
Pathfinder Cleric Class Analysis 

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Welcome to D6damage. Today I’m analyzing the Cleric class from Pathfinder. I’ll be going over the core aspects of the class like the aura, channel energy, domains and spontaneoue casting. Aswell as give my take on playing the Cleric class.
Tags: cleric, class, Pathfinder, analysis ,aura, channel energy, domains, spontaneoue casting, combat, guide, rpg, tabletop role playing games, game, video,



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@witchBoi_Connor 4 года назад
Hot take: healing should be expected for post-combat, not mid-combat. Party’s responsibility is to avoid taking damage as much as possible, not jumping in, face tanking, and screaming for heals.
@tadferd4340 3 года назад
Indeed. Mid-combat healing is for emergencies. In a recent game, our Rogue took Con damage and then hp damage and was in danger of going down. So, on my turn I 5 foot stepped away, and cast Life Pact on him, myself, and 2 others. Next round he gets dropped to -6 out of -7, but pulled back to 0 due to Life Pact. I was considering channeling to bring him up, since he is a large part of party damage, but the Alchemist heal bombed him first.
@Beeimus 6 лет назад
I recently picked Cleric in my first ever Pathfinder game. Spells, melee, support. It’s so much fun.
@aurelius5961 7 лет назад
you make better class analysis videos than the actual manual describes.
@d6damage93 7 лет назад
Thanks. I try to make the videos informative.
@hunterkeiser6121 8 месяцев назад
My first ever pathfinder game, and i was tasked with playing a cleric thats a necromancer. Im struggling to learn what i should be doing through out the sessions and its aggravating some of the other players. This video is a godsend.
@ahabajablast1335 5 лет назад
so you're saying moses is a cleric...? you're not wrong lol
@MechbossBoogie 5 лет назад
Strangely enough, every time I play anything with access to any sort of healing spells I'm expected to basically just sit back and heal. I've even been yelled at by the DM for getting up in the front lines and then he had all the monsters attack me, which, my cleric had the highest AC, best saves, and a ton of health, so most of those attacks literally just bounced off of my armor and I made a complete ass out of everyone for doubting my "healer's" ability to also tank as well as his ability to dish out more damage than the fighter in some cases. Channel Smite with Channel Negative Energy and Guided Hand on a spell storing weapon holding inflict serious wounds. Come at me, bro. Then there's the Theologian archetype, where all you do is grab the Fire domain, spell focus and greater spell focus, elemental spell, and maybe some weapon stuff to swing your channel later on if you can play either neutral or evil. Plus a level dip into sorcerer, grab the crossblooded archetype and choose primal elemental fire and draconic (Gold or Red) for your bloodlines. 5th level permanent Intensified Spell from Theologian your Burning Hands, and at 10th level drop that on your Fireball and before you know it you're dropping a 10d4+20 burning hands and a 15d6+30 fireball. Makes it better if your DM allows Surtur, because Fire domain and favored weapon greatsword so when you're out of spells you wade in, greatsword in hand to drop channel smite on the big bad. Elemental Spell is great for those fights where you know you're going up against stuff that's either resistant to or immune to fire. I pick Acid when I select the feat.
@30noir 4 года назад
You need a new GM.
@magwaaf 4 года назад
fuck that if you are just sitting back and healing gtfo of our group. we had a 16 player group and not one dedicated healer... it went for 4 and a half years and i won hard. having players that can heal is great but its better as a side option, having potions on you is better than cure spells. our cleric cut people in half effortlessly lol
@MechbossBoogie 4 года назад
@@magwaaf I suppose it doesn't help that our group tends to have a lot of people who come to the table with social builds with a combat heavy campaign, or they're children with short attention spans who aren't exactly the best at remembering their abilities. I mean, how many bards and enchantment sorcerers does a group really need? So, we end up tending to need heals to get us through combat, because no one does enough damage on their own to actually drop bad guys before they become a problem. My Death Cleric, after the post I made on here, one shot a BBEG. There was no healer in the party other than me. One character died, but that was purely because I don't think the DM understands appropriate level encounters and she tanked about 7 crits, which the DM has decided not to confirm critical hits. So, his fights tend to be a bit one sided most of the time.
@raizenzero7025 4 года назад
@@MechbossBoogie My gosh...I'm surprised you didn't quit, but damn one shot? That DM most of been upset...I had a DM where his EX GF one shooted the boss but he wasnt having it so he BSed that the BBEG suddenly could reflect damage...had to kill one of our own damage dealers. Then I came in (my turn was next) and proceeded to bombard the boss with so many attacks it's DR didn't matter due to my luck with crits....then repeated the same issue of "he's reflecting that damage", I was so mad cause players killed one another that day, not the DM :( we won somehow but it wasn't fun after that.
@pavelowjohn9167 5 лет назад
When I first started playing Pathfinder (organized play at an FLGS), my initial character was a Cleric of Cayden Cailean, the Drunken Hero. I thought, "Yeah, I'm sure everyone and their brother has one of these, but it seems like a blast to play RP-wise, so slightly-drunken healer it is." Turns out, I'm the only cleric of ol' CC that I've seen in almost 6 years of organized play, not sure why no one else has rolled one up, but go figure....
@smile-tl9in 7 лет назад
there is Something you forgot to mention : variant channelling : you can chose to alter your channeling, dealing half heal or damage, but add another effect to it depending on your domain (of cours the effect is generally different if you heal or harm, but some domains have only one or the other option). And the fact a cleric can take 15 minutes for prepare 1 spell slots left open a the start of the day. Same as the wizards (did you precise it in your video about wizard ? I don't remember)
@patrickhelm4824 8 лет назад
made a cleric that is of artifice and knowledge....... so far a very fun and interesting build with a lot of potential
@magwaaf 4 года назад
faerun clerics of gond are awesome partially because they have those domains
@BarokaiRein 5 лет назад
Pathfinder seems like such an awesome game. I've already planned out destruction/war cleric of Gorum out but nobody seems to be playing this game. It's impossible to find even an online group, been trying for like 3 months now
@0zNIE 5 лет назад
I mean, I’m gonna be starting a campaign after our group finishes up in a few months or so if you wanna join
@void-creature 3 месяца назад
0:37 okay but Corvo is definetly a Witch though... he even has a familiar in the shape of his love's soul bound to her mechanically reanimated heart, because the Outsider is wacky like that.
@DHTheAlaskan 8 лет назад
I tend to play tank clerics usually taking spells like Bless, magic weapon, aid, bull's strength and what have you, sure I only have a d8 HD but you can skip the shield for shield of faith or a ring and take a 2 handed weapon or 2 hand a 1 handed weapon like the bastard sword. Clerics are the Kings and Queens of all trades masters of all roles they wish to play. While I may not primarily function as a healer, spontaneous casting allows me to be one in an emergency. The Selective Channeling feat is a godsend (pun intended) allowing you to ignore up to your charisma modifier of people when channeling. I.E. You are a cleric of Gorum (CN god of war) and you choose channel negative energy and you have a cha mod of +4, you can keep at least 4 of your fellow soldiers safe from your power if you channel it to harm living. I normally use positive energy but I can see how using negative energy could really work out if you wanted to be a damage cleric.
@d6damage93 8 лет назад
Selective channeling is one of the most important feats if you're at all planning on using channel energy.
@afoekon 5 лет назад
Thanks for the video, I'm dming for my group that has never fully done a pathfinder campaign. I am sending them to your videos to get some guidance.
@alexzilla5459 4 года назад
Looking to play a Half-Elf cleric in my next Pathfinder game! Seems like it’ll fit perfectly. 😁👍.
@rfc1526 8 лет назад
Thank you, been waiting for this video, so many questions of clerics I have lol.
@d6damage93 8 лет назад
You're welcome
@kyleabrams5036 6 лет назад
Sacred conduit trait let's you stabilize with a touch, no check. Not saying abandon heal but it's something. I'm thinking half orc with sacred tattoo, fate's favored trait, and protection domain for +3 to saves. Then going paladin for cha to all saves.
@mcostagirl123 8 лет назад
Sadly most parties will view clerics as just heal bots and will expect them to do nothing but heal every battle.
@voteZDLR 7 лет назад
I've not been in a single party where that was the case (fortunately). Neither the campaign I am actually playing TWO clerics (one is a follower of the other) or the other campaign I am in with a different group. I mean they're expected to keep tabs on who gets hit the hardest and heal them but... yeah, maybe it's because I posited the counter-point that the best defense is a great offense, more or less. The faster enemies die, the less heals there will need to be in general. But yeah there are some great resources online like Tark's Holy Book of Clerical Optimization ( I think that's what it's called) that has a great foreword that does an excellent job explaining that very point, that if you are playing a cleric to satisfy the team's belief that you're meant to be there just for heals then I just hope they realize that one of their most powerful characters is wasting his or her potential.
@mcostagirl123 7 лет назад
Well then you're lucky, my experiences with clerics have been with people expecting nothing more than heal bots.
@voteZDLR 7 лет назад
Yeah that's unfortunate. Again, maybe just go pull up the Tark's Cleric guide and show them the first page of it, the 10 commandments for playing a cleric effectively. It does a great job of explaining why clerics should not be limited to healing only. However when I first got started that's what my assumption about the class was, too. I dunno. When you see how badass clerics can be though you'll realize how big a mistake assuming that's all they can do is. They'll never be able to match wizards or fighters in their respective categories, but they can certainly stay competitive with them. The thing that makes clerics better in my opinion is that depending on how you build yours it can literally be pretty much just about anything it wants to be, perhaps the most flexible class in the game.
@missyjames8887 7 лет назад
mcostagirl123 I played a war priest and told the rest of the group they can only heal themselves, the GM just grinned and kept quite lol.
@Cgates642 6 лет назад
What if you want to be the healbot? Lol
@thegreatlemmon7487 6 лет назад
You can create your own God with the dm. In dnd We when to the place called the Midlands and they believe in the creater and the keeper. My clerics believes in the creater and we made 5 domains for her
@ollywright 7 лет назад
Great video, thank you. I'm curious if you've ever encountered a reach cleric. I'm making one for an upcoming adventure path and am intrigued by the approach. Lots of strength, a reach weapon and combat reflexes giving you 3+ attacks of opportunity - then hunker down and keep your wizard close!
@d6damage93 7 лет назад
Reach is a really good quality, but I'm sometimes wary of it because if an opponent can get up to you, you have to back up to use your reach weapon.
@ollywright 7 лет назад
True. There's always the 5 foot step, but the main tactic looks to be to use acrobatics (on a cleric!) to move 10+ feet away and then cast. Risky but entertaining.
@voteZDLR 7 лет назад
So funny you mentioned Fire domain for Fireball. That's not the only great spell you get from that domain but it's certainly one of the most useful (and fun). OH and what's even better is as you gain more and more caster levels you can actually later on even prepare _more_ Fireballs (you have to give up a higher level slot which isn't always gonna be worth it) but yeah, for dealing with the lower level mobs in dungeons and stuff like Gnolls for instance, there's no better way than to start combat by dropping a literall ball of fire on them. When used effectively you can clear out half the room, especially if you make a point of choosing the weaker characters in the room. It's area of effect is pretty massive as well. At the next caster level for the same domain you can actually opt to have a Wall of Fire instead, which I mean to be honest usually you are gonna probably wanna take a 2nd Fireball instead for the day but the one time I did prepare Wall of Fire it was unbelievably effective, the DM couldn't have organized the enemy army in a better way to be affected by my _Wall_ of Fire. I am sure you can visualize more or less what I am talking about.
@dark__initiative9935 8 лет назад
Every time I take test on what class you are I always get cleric....still haven't played one....oughta do it
@dangelomiller7060 8 лет назад
u should do a vid about the gods
@logancole5101 3 года назад
Me: i'm bored i'm going to find a way to randomly generate my character from race, to class and alignment. Rng Jesus: Human Cleric Chaotic evil. Also me: Trickery Domain, definitely going Norgober and act like a rogue. Actually that would be an interesting multiclass since Norgorber is a god of murderers and thieves. The party sees a questionnaire rogue and never asks where he goes to on sundays.
@EternitynChaos 7 лет назад
Heal your party or Harm the Undead... this is why we have House Rules /laugh
@d6damage93 7 лет назад
Yeah, it doesn't make a lot of sense.
@tadferd4340 3 года назад
It may seem silly, but when one of your party members decides to play a Dhampir, you appreciate not injuring them post battle when you burn channels for healing.
@Ironmann199 8 лет назад
also just a build that i do is a gorum cleric, max st first then wis con then cha, get versitile channel, selective channel, and channel smite, uses a greatsword gain rage spell and lead blades as 3rd lvl spells, use the war subdomain blood, and destruction subdomain rage, get heavy armor prof from feat or dualclass into fighter. buff self to rediculous power and go murder things lol.
@d6damage93 8 лет назад
Sound very combat intensive :-)
@Ironmann199 8 лет назад
it can be, thats just the hidden power of the build, you can play it socially however you want, i generally go with german doctor type of person who does combat medic things usually but will bust out the murder when his allies are losing the war
@slydoorkeeper4783 4 года назад
I plan on playing the Deathrite Shaman from mtg and I'm thinking of doing undead lord cleric archetype as an elf.
@eddyrapino9071 7 лет назад
great vid! do oracle plz!!!
@Raptor0256 8 лет назад
channel would be pretty powerful if you could heal the party and kill the skeletons. probably why it was limited. the only downside is it heals All living creatures so, enemies too :(
@d6damage93 8 лет назад
Yea, selective channeling is good for excluding living enemies you don't want to heal.
@Cgates642 6 лет назад
Sean Davies Pathfinder second edition allows this. Can't wait.
@nolanevans7603 8 лет назад
Would you consider doing a legend of Zelda link type build. Maybe not for optimization but for fun. I always thought he'd be a ranger/rogue/fighter
@smithy1578 5 лет назад
Nolan Evans one of links feats is hyng and he shouts incoherently confusing all enemies for 1 round
@johnballard3403 8 лет назад
A non good or evil character who worships a non good or evil deity can take the Versatile Channeler feat and channel the opposite alignment that they chose at first level, albeit not as well as their original choice. (pathfinder ultimate magic.)
@d6damage93 8 лет назад
Interesting. I'll have to take a look at that feat.
@Dr5hakyHands 8 лет назад
You should take a look at the bloodrager class. I'd love your take on it
@d6damage93 8 лет назад
It's a very fun class
@Dr5hakyHands 8 лет назад
+D6Damage Yeah I enjoy it so much. I was just hoping to see if you wanted to do a video like this on the bloodrager
@d6damage93 8 лет назад
D8 has played one before and I'm planning on talking with him about it in a video, at some point.
@Dr5hakyHands 8 лет назад
Sweet. I'll make sure to stay tuned, btw arcane bloodline makes for a phenomenal tank. Especially with the spell eater archetype to heal when they aren't hitting you
@michaelmcclelland2208 5 лет назад
No mention of knowledge(religion)? Being the premier faith-based, undead-killer class?
@hunterextreme1 8 лет назад
d10 here I favor the divine classes in my play style, n cleric I'd what I usually go for if I'm not experimenting with the warpriest. not to say arcane and martial are no fun.
@girlsaurus 8 лет назад
The prisoner that receives a mark, is it a game?
@d6damage93 8 лет назад
Yes, it's from the game Dishonored, although to be honest, the main character of Dishonored is more like a 3.5 warlock than a cleric.
@miguelmialichi6367 3 года назад
Alright can i know the music at the start
@NotreDanish 2 года назад
I’ve never seen that clip of the outsider and that prisoner before, was that from a DLC?
@d6damage93 2 года назад
I think that's from one of the early trailers for the first game before they really worked out the story and design scheme.
@knightowl1985 4 года назад
Do you have a video for Oracle?
@d6damage93 3 года назад
I have an oracle build ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-FBaifYo2OE8.html
@trustme3321 2 года назад
why does it say to pick two domains on d20PFSRD?
@d6damage93 2 года назад
In Pathfinder 1E clerics get 2 domains from the list of possible domains they get from their god.
@ephasm 2 года назад
Is this 1e? just starting the vid
@d6damage93 2 года назад
Yeah, it's 1E
@generalnawaki 6 лет назад
AZ-mo-DEUS. im sorry. i know im being a prick but for some reason that bugs the hell out of me
@generalnawaki 6 лет назад
Cleric, the anti swarm specialist
@gomezy3k 5 лет назад
How about the WarPriest?
@d6damage93 5 лет назад
It's a good class especially for players who want to play a paladin but don't wanna be LG
@DOR8421 4 года назад
Dump str and go for cha and others. Give up on using weapons except maybe for AoO's. With the number of spells and channels you get per day its hard to use them up. Occasionally spell use will incur an AoO but channel doesn't. Weapon use isn't worth it without good str and you're better off with con, dex, or int for skills. Every +1 from con is like a higher HD; keeping healers up is vital. Think of the times you've been down to a few hp and came back from it, referring to healers. Get a handy haversack to lower encumbrance. Str isn't worth it. Also why use range weapons if you still have debuff spells with a strong dc. Maybe it's just me but clerics as a combat class is more about HD and armor selection. I'm not accounting for specialty builds and some cleric abilities are self-only combat buffs.
@thecuter0 8 лет назад
Hey, d6, looking for another contributor?
@Stratocumulus25 3 года назад
You call this an analysis? ....you barely talked about the plusses/minuses of the various domains and their impact on game play...scandalous!!
@theknightofbadassness301 7 лет назад
When you doing Bard ;)
@YourTrustyHonkey9716 4 года назад
Warpriest opinion?
@d6damage93 4 года назад
It's a good choice for people who find the paladin alignment lock too restrictive.
@mayeetjim2179 5 лет назад
"Watch out for traps and such" what about your olden Dwarven Fighter trying to cut off your toe because you were arguing too much with the tiefling?
@Avatarbee 6 лет назад
Conpetitive tabletop? That actually exists?
@adviel 8 лет назад
When I was running a campaign no one wanted to play a cleric, not because of combat but because of role playing. They always imagined them as goody to shoe holly and a buzzkill. One day one of them wanted to run a game so I played the priest. I made him a fat drunken lecherous piece of shit but with a big hart. Now I have limit one cleric per party when running games.
@d6damage93 8 лет назад
Nice. Way to show them how it's done. ;-)
@Ironmann199 8 лет назад
aasimar cleric=gg
@d6damage93 8 лет назад
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