
Pastor Tony Spell House Arrest Full Video 

Tony Spell
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23 окт 2024




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@matthewfennell8738 3 года назад
Brother Spell you have been an inspiration to me. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. Oh that Jesus would give me the Holy Ghost boldness to stand like you and a remnant of others are standing.
@austincash7155 4 года назад
Never seen this done when someone is on house arrest the gates of hell shall not prevail in jesus name never met pastor spell but I can say this I would pack my bags leave washington and come sit under this man he is a true end time warrior
@TonySpell 4 года назад
Thank you Austin Cash
@austincash7155 4 года назад
@@TonySpell no pastor spell thank you...for standing for thruth
@kindaoumar5863 3 года назад
@@TonySpell .hello pastor I am happy to have supported me by the porole of God by your live broadcasts I am in a French speaking country but I manage to understand your messages in English so therefore my faith has grown and I have become an envangelist. support in prayer for the salvation of souls. in addition I wanted to ask to come and plant a church in our country for the salvation of souls
@anniebaquet8202 2 года назад
I did, l left Calif. Now l sit under Pastor Spells ministry. Hallelujah
@shirleyjensen417 3 года назад
And a year later…..ain’t God good?!?!?!!! He always prevails! 🙌👏🙌
@nanastrippin2006 3 года назад
Wow! This is a current Paul and Silas... moment and the earth will quake and the chains will fall off and God will be glorified!! Keep the faith Pastor 🙏🇺🇸
@kevinvelie2695 4 года назад
God bless you Bro Spell. I can't speak for all of the Florida district but I can speak for my family. We stand with you. Thank you for your stand!
@pastortonypastortony3247 4 года назад
I am pastor Tony spell if you want the miracle of the lord this month message me on my. email pastr.tony.spell@gmailm
@JerryPegg-kx1rf 9 месяцев назад
He will stand by his faith in Christ Jesus
@allenzifer2850 4 года назад
@michaeljackson8390 4 года назад
@stuart354 4 года назад
I think most of the USA is ashamed of the government at this moment
@gwencontreras7894 4 года назад
It's the Bible times happening all over again.
@yourslipisshowing6494 4 года назад
Dishonesty of omission is a sin! Notice this Pastor and his supporters in their comments never mention the charge of assault. That is why he was arrested; they wish to make this sound like this poor honest law abiding Pastor was just arbitrarily denied his right to preach. This is dishonest and represents the true character of this group.
@yourslipisshowing6494 4 года назад
Those who cheat on their taxes will pay the penalty, just as Pastor Spell will pay the penalty for his crimes. What a circus he has created! BTW who is Nina?
@saltandlight316 4 года назад
First of all the assault charge was a lie. Second of all that is what he is being denied. According to the First Admendment the government cannot prohibit the assembling of religion or the free exercise thereof. This means that if he believes that needs to continue holding church he has that right, and there is NOTHING that the government can do
@yourslipisshowing6494 4 года назад
Fortunately the assault was captured on video for all to see. Ironically the same community he is thumbing his nose at with risking their exposure to the virus is the same community that will provide the jury that will determine his guilt or innocence on the assault and other charges.
@frankiewillis1772 4 года назад
@@yourslipisshowing6494 I've seen the video and their is no assault. The protester never moved looks like he didn't feel to worried.
@mrsuslouisianaconstitution4257 4 года назад
Your slip is showing
@sparklesparkle4357 4 года назад
It is my honor and privilege to have found you Pastor Spell! I’ve been searching for years to find a real pastor, a Godly pastor and sir, a week ago when I found you, found my church and my pastor! Distance can be figured out later. Tonight my thoughts and prayers are with you, but also I can hold my head high, and stand proud because I stand with a true man of God!
@nekajones642 4 года назад
@gwencontreras7894 4 года назад
Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church. And he killed James the brother of John with the sword. And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread.) And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people. Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him. And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the keepers before the door kept the prison. And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands. And the angel said unto him, Gird thyself, and bind on thy sandals. And so he did. And he saith unto him, Cast thy garment about thee, and follow me. And he went out, and followed him; and wist not that it was true which was done by the angel; but thought he saw a vision. When they were past the first and the second ward, they came unto the iron gate that leadeth unto the city; which opened to them of his own accord: and they went out, and passed on through one street; and forthwith the angel departed from him. And when Peter was come to himself, he said, Now I know of a surety, that the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews. And when he had considered the thing, he came to the house of Mary the mother of John, whose surname was Mark; where many were gathered together praying. Acts 12:1‭-‬12 KJV bible.com/bible/1/act.12.1-12.KJV
@DeanColfax 4 года назад
@Dave Bronstein The only persecution is fabricated in the minds of people like Spell. Church gatherings, in these times especially, are far from "Essential". Faith doesn't need a large crowd to be practiced. Christ knows your heart and, at some point in time, you will be judged for your actions, these behaviors included. For Spell, the scale is tipping the wrong way but he is too ignorant to know or comprehend.
@DeanColfax 4 года назад
@jay mo Amen to that.
@susanspatz9501 4 года назад
@@DeanColfax But I bet you believe abortion clinics, pot stores, and liquor stores are essentials. And boy you said a mouthful when you said we are judged by our actions, YOU will be judged for not obeying the plan of salvation Acts 2:38, no if's an's or but's about it.
@wajonesclan 4 года назад
The second most important commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:34-40) and when you aren’t practice social distancing, you are putting your neighbor at risk of dying. You don’t need to be in the same room together for fellowship to occur. God lives in our hearts, not the sanctuary. I don’t attend Church in person now, but I still tithe to my Church. This isn’t a hypothetical risk or attempt to control anybody, it’s the reality of the nature of this virus.
@abbygracebooks8358 4 года назад
Can you show me where Jesus or any of the early church EVER socially distanced themselves from the sick? Jesus is love and the absolute demonstration of love to others, and HE touched lepers that are unclean. They did not socially distance from one another. Socially distancing is against scripture. We are to lay hands on the sick and pray for them, not to socially distance ourselves.
@andrewhaxley9467 4 года назад
@@abbygracebooks8358 your right...I'm a Christian and I love Jesus a lot...Jesus said to pray for those who persecute you too...the time is coming and coming fast now where the enemy will come to attack and destroy the truth...we all must hold on to Jesus...he is the only way into heaven
@barbaraready6171 4 года назад
You just sit there and believe that the government through social distance care about you. If they cared about you why is the abortion centers still opened? Why are the liquors stores still opened? just because you're socially engineered by the government that's your right.Because you're just doing what the devil want you to do. Every time you do social distance you are actually doing a satanic ritual. C _19 stands for 66 and 6 feet back 666 number of the beast. So go right ahead and worship the beast. GOD said my people will perish because of the lack of knowledge. GOD can't use any coward soldiers.
@jamesdoe7951 4 года назад
@@barbaraready6171 amen
@ningramsmc 4 года назад
I could feel the Holy Ghost immediately when the singing began! God will be victorious! Keep fighting the good fight Brother Spell. You and your family are in my prayers!!! Hallelujah!
@azazel166 4 года назад
I myself could feel just how entranced you are by reading your hilariously demented comment.
@moniqua0517 4 года назад
limits to infinity here you are again... People have rights under our constitution if you do not like that move to another country there are many that you could go too if you like living in the police state. God will not be mocked!!!
@azazel166 4 года назад
@@moniqua0517 Nice thought-terminating cliche. Some of the people's rights are and should be rightfully limited during the time of a pandemic, so that they may be alive to have them again once it ends.
@moniqua0517 4 года назад
A Ghost Without a Past well you see the judge came to his senses and understands our rights and backed down and he will not be arrested. We will not fear. You have a choice to stay home that tour choice. Do t hate on someone for their choice.
@chuckufarley5348 4 года назад
@@nnomed1975 not going to lie. for a second the cops them song played in the back of my head when I was reading your mocking you part . Bad boy bad boys what you gonna do cause we're mocking you .
@Daniel-ny7tk 4 года назад
Keep the fight for freedom. We do not need permission. The Lord gives us all the authority we need. Period.
@ChristInTheMiddleEast 4 года назад
We dedicate this to you brother Spell, to all the family, and the church.🛐✝️ I've lost some good friends along life's way Some loved ones departed in heaven to stay But thank God I didn't lost everything I've lost faith in people who said they cared In time of my crisis they were never there But in my disappointment, in my season of pain One thing never wavered, one thing never changed I never lost my hope, I never lost my joy I never lost my faith But most of all, I never lost my praise My praise still here, My praise still here I've let some blessings slip away When I lost my focus and went astray But thank God I didn't lost everything I lost possessions that were so dear I lost some battles walking in fear But in the midst of my struggles, in my season of pain One thing never wavered, one thing never changed I never lost my hope, I never lost my joy I never lost my faith But most of all, I never lost my praise Praise, Praise, Praise, Praise, Praise Most of all, I never lost my praise My praise still here, My praise still here Song by Tremaine Hawkins
@rafaelpagan6873 4 года назад
Romans 13:1-2 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
@Daniel-ny7tk 4 года назад
Out of context.
@rafaelpagan6873 4 года назад
@@Daniel-ny7tk Out of context ? Scripture clearly states in Romans 13: 1-2 . This is the word of GOD !!!
@hargisP2 4 года назад
Rafael Pagan did the Roman Empire have a Constitutional Republic form of Government where the Government was by the people, and for the people? We have the Bill of Rights read them. We have the right to protest any one trying to enforce a rule that goes against the Constitution. Many Constitutional lawyers have said the original request was for 15 days, and it keeps changing depending on State. After the first change they needed a move of the Government to make any time change. Many people were killed by Hitler because many Christians used Romans to defend their lack of doing the right thing. Silence in the sight of evil is evil it’s self. Peter and Paul and others were ordered to not preach according to the law during their time, they still preached, they went against the authorities. How come you don’t use those passages. I serve God, not man. You need to make a choice.
@rafaelpagan6873 4 года назад
@@hargisP2 Your replying to a post that's 5 months old when the pandemic first hit . If you truly love your brothers , why would you risk having service when at the time we didn't know what was going on . Why don't you look up how many people died as a result of having social gatherings . If you truly know GOD and serve GOD then you would know that GOD can be served anywhere ,anyplace at anytime . Salvation comes through FAITH not Works or Worship . The government was not ASKING nor looking to be worshipped . At no time did they say we could not worship GOD . There's a difference between taking safety measures during a time of uncertainty and being told we can not worship GOD or PREACH the gospel .
@1godjesusname 4 года назад
We're awake Brother Spell! We are still having church! IN PERSON! The body is hands and feet- God set the church in order.
@ONEFAITHofJESUS 4 года назад
1godjesusname amen, Paul to Titus “For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in *order* the things that are wanting, and ordain elders(plural) in every city(singular), as I had appointed thee...” ONE LORD, ONE FAITH
@azazel166 4 года назад
Then you are playing with fire. Hope you have your caskets picked and your affairs in order.
@ONEFAITHofJESUS 4 года назад
Sinners play with fire every day they do not Repent. Christians have repented, knowing that there is eternal fire and JESUS alone saves. Do you mean playing with fire in risking getting sick or setting the church in order and the government persecution that would follow? ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, Peace
@azazel166 4 года назад
@@ONEFAITHofJESUS This one doesn't though, or trying to swindle people.
@IndyGirlAMB 4 года назад
@@azazel166 Hebrews 10:25 25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. We should as Christians obey God rather than man !
@heidirobinson3352 3 года назад
What a beautiful home he & his family live in together. 💛🗽🙏
@aarondowell3296 3 года назад
Pastor pray for me. I'm in what appears to be an insurmountable situation. God knows. And I believe that you have the kind of faith it takes to overcome.
@kobiebalentine7909 3 года назад
God gave his people the victory once again I praise you Jesus!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!
@yourslipisshowing6494 4 года назад
It is now being reported that the Pastor's mother put the Police Dept. phone number on her facebook page and encouraged others to call, now the phones to the Police Dept. are tied up, potentially preventing an emergency call from getting through. How sick can these people be!!!!
@lsutigerphan5218 4 года назад
The Spell's family is not happy with Tony
@love4thetruth 4 года назад
Christians should be praying, not fighting. This is not persecution. People are having online church and God is filling people with the Holy Ghost outside of the church walls during this time. Now if they were allowing football games to be held and not church, then this would seem in step. But that is not what is happening. God's word does say "To know to do good and do it not, to him it is a sin." Buy us abstaining from congregating is not us forsaking God's house. This is becoming a reproach on the church.
@nanastrippin2006 3 года назад
"Judge not least ye be judged", Pastor Spell just feels very strongly about freedom of religion, which is written in the Constitution. If "we the people" don't stand up for our freedoms, who's going to? and that goes for all religions, people, of all nationalities, gender, Christians and non Christians alike.
@prophetichippo 3 года назад
if pastor spell was trying to have services in his home since he was on house arrest, let me just say. it ain't easy. been in church services it was in someone's home. that only works for so long. eventually you're gonna want your house back
@raphael8896 4 года назад
We are with you Brother! Keep being bold! You are stirring the fire of the Holy Ghost for many brothers and sisters.
@raphael8896 4 года назад
@Jack Bauer I feel sorry for you. I may not agree with all of his theological stances, but I do believe in freedom of religion. Perhaps instead of insults and running people down, you should encourage them to be the very best person they can be. There's enough hate and evil in the world already. The thing about his congregation is that its fairly large and the majority obviously support him and trust him. But hey, what do I know? In your eyes, I'm guessing, not much! Hope you find happiness in life.
@gwencontreras7894 4 года назад
Bro Spell there are glitches with those things they stop charging and they also shows your out away from your house when you are not so keep on top of it and keep reporting the malfunctions. I'm telling you this because it's happening with someone close to me.
@bethanymckay2203 4 года назад
It is true. It happened to someone I love. His battery was dying and he got locked up for two weeks until they figured it out.
@gwencontreras7894 4 года назад
@@danpierce1120 really🤔 hmmm with knowing first hand myself that what I said is the fact truth. Nope no Idiot. Why don't you go find people with them and ask them? O but wait a minute I don't think you would want to because you will get your foot in your mouth. God bless you. I pray you come to know God and repent and be baptized in Jesus name and receive the Holy Ghost as the scriptures say...Acts 2:38 says to. If you have not experienced it what do you have to say against it? If God be for his people who can stand against us? The gates of Hell shall not prevail against the church of the most high living God.
@chuckufarley5348 4 года назад
@@gwencontreras7894 yay another pious twat quoting scripture .
@marylucas7749 4 года назад
Jason Beers, yay another miserable atheist harassing Christians and using degrading sexist slurs while priding himself on being morally superior and “woke”. Unimpressive, dude. “There is no God and I hate Him.” How special!
@chuckufarley5348 4 года назад
@@marylucas7749 miserable? I'm quite content with my life . actually. No I don't believe in God or any gods . I don't hate something that does not exist however I despise pious Christ-stains that do exist that think they have the right to tell me how I need to live under some bullshit threat of sin and retribution .
@TPM3RD 4 года назад
Thank you Bro Spell, for fighting this fight for us. We are praying for you. We will be going back to church soon, in Jesus Name.
@pastortonypastortony3247 4 года назад
I am pastor Tony spell if you want the miracle of the lord this month message me on my.. email pastr.tony.spell@gmail
@yourslipisshowing6494 4 года назад
Do you wonder why other Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship (WPF) ministers in Louisiana are not being similarly "persecuted"? 1. They are abiding by the WPF statement regarding having services as stated on the WPF website. 2. They have not assaulted a disabled protester. 3. They are not being dishonest about "their persecution" by claiming the arrest is to prevent preaching.
@mistydaily8575 4 года назад
Jer 3:15 And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.
4 года назад
And they shall beg for your money and ye as dumb sheep shall pour out blessings of cash upon them!!!
@ianmckeone8649 3 года назад
You make me sick Tony. Next time do what the goverment tells to do.
@TonySpell 3 года назад
You make me proud. As long as I am hated by the likes of you, I know I am approved of by God. Please, Whatever you do, don't stop cursing me.
@believeinhimjesus152 3 года назад
He is trying to keep you in sin don't listen to the demon aan of GOD WOULDN'T SAY THAT
@rohanreid5186 4 года назад
Bless the Lord Jesus. God is our refuge and strenght a very present help in trouble. I'll pray your strength my brother. Jesus is greater than any circumstances that may face us. Amen.
@danielobrien3308 4 года назад
The Lord bless you and keep you my brother, the Lord cause his face to shine upon you and give you peace. We stand in battle with you. God is our refuge and our strength a very present help in the times of trouble. As mountain round about Jerusalem even so the Lord encamp about them that fear him to deliver them.
@angelpaige685 4 года назад
stay away from this legalism bullshit garbage
@susanspatz9501 4 года назад
@@angelpaige685 Boy you better be careful what you say about pastors or their church, God said not to touch thine anointed and do thy prophets NO HARM. God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap, oops, women too, dont want to leave you out, the feminists might riot in the streets.
@makaylabby017 Год назад
@@angelpaige685 u shouldn't say that literally says in Bible to be modest
@globug552 6 месяцев назад
God bless this man for standing up for all of us that believe in God
@sweetpea5253 4 года назад
There was a whole BBQ in the park with a very large amount of people yesterday. No one was arrested or fined!!!
@KEVINCELLULAR 4 года назад
limits to infinity Dumbass comment
@sweetpea5253 4 года назад
@@KEVINCELLULAR yes, quite since I have black children and a black husband. Such an ignorant comment.
@wchurchill419 4 года назад
@@sweetpea5253 you are absolutely a white privileged woman. You are not your husband, or your kids. You have no idea what it is to grow up black. The ignorance lies solely with you. But then again...you pray to an invisible sky wizard...so no surprise there. Your poor education, unenlightenment is the foundation of your frail mind and body. You are the antithesis to the american patriot.
@sweetpea5253 4 года назад
@@wchurchill419 Lord I pray for your ignorance to be removed. You are blind and a tremendous fool. Just like a liberal to use the race card. You are what's wrong with the world. I have had no more access to opportunity than you or any other black person. You CHOOSE to use that card as an excuse. You are the same ones that think welfare and food stamps is to help you when in reality it is to keep you on the plantation and dependant on the government, killing all your babies from abortion. God bless your pitiful soul.
@sweetpea5253 4 года назад
@ricknolte6846 4 года назад
And to think he needs a go fund me to defend himself. So many sheep, so much fleece.
@pastortonypastortony3247 4 года назад
I am pastor Tony spell if you want the miracle of the lord this month message me on my. email pastr.tony.spell@gmail
@ReinibaChan 4 месяца назад
I admire these men of God so much! 😭
@rikkilandry5033 4 года назад
We Love you Bro. Spell! We stand with you and for you!
@anixtro6837 4 года назад
tony spell is awful
@funkmonk5921 4 года назад
Rikki Landry did u give him your money or stimulus. Give him your money now..... now. That’s what he wants
@makaylabby017 Год назад
@@anixtro6837 no he isn't
@makaylabby017 Год назад
@@funkmonk5921 no he doesn't quit believing everything that on social media literally the devil is a liar!!
@CarlaSueChonko 4 года назад
Little, big mouth, disobedient, narcissistic Tony needs to be locked up. He is no different than any other criminal. You disobey and order, disobey the court, the law, the judge....YOU GO TO JAIL.
@GoldNava 4 года назад
What a beautiful house for a beautiful Pastor! I like how the church is right near your house (cool idea) especially in a time like this. Don't cry and please stay strong! This too shall pass! (:
@aSkepticalTruth 4 года назад
Did you donate your stimulus check to him? He might have enough to buy a Porsche soon too.
@wstew1310 4 года назад
Tiberius Power He prefers Sunday school buses over fancy cars. 🚌
@aSkepticalTruth 4 года назад
@@wstew1310 If he drives a bus everywhere that wastes money and it's bad for the environment. But I think a pastor that dont mind spending money on a mansion isn't going to drive a church bus every day.
@wstew1310 4 года назад
Tiberius Power House was paid off when the Bishop lived there. Their family vehicle is a baseline Nissan Rogue. My point was if he makes any FUTURE purchases, he prefers to buy buses over upgrading to a fancy car.
@IndyGirlAMB 4 года назад
He's right ! Just Ask yourselves why protesters everywhere can legally assemble without mask and without standing at what they call a safe distance and yet the church can't assemble ? The other assemblies are not arrested and or lied on did you notice the double standards being put in place here ??
@IndyGirlAMB 4 года назад
@@mjdegans I'm talking about the protesters in many states protesting on the news and not arrested or bothered
@1godjesusname 4 года назад
Yep! I've been wondering where antifa is hiding lately- mom's basement I guess!!
@Praevus 4 года назад
"why protesters everywhere can legally assemble without mask and without standing at what they call a safe distance and yet the church can't assemble ?" Because they're reckless idiots. As for religious people being disallowed to assemble, it's because y'all are reckless religious idiots. I suspect you'd get along with them.
@1godjesusname 4 года назад
It's because the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion and peaceful assembly are the most foundational principles of the USA. If you're worried about the virus, stay home- you don't have to go anywhere- the government will feed your family and take care of you. I have a permission slip to go out of my house- THE CONSTITUTION.
@1godjesusname 4 года назад
@@mjdegans you're free to your opinion. My freedom to work and freedom of movement and freedom to assemble is not dependent on your feelings of safety. Wear your mask, gloves, whatever you want. Stay home- you're free to do that. I'm not infringing on your rights and I won't let anyone infringe on mine.
@dorisledford5542 4 года назад
This man is a MIGHTY MAN OF God. God bless him Mightely.
@dorisledford5542 4 года назад
@Jose Bacio you too will bend your knees and & your toubg will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord & you too will be held accountable for the words you speak. I STAND BY MY TRUTH THIS A MIGHTY MAN OF GOD ,& MAY GOD BLESS HIM & KEEP HIM SAFE IN HIS ARMS,
@dorisledford5542 4 года назад
@meronhenry6800 4 года назад
The wisdom of God is foolishness to the world
@jessicafox4048 4 года назад
Sing Pastor Sing!!! We are praying for you!!! Thank you for your stand, Sir! God bless you
@pastortonypastortony3247 4 года назад
I am pastor Tony spell if you want the miracle of the lord this month message me on my.. email pastr.tony.spell@gmail
@yourslipisshowing6494 4 года назад
I hope the disabled protester that was threatened has a good attorney. That lawsuit against the church and the pastor should be worth a million or two.
@Hebrew42Day 4 года назад
God bless you Pastor for standing up for the faith.
@douglasjcox 4 года назад
He's snake oil salesman endangering lives. Good riddance.
@Hebrew42Day 4 года назад
@@douglasjcox no one has an excuse to reject God. You know there is a God, it's why you took your valuable and limited time to go after this man. You want to justify sin. Let me tell you, Jesus saved me from my sin. He pulled me out of the pit, Satan pit me in. Depression, anxiety, worry, stress, fear - even of death? Gone. I serve the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord's. When I was a teenager, I got involved in witchcraft, and pornography. One morning, I woke up and couldn't move. A demon was sitting on my chest. I knew he wanted my life. I was raised Mormon, so didn't understand the power of calling on the name of Jesus. But God mercifully reach out to me, and planted a thought in my mind. "Call on my son, Jesus" I did and as soon as I did? The demon that was sitting on me fled. He saved me from death and hell, and my sins.
@Xbitxx 4 года назад
Elwood M. Buel You do realize you are the one trying to justify sin right?
@douglasjcox 4 года назад
@@Hebrew42Day You are a delusional loser. Period. Grow up and stop believing in bronze age nonsense and take personal responsibility for your failings.
@Hebrew42Day 4 года назад
@@mjdegans assault with a deadly weapon? Bibles are deadly?
@theofficialmichaelthegreat6169 4 года назад
@wchurchill419 4 года назад
@@danpierce1120 spot on Dan! Finally a man that isn't a kool aid drinking weakling! These ppl are poorly educated numpties. They pray to an invisible sky wizard because they are mentally weak, psuedo patriotic shitbags
@annc6046 3 года назад
They should put KOO KOO the Choo in a stray jacket
@heidirobinson3352 3 года назад
It just doesn't make sense to me to arrest people & place them in unsanitary holding cells for conducting their various legal & moral daily business. 💛🇺🇸💐🌎🏝
@NarrowWay 4 года назад
Thank you for taking a stand against this wicked totalitarianism brother! God bless you and your family!
@NarrowWay 4 года назад
limits to infinity your insistent fear is threatening our nation.
@NarrowWay 4 года назад
limits to infinity your stupid asinine statement about this being one of natures biggest killers, lets me know I’m up against a bunch of retarded, ignorant, mind numb zombies who will believe any lie the media or government perpetuates.
@NarrowWay 4 года назад
limits to infinity more people have died this year from flu, from auto accidents, from abortion, from suicide, etc... tell me oh fearful one, why aren’t you freaking out of these? Could it be the govt and media haven’t conditioned you to freak out of these. Wake up man!!! Think for yourself! Stop being a mind numb zombie!
@NarrowWay 4 года назад
limits to infinity well doesn’t look like social distancing is working. We’ve been doing this for two months now, and the supposed cases are still rising. That’s because social distancing is one of the worst things you can do! Research “ herd immunity”. Science is not on your side pal. UV light and and humidity kills the virus, yet you want to stay indoors? Look, if you want the government to make your life decisions for you, that’s your problem. I don’t need the government or media tell me how to live my life or survive. I can make decisions on my own. When you’re left without a shred of liberty, don’t whine about it!
@NarrowWay 4 года назад
limits to infinity and of course cases will continue to climb. With every new flu case, flu cases climb. If there were only one covid case a month, the cases would still climb. Talk about being a potato, you desperately need to look in the mirror. I can almost guarantee your public educated!
@yourslipisshowing6494 4 года назад
What an ignorant and arrogant man. He is even violating the statement of his own organization (WPF), if he won't listen to them he surely won't listen to the governmental authorities. He seems to like playing the part of a victim.
@hoodiepapa7344 4 года назад
I say he gets off.
@feotisgilbertii 4 года назад
Apostolic Cruiser in Louisville, Kentucky we have not stop having in person church and totally support Pastor Spell!
@samename6479 4 года назад
Holy Ghost radio 💘
@philos_theos 4 года назад
HGR. "Have ye received the HG since ye believed?"
@johnw2026 4 года назад
@@philos_theos yes! Hallelujah!
@pastortonypastortony3247 4 года назад
I am pastor Tony spell if you want the miracle of the lord this month message me on my.. email pastr.tony.spell@gmail
@pepeboy234 3 года назад
These clowns had no right to measure and film the Pastor's home. This is sickening and infuriating. My heart goes out to Pastor Spell and his congregation and family. After all this hell the stewards of the devil unleashed upon this ministry, they only made it stronger! Genesis 50: 20 But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.
@theofficialmichaelthegreat6169 4 года назад
😠😠😠😠...just wait im going to give them a call to the governors......GOD willing ENOUGH IS ENOUGH OF THIS NONSENSE....🙏🙏🙏🙏 PRAY FOR ME GUYS
@sparklesparkle4357 4 года назад
I’m out here in NM but I’m happy to make a call.....or ten! Could you give me the governors name? I can figure out the rest! Thanks in advance!
@wendyg6916 4 года назад
Sparkle Sparkle Gov of Louisiana is John Bel Edwards
@sparklesparkle4357 4 года назад
Wendy G Thank you so much! I will start calling first thing in the morning!
@samename6479 3 года назад
And to those that have the indwelling of the holy Ghost must never talk down to anyone even to the unbelievers. Name calling is never of Christ. We are to be an example, an ambassador of Christ. If others dont want to believe, simply leave them alone without words. 💘
@cornfieldcloset 4 года назад
I am sharing this video with all of my contacts, even my church. What the devil meant for evil, God is turning it around for your good! Amen!
@pastortonypastortony3247 4 года назад
I am pastor Tony spell if you want the miracle of the lord this month message me on my.. email pastr.tony.spell@gmail
@rikkilandry5033 4 года назад
Bro. Spell, we have kept our doors open as well! And NO ONE has fallen ill...and from what I hear, the man who did pass away was struggling physically before this all happened.
@jaredhovind 4 года назад
Rikki Landry what is your churches name, I would like to follow them too, sad that the government that was founded on God now forces churches to close
@rikkilandry5033 4 года назад
@Micheal Herron, it’s ok they’ve been watching. However, they have not done anything. I think it’s because our Governor suggested but he said he’s not going to in force it.
@rikkilandry5033 4 года назад
@Jared H Belfair Apostolic Church.
@mattverville9227 4 года назад
Dan Peirce is triggered. Disregard his hateful messages
@thejewishredneckprepper4675 4 года назад
Brother if the UPCI is not backing you , then you need to pull out .Become independent.
@1godjesusname 4 года назад
I agree, but Bro Spell is not in UPCI.
@yourslipisshowing6494 4 года назад
He is not UPCI, he is WPF, and he is in disobedience with their position on this. See the statement on their website.
@chuckufarley5348 4 года назад
He'll be screaming pull out soon just not in the way you think
@scottlesage5336 4 года назад
Randy Harris very man must stand before God for his choices ..pray for fellow Christians..after all Jesusnsaid to pray for our enemies as well as brothers.
@quienvive675 2 года назад
Today all the governor, sheriff, and cops that arrested this man are all invited to a crow dinner complements of Pastor Spell.
@ultramindcontrolrealzz8367 4 года назад
This poor guy picked to put this bracelet of slavery on Tony. I will pray for the people that ordered him to do this.
@4queenie2 4 года назад
God bless you and your family. No weapon formed against you shall prosper, saith the Lord !!!
@yourslipisshowing6494 4 года назад
Good coolaid!
@pastortonypastortony3247 4 года назад
I am pastor Tony spell if you want the miracle of the lord this month message me on my.. email pastr.tony.spell@gmail
@nanastrippin2006 3 года назад
Seriously, all this just for holding church, this is so sad, especially since there are so many heinous crimes being done every day against humanity, there is rape, robbery, murder, you name it and they're concentrating on a man of God who just wanted to hold church?, Well.that my friends is ludicrous and beyond my comprehension and human understanding. I give honor to God for men of God who will stand for truth, liberty and justice and this my friends is not justice to hold him and house arrest for just having church, this is definitely not the American way. God bless you Rev Tony Spell.
@holinessorhell1964 4 года назад
Lord bless you Man of God! Other pastors wish they had your balls.. Hold firm till the end!
@kevinvelie2695 4 года назад
Not quite an appropriate analogy
@angelarasmussen1800 4 года назад
Pastor Spell I think I might know some people who could help you in this righteous fight. Let ne know Howe I can contact you.
@mitchellwintercat 4 года назад
You can contact the church office
@azazel166 4 года назад
You can "help" him in this "righteous fight" by STAYING HOME until this pandemic is over.
@angelarasmussen1800 4 года назад
@@azazel166 no way!!!!!
@sweetpea5253 4 года назад
Please contact the church office
@angelarasmussen1800 4 года назад
@@sweetpea5253 I have contacted him, but he has not acted on the help offered. I have no idea why, and I want to respect his desire to handle it as he chooses. I imagine it's difficult to know who to trust. I will continue to offer prayers for him. Maybe he just needs time to think this through. Is it possible he is controlled opposition? I always wonder about these things.
@mrmindgame6838 4 года назад
Contact the Federal Prosecutor's office and file charges today for Civil Rights Violations: www.justice.gov/usao-mdla/about-district
@johnw2026 4 года назад
Prayers from Arkansas.
@herongeo Месяц назад
Amen and Amen! This is just as yesterday everytime i view it.... Look at the Great Power of God for LTC... Indeed, Let the churches be waken up!🙏🙌👊💪👏
@April-nd5rk 4 года назад
@bradley-sky-watcherlynnlyn9538 4 года назад
People are posting, the judge ... released Bro Spell, does not want anything about him , in his court,,, yesterday, 4/27/2020,, is this true?
@jennmaddox9084 4 года назад
God love and bless you and your wife at this time. Praying, fasting and standing for and with you, her and your family, and your church family. God's got yall!!!
@chuckufarley5348 4 года назад
Fasting? Realy something tells me you haven't ever missed a meal
@chuckufarley5348 4 года назад
@@nnomed1975 fasting just seamed a bit far fetched to me kind of like that bible book.
@pastortonypastortony3247 4 года назад
I am pastor Tony spell if you want the miracle of the lord this month message me on my.. email pastr.tony.spell@gmail
@miguelquintero3608 4 года назад
God bless you Pastor Tony spell.
@pastortonypastortony3247 4 года назад
I am pastor Tony spell if you want the miracle of the lord this month message me on my.. email pastr.tony.spell@gmail
@DannyDominguez5 4 года назад
Pastor Spell, we're praying for you... you're a courageous man of God and a great example for us Ministers of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.... God will honor you for your commitment to serving our Lord Jesus...and by the way I love how you sing and play the piano.... God bless you pastor.
@chrisaguilar9315 4 года назад
Brother, us here in Visalia California are 100% supporters of you my brother. May Jesus bless you abundantly brother!!! In Jesus name!!!
@memadelrey5099 4 года назад
Praise the Lord what church? We are Faith Tabernacle of Exeter 👋
@chrisaguilar9315 4 года назад
@@memadelrey5099 Fortress of Truth Visalia
@chrisaguilar9315 4 года назад
@@nnomed1975 sir if you do not support this man, my prayer is that the Lord removes the scales from your eyes and that He has mercy upon you. You are being used as an instrument and you don't even know it. I can not wish you God speed (God bless you), because i would not want God to bless a man who is against His kingdom.
@chrisaguilar9315 4 года назад
@@nnomed1975 look the accusations you place on our fellow brother in Christ, is between you and God. He is not doing this for publicity!! Unless you know the faith we defend you won't understand! We are no creflo "dolllar", Joel Osteen or Benny Hin!! Our men of God don't ask the congregation for million dollar jets! This man has a real relationship with God. You support the government and chances are they started this whole covid-19 stuff to see how the world will react. Buckle yup sir because whats coming next, now that they see how to control population, you're not ready for. But we are prepared because "to live is Christ, and to die is gain!".. If you don't like this man stop following him and giving him your time... But as for us we will support him and serve the Lord."
@chrisaguilar9315 4 года назад
@@nnomed1975 watch the news guy. A lady from government publicly said that MANY deaths were from OTHER stuff but because they were diagnosed of having covid they ruled it a covid death! Man look one thing is guaranteed in life and thats death, now where you go after is a decision you have to make in the time God allows you to be here. My heart goes out to those families but you make a big deal about this man, why are you not protesting in front of walmart complaining because people are still bumping elbows walking through there, but what because when they hit the check out lines they have 6' marks on the ground??!! How is walmart essential and fast food. Teach these people how to cook at home and im sure the clothes on their backs are good until this lifts, as they say it wont be long. And please sir watch your mouth. Their are young people who read these comments im sure you wouldn't want people disrespecting your kids. Thank you
@lavontakeyamon 4 года назад
So it comes down to this ... if the people of our most high God, the Ancient of Days, arent going to stand for the rights of the church to assemble, then are we not also going to stand for the rights of our constitution. The first amendment to the constitution states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. So therefore we see laws being enforced by governing officials that go against the Constitution itself. How much more blind can satan make us. How can the government make laws against itself. Its own house is divided against itself. Even as American people who dont serve the living God, people have the right to stand for the constitution. So if we arent going to stand for God spiritually or America carnally, we can therefore see now that blindness and numbness has taken over the church. Let God be true and every man found a liar. We need to get away from television, social media, and all this fun of the flesh and get down on our knees and humble ourselves before the one who said I Am That I Am. Where is our fear of the living One. Why have we become such lovers of this life here. This life shall be burned with unquenchable heat and tried with fire. Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light. Awake saints, Awake America, Awake sinners ... Repent ... the time that remains is short ... Behold he cometh with clouds and with Him, His saints dressed in linen white and clean, which is the righteousness of His saints
@lavontakeyamon 4 года назад
Dave Bronstein We believe our God can heal anything ... we are told to be obedient to Him ... we dont have the world's fear of running and buying up things in excess and seeking after some man made cure. We trust only in the living God who made the deaf and the one who hears, the blind and the one who sees, the lame and the one who walks. We trust in that God. Who is your god in these times
@mightymulatto3000 4 года назад
Seems the Bible backs the authorities on this one. 1 Let every soul be subject to higher authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those who have been ordained by God. 2 And so, whoever resists authority, resists what has been ordained by God. And those who resist are acquiring damnation for themselves. 3 For leaders are not a source of fear to those who work good, but to those who work evil. And would you prefer not to be afraid of authority? Then do what is good, and you shall have praise from them. 4 For he is a minister of God for you unto good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid. For it is not without reason that he carries a sword. For he is a minister of God; an avenger to execute wrath upon whomever does evil. 5 For this reason, it is necessary to be subject, not solely because of wrath, but also because of conscience.
@raynix3052 4 года назад
Seems you are wrong Paul. There are exceptions to that, keep reading, the authorities told Peter and Paul they could not go out and preach in the name of Yashua // Jesus but they didi anyway. Now imagine if they had told them they could not gather wiht likeminded people or preach to no more than 10...............This is a test run of future events to come, by the way, we have a Constitution that defends the Pastor as well, the law of the land.
@Jay_Kayy 4 года назад
Wrong. Resist the enemy and he will flee. Our government is heavily tied to satanist, and the push of a demonic agenda. Fear is the virus and this whole situation is a flat out lie. I will disobey every order as is meant to strip others of their God given rights. God does not support tyranny. He does not support an evil Satanist pedophile government. All these commenters in here need to wake up. You'll sleeping heavily. Time is now to wake up!!!
@pastortonypastortony3247 4 года назад
I am pastor Tony spell if you want the miracle of the lord this month message me on my. email pastr.tony.spell@gmail
@chrisaguilar9315 4 года назад
That's right brother Spells!! 🏃🏽🏃🙏🏼💯💯 we need more men of God taken up this stand. If we don't stand for something, we will fall for ANYTHING!!! God bless you my brother!!
@Xbitxx 4 года назад
Chris Aguilar lol I can’t wait till this charlatan gets a decade in prison for breaking the law
@chrisaguilar9315 4 года назад
@@Xbitxx sir he will fight for the gospel free or bound, but you have but one chance to REPENT, be BAPTIZED in JESUS NAME and RECEIVE the HOLY SPIRIT!! Your damnation is greater than a decade of imprisonment!! Trust me i know what a decade of imprisonment is like!!! But i never want to experience where you're headed.
@chrisaguilar9315 4 года назад
@@nnomed1975 the devil is already is already having his way with you and you don't even know it! he is tearing you apart and you enjoy it. Repent of ypur wicked ways that the Lord may have mercy on your soul, lest you end in turmoil pain and suffering. I pray in Jesus name that those rising up against this man of God will see dark times until they fall on their face and repent for talking badly about this man whom God has anointed to preach and stand firm on His word! In Jesus name!!
@Xbitxx 4 года назад
Chris Aguilar nah I think I’ll be alright... But you might want to do that yourself for standing up for this criminal and false prophet. Also, I like how you “damned” me lol, like you are some sort of entity that casts judgement on those they deem sinners 😂
@chrisaguilar9315 4 года назад
@@Xbitxx its okay. You self righteous man. If you claim to be a Christian yet you promote discord the bible speaks of how God hates discord its an abomination. Judge for yourself..
@elic903 4 года назад
Your police are more tolerant than ours.
@pastortonypastortony3247 4 года назад
I am pastor Tony spell if you want the miracle of the lord this month message me on my. email pastr.tony.spell@gmail
@globug552 6 месяцев назад
Amen thanks for standing for our freedom!!!!
@shannonhill98 3 года назад
Prophecy is being fulfilled and Revelation of Jesus Christ is being illuminated! Who can make war with the beast? The Lamb of God will destroy all ungodly with the brightness of His coming.
@elbertbeam6891 4 года назад
over in Texas we are behind you Pastor Tony Spell i knew your grandfather and i loved his preaching and teaching back then. I appreciate your stand and your humbleness. and you keep on preaching the word.
@dustycover3015 4 года назад
This guy has armed guards and has them walking around filming? So much for trusting in God and following Christ's example.
@robynbryant5134 2 года назад
God knows and he's taking records of every thing .God will repay ,this evil against my pastor 🙏⚒️
@IndyGirlAMB 4 года назад
Remember Peter and the Apostles that were told not to be preaching in that name ! They were arrested and went thru so much but God delivered them thru much ! Don't become fearful church ! God has this !
@budmike81 4 года назад
This just goes to show you that Americans are not free! The government needs to leave this man alone.
@bigbobbymike 4 года назад
Pastor, you are in my prayers and I have love and respect for you elder.
@bigbobbymike 4 года назад
@@danpierce1120 Ok, so here is the problem with your thinking. According to the 1st amendment there is not a single politician that can legally make any laws or commands about how one holds to having a religious service. Also, we cannot seem to outlaw churches that have poisonous snakes as a part of their service. Your post tell me only one thing. You do not know, nor do you seem to understand constitutional law. Have a good day sir!
@bigbobbymike 4 года назад
@@danpierce1120 See, again you aren't getting it. Everyone wants to talk about the separation of church and state, but when the state tries to mandate what the church can or cannot do then it becomes a two edged sword. I am sorry Dan, you can't have it both ways. Do you want the separation, or don't you? You don't get both.
@bigbobbymike 4 года назад
@@danpierce1120 One other thing, If a family member of yours goes to a snake handling church and by some chance dies, is it the inept pastor that should go to jail, or is it the inept family member that deserves what he/she gets? There is always a consequence, I just don't think you get it.
@bigbobbymike 4 года назад
@@danpierce1120 Seriously? I never asked you for your opinion nor your spoon. If you don't like my lemons then don't shake my tree Hoss. I simply gave you the truth; what you do with it is your problem not mine.
@bigbobbymike 4 года назад
Guys, Dan Pierce has no understanding of the simple language found in the 1st amendment. Judge Crifasi knows he has no evidence based upon someone else's decision to go to the church where Rev. Spell is the Pastor.
@raynix3052 4 года назад
Benjamin Franklin said........ "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety". A lot of Americans deserve neither, thanks for standing up Tony Spell.
@jerrym5493 4 года назад
Here is a gofundme if anyone would like to help Bro Spell www.gofundme.com/f/pastor-tony-spell-fund?+share-sheet
@chuckufarley5348 4 года назад
Hey Tony here is a pro tip wrap it in tinfoil and you can cut it off without sending a signal that it's been cut
@stuart354 4 года назад
Jason Beers who is this guy? Seems like a backslider.. I sure hope God gets your attention.. remember Judas ..
@chuckufarley5348 4 года назад
@@stuart354 he's just a piece of crap all out scammer . he thinks his socalled faith is above anything and everyone else . health be damned he has to have a church service so he can beg for people's stimulus checks.
@ultramindcontrolrealzz8367 4 года назад
Hi Mr. Spell im with you!! Someone needs to fire that judge. He broke his oath. Keep up the good fight im with you.my brother Mr.Spell.
@ultramindcontrolrealzz8367 4 года назад
@@nnomed1975 the law is above the law
@ultramindcontrolrealzz8367 4 года назад
@@nnomed1975 he is no worse than the banker or salesman making a living by the looks of his pimp house im happy for him.
@anonflex 4 года назад
Prayers from a brother in las Vegas from gospel light house
@anonflex 4 года назад
@joseph basile no one could make that choice except the Lord. Thanks for worrying about us! Praise the Lord. I hope you get the Lord in your life.
@pastortonypastortony3247 4 года назад
I am pastor Tony spell if you want the miracle of the lord this month message me on my.. email pastr.tony.spell@gmail
@Sam-lk2gl 4 года назад
Pastor Tony Spell where can I send you my stimulus check payment? Can I also send you letters to keep up the good faith?
@raynix3052 4 года назад
Folks we best stand up for our Constitutional rights, & God given rights, not enough of us are doing that, people are rolling over & letting gov'ts tell them they cannot go to work, we cannot operate our business if they don't think it is essential, we cannot buy certain things etc.they deem non essential, etc. cannot gather. ..............Did you know your Bible says if there be any sick among you let him call upon the elders and lay hands on the sick and pray and they shall recover, and the gov't is telling you no ?? They even wrote people up for gathering in their cars in parking lot at a church building, where are the people, there should be thousands gathered in protest over this communist style governing. They told Peter and Paul they could not preach in the name of Yashua, but they did it anyway, imagine if they told them they could not gather to talk about anything, It is so clear now more than ever how close we are to being told we cannot buy sell or trade without the mark of the beast. Do you realize what they are doing right now is practically that ? We must come together in many numbers, there is not enough people doing this. I am still working, if they told me I couldn't I would be living in front of the governors mansion in protest till they locked me up I suppose. I have confronted 2 officers since all this insanity started and asked them if they wer going to obey their boss or the Constitution, one told me the Constitution, the other wouldn't give and exact answer. I was trying to find a protest near me but couldn't, because I was going to go support them. It makes me furious that they won't let people gather to protest, and they even kept their distance from one another. I feel exactly like Benjamin Franklin, he said, "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety".
4 года назад
"I was trying to find a protest near me but couldn't, because I was going to go support them. It makes me furious that they won't let people gather to protest, and they even kept their distance from one another. " I you are so bold, START a protest!!!!!! And lay hands and get healed? I was in an apostolic church with a famous pastor for 40+ years, and though every service they said "God can heal", it NEVER happened!!! Know what the explanation was? God "heals" everyone, just not in a miraculous way!!! So everytime you get sick, and get over it, God has "healed" you!!!!!! What malarkey!!!!!
@raynix3052 4 года назад
@ all I can tell you sir is I am 59 yrs old and never been to the doctor for a sickness or disease since I got truly Born Again in 1977, had the Lord heal my back once. I know my God is a healer, I suppose you don't because of what is in your heart, which is a lot of evil.
@raynix3052 4 года назад
@ A life of sin will leave you empty within, a life of living holy and obeying God brings true peace and joy, I know from first hand experience.
@shakeithasolomon7574 4 года назад
Pastor Spell, I am so moved! I’m in tears..
@pastortonypastortony3247 4 года назад
I am pastor Tony spell if you want the miracle of the lord this month message me on my.. email pastr.tony.spell@gmail
@Xbitxx 4 года назад
This is HILARIOUS!!😂😂😂😂😂.
@thegoodfight426 4 года назад
The govt has trained, entertained, and numbed the American people into compliance and complacency. We have got to pray for all the people of faith to arise and let their voices be heard! We are the only ones restraining the darkness. Lord, you are the author and finisher of our faith! Your word says that we leave this earth without spot or wrinkle, so be it! And they overcame by the blood of the lamb, the word of their testimony and they loved Not their lives unto the death! Let that be said of us Saints!
@chuckufarley5348 4 года назад
Fuck you and your the government is trying to persecute you bullshit. tell me when was the last time the church paid a penny in tax for the billions in land they sit on. or the billions they make selling their story book . or the billions in cash they are sitting on you fucking twat waffle. Separation of church and state means the church pays no tax and shall not delve into politics and gets to have the freedom to religion in all forms or the freedom to have no faith in a story at all . tell your church to pay back taxes or SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY.
@gwencontreras7894 4 года назад
God can shake loose your bondage Bro Tony..as.Godshook the bondage of chains off of Paul and Silas.
@williamchapman7343 4 года назад
Thank you for standing up for the rights of Christians
@yourslipisshowing6494 4 года назад
Yeah running a big bus at a disabled protester is really standing up for the rights of Christians!!
@user-vr9su5nd9f 4 года назад
tony your ignorant media stance shows no limits.sad
@pastortonypastortony3247 4 года назад
I am pastor Tony spell if you want the miracle of the lord this month message me on my.. email pastr.tony.spell@gmail
@marymeeks3620 4 года назад
I am thankful for your stand.
@pastortonypastortony3247 4 года назад
I am pastor Tony spell if you want the miracle of the lord this month message me on my.. email pastr.tony.spell@gmail
@morpheusoptic 4 года назад
Look at this guys house, where do till you think he got the money for that?
@TonySpell 4 года назад
Paul Miller Be thankful for the blessing of God. If you can rejoice for other peoples blessings, God will bless you.
@hargisP2 4 года назад
To covet is a sin.
@susanspatz9501 4 года назад
And where do you think Biden and his son got their money????
@Victor-tl4dk 3 года назад
It's a sizable normal house, it's not a mansion or anything. It's definitely a nice home, but in this case it doesn't really say much. It could be both ways.
@Gabnella1 3 года назад
He spoke about previous jobs he's held in this video but apparently you hear what you want to and see what you want to...
@emilypenrod7044 4 года назад
God made a way when there was no way God made a way for you. Hallelujah!!!!!!
@Philipspencer50 2 месяца назад
God’s laws are more righteous and holy and above every law that man can make the Church is not subject to the laws of man when God tells you to do something, God comes first the devil has no say in what the church is commanded to do by the Almighty God. Therefore the laws of this land are obsolete when God tells you to do something fear not him who can destroy the body, but after that has no more than he can do. But rather fear him who can cast both body and spirit in the lake of fire.
@thegoodfight426 4 года назад
What is most important right now is not whether or not this man is doing the right thing, but the condition of your soul. The Bible says that perilous times would come. This earth is going to pass away! Don't pass away with it. Now us the time to surrender your pride and receive the grace that bought your freedom. He has a name, and that name is Jesus! He took your sin,punishment, and shame so that you could receive righteouness, feedom, and eternal life! Things are coming upon thus earth like people have never experienced or seen before. Even if you have rejected Christ your whole life, cry out to Him and He will deliver you from whatever you are facing. Right now you are facing hell if you haven't received His grace, so be like a child who gladly receives without hesitation! You have been bought with the blood of the Sinless One! He died to give you life! This is the love of God, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us!
@yourslipisshowing6494 4 года назад
This man will be judged by God and a jury. I will accept the verdict of both; will you?
@theofficialmichaelthegreat6169 4 года назад
@theofficialmichaelthegreat6169 4 года назад
@Redeemed One 👍😎👍
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