
Petrol Motorcycles Ban announced! & BMF throws British Bikers under the Bus! The voice of reason? 

stuart fillingham
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A continuation of the latest news on UK Governments plans to take personal motorized transport away from the masses and stifle our freedom to enjoy motorcycles and motorcycle travel. The British Motorcycle Federation interfered with motorcyclists right to take part in a DFT consultation by misleading us about the proposed legislation. The real reasons for anti tamper legislation discussed!
& The sale of new ICE motorcycles will be banned from 2035.
CITY AM report on WHO Statement about OMICRON Variant. www.cityam.com...
PayPal Donations. threelittlefishes@live.co.uk
PATREON. / stuartfillingham



10 сен 2024




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@jamesclarkson3009 2 года назад
"I simply do not recognise the world that we're living in at the moment" I and many others echo that statement 100%
@priscillaroberts7945 2 года назад
The world is changing as it always has, a joke i heard was an old woman asked her grandson, do you believe in life after death? Yes gran but you won't be in it!
@sscbkr48 2 года назад
Listen to stew peters show or greg hunter on rumble.. lots of informed guests. What they're keeping from us would scare the hell out of anyone.
@johnhamilton2213 2 года назад
Amen to that! Life is all about change, but I don’t even recognise the world of today, from 2 years ago.
@johntrout3631 2 года назад
Blame liberals in government!!!
@daevaskye 2 года назад
@@johntrout3631 Blame corrupt globalist puppets in Government more like!
@tompeter7326 2 года назад
As a German Rider for nearly 50 years in the saddle, you may not believe, but I am 100% with you from the first to the last sentence, we are facing exactly the same problems here ! Our new socialist / green government is going to show the world how good and fast we can shut down everything in Germany, regardless how normal people will be able to manage and live their lifes....
@RWD.G 2 года назад
Same shit is happening in communist Norway.
@Thorkell64 2 года назад
@@RWD.G All over the west. The new global socialist utopia.
@svenbeowulfsson641 2 года назад
Richtig, so sehe ich das auch. Ich fahre Motorrad seit Anfang der 70er Jahre und ich fahre sie weil ich den Verbrennungsmotor liebe. Motorrad fahren hat nicht so viel zu tun mit sachlicher Vernunft. Es ist etwas fürs Herz und das Gefühl. Doch der eigentliche Grund für die Abschaffung ist in der Tat die Klimareligion die als Seuche um die Welt geht. Dabei wurde vor nicht allzu langer Zeit ein Verfahren erfunden mit dem man aus Plastikabfällen, Plastik wird ja aus Erdöl hergestellt, wieder Kraftstoffe und Öle gewinnen kann. Somit könnte man die Plastikabfälle Inseln in den Ozeanen beseitigen. Daran denkt nämlich auch keiner von den dummen Klimafanatikern. Die können Umweltschutz nicht unterscheiden gegenüber Klimaschutz. Für mich ist Klimaschutz ebenfalls wichtig. Doch wie bei Corona ist auch hier ein verbrecherischer Hintergrund der Grund für die Hetze der korrupten Medien, wozu auch Google zählt die alle kritischen Berichte und wissenschaftlichen Analysen aus ihrer Suchmaschine entfernt haben. Die Welt wird bankrott gemacht durch die bolschewistischen Weltverbesserer die sich als Grüne früher Mal den Umweltschutz auf die Fahnen geschrieben haben. Sie alle sind unterwandert worden von NGOs der superreichen Machteliten, die auch hinter der Corona "Pandemie" stecken. Der Teufel soll sie alle holen. Sven aus Schweden
@Thorkell64 2 года назад
@@svenbeowulfsson641 Europa the last battle. ( Bitchute, Odesee )
@markymarknj 2 года назад
Tom Peter, I think that the motivation behind the climate cult (i.e. with the top leadership, not the useful idiot members) is to restrict our mobility. The powers that shouldn't be can't outright ban our cars, as that would be too obvious; not only that, it would generate too much pushback. What to do? Make cars so costly that we, the people, can't afford them anymore. The gov't has tried doing this via safety, emissions, and fuel economy regulations, but it hasn't been enough. What to do? Why BAN ICEVs, of course! The fact of the matter is that EVs cost more. Here in the US, they cost about $15K more than a comparable ICEV; in some cases, the EV is double its ICEV counterpart! If we look at the Nissan Leaf and compare it to the Nissan Versa, the price is double. Depending on optional equipment, a Versa costs $15K-$20K; the Leaf, which is of a similar size, costs $30K-$40K. Well, if a working man is having trouble affording a car that costs $20K, how will he afford one costing $40K? He won't, and that's the intent. All of this goes back to the UN's Agenda 2030. Notice how, in the UK, the ICEV ban was originally supposed to begin in 2040? Notice how it was moved back to 2035? Notice how it was then pushed back to 2030? Oh, and if you look, you'll notice that this is happening GLOBALLY too! It's happening in the UK; it's happening in your Germany; and it's happening here in the US in certain jurisdictions. For example, our state of California has banned the sale of ICEVs after 2035; look for that to change to 2030. Our overlords want to corral us in cities, so they can watch and control us 24/7/365. That's what's REALLY behind all of this! Climate change is just a useful vehicle for TPTB to usher in their totalitarian dystopia.
@stuwhite2337 2 года назад
Motorbikes are the ultimate expression of freedom on the road. That cannot be tolerated by the powers that be.😠
@brianperry 2 года назад
We ( motorcyclists) were persecuted at the beginning of my motorcycle journey in the sixties. We have maintained that element of freedom in spite of all what successive government legislation has thrown at us.....Go for a ride and be dammed to the legislature’s..
@svenbeowulfsson641 2 года назад
We shall not talk but still use our motorbikes and ignore the police and the stupid politicians and of cause do not elect them anymore. If we all do this it is a demonstration of our power and the authorities can do nothing against us. We are the People!
@direktorpresident 2 года назад
Governments should be servants, not masters. Their tyranny is exercised these days through microchips and sensors, servers and databases. One area that they have neglected in the UK is the real-world enforcement which was required in the days of the Gestapo or the early FBI; there are fewer cops available to chase after suspects-on-premises, let alone overdue tax discs. Ironically, therefore, a Peasants Revolt is more likely, hopefully in the form of peaceful Civil Disobedience.
@direktorpresident 2 года назад
@@svenbeowulfsson641 It is interesting that journalists now report a new phenomenon, "pushback". In my days, if you pushed back against the law you were a miscreant, but surely this new phraseology demonstrates that laws are increasingly intrusive and "overreaching". They will have criminals of us all.
@markymarknj 2 года назад
TOTALLY, 100% CORRECT! Here's what I think is going on... I think that the motivation behind the climate cult (i.e. with the top leadership, not the useful idiot members) is to restrict our mobility. The powers that shouldn't be can't outright ban our cars, as that would be too obvious; not only that, it would generate too much pushback. What to do? Make cars so costly that we, the people, can't afford them anymore. The gov't has tried doing this via safety, emissions, and fuel economy regulations, but it hasn't been enough. What to do? Why BAN ICEVs, of course! The fact of the matter is that EVs cost more. Here in the US, they cost about $15K more than a comparable ICEV; in some cases, the EV is double its ICEV counterpart! If we look at the Nissan Leaf and compare it to the Nissan Versa, the price is double. Depending on optional equipment, a Versa costs $15K-$20K; the Leaf, which is of a similar size, costs $30K-$40K. Well, if a working man is having trouble affording a car that costs $20K, how will he afford one costing $40K? He won't, and that's the intent. All of this goes back to the UN's Agenda 2030. Notice how, in the UK, the ICEV ban was originally supposed to begin in 2040? Notice how it was moved back to 2035? Notice how it was then pushed back to 2030? Oh, and if you look, you'll notice that this is happening GLOBALLY too! Our state of California has banned ICEVs after 2035; look for that to change to 2030. Our overlords want to corral us in cities, so they can watch and control us 24/7/365. That's what's REALLY behind all of this. Climate change is just a useful vehicle for TPTB to usher in their totalitarian dystopia.
@raudskeggar2450 2 года назад
"You will own nothing and be happy" is their motto and goal.
@itsmeagain1745 2 года назад
The Great Reset...
@barrystubbs983 Год назад
they can so easily be replaced , use your vote wisely
@mikehipperson Год назад
@@barrystubbs983 If voting changed anything it would be banned!
@johnbower7452 Год назад
​@@barrystubbs983 that's what you think. Democracy is dead and buried.
@GT380man Год назад
@@barrystubbs983 They’re not interested in votes. They already control both parties in U.K. They placed Starmer on the Trilateral Commission just before Boris’ last election. It makes no difference who wins, they’ll do Wefminster style traitorous things. Checkmate on democracy. I hate the idea but in the it’s a second Peasants’ Revolt or we go under permanently. “Technological tyrannies never end”, warned Aldous Huxley, unlike religious or political tyrannies, because they don’t rely on human support.
@quacktac 2 года назад
If the last 18 months have shown us anything, it's that the public has no interest in standing up to government overreach.
@antinwo3664 2 года назад
In the U.S. we have no problem standing up to the government WITH our AR-15s when the order is given. Get REAL angry and then STAY that way. The rest will take care of itself ... .. ..
@blaisequinones8647 Год назад
When you get someone or people so comfortable in life with pleasures and ease, with clicks of buttons, people will not rise up to tyranny because mankind is lazy. They will prefer to use the easier more practical tool like a gps than a paper map or an electric drill over a screw driver. A paper map and an electric drill causing more pollution to the environment. Even know the Overlords say scrub my toilet now or I won’t pay you. You will continue to scrub to your office meeting or if you don’t need to work because your rich and giving your empire to your offspring than my respects to you getting there or your ancestors. Regardless there is nothing godly in Hell and this planet is getting pretty ungodly with the dirtiness, selfishness, greed ect. I only see these hellish things increasing for generations to come. I do see a small number of righteous people to stick it out until the end. Like Sodom and Gomorrah all over again shhhheeeeeeet. Damn history being history, SHUX MAN!
@paulietv2162 Год назад
No, if the last 18 months have shown us anything it is that WEF bots and trolls like you are infesting these channels, trying to destroy the will and resolve of the people. It won't work, the cat is out of the bag now, you people are on borrowed time......
@paulietv2162 Год назад
@@antinwo3664 Please don't make us laugh, the US was the first country to completely lose democracy altogether in 2020. You now have open borders, enjoy......
@satyabratachatterjee1938 Год назад
You get what you vote for .
@TheWizardOfTheFens 2 года назад
I have forgotten where this quote comes from but: “Criminal activity is anything that is performed by the lower classes that is found distasteful to the ruling classes”
@brianperry 2 года назад
I guess I would have been hung in chains on the side of a highway long ago then....
@direktorpresident 2 года назад
Smoking, drinking, shooting, fishing, model aeroplanes....there is nothing untouchable
@peterford9369 2 года назад
Come on everyone. Though I agree, telling you,you can't mod your car, motorcycles, truck,,via rims, spoilers, big tires, etc, is a bit of overkill. Telling us to wear masks, or get virus protection of some kind, is for the betterment of everyone. And how does it hurt you? As for global warming, and man having an obvious contribution to that,,,why is that so far fetched? Have you heard the song from Billy Joel, we didn't start the fire? Well in this case, we sure as hell threw some fuel on it. No pun intended. It's been proven, by making some adjustments in our lifestyles, pollution has been reduced, so what's wrong with moving towards that end, and getting more done to fight it even more. I don't know how many of u have kids and grandkids. But if curbing pollutants helps giving them a help having a good clean air, virus free future,,why not. Look at cigarette smoking. I can't remember a movie from just the 50s and 60s, where just everyone was smoking, constantly. When we finally started fighting cancer, due to cig smoking,,,that constant seeing everyone with a cigarette, was cut, big time. Yet big time smokers probably bitched the government for standing between them and that disgusting cancer stick. Same with booze and texting while driving. We all complain about regulations, untill that particular thing, hits them. Come on, 5 beers,,, I'm fine to drive. Until that 5 beer drinker hits your kid on his or her, bicycle.
@jonnycando 2 года назад
@@peterford9369 a pox on you!
@brianperry 2 года назад
@@peterford9369 Restricting what we can or can't do to , in this case our vehicle, could be construed as an act against our civil liberties... perhaps the ''thin edge of the wedge'' regarding ones personal choices The question about the climate and Covid is a separate issue
@timhicks2154 2 года назад
This is all to do with removing the individual’s independence, that comes with personal transport. This goes for bikes and cars as well. The ruling classes do not want the peasants to travel.
@chriswild2458 2 года назад
I have thought this for years
@messidor4399 2 года назад
Agenda 20*30, the gre*at re*set, not a consp*iracy theory. Even messages like this are being blocked by YT.
@davidcoudriet8439 2 года назад
Full circle. Very sad.
@Velton2014 2 года назад
@@messidor4399 bang on, it's our job to wake the sheeples, a lot harder than it sounds after the brainwashing that's going on, we can still give out slice's!
@nickpridding3435 2 года назад
I recon they want we peasants to revert to using horse and cart…… 🤔
@andicog 2 года назад
Been biking for 40 years, I've never understood the government's attitude towards a mode of transport that takes up so little space, uses so little fuel and cause so little road damage .
@ronvaughan8041 2 года назад
It represents individuality and freedom. Communists hate that.
@elementalworld 2 года назад
So do conservatives
@elementalworld 2 года назад
@Richard Sthey are wearing the title, use the rhetoric and whine like babies that its everyone else’s fault sounds conservative to me
@elementalworld 2 года назад
@Richard Seach to their own interpretation
@carlosmanuelgonzalez310 2 года назад
Governments see power in public transportation.
@julzb7165 2 года назад
I'm not a biker myself but I'm appalled by the government trying to take away the enjoyment and experience of bikers. I stand with bikers shoulder to shoulder.
@johnrossi2516 2 года назад
Absolutely agree with you 100%. It's a sad state of affairs in both our countries, I'm in the U.S. and I really don't recognize my country anymore. The left has gone off the deep end. I can only hope people wake up to the insanity and start standing up to it I'm a new sub to your channel and think you're doing a great job at shedding light on what's going on.
@hobnob15 2 года назад
If the government are scrapping diesel and petrol engines then it stands to reason that motor homes are also going to go - a lot of people have bought them this last couple of years on 10 yr loans 🤔 and how will this affect long distance lorry drivers who can’t use electric engines 🤔seems to me the government have upset a lot of the voter base , long live the revolution 👍🏻
@grayback1857 2 года назад
I am sure this is correct. Previously motel homes kept there value over many years. People buying now have no idea how long they will be able to use them or which areas of the country they will be allowed into. They share a sense of idependence with bikers that is not to be allowed.
@poonholder5643 2 года назад
@@grayback1857 motorhomes ae the biggest money pit retirees could ever indulge in, just spend a grand for 3 days anywhere 3 times a year and you will be well in the money
@captango 2 года назад
Imagine the cost of electrifying the motorways for electric lorrys, also which lane will they choose to have hundreds of lorrys in miles of ques plodding along in one lane. Imagine other traffic trying to get on or off . How much is this going to cost and as usual the tax payer will be footing the bill.
@kenh3344 2 года назад
You will own nothing and you will be happy. The new world order 666 it's all in the bible..
@kingsleykronkk3925 2 года назад
I read it only applies to cars vans and motorbikes. Most lories and heavy machinery will be exempt from using petroleum but heavily taxed I assume. Aviation will become an expensive luxury or restricted to the elites.
@sickfruit 2 года назад
Government overreach is everywhere these days. Most people are too blind to see it. Keep punting out the videos, the more people awake the better 👍
@iainbaker2742 2 года назад
100% democracies seem to be clamping down on individuals choices & freedoms at an alarming rate these days. People too busy being scared to notice I reckon......
@deweysturgill6220 2 года назад
Don't know about there but here in America there are people so ignorant that they want it. Complete and total gubbermint control over everything (except what gender they choose)
@iainbaker2742 2 года назад
@@deweysturgill6220same in 🇬🇧. Did I hear correctly that that supreme court ruled against mandate in US? I'm not sure media here will cover such things incase they increase v hesitancy.....
@sniper152 2 года назад
Too bad it’s too late for the Brits. They let it happen, they have almost every one of their rights stripped year ago.
@surdanwhatley2939 2 года назад
Stop voting Tory! If you don’t bother to vote you are part of the problem! Every vote counts. There are loads of other things being pushed through that people are unaware of and that are designed to remove your Rights! Make the effort next time and use your vote please 🙏. Get them out and we might stand a chance of (at the very least) moving towards something a bit more biker friendly…… Vote for whoever is most likely to remove a Tory in your area!
@ashleyroffe 2 года назад
How great to hear someone talking sense! I am just glad I was born 63 years ago and have enjoyed arguably the best years of many things including motoring and motorcycling. I feel sorry for those who will never experience the thrills and freedom we have had. LONG LIVE FREEDOM!
@keithroy7884 2 года назад
I am the same age, and realize I need to pack as much travel into the next ten years as possible.
@ashleyroffe 2 года назад
@@keithroy7884 Exactly how I feel!
@echochamber8350 2 года назад
I got 10 years less than you, but still....👍
@stoney2424 2 года назад
Freedom is dead! All you have now is an illusion of freedom!!
@ADAM00717 2 года назад
Unfortunately youth of today are too glued to their phones living life vertually to care. I'm glad I was born when I was and lived the good life.
@aaronwalderslade 2 года назад
I live on a boat, basically off grid. It strikes me that one of the aims of electrification of vehicles is to force everyone to be on the grid. They don't want you to run your engine on your dirty fuel, but on electricity they've generated using their own dirty fuel.
@bigjd2k 2 года назад
They want to be able to use your electric car’s battery bidirectionally to stabilise the grid. Even though this will wear your battery faster.
@kevwalker5714 2 года назад
They want us to buy all electrical power from france. Tens of millions spent on underwater power cables to france in the last 5yrs.
@OMGAnotherday 2 года назад
✌️Lucky you! 😊 Also I Agree!
@zackpenhaligon9904 2 года назад
@@kevwalker5714 absolutely correct. Viking link is the latest cable, between Hull area and Norway.
@raymond8344 2 года назад
@SynapticTransmission 2 года назад
Greetings from Canada. I'm in agreement with you 100% and expect to see the same thing being done here. These people need to be STOPPED.
@MrLou8888 2 года назад
Anyone not in England that think this is not something that they need to worry about think again.
@echochamber8350 2 года назад
Anyone on planet Earth that think this isn't something they need to worry about, think again!
@colinmartin2921 2 года назад
After the modification legislation, the biggest threat will be scarcity of petrol. As electric becomes the norm, petrol stations will close, or switch over to charging stations, so fuel will become harder and harder to find, and more and more expensive. We are being governed by total fools, idiots who are of a very low ability, who have not the wit to survive in the real world, and who have grown up in a wealthy world where common sense is unknown, a world where they look down on working people with total distain.
@carlinemark5331 2 года назад
Exactly, I couldn't have put it better myself !
@John900C 2 года назад
as voted for by ?????
@tonymarchant9083 2 года назад
@@John900C Probably you eh John, probably you.
@brianperry 2 года назад
Gas stations will take full advantage. With the coming of electric vehicle the rise and rise of the garage shop.... you know the ones ,where people do their weekly shop,....while cashier slowly sends the groceries through the barcode reader...Of course with the coming of electric vehicles this won't matter because you will be there for the next few hours anyway waiting for this new 'fangled' technology to charge, might as well do me iPhone and me iPad while I'm at it.. have a cafe latte and a danish....
@conrod7 2 года назад
Petrol does not have to come from a fuel station - check out Anglo American oil in Dorset which formulates racing fuel - and delivers in 25 L drums and 205L drums - expensive though !
@timhicks2154 2 года назад
I’ll just keep riding my Classic motorcycles until it becomes impossible
@TheLiamis 2 года назад
Petrol will become dirt cheap when only elites have petrol cars. Do you think politicians will tell their billionaire funders they can't drive that £3million + hyper car? No chance. That fuel will drop to 50p per gallon for them.
@echochamber8350 2 года назад
I'm upping my bi-weekly rides to 4 times a week
@rawdata7175 2 года назад
Motorcycles are one of our last symbols of freedom. Any man has to ask the question. What is happening in the free world?
@christastic100 2 года назад
Motor bikes are about freedom and governments are now becoming a controller of all our lives including face recognition everywhere and all sorts of Servalance. A Brave new world with everyone chipped and discouraged from free thinking.
@kev403 2 года назад
Then all industry associated with motorcycles should close up shop and move out of the U.K. Do the government a favour. I’m sure they’ll be happy with the further unemployed,loss of taxes generated, loss of revenue generated from bike rallies, shows etc. Loss of revenue from those who tour around the U.K. Utter muppets.
@dawnkennedy3583 2 года назад
But this will be happening everywhere. Some countries have shorter deadlines than the UK.
@craigmorgan4676 2 года назад
Agreed gits🤣👌😯🤯🤣
@Mark-el8sb 2 года назад
Hearing this disappointing news from the UK makes me happy to live in a developing country in Asia. It will take us decades more to get to this level of control, if it is even possible. In fact, the government's rosy forecast is that only 15% of new vehicles sold by 2030 will be electric... Long live petrol power!
@direktorpresident 2 года назад
It is not about petrol, it is about control. I hear from Indian Bullet riders that the police will impound vehicles with replacement exhausts and remove them; but true or not, the ethos behind all this is that anything they choose can have a law agin it. The SS had Government calibrated calipers, in a wooden case and all properly regulated and legal, which measured your nose for a death sentence.
@DJPTEXAS 2 года назад
@@direktorpresident TRUTH !
@hatespeach9835 2 года назад
@@direktorpresident this global communist prison planet is what the so called nazis were actually fighting against...
@ottosump3356 2 года назад
HATES PEACH Yep , we in the west never won the wars.
@crudkick 2 года назад
China is considered a developing country in Asia
@Velton2014 2 года назад
Excellent video Stuart, and your comments on the dreaded CV are 100% correct, including those tracking devices. After 57 years of motorcycling it break's my heart when I see what has been planned for us for decades unfolding in plain sight, I've had the best year's but I won't go down without a fight, ride safe!
@ricbarnes6272 2 года назад
You've said a mouthful there, my sentiments exactly, ride on into the sunset, may our road never end until we wish it to. Ric, ontario canada.
@priscillaroberts7945 2 года назад
I'm on 50 years riding and i reckon it'll see me out. I have accepted that at 70 the future isn't mine. I live for the present. New kwaka, tt is ( probably) on and my ferry and accommodation is booked. Not grumbling,living for now this is the dream. It's here!!!!!
@jjrider6758 2 года назад
Well said, I feel exactly the same and I'm with you all the way mate..
@jjrider6758 2 года назад
@@priscillaroberts7945 I've done nearly 40 years in the saddle myself and yes, people like you and me will probably just about see out this insanity with a petrol driven bike underneath us but what really upsets me is that my sons won't get to share in the experience for very long (if our newly-green Prime Minister gets his way..) before being consigned to riding electric roller-skates with a range that just might reach the shops in the next town.. It's our responsibility to fight this oppressive legislation to the last with everything we've got..
@G-ra-ha-m 2 года назад
@@jjrider6758 Teach your sons legalese (get them the dictionary first) and the other languages used, and teach them of the birth certificate fraud: and they will know freedom.
@newforestpixie5297 2 года назад
They’re there to represent US - not Dictate to us . The public need to wake up before there’ll be no choices left . 🏴😇❤️👍
@eugenecanavan8144 2 года назад
Seems that these legislations are never ending.Back in the 80s I remember going on Demos against crap like air bags on bikes .Apathy is our biggest enemy,because collectively we bikers are getting older,there is a mentality that when this shit hits the fan we will be to old to ride bikes anyway .Keep up the good work and ride safe.
@garystein9536 2 года назад
My centiments exactly youngin'
@gixerloon 2 года назад
Totally agree here, I remember going on demos in droves as a new rider in the late 70's early 80's to stop the forced helmet legislation, I would still have worn one no matter what the out come tbh, but at least we as bikers made our presence felt on the subject, same with leg guards, air bags etc, and I think due to our demos this nonsense never got into legislation. Don't know whether that was the blitz spirit of ''we won't be beaten'' left over from our parents or what !! but todays young riders don't seem to have the same fighting spirit we had then, but it's more than that I think there is just a general apathy in the UK nowadays, as for organisations like the BMF or M.A.G standing up for the motorcyclist, they seem to have lost their teeth or any credibility, from what I can see.
@carlosmanuelgonzalez310 2 года назад
@@gixerloon comunist poluted the education system, that's why younger people today are so compliant.
@johnfellows689 2 года назад
Now i feel depressed. Too old?
@johnfellows689 2 года назад
There is pub carpark on the stourport rd leading from the miter oak double carriage way. It's at the other end about 2 miles from miter oak. Now an then I see 100 bikes all clusterd in joint meetings. I always pip my horn in appreciation.
@andrewhayes4246 2 года назад
Thanks so much for this Stuart. It looks like my bikes will all be rendered unroadworthy and beyond economical repair even though my modifications have improved their safety. We need massed motorcycle rallies in London to show our displeasure.
@stuckintheeighties487 2 года назад
Not at all my friend. Keep maintaining and riding your bikes, the government won't be able to stop you.
@kelnewman1446 2 года назад
I agree and will be there if you put that together from this old petrol head of40years👍all the best👍
@jimb5113 2 года назад
and watch where votes go.
@derekallen4450 2 года назад
Glad I am sixty seven years old the golden years are truly over. What a Sad place the Uk has become.
@andrewhayes4246 2 года назад
@@derekallen4450 me too Derek - 67 and sick of snowflakes!
@stevedix2973 2 года назад
Having worked in the motor trade for 38 years I have seen this coming , telematics was fitted to our vans (Yellow vans I`ll say no more you know who) back in the noughties , they measured everything and you have a traffic light LED on the dash for good or bad , drive down a country lane at 30 and it went red because the van bounced about , you then got questioned by your boss as to why you had a red light ! As for electric vehicles , where I work now we have an electric van as our main run about , supposedly a range of 130 miles , we are lucky to get 50 , in fact if we have a busy morning it runs out of charge before lunch , if you have a range of 150 miles lets say , in reality you can go no further than 50 from home to be able to return on the same charge , allowing a margiin of safety . Also when it comes to fast charging , there are limits , generally it`s 3 or 4 fast charges at most before you have to do a full cycle charge , failure to do so will invalidate any battery warranty and the vehicle stores that info, add in too that a fast charge is at best 80% of a full charge , that range and journey time are drastically reduced . There will be slight variances in those figures , but not much . Even if you can afford a vehicle from the big T it`s not that much better in real life , I come across them out of charge or down to the last 5% far to often . Finally yes the Government are using this pandemic and the fears it engenders to slip all kinds of new restrictions on us , what better way to train us in to a state where traveling or going about our business as we wish , make us frightened to travel so electric vehicles with limited range are all that some need (those that can afford them) , George Orwell just got the date wrong , thought crime is now upon us in a very real way , just try voicing your thoughts and you will be taken to task by the establishment , every transmission is monitored , be it voice or text ! I`m glad I grew up in the dark ages !
@suzyqualcast6269 2 года назад
Determined to force us into full Mad Max (orig) mode, inthey......
@jimb5113 2 года назад
Stop carrying a cellphone. Stop anything in car that communicates past the windshield.
@adrianrycroft6193 2 года назад
Can see country going bk to steam power.
@pendragonthe7th366 2 года назад
My 06 CBR 600 with very very low milage now will cost I think it was £12:00 a day or similar to enter near London , guess I won't be going to London! !. I cause pretty much zero damage and some cars causing way more with probably worse gasess , madness
@andrew_koala2974 2 года назад
Lithium Cells /Batteries do not have a memory effect - as you suggest. However - Lithium batteries suffer from Chemical decomposition even when in storage - charge-discharge cycles further adds to the chemical decomposition - so one can expect the service hours to be reduced as time goes by - and by five years the batteries are essentially unusable fro any practical purpose and will require replacement - which is at great cost -- it is already evident that as a vehicle depreciates the cost to replace the battery exceeds the value of the vehicle - Now there is more e-waste than anyone imagined - and a great expense for the end-user - and excellent profits for the manufacturer- The result will be that everyone will lease their vehicles and everything else/ NO ONE will own anything and be happy. This is the agenda of the EL'ite zionist bankers. Politicians as CORPORATE GOVERNMENT employees have to implement the agenda.
@mantheory6432 2 года назад
As an American I well know by know what happens across the pond is only 5 years away from hitting us at best. We absolutely need to get ahead of this before the soy boy army has destroyed our passion. Thank you brother for keeping the rest around the world informed.
@GT380man Год назад
I’m afraid you’ve got five months, not years. They’ve effectively opened the southern border and tens of millions will flood in from all around the world. In Europe, we’re getting hundreds of foreign, fighting age males being put up in hotels in every town and in a small way in every village. The build up is very recent. They might pull the trigger this year here, too. Best policy is prayer, and I for one am happy I’m reunited with my creator.
@GT380man Год назад
My wife and I lived in Florida 2021-2023 & it was great but most people are so unaware, it’s frightening. Good luck!
@steven.ghodgson765 2 года назад
Well put Stuart and I am glad that I have enjoyed 60 years of motoring and motorcycling, so all you "young bloods" should put down your Smart phones more and take notice.
@mikethebike6018 2 года назад
When 10-15 year old electric vehicles are beyond economic repair, how do we dispose safely of the batteries ?
@funguseater40 2 года назад
BMF have been useless since the 1980's. That's why I and the wife are members of MAG. I wish more would join, it's not expensive and they really do fight for rider's rights and organize some of the best rallies in the UK ( Farmyard Party etc!) 👍. Thanks Stuart for the extra awareness you are spreading...keep it up 👍
@fatbass22 2 года назад
Just found a photo of my Mrs with Fred Hill at a helmet rally back in the early 80 s .Fred at 70 + went to prison because he refused to wear a helmet ..a good man know long gone less him...
@timhicks2154 2 года назад
The plan is….once we can no longer travel….to herd us into ‘Smart Cities’. The World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab, said we would ‘Own nothing and be happy’. Everything we want, we will have to rent.
@savagejabem6668 2 года назад
Never let a " scamdemic" go to waste. 🤔
@anthonyprice5596 2 года назад
Your spot on, we need the reform party to turn everything back the way it was before Boris was brainwashed. I'm not getting jabbed because I don't trust his eagerness to jab everyone...why?
@CanadairCL44 2 года назад
@@anthonyprice5596 I agree. If you haven't been jabbed and are still alive, then you have probably caught the lurgy at some time and your immune system has dealt with it. After 20+ months it can not be possible for anyone not to have been affected, unless they have been working on the international space station since this BS started!
@Velton2014 2 года назад
@@CanadairCL44 that bought a smile to my face, we are not on our own, many are now waking up!
@DJPTEXAS 2 года назад
@pokie6087 2 года назад
I did some calculations. Take a fuel efficient ICE bike with decent performance that returns about 60mpg. Something like a Royal Enfield. Then compare it to a battery bike like a Zero which costs about 15k more to buy. At 12,000 miles per year it it would take about 10 - 12 years to recover the difference in cost. Something to bear in mind when you hear owners waxing lyrically about how much they're saving in fuel costs. So there are no benefits financially to warrant buying an electric bike at the moment but of course I'm being selfish. I'm not considering the environment. Well it's estimated that the UK contributes just over 1% of of the worlds co2 emissions. So what proportion of that 1% are bikes responsible for, bearing in mind that we represent less than 2% of vehicles on the roads. Anyone care to do the math? Whatever it is it isn't anything any of us need to be losing any sleep over. Electric bikes are pointless and about as useful as a chocolate tea cup.
@dannyaustin84 2 года назад
I looked into the biggest carbon emission contributors globally, and lo and behold it was energy production... as in electricity. So when all the car, bikes and the rest go electric, will the demand for energy increase? It seems so.
@omshree901 2 года назад
@@dannyaustin84 yup, burn more coal to produce electricity so that the govt. can subsidise the energy elite while pretending to be green. This is a global problem, every country has this problem.
@aeroflopper 2 года назад
hmm, a chocolate tea cup..
@matbarnsley3329 2 года назад
Don't worry about the environment here. Lithium and cobalt mining cause much much more damage to the environment than petroleum ever will.
@matbarnsley3329 2 года назад
@@dannyaustin84 carbon isn't even the biggest contributor to global warming, it's water vapour. But the powers that be can tax us on water vapour because it's production is 99% caused by the top TNC's and governments.
@swhedge71 2 года назад
Great observations, research, and analysis Stuart. You are spot on with every subject you touched on! Living in the States we are seeing and feeling the impact of the "scare mongering" and quite frankly, people are waking up to all of this nonsense! Thank you for posting this, and I guarantee I will be sharing this video to all I know! Cheers Mate from some one in Texas that appreciates you!
@androidemulator6952 2 года назад
Imagine your vaccine passport tied to attempting to go on a trip to the country during a lockdown- "Computer Says No"
@donniebaker5984 2 года назад
Funny you would mention that one as it's been a little while now like over a year I get a speeding ticket in Kentucky out running a truck driver with road rage as I had cut him off on an exit that I didn't see as his trailer was blocking the Sun so I hit the throttle backed off to about a hundred and I'll be go to hell there's black smoke rolling out of both chimneys and it's the trucker from hell catching up to me again luckily I'm pulled over by the state police who is laughing about it when I asked him where I paid the ticket and he laughed and said oh no you're going to have to go see the judge on this one Kentucky judge jail prison covid-19 I'm out of here I try to call this number as I was sort of told if I didn't I'd lose my license in another state where I live no communication to Kentucky computer say your voice you're out of state we don't handle out of state cases I call my state your crime is in Kentucky we don't handle out of state traffic tickets he will have to go back to Kentucky and turn yourself in and face the music.. the court is locked down and the judge is not answering any calls advice to call your attorney locally.. I call three attorneys in the jurisdiction of the ticket they hung up on me when they found out I'm out of state I called more lawyers in my state as they were quick to not even let me finish what's going on and told me I would have to take care of it somewhere else there must be suggesting cerberus the three-headed dog guarding the gates of hell
@donniebaker5984 2 года назад
It's getting harder and harder to find the entire list as it's not the same each time I look up the ingredients for the vaccines but in this one here I caught the kicker as I recognize what polyethylene glycol is they sell it at AutoZone by gallons I....this is today's recipe for the latest modifications for your modificated vaccine to vaccine your modifications as I copy it right out of the gospil here called the internet's - The following lipids are in the new COVID vaccine. Their main role is to protect the mRNA and provide somewhat of a “greasy” exterior that helps the mRNA slide inside the cells. ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis (2-hexyldecanoate), 2 [(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide 1,2-Distearoyl-snglycero-3- phosphocholine cholesterol
@enterthebase 2 года назад
The bed-wetting do-gooders of this nation let this Orwellian nightmare in through the back door by installing those apps, oblivious to the legal small print.
@garykyle5750 2 года назад
This is what happens when the government has no fear of the people. Never should’ve let them take your arms.
@matthazel2535 2 года назад
You made a statement at the end of the clip, that the W.H.O, made a statement that the western governments are scare mongering about omricon, I have searched everywhere but have been unable to find it, is this fact or hearsay
@sadwingsraging3044 2 года назад
@@matthazel2535 research what South Africa says about it. It started there. They basically said they are ignoring it.
@brasstard7.627 2 года назад
Same in the US, never should have let them pass and enforce NFA, GCA, Hughes and 20,000 other gun control laws and take most weapons away.
@rogerbennett9641 2 года назад
Hang on to the guns you have and get as many as you can including heavy weaponry if possible and jet fighters, try to keep the defence forces freedom loving and American.
@rogerbennett9641 2 года назад
@@JohnHughes2002 There are many right thinking US millionaires maybe even a billionaire or 2 and don't forget the military is populated with ordinary citizens.
@spikeweaver8774 2 года назад
Thank you for being so honest about our selfish sleazy politicians, I’ve stopped watching the news because they are so corrupted, and seam to be in the pockets of big businesses and whichever government has control of us. Not that many years ago Religion used fear to control us, now it’s our own government using fear for the same results. Keep up the great work and enjoying the bit of freedom we still have. Power to the people 👍
@dannyaustin84 2 года назад
haven't listened to the 'news' in a couple of years. I couldn't figure out why I felt so down all time... and then ditched the BBC. After a couple of weeks I felt like myself again.
@Foxtrot_Woof 2 года назад
Why is this a surprise? It's literally a case of they came for your car, and you said nothing because you are motorcycle enthusiast. And now they are coming for the motorcycle of everyone who sat silent when they came after your Volkswagen GTI, Mini, etc.... This ban on petrol vehicles is something that the vast majority people don't want and is going to kill so many jobs and businesses. If the market wanted it, the market would support it. But instead the governments are telling people what they are going to get, whether you like it or not. And the governments are literally bribing people with tax incentives and rebates to get them to buy the lack luster and hobbled current crop of electric cars. Everyone one needs to fight the ban on petrol vehicles in general. Not just motorcycles. You need to save your car as well, because if you don't they are going to come for your motorcycle, scooter, lawn mower, generator, chainsaw, motorhome, etc!!!! FIGHT! End this madness!
@rogercamp2910 2 года назад
California has already banned all petrol or diesel powered gardening equipment. The law is in force now.
@Foxtrot_Woof 2 года назад
@@rogercamp2910 I'm sitting on 7 acres. Gotta be pretty dang hard to mow anything more than a postage stamp with an electric mower. Also in terms of generators. How do you use an emergency "electric" backup source when the electricity goes out? Gavin Newsom is an idot!
@ronvaughan8041 2 года назад
@@rogercamp2910 Not going into effect until 2025 or whenever feasible, whichever is later. And when it does, the sales of gasoline lawn equipment in Reno and Las Vegas will explode.
@rogercamp2910 2 года назад
@@ronvaughan8041 OK. I understood it to be in effect now after that dipstick governor was re-instated.
@ronvaughan8041 2 года назад
@@rogercamp2910 If fewer people were stoned and more had a clue what is happening, Larry Elder would have won in a landslide. It's the same thing in all of these left wing states though. Big city douchebags dragging everyone else under with them.
@Ian-bq7gp Год назад
Well said. We must get rid of this mayor. We should have voted for Brian Rose who is a good and sensible man who is for truth, justice and fairness for all.
@clarson2916 2 года назад
Motorcyclist cheer for regulation on bicyclist and cars. Bicyclist cheer for regulation on eBikes, cars, and motorcycles. Car drivers cheer for regulation on motorcyclist, and bicyclists. We cheered for regulation on the other guy, and they got all of us! We all need to wake up!! We have contributed to this situation by giving the politicians cover for these actions. Stop requesting that they regulate the other guy!
@georgebrown292 2 года назад
THANKYOU Stuart for this video, the more people know just what is going on behind the scenes the better. The most often overlooked issue regarding climate damage is manufacturing and selling of new vehicles in the first place rather than repairing and maintaining a vehicle for longer. The greed for wanting new stuff all the time is burning more resources both in the making of new stuff and providing the raw materiels to make it, destroying the planet from both ends. Bag for life, what about car for life or bike for life! Also what is needed is more companies to produce independant electronic control units for vehicles replaceing all the electronics to run the vehicles system without the big brother stuff, thus removing the problem altogether.
@petesmimob 2 года назад
Thank goodness, someone understands the hidden costs to the planet of EV production, well done Stuart. Thank you, and Merry Christmas.
@jakedickinson 2 года назад
Hydrogen internal combustion engines are surely the way forward. Electric vehicles will never be the answer unless they can become greener to produce, which seems unlikely very soon. The trouble is the governments are too committed and in bed with electric vehicle manufacturers they won’t look at other options. It’s a scandal.
@grayback1857 2 года назад
The only currently comercially available hydrogen in the UK is so called grey hydrogen, unbelievably made from gas with a process which gives off carbon dioxide. Green hydrogen, ie made from water with electricity is not on the cards any time soon and is only really green if the electricity which propuces it is green. We are not in prospect of copious amounts of surplus green electricity.
@mickey1299 2 года назад
No , i think there's more to it , than that . Hydrogen is the way forward , electric is a dead end . There are a number of unanswered questions with electric , ranging from where the power is gonna come from , to the ever increasing cost of battery production , affecting the final cost of an ev . I could guess at some of the questions , but basically it's the same answer to all the questions . A limit on car ownership . The problem with that answer , is where is the overall gain for anyone , and i equally count governments within that question .
@rra7424 2 года назад
Keep petrol
@gregchapman6288 2 года назад
Hydrogen is a joke to much energy to produce it ,very 💣 and very difficult to contain
@SuperReznative 2 года назад
Hand shakes and bamboozel.. 😉. They don't want us in their "club"
@tomsalt3253 2 года назад
Well this video has just made me feel like jumping off a bridge, very sad times on the horizon. Very insightful video though 👍
@20EsOfficial 2 года назад
i am writhing. I just got my first motorcycle IN JULY World War 3 is here, people. Let's destroy the ruling class.
@Nostrildomus 2 года назад
Authority over your life has been taken from all of us without our authority . It will take everyone together to stop it so lots of currency was printed to placate a majority at your expense . Condolences
@savagejabem6668 2 года назад
Chinese social credit scoring on its way.
@clockend63 2 года назад
Something that hasn't been mentioned is that criminals both petty opportunists and organised gangs, will start stealing cars and bikes for their batteries. Create a demand and criminals will always fill the void.
@garyhardman8369 2 года назад
I work within the electricity generation and distribution industry. Our current National Grid system can barely cope with todays demands! It doesn't take a genius to work out what will happen, when many thousands of electric vehicles need to be charged!
@user-rf9me7xm1w 2 года назад
With you all the way with that Gary. Don’t the Government boffins realise that there is was a diversity factor used when the capacity of the distribution system was calculated ?
@DannyBoyInMarseille 2 года назад
I was part of the French Yellow Vest movement. We protested every week for 3 years for different reasons and the result was many people maimed losing eyes and hands by the rubber bullets, smoke and rubber grenades. I was really hoping for the full-on revolution. Instead of listening to the people, the government just bought more water canons, armoured vehicles, smoke grenades etc. With the police violently out of control, the French motivation petered off. When there were 150,000 people on the Parisian streets, the media and police reported only 20,000. I can't see a million British bikers on the street but even if there were, the police might just shoot into the crowd as they do in South America. The French still protest occasionally but have realised that they cannot win. Most French people don't even vote as the system is rigged. Things are going from bad to worse!
@luisloya1120 Год назад
All you British bikers need to stand up and fight!!!💪💪💪 . 1st you lost your gun rights and now you're on the way to lose motorcycle riding freedom.
@timhicks2154 2 года назад
Big Brother, 1984 and more. A U.K. version of the People’s Republic of China.
@savagejabem6668 2 года назад
George Orwell's book is no longer a work of fiction.
@ThingsAboutMusic 2 года назад
Having owned a VOLT here n the states, I can tell you the battery mileage decreases about 10 miles in 4 years. And the charge stations that were to be built still aren't in place to this date. I sold the car because the pricey electronic features they put into the car were buggy and had to replaced twice in the 4 years I had the car at $3k each time.
@mikefawkes5195 Год назад
not to mention riding around in a magnetic field cant be great for health
@SteeeveO 2 года назад
Looking at the average age of riders these days, we'll just about make it using petrol before we hang up our boots. There are few young riders coming up behind us, so we'll fade into retirement with our memories, just as we do now when we remember 2 strokes. I fear motorcycling as a pastime/hobby/cheap transport will die with us.
@David-og7di 2 года назад
HI from NZ. I have had these thoughts for a few years now. Thank yourself that you got to the age you did and did it on 2 wheels. If I get 12 more years I'll be 70. I'm already an anachronism on my carbed Harley.
@SteeeveO 2 года назад
@@David-og7di I suppose for the youth, they won't miss what they never had - but I wouldn't have changed anything from my life around bikes. I can still recall rides on a Yam RD125 from over 40 years ago - you won't get that from a self driving electric box on wheels!
@brianperry 2 года назад
I still visit the local biker cafes and travel the roads favored by the ‘young blades’. Although there is a hard core of ‘older’ European retired guys still riding, most of the fast, really fast guys are young... the ones whose bottle has not yet been overtaken by self preservation. I live in Spain where there is a large motorcycling community....be it touring, fast or otherwise and the canyon carvers whose ‘chicken strips’ are measured in millimeters .......sometimes none!
@SteeeveO 2 года назад
@@brianperry I think due to the better weather, bikes will still sell for a while in Spain & Italy etc - especially as there is lots of racing success there as we once had in the UK with Sheene, Foggy etc. Look at Jonathan Rea now - multiple WSB champ but a virtual unknown here.
@brianperry 2 года назад
@@SteeeveO you've hit upon the single most important point about Motorcycling... in all its forms...the weather. I still remember what it was like riding in the freezing cold , the rain, I don't have fond memories of that aspect.... now, I'm a fair-weather rider that fortunately because of where I now reside is all year around.
@catleugh 2 года назад
I'm pleased I'm nearly 70 years old, and can't afford to run new bikes (riding a 20 year-old CBR 600F at the moment). I feel sorry for the younger generations though.
@peterg219 2 года назад
Well said Stuart, it's all about control: It's all done under "the guise" of helping the people/ environment. I belong to a vintage motorcycle club here in Sydney AU. Most of these riders are only interested in 'things' pertaining to motorcycles & have virtually zero understanding or interest in politics. The real driver/ controller of social change is politics. The leading policy under it all is Eugenics, and just above it (for now) is climate change... The COMING CONTROLS especially for motorcyclists is to take-down what was once a free-spirited group within the global community. Having lived through, the great climate cooling, then the great climate warming hoaxes & we now have the deliberately divisive climate change hoax. All these hoaxes are just that, hoaxes. Nonetheless, all were & are now heavily sponsored by the Carnegie & Rockefeller institutes, the billionaire families that made & maintain their fortunes in oil & more recently pharmaceuticals. As a throw away to a millionaire friend some 40 years ago, I said the sure-money won't be in gold but carbon trading. I gave him the the idea of the name "Carbon Credit Corporation, 3C's you can't say no to". The bugger founded it, & became its chairman. It has been most successful for him. I wouldn't have anything to with it out of principle. I knew it was a big con coming soon to everyone. It was one of my throw away ideas. One man's trash that became another's treasure. I belonged to the Electric Vehicle Association for a time... an electric vehicles' range is ultimately controlled by the suppression of astonishingly advanced battery technologies. Significantly advanced battery technologies have existed for decades, their patents are mostly owned & controlled by the same oil industry robber barons. Keeping the price of oil high is their game, by brainwashing school children & their parents into believing oil is NON renewable, finite resource. Nothing could further from the truth. Russians find oil at 30K feet depths which totally discredits the 'fossil origins' BS. Example: the once empty & abandoned Pennsylvanian oil fields, have miraculously topped themselves up. W.T.Fact! Coal is another process. However, ignorance as to the origins of oil abounds & dominates this entire debate regarding so called 'renewable energy'... implosion technologies, plasma & etheric energy concepts are heavily suppressed by so-called governments that take a substantial cut of the pump rice (about half the price) of every litre of petrol sold to our dumbed down societies. What fuel or even free-energy any vehicle uses is NOT the issue. The REAL issue has nothing to do with carbon emissions or pollution. Let me expand... It's all about CONTROL of all the 'little people', the so called 'useless eaters'. So called by about the 8,500 individuals that run this world. And let's go deeper yet: N.B. According to the Georgia Guide Stones, which claim too many of us exist, by about 8.5 billion. According to these Free Masonic 'Guide Stones', the world's population is to be limited to 500m, sufficient to service the 'needs' of the self-seeking billionaire elite families & their corrupt corporatized government puppets. If your thinking does not account for this BIGGER picture, i.e. those facts denied by the 'little people', then you will be misled like the sheep that have just lined up to be voluntarily jabbed by an experimental, DNA altering drug of unknown ingredients, unknown to the vast majority i.e. Didn't our parents tell us 50 years ago, "Don't experiment with drugs"... if you get my drift. Yep, I don't know why I bother, but here's a throw away... ALL, I do mean ALL governments are now corporations, thanks to collective ignorance, sloth & self interest. The U.S. in recent times have clobber the remaining six nations that held out & did not corporatize, to be under the control of the international banks. You know: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt, North Korea. YOU & I have NO say in a corporation unless YOU & I are a shareholders of that company's shares. So what umbrella corporation controls your nation? In AU, it's name is Pecker Maroo & all govt departments are owned & controlled by this parent corporation. (Think about it... in AU the dejure govt used to be known as "The Government of Commonwealth of Australia". This was usurped by the corporation known as the "Australian Government", etc., etc., N.B. A MANDATE is not law, it is a proposal from principal to agent requiring the consent of the agent for a contract or commission to become effective. (Blacks Law Dictionary 11th ed.) One cannot recognize the world the world we now live in, because perhaps one never knew the world one grew up in. The world is under the control of "the prince of the power of the air" (look it up), for e.g. all 33 degree Free Masons must acknowledge this fact, or they don't get to be a 33rd degree. Ranks below this level are purposefully kept in the dark, useful to 'that' cause, but kept as dumb as DS, in the 'promise of positions to come' in the NWO, the one they'll create through chaos, hence "Ordo Ab Chao" - their motto. Most good 'contented' people just watch all this shite happen. They simply do nothing, allowing it to be so. Like most of the dummies in my (now estranged) motor cycle club. They will not listen or see history repeating. They blindly follow 'mandates'. Mandates are not laws, merely an offer of a contract requiring ones consent to come into effect. The otherwise 'little people' refuse to understand that they have been duped; that the likes of their fake corporate governments are there to protect them. They even still vote for the major parties, thinking this will somehow change things. This too is mass lunacy. But enough : -) "Truth is NOT hidden, (little) people hide from the truth." Most people never bother to know their rights & have remained debt slaves to so-called governments. Corporatized governments are fully now owned & controlled by international banksters & their multinational buddies. Finally: Axiom of law states: "He who does not assert his rights has no rights." Yep... puppet government corporations, indebted to international banks & their global agendas, known as Agenda 2021 & Agenda 2030. And so, for the dumbed-down bunnies amongst us, don't forget to top up you daily feast of fear & get your genocidal boosters. Knock yourself out, you masked-muppets. Apologies Stuart for making perhaps a few too many, but inter-related points, at least as I know them to be.
@1fenderbender 2 года назад
it's been law to have a catalytic converter fitted to a car from 1992. You still see older cars on the road and at rally's. It might be law to stop selling them, but not ride them. Enjoy it while you can still fix it.
@slakk5093 2 года назад
Might be an idea to buy a drz400 then 😁
@direktorpresident 2 года назад
There is nothing to stop them banning all use.
@mutley5272 2 года назад
Not a wrong word in the whole video Stuart. And where is all the electricity going to come from to power electric vehicles? Power stations are closing and new ones are on hold. If we fill the fields with solar panels where are we going to grow the food we eat? Electric is not the answer, hydrogen is, and the sooner we start talking about it the better (I believe Kawasaki are developing a bike now) because a hydrogen bike could directly replace a petrol one in all respects. Great video Stuart and thank you for raising issues that other channels dare not 👍
@chriswild2458 2 года назад
Have a look at Harry’s farm on you tube and his interview with lord Bamford(JCB) The work and research on hydrogen they have done is amazing
@andybarry3435 2 года назад
Green energy leads to outage shortages and power cuts.
@brianperry 2 года назад
Probably not in my lifetime but I can envisage queues at charging stations...... we have already seen the consequences of fuel etrol/diesel] shortages....perhaps UK is heading for a dystopian world. Where only the privileged minority are allowed dispensation....... In the mean time I'm gonna get ''me gear'' on and go for a ride and met up with other like minded retired spirits at the local Biker Cafe (España)...
@Velton2014 2 года назад
Well said and I will say that many are at last waking up!
@GapBahnDirk 2 года назад
If we want electric vehicles, then we had better embrace nuclear energy.
@farmoboy83 2 года назад
This is a totall madness. In Europe people start talking about a massive blackout because with winter electricity consumption powrplants will fail demand and this is with only less than 5%of road cars being electric. Imagine if millions of cars and bikes are charged at the same time?!!! Wtf nobody thought about that? Also everyone will be hostage of electricity companys and prices will increase largely. Since electricity is only one, cooking, heating your house or leaving the refrigerator working will become unbearable for many people. This is a future we don't want to be in. I am a pro environment person, I do what I can to consume less, eat very small amounts of meat, avoid plastic, reuse and rebuild my stuff but the idea this new vehicles are totally environment friendly is a totall lie!
@kamilcuniak8412 2 года назад
They thought - I watched video somebody explained that problem is not with "making" electricity problem is with distributing it. Network basically can handle the current when everyone plug their electric cars. We should make a nationwide test - lets agree on time and everyone in UK put a kettle and oven on at same time ;)
@bernardbusch6729 2 года назад
Electric Cars are a ruse to get you out of Petrol/Diesel and put most of us into public transport. There will NEVER be enough charging stations to satisfy motorists and most will eventually give up trying and sleepwalk into a bus or train. That's what they want!
@jamesremus4323 2 года назад
Thanks for the video, I agree that there is something nefarious in the government’s actions and this will no doubt find it’s way into all countries eventually unless we all push back. Cheers from Canada. 🇨🇦
@icedidi 2 года назад
It's fitting that I'm currently reading Orwell's 1984.
@Saddlebags73 2 года назад
Frighteningly close to reality 😞
@thomashayter6834 2 года назад
Current western governments seem to think it’s an instruction manual and not a work of fiction 🤦‍♂️
@savagejabem6668 2 года назад
@@Saddlebags73 whilst your here ' thank you' based on your ( and Stuarts) reviews l took delivery of my classic chrome 500. I just haven't told the wife 😂
@icedidi 2 года назад
@@savagejabem6668 Mine said to me "If you get a bike I'm leaving" - so I got my classic 500.
@Saddlebags73 2 года назад
@@savagejabem6668 oh that’s brilliant! I hope you’re pleased with it. I commend you on your stealth purchase 😊👏🏼
@Banditmanuk 2 года назад
Thanks for bringing all this to a wider attention. I would say keeping our current older bikes running would be a great alternative to electric bikes but you just know government legislation, taxation petrol price and availability will be used against us.
@pricklydingus8604 2 года назад
An internal combustion motorcycle is one the greenest ways to transport yourself. The energy needed is minimal, and there is no need to mine, and manufacture enviromentally hazardous batteries. The advantages of electric cars can't nessarilly be pinned to motorcycles in the same way.
@ChrisJohnson-pd4hh 2 года назад
Eric Brown - it depends on the engine size doesn't it? A bike with an engine the size of a cars to power it along is not going to be so green! Large capacity bikes appeal to macho riders who cannot possibly use the motor to its full potential without breaking the speed limit (in UK at least). - Chriso.
@impalaSS65 2 года назад
@@ChrisJohnson-pd4hh None of your business. Authoritarian mindset.
@priscillaroberts7945 2 года назад
@@impalaSS65 it's all of our business. I love my bike but i hate the noise and the fumes of heavy traffic. The dirt and the dust caused kills as many as covid has every year from lung conditions. Like it or not we have to change.
@NVIDIAGeekify 2 года назад
@@priscillaroberts7945 some of the replies here are laughable. I'd guess the average age of the commenters is 50+.
@impalaSS65 2 года назад
@@priscillaroberts7945 No. What I do, is not your business, unless you can clearly show it is. Your feelings doesn't count. "The dirt and dust..." what are you on about? particle generation from traffic? Compared to what in the modern age? Industrial endeavour as a whole? Just subway dust (collective transport is commie-approved, thereby "green") is killing way more than inner city traffic particles. Your line of argument - disregarding the essential progress and only focusing on disproportional drawbacks - lead to pre-development times. That was when people lived to be 30 years old if they were lucky. Get a clue based in history and science. You are regurgitating the more than 60 year old Soviet propaganda, that has slowly trickled through time and now the seed sown in the 60s are bearing fruit. The other power grab you mention, has no base in science either. Bringing it up does not strengthen whatever you are trying to convey.
@stevedawg9588 2 года назад
Time to stand up and tell the Government NO, WE REFUSE..ENOUGH!!!!
@mistsmogguru8378 2 года назад
Governments change. The people want a government with balls to fight for us not opress us.
@davidross1436 2 года назад
Right to the point as always, Its good to know there are others out there who can see through this governments ( dictatorship!) slimy underhand plans. well done 👋👋👋
@nickclimpson9812 2 года назад
Thanks Stuart, concise and informative as usual. It is said that society gets the government it deserves, we won't get the government we deserve until there is a box on the ballot paper that says "None of the above"
@nevillemcnaughton6306 2 года назад
Stuart, thank you for this, 100% support, when will the rebellion begin. The lack of reason in the political arena is frightening. As motorcyclists we need the car folk on board before we can be effective. There is no reason why we have restrictions on motorcycles that do not apply to automobiles. Keep up the good work.
@TheLiamis 2 года назад
The EV cult will soon be hit with a heavy tax as the government needs that money its losing from Petrol dales. Give it 1 or 2 years. I honestly think every will be hit with either 2.5 grand annual tax or the electricity will get a huge tax increase.
@plumduff3303 2 года назад
I hate this fascist government
@SuperRichie200 2 года назад
This is absolutely shocking! !
@timhicks2154 2 года назад
Massive over-reach by our Government. Will they be giving up their Ministerial Limousines?
@carlinemark5331 2 года назад
I think you know the answer to that buddy. The problem for the UK is people keep voting for the same wasters !
@Velton2014 2 года назад
@@carlinemark5331 no matter who you vote for the outcome will be the same, all politicians are just the long arms of the deep state!!!
@stephenburnage7687 2 года назад
The problem in the UK is the two (three) party system. No real room for original thought.
@RideEventually 2 года назад
Huge THANK YOU for what you are doing. Thank you for showing me that im NOT "losing my mind", im NOT "just getting old", im NOT "imagining things" and im NOT "a conspiracy believer". More and more people need their eyes opened about what is actually happening in the world these days. As a father i am actually scared what kind of world is my son gonna live in. As an individual i am furious about the situation in the world but then again as an individual i on my own i am powerless to do anything to change it. Keep doing what you do and thank you again, kind sir.
@bobmassey7227 2 года назад
It is very real, it's coming at us and no, you are not losing your mind.
@benl7070 2 года назад
I've often thought the same.
@arbiterclan 2 года назад
Believe me you are not any of those! I feel the same, but watching this video and reading the comments make you realise we are not on our own - my only hope is that "real" counter leaders arise we can get behind, support and drive this s*** agenda back to where it belongs - for all our children and children's children sake!
@willelm88 2 года назад
Thanks a million, Uncle Stewie! You're the one voice speaking up for us young riders and telling it like it is.
@Jagshemasher 2 года назад
Everyone needs to write to their MP's about these decisions and get their position on the matter . . . .and publicise it.
@merlin1346 2 года назад
DO NOT VOTE. by voting you are giving them the mandate 'rule by consent', this is the very reason why not so long ago they considered making it compulsory to vote in elections, because they know, no votes, no mandate. You would do well to take this video very seriously indeed regardless off whether you drive a limo or roller blades.
@davidbell8320 2 года назад
Social engineering, it will have enormous ramifications for all of us, the tax generated currently will not be replaced by so called new industries as it will take decades to develop, and I for one will not be tracked willingly. I can't afford electric and to be honest I've never wanted a milk cart.
@andywebb6640 2 года назад
I'm very happy that I enjoyed the great days of motorcycles in the 70's-80's and I'm getting old now. Motorcycling will fade into history in the next few years.
@paulmanning8897 2 года назад
@aeroflopper 2 года назад
nah never mate..
@andynorth1865 2 года назад
Thank you so much Stuart for putting this out there!! I feel many bikers and custom bike fans/builders are sleeping walking into the death of what we love! Keep up the great work!!
@kurtsteiner8384 2 года назад
They have done the same with cars. No new cars to be made after a certain date. The trouble with politicians is they have no idea how people live. And use private transport as a cash cow, how to get more money out of the motorist or motorcyclist. They want everyone to have electric vehicles, if that were the case, the national grid would not cope with the demand. They cost more to purchase and maintain. Many garages dont know how to maintain them. And finally they are more polutant, both in manufacture and use. Hope it helps
@lynnB3159 2 года назад
The reason I won't go electric is I don't want a car that decides if I can go somewhere or not because my social credit score which seems to be the way were headed .
@goldilocks913 2 года назад
Best video ever- if worst news ever! The MCN had the line of ‘nothing to see here’ about the tampering ( read customisation) proposals though this included anything that alters the emissions like exhausts and remaps. Truly a post truth world out there. Thank goodness for people like yourself and MAG- I’ll be joining later this week.
@triumphrider572 2 года назад
Excellent video. This past couple of years seems to have been taken from the pages of the worst dystopian novel. To me, and most other 'old school' motorcyclists, it''s all about freedom and self'reliance. They might think they can take that away. They'll have another think coming! Roll on Nuremberg 2
@henryhartley9993 2 года назад
Nice one Stuart, Spot on as usual, the BMF have always towed the line when any government have tried to introduce legislation, MAG are the only ones who put up a decent fight. ...
@pemj7360 2 года назад
For those old enough the bmf tried to throw bikers under the bus when it came leg protection. . They did nothing. I have no time for them and will have nothing to do with them.
@Crosshatch1212 2 года назад
Why do you think bmf where created ,for exactly the things they have let us down on ,
@nikduffield5457 2 года назад
Please everyone, vote in every election local or national and make sure you do not vote for the major parties EVER. We can take the power back by cancelling them before they cancel us.
@ilovesuisse1 Год назад
Why do some people think they have the right to dictate to others what they can or can’t do? So sick of these dictators.
@MrJpb2000 2 года назад
Is it just a coincidence that the new variant OMRICON B is an anagram of NO CRIMBO!
@chrisbarron5861 2 года назад
or B moronic !
@androidemulator6952 2 года назад
O! Mi, a R(ight) CON ..we got goin' on 'ere...:)
@NalinKhurb 2 года назад
Eye opening video Sir. Although I am not from the UK, but this information will be useful if such situations arrive in my country. Hope you all are able to counter these legislations and gain your rightful liberty
@nomojo1110 2 года назад
Have politicians taken into consideration that since the Euro1 standards introduced in 1999; the motorcycle industry has had incredibly aggressive emissions goals that MUST be met in order to continue sales. Euro4's introduction had to reduce Euro 3 emissions standards by 50% and those emissions were required to last for 20,000km. Euro5 has halved emissions again and for the entire duration of the engine/catalytic converter. When the big manufacturers phase out their current Euro5 compliant models and shift their focus to entirely electric, do not be surprised. Be angry, but not surprised.
@tindog999 2 года назад
I can't wait for the wrath of Bikers against this kind of Climate lunacy. I have been riding Motorcycles for 57 years and don't intend to stop any time soon!!!
@myview5840 2 года назад
Wait til the military has to change all their equipment to electric vehicles
@davericketts9101 2 года назад
Extremely informative, practical and well-balanced video, highlighting, not only the dangers facing our beloved method of transport but many broader issues facing our future way of life in this country. I hope that all who watch this video will do whatever they can to bring this to everyone`s attention. Well done Stuart.
@jjrider6758 2 года назад
I'd totally agree with all you said Dave but one word really stood out from the others for me - beloved.. Bikes ARE beloved to many of us in a very literal sense, we look after them like babies, use them as mental therapy (whether we know it or not..) sometimes we just trundle around the back roads, other times we thrash their *rse off ! - we talk about them incessantly and are happy just looking at them for hours on end.. but no matter what we always love them, even when they are playing up or need maintenance.. They're not just a meaningless tin box with wheels to get about in, we all need to remember that and put up whatever fight we can against this sinister and oppressive legislation.. Ride safe and keep the sticky side down !
@jameschristensen1658 2 года назад
And this is why I'm proud of having a country with freedoms written in the foundation... Although even America has rumors of petrol bans in the near future.
@keithroy7884 2 года назад
Not just rumors in California. Leftist politicians are competing to ban ICE more quickly than each other, including lawn equipment and power tools, disregarding the effect on ordinary people. And the answer for those who question it, is that we should drive less, and they may use taxpayer money to increase subsidies for electric tools.
@jameschristensen1658 2 года назад
@@keithroy7884 well the real answer is that lawmakers need to get a grip. Consumer vehicles and power tools have an almost completely negligible effect on the state of CO emissions and pollution, it's freight cruisers and big factories that actually make a difference. Not to mention that electrics aren't actually sustainable yet, not even close. They're arguably worse than ICE. if people would stop pussyfooting around and just accept that nuclear literally the only option and also a very safe solution, we be perfectly fine
@jameschristensen1658 2 года назад
@Pdpmail dude it's so not at all like nazi Germany, couldn't be farther from it. If you want to see a modern day nazi Germany, why don't you go look up the concentration camps in China where they're trying to eradicate the Muslims and their culture. You won't see religious minorities disappearing off the streets in America.
@jameschristensen1658 2 года назад
@Pdpmail do ya live under a rock or are you just ignoring the facts cause America is the most free country that exists currently
@sadwingsraging3044 2 года назад
@Pdpmail Canada being the arbiters of what is "free".... LMFAO!
@grahamclutterbuck583 2 года назад
Thank you Stu. Very disappointed with the BMF stance on this, we really are living in dark times.
@Ian-bq7gp Год назад
The BMF isnt for working class bikers or young with little money. Its disgusting how the government attacks bikers. How about banning private jets, superyachts etc? Shocking.
@victorburger7008 2 года назад
One reason that EV's are very expensive is that there May be a tax payer funded inducement to buy, is expected at switch over time. There is also the falicy that there could be a zero carbon vehicle. All that will happen is that the carbon production is moved from vehicle to coal and gas burning power stations. The re will be the same carbon produced. Unfortunately the switch to electric will be chaos as there is not enough natural power production being built. We saw this effect just a month or so back, when there was not enough wind to turn the turbines.
@timhicks2154 2 года назад
Guy Martin did John O’Groats to Lands’ End in an electric car. Charging points were few and far between, many broken. Charging costs were inflated, and it cost way more to do the trip in electricity costs, than a petrol or diesel car.
@jfro5867 2 года назад
Huge swathes of the UK have had no electricity for the last 4 or 5 days due to storm damage. Electric everything is going to bring all sorts of issues further down the line. I just don’t see how they are going to make this work. Maybe the plan is to make it very difficult, very expensive and just put people off personalised transport altogether.
@markhansford178 2 года назад
Had the car since July, done 3500 miles....cost? £ 44.00! No not a typo, £ 44.00. Petrol, Diesel? Keep them.
@uttaradit2 2 года назад
@@derekm6236 fart gas powered electricity
@timhicks2154 2 года назад
@@markhansford178 - electric cars…recharged by fossil fuels. 😂
@timhicks2154 2 года назад
@@jfro5867 - yes. No transport for the peasants
@stevelong5510 2 года назад
Brilliant video Stuart, very frustrating at the moment with the politicians of all persuasions who are ignorant of what the real people of this country need.
@detectoruser 2 года назад
Great thought provoking video and a reminder to us all that we need to use our intelligence before accepting all that we are told by governments. I was not aware of the BMF stance, I need to get up to speed. Thanks, Liam
@DJPTEXAS 2 года назад
Truth !
@orderoftheangels7751 2 года назад
Perfect time for bikers to unit with the freedom and anti force vaxxers
@HOTDOG401 2 года назад
Do not comply....march for freedom
Top 5 good reasons why you should RIDE A MOTORCYCLE!
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STOP Crashing Bikes in Corners // Part 1: The LINE