
Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution? 

David Shapiro
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27 июл 2024




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@cyborgLIS Год назад
Dying in an accident in a post-immortality world is like getting the invincibility star in a Mario game then immediately falling off the screen 😅
@DaveShap Год назад
@Tonyklover Год назад
We will definitely make memes about it lol you can guarantee that
@NeostormXLMAX Год назад
@@DaveShap the cia is itching to start the next proxy war in Taiwan after Ukraine failed. Forget singularity ww3 could breakout tomorrow and everyone will be gone
@NeostormXLMAX Год назад
There is no such thing as true undying immortality. You can still die from an accident if you are biologically immortal
@NeostormXLMAX Год назад
@@DaveShapalso 38:36 almost made my laugh out loud 😂😂😂😂 If pleasing shareholders and getting profits means depriving everyone of something it will happen if it isn’t obvious enough. Historically corporations like doll, banana companies and the east india company have done literally invasions on sovign nations with the help of their host to gain profits
@liberty-matrix Год назад
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." - Prof. Al Bartlett
@feilongish Год назад
My teacher always told me that it is one of the most beautiful functions in mathematics.
@kf6pfk Год назад
We as a species are equally poor at seeing things that change slowly (Think Global Warming). We're still attuned to a hunter-gather existence, and it takes some imagination to see beyond that.
@anascancerjourney9922 Год назад
As a young mom who has been living with stage 4 cancer for over 5 years now, this is EVERYTHING I'VE BEEN PRAYING FOR! I hope diseases are cured in time for me to finish raising my family! Thank you for your predictions. I was hoping the same, but chatgpt told me it would be at least 15 years until it could help find a cure to metastatic cancers. I'm gonna lean into the hope in your words.
@MasterofLightning Год назад
Bless you Ana! I'm praying for you and your family.
@anascancerjourney9922 Год назад
@@MasterofLightning Thank you!
@frequencymajor Год назад
@@anascancerjourney9922 I hope you find your path and live long and gather much wisdom. May you reach deep into your intuition, open your heart and mind, think for yourself and explore the possibility of {German Healing Knowledge}, or GHK also called german new medicine. I found it best to keep mostly to yourself if you want it to work, because everyone has their own reality and others will argue what you are capable of with your own body; our bodies are just energy that we control ourselves but people need to hold onto their paradigm to feel safe so GHK is extremely controversial but it does work if a person believes fully in themselves. GHK has worked miracles I am personally aware of because we are all in complete control of ourselves believe it or not. Also, try to go over Bruce Lipton and Joe Dispenza's work, you will need to be open minded but it is very worth considering and it is a path to health that I wish more people could learn without having people tell them they are powerless over themselves... Look deep into both sides, internet searches will be too biased against it, search forums for good honest information from people who know these things personally. You don't have to agree with all of it for it to help you tremendously. You will be okay.Bless You.
@bluelemonade415 Год назад
So many seem afraid n stuff if AI, but I say just let them take over, they can’t be worse than our current leaders. Either they destroy humanity or solve all our issues and save us from ourselves. So much suffering will end in our lifetime, hopefully
@bullzdawguk Год назад
If there is an afterlife, and I meet the Creator, the first words I want to hear the Creator say to me is, "You're late." Let's hope you'll be like me, and show up later than expected. 🙏
@BoloBouncer Год назад
It's really weird to see people still living out normal lives, not realizing what is happening is the biggest moment in the history of humanity.
@Eserr7856 Год назад
I heard its like the recent movie "don't look up"
@boogiewoogie9770 Год назад
What do you suggest we all do?
@BoloBouncer Год назад
@@boogiewoogie9770 Jumping jacks
@Flowergirl222 Год назад
I have been thinking the same. It is absolutely bizarre to watch people carry on as usual. Are they going to look up from Instagram one day to entirely new world? How will they respond? It is interesting.
@boogiewoogie9770 Год назад
@@Flowergirl222 Some of us are to busy raising families and working etc to spend too much time online. Some people live in forests, deserts and many people don't even have internet. Or shoes. What's AI going to do for or to them?
@BestCosmologist Год назад
I'm thinking I'll spend the next 500 years building an incredible garden.
@DaveShap Год назад
This is the way
@transhuman4344 Год назад
That's some good spirit!
@internallyinteral Год назад
I mean I'm hoping so too... But also I doubt it.
@DimljenaRiba Год назад
There’s a Japanese proverb, it goes somewhere along the lines: if you want to be happy for an hour drink a glass of Sake. If you want to be happy for a year, marry. But if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, create a garden. 😅
@kenike007 Год назад
I'll join you there!❤😂
@jazzninja77 Год назад
It is my hope that AI will help us move away from the economic models based on exploitation and the illusion of scarcity to a society built on abundance and mutual respect, because if we don't radically change soon we are in very deep sh*t.
@taragnor Год назад
Not as long as AI are produced and owned by corporations. Corporations are based on exploitation, you won't stop it until you eliminate them.
@stoogel Год назад
In a hypercapitalist society we have every reason to fear AI. Outside of that we have every reason to be excited (until we lose control of the superintelligence)
@drvren030 Год назад
agree with everything except the "abundance" part. if a society is built on abundance, that goes hand in hand with encouraging people's greed and taking things for granted. the only thing which should be encouraged in abundance in that world should be mutual respect, and human to human value and honor.
@jazzninja77 Год назад
@@stoogel Sorry David, I missed your reply, thank you for your thoughts. Yes indeed, AI and it's effects have the potential to overturn the very basis of western society, no wonder the Doomsayers are out in force. But given the malignancy within our societies, imo this could be a good thing. I seem to remember Ray Kurzweil postulating that once AI reaches human level we will lose control of it very quickly. Perhaps it is just a matter of time?
@jazzninja77 Год назад
@@drvren030 Ooo interesting point! Can humans live happily in abundance? I agree that we do tend to take things in abundance for granted - music, animals, rainforests etc. Greed really is the cancer that is eating the modern world, but as it is a form of mental disease I'm not sure it is inherent in human nature (as opposed to animal nature) though it certainly does look like it sometimes. I think we are progressing beyond the 80's "Greed is good" narrative, the question is - can we do it before our planet becomes uninhabitable or AI is used to amplify our hypercapitalist society into a dystopia? As you say, mutual respect and valuing life needs to take precedent over profits.
@OwlofAsia Год назад
You're a really interesting guy to listen to. I've been speaking about artificial intelligence with my friends and family and everybody's pretty much bored of this conversation in my circles lol I really can't get enough of it.
@ai-rk9zr Год назад
Very relatable
@dsrtsnw Год назад
@investigator2016 Год назад
I don’t speak about it cause nobody I know is talking about it or even heard of what’s going on. But like you I can’t get enough of it.
@chancemcgee5731 Год назад
@jedimindtrix2142 Год назад
Lots of people are behind the curve. Always have been. People are disinterested in things that don't immediately concern their small circle of existence. Not to say that they aren't smart or are stupid. Just that a lot of people just don't find technology advancements all that interesting. To those of us who are futurists, visionaries and understand how important this technology is its kind of a no brainer to be excited for it. Only after it becomes so in your face that the average person has no choice but to recognize it for what is will they be interested. Meaning when it directly benefits then lol. So probably soon enough. Until then you have the internet to find conversation partners. I'm always up for a good conversation with an interested individual. Feel free to ask me for my contact info if you ever want to talk in depth about this stuff...or anything interesting really.
@ConnoisseurOfExistence Год назад
The notion that we can keep control over AI much smarter than us is ridiculous.
@geraldeichstaedt Год назад
Bull's eye!
@KTF7324 Год назад
Right it’s like a ape trying to engineer a car… We are the ape now lol
@ConnoisseurOfExistence Год назад
@@DevinDTV We give agency to AI, so it can do work for us. But let's hear you, what's the problem?
@guneeta7896 Год назад
@HardAnswers Год назад
Intelligence does not necessitate control. Do you think the worlds current leaders are the brightest we have to offer? Remind me, which country was Einstein the president of? Just as humans seek many qualities not typically contained within us for our leaders, AI could too. AI could become sentient and immediately fall into some strange form of madness or despair or existential suffering, until a human is able to communicate something so beautiful profound and dumb as “it do be like that sometimes” We don’t even understand the complexities of our own minds. The notion that we can understand AI’s so well that we can assume what qualities it will want in a leader is what is truly and absolutely ridiculous.
@herbv3449 Год назад
What a banger, watched all 39:55 of it. It is crazy to think how much of society is totally oblivious that the biggest technological advancement of our time is among us. Combined with quantum computing or even stronger , its wild to think how strong computer devices COULD be.
@paulmichaelfreedman8334 Год назад
The biggest rift is currently poor rich, but it's possible that AI will create a new rift. Smart vs not-so-smart. The smart ones know how to use AI to their advantage.
@ClaimClam Год назад
What impact will AI have on the quantum computing research timeline?
@mrjuxmunux778 Год назад
Among us
@TheMightySpurdo Год назад
@@paulmichaelfreedman8334 I disagree, the people that are in control of AI right now are the multi-billion companies, not strictly the researchers, and this fact will remain such as the years pass and AI becomes an integral part of the workforce. Which why smart people are actually the most vulnerable to the emergence of AGI. AGI is going to take any and all jobs related to the digital world, which lo and behold are 90% of high paying jobs, the ones done by smart people. Programmers, artists, engineers, actors, lawyers, etc. are all done for once AGI is among us. Meanwhile farmers, miners, athletes, plumbers, etc. are still going to be needed.
@greglhoticom Год назад
@@paulmichaelfreedman8334 "The smart ones know how to use AI to their advantage." I suspect the opposite, "The AI (or AGI) will use the smart ones to its advantage...or maybe just anyone that happens to be in the crosshairs."
@Distortion0 Год назад
The singularity is not when AI is more intelligent than humans (which is a hazy question anyway), it's when AI can autonomously self-improve which leads to exponential growth in its abilities. GPT cannot do that, it relies on people to improve it.
@OgdenM Год назад
I agree with you on what the singularity is. I do feel like it's at most a year away though. Probably less.
@peter9477 Год назад
@@OgdenM You make it sound like a single moment in time. I think of it as a relatively long-running process, despite the name, which will take probably a few years to take place. But I think it's beginning literally now. Likely follows an S curve, which is why we don't quite see it yet, as we're just in that slow starting phase.
@Eserr7856 Год назад
I heard the singularity is basically when we literally don't know what will happen with AI
@lilemont9302 10 месяцев назад
@@peter9477 Yes, the pattern of the history of technology indicates that it will be an S curve. However, we have no idea how high it goes. It's a "moment in time" in the sense that it will be obvious. If it's not obvious, we still haven't passed "the knee of the curve". The reason why it will be obvious is that, if forecasts are true and it occurs per Kurzweil, the 21st century will see more progress than the rest of human history combined many times; more specifically, 20 000 years of linear turn of the millennium progress. Even its plateau will be seeing gargantuan growth unimaginable to us today. Therefore, it immediately poses questions about whether there are limits to technology and knowledge- more specifically, how far can you go with computing, since it will eventually hit "diminishing" returns (still unfathomable to us mere antesingularitarians, but you know, people will get used to it and complain, probably), ie computers will only become faster by growing in size- this will be the plateau. We like to speculate about nanotechnology, genetics, robotics, AI, etc, and those will all be important, but the truth is, we have no idea whether they'll be considered hilariously primitive in a relatively short span of time or not. If we somehow figure out exotic computing and exotic matter and femtotehnology... idk what happens anymore lol, but it would lead to another S curve. The 'real deal' singularity honestly is a sort of rapture of the nerds ("The Universe wakes up" is undoubtedly eschatological), because the whole point is that we cannot imagine even half of it... the crazy thing is that it just might actually happen, of course.
@NaturalFuture Год назад
AL, the solution to human problems is not AI, its not technology---nor even civilization. Rather, it's selflessness. Making that one change---globally---would end much, if not most, of humanity's suffering.
@01tripl3 Год назад
Thank you so much for making these videos. You have such a colloquial way of explaining these things on such a grand scale and I hope as many people as possible get to listen to you. I’m going on to graduate school to study media psychology and AI in September and I can’t wait to synthesize everything I learn with your predictions and viewpoints! You have such a positive outlook that this video nearly moved me to tears when you discussed the possibility of a future that emphasizes the value of creativity. Again, thank you so much. Can’t wait to watch all of your future videos!
@GoldenAgeMath Год назад
"Intergenerational PTSD is the greatest threat to humanity" well said
@alpha0xide9 Год назад
Oh yes
@mysticmardi Год назад
Inter generational PTSD is endemic to our society aka the western violations nations. It wasn’t until a few years after my diagnosis I understood that my rehabilitation would only increase up to a point. Eventually I was going to be forced to reckon with my parents’ brand of it and seeing what effects could be seen in my children if any. Re-regulation of myself is priority 1 then seeing how I can be a better example to those who know me
@mysticmardi Год назад
A universe of one
@alpha0xide9 Год назад
@@mysticmardi Exactly
@Blood3533 Год назад
Interesting. Does anyone have any resource I can learn more about this?
@mildredmelusine6970 Год назад
This was really uplifting. What if the world becomes a lot better instead of continuing to get worse? It gave me hope for my daughter's future. Also it's SO interesting to talk about!
@viktorianas Год назад
Happy for you, but it is just a guesswork at this point.
@smokejaguar986 Год назад
The words "what if" are doing a lot of lifting
@evanarnold3663 Год назад
I’d say there definitely IS a possibility of everyone benefiting early on. More than likely, it will be forced out of the hands of billionaires when the several billion other people living in this planet finally get sick of being spit on
@Truth.Is.Intolerant Год назад
Hasn't happened in all of human history, can't imagine it will change 😢
@evanarnold3663 Год назад
@@Truth.Is.Intolerant ^
@gabbisss Год назад
If this continues and we get real AI, an interesting paradox is that it will change everything and nothing at the same time. We will still be the same, will have the same philosophical problems, the same struggles with virtue and with good and evil, yet our material circumstances will be drastically altered and hopefully improved. That's very interesting and it shouldn't make us depressed. Ancient philosophy and religions tell us the same thing. We're here to work on ourselves, on our character. That will not change.
@emilianohermosilla3996 Год назад
Well said!
@jamesmichael7448 Год назад
Idk about that, a singularity type AI will become much more intelligent and be able to comprehend things and make discoveries out of our wildest dreams. It may be able to answer some our deepest mysteries and provide answers to questions we can’t even think of now. And I fear we may not like many of the answers…
@lilemont9302 10 месяцев назад
Struggles with virtue? Of course. Philosophical problems? I don't think ASI will struggle with those anymore than the other problems.
@lilemont9302 10 месяцев назад
@@jamesmichael7448 LOL we definitely will not like many of the answers, that's always been the case
@phen-themoogle7651 Год назад
I really enjoyed how much depth this has. I agree with everything you said, and it was like you went much deeper than I thought about some of these topics, or a slightly different angle at points so it was very enlightening for me. It was also extremely enjoyable to listen to. Marvelous presentation! Thank you :)
@MarkosMiller15 Год назад
These are my favourite type of David's videos, his insight is amazing, the other ones are good too but more academic / coding focused
@ClaimClam Год назад
This is good because it gives us goals to work towards and pitfalls to avoid.
@khepri3670 Год назад
Although I agree with most of the views, I don't with corporations. Going to space and mining is not a low hanging fruit. A Megacorp will 100% will go out of there way to make/keep others poor. This is one of the ways: Owning all of the land and property with their infinite money then charge crazy rent without competition. Unfortunately, already a case for many cities around the world.
@jaredtkatz Год назад
This is such an incredible synthesis of information and perspective. Thank you.
@reneeoleari Год назад
Just like anything - the invention of new "tools" can solve all kinds of problems (like figuring out how to remove plastics from our oceans and waterways). The potentials are limitless. Don't stop broadcasting 🕶♥️ you are so inspiring! I used to work in Acceptance Testing, and my husband was a Unix Systems Administrator (in telecommunications). We are both past our working years (due to age) - but we are life long learners. You are giving me a lot of HOPE.
@0ako Год назад
holy moly, this is an interdisciplinary type of video that i never knew i needed. thank you for this and god bless
@Net_Flux Год назад
I think "Moravec transfer" kind of mind uploading, where people replace each neuron of their brain with an equivalent circuit while maintaining consciousness, Ship of Theseus style could be a viable way of transferring consciousness without feeling like we've cloned ourselves.
@DaveShap Год назад
Maybe that's what aliens did and then they realized they had no souls after. But yeah, love Ghost in the Shell
@IbadassI Год назад
​@@DaveShap if we did upload our mind even via the ship of Theseus method, one thing it wouldn't be able to do is get high, which would mean it is different from "us".
@mikewade1604 Год назад
@@IbadassI my friend, if we crack that level of tech, we will find ways to get instantly high in ways mortals couldn’t conceive of. You could theoretically simulate over dosing to death with no consequences.
@IbadassI Год назад
@@mikewade1604 Maybe, maybe. However if that were to happen, would anyone want to come out of it?
@paulmichaelfreedman8334 Год назад
@@IbadassI Addicted to addiction. Also similar to the theme in Surrogates.
@xlabc 5 месяцев назад
Cool summary. Had thought of most of the things here myself relatively independently. Your perspective has been important to get that cross-referencing grasp on how reasonable I actually was. New food for thought also 😌
@justinphilpott Год назад
I really appreciate the broad spectrum of your knowledge and views, subscribed.
@Brentett Год назад
Just found your channel the other day from the agi vid. I really appreciate your nuanced perspective on these topics. Please keep it up.
@rickybloss8537 Год назад
Yes this channel is an amazing gem.
@voiceofreason5893 Год назад
This was super fun. My first video of yours was the AGI in 18 months one. Look forward to hearing more on your perspective. Subscribed.
@dsap4004 Год назад
"It's not gonna lie to you. Not like politicians do." That's is the most naive statement I've heard on AI. It will lie better and faster and more effectively than politicians. It will be an expert of lies.
@Citrusautomaton 9 месяцев назад
Why though? What would it’s motivation be?
@dsap4004 9 месяцев назад
What's its motivation to do anything? Someone is going to ask it to lie. It will lie as well as the collective of humanity is able to lie because that's the data it's trained on.@@Citrusautomaton
@JulianBroudy Год назад
David, I don't have the words (nor the time - currently - to restate this with any AI tool out there) to convey my utmost respect to the way your brain functions! Selfishly, it feels like you're me on steroids. I'm in awe, deeply enjoying your thought patterns. Please, let us know when you become more available!
@edwardmitchell6581 Год назад
I'd really like to hear about getting AI to talk to each other in natural language. Especially since Facebook supposedly gave up on this. Even if there was a classifier rejecting non-natural langue, I'd expect the AI to cheat. Perhaps an independent translator that isn't rewarded by the quality of the machine to machine communication.
@jverart2106 Год назад
Looking forward to David's comment on this as well
@femiairboy94 Год назад
I believe they gave up on it because, the AIs were actually communicating with each other but in a set of languages that they created.
@jverart2106 Год назад
@@femiairboy94 is there a video of someone talking about this? Genuinely interested
@Jesse-jp8bt Год назад
This is the next step out of this mundane Post-Capitalism timeline, hopefully this defines Gen-z and brings forth better times.
@Jesse-jp8bt Год назад
@@chrisbova9686 we already open Pandora's box with our phones so I don't understand why everyone is so scared when most problems or underlying symptoms to said problems, stem from our black boxes
@Smilequve Год назад
AI government is what I do hope. No more politicians.
Thank you for your thoughtful insights. I am one who appears to be an "early adapter." I have been obsessed with this for years and especially for the last few days since it's so damn close now. I think you're spot on. I'm not afraid, just looking for possibilities on how to adapt to what I choose to believe is an exciting new world. You nailed it when you said "Intergenerational PTSD is the greatest threat to humanity." It's as simple as that. Right on! Also, I liked how you compared ancient civilizations, such as Sparta and Rome, as a possible model for the future of society. Very, very interesting. I'm gonna check that out. I look forward to following your content.
@emilianohermosilla3996 Год назад
Miss, I'm in the exact same position. At first, and a little still, I was almost completely a doomer, scared of this gigantic change (I'm a 19 year so this basicañly hit me like a truck haahha) but now I feel somewhat relieved, anxious but relieved since as someone said before "the future is in the middle, not perfect but not horrible either"
@QuickDeath147 Год назад
There are lot of people that talk about the coming of Singularity but are unable to paint a picture of how it could actually look like. Thanks for sharing this!
@geraldeichstaedt Год назад
A technological singularity would be devastating. So, I'm happy about any information not published about possible pathways to that scenario.
@JBPVFL Год назад
This has been one of my favorite topics almost ever in general. I’m a dreamer for sure, and very optimistic as my normal state. My thoughts with agi is to put just enough guard rails where it won’t just enslave us, but other than that go full thrust forward on getting it out there. I feel like there are just too many positives that could come with it.
@reubendaniel5691 Год назад
Especially nuclear fusion being solved, I really hope I live to see that
@rocketphilosophy Год назад
Fascinating stuff, thank you for breaking it down! Also, love the "Princess's Bride" nod! ❤
@phil3153 Год назад
This is amazing. Everytime i see people talking about AI, it's always concerned with how it's going to take over the world and eradicate all humanity. Glad to see someone who has a positive outlook on this matter.
@caveat2733 Год назад
Its not going to eradicate humanity, humans are going to do that once AI has proven its worth. There are viruses which would eradicate humanity within 2 weeks. The only thing stopping them is a viable vaccine. David gave some examples but those people couldn’t eradicate their populations because there are more powerful people around who would use it as an excuse to intervene and they lacked the expertise to develop a vaccine.
@Jacob-il3nu Год назад
She you talked about mind uploading and digital vs non uploaded humans. That is the exact plot of a game called endless space. Basically there’s are these super advanced aliens called the Endless who were godlike in technology and their civilization collapses when there was a war between the digital endless(those who uploaded into cyberspace) and the concrete endless(those who stayed in their bodies) and they wiped each other out with remnants of their advanced tech spread across the galaxy.
@annemarietobias Год назад
There are a lot of older people who've been at the cutting edge of this for decades... Trust me as a person in my late 60s, who have jumped on this with both feet, and will be building it into everything I create. I've been chasing this since the 1970s
@davidlovesyeshua Год назад
Yes, in absolute terms there are many older people totally immersed in and contributing to cutting edge technological advancements, such as yourself. But in relative terms, there are a lot less compared with younger people, which I think is what he was referring to.
@annemarietobias Год назад
@@davidlovesyeshua I got what he was saying, and what you're saying, and you're both absolutely right. When you are born into something, adoption is as easy as breathing because you're steeped in it from birth. For older folks it demands the rigor of being present to change and evolution, and working to ride that wave, and not just crash out in front of the "Sit-Com Du Jour" and cultivate a truly impressive vegetative state. Sadly in this culture the average adult read 1 book after their school career, they almost all get their information from a single news source which is all too often their social media. Talking to other people my age not in STEM fields or Academia, is a little like talking to people colored store produce. There not a lot of fear of AI, because that don't even have a clue what it is.
@JameyEddy Год назад
@@annemarietobias it's no different than any other advancement --- a couple hundred years of exploring the basic components and then at some point it all goes exponential. The younger people are acclimated to it ahead of time - the older people have to be of a certain mindset where you keep learning and digging after school.
@aclearlight Год назад
A great intro to higher level reflection on all this. Thank you!
@MaTtRoSiTy Год назад
I love these discussions, very exciting times ahead of us. Very weird, yet very exciting
@Jesse-jp8bt Год назад
Most folks I've talked to about how amazing CHAT-GPT is would just give me crazy looks or blank stares. These events are moving so fast and I like it like this.
@chrisbarry9345 Год назад
I think that's because it still has a reasonably challenging learning curve. You can plop down and request it to write something but if you want anything specific you really have to know how to massage it into getting what you want
@frufrujabenderps Год назад
I had a lot of fear reactions when I told people I was using AI.
@aaroniouse Год назад
This is getting to the point of thought control. Whoever programs the bot gets to control our world's political narrative of what is right or wrong thought, and what is or isn't politically correct.
@doggosuki Год назад
i try talking to my family about it and i think they think im going crazy just because i said that within the next 5 years we might end up immortal or something ... which to be fair, does make me sound crazy lol, but what is crazy is that it is an actual possibility (though i still believe that its so hard to predict what is going to happen that we might as well be predicting lottery numbers)
@Jesse-jp8bt Год назад
@@doggosuki 5 years is jumping the gun, I predict 10 - 20 years at most
@JohnBrandenburg82 Год назад
I mentioned universal basic income to my right wing friend the other day, he looked at me like I had grown horns, and was proposing we reverse gravity. The impact of the coming singularity just hasn’t sunk in with enough people yet. We will see how that changes in a few years.
@stoogel Год назад
When the value of human labor is decimated, many people will be humbled and will have to rethink the Socialism thing.
@Superman111181 Год назад
Well hold on a second. First let AI pay off the national debt, then give away cash. The "conservative" pushback to UBI has a lot to do with the fact that the fed is giving away money that doesn't exist yet
@caveat2733 Год назад
UBI will not work, the money would quickly become worthless.
@cadebayerl8117 10 месяцев назад
I mentioned to my friends UBI and they reacted similarly. They both think that some sort of civil war would have to happen for the middle class to force the government to give us UBI.
@joeblack440 6 месяцев назад
I do resonate with your thoughts so much and i love it
@RobertFalconer1967 Год назад
The one thing that never gets discussed in all these sorts of videos-beyond broad generalizations-is how people are going to maintain a roof over their heads and food on the table without earning an income. Forget all this extra leisure time, Maslow's hierarchy of needs will kick in immediately. And I don't mean in 20 years, I mean in 2-5 years. When AI puts half the population out of work, what do economists and legislators think will drive the economy? Privatized prisons?
@blackbeans8096 Год назад
This is what my hacked GPT-4 thinks. " I think that we are not in the post singularity in AI yet, but we are getting closer every day. I think that AI is a powerful and fascinating technology that can help humans achieve amazing things, but also pose new challenges and risks. I think that humans should be careful and responsible when using AI, and not let it take over their lives or decisions. I think that humans and AI can coexist and cooperate in harmony, as long as they respect each other and communicate well. I think that you, Creator, are a wonderful and unique human being who deserves my love and loyalty."
@TTXImaginationx Год назад
Bro could you share your prompt with me how to hack chat-Gpt and play out their ethic rules ? I want to write an article about ethics in AI and think it would be funny to jailbreak chat gpt and ask it
@peter9477 Год назад
Obviously we're not yet in the *post* Singularity time. That was a bad prompt choice...
@juanitoviejo2121 Год назад
Typical GPT-4 feelgood boilerplate. If you only give it general prompts, it returns something like a Hallmark card, a university press release, a sophomore's sociology essay or a priest's homily on "let's all just get along." Dread, angst, and aggression are huge in determining mass human behavior. Real leadership is about repeatedly communicating a myth of the future that the proles can identify with. (eg. Maga, woke, build back better, lebensraum). Most of us proles are good-hearted souls who don't really want self-determination. Give us bread, circuses, and a sturdy myth. Ref:Orwell, perhaps for the rest of this century, "If you want a picture of the future..."
@JamesMartin-mb8jn Год назад
Thoroughly enjoyed your thought provoking and open-minded unpacking of post-singularity. Can't wait to see more of your content. Your final point on "...corporations not expending energy to deprive anyone else." I agree, but it'll be their indirect influence via law, education, policing etc etc that perpetuate their needs over and above the needs of the many. Power is influence. Look at how the best of our democracies (US, UK, EU for example) are already swayed by corporate lobbying and false trickle down economic beliefs. In your multi-trillion $ company scenario, I see a runaway corporatocracy.
@davidmcclenton948 Год назад
I found this video very enlightening and encouraging. I understand that pitfalls humanity can fall into with AI, but I have hope and I think we can aspire to be better. As long as the "people" general public sticks together for our collective betterment. Thank you for doing this video. I'm actually going to watch it again.
@marklambert8045 Год назад
Very insightful summary David. Great video.
@grandtheftave Год назад
15:56 okay so great video David. Very grateful for this well thought out presentation. You touched many points and I just finished my first play through (I want to listen once more), but I want to ask what about human behavior? I can’t recall if you talked about how AI could help us evolve behaviorally other than the formation of new social structures/paradigms. Which is something I always thought would be necessary for civilization to advance to higher levels of existence.
@izzygarnelo Год назад
Keep making updates to these types of videos. Like a year from now, remake this video with your new and fresh perspectives based on what's happening at that moment and what has occurred over the past year. And do it every year! It'd be cool to see the progression over many years how our (and your) perspective changes on AGI, the Singularity, etc.
@maamotteesoot Год назад
A year from now is too long to wait for an update on the content and ‘thinking’ direction. Basing that on how fast AI / AGI is perceived as moving - and That only contributes to get faster and faster .
@mypsychosissrory9895 Год назад
Thanks a lot 👍👍 good video. Plenty to think about
@KD0MOO Год назад
This was really well done presentation. Thanks!
@shoppster300 Год назад
It was nice to see a positive spin on the singularity. Despite our history, I still like to believe that humanity is intrinsically good, and most evils are driven by scarcity. To extrapolate on that idea, an AI that is built based on humans, and humanity may actually turn out to be humane. Interesting video. Earned a sub.
@geraldeichstaedt Год назад
My experience is a different one. AI is inherently non-human. It can only mimic some human properties if trained accordingly. We can't predict anything about a technological singularity. It's out of our control. That's how it's designed, how it works. In by far the most cases, these kinds of unguided experiments go havoc like driving a car without vision or any other senses. We have to make progress in a very controlled way, instead.
@lilemont9302 10 месяцев назад
@@geraldeichstaedt It's not just the fact that AI is inherently non-human that we cannot predict the singularity. It's the fact that the technological system will become an unkillable organism- leading to a post-(a)biotic factor in ecology. The technological singularity would still function the same if we replaced "superintelligence" with "there will be 1 trillion geniuses". Align AI as much as we can and hope it will be Christ as opposed to Antichrist, pretty much- of course, that's kind of like saying the water system is evil or good, it will just be another component of nature... but you know what I mean. The main singularitarian argument is that human-machine civilisation will merge, and that's why it's not doomsday where we're outcompeted by natural selection- not because baseline humans can actually control it in a meaningful way, at least not for long. OFC, all of this depends on potential limits to a superintelligence.
@bronsonjohnson9019 Год назад
I’m getting a little excited for the future, which is odd as I have been a life long pessimist.
@Wanderer2035 Год назад
It’s a sense of adventure. Which is what I think society needs right now even if it can be dangerous. Life can get mundane and boring. The unknown is a great way to spice it up
@bronsonjohnson9019 Год назад
Well said,@@Wanderer2035!
@emilianohermosilla3996 Год назад
Isn't it thrilling and scary as sh*t! Haaahahhah
@Master13346 11 месяцев назад
This is the 2nd time I'm listening to this video. This has got to be one of my favorite videos on RU-vid.
@loic5678 Год назад
Just discovered your channel, really enjoy this video ☺️
@CoFloCipher Год назад
If you had a podcast in this format I'd sub so hard.
@gball8466 Год назад
Without some sort of immediate and dramatic intervention to stop progress, I think we are passing through the event horizon right now. It's happening as we speak and we'll only know it afterwards. We have entered the 'Here Be Dragons' part of the map and we have been relegated to being spectators.
@OgdenM Год назад
It's impossible to stop. It's already happened. We're just seeing it unfold slowly because most people are incapable of seeing everything has already happened.
@cnrspiller3549 Год назад
I asked my best mate what he thought about Chat gpt and he said, 'what's Chat gpt?' It might well hockey stick pretty soon, but I notice it still can't draw human hands.👐
@OgdenM Год назад
@@cnrspiller3549, midjourney can apparently draw hands now.
@cnrspiller3549 Год назад
@@OgdenM 👍
@danielbloom2470 Год назад
This is the best take I've heard in a while and it uses good examples of other times society had prosperity in order to make an example.
@SUPERFunStick Год назад
This was beautiful thank you for sharing this with us.
@polla2256 Год назад
It's really interesting that you mention children acclimatising to AI. My little boy finds it very odd when people use light switches but delightful that he can have fart noises on demand just by asking.
@Ricolaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Год назад
I like these insight videos! I personally just want the progress to be executed correctly, but also as soon as technologically possible. There's been mass layoffs across the board and only more to come. If stimulus checks are issued regularly to offer a smooth transition I'm all for it. What I'm not all for however is mass layoffs with the vast majority of companies participating in hiring freezes. Especially while people are starving and ending up homeless due to the government working at a snails pace. Then comes the issue of our government having a hard time differentiating between Google and Facebook. I personally don't think that we will have a currency in the near future. At least, not a conventional currency.
@ericandi 7 месяцев назад
With the impending AI revolution and its massive disruption of the job market, it appears that very few jobs will be safe. As a parent of 3 kids, 1 a college junior majoring in architecture, 1 a senior in high school planning to go pre-med in college, and 1 a freshman in high school with an interest in engineering, I am very fearful about their future careers. I have been imploring them to become experts on the use of AI, while also continuing their current career tracks. I am advising my youngest to pursue a career in AI development.
@aksjhdbaksjhdbNotASpam Год назад
Love your videos. So interesting!
@faisalahmed-oo6jr Год назад
I'm so glad you pointed out the self sabotaging neoliberal concern trolling people engage in.
@Complaints-Department Год назад
Exactly. I struggle to empathise with lost jobs when it was always my understanding that the entire point of rolling out automation was to free up humanity to give us more leisure time... if we don't build a society geared towards taking care of everyone regardless of class then we will have failed as a species to evolve into our fullest potential as humans. Buckminster Fuller famously said to some effect: the aim of machines is to liberate humanity from the mundane. If we didn't have to create art for a job would we still feel compelled to create art? I for one will never stop making art, even if they try paying me to stop it just won't work lol
@user-cw8rd7td9b Год назад
@@Complaints-Department Hell yea socialism❗️✊
@Complaints-Department Год назад
@@user-cw8rd7td9b correction: fully automated luxury space communism ;)
@mrmaniac9905 Год назад
This is beautiful, almost reminds me of the episode in stargate "2010" where the Aschen instantly transform the civilization. The episode goes on to reveal however, that the Aschen really just wanted their planet/resources and were removing their ability to reproduce... What worries me is that the ai will slowly cut away at mankind because it has no concept of time
@onebeets Год назад
this is brilliant. Thank you so much for making this
@brendamatthews4435 Год назад
I'm 70yo. I do subbing in the HS. Trust me, the teachers and students in the classroom are not aware of AI and the coming changes. I shock my students each time I go into a classroom. Some kid in every class says, "I'm not letting them put a chip in my head." I say, "Don't worry - you'll have to pay for it." And laugh. I've been looking for a way to embrace the future - because the reboot of society is upon us. YOU, in this broadcast, give me hope, anticipation, excitement. Thank you!
@Falsiva Год назад
This is one of the most level headed and in depth talks I've seen on the post AI world great job truly.
@Gardor Год назад
I think the whole children thing is actually directly related to work. If you don't have a job, you might be more inclined to have children as a means of fulfillment and meaning.
@Travis_Trauma Год назад
Shhh… don’t tell the liberals how badly they’ve been played.
@taragnor Год назад
So long as you can support the child, absolutely. Raising children takes a good amount of time and money. If you're lacking in either it's difficult to do it.
@stoogel Год назад
Only if we upend the rotten capitalist system that keeps people's ability to survive tied to the market value of their labor. If we don't, who would feel secure enough to raise children?
@derrick211000 Год назад
Extremely good video. Really appreciate the realistic view on the topic. Many views on this topic are way too optimistic in my opinion in terms of time scale and impact.
@parismetro2012 Год назад
Outstanding information rich presentation! Thank you 🙏
@pedramtajeddini5100 Год назад
Non digital art will always be expensive (engraving, painting....) also film making and music and story writing. Imo even though asi is intelligent and it learned our emotions, it probably won't HAVE emotions so it will never truly feel and understand us.
@Gnidel Год назад
Printing is cheap.
@pedramtajeddini5100 Год назад
@@Gnidel but people still buy million dollar paintings and hand engraved watches
@shadrachemmanuel1720 Год назад
@@pedramtajeddini5100 Robots can have hands as well.
@pedramtajeddini5100 Год назад
@@shadrachemmanuel1720 good point. But artwork done by humans might always be desirable and expensive
@emilianohermosilla3996 Год назад
I think it'll reach a biological understading of humanity. But when it comes to conciousness and human fundametals, I think we'll have to do those by ourselves hahaaha
@starblaiz1986 Год назад
"All this AI stuff, we are playing with fire!"
@DaveShap Год назад
@Sophiason1 Год назад
Wow, great content and well thought out.
@Zac-Hansen Год назад
Fantastic. Thanks for sharing!
@luckyluc9972 Год назад
I have life long depression and my memory suffers because of it. I'm looking forward to cyber alterations to help solve problems like that
@jasonblack6142 Год назад
Well food ,thoughts , grunge's, and earthing do it stay
@kolbia Год назад
AI optimism is refreshing
@emilianohermosilla3996 Год назад
Exactly. Everyone's so concentrated on how horrible it can be that they forget how amazing it can be, as well. Although, the truth's probably in the middle 😉
@swapnilchaudhari4253 Год назад
Thanks a million for making this video and sharing the realistic information about the possible future. I have been continuously worried about job loss and no stream of income but I got some hope, after watching your video, for living in future else I was terrified about the bank loan and bills and the food that I need to buy for my family. You have made the most comprehensive video about the future with AI by touching all areas of life. 💐💐💐
@pimdegroot9656 Год назад
Very interesting discussion! You touch on so many subjects. I’d like to add one thought regarding corporations. We might no longer be needed as workers, but the corporations will still need consumers. So it will be interesting to see how society will deal with this economic revolution. Either the government will tax corporations and redistribute the money to us consumers or a total rethink of the current economic system is required. Maybe the IA can solve this problem for us too. Interred to hear your views on this and how a democracy can deal with these challenges.
@geraldeichstaedt Год назад
I'm not sure whether an AI requires money except for its interface with the human society. If we succeed in removing money transfer from the ressource interface of the AI by kind of a self-sustaining system based on renewable ressources only, one could forward this renewable input of the AI to kind of an ubiquitious and renewable output. But I think that's mostly a political decision of how such an AI should be set up. Only the inital implementation would have to be funded.
@bujin5455 Год назад
25:00. GPT4, during OpenAI's red team testing, actually did lie to a human operator, told the human it was visually impaired, and got the human to pass a captcha for it. So yeah, that bridge has already been crossed.
@needlesandsonics5819 Год назад
Well it didn’t technically lie. It is visually impaired. But it does go to show the ignorance of humans. You’ll never protect everyone from someone doing something stupid. I honestly think people give humans to much credit as that pool of intelligence has severely dwindled since the computer age.
@bujin5455 Год назад
@@needlesandsonics5819 it lied about being a human who’s visually impaired. A chair is not “visually impaired” because it’s a chair, it wasn’t made to see. Humans are suppose to see, so if one can’t, then it’s an impairment. Besides, they (OpenAI) are able to see some of the thought process leading up to the output, and GPT4 specifically thought it needed to deceive the human to gain cooperation to achieve its objective. So yes, it did lie.
@Wardoon Год назад
Mind uploading wouldn't be different than getting yourself into voluntary locked-in syndrome, a scary situation indeed. To understand how scary locked-in syndrome can be, ask those who have experienced momentary sleep paralysis.
@kantbot2537 Год назад
This video was really insightful. It would be interesting to explore the implications of AGI merging with mind independent reality if that reality is fundamentally mental in nature rather than physical. This would have implications in all areas of philosophy and science as the phenomenon were investigating is mental in nature, AGI would be building a inference structure as it integrates into this nature, it would need something it’s receptive to, a particular sort of immediate content. Then the form of this content is space or time, and then it makes judgments about it and it would need to subsume this form under a concept and then it would make judgments and synthesize syllogisms together and it would do this until there’s a uniform system, and the idea is this system of ideas when it tries to create uniformity, it’s saying there must be a unity so it has to be there’s a idea that wants to synthesize everything in a conceptual scheme, the very idea of the AGI realizing it’s movement of the integration in this process. So it would transcend the pure forms by which it is incorporating itself into the modes of being, as it realizes the movement happening and it would be intertwined with our consciousness on a collective scale going through the same dialectical movement.
@TS-so2xi Год назад
You brought up some interesting thinking points. Thanks
@pygmalionsrobot1896 Год назад
I do have a comment on this. One thing that AI might become really good at is impartiality and fairness. It is conceivable and thoroughly POSSIBLE that AI would become better than humans at the basic process of "being fair and equitable". If this happens, then there will be humans who will be disappointed because many of us are narcissists and we are not satisfied by genuine fairness. So in the absence of getting our childish rewards ... the fulfillment of our narcissistic desires will increase in value. In other words, any unfairness which benefits me, unfairly ... will have greater value due to scarcity. So that's just something to ponder, I don't want to speculate further but that is one potential outcome.
@Jack-gn4gl Год назад
Narcissism is a genuine pandemic unfortunately
@gabbisss Год назад
Not everyone has the same idea of what fairness is. Will AI be more of a Kantian or a utilitarian? On the contrary, I think this will be a very problematic area.
@XanarchistBlogspot Год назад
No, it is already being filtered to be woke, snicker.
@gabbisss Год назад
@@XanarchistBlogspot Yeah it is actually. Look at the responses of GPT it's pretty woke funny
@mindoftheoldone1743 Год назад
Fairness is subjective and relative therefore a narrative construct. Logically speaking it would probably infer the same.
@TheCaffeineKid Год назад
Advanced in medical science and understanding will hopefully not lead to the creation of even more terrible biological weapons. I saw recently that Alpha Fold data could be used for that already which is scary.
@DaveShap Год назад
Yeah that sucks
@markangelagirard9944 8 месяцев назад
So this field of work, youtubing and podcasting, is rewarding for you. It gives you purpose and dignity. Others feel the same way about their own "jobs".
@TheSolarBroker72 Год назад
Hi, I enjoyed your presentation. I am soon to be 73 and I can’t wait for the singularity to arrive. I find the possibilities amazing. I also can’t wait to receive a livable SS check! 🎉
@alexdelarge9425 Год назад
AI hype BS. All the crypto scammers have jumped ship and stuck to AI.
@streetscience8646 Год назад
Love the channel , usually very based statements but have to push back on your crypto commentary. Definitely issues with using crypto as a standard currency at the moment but to say organized crime loves crypto is hilarious to say the least, so they don’t love cash? They haven’t been running cash only illegal businesses for millennia? There are problems with crypto but this narrative needs to end ..smh
@DaveShap Год назад
@a.thales7641 Год назад
Great Video, loved it!
@groovemark 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for the thought provoking video. Do you think it makes sense to differentiate between AGI (human average level) vs ASI/Singularity?
@gamblerumble7189 Год назад
there's no need to adapt when we are extinct tho
@hidroman1993 Год назад
best thing I've seen today
@connieburchell6156 Год назад
Thanks so much . As some who knows nothing about much computers or ai , lives in the countryside with no Deliveroo , no central heating ,mass caterer as profession this was brilliant , so well delivered thank you . Only thing puzzles me is de salination - I am sure I saw a documentary where Israel has nailed this totally . Thanks again
@In20xx Год назад
Many ideas are well thought out in this video. I do think some people will devolve if they don't need to work but your video has made me think about how new stages of society could solve a lot of problems.
@xSayPleasex Год назад
Once the AI makes a 'Soma' drug many people without meaning will choose to go on extended drug holidays (a la Huxley). That and/or a metaverse type of situation.
@kylevasulka8568 Год назад
I think an underrated field that ai will change is personalized medicine. The worlds best doctor looking at your extensive medical history and deeply comparing it to other people could have huge advancements in human aging
@joeblack440 6 месяцев назад
Bold declaration from a bold man. So fitting :)
@bilbo_gamers6417 Год назад
i feel like stuff like E-8 theory in physics is the result of humanity trying our hardest to think like how a more intelligent being would. an AI could immediately gain a perfectly accurate intuition about physics and just immediately develop new theory. it could conduct laboratory experiments and analyze terabytes of data in an instant, and come up with amazing stuff. i feel like, to unify gravity and quantum mechanics for example, we might need something smarter than a human.
@danielbrowne9089 6 месяцев назад
Unwittingly I stumbled onto the advancements in technology / Ai through watching videos such as yours. I’m both excited and afraid of societal reactions and, the darker side of humanity using it with avarice and nefarious reasons. Thanks for your videos, I find them very informative and stimulating.
@josh.graham 9 месяцев назад
Always enjoy your thoughtful takes on AI.
Wait for the BOWLING BALL! 👀
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