
Pastor Mark Finley said this to all Adventists 

Bro Lawrence
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Pastor Mark Finley, in his "Its time to speak up" series, addressed another issue in the SDA church- Women's ordination. It looks like Pastor Mark Finley is addressing every single issue in the SDA church from LGBT affirmation women's ordination. What did Pastor Mark Finley say in addressing seventh-day Adventists concerning women's ordination? Watch this video for more details.



10 сен 2024




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@ketrinajames3165 Год назад
If God say that a woman shouldn't be that head her own house why would he give premission to be the head of his Church As a seventh day Adventist I totally disagree with woman heading any church 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@jacquelynjackson95 Год назад
I agree with you Katrina 💯 and that was a good point!
@rubywedderburn9487 Год назад
👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 That's definitely Strong Reasoning and I totally agree with you 👍🏾👍🏾
@KarlaBedminister 8 месяцев назад
Did he say that single men should be heads of houses? Our district had single young men from teen years as elders instead of calling them elder in training which is what they were. We had an influx of single male pastors as well and the older women and some single men disagreed with that.
@BEvans7 6 месяцев назад
ordaining women as deacons, elders or pastors isn't biblical. 1 Timothy 3 3 This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. 2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; 4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) 6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. 7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. 8 Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre; 9 Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. 10 And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless. 11 Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things. 12 Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. 13 For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus. King James Version 34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. 35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. You either follow the word of God or you follow your own lusts.
@cornelpopa2804 5 месяцев назад
@user-if3rc1qp6k Год назад
Women can be teachers ,leaders and many things.They don't need to be pastors or elders to minister to people.We are supposed to follow the Bible. This shouldn't even be an issue at all.
@aganese4030 Год назад
Amen! To God be the ruler and the giver of rules we are to follow, For a reason, We should not question His leadership. Don't forget He is our Creator. there are things God show us He wants us to know and do, but some are not for us to know, God knows us better, then we do.i personally don't eccept women in a role of pastor or elders, a woman prophet it's different, God pick them. God is our Creator and Ruler, amen.
@franktorres9373 Год назад
Amen, Bro.... The Church is making it an issue because they fail to get out in front of these man-made opinions of society.
@MizduhQuak Год назад
Friends, please prayerfully consider. Biblically, women have often lead in leadership and spiritual roles. Deborah was Israel’s leader in every regard: judge, military leader, and spokesperson for God (Prophetess) - Judges 4-5. Huldah was a prophet mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in 2 Kings 22:14-20 and 2 Chronicles 34:22-28. She was a prophetess. The king sends people to inquire of the Lord; they inquire to Huldah. She spoke for the Lord to the King, just as Isaiah and Ezekiel did (Isa. 37, Eze. 20). Junia, a female apostle, is called “outstanding among the apostles” by Paul (Romans 16:7). Chrysostom, Origen, and Jerome also refer to her as a female apostle. Phoebe (Romans 16:1-2) is another “minister” (Greek: diakonos) and “church leader” (Greek: prostatis/proistanai) in the NT, written of again by Paul. These are the same terms Paul uses for male ministers and church leaders. As seen in Romans 16:1-2, she conducted church business. Below are more women leading churches, however here I will make a point. Historically, women have been regarded below men in society, however this is a cultural stance rather than a biblical one. It was a Samaritan woman Jesus used to convert the whole region. Recall that Jesus suggested Martha leave the kitchen and food prep, rather than go and do it as a traditional women's role. Women's cultural historical role is shown to be at odds with women's role in God's eyes: Matt 19:4-5 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?” Matt 19:8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.” It is the same reason why a woman was made to drink a 'bitter' dirty drink in front of the priest and her husband to prove marital purity rather than adultery in the OT - because Women would be mistreated or even killed by the men, which was not extreme in their eyes; God provided this act for their protection. Above, Jesus makes a two-fold statement; the disregard for women is not God's plan, and male and female together become one; unified. If they are unified, and called one by God, who of mankind can segregate one as fit for service and another unfit? Continuing with women in spiritual and/or political leadership, Ellen G White is our SDA-accepted Prophetess. Whether one regards her as a prophet, or merely a christian writer, she delivered more sermons than most pastors in their lifetimes, written more in her life than any other Christian author, and influenced more people spiritually in the last couple of centuries than any other writer could ever imagine to, save for the bible authors themselves. EGW Preached, held visitations, gave spiritual advice, directed individuals and church leaders, held people accountable to God, interpreted and guided interpreting of the bible, established churches, and participated in as well as represented for matters in our churches councils. She's a major contributor to our church manual by which SDA pastors today operate. That places her authority above theirs, and they would all acknowledge this. EGW herself has performed every capacity of a pastor, to a very high degree. All that remains is to simply call her "pastor", and she would be one in the fullest sense. Who then is saying that women can not be pastors, and by what means? Yet we continue with a biblical argument, for any that question EGW's calling. Huldah was a prophet mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in 2 Kings 22:14-20 and 2 Chronicles 34:22-28. She was a prophetess. The king sends people to inquire of the Lord; they inquire to Huldah. She spoke for the Lord to the King, just as Isaiah and Ezekiel did (Isa. 37, Eze. 20). Euodia and Syntyche, two women, are recorded on equal standing as Clement (a 1st century church leader) and even Paul, by Paul himself (Phil 4:2-3). Queen Esther was placed as leader of God’s people at a crucial time as the book tells. Acts 21:9 “And the same man had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy.” 4th century Church Historian Eusebius mentions the fame of these daughters multiple times. Priscilla, wife of Aquilla, is mentioned first by Paul in 4 of 6 mentions; in a society that otherwise rarely will acknowledge women, this implies greater standing. She held churches in her home as a leader. Likewise Nympha led a church in her home (Col. 4:15) John addresses another woman of similar position (2 John 1:1, 13). There are many other prophetesses in the bible, especially the OT, which I have not mentioned. There are also multiple instances of women leaders who have spoken to God's leaders, on God's behalf, and directed or rebuked them. Wise women have saved towns and cities from destruction as recorded in the bible. For women to be recorded in scripture, despite the culture being so against women, is a very strong statement. Eph 4:11-12 “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” Women are part of the body of Christ. Biblically, Can a woman lead? Yes. Can she be a spiritual guide? Yes. Can she instruct? Yes. Can she encourage? Yes. Can she give council? Yes. Can she visit church members or the sick? Yes. Can she give to the needy? Yes. Can she host church meetings? Yes. Can she be called an 'overseer', 'apostle', 'minister'? Yes, and women have these titles throughout the bible - these are the exact roles of pastors today. Thus, a woman can biblically be a pastor. If you systematically assess every role which a pastor can do, you will find biblical accounts of women performing every same role. We are unveiling new light from God's word, as EGW said would come. Gal 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Joel 2:28 “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” (Also Acts 2:17).
@mandladludlu8359 Год назад
It should not be an issue at all. I concur & I grew up Roman Catholic and the Catholics have this very clear it is not an issue for debate at all........
@Greermac1 Год назад
Paul speaks about this!!!
@soniapeart8756 Год назад
Our duty as God's vessels (women ) is to help others get ready for Christ Jesus' second coming starting in our homes and not necessarily from the pulpit . 😮😮😮
@DVGomes Год назад
Thank you my Sister in Christ and fellow SDA. I believe that the Bible and Spirit of PROPHECY teach that woman can do many many important things as Christians and Seventh day Adventists to 1. SHARE JESUS CHRIST with others 2. Share, Study and Teach The Bible with others, not of our faith and with unbelievers altogether. Ellen G White a true Prophet of JESUS Christ did not ask to "be ordained as Pastor of the Seventh day Adventist Church" But guided by The Holy Spirit, and JESUS Himself, EGW spoke authoritatively and PREACHED THE WORD OF GOD with power, without being "ordained as a Pastor or Elder or Minister of the Gospel" which God has set up for men to do.
@buddybentley3790 Год назад
As far as I’m concerned that a much higher calling
@soniapeart8756 Год назад
@buddybentley3790 There is not an higher calling for a woman than for her to lead her family to God then others and not necessarily from a pulpit .
@KarlaBedminister Год назад
​@@DVGomesSo why do the job without the title? So as not to ruffle men's feathers because they want titles to boost their egos? Pastors' wives are called Sister Pastor or Shepherdess for what reason?
@KarlaBedminister Год назад
​@@soniapeart8756Isn't the same for a man? Shouldn't he be the head of his home leading his wife and children to the Lord as opposed to leaving it up to his wife to do because he couldn't be bothered but he needs the title to improve himself?
@bjccook1352 Год назад
I watched the vote and they prayed for the HOLY SPIRIT to speak through the vote....HE spoke and the vote was no! I am a woman and we need to follow the HOLY SPIRIT or we will remain unsealed.
@bjccook1352 Год назад
@@davidinchcliff4560 we have baby Christians who are still learning their Bibles who are being misled by corrupt leaders. There can be on doubt in their minds now.
@user-ip3cf6nw3l Год назад
@@_SDC EXACTLY. The Spirit speaketh expressly - through Scriptures.
@user-ip3cf6nw3l Год назад
@@davidinchcliff4560 EXACTLY. The Spirit speaketh expressly - through Scriptures.
@user-ip3cf6nw3l Год назад
Whenever the GC makes decisions that line up with Scriptures? It is the voice of God. When its not? Thats the subtle serpent. The same is true for every professed messenger of God.
@kew3922 Год назад
I agree with Pastor Finley. Women throught out the church history have been used by God in various ways, but never as a leader of a flock. Men have their roles and women have theirs. This is my opinion as a woman. I believe men were created to be head of the family as well as the church.
@percilitomacumbo3023 Год назад
Try reading Galatians 3:28
@antoniodevilla5926 Год назад
Gal 3:28 It has nothing to say about women ordination but there is neither a greek or jew when it comes to faith and being counted as children of God.
@franktorres9373 Год назад
Did you also hear him say on a Q & A platform. That women as Elders in the church is not a hill for him to die on. This is just another form of roll reversal. These individuals need to stick to The Bible and let the chips fall where they fall.
@bradrininger848 Год назад
@franktorres9373 I agree with true word of God. The pressures of this world should never be given an inch. The repercussions of this solid stand are definitely controlled by the Holy Spirit. We can never try to protect ourselves from the trials and persecution the Holy Spirit wishes to put us through by comprising with the world. This is Luke warm and provides opportunity for satan to influence. Jesus died on the cross completely. He decended into Hell completely. He arose on the 3rd day completely. There is no compromise. Stand for Christ with all we have and all we our. Even unto death. Thank you Braddon
@MizduhQuak Год назад
Friend, that is untrue. I appreciate gender roles in society, however biblically, women have often lead in leadership and spiritual roles. Deborah was Israel’s leader in every regard: judge, military leader, and spokesperson for God (Prophetess) - Judges 4-5. Huldah was a prophet mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in 2 Kings 22:14-20 and 2 Chronicles 34:22-28. She was a prophetess. The king sends people to inquire of the Lord; they inquire to Huldah. She spoke for the Lord to the King, just as Isaiah and Ezekiel did (Isa. 37, Eze. 20). Junia, a female apostle, is called “outstanding among the apostles” by Paul (Romans 16:7). Chrysostom, Origen, and Jerome also refer to her as a female apostle. Phoebe (Romans 16:1-2) is another “minister” (Greek: diakonos) and “church leader” (Greek: prostatis/proistanai) in the NT, written of again by Paul. These are the same terms Paul uses for male ministers and church leaders. As seen in Romans 16:1-2, she conducted church business. Below are more women leading churches, however here I will make a point. Historically, women have been regarded below men in society, however this is a cultural stance rather than a biblical one. It was a Samaritan woman Jesus used to convert the whole region. Recall that Jesus suggested Martha leave the kitchen and food prep, rather than go and do it as a traditional women's role. Women's cultural historical role is shown to be at odds with women's role in God's eyes: Matt 19:4-5 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?” Matt 19:8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.” It is the same reason why a woman was made to drink a 'bitter' dirty drink in front of the priest and her husband to prove marital purity rather than adultery in the OT - because Women would be mistreated or even killed by the men, which was not extreme in their eyes; God provided this act for their protection. Above, Jesus makes a two-fold statement; the disregard for women is not God's plan, and male and female together become one; unified. If they are unified, and called one by God, who of mankind can segregate one as fit for service and another unfit? Continuing with women in spiritual and/or political leadership, Ellen G White is our SDA-accepted Prophetess. Whether one regards her as a prophet, or merely a christian writer, she delivered more sermons than most pastors in their lifetimes, written more in her life than any other Christian author, and influenced more people spiritually in the last couple of centuries than any other writer could ever imagine to, save for the bible authors themselves. EGW Preached, held visitations, gave spiritual advice, directed individuals and church leaders, held people accountable to God, interpreted and guided interpreting of the bible, established churches, and participated in as well as represented for matters in our churches councils. She's a major contributor to our church manual by which SDA pastors today operate. That places her authority above theirs, and they would all acknowledge this. EGW herself has performed every capacity of a pastor, to a very high degree. All that remains is to simply call her "pastor", and she would be one in the fullest sense. Who then is saying that women can not be pastors, and by what means? Yet we continue with a biblical argument, for any that question EGW's calling. Huldah was a prophet mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in 2 Kings 22:14-20 and 2 Chronicles 34:22-28. She was a prophetess. The king sends people to inquire of the Lord; they inquire to Huldah. She spoke for the Lord to the King, just as Isaiah and Ezekiel did (Isa. 37, Eze. 20). Euodia and Syntyche, two women, are recorded on equal standing as Clement (a 1st century church leader) and even Paul, by Paul himself (Phil 4:2-3). Queen Esther was placed as leader of God’s people at a crucial time as the book tells. Acts 21:9 “And the same man had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy.” 4th century Church Historian Eusebius mentions the fame of these daughters multiple times. Priscilla, wife of Aquilla, is mentioned first by Paul in 4 of 6 mentions; in a society that otherwise rarely will acknowledge women, this implies greater standing. She held churches in her home as a leader. Likewise Nympha led a church in her home (Col. 4:15) John addresses another woman of similar position (2 John 1:1, 13). There are many other prophetesses in the bible, especially the OT, which I have not mentioned. There are also multiple instances of women leaders who have spoken to God's leaders, on God's behalf, and directed or rebuked them. Wise women have saved towns and cities from destruction as recorded in the bible. For women to be recorded in scripture, despite the culture being so against women, is a very strong statement. Eph 4:11-12 “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” Women are part of the body of Christ. Biblically, Can a woman lead? Yes. Can she be a spiritual guide? Yes. Can she instruct? Yes. Can she encourage? Yes. Can she give council? Yes. Can she visit church members or the sick? Yes. Can she give to the needy? Yes. Can she host church meetings? Yes. Can she be called an 'overseer', 'apostle', 'minister'? Yes, and women have these titles throughout the bible - these are the exact roles of pastors today. If you systematically assess every role which a pastor can do, you will find biblical accounts of women performing every same role. We are unveiling new light from God's word, as EGW said would come. Gal 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Joel 2:28 “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” (Also Acts 2:17).
@andrewh6367 Год назад
Any SDA church that decides to have female ordained pastors will be following the slippery slope of some other denominations in the last decade or so. These denominations went from women pastors to accepting gay marriage and then having LGBT pastors to trans. You just need to look at what the other churches did.
@timothyblackman2617 Год назад
Standing for Jesus will always bring division. The thing is to stand on the Lords side no matter what.
@lydiapavao469 Год назад
i have never read in the bible that women should be ordained as pastor
@bendiaz4828 Год назад
Position oriented people. They don't care about the possible consequences even if it can cause divisions inside the church. What they care about is themselves and the title even if it's not meant for them biblically. What a disgrace.
@abrahammusomali9126 Год назад
@mikemlambo6773 Год назад
@aganese4030 Год назад
Amen. The title is satanic, Satan want the title, he want to be God, us women are never satisfied with the role God gave us. Genesis 3;16 Unto the women He said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; AND THY DESIRE SHALL BE TO THY HUSBAND, AND HE SHALL RULE OVER THEE. This punishment was given when Eve make her first and last decision making that was written in the bible, and the devastating results was and it has an eternal consiquences for others against God's plan for His perfect creation, God knew that we can't control ourselves when comes to decisions making, first of all, we were created as a helper, Genesis 2;20 And Adam gave name to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found a helper meet for him. If we notice God created everything, Adam was given the honour of naming God's creation, and Eve was an afterthough? we as women were created as a helper, we can think of a lots of things we do to help, God gave us a great gift of nurturing that most man don't have, we always refer to as mother's instinct, God bless us mothers that gift for our role of helping man in God creation. In the bible, men are the head of the family, the Patriarch, never a woman, the patriarchal system was from God, we forget something, REVELATION 4;11 Thou art worthy, O LORD, to receive glory and honour and power; for Thou has created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. God creation been destroyed by sin as a result of Eve decisions, God still reaching out his love to us, sent Jesus to die for us, to bring us back because we belong to God from the very beginning, but we don't get it, we keep on pushing Eve against God's will.and plan, a title truly in the hand of the wrong man or woman it becombe a very dangerous weapon of destruction, We are happier, safer, healthier, and in peace when God is our only ruler, amen hallelujah amen. God bless.
@Knife_Collector Год назад
Love Bro. Mark. I am not SDA but am a Sabbath Keeper.. and have learned a lot from his videos.
@linnettecooke7243 Год назад
What do you mean u are not SDA but u is a Sabbath keeper????u don't believe in the second coming of God ?
@StevenDragoo Год назад
I would encourage you to watch some of Pr Mark Finley's sermons. He is well received in many many hearts...
@TeStOs78 Год назад
@@linnettecooke7243 Remember, as an SDA, there much more to just believing in the second coming and keeping the sabbath. The person doesn't necessarily believe in the other doctrines of the church.
@gailmiller6333 Год назад
@Knife_Collector Same hereI, belong to the Church of God 7th Day.
@Knife_Collector Год назад
@@gailmiller6333 Me too...
@MilaDymanMusic Год назад
The whole scripture Holy Spirit Inspired correct ? - We Believe Yes. There should not be any confusion, we have to learn to be reverent not taking Holy Scripture lightly and for our own leadership desires. 2 Timothy 2:11-says: “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.” As a woman and mother, I can say we have many other talents, ways we can serve others, and not following worldly ideology. 🙏
@danni-in-jax Год назад
I am a pretty modern woman and I don’t think we women need to do everything a man does.
@vangiemorgan6756 Год назад
Just show me one place in the Bible where women were elders , priest. As elder she would have to do baptism, we are one set of hard headed stiff necked people, now I can understand what Moses went through with the children of Israel in the wilderness. Lord just pray for me like you prayed for Peter so the devil will not sift me, and those who want to follow your words.
@stellauchenna6991 Год назад
Women need not fight over being a pastor or elderess and so on, in order to make impacts and use the spiritual gifts we are given. There are lots of ways to serve God and work towards our salvation and unity of the church. Let us not allow ourselves to become tools of division and confusion in the house of God.
@user-ip3cf6nw3l Год назад
Dont remember where i read it, but EGW said that if women focus on teaching the children and our young women, as well as witnessing, they would have done a work so valuable as any other in ministry or even the critical work. Its our leaders double standards that are sewing discord. It is the equality act and fairness for all, government policies that 501c3 organizations, which the GC Corporation is that. And its these same policies that the LGBT hinge their entitlement claims on as any other.
@jacquelynjackson95 Год назад
Nicely said Stella, and ppl are adding to the word to make women eldresses. Next men will want to be Deaconess. Which there is no such word in the Bible!
@user-ip3cf6nw3l Год назад
@@jacquelynjackson95 Smile. Serious thing.
@shumbashava247 Год назад
I agree my dear,let them grow together,the devils job is to make sure he opposes everything God says
@percilitomacumbo3023 Год назад
Where is equality? Gal.3:28
@simeondikama1562 Год назад
All ministers involved should be disciplined including others church Leaders in that church. All other SDA Churches in the world should not allow ordination of women because it creates double standard. Pr. Finley is right in this issue.
@clauc3598 Год назад
I love with the respect that Pastor Finley talked about the subject, I worked with him and his wife for the last 6 years, and he is a Godly man.
@BroLawrence. Год назад
Great 👍
@bobreese4807 11 месяцев назад
Hey SDA members--I know you are disappointed and/or embarrassed by SDA nonsense associated with leaders and pastors. I get it. I've been going to church for 70 years. SDA Dan & Revelation seminars are basically religious BAIT & SWITCH programs to get people to join SDA Laodiceans and after they are in church they are criticized, by inept, poorly trained SDA pastors, for being tithe robbing, sabbath slacking, love-lacking, lazy, lousy lukewarm Laodicean LOSERS! Then after they have been berated, they are told to "finish the work" and tell everyone the "3 angels messages" to scare them with mark of the beast, Sunday law, close of probation, death decree and last plagues. Soooo do you really care if the SDA denomination CRASHES & BURNS??? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?? HUH?? Reply to this and I can teach you how to make a positive difference in this world & really be SALT & LIGHT...and have a real purpose for your life!!
@rodneysmith3578 Год назад
It is wrong for the Brethren to do it and it is also wrong for the Sister to receive it, knowing that the World body of SDA's have spoken against this move.
@abrahammusomali9126 Год назад
Why Was she laughing during those solemn vows it shows she didn't even understand the seriousness of her ministry , it's a disgrace God's perfect order is set at naught, this is not a minor matter in God's eyes where are real men in the church who will call sin by its rightful name without compromise , no wander our church are dying. she is even calling them to be courageous oh Lord what men are becoming in this world we don't even know our role and women there's
@kew3922 Год назад
There are very few real men left in this world. I'm grateful the end is near.
@abrahammusomali9126 Год назад
@@kew3922 AMEN indeed it's the final hour
@abrahammusomali9126 Год назад
Amen our salvation is near than ever let's pray Christ reign in us
@EliosPierre Год назад
If you have a female holding an eldership position in a local church, that means she has already been ordained as such.
@franktorres9373 Год назад
That is NOT biblical. That means they laid hands on her.
@joanprince8083 Год назад
Confusion in the church
@bobreese4807 Год назад
Confusion leads to discord...SATAN loves that! GOD hates it.
@rossilett4284 Год назад
from New South Wales Australia. I can't believe that women have the ordasity to be ordained when the church has not voted for same, and leaders promoting the practice!
@stevekimani7954 Год назад
Very truth
@MizduhQuak Год назад
Biblically, women have often lead in leadership and spiritual roles. Deborah was Israel’s leader in every regard: judge, military leader, and spokesperson for God (Prophetess) - Judges 4-5. Huldah was a prophet mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in 2 Kings 22:14-20 and 2 Chronicles 34:22-28. She was a prophetess. The king sends people to inquire of the Lord; they inquire to Huldah. She spoke for the Lord to the King, just as Isaiah and Ezekiel did (Isa. 37, Eze. 20). Junia, a female apostle, is called “outstanding among the apostles” by Paul (Romans 16:7). Chrysostom, Origen, and Jerome also refer to her as a female apostle. Phoebe (Romans 16:1-2) is another “minister” (Greek: diakonos) and “church leader” (Greek: prostatis/proistanai) in the NT, written of again by Paul. These are the same terms Paul uses for male ministers and church leaders. As seen in Romans 16:1-2, she conducted church business. Below are more women leading churches, however here I will make a point. Historically, women have been regarded below men in society, however this is a cultural stance rather than a biblical one. It was a Samaritan woman Jesus used to convert the whole region. Recall that Jesus suggested Martha leave the kitchen and food prep, rather than go and do it as a traditional women's role. Women's cultural historical role is shown to be at odds with women's role in God's eyes: Matt 19:4-5 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?” Matt 19:8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.” It is the same reason why a woman was made to drink a 'bitter' dirty drink in front of the priest and her husband to prove marital purity rather than adultery in the OT - because Women would be mistreated or even killed by the men, which was not extreme in their eyes; God provided this act for their protection. Above, Jesus makes a two-fold statement; the disregard for women is not God's plan, and male and female together become one; unified. If they are unified, and called one by God, who of mankind can segregate one as fit for service and another unfit? Continuing with women in spiritual and/or political leadership, Ellen G White is our SDA-accepted Prophetess. Whether one regards her as a prophet, or merely a christian writer, she delivered more sermons than most pastors in their lifetimes, written more in her life than any other Christian author, and influenced more people spiritually in the last couple of centuries than any other writer could ever imagine to, save for the bible authors themselves. EGW Preached, held visitations, gave spiritual advice, directed individuals and church leaders, held people accountable to God, interpreted and guided interpreting of the bible, established churches, and participated in as well as represented for matters in our churches councils. She's a major contributor to our church manual by which SDA pastors today operate. That places her authority above theirs, and they would all acknowledge this. EGW herself has performed every capacity of a pastor, to a very high degree. All that remains is to simply call her "pastor", and she would be one in the fullest sense. Who then is saying that women can not be pastors, and by what means? Yet we continue with a biblical argument, for any that question EGW's calling. Huldah was a prophet mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in 2 Kings 22:14-20 and 2 Chronicles 34:22-28. She was a prophetess. The king sends people to inquire of the Lord; they inquire to Huldah. She spoke for the Lord to the King, just as Isaiah and Ezekiel did (Isa. 37, Eze. 20). Euodia and Syntyche, two women, are recorded on equal standing as Clement (a 1st century church leader) and even Paul, by Paul himself (Phil 4:2-3). Queen Esther was placed as leader of God’s people at a crucial time as the book tells. Acts 21:9 “And the same man had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy.” 4th century Church Historian Eusebius mentions the fame of these daughters multiple times. Priscilla, wife of Aquilla, is mentioned first by Paul in 4 of 6 mentions; in a society that otherwise rarely will acknowledge women, this implies greater standing. She held churches in her home as a leader. Likewise Nympha led a church in her home (Col. 4:15) John addresses another woman of similar position (2 John 1:1, 13). There are many other prophetesses in the bible, especially the OT, which I have not mentioned. There are also multiple instances of women leaders who have spoken to God's leaders, on God's behalf, and directed or rebuked them. Wise women have saved towns and cities from destruction as recorded in the bible. For women to be recorded in scripture, despite the culture being so against women, is a very strong statement. Eph 4:11-12 “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” Women are part of the body of Christ. Biblically, Can a woman lead? Yes. Can she be a spiritual guide? Yes. Can she instruct? Yes. Can she encourage? Yes. Can she give council? Yes. Can she visit church members or the sick? Yes. Can she give to the needy? Yes. Can she host church meetings? Yes. Can she be called an 'overseer', 'apostle', 'minister'? Yes, and women have these titles throughout the bible - these are the exact roles of pastors today. Thus, a woman can biblically be a pastor. If you systematically assess every role which a pastor can do, you will find biblical accounts of women performing every same role. We are unveiling new light from God's word, as EGW said would come. Gal 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Joel 2:28 “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” (Also Acts 2:17).
@rossilett4284 Год назад
That is all very well BUT the church has not voted for it!
@MizduhQuak Год назад
​@@rossilett4284 Certainly, however the church has no authority over scripture or God. 1 Peter 2:1-10 makes it clear: "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." (v9). Surely we are not to pick and choose scriptures to apply only to men? There are valid and true witnesses and ministers who are not ordained by the SDA organisation - and I am talking about fellow believers who have positive relationships with us and do much good, not troublemakers. Moreover, other denominations have true ministers who are adamant for God's word - how might one otherwise understand God calling "come out of her, my people", if they are not actually God's people? Our SDA organisation has no say in one's calling by God, only in whether they want to pay them for it. Rather, after the organisation is convinced of new light, then it approves. Its voted approval is the last step of the process - not the first. Might we learn from Jesus' rebuke to God's leading people of the time, whom we are in the place of right now? Matthew 17:17 "Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you?" Mark 7:8-9 You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions. And he continued, “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions!" Joshua 24:15 “Choose this day whom you will serve ... but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”. In closing, there are pastors ordained in SDA churches who are not called by God, or have foregone their calling. Others work tirelessly for God, but were not offered an income as an SDA pastor. Heaven's record cares for your actions of faith, in truth and spirit, as your act of worship (John 4:24); not whether man approved and employed you. Let us all have our priorities of authority straight.
@SolomonSaifa 5 месяцев назад
Our church is divided completely come out of her and be separated don't compromise the truth with Era. Please GOD HELP US
@EliosPierre Год назад
Ordination, according to many, is a matter of policy, but rather let me say it is doctrinal. When you argue ordination of women has not been voted by the GC in general assembly, you give to that body preeminence over the Bible. There’s no place in the Bible where one woman has been ordained for whatever function.
@odanee.mighty2256 Год назад
Using this same line of reasoning, which man was ordained in the bible and were the apostles ordained and what does if mean to be ordained
@odanee.mighty2256 Год назад
Using this same line of reasoning, which man was ordained in the bible and were the apostles ordained and what does if mean to be ordained
@TeStOs78 Год назад
God has ordained the man to be the head of the woman, and Christ the head of the church, that is the structure that has been given by thus saith the Lord. One of the SDA fundamental belief is that all scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and thus, it is by the scripture where there's instruction, reproof and correction. Now, the church doesn't need a manual other than the bible, because when the policies change base on the rudiments of men, but the bible stands as the unchanging word of God. The church is in err as per the instruction from what is a biblical to its own precepts and policies. This isn't aligned with God and is a compromise, and all compromises leads to a downfall.
@michaelmanso740 Год назад
God has not authorized women ordination period. Those Conferences doing it, are doing it on their own authority. They shouldn't quite God on this.
@TonyOnyango-df6cp Год назад
It is shocking that there are women ordained as local church elders and shepherds
@sidneyOkoro 10 месяцев назад
Due to the fact that God speaks boldly against it just as a woman can not be the head of the family while the man is still alive,I can not accept women's ordination in the church. A woman can teach, do morning cry etc., but to usurp authority in the church over a man is what I can not accept.
@garysouthwell5762 Год назад
Let us not be divided by our divided opinions but be tolerant of everything? Let us not consult the word of God because that might offend some? Thank you Br Lawrence for your forthright bringing up of these seeming inconsistencies within the church but, always remember to not broadcast the sins of Gods people to the world by making them public such as on RU-vid?
@markharris3135 11 месяцев назад
All I heard from him was about what the GC said, with the objective of avoiding division. We should be looking to God's Word and all, including the GC, should be following it.
@user-vn6sr7wi7e Год назад
If the Bible doesn’t support the females to be ordained as pastor, what is the big deal? Only because the North American division want doesn’t mean we have to accept it..! Mark Findley sugar coating.
@ChristiannaGoyanes-id5op Год назад
Totally sugar coating
@kevint.2706 Год назад
@@ChristiannaGoyanes-id5op More like dancing around the issue.
@tprb1023fm Год назад
The question should be does The God of Heaven and Earth Approves The Ordination of Women In The SDA Church?
@kwamashusiwawa4970 Год назад
This GC of SDA is a directionless body. 1) One of the Vice-Presidents is a woman yet they say she can NOT be the HEAD 2)Some Conferences are ordinating women as Pastors It’s time for God’s people to leave this LEADERLESS CHURCH!
@bobreese4807 Год назад
MOST SDA are bible dummies. What do you expect??
@samuelakiri9242 Год назад
AMONGST THE FIVE HOLD MINISTRIES; PROPHETS, APOSTLES, PASTORS, EVANGELISTS AND TEACHERS, in the Bible,you'll find women doing all the positions except the Pastoral duties. A WOMAN SHOULDN'T BE A PASTOR.
@bobreese4807 Год назад
It has often been presented to me that there should be LESS SERMONIZING by MINISTERSs, acting merely as local pastors of churches, and that greater personal efforts should be put forth. Our people should not be made to think that they need to listen to a sermon every Sabbath. Many who listen frequently to sermons, even though the truth be presented in clear lines, LEARN BUT LITTLE. Often it would be more profitable if the Sabbath meetings were of the nature of a Bible-class study. 21 LtMs Lt 192
@headcovering782 11 месяцев назад
Kindly give me the eg white reference where you get this quote. I'm note sure I know what Lt ms is??😅
@bobreese4807 11 месяцев назад
@@headcovering782 Thanks for the interest. ..Letters and manuscripts Letter 192. It is also in Evangelism P 348 which is easier to find for some who have just books. Let me know if you interact with any SDA big shots...the leadership and education approach are way behind in quality control. They talk about finishing the work???
@thevoiceofprophecytoday Год назад
WOMEN ARE THEIR OWN ENEMIES OF THIS ISSUE WHICH IS CLEARLY NOT RESTRICTED BY BIBLE. IT IS A COMMON SENSE ISSUE. Does The Holy Spirit discriminate in these gifts including Pastoral Gift??? And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Ephesians:4:11-12 SDAS must PAY women MONEY as males to get this work done, we are tired and we need to hasten the Coming of Jesus The Christ. ORDAIN WOMEN BECAUSE THE BIBLE HAS NEVER SAID DO NOT ORDAIN WOMEN!
@jaimienommik1578 Год назад
Mark Finley said something but the church did something else.
@franktorres9373 Год назад
He is not even on the same page. In an earlier pod- cast he said women ordained as Elders in not a hill for him to die on. What does that mean.... He is for it. I will send you the link.....
@danielfontenot4476 Год назад
To the person who said, "Mark Finley said something but the church did something else". Please, please open your eyes. Did he not say that the leadership has already placed women in leadership positions? These women may not be ORDAINED as such, but are they not in the very positions that they would be in had they been ordained? What's the difference? I believe that Mark Finley knows exactly what he is doing and what he is saying. He has been at this game for many years. In regards to your statement, actually the church has done EXACTLY what Mark Finley wanted it to do. Remember, actions speak louder than words. Mark Finley's words mean NOTHING. His actions are what is speaking. His example is what is speaking----"Place women in positions of leadership and of power." And the churches follow suit.
@NanahNam-ul8tw Год назад
The main duty of Women as stated by Ellen White in the book Adventist Home is to bring up children in the character of God (Christ) and you can read more in the book Adventist Home thanks ❤🎉❤❤ David from Uganda ❤ Let them also serve God but they should not to neglect their main work
@Helltown66 Год назад
i'm so sorry my country is responsible for your sexism and ignorance. Sending dumb missionaries that were too extreme even for america.
@BlakeRobert777 Год назад
Please SDA Church, where we we heading
@bobreese4807 Год назад
Remember GIDEON story??? Too many saints in SDA not ready for battle. SDA is proud and gets glory, NOT GOD. SHAKE SHAKE
@FollowGodsWord Год назад
Well said Bro Lawrence and Pastor Mark Finley!
@michaelreyes8182 Год назад
You have to wonder...if the church has voted 3 times NOT to ordain women as pastors what good was that when it's being done anyway? Why have church leadership? I guess Moses took the wrong approach when he found the people of God dancing around the golden calf. What he should have done was tell them we have voted to not have any other Gods BUT. that's ok whatever feels right to you. ''I really am just a figurehead and have no real authority.'' and look the other way. Pastor Finley is a wonderful man but he's wasting his breath. The GC has no reasonable control in cases like this. They look the other way and that's not good. Looking the other way has produced a woman pastor who left the ministry and is now leading the LBJQ blah blah blah movement to affirm queer activity in the SDA church. This is the problem ... we hear the talk and no action to back it up. Very sad.
@garysouthwell5762 Год назад
Yes, and that's not the only issue of compromise in this way. The SDA Reform Movement broke away because the church basically opened up to members to do ANYTHING they felt like doing as far as War involvement goes; opposed to the original stand which was Conscientious objection to any and all participation in War and Bloodshed, in other words, what is now deemed Conscientious Objector: the moderate stand now promoted is 'Non-combatant supporter of each local country's war efforts. Think about the inconsistencies in this stand alone. Jesus said plainly, 'Henceforth, my kingdom is Not of This World', and 'Put away the Sword, he who takes the sword will perish with the sword' . And right through the old testament there are hints that God didnt really want his people involved with war, He would have fouight for them if they would have trusted in Him fully. But they had little faith. Im and ex Reform member as you can guess but now believe we should be part of the greater flock who's main goal is to get the basic 3 Angel's message to the world, even though it has been watered down here and there.
@Simon-Simon-Simon Год назад
They have no power in implementing GOD'S LAW GODS PLAN but they open the door to BREAKING GOD'S LAW GODS PLAN That's the SDA GENERAL CONFERENCE They have to ask themselves are they sewing TARES or WHEAT I hope we have a person who FEARS AND LOVES GOD A whistle blower on the GENERAL CONFERENCE
@michaelreyes8182 Год назад
@@garysouthwell5762 All I'm doing is providing my opinion, for what it's worth. I know there are good men in the church structure and I can certainly see how these times are difficult on leadership. Talk is cheap. By not holding the line things will continue to get worse. That is not condemning anyone. On the other hand, I don't see anything in the Bible or EGWs writings saying the SDA church is or will become Babylon. And yes, by you coming out that's exactly what you believe.
@michaelreyes8182 Год назад
​@@Simon-Simon-Simon I'm sorry but the GC is there to provide leadership and guidance to the church. Not as some mid-evil popes but as Moses did. The church has voted on women's ordination and it was rejected by the church at large. And you see these Pastors going their own way? Really? You don't think that damages the church and its members? If these pastors feel that strongly let the start their own church. The same with the queer movement. We hear the talk but no walk. It's almost like leadership is trying to appease the rank in file and encourage these Pastors ordaining women at the same time, by saying nothing.
@michaelmanso740 Год назад
I agree with you 100%.
@dorretteanderson4648 Год назад
@dorretteanderson4648 Год назад
What's can we find the BIBLE'S STAND ON ORDINATION OF WOMEN as ELDERS and PASTORS. Is this issue a matter of m en's choice?? Then won't we have to REVISIT the CHURCH'S STAND ON LGBT...."CHOICE"????? Where GOD CAN BE A "HE" or "SHE"!!LET'S GET BACK TO THE SANCTUARY!! THE BIBLE!! SPIRIT OF PROPHECY Was ELLEN WHITE ORDAINED??
@kcjoseph2838 Год назад
​@@dorretteanderson4648If sis White was a prophet, why would she be ordained 🙄
@martinlohne5128 Год назад
@@kcjoseph2838 She was NEVER ordained by the church. Her ordination was from God just like other women prophets.
@kcjoseph2838 Год назад
@@martinlohne5128 I am completely aware of that!
@itzcaseykc Год назад
There is always going to be some local church that defies what the General Conference Session within the NAD decides on (if the decision reflects scripture). That shows their rebellion towards scripture regarding the roles that men & women should abide by in life. The same goes for the churches (i.e. in CA & NYC) who affirm or accept the gay lifestyle such people are actively involved in. Women pastors should *NEVER* take precedent over a male pastor... if he's available to carry out his duties for a particular day or event. A female pastor can be very helpful in women's & family ministry programs where a male pastor would not be as beneficial or comfortable having in the program. Another reason a woman pastor should *NEVER* take the place of a male pastor; because that supersedes his position and authority in the church. Whenever I hear of women being ordained as pastors, three things pop into my head: Women's Lib, Social Justice Warriors, and Equality. The first two are disruptive in nature while the last one is relevant. Men and women deserve equal footing in God's eyes, but the two genders have their particular roles to play in life: women are not to have the roles meant for men and vise versa. Women who are in the ministry, and those who support their endeavors, fail to realize that a woman is more useful & productive being the loving, nurturing, and cultivating mother of her young children than they ever could be at the pulpit. Men are to lead out in the home, if there is a father present, and in the church as well. Period.
@user-bj5ly5zi4v Год назад
Are these women married ?
@itzcaseykc Год назад
@@user-bj5ly5zi4v ...and your point is what??? We don't keep women from marrying if they choose to enter any ministry for God. That is mostly found in the Catholic Church. Some say they are reconsidering that requirement due to the many instances of molestations of young males by priests and popes, etc.
@brennancumberbatch1571 Год назад
Brother Lawrence you made me laugh today 😂😂....that face you did...after she said "I do".
@antoniodevilla5926 Год назад
The ordination of that woman did not exemplify the sacredness and solemnity of ordination. To me it seems to be outright rebellion of World church leadership.
@paulrichards009 Год назад
You are usually on point with your views, but it seems that you are not sure or aware that the Bible is against women being ordained to the work of pastor or elder. Study this out Biblically, and you will see this to be so that the Bible is against women as pastors or elders.
@olivegren6174 Год назад
If possible, I would like some proofs regarding this statement. Thank you in advance.
@nannatteirving1378 Год назад
I believe obedience is a very hard thing when we are not focused on the word and if we cannot obey who we can see how are we going to obey God whom we cannot see,this is not about us as individual it’s about the head as in the conference so we must understand.If we are zealous for winning souls for the kingdom we have to understand that obedience is the key.This is not politics so let us not behave like the world we must take order from the conference as they take it from the word and present it remember we did say I will when we were coming into the body of SDA .Thank you much for hearing me out may God’s grace continues to lead us into the path we must follow.
@danielfontenot4476 Год назад
To say that we are to obey the Conference in all things is nothing but Papal doctrine. "YE SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME" saith the Lord.
@janiceeteme5536 Год назад
Praise God! Thank you again Pastor Finley
@vectorchristmas5568 Год назад
This is not according to God will to ordained women as pastors , God called twelve apostles and whenever he called persons to do his work he called men ,the adventist church behaves exactly like the other denominations shame on them
@mbuyiselolandu8296 2 месяца назад
Good day Bro Lawrence. I am confused about the topic of ordination. I fully agree with the decision by GC not to ordain women as Pastors. my question is, if women are comisioned to hold the same office of Pastoring with the same duties as ordained Male Pastors, then what is the whole difference about?
@dorothybrown8859 4 месяца назад
A house divided cannot stand. Whether we agree or not we should stand by the vote of the GC.
@samsungblu1023 29 дней назад
I Am A Woman. I Am Definitely Not Agree With Women Being A Pastor To Preach. They Can't Pull Their Weight Like Men. They Are Plenty Others Things They Can Do. Thank You For sharing Brother Lawrence. God Blessing. 😥😪🤔
@melodyschleicher81 Год назад
First and foremost, official letters of ordination as currently practiced is not a Biblical injunction. It is man-made. Secondly, the subjugation of women is part of the results of sin in Eden. Looking down through the ages, God's foreknowledge warned that this would be the case. The strong would dominate the weak. And here we are today, perpetuating this evil. 😢 When will we learn that in Christ all are equal? Who are we to dictate to the Holy Spirit whom He is permitted to gift in a certain way? God forbid. What is being practiced is not unity. It is conformity, and there is a world of difference between those two concepts.
@acuriousfellow Год назад
Thanks well said and might I add. In a society that ostracised woman in a most cruel way Jesus went out of his way to lovingly support and encourage them, yet so many of us who take the name of Christian upon ourselves are still willing to show our contempt for our woman folk. Shame on us.
@pirateshadesproductions Год назад
Deborah was a Judge in Israel and she was a woman. I'm not sure about this because it was from this year that I'm now hearing about this.
@peterbamford2811 Год назад
Maybe you don't understand the male dominated inner sanctum of latter day Pharisees that run the denominations to make sure the ship keeps the straight course and avoids running aground on contentious issues of spiritual gifts ,religious thuggery exists in most denominations with the men in leadership leading the charge from the highest to the lowest ,these are FACTS,ALL THE TIME CALLING THEMSELVES FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST,observed with over 40 years of observation! It will never be any different until CHRIST RETURNS!
@ManegiFumo-rc7nb Год назад
This is only your thoughts and not what the Bible says
@peterbamford2811 Год назад
@@ManegiFumo-rc7nb like all religious Pharisees you wouldn't know christ if he came and stood next to you!
@dwblacky Год назад
Having a woman pastor is like following other Protestant churches.. the video with the woman being ordained in my opinion was very light-hearted instead of serious attitude....
@Oscar070 Год назад
Happy Sabbath
@hillartrowe6797 Год назад
Ever elder must have one wife
@KareyStClair Год назад
It's either biblical or it's not..... we shall not start becoming like the catholic church in promoting the standards of men rather than God....
@user-de6nc8er8s Год назад
They don’t ordain women to be pastors but they allow them to be pastors without the ordination.
@martinlohne5128 Год назад
You are quite mistaken. They certainly do ordain women to be pastors but they also at times "commission" women to be pastors. A commissioned woman has the same privileges as an ordained man. They can baptize, etc.
@paulemcj2446 Год назад
How does that make sense?
@headcovering782 11 месяцев назад
Same difference
@glendagoss6697 Год назад
I do not believe a woman should be ordained as a pastor
@lynnlance351 Год назад
Where was mark Finley or the GC when it all started??
@ParaousiaComingnow 4 месяца назад
The problem is the NAD is ignoring the World churches vote. The only reason WO is allowed for elders is the GC didn't put it to the vote, if they did, the world church would prohibit Women as elders also.
@shumbashava247 Год назад
The man literally are not convinced about what they are doing and imagine she is the one being ordained and says " come on man please step up".Jesus is merciful I pray that we can all be saved ,even Catholics don't do it
@user-ye9cx4sj4v 6 месяцев назад
It is not what you, i, Pastor Finley, or the GC has to say... *IT IS WHAT GOD SAYS IN HIS WORD* .... Allison Stephens, you clearly need to control your anger and to mind your language , which is also unacceptable in God's Church... There is a certain standard that we need to uphold, according to what is right and pleasing in God's sight... Satan is at the helm of this chaos in the Church....there is too much apostasies and heresies going on and this is one of it....we cannot be a lot of puppets and be strung along with error and the winds of doctrine...it's dangerous to fall into the hands of the living God... I'm a female, i fully agree that women should *NOT BE ORDAINED TO BECOME a PASTOR* ....EG White who got direct visions and revelations from God about the past ; present and future, why has she not served in the capacity of a Pastor? because she knew that it's not her place to serve...if women were to serve as pastors, she would have encouraged women to do so... The structure of God's true church: *God is the head of Jesus Christ...* *heavenly connection* *Jesus Christ is the head of the man...heavenly connection* *Man is the head of the woman....earthly connection*... God has given Adam the power and authority over the earth(God created man Himself) (whereas a woman was formed from a rib of a man, according to the word of God a woman is subservient to a man)
@raymondsmith3255 14 дней назад
I believe this follows the same line as the debate regarding Gentiles. Proof is in the pudding.
@brennancumberbatch1571 Год назад
But brother L, how could it not cause division? It is divided
@MaxElo-it6nu Месяц назад
The 5th commandment tells us to respect our parents. The parents in the church are our church leaders. If they tells us what to do we follow with humility. Our God always speaks to us on the leadership issues through the decisions of the GC. The women ordination was well addressed by GC. To refuse to accept is rebellion. It tells us we don't respect orders and structures of the church God established. Woman Ordination is wrong and is written on the wall and the perpetrators are only giving themselves over to the control of the enemy.
@user-wh2de5sd4n 2 месяца назад
When a woman is a born again it's not her wholiveth but christ In her so ,christ in her can do anything and there is no judgement to those who are in Christ jesus
@manuelcaires3473 Год назад
Jesus is the head of the men,and the man is the head of the women ,this is the order established by God.
@williamhartweg6935 Год назад
Mark Finlay talks allot! read 1 Timotheus 2:12+2:13+2:14+2:15. It doesn't matter what People say.What i do hear is against the Word of God Almighty!
@constancestinger5976 2 месяца назад
I listen to Mark Finley all the time. I am shocked to hear him say that it's up to the church. WRONG!!! The bible says no.
@joelchirchir242 Год назад
What they say is different from what they do. How can we vote for or against the world of God without committing an act of blasphemy?? Bro let's not be lukewarm , human opinions are nothing but strange fire
@sethbardu Год назад
My brother, I hope someday we get to have a personal conversation. I do not want to leave my opinion on this platform. There are things you may not be aware of. Bottom line, let us do the work we have been called to do. Blessings
@ajfriedberg6360 3 месяца назад
I would have listened to the GC vote re: women’s ordination IF the vote would have been brought in a fair way. Their are at least 51 percent or more women in the SDA church when this vote was taken but only 15 percent of women were allowed to be voting delegates at the GC when this last vote was taken. If the delegates had represented fairly the make up of the church (female, country, etc.) then a vote against women’s ordination being voted down would have been surprising but an easier decision to accept
@lytonmuchenje7259 Год назад
I have seen women in these leadership roles. it takes quite an effort to keep paying attention to the message they are preaching as you are always diverted to their body language and the call to attention of themselves and not the word. It has always bothered me. Lets take God at his word and stop being presumptuously judicious
@torahobservantsda Год назад
God's kingdom is not a democracy.
@user-qw7bo4yt8c 7 месяцев назад
Ellen G White wrote that women are great missionary and have the ability to reach out for people but I as a woman 👠 I believe that women should not be pastor or elders because that Job is for man only, I want to be a Chaplain please pray for me that the Lord will help me to reach that goal 🥍🥅 thanks 😊👍🎉❤
@maureenr1897 7 месяцев назад
When the church meets at Conference Session and prayerfully discuss matters, are the decisions bound in Heaven? If the answer is yes, does God then agree with whoever does what is contrary?
@DennisDakota-eq6pk Год назад
Pastor Mark Finley what does God say in all this is the vote going to be above God's voice?
@dedekenne2026 Год назад
Where are these pastors receiving their Checks from
@donaldnarine1009 5 месяцев назад
'It's not splitting the church over." It's splitting the church.
@allisonstephens1837 Год назад
Sorry but, I call THIS BS.. The North America division and the NORTH EASTERN CONFERENCE have many ordained pastors and elders in my church 3 women elders. Why is General conference and the local churches doing two different things??
@Kingsley__Light 10 месяцев назад
Even if the General Conference votes in favor of it,what matters is what the Bible says
@saniawatson7586 Год назад
Its apostay period ...we have our roled but God as spoken ..
@RubachandranGenesan-yl6ji Год назад
Woman ordinance is sins not found in bible doctrines, priest always man not woman! blasphemy
@mgm2923 Год назад
Its not biblical to ordain women as Pastors.
@dit9722 Месяц назад
There are 2 sets of people in the World. Those the are obedient to God and do not even think of changing what He has implemented from the start and those that will be disobedient. Pick one people.
@user-zv6kh9pj2h 5 месяцев назад
If this issue of women ordination was in Africa, you can see and hear words like rebels of church are ordination of women in Africa
@KooBen-rk3ds Год назад
The Remnant Church is the body that keeps The Commandments of God, and have the Testimony of Jesus Christ. (Rev. 12:17). That is the church we have to strive to be part of. My advise to all, is that we are at the stage where the two angels led Lot and his family to the outskirts of Sodom, and said unto them, 'Escape for your life". (Gen 18:17). Folks, the storm is almost here, and God is speaking. Let us beware, lest we be distracted.
@abrahammusomali9126 Год назад
AMEN you know what I have been having the same thoughts we should be striving after having the faith of Christ now and his character and gather strength from other people's apostasy the Bible and the spirit of prophecy are clear many will go out from us and our prayers individually is not to be among this fold, the church will be split into two those who have the faith of Christ and keep his commandments and precepts and those who don't we are in the judgment hour, let's agonise ourselves before the throne of mercy confessing every sin and asking God to make us new creatures for God will have are people in whom there's no guile. have we reached this state it's me tremble when i see my wretchedness blessed are those who have and this women ordination and homosexuality stuff may enable us to think these are the only sins so offensive in the sight of God while our lives also are wanting in God's scale and I believe this homosexuality stuff is also going to be among the reason they going to use to impose the mark of the beast upon the world and they are going to say that because people haven't been going to church have reached this state and they going to impose morality on us by the same people who contribute and supported this mess and church and state will come together because of popular demand by the people to enforce Christian morals by force which should be voluntary to follow God's precepts because they are just and good because they are for our happiness and security, God bless you from Zambia
@eliphasphiri4090 10 месяцев назад
Most churches treat their women as Muslims do, but God cannot ban women arbitrarily, so.women can be pastors, teachers, evangelist s and prophets
@youray95 Год назад
Texas conference president threatens pastor of Conroe church over sermon on rock music type Contemporary Christian music in the church. Check out the sermon from Conroe church titled ‘the Ancient man’ Pastor now on probation.
@bobreese4807 Год назад
More SDA contaminated by culture
@josephkirimi5453 Год назад
This church can not purport to be the remnants with all this kind of confusion. They need to accept Christ and be saved into the church of God.
@josephkirimi5453 Год назад
I said again that this is a confused church. God's church can not be so divided that some of the leaders accept ordination and others not.
@josephkirimi5453 Год назад
@ChrisDaniel-xy7ly What does the prophesy say? Where can we read of a church called the SDA in the Bible?
@mandladludlu8359 Год назад
This saddens me it really does. Especially because I was brought up Roman Catholic & the Catholics get this clearly that a woman cannot be a priest. See how the woman being ordained does not even recognize what a solemn responsibility this is including those ordaining her. God's word is clear. We ought not to add nor subtract from it.......
@user-de6nc8er8s Год назад
Went to church service the other day where the female assistant pastor and the female elder blessed two babies. Are the babies really blessed?
@martinlohne5128 Год назад
Tell me something else. Is a person that's baptized by a women holding the illegitimate office of ordained minister or elder really baptized?
@headcovering782 11 месяцев назад
@elijahhansen669 Год назад
The question is can woman be baptized? If you read your Bible you will find that they are to be baptized. The next question to ask is can women be followers of Christ? If they can they are commanded by Christ to preach, teach and baptize all peoples. Whenever a church stands in the place of God and hinders His work He will cut them down and judge them severely. The ordination issue is one from the catholic church. The issue of women elders is also something that few will properly address. It is not biblical to have elders in the church, period. Leaders yes, elders no. The GC may have voted it down more than once, but who is the GC? They don't represent me, I didn't vote for them. Not one constitute was voted in by the people that they "represented" nor were they required to vote based on how the people felt in their areas. A bunch of self elected people placing themselves above the word of God. I don't buy into it. I have a Bible and I know how to read, when people are wrong in the church we are to help get them on the straight and narrow before they lead others down to hell with them. It doesn't matter their title or names.
@MaxElo-it6nu Месяц назад
GC must take actions quickly to address such issues because it left to the dictates of Union Missions things will get out of hand.
@jasonmcdougall3201 4 месяца назад
Rebelliously ordaining women pastors and then rejecting other pastors in a divisive way. Proverbs 6:14-19 New King James Version (NKJV)Perversity is in his heart, He devises evil continually, He sows discord. Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly; Suddenly he shall be broken without remedy.
@noblekalwa335 3 месяца назад
Brother Lawrence. you are talking about the general conference and conferences and you are not saying anything about what God says in the Bible. what does the bible say about the issue of women ordination, let us be truthful biblically, and when you say it should not bring division in the church what do you mean?
@melissawalker3888 Год назад
Can a woman be the pastor of a congregation and not be ordained but still be the senior pastor and use the title of pastor?
@Musukuvick Год назад
Father forgive the for they do not know what they are doing!!! If Jesus take more than 100 years SDA will fall, slowly by slowly we are diverting the truth
@lindabrechwald241 Год назад
Because the Church as a whole has said NO, they should honor that. This is sad that they would go against what the GC has voted. The GC needs to take action on this matter, otherwise, other churches will do the same thing.
@meshackmose965 Год назад
I am Adventist but I don't know who bewitched the leaders in GC by allowing women to be pastors or elders ,I am against it.
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