When considered in terms of a simple definition the term development anticipates a change. But all changes that take place in an individual‟s life from conception to death from the beginning of life to its cannot be considered as “development”. Therefore, what is implied by development is a sequential chain of events in an individual‟s life. Development is a process. Its result is change. Hence, educationists speak of development as a process that brings about change.
According to Hurlock‟s thinking, “development” is a “series of systematic, mutually matched, progressively sequenced changes” according to this definition, 1. Systematic mean, the qualities of one stage are increased at the next stage. 2. Mutually matched means, there is no conflict between the qualities of the first stage and the qualities of the next stage. 3. Progressive sequence means, that there is a direction to development.
While at the beginning of an individual‟s life, that is in childhood, development is very rapid, in middle age there is a certain level „slowing down‟ of this speed and at the final stage there is a certain measure of retardation evident.
31 окт 2024