
People on Alcohol 

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@Mcdogmom288 Месяц назад
Alcohol and cigarettes addiction actually destroyed my life. I started drinking alcohol since my teenage, spent my whole life fighting Cigarettes and alcohol addiction. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my mom recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. This is something that really need to be use globally to help people with related health challenges.
@Harris_jones Месяц назад
Thanks for sharing your story. That's rough I sympathize. Save your health save your mind. Life is better without heroin, cocaine, alcohol and cigarettes. And you have more money in your pocket. God bless everyone who has rejected the devils intentions to be addicted to alcohol and cigarettes etc which can cause so much damage to health. I will pray for you all.
@ErnestoHorner88 Месяц назад
Hey mates! Can you help with the source? I suffer severe anxiety, panic and depression and I usually take prescription medicine, but they don't always help. Where can I find those psilocybin mushrooms? I'm really interested in treating my mental health without Rxs. I live in Germany don't know much about these. I'm so glad they helped you. I can't wait to get them too. Really need a reliable source 🙏
@Caroljoyce-mp8sk Месяц назад
Hey! Yes Dr.alishrooms
@NetaZjdb Месяц назад
Mushrooms are very medicinal. This is why anybody familiar with psilocybin and any other kind of fungi will tell you, "They are alive." They have a very ancient wisdom. To my experience, all mushrooms have always said, "Pay attention to your life. How you think, how you feel, and what will you do with the information that you always knew, but now are seeing in this point of view." This is why mushrooms are so respected in tribal cultures. This mental health treatment works for me too. Half micro doses do the trick for me. At least a few days at a time with lengthy time in between. Never addictive. Thank you for sharing this point!
@JacksonSmith-wc8oo Месяц назад
How do I reach out to him? Is he on insta
@username27328 2 года назад
"Don't drink to feel better, drink to make it even better." Good quote.
@emancules 2 года назад
@@dc4lcorkscrewpatdaGIGA very true. Life is going downhill very fast if this is the case
@rolandomota7771 2 года назад
same difference
@bsnf-5 2 года назад
Even one beer is still a toxine. It's still poisonous. Don't drink at all, if you can. I sometimes fail to listen to my own advise, but YOU can do better. Don't drink, simple as!
@Talisman09 2 года назад
"Drink to remember, don't drink to forget" - Pamela Anderson, Barb wire
@drumboarder1 2 года назад
My problem is I went from hating every moment to feeling like there was a way to enjoy life when I drank, so, the building tolerance messed with my health to a point that I can't ignore it n once went to hospital. I wish shit didn't build tolerances n didn't fuak with livers, hearts, blood.. Anyway I'mma try finish this glass of wine n mineral water while trying to ignore my heard beating out of my chest
@UnwiseWings0973 2 года назад
That first girl was just a genuinely nice person.
@rollercoaster24 2 года назад
Yeah great vibes
@salladss 2 года назад
big mormon vibes lol
@R-Mean1000 2 года назад
Why she on her knees tho? Lol
@Ratclan 2 года назад
@@R-Mean1000 lol you don’t know these religious girls are freakiest.
@maxtaylor12 2 года назад
@@salladss omg that’s what it is!
@d-rose8167 2 года назад
💯 Just hit SEVEN YEARS sober today !!! 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽. Stay blessed everyone.
@greatblueharen 2 года назад
2 years sober, just relapsed this week - This video comes into my feed. Not sure what to think other than alcohol is a hell of a drug
@PointlessCamel 2 года назад
Hey huge congrats on 2 years sober. Don't let the relapse phase you, everyone is allowed a drink and accidents happen. Stay strong, and stay on the healthy side of drinking. 👍
@KillTheLamb1 2 года назад
I try to stay clean on week days but watching that video made me want to go buy a 6 pack
@hineighbor 2 года назад
I love booze but I have a fatty liver
@cornoc 2 года назад
every time you quit you're training your brain a little bit more to make the next time even easier. don't sweat the bumps on the road to sobriety too much. the important thing is you just keep trying.
@allesnikt 2 года назад
Relapsed after 2 years? Wow
@liljes34 2 года назад
The beginning of this girl looking up at you and you acting like this is a normal interview position at all 😂😂😂😂
@marie_es 2 года назад
He should have had her stand up lol
@Steephhnnn 2 года назад
@@marie_es agreed lmao or he could sit down. Had me dying 😂😂
@danportillog 2 года назад
@@marie_es not really because that’s something Andrew wouldn’t do lmao, awkward situations are his touch
@ChrisSmooth24 2 года назад
It’s cute they be matching tho
@brianm7109 2 года назад
@@marie_es You can't force a female to stand up. That is ATTEMPTED RAPE!!!
@Internet-Driller 2 года назад
I just met someone recently who doesn’t drink, smoke or do any substance for medical reasons yet they were the life of the party and it absolutely blew my mind. Since I became legal to drink I’ve always just gotten fucked up with my mates because I thought that’s what being social was. I’m trying to get back to being social without alcohol again…
@HumansOfVR 2 года назад
i like the 1st girls take, "you should drink to not feel better, but to make it even better"
@bluntfruntac9981 2 года назад
Boy that would be fucking nice to be able to do wouldn't it?
@oyahthefirst Год назад
That's true but if you really stop to think about it... that's literally the same thing.
@werdism 2 года назад
Going on 2 weeks sober myself, longest I've went was 4 months and multiple 1-3 month stints... I need to break 4 months this time! I am a weekend binge drinker, work overtime all week and live my life then blackout on the weekends.. Trying to make the change.. Society so widely accepts it and promotes it, and it is at every corner store everywhere.. My heart goes out to everyday drinkers.. Try to give it up.. "First the man takes the drink, then the drink takes the man.." "One is one too many, one more is never enough.."
@chrisrobinson8172 2 года назад
Hey, Andrew. I don't think I've ever told you but you actually helped me get to where I am today. I really struggle with interacting with people and I promise that your videos made the whole idea a whole lot more approachable. I've watched your stuff for a while and I just wanted you to know that I see you as someone who's really affected my life in a positive way, just from your videos on YT. Love you, man. Hope things only get better and better for both of us from here.
@chrisrobinson8172 2 года назад
Watched to the end, btw. Love you, Andrew. Hoping for more of you on my timeline fr.
@xPhreaky 2 года назад
Sobered up this week again after a 4 month binge of drinking a 5th or more everyday, the sober periods are becoming longer, but when I do slip up the binges become longer and even more drastic. Started off drinking with buddies around 18 and it slowly just progressed to the point of being jobless and tackling on 40-50 lbs into my late 20s and just living a completely unhealthy lifestyle. I am hopeful though, there's just a lot of things I have to be aware of, like thinking I can get away with just one drink and stupid shit like that after months of sobriety. It's just not a possibility for so many of us. I wish anyone struggling the very best.
@elchiponr1 2 года назад
Please keep believing in yourself. My story is pretty similar to what you are describing, I am now 36 and about 19 months sober. For me it helped a lot to connect to others with addiction problems via a bunch of different programs and therapy forms. Anyway, there is probably something at the root of your addiction and you can maybe try to approach those problems when u are sober. Otherwise u will just keep relapsing. Good luck to you and all reading this.
@xPhreaky 2 года назад
@@elchiponr1 Yeah I have considered maybe a weekly meeting group might be beneficial. Congratulations on 19 months by the way!
@elchiponr1 2 года назад
@@xPhreaky thanks man. I think there's great value in sharing things in a group, bc not only is it goodfor your self to share your feelings and stories, but u also can help people that way. U turn your "weakness" and doubts into strength and compassion and recognition for others.
@BettahThanIDeserve 2 года назад
The World’s Deadliest Drug is alcohol yet so many people still drink killer alcohol. Money spent on alcohol advertising each year in the US is 2 billion every year. During the Vietnam war, 57,000 Americans gave their lives fighting for this country. A wailing wall was built in Washington with each soldier's name engraved. But in that same 9-year period, when 57,000 died in Vietnam. OVER 2 MILLION AMERICANS were killed by killer alcohol! During the Vietnam War, thousands of protesters were all over this country. What I want to know is where are the protesters against killer alcohol? Nobody opens their mouth against killer alcohol! Nobody makes a sound! Who speaks out for over 7 million young children that live a life of child abuse, incest, and torture? Their little life is a hell on earth because of killer alcohol! THE KILLER IS GLAMORIZED AND GLORIFIED! The Bible gives a perfect description of alcohol in Proverbs 23: "Who hath WOE? Who hath SORROW? who hath contentions? who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes? THEY THAT TARRY LONG AT THE WINE; they that go to seek mixed wine. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. At the last it BITETH LIKE A SERPENT AND STINGETH LIKE AN ADDER. Thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter perverse things, -The Bible heavily condemns any kind of alcohol. IS ALCOHOL WORTH IT? Friend, alcohol will never satisfy that unquenchable thirst, burning inside of you. ONLY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST CAN QUENCH THAT THIRST. Jesus said in John 7:37 "IF ANY MAN THIRST, let him come unto me, and drink' John 4:14 says, "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him SHALL NEVER THIRST; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. Why don't you let the Lord Jesus Christ satisfy that thirst in your soul today? OH, HOW HE LOVES YOU He's been waiting for you a long time, friend. Why don't you trust him this very minute? You'll never regret it! You may not have a drinking problem. But, if you've never trusted Jesus Christ, there's e unsatisfied thirst and longing in your soul and YOU KNOW IT! The Bible says in Proverbs 27:20, the eyes of man are never satisfied. YOU'LL NEVER BE SATISFIED WITHOUT JESUS CHRIST! WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE SAVED and have EVERLASTING LIFE? Pray this prayer, and mean it with all your heart. Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and unless you save me I am lost forever. So I come to you the best way I know how and believe that Jesus is God, who died and rose again to save me from my sins. Thank you for dying for me. In Jesus name, Amen!
@patrickalexanderdesimone9605 2 года назад
Love the concept. You seem easy to talk to. I started drinking and realized I was good at it early in life. I can hold my liquor and drink more than most people without blacking out or anything. I’ve always considered kind of my superpower. But I’m turning 25 soon and that will mean i’ve been drinking for more than 10 years, which for my family is normal, but sounds crazy to me for some reason. I had this realization a couple of weeks ago and decided that on my 25th birthday I will stop drinking and see what happens. I’m tired of being a functioning alcoholic, and I want other things to be my superpower. Thank you for the video Andrew. I’ve been following you since 2015 from Brazil! Have a good one!
@ArmaGuyz Год назад
One thing about it youre well on your way to stopping already you know how I know? Because YOU WANT TO QUIT. The mindset is what matters most.
@RyanTheLeader 2 года назад
“4 drinks 3 days a week you’re an alcoholic” ok so i’m an alcoholic
@nicolasreyes2190 2 года назад
Try to stop for a month, if you struggle, be concerned. I'm not a doctor but my first bet is that at that point that could definitively be considered a problematic amount of consumption.
@michaelmachupa3854 2 года назад
I wouldn't consider that an alcoholic. Maybe it is by clinical definitions. Idk
@marsvai2410 2 года назад
@@michaelmachupa3854 i guess the thing is if it causes you problems in your daily life u have a problem. Like if i drank three times a week and were hungover every next day my life would be off the rails, so i cant do that. But if for some it doesnt effect them, its fine. Altho i cant imagine how it could not effect u, as its basically poison
@michaelmachupa3854 2 года назад
@@marsvai2410 for some people maybe. 4 drinks every other day would have zero effect on my ability to function.
@marsvai2410 2 года назад
@@michaelmachupa3854 thats good. Yea ive seen in myself esp last half a year, that getting buzzed alone at a random day leaves me hungover the next day 100% and very difficult to get thing done then. Also if some spontaneous social thing pops up that hangover day i cant really engage with it. So i have to reserve the drinking for special occasions
@japanman300 2 года назад
I'm not even addicted to anything and I'm going full on sober. I think it's the play, I need every advantage I can get.
@liftingisfun2350 2 года назад
Because you have a little brain?
@policious 2 года назад
Wow it’s interesting how many people have immediate families whom have issues with alcohol
@youngpatrick29 2 года назад
Yeah. Surely This wasn’t an accurate population sample, i wonder if he just cut out the ones who said they didn’t know anyone that had problems.
@bananawammabama 2 года назад
@@youngpatrick29 I think it IS pretty accurate, we're all related to the boomer generation. They're either part of a family that popped out tons of babies or are doing it themselves... They've notoriously used alcohol to cope. Or smoking, but that's no longer cool. Didn't we all have dads that liked to drink too much beer? I mean...
@BettahThanIDeserve 2 года назад
The World’s Deadliest Drug is alcohol yet so many people still drink killer alcohol. Money spent on alcohol advertising each year in the US is 2 billion every year. During the Vietnam war, 57,000 Americans gave their lives fighting for this country. A wailing wall was built in Washington with each soldier's name engraved. But in that same 9-year period, when 57,000 died in Vietnam. OVER 2 MILLION AMERICANS were killed by killer alcohol! During the Vietnam War, thousands of protesters were all over this country. What I want to know is where are the protesters against killer alcohol? Nobody opens their mouth against killer alcohol! Nobody makes a sound! Who speaks out for over 7 million young children that live a life of child abuse, incest, and torture? Their little life is a hell on earth because of killer alcohol! THE KILLER IS GLAMORIZED AND GLORIFIED! The Bible gives a perfect description of alcohol in Proverbs 23: "Who hath WOE? Who hath SORROW? who hath contentions? who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes? THEY THAT TARRY LONG AT THE WINE; they that go to seek mixed wine. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. At the last it BITETH LIKE A SERPENT AND STINGETH LIKE AN ADDER. Thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter perverse things, -The Bible heavily condemns any kind of alcohol. IS ALCOHOL WORTH IT? Friend, alcohol will never satisfy that unquenchable thirst, burning inside of you. ONLY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST CAN QUENCH THAT THIRST. Jesus said in John 7:37 "IF ANY MAN THIRST, let him come unto me, and drink' John 4:14 says, "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him SHALL NEVER THIRST; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. Why don't you let the Lord Jesus Christ satisfy that thirst in your soul today? OH, HOW HE LOVES YOU He's been waiting for you a long time, friend. Why don't you trust him this very minute? You'll never regret it! You may not have a drinking problem. But, if you've never trusted Jesus Christ, there's e unsatisfied thirst and longing in your soul and YOU KNOW IT! The Bible says in Proverbs 27:20, the eyes of man are never satisfied. YOU'LL NEVER BE SATISFIED WITHOUT JESUS CHRIST! WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE SAVED and have EVERLASTING LIFE? Pray this prayer, and mean it with all your heart. Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and unless you save me I am lost forever. So I come to you the best way I know how and believe that Jesus is God, who died and rose again to save me from my sins. Thank you for dying for me. In Jesus name, Amen!
@Pshady 2 года назад
That was good LAHWF content, keep it going.
@LogaFilms 2 года назад
Great video, loving the "People on..." series! If I could make a suggestion regarding the audio, I would set the microphone to record in mono. If you listen with headphones you can hear that whenever you move the mic a little bit, the person's voice moves from one ear to the other and it can be quite distracting. I think it would make these awesome interviews just a little nicer to listen to.
@disco4535 2 года назад
I liked the guy that did the "Uhhh" at the beginning of every sentence. Because I do the same stupid thing when talking to strangers and it makes me hate myself.
@M.Kaya92 2 года назад
Lol I thought I was the only one hearing that from jesus. It made me laugh in a funny context.
@personalfreedom2700 2 года назад
The biggest thing for me, is the decision to not want a substance to control you. You should be able to stop for months, and frequently do so, and feel no different about it.
@littlegandhi1199 2 года назад
Exactly 💯. Stop for 3 months and live your life. If it's indeed only going to make your night better then it will when you have it for that night. It should not subtract from all other nights.
@cbot375 2 года назад
@@littlegandhi1199 3 hours of fun for 2 days of hang over..lol can't recover like i used to so i rather just not.
@ahsbxncdhxjxjc7469 2 года назад
Dude this is the first video in years that showed up on my feed and I’m so fucking hyped for you bro. I’ve missed you so much. You’re a great human being and I love you man. Keep up the good work.
@RyanBenkeser 2 года назад
It's interesting how nobody in this video views themselves as alcoholics, but they can easily identify friends or family around them that are alcoholics. Makes you wonder what their friends or family would be saying about them 🤔
@MisterDutch93 2 года назад
Or maybe they genuinely don’t drink much because they’ve had examples of people struggling with it in their personal lives.
@rolandomota7771 2 года назад
there are functional alcoholics and dysfunctional alcoholics.
@maruyama2076 2 года назад
Yes it's an interesting thing isnt it. There is a good analogy about a pitcher plant (fly catching plant). The flies halfway down the tube are looking at the files at the bottom thinking "that's never going to happen to me!".
@clintonleonard5187 2 года назад
The first girl is already an alcoholic. She was obsessed with the amount she drank since before 21.
@Earl_wolf 2 года назад
@@MisterDutch93 found the alcoholic
@Bearrden 2 года назад
This video really made me question my reasons for drinking. Thanks for showing other peoples opinions. Great job!
@launders 2 года назад
i watched ur whole depression arc its nice to see ur youtube popping off again
@jairofernandez8190 2 года назад
Its very hard for to stop drinking once i start,so i just decided to not drink at all,im already about to be 2 weeks with no alcohol,i just hit the gym instead,for me its really helping me not be thinking about drinking when i have the chance
@oIDomiNatioNz 2 года назад
@@John-mm2yl You're definitely not alone, until you actually have this problem and realize it, you think you're fine with drinking from time to time. But once you can't feel satisfied with a beer or two and you always chase that drunkish feeling, you can't really stop or control yourself. I did many sober months as a challenge, just to get right back to drinking for no reason and not being able to stop once I drank one haha. Keep going guys, it really is a journey
@BettahThanIDeserve 2 года назад
The World’s Deadliest Drug is alcohol yet so many people still drink killer alcohol. Money spent on alcohol advertising each year in the US is 2 billion every year. During the Vietnam war, 57,000 Americans gave their lives fighting for this country. A wailing wall was built in Washington with each soldier's name engraved. But in that same 9-year period, when 57,000 died in Vietnam. OVER 2 MILLION AMERICANS were killed by killer alcohol! During the Vietnam War, thousands of protesters were all over this country. What I want to know is where are the protesters against killer alcohol? Nobody opens their mouth against killer alcohol! Nobody makes a sound! Who speaks out for over 7 million young children that live a life of child abuse, incest, and torture? Their little life is a hell on earth because of killer alcohol! THE KILLER IS GLAMORIZED AND GLORIFIED! The Bible gives a perfect description of alcohol in Proverbs 23: "Who hath WOE? Who hath SORROW? who hath contentions? who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes? THEY THAT TARRY LONG AT THE WINE; they that go to seek mixed wine. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. At the last it BITETH LIKE A SERPENT AND STINGETH LIKE AN ADDER. Thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter perverse things, -The Bible heavily condemns any kind of alcohol. IS ALCOHOL WORTH IT? Friend, alcohol will never satisfy that unquenchable thirst, burning inside of you. ONLY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST CAN QUENCH THAT THIRST. Jesus said in John 7:37 "IF ANY MAN THIRST, let him come unto me, and drink' John 4:14 says, "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him SHALL NEVER THIRST; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. Why don't you let the Lord Jesus Christ satisfy that thirst in your soul today? OH, HOW HE LOVES YOU He's been waiting for you a long time, friend. Why don't you trust him this very minute? You'll never regret it! You may not have a drinking problem. But, if you've never trusted Jesus Christ, there's e unsatisfied thirst and longing in your soul and YOU KNOW IT! The Bible says in Proverbs 27:20, the eyes of man are never satisfied. YOU'LL NEVER BE SATISFIED WITHOUT JESUS CHRIST! WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE SAVED and have EVERLASTING LIFE? Pray this prayer, and mean it with all your heart. Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and unless you save me I am lost forever. So I come to you the best way I know how and believe that Jesus is God, who died and rose again to save me from my sins. Thank you for dying for me. In Jesus name, Amen!
@likethiscomment.4802 2 года назад
I have lost track of you and I’m so glad you came up on my home!!!! You’ve changed your style of videos ALOTA over the years
@josemorenofs6966 2 года назад
andrew said something a while ago that stuck in my mind: 'life is short, there's no point in heroically suffer through life while we're here' . he said it about drugs, i dont really care about drugs but i care about drinking. drinking makes life and socializing way easier
@ChadKirk 2 года назад
Andrew is also broke and suffered a massive mental breakdown following the death of his RU-vid channel
@josemorenofs6966 2 года назад
@@ChadKirk true
@cbot375 2 года назад
that's your own perspective, personally i feel like drinking diminishing quality of life. I used to binge drink for 10 years and was never sober for more than 3 days at a time..used to love it, now I avoid it because I feel to draw to it. As Gangstaar once said.."Don't even feel like drinking, or even gettin' high 'Cause all that's gonna do really is accelerate The anxieties that I wish I could alleviate"
@Vincent_Preston 2 года назад
I struggle with drinking after years of weekend binge drinking and clubbing. I'm just now trying to learn moderation. I feel heavy drinkers and alcoholics use alcohol to self medicate underlying mental distress. I know for me I use it to forget about all my stresses for a few hours on the weekend but honestly the hangover and procrastination makes the stress way higher 🤣.
@OM3N1R 2 года назад
9 years sober here after hitting ROCK bottom. I quit cold turkey. No AA. No support groups. This video was really interesting to watch from my perspective
@Analoguebubblebath89 2 года назад
I’m 115 days sober. Best thing I ever done. After years of trying and drinking daily for 15 years
@cbot375 2 года назад
yeah, i binge drank from 15-28 years old...then one day just stopped..best thing ever. Now I don't even like drinking...I don't enjoy the buzz..it just feels weird and like im not in control, doesn't feel fun at all...
@nicebars 2 года назад
Congratulations, that's awesome. I do have a question though, after about how many days do you start to feel somewhat "normal" again and like you can have fun without relying on the booze? I'm thinking about quitting for a few months or even a year to reset my system
@goodmorning77777 2 года назад
wait this guys actually so chill 3:00
@soyburglar77 2 года назад
As a former prescription drug addict who also drank a bottle of wine daily, I realized that when I finally got clean from opiates, I would also need to get clean from alcohol. Not that I felt that I was addicted, but alcohol can certainly be a motivator for use of other substances.
@cerose0 2 года назад
Keep rockin' it Andrew! You seem authentic and that comes through in your videos. I loved the documentary piece you did about the houses by the way!
@tkmortal3983 22 дня назад
I’m 22 years old and I’ve been drinking for the past 5 years and I can tell you that I’ve messed up so many friendships and relationships. I’ve lost so many jobs and have burned a lot of bridges. Alcohol consumes you. I hope those of you that are trying to quit makes it. It takes so much to quit but I promise it’ll make it all the more better.
@Rothydot 2 года назад
People off alcohol on alcohol.
@davidschuurman4021 2 года назад
Would love to see: People on Christianity People on social media People on sports
@hephexamendios8318 2 года назад
The guy saying his dad doesn't have a lot going on or what to with his time drinks a lot and that he has many hobbies and outdoor stuff doesn't really drink was interesting.
@alexspeed8358 2 года назад
4:30 love this guy! "huuuuuuuuuuh yes" "Huuuuuuuuuuuuuh no"
@MrColeBeans 2 года назад
Great idea & nice video Andrew. I enjoyed listening to these perspectives. Idk if you’ve done this already but you should try People on Marijuana in the future I would find that interesting as well.
@01Can 2 года назад
Haven't watched in awhile but always great content lol, after over a decade of drinking almost daily, working hard and just managing life in general I can say there's nothing to be gained .The time lost being in a fog of confusion and the wisdom of regret are all you get
@finbarmurphy6740 2 года назад
This is really good. Really good interviewing and really good topic. Keep doing these
@brianm7109 2 года назад
ass kisser
@__-cd9ug 2 года назад
such a good series alcohol is one of those things we'll look back at and wonder what the hell we were doing, making it so available, normalizing it etc when it's done so much damage to society and individuals
@carsonhunt4642 2 года назад
Trust me it’s better to have ppl unwind through alcohol than bottle it up and unless it upon innocent ppl.
@__-cd9ug 2 года назад
@@carsonhunt4642 those aren't the only two options though
@carsonhunt4642 2 года назад
@@__-cd9ug Listen to a podcast from Jordan Peterson life at the bottom, to better understand the psyche of ppl at the lowest. Ppl losing the game of life/society that bad NEED an outlet, for most it’s drugs as a prolonged suicide which is better than them growing resentful and wishing harm upon others.
@__-cd9ug 2 года назад
@@carsonhunt4642 therapy needs to be normalized outlets don't have to cause harm, it's sad that most of them do, but part of the reason is that harmful drugs are just there, available for anyone to buy
@carsonhunt4642 2 года назад
@@__-cd9ug harmful drugs , danger, crime, you name it, has “always been there”. The difference today is the ppl’s apparent need to choose that route. The “bad things” aren’t the problem, and naturally come with free will and freedom. The actual problem is choices people make. It would be more Valuable to asses why people make the choices, rather than restrict totalitarian measures upon what everyone is or is not allowed to do. Also therapy isn’t usually available, druggies usually don’t even have health insurance. Lastly that would also require them to want the help, and after all drugs are usually a choice on their behalf.
@mwertz808 Год назад
love the content. Andrew you have change over the year. I like your approach to RU-vid. Very healthy for YOU!!!
@davidzshit 2 года назад
I just got out the hospital over a week ago, they had to patch my insides up cause I had internal bleeding from drinking so much for so long. I through up so much blood and almost died. It was a terrifying experience and I almost died. I'm only 25... be careful guys, especially if you have anxiety or depression
@nicebars 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing your story, hope you recover quick man and refrain from future drinking
@tonyh1345 2 года назад
I have been binge drinking for almost the past year to cope with the stress of working in sales. Used to have 5+ shots throughout each day. Quit cold turkey recently. I know for a fact my insides are messed up too because I can barely eat anymore
@davidzshit 2 года назад
@@tonyh1345 Get it checked out before it gets worse. It could be a stomach ulcer. If it pops it's so much blood you will be traumatized. I didn't go earlier cause I was scared of what they were gonna say, cause I knew it wasn't going to be good. It's better to get it over with. If I can make it you can definitely make it. I just got my appetite back
@Boognish_ 2 года назад
"How much can you bench?" 😂
@GoHerping 2 года назад
These are great, it feels like a hybrid of your past content all into one fresh series. On a side note I personally find the stereo audio jarring with headphones and would prefer it being converted to mono.
@aidanbrodieo 2 года назад
I used to think Andrew put on the awkwardness but now its very clear it was very organic
@guyfawkes9252 Год назад
Andrew met have Autistic condition. Higher functioning and the guy can still hold a conversation. It's hard going out here into this world and speaking with strangers
@connorgreen6426 2 года назад
Good to see you doing it, keep it up bro!
@bowabeastly 2 года назад
Andrew I been watching you for 10 years love you bro
@mango9087 2 года назад
Andrew could you do this but with marijuana and caffeine? Its interesting watching people talk about their use of "normal" drugs.
@Keelow 2 года назад
Bro is finally back. I’m glad you are here it was so sad seeing you throw it all away in those weird vlogs.
@cloroxbleach8676 2 года назад
Bad take
@Keelow 2 года назад
@@cloroxbleach8676 truth hurts
@Seaton1518 2 года назад
Drunk now..whoops! 🍻
@tombalabombification 2 года назад
1:89 ‘Don’t drink to make you feel better, drink to make it even better’ Well said! Love that ❤✌🏼😎
@l80sman104 2 года назад
Andrew's out here meeting strangers so i don't have to. Thanks.
@Mujtaba-1999 Год назад
The funniest thing in Andrew videos is that, He knows that he is asking dumb questions sometimes😂😂 As You can see that at 0:52. He laughed a little when he was asking the question😂😂😂😂
@blankspace8281 2 года назад
ALOT of people are in DENIAL abt.their alcoholism
@logan3555 2 года назад
@rez7287 2 года назад
You should do People on demons and possession
@ESkog 2 года назад
It’s nice to see a lot of people not drinking a lot. I used to drink all the time with co workers and gained weight, slept terribly and felt awful and once I left that job I stopped almost completely. I then discovered a local kava bar and the crowd there and alternative drinks really helped me to completely stop drinking alcohol and it’s been amazing. The only problem is hanging with old friends and not drinking is seen as weird or stigmatized nowadays in the younger crowd around where I live in Florida.
@bluntfruntac9981 2 года назад
Let them be stupid. If someone has a problem with you not drinking I'm sure it will only be in their head for a min. The way that I look at it is that "hey I've been there done that, I've seen that a million times I don't really need to see it again". I'm seeing more and more though that when a drunk man is standing in front of me complaining that I'm not drinking, time and time again I'm witnessing it's not the company I want anyways. Drunk people are annoying if you aren't drinking. But hey Good for you, it sounds like you have had progress in your life. Congratulations that's neat.
@50sOnTheMinute 2 года назад
Keep doing more of these!
@guzamike 2 года назад
As an alcoholic, I'd have liked for someone who was actually struggling with it to be interviewed. Otherwise good video, always love your stuff
@tallsz559 2 года назад
I think it’s good to do it this way though because it shows that contrary to media portrayal, alcohol is not as addicting as many people may think. The majority of people are able to control it
@carsonhunt4642 2 года назад
Most addicts lie to themselves and others. Even the ppl in the vid say they drink 3 days a week and aren’t an alcoholic
@cbot375 2 года назад
I drank for 10 years and never sober for more than a few days in that time...I drank because it made me feel good about myself..i loved the confidence it gave me..and the motivation in my head...I realized i was just masking depression and anxiety..I don't even drink anymore I don't even like the feeling of feeling buzzed or drunk
@_Aurelian_ 2 года назад
Coming up on 5 years sober!
@TooChillery 2 года назад
This video is so simple but I just really like it for some reason lol. Also andrew gives off a really harmless vibe (not in a bad way at all I’m sure he can give off other vibes if he wants lol) , but yeah makes people feel more comfortable talking to him it seems like. They are noticeably dealing with an easy going calm guy that doesn’t have any bad intentions .
@tomster000 2 года назад
Good content my guy. Keep it burning brightly x
@Elic205 2 года назад
with a low tolerance, even one drink can be fantastic.
@oddishWILD 2 года назад
Great format Andrew. This is organic and direct with no judgement passed. Good content
@Spinninglego 2 года назад
@eclipsez0r Год назад
I'm 40yo and also struggle with alcohol
@jjester2313 2 года назад
When are we going to wake up as a country and a society to realize what a terrible drug alcohol is? Not only does it hurt the users, but think of all the innocent bystanders. I'm all for freedom and choice for any drug and all but why is it allowed to be marketed everywhere? Kids are taught about how dangerous tobacco is, but alcohol gets a free pass. We grow up being taught that alcohol can even be "healthy". Cannabis is a Schedule 1 drug? If that is true we would need to come up with a higher schedule for alcohol if it was going to be introduced into the market today. Let's use some basic logic and stop letting big drug companies (alcohol) brainwash us. SMH. Love seeing the content Andrew, please don't stop. Hope you are doing well as always!
@Seanobb 2 года назад
Dude love you putting out videos again, and like everyone else has said, loving this style. Glad to see you like back back.
@noneya2096 2 года назад
3 close friends and one other I knew died from alcoholism just this year(mostly in their 30's) during covid. Real alcoholics mostly lie to not only you but themselves as well about their problem until it puts them in the hospital or an early grave. If you ever want to interview a real alcoholic just dm me I'd do an interview but with my face covered or blurred.
@lunade13 2 года назад
Why did you started to drink? Do you want to stop now?
@Imreallywasted 2 года назад
Boost that algo!!! Not really sure why I like your content but gd I’ve watched like all your content lol
@enlighten-me 2 года назад
These conversation videos are great. Looking forward to more!
@mongogojjo5944 2 года назад
Abusing alcohol and opioids nearly killed me and basically ruined my life for years. If you're prone to addiction or have an alcoholic in your family, it's best to stay the fuck away from booze. Kava is a way better and safer alternative to alcohol.
@funtimes8296 2 года назад
What is kava?
@ZeBescht 2 года назад
You talking about Kratom?
@mongogojjo5944 2 года назад
@@ZeBescht no, hell no. Kava is a completely different thing from kratom, it indirectly effects gaba and Dopamine, which is why it's a good alcohol subsitute. Its a psychoactive herb that is not physically addictive, I'd never recommend kratom for alcohol addiction as they're 2 completely different drugs. Kratom is good to wean yourself off of worse opioids but it's still a very addictive substance on its own (and before anyone says it, no, kratom withdrawals are absouletly way worse than coffee withdrawals and it's not even close, coming off of it similar to coming off of vicodin for me)
@llamaboy1991 2 года назад
Just got drunk after work with coworkers. They kinda forced some shots and whatnot. And now all I have to say is.... OTAY OTAYYYYYYY
@KameDelgado 2 года назад
You're the best Andrew. Should do a people on weed next.
@christiandunn8303 2 года назад
I feel like you should do this interview at a bar
@danny_perez Год назад
Andrew, could I suggest something? People who make time to be at the park are generally people who have their lives in order. If you go to different places you'll get a much wider sample of answers.
@rodbelding9523 2 года назад
My problem with drinking is as I've gotten older I can't handle it anymore. In college I would be up all night getting hammered then go to class and be fine, but now I'm in my late twenties and if I spend a night drinking I'm bedridden the entire next day.
@donaldkeener9950 Год назад
Hey Andrew, I’ve been following you for ever. I bought one of your shirts and yeah dude, keep doing your thing we’re all getting older try to find your goofy childlike self again where are you do things for fun And not out of obligation. Love your Content and I appreciate it for getting me through my high school years
@UnStop4ble Год назад
I love how Zeus starts every of his answers, reminds me of Beetlejuice :DD
@Alduric 2 года назад
Great video Andrew! Keep it up you ol Legend!
@milojdiaz 2 года назад
I'm heading out to do some interviews myself tonight and seeing this video pumped me up! keep it up bro cheers!
@sqjam Год назад
@LAHWF is really interesting RU-vid channel. The most interesting part is how abruptly the end of "interview sometimes feels.
@josephhendrickson1022 2 года назад
Simply yet effective… happy to see u back in action. Remain consistent!
@grahamyodude Год назад
0:54 He whipped out a microphone and stuck it in her face while she was on her knees and she says this... you can't tell me this isn't staged that is too perfect.
@aqualms 2 года назад
great video! A good tip for *anyone* who wants to lessen their consumption of alcohol: try not to keep any alcohol at home, unless it's for cooking/hosting reasons! Like, at max, have maybe a bottle of wine and two beers, but if you can have *no* alcohol at home, that will definitely lessen the amount you drink. That way, you only drink socially/when out, and hopefully you won't wanna spend the extra money, and at home you can more consciously drink.
@Jackson-pu7gd Год назад
I love watching andrew engaging in human interaction
@bbloomfield6497 2 года назад
I drink everyday. Last year it put me in an ICU twice. March and during Christmas. Just turned 39, alone on a farm with no one for miles, used to be a published artist, also a bartender and DJ. Drinking or not I'm stuck with nowhere to go, wishing this nightmare would end when I don't wake up again.
@alexram978 2 года назад
😂 0:22 seconds in and you've already bagged that like from me lol
@mnolan334 2 года назад
i missed your content, glad to be here.
@misila6321 2 года назад
Don’t mind me, just helping the Al Gore Rhythm
@popodood Год назад
I was drinking to get drunk every day for the last few years, but I started working out again after being disgusted with my body. Now I feel like drinking too often will mess up my gains, now I don't have time to drink, I need gains!
@LearnAtMyExpense 2 года назад
Do you drink? "Uh, sometimes (shrugs)." How often? "''Bout twice a week." lol
@popularsmokehouse7114 2 года назад
Reminds me of a toned down Kassem G “California On”
@runeguy277 2 года назад
Hey Andrew I'm glad you found your thing again, hope you're doing good, all the best.
@Csgamerpro 2 года назад
So funny how you just stand there holding the mic down to her😂😂😂
@Legogazer 2 года назад
Great video, interesting different viewpoints. I like how the video is straight to the point.
@geoffreybremner6372 2 года назад
This is real journalism
@RAJohnson713 2 года назад
"Maxin and Relaxin" lol
@Theballoonwillpop 2 года назад
"you should drink not to feel better but to make it even better" - wise and beautiful lady on a lawn 2022
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