
Plasma 5 Application Widgets and Managing Your Applications with KDE Menu Edit 

Michael Tunnell
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@zachvillers8640 8 лет назад
Nice video Michael. Good production and info - thanks!
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
Thanks I'm glad you like it.
@johnmal5975 8 лет назад
Awesome video just switched to kde neon and I really love kde becoming my favorite environment. Really modern looking and so many ways to customize it.
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
really glad to hear it. I also love KDE Plasma. I contribute to many distros and many desktop environments . . . and while I am distro agnostic, I am a pretty big fan of KDE Plasma. KDE Neon is fantastic though so running it right now. :)
@franzbomfim8724 7 лет назад
Pretty good! I'm a fan of kde-desktop too. Now I'm using the last version of kde 4 becouse I'm using KXStudio based on Debian but there ins't a plasma 5 version until now. But I love plasma 5 and you've done a grate video.
@michael_tunnell 7 лет назад
thanks I'm glad you like it. Debian is very close to having Plasma 5 in stable so that's going to be nice. :)
@kieranmckenzie2995 8 лет назад
Cool video. I haven't used KDE in ages just because I find managing loads of open windows difficult in KDE. GNOME and tiling window managers seem to integrate better with the concept of virtual desktops. However this video did address some of my other annoyances.
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+Iksf Clol I like to use a lot of different DEs so I can make diverse videos on all sorts of setups but I'd say KDE Plasma is one of my favorites. I think KWin is the best window manager by a ridiculous degree because it can do so much cool stuff. The problem is that KWin by default is very limited by design so in order to see all of its awesomeness you have to really dig in. I think KDE Plasma handles windows fantastic including ability to tile applications and I think it does virtual desktops very well. However, as I said in the video KDE makes a lot of weird choices for defaults. I think you've inspired me to make a video on KDE's KWin to show just how awesome it is. :)
@kieranmckenzie2995 8 лет назад
+TuxDigital I would really like to see that. I've used KDE for a long time but since getting invested into the workflow of tiling WM's and particularly lately I love the workflow of GNOME (despite everyone else hating it for working different to how Windows works). I love the ability I have in GNOME to easily and visually organise virtual desktops and I love the way they challenge the necessity of an active windows toolbar. Every time I've used KDE lately I've felt like I have to reach for my mouse far more than I do with other desktop environments, it's "Windows"y default layout just feels obsolete to me.
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+Iksf Clol I will certainly make that video . . . I might even make a video explaining how to make my setup because my setup is a Hybrid of GNOME and KDE, essentially it's the GNOME Workflow inside of KDE. I too love the Workflow of GNOME, by far my favorite way to run my computer BUT I don't really like GNOME overall because a lot of things are just as annoying by default with GNOME as they are with KDE Plasma. I decided to build the workflow of GNOME in KDE Plasma in order to have the best of both. I get to use KWin instead of Mutter but the virtual desktops and such flow in the same way as GNOME. I call it KNOME (kuh-nome) : imgur.com/a/9viMg (version 1) & i.imgur.com/hQzrnrg.png (version 2) --------------------------- > "I love the way they challenge the necessity of an active windows toolbar." This part I'm not sure what you mean because if you are referring to GNOME's Headerbars then I'd argue they look nice but they don't safe much space at all and what's worse that they give you no control over how they are presented. "Client Side Decorations" yet the client (user) has no control on their side. I love KWin because I can just remove all elements of a window that I don't want or need. For example, if I dont want a titlebar on my windows I can just remove all decorations. If I don't want the menu bar to display, Ctrl+M and it's gone. In KDE's apps you can essentially do whatever you want as far as how the windows function and appear, you aren't limited at all. This ability of removing the window decorations also makes Tiling in KDE seamless. ---------------------------- By default, I don't really like KDE Plasma's default workflow, as a power user, but it is great for Windows switchers. For me though, the reason I like KDE Plasma is because it is so powerful that I can do practically anything I want to including converting the workflow into 99% GNOME. :)
@kieranmckenzie2995 8 лет назад
+TuxDigital "I call it KNOME (kuh-nome) : imgur.com/a/9viMg (version 1) & i.imgur.com/hQzrnrg.png (version 2)" This looks really cool, you've motivated me to give KDE a spin now. Toolbar was the wrong word sorry. I mean active windows list or tray or dock etc. Basically I love the very visual manipulation of window focus and window positioning in GNOME.
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
Iksf Clol very cool to see you giving it a try. I think KDE is fantastic overall, crappy by default in many ways but overall unmatched in many ways. Yea you are referring to panels and docks. KDE Plasma can do that, as I've shown but it's not set for that by default. Instead they have it as an alternative Widget called "Icons Only Task Manager". Right click the panel you want to edit and choose "Add Widgets" and then "Icons Only" will provide you with what I have for the most part.
@scottrussell6873 6 лет назад
Very useful!
@michael_tunnell 6 лет назад
I'm glad you liked it :)
@boolve 6 лет назад
Probably I have told you that before when I first time watched your videos about KDE . You done good job! I really hope for continuation .
@michael_tunnell 6 лет назад
Thank you very much! I do plan to continue to make more KDE related videos. I plan to make a lot more videos in general coming soon. :)
@mountainfanatic 8 лет назад
Cool video thanks! Got a few questions. Are you running Plasma 5.6? How is the CPU and RAM usage and what hardware do you have? Is it possible to have the Application Dashboard non-fullscreen, so you could resize it being smaller? How is it with adding folders to the desktop?
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+msevyt I'm glad you liked it. :) > Are you running Plasma 5.6? I am not running Plasma 5.6, this video is using Kubuntu 16.04 (beta pre-release) which has 5.5. However, Arch just released their builds for Plasma 5.6 today so Arch users can try out 5.6 if they want. > How is the CPU and RAM usage and what hardware do you have? The CPU and RAM usage is fine and it doesn't really matter what hardware I have in terms of how good the usage is. All Linux desktop environments adjust the amount of usage based on the hardware it is being ran on so the RAM and CPU usage for my desktop will be vastly different when compared to my laptop. If you are asking in terms of the myth that "KDE is bloated" then I can certainly tell you that myth is not true. KDE Plasma will use more resources than other systems but it uses them in fantastic ways . . . bloat requires the usage to be wasted and KDE Plasma does not waste it. I have plans to do a video on proving how KDE Plasma is not at all bloated like people claim. > Is it possible to have the Application Dashboard non-fullscreen, so you could resize it being smaller? Based on my limited testing just now due to your question, no it does not appear to offer configuration to make it not fullscreen. > How is it with adding folders to the desktop? It's incredibly easy to do that. In fact, it has been since Plasma 4. Right click the desktop and choose "Desktop Settings", in the Wallpaper section changed Layout from Desktop to "Folder View". This will convert Plasma into using the Desktop like a normal folder.
@GeorgePantelis1 8 лет назад
Hi, Michael! Speaking of the Applicatios Dashboad, where is it? I decided to give plasma 5.6 a try on Antergos and I don`t have that option. Only the other two you present in the video. Am I missing something?
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+George Pantelis I noticed that too. I think it has to do with the Arch build. I'm not totally sure. I'll talk to a dev I know at Antergos and see of I can find out more.
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
George Pantelis I have contacted the Antergos dev, submitted a GitHub issue for this and he said they aren't sure what is causing that but they will look into it.
@GeorgePantelis1 8 лет назад
Ok, thanks. I would do it myselt anyway. I just happened to bump onto your vid, while looking for info -:)
@CaCriGuz 8 лет назад
Thank you :D
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+Cristian Guzmàn you're welcome, glad it helped
@Cipricus 8 лет назад
In Kubuntu 16.04, when the desktop is visible, Krunner is started by just typing the search term. When focus is on a window, the shortcut is needed. Isn't this default in all Plasma 5?
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
Yes, this is normal function for KRunner even for Plasma 4 but it's simpler to just address the shortcut because it would be more common to have an application in focus rather than having the desktop in focus.
@Polished_Perspective 8 лет назад
I didn't even realize that some of those annoying defaults were there because I just use KRunner for everything.
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+frecel yea that makes sense. I prefer KRunner for most things as well. I think I rarely use any actual menus on my setups. I just really like digging into stuff even if I won't actually be using it so I have the info for others. I guess that explains why I wanted to make this channel . . . so I could use all the information in some way. :)
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+Polihron Alexandru (APoliTech) so the answer to that is kind of weird at this point. In Plasma 5.5, what Kubuntu 16.04 has, it takes a bit of effort to change the colors of the panels due to Plasma storing the colors in SVGs. SVGs are graphics created with XML code rather than pixels so they can stretch but it also means that the values are embedded in the files so you'd have to edit them in Inkscape for example to change them if you dont know how to write XML. This seems like a lot to do but it really isn't that hard but there is a significant learning curve. The reason this is weird is because KDE project fixed this issue for Plasma 5.6 so that now you can change the Panel colors based on the Application Colors. You'll probably be able to get Plasma 5.6 in Kubuntu 16.04 but only via a Backport PPA after 16.04 is released. TL:DR In Plasma 5.5 it is a lot more complicated than it should be but in Plasma 5.6 it is really easy to do . . . however, Plasma 5.6 is not really available from any distro as a stable release yet.
@glencoukell163 7 лет назад
Hi. If there ever is a stupid question this must be one. When in the menu editor and wanting to insert a command I never seem to get it correct. This is of course a problem for me in other OS's as well. Just pressing the key selection does not seem to work. I am sure I am missing something very simple can you give me the simple facts here? Thanks.
@michael_tunnell 7 лет назад
I am not totally sure what your question is asking. I think it is one of two things, you are either wanting to modify the command-line value for adding parameters for example. Alternatively, you might be asking how to set a custom Shortcut to a particular menu item, as described at 16:02. Please clarify which you are referring to and if neither, then please specify.
@glencoukell163 7 лет назад
I am trying to set a custom shortcut but it never seems to work. At 16:02 you have a box that says "current shortcut key" and the next box says "none". I am not on KDE at the moment but in other OS's there is usually more than the word "none" and when I click on it and push my desired keys nothing happens. Is that an OS problem or will I have the same problem on KDE? Thought I must be missing something simple.
@michael_tunnell 7 лет назад
So it depends on what you want it to do and which version of the KDE stack that you are using. If you are trying to change the shortcut but you are attempting to use only a modifier key like "Ctrl", "Alt", "Shift" or "Meta" (aka Windows key) then that won't work. KDE does not allow only modifiers to be used as a shortcut, you'd have to do something like Ctrl + Space. However, if you are trying to use just the Meta key to open your main menu, that is possible but only in Plasma 5.8. With all that said, once you make the change you will need to remember to save the changes like I almost forgot to do in the video. :) This limitation of modifier keys is not Linux related, this is KDE related so other DEs allow it to just be a single key but KDE doesn't because of possible interruptions of other keybinds. Both approaches to this topic are problematic in one way or another.
@glencoukell163 7 лет назад
Thanks for the guidance. I will try again a few times.
@misignal 8 лет назад
Very informative. Thank you for this. KDE is quit a laborious DE with lots of twists and turns. It's nice with walk-through's like this.
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+Mikael Signahl I'm glad you liked the video. ;) I plan on making more KDE Walkthroughs as well as many for other DEs.
@glennbawa3093 8 лет назад
Your straightforward tips made me switch DE from XFCE to KDE. Learned a lot from your walk-through. Thanks bro!
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
Awesome! I'm glad to hear that you found the video useful. I still have quite a lot of videos to make so be sure to subscribe. ;)
@glennbawa3093 8 лет назад
yeah, already subscribed, thanks a lot bro!
@andrewtrickey9743 7 лет назад
Excellent video. I am in the process of making the move from Peppermint OS to Neon KDE. There are some great features to be explored for sure.
@michael_tunnell 7 лет назад
+Andrew Trickey very cool, let me know what you think of it. Do you have any requests for a future video on Neon, KDE or anything else?
@Fragment85 8 лет назад
"ksuperkey" will set the left super to app launcher and the right one as a modifier. Best of both worlds
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+Brandon McKinley that's true, that's a really good option. I prefer Logo + Space combination because it doesn't require an extra process running for a shortcut.
@ByteMeCompletely 6 лет назад
Great video, I am a old guard FreeBSD admin/user, and I've toyed with Linux over the years. I'm running Kubuntu 18.04 with Plasma version 5.12.6. My KDE Menu Editor doesn't include "Place in system tray". Perhaps it will appear in a later version...
@michael_tunnell 6 лет назад
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! Kubuntu is the distro I suggest for Plasma so great choice. 😎👍 The place in system tray might be an older version where they removed it. I'll have to look into it to let you know
@elsandosgrande 5 лет назад
Not bad. I've actually switched from GNOME after switching from Ubuntu to Antergos because GNOME did not respect /etc/locale like in Ubuntu (I can't have Japanese date and time with Bosnian format and currency). One thing I'll say is that my haphazardly manner of switching (on a whim, no research into the process) is probably what broke my Xorg session, but the Wayland session paradoxically works just fine (I'd use it almost all of the time anyway, since it supports touchpad gestures).
@gizzmoguy. 5 лет назад
Wish i could click the like button 5 times. Well give 5 likes but you know what am trying to say.
@michael_tunnell 5 лет назад
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the video :)
@markwiygul6356 8 лет назад
Informative Video but I like many of the defaults mentioned under the "Fix KDE's Bad Defaults" section. The "Launch Feedback" default is especially GREAT for me, the exact opposite of irritating. In fact, I had switched from XFCE because it lacked launch feedback and I was always opening up many instances of the same application, and that was SO IRRITATING that I abandoned it. What sort of Desktop would ever launch an application without sending feedback to the user to be patient, the application is launching?? With XFCE I was always either waiting for an eternity, because I didn't click something just right, or I clicked it too many times and opening up a boat load of applications without wanting to do that. But I guess those were all "operator errors" yet it's an operator error I no longer get, thank you KDE!!! I agree with that the Application Menu being much better than the Application Launcher default, and that the Application Dashboard is cool and powerful, and with that, I see no need to try Ubuntu's Unity or Gnome 3. My biggest gripe with KDE's default would be the pasting contents of clipboard into sticky notes. Does anyone out there find that useful??
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+Mark Wiygul > "Informative Video but I like many of the defaults mentioned under the "Fix KDE's Bad Defaults" section." Thank you and that's interesting, other than Launch Feedback, what is it that you like that I classified as a Bad Default? > "The "Launch Feedback" default is especially GREAT for me, the exact opposite of irritating." > "What sort of Desktop would ever launch an application without sending feedback to the user to be patient" Oh, perhaps I wasn't clear in what I meant. I meant that particular type of launch feedback, not the concept of it in general. For example, I have a panel on the left side of my desktop similar to how GNOME has their panel on the left in Overview except mine is permanently displayed unless I have a maximized window. In this panel, I have indicators if an application is already open somewhere on my workspaces and I have launch feedback in the form of a spinning loading icon displayed on the panel when you click the icons. It is only the bouncing icon that follows the cursor that bothers me, not the concept itself. I agree there should be something, just not that. :) > "My biggest gripe with KDE's default would be the pasting contents of clipboard into sticky notes. Does anyone out there find that useful??" I've yet to find anyone who likes that but I suppose there could be someone. You're the first person to tell me that you're not bothered by the bouncing icon so I guess someone out there might like the sticky notes thing. :)
@markwiygul6356 8 лет назад
It was primarily the Launch Feedback that I found very helpful. I'd probably still be using Xubuntu had it not been for lack of that. I don't mind that it's a bouncing icon thingee, but I do like that the feedback is close to the mouse icon so I don't have to look for it elsewhere. Now that I've had Kubuntu 16.04 installed for several days, I appreciate you're review even more. (I didn't mention that I had yet to install it when I commented on your review) There are couple of things that I do find irritating about the release, but I'm sticking with it because I don't care for Unity, and KDE seems to have so much potential. "Discover" software center is not as good as the 14.04 edition. My Text on that thing overlaps to where I can't read it. I don't like the moving promotional at the top, it constantly distracts me from what I WANT TO LOOK AT. The Search doesn't work at all. Now, I can't even load software from it. "Authentication Error" dialog box opens whenever I press on an app. It doesn't even ask for my password. "Appearance Settings" I can't figure the logic of it. My stuff changes unpredictably whenever I make an adjustment, and I can't get things back to prior adjustments that I had liked better. So now that I have things good enough with Breeze Dark, I'm keeping as is and not touching anything else in those settings. (at first I thought it was because I wasn't smart enough to use it, but I've ruled that out) Big issue for me was adding a Widget to the Desktop, the "Folder View widget specifically. It was tiny and I couldn't adjust it show lots of files across my desktop (like I like) so I had to google how to stretch the folder view. It's very easy with 14.04. Also, I'm surprised there are still so few widgets available. 14.04 was a fantastically perfect release. 16.04 has a few more minor bugs, but that could be that I've adopted it earlier in it's release cycle. I figure they'll have the "Discover" bugs worked out soon, till then I'm using Synaptic and Apt-Get So ...Now that I'm using 16.04, I agree with you on most everything, more so than before now. You've got a GREAT set of review videos.
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+Mark Wiygul > " I do like that the feedback is close to the mouse icon so I don't have to look for it elsewhere. " Interesting point. I understand now. > Now that I've had Kubuntu 16.04 installed for several days, I appreciate you're review even more. I'm glad to hear it. :) > "KDE seems to have so much potential." I agree completely, one of the reasons that it is one of my favorite desktop environments. > "Discover" software center is not as good as the 14.04 edition. I agree, it's got a lot of problems. It used to be much better but sadly they kind of messed it up in the latest versions. Hopefully, they do fix it. > "Appearance Settings" I can't figure the logic of it. My stuff changes unpredictably whenever I make an adjustment, and I can't get things back to prior adjustments that I had liked better. Getting stuff back to where it was is a bit tricky but what exactly are you wanting to do that you haven't been able to accomplish? I may be able to help with that. Especially, if you haven't see my other Plasma video on Breeze-Dark. > Big issue for me was adding a Widget to the Desktop, the "Folder View" widget specifically. This is one of the few things I can't help with as I don't like anything on my desktop. I'm glad you got it solved though. > Also, I'm surprised there are still so few widgets available. Kubuntu has only had Plasma 5 for a little over a year now so it kind of makes sense that it would not be as polished as the previous 14.04 version of Kubuntu. Kubuntu 14.04 had 6 years of development on Plasma 4 before being released. Plasma 5 has only been around for less than 2 years. Plasma 5's first release was on 15 Jul 2014 so the fact they have come so far in less than two years is incredibly impressive to me. >"So ...Now that I'm using 16.04, I agree with you on most everything, more so than before now. You've got a GREAT set of review videos. " Music to my ears. :) Thank you very much for the feedback.
@FixedgeariderTJ 8 лет назад
You sir have earned a subscriber. Great work! Greetings
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+Erick Martinez Awesome! Thanks, I'm glad you like it.
@techieg33k 5 лет назад
Very very helpful! Just came to KDE Plasma and am so happy to be here, and with some of your tweaks it really helps me enjoy it even more. Now to setup KDE Neon on my old laptop for my son.
@michael_tunnell 5 лет назад
I'd suggest checking out Kubuntu rather than Neon to see all the great out of the box stuff I did for them. Unfortunately, Plasma won't accept progress but Kubuntu did. :D Anyway, I'm glad you found benefit with my content. Thanks for watching!
@techieg33k 5 лет назад
@@michael_tunnell I actually decided that after I posted. Thank you!
@michael_tunnell 5 лет назад
Nice! :D
@altermetax 6 лет назад
Actually if you set the shortcut to Alt+F1 the menu will open also by pressing the logo key.
@michael_tunnell 6 лет назад
This video was made almost 2 years ago. The logo key didn't work for that at the time. You are right, they did fix it in 5.9 I think.
@altermetax 6 лет назад
TuxDigital I realized that just after writing the comment but I forgot to delete it
@michael_tunnell 6 лет назад
Not a problem at all. There's a silver lining to almost everything, more comments looks good for my channel analytics. :)
@HairryS 8 лет назад
Do you know how to add textfile icon on Desktop in Plasma 5? LOL
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+HairryS are you asking about how to use the desktop as a folder so that files display directly on the desktop? Edit: if I understand correctly, then Right Click your desktop -> choose Desktop Settings -> in the Wallpaper section, change the Layout from "Desktop" to "Folder View" -> Apply.
@HairryS 8 лет назад
TuxDigital Yeah. I tried to drag text file from Krusader over Desktop and it looks AWFUL in comparison with KDE-4. It's very useful to open some frequently used files very quickly. P.S. Your method works much better. Thank you.
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
HairryS You're welcome. :)
@matthewboone5320 8 лет назад
Between this and your other video about customizing the Kubuntu desktop I have all I need to make the switch from vanilla Ubuntu over to Kubuntu. Good work!
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+Matthew Boone that's awesome to hear, I'm glad my videos were helpful to you. ;)
@matthewboone5320 8 лет назад
+TuxDigital Hey! Just made the switch to Kubuntu when it landed. A lot of the other Linux RU-vidrs are having a thing with Manjaro right now, so you might be able to become the Kubuntu champion while they sleep on it. Here are some things that were harder to figure out coming from Unity, and I suspect if you were coming from another OS entirely: 1. Workspace switching wasn't on by default (the number of spaces was set to zero) 2. Switching between workspaces (and especially moving a window to another workspace) took some digging to figure out. These things had hotkeys set up in Unity, and once I found the setting it was easy enough to turn it on. 3. Setting up a VPN was a beast compared to Unity, because the VPN provider I use assumes you're using that network manager. This was for privateinternetaccess, so I don't know how widespread this is. 4. The driver manager didn't turn up any results. Quidsup had the same thing happen, but he didn't try to work it out. Honestly the Kubuntu team will probably fix this one before you could make a video. 5. Setting up icons in the launcher for Chrome web apps doesn't work by default. You see the icon pop up in Krunner, and also in the application menu, but when they launch they're just lumped in as Chrome windows. 6. All those little differences in the terminal commands that beginner and novices find themselves using, like typinc kate instead of gedit and all that. 7. I think Discover might be unfamiliar to new user as well. Just a couple of ideas of things that might throw Unity (and maybe Gnome) users for a loop!
@matthewboone5320 8 лет назад
+TuxDigital Oh and I forgot: looks like there might not be thumbnail previews in Dolphin right now. Saw some posts about it being on 15.10 as well, so it might be a longstanding issue. Definitely one of the first things new users will bump up against.
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
Matthew Boone I don't want to be a champion of any distro because I don't want to skew decisions. I want to show why different distros are great, not just focus on one. I don't really like Manjaro but if others do then good for them, enjoy. 1. Also not on by default in Unity. Not sure why they are doing that. 2. Yep, KDE has some pretty bad defaults. ;) 3. VPN is not all that common but I might look into that for a video. Quick note: please, don't treat VPN as a form of privacy, in some cases they are the opposite. 4. AMD is an issue for 16.04 so if you're using that then that might be why. 5. That's because Chrome sucks for webapps and does not actually create separate session based web-apps . . . They are just glorified website wrappers. Epiphany and Midori handle web-apps much better. 6. Those aren't differences in terminal commands, those are different installed applications. The commands are the same. 7. Well Discover is basically the same as GNOME Software in many ways so not sure what you mean. 8. Thumbnail previews depends, by default Dolphin doesn't activate previews so you have to click the preview button at the top toolbar. However, I am pretty sure that video previews are not yet available in Plasma 5.
@matthewboone5320 8 лет назад
+TuxDigital Oh, I just meant "champion" as in becoming one of the go-to sources for Kubuntu. These are just the first few things that presented themselves as stumbling blocks for me as someone who likes to use Linux but is frankly constantly in over his head. There's almost nothing too simple for some of us. And people like me will watch your videos like a half dozen times each! As for the VPN thing, I don't know how good a general tool it is, but man it comes in handy in certain countries. Sometimes you forget where you are until the state censor page pops up or RU-vid asks you for your phone number to confirm your age to watch a video.
@SunHail8 8 лет назад
could who ever explain any plasma 5 superiority over 4th one??? :)
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
Listing everything would take way too long but here are a few. Modularization improvements which makes things like Plasma Mobile possible, Lowering the amount of dependencies due to the framework restructuring, Wayland support, Breeze theme and icons for a better UI, and so much more.
@SunHail8 8 лет назад
TuxDigital official statement: _KDE community said in a press statement, "On systems with free graphics drivers it is possible to run Plasma using KWin, Plasma's Wayland compositor and X11 window manager, through kernel mode settings." However, do keep in mind that "the current state does not yet allow to use it as a replacement for Xorg based desktop, but allows to easily test it, contribute and watch tear free videos."_ so far plasma 5 gets too raw, practically 4th one has had wider functionality & more stability as well (for PCs). claims about more speed & less memory-gobbling of 5th over 4th seem ungrounded, because these characteristics are heavily dependent upon de's opts & chosen/running apps + widgets.
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+SunHail8 well certainly Wayland is not ready on Plasma 5 but Wayland is not ready in general. Though Plasma 4 has no support for it at all so eventually everyone of Plasma 4 will be forced to use 5. Plasma 5 has not reached "stable release" yet though but that should happen with 5.8.
@SunHail8 8 лет назад
_Though Plasma 4 has no support for it at all so eventually _*_everyone of Plasma 4 will be forced to use 5_*_._ TuxDigital i can't agree on it: when wayland will reach useful release, the're no unbreakable obstacles to integrate it into plasma 4. imho, plasma 5 has gone too South: it'd be really great to migrate data from 4th to 5th w/o useless headaches, but (in fact) 5th runs as cut-functional fork of 4th.
@boolve 6 лет назад
Krunner video please!!!!
@michael_tunnell 6 лет назад
I certainly intend to make a video for KRunner. It is a fantastic tool in Plasma. :)
@Swipe650 8 лет назад
Great video Michael
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+Swipe650 thanks, I'm glad you like it and thanks for the feedback.
@josehawking5293 7 лет назад
no mention of the now dock plasmoid?
@michael_tunnell 7 лет назад
The video you have commented on was released on March 29, 2016. The Now Dock plasmoid was started on September 17, 2016 so it would be rather difficult to mention a plasmoid that won't exist for another 6 months.
@josehawking5293 7 лет назад
My bad.😀
@michael_tunnell 7 лет назад
No problem. :)
@TheOptidude 8 лет назад
Thank you so much for this video... Learned a ton of tips... Thanks for taking the time to make it..
@michael_tunnell 8 лет назад
+Mike LaFrance you're welcome, I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the feedback.
@zordanxxx 6 лет назад
I know the video is a little old, but you know how or where I can get info on hot to create my own splash screen?
@michael_tunnell 6 лет назад
These might help, superuser.com/questions/941503/kde-plasma-splash-screen-customization store.kde.org/browse/cat/488/
@zordanxxx 6 лет назад
Thanks a lot
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