
Power And Its Clients 

Morgoth's Review
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16 июл 2024




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@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
Find all my content on Substack: morgoth.substack.com/
@LateralTwitlerLT Год назад
I'm sorry for not supporting you lately as much as I used to. Life hasn't been kind to me these last months, but I'll make an effort to "rectify" it soon.
@theendofeverything6356 Год назад
As I always say, the more unnatural the order, the greater the force required to impose and maintain it. In this way the state machine just keeps winning. Excellent video, Sir. An unexpected treat!
@thehypest6118 Год назад
I think this phenomenon will lead the machine to its own downfall, the sheer effort and mass of resources committed to maintaining such an unnatural power structure must be so vulnerable
@ramblingimbecile2295 Год назад
​@@thehypest6118yep. As it becomes ever more complex it will simply become too unwieldy to maintain. The best we can do as native Brits is to keep ourselves out of the firing line and to just continue to have as many kids as possible. The exact same process occured in the Soviet Union, it got to a point that the population were just utterly apathetic towards it and collapse was inevitable. You can't fight the machine but you can refuse to be ground up in it's gears
@Erectus666 Год назад
Im glad you always say that
@theendofeverything6356 Год назад
@@Erectus666 So is my Mrs. 👍
@ltjohn8980 Год назад
Was wondering… did you ever get your twitter account back?
@kinghenry100 Год назад
Oh what one would do for a leader who is not against his own people.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
The bittersweet thing is, if you're old enough, you recall when nations, their media outlets, their schools, and their leaders were more aligned with keeping a stable, pleasant society. And witnessing the present era, with that older era in mind, it's not a good thing.
@defenderofthenorth6312 Год назад
Marine le Pen has stood up in French parliament and pointed out that the 'client group' is out of control. They have now burnt down 1000's buildings and cars at a cost of a billion Euro. Macron was warned in an open letter from certain army officials in 2021 that this was an obvious outcome to prefering 'them' over the indigenous French. C'est la vie, non?
@awolgeordie9926 Год назад
I'm 50 soon. It's painful watching my homeland swirl the drain.
@thehound9638 Год назад
I haven't been up the north east for years. However it used to be quite nice to see a mostly homogenous city, when you're used to places like Birmingham or the black country, the north east was very English! What's it like up there now?
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Truly, I think those in their 20s/30s, or younger, have no clue what has happened. Their "reality" is this absurd inversion of how things used to be.
@neilsaunders6009 Год назад
@@seanoneil277 Greatly assisted by the "airbrushing" of "minorities" into period dramas.
@thelastofus2872 Год назад
@@seanoneil277 I'm in my 30s and I know full well what's happened. History isn't that hard to rewrite in such a short space of time. Its a disgrace and great betrayal
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@@thelastofus2872 Glad you have eyes open at your age, that's not easy in this pseudo-culture.
@lakeembryant4290 Год назад
isnt it soul crushing to have to be so careful of what you say ?
@rebecca.smith. Год назад
Not if you have a higher purpose and understand the long game. Darkness At Noon is a very good book for understanding such oppressive forces.
@MALICEM12 Год назад
I feel his pain, always have to wear the mask
@athejbaka7084 Год назад
Stop what you’re doing, Morgoth has uploaded
@Peak_Aussieman Год назад
I'll happily be a client, of Mr Morgoths power to keep me awake at night.
@peladomontiel1 Год назад
You are damn right
@brianbadonde8700 Год назад
I can't imagine living in an Islamic area would be safe for European women or teenage girls 🤐
@clickaccept Год назад
There is the story of the vampire. It thinks of itself in the abstract, outside the world (cannot see its own reflection). It rejuvinates itself by conversion, rather than regeneration (sucks blood). Its quite suitable to understand universities, each like a mini transilvania.
@The_Custos Год назад
Yes, added a bit in a comment above.
@clickaccept Год назад
@@The_Custos Your comment is below, by the way. And too generic, its inaccurate analogy on the whole.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Sincerely -- these high school "smart kid" esoterics are not where you should aim your intellect. Esoterics are not impressive. Esoterica is fraud. Get to that point and things become much clearer. Bram Stoker's Dracula is a fiction meant to say a few things about the human condition. Hollywood "vampires" are nonsense, no matter how many adults have glommed onto the vampires & werewolves fiction trends. There's more to see in Stoker's "Dracula" if you understand things as not a scary story about literal vampires, but a story about people's perversions taken to extreme, no matter their wealth power or privilege which appears to others in the society. You may even come to see that Stoker was a prophet talking about certain kinds of people in power today, 2023 AD.
@David-mx1os Год назад
Thanks Morgoth for putting out this video. It's short, clear, and normie friendly - let's hope it educates many people. By not naming the different elements in the power group, or commenting on their motives much, this video is also RU-vid friendly. Nicely done
@oimate9796 Год назад
I belive the Established Right and CIV nat Americans types like, Peterson, Crowder, Farage and Sargon do most of work force us in setting the rightward projectory of everyday apolitical normal people into our side of the narrative. I don't we have always be covert on who is guilty for the rotten worl we are all in.
@thelastofus2872 Год назад
Very accurate. The crown loves Pakistanis and any other foreigners and muslims.
@nihilistlivesmatter Год назад
& the irony is it's the middle classes that buy into the diversty scam so enthusiastically
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Middles have enough ducats and trinkets to feel comfortable, no economic/material stresses that they didn't make themselves, and so they are mostly consumers of middlebrow media with no reason to criticize what they're told. They got to their comfort level via compliance, and by golly they'll stay on that path! Their path is reinforced in talks with friends and co-workers, gonna get the new iFone next week, those ManU guys still suck, have you seen the new Tesla, wasn't Seinfeld funny last night. They are rewareded by their fellow middles for complying with the latest fads, like rats in a maze or dogs working with Dr Pavlov and hearing their dinner bell.
@user-hu3iy9gz5j Год назад
The group of people known as "polite society" represents no substantial threat towards power since much of the relevant politeness either serves as a function of power or otherwise runs consistent with it
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@@user-hu3iy9gz5j I'd try to say it briefly, like this: they're not a threat while they are conforming mindlessly. Numerically, things are otherwise. Hence the levels of misleading and misinforming, to keep the conformity moving and/or building. Their precipice is nearing, though. They are gambling on it taking longer. Are they correct? Is the precipice really decades away, leaving them time to build their nuke bunkers in NZ and little island countries?
@user-hu3iy9gz5j Год назад
@@seanoneil277 They are not a threat as long as systemic order prevails, because these people hold significant social and monetary stakes in upholding "trust in institutions". Many of these people's jobs (and hyperinflated wages) are directly dependant on the current paradigm and its continuation. This doesn't mean that middle-managers, bureaucrats and men of service are all uncritical zombies per se, but that if a scandal or catastrophic event took place they wouldn't see it as the result of a long process of incompetence, but as an unfortunate incident that kept things from proceeding as smoothly as yesterday. To them, it wouldn't be the consequences of our naive values and believes manifest in practice, but rather our inability to "live up to" these abstract ideals. Almost certainly, they would blame the people directly involved and go no further than that
@bri_____ Год назад
When you mentioned the Ukrainians in this power context, it reminded of the Ukrainian farmers who were exiled during Dekulakization.
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
The Kulaks are a prime example of a rival ''castle'' or power centre.
@ethanmac639 Год назад
or the Chinese "landlords"
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Bolshies, the classic human case of the fragile insecure ego which seeks to punish imagined enemies by gaining tremendous power and then wielding it to destroy the imagined enemies. All while hailing selves as noble humane egalitarians. No finer example of human evil exists. The deceiving leftist, parading as humanity's wise saviour.
@balham456 Год назад
The Ukrainian farmers weren’t exiled: they were exterminated.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@@balham456 An ugly truth that many would do well to acknowledge, but there's a strong current of Marx religion followers who can't abide the truth, their ideals blind them to it. As with all such cultists idolizing a fraud.
@joelpacheco7360 Год назад
Good to hear your Northumbrian voice again, Morgoth.
@hunkyhaggis2161 Год назад
Another dose of sanity, thanks Morgoth on behalf of all those guilty of wrong-think.
We are partly here to study and learn. When we study we honour both the design of the human mind and Western Civilisation.
@harrytd Год назад
You did not just a good job but an excellent one, as usual. 👍
@BusterFriendly123 Год назад
Just got fired from another job
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
Sorry to heat that mate, good luck going forward.
@christinarichie6171 Год назад
Get another skill go out on your own. No one in their right mind would work for corrupt companies nowadays. Snitches everywhere..
@stampatron Год назад
Power always wants more of itself, and will go to any means necessary to achieve its goal. Only Will, which is divinely more potent than Power, can defeat it. (Thinking about Power like a 'Tulpa' or 'thought-form' can be helpful; "it" doesnt want to die, so "it" enslaves more souls to meet its own ends)
@shrunkensimon Год назад
You are describing the Vatican. There is more than gold and art bound to its walls. Institutions can become semi-autonomous entities. It gets even worse when its membership, such as the men in black robes, deliberately dabble in binding spirits and practicing black magic. It gets far worse when you can project such invisible forces into every living room on the planet through the TV.
@ethanmac639 Год назад
the ONLY language evil and tyrants understand is FORCE! and the ONLY FORCE strong and effective enough is UNITED EN MASSE FULLY ORGANIZED AND DEDICATED FORCE UNTIL 100% FULL COMPLETE SUCCESS OR BUST, ALL OR NOTHING, ALL IN! or it is POINTLESS!!!
@seanoneil277 Год назад
That's a bit too intangible. Power is actually a conglomeration of human coordination, in command and in obedience. It does not exist without the humans behind it. So "power" is not a thing that acts on its own independent of humans. Morgoth speaks of it metaphorically and if you understand that then all's good. But there isn't a mystical force called "power" that oozes throughout our world, waiting to be captured and commanded for purpose. Power is created by human coercion. It is entirely a human thing. The insects and animals do not care one whit about this thing humans discuss called "power" and no animal behavior reveals "power" in the same ways human "power" displays itself.
@shrunkensimon Год назад
@@seanoneil277 You're overlooking a big piece of the puzzle if you think there is only organic matter in the equation, or that power is just an abstraction. An individual can generate real power, to the point he may generate a tulpa as the OP mentioned and even to the point others may witness it. It can be used to heal, it can be used to project thought, and even project entire states of mind i.e. hypnosis without words. There is an entire realm of activity, of forces and entities, that is unknown to science. These things play a tremendous role in our individual lives and collectively. Just because we've democratically decided these things don't exist doesn't mean they do not.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@@shrunkensimon Your "esoterica" derives from video games in which things like "essence" or "manna" exist in the world to be tapped if only you take the proper path of mage, wizard, etc. Stop playing to junior high school mentalities, won't you please? There's nothing I've missed, junior padawan. You're assuming a youth and naivete I passed by decades ago. Decades. At least four of them, depending on the aspect of "reality" you suggest I've not got a handle on quite yet. Please stop mind-reading, little one. It's both false to me and the readers, and false to yourself. And tell me what I'm missing, rather than simply suggesting the lack. That approach is deceitful and dishonest, and suggests you are a leftist playing at else/other. Tell me, little one. Who is your rebbe and which schul did you attend.
@user-hu3iy9gz5j Год назад
As you touched upon the subject here, it's interesting how "Power" uses linguistic frameworks about appearances/interpretations/symbols/experiences/emotions to "invalidate" popular backlash. To remove focus from the source of any outrage, into the outraged public themselves, as if they were the issue at odds. For instance, to in the aftermath of a terror attack redirect the discussion from how to spare lives by preventing future attacks, to how it "changed social attitudes" or how "our society deals with this national trauma" Sinister as it is, it's a really effective tactic for deception and control
@seanoneil277 Год назад
What did you just say? Ironically your paragraph exemplifies what it tries to criticize. "Power" did not do anything. PEOPLE changed modes of instruction (new definitions for same-old problems; new fake solutions for the same things). PEOPLE changed definitions of things. PEOPLE suggested "news" story content to be published. PEOPLE made official government pronouncements. PEOPLE have done these things. By focusing on "power" and saying that "power" does things? Well you just mis-directed everyone's focus with that notion. Bolshie boy baiting.
@user-hu3iy9gz5j Год назад
@@seanoneil277 Just applying Morgoth's lingo. But you're right, it's about people, and soft power exists only as an indirect influence. I recall the ambiguity when I chose "Power". Yet I do not agree that my paragraph exemplifies what it criticizes since it doesn't critique general misuses of language, but instead, the moving of goalposts by distorting an event into its mere "socio-political" consequences. I did not move any goal post, nor distort an event by using that particular term although other, more precise terms, could have been used. Besides, Media/Politicians/Statesmen/Academics do for all intents and purposes represent Power and embody its will
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@@user-hu3iy9gz5j I was, to an extent, having a bit of fun. What I meant was really this: When reading philosophic works, people get pulled into the wordy, complex lingo of a philosopher's particular POV, and it rubs off on them to an extent their own POV gets wordy and obtuse. As if wordy obtuseness is the biggest thing drawn from that philosopher. Intellect isn't gauged by compounding the number of words & syllables used to convey an idea. It's the opposite. Say it simply in small simple words & that's smarter than a cloud of polysyllabic pompous big and rare words, or exclusive unique terms.
@user-hu3iy9gz5j Год назад
​@@seanoneil277 Of course
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@Chris-zd7gw I had a decent college education in the early 80s and had a good philosophy professor. He introduced us to the topic by suggesting we look at everything like a 4 yr old child, always asking "Why?", and "like a 4 yr old child" means you ask "why?" without trying to confirm an existing bias or perspective, but out of naive curiosity. He also noted that philosophers try to generate their own "internal world" system including language and terms, while they're still talking about the very same subjects. In other words, we're still talking about basic things, and the internal lingo sometimes is more complex than the thing being discussed. When the philosopher's internal lingo contains ideas or terms that resonate for many intelligent and wise people, sometimes those ideas/terms become fairly universal, a linguistic short-cut to convey an idea. While I'm no fan of Allan Bloom, his "Closing of the American Mind" referenced the importance of those linguistic short-cuts created when a thinker or philosopher comes up with a phrase to describe an idea succinctly. That should not be mistaken for getting lost in the cloud of a philosopher's internal lingo, however.
@anthonybutt2453 Год назад
Very well articulated. This is a vital topic which must be continued to hammer home. 👍❤️
@novitrix9671 Год назад
Really appreciate that bonus point at the end basically of 'Power creating instances, especially those which would never have occurred without its influence. Wherein it can be in demand to supply itself greater authority. '. Or at least that's how my mind framed your words.
@yargum69 Год назад
Great analysis, Morgoth! I find the idea of "power client groups" to be an interesting one, and maybe even explanatory to those who are close to fully grasping the big picture of these issues, but who are not quite there yet. Thank you for the upload
@seanoneil277 Год назад
It's a good sign when, in your own investigations/learning, you see that some "victim" groups are puppets for some Gepetto forces who wish to employ the "victims" in society. Usually in a de-stabilizing way, to make the society unwell, full of friction and division. It's not always a one-step thing, either. For example, you can see in the "groomers" a difference in how "justice" is applied. Why is it appiled disproportionately? Now you see two levels of manipulation -- the victims actually, and the new "victims" who actually are the perpetrators! And you're asked to "virtue signal" because the criminals are... minority immigrants whom we should welcome! To understand these things, Hollywood allowed David Mamet to make several movies about con artistry. I don't think they're actually a tutorial, though. More a "rub it in your face" thing, because people still are slow to catch on.
@scootertart Год назад
Great vid good sir, I've kind of been calling these 'power groups' useful idiots in the past but realise now, they are very aware of the sway and influence they have.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
The past 3 yrs in the USA have seen a big shift from useful idiot/fringe loonie status to big wheeler-dealer, internet-and-politics "influencer" status granted to varying subsets of the Marx religion. Several months before the 2020 election, Time magazine ran a long article explaining how everyone, including all the big corporations traditionally GOP-backing, and even the US Chamber of Commerce (which almost always has been a GOP stalwart) were combined to "be rid of Trump" and usher in Biden. The article gloated about the transformation of society into this crazy new "Diversity-Inclusion-Equity" reality-inversion, and how all the big donors and big businesses and big media outlets and post-HS education folks all wanted this to happen, so everyone had better just accept the new D-I-E mentality. Anyone living in the USA, or outside but paying attention to US fedgov press conferences, can see that under Biden's tenure, the White House press office is condescending, know-it-all, narcissistic, and most of all NEVER wrong. They've had a series of two young women who offered this condescending attitude in two distinctly different ethnic and racial varieities, to further drive home the D-I-E nonsense. Idiocracy wasn't a satire, it was a prescient look into the future.
@thehound9638 Год назад
Always great to hear from Morgoth!
@MtKybalion Год назад
You're very appreciated.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Indeed. Morgoth's a rare one.
@abcdeabcde4877 Год назад
I'm not seeing this theoretical high-low vs middle struggle at all, anywhere. All the middle classers I've ever known were enthusiastically for the international power, not against it. All I see is high-middle vs low, with a new and "improved" lower class being shipped in to replace the old one. The middle- all the overpaid managers, petty entrepreneurs, spiteful bureaucrats, NGO scum, corporate drones, HR pigs, IT leeches- they're cheering for what's being done to our countries. They're laughing all the way to their safe and chic gated communities while the bulk of ordinary people, the lower class, are trapped in their shitty increasingly unliveable neighbourhoods being terrorized by the usual suspects.
@seanoneil277 10 месяцев назад
If you're inclined to stratify society, whether by your paradigms taught in K-12 or by the fables and "common folk knowledge" prevalent in your local society/region/country, you might be later finding you are arguing semantics rather than actuality. It doesn't matter what segment of society has the proper stratified layer name, or whether everyone agrees on those names. It's a lot like how people try to insist on "generations" like "X" or "Boomer" when those labels are pointless division. If you want to describe the frictions in your society, name people's behavior and motive. Not the label, disparaging or otherwise, by which they're known in your view.
@rebecca.smith. Год назад
Midwits drive me the most crazy - their pretence to objectivity and blind spots of their own 'unknown unknowns' are incredible. Like some Indian Guru said - stop pretending you know everything, why are you so afraid of saying 'I don't know'. But we are too afraid of those three words. Morgoth, do you like the phrase Paper English to describe the 'Nu-Englanders'? I heard it on AA's stream and thought it was an interesting Frame. I prefer Abandoners, but I don't think it's very catchy.
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
Yes I do like that phrase and I think it can be further fleshed out in relation to ''Us and Them'' wherein the Them are distinguished by being the result of policy and the ''Us'' are not.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
I'm 62 yo now and over my lifetime I've observed this notion in practice -- The more intelligent someone is, the more they readily admit they only know certain things, and only certain aspects about those certain things -- because the great world of knowledge & ideas is huge, and most of us get a paltry diet from kindergarten through high school thanks to inferior schooling. (Memorization, not critical analysis, being the primary reason.) Eager to learn, but having less complex minds, average IQ people discover a new POV and think they've struck upon a new world and everything else is shyte now. They are "joiners" at heart, not terribly self-secure or independent. So they "join" the new POV just discovered. More intelligent folks see the new POV and think, maybe, "might add that to my collection of POVs one can look through." The short version of this little tale is, simply: you don't know what you don't know. That's the root of a great mind and healthy intellect.
@MALICEM12 Год назад
Indeed, I'm starting to get more annoyed with the brain let normies and do nothing centrists than I am my overt enemies. It is all too easy to point at the mongol and say, "look! There is the enemy! Clear as day, and he wants to destroy us!" It's another to try pointing out the subversive qualities of the mere fool who "didn't mean any harm".
@hltco920 Год назад
Good to see you going mainstream. PJW has quoted you in several videos now.
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
Quoted me? wow
@hltco920 Год назад
​​@@MorgothsReview1 very spicy tweet in one vid and your analysis of the Indiana Jones film. Overton window is shifting 👌🏻
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
@@hltco920 Oh cheers I'll check out the Indiana Jones one
@rebecca.smith. Год назад
@@MorgothsReview1 Pls don't sellout and turn up at Awards Shows and buy 14 Porsches when you do make it big.
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
@@rebecca.smith. Oh, I'll always be an anti-social curmudgeon don't worry.
@1337GigaChad Год назад
Love me a Morgoth in the morning
@zachlong5427 Год назад
Thank you Morgoth. I admit, I was confused and had BOTH left- and right- style views of power in my mind (the 'majority oppresses minorities' AND 'minorities oppress majority')! Mainly my confusion stemmed from me not quite understanding the middle layer of a given structure, be it the aristocrats of old or the middle class of today. De Junvenal makes sense here. As historical examples, certainly Louis 14th came to mind, where he neutered the traditional aristocracy and gave the important bureaucratic jobs to the lowborn; and, I think, the Mamluks are a good example, where they were slave soldiers who owed their lives and service to their masters who raised them. BUT I think you left out an important detail--the outsiders-made-clients have a nasty habit of grabbing too much power, and then overtake the sovereign in a moment of weakness! I can see how this leads to constant political turmoil and factionalism (like in Mamluk Egypt), as everyone is grabbing power, rather than everyone staying in their place like in traditional Medieval societies.
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
That, essentially, is why they may well be putting woke away but I wanted to make this a concise video on one point.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Don't try to make it something esoteric. Remember the first time in your youth where you saw people gang up on someone else? And it baffled you on which side to take? There's the human operation of "power," right there. It just gets more sophisticated (or not) and more complex (or not) as you age. And you come to see that some humans are very greedy about power, and you might see that people with fragile egos most desperately want "power." Very rarely will you find a fulfilled and happy person seeking "power." If ever.
@zachlong5427 Год назад
@@MorgothsReview1 Oh yes, thank you. Like with other people in recent years, you gave me words to something I had no words for. :)
@hayleylongster4698 Год назад
@@seanoneil277 And that's why narcissists and psychopaths automatically seek power in any given situation. They are empty hollow vessels.
@ErnaldtheSaxon Год назад
But when did the establishment regard the indigenous a potential threat to their power? Did the transformation of the west begin in the 90s to present day? or as some of us say, immediately after WW2.
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
It's more that that was when they changed their client groups, this is what New Labour was doing when they betrayed their working-class base.
@miotyuori7331 Год назад
@@MorgothsReview1 I can never get over how the Fabian Society has a wolf clothed with a lams skin as their coat of arms. Is it really an betrayal when they were never loyal?
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
@@miotyuori7331 No, probably not but it's a can of worms to open.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
"The transformation of the west" is too large a subject. What change. In what area. That's where you need to address the questions. The bigger a time-block you examine, the easier it is to see large-scale strategy points fall into place (or not). The shorter a time-block the more your lizard-brain wants a "RIGHT NOW!" bit of data to show a strategy in play. One way a nation will undermine or dis-respect its citizens is to treat them as subjects, rather than the true source of the nation's identity cohesion and productivity. A nation can mis-educate its populace, treating them as morons to be conformed. A nation's "news" media can do the same. A nation's official govt can mislead the populace with false narratives or bogus "spin" on irrefutable facts. All these problems have been suffered by people and societies over history. When enough populate the social landscape at a given era, governments become houses of cards waiting to be struck by a wind, only to be re-formed.
@theylivewesleep.5139 Год назад
God be with you. Thanks for the video.
@1lonecanadian Год назад
We all know and feel what you are saying, but to say it aloud is to step into dragons den. At first, you’ll have to fight your way through the NPC zombies, and if they don’t bring you down at first, you’ll only end up fighting your way through to realize that the dragon was apparently on your team to begin with just as he sets you alight to finish the job. The horde are the vehicle in which the NPC zombies transport their narcissistic compassion to the dragon’s front lines; and the front lines drawn through every cul-de-sac, collage, church, council, corporation, and court are the places you are standing right now. None of this is on accident, for if the elites wished to wage a war 10,000 miles way using the native population as its soldiers, they could just as easily stop an invasion of the native population by the horde; and yet one is readily possible and seemingly, the other is not.
@LateralTwitlerLT Год назад
Good video. The political power dynamics of the rulers and their pet classes are always important and useful to make analyses about. Especially now, when those dynamics are as opaque and confusing as ever before.
@user-qf6yt3id3w Год назад
Steven "Radical Liberation" Carson pointed out that client groups of the regime do not in general tend to prosper in the long run. So black people ended up with destroyed family structures and women went from being favoured by the regime to having the regime decide they don't exist anymore.
@dagon99 Год назад
"We want to be seen" "No"
@christinarichie6171 Год назад
Of course they suffer. They're whole communities and heritage whatever they remembered gone. The men incarcerated or on drugs..for the prison industrial complex. They also use the slaves.. I don't know why Morgoth can't see this.. and whatever perceived power they think they have it's fleeting.
@christinarichie6171 Год назад
@keemstarkreamstar7069 10 месяцев назад
@@christinarichie6171Mate their average IQ is about a standard deviation below that of white people. They aren’t misunderstood, and while the regime exacerbates problems, they’d end up in prisons disproportionately anyways because they’re on average WAY more violent. This beats every variable. Poor East Asians and Hindus are far less violent, and the Africans in Britain are the cream of the crop brain drain ones. Think about what happens when the not-so-smart ones try to join the migrant waves. The regime has no long term plan because the people at the top genuinely think we’re all the same on the inside, when we’re fundamentally not on average. They’ll destroy themselves trying to “fix” society on the waning fumes of the logical endpoints of blank slate egalitarianism.
@EnglishUpstart Год назад
Fantastic video as always, Morgoth. Forever a delight to hear a fellow northerner talking so eloquently about important subjects such as these.
@hrtdinasaurette3020 9 месяцев назад
Sorry to be so late in joining. Excellent, very clearly and concisely explained. Thank you.
@theAEDan Год назад
Blue pills really do make me give Gnosticism some thought. There doesn’t genuinely seem to be a class of people who will never question anything, then there are those who never stop questioning. Could that be the difference between the souled and the soulless? Adam and Eve left the garden and mixed with the other people, could it be that the creation of Adam and Eve specifically means their souls…. That the rest of mankind, the soulless unable to think for themselves, were created alongside the animals?
@thehypest6118 Год назад
It's nice to see you post Morgoth, I only recently discovered this channel and it's been an oasis for me but it seemed as if it might have died and I had only stumbled across an archive
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
I'm very active on Substack
@bigsmellysockhead Год назад
That meme "look that migrant's taking all your cookies" sums up that cringe interpretation.
@hanson666999 Год назад
For the algorithm
@ernstrobertalmgren9057 Год назад
Very well explained and interesting as always!
@Daimo83 Год назад
Key takeaway: "power is using minority groups against the majority in order to safeguard its own power"
@bellamoon2760 Год назад
Absolutely. I always imagined it is a vice squeezing the middle.
@0liver0verson9 Год назад
Wow. That was a great explanation and yes it makes sense.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Great one, Morgoth. So many good ideas, I jumped into the comments before leaving this one. I like the idea of expanding on this Power theme. As I commented below, it's good to distill what operates as "Power" even when talking about how the construct moves about (or as I'd suggest, how it's differently shown in all its forms) in a society. I fear some people take your metaphors literally and in the process misunderstand things. You're quite good at keeping things understandable and relatable, and a discussion of how Power is run through human vectors, and thus is a human construct (vs an ethereal resource waiting to be tapped), would be helpful I think, based on some of the comments below. I'm not a fan of the guy, but Robt Greene's "The 48 Laws of Power" is an interesting read with human social examples of how people have sought, obtained, been denied power. Greene's just the editor. His other work has a bad narcissism aroma, which makes me think less of the 48 Laws of Power work -- nothing is bad, just get in there and work the system. Too neutral in ethics, morality, and questions of value. Always appreciate your grounded sense of things.
@LouisFriend-tk8gl Год назад
Absolutely marvellous video.👍
@derekk2708 Год назад
thanks for your ideas M.
@gurugeorge Год назад
Great stuff as always Morgoth. You might be interested in another thinker of a similar (maybe a bit later) vintage. Anthony de Jasay. He was often categorized in the libertarian camp, however he wrote a book called _The State,_ which analyzes what incentives face the State as such, which is quite interesting, in that it shows how the classical liberal nightwatchman state develops into the kind of comprehensive tyranny we're getting into now, just from the internal logic of the State's own interests, qua monopoly of force over a geographical region. Which is doubly interesting, in that "monopoly of force over a geographical region" and "nightwatchman state" (and related concepts, e.g. social contract) are themselves heavy abstractions quite divorced from the richness of how actual States developed before liberalism historically - IOW perhaps the logical development de Jasay traces comes from the abstract impoverishment of the classical liberal view of what the State is. If you narrow the State down to the nightwatchman state, that's exactly what makes the State eventually become an overweening tyranny - this as opposed to viewing the State as more like a shepherd of its flock, so to speak, and intimately bound up with its folk in lots of different ways, which was the older view. Another way of putting it would be that the nightwatchman state went hand in glove with the atomistic, free radical individualistic view of classical liberalism, but ironically it had within it the potential to turn into tyranny because in reducing man to a rational billiard ball, the whole panoply and richness of what the State meant before is lost, but within the lost material, with its interlocking "checks and balances" down to the local level (not just in formal terms of the State's functional design at a high level), were precisely those elements of society that might have mitigated against the State eventually turning into a tyranny. Burke kind of glimpsed this with his idea of the little platoons or whatever the phrase is - all those pre-existing, traditional, spontaneously-grown bonds of local life were not something separate from the State before the liberal conception took hold. But most of the liberal thinkers weren't aware of all that, and didn't see any need to include it in their barebones, rationalistic analysis, in terms of which all that rational billiard balls _need_ is the nightwatchman state.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
That libertarian analysis is smooth pitching, but it grossly ignores human varieties of temperament, and silently gives assent to the most nefariously greedy and power-mad people to run roughshod over those who'd rather be left alone -- the ones big L pitches to. The "leave me alones" are the real target audience. Led down a primrose path, sadly. Big L is best seen as a filter. Not as a valid end. Much like big A literal anarchism (vs what the media and pop culture say is it), use it as a filter to balance when govt is unwieldy, inefficient, corrupt, bloated, useless, counter-productive, thieving, socially destructive, narcissistic.... The fact that an era's govt is any of those things does not automatically suggest the answer is no govt (big A fantasy) or limited "free market" system-aproving govt (big L fantasy). No more than broken finance-capitalism suggests Karl Marx's form of communism is the right answer. There are too many in-betweens. Best to always be critical, rather than see one potential saviour and throw all your weight behing it and its primrose path.
@gurugeorge Год назад
@@seanoneil277 I agree with much of what you said there, but I don't know how it's relevant to what I said. De Jasay's point was that classical liberalism/liberatarianism's dream of a minimal state is internally unstable and will tend to tyranny for reasons of internal dialectical development, nevermind external factors like political agitation, etc.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@@gurugeorge My comment was prompted by the aim toward big L and you shouldn't read it as precisely vs de Jasay's take. I was speaking to the larger philosophy under the big L heading, as typically seen in 21st C communication, especially internet-bound stuff. Consider my remark more stream of consciousness, than anything particular about de Jasay. I think big L is a good waypoint in understanding human social systems aimed toward governmental ends. Honestly I think everyone should spend some time intellectually inhabiting major identified perspectives, just to get a sense of what they purport to be about, versus how their fans play the game. I've done that throughout my adult life, as a curious person. In my 30s experimented with a more socialist perspective and worked in a govt planning job. That pretty quickly disabused me of leftist philosophy and practice. In under 2 years, I would say. Minarchism is something that I think more people should examine, it's more a synthesis of the ideals of the American Republic, with anarchist checks against govt expansion, and libertarian sensibility on civil rights and market interference. But I think it better to jettison labels and just look at what the hell works, versus what doesn't. What we have right now seems the latter, almost everywhere in the supposed "first world." I think I've said it before in a comments thread after a Morgoth video, but it really does pay some historical dividends to look at the United States history between 1776 and 1789. Looking back at it all it seems many of the problems we confront today were under-valued or under-appreciated at that time, probably thanks to microchips, the internet, and social media being developed much much later than 1789. But global machinations were afoot in the late 1700s and the colonists knew all too well what it felt like to be at the poor end of the bargain in colonization. Perhaps the most enduring thing learned as a tidbit (what kids today call "memes", same damned thing) in elementary school for me was "No Taxation Without Representation!" and what that meant in a power disparity. I've never forgot that in all the intervening years.
@gurugeorge Год назад
@@seanoneil277 I would say that, at best, classical liberalism/libertarianism, and the orthodox microeconomics on which they're based, are valuable (and correct) only as thought experiments which highlight certain features of human interaction. I always think of it like, you know, with physics, you will isolate and abstract certain elements of a situation to get at some underlying logic: like when you think of an inclined plane as being frictionless, to isolate the effect of gravity. Libertarianism would be fine in a polity of self-aware White people (European and European-derived peoples) trained in the classical ways of thought (as the initial pioneers of liberalism were). The internal logical problem de Jasay canvasses would still be be in effect, but it's conceivable that that dialectical unfolding could be nipped in the bud by a kind of eternal liberal vigilance. The problem is really that the classical liberals' analysis was acute in some respects, but took for granted the _preconditions_ of having a liberal polity: racial unity and power, etc. - mainly because those preconditions were such a common background they didn't notice their importance (apart from maybe Burke and to some extent the Scottish Enlightenment people). Like the trope of the fish not noticing the water they swim in (which is silly, but one gets the point).
@orsoncart802 Год назад
Dear Morgoth, you said that you hoped that you did a good job with this video. Well, you did a GREAT job! Another brilliant piece! Thank you! 👍👍👍 Incredibly insightful analysis. I’m sure this is absolutely correct - it just snaps* into place once it’s pointed out. This view of the power structure is latent in the seeming contradictions that abound in its expression, contradictions that we are all aware of at some level but which unfortunately remain as just an amorphous mess on the fringe of one’s consciousness-at least the fringe of my conscious thought-and previously ‘resolved’ (i.e. not resolved) only by regarding those in power as being amoral parasites going with the flow of whatever serves their immediate interests. I’m sure they are exactly that, but I’m also sure that even many of the high-ups are not fully aware of the part they play in the grand scheme of things, that they themselves are merely grubbing pawns in what seems to be an emergent phenomenon, possibly [probably?] one that’s almost guaranteed to be inevitable in any societal ‘ecology’. Is it inevitable? I wonder. It certainly has the flavour of an ‘attractor’ in the space of evolutionary struggle, so to speak. * I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but it reminds me of the flash of joy one gets at the moment of apprehension of the central idea in the proof of a difficult theorem. BINGO! GOT IT!😁 Thanks again. I’m enriched, truly. 😁👍👍👍
@paulbrown1022 Год назад
Hmm, a good one Morgoth, set me thinking about how the ‘natives’ would be hard pushed to respond in some parts of this Sceptered Isle? As a whole, we are still the majority, but in many areas now are most definitely not. Plus, a fair part of that majority seem ok with this crap. It seems to me that, short of absolute carnage, we are done for. Divide and conquer eh?
@BCarli1395 11 месяцев назад
Thank you.
@1lonecanadian 8 месяцев назад
Seems Evola might have been a big fan of Dracula. The monologue of Dracula could have been pulled directly from the pages of Revolt Against the Modern World had it not preceeded it.
@TyghtAlso 11 месяцев назад
It was always king and people vs nobles and merchants. This is one of the many things Marx failed to understand.
@seanoneil277 10 месяцев назад
Marx understood nothing of moment, his "genius" is the product of a cult of personality, manufactured by merchants. And rabbis. Not coincidentally, big beard Karl came from a family of merchants and rabbis. Just a big smokescreen for the self-styled social rebel outcasts to glom onto and treat with comical gravity.
@dagon99 Год назад
Thanks again, Morgoth
@oojimbo3964 Год назад
Great vid 👍
@ErnaldtheSaxon Год назад
Diviide and conquer
@marktregear5776 Год назад
@clemfandango619 Год назад
The solution will not be political. Power doesn't fear the middle. They need to be made to.
@clickaccept Год назад
You're really looking forward to power that fears? The solution is not political as you say, so why have you made a political message?
@Ryan-xo6tj Год назад
This is your best kind of Vid! Thanks mate
@harbl99 Год назад
Ukrainean women refusing to live in Islamic neighborhoods. Gee, I wonder why that might be. (goes back to reading history of the Crimean Khanate)
@MistabishiTV Год назад
Love a good Morg off.
@gelmibson883 Год назад
@JosephStealin Год назад
4:49 Ukrainian women would be safer sitting in a trench in the Donbas than they are in Leicester 😂
@zapre2284 Год назад
New Morgoth just dropped on RU-vid ....I'm a happy man !
@The_Custos Год назад
Strahd, and other such vampire lords, must have dungeon levels filled with ghouls (guess who those that want meat are?), skeletons to hold corridors and rooms (ah, you get it), and shrieking ghosts in ivory towers (too obvious) to lord over and feed upon the normal people of the *land* that aren't their servants, but are their food and victims. And every vampire lord needs to bring in, or create, new monsters, just to maintain the status quo. Consider the new monsters that are favoured, over even the old monsters already used for... changing the dungeon layout.
@MrTrenttness Год назад
@robertstewart6956 Год назад
@gregorystafford1562 Год назад
The movie 'Kes' in 1969 highlighted for me in exemption from these 'Tax' avoiding Futurist Citizens of 'Oligarch' Worship enablement, that being 'Thick' (slow on the thinking uptake?) was once an 'Innocent' thing in Heavy Industry areas, but as soon as 'E.Culture' started to 'replace' this 'Cloud' of Foundation for the Cozy/coziest the Tide of Social understanding then Swapped into it's 'Facial-re-cogged' Sympathy belongs at Home....for only those given Zero-'Credit' Historically (Media being the purveyor of all this , outside of a lecture-Hall)? The Lib Festival / Theatre 'Cultural' set are as Distant from 'Industrial' West as can possibly be into the 21st Century & now are out & out givers of the 'Keys' to the doors of 'cozy' friendship to those they can 'Shine' back 'Vanity' wise through. I hasten to add I have zero personal connection to anyone I am having a 'Dig' at, but am I hope fair in saying the ballot-Box is the only Separation of a Dictators Lounge-Zone of Bordered Comfort from the Oligarch & His/Her matching Lounge of Message receiving Citizens. Billy Casper Aint 'University' Suited & Booted 'Boss-Worshipper' but the Dusty (low Infrastructure & Consumerism History )countries as Providers? The Caribbean 'Stereotypically provided all of the exiles who 'back in the Day' Protested any 'Gaffer'/ 'Thatcherist' Inspiring them to pullout a finger & be Motivated because they lost a Paradise in exchange for Billy Casperville? Motivation is the WORD going into Robots are True Love for Planet earth? A Planet 'Built' by Uncaring 'Idiots' & saved by the 'Abused' Highly Educated Neo-Studious E.Kids.
@martinpospisil3747 Год назад
Morgoth what do you think will happen once this power structure inevitably collapse?
@jingham9990 Год назад
@amberswafford9305 Год назад
I was the 666th person to hit the like button according to what it read on my end. I don’t like that at all. But somebody has to be #666. This was another banger of a video though. Thank you Morgoth for being one of the 2 best creators on this censorious platform. Your time & effort spent making these videos is much appreciated by myself along w many others.
@universalflamethrower6342 Год назад
Al thralls in thrall of Morgoth, Angband is real
@golagiswatchingyou2966 Год назад
How long can the current elites keep this show going? 5-10 more years?
@evolassunglasses4673 Год назад
Brilliant analysis.
@AMeanDude Год назад
Hey Morgoth, just had a question: How did you go about reading Spengler's Decline of The West? I just made it to page 90 and it feels like I am getting bombarded with terms, with not many concrete examples being given as of yet. There is so little structure in the book, it just reads like an incoherent thoughtstream. Does it get any better? Thanks.
@jedikye 9 месяцев назад
Which sections and chapters of On Power were client groups and the use immigration by elites discussed in? I believe Rome did a similar thing as well no?
@thomasmooney5653 Год назад
How do Baquisdani's in Telford function as client's for the power structure? Asking from outside Britian. I always understood them to be a net drain; what service do they provide?
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
That's what is explained in the video.
@thomasmooney5653 Год назад
@@MorgothsReview1 Ok, 12:32 is what you are referring to. What I'm driving at is, had there been no mass immigration was there really a perceived threat to the wealth&power class from working and middle classes? Did they expect to be displaced by families in Rotherham/Telford?
@clickaccept Год назад
@@thomasmooney5653 None of this makes sense unless you understand power structure in contemporary west is about management of decline. Slicing cake.
@seanoneil277 10 месяцев назад
@@clickaccept There's also a very strong current of megalomania among those pulling Gepetto strings these days. They think themselves the elect, the special, the exceptional. But they have done nothing to get where they are, born to massive wealth/privilege and pretending at self-made. And among the nouveaux riche politicians, bureaucrats, and heads of govt contractor businesses, they all sold their moral and ethical souls for big ducats right now, consequences be damned. None got anywhere by actual hard work. None know the meaning. So they want to destroy any truly working people, the lower economic classes and castes. Their excuse is that these people are a blight on the Chosen folks' society. Well projection is a big beeyotch, baby.
@onlyonetoserve9586 Год назад
Tankyo mogoth
@KenMoss Год назад
I wonder how France is doing today?
@mankyscotchgit4986 Год назад
Very good video, clear, concise, insightful.
@jhonfrancis4.0 Год назад
@alexarnold7468 Год назад
So this is basically bio-lennism?
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
Not exactly because Power has more agency under the De Jouvenel analysis than in Spandrell's.
@matthewmallan1995 Год назад
Mogzy! How you doing bro? Hope yu good.
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
Better than ever actually.
@matthewmallan1995 Год назад
@@MorgothsReview1 honestly good to know mate. Look after that bank account bro!!!🤣
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
@@matthewmallan1995 I'm just a bloke with a blog, no threat to anyone.
@paulmiller6188 4 месяца назад
It’s really important to know yourself. If you think you are a citizen of a particular state, and that’s all there is, you actually agree to authority having jurisdiction over you. If you can change your status to come out of the matrix, you are not subject to the hundreds of thousands of statutes, rules, regulations, orders, which as a straw man you are subject to. It is possible to do this, but it is not easy, because they don’t want us to know about it, and how to go about it. Never vote in any election, as this is how joinder is created between you, the real, living man or woman, and the ens legis, the strawman subject to the trust laws in maritime law gobbledygook.
@christophmahler Год назад
It is arguably _both_ . If one concedes that e.g. *in the US the Republican 'industrialist' party and the Democratic 'financial' party are two arms of the same oligarchy, then their ideologies are framed to distinctly polarized clientel* , destabilizing the political process without ever leaning into a resolution: 1. the petty bourgeois who is genuinely bigotted due to it's lack of tertiary education - including auto-didactic visits to libraries and talking to individuals beyond their peers - as the clientel of Republican 'populism' (funneled around Donald Trump, 'Jewhat' et al. - all defending _enlightened liberalism_ ) - the same political psychology as in 1920s fascist Europe 2. the bourgeois 'progressive' - the sons and daughters of preachers and _enlightened_ Ivy League college personnel - salon- and 'cathedra socialists' with the same political psychology as the English, American French Jacobin Revolutions, stressing *'virtueous terror'* - as well as migrants as proposed by 'Melkor' - although it is not as clear cut in the US, considering the _black nationalism_ of the descendants of slaves and the traditionalism of late 20th century migration - nor is it in Europe when e.g. large parts of the Algerian dispora youth in France sympathizes with Salafi fundamentalism, but operates simply as organized crime - the few *token migrants at the BBC or the Rhodes Foundation* can't be mistaken as representave of working class sentiments in Brixton or migrant suburbia ('banlieu' in France, most of Luxembourg and the German Rhine valley) And the solution is arguably not rallying around 'whiteness' which can't win elections in these fragmented circumstances, but a stern calculation on looming state war and civil war, implying *shifting alliances along existential interests and cultural identity* . This painful, terrific process has already begun with the appearance of NATO equipment among protesters in France, siphoned from Ukraine and it will escalate further with likely increased support by foreign actors, hostile to Transatlantic hegemony and with every motive to accelerate the very destabilization that a Masonic Transatlantic elite, engineered to make parliaments work. ABANDON ALL HOPE is the parole - not just educate oneself about obscured interests as the 'ecumenic empires' of antiquity had collapsed so will the Fabianist 'World State' that is just how a 'divine economy' works. (Scourge of God) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-HDVybaCiVWc.html
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Simple reduction: Amoral & dishonest people climb ladders to positions of power/influence. These ladders are populated mostly with such people once you get past the first rung or two. At the tops of the ladders are the most supremely amoral and dishonest. Their dishonesty and amorality are used to distract everyone who's not on the ladders, and even those who are lower on the ladders. The method of distraction most typically used is division. And to divide, a contest is fabricated, with only two competitors. Thirds, fourths, fifths sometimes given cosmetic competitor status but no real competitive placing. Us versus Them. Politics. "Professional" or broadcasted sports. Entertainment.
@christophmahler 10 месяцев назад
@@seanoneil277 "Amoral & dishonest people climb ladders to positions of power/influence." Due to the politization of 'mores' and traditional customs by the Puritans, I don't believe in 'moral politics', anymore. The mentioned dishonesty, however comes with a price as Machiavellianism - or natural psychopathy - as the political culture undermines the trust into institutions - fueling the sense of 'lawlessness' among the electorate, workforce and troops, thereby escalating any petty political conflict toward the state of inevitable and ceaseless civil war. Foreign powers are a factor in this domestic equation - especially since globalization has failed and economic decoupling is now in full effect...
@seanoneil277 10 месяцев назад
@@christophmahler You spend more letters & words saying it, but I mostly agree. Exception for "I don't believe in moral politics any more," because it's not about belief, it's about works. In other words, not believing seems a lazy opt-out. Things won't improve through disbelief alone. But acknowledging immorality and working to reinstate a moral dimension is the only way it can/will be improved. Through work, and not via disbelief.
@christophmahler 10 месяцев назад
@@seanoneil277 "Through work, and not via disbelief." I didn't meant to come across as a cynic. The road to hell is broad and well made, flashing billboards of good will. God's will is fullfilled in silence - without any moralization or proclaimed pretense of virtue. That is the reason why 'moral politics' never works - while You are right, to do as You see fit when contemplating not besting others and status, but the fate of actions.
@seanoneil277 10 месяцев назад
@@christophmahler The main point I'd make is that non-action won't ever change an aspect of society that is troublesome. And honestly I'd call prayer non-action in this context. Asking or expecting others to do the work is non-action, whether the others are fellow humans or some divine force/entity. These days I see a lot of people professing their belief that we are in the midst of a good vs evil battle of a souls and spirits sort. Too often I see another idea hitched to that one, like a caboose: "God will sort it out." Naaah, mate. That's not how it works. I'm not quarreling with good vs evil depictions, I find a lot of heft in those takes on the current "culture" and "economy" we all must endure. I'm quarreling with the idea that all you have to do is notice it's about moral struggle. The act of noticing is expected, it's not an accomplishment and it's surely not the endpoint.
@jamesgibson2179 Год назад
I would take some issue with your analysis which seems simplistic. You have not mentioned infiltration by several Fifth Columns to infest, manipulate and denigrate culture, traditions and institutions. I can rethink of at least three powerful cliques who are currently destroying Britain’s traditional cultural and social values as ‘fifth columns’. As always, the test is that ‘they’ cannot be criticised openly for fear of bullying, retribution and ruination of career and reputation. Have you done a video on Fifth Columns in Britain ? If so, let us know.
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
I didn't mention fifth columns because it isn't a video about infiltration and subversion.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
"Fifth Column" is one of those milspook terms used to corral people into proffered alternative POVs, sort of like "conspiracy theorist." Or similar to many of the glowie outlets which run comments from people who can't avoid mentioning HAARP and insist that we all must acknowledge the hidden power of The Illuminati. As in, "nice theory, but you didn't mention HAARP or The Illuminati, so clearly you don't have a good handle on things." (I'm almost chuckling, but they do try to run such nonsense regularly.) In a society wracked with problems, anyone taking the effort to discuss things even half-seriously should not be talking like a milspook glowie who wants to disrupt the conversation because OMIGOD someone forgot to talk about the Illuminati or HAARP. Same deal with 5C, it just looks like a firefly larva.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
I should say that I'm not negating the existince of groups which corral and lead to slaughter, the judas goats among us. They certainly exist and in the 21st Century have very sophisticated methods to lead folks astray. 5C can be a shorthand but its utility is hampered by glowie use with regularity, and the glowie use suggests one can be led down a false path if looking specifically for 5C discussions. More holistic/wise would be to just read, ponder, and notice when judas goats are in the flock.
@KingHumphrey Год назад
If you go back to the 1980s you had the Mandy Smith's and Amanda De Cadenet's who were running around London nightclub's and picking up and marrying rock stars. The police took a step back and said they weren't dealing with that because what teen slappers did wasn't their job. So pretty much any 14 year old who got knocked up was never an issue unless someone was coming to them and making a complaint. The grooming laws were brought in mainly because of the Internet. You had the new technology which meant thousands of adults now had a chance to approach and chat with kids and the government wanted to clamp down on that, so new laws were brought in. Pretty much every cop should naturally have an inclination to protect women. But pretty much every cop knows that the damsel in distress has a power over them and the cops motivation for protecting her can become blurred. Going too far down the Captain Save a 403/white knight path will see a cop ruin his life and career, so they will always fight that. Also in the 1980s were the Hillsbrough disaster and the miner's strike. Both of these have been massively amplified by the Guardian class to make the police targets. So the police get pretty much total blame for Hillsborough and football hooligans dindu nuffin and they'd become good boys overnight. So Liverpool fans get a total pass for Hillsborough, even though in 1985 Heysel happened so every LFC fan knew the danger of large crowds. The Guardian writer David Conn claimed that by 1989 football hooliganism was pretty much driven from the game, but that was nonsense. Chelsea fans kicked off big time on the same day as Hillsborough because Leicester spoiled their promotion celebrations. It was only because of Hillsborough happened that Chelsea fans got away with that. But even in 1995 CFC fans were still fighting in the FA Cup v Millwall and there is still an undercurrent of violence today throughout the country. In Sheffield there was a girl who had been knocked up by one Muslim kid and was later with another Muslim boy. She'd threatened to go and tell the boy's parents that she was with their son, and the boy murdered her and I think they put her in a suitcase and threw her in a canal. That was used to hammer the police, but I also think that until the murder it was never really a police issue. The same with the Sammy Woodberry (??) girl. She was a teen tearaway who knew the guy she wanted was married, she knew he was a drug dealing gangster and knew what that entailed. But she chose to pursue him and be with him. She eventually got with him and when the police raided the dude's house she even provided an alibi and said the weapon under his bed was hers - meaning he got away with the crime because of her lies. The press threw the cops under thus bus over this issue because they claimed the police should have been treating her as a victim, but the police were always in a no win situation and the press knew that. But every chance to give a kicking to the police, the Guardian and BBC will take it. Right now I think power is being abused by power to protect their precious football players and the players are being used to try and bring in the new laws to police the Internet. Football players were massively pushing White Guilt over St George and every millionaire black player has had an instant response from police over any complaint of waycism, but the players kept massively quiet over Dalian Atkinson and Sarah Everard. Last year there was about 5 players who decided to throw punches or kicks at supporters and it was ignored by police. But when a thug fan went and headbutted a coach at a play off game he was fast tracked into a long jail term. All the non-consent cases ended up failing and even Joey Barton giving his wife a slap was brushed under the carpet by the CPS. There has been massive changes to the way society thinks about under age sex over the last few decades. I remember back around 2012 on an American local forum there was an allegation of someone being a pedo because he was 19 the girl he was seeing was 17. That was an utter insanity to me, but there has clearly been a huge shift. A major shift came about because of Jimmy Savile. In 1999 Graham Rix was a football coach in his 40s who had sex with a 15 year old girl. He got a 1 year sentence and after serving his sentence went back into his coaching job. But post-Savile Adam Johnson got 5 years for merely kissing a 15 year old. That's a clear case of a moral panic, but I think the majority of Britain supports it. Part of me hates the police because they've allowed themselves to worship at the altar of St Stephen and St George. They've failed abused girls and have pretty much signed up already to the fact they'll let teachers turn kids trans with a free hand. But I can also see that the left are pretty much destroying the police and any cop who did stand up would be shown the door. While the court system cannot get a guilty verdict against a football player there's barely a day that goes by without a cop facing jail over private text or Internet messages where they dared to make a joke about anyone they came into contact with.
@bushwhackeddos.2703 Год назад
Mandy Smith even made a record about it, was big in the clubs 88/89. * Edit, I was at the Chelsea game in 95, they were bang up for it.
@KingHumphrey Год назад
@@bushwhackeddos.2703 Worst referring performance I've ever seen, until Ovrebo. Don't know how that fat clown Danny Baker who was on 505 could complain about the Leicester decision in 1997 when Millwall were given the tie in 95.
@bushwhackeddos.2703 Год назад
@@KingHumphrey Could never stand Baker always knew he was a wrong un.
@christinarichie6171 Год назад
The online harms bill has nothing to do with footballers and the perceived "bullying ". Its just another trojan horse to gain control/censorship. That was always the plan. Theresa May had the parasites around in 2018 telling them to tighten up the internet. For the Corona bollocks just around the corner. The system you have is Communitarianism the original police are long dead...By design...nothing to do with rituals like Hillsborough 1989.
@MsMounen Год назад
Would Elon Musk be a rival elite? Or a joker card?
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Supreme con artist, his marks will never acknowledge they were scammed.
@craigsmith6512 Год назад
The problem with Juvenal's view of power and the references of it given here is that it relates to only to Magian and not Faustian society. Faustian society has and is (apparently) being changed. But the limits of power remain. Just as every Roman legion was worthless the moment it crossed the Rhine, so too is this "power" illusory. How will these people maintain a technological society? Does the Faustian civilisation really want a technological society any longer? How could they stop it then?
@maxtroy Год назад
God bless you morgoth. You speak truth, god is truth. God is good, and the good in all it’s totality is God. You are a man of the good (Gos) doing God’s work.
@igorradonjic3679 Год назад
The volume is rather low on the video.
@JKiefer Год назад
Assuming that Power, by nature, seeks to expand -- 1. why would Power oppress those groups who are (by the lib's own understanding, too) at the very bottom of the hierarchy of power, i.e. refugees without legal documents nor property? Would it not make much more sense to use a powerless group in order to take power away from a more powerful group: the majority and their civil rights? The refugees don't have any power to begin with (unless granted to them by Power), there is nothing to take away from them. 2. Not only that, but it's also much easier to use the most powerless groups as a tool, since they are sure to be pleased by even the lowest and fakest assets of power you provide them with. It is much harder to use incentives to control those who have already got rights and possessions to call their own. Looking at things through the framework of Power, there is literally no reason for Power to oppress minority groups, otherwise they would not let them in in the first place.
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
It doesn't oppress them it houses them in hotels while natives freeze to death on the streets.
@JKiefer Год назад
​@@MorgothsReview1Absolutely. I just noticed I said the opposite in my last sentence of what I was trying to say, guess I was too tired. I changed it now. I was trying to give two even simpler arguments why the leftist narrative ("minority groups are oppressed, not the majority") makes no sense.
@rogerbartlet5720 Год назад
Academic Agent packed this up good and I like your take on it.
@whall2962 Год назад
Is it just me or did Orwell just kind of rehash De Jouvenel in 1984? Anyway Cheers from The States.
@harbl99 Год назад
Zhemyatin's _We_ plus De Jouvenal for the clunking author tract part inserted as Goldstein's Book.
@HankRearden84 Год назад
Brilliant mate. Your ancestors should be proud.
@luciadegroseille-noire8073 Год назад
In your analysis, you mention the grooming gangs and explain how no reasoning could support the existence of White Privelege but there will be precisely such reasoning: Since Chesterton advises that a maniac is not someone who has lost his reason, but someone who has lost everything but that.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Chesterton's statement that you paraphrase is better seen as a suggestion on what to look out for, morally speaking, as you go through life. What he's saying is, the most dangerously amoral people you encounter will have rational-sounding explanations for their amoral aims. This notion would be dovetailed with his classic fence analogy. The amoral man (or woman) on a mission will have slick words to sell you the "changes" alleged to be necessary. Usually, "for progress." "Progress" is the true religion of the USA, unspoken and without formal churches, and has been since the 60s/70s Vietnam War era. When I say religion I mean by function -- the tenets are followed out of faith/belief, not out of logic and reasoning and resonance with reality. And I would say that when a society's leaders point the society toward "progress," the leaders are dooming that society. They are about to sell you ideas which will lead to your society's downfall. And "progress" is how they sell you that bunch of dog feces in a velvet sack.
@luciadegroseille-noire8073 Год назад
@@seanoneil277 That is a common reading, but if the process of deracionation proceeds and is internalised by the following generations, as has happened, then we see the campaign uncoupling from any prior aims due to the lack of sane operators to read the current runes, if you like.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@@luciadegroseille-noire8073 Oh sure, that's a pretty cloud of puffery you're emitting, almost like painting with words. But the painting looks like a blank canvas.
@MetePurphy Год назад
🧐 Blue pill= material abundance, Red Pill= Awareness of material scarcity.
@moenibus Год назад
As i recommend to all the other RU-vid employees like you: if you're so afraid of RU-vid censorship, upload to alternative platforms. go ahead.
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
My main platform is Substack is there's even a direct link pinned at the top of the comments section
@moenibus Год назад
@@MorgothsReview1 just looking for revenue, that's most of you.
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