
Phanatik and Me: Some Thoughts About His Denunciation of the Christian Faith 

The Ambassador
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The Ambassador aka ‪@ambassador215‬ and Phanatik aka Brady Goodwin have been friends for 30 years always in the context of Jesus until now. Using historical and biblical reflections, The Ambassador shares in-depth his thoughts and exhortations in light of Phanatik's video announcement of his turn away from the Christian faith.
#theambassador #CrossMovement #dontdrift #CHH
see Phanatik's video at: www.facebook.c...
see an urban apologetics' take at: • Phanatik of Cross Move...



10 сен 2024




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@guard213 2 года назад
My parents are from El Salvador - my father did not raise me, the streets (L.A., Hollywood) tried to raise me...one reason why the streets couldn't capture me was because - you Ambassador!. A dude I knew (year 2000) gave me a copy of Christology - I heard it and it changed my perspectives 🧠 👀... I bought (no bootleg) your albums, CM albums (still have them). My 11 year old daughter digs christology/CM. Thank you my brother. ALL glory goes to Messiah Jesus Christ! Will be keeping Phanatik in my prayers.
@thelowdown22 2 года назад
That album though! Whew! classic! I was a young buck Bay Boy (Nor-Cal) and got hit wit a copy of "I can see clearly now" Gospel Gangstaz, but this album!, This album ri here! Bruh!! Flipped my whole world upside down.. "It was Love" a life chaging song! then he rolls into "I love you Jesus" which changed the status quo of "worship music" in my life forever! He rhymes the same consanant all three versus! i mean, my favorite rappers rapper wasn't even killin' it like this when I heard this.. Just for those who are students of the art this is just a jaw-dropping feat.. The small details often missed by average listeners.. Yo! glad you passed it on to the next Gen too! it's a gem!
@ThatChristianFamChannel 2 года назад
That's beautiful!
@199331939 2 года назад
🗣Christologly one of best Chh albums 💯
@everydaydre1185 2 года назад
I was in L.A./Hollywood then. Banging that joints to keep my head up.
@shelleybennett3348 2 года назад
naaaameeean!! My words exactly!!
@RuslanKD 2 года назад
This beautiful put together. Love your heart here! And we need more videos. I think what’s dope, is 14:57 “science may not affirm him…historians may not affirm him” my brother I think it’s even better than that. Philosophers like William Lane Craig debate regularly how both science and history affirm the biblical Jesus.
@B-Shack 2 года назад
Thank you Bro. Branch for this breakdown of a very difficult and painful topic. I loved CM and I admire your ministry!
@TestifyApologetics 2 года назад
Science, history and philosophy all done well affirms Him.
@EricK-dn7pz 2 года назад
100%. Answers in Genesis has tons of dope resources.
@BlessedTex_ 2 года назад
@MosesMatsepane 2 года назад
@@EricK-dn7pz Answers in Genesis is full of Charlatanism. They have little to no scientific credibility. Discovery Institute more Scientific even though their findings are also open-ended.
@aaroncoal28 2 года назад
The Cross Movement was my introduction to black hip hop when all we knew was DC Talk. I had never heard the gospel proclaimed in such a bold manner and it brought me to my knees. My prayers tonight are for Phanatik that he may find the light again and forever. Thank you to #TheAmbassador for this thorough and well-thought out response. Amen!
@ThisisyourForte1 2 года назад
@suprchickn7745 2 года назад
This is sad, I was a big fan of Phanatik. Praying for him, brother! He seemed to be heading toward bitterness lately and it hurt my heart. So glad to see you are still holding strong. God bless you brother!
@andreejacksonrogers3614 Год назад
Mine too... Crossmovement was what GOD knew I needed at just the right time. Reading The Bible for myself as well as going to church and asking GOD to reveal HIS Word to me were very definitive in my Spiritual Growth. Blessings to all of you my Brothers & Sisters Keeping The Faith! And we continue to pray for those who are not Saved to surrender and submit themselves to THE LORDship of THE KING of KINGS and THE LORD of LORDS.
@drzaius844 6 месяцев назад
Maybe keep listening to what Phanatic has to say. He’s still a human that deserves respect, regardless of how he perceives the world.
@jonnyboy5628 4 месяца назад
@@drzaius844I heard what Phanatik was saying and it’s literally devils poison .. no need to listen to anymore of that poison mind ☠️ I pray for Phanatik 🙏 It very heartbreaking but it’s in the Bible 2 Thessalonians 2 The Great Apostasy 2 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of [a]Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of [b]sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits [c]as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
@atkinson02 2 года назад
Thank you for making this mate. I was so grieved to hear about phanatik. I’ve been a massive cross movement fan since 2005 when I gave my life to Jesus. I still crank the songs today. He was for many years a hero that encouraged me to be bold in the faith through the songs. My faith isn’t rocked by his decisions but I do feel sad for him. Good message here and I appreciate you addressing this head on. I pray that he will come to his senses and repent and recieve Christ back
@zoielafitasquire 2 года назад
Been following you a long time Ambassador...you have certainly been graced to dive deep into doctrine and to share it in such a sound way. Thank you! This video is filled with truth, love and grace and again I say, thank you! I was introduced to Jesus as a child at the age of 7 by my mother who came out of the Jim Crow South, but I came to know him as she did for myself at 28 years of age and I am now 48. I know Him! I've encountered Him! I haven't seen Him, but I love Him! Nothing or Nobody can sway me from the lover of my soul! He abides in me and I, in Him! I found the one who my heart loves and I will never let Him Go! Ever! Period and Amen!
@melliemel32 2 года назад
@Lightman741 6 месяцев назад
No different than an imaginary friend then
@tonyhill108 2 года назад
@misswinnie4.8 2 года назад
@TheDjGrateful 2 года назад
@patrickandkendrahenry6767 2 года назад
Thanks, Deuce, this was helpful in so many ways. A reminder “unless we fail the test”. A call to self-evaluation for all of us. My heart is heavy for you and those that are close to Mr. Bradley. Loved his work through the years I will keep y'all lifted up as I pray God gets glorified in this process.
@patrickandkendrahenry6767 2 года назад
Also using video clip of your final prayer in Sunday school lesson .
@murraykachikoti6043 2 года назад
The Ambassador thank you for this video. I have listened in full and I will listen again. Please continue praying for the Phanatik. It's bad enough to hear him denounce Christianity and it will be far worse if dies before returning to Christ. I've been listening to the Cross Movement since 2001 and as a result I am a Christian rapper. I pray the Holy Spirit does not let him rest until he comes back in repentance. The Gospel is real, Jesus is real, Christianity is real
@BreenyLee 2 года назад
love this.
@Tre9online 2 года назад
What's great about your video is so many will be reaffirmed in their faith rather than drifting with those who have left from amongst us. "Where will we go? You have the words of eternal life." John 16:68
@diehard7832 2 года назад
Standing firm in Christ Jesus. Thank you for sharing Ambassador. John 6:66‭-‬69 ESV "After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. So Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.”
@ThAce83 2 года назад
"if we don't stay talking Christ & learning of Christ, we will leave Christ". Deep stuff big bro. Thank you for your work in the mission field. Praying for you 🙏🏾
@joesmith4098 Год назад
"Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived" ~Issac Asimov This doesn't make sense, Phanatik stated he was literally in seminary talking christ, and learning christ, reading the bible and that when the cracks started to form. To be honest, the same thing happened to me when I read this: Matthew 16:28 NIV 28 “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.” Jesus said this, it's in red. Either the people he was talking to are immortal and are still on earth today, or Jesus lied. This is faulty logic, this is about as deep as a paper cut.
@Seekingtruth-mx3ur Год назад
@@joesmith4098 The cognitive dissonance is impressive.
@Seekingtruth-mx3ur Год назад
@@joesmith4098 dude I'm agreeing with you lol the cognitive dissonance of christians is impressive.
@joesmith4098 Год назад
@@Seekingtruth-mx3ur True, sorry. Not to many people agree with me on this, I may be a little defensive
@Seekingtruth-mx3ur Год назад
@@joesmith4098 it's all good. I usually don't even try to debate because most of the time it gets nowhere. People take comfort in their beliefs.
@JohnsonKathy 2 года назад
Love every word of this Deuce and appreciate your steadfastness over the years and clarity on the truth of the gospel. The church needed to hear this, even beyond Brady's announcement. Someone well known in the faith told me that in a difficult season, they "tried to let go of Jesus but Jesus wouldn't let go of them". They literally could feel His presence holding on to their heart and that kept them through that valley of doubt. I thought about that when you referenced this being a heart issue. Pease give our love to Michelle ❤
@CRoadwarrior 2 года назад
As a born again Christian for over 30 years, and one who has dealt with all manner of objections against the Bible and the faith, who has been homeless twice and has gone through all manner of trials, the only thing I can say is that something is clearly wrong. I would wait for him to explain things in more detail. God's Spirit does not lead to apostasy. So if anything, we know that what he is saying does not come from God. Since you cannot lose your salvation, he either is in delusion and deception and still saved, or he never was saved and was like Judas who was with Jesus and the apostles, but yet he was never truly one of the true apostles. Time will tell.
@Romans_116 2 года назад
Brother you can lose your salvation… salvation is a process. Don’t put God in a box. It makes no complete utter sense to say, “he was never saved”. You don’t know that. As a born again believer who have also been Infilled with the Holy Spirit and have been ordained directly by God I am telling you that I believe every man and every woman has the freedom and choice even after they professed and confessed Jesus as Lord, to renounce or denounce the name of Jesus. Please don’t get caught up in human theology. Every person has the option to run away. This is why the Spirit of the Lord always calls people to repentance. Repentance isnt only 1 time thing… to say it is is foolishness. This is why apostle Paul says to “run your face and to finish it strong” The key word is “finish”. It correlates to the sower and the soil parable. It doesn’t matter how you start, it matters how you finish. This also correlates with the virgin and the lamps. It has everything to do with making sure you make your peace before you die. This correlates to the the story of Lazarus and the rich man. Everyone has freedom of choice cmon… get rid of the once saved always saved nonsense. Man brother your theology is so off about so many important doctrines. I will be praying for you. Please repent…
@CRoadwarrior 2 года назад
@@Romans_116 I am just seeing this comment now, but I will say this. No properly interpreted Scripture teaches you can lose your salvation. In my early years as a babe in Christ, being ignorant of Scripture, I also believed a Christian can lose salvation. But the more I grew and learned the Bible better, I began to notice that every passage people tried to use to say one could lose salvation was misinterpreted or taken out of context or distorted in some way. And as I began to see this, I realized ultimately that this doctrine had no sound Bible foundation, I had to abandon that doctrine. My comments about Phanatik are based on clear Scripture. Judas was with Jesus and the apostles, yet he was not a true believer, as Jesus revealed (John 6:70; 12:4-6). And, Scripture also makes clear that those who leave "us" and turn and become "anti-christ" are made "manifest" that they never were truly of "us" (1 John 2:19). You are not talking to someone who just got saved yesterday. You are not dealing with some ignorant babe in Christ any more. Salvation is not a "process." Sanctification is. Salvation is instant upon repentance. Now you can say and think my theology is "off," but I am willing to bet I've been saved longer than you, and I have a better understanding of the Bible overall, and can demonstrate this in painstaking detail, going into Hebrew and Greek and so forth. So don't get so high-minded that you feel you can't be wrong, and you can't learn from others.
@raohnnie316 2 года назад
Thank you so much for your faithfulness and sound teaching brother! I will be praying for Brady and everyone who has turned and walked away from Jesus in these tough times. It hurts my heart. May the Lord be our shepherd through the valleys and a mountain tops.
@barbaradickinson8534 2 года назад
I didn’t even know of him, but hearing of yet another person publicly denouncing their faith is very upsetting. Your response is what we needed to hear and edifying to the body. Thank you.
@Downshiftmafiatv 2 года назад
You really need to go and check him out. His songs and how he writes his verses is TOP notch. It is upsetting
@TonyC0101 2 года назад
This is a great response video to Phanatik, and I hope he receives it well. Even Jesus Himself said: "You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life." (John 5:39,40) Anyone can read and recite the Bible day and night, upside down and backwards, and know every cultural context of which it includes, but if they don't KNOW Jesus, then they don't have eternal life! Relationships are about personally and intimately knowing someone, not just knowing about them.
@thechristianmindset440 2 года назад
This was amazing. One of the best teachings I have heard in a while.
@misswinnie4.8 2 года назад
I am soooo proud of all the brothers who love Phanatik but who also love Jesus enough to use this news as a cautionary tale to make much of CHRIST. I heard 1 pastor say "I cried." He also said that if there is more to come we will not allow him to be used to fleece the sheep. It is a relief to see you & other black men grounded in the WORD & speaking TRUTH to error during these last days. God bless you & your family.
@danozuna4686 4 месяца назад
What you inputted in my life was soo amazing, I was looking for Christian hip hop because I was just saved and your group The Cross Movement was there for me and as of today, I still listen to your songs, and it still hits hard, and moves me STILL. I was telling my daughter that your group was way ahead of your time for what we are going through now in this world. Thank you Thank you for listening to YHWH to direct your path and continues to keep you bring many blessings.
@bewise2297 2 года назад
We are all grieving with you Brother. But we will also be interceding in prayer for Brady. 🙏🏽
@ronnieholliday7750 2 года назад
Deuce Thank you for posting this. My heart is broken for Phanatik. I know 1st hand how difficult walking with Christ is at a high level. I am praying for him, you, And all of us.
@ChrisHowlandOfficial 2 года назад
This was so helpful on multiple levels. Great point about regarding him as a gentile but not as an enemy UNTIL he's openly teaching others error. That part illuminated some things for me. Grateful for how God has gifted you to handle the Scriptures in a thorough yet accessible way. It's a joy to see the way the Spirit keeps a man's personality intact and basically harnesses the whole individual for communicating His truths in a style that's uniquely owned by Him. It's so comforting to see men preach as themselves, without any hint of mimicry / pretense / clunky theological jargon. Refreshed by your gifting brother. Subscribed quickly.
@dejacreacts4964 2 года назад
I been listening to CM since day 1, still listen to them to this day. Definitely praying for Phanatik and that he seeks God for his answers. Like his song Come Home, one day Phanatik will return like the Prodigal Son.
@theotherfoot Год назад
Brady is free.
@NewSmoove 2 года назад
thank you for your impact and conviction all this time! you were one of the first who showed me it was possible to infuse Jesus with hip hop!! Much love ambassador God bless you. Great to see you alive and well still speaking Gods truth!!
@kenaderson8662 2 года назад
Thank you Duece for this video affirming the need for the believers to "endure to the end" like the scripture says so that we may be "saved" (Matthew 24:13). I am so thankful that God has put seasoned believers in our midst that in spite of their trials, still pursue Jesus diety I Peter 1:8-9.
@jerrifritz5489 2 года назад
This is really hard. I was apart of the impact movement when CM was really hot and it seemed like we were all on fire for Christ. Thank you for doing this video. Well done and I will be praying for our brother.
@corrinnmarie 2 года назад
I was mad ppl were hounding you about responding to Phanatik’s denunciation because I just didn’t think it was your responsibility to publicly respond. However, I am SO grateful for this. Good work. Thank you so much!
@sevengreenly5984 2 года назад
I am Grateful that God has brought you back for such a time as this. God has given you a-lot to say for the times we’re living in and i look forward to hearing the Lord through you. Everyone needs to listen to the series Amba did on drifting.
@emmanueljoseph2994 2 года назад
All I can say is thank you from the bottom of my heart for this spirit led teaching. As a fan and brother in christ from 1996,I will say that brady's denouncing of christianity was very surprising AND DISCOURAGED ALOT IN THE FLOCK TO say the least,especially after hearing songs like PRESS ON from his incredible walk album .we really need more teachings like this. So I thank you for presenting MILK & MEAT OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. GOD BLESS U MY BROTHER IN CHRIST .
@ryanp8159 2 года назад
Ice cold water, brother. In tears right now. May we all seek the Lord like never before and remember His great works.
@true2life73 2 года назад
I greatly appreciate and agree with your message, Doc! Your teaching and strengthening the body of Christ by breaking the situation down with scripture. Keep it coming, Doc, and represent Him well!
@cliffordmcgraw8444 2 года назад
Just here to show support for Phanatik and his growth.
@DeVonMArtis 2 года назад
Me too. People are assuming a lot but haven’t even fully understood because he hasn’t broken it all down yet in regards to where he is. Pray for the brother and hear his heart. Did he say he’s turned his back on God or the Savior? Nope.
@sarairochelle9719 8 месяцев назад
I thank God for you Amba. What a Word! Those that know the power of prayer, let's pray to STOP THE FUNERAL. I love you Phanatik, with the love of the Lord! COME BACK HOME.
@audwinjones9079 Год назад
Thanks for not misrepresenting Phanatik and putting words in his mouth but being very careful to take us back to his own words. Thanks also for sharing your optimism and brotherly love as we all could have come to the same conclusions he did. God is faithful that with every temptation, he is making a way for us to bare it and lets hope Phanatic is able to discern the mercy and goodness of God again. (As an asside, RU-vid has removed the cross and bible icons/symbols... Hmmm....)
@thebizslayer 2 года назад
This is what the body of Christ needs! My friends and I have been following you guys since the late 90s, thank you for being a pillar and standing strong through tests, trials and struggles!
@shawnfreeman1932 2 года назад
From the heart, THANK YOU. Out of all the people who will have something to say, I'm so grateful that GOD put it in your heart to say something. I'm 57 seven years old I Re-Dedication my life to our Lord, I spent almost 32yrs in a backsliden state, When I started listing to gospel music, I was curious to know what you guy was going, Praise God y'all have a an phenomenal playlist that I listen to just about everyday, so my heart dropped when I heared about phanatik, now my heart as been encouraged after hearing you. Thanks again,
@carldavenport1583 2 года назад
Great response. It is heartbreaking to hear a brother falling away. Pray that Jesus will open his eyes. We can hear your heart for Phanatik. God Bless!
@michaelwesley-roberts2238 2 года назад
Thank you, Duece, for sharing this. So troubling to see people "fall away," but we have to remember to continue to put Christ first, not "follow the crowd." Let Him grow our faith through the Word and sacrifice to Him! Thank you for sharing this and standing firm in the Faith!
@brooksmitchell6139 2 года назад
Wow that was an incredible response brother. Thanking God for you I think it is important for those who Phanatik influenced in any way to come to faith (whether that influence was in a big or small way) that their faith isn’t nullified by Phanatik’s falling away. Phanatik did not save you or call you to Christ. If you are in Christ, Jesus saved you and God called you and the Holy Spirit has sealed you. So don’t be discouraged This video has made me put more of a guard up. I’ve been seeing more fall away and question around me and on the internet and it at times has shaken me and confused me. So I’m thankful that William posted this video and reminded me “to take heed lest I fall.” I’m realizing I need to do a heart check too
@thelowdown22 2 года назад
Yooo!! This goes sooooo hard! I love how your approach was so much more about the human condition and fraility of humans in the scriptures and it's Faith strengthining qualities rather than the "case for God" in the scriptures!! Very, very wise man here!! Scripture was meant to condition "Faith" rather than our "theological conscience".. Man.. This was articulated so beautiful and with so much love.. I am now an even larger fan of your ministry listening to this!! Even though I already knew you were "the guy" haha! Cleared up some of my own "concious concerns" and feel I can listen to his concerns with more assurity.. It was a bit scary to imagine going into a conversation like this with a brother that you have soooo much respect for. I already had a feeling this is a heart and mind war.. This has helped tremendously in reassurance to lean on that strong foundation before opening myself up too much! Thanks my brother!!
@christopherh70 2 года назад
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am so glad you are as rooted in Christ as you are. Listened to you guys in the 90s and early 2000s all the time while in college and med school. So deeply saddened by learning what happened to Phanatik last night (i.e., I just came across it for the first time last night - couldn't believe it). So, looked you up today. You're still as strong as ever. I needed to hear that! Thank you!
@jamesmccoy5718 9 месяцев назад
Brother Ambassador, so saddened to hear about what Phanatik is going through, right now. At the age of 22, the light of God’s Word illuminated my heart. Love how you responded to our precious Phanatik, not with your opinion, but with the Word. We will never receive life, purpose, or joy from this world. Only the Word does all of that.
@bishopakpan2284 2 года назад
Thank you the Ambassador for you detailed response. I had a similar experience though I never attended Seminary. It was in 2002, I was in my room studying the Bible when a voice spoke doubt into my mind. It questioned the character and intentions of God. I was perplexed. The thought accused God of being behind all the evil in the world and taking pleasure playing men. It was adamant and I thought I was the one thinking those thoughts. I couldn't read my Bible for days because of this doubt. When I attended Church meetings, I felt disconnected and thought the whole thing was a sham. This thought persisted for about a week. I couldn't pray anymore. I couldn't even mention my doubts to God. At a point, I couldn't take it any longer. I rebuked the thoughts and I said, I'm not leaving God. Let Him be all the evil and play me all He wants. There's no other God but Him. I'll rather die by His hands than depart from Him. Immediately, the doubts ceased. My mind felt light and I could cry to God. I opened up my heart to God in prayer and I felt revived. Years later, when I remember that event, I understood what was going on. I later read a book by Kenneth Hagin titled The Triumphant Church. At about that same period, one of my Church elders gave me the book. I read of how a demon deceived a pastor's wife by persistently making suggestions to her and she eventually caved in. It eventually possessed her and used her against her husband. It was terrifying to learn demons can access our minds, giving us the impression it's our own thoughts. I couldn't read through the whole book but I realised I was exposed to the same test. This world is a battle ground. It is not a playground. Only those who know Christ intimately will survive the last days of this age. Let's not give up on Phanatik.
@ComfortandCare4FamiliesMissing 8 месяцев назад
I am praying for him. I will never stop loving the Lord and living for Jesus. There is no life without Christ.
@shelleybennett3348 2 года назад
I’m pressing forward, I am going to press in the sweet name of Jesus!! Thank you brother!! I see what it looks like.
@pmfeghali 2 года назад
I'm very thankful for this teaching, though it comes out of the soil of you and your friends' deep grief. May the Lord make gracious fruit come from this soil. He will do it!
@xbanner76x11 2 года назад
Thanks Bro. I've always appreciated and have been encouraged by the work you guys have done. This is bad news for sure. We'll pray. And we the church still sing: "I have decided to follow Jesus! No turning back, .. no turning back!"
@Rinebo 2 года назад
Hearing this breaks my heart😌 “They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be evident that they all are not of us.” -1 John 2:19
@72KingDavid Месяц назад
I appreciate this video, brother. I’ve been a CM fan since Holy Culture came out and you guys are still my favorite whether all together or solo. Anyway, I didn’t know about this until a few days ago when my son, who grew up hearing CM because of me, started purchasing your albums and he told me about Phanatik turning away from the Faith. I was shocked and began searching for videos. I pray he returns to Christ. Again, thank you for this and your years of ministry.
@stephendavis5866 2 года назад
Deuce!! You response was much needed!! I pray this goes as viral as did the video necessitating this response!!
@brosteele3 2 года назад
By far the most prolific and profound response to this timely but untimely testimony of a brother beloved. Further, it holds to increase the faith of believers to continue and contend richly for that which we believe. Blessings, grace, and peace to you my brother for your obedience to the spirit to speak to us on this wise.
@thomasclifton3051 2 года назад
I am totally convinced that there is no other way. And so I pray that we all continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of the LORD JESUS CHRIST!
@videosbyeddie9023 2 года назад
Thank you for this. I pray this video will be of encouragement and of a reminder for Gods people in these times where many are falling away.
@melliemel32 2 года назад
Help us LORD!! He’s SO ABLE!
@lordjrev.3495 3 месяца назад
I just found this out while studying tonight. This breaks my heart n tears come to my eyes. I always listen to cmr before I study the word. I am so saddened. N will pray that God calls my brother.
@hughcrewproductions3232 3 месяца назад
Pastor Branch... You and the whole crew, sowed seeds of faith into me and my children, since 2005. That includes Phanatik. It's funny how God will use you, while you are going through your questions and doubts. Use you in a way that literally saves souls. This is why no one can ever take away what Phanatik has done. Nor what any Christian has done through the spirit, away from them. For the record phanatik said "he's not leaving the universal church I believe. God is still working on him. Let's let God cook! I love you my brother for your unwavering faithfulness to christ and the people of God. And literally for sowing seeds that saved my family back in 05 when, while in the military in Okinawa Japan. I almost gave up on my family and God. But here came the Cross Movement. Injecting themselves into my ear gate, over the carnal music I was listening to. Injecting God into my situation. You have no idea how important you guys have been to family and the Church as a whole! If no one tells you regularly.... I want to say THANK YOU,
@Qedoshim 2 года назад
Perfect message! We are in the midst, I believe, in the Great Falling Away. Stay firm in the Lord, and endure until the end to make your election sure.
@jeniferyoung2048 2 года назад
You are needed @ambassador. Thank you.
@ofmiceandmandrakes1005 2 года назад
Thank you for this breakdown brother. It convicted me to dig deeper into the scriptures to solidify my faith.
@hip-hoplegend9882 Год назад
Good teaching sir. I hadn't heard this about Phanatik. I pray for him and all other believers who are questioning their faith.
@terrelllipsey7938 2 года назад
God bless Amba !!!! Keep teaching for Christ. Grace & Peace unto you my brother.
@citribell9159 2 года назад
Awesome. May the Lord bless you for this message. That line about the devil always tempting us with "Hath God said?" Oh, Lord..
@dwainpunnett4044 2 года назад
That news made me cry i center my life around christ and people who did the same cause i didnt want to fall way but i praying he return back. Book of Timothy said in the last days many will turn away from their faith we got to keep each other in prayers
@georgeburney6013 2 года назад
Amen 🙏 faith to faith my brother . May the spirit of the Lord be nigh unto you.
@HHH_Hymnal 2 года назад
2 Timothy 2:11-13 The saying is trustworthy: If we have died with Him, we will also live with Him; if we endure, we will also reign with Him; if we deny Him, He also will deny us; if we are faithless, He remains faithful- for He cannot deny Himself.
@iNTELLECT_419 2 года назад
That was the point that stood out the most from Phanatik’s video was that he was not in his Bible. You can’t see without the light of God’s word nor discern what you’re up against it. Glad you spent time on that because that was the root cause for Phanatik falling away in my opinion.
@rockerz658 2 года назад
First Jahaziel now Phanatik, the devil is working hard family. Stay in your word ( IJN )
@newrainmusic 2 года назад
This was a breath of fresh air love the perspective and the way you broke everything down bro
@thewrench44 2 года назад
CM introduced me to gospel hipop in the mid 2000s. Thanks for the honest response. God bless all the members of The Cross Movement!
@amorningcupofgrace 2 года назад
Born in 1968...I was born in Chester, PA. I joined the US Marine Corps in 1986, and the LORD Saved me in 1987. I grew up, loving HIP HOP, but as a Christian, I was conflicted with the lyrics of many of the artists that I grew up with. I remember desiring good Christian Hip Hop. One day, a brother in my church gave me a Crossmovement CD, and I was hooked. I was inspired in my walk, and the "Phanatic" had a major impact on that. I have been serving the LORD for almost 35 years now, and one thing that I have learned...GOD is always true! At the core of every willful "Falling Away" is pride. GOD is no respecter of man, no matter how famous, intelligent, etc. HE will not be debtor to any man. Paul counted everything that he obtained a Pharisee as dung...We must do the same, or we too will succumb to the allure of PRIDE. (I was inspired to write this song in 1990 by the impact of Crossmovement on my life): Amazing Grace Prelude: I was blinded by the allure of the World. Hypnotized by Her glory. The World said that it could make me wise. The World promised to fulfill all of my hidden desires. So I ate! I felt an indescribable rush that raised me to the highest peak. Without warning, the World pulled herself from beneath my feet. I came crashing to the ground like an unmanned plane. My joy turned to sadness, and my soul longed to be quenched. Who can save me? Verse 1: Like a chameleon, I blended into every scene. Religious, a scholar, the ladies dream. I took the wide road; it was the way of choice. I ran away from the narrow to avoid HIS voice. Conscience seared like a steak on the grill of sin. Runnin’ blind in a race that I couldn’t win. Then a voice said, “I’m the Beginning and End. The Alpha and Omega. I’m man’s best friend.” HE said, “Hey man, I know what you’re going through.” HE showed a nailed scarred hand and said, “This Blood’s for you!” I felt the weight of my sin pressing on my chest. HE said, “my yoke is easy, I came to give you rest. I fell to my knees, and asked the SAVIOR in. Kicked the World to the curb; I got a new best friend. JESUS saved a life I was ready to waste. It wasn’t Oprah, Dr. Laura…I was saved by Amazing Grace… Chorus: Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found. I was blind, but now I see. Faith is the core of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Give your life to CHRIST and in HIM you’ll find, everything that you’ll ever need. Verse 2: There were so many things, I didn’t understand; about how I’m gonna make it to the Promised Land. HE said, “Don’t waste your time with foolish strife. Follow Me! I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” There’s only one lawyer for the souls of men. It’s not Buddha, not Mohammed, but the GREAT I AM. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word HE be. HE’s more than a baby under a Christmas tree. With a Word He created everything that has breath. In HIM there’s life, and without HIM there’s death. “For GOD so loved the World, the HE gave HIS only SON; but man loved his darkness and decided to run. JESUS stands at the door, to give us a choice. If you have an ear, listen to HIS voice. Give you life to HIM, and your sins HE’ll erase. No man is saved by works; it’s only by Amazing Grace… Chorus: Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found. I was blind, but now I see. Faith is the core of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Give your life to CHRIST and in HIM you’ll find, everything that you’ll ever need. Verse 3: Through Christ, GOD’s judgment has been appeased. The fool says in his heart…Yo! I don’t believe. GOD’s a GOD of Love, and HE gave us a will. We can choose to follow HIM, or we can choose to chill. There are no back roads, you can’t ride the fence. Jesus said, “You either for me, or against.” The Bible is clear, “JESUS is the only way.” Make a decision who you’ll serve…Please don’t delay. With you heart you belief, and your mouth confess; JESUS as LORD, and HE’ll do the rest. A life in CHRIST is sweet. Come and take a taste. Repent of your sins and experience Amazing Grace… Chorus: Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found. I was blind, but now I see. Faith is the core of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Give your life to CHRIST and in HIM you’ll find, everything that you’ll ever need.
@RealCelebsSource 2 года назад
Didn't know you had a channel......just needed to let you know......your lyricism back when I first got saved back in 97 98 held me down......and inspired me......Salute......and much love.......concerning this video.....this is heartbreaking....praying that it's a Peter situation and not a Apostasy situation....
@chapfathead9961 2 года назад
Brother thank you for this and thank you for the music that still moves me to weeping at the truth it proclaims.
@reginalddavis3461 Год назад
My brotha!...I pray the Lord continues to pour out more oil in your heart for the Holy Spirit to bring to a firey flame. This is sound wisdom for the family of faith; Girding some and affirming others, saving some and warning others! This teaching of the scriptures will be more and more necessary as sin and sinners wax worse and worse and as the time move along as it is written.
@livingbranches777 2 года назад
Been listening to you guys for like 23 years. Loved heavens mentality so much. For me it was life changing. So much better talentwise than the "golden" age hip hop happening at the time too.
@kadmielvalcin 2 года назад
Glory to God! Hallelujah! This was beautiful, big brother Deuce. Thank you for your compassion, conviction, and clarity. Embracing the Scriptures with childlike faith is a work of the Spirit of GOD. Let us pray for those who are deconstructing and reconstructing. Let us preach the Gospel with love and authority. Let us trust The Father while His Spirit does the work. #holiness1st #tilwereunderdaearth #keepgoingfwd
@Travlinman187 Год назад
1st of all I am a witness to the Growth of Crossmovement!!!! When I was on my Road to Damascus, JESUS put HEAVENS MENTALITY in my path and every member of the Crossmovement Sounded like a favorite Hip Hop artist I currently was listening to! I was just coming off of Losing my mother in 1996! I want to say THANK GOD AND THANK YOU CROSSMOVEMENT FOR BEING OBEDIENT IN SPREADING THE GOSPEL because it helped reach this lost soul at a crucial time in my life where I was doing hip hop for the world and was given offers from the Illuminati but I turned it down because I knew i would be selling my soul even tho I was still wet behind the ears and had much to learn in Christ, the industry and Life in general! I was only 19! Since then I HAVE EXPERIENCED THE SAME IN MY GROUP (of 3) I NOW STAND ALONE (with the Gain of my REAL Brother whom I prayed for and was Recording in his studio before he was Saved) STILL STANDING STRONG BECAUSE MY EXPERIENCE WITH JESUS IN DEALING WITH A WOMEN WITH A DEMON OUTWAYS ANYTHING ANYONE CAN TELL ME AGAINST JESUS AND THE BIBLE!!!!! ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS IF DEMONS TRIMBLE AT THE NAME OF JESUS? Then we should probably spend our whole life learning about him, LOVING HIM AND ENDURING TILL THE TIME HE RETURNS!!!!!
@NikkolHarper 2 года назад
Thank you for this word Deuce. Sobering and encouraging at the same time. I will continue to pray.
@adivinetimeministries8563 2 года назад
Brother!!!! It took a while for me to pay attention to who you was! I was introduced to gospel rap through the song "gimme dat" yrs ago and I grew up in church and I thought you was cold. I had not fully experienced Jesus at that time but yrzzzzzzzz later He got a hold of me and I am a man of God without excuse. Keep praying for Phanatik, God got a way of opening a door and I believe with you that he gone be fine. God bless u
@KafkameetsPlath 2 года назад
Wow the enemy is soo sneaky, he literally fed me da lie today saying “it must not have been God when x, y, z miracle happened, you were talking to the air, it wasn’t really His provision” that was a lie! God NEVER withholds ANY good thing from His children, He is El-Roi, the God who sees me (us). Thank you Lord Jesus for your provision, thank you for not leaving or forsaking us, thank you for your truth which is THE truth and apart from you there is nothing, thank you Lord that Your word is true, thank you God for your Grace and mercy 💕
@talemire258 Год назад
Man I just saw this... Looked on Phanatik's FB... My heart is heavy bro. Got me remembering all the major albums CM did together. This is unbelievable and side-swiping. We've been seeing more and more pastors fall to the enemy as well. We (the Church) need to keep steadfastly in prayer as things only continue to get tougher. Never let your guard down homie.
@SkepticalMantisCHANNEL10 Год назад
No matter how many people leave Christ, it's all part of God's plan. Therefore u have nothing to worry about.
@imageofministries 2 года назад
Appreciate you bro and love the way you articulate scripture and spit that knowledge of Christ. Christian hip hop was one of the biggest tools God used to draw me close to Him when I first got saved end of 97 beginning of 98. It’s sad to see “P” is denying the faith he once believed and followed. Kevin Max of DC Talk has done the same now as well along with many others like Jennifer Knapp and Ray Boltz who are both professing homosexuals now. Jesus said that the love of many would grow cold in the last days and would even deny the Lord and we are seeing just that. Jesus is coming so soon and I pray that the sheep that have wondered away return to the fold before it’s too late. BTW…Christology was hands down the best Christian Hip Hop album of all time.
@undefeatedsound 2 года назад
Well said Ambassador I’ve been a fan for years we must hold to the confession of our faith in the Lord continue the good work God bless you and your family 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💯💪🏾👑
@corneliussimalalo7429 Год назад
Thanks the ambassador. I pray that the phanatik comes back to the Lord. Press on by phanatik is one of my favorite songs..in the song he even said I don't wanna preach to others and I myself get disqualified
@Cnhurley123Hurley 4 месяца назад
I just want to say... I'm a white boy from DC. Your music makes me want to cry (in a good way!). You've done important work. But the spirit is in your music and its still touching me. Beautiful group.
@malikseifullah5828 2 года назад
This was excellent. Thank you for the discourse Brother Duce. Love your heart for the people of God and exposing the dangerous course your friend has embarked in in a living but firm way. We must hold firm to what we believe!
@eyeje19 2 года назад
God is separating the goats from the sheeps... let the doubts come through... Pray for him and others like him... Blessings family
@suprchickn7745 2 года назад
I've been a fan for a long time, Deuce. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom, your conviction and your love for God and your friend, Brady. Praying that Phanatik will find His foundation again in Christ soon. God bless you!
@omarfernandez5733 2 года назад
Excellent stuff. And thank you for stating that he’s not our enemy yet. I’ve heard people already put him in that category. Too soon for that. Wild times all around but God’s goodness and presence remains. Stay in Him everyone.
@drzaius844 6 месяцев назад
What do you mean yet? No human should be another’s enemy. Gross.
@omarfernandez5733 5 месяцев назад
@@drzaius844 thanks for the opportunity to clarify. By enemy I meant antagonistic towards those who follow Jesus or is persecuting them. The kind of people Jesus tells us to love despite how they treat us.
@drzaius844 5 месяцев назад
@@omarfernandez5733Christianity is the dominant religion in the US. Any “persecution” is imagined and is often used as a way to legitimize intolerance of others. The irony is lost on most Christian’s.
@omarfernandez5733 5 месяцев назад
It comes in various levels depending on one’s context in the world. Def much less overall here in the states than in other parts.
@virgilakav.u.efripp1805 2 года назад
Ambassador you did an absolutely wonderful job clarifying the word spoken by Brady by way of reasoning through the scriptures challenging other members in the body to think theologically in their views concerning his views. Oh how I would love to talk to you. I love your heart for the Lord💯 Stay strong and steadfast my brother for the race is not giving to the Swift or the strong but the one who truly endorse to the end; not that we persevere in order to be save but that we persevere because we are saved. May the grace of our Lord continue to be with you and all of our brothers and sisters who in the midst of this great apostasy stand firm in THE ONE who has called us for such a time as this. Love you brother ❤️ REPRESENTING CHRIST4LIFE!!!!!
@613realist 2 года назад
❤️❤️❤️ facts bro, that’s why I always say stick to the script…..Scripture that is and in doing so we will hold on to Christ. As the disciples asked Jesus when he told them to go away and they said “But where else can we go if You are the Only way” the Spirit is willing the flesh is weak, which is why we give no provision to the flesh. Cling to Him, Cling to Scriptures, God Bless all the saints in Christ!
@Jayreed4Jesus 2 года назад
Aye bro, took my time to listen to every drop since yesterday and finished today. I’m glad you poured out and made it lengthy. So many nuggets, reminders, and soul food. Thank you bro. Praying this sobers us up. 🙏🏾 If no one needed it to be this long, I did.
@danielanalbach5044 2 года назад
Amen! Excellent response in every way. You dealt with what was actually said. You defended the scripture with scripture. You drew attention to the heart. You gave God all the glory for salvation and perseverance. You made the conversation about the text, instead of focusing on your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This is the example we all need. Thank you for not cutting it short, for preparing in advance instead of free-styling, and for letting the Word speak instead of your own heart. I'll see you in the kingdom, brother!
@isaiahbanks3888 Год назад
Just pray for your brother to come back and he will God bless and I love you Ambassador live for ❤ amba you have helped me to become more serious with Christ and God called me to be a Christian ✝️ mc and spread the word of God to the last generations i put all my secular rap in the trash 🗑 now I listen to Crossmovement and others like sons of intellect and corey red & precise and I keep myself at church mode and stay away from sin so I can have better fellowship and peace from Jesus ❤
@JRMuse 2 года назад
Brother, brother, brother, as a now 54 year old "brother [by melanin and especially by the Father]"; one has grown up with you and CrossMovement, one who is also finishing seminary right now, my heart is truly hurt beyond measure. I love Brady and am praying for him. I'm so glad he has come clean. My prayer now is that he no longer keep the Word closed and re-open his heart and let God back in, through the Word and through those who can, and will, minister to him according to the will of God. Thanks for all you have done in Christ, for God's glory, in order to proclaim the kingdom and edify the brethren.
@Abbottude 2 года назад
You have to know how much CM influenced my growth as a black musical man. A black musical gospel loving-living man from Long Island NY who saw you live in a record store once. I miss CM all the time. Grace & Power ❤️
@theofficialshanazaryoutube2334 2 года назад
I grew up listening to all these brothas love all these brothas they showed me in 2000 that rapping about christ was possible never had heard of that before ambassador still to this day has one of the coldest still relevantChristian hip hop albums with the green cover I've ever heard I agree let's let phanatik tell us what his path will be but I can almost assure all those that see this as the most high turned me in a different direction he did the same for phanatik and showed him the same things he showed me this is the time of separation that christ talked about in order to keep to himself the chosen for his army christ didn't come for the Christians nor was his people Christians what were they christ told his disciples go not to the gentiles but instead go to the children of Israel I can almost assure you he has been introduced to the undeniable truth is blacks in America are of the tribe of Judah one of the 12 tribes we are not Christians we are Israelites this is the time of God waking up his people and so many of us have to choose leaving what we have been taught most of our lives many lies from the Christian church to follow the true christ who was black according to revelations who came from the bloodline of David who was black who son Solomon said himself he was black little tidbits of only God revealingwho we are Dueteronomy 28 tells us we would be brought to a new Egypt in ships America is the new Egypt we are the real jews short for Judah we are Gods people waking up for the end time battle not to hate white people or any people jew or gentile all who believe in the true Christ will be saved his name is Yashaya exodus 3:14 God revealed his name to Moses I Am that I Am that means his name is Ahayah the God of creation and God of the Israelites there are many God's ofwho are fallen angels but one above them all his name is not yahweh,elohim,jehova no Ahayah his son name is not Jesus that's Ceasar's christ study his name is Yashaya I pray for all these brothas I pray for phanatik and all those in this time the battle has been on since the beginning of creation christ will not come for peace but war many will have to choose the narrow path or the broad one these vaccinations are for Satan's army those who choose it oppose christ choose the path of righteousness we are almost at the end lines are being drawn sides have to be decided you soon can't play the fence
@denzeleiseb6364 2 года назад
Strong times create strong men, strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men and weak men create hard times." This hits hard.
@philip439 2 года назад
Mannn keep the faith brother! I wish you could post more videos like this! Love hearing you preach man! So good! We need more people like you in this world
@drs214tx 2 года назад
This is very very well done and SOUND doctrine mind you. Thanks for sharing this! The Body at large needs this!
@CoffeeCrazy 2 года назад
And that’s the right way to view scriptures. Just because folks had doubt does not mean it should be a normative experience. There was a time that I fell away to chase the lust of my flesh. I will say that I never stop believing the Bible was true , but there was a moment when the Holy Spirit helped me to understand the real definition of believe. At that moment I began to change. If I believe , I live it. I pray that his heart has not hardened to no return. I pray that you who are wrestling with doubt that you draw closer to Christ, pray more, think on the good things of God. I lot of time our lack of intimacy with him creates issues with our faith. Anyway thanks for the message today. You have a new subscriber.
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