because they do not accept total sovereign god and have made up their own personal God in their minds and in their hearts. He's sovereign over EVERYTHING just not my freewill and i don't care what the bible says! do you know how that sounds? God controls how the way dust falls but he doesn't control your freewill? LUDICROUS! it's PRIDE! The root of it all is human pride! These people want to prove themselves so bad instead of just letting God be GOD. The spiritual things of God is foolish to natural man that's why most people never truly accept it. People look at this through a humanistic mortality code of view instead of looking at it through the divine sovereignty lord of lords point of view and giving God his FULL glory as the alpha and the omega. The only reason why we chose God is because God chose us FIRST is not only biblical but it's obvious. There's no mistaking it. This is not a trick it's not out of context it's not a mistake IT'S RIGHT THERE! When you read and the search scriptures you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO TURN OFF YOUR FEELINGS and READ IT FOR WHAT IT IS! He laid his life down for HIS sheep, who are his sheep? THOSE WHO BELIEVE! You do not believe because you are not one of my sheep! It's in the text!! I didn't wanna have to bring out the BIG GUNS but when jesus prayed his high priestly prayer he said I AM NOT PRAYING FOR THE WORLD i am praying to those whom you have GIVEN ME. Now If that's not clear enough i don't know what is......If God wanted EVERYONE in the entire world saved no human being would ever go to hell at all and he would just draw all men to christ. If jesus wanted everyone to get it he would have never spoke in parables to HIDE some truths from the wise and clever and revealed it to meek humble babes. Jacob i loved esau i hated esau....before they were even born before they could do good or evil... It's crystal clear that God secured his bride and that only the ELECT are chosen for many are called FEW are chosen. Who are the chosen? Those who believe. It's that simple. We don't know who the elect are that's why we preach the gospel to every living creature so that we help the great shepard look for his sheep because his sheep are all over the world in every tribe and every nation there are people of god everywhere who are predestined to be in christ at different times of their lives some people are born and raised christian by being raised by christian parents like myself and then others don't get saved until later on in their life when their older and some on their death bed. You CAN choose to reject God's call all you like but he won't stop woeing you until you come embrace him...and if he wants you he WILL preordained you come to him somehow some way usually by breaking you down so badly until you dont have anything else to rely on BUT him. He'll MAKE a way for you to come to him because God is the only one who can make something out of NOTHING. The moral of the story friends brothers and sisters: GOD IS SOVEREIGN OVER EVERYTHING including your so called freewill. He predestined and he elected. He hardens peoples hearts and sends people delusions... Even faith and repentance is a GIFT from GOD. Don't worry about vessels prepared for destruction just be happy he made you a vessel to show his mercy too because we all should have gone to hell. Some people may get saved at the last minute some people may get saved during the great tribulation....most people don't get saved at all. That's not for US to decide and worry about that is between them and the lord for God shall have mercy on who he WANTS to have mercy on and HIS thoughts are not ours and his WAYS our not our ways...everybody plays their part in God's plan just focus on spreading the GOOD news of jesus and stop worrying about all this other trivial stuff like this. This doctrine is not deceptive or satanic it actually further strengthens the doctrine of eternal security and puts God at the TOP where he belongs and also cures people who live in fear everyday of taking the mark of the beast during these last days. There Vessels in this world that are made for mercy/glory and there are vessels in the world made for wrath and destruction. God has every right over his clay because he's the potter. If your questioning God's fairness be happy he is not fair otherwise NOBODY would have been saved because we all deserve eternal damnation due to the actions of our ancient parents adam and eve. God bless you fellow sheep in christ i look forward to the rapture with you all. Amen and thank you lord.
@brianpratt2461 2 года назад
Next step...Do a deep dive into apokatastisis God's plan of the ages. The eventual salvation of all.
@Grace-xn2om Год назад
So with all that being said, then what's the use in having preachers, pastors, teachers, etc. If God has preselected who will be saved, and He will draw us unto Him, why even waste time preaching to the world?
@blessedrthosesermount99 10 месяцев назад
​@@Grace-xn2om'they' say it's to preach to the elect so they can start following the sheepfold
@blessedrthosesermount99 10 месяцев назад
What about the NEED and REQUIREMENT of repentance to get and maintain salvation? Taking up our crosses DAILY and following Him? ENDURING in the race to the end and trying not to be disqualified? Keeping in step with the Lord so our names are not blotted out of the Lamb's book of life? Jesus saying He came to seek and save that which is lost? God's desire that NONE should perish? God is NO respector of persons? Jesus saying if you love Me, you'll obey Me? God IS LOVE. FULL of MERCY AND GRACE?
@margaretmcneill5442 5 месяцев назад
I love what you wrote @Warriorssoul300 - Thank you for sharing with us all, what you have concluded from your studies - my sentiments entirely, and you made some excellent points - such as - God has always chosen people; Noah, Abraham, Moses Joshua, 12 disciples, etc; no one can come to Christ unless the Father draws us (John 6:44) & no one can come to the Father except through the Son (John 14:6); Once mankind had the knowledge of good and evil which we were never supposed to have, we became guilty of the sin we received, inherent in our very nature from birth through Adam & Eve when we were born spiritually dead in trespasses and sins cut off from God the Father and only Christ can make us alive (Eph 2: 1 & 5); But God had a plan, having already written our names in the Lamb's Book of Life from BEFORE the foundation of the world, we were already predestined, chosen, elected, called etc; There is none righteous, no not one. There is none that seeks after God (Romans 3: 10&11); God and God alone SECURED THE BRIDE; You have not chosen Me but I have chosen you, (out of the world (19) and ordained you etc. (John 15:16 & 19); Freewill is a delusion of mankind, we are either a slave of sin (Romans 6:6) or fools for Christ (1 Cor 4:10), we all serve somebody but if we speak against God and Jesus Christ the Author and Finisher of our faith, (Hebrews 5:9, 12:2) then we are in denial because God is sovereign over all in this world including everyone (including the Devil who has to ask God's permission (Job 1:12, 2:6) and over everything that happens; Those who reject God's sovereignty over them have invented their own god (self) and this is idolatry; You may say, "I don't care what the Bible says" but how does that sound when you know that God controls how the very dust falls and yet you think and say He doesn't control your free will? How ludicrous. I would venture to say, "That's pride, the root of all our rebellion, disbelief and disobedience, proving just like the Devil, Satan that we have SELF on the throne" We loved God because HE FIRST LOVED US (1 John 4:19) and laid down His very life for His sheep. (John 10:15); Who are His sheep? Those who believe (John 3:16) and know Him, hear His voice and follow Him (John 10:26 & 27); Those who do not believe are NOT HIS SHEEP (John 10:26); When Jesus prayed His high priestly prayer to the Father in the garden, He specified, "I do NOT pray for the world, but for those whom YOU HAVE GIVEN ME (John 17:7) - and of those YOU HAVE GIVEN ME I HAVE LOST NONE (except the son of perdition etc. John 17:12); If God wanted ALL MEN SAVED He would never have spoken in parables to hide the truths from the wise and prudent (Luke 13:10). Election is an absolute. That's why God loved Jacob and hated Esau, before they were even born or had done any good or evil, that the purpose of God ACCORDING TO ELECTION MIGHT STAND, not of works but OF HIM THAT CALLS (Romans 89:11); It's crystal clear that God secured His Bride and only a few are chosen. We don't know in advance who the elect are (because we are NOT GOD), so we preach the gospel to every living creature (Matthew 28:19) helping the Great Shepherd, who came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10) and they are in EVERY tribe and nation everywhere who have been predestined in Christ and He will have His way and will not stop wooing us until we come into His embrace; There is one God and Father of ALL, who is ABOVE ALL, THROUGH ALL AND IN YOU ALL (Eph 3:6), who is sovereign over our so-called free will and He PREDESTINES, ELECTS AND HE HARDENS (Romans 9:18) and will send strong delusions (2 Thessalonians 2:11). That is His right as the POTTER over the CLAY; Even faith and repentance are gifts from God.(1 Corinthians 12:9) and He can withhold them as He did in the case of Esau (Hebrews 12:7); Don't be concerned about vessels prepared for destruction. Are you saying God is not fair? Be thankful He isn't fair or NONE OF US WOULD HAVE BEEN SAVED. Just be grateful He showed mercy on you making you a vessel for honour because WE ALL DESERVED HELL'S TORMENT AND FLAMES FOR ETERNITY. God bless you my fellow sheep. I look forward to our day of resurrection of the dead and the living in Christ - "For the DEAD IN CHRIST shall rise first, then we who are ALIVE and remain shall be CAUGHT UP TOGETHER WITH THEM (the dead who come out of the graves) in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and thus then shall we EVER be with the Lord. Therefore COMFORT ONE ANOTHER WITH THESE THINGS" (1 Thessalonians 4:16). Thank you again @Warriorsoul300
@MoMoMyPup10 8 лет назад
"Salvation is primarily for the honor of the Son; not the honor of the sinner." Yes. Yes. Yes!!! I've been declaring this for years and finally heard someone else recognize the same truth. Goosebumps and chills to hear it preached!
@leekellettjr441 2 года назад
I never thought is was the for the honor of a sinner. Where does the Bible speak of the sinner being honored? I have never hear it in that term. The saints make up the body of bride.
@MoMoMyPup10 2 года назад
@@leekellettjr441 it doesn't say it in the Bible, yet it's a widespread assumption that the salvation of man is primarily *for* them. Because my above quote isn't taught, that's my contention. 'God did it for my sake' is not primarily the truth. Your "gift" of salvation and receiving the Holy Spirit; of going to Heaven and one day seeing Jesus face to face wasn't done for you. God did it for Jesus. It's a gift *to* you, but not *for* you, is not widespread preached.
@FromSaultoPaul 2 года назад
@@MoMoMyPup10 Basically in short, God knew Adam was going to fall as God knows everything. Father said to the Son, I will make sure you will not come back empty for taking their place on the cross. I, the Father will give those that I have chose to you, my Son. Joh_17:7 Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee. Joh_17:9 I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine. Joh_17:11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. Joh_17:24 Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world. The lost are responsible to accept Christ but cannot as they are blinded by Satan. 2Co_4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
@richarddunsmuir7047 2 года назад
See Westminster confession,lesser catechism, q&a 1. Richard.
@reynaldodavid2913Jo 2 года назад
@@leekellettjr441, It was for the honor of the redeemed sons of God not for the sinners, it is related to the prodigal son... The father gives honor to his son who was a sinner but came back to him, we the elect are the sons of God, and we are gone astray, but we returned to God when Jesus Christ redeemed us...
@tiberiussheets2993 4 года назад
The most well-spoken point of view on election ever. I love this guy's gift. And he didn't accuse those of us who cannot fully commit to limited atonement as being Armenian. I pray he continues to grow in spiritual awareness. He reaches so many.
@johngodsey5327 Год назад
Election is a Manichean gnostic belief brought in by Augustine, who was gnostic longer than he was Christian, and popularized by murderer calvin. Calvinsim is a false gospel with a different God Different Jesus Different gospel In calvinsim, God only really loves the elect who he saved, in what sproul calls “the holy rape of the soul” In calvinsim , Jesus died for the elect only, not the world like he said. Calling Jesus himself a liar In calvinsim, people aren’t saved by faith in Jesus resulting from his death on the cross. People are intimately saved according to election. If one isn’t elect, the death of Christ isn’t and cannot be an effectual event for them. They were created to not only sin according to Gods decree but to burn for eternity for his glory . Calvinism in short isn’t the gospel, is demonic in nature And this man MacArthur promotes it, hides abuse in his church, and is in line with the antichrist by convincing people to take the mark one day. Anathema on him
@reynaldoperez7285 17 дней назад
@@tiberiussheets2993 CALVINISM. 1. T. TOTAL DEPRAVITY , A DOCTRINE OF DEMONS. I'M NOT SAYING THE PEOPLE ARE DEMONIC, IM SAYING THE DOCTRINE IS. Calvinist, say we are dead, and that we can Not even respond to God unless he regenerates us. They turn salvation into a 2 step program, Get REGENERATED, then get BORN FROM ABOVE. 1st, God does a spiritual work that allows you to see the truth, then if you believe, you are born again. But the bible says,1 step is needed BELIEVE. New International Version JOHN 3:3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” This total depravity is said to result in a total inability to contribute anything to one’s salvation, NOT EVEN A RESPONSE. ( But at the same time they teach age of accountability.) What a j😃ke English Standard Version JOHN 5:25 “Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming, and is (NOW) here, when (the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God,) and those who HEAR will live. 2. U. UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION This means, only the ones Christ chose from the foundations of life are going to be saved, The rest are going to hell. BUT THE BIBLE SAYS. English Standard Version MATTHEW 7:13 (“Enter by the narrow gate.) For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. English Revised Version REV 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And he that heareth, let him say, Come. And he that is athirst, let him come: he that will, let him take the water of life freely. 3. L. LIMITED ATONEMENT They say Christ only shed his blood for The elect. BUT THE BIBLE SAYS. Berean Standard Bible 1john 2:2 He Himself is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. YES ITS LIMITED TO WHOEVER WILL RECEIVE IT, BUT ITS OFFERED TO EVERYONE . 4. I. IRRESISTIBLE GRACE Grace that cannot be resisted, but its only for the elect. This is the belief that the elect (those chosen by God) are going to be saved whether they desire to be or not. New International Version Acts 7:51 “You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: (YOU ALWAYS RESIST THE HOLY SPIRIT!) (Joshua 24:15). Joshua told THE Israelites that they had the ability to choose whom they will serve Peter told those on the day of Pentecost to save themselves (Acts 2:40). By BELIEVING. 5. P. PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS This means YOU HAVE TO persevere, hang on, hold fast to, not give up in order to be saved. BUT THE BIBLE SAYS. New International Version 1 CORINTHIANS 15:57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Calvinist make the death burial and resurrection of no effect, because if you are not elect it doesn't matter. Charles Spurgeon there is no such thing as preaching Christ and him crucified unless we preach what is called CALVINISM. What a joke! 🤔 First of all, notice that God gives man his soul (Ecclesiastes 12:7; Zechariah 12:1). Can or would God give a man an evil soul? NO. This would contradict James 1:17 which says that every good and perfect gift comes from God. God does not bring forth evil Psalm 51:5, X Psalm 58:3. X GOD IS THE GIVER OF THE SOUL, AND INDEED EVERYTHING THAT COMES FROM GOD IS GOOD. THE SEED OF ADAM IS BORN WITH A SINFUL NATURE, BECAUSE OF ADAMS SIN , BUT ADAM HIMSELF WAS PERFECT AND SINLESS WHEN HE WAS CREATED. SO NO MAN WAS NOT CREATED WITH A SINFUL NATURE, ONLY HIS SEED WAS BORN WITH ONE. ADAM = MAN= PERFECTION. ADAM’S SEED = US = SINFUL NATURE. WHEN GOD SPOKE WITH CAIN, HE SAID TO HIM, IF YOU DO WELL , WILL YOU NOT BE ACCEPTED. THERE WAS NO TOTAL DEPRAVITY THERE. CALVINISM IS BLASPHEMY. THEY DO NOT TRUST IN THE FINNISHED WORK OF CHRIST AND THE FULL ASSURANCE THAT COMES WITH IT. English Standard Version HEBREWS 10:22 let us draw near with a true heart in (FULL ASSURANCE OF FAITH with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. NOWHERE IN THE BIBLE, DOES IT TALK ABOUT BEING ELECTED FOR SALVATION, ONLY BEING ELECTED FOR SERVICE. There are those that God foreknew, and those he never knew. ROMAN'S 8:29 THE ONES HE KNEW. MATTHEW 7:23 THE ONE'S HE NEVER KNEW. JUST BECAUSE HE FOREKNEW YOU DOESN'T MEAN YOU WERE ELECTED, FOR SALVATION OR CONDEMNATION. JUST LIKE THE ONE'S HE NEVER KNEW, DOESN'T MEAN THEY WEREN'T ELECTED. THE BIBLE CLEARLY TELLS US THAT THE JUDGMENT IS THAT THEY LOVED THE DARKNESS RATHER THAN THE LIGHT. WE ARE CALLED TO TAKE THE MESSAGE OF SALVATION TO THE WHOLE WORLD, SO THAT EVERYONE CAN HAVE A CHANCE TO BE SAVED, IF THEY WOULD BELIEVE IT. King James Bible 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. God talked to Cain, Cain didn't believe God. God talked to Abraham. Abraham believed God. BOTH HAD A CHOICE. WHEN GOD CREATED ADAM AND EVE, HE GAVE THEM WITH FREE WILL TO CHOOSE. I HAVEN'T SEEN 1 VERSE WHERE GOD TAKES IT AWAY THAT ABILITY TO (CHOOSE) GAME OVER. 🎮 🥌 🏑 🎲 🎴 🏀 🎮 MAN HAS NEVER LOST HIS ABILITY TO HEAR, OR LISTEN. Berean Standard Bible MATTHEW 13:15 For this people's heart has grown callous; (THEY HARDLY HEAR WITH THEIR EARS), and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them." English Standard Version ROMAN'S 10:18 But I ask, have they not heard? Indeed they have, for "Their voice has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world." YOUR CHOICE. GOD ELECTED PHAROH AND JUDAS , ELECTED DOESN'T MEAN SALVATION. FOR CALVINIST FAITH IS A WORK, SO THEY ARE NOT SAVED BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH.
@mbalixulu3035 2 года назад
I have no words, WHAT A WOW!!!-Thank you LORD for opening my ears!- God bless you Pastor John 🙏🏽
@tonyrodriguez9774 4 года назад
John.. in 1993 i was 18 yrs old and i was on my way to work at this new job at a tool and dye place ..this pastor got me the job and i met him through the local gym. I was a troubled teen . i had a pregnant wife and he was trying to help me out. It was early in the morning and i first heard one of your sermons. It was very straightforward. I thought it was kinda ruff. And i told my friend Lorenzo(the pastor) and he explained to me that this is how it is and that you were his favorite.i started listening to you. My grandmother and grandfather would read the bible to me as a child and growong up there was no question weather jesus was real or not. But i learned how to follow him ..the right way.many years later through tuff choices i learned what is really important in life. It wasn't the money or the car that i traded my wife and family for...i was so selfish when i was young. I was so lost. ..i once had more arrest power than a U.S marshal... Now i am a convicted felon. I lost everything..but i wouldnt trade all i lost for what i have now.. It has been many years sence that day in the car with my pastor friend...but he said that when he gets to heaven he wants to meet you...so do i..i thank God for the wisdom he has given you. And i can hear his voice through you.
@ddoolit2 10 лет назад
John is spot on. Thank God for a God fearing pastor who does not prostitute His word. I pray we have more in the churches like him.
@nedlandry5685 8 лет назад
+David Doolittle Yep.
@2006EagleScout 7 лет назад
Prostitute His Word..... that is the best explanation I have heard in a while. If you don't mind, I will be han to use this phrase!!
@paulgross3067 7 лет назад
David Doolittle are you kidding me it is well known that John MacArthur along with RC Sproles and Paul washer and John piper are all going to hell because they have a work based gospel to give up your life to collect Jesus be Lord of your life to be in obedience to God's word that it's not that is not how you get salvation that is not the good news so if you want to fall in these guys go right on ahead and you'll be where they are
@mmttomb3 7 лет назад
Mr. Gross Eph. 1:4 "just as HE CHOSE US in Him BEFORE the foundation of the world... 5 "He PREDESTINED us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of HIS WILL According to Eph., the election intro (1:1-11), Who chose who? When did that happen? And according to who's will?
@MrRee-bi2xr 7 лет назад
Paul Gross----You attack God's ministers and spew your anti-Christian crap! You're wasting your time... God's elect won't follow you and your hate for Truth!
@ToledoOhio 4 года назад
I was saved, but only after I made a heartcry out to The Lord in my repentance of sin in the midst of what felt like a mental breakdown..Christ Jesus saved me because I needed Him..Not because He needed me. I owe God Everything and He Owes Me Absolutely Nothing. He has promised that Nobody can take my Salvation from me..and they can Not. He is The King of Kings. All Glory be to God in Jesus Name. Amen.
@marybethpatrick2303 4 года назад
You cannot cry out to the Lord when you are spiritually dead, "there is none that seek after god" you cried out to him only because he had grace and mercy on you, gave you faith and drew you by his spirit
@ToledoOhio 4 года назад
@@marybethpatrick2303 Yes..Indeed He had mercy on me and Through His Grace Alone- Christ Saved Me. However, my mother taught me until afe 5 The Gospels of Christ Jesus. Therefore, I've had No excuse to turn away from His Holy Word. I've known All my life that The Savior is Christ Jesus. And shameful it is to admit.. it was My ignorant and deliberate, unjust defiance for Never having sought His Name. By His Sovereign Mercy He gave me the opportunity to repent my sin unto Him. If I had NOT made that clear I apologize. I believe Christ Crucified.
@kurtn652 Год назад
Biblical truth! Thank you!
@wanda520 5 лет назад
50 years and still going strong!!
@1974jrod 4 года назад
50 years and still hasn't gotten his doctrines correct
@michaelbirke6050 5 месяцев назад
@@1974jrodand all you’re doctrines are correct?
@1974jrod 5 месяцев назад
@@michaelbirke6050 probably not.
@michaelbirke6050 5 месяцев назад
@@1974jrod Honest answer.
@1974jrod 5 месяцев назад
@@michaelbirke6050 an honest guy
@chrisclark4790 5 лет назад
Sound teaching in these wicked last days. I love it! Praise God 🙏❤🔥
@deadcell1 5 лет назад
I remember, in my early years as a Christian (long before I knew anything about predestination) I lived in fear of losing my salvation because I believe if it was left up to me I wouldn't make it. The Lord calm my fears when he came to me in a dream and said "Do not say you are not going to make it for the Lord has already chosen who is going to make it and who is not". It would be years later that I discovered this in His Word.
@reynaldodavid2913Jo 5 лет назад
You Are Not Ready, A beautiful testimony indeed..... 'Election and Predestination' is truly a Biblical doctrine, But honestly, Calvinism is an evil doctrine.... Calvinism is a mixture of Biblical Truth and man-made Lies..... For instance the Statement below which is the base of Calvinism is evil because it Contradicts the Character of God and cannot be supported by the Scriptures.... ''God arranges all things by His sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death, and are to glorify Him by their destruction.''
@ogmakefirefiregood Год назад
@@reynaldodavid2913Jo Romand 9:20-22. There it is.
@jordanmeija7384 Год назад
All things are made by God before the beginnng of time according to his will good and evil...all men are sinners...there are no calvinists...only two kinds of people believers, and non-believers...if you believe in the truth its because of Gods will for you to....if you dont thats His will for you not to...The Bible is the truth...the truest blessed form of it that exists in the english language is KJV....if you realize The Word of God to be true and are compelled to learn it know it and live it and love it, and never give up trying to understand it more, you may be one of the elect...but that is Gods perrogotive. If not , then probably not....Thats what i get from it and what God allows me to believe...there is nothing i can do to be saved or elected, that is all up to God.
@dandelong737 Год назад
@@reynaldodavid2913JoMay God of mercy reveals the truth to you through His Word .
@dandelong737 Год назад
“ Faith is the substance of the things hope for and the evidence of things not seen .” - Hebrew 11:1 If we have a faith in God , the Word of God is sufficient proof .
@friendyadvice2238 6 лет назад
This is a "powerhouse" sermon. Amazing .... John is preaching the true word of God here!!!!!
@nevbillett7554 4 года назад
It's so sad you think so, never mind on the cheery side one day you will learn the true gospel that Christ is the savior of all men.
@djohnson3093 3 года назад
He's preaching the word of the god of calvinism. Not the God of the Bible.
@siegfriedbartel7122 2 года назад
@@djohnson3093 Read the TULIP teaching and check the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and collect all the scriptures which, taken together, will tell you: The Salvation of God our Salvation from drawing to saving us to keeping us saved forever is (in all its elements,parts,etc) only of/from God alone...all coming unto God, all biblical faith, believing, trusting, biblical repentance etc, etc all are conditions which HE fulfilled in our stead, as our substitute, in our place and for us (in Messiah)....that means, all conditions, commands, commandments, preconditions, etc HE fulfilled for us...HE Causeth us to be born of God/from above - it all happens at the same "nano-second" in time...born from above/of God from on High - moral order - then and with that happening all the above mentioned things are put inside of us...eg...we have been given faith, we have been repentance...etc...no problem for God....
@dave121594 6 лет назад
This is the truth of Scripture. Not all will believe, not all has faith. The gospel should be preached to all and all whom God has chosen hears and believe.
@hangryturtle9006 4 года назад
Listening in August 2020, and we need good solid preaching like this more than ever!!!
@asino5255 Год назад
Once you grasp by the grace of God, the doctrine of election, you are never the same. Thank you Lord!
@johnnysimmons1546 10 лет назад
When God saved me, i was NOT looking for him! I was very happy in my darkness, believe me! All the conversion stories i have heard, God moves on people, its not some little decision that we make in our own minds, to just decide one day out of the blue, het, i think im gonna try this gospel thing called jesus for a bit! No man seeketh after god! It is election folks, its just the way people look at it, the way it sounds, that gets it so twisted sounding!
@johannwilder1437 8 лет назад
Sounds like a true conversion. I would propose to everybody that, if a person believes THEY made a choice to follow God, then they are the false disciples to whom God will say "I never knew you."
@paulgross3067 7 лет назад
Johnny Simmons well let me ask you a question then the Holy Spirit comes to what convict you of unbelief so when you hear the word it's it's spiritual the word is spiritual it is the Holy Spirit speaking him there's a conviction the Holy Spirit convicts those of unbelief so if you hear of the word the Holy Spirit will convict you of your unbelief so it is the work of God but also you have to choose you have to not harden your heart and trust on Christ remember faith comes by hearing and reading the word of God so if you hear the word of God and you're reading the word of God faith will come to you enough faith to believe but if you reject it you will be convicted by the Holy Spirit but you can grieve the Holy Spirit you can harden your heart that's why the Bible says if you hear do not Harden your heart because today is the day of salvation OK there are many reprobate mind is out there because they kept rejecting salvation now they have a reprobate mind they're lost they kept rejecting and rejecting and rejecting kind a like John MacArthur he rejects simplicity of the gospel he adds lifestyle he has work he adds obedience this man is not saved and if you can't see that you're not saved
@promaster1351 7 лет назад
believing is not following ever...when you were born naturally you were forever and will always be that family member regardless of anything you do, good bad or different. your behavior does NOT exclude your birth right.when you get saved since it is god who saves and not you then you have eternally become a member of the family of god and can never lose salvation regardless of behavior. in both cases the father will chasten the child but the child can never reverse his birth and family ties. he can never undo what god did nor what his parents did.you can be a disobedient child or a obedient child. you have the freewill to choose which you wanna be. OSAS by faith alone in Christ alone and NOT I repeat NOT of works of any kind ever.
@promaster1351 7 лет назад
following is a choice after and not for salvation...salvation is free and service to the lord is costly...learn the difference and everyone shall have the rest that scripture teaches in Christ. following takes human effort and believing requires no effort except to believe only. the thief on the cross next to jesus did not follow and yet hes in heaven for only believing.
@zaharishtonov 7 лет назад
I've been trying to explain to so many people the same exact thing that I wasn't the one looking for God, but He was looking after me and for me all along! One August afternoon back in 2010 it just happened for me to realize it. God truly takes care of His own! Of the fatherless (I lost my dad two years prior) and of the broken-hearted. Needless to say my life up to that point was nothing else but a total physical and emotional wreck. One failure after another in all areas of existence was all I had. But then I felt the hand of Our Heavenly Father touching my forehead and sealing me forever. May all the glory and honor be to Him - Almighty Creator, Glorious King, Wonderful Counselor and Comforter, Everlasting Father! Amen!
@45Nasman 5 лет назад
God sees so deep into our souls. When we say I didn’t mean it, in our hearts we did. If I say I seek you Lord, he can tell that I’m not seeking earnestly enough. When I say I wasn’t looking, I may have been running in the opposite direction avoiding the truth. We try to characterise Gods nature through our flawed and limited understanding. Praise God he chose us to know the truth. Hold it close brothers and sisters. It is most precious.
@mr.corporation 7 лет назад
John is truly an amazing preacher. He speaks truth.
@christiandelorde8497 3 года назад
Hallelujah. Worthy is the perfect lamb. Thank you Jesus Christ for saving me. The Father sent me to you because He is Holy, Holy, Holy, grwat and good. Merciful and loving beyond compare. I now have joy and inner peace that I've never felt before and it's wonderful to behold.
@williamakinso2762 4 года назад
This is a profound teaching from John, I think everyone should listen to it,
@leothompson6397 4 года назад
@RL-tg6ds 4 месяца назад
This insight is incredible, indeed God given. Thank you Pastor.
@bloodmooncomix457 3 месяца назад
SYSTEMATIC APOLOGETICS: Nobody does hard core Christology like ol' Johnny Mac! 🫵😉😎😚🤌💞✝️
@jesusisthelight1729 3 года назад
Thank you for posting this video. I'm so blessed to hear it. God bless you and mr John Macathur!
@DavidRamirez-ww5kv 6 лет назад
I have to agree with Pastor John McArthur. He really presents the doctrine of election and predestination in a biblical application. Let’s not be deceived in these beginning of the beginning of the end times. Let’s embrace the gospel and thank God for our salvation. Amen and Amen.
@93556108 5 лет назад
David Ramirez, since you agree to the teachings of Calvin, thus you must also believed in Calvin's theory of double-predestination where he affirmed God predestinates some to eternal life and other to eternal damnation. Do you care to comment on that. thanks
@93556108 4 года назад
David Ramirez a devout Calvinist, why are you keeping quiet? perhaps unable to contend for your faith?
@93556108 4 года назад
David Ramirez why are you still keeping silent since you claimed Calvinism is biblical?. Then why you dare not to take up this challenge and its logical conclusion must be John Calvin belief system must be a heretical teaching as double-predestination concept is no where found in the bible. Shame on you believing in a false doctrine. Jesus said only truth can set one free.
@jaredhamilton1714 6 лет назад
I am saved by the grace of God. I was a sinner and am still a sinner who is trying everyday to be a better person because I want to be for my lord a saviour. I know his word because I was taught in the spirit, what I don't know and understand, I study and meditate on and when he's ready he guides me to the truth. Yes, some are elected to know and understand, some are called to preach his word, some are called to be a testimony of his saving grace and word, some are called because they needed God in their lives to help to get on the right track, and there are many reasons that only GOD himself knows. I don't understand how anyone can say that those who call on Jesus are not elected into Gods grace. God loves ALL OF HIS CHILDREN and wants all of his children to come to Jesus. All who call on the name of Jesus will be saved ❤ God loves us all and I have faith in my God that he will save all who believe and call on his son, Jesus Christ ❤ But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: 9that if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believein your heart that God raised Him fromthe dead, you will be saved. 10For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess and are saved.…
@Taniz7683 7 лет назад
Thank you Bro. John for teaching us God’s Word. God Bless you!
@judahmarx9742 Год назад
Thank you pastor John
@slantsix6344 7 лет назад
We were chosen from before the foundation of the earth that settles it. God is sovereign in election also. Those that are elected will respond to the gospel, his sheep will hear his voice. Sinners that are dead spiritually are incapable of saving themselves. God had to open their eyes and ears to his gospel, Jesus had to draw them to himself. It is all of Christ, even though it seems like we make a choice to walk an aisle or pray the sinners prayer. Christ, the author and finisher of our faith has to give us that heart of flesh and take the heart of stone out of us. It is a divine miracle.
@lordgrindleford 7 лет назад
Slant Six: you need to address the problem Calvinism has with injustice: God is able to save everyone, but chooses to save some and not others, without reference to anything in the people being saved or passed over. This is not compatible with the many scriptures that say "God does not show favoritism".
@slantsix6344 7 лет назад
God does show favoritism, look at Israel and the unique attention he gives them. I think the problem with what you are thinking is that you think every sinner needs a chance at salvation. The bible is very clear that "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" and "there is none that is righteous, no not one". So if all of us deserve Hell for our sins, God could throw all of us into Hell and be perfectly justified in doing so. Knowing this, it is amazing that God saves any of us. Who he saves is his business and Him being the creator, he can do whatever he desires.
@slantsix6344 7 лет назад
It is all about Him, not us. His glory, not ours. I will leave this verse with you when God is telling us about the type of people he chose for salvation. 1st Corinthians 12 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 22 Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23 but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24 but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. 26 Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things-and the things that are not-to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him. 30 It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God-that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.
@lordgrindleford 7 лет назад
mpp Two posts? ok. 1st post: You haven’t addressed the problem of injustice at all. And you contradict so many scriptures with your words: eg God wants all to be saved; God does not show favoritism; He is a God of justice; God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. 2nd post: “God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.” Exactly. Here is the true picture. God knew from the beginning which ones are His. The faith within them was visible to God before they were even born. So it isn’t “God chooses to save some and not others, without reference to anything in the people being saved or passed over”, but “God chooses according to what He alone sees in the heart”. There is no injustice in this. And no Calvinism, either, you will notice.
@brondenafanning9544 6 лет назад
Slant Six January 14, 2017 AMEN AND AMEN, Slant Six!
@bruceheckman2086 10 лет назад
Thank you Father GOD for giving me a EAR to Hear Your Word and in the Message Given to me through the People you Have Chosen for me to Heart it ! Thank you Father for the LOVE given to JESUS your SON for me to HOLD ON TO = TRUTH Jesus said: I AM TRUTH Thank You Father GOD For giving ME ! ( Jesus ) IJN AMEN!
@nooooodle386 10 лет назад
You forgot the tens of billions God didnt give an ''ear'' to. The tens of billions of souls that will spend eternal damnation in Hell, not because they chose to but because God chose for them lol idiotic Calvinistic doctrine
@bruceheckman2086 10 лет назад
nooooodle Praise GOD youre screen name shows to those whom Have Knowledge ( see ) the TRUTH what Man Reveals from the ( over flow of his heart his *mouth* speaks Thank You Christ Jesus IJN Amen .
@Mikael5732 5 лет назад
@@nooooodle386 Those in hell received their just punishment.
@markparker8544 Год назад
I totally agree with Johnny, that's my story also I wasn't looking for Him He came for me and when He did I knew that my life was going to be completely different and wow it has been to His Glory and honor
@friendyadvice2238 2 года назад
I'm always amazed when I hear this sermon!!!!
@JesusIsComingSoon-t5x 7 месяцев назад
Ive often wondered how i got into church and learned about salvation. It was a miracle of sorts. I have felt chosen for a long time. I have felt a calling on my life that other kids i grew up with never mentioned. I felt that I was different that I needed to do what God wanted me to do. Im beginning to understand now why I have felt this way. Thank u Lord.
@friendyadvice2238 Год назад
This sermon always has me in awe. It is quite simply, a brilliant sermon on the doctrine of the election. Brilliant.
@bernardauberson7218 5 месяцев назад
Mais a-t-il au moins étudié la théologie ? Son discours est si nul, que je pose la question ! Je crois qu’il n’y a que l’argent qui le motive ! Être simpliste permet de plaire à tous ! Mais il ne fait pas le poids face à des moines mystiques! Lui, n’a aucune racine apostolique, c’est là le drame ! Et, le drame de ces synagogues sans nom !
@ursulajenni6521 3 года назад
Wow! What a sermon! I can never get enough of it! Psalm 103:5 immediately pops up in mind, soul and spirit while hearing this message: „..who satisfies your desires with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle‘s.“ These inspired words make me completely forget my age (77), while all I desire to do right now is but „worship“. Thank you Pastor John for your faithfulness to the overwhelming liberating TRUTH of God‘s Word!
@VibezWithP 11 лет назад
“Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.John 17:24
@karljesusstein 9 лет назад
intox1 Hi brother. Can you please explain what that scripture (John 17:24) has to do with Calvinism? Even non-Calvinists understand that Jesus created the worlds per Heb 1:2, Eph 3:9, and John 1, and that Jesus existed from the beginning with the Father per Rev 22:12-13, etc. I also would like to expound on "those you have given me". There is no evidence that the disciples were "given" to Jesus before the foundation of the world, but only that the Father loved Jesus before the foundation of the world. The Bible says that Jesus prayed for the Father to give Him the right apostles, and this is verified by Luke 6:12-16, where Jesus prayed in a mountain all night long, and then chose which of the disciples would be the twelve apostles. This is also verified by the further statements Jesus made in prayer in John 17:24 where Jesus had to pray that the disciples would "be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory". In other Words, the Lord answers prayer rather than predetermining everything. This is obvious to me, anyway. Amos 3:7 says, "Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." Show me a scripture that says the Lord intervened and did something by His sovereign will, and I will show you that He did it for one or more of the following reasons. 1) God spoke it beforehand and revealed that He would do the thing per Amos 3:7. 2) God answered prayer. 3) God did it to protect His children, or the nation of Israel, or the church (confirming His Word). Reasons 2 or 3 generally also include reason number 1 per Amos 3:7). If this is not true, then please provide examples. Thank you!!! God bless you, everybody!!!!!!!!
@karljesusstein 9 лет назад
intox1 Greetings brothers. Because of the immense bulk of scriptures that contradict Calvinism, I have only listed about 40 of them from the book of Revelation only. There are only three scriptures in Revelation that can be twisted to support Calvinism, and I listed those also with a more perfect explanation. Rev 1:3 He that reads the words of the prophecy is blessed, not by predetermination. Rev 1:9 John was on Patmos because of the Word of God. Suffering is necessary, either on an individual basis or so others might be saved. This varifies 2Ti 2:12 If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us: You have to suffer the persecution and tribulation to be counted worthy per 2Thess 1:4-5, also see: Romans 8:17, Acts 5:41, Mat 24:9, Mark 8:35, Etc., 1 Cor 9:23, 2 Cor 4:11, 1 Thess 1:5-6, etc etc. Rev 2:7 He that overcomes will eat of the tree of life, not by predetermination. Repentance keeps the candlestick from being removed in 2:5. Rev 2:10-11 Fear not the persecution that they will suffer. He that overcomes will not be hurt of the second death. This is not based on "predetermination". Rev 2:15-17 Repentance necessary to avoid the Lord’s judgment in fighting against them, and He that overcomes will eat of the hidden manna and receive the stone with his name on it. Rev 2:22-29 Repentance necessary to avoid death and tribulation. He that overcomes will have power over the nations, and will receive the Morning Star. ("Overcoming", not "predetermination.) Rev 3:4-5 Only the ones that have not defiled their garments shall walk with the Lord in white garments. He that overcomes shall be clothed in white and will not have his name blotted out of the book of life. Rev 3:11-12 Don’t let man take your crown, (predetermination can be lost). He that overcomes will be made a pillar in the temple of God. Rev 3:15 The lukewarm are spit out. Rev 3:20-21 You must open the door so Jesus can come in. Again, you must overcome to sit with Jesus in His throne. There is no such thing as predetermination in the Bible. Rev 6:9-11 Saints were killed for holding to the Word of God and their testimony, and white robes was given them. Rev 7:9-17 The ones in the white robes were the ones that came out of the tribulation and washed their robes and made them white by the blood of the Lamb, and received the blessings per verses 15-17. (If you believe in pre-tribulation rapture, then it is even more obvious that ‘predetermination’ is a false doctrine.) Rev 9:4-5 The ones that did not have God’s seal on their foreheads were tormented five months. The ones that were sealed in Rev 7:3-8 were righteous because of their works, not by predtermination, per Rev 14:1-5. Rev 10:11 John was told to prophesy. Why would this be necessary if everything is predetermined? Why would preachers necessary? Rev 11:18 The time for judgement comes, and rewarding to the saints for their works, not for predestination. Rev 12:7 Why is there a war in Heaven if everything is predetermined? Rev 12:10 Salvation, strength, the Kingdom of God and the power of Christ did not come until the accuser of the brethren was cast down, not by predetermination. Rev 12:11 They overcame by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and not loving their lives unto the death (not by predetermination. Predestination is not predetermination). Rev 12:13-17 The earth suffers at the hand of the devil, now that the devil has been cast our of Heaven and come to the earth. He makes war with the children of God in verse 17. Rev 13:8 This verse mentions the Book of Life. This verse would support Calvinism, except for the fact that the names were not written before the foundation of the world, but that “the Lamb (was) slain from the foundation of the world”. The names that are written in the Book of Life can be blotted out per Rev 3:5, Exodus 23:33, Deut 9:14, and Duet 29:20. This could not happen if there was "predetermination". Rev 13:15 It is necessary to refuse the mark and be martyred to be saved, at least it seems that way for those living in this time period. Rev 14:6-7 Why would it be necessary for an angel to preach if things are predetermined? Rev Rev 14:8 Why would judgment come to Babylon if things were predetermined? Rev 14:9-13 It seems as if either Heaven or Hell is the choice in the book of Revelation, depending on whether or not you take the mark of the Beast, not by predetermination. Rev 15:2 Victory is attained by getting victory over the Beast & his image, the mark, and the number of his name (not by predetermination). Rev 16:2 Taking the mark of the Beast brings judgment. Rev 16:9 Failure to repent brings judgment. Rev 16:15 Blessed is he that watches and keeps his garments. Rev 17:8 This verse is commonly twisted to support Calvinism. See the notes on Rev 13:8 above. Rev chapters 17 and 18 are all about judgment. Rev 19:2 The great whore was judged for her deceiving the nations, and for the blood of the saints that were martyred, not because of predetermination. Rev 19:9 Blessed are they that are “called” to the marriage supper of the Lamb. (“Called” does not interpret as “predetermined”). Rev 20:4 The righteous that were martyred and refused to take the mark of the beast were able to reign with God for a thousand years, and the second death had no power over them per verse 6. Rev 20:12 The dead are judged by their works, not by predetermination. Rev 20:13 Every man was judged by his works. Rev 20:15 Whoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire. Rev 21:7 “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.” A person has to “overcome”. Rev 21:8 “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Rev 22:11 “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still . .” This verse on the surface might seem to support Calvinism, but however, the theme of the whole book is that the devil is allowed to romp on the earth as part of the judgment for the blood of the saints and for the wickedness on the earth, that the earth may be judged and reaped. It seems as if the line between righteousness and wickedness is so clear during this period of time that there might not be much reason for preaching or evangelism. This is confirmed, in context, with the very following verse which says: Rev 22:12 “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” We are rewarded by our works. This is plain and simple. Rev 22:14-15 Those that do His commandments eat of the tree of life, the wicked are outside. Rev 22:17 Hearing the words of God is important to salvation, not predetermination. Rev 22:18-19 Anyone that adds to the words of the book of prophecy has plagues added to him, and everyone that takes away the words will have his part taken out of the Book of Life. I have not been taught by man, but by the anointing per 1 John 2:27. I'm open to whatever Truth or doctrine that is supported by scripture. God bless you all my brothers. Let's believe our Bibles, not man. Amen?
@johndennis5182 9 лет назад
Karl Stein wow did you not just read what intox1 said about Jesus? Jesus said father I want those you have given me!!!, there no evidence??? really? Jesus just said in john 17;24 FATHER I WANT THOSE YOU HAVE GIVEN ME!!!
@karljesusstein 9 лет назад
john dennis Hi John. If you read the text, Jesus picked out which of the twelve would be His apostles after praying all night long. In other words, this was an answer to prayer. There are always three reasons why God does things: 1) An answer to prayer. 2) To protect His children, or Israel. 3) To confirm His Word, as already written (prophesied, or told to a man). 4) God does nothing unless it is first revealed thru His servants the prophets per Amos 3:7. (This is a continuation of 3) In the example of John 17:24, you find both numbers of 1) and 3), and 4) as reasons why this was done. It was already written In Isaiah 9:6-7 that the government would be based on Jesus. When God establishes benches or counsels for governmental reasons, is is always in numbers of 3, 5, 12, or 70, etc, but that is another story. As the "Son of God", Jesus needed at least one of these reasons to do anything. However, as the "Son of Man, Jesus did not need these reasons, in that God had given the earth over to man in Psalms 115:16. This is why Jesus was able to say, "all authority in Heaven AND earth has been given to me" Matt 28:18. If somebody could show me where the Lord did something that was not based on one of the three reasons above, then you might have a case for "election" or "Calvinism".
@mattbailey4507 9 лет назад
Karl, You say Jesus prayed "All Night" in John 17 where do you read that He prayed all night?
@tonya1802 4 года назад
AMEN, I was so glad to hear you are so Biblical in your reading of God's Word. This is so true and so many people get so defensive at the mention of God's Word. We need to understand God has the right to choose and we should be grateful, so very grateful. Human beings have a will but our will before Christ is a SLAVE to sin so that's not really free is it? You are free when you are called to Christ and He sets you free. We make decisions before Christ but they are decisions that reflect out fallen nature. God bless all of you.
@scottcarter1689 10 лет назад
Papa Mac can lay it down!! That' what happens when he and Papa Sproul hang out!
@jamiemitchell3495 10 лет назад
Papa Mac is a Pharisee.
@scottcarter1689 10 лет назад
Jamie Mitchell Now, Now - know need for me to be adversarial in retort. I'm just not sure you understand what a Pharisee is.
@jamiemitchell3495 10 лет назад
Scott Carter Maybe you're right. But my understanding of one of the principal tenants of what made a person a Pharisee was religious isolationism. In other words, they would be so holy as to not associate with those that aren't...just like Papa Mac is suggesting here.
@jamiemitchell3495 10 лет назад
Scott Carter And when you are to isolate and banish your children, ANYTHING that suggests that whether a holy book or man should be avoided and ignored AND called out for the dangerous cultish behavior it suggests.
@jamiemitchell3495 10 лет назад
Scott Carter And when you are to isolate and banish your children, ANYTHING that suggests that, whether it's a holy book or a man; should be avoided and ignored AND called out for the dangerous cultish behavior it suggests. Not to mention it's just plain WRONG!!!
@livetwice7702 4 года назад
Amen Amen I come to you o Lord Jesus Christ and will worship you and Praise your name forever
@prototubie1 8 лет назад
Renewing my mind. And at the same time blowing my mind amazing preaching.
@robertj.1106 6 лет назад
Pastor John MacArthur preaches / teaches straight from the Bible. It's pretty hard to argue the subject of 'Election' - It's right there in the Bible, just read it. Election is all over the New Testament. People didn't have a choice of physical birth, it's the same with spiritual birth (Born-Again). Pastor John's theology is right on target.
@jmar5785 5 лет назад
Robert Jongenelen it is unlikely that JM’s teaching is correct. One can interpret Paul’s letters to the Romans and Ephesians, where the word predestination is mentioned 4 times in different ways. If 10 people read the whole bible, then specifically interpret those passages in the whole biblical context, you would get 10 different interpretations or nuanced understandings. I personally am not inclined to believe much of what John MacArthur says. Where is the “good news” in predestination? Why would believers in it sacrifice and grow if they “knew” they were going to “heaven” ? Which doesn’t exist by the way.
@Mikael5732 5 лет назад
@@jmar5785 You will know a tree by its fruit. Your fruit is evident.
@jmar5785 5 лет назад
Mike Duke amen
@jmar5785 5 лет назад
Mike Duke I don’t see J MacArthur bearing much fruit.
@93556108 5 лет назад
Robert Jongenelen, agreed to be born-again is from the above and totally from God. In many Christian circles, people describe believers as God’s elect. However, some people use the phrase “God’s elect” with the idea that God chooses some people to go to Heaven and some people to go to Hell. The Bible teaches that God’s elect are those whom God foreknew would love Him. Given the descriptions of the same in the Old and New Testaments, God’s elect are believers that love God because He first loved them. thank you
@not_worthless2813 4 года назад
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
@friendyadvice2238 3 года назад
Simply stunning sermon!!!
@anabelan6709 6 лет назад
Amazing Sovereignty of God to do with His creation as He will. Mankind’s pride cant accept that The same God curses and saves and in it He is still Just.
@nevbillett7554 5 лет назад
God wills that all men be saved i Timothy 2:4 MacArthur teaches God can't do his will because he has predestined people to hell and calls him Sovereign and Almighty at the same time. Doctors used to call that schizophrenia but now bipolar is the term. Naughty little Jonny even quoted Isaiah 46:10 where God plainly states he WILL accomplish all his purpose, or what he wills. Mac Arthur definitely needs medication, a bit of faith in Christ. Jesus came and was sent to save all mankind (sinners) Jesus is God John1:1 God is love 1John 4:8 love NEVER fails 1Corinthians 13:8 MacArthur calls Jesus a liar and a failure in that he says God can't do his will and Jesus failed his purpose or mission. Scripture declares MacArthur the liar : "No one is cast off by the Lord forever, though he brings grief he will show compassion because of the greatness of his UNFAILING love". Lamentations 3:31,33 "As in Adam all die, even so in Christ all will be made alive" 1 Corinthians 15:22 "Jesus is the savior of all mankind, especially of those that believe" 1Timothy 4:10
@peralopenaify 4 года назад
JESUS vs John MacArthur | Dr. Ralph Yankee Arnold | BBN
@dianedengler1030 4 года назад
nev bille
@troyboy4645 4 года назад
nev billett if you call yourself a believer and you say such terrible things about John MacArthur I pity your dark soul!! He is one of the greatest preachers of our times! The depth of his study Bible notes is like no other! Too call him mentally ill is demonic talk! You too can be saved if you only believe!
@vadimvakulich1423 4 года назад
Thank you Pastor for God’s Word. God Bless you and thank you for preaching God’s word and explaining the importance of the scripture and explaining the certain points of the scripture of predestination. Thank you for your points .
@TheCannonofMohammed 6 лет назад
I haven't got a clue as to this election stuff but I LOVE listening to both sides. It is fascinating. Let love rule, though: a little humility goes a long way in these discussions!
@apilkey 4 года назад
Hank Fuddle Biblical election is always to SERVICE and not to salvation
@kyle1991ish 3 года назад
@@apilkey - Biblical election is to both service and salvation. In the thirteenth chapter of Acts, Luke writes the order of salvation: first the Lord chooses a certain number for eternal life and afterwards they which belong to that number believe. "And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed." - Acts 13:48.
@apilkey 3 года назад
@@kyle1991ish 1) Can you please show me where in Acts 13:48 it say it was the Lord who ordained them? 2) Can you also please show me where in Acts 13:48 it was before the foundation of the world? 3) Can you also please show me where in Acts 13:48 it was unconditional? Seems like you’re making a lot of assumptions on this passage.
@stacy2point0 5 лет назад
I hear the words he is preaching and all I want to do is praise God. Even though this life & the next life are NOT ABOUT ME .... Praise His great & glorious name forever. Amen.
@kevinsacia7001 8 лет назад
WOW! Great Sermon! I'm starting to like the short and to the point sermons more.
@alexanderw.1003 6 лет назад
JCIL This message is the plain christian truth. But in your carnal mind you can't accept it.
@PeaceFan1 2 года назад
PRAISE Be to GOD for HIS Indescribable GIFT!!!! AMEN!!!
@m.d.d4250 5 лет назад
"Salvation is all the grace of God and hell is all the will of man" Spurgeon
@griddog1 5 лет назад
Someone has said, all who end up in Heaven can thank God, all that end up in Hell can thank themselves.
@nevbillett7554 4 года назад
@@griddog1 Well someone was an idiot; because there is no hell
@shanefox6016 4 года назад
nev billett do you believe in God and the Bible? If you do you will know that hell exists. Just because you don’t want to believe in something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
@@nevbillett7554 you are def that idiot. Jesus talkee more about hell than heaven. wow space cadet
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
@@nevbillett7554 you are obv headed there! I hope things change for you.
@sundelong2727 4 года назад
I was saved by the Words of God and sound doctrine from pastor John Macarthur in 1986 and never wavered salvation is only by regeneration of Holy Spirit alone cause there was no desire to be saved while I was living in deception of devil to love this world and pleasure . Finally I realized that I danced with devil so long and cannot enter the gate of heaven with devil on my back cause gate is very narrow . Praise God for His mercy on His children .
@rosemaryrojahn584 4 года назад
Glory and Honor to our Sovereign God!
@friendyadvice2238 4 года назад
I have to catch my breath every time I hear this!!!! Wow
@jamesgrosso4372 5 лет назад
Keep in mind many people will get what they deserve others will not. Praise Jesus.
@93556108 4 года назад
james grosso, appreciate do elaborate what is the true meaning of your statement. Quote to me the verse in the bible you quoted it from. Thanks
@kenteaff1340 Год назад
We all deserve hell. Only those who have placed their faith in Jesus will be spared, and only because of His sacrifice.
@JoseGutierrez-lf4pr 5 лет назад
John MacArthur is one of a great believers of the faith, although l continue to read God's Loving out reach, God places Revelation you in our hearts. I have heard various pastors & believers who believe God speaks if we truly desire in humbleness to take that walk, l didn't believe until l experience God's guidance through people's hope, l myself have a lot to grow. God bless.
@dreamweaver3406 4 года назад
I am thinking of how Paul/Saul was "converted". Irresistible grace to be sure.
@aaronbebeau 2 года назад
Once you understand that you are a gift to the Son and you do not deserve to be, it will drive you to your knees in worship. God be glorified!
@truthseeker5698 Год назад
When Jesus returns, will he find faith? Do you coherently see how ridiculous your conclusion is?
@aaronbebeau Год назад
@@truthseeker5698 it wasn’t a conclusion. Just a statement of worship towards the King.
@DarthErik13 6 лет назад
2 Peter 3:9 9The LORD is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
@markhenson232 3 месяца назад
This passage is addressing the fact that some were calling into question Gods promise of Christ returning. Peter is trying to assure his readers (believers) that they can trust Gods promise and the ground of why they can trust it is that He is patient “to us-ward” in the KJV, or “to us”, believers! Peter and his audience! And all of the rest of the elect that have not yet come to faith. He is patient toward all of them, not willing that any of them should perish, but that all of them should come to repentance! If Christ comes back too soon, some of the elect will perish before they come to faith. God is wholly committed to His purpose and will not fail and has not failed and you can trust Him that His promise (His Word, Jesus Christ) will not fail either.
@DarthErik13 3 месяца назад
@@markhenson232 So, you are saying that God is capricious, that He will only save certain people and the rest are doomed to perdition just because they were not the elect? John 3:16 states: "16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." I don't see anywhere that it says "That whichever of the elect believe." It says very clearly ""WHOSOEVER." That means ANYONE can come to Christ.
@markhenson232 3 месяца назад
@@DarthErik13 I was just giving the proper context of 2 Peter 3:9. John 3:16 is not a rebuttal to 2 Peter 3:9. They are two different texts with two different contexts. And they are not in conflict with one another.
@DarthErik13 3 месяца назад
@@markhenson232 So, the bottom line: Is God willing that NONE should perish, or just willing to save the elect?
@markhenson232 3 месяца назад
@@DarthErik13 not going to argue. Good day, sir.
@ThemantleofElijah Год назад
I love this praise Jesus Christ for His finished work on the cross that we may have life.
@ThemantleofElijah Год назад
Greatest and best explanation of election ever. Thanks
@goldenreel 7 лет назад
Great Sola Scriptura from MacArthur🙌🏻
@shak347 9 месяцев назад
I could never understand " God CANNOT lie" I can understand God does not lie or will not lie but every time they say cannot it makes it sound that there are things we can do that God cannot do.
@helenkisseleva6017 10 лет назад
I can listen to John MacArthur for Iternity. Thank you for preaching the Truth.
@wtom04 10 лет назад
John MacArthur is a false teacher advocating the false doctrines of Calvinism/Lordship Salvation. He denies the blood atonement of Christ, and you can see him doing that in his commentary on Hebrews (1983 - Moody Press) from pages 236-238 within a span of 3 pages he denies the blood atonement of Christ 13 times claiming that it was only "symbolic" and not literal. He also denies childhood salvation as he was involved in a Q and A session at the Calvary Baptist Church in Brewer, Maine on 9/25/90 where he said, "there is no such thing as a childhood conversion". In other words, MacArthur is saying that children cannot be saved. His heresy blatantly contradicts Jesus teaching in Matthew 19:14, Mark 10:14, and Luke 18:16. MacArthur is definitely a wolf in sheep's clothing. Matthew 19:14 - Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." God made the gospel of John 3:16 so plain and simple that a child could believe and be saved, but here we have this Calvinist/Lordship Salvation heretic jerk who says that children cannot be saved.
@wtom04 7 лет назад
+Dkabakjian18 You obviously don't know MacArthur well at all do you? MacArthur states that one can take the mark of the beast and still be saved. That is BLATANT HERESY and a lie from the mouth of Satan. I don't listen to flaming heretical LIARS like John MacSatan. So, why don't you shut up and be quiet.
@wtom04 7 лет назад
+Dkabakjian18 Your ignorance of who John MacArthur really is is shocking. Every year MacArthur and his church sponsors a so -called "Youth Regeneration Camp" where he targets young high school students. These students attend a camp where they indulge in pagan practices like making Satanic hand signals, wallowing in the mud, and doing a circular tug of war around a real severed pig's head. These are clearly occultic pagan practices. Here are the links that exposes him with color pictures of students who attend his "youth regeneration camp" every year. 1) MacArthur's mainstreaming paganism among young high school students - www.watch.pair.com/macarthur-8-mind-control.html 2) 13 part exposing John MacArthur - www.watch.pair.com/macarthur-0-mainstream-pagan.html
@Taniz7683 7 лет назад
Me too! I’m so grateful to God for teaching this Pastor who in return teaches us. Praise God for this man’s life!
@jay7a2j 6 лет назад
+ wtom04 What is the ONLY unforgivable sin? Taking the Mark? Nope. MacArthur is correct, I had issue with this also until I LISTENED to his explanation!
@friendyadvice2238 6 лет назад
This sermon takes my breath away. I pray that the Lord God has chosen me.
@zolileking1808 5 лет назад
Friendy Advice I pray so too...
@dechang5278 5 лет назад
For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day (John 6:40)
@marydickey3404 2 года назад
If you desire it, God is, has drawn you. You cant desire Jesus as Lord unless He is the Author of that desire! Be encouraged! See you in heaven!
@Kanuckem 7 лет назад
All Christians should be mindful of there public disagreements whether youtube or among unbelievers. "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:35
@blueovaldude 6 лет назад
I believe MacArthur missed that memo a long time ago !!!
@sonniearceo6763 6 лет назад
amen to that! obviously what fruits are they producing. we are to cooperate not to compete, we create division condemning each other. if we are being convicted in one preaching such as this, praise God. He is opening you, be thankful.
@paulgross3067 6 лет назад
Lantern The problem is that verse is for true Christians and the true faith John MacArthur is not a Christian it’s so obvious the fact that he would tell anyone that it’s OK to take the Mark of the beast is ridiculous stay away from this evil man he is pure evil and by the way he’s written a lot of books but he still does not understand the word of God
@IsaacBanks33 6 лет назад
Lantern, you could not be more right brother. Where is the love of Christ in us? think about that love we felt on the night of our conversion... Where is that to be seem among the brethren? we fall so short.
@falloutman565 5 лет назад
Lantern amen! This is something we need to be reminded of often
@friendyadvice2238 3 года назад
John you are a blessing sent to us by God
@friendyadvice2238 6 лет назад
"All my Father has given to me will come to me and I will raise them up on the last day" .... " the Father's will is that I lose none of those he has given me"........."I will have mercy upon those I choose to have mercy" ......." no one comes to me unless my Father draws them" ..... it does seem very clear that Election is truely in place
@nevbillett7554 5 лет назад
His Father gave him all things and all things were created for him
@hasimhodzic9649 8 лет назад
I don't know a better sermon on the subject. God Bless...
@allbetsRoff60 5 лет назад
I don’t understand why so many men who love God vehemently deny this beautiful doctrine of election. One former pastor who comes to mind, who is now with the Lord, would almost become angry when the doctrine of election was brought up, he pastored a large church in Memphis. His response to this doctrine was quite unsettling to my spirit, although he was sound in the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ, he was wrong in denying the sovereignty of our God. Being brought up in a Baptist church myself, I was taught the error of Arminianism, but God always gave a reason to question that belief, because I saw many scriptures that would contradict that erroneous doctrine. When I was younger, I’d questioned , ‘but what about Acts 13:48?’ There was never a satisfactory answer, until, I started listening, and seeking the truth, I studied the Remonstrants, I listened and studied along with Dr. MacArthur, Dr. Sproul, Dr. Ferguson through these men, the Holy Spirit taught me well. God opened my eyes to the truth, and I fell on my knees in deep contrition acknowledging the sovereignty and holiness of God, thanking Him for choosing a hell bound sinner such as myself. I realized, I was nothing but an unholy worm and I begged Him for forgiveness, and He did. This is why, when I’m feeling oppressed, God leads me back to the doctrine of election and it reminds me of where I’d been, who I am in Christ and where I’m going, most of all God gave me to His Son and His Son loves His Father so much that He would never send me away or loose me, He’s going to raise me up on the last day! Amen, Amen, Amen!
@93556108 5 лет назад
Jennifer Bynum, thanks for sharing your experience but I have the experience which is the opposite of your experience from Arminianism to Calvinism. I am now a non-Calvinist but only a Bible believer in our Lord, Jesus Christ finished work on the cross. Calvin's teaching on double-ultimacy is unbiblical as God NEVER predestinates some to eternal life and other to eternal damnation. In many Christian circles, people describe believers as God’s elect. However, some people use the phrase “God’s elect” with the idea that God chooses some people to go to Heaven and some people to go to Hell. The Bible teaches that God’s elect are those whom God foreknew would love Him. Given the descriptions of the same in the Old and New Testaments, God’s elect are believers that love God because He first loved them. Amen.
@apilkey 4 года назад
Jennifer Bynum No we don’t have a problem with the BIBLICAL doctrine of election we have a problem with the perverted twisting of the reformed doctrine of election. BIG difference.
@abuelb 4 года назад
@@93556108 their names were written in the book of lamb before the foundation of the world. Now that's very hard to grasp, but true. That pretty much sums it up for you. Thank God for His sovereign grace. All glory to Him!
@scottcarter1689 4 года назад
Amen Jennifer... Soli Deo Gloria!
@jakesarms8996 2 года назад
@@apilkey Reformed doctrine will get you off the downgrade.
@hanykheir7643 2 года назад
To The God be the glory for his electing us in our Lord Jesus Christ
@morganbandy 9 лет назад
i am saddened by the wide range of hateful comments on threads such as these. the topic of God's grace ought to bring us all to a position of humility and love towards one another. i personally adhere to the calvinistic position; yet this gives me no right by any means to slander another brother. the same applies to us all. if we resort to hating one another in thought and in deed, we are not only slandering God's grace, but also His love - the grace and love which He has shown us though we are undeserving. let us be the body of Christ together, in unity, as is commanded by our gracious God. grace and peace to you all.
@paulgross3067 7 лет назад
morganbandy why don't we get one thing straight there's a difference between hating a false gospel and hating the person who is you teaching the false gospel look German car with her is not saved he does not know Jesus cries he does not believe in Jesus Christ so therefore I will tell you this one thing if what I am saying is true then that means I love John MacArthur because I wore and John MacArthur that what he is preaching is not the Gospel of John MacArthur ends up in hell , it is not on my hands I did everything within my power to show him what the real gospel as it's actually on your hands because you didn't want anyone to put him down or to judge him we are to mark those that calls the vision OK I would love to have a debate with John MacArthur on television but guess what it's not gonna happen you have to wake up what he teaches is not Christianity that's not the gospel
@paulgross3067 7 лет назад
morganbandy any man that is asked a question can we take the Mark of the beast if we find ourselves in the great tribulation and if that pastor tells you that you can you know he's not real you know he's confused it says they're right there in revelations if you take the Mark of the beast you will partake in the flames OK let's not get stupid all the sudden
@paulgross3067 7 лет назад
morganbandy any pastor that tells you Jesus did not die for the whole world run away from him and if you don't think that that's wrong then you're not saved there's no way that you people can be saved if you think Jesus did not die for the whole world the reason why it says especially for those who believe because if you don't believe it's not going to profit you anything
@paulgross3067 7 лет назад
morganbandy trust me if you're watching John MacArthur and you're trusting in what he saying then you're blind the devil has you blind watching the wrong guy here's to RU-vid channels that you should watch the first one is Jack smack the second one Renée Roland watch these people they will give you the true gospel and expose John MacArthur
@ziffinmyreeb2479 6 лет назад
morganbandy I love you so much.
@jamesgardner9583 2 года назад
I can understand how all presented here is true, however, I can understand "free will." BOTH ARE TRUE ! Took me years of study and pray to understand this "MYSTICAL DUEL TRUTH..." People believe one or the other ! All verses pertaining to BOTH ARE TRUE.... BROTHER JAMES 🙏🙏🙏
@Brenda-qo4ko 2 года назад
Absolutely beautiful.Thank you God for giving me to your son.
@friendyadvice2238 3 года назад
Utterly Amazing!!! Gives me a shudder when I hear this. Thanks John
@zolileking1808 5 лет назад
This has me in tears. Oh How I fear Jesus...
@friendyadvice2238 3 года назад
Amazing sermon. Thanks John
@thorell5205 8 лет назад
The a major issue these days is not Calvinism it is Regeneration. How I wish that a day will come when Calvinist and non-Calvinist will stop arguing and worship God in Spirit and in truth not arguing over doctrines (what a great joy of the Devil watching Christians arguing to each other) but knowing more about the person of Jesus Christ, and grow further and further in compassion, faith and love; reading God's Word, preaching unto the lost, praying for the lost, seeking God with all our heart, mind, and strength until we grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord.My Brothers! Will it not make great difference?
@deancamp4914 5 лет назад
Arguing over doctrine (what the Scriptures mean) is the only thing that keeps the bride of Christ theologically pure. When we stop worrying about what's true and what is false - we are well on our way to the death of the church. Paul said to Timothy, "As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus so that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine." Paul told Timothy to HAVE a theological argument with some people. Unity is important - but TRUTH is more important. You can't be united around false doctrine.
@siegfriedbartel7122 Год назад
Well, in a long process of 34 years (and continuing) I am more and more glad the THE LORD DID IT ALL!!ALL!ALL!ALL! I sat there in May, 1988 and from one nano-second to the other, I all of a sudden was and still am shocked and more and more in awe that I had faith, belief and trust and repented and became a child of God. I am still and more and more thankful and "stunned" etc, etc, etc and on and on. I did not know, was not aware of, had no idea, was total darkness, lived in total darkness, not knowing anything, not thinking anything, nothing about God. I would have freely believed any lie in the universe than the LORD. I would never have wanted, intended, desired, longed for, asked for, let alone sought the LORD. Never ever. By the way, false "believers" will always want to be called "Children of God" on their own, human terms, their own fallen human brain beliefs, according to their own fallen desires. They will even reject what God really says and does say (that to be born of/from God is only of/from Him and of/from Him only) to us just just to suit their own fallen nature, their own preconceived, conceited vainly puffed up minds in which sin still does dwell. Thinking you can "contribute" to all SALVATION(Which God HIMSELF is) AND ALL ITS GIFTS AND ELEMENTS from the fallen human side. All blessings and good things be to you all...
@gaso1998 7 лет назад
and this is a heresy that some christians say about the doctrine of election? This is so beautiful truth and such a joy, to be His (undeservingly), forever! God is love!
@thereeldeelpickella2423 6 лет назад
JCIL - I personally do NOT have a problem with God/Yahuah CHOOSING some people for salvation and NOT others. Yah has the right to choose -- since He IS eternal, sovereign, all-present, all-knowing, all-powerful, not to mention PERFECT -- and you should NOT go against it simply because it goes against the worldviews of your own fallen, finite, carnal, flawed nature. YOU choose things -- and reject others -- all the time... don't you? If YOU -- a mere individual full of sins, faults and failures -- make your very OWN decisions and choices all the time (whether good or bad, right or wrong), then the Most High [who is PERFECT and has authority over ALL of creation] has MUCH more of a RIGHT to do so than even YOU do. Who are YOU to judge God? If I am chosen in Him before the foundation of the world -- which I believe that I AM -- then I am HIS and WILL go BACK to my heavenly abode to live eternally someday; but on the OTHER hand... if I am NOT -- and I make my bed in hell someday -- then that's fine, as well. After all, what can I do if I am a vessel of dishonor {and even the wrath and judgment} of the Heavenly Father? Absolutely NOTHING, and fighting against this will NOT change the facts!
@paulgross3067 6 лет назад
Boris Gašpar John MacArthur is going to hell and if you always believed would John has preached you will be with them in hell enjoy the place where God has not designed for you but you have not excepted the true gospel and you win after a false gospel if you want to true gospel watch RU-vid channel jack smack 77
@1218wbentrup 5 лет назад
@David Starr The vanity of your mind turning you from Jesus is nothing new, it is tragic however. What is wisdom to a man is foolishness to God.
@joemachunda 8 месяцев назад
God worked in me for years growing up in a catholic church. I learned alot of truths . Virgin birth of Christ, Jesus died for our sins, He rose from the dead. I am a sinner. Heaven and Hell. Of course I learned in my 20s that salvation can be known theough accepting Gods plan of salvation. Believe that Jesus died for me personally and yrusting what He did on the cross for pmt of MY sin. Ephesians 2: 8,9. What a glorious God
@sponsler 8 лет назад
Stop grumbling among yourselves,” Jesus replied. No one can come to Me unless the Father Who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day. It is written in the prophets: ‘And they will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has Heard The Father and learned from Him comes to Me-" . and, "Apart from Me you can do nothing", and "And this is The Will of Him Who sent Me, that I shall lose none of all those He has given Me, but raise them up at the last day" Then Jesus said, "This is why I told you that no one can come to Me unless the Father has granted it to him."
@SpotterVideo 5 лет назад
Gen 25:23 And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger. Joh_12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me Act 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; Act 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: Eph 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, See Dr. Ken Wilson's research on the writings of Augustine, to find out why Augustine invented the doctrine now known as "Calvinism" to explain how infants could become the "elect" through water baptism. Since the child had not come to faith, it must be based on the will of another. It could have nothing to do with the will of the child. And now we have those who call themselves "Baptists" promoting Augustine's denial of free will, which was originally invented to justify infant baptism. Leighton Flowers did an excellent interview with Dr. Wilson on the RU-vid channel, "Soteriology 101".
@peralopenaify 4 года назад
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.GODS DESIRE IS TO DRAW ALL MEN UNTO HIM.
@kevinrtres 4 года назад
@@SpotterVideo How do you read this verse from Revelation 17: 8 The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss,a and it is to go off into destruction. And the inhabitants of the earth-those whose names have not been written in the scroll of life from the founding of the world-
@1974jrod 4 года назад
@@kevinrtres what do you mean and in what context?
@kevinrtres 4 года назад
@@1974jrod Just what it says - what does it mean by "those whose names have not been written in the scroll of life from the founding of the world"? Why put those last words there? Why not stop at "in the scroll of life" which would have indicated that they earned their place in there by their own merit? Fact of the matter is election and predestination screams out in many verses in the bible. The most well known and quoted is in Ephesians 2:1-10. Peter talks about the "elect", so does Paul and Titus etc. etc. etc. God talks about "…17Then Jehu will put to death whoever escapes the sword of Hazael, and Elisha will put to death whoever escapes the sword of Jehu. 18Nevertheless, I have reserved seven thousand in Israel- all whose knees have not bowed to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him.” and "only a remnant..." God is sovereign over everything. Including who gets into His presence for ever. Nothing is left to chance, including who will "choose Him or not".
@christopherscorner Год назад
Glory to God!! We are love gifts to the son of God, Jesus Christ, the Messiah! How beautifully profound.
@truthseeker5698 Год назад
and the rest of Gods imagers kindling ? Narcisigesis at its finest.
@sponsler 8 лет назад
One of the biggest problems in 'today's 'gospel' as opposed to the original which John Calvin, John Owen (one of the greatest expostioners undebate-ably undefeated to this day) and Charles Spurgeon (The Prince of Preachers) fought to uphold was that anything other than the 'old' (original Gospel) leaves open the door for the Cross to have been an utter failure meaning that there would be the chance that NO one would be saved. If it is man's 'self - will' that Determines salvation, that also means that no one could be saved. God is the Determinant, no man. How can a person spiritually dead from birth self-determine their own salvation? Can a dead person hear and see anything of that which is the Spirit of a Fully Holy and Sovereign God? It's like a grasshopper saying: I will save myself from you and will come to you on my terms when it doesn't understand a word you are saying. You are saying, 'Come to Me and I will transform you toward My Image.." The Grasshopper imagines something entirely different. Fear of the LORD is the Beginning of Wisdom, Knowledge of the Holy One is Understanding. No one can come to Understanding of that which is The Spirit unless the Nature of the self Same Spirit is Given FIRST. It's all an act of God, not man.
@peralopenaify 4 года назад
@kevinrtres 4 года назад
@@peralopenaify Please do yourself a favor and listen to what John MacArthur actually believes. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-r2cIofN67U8.html Then, and only then, throw stones at him.
@uncasunga1800 4 года назад
@@peralopenaify youre an idiot mans will IS evil. you are one deceived fool.
@jonanthony1686 5 лет назад
John is the best Preacher of our time
@billbarrie551 6 лет назад
Yes men "EVERYWHERE" are "COMMANDED" to repent and "BELIEVE" ,,,,,, but we "CAN'T" until God gives us the "ABILITY" (John 6:44)
@Mikael5732 5 лет назад
@93556108 5 лет назад
Bill Barrie, you just quoted John 6:44 but left out John 6:45 which is the next verse; (Joh 6:44) No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. (Joh 6:45) It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. But verse 45 stated those that comes to the Father are taught by Him as they heard and learned (believed) in Him. We are commanded more than 200 times to believe and there is no where mentioned in the bible of man's incapability as only preached by Calvin and such theory was unknown to God unless you are suggesting that God is ignorant of Calvin's doctrine of total inability.
@93556108 4 года назад
Bill Barrie, I disagree with your affirmation. Do read the bible in its context as to arrive at its true meaning. What does the next verse stated? : (Joh 6:45) It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. As affirmed they, the unbelievers shall be taught of God, every man (not the elect) had heard, and had learned (believed) equivalent to Romans 10:17, they will come to the Father. That is what the verse said. Further Jesus mentioned: (Joh 12:32) And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. God dosen't give men the "ABILITY" in Joh6:44 but He draws men through the gospel and also Jesus too draws us through the conviction of the Holy Spirit (Joh16:8) Therefore, your statement in relation to Calvinism is a false teaching. Any comments? Thank you.
@1974jrod 4 года назад
@@93556108 that all men will be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth
@93556108 4 года назад
@@1974jrod please complete your message. thanks
@friendyadvice2238 3 года назад
Truly Amazing!!!
@dennishebler6325 5 лет назад
I suspect if God didn't make choices then none of us drowning in our sins, would be saved.
@Steve51791 11 лет назад
much appreciated brother, very helpful sources I will listen to them frequently. =)
@bpstuff4261 8 лет назад
reminds me of Genesis. God creates the bride and presents it to the 1st Adam.
@Slippin22 8 лет назад
Thank you for that . Never thought of it like that and it is clearly biblical. And The Lord presents the bride to the second Adam (Jesus) John 6:37 -39 All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day. . Revelation 21:2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband (Jesus).
@newvoice1935 6 лет назад
That is great, very great thought!!!!!
@sethrichie9227 5 лет назад
Great comment. So true too. Wow
@larrya3293 3 года назад
Most excellent sermon.
@friendyadvice2238 6 лет назад
Election and Predestination are biblical truths ..... these are not man made ideas but truths revealed by God himself to humanity. "All my Father has given me will come to me and I will raise them up on the last day" Jesus's own words. Jesus is God!!!
@VibezWithP 11 лет назад
Praise God 4 great teachers
@johnnysimmons1546 10 лет назад
"No one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him"!! ~John 6:44............Be careful, calling out Mr Macarthur as a heretic, it only shows you do not want to hear deep truths of the bible. God demands we do his handywork, by the way of the gospel he saves people, even though it is all predestined.
@williamstaehlin1298 7 лет назад
Read on later in John 12:32: Jesus states that he will draw ALL men to himself.
@stevie6621 7 лет назад
If by ALL you mean every person past and present then there are people in hell Jesus died for which makes God look like a failure..
@sunnyjimj 6 лет назад
The "ALL" in the text refers to what we are told in Revelation 14:6, "Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people. In other words, the Gospel was not for the Jews only, but for all people.
@williamstaehlin1298 6 лет назад
1 Timothy 2:3-4 "For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." God desires that all men are saved by coming to the knowledge of the truth. What is the knowledge of the truth? It is found throughout scripture but is best summarized in John 3:16: "For God so loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Those people that are in hell are condemned because they did not believe in Jesus. John 3:18: "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." God is not a failure; he died so you could be saved. He gave you the free gift of salvation, but you must accept it.
@maninthewilderness5795 6 лет назад
I believe in Man's Free Will and I also believe in Predestination...does that make me a theological freak?
@friendyadvice2238 6 лет назад
Amazing sermon indeed!!!
@JRPLawyeress1 3 года назад
I think of the Apostle Paul. His salvation was totally not of him. He literally had to be struck blind. He had recently approved of Stephen’s stoning. Election is comforting but humbling.
@jakesarms8996 2 года назад
Bingo !
@TheFishersofmen12 6 лет назад
John MacArthur always speak truth without compromise 💯💯💯
@evanu6579 5 лет назад
TheFishersofmen12 He teaches more false doctrines than most preachers do today. Have you tested what he says with scripture?
@davidochieng2975 5 лет назад
@@evanu6579 He speaks the truth of the bible nothing is wrong with his teachings, because they are based on the Scriptures.
@evanu6579 5 лет назад
David Ochieng He’s a Calvinist which is false. He’s a dispensationalist which is false. He’s a futurist which is false. He has most things wrong.
@davidochieng2975 5 лет назад
@@evanu6579 But I personally don't see that because it is written in the Scriptures.
@evanu6579 5 лет назад
David Ochieng Scripture actually says the opposite of these things. What passage did you have in mind for any of the points I made?
@martiangaming329 3 года назад
Thank you 🙏🏻
@VibezWithP 11 лет назад
the answer to the who, why, and how are found Psalm 115:3
@apilkey 4 года назад
... According to Psalm 115:3 God does whatever He pleases: PSALM 115:3 3 But our God is in the heavens: HE HATH DONE WHATSOEVER HE HATH PLEASED. *So we must then ask ourselves what has God done that’s pleased Him?* If we just KEEP READING in the very same chapter the author tells us exactly what it pleased God to do so we don’t have to assume we know: PSALM 115:16 16 The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's: BUT THE EARTH HATH HE GIVEN TO THE CHILDREN OF MEN. *IT PLEASED GOD TO GIVE MAN DOMINION.* Are you assuming you know what pleases God and that it pleases Him to elect unbelievers to salvation? Because that’s not what Psalm 115:3 says at all. ...According to 1 Corinthians 1:21 does it please God to save those that believe or save people so then they can believe after they’re born again? 1 CORINTHIANS 1:21 21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God BY THE FOOLISHNESS OF PREACHING TO SAVE THEM THAT BELIEVE. This is what pleases God. It pleases Him to save those who BELIEVE.
@jeffreybate1901 2 года назад
I don't know why Grace to you hasn't put up new series yet, I now during full message instead of couple of part (Unless on sermon audio or listen notes!
@stevethompson1505 4 года назад
I did not choose Him, He chose me. No man comes to the Father except the Holy Spirit quickens him. Just like Paul on his way to Damascus.
@93556108 4 года назад
Steve Thompson, May I ask you were chosen by God for what purpose? Quote to me the verse in the bible as you claimed "No man comes to the Father except the Holy Spirit quickens him"? Paul encountered Jesus on his way to Damascus and no where stated Paul was quickened by the Holy Spirit. Thanks
@stevethompson1505 4 года назад
@@93556108 Get yourself a concordance (Strongs, Youngs or Crudens are best) and look up these verses yourself. John 6:44 is common knowledge and soteriology 101 in the body of Christ: "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." Listen to MacArthur's message right here about election. When Paul was on the road to Damascus, God chose him. He did not make a "decision for Christ" on his own. We make a human decision AFTER God opens our hearts Read II Cor. 4:4. I am quoting a salvation testimony right here from Johnny Simmons. "When God saved me, i was NOT looking for him! I was very happy in my darkness, believe me!" My salvation was like that, as was Paul's. How about you?
@93556108 4 года назад
@@stevethompson1505 You quoted only "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." To you John 6:44 is a common knowledge and soteriology 101 but it is unbiblical. How about Joh6:45 and Joh12:32 please give me your exposition on these texts ? Tell me how God draws an unbeliever? as it is a common knowledge too in Calvinism God only draws the elect and is it true? Agreed God chose Paul but I quote your previous statement; "...the Holy Spirit quickens him. Just like Paul on his way to Damascus". Does it mentioned the Holy Spirit quickened Paul? certainly not you just added to the text your own notion. You quoted this verse : (2Co 4:4) In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. This verse affirmed, how God draws unbelievers by revealing His gospel to them and it dosen't mentioned drawing only the elect. Even this verse disproves Calvin's theory on man's total inability to respond to anything. Calvin taught man is totally in an incapable state to do anything then why satan still have to blind the mind of man. Please answer this question? My salvation is based upon Eph1:13, Eph2:5, Eph2:8-9, Rom10:9,17, Joh1:12, Joh3:16 and I believed God is sovereign and salvation is of the Lord. Lastly, I don't believed in the theology depicted as TULIP.
@stevethompson1505 4 года назад
@@93556108 You are out of sync with ALL of the other comments I see here on this great message. You seek theological debate but could not quote John 6:44 and knew nothing of the verse and that it is in the Bible. You say the scripture is "unbiblical." Yikes! What are you talking about? You claimed you did not even know the verse I was referring to and are here only to disparage those who agree with this great theologians' understanding of salvation.
@stevethompson1505 4 года назад
@@93556108 Salvation goes deeper than a cursory reading of Romans 10:9 or John 3:16. The word believe (Greek transliteration pisteuo) has been hijacked and considered simple head knowledge in the English vernacular. James 2:19 refutes this errant theology. (The demons believe and tremble) By the way, Jesus said to "repent or perish" Luke 13:3,5, hence this is a major element of real salvation, omitted in 98% of churches today. If you have not repented, you are none of His. Do you think a person can repent on their own without the prompting of God? If it was up to MY CHOICE, I would still be running. This testimony is replete on this site and with all believers truly born from above. Read about the human heart in Romans 3- 10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: 11 There is NONE THAT UNDERSTANDETH, there is NONE THAT SEEKETH AFTER GOD. [That covers all of mankind pretty well and without the prompting of the Lord no one can be saved] 12 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
@newvoice1935 6 лет назад
Totally beautiful pure and the true authority of god
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