
Placing Membership Is Not in the Bible: Do This Instead! | Matt Dabbs 

Revolution of Ordinaries
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3 окт 2024




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@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
What is your experience with placing membership - good, bad, or indifferent? Let's talk!
@jockdasher6151 6 месяцев назад
It's amazing in the first few chapters of the book of Acts how many individuals were added to the church, all without filling out a form or unnecessarily concerning themselves with "placement". God planted the seed, God gave the increase, and God nurtured the growth of those called to serve.
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
Such a good point...where was the involvement form?!?
@muppetonmeds 6 месяцев назад
Who cares about some man who wrote our name in his book lol. The only thing that matters is if God wrote our names in the lamb's book of life.
@robertkersten3971 6 месяцев назад
Our baptism serves as our membership into the Body of Christ. That’s the only membership that really matters, in my opinion.
@inspectorvoid Месяц назад
@petercheyne 24 дня назад
This is an interesting example. Clearly the Acts church knew what individuals had been added. This actually points to membership. Focusing on the system (e.g. "they didn't fill out a form") is ignoring the primary message here. One way or another, they knew who was part of the church i.e. who had made a commitment to Jesus and a commitment to the local fellowship. There are so many passages about the commitments Christians are to make to one another. We are "members" of a body, indeed, "members of one another" (Romans 12:5). The real question is why someone would refuse to say that he/she was committed to Jesus and to the people he/she fellowships with.
@jmwdaddy3 4 месяца назад
I believe membership can be useful if done with a Kingdom mindset. I think it is important that if an individual serves in any teaching role, there is a conversation about core doctrine. I also believe that it can act as a reminder to the body that we are a family that is called to love, support, and pray for one another, member or not. Maybe the process should not be called membership, but these underlying principles can be very powerful in keeping a church body focused on "having all things in common" I pray that makes sense.
@chriscarter2101 6 месяцев назад
I was visiting a popular evangelical church in the UK. A family was being readmitted to membership that day. They gave testimony that although they had broken their induction promises by leaving for another church some years before, they were promising not to do that again, so they could re-join! Whatever happened to not taking oaths and letting our 'Yes' be Yes and our 'No' be No? In another church, a Pentecostal NAR institution, with about 600 members, folk who left the church were erased from memory or shunned (myself included). Scary. I'll never be a church member again. The blood of Christ should be enough for anyone.
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
Wow...that is pretty ridiculous and you wonder how such churches can grow so big. Well, maybe it isn't all that hard to figure out.
@n9wff 28 дней назад
The forefathers didn't sign articles of faith; they walked in faith. Covenants aren't meant to be broken. This is why I am married; I intend to be with my wife until death, which is the true way to end a covenant. So, by signing a covenant, you cannot help another church. You're stuck in that kingdom until death. I won't sign for membership. I'll seek God where my calling can be used for His glory, not that church.
@sonomacountypatriots7249 6 месяцев назад
I have always been involved in my churches as a Worship Pastor and have never officially sought “membership” with a church. A Presbyterian Church encouraged me to “join, citing 6 classes I needed to attend, and I politely declined.
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
Did they let you participate publicly?
@joyfultrails 5 месяцев назад
Church membership was one of the first things I questioned when I started re-evaluating how we "do church." And honestly, no one suggested it to me...and the internet wasn't really much of a thing yet. I just remembering thinking..."Wait, where is this in the Bible?" 😆
@revolutionofordinaries 5 месяцев назад
My parents brought this up when I was growing up and it stuck with me. Then when I became a minister and saw the inner workings, it made me question it even more.
@sandeestrunk777 13 дней назад
We were told once by a pastor that "placed or recorded membership" gave the church more advantage when applying for a loan. We have been in various church memberships and always regretted it for various reasons. Once such time was when the leadership decided all members would have a visit from fund raising specialists who came to our home, and spent considerable time convincing us of the benefits of church building expansion and thus, convinced us to "pledge" funds for building project. These pledges also gave advantage to the bank so the church could secure bigger loans with lower interest rates. Hmmmm....
@revolutionofordinaries 13 дней назад
And those fund raisers had to be paid. I don't mind buildings in that I don't think they are sinful in and of themselves...but if 80% of your budget is going to a building that is rarely used, that's not so great.
@1Word2218 6 месяцев назад
If the way we are "doing church" requires us to do things that are not in the Bible, or are not able to do things the way the Bible does instruct us to do them, we need to change the way we do church. God gave us what we need to participate in HIS church. It's time to stop acting like he wasn't smart enough to give us what we needed by adding all kinds of additional names, rules and roles!
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
I agree with this in principle.
@adrianthomas1473 6 месяцев назад
Excellent - there is the huge difference between following Jesus and mere churchianity. Re-baptism is also a dreadful practice and theologically impossible. There is only one Church and it is made up of those who have been reborn. If we follow Jesus we are members of His Church- and no signing of papers is needed. This is why the concept of denominations is so strange.
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
Agree...thanks for the comment Adrian and for watching!
@BubaRedneck 6 месяцев назад
put this on "Acts 2:47 NASBS praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved."
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
Amen! Thanks for taking the time to watch and leave a comment BubaR!
@n9wff 28 дней назад
When did "youth pastor, children's pastor, worship pastor, creative pastor" become a legit ordination? What also bothers me is years ago, my wife and I served in six different ministries yet, when we went to another church, we had to start over and humbly serve at the lowest levels. Strange that if pastors move, they go through a hiring process and start at the top. Why don't they "start over"? I have learned more in the wilderness in six months than five years at a church. Pastors are taught to relate and dumb down the message than preach it as the Spirit leads. I'll stay away until I see good passion in preaching and teaching.
@revolutionofordinaries 11 дней назад
Sounds like you need to find a good home church :)
@bongodrums1000 6 месяцев назад
Years ago, because of a job change, we moved about 30 minutes from the church where we'd been members. Because we had 2-year-old and a baby, we started attending a church about 10 minutes away. The pastor from our previous church visited us to try to coerce us to come back and showed no consideration for our longer drive with two small children. Finally he angrily said, "Then you're going to hell!" and stormed out the door. Needless to say, his actions didn't make us want to return.
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
That is so crazy but not surprising...unfortunately.
@muppetonmeds 6 месяцев назад
We serve God, not man.
@visionpurposehope7158 5 месяцев назад
We have been attending a church. They have really pushed Membership. They had new members introduced on stage on a Sunday. The pastor also stated that they are going to have a family meeting (instead of a business meeting I believe). How I took that was in order to be a part of the family we need to be church members. I believe Christians are a part of the corporate body (a family) that loves and Worships our Lord, Jesus Christ. We do not want to isolate our fellow Christian but care and uplift each other.
@revolutionofordinaries 4 месяца назад
All too common...thanks for leaving a comment!
@robertkersten3971 6 месяцев назад
Matt, this video is probably gonna ruffle some feathers, but your standing on solid Bible ground. First of all, you being from a non-hierarchal type of tradition may be unaware that some denominations assess what could be described as a franchise fee to each congregation with their brand on the sign outside, based on the number of folks listed on the membership roll. Very worldly business like in my opinion. Next there’s the right to vote in congregational business decisions, only if you’re a rostered member in good standing. As to the re-baptism thing; that’s part of the Landmark Baptist movement. I, personally am not on any churches membership roll, however, I lead an Adult Sunday morning Bible study at a local theologically conservative Methodist church. And on Tuesday and Sunday mornings after the Bible study, facilitate a gathering at a local nursing home for residents who are no longer able to attend their former congregations. Then on Wednesday evenings, I’ve been active in a mens Bible study for about a decade at a local coC. I’ve even had the opportunities to teach there. Besides, being unBiblical, the other problem that I see is that church membership signifies that you’re not available to serve outside that particular brand of Christianity.
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing more of the story from your experience Robert! That fleshes things out quite a bit and demonstrates just how complicated this can get...not good!
@celebratewhoyouaretoday3513 6 месяцев назад
Wow! Thank you for this! We are struggling so much with this type of thing right now! This type of thing is never "taught from the pulpit". I've been saying all along we just need to follow Jesus! That's it! Period!
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
Glad it was helpful!
@chriscarter2101 6 месяцев назад
@brentjohnson9210 6 месяцев назад
Membership where we are is actually a government requirement for charitable status. Has to be a democratic established board to get that status and board is to be elected by a membership list. Comes with all the issues that democracy brings with it, good and bad.
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
@brentjohnson9210 6 месяцев назад
@@revolutionofordinariesis giving to church in US a charitable donation as far as tax is concerned? How does it work there?
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
@@brentjohnson9210It counts as a charitable contribution on your taxes if the church is a 501c3. You don't have to be a member to get the tax deduction...anyone who gives to any 501c3 gets the deduction.
@brentjohnson9210 6 месяцев назад
I don’t think you have to be a church member in Canada to get a deduction but in order for the church to qualify as non profit organization that is able to give deductions out it has to be governed by a democratic board elected by its official membership. Not exactly how Paul described the church to run but does make it transparent which isn’t the worst thing.
@MrSilence99 5 месяцев назад
I attend a reformed Baptist church. Thankfully membership is not pushed. The only difference it makes is voting on church finances. Otherwise everyone is allowed to serve in any function.
@revolutionofordinaries 4 месяца назад
Thanks for your input and for leaving a comment!
@stephen89jones 6 месяцев назад
I didn't think there were this many people who agree with me. Currently attending a church but hoping to be involved in a house church instead.
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
Thanks! Have you located a local house church?
@stephen89jones 6 месяцев назад
@@revolutionofordinaries I have not. I'm in Mitchell County NC. Do you know of any near me?
@chriscarter2101 6 месяцев назад
Yes, I'm following the same path. It's meeting fellow Christians who want to do the same that is challenging, brother.
@janicecarter7487 4 месяца назад
Some churches only allow members to vote on important issues. so memberships require taithful tithing. This seems only fair if you have expensive building projects that tithers should be the ones to vote on it since they will be part of paying for it.
@revolutionofordinaries 4 месяца назад
I get it...I just am not sure it really works out well as far as what the priorities are behind that.
@sweetlifealley 6 месяцев назад
1:04 There are some congregations that have involvement forms? I’ve honestly never seen that before. Usually people ask if they were baptized in the church, and then they would know whether or not they’re members. And who helps with the service is based on members who volunteer, unless we are short on people.
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
Oh yes...let's the deacons, ministers, ministry leaders know who in their area can volunteer.
@fhengal 4 месяца назад
Part of me wonders if church membership became a tradition because church members were also accorded voting rights. If you're not a member, you can't vote. Which also seems a bit weird to me, because I got the impression from Scripture that the elders were in charge and made decisions. Some of this practice is probably reinforced by some churches running aspects of their operation like businesses and/or business or guild meetings.
@revolutionofordinaries 4 месяца назад
That’s a lot of it. That and legal incorporation.
@keigelcampbell7402 5 месяцев назад
Where in the bible does it say you don’t need to be a committed member of a local church? Just a question
@revolutionofordinaries 5 месяцев назад
Just so we are clear...there is a difference between saying you need to part of a community of faith and saying there is a formal process to do so that we just made up to suit our purposes and if you don't follow our rules, you can't play with us.
@abideintheWord 5 месяцев назад
Where is that link?
@jamesstrohl2016 4 месяца назад
There is only one Church, and that is the Church of Christ. The Churches of Christ, on Earth, are merely congregations of the Church of Christ. A supporting reason is that the Greek word is "Ecclesia" or called out ones. The use of this Greek word makes belonging to Christ extremely personal. It has been mistranslated to "Church." Christ could have used the word synagein (synagogue), “to bring together" but at that time there was much disdain for the Synagogue because of the priests. Plus the Jews had come to believe that the Temple was the only place to worship. Throughout Jesus's ministry he pointed out how the Temple had become corrupted. The actual Greek word for Church comes from a different Greek word, 'kuriakon'. This word though did not appear around 700A.D.
@JoshuaPaulKing 6 месяцев назад
I understand that church membership can go over the top, but I disagree with you when you say that church membership is not in the Bible. The believers in the book of Acts devoted themselves to the fellowship and to the teaching. This got everyone on the same page. In First and Second Corinthians there is church discipline. How can you practice church discipline without having membership? Jesus when talking about conflict, ultimately the person who is caught in sin is presented to the church. How can you do this without defining what the church is? Lastly, when you covenant with other believers, you are accepting the role of mutual accountability. Without making that covenant, it's just coercive for a church to hold someone else accountable. This whole process can be done very organically, but it is still intentional. I understand the heart of your message, but I feel there are certain biblical principles/examples that are overlooked in your argument.
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
They didn't do church membership like we do. The way we do it is not in the Bible.
@lacroyfromtheset 6 месяцев назад
Thought....a person or a denomination should be re-baptized to be a member of the Lord's church (not on a local level however). What would be the problem there?
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
The assumption is any baptism in any other church except a church of Christ must be invalid. Why are all other baptisms invalid? What is the criteria for a valid baptism...as stated in the Bible?
@Dividing_Line 6 месяцев назад
Enrolled or connected by relationships, but there is no Scriptural basis for a covenant.
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
The way the covenant works is - sign up be a member...we announce you...we put your picture in the slides on Sunday...you fill out a form...you promise to tithe (in some churches - won't name names on the groups who do this :) ) and now you can serve. I get the logistical component of the big church - but this?
@copterpilot50 6 месяцев назад
YET ANOTHER good video from “Revolution of Ordinances”. THANK-YOU! You correctly “reproved” TWO of at least 25 “traditions of men” that are practiced in MANY churches today. You said: “how do you know if someone's committed without membership? … just pay attention … how about we watch them how about we get to know them ... ” WOW … what PROFOUND and yet so obvious thought! Church MembershIp: If it “aint” in the bible, why do THEY require it? Because it is just another tradition of man. One becomes a member of GOD’s church (Acts 2:41) when one repents and believes. (Mark 1:15) (repentance and faith are inseparable ... they are both gifts of GOD and you cannot have one without the other ) One continues to be a member for as long as one “continues in the faith” (Colossians 1:21-23) (a.k.a. - “whosoever believETH …”) I do disagree with you … I think a church does sin if they practice this man made “membership” doctrine. RE: what you said about communion: There is only ONE biblical requirement for communion - “let a man examine himself” (1 Corinthians 11:28) Any other requirement that “churches” (so called) put upon man is just another tradition of man that grieves God. Thanks for listening.
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
For some it gets required because they need to fill their volunteer pool and tell them they have to tithe.
@copterpilot50 6 месяцев назад
@@revolutionofordinariesI have never seen that happen but I am not surprised. SAD!
@Tilly-767 6 месяцев назад
Amen. Another good teaching. I agree. Membership isn't biblical. I've heard explanations from ...what if someone's not a member and they want to sing in the choir and they can't sing ....to....what if someone wants to sue us, if they were a member they wouldn't sue us....and....they haven't been giving money regularly or showing up, we need to take them off the membership list. It's pretty sad. It doesn't make sense. God bless.
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
Such good points! I have heard those things as well and they are just human ideas that have zero connection with the Bible.
@Tilly-767 6 месяцев назад
@@revolutionofordinaries Amen.
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
@Tilly-767 thank you Tilly
@davidward5225 6 месяцев назад
God sets the members in the body as it pleases Him.
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
Amen to that...thanks for the comment David!
@karenkalasy8251 6 месяцев назад
We are members of God's household nit a denomination 😂
@revolutionofordinaries 6 месяцев назад
Ideally that is true.
@jlmoses16 5 месяцев назад
"And when Saul was come to Jerusalem, he assayed to join himself to the disciples" (Acts 9:26).
@revolutionofordinaries 5 месяцев назад
Are you saying that is a text that proves placing membership is a thing? Because it doesn't say that...seriously asking.
@jlmoses16 5 месяцев назад
@@revolutionofordinaries Whether you use the term "placing membership" or not, Saul was clearly taking steps to associate himself with a new congregation once he was in the area.
@jlmoses16 5 месяцев назад
@@revolutionofordinaries How do two brethren observe Matthew 18:15-17 if they are not members of an actual congregation?
@revolutionofordinaries 5 месяцев назад
@jlmoses16 so what process are we supposed to use today? Which church is doing this correctly?
@jlmoses16 5 месяцев назад
@@revolutionofordinaries The "how" would clearly fall in the realm of expediency, as long as not in violation of other Scriptural principles. The example of Saul presenting himself, initially being refused, then being accepted on receiving further information shows us a very rough template for how this is to be done. But at some point, the elders of a congregation need to know clearly that a Christian is under their oversight.
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