
Presidential Republics vs. Parliamentary Democracy | Casual Historian 

Casual Historian
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Governments, love or hate them we are all stuck with them, except for here, here, here, and maybe here. So unless you have the resources to build your own Galts Gulch anarcho-paradise you are probably stuck with some kind of government. So let's see which is better, Presidential Republics, or Parliamentary Democracies?
If you prefer your leader to focus more on governing and less on pageantry and other things, than you are better off with a Parliamentary Democracy where the executive is two positions, a Prime Minister as head of government who is responsible for making policy and a Monarch or President as head of state who handles all the ceremonial stuff.
However if you prefer for there to be consistency between the affairs of Government and the affairs of State than you are better off with a Presidential Republic. In times of crisis a split executive can cause confusion, especially when legal conditions are uncertain regarding a head of state's reserve powers. However presidential republics have a tendency to devolve into one party dictator ships.
What about the way the executive is elected? If you believe that power should be in the hands of the masses than you would prefer a presidential system, for the most part.
If you believe the power to decide should belong to a smaller group who have a more personal experience and knowledge of the candidates, than you should go with a parliamentary system.
What about the power of government? With Parliamentary Democracy the members of the executive branch are also members of the legislative majority, leaving very little a Prime Minister's government can't do. So if you prefer a government that can get things done quickly without filibusters than you should go with a Parliamentary system.
However if you prefer a government that is stable and not prone to sudden changes in policy than you would prefer a Presidential Republic. With the members of the executive branch being selected separately from the legislature it makes it possible that two opposing parties can control the separate branches government, allowing one branch to check the actions of the other, thereby restricting governments power, but at the cost of speed and efficiency.
Then there is the issue of elections. In a Parliamentary Democracy elections are held at the whim of the Prime Minister. This means that elections tend to be shorter, and there is less voter fatigue, but this system can be abused when the Prime Minister decides to delay an election until their party's electoral fortunes look better.
In contrast Presidential Republics have elections that can be predicted infinitely into the future because of set dates. This means that the party that controls the Presidency can't rig the date of the election to their favor, but it also means that political campaigns are virtually perpetual.
So which one is better? It all depends on what kind of government you want.
But none of this matters because our Reptilian Illuminate overlords already control everything.



24 июн 2015




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@stevenmapper 7 лет назад
Not all parliamentary systems have inconsistent length of term. Norway's parliamentary can't be dissolved as the constitution says so. and other laws says that the representatives can only resign during term of office under special circumstances
@jaojao1768 6 лет назад
steven mapper true, we have that in Sweden too
@monkeymox2544 4 года назад
Also true in the UK these days - its possible for parliament to call a general election early, but the fixed term parliament act means that we have to have one at least every five years
@donpula6349 3 года назад
Very true...
@jonmanilenio 4 года назад
Additionally, your video would be better if it had a summary at the end, where you show a table of both choices and show their advantages vs disadvantages for viewers to see at a glance.
@erickofspirit 6 лет назад
I guess it's common for people to compare a parliamentary system by using the UK system. I'm American, but I prefer a parliamentary system. I personally prefer a separate head of government and head of state rather than having two positions under one person. And while the Queen has some important roles, her position is mostly ceremonial. I also believe that America's political system is quite confusing when it comes to accountability. When things go wrong, who is to blame? The president? The House? The Senate? Yes I'm American, but I find parliamentary systems to be much easier for accountability. The British system is not my favorite to compare the parliamentary system. The UK system is majoritarian. I prefer comparing parliamentary countries where members are elected on a proportional basis. I've been living in Germany, where coalition governments are the norm. I believe that if America had a parliamentary system, perhaps people would be more aware of how much more of an important role the legislature plays out in the government. Instead American elections are centered around two people who happen to look good. The only countries where democracy diminishes is when democracy in that country is relatively new. The longer a country has been a democracy, the lesser of a threat that people's democratic rights and principles will go away. There are many undemocratic features in the American constitution that I won't get into unless someone would like me to explain more. The framers lacked the basic knowledge of what a democracy needs. Though one has to ask why the most democratic countries in the world, meaning countries where democratic institutions have stayed in place for 50 years or longer without disruption, except for the US and South Korea, all of them have a parliamentary system. I like the French and Finnish systems because it's predominantly parliamentary with some areas of presidentialism. In France, the president is the official head of state, who stands chiefly over foreign issues. But then they have a prime minister as head of government, whose role is to handle everything going on in parliament. Sorry for making this comment extremely long. The truth is that all political systems aren't without some flaws, regardless if someone were to like one over the other.
@smitmahajani7663 3 года назад
@Anonymous Doe I'm even later in replying to this than Anonymous Doe lol. But I too am aware political person and I'd like to reply to both of you. To begin with your points, yes I agree that separation of powers was one of the major driving forces as to why the founding fathers of the US made the system as it is now. There is also a certain level of stability offered by Presidential systems since the Executive and Legislatures are separate and usually run smoothly for fixed terms. However, being an Indian, I've come to realise with a fair amount of conviction that the Parliamentary system was the best approach our founding fathers took, and one of the major driving forces for that was the insane amount of diversity India has, something which you said will be better served by a Presidential system. We're talking about the 2nd most diverse country in the world. The Parliamentary democracy has done a great job in India for the most part, at ensuring that the broad range of diverse cultures and political bases stay in balance. I'm currently residing in Germany and the system here is quite similar to India's. Both have a true multi-party system and alliances are common. Furthermore, a fused executive like in a Parliamentary system, ensures a smoother policymaking and avoids gridlocks. Change therefore is easier to be brought about than in a Presidential system. A Presidential system also can become more prone to authoritarian rule, not that a Parliamentary system can't. Hence I feel, overall, the Parliamentary systems edges out the Presidential one.
@smitmahajani7663 3 года назад
@Anonymous Doe Yes I agree with you that India has indeed fused some aspects of major democracies, such as the UK and the US. In fact, the Indian Constitution framers referred to the Constitutions of US, UK (the current Constitutional Monarchic one), and Republic of Ireland, erstwhile Weimar Republic, South Africa, erstwhile USSR, Japan and France (the current Fifth Republic). So yes, India is a mixed bag of ideas. However, we've already chartered into the territory of using specific countries as examples of systems (India, Germany, UK, US). So similar points can be made about the rest of the countries, albeit to a lesser degree. Moreover the system in India is certainly Parliamentary. What you say about the US is very true. US was built upon the principles of capitalism based economic and social freedom and liberty. There is no doubt that the US has done a great job at it. Certainly, I too look up to aspects of the US democracy and wish countries around the world implement them, including India. However, I'd beg to differ slightly on some issues: The US systems fosters a lot of involvement of money into its political system (especially after the "money=speech" judgment of the SC), which tends to put a risk on the general population. This is reflected in its inequality of wealth. US became a proper welfare state only after the policies of FDR, who would be viewed as a socialist in today's American politics. By political inclination, I'm a social democrat (not democratic socialist) and countries like the Nordic countries and Germany have systems which I much like. They have a lot of privatization, a market economy, but also have regulations, welfare measures and caps on influence of both unions and corporates in politics, which is good. Also, looking at your answer, I don't think I'd be able to persuade you to slightly usurp the US from its position of being a model for democracy haha (just meant it in a light hearted manner), so I won't attempt that. Tbh, I too quite admire the German and Indian democratic systems. I think the Parliamentary systems allow much better discussions and debates, while also ensuring that there is sufficient separation of powers and presence of checks and balances. I also think the US can learn a lot from other democracies such as India and Germany. I don't think any one country is a model for democracy. A Presidential system also risks being taken over by a tyrant, even though the American fathers were against it. However, wrt a world government, I'm totally against that idea personally. I think yes, democratic countries should diplomatically and peacefully try to ensure that more and more countries become stable democracies, but I don't think all countries should become part of a world government since it will mean taking away major aspects of all countries' sovereignty and their breathing space, something which I don't agree with, even though in the current state, there are a lot of arguments b/w nations, but the idea of a world government is something I don't agree with personally. Also side note: This is probably the only time I've had proper discussion with someone on RU-vid, and that too in a civil manner, even though that should be given, no matter the degree of disagreements. But anyway, thanks for the civility and look forward to your reply in case u do reply haha
@smitmahajani7663 3 года назад
@Anonymous Doe When there no limits on how much of money from any side or entity (unions or corporates) can be poured in for campaigns, it's bound to cause a huge number of campaign funding. Many democracies like Germany and Canada have limits on the advertising and campaign funding from an entity and that's great imo. Money might not always change election outcomes but it always influences it, and along with it also influences policymaking. Since the Reagen era, this has been the case even more so. Wrt the world government, I've already agreed that yes currently nations squabble a lot but even then I don't think a world government is the answer. You look at unions along those lines such as the EU. Now I'm all in support of the EU since its presence helps lower the risk of war in a historically war prone region. But its decision-making has been slow because of the same reason as to why a world government would make a slugfest of decision-making: Too many stakeholders, who are quite diverse, with each having equal priority and importance. There will be no consensus reached in quick time. Unions like the EU are only warranted if they are being persued for a superior motive which in EU's case is to stop local conflicts and increase cooperation in a conflicted area. A better solution in my mind would be global peaceful diplomatic and trade ties which spread good ideas for humanity, and help commerce too, and also which respect all countries involved. This way, each country maintains its sovereignty, while overall cooperation also increases in all aspects.
@TeikonGom 5 месяцев назад
Head of State is a very arbitrary term.
@stephenjacob8473 4 месяца назад
The proportional system got you the Nazis. The UK doesn’t undergo revolutions nor has it elected an extreme party/leader. I accept proportional representation is fairer but doesn’t always equal stable government.
@arte0021 3 года назад
In Denmark we have a parliamentary system but we have set election dates and elections happen every 4 years like in the US.
@windshieldlaugh7411 3 года назад
Yeah in Germany too so I think he only knows the british parliamentary system
@saintpinewood562 2 года назад
Because you guys have no creativity and copies other countries stuff.
@dantelway9819 8 лет назад
next time take that annoying tune out makes it hard to listen
@cloroxbleach580 7 лет назад
Dante lway Just a little bit lower maybe in my opinion?!xD
@ransom182 3 года назад
you're a little b
@mig3598 3 года назад
“If you prefer a government that is *more stable* and not prone to sudden changes in policy, then you would prefer a presidential system”. I think if there’s anything we’ve learned over the past 5 years or so, it’s reaffirmed that presidential systems foster populist type leaders, who have much less accountability to the public or other branches of government, and is a system that inherently places a primacy on partisan politics over societal stability, which more easily divides country politically through minimal inter-party policy cooperation
@NAMELESS-ln7gm 3 года назад
Oh really? And in Germany Hitler rose up to become Prime Minister how exactly? Every system can get any type of leader as long as the people want it to happen. Stop with this obvious attempt to criticize Donald Trump!
@mig3598 3 года назад
SkillzonBallz Prime minister? You mean chancellor? He was appointed to his position because of the pressure placed on President von Hindenburg to appoint Hitler. It was hardly a functional parliamentary system, and not a pure parliamentary system by any stretch. Hitler was a populist, especially resonating with Germans after they were crippled and screwed by the treaty of Versailles. So yeah, bad example. I never said anything about trump but if the shoe fits, wear it. There’s been extensive research done on why presidential systems are less stable and have higher corruption levels. Look at all of Latin America. When an executive isn’t responsible to a legislature, they can abuse their authority. It might be more clear if you read the research yourself though
@jarred110 2 года назад
@@mig3598 no you’re just after Trump. Bidumb is infinitely stupider, more incompetent, corrupt and authoritarian than Trump ever was. Trump when tasked with the CCP virus devolved the power to the states and localities to decide, thus spreading out the power more locally (less centralized power) meanwhile in Europe and 90% of worlds nations like Canada, governments called state of emergencies to restrict freedoms and quash free speech just by simple edict. Trump made a very anti-authoritarian approach and trusted the people to make their own decisions.
@Moepowerplant 10 месяцев назад
Casual Historian roasting himself smh Parliamentary is superior, presidential pales in comparison. No question.
@MRFlackAttack1 5 лет назад
Glossed right over the partisan gridlock and brinkmanship that occurs when the legislative and executive branches of government are held by opposing parties.
@edwardelric717 Год назад
@jaycaskeyyy5028 3 года назад
@IkeOkerekeNews 3 года назад
Which isn't true.
@jaycaskeyyy5028 3 года назад
@@IkeOkerekeNewswell, tell me why.
@smashingthreeplates2171 3 года назад
If Parliamentary systems weren’t so unstable!
@producebl1016 2 года назад
We used Presidential System here in Philippines, and as you know this day our system becomes worst!, Yes it become worst, so many gridlock, and corrupt issues, and i would say that Parliamentary is the less corrupt system. But some Politicians are Anti-Parliamentarism, and they're even afraid of this coz they know that its gonna be the end of their career, some senate and Congress seat in Position a very long time but the more they reject Parliamentary Syst. the more they suffer, and the whole nation will suffer a lot., This 2022 i hope we can finally adapt Federal-Parliamentary and Open FDI
@Moepowerplant 10 месяцев назад
Strongly doubt the "disadvantages" of parliamentary you cited actually matter to the average citizen, especially that it matters enough for them to prefer switching to presidential. Parliamentary is the superior government. No question.
@ALRIGHTYTHEN. 2 года назад
1:08 I like the idea of the Prime Minister being tied to which party is in the majority. Only I would prefer it to be the opposite, where the majority can't also hold the top spot.
@mrmofopink Год назад
from the 10 most democratic countries (by Democracy Index) 9 are parliamentary and 1 is semi-presidential ;-)
@addisonrey5343 4 года назад
Parliamentry Is better, make way for the better
@indianempire6270 3 года назад
Nope presidential is better because it gives a limit of two terms .
@ryanhuntrajput474 3 года назад
@@indianempire6270 you can legislate term limits in parliamentary system as well . It works better since they're much more efficient .
@IkeOkerekeNews 3 года назад
Parliamentary systems aren't inherently better.
@IkeOkerekeNews 3 года назад
@@ryanhuntrajput474 Not really.
@ryanhuntrajput474 3 года назад
@@IkeOkerekeNews yes you can just pass a bill through the parliament and it's a law which is part of constitution .
@acegarcia3719 3 года назад
The issue with advocates of the presidental system is even america which is the one country that has made it work for a prolonged period of time is now beginning to break down.
@NAMELESS-ln7gm 3 года назад
Lol, and how is it starting to breakdown?
@existo_mas_nao_penso 3 года назад
The best government is a Parliamentary Monarchy, because when the executive and legislative are close to each other is more easy to pass new laws or decisions, or to dissolve a bad government, and if the system began to be inconsistent, we would have the monarc that could provida estability and unite the country. But it depends on the country, a Parliamentary Monarchy works in Great Britain but i dont" think it would work in the USA, so each country needs to find a form of governent that represents it"s own cuture, history, traditions and desires of the people
@windshieldlaugh7411 3 года назад
In Germany we have a President, but he’s like the queen only representative.
@existo_mas_nao_penso 3 года назад
@@windshieldlaugh7411 A Parliamentary Republic
@Itz_Afnan 2 года назад
Ehh. I'm quite sure that Parliamentarian type is better since it's more likely to be less autocratic
@jgcaba3173 9 месяцев назад
Most comparative political scientists actually argue that in the Global South, parliamentary systems are more stable since most countries that adopted presidential systems in the Global South either produced dictatorships or devolved into coups d’état / civil war. There’s a difference between the stability of parliamentary Botswana and South Africa than presidential Burkina Faso or Mali
@JoeBidenator1564 3 года назад
Obviously pairlamentary.
@joachimosmundsen5571 4 года назад
This reminded me alot about a certain other youtuber. I think someone has inspired someone else
@somethingelse9228 5 лет назад
I am stuck between Parliamentary Democracy and semi-presidential system...... What should i do??? i think that both of them are very good.....
@deadaccount3533 5 лет назад
Ravindra Nagrecha go tolitarian
@addisonrey5343 4 года назад
@addisonrey5343 4 года назад
@Anonymous Doe RUN BY STUPID MASSES and not to mention the American and their quite violent pop, that's because when they were a colony of Britian the British prisoners were sent over there but parliamentry democracy is fairer
@jamesmiller2521 4 года назад
Semi-presidential = dictatorship (unless you're French)
@addisonrey5343 4 года назад
@Anonymous Doe your wrong America was were they sent the worst ppl, they only looked for Australia when they lost america
@wanderingkernel5002 4 года назад
Thank the lord that the founders of my country saw Parliamentary Democracy as the way to go.
@IkeOkerekeNews 3 года назад
Which country? Because I think Presidentialism is better.
@donpula6349 3 года назад
Where are you from? Which country are you from?
@Mirsab 4 года назад
I thought the presidential system is better but this video made me think that the parliamentary system is better.
@IkeOkerekeNews 3 года назад
This video convinced me that no system of government is better.
@windshieldlaugh7411 3 года назад
Parliamentary is better, in presidential governments the own person can vote for or against something, even against the own party's will, in parliamentary not. As a citizen you don’t want someone to vote for themselves, you want somebody to represent your opinion and you voted for this party because they represent your opinion, not some random politician's ones.
@Sebinator1098 11 месяцев назад
Is parliamentary democracy is also parliamentary republic?
@jonmanilenio 4 года назад
Which is better is what has created a progressive country. Since there are more successful countries under a parliamentary system, parliamentary is clearly better.
@jamesmiller2521 4 года назад
Hungary, Pakistan, Moldova don't seem to be very progressive
@IkeOkerekeNews 3 года назад
But, parliamentary systems have not created more progressive countries.
@IkeOkerekeNews 3 года назад
@@jamesmiller2521 Literally every parliamentary country outside of Northern Europe isn't a place I would call progressive.
@lordtraxroy Год назад
parlamentary is very slow when it comes to progress because it takes time to accept these changes and every party needs to agree with one new law
@Moepowerplant 10 месяцев назад
@@IkeOkerekeNews Singapore, Japan, and Malaysia would like to have a word with you. At the end of the day, it is the standard of living that matters to the people. And when *overall* comparing parliamentary vs presidential countries, parliamentary is the clear and undisputed winner here. Parliamentary is clearly the superior government.
@chriswatson3464 7 лет назад
Set elections can be introduced to parliament like in the U.K also Presidential Republics will often dissolve their set elections.
@CasualHistorian 7 лет назад
Yes, but the downside to having set elections is that you get perpetual election cycles. So its a trade off.
@benfarmer-webb1016 3 года назад
@@CasualHistorian in the UK we have fixed elections but they can be dissolved in certain circumstances. If support for the government falls we call a snap election. This was only intended to replace the way that elections were appointed previously, which was at least once every five years and just simply, whenever the prime minister wanted it. At least with this, we have somewhat set elections but also the ability to have another if we face political deadlock
@Julio974 7 лет назад
And France?
@leanderbarreto6523 3 года назад
Switzerland has direct democracy
@robertocaetano4945 2 года назад
Much better
@Polex411 4 года назад
i don't get it please use more details.
@user-jx3zp7zj4y 2 месяца назад
Parliamentary Republics all the way!!
@jonathanrotem251 5 лет назад
Parliamentary constitutional monarchy, please! Can I import a king to my country?
@loo6357 4 года назад
Jonathan Rotem The Windsors?
@IkeOkerekeNews 3 года назад
Why would you want a monarchy?
@jonathanrotem251 3 года назад
@@IkeOkerekeNews Because it's way better than the system we got right now. Politicians electing each other to the symbolic president position.
@IkeOkerekeNews 3 года назад
@@jonathanrotem251 But why though?
@robertevbayekha6639 2 года назад
2016-2232 My guy stay chill we only in the present
@dionsigua4292 2 года назад
PH's presidential system is inconsistent. We have always been in a mess.
@samvante 4 месяца назад
yep. we can't expect any real and major changes for national development without fixing this bullshit of a system first.
@vere9652 2 года назад
You have compared US vs UK systems, not the Presidential Republics vs. Parliamentary Democracy. 0:52 if the government is elected by people or officials doesn't matter if its presidental or parliamentary. In my country we have parliamentary democracy which is directly elected by the people. In short Presidentals republics give more power to just one person, which is free to do more things even without the congress majority, where as parliamentary democracy, produces less laws, cause it every law, needs a majority to pass through. I would not call UK a US as good examples of democracy, cause they don't represent, their government proportionaly. Look at norway, sweden, czech republic or slovakia. Those countries has much fairer democracy. Especially post communist countries made sure that they prevent any dictatorship's to happen ever again.
@Lucas_Antar 4 года назад
We need a hybrid.
@ffaz123 4 года назад
You're clearly don't know how parliamentary democracy works do you? 😂
@Lucas_Antar 4 года назад
ffaz123 That’s a stupid question.
@chriswatson3464 4 года назад
France, Russia, Poland and Ukraine are just some of those examples.
@Lucas_Antar 4 года назад
Chris Watson Russia, Poland, Ukraine are good examples of a functional democracy and only Poland has a functional but still backwards society. But France is pretty great so maybe Trump should copy more than just the marching.
@smashingthreeplates2171 3 года назад
Semi-Presidentialism is what you are looking for!
@Pan_Z Год назад
While Parliamentary systems can make decisions quicker, a Presidential system allows for the President to serve as a valuable check on the legislature's power. A Presidential system also allows independents to hold the executive branch, reducing the power of political parties slightly. The downside is the executive branch tends to accrue more & more powers with time. People need to understand the President is not a dictator nor lawmaker. Otherwise the natural desire for a strong head of state may lead to tyranny.
@orrithoreggertsson3000 7 лет назад
Good way to copy the stile of cgp grey videos
@parthiancapitalist2733 6 лет назад
Why can't we just have direct democracy
@Gabis292 5 лет назад
You won't like it
@jeremydavis5661 5 лет назад
Slavery might have never ended
@letsfindanickname5190 5 лет назад
@@jeremydavis5661 No it could, only a little percentage of people had slaves back then.
@marcadammer482 5 лет назад
@joltcoaming353 4 года назад
@Anonymous Doe direct democracy works better in small voting districts
@cyberneticbutterfly8506 2 года назад
False premise though, there is no need for a presidential republic like the united states for instance to adopt *every single aspect* of a parliamentary democracy. Maybe a couple of Britain's components of parliaments are useful and the rest are horse poo. *Then adopt the good components* and let the rest go.
@usayeed727 3 года назад
Presidential all the way
@smashingthreeplates2171 2 года назад
Presidential System is quite good; however, only a few changes are needed to make it far superior to the rest. These changes are: 1. Multi-Party Representation, Unicameral Legislature and Direct Popular Vote!
@Jasonbyrne28 3 года назад
I like the parliamentary system but the both heads are the same person, like the US, and is still chosen my a legislator
@windshieldlaugh7411 3 года назад
In Germany the President has no say, he’s just representative. So it’s really only Angela Merkel and ministers.
@smashingthreeplates2171 2 года назад
There is South Africa, which has a Parliamentary system; however, both the “Head of State” and the “Head of Government” roles are merged!
@SirSX3 3 года назад
I think "stable and not prone to sudden policy changes" for the presidential system has been disproven with the Trump Presidency.
@Pan_Z Год назад
Trump presidency had consistent policy. It just featured part of the legislature despising the president.
@TeikonGom 5 месяцев назад
What bad things did he actually do?
@ajhare2 7 лет назад
I believe that the United States really should switch to a Parliamentary system like the United Kingdom (with an elected president without political power) (I'm American btw)
@CasualHistorian 7 лет назад
I get the appeal of a Parliamentary System, especially when it comes to short elections, but I personally prefer a system with more checks and balances.
@ajhare2 7 лет назад
Maybe the US could somehow implement more checks and balances in a parliamentary system?... A government switch of that magnitude would probably never happen though, :\
@CasualHistorian 7 лет назад
The U.S. Constitution was designed to be difficult to change. Mustn't be too hasty.
@nocucksinkekistan7321 7 лет назад
I think every nation should be run by one person with absolute power.
@jueshihuanggua3162 7 лет назад
Mid term election cycle is too short, they lose majority in houses before they can get anything done.
@shikhargupta4063 4 года назад
I think the presidential system is better. I am from India and we see how the parliamentary system is taken for a ride by our politicians. We get surprise leaders after the elections who are then nominated to the Upper House to rule us, not govern us. The current party in power buys MLAs at the provincial level and destabilizes provincial governments of other parties. Presidential system allows for stability and more scrutiny. Also, a person being the 'head of state' is an archaic and imperialist thought. In a democracy, every citizen is the head as well as a worker.
@shikhargupta4063 3 года назад
@Keshav presidential system doesn't have to be two-party. I am against two party system.
@balistixmapping197 3 года назад
Some say that Indian government system has a bad mix.
@vhavuk3901 2 года назад
@producebl1016 2 года назад
I'm a Filipino, and Presidential system here in our country is Lousy, Any Celebrities can join politics, Politicians can allied and also betray you anytime, You can't remove a President until the next election, There's no Vote of no Confidence., There are loopholes in our Constitution it sucks, They do debate but they use reporters to express their feelings, They attack you by using your weaknesses, Politicians can be intelligent, and some are not. So you see? Presidential is good in some terms but very lousy when it lost control, unlike Parliament that Q/A Sessions can be more debate battle and can remove a Prime Minister by Vote of no confidence., Making Laws will be more faster to approve than the Presidential System.
@YakuLin 2 года назад
@@producebl1016 I'm Filipino too, but a Presidential system can work if it had a better electoral system. If Representatives were voted through a party list proportional system or a mixed member proportional system, Senators being elected per region (maybe through IRV; yeah, I'm pro-Federalism), and the President being voted through Instant-runoff voting, then I would see the Philippines not being dominated by one party or one ideology; everyone would have to compromise, but that's not the case here sadly. PRRD's coalition is too dominant that their "far-right" views are not compromised (even if he won the elections via minority rule).
@facundoalvarado9 3 года назад
I don't like politicians. Parliamentary is basically giving all the power to them. Presidential? With enough checks you can have them divided and constantly fighting with each other and not screwing you.
@windshieldlaugh7411 3 года назад
Well, you need politicians to make politics… even in presidential
@Moepowerplant 10 месяцев назад
True, because in presidential countries people are totally not messed up at all. See the advanced economies of Latin America. Clearly better than the smelly, dirty backwaters of Singapore, Sweden, and Germany.
@johnwood8441 2 месяца назад
​@Moepowerplant you're a racist person
@vesk4000 10 месяцев назад
Damn, that was a really well done video! I much prefer presidental systems. In parliamentary systems you often need coalitions to even form a government which causes all sorts of issues and instability. We saw that in my country of Bulgaria where we had a political crisis and no government for 2 and a half years because of the parliamentary system.
@Moepowerplant 10 месяцев назад
Yep, because political crises do not exist in presidential countries. Also, Germany, Singapore, and Malaysia suffer massive political chaos to this day and are close to being poverty-riddled failed states. Meanwhile Latin America have so many advanced economies and never suffered any dictatorships. Public services and public transport in the US also puts those of Europe and Japan to utter shame.
@fulano787 Год назад
For the people BY the people. That means voting power.
@rangodeldiablo 5 лет назад
Yeah, I think I would prefer parliaments rather than republics
@shaniell.mathur6372 3 месяца назад
A presidential republic is better . Why ? . A bunch of parties can tag team and take out the current prime minister , even though the PM is popular and liked by the people , A coalition can be formed to take the PM out in a parliament system . therefore it’s not stable . A presidential republic is better . it’s more stable .
@vhavuk3901 2 года назад
president Republic is better with term limit.
@andreiventurina9166 2 года назад
No no really good presidential system is prone to political dynasties, celebrity politics fanaticism. Presidential system is worst.
@Gebri3l 10 месяцев назад
Parliament is better for non educated citizens
@producebl1016 2 года назад
All Types of Government is Good, only the people are problematic
@dakota_kiwi 3 месяца назад
love seeing americans try to justify their failed government system
Which one is the best? #katebrush #shorts
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