
Prey - No Masterpiece, But Surprisingly Good 

The Critical Drinker
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So I finally got a chance to watch Prey, and I have to admit, I was surprised. It wasn't the masterpiece that some are hailing it as, and there's definitely things it could have done better, but overall it was a pretty solid movie. Join me as we journey back 300 years to the first battle against the Predator.
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7 авг 2022




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@nintendsoad Год назад
SPOILERS! The final moments with our protagonist perfectly demonstrates Hollywood's (any many viewers') warped idea of what a good character is when said character is a woman. After being pushed to her limit, losing her brother, and watching a sizeable portion of her tribe's hunters and warriors die, she is named War Cheif and has a big smile on her face whilst everyone cheers for her. In Predator, after being pushed to his limit, losing his entire team, and a good friend of his outside of said team, Dutch's final moments on screen are him sitting there physically exhausted, mentally scarred by how many friends of his were killed right in front of him, and probably already riddled with survivor's guilt. I honestly do not understand why so many critics are praising this film for its character development.
@stillcantbesilencedevennow Год назад
Because they're broken souls as well, happy to trample others on their way to the top. This Wahmen was honestly unlikeable. She was only slightly bothered by her brothers death, and couldn't care less about the others.
@chrislutz416 Год назад
I'm not watching it, but they made her a Chief? Ye gods, that is stupid. A tribe taking that many loses is doomed. They will be absorbed into another tribe.
@shockwavecg Год назад
Very well-put.
@gamera5160 Год назад
Smiling while stepping over your friends' corpses in order to achieve your dream? That's what progress looks like, my friend.
@elitemook4234 Год назад
@@chrislutz416 'well since you got everyone else killed, I guess you get to hold the special stick'
@rifroll1117 Год назад
This is the kind of movie that would be considered mediocre 10 years ago but is considered decent now because of how far our standards have fallen
@Vaultboythefightingmachine Год назад
So true
@Waltarwhiet Год назад
@Russ Ingram What are you on about? The life of pi, Lorax, Django Unchained, 21 jump street, the dictator, men in black 3, skyfall, the pirates, Jack Reacher, all released in 2012 Half of these aren't even great movies, yet better than the shit we get nowdays. 2012 alone had more good movies than the past 3 years combined lol
@tashvadj4914 Год назад
Because woke.
@markzuckergecko621 Год назад
The outrage mob makes taking risks too risky. Before all you were risking was just making a movie that audiences weren't interested in, or just wasn't that good. Now you're risking being unpersoned if you don't walk the line.
@interdimensionalsteve8172 Год назад
You clowns are so drunk on calling everything woke or anti-woke, you can't even see straight anymore. This movie would have been considered good at any time, because it was a genuinely solid and fun movie. I'm sorry if you can't see a female protagonist anymore without your juvenile politics coming into play. If it was some big burly male who did the EXACT SAME THINGS you'd be praising the movie without complaint. This was a stripped down, bare-bones Predator film that obliterates the last few entries in the franchise.
@kayveethegoat1573 Год назад
The predator took a massive amount of punishment in this film. Dude was a freaking tank.
@rollotomasislawyer3405 Год назад
Everybody badass till they get shot in the face!
@lollllolll. Год назад
I personally liked it, the predators seemed like massive femboys without their masks, weaker than a toddler. It makes sense he'd be stronger even without a mask, hence the name Predator.
@HexenStar Год назад
The idea for the Predator is not to take damage and do nothing, like some of those "fat bosses" from 90's videogames and movies. The idea is to avoid damage, and yet end up outmatched by a superior combatant, who can adapt.
@fernandoi8958 Год назад
@@lollllolll. I really liked the movie, you can see the effort they put into it. Everything makes sense, is connected etc. Also, predators that hunt humans are actually low tier predators, thats why he has low grade weaponry... but yeah, they are tanks as fuck. What I liked most about the movie is that he would never die by brute forcing him, he got played in the end, and thats how he lost...
@click8708 Год назад
@@fernandoi8958 I disagree with the last part, she almost brute forced him and probably should have tbh, she jumped on and beat the predator, sliced its arm off and practically strangled it with rope and lead it into a bog, the movie ends with the predator killing itself but there really was no need, she might as well have walked over and punched it to death at that point, she completely outclassed the predator physically (fucking somehow)
@KaserCawy Год назад
The reason the trees are burnt in the French trappers scene is a nod to the original movie, when the Predator steals Blaine's body and Arnold says it's using the trees. The French trappers seemingly have figured it out and burn all the trees in the area they are trying to trap the predator.
@ajlendful Год назад
But he uses the burnt stumps in the movie as jumping pads so, didn't work, like at all? I thought it was to make a clearing in which he could less easily hide.
@acwojtkowiak 11 месяцев назад
Comanche and French trappers together? That is an odd hookup.
@Wright805 10 месяцев назад
@@acwojtkowiak SPOILERS! They weren't "together" (I assume you mean as in "working together.") The French trappers used them as bait.
@casedistorted 10 месяцев назад
@@ajlendful he was just too strong, or I guess they didn't think he could do that.
@TrollArtist666 Год назад
This movie would have been amazing if she told her dog at the final fight to “get the chopper” when referring to her axe.
@paul_bellini Год назад
Very good.
@darkphoenix2 Год назад
That would have been idiotic. Every other reference in this was subtle and made sense.
@PattyOflan88 Год назад
@@darkphoenix2 come on bud take the joke
@darkphoenix2 Год назад
@@PattyOflan88 I'd take it if it was a good joke
@scottjohnstontheii9287 Год назад
@@darkphoenix2 Yes them getting the gun from the second movie was very subtle even tho this means the predator's came back and killed all of them is very subtle
@FrancescoDondi Год назад
"The film is tolerable because of how little they talk, which limits the amount of cringe they can be made to say" is a hell of a review 😂
@rumblebird9888 Год назад
@vdochev Год назад
That is true. They should have made the whole movie in Native American language (or whatever the Comanche are speaking) instead of switching back and fourth to English for no reason.
@Uzarran Год назад
@@vdochev But then people would have to actually watch the movie instead of turning it on and doing something else.
@initailo1536 Год назад
@@vdochev you do know their is an option in the setting to set it full un Comanche and subtitles in English. Y’all not even knowing this say’s a lot about y’all.
@NathanaelD Год назад
The little amount that they do talk is what I hated the most about the movie. Not that I wanted more of it at all. But I hated the way they spoke. I felt like they made no attempt to dial back the mannerisms and attitude of 21st century English. The brother talked like a gym bro who just finished listening to the latest Rick Ross album. No I wasn't expecting them to speak more like Native Americans, but less like they just left Starbucks and were too busy posting selfies on Instagram
@brokengator Год назад
I felt like she was more in danger sinking in that mud then she was fighting the actual predator
@ajlendful Год назад
That scene was dumb, it's obvious to you she doesn't die since it's an awkward death do the main character and it was only at the first half of the movie. So essentially you knew it is foreshadowing...
@hectichazerdus Год назад
Film was pathetic with a 5 ft 5 female who weighs about 7 stone fighting a beast of a predator. Embarrassing and politically correct nonsense
@cre8iveone699 11 месяцев назад
She has the power of Woke Feminist writers.
@wjzav1971 11 месяцев назад
@@hectichazerdus She uses speed and agility to dodge his hits and get jabs at him rather than pure strenght, so I don't mind that.
@casedistorted 10 месяцев назад
yea pretty much lol but it was good overall
@BearFattfilm Год назад
I think it’s odd you didn’t mention the native American in the original Predator. He was the first to realize. “There’s something out there waiting for us, and it ain’t no man.”
@CrispyHulk1 Год назад
That guy was a bad ass
@szaboattila844 Год назад
As far as I remember, she was presented as a generic "Latino" guerilla (insurgent) fighter (although we know that the film was shot in the jungles of Mexico, the exact location is not specified in the film, and the impression expressed by moviegoers is that the action took place somewhere in South American Colombia, being about insurgents and guerilla wars. But, anyway, she was not presented as a Native American, nor did she give that impression.
@milesnicholas5973 11 месяцев назад
@@szaboattila844 That's not who the comment was about!
@KingOfAllDragoons 11 месяцев назад
@@szaboattila844 The comment was about Billy
@KingOfAllDragoons 11 месяцев назад
@@milesnicholas5973 just goes to show you how people aren’t legit Predator fans
@Durzo1259 Год назад
LOL. "In the end, Dutch was a traumatized man, probably resolved to never visit a jungle again." In fact, that was Arnold Schwarzenegger's real story from doing Predator. He said it was the most miserable experience of his whole life because of the environmental conditions and would never return to the franchise again.
@BadGamer40 Год назад
Dutch always has a plan but he just needs money
@lino222 Год назад
@hi12345613 Год назад
Funny enough Dutch is still alive in the extended lore and hunting the predators, the closest you will see a return of his character is in the predator video game.
@alucard624 Год назад
@@hi12345613 That game is surprisingly fun with the right group.
@keithkong1985 Год назад
Really!?!?!?!? That's awesome. I love Arnie Wiki.
@koholintisland2167 Год назад
"As each one died, you felt the hole they left". That sir, is an amazing way to describe it, and I never considered it that way. In Predator, as each soldier died it felt more hopeless and... empty. Color stripped away from a painting that was whole with all members on stage. Excellent job, Drinker.
@judyhopps9380 Год назад
To quote something I saw downvoted on reddit: The first movie is a deconstruction of masculinity. The best of the best, and absolute physical specimens of humanity go to war with guerrillas and annihilate them. Their (Hollywood) fieldcraft and combat make them indestructable Gods of war.... And this draws the attention of a bigger fish. The Predator shrugs off their firepower, picks apart their numerical advantage, desecrates their dead, and rattles their nerves. The only way Arnold Schwarzenegger survives is because he accidentally stumbles upon camouflage to stop the beast seeing him, then resorts to primative, caveman tactics to overcome the Predator. Even then it is not enough, and they are finally put on equal footing. The Hunter acknowledges his prey, and they lock horns in a deadly 1 vs 1. Arnold, the biggest man in Hollywood is outclassed. Even when his final trap is employed, the Predator outfoxes it, and is only killed by the log used as leverage to the original trap. By the end, Arnold Schwarzenegger is borderline dead. He has PTSD, lost all of his friends and comrades, and sombre music plays. There's a 101 errors tactically with the movie: Why do they only discuss their backup plan / reinforcements whilst en route? Why wouldn't Dillon mention Jim Hopper and his men? Why does Billy, a professional soldier, go all "grampy bone be feelin' dis" at nothing? When they attack the enemy encampment, there's no plan for how to egress if things go bad. When Mac says he found the other hostage, and he's dead too, could it be from the fact Arnie's men blew up the whole village without seeing which building the hostage was inside? Arnie says "Find me a way out of this hole" to Billy. They should have had an extraction plan prior to the attack, or even prior to landing. How do they know the first chopper was taken out by a heat seeker? How can you tell the guidance system on a SAM / RPG explosion by looking at shrapnel for a few seconds? Maybe it was radar guided. And so on and so on.... (I have lots more) But Predator had heart, soul, and a novel concept. It will always be in my top 3 movies. Prey wasn't a bad movie, but it was nothing to write home about. Frankly I found the predator more stupid, and the tactics to bring it down less impressive. People have no problem with women heroes, and to this day, Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor are benchmarks for feminine prowess. It's just they happened to be amazing characters as well as females. By all means give us a female native American killer (even if she's half Thai/Chinese), but I don't think you're telling a story that is relevant to the Predator experience, which is over-reliance on technology, and the idea of a super power being wiped out by a less sophisticated enemy. The first movie is a very good analogy to the Vietnam War. This was just someone's female wish fulfilment.
@DzinkyDzink Год назад
Can't have a hole when your ego is as big as modern day feminist's. That's why Naru smiles at the end of the movie.
@lawrencetalbot8346 Год назад
Meanwhile as each savage died, I laughed harder and harder. By the end I was doing a rain dance of my own
@mr.sinjin-smyth Год назад
I'd much rather watch Nausicaa, a classic example of a great female protagonist, than watch again this perfect example of Disney Style modern day female empowerment.
@darthbiscuit Год назад
And they told it all visually. You see their weapons and appearance and instantly could tell the unique role they played. You knew who was the scout, the heavy gunner, the comms. Each loss meant one less major friend and asset gone till Dutch had nothing left but himself.
@stevenr6397 Год назад
when in need of a weapon someone should have shouted "get to the chopper!" and then pointed to a large axe in a tree stump!🤣
@JohnDoe-oh7gf Год назад
The. Best. Comment. Ever. *Mic Drop* xD
@322dhm Год назад
Laughing so hard, this scene needs to be in the next movie!
@killereye Год назад
Yeah, like hype of the axe as the best one around, accidentally created as an ever-sharp and well balanced tool, that saved it's owner's life against not one, but two bears (dropping a tree on them which tree got 'chopped' partially and prepared before as part of a desperate attempt to a trap), and then their heads were taken by the same axe, and thus earned it's legendary status, and even got the name "The Chopper"...The name and legend reveal should be done close after the "Get to the Chopper!" line! Even asked the owner in disbelief about the ridiculous name: "Chopper?" where the owner tells it's legend. Only downside would be, that most of them would see the joke/homage miles away if the name was dropped too early. Maybe most part of the story about the the Legendary Axe could be told but cut in half before the name drops, by the battle-cry of the Predator, and when they are safe, the name of the axe would be explained: "Yeah, I even gave it the name, 'Chopper.'" And the other character would be like: Foolish old man... or sumthin'. The joke/homage could work out very well, IF written really good and in a clever way. :-p
@shadowreaver1851 4 месяца назад
What's a chopper? I think that's what everyone else in the movie would have said.
@nicholasstahl713 Год назад
This makes me wish I could have watched this movie on accident without knowing it was a Predator movie. How mind blowing would that bear reveal scene be if you were a fan, but had no idea it was coming!?
@sup9542 Год назад
As someone who loves nature and watches documentaries, that bear scene was just unwatchable for me. That's not how bears behave. They aren't mindless killing machines. Wild animals are extremely risk averse and don't just mindlessly attack. And if a bear does come at you it's not going to be growling, it's going to be very calm as it tears you apart, you'll just hear snorting and breathing as it eats you.
@@sup9542 That was the sad part of the movie. Really unrealistic. Humans really aren't on any wild animal's internally programmed meals. They tend to avoid humans like the plague.
@ZildjianMan30 Год назад
@Sup That bear saw an easy 100 lb snack. Winter is coming! Need fat! Why wouldn't it attack? Although, early in the fight, that bear did fuck up the predator. Nicely done Mr. Yogi.
@billyguyjoe1858 Год назад
@@sup9542 idk I feel like the bear scene was believable enough but any real lone wolf would have fled from the predator rather than charging at it.
@studentagainstsleep Год назад
@@sup9542it’s a movie with a fictional alien, what did you expect?
@joncarter3761 Год назад
You know the industry is in dire straits when 'not as bad as I thought' is considered a masterpiece because everything else recently has been that awful.
@leadmetalproductions Год назад
lol 100% agree
@JSBozick Год назад
Valid point.
@DuggyDarko Год назад
"it's not as shit as the last one! 10/10!"
@JohnDoe-dr9ff Год назад
When the bar has been set so low, raising it just a tiny bit seems a masterpiece by comparison. It’s why a mediocre looking woman looks hot next to a bunch of fat, ugly women.
@Zontar82 Год назад
@@DuggyDarko last one was shit indeed
@zakw4110 Год назад
This review just made me realise how good the original predator was. With every new film that comes out I just have so much more appreciation for the oldies.
@AvoidTheCadaver Год назад
I'd daresay some of what would be considered B action movies from the oldies would be superior than the utter shite that is churned out these days. Baack in the days when they didn't need to worry about *the message*
@lazyman7505 Год назад
@@AvoidTheCadaver Some? I'd argue 'most' is more appropriate. Those movies were made as pure entertainment, not to push agenda and 'The Message'. I'd rather watch every action movie from 90s (for Nth time :) than any of the modern garbage.
@willw3736 Год назад
@@lazyman7505 exactly, Until we all quit watching this woke garbage nothing will change, until we turn the channel and start watching all shows made before Wokeness nothing but change, don’t watch new movies until Hollywood learns it’s lesson, this movie was nothing more than woke garbage
@jonathancross2790 Год назад
More people from the younger generation needs to understand this. Most young kids my age don't care about old films cuz they're old. They like bad movies if they have pretty people in it. And it's not helped by ''the message'' which they carefully ignore even though they make the films pretty hard to swallow. My point is respect the past and improve.
@Jayskiallthewayski Год назад
How freaking good was the writing on the first one?
@yourfanfictionhd Год назад
If you compare this movie to Apocalypto, directed by Mel Gibson, you see that Mel Gibson puts huge attention to character development, ambiance, and COMMON SENSE. He gives true reasons for fear because of the motives that drive even the villains. Apocalypto does not have aliens, but for some reason, you care so much about all characters, and every death is pure loss, and sadness. Indigenous stories can be very attractive, but need another level of sensibility and immersion to create a bond with the audience. Prey does not give it, its shallow beauty and some lost gore. But anyway, great analysis Drinker!
@squelchotron8259 Год назад
Mel Gibson is a massively underrated director.
@cn6519 Год назад
Yes. Part of what a makes a great movie, is to make you feel like you are in the situation with them. When a movie doesn't create that, it is a lost movie for me, no matter how beautiful or expensive it may be.
@Ep123C Год назад
Character wise Apocalypto is pretty great. Just don't mention historical accuracy.
@yourfanfictionhd Год назад
@@Ep123C yes it’s not historically accurate, but still a good sample of a culture that few directors or people care about. At least at the entertainment industry, few really care to tell a good story about South America…. But I agree about historical accuracy being important.
@Mystic_Stirling Год назад
Don't remember whether this movie was good or not, but this comment gives out a sigh of relief it wasn't shit
@jamesh.metaphor5131 Год назад
Totally agree with the point that there were hints of a better story which never came to fruition. For me it was the bit where her mother tells her hunting isn't about proving a point, it's about surviving. I would have liked to see her realise she was being an ass and decide to go after the predator because members of her tribe start getting picked off, rather than because she saw it had skinned a snake. It the tribe was under threat and they ignore the danger, it would force her to go look for proof of the predator and risk herself for their survival. Just like how the tribe viewed the lion after it took one of them. Instead she journeys far from the tribe, to seek out a large unknown creature that may not pose any threat to the tribe. Not a great plan. And her finale is returning to the tribe with the head of an animal nobody would recognise, not bothering to tell them (as far as we see) what happened or that her brother and the other hunters were killed, just dumps the head and their response is "looks like we got a new war chief, yippee"? Why didn't she run to her mother and break the terrible news? Why didn't they share a moment of emotion? Because Hollywood says that women who have emotion can't be badass, they need to repress it like dumb men. And instead of paying off the setup of "hunting isn't about proving a point, it's about surviving" by having her say something about understanding why survival matters or how she doesn't want to lose anyone else, she finishes her story by being given a big stick and a new title while everyone cheers, because that's what Hollywood thinks makes a good payoff/ending. Well, except for the credits where they rehash the story in cartoon and revealed the real ending of 3 predator ships dropping down on the tribe, presumably to wipe them out and collect the pistol?
@AZIONG651 Год назад
After watching this and reading your comment, I think I've come up with a way to make this movie more endearing and interesting. I'd like to see her really struggle against the Predator in the end, collecting some pretty nasty scars in the fight (like a lost eye or fingers or chunk out of her side or something). Ultimately she triumphs like Dutch did with cunning instead of strength, but like Dutch she comes back to her tribe kinda broken from the horror she witnessed, and goes straight to her mother to tell her what happened. Then she reluctantly takes the mantle of war chief in order to better protect the tribe, and has them move their territory, away from the trauma she had. Then years later, as well as showing us that she has nightmares of this monster she faced, we see that she has a kid or two now and she teaches them how to hunt, reciting the lines and lessons she got from her Mother and Brother. Then the kids see a shimmer, point it out to her, and she sees another Predator (or a few, akin to near the end of Predator 2). Then the scene cuts to black with the predator scream in the background. I think that sounds pretty cool and to the soul of the original, but what do you think?
@killereye Год назад
@@AZIONG651 Sounds perfect to me. I loved the film, but the end, where she got the stick, and she saw to the little girl, who looked up to her was 4th wall breaking to me. Peak 2022 Hollywood moment right there! At least THE MESSAGE was done this aggressively at the very end, so I wasn't forced to watch the film with a turned stomach. Then again, the true ending with the 3 predator ships were also great. Shows that even if She had Her GirlBoss moment, they were believed by the Predators as worthy prey and we all know where that pistol ended up...I was aware of the few woke moments, but most of them were easy to ignore, as they don't take up 5% of the film, so I could just pretend them away. Like fighting off the settlers on Her own, like She is at Predator Hunter level at that point. The mudpit element was foreseeable, as it vastly nerfs anything organic, and Chekow's Gun was paying up, and I was happy about it. In my ending, the end, when She saw the little girl looking up to Her would be called and told what horrors are out there, and that She had to battle a Monster from Hell, and that many lives (distractions, where she studied Big P.) were needed to be sacrificed for her to be successful. She could inspire female strength but honor those who allowed her to win over her foe! Also, in my end, she would teach some sort of battlefield medicine, first and foremost the usage of the cold body flower, since it's super effective against the P.'s heat vision...Maybe in Prey 2...but for now, it was a very okay movie to me. Your ending sounds great too! ☺
@0037kevin Год назад
Whoa, you've got concise and justifiable criticism, and an alternative to improve the story? You guys are obviously just misogynist and racist and you hate all women and POC because you can't handle...blah blah blah, I can't even carry on with that as a joke. I wish that wasn't how people were these days, unfortunately they are.
@FlyingPaladin 7 месяцев назад
I'm not reading all that
@catstac2542 6 месяцев назад
​@@FlyingPaladin And we need to know about it why?
@CharlesB147 Год назад
I literally almost spat my drink out when he said, "She fucks it up and gets injured." No way. A woman actually messing something up in a Hollywood movie, actually demonstrating some weakness and vulnerability and maybe some room for growth? Color me genuinely shocked, and give them a tiny gold star sticker for that one.
@sojourndestination3031 Год назад
Ok now I HAVE to watch it because it's not everyday in the writers room that they would write a screen like that.
@tomaszzalewski4541 Год назад
don't worry, as drinker and other people pointed out, the ending still doesn't make any sense
@Markojaydog Год назад
Yeah but then later when her brother explains what happened, he says that basically she DID defeat the Lion with her plan but she was just unconscious so he finished it off and took the credit for her work. Shocking...
@NinjaKnight Год назад
Her ankle heals in record time for her to engage in parkour.
@weilam03 Год назад
she fucks up and gets fucked up multiple times in this movie
@m0nk3yl0v3r Год назад
She ran off and ditched her mates in literally every fight. So much for wanting to be the badass hunter, failing to get stuck in and back up her friends
@highlander723 Год назад
She became a hunter the only way a millennial knows how. to killed everybody else so she was the only hunter left
@prophecyrat2965 Год назад
Lol its called survival.
@dislike_button33 Год назад
@@prophecyrat2965 selfish and cowardly is the more accurate term.
@willw3736 Год назад
I am shocked to see the critical drinker say this was surprisingly good, this was nothing more than hot woke Hollywood garbage to me, I gave it a one out of 10
@prophecyrat2965 Год назад
@@dislike_button33 yea all thise selfishy and cowardly prey that run from predators. Lol dude the movues is called “prey”.
@alabamaraptor8610 Год назад
where did we go so wrong that with all of our advancements in filmmaking we still cant make something better then a movie made in 1987
@aaroncostello8812 Год назад
Oh, that's easy. Movies stopped being about entertainment and became vehicles for fashionable sociopolitical ideology.
@walter4180 Год назад
because you're nostalgic. nothing more. if you don't see the strengths of 100s of modern films, you either don't watch movies anymore or your taste in them stunted in the mid 90s.
@walter4180 Год назад
@@aaroncostello8812 you mean like all movies have been to an extent in some time or another? you don't watch movies. you watch other people talk about them.
@aaroncostello8812 Год назад
@@walter4180 Really? Says the guy who is watching and commenting on a video made by other people talking about movies? If you are going to be a hypocrite at least try to be subtle about it. 🤡🤡
@walter4180 Год назад
@@aaroncostello8812 I do both. That's the difference lol
@kovacsj7823 Год назад
I wonder if this tribe were the distant ancestors of the Native American soldier in the first movie. If i remember right, he was even thinking about " demons from the legends ", at least in the book version.
@northernthrifter8817 Год назад
Danny was great character even though he hardly said a word in the movie, it's just different league to this feminist nonsense, great idea ruined by Disney's social engineering.
@rsd3719 Год назад
"It's all based of this simple minded fallacy that the absence of fear or weakness is what makes a person strong. It doesn't. it's a person's ability to overcome their flaws and fears and weaknesses that makes them a stronger character." Fucking take that to the bank.
@bigrotary7023 Год назад
You want a gold star? 🤣
@rsd3719 Год назад
@Good Teaching there is a huge difference between overcoming fears and them to never have existed at all. It seems like you're going out of your way to make an argument and not doing a very good job of it.
@Shakor77 Год назад
That does not work on feminist heroes. They are amazing and great in every possible way so they dont have any fears or weaknesses.
@rsd3719 Год назад
@Good Teaching It seems like you're hinging on a very narrow view of semantics to make your point. So I went ahead and went on Marrianm Webster to check this. It doesn't say anything about it being once present. The second definition is just straight up "not existing." So, the very specific definition you're trying to fit that word into isn't even right. Even if you were right, which again you're not, but if you were. What would you be trying to prove by tearing down an entire statement by devolving it down to the linguistics of a specific word? This is stuff poets do, which is fine in their specific setting, but this is the RU-vid comment section.
@Darknessblade4me Год назад
@Good Teaching Overcoming your fears is not losing them. It´s knowing them but not let them stop you from doing what needs to be done. Absence of fear is also called stupidity. Because you have to be an idiot to not be afraid.
@martinhriibek3443 Год назад
"Why don't men want to let me hunt with them?!" Fails to hunt a deer. Fails to hunt a rabbit. Fails to hunt a lion, needs to be rescued by her brother. Fails to hunt/hurt/defend herself from a bear by making her bowstring wet after scolding a male hunter about this, needs to be rescued by Predator. Fails to shoot the Predator while he's cutting her brother to pieces. #fuckpatriarchy
@leadmetalproductions Год назад
yet somehow everyone loves this film
@martinhriibek3443 Год назад
@@leadmetalproductions I can only summ it up with yesterdays conversation... Me: "It was bad...but...yeah...it wasn't THAT bad" Friend: "Yeah? Name one great thing about this movie" Me: " Well.... *cricked sounds*"
@mwaltermann Год назад
The bigger question is: Why are all men "toxic" towards a young and attractive female protagonist? Because she is constantly talking back maybe? Because she always wants to have the last word? Because she knows everything better and is resistant to feedback? Because she has an unbearable attitude almost all the time? I do not know, but usually you would think that in a tribe of approx. 40 members, all men would try to keep their options open and be nice to attractive women ...
@jeanpaulchristian3282 Год назад
Yeah but the Predator roared in agony off in the distance before she drove that spear though that fucking American CGI cave lions stupid I cant hunt for shit skull
@jelledesmet7086 Год назад
I think this is waaay better than the standard mary sue stuff.
@fernandoi8958 Год назад
Idk, I have a different perspective of her feats in the end. If you look closely, her brother was 10x the hunter she was in terms of combat skills. He wounded the predator a lot of times, but that was not enough to kill him. She was only able to do it because she was *smarter* and laid out a lot of traps to get to that point... But you are right about the lack of character growth and that she didnt took the beating of a lifetime until she eventually killed it lol
@nkfd4688 Год назад
That dog was the real hero of the movie 🐶
@nartaas809 Год назад
Actually the film could have gone in the direction of brother + sister together defeating the predator. It was even highlighted in the film that their skills have a good synergy. It would bring something new to the table at least.
@skaut_games7644 Год назад
Her brother almost killed it alone If that spear would be few centimeters to the center of predator it would Pierce his heart And yes I would love seeing both of them fighting predator at the end. His experience and her ingenuity. We also have to remember our alien boy was so filled with wounds at the end he was dizzy, tech he used to close his wounds and start up healing would help but he still lost a lot and I mean a lot of blood
@austinh7110 Год назад
I mean it went back to the lion hunt how she injured it but didn’t kill it. Then with Predator Her brother fucked it up to the point it was weak then she finished it off.
@shannonpincombe8485 Год назад
But they needed their 'new Ripley'. Or grown up Newt. Lazy writing.
@mrspeigel3593 Год назад
Yeah that would have been better.
@LucefieD Год назад
right? Her brother is actually good at hunting and combat, she's good at strategy and cunning. Her plan is solid but the second the predator had her by the neck she shoulda been dead af. I mean shit it picked up a fucking bear earlier but she survives getting slammed into the ground by her neck? lol okay.
@chuckn4851 Год назад
The thought of a team of Predators rolling up to the Comanche village and just wiping them immediately after the credits is darkly hilarious that the writers didn't think of that angle
@mincingwords2812 Год назад
They show it happening in the credits, more predator ships showing up
@EvilDoresh Год назад
This needs a post-credits scene where the waltz into the village, charging up their plasma casters.
@WolfRamAndHart Год назад
Perhaps it's like what should have been the ending of Hobbit-Desolation of Smaug, but was instead being put into 5 Armies. The massacre that would make that plot point make sense, sadly happens in the first 5 minutes of the sequel. That would certainly subvert expectations. I don't know what happens to the main character, perhaps she survives, since the gun indicates a respect of her warrior ability? (Haven't watched film)
@MisterBolticus Год назад
maybe you should've watched the credits
@LennerPOPPADOPALIS89 Год назад
@kailashsaravanan8551 7 месяцев назад
I think if they made Naru lose something in the final fight, it would have made up for a lot of the criticisms this movie gets. For example, if the dog died as a sacrifice to kill the predator, or if she lost a limb or something, it would feel much more realistic and like she earned the win. Overall, still really enjoyed the movie.
@shadowreaver1851 4 месяца назад
Well she kind of lost her brother. I mean it was her brother and he was kind of cool. I missed him when he died.
@5wheels178 29 дней назад
she lost her brother, genius
@kailashsaravanan8551 29 дней назад
I mean when she fought him 1v1 at the VERY end. Because it's kinda unrealistic that she alone beats the freaking feral predator with wit alone.
@kalvin1123 Год назад
It's good in its own way. Predator starts as an action movie with strong men killing and blowing stuff up with powerful weapons to show they are invincible. But in the second half, it's a horror movie where they're suddenly vulnerable in a mysterious environment. The Predator is hunting the men. Also, remember in Predator, Dutch only put up a decent fight when he used sticks and vines. Prey is different because the main characters have a natural understanding of the land. That's an important advantage the woman has. She still thinks she's looking for a bear or lion. It's almost as if the Predator is the guest.
@giveaway-_- Год назад
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@tonyvandeyl8575 Год назад
im about halfway through the movie to where the French trappers have them tied to a tree. The only gripe really was when they went to bring her home and she was full on fighting them with punches and stuff....i get that theyre trying to show she's not a submissive female and she can hunt just as good as the rest of them but it just came off with a strange vibe. i have questions about the Predator himself but ill see if those questions are answered later. overall its been a pretty good movie - a bit slow in the beginning though.
@ajlendful Год назад
You know I would like to believe that, but when you don't even teach your actors how to shoot a bow ( you can learn how comanche gripped their bows and arrows from one google search) and you almost kill your main lead in the first half because she stupidly falls in a mud pit, it seemed to me like an arrogant child with knowladge of few herbs and tracking got everyone killed in pursuit of her gender equality. Mixing modern non-problems with tribes of native americans feels so forced and stupid, just like all of this movie.
@nicxshaw 10 месяцев назад
@@ajlendfulthe point is for her to be arrogant in the beginning , thats why she falls in the pit. Its not about equality at all
@RK-um9tu 9 месяцев назад
@@nicxshaw the point is the movie is just plan DUMB...
"I've told her a thousand times never train by yourself, all it does is engrain your mistakes" - Vesemir master of the school of the wolf and apparently toxic male
@Jummugest Год назад
Doesn’t that kinda make sense though? Like training by yourself would make you blind to your own mistakes? Would be easier to learn watching someone else learning with you.
@gorillawhale1046 Год назад
Vesimir was a boss
@@Jummugest yeah that was my point dude it's this new thing the kids are doing called "sarcasm" maybe you've heard of it?
@GodwynDi Год назад
To a certain extent you can. If you are shooting a bow and fail to hit the target, clearly something needs to be improved. Now, it may develop bad habits that can inhibit future growth, but learning on your own some is certainly possible
@rKhael53 Год назад
@@Jummugest I think training by yourself isn't that bad. But relying too much on it is.
@logan_sunday Год назад
I hope the actor who played her brother shows up in a lot more. I really enjoyed his role and performance personally. And I'm pretty sure this was his first role.
@EyeAmLouDaddy Год назад
I agree. He should have been the main character
@chrisdee1583 Год назад
But this guy showed too much "toxic masculinity" of course he had to be slain early doors for the Mary Sue Matrix gymnastics alien killer to flourish 😂😂😂😂💩
@karicastanza5216 Год назад
I agree. He really cared about the sister, but also showed her/told the reasons why she previously failed. Furthermore, he had the humility to tell her how she had actually helped him (through her own failure of falling out of the tree) that she had set everything up correctly for him to beat the lion. I found her to be a good fighter and quick thinker, but by no means a match for even a "low level" Predator. And, no one seems to mention the funky herbs she used to make her heat signature disappear. I cry BS there!
@margarethmichelina5146 Год назад
But overall, you gotta admit the tag team between the brother and sister to fight The Predator along with the dog is pretty good and they have a good choreography fight. I wish he survived in the end.
@blazinpuffs Год назад
I really wish he was the main character. Seeing him fight the predator was wicked. Gave me some serious Turok vibes. He actually brought her back before going after the lion whereas she doesn't even try to get his body back after killing the Predator.
@couchfort3934 Год назад
The “you think I’m not a hunter like you” monologue actually would’ve been perfect if they cut the last line “and neither does it” or whatever she says. Like if they set it up so we THINK she’s talking to the Frenchmen but the big reveal is she’s talking to the Predator? THAT would’ve been fucking badass.
@TTD94 7 месяцев назад
Just change “does it” to “do you,” and that would have been the most badass line in the film.
@HypoCT Год назад
Girl got the thickest plot armor I've ever seen
@dcmastermindfirst9418 Год назад
@viddykhaos2896 Год назад
The predator is a brutal alien enemy the toughest warriors of her tribe could never quite even scratch. It was very exhilarating when she found the key to defeating this enemy, the plot armour.
@kyotheman69 Год назад
totally is plot armor if Arnold had hard time years ago, no way this 100 pound little thing would of had a chance, fuck this movie and fuck hollywood
@benedictcucumberbatch4447 Год назад
My thought is that it could have been a completely depressing movie where the main character gets killed trying to take on such a monstrous entity. Might’ve made it more realistic and dramatic. But I think the pricks at Disney might’ve had something to do with the character.
@JewTube001 Год назад
i think the predator should win one of these movies.
@bonystickmanking1250 Год назад
@@JewTube001 he should’ve won this movie
@MCGodzilla94 Год назад
This Rookie Pred got literally arrowed, speared in the foot and then again through back by the brother, and shot by frenchmen before it even fought the girl. The Comanches rocked his shit more than Dutch and his boys back in the jungle.
@bendavies4932 Год назад
I never felt she was in trouble because every time the Predator got his hands on her he threw her around rather than doing what it did to everyone else.
@korsekil Год назад
Honestly they have a tendency of doing this to the heroes of every one of the movies. Dutch was tossed around for a while himself.
@joshuaashkar6644 Год назад
Because the predator has an honour code to not kill something it doesn't deem can fight back then learns yeah bitch can fuck me up. I dunno I'm not defending sloppy writing though people need to write better believable characters with actual arcs
@scottricci5063 Год назад
Exactly, but why? Cuz it knows he's not supposed to stick a woman for it's a metaphor for rape? Woke by Disney. Haha
@voidtempering8700 Год назад
@@scottricci5063 The predator did the same thing to Dutch, it could have ripped him apart, instead, it was knocking him around.
@scottricci5063 Год назад
@@voidtempering8700 aware. Still.
@usagi009 Год назад
I felt invincible watching this idk why . I felt like a kid again. I enjoyed it .
@giveaway-_- Год назад
🎄🎄Merry Christmas 🎁🎁🎁👆 your RU-vid profile has been selected as the random winner of my giveaway contact me on telegram...
@RK-um9tu 9 месяцев назад
Intellectually, you still are a kid🤣😂🤣
@Ranter06 Год назад
Honestly, the second time she steps out of the tent in the morning and surveys the scene I expected her to whip out a phone and start tweeting... "another crap day at camp crap looking for tubers to eat!"
@milton7763 Год назад
“Nobody wants to see a young girl get horrifying injuries on screen” I guess the Drinker is not into slasher movies
@FlorisDVijfde Год назад
Yeh I didn't get that one. Dillon loses an arm, do chicks want emancipation or not? What they could have done is give this girl the same "protection" the South American girl in Predator had: remain unarmed and therefore left alone by the alien for as long as she didn't carry a bow or axe. They could also have considered poison to kill. Also I don't get the impression there's blood and gore shown that contributes as well to a sense of horror as the first did. The skinned bodies, the gallons of blood...Predator showed a massacre that actually impressed.
@sFeral Год назад
@@FlorisDVijfde yeah no horror feel at all
@tomcruze7898 Год назад
Revenge is a good movie
@laoch5658 Год назад
they dont make teen slashers anymore
@haydn-db8z Год назад
Yeah, the one line from this review that didn't land with me. In this day and age, who *doesn't* want to see an on-screen female character get horribly injured?
@PerritoGG Год назад
You forgot to mention that the freaking dog was the best character in the movie. What a champ.
@davidlee7174 Год назад
YES YES. The movie should have been dog vs predator. Shout out to that doggo 🐶
@junioraltamontent.7582 Год назад
"Air Bud vs Predator," yup now *there's* a film.
@emina15 Год назад
I was honestly so scared through the whole movie that the good boy would be killed in the movie. Thank god he didn't.
@captbuckyohare5585 Год назад
@@junioraltamontent.7582 Turner and Hooch... and THE PREDATOR
@ianallen738 Год назад
The dog was unrealistic. Should have been a pit that ripped off the predator's face, and then when Mary Sue goes to pet it, it latches on to her arm and shakes, mortally wounding her.
@emeraldking1701 Год назад
Something that annoys me about the main character is that she’s all like “I have to hunt this monster all by myself” but then brings her dog along. Like, she would have been killed by the bear if the dog didn’t distract it, or would’ve lost the Predator fight if it weren’t for the dog’s assistance, so it kind of defeats the message of the movie. It would have been nice if she gave her dog a little credit at the end
@madpuppet666 Год назад
a dog is a hunters tool. You may as well complain that she took a weapon with her when she went hunting.
@thecringeprophet Год назад
@@madpuppet666 >tool More like helpful companion.
@jmoney4708 Год назад
Wrote a whole book 😂
@snozzlehead92 11 месяцев назад
The toxic femininity in this movie overshadowed a key minority who didn't get enough exposure for all his good deeds - doggo!
@2006gtobob Год назад
Most of today's movie writers couldn't be put up against any group of 12yr old boys from the 1980's when it comes to putting together dialog for today's "hero" movies. And the executives of the studios that quash any thought of expressing any idea outside of SJW approved sensibilities have caused me, at 50, to not go to the theater anymore and drop Disney, etc. Gone back to the basics! I did see Maverick and I was blown away! A MOVIE!!!! What a breath of fresh air. Simple. To the point. No BS SJW crap anywhere I can recall. Soft spoken when needed, balls out over the top fun the rest of the time!
@RK-um9tu 9 месяцев назад
What white male doesn't like a movie glorifying white males?
@fmc7209 Год назад
Watched this over the weekend with my wife who isn’t big into any sort of sci-fi stuff. Her best comment for the movie was at the end where she said “so she wasn’t able to kill a single animal the entire movie but kill the big alien??” Cracked me up
@darkvenomancer123 Год назад
OMG 🤣 best point ever
@VorpalSlade Год назад
Can always trust a mildly disinterested wife or girlfriend to see through the bullshit :') Mine is exactly the same
@TheSicHargow Год назад
I am wondering if they were just trying to highlight the point that it wasn't about the hunt or going toe-to-toe, but rather finding a way to survive like her mother had said.
@SuperPsychoanalysis Год назад
She did kill some rabbits.
@Jay-og4yb Год назад
Did you watch the movie? Is she stupid or on the spectrum? It's very easily explained and only requires a few neurons
@antonalberts9230 Год назад
Two things that really bugged me beyond what you mentioned: 1) Tying a rope to a throwing weapon, will completely affect how it operates, can't wait to see what Shad has to say about this! 2) Preddie can easily Overhead Press a fucking bear, he later hits Naru in the head twice with the equivalent of a manhole cover... I'm a fairly beefy boy at 115kg if I hit her in the head she'd be out cold, give me a blunt force weapon and she's not waking up. So how the fuck does she survive that, unscathed? But as you stated Drinker much less worse than expected.
@elitemook4234 Год назад
Same way she got caught in a bear trap and didn't get her leg snapped like a twig. Mary sue plot armor.
@jesterssketchbook Год назад
i hope no-one tries her "attach a rope to an axe" style of fighting in real life - because ppl are gonna lose legs - what a ridiculous scene. Imagine watching that as you edit the film and thinking, "yup, that makes sense, that would work, and its totally badass!" Just NO - all the types of NO
@8486odin Год назад
I have been fighting all week about this very point... good luck my friend... and I agree 100%
@user-xx6vy9ri8p Год назад
"Much less worse" you mean better?
@grimnir8872 Год назад
@@jesterssketchbook The part that annoys me is... use a fucking spear, if you want to have something act like a harpoon, USE A FUCKING HARPOON.
@woollywoolwoolz Месяц назад
No mention of the dog saving the day? The real,hero of the movie
@chipgarrett3139 7 месяцев назад
I showed this movie to my 11 year old daughter and her friends at a sleepover and they loved it. For good or bad, its still better than a lot of other movies nowadays.
@userunknown4044 Год назад
The writers forgot this took place in the 1700s, literally no one was afraid of the predator or the tech he used. Goes invisible, no one is suprised.
@CapybaraConnoisseur89 Год назад
That was my main complaint as well, I mean they should flee in terror seeing this monstrosity. No one was ever remotely scared of him lmao. It was a decent movie, but yeah loads of inconsistencies.
@willw3736 Год назад
Are you as shocked as I am that the critical drinker said in the title he thought it was surprisingly good? I thought this was nothing more than hot woke garbage
@msscott22 Год назад
There's a moment where the brother sees it disappear and screams "You're a cheater", that made me smile.
@sunderland666 Год назад
​@@CapybaraConnoisseur89 Well for them it would be like yet another spirit they believed in, you either afraid of them or not, but all the scary shit he's doin- well he's a magical horrible demon, what would you expect.
@willw3736 Год назад
I am SHOCKED, basically the critical drinker‘s review is saying that he thought it was woke as can be BUT that it was OK….wait what??? Are you effing kidding me? A movie that’s woke is garbage in my eyes, and I thought the critical drinker was the same way….but I guess not…. Please wake up critical drinker!, if it’s woke it’s hot garbage, nothing more
@JoelCreates Год назад
They repeatedly violated "Show don't tell", explaining obvious clues that would normally reward the audience for their attention. "He's the one who killed the buffalo", "He can't see me if I eat these flowers", "That's what makes me dangerous". I did enjoy elements of it, but 93% on Rotten Tomatoes?? Maybe they grade on a curve...
@jackroyaltea5034 Год назад
What’s worse is that studio execs will take this as a sign that strong generic female protags are great and worth investing in.
@JamesT094 Год назад
They grade on race
@EdB-qh4up Год назад
@kaasmeester5903 Год назад
That's exactly what it is: grading on a curve. Our bar of expectations has been set so low that okay movies receive high praise for not being completely terrible.
@Zoidberg420 Год назад
@@jackroyaltea5034 it seems like that's what they've been trying to do for years
@ankitmandal403 Год назад
Her strategical attack on the predator and her brothers short fight with the predator was really good 💥
@giveaway-_- Год назад
🎄🎄Merry Christmas 🎁🎁🎁👆 your RU-vid profile has been selected as the random winner of my giveaway dm m to claim it...
@ajlendful Год назад
yeah the only good 10 minutes of the movie sadly
I feel when a new movie is almost immediately showered with praise, it's coming from fans having what I call Mike Wazowski syndrome - they're way too happy anything new from their favorite franchise comes out that they're [at least momentarily] blind to any flaws.
@TheUnitedDrills Год назад
Like The Force Awakens? 😂
@casualthurs3243 Год назад
That doesn’t make sense lol fans will be the first to hate something and make it known.
@TheHorrorShark Год назад
Like Halloween Kills, Jurassic World, etc.
@DavidLopez-qi8hb Год назад
@@TheHorrorShark Say what you want about Jurassic World but leave Halloween Kills out of it.
@DzinkyDzink Год назад
The Predator SHOT HIMSELF like an idiot... How is this any good?
@Wings137 Год назад
Movie: **Not an absolute burning dumpster fire** Media: _Masterpiece it is!!👏😤🎉_
@msscott22 Год назад
That's basically the modern standard, yup. Oh how far we have fallen.
@DuggyDarko Год назад
The bar is on the fucking floor
@15Candles Год назад
I think people say it's a masterpiece simply because we finally actually got a great new installment Predator movie in a very long time
@alstenfung5508 Год назад
@@msscott22 tbh the standards were also shit decades ago.
@CaPnBaLlBaG Год назад
A movie in 2022 with a female protagonist that we see fail several times, have to learn from others, and ultimately fight along-side a male in order to win. The movie deserves some of the hype based on that alone. They actually brought us a character who we got to see develop and grow. And with respect to the French, c’mon dude, are we supposed to portray them as likeable? Everybody hates the French 😂
@HB-zi3og Год назад
I know for a fact that the French Canadian voyageurs of the 19th century weren't all that different from the French dudes in the movie.
@michaelsummerell8618 Год назад
Surprisingly good?! Did I fall asleep at some point and miss a good bit? I thought it was shite.
@natilyfe Год назад
It would have made more sense if most of the hunters went missing never returning from their hunts. Now you have the problem of an entire tribe losing men/hunters. Thus being faced with starvation, it would make sense for her to have a strong desire to abandon her traditional role in the tribe.
@peste2574 Год назад
Know what is funny? In the og predator it is said that the predator comes during hot years to hunt men. They could have had this movie go for a while and show the men in the village or tribe be killed during months, tuss accomplishing her desire to hunt and maybe even avenge her family.
@rustyhowe3907 Год назад
That would've been a really good motivator, and the push needed for her to be open to new ideas just for the sake of the tribe and the mother's words of "It's about survival".
@meatpuppet5036 Год назад
Oh yeah, that tribe is done for, its blatantly obvious they won't survive.
Yah that actually sounds like an amazing story. Because it doesn't shove the ideals of certain people today on our ancestors.
@Deucebaby4life Год назад
This is actually a sick plot! It would have made it more intense and things on the line 🤙🏼
@IftiAlam1999 Год назад
What made John Wick's introduction one of the most badass protagonist intros is that he and his achievements are spoken of by other characters with reverence like he was some mythical creature or deity. That set him up perfectly as a certified, no nonsense badass. Imagine if John Wick said: "I am a man of focus and sheer will and I have been sent to kill the Boogeyman" he would've sounded like a cringey teenager in CW shows trying really hard to act tough, grown up and mature.
@SgtHawk45 Год назад
Even more amazing is John Wick actually gets hurt and clearly isn't some unbeatable guy. So he does get a lot of... terrible injuries.
@SgtHawk45 Год назад
@@remingtonsteele9431 True
@lilcoffeebandit Год назад
on the one hand i agree with this, but in a recent video criticising the new she-hulk series, CD said that other characters pointing out her 'awesomeness' was a flaw in storytelling. too much show and no tell. in this sense the john wick way of introduction is a flaw. I think there is a double standard here. I keep wondering if anyone would enjoy a character like john wick, flaws and all, if he was female. This is not an accusatory wonder, I am genuinely curious.
@yoelsidabutar789 Год назад
@@lilcoffeebandit i get your point but then again the first time we saw Jhon wick, he get beaten and his dog get slaughter that make us symphatise, so when the Mafia boss tell the story about how badass Jhon wick in his past we wanna saw that little guy get killed so so bad. In other hand she-hulk never shown get trouble for what she do, so yeah (sorry about the terrible English)
@ChadVulpes Год назад
@@lilcoffeebandit See, if you watch John Wick, you will notice that the movie doesn't actually begin with some homeboys praising him in the first five minutes. It starts with him being beat up, on the brink of death looking at a photo of him and a woman(we don't know it was his wife yet) on his phone. Then, the movie becomes a huge flashback to that moment. This immediately tells you this guy is going to see some action. And like Yoel said, we actually see him get beat up by home invaders that kill his dog, so before he gets praise from other characters, you secured your audience's will to root for him. This is an extremely important factor in a character's likability. There are key differences you overlooked in this comparison.
@villianousrex Год назад
bro where have we gotten to that a 13 year old girl winning a solo against a predator (a FUCKING predator) I want this franchise to get in da chopper and fly far awayyyy.
@blutoactual230 Год назад
Comanche, of course. Ever notice that when somebody claims to have Indian blood it's always romantic-sounding tribes like Comanche, Apache, or Cherokee? No one ever claims to be part Nooksack, Ho-Chunk, or Flathead...
@demontekdigital1704 Год назад
One of the things that makes the original so awesome is you get to see Dutch, and his company operate as combat seasoned soldiers before the predator is ever revealed. So much so that I've always considered it to be a 2-part movie that starts as a military action movie, and ends as an action/horror movie. The director wants you to know just how good the team is so when you see how easily the predator kills them off it really drives home the fact that he is a complete badass as well. They have to adapt to survive, and use methods outside of brute force, and heavy weaponry. The Yautja is far different from anything they've ever faced, and has weapons that puts them at an instant disadvantage. Dutch ends up relying on counter-insurgency techniques, and obfuscation to avoid direct contact with the Yautja because he knows he's simply outsized, and outmatched in a one on one brawl. You even get the sense that even after he wins he's so beat to shit that he doesn't actually feel like he won. More like he barely survived.
@mikewhitfield2994 Год назад
Only failing was that they didn't show that big ass Indian take it on with a knife. That would have been awesome, especially given that he's a better character (played by a better actor) than Schwarzenegger.
@scrooks58 Год назад
AND they had enough juice to insert a perfectly valid post-Watergate government secrecy angle with Carl Weathers’ character without glomming up the film!
@mgsostanj Год назад
Yeah, and they were affected by laws of physics... you know such as gravity and stuff, unlike her she probably realized that this is actually matrix.
@Uzarran Год назад
Predator is a perfect example in how to handle and demonstrate power-scaling.
@gutsandcasc Год назад
hell yeah
@grandmufftwerkin9037 Год назад
One of the biggest complaints my best friend had about Prey is that he found the characters completely uninteresting. One of the best things about the original Predator film is that the characters were pretty well fleshed out within a short time.
@sergiogonzalesYT Год назад
@DzinkyDzink Год назад
Especially the dehumanized french clowns. I alwayas needed another reason to hate white colonialist men and this movie gave me an excellent reason why. Obviously sarcasm.
@AlexGreat321 Год назад
That's what I was saying Naru and to a much lesser extent her brother were the only ones who have character development. Everyone else is either Predator target practice or an exposition dump
@odindarkangel5404 Год назад
Why is there so many Bots spamming links.. also one of them even is impersonating drinker lmao.
Arnold was the only 1 for me
@evildead0.575 Год назад
Rotten tomato score for Prey is 92. The original Predator is 80. Rotten Tomatoes is really runned by "proffesional" movie critics huh.
@MrMittens1974 Год назад
If Arnold was a gay male it'd have a score in the 90s.
@OperatorKain Год назад
That's largely an issue with the Rotten Tomatoes format. New movies generally rate really high or really low when they first premier, then their score normalizes to a more accurate rating over time.
@HonkHonkler Год назад
I hate life.
@rebotsomat2341 Год назад
@@OperatorKain its also because there arent many reviews for the old movie. If you look at the site, there are only 55 reviews for the original movie, while there are over 200 for Prey.
@MrJohnmarston13 Год назад
Lol stay mad
@edwardvilla3510 Год назад
The girl stepped into the steel bear trap and later on the predator also got his ankle whacked. It must have been made in China because it did not affect either of them. Or ankles were much tougher back then.
@arrowknee7356 Год назад
So in defence of this for the predator in the film, he is shown healing his wounds in a way that this wouldn't be an issue earlier in the film. When he applies the healing you see the wound healing almost immediately. As for the protagonist, the entire finale starts to have issues including this, or when it is the predator can or cannot see her. A lot of the issues like the lack of predator vision establishing how he could see her again, how he didn't notice her when she ambushed him etc, really feel more like they ran out of budget though (as it was clearly shot on a smaller budget) rather then just oversights.
@phattjohnson Год назад
And the dog's tail was fine after a bit of ginger rub.
@jfh9219 Год назад
Cheap traps! She had this little scratch lol
@michaelcesar800 Год назад
delicate female ankles slipped through the huge gaps in the teeth and offscreen healing herbs , DUH
@dwill1804 Год назад
those aren’t bear traps 🤣🤦🏾‍♂️ those traps or for small game or coyotes/foxes. A bear trap would’ve instantly cut her leg off. Also it’s a movie dude it showed her putting some medicine on it and it wasn’t that deep of a wound. You want her to be limping the whole movie or die from sepsis for the sake of keeping it “realistic”
@Asaq231 Год назад
The thing that absolutely took me out of this movie was how the predator dies. I was having so much fun with the movie but I cannot accept that he wouldnt see that trap coming. In the first movie you know the predator is an excellent hunter because he recognises the traps Dutch places for him. He doesn’t just go walk through them like an idiot.
@MK-pt3iy Год назад
At the end there's an animation that goes through the story and shows 3 predator ships coming out of the sky above the village after she gets back from killing the predator.
@Lastjustice Год назад
Predators usually clean up their handy work after a hunt. They probably came in and let the people flee in terror as they took the head and the gun with them as trophies.
@duncanmcokiner4242 Год назад
They already explained the 1715 pistol in the comics. It belonged to a pirate captain who was enough of a chad that the Predator wanted to hunt him, but his men mutinied after he refused to let them steal from a church. The Predator pulled a "Nobody kills him but me" and started killing the mutineers with him. The last of them shot the captain, and it says a lot that his crew thought he was such a badass that they shot him and not the seven foot invisible monster, and the Predator took his pistol to honour him rather than as a trophy.
@vodkavecz Год назад
That's a pretty cool origins story. But as far as I know the comics don't matter. Or treat them as some different reality. Just like the AvP movies.
@FullOnMetalHead1995 Год назад
@@vodkavecz what do you mean by, "they don't matter"? Its all fiction ain't it?
@FullOnMetalHead1995 Год назад
@@vodkavecz what do you mean by, "they don't matter"? Its all fiction ain't it?
@sharpshooterjames8891 Год назад
A chadator recognizing a chad…nothing new
@paul_Nobody_ Год назад
This is the whole movie lore vs comic lore debate. Ultimately, the film plots take priority over comic lore for things like Predator and here is why. Predator was a movie made in 1987 when I was a kid. The target audience was people like my dad. The 1st comic came out in 1989 and was targeted to kids like me. In 1990, the second movie came out and was targeted back to people like my dad who never read the comics. This is the juxtaposition that franchises find themselves in when they have meandering ownership. Hell even the old Star Wars Extended Universe had 6 different levels of canon, which is why Disney decided to just start over.
@whatsinthebox9732 Год назад
The ending drove me nuts. The logic leaps, conveniences and perfect timing moments that came together to give a 100 pound girl an easy win against a 700 pound predator was eye roll inducing
@grimnir8872 Год назад
What I don't get is they could literally copy the first movie. Lure the predator in for the kill only to be taken out by a trap. The Predator showed all through the movie he was greedy for kills, yet they somehow were scared to show her actually THINK instead of girlboss.
@willw3736 Год назад
Are you surprised as I am of the critical drinkers title saying that this was surprisingly good? Because this was one of the worst, most wokest movies of the year for me, I thought it was absolutely terrible
@NoToeLong Год назад
@@willw3736 - I feel Drinker's standards have dropped after being exposed to too many bad films. Like he's becoming desperate to find something good, so he settles for mediocre and says "well compared to worse stuff it's not so bad".
@Xapheion101 Год назад
Yet here is drinker defending it. Honestly I think that convention he went to had some fun private party rooms and this review marks the beginning of his indoctrination into the message.
@EdB-qh4up Год назад
@@willw3736 Dear Will, I just didn't understand. Is it sarcasm? In his critique he tore apart the movie. I didn't get it.
@TheGuyCalledCarl 6 месяцев назад
This just reminds me of how awesome the original Predator is.
@Redeye1983 8 месяцев назад
This Predator movie is good. Not the garbage of The Predator from 2018.
@omisan771 Год назад
To me, this is like Black Panther all over again. The movie is just passable (unlike say, Lady Ghosbusters) and it carries the right "message", therefore the critics go absolutely crazy as if it was a masterpiece. If you replace the main actress by a native guy, the Tomatometer drops below 70%.
@msscott22 Год назад
I actually wouldn't have minded if Dakota Beavers had been the lead. I really thought he had good screen presence, and was a little disappointed he wasn't used more.
@ComicGladiator Год назад
​@@msscott22 Dakota Beavers is legitimately a porn star name. In fact, porn stars would consider it too on the nose.
@msscott22 Год назад
@@ComicGladiator lol yea, it totally is.
@willw3736 Год назад
Are you as shocked as I am that the critical drinker said he thought this was woke but good? If it’s woke it’s BAD…I thought he was on board with this but I guess not, when did woke equal surprisingly good? Absolutely incredible, this movie was hot woke garbage
Wakanda Forever is coming
@benjy288 Год назад
The main issue I had with the film was the end fight with the predator, up until that point the film for the most part portrays her pretty realistically, she fails at taking out a mountain lion, fails at taking out a bear, taking on those french men was a pretty big stretch indeed, but then when it comes to fighting the predator she basically turns into marvel's black widow, she runs rings around the predator, jumps off a 20 foot high tree branch onto its back, yanks its tooth out and stabs the predator with it, pulls it off its feet, survives being choke slammed no problem, it was like watching a super hero movie, the movie could have been much better if they made that fight more realistic.
@madmaxmedia Год назад
There are a lot of missed opportunities in action movies, where instead of making the audience more fearful of the enemy and ramping up the suspense, they want to show the good guys doing nifty tricks. At the very least find a good balance between the two.
@cashkrop Год назад
I disliked the whole thing, but pulling the predators tooth off with one hand? We're talking about a creature that beat a bear to death with its bear hands and she just pulls his tooth off like a lego?
@TheRealNormanBates Год назад
@@cashkrop with it's _bear_ hands? 😉
@royhoequist8846 Год назад
@@TheRealNormanBates Obviously the Predator grabbed the bear’s paws and began slapping the bear’s face while saying, “Why are you slapping yourself? Why are you slapping yourself?” Because the Predator is so strong though, it actually killed the bear with its bear hands/paws.
@GlueTubber Год назад
AND she got hit with a shield (and received no injuries) not minutes after that same shield had decapitated a guy and cut completely through the tree behind him... duh fuhgh?
@kiillabytez 8 месяцев назад
After watching how the Predator killed itself, it just makes me wonder why I even watch movies any more.
they had a group of like 15 hunters loose to the predator yet this 12 year old girl solos no problem. But the Yautja are consider peek predators in the universe
@Miyulta Год назад
12:47 this is why Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor will forever be perfect examples of badass female character done right, both were scared shitless of their antagonist and left changed women, but still were able to get shit done
@Thunderchild-gz4gc Год назад
Plus man and women helped them without doing the job for them.
@santiagoflores9601 Год назад
nothing but pure facts.
@WingMaster562 Год назад
There's also that woman in the AvP
@kirnpu Год назад
@Thunderchild-gz4gc Год назад
@@WingMaster562 Lex is underrated she rocked. Black female without making a big deal.
@zrblank Год назад
Prey has helped me realize the original 1987 Predator might be my favorite movie of all time
@SolarisKane Год назад
Predator is my 2nd favorite, with John Carpenter's The Thing my all time favorite.
@metasprite5648 Год назад
Nah those movies are whack. Xenomorphs are better.
@jameslough6329 Год назад
@@metasprite5648 Kinda true but clearly a troll comment
@chelikhkahn Год назад
Prey has helped me realize Prey is by far my least favorite Predator movie.
@Micha-qv5uf 8 месяцев назад
It's a good movie and I also like it a lot but in the end it's just Arnie fights a monster. Not more.
@KanoWhite53 Год назад
'Strong female characters' who are small in stature often seem to break the immersion for me because, Since they either: Have no chance in a real physical battle (which breaks immersion and makes me go 'pfft') or must possess some kind of magical power (which often is not written into the story at all and makes me go 'pfft').
@richardblazer8070 Год назад
The entire point of the first Predator film is that physical strength and big guns isn't what leads to them beating the predator, all the muscular 80s action heroes got massacred, only the ones smart enough to use their enviroment to their advantage and learn about their enemy survived
@KanoWhite53 Год назад
@@richardblazer8070 Yeah good point. I was more commenting in general in films.
@phicks7963 9 месяцев назад
I'm glad they found a way to genuinely raise the stakes in this franchise. I just wish they didn't have to strip the characters down to using bows and spears to do so.
@keithsj10 Год назад
At the end of the original Predator, Dutch was on the helicopter being flown out, the sole survivor of his crew and of the alien monster encounter he barely survived. He had that thousand yard stare on his face, just a blank look because he was traumatized by his experience. Shell shock. Operational exhaustion. PTSD. You know, whatever they call it these days. Even the prisoner Anna was in such shock she couldn't even speak after first encountering it. All she could muster was the jungle came alive and took him. But no, this little girl handled the bear attack and the death of her Indian pals and the introduction of savage Europeans wastefully destroying buffalo and burning down their forest and guns and fighting an alien monster... all without a scratch... and she handled it all just fine, without so much as a twitch in her eye when it was finally all over. Just another day on the prairie. 🙄
@keithsj10 Год назад
@boo hoo flag that crap as "unwanted commercial content or spam". Comments like that are all over popular RU-vid content.
@sebastianhoward3304 Год назад
They even said in predator 2 that he died of a heart attack due to PTSD from the encounter, obviously this was an excuse for Arnold not being in the movie but it still stresses the point that what he went through is traumatic.
@Fleetches Год назад
@don't be surprised islam is gay
@nigeltheoutlaw Год назад
Apparently we're supposed to think sociopaths are stunning and brave now.
@mysteryace2129 Год назад
Honorable mention is Predator 2's Danny Glover character who throughout the movie would take zero shit and have a comeback ready for anyone who comes his way just to look stoic after his encounter with the Predator. Government agent gave him attitude but he didn't even have the energy to reply. Just stiff arm him and look into his eyes with the expression "I don't have time for this." He only smiled after looking at the pistol given to him that was proof of his accomplishment and him avenging his comrades. A smile to lift his spirit to keep fighting through even more obstacles, not one to boast in the middle of his accomplishment. He has to keep fighting for the ones who were lost. That if they(the predators) come back that he would be ready for them. I seriously don't know why Predator 2 gets so much flack as it's a classic. Yes it's got that 80s syndrome of crazy out of context one liners but it's pretty tame and doesn't marginalize the Predator's threat level like the other movies do. It being in the city gave it that Bull in a China shop feeling. Basically unstoppable
@jimmi114 Год назад
I assumed that when it was suddenly looking "post apocalyptical" as you say, that the French colonists had burned all the trees in the area around and put them in the middle as bait. Assumedly so it couldn't sneak in high up in the trees as it did a lot in the first part of the movie.
@paulie.walnuts2838 Год назад
But then it bounces around on the trees 2 minutes after it
@jimmi114 Год назад
@@paulie.walnuts2838 that is true....so it was all for effect lol
@323johnnybravo Год назад
@@jimmi114 in a way it worked. The fire they set allowed them to capture the predator and battle it. Worked out better than in a full lush forest. Of course they lost but still lol
@reignmans Год назад
@@jimmi114 if they didnt burn the tree... the ash wouldnt damage his cloaking... they had to somehow make him visible for a fight and thats what they came up with. lmao.
@jimmi114 Год назад
@@reignmans hadn't thought of that....they even make a nod to it. When the pred walks into the field its cloaking is clearly useless and it turns it off.
@jaymills85 Год назад
That girl pulling his external fangs or whatever they're called off as easy as she did is the equivalent of pull a finger off somebody with ease, how strong is she!! 😆 And why din't nobody catch this yet! She OP as F
@ajlendful Год назад
There are many scenes that just don't make sense and feel like a 5 year old thought of them
@jaymills85 Год назад
@Danny Nebula right!! I truly thought the movie was doing well up until she started engaging with the predator, with little to no struggle just dominating the beast like she delt with 5 or more of them before.
@bonnerikbarrogataday6289 Год назад
6:40 Not really because in the cage scene a night before, she was shown a leaf with blood on it, before it was revealed that her brother was also captured which implies that her brother was shown the leaf too.
@chuckn4851 Год назад
On the "no women hunting thing," that was, at least to my knowledge, not exactly forbidden as it was just not a thing, as the women had their work cut out for them at camp and were genuinely needed to do those tasks while the braves went out hunting or to war.
@tiredman99 Год назад
Yup and even women going to war a couple of times in their life wasn't rare either. Usually it was done for revenge if a family member or husband was killed.
@mithrandirification Год назад
Right but the reality is was men were disposable. You couldn't send women in masses or you're sacrificing the future of your tribe. Without someone to bear children there's no future. Men are akin to worker bees protecting the queen. I know modern feminism hates historic women's roles but women on average are just better at care-taking roles and from an evolutionary stand point it makes sense. One of my favorite movies is Alien. Ripley never used physical strength to overpower the xenomorph because that would make no sense. In Aliens she became a caretaker/savior for a small girl. Hollywood has this stupid idea that putting women in as lead roles just means you stick them in as placeholder for what a man would do.
Год назад
I also can't get over how not-muscular she is. After training that hard, and gaining what you need to become a hunter, she would look way different.
@reignmans Год назад
after 1600 when the comanche turned into bloodthirsty warriors that was indeed a thing for the comanche tribe. only boys were hunters and warriors and they were trained for it while riding a horse since they were children. Women were just that, gatherers , cooks , cleaning the skins off of animals caught and doing witchcraft-medicine.
@prettyteeth Год назад
@ 100lbs and 5'5 is more then enough to handle a 800lb and 7ft predator right?
@TrueUnderDawgGaming Год назад
Instead of wanting to be a hunter to "Reject society standards" the protagonist should have simply enjoyed joining her brother on hunts. This would make it a real "Fish out of water" story when all hell breaks loose. She now has to deal with this horrific beast by using the skills she learned by following her brother. I think that would be far more compelling and scary.
@CsRacks Год назад
Great idea but can't do that. Woman learning from a man is big no-no.
@caspar_gomez Год назад
training day x predator, she's never had her shit pushed in
@rgonzalez5044 Год назад
Fish out of water? It wasnt a fish out of water story 😂
@PrinceIsot Год назад
@@CsRacks she literally learns from them....🤦🏻‍♂️
@dude9318 Год назад
@@CsRacks yeah some women would go crazy if they saw that .
@lock4572 Год назад
Billy didn’t stand a chance AINT no way she would stand a chance
@giveaway-_- Год назад
🎄🎄Merry Christmas 🎁🎁🎁👆 your RU-vid profile has been selected as the random winner of my giveaway contact me on telegram..__
@jrod1788 Месяц назад
The predator brawled a brown bear and overpowered it with strength, but was yanked away on a rope by a skinny human. I guess that means she was stronger than a bear.
@theoverthinkingrock7512 Год назад
As a French Canadian I really find it weird that we are depicted like that, since we actually had good relations with most native tribes before the English conquest. It shows that they really did not do any research and it is actually kinda insulting
@kronozord8346 Год назад
Those guys are cartoonishly evil, dont think about it because they sure didnt
@rhett1029 Год назад
“white man mean” that’s all the research they did
@rfichokeofdestiny Год назад
You’re absolutely correct. I had the same thought. Most of the tribes allied with the French against the English in the 1750s. But even the English settlers out West in the 1800s got along alright with the natives. It was the US Army showing up that really ruined relations.
@jaredthehawk3870 Год назад
Also the French never ventured into Comancheria. That was Spanish territory and their one and only venture there turned out poorly. See Fort Saint Louis for details. I'd believe this more if the trappers were Spainiards.
@Narcan885 Год назад
Yeah the French/canadians are always depicted as absolute, buffoonish evil in american movies. It's quite hylarious, especially considering without the French there wouldn't be america. Nice loyalty and gratefulness
@1992zorro Год назад
I think the Dog was amazing. It didn't talk, it obeyed orders and even was loyal and did as commanded without questions or trying to steal the show and damn was he good at attacking the predator. Surprisingly good.
@pemanson Год назад
Hey! Thats how TheCriticalDrinker seems to want female characters to be writen. What a coincidense!
@KAZVorpal Год назад
Implausibly good. As was Female Protagonist.
@sirfairplay9153 Год назад
It's a fucking dog, not Al Pacino, get a grip!
@justin9649 Год назад
@@sanz7820 Spoiler: And got them all killed, you know since they were concerned about her well being and everything.
@spentlizard353 Год назад
If we’re being absolutely fair, Dutch didn’t win against the Predator because he was big and burly and equipped with high tech weaponry. Up till that point nothing was working; Mac just barely grazed him. Dutch only won because he outsmarted the Predator, who was bigger and stronger than even he was, which is a great juxtaposition. In Naru’s case it’s practically the same. A special forces team, modern military equipment, and impressive physique didn’t help Dutch, so Naru (who doesn’t have access to any of these) does exactly what Dutch does and outwits the Predator. Use its own strengths against it, hide from its thermal vision, and use surgical strikes rather than a frontal assault.
@HipposaurusRex Год назад
Yeah that part of Drinker's analysis kind of rubbed me the wrong way. By the end of both movies, there were a lot of failed attempts to kill the predator, and like you said, Dutch didn't use his strength to kill the predator, same as what Naru did. Otherwise I mostly agree with what was said in the video.
@kobiposey9935 Год назад
I'm glad somebody is saying this! Too many people are complaining that a 100 lb girl managed to take down the predator. I think Naru was a breath of fresh air. Not the deepest or most nuanced (neither was Dutch) but a break away from your typical action lead. And the typical female lead.
@transformerdude4251 8 месяцев назад
Love how you could make the same critiques of the first, but you know your audience and understand they aren't smart enough too, so cheers to that
@markstowe802 Год назад
One of the things I really respect about you Drinker is that you can go into a movie with preconceived notion’s but still have enough of an open mind to get past them and give an honest review. Must be why you have such a big following! Cheers Drinker!
@titusdaniel3962 Год назад
exactly bro
@franciscojeronimo5881 Год назад
Nah! It's just that he is funny as hell.
@burlyman1645 Год назад
A good campfire scene would have gone a long way to fleshing out the characters. Show them sitting around the fire joking, talking about past experiences or interacting with her. We would have gotten a feel for who they were and thus would have been more affected when they fought and died. The chopper ride in the first movie did that for us and they missed that opportunity here.
@Sebadee80 Год назад
You’re 100% right, although I only managed to watch the first half of the film if that, what character development that was was very poor and consisted of the usual young girl being scorned for having ideas above her station. She failed at absolutely everything until she made the magic axe? And the Braves looked like Ladyboys. But they didn’t want to develop the characters realistically, they gave us 21st century political views instead of 18th century Comanche culture. 10 bears from the outlaw Josie Wales was a real Comanche brave, if you haven’t seen the scene from the movie it’s on RU-vid and gives you a better idea of Comanche customs, and it’s a 3 to 4 minute scene. Sorry about the long reply, but in a nutshell I agree with you completely. Stay safe👍
@kgbstudio Год назад
that might work if the actors were any good and the protagonist was somewhat realistic.. But the only good actors here are the dogs
@Sebadee80 Год назад
@@kgbstudio I was going to write that but didn’t, Kudos is to you 😂👍 Be safe
@SerbStar2011 Год назад
Sounds cliche af
@sphere5282 Год назад
@@kgbstudio yeah bc your movies have grossed how much again? lol...........
@bbwphantom 6 месяцев назад
I thought this was easily the worst Predator film yet. The final fight scene alone did it for me. A 16 year old girl over powered the predator that killed a bear, figured out how to use his equipment, who all of a sudden forgets how to use his own equipment and kills himself.
@Primatron Год назад
I understand why the "drinker" is kvetching about this film because we carry in our hearts the true country and that cannot be stolen. We follow in the steps of our ancestry and that cannot be broken!
@OnlyTwoShoes Год назад
_"Can we kill it?"_ _"Only if it bleeds."_ That's the line they should have used.
@TheWolfWon Год назад
After this the predators will say "if it bleeds we can't kill it".
@ianallen738 Год назад
You are too intelligent for Hollywood. Go away, now.
@TheElMuffin Год назад
literally had to use these lines and throw in an episode where they track another dangerous predator after wounding it
@terrified057t4 Год назад
atleast should've had Naru (the girl) say it. Taabe never even saw it bleed... I think...
@xyz-hj6ul Год назад
>> That's the line they should have used. >> The problem with this is that the Yautja looks like a Wendigo- allthatsinteresting.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wendigo-art.jpg Which, while more common among the tribes of the Northeast, was one of a pantheon of demonic, ghostly and cruelly Predatory supernatural creatures known widely to the Native American cultures. They have four or five definitions of big foot for instance. They all have (tall, skinny, smells bad) traits shared by the Yautja and the first nations were _terrified_ of them. Which would make sense for a creature whose inviso suit is seemingly coated in /fire/ when it switches off and whose other abilities might well look like magic to a culture which had only recently seen steel and firearms. Yet the Comanche are not so much 'unimpressed' as _incognizant_ of what they just saw and what it means as part of their shamanistic world view. Not 'Oh darn, it's hot again...' but 'Oh dear...the gods hate us, we're screwed.'. The original movie suffered from this problem too, only in reverse: Special Forces know what a tree sniper is. They use the technique themselves, to extend line of sight on distant targets and provide a genuine look down (tree stand) ability on targets which are 'waking' through the bush. We faced them all the time in the Pacific Island campaign, against the Japanese firing through multicanopy jungle. And again vs. the NVA/VC in Vietnam. Yet Dutch and his team can't seem to figure this out, from wound impact angles, even though the technique has also been used, by the likes of Roger's Rangers, since the French And Indian Wars, pre 1776. The natives should have panicked, because the Yautja tech would have looked like magic and it's appearance as well as ability to mimic voices would have matched a particular, 'evil spirit', definition. The SOF should have acted against the Yautja's arboreal tactics, sooner, as just another operator.
@James-tk2yl Год назад
Naru's character feels so hollow because it's like the screenplay was filtered through a feminist approval algorithm. She's not allowed to display any sort of obligation to those around her. She doesn't take lovers. She doesn't even mourn her brother. Her quest is one of pure recognition. She wants to be seen as a man of the tribe, which stands out in a period piece because it's an entirely modern preoccupation. The journey of this movie is essentially to get people to call Naru by her chosen pronouns. It feels woke to people because it's suffused with the narcissism of the 21st century social media age, and not 18th century Comanche culture.
@marcusabston6365 Год назад
Shit did mourn her brother....you need to rewatch the movie
@thecoldkilla5843 Год назад
What the entire fuck are u and anyone else in this comment section talkin About😂 y’all thrive off negativity
@elitetheking688 Год назад
@josephsalmonte4995 Год назад
Spot on.
@kyotheman69 Год назад
especially everyone seen better movie years ago, plus it was big dude Arnold having hard time, no way this 100 pound piece of shit would of survived, movie is BS
@DJBabb Год назад
Never forget: Predator is the only movie to star two actors who would later become US Governors.
@gonzalvarodri Год назад
who is the second?
@DJBabb Год назад
@@gonzalvarodri Jesse Ventura, Governor of Minnesota from '99-'03 on the Reform Party ticket. And only Reform Party candidate to win that high a position in office.
@DJBabb Год назад
Apparently Regan and John Lodge were both actors-turned-governors, but they never worked together.
@bumble-bee189 Год назад
I do not know about Mary Sue - but her "aura" and "Mary Sue armor" were She falls from a tree with the back of her head on a stone....and there are no consequences, not even a headache She gets her foot in a trap and it doesn't slow her down in any way he is fast throughout the film It is turned off by hitting the butt of a man 's gun ...but a blow from a predator that knocks out a bear with a single blow and throws adult men 10 meters away with a blow of one hand the aura of Mary Sue" is when in her presence EVERYONE becomes stupid slow - damn predator treats her "very" politely, despite how easily he literally shredded everyone, and in her presence everything around becomes VERY noticeably weaker and dumber She just easily destroys 4 adult dangerous trappers , despite the fact that we were only shown how she knocked down one sexist guy She goes to the bear with 2 arrows and literally a toy bow , which immediately breaks - that 's what kind of hunter she is who does not monitor her weapon and does not test it properly Her "Mary Sue armor" is very noticeable I really can't believe that a little native girl is able to pull out an alien's face so easily with one hand (a huge and heavy bear with big claws did not succeed) She is very , VERY brilliant , understands everything and immediately instantly We are not even shown her practice except for a few seconds of throwing a STONE hatchet into trees SHE is MARY SUE, with a maximum aura that debuffs all her friends and she is practically not vulnerable to physical attacks She is not worthy of a predator's head
@MikeDep Год назад
"To make you hate the French hunters they used every trick in the book" Nothing makes someone dirtier or more unlikeable than being French, they didn't need to go that far
@hels4739 Год назад
They literally had to do nothing - they were French.
@JakeBaldwin1 Год назад
Why is it in every frontier movie I have seen the French are really evil? What did the French do?
@BladeEdgeShinobi Год назад
@highlander723 Год назад
Oh they were French.... In that case they didn't do it right. Wouldn't French people surrender at the first sign of the enemy?! LOL
@AuroraBoost Год назад
@@highlander723 If it were the 20th century french then yeah I guess
@bravenkirok3142 Год назад
Remember when stakes were high in the original film? When you felt empathetic towards the anxiety of Dutch and his team? Guess we'll never have that again even if it's possible to write stories that way.
@MrJC1 Год назад
I felt almost nothing when watching this film.
@cloudedjourney 9 месяцев назад
Watched it last night finally. You nailed it. Starts out kind of surprising, like she actually fails multiple times. Changes near the end though when she realises she only failed because she didn't believe in herself, not because she didn't have the skills. All the CGI rather than practical effects takes a lot of the punch out it as well.
@metallboy25 9 месяцев назад
Yeah, because if you are a 100lbs girl that just believes in herself, you can fistfight a predator. 🤣
@strammerdetlef 4 месяца назад
@@metallboy25 😂 ofcccc
@arroe8386 Год назад
I find the idea a setting behind this and most of its cinematography great, but I had most of the same problems with it. It seems so weird that they make her basically unaffected by everything that happens with how much value the people making these films say they lay on mental health. Feels like this paints a picture that supports the opposite to me.
@jelleepit Год назад
This, as always, comes down to those behind the camera. The scriptwriters. Back in Arnies' day, they were the cream of the crop. Had been mentored by the best and knew how to captivate an audience and tell a story. Today, it's painting by numbers or stealing ideas from the past. There is very little originality. The only movies now that seem to stand out from the rest are the ones that refuse to follow that path.
@Astares9 Год назад
i wish more people would realize that writers today suck. you're right, they're scooped by the bucket and mixed with other terrible writers.. then that bucket is splashed over a canvas and producers expect it to look like art. just pitiful.
@willw3736 Год назад
Aren’t you shocked to see the critical drinker‘s title saying that this was surprisingly good? This was one of the worst movies I’ve seen all year, woke Hollywood garbage, nothing more
@voorindeklas Год назад
Arnies Predator, Director John McTierman, was his 2nd movie, writer Jim Thomas, was his first movie, John Thomas was his first movie. They also wrote, Wild wild west, so to say cream of the crop. They had an original idea and made a good movie but because they were cream of the crop. (McTierman did go on with Die Hard and Hunt for Red October.)
@ramonandrajo6348 Год назад
The movie was never good; it was just mediocre.
@lazyman7505 Год назад
@@Astares9 I genuinely would like to know WHERE these writers come from. I've read fan-fiction FAR better than the scripts of modern movies/TV shows/comics.
@redi3840 Год назад
The comicbook short story Predator:1718 (published by Dark Horse) gave us the backstory for that pistol. But of course, being an almost obscure story and making sense, Hollywood ignored it.
@Tyrelguitarist Год назад
It was a fun movie. I enjoyed it. Was it as good as the first two? No. But I found it about as enjoyable as predators was in 2010.i Gave it a 7/10 on IMDb.
@giveaway-_- Год назад
🎄🎄Merry Christmas 🎁🎁🎁👆 your RU-vid profile has been selected as the random winner of my giveaway contact me on telegram...
@djantouahmed7319 Год назад
So the movie is a good movie.
@mohabalserafe3795 Год назад
@@djantouahmed7319 it's good but not the best
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