
Price Of Russian Houses| Putins Immigration Decree 

Wild Siberia
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Disclaimer: The prices of the houses on the Russian side are wrong I miscalculated they are actually one 0 off those are millions of dollars not hundreds of thousands I appoligize for the mistake I will be remaking the video.
The video is staying up so more people can learn about the decree and also where to search for property Avito.ru



12 сен 2024




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@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
EMERGENCY MESSAGE! The price exchange is off on the Russian prices this was not done on purpose I filmed late and deleted a 0 from the Russian price so it’s actually +0 on the price but the video will be remade!
@bostjanzaplotnik4478 20 дней назад
was just about to write that you missed one 0 ;)
@ImixSpb 20 дней назад
Here's list of the most in-demand professions in Russia in 2024: IT specialists in Russia in 2024 are programmers, testers, game developers, system administrators, web developers, and data scientists. Designers: graphic, landscape, game, digital. Medical and pharmaceutical specialists are in high demand, including surgeons, dentists, cosmetologists, dermatovenerologists, oncologists, and pharmacists. Psychotherapist, psychologist. Marketing Specialist. Oil and gas industry specialists include petroleum engineers, geologists, and drillers. Teachers.
@Awareness-ws4wb 20 дней назад
I live in Sochi and I would recommend you to search for the houses in Sochi on a different website, because most of the Sochi listings on Avito are fakes created by the real estate agents to get your telephone number. I would search for the houses in Sochi on the Domclick website, because there are way less fake listings there.
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
@@ImixSpbthanks for this list I may make a video on this
@ImixSpb 20 дней назад
Sorry, I neglected to include all the various craftsmen on the list. If you're a skilled engraver (metal, leather), blacksmith, carpenter, etc., you'll be in demand in Russia.
@SteffenWernicke 20 дней назад
I am from Germany and I live in the Ural region. My luxury appartment had a price of 70.000 USD about 4 years ago. We are happy in Russia. I love the winters, I love the light in the cities, the girls... I stand strong with Russia and Putin! 🇷🇺♥️
@this.is.berlin 19 дней назад
Ist der Winter nicht allzu streng dort? Ich war als Tourist in Sochi und Krasnodar und Krim! War einfach super..... 🇷🇺💙
@SteffenWernicke 19 дней назад
@@this.is.berlin Der Winter kann nicht streng genug sein. Ab minus 40 Grad wird es unangenehm - zumindest muss man dann das Gesicht schön einpacken. Dann gehts. Das ist aber nur ne Woche höchstens so. Ansonsten ist zwischen -15 und -25 Grad. Das ist besser als im BRD-Freiluftgulag, wo 4 Grad plus und Regen ist.
@user-yn1yc1gj9g 18 дней назад
Mir gefällt es in Südsibirien sehr. Im Altai hat man die Ruhe weg, und wenn man Kultur und Menschen braucht, ist Novosibirsk und Tomsk nicht weit.
@positivetimeline2023 18 дней назад
Where do you live? I have a friend in Novosibirsk. She invited me to live there.
@luisdanielmesa 18 дней назад
this is someone who probably couldn't make it in the west.
@alexfurer 20 дней назад
Fun fact: By todays standards my current views are considered conservative here in the West. Total opposite to how it was when I grew up in the 70s. I was a child in a communist environment. Back then the conservatives told us that we should go to Russia, if we love communism that much. Nowadays the communist in charge in the West, tell us to go to Russia, because of our conservative values. Stranger Things is real.
@robotron1236 20 дней назад
You're not entirely wrong, but only a coward turns tail. I'm fighting for my country. Conservatives are PATRIOTS. You're no patriot if you run away like a little girl.
@svensulzmann4282 20 дней назад
Times are changing ideas are changing. Pretty normal
@alexfurer 20 дней назад
@@svensulzmann4282 yeah. Everything is oscillating. But I never expected that many changed in my lifetime.
@oarfish12 20 дней назад
Well said bro!
@kerryf9399 20 дней назад
to compare American liberal politics to communism is an insult to Stalin and to current Communist countries. Americans are so uneducated and so confident in uneducated views too.
@evi_ta 20 дней назад
Мне как русской не очень нравится что "махают рукой" на важность изучения нашей культуры, нашей истории и нашего языка"- получится тоже самое что в Европе - страну населяет общество, которое не хочет ассимилироваться с коренным населением, не хочет учить их язык, не хочет соблюдать их законы и в результате - внутренние столкновения культур, людей. Это плохо. Это дестабилизирует общество и делает его некомфортным. Я уважаю право каждого языка и каждой культуры. Но. Когда гость приходит к ваш дом и говорит на своем непонятном вам языке, делает все по своему, не соблюдает законы вашего дома - это неуважение к дому и это не понравится никому! Если люди приехали временно и потом уедут - это допустимо но все равно все это время они будут ощущаться обособленно от общества. Анклав. Чужеродное тело внутри страны. Но если люди приехали и хотят остаться жить в этом обществе - они обязаны принять это общество и измениться для него- ассимилироваться в это общество. Иначе они навсегда останутся чужеродными этому обществу и это создаст лишь проблемы и для самого общества и для самих этих людей. Сила в единстве! Разделение это ослабление общества. Однажды большинство пойдет против меньшинства и уничтожит его- это закон сохранения и выживания. Поэтому важно быть единым целым, а не разрозненными частями. Я написала это для того чтобы те кто захочет переехать к нам понимали что они должны будут изучить и наши законы и нашу культуру и нашу историю, ведь все знают что история запада отличается от истории России - она давно переписана так как выгодно западу и все исторические события, вплоть до победы России в великой отечественной войне - приписаны западу. В России это - ложь, запад лишь принял участие во второй мировой войне уже тогда когда Победа России была очевидна. Никогда ни один русский не признает что во второй мировой победила Европа и США. Это лишь один пример искажения мировой истории западом. Поэтому важно понимать что история наша тоже отличается и непринятие нашей истории повлечет проблемы раскола и разлада в будущем. А те люди которые едут от проблем в своей стране вряд ли захотят получить проблемы и на новом месте. Поэтому принимая решение - принимайте его правильно и узнайте нашу страну чтобы понять будет ли вам ( и нам) комфортно жить здесь. Всем мира и добра!❤
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
Вы ошибаетесь , Англия героически сражалась одна с 1939 года с Германией , в то время как СССР дружил с Гитлером .
@whitehorse1961 19 дней назад
@bellaadamowicz8380 Вы про Мюнхенский сговор не слышали? Почитайте. Удивитесь. Пакт между Польшей и Германией о ненападении тоже наверно пропустили Как и захват Тешинской Силезии в 1938 , «Судецкий кризис», или переговоры Финляндии с Англичанами о совместных действиях на севере России по захвату Мурманска и Ленинграда. Как говорится «рыльце в пушку» было у всех, и пострадали все, и лет на 60 отпало желание глобальных войн. Те поколения ушли и снова начинается « а вот Путин» «А вот Буш» «А вот Ельцин» и тд. Русский зверь напал а мы только демократию несем В Сирию , Ирак, Афганистан, Йемен, Палестину, Ливан, пол Африки и Латинскую Америку.
@whitehorse1961 19 дней назад
Если это будут те на кого рассчитана эта программа то люди будут адекватными. Дрючить стариков и детей об исключительности нации это к прибалтам. Они в Египте пирамиды строили. Честное слово, я когда в 90-е Латышский задавал На гос экзамен как раз рассказывал как прото латвиеши восходили к солнцу. Тест -100 возможных вопросов по истории, управлению государством и тд. Прочитать пол страницы печатного текста , написать 5 предложений , ответить на 10 вопросов. Если нет проблемы с законом добро пожаловать. Старше 65 от экзамена освобождается. Это модель экзамена на гражданство в штатах, вполне можно применить в России. Максимум объективности минимум коррупции. А следующие поколения будут адаптироваться гораздо легче.
@evi_ta 19 дней назад
@@bellaadamowicz8380 если Англия для вас героически сражалась с Гитлером - езжайте в Англию и рассказывайте это, никто вам в этом не мешает. И не надо передёргивать - "дружила / не дружила"- мы не в песочнице капаемся ( хотя может вы?) В 1939 "борьба" Англии с гитлером в историю вошла как "странная война".. потому что они просто наблюдали куда он направится после Польши ( очень героичная борьба с Гитлером , верно?😂) и если б он пошел в СССР- они были бы только рады. Между СССР и Германией так же был ДОГОВОР о ненападении, который в 1941 Германия нарушила, без объявления войны вторгнувшись в СССР. В результате каждая семья (каждая!) нашей страны имеет погибших в ВОВ, некоторые семьи были уничтожены полностью. И если Англия так героично боролась с Гитлером, то почему у них нет таких потерь? СССР в итоге освободил не только свою страну но и Европу ( хотя Европе и с фашистами, видимо было хорошо - сейчас там мнение что СССР их захватил , только странно для захватчика - очистить страну от фашистов и уйти... Что это за захват такой?😏) Союзники СССР открыли второй фронт лишь в 1944г когда исход войны был понятен. Что ж раньше не включились, раз такие были "борцы с Гитлером"? Чего ждали?. Вопрос риторический, ответ итак понятен.
@emmanuelleonard8758 20 дней назад
So, I don't see any advantage to living in Los Angeles over Sochi. But you also have to take into consideration real estate charges and property taxes, and here again the Russian advantage is colossal. Gas and electricity cost almost nothing in Russia. Too bad you didn't mention it.
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
I will be mentioning it once I have calculated things right. I messed up this video
@emmanuelleonard8758 20 дней назад
You are right, it is a very vast subject that deserves several chapters, excellent theme! Thank you!​@@Wild-Siberia
@MelancholyRhyme 20 дней назад
Also pay gap differences should be considered :D
@robertholland7558 20 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberiaall good. Also consider the house prices in relation to the average russian income
@judd_s5643 20 дней назад
@@Wild-SiberiaI think the cost of the houses are way off
@donnablackwood5909 20 дней назад
I want to come to Russia. Canada is not where I want to live my life. Thank you for sharing this imformation.
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Canada and Russia have similar geography so you’d be ahead of so many other people mentally
@DontMansion 20 дней назад
If you need some help or advice you welcome with any question. I'm native Russian live in Russia
@neojohn9335 20 дней назад
Me too. This country has become a totalitarian control jail. Russia 🇷🇺 has a beautiful Christian life.
@lucidlifestyle8799 20 дней назад
Everyone wants to leave woke Canada now, including me.
@user-bf5rk7ty6q 20 дней назад
Добро пожаловать в Матушку - Россию! Хорошим людям мы всегда рады!
@marcelfeenstra1624 20 дней назад
I got a relative who just moved to Russia with 8 kids. See “ Country side acres homestead”. Maybe someday.
@moscowbit8625 20 дней назад
Your relative family is well known and loved in Russia)
@Opasnaya-baba 20 дней назад
Уважаемые комментаторы этого канала, будущие возможно россияне. Прежде чем переезжать в принципе в другую страну, вы должны для себя понять с какой целью вы это делаете. Если вы хотите быть фермером, однозначно вам мегаполисы не подойдут. Нужно выбирать жилье в регионах, Волгоградская область, Астраханская и т.д. Если у вас техническая специальность,механик вы, слесарь токарь то тогда промышленные города. Ведь мало купить дом в Москве, нужно еще там суметь выжить. Это огромный мегаполис. Поймите Россия очень большая страна, к примеру у себя в стране за 4 часа вы можете уже быть в другой стране, в России же за это время вы возможно даже весь город не объедите. Работа есть в России любая.
@svensulzmann4282 20 дней назад
The US is pretty similar 4hrs of driving isn’t much
@ФилинТата 20 дней назад
Кстати для земледелия и животноводства подходят регионы: Ставропольский край, Нижегородская, Ростовская, Саратовская, Самарская, Астраханская области, Татарстан, Башкортостан. За Уралом весь юг Западной Сибири (растёт всё, кроме винограда и косточковых культур, ничего не горит от солнца, много травы для кормов), Алтайский край, часть Забайкалья, Иркутская область. Хотя Восточная Сибирь с её посторами отлично подойдёт для животноводства. Дальний Восток имеет уникальный климат, там растут даже виноград и косточковые культуры, рядом Китай, но сложная логистика на европейскую часть России.
@user-bf5rk7ty6q 20 дней назад
Можно и в Сибирь! Ведь в Канаде холоднее, чем в Сибири! Там до минус 52-56 градусов, а у нас минус 40 и то только по северу. )
@user-mu1im1tn6m 20 дней назад
​@@ФилинТатаНу почему же? У нас тоже растёт виноград на юге Сибири
@LeoLvr-k4s 20 дней назад
Thanks mate great info👍
@janemorris6712 20 дней назад
This is extremely tempting. Currently trying to talk my husband into doing this. Want a safer place to raise my family
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
I’ll be doing a new video as I ruined the prices on this one. For houses costing 30-50 k
@ccdsds3221 20 дней назад
All of the houses he showed in Sochi cost over 1 million usd… he should delete this abomination of a video if he had any honor…
@mer3abec 20 дней назад
@@ccdsds3221 He showed prices in rub. Directly from the seller.
@alkahn4969 19 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberiayes I am from Georgia USA 30-50 k which city are you living in I am us citizen
@krisradjpaul278 17 дней назад
@@ccdsds3221spreading disinformation he might be working for the Kremlin.
@gonewiththewind1759 18 дней назад
I think I'd rather buy and live off the land. Hunting, fishing and gardening. A small cabin, clean air and clean water with a genuine desire to help any neighbors. I do love Russia and would study the language and respect Russian tradition and laws. I may sound idealistic.... but if given the choice this would be my ideal setting. God bless the Russian people and much respect to President Putin for the love and respect he shows for his homeland.
@Wild-Siberia 18 дней назад
It’s possible
@frankciliberto9148 День назад
@@gonewiththewind1759 well said and very true 👍
@AStri-zg5xc 8 часов назад
Maybe you could get land cheap in Chernoble.
@gonewiththewind1759 3 часа назад
@@AStri-zg5xc I've watched documentaties of people who live there because it's always been home. I can relate to that but it did seem hauntingly dystopian.
@ImixSpb 20 дней назад
Russia is a big country with 11 time zones! No matter what you're looking for or how much you're willing to spend, you can find a place to live that's perfect for you! From the lavish lifestyle of a Hollywood star to the simple, cozy life of a retired man.
@OutWestRedDirt 20 дней назад
As long as you're not looking for warm climate.
@ImixSpb 20 дней назад
@@OutWestRedDirt True! The southern regions of Russia with their warm climate are definitely pricier when it comes to real estate. Russia is a northern country, so it might be tricky to find something similar to Texas or Florida here )))
@user-pd3ge3rk3v 20 дней назад
Истинная правда!
@GoodFella-xw8yx 20 дней назад
@@OutWestRedDirtYou have to pay for beaches and ocean.It’s only natural these sea or ocean towns are more expensive.
@ImixSpb 20 дней назад
@@GoodFella-xw8yx The only exception is the coast of the Arctic Ocean )))
@JayTulip 20 дней назад
Watching from dirty stinky central London of once Great Britain
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
I’m so embarrassed because I made a huge calculation mistake in the video 😅
@eyesopen7946 20 дней назад
Was it ever really great Britain , or was it just by title of of the establishment to make us sound better than the rest of the world ? , TBH I am ashamed to be English
@jesusonXTC 20 дней назад
Watching from communist canada under the rule of Justin trudolph
@barbararouwendal8708 20 дней назад
visited london, yes, it changed. but I loved the jazz clubs, they do not exist anymore. and notting hill carnival, but that is all so commercial right now too. It is not what is was and public transport is just depressing, it takes over an hour form one side to another side. That is why amsterdam is nice, we bike and it is easy and cheap. And good for your health. lol
@sergeykazantsev1 20 дней назад
The satanic globalist cabal destroyed the blessed West, sadly.
@BobG127 20 дней назад
At 100 rubles per dollar, 170,000,000 rubles is not equal to $170,000, it's equivalent to $1.7 MILLION. You should take this down before any more people get the wrong impression.
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
My friend the mistake was made without intention, I am embarrassed but I apologize in the pin Comment and in the description. I appreciate you for calling it out. Im going on a live later to also talk about the issue and show the prices again.
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberialook , you are very irresponsible , telling people they can but a mansion in Russia for 200 hundred thousands . You tube will ban you if you will continue ,
@rigavitch 13 дней назад
@@bellaadamowicz8380 HA HA HA !!! This MUST be a bot!
@jonathanmay4207 11 дней назад
That looks more like it, I was thinking that $170k was dirt cheap for Sochi
@ZaTemDomom 20 дней назад
In Los Angeles, the wind blows, and houses fly, they build there out of plywood and beams. In Russia, large houses are built of brick and stone, small ones are made of logs, we do not use plywood!
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Houses are built strong in Russia no matter the material it’s all strong
@ihomeproservices7040 20 дней назад
I just watched a house being built in Russia and they were using plywood. My house is plywood and Hardy board but I have 8x6 beams and 2x6 framing zero damage but some shingles and a few pieces of hardy. I live on the bay and have went through 3 hurricanes. I’m in Florida
@ZaTemDomom 20 дней назад
@@ihomeproservices7040 We also use plywood, but where it's cold, only brick or timber. Plywood has been used recently, we call such houses "storerooms"!
@alexfurer 20 дней назад
@@ZaTemDomomi guess Russia went down the western path the last two decades. Russia thought that it might finally work out and that there will be a healthy path to coexistence with the West. Thereby adapting a financial driven economy, instead of an economy of output. Here everything has to be cheap and quickly built. In a sense, one could say that Russia dodged a bullet by being cut off from the decline in the West…
@galinaaxley609 20 дней назад
​@ihomeproservices7040 Where did you watch that video? Can't imagine any house in Russia made of plywood. Cause it's simply impossible. You'll be thought to be stupid if you build a house out of plywood. Never ever did I come across a normal house made of smth light. Plywoods used for sheds and storerooms yes.
@GregoryBamber 20 дней назад
I'm Australian but have been married to a beautiful Russian lady for just over 20 years. We have been trying to be together for 21 years but have had problems with the gov't here and other problems. I'm hoping to finally get to Russia soon.
@karmelitakarmelita7869 20 дней назад
Семья фермеров из Австралии переехала и обустраивается на Алтае, и ведут свои каналы Russia Guy.
@AusValue 20 дней назад
@@karmelitakarmelita7869those people are a bit weird
@stanaimamovic5055 20 дней назад
@jessebrettjames 19 дней назад
​@@AusValuedepends largely on who is judging them. Perhaps they would also find you weird.
@nonyabusiness1939 19 дней назад
Looking at prices right now, not even close to what is represented in this video. Not much cheaper than what we have in country Australia. And if it is, its half finished.
@Skoropadskij1914 20 дней назад
Разьясняю популярно для иностранцев для чего был на самом деле издан указ президента о приеме беженцев из Европы и США, чтобы не было недоразумений. За последние четверть века численность русских сократилась на 20 млн.человек. Из-за проникновения в Россию западной буржуазной идеологии люди стали вести такой же эгоистичный и потребительский образ жизни как и на Западе. Никакие выплаты и льготы предоставляемые государством не привели к росту рождаемости среди русских, а только привели к наплыву мусульман из бывших южных советских республик. Поэтому чтобы улучшить демографическую ситуацию в отношении государственно образующей нации (русских) и был издан этот указ. Поэтому мы впервую очередь ждем порядочных трудолюбивых европеоидов, желательно христиан (любой конфессии), желательно с детьми, в надежде на русификацию последующих поколений. Нам не нужны африканцы, индийцы, арабы или какие-то индейцы, которые будут создавать такие же закрытые анклавы как в Европе и США и приводить к такой же социальной нппряженности. У нас и так предостаточно проблем с мигрантами-мусульманами. Россия прежде всего хочет сохранить на своей территории европейскую христианскую цивилизацию!
@jimmyboyles2868 20 дней назад
@videoslogmos 20 дней назад
Если Вы не знали, дорогой сударь, то напомню Вам, что в стародавние времена, здесь в России, немцы жили такими же закрытыми анклавами. И ничего страшного не случилось, а даже наоборот - многому русских научили. Анклавы были настолько большими, что после Красной Революции появилась даже целая Поволжская немецкая республика вокруг Саратова, который в те времена носил название город Маркс 😏 Так что не переживайте особо. А рождаемость сокращается по естественным причинам большого цикла, а вовсе не из-за какой-то там западной идеологии. Во всех зажиточных странах рождаемость снижается, в том числе в восточной Азии. И в развитых мусульманских странах тоже: в Турции резко снижается рождаемость, в Дубае. Это природный исторический процесс. Бояться его не нужно. Человечество не вымрет. И даже белый человек не вымрет. Просто людей естесвенным путём станет поменьше.
@MariannaRóża 19 дней назад
Brawo 👍😀
@whitehorse1961 19 дней назад
@videoslogmos Я совсем потерялся. Так ехать в Сочи рождаемость поднимать или не ехать?🤣
@videoslogmos 19 дней назад
@@whitehorse1961 в Сочи не надо. Там дорого и бардак. Едьте на тихоокеанское побережье. Там свобода и тигры 😃
@junerobertson4389 20 дней назад
God Bless Mr. Putin and what he is doing for decent people.
@MooseSquirrel-p7z 20 дней назад
Except in Putin's mind, "decent people" are not allowed to exist in Ukraine.
@DeniseDDS 20 дней назад
He has made it clear he doesn't give a shit about his people.
@aa11ff 20 дней назад
No all this new regions are for future russia
@dyshweb1947 20 дней назад
​@@DeniseDDS in your dreams
@DeniseDDS 20 дней назад
@@dyshweb1947 I would never dream something like that for anyone.
@MikhailMikhalych 20 дней назад
Скажу вам своё мнение, как житель России, который тут родился - Сочи не хороший вариант для жизни. Если хотите жить возле водоёма, лучше поискать дом с земельным участком возле реки или озера. Выбор большой.
@a2agata 20 дней назад
Это точно. В Сочи многие дома идут под снос как незаконные постройки. Лучше планировать жить на Урале, за Уралом, на Алтае.
@Ролтун 20 дней назад
+1 Мне тоже кажется, что все хотят в теплый климат. Но на мой взгляд в средних широтах климат интереснее. Летом так же жарко как на юге, а зимой холодно. Это делает жизнь разнообразнее. И поскольку сезоны меняются у нас есть еще прекрасные весна и осень! 4 сезона!
@dutcher777 20 дней назад
Ganz genau so ist es, in sotschi werden sie von Millionen Touristen überrannt und es gibt beinahe 24/7 Staus. Rund um den Baikalsee ostufer Bereich ist es herrlich, ruhig und Natur pur.
@MikhailMikhalych 20 дней назад
​@@dutcher777 Только климат там холодный.
@Kukublad 20 дней назад
Да все правильно! Я в Сочи живу! Тут очень ужасно! Не приезжайте сюда пожалуйста 😂
@Omen-id6xg 19 дней назад
*Our God indeed is a covenant keeping God. Has he said a thing and not perform it? I watch how things unfold in my life, from penury to $356,000 every three months and I can only praise him and trust him more. Hallelujah 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻*
@pslove-zm4vd 19 дней назад
Congratulations!! The scriptures clearly states there's going a transference of the riches of the heathen to the righteous. God keep blessings you
@Asad-qs4ji 19 дней назад
Hello how do you make such monthly?? I'm a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down🤦🏼of myself because of low finance but I still believe in God🙏.
@Omen-id6xg 19 дней назад
She's a licensed broker here in the states🇺🇸 finance advisor.
@Omen-id6xg 19 дней назад
After I raised up to 525k trading with her I bought a new House and a car here in the states 🇺🇸🇺🇸and also paid for my son's surgery (Oscar). Glory to God.shalom.
@EzechuHeadd 19 дней назад
Can I also do it??? My life is facing lots of challenges lately
@user-hs5hg7ik8g 20 дней назад
American dream starts in Russia 😊
@robotron1236 20 дней назад
Draw me an ASCII horse.
@Kukublad 20 дней назад
in the land of pink ponies 😅
@bestbaza5780 20 дней назад
Back in the USSR (the Beatles)
@carloko08 19 дней назад
hahahah i agree XD
@wasabiajaponica5564 19 дней назад
The Americans never had a dream, it is a freaking nightmare packaged as a dream.
@John-si5vs 20 дней назад
That is why so many Americans and Europeans are buying homes and moving to Russia for a better life.
@comrade916 20 дней назад
Many?? How many?
@jonathanhirschbaum6754 20 дней назад
Yo, they are for some nasty surprises. First few encounters with Russian REAL culture will quickly adjust their attitudes.
@AusValue 20 дней назад
How can people move there when banks refuse any large money transfers?
@MelancholyRhyme 20 дней назад
You know, i find it weird that Westerners move to Russia while Russians move to west
@Treasure_hunter_21 20 дней назад
​@@MelancholyRhyme those are liberasts. They are useless trash you can have free of charge 😂😂😂
@ya_pasha 20 дней назад
Уважаемый иностранец, если вы цените традиционные ценности, вы честный человек, добро пожаловать 🤝
@Ctrl_Del_0 20 дней назад
I live in the Netherlands. For the longest time I want to leave this country. I am learning Russian. I try to build a capital so that I can move to another country and not worry about (not) having an income. But that takes so much longer. Every passing day I am getting crazier in this country. Especially where I live there is no respect, no family values, but lots of stupidity, ignorance and arrogance. I have started to hate the country I was born and raised in. But I am scared to leave this country. Scared of failing between the cracks in another country and being forced to move back. Russians commented on my message under your previous video that it should not be too hard to find a job. I can last at least a year on my savings so it should be possible. Right? By the way, I am in my mid fifties, so not the youngest anymore either.
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Make your dreams come true
@Ctrl_Del_0 20 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberia I want to take a three-month vacation, come on the tourist visa and see what it can be for me. But I have a Brazilian girlfriend and she has two little girls. I want to take them with me on the visa. Hopefully all this is possible. Let's wait for the list first.
@ImixSpb 20 дней назад
It really depends on your profession. Here in Russia, we're looking for folks with a passion for IT, design (graphic, landscape, etc.), medical and pharmaceutical education, experience in the oil and gas industry, and teaching.
@ШуринМурин 20 дней назад
Заведите себе друга по переписке из крупного города России(советую Казань,Екатеринбург-в этих городах меньше пафоса,но жить в них-удовольствие)-он всё расскажет.Если у Вас есть опыт,то и незнание языка-не помеха.Везде одни и те же люди живут,всяких сволочей и у нас хватает,климат-6 месяцев промозглой зимы,после 50 трудно будет привыкать.Из плюсов-цены,жизнь не заорганизована,летом замечательный отдых на природе,и природы-много,никто не лезет в душу,народ в большинстве тихий,стеснительный,верный(славяне)Алкоголиков и курящих стало заметно меньше.Приедьте сначала как турист-одиночка,а там решайте.
@Yarrus1 20 дней назад
I told 20 years ago that new migration of normal people will be to Russia. Cause this world of homosexual and muslim redical gone mad yet
@MaryVanDuyne-k6q 20 дней назад
Wish I were younger, I’d move to Russia is a heartbeat. I love Putin.
@Evilslayer73 18 дней назад
Me too
@alfonso87ful 18 дней назад
Me too..
@briancostello6892 18 дней назад
I’m Irish Living in America. I’m 67. Don’t Use Excuses. Age is only a Number. Positive Thoughts Brings Positive Actions
@CanDeeMarie 17 дней назад
​@@briancostello6892how about when you are poor?
@briancostello6892 17 дней назад
@@CanDeeMarie How Poor is Poor. You never Bought a property. Pay it off. Or rented all your life. Or Bad Decisions that Affected you Savings
@user-wj6yf6vs3q 18 дней назад
Никто не пишет об одном интересном моменте - о поглощающем влиянии русской культуры. Когда русский фронтир продвигался на восток, русская культура не насаждалась насильственно - это всегда был симбиоз местных и пришлых, всегда адаптация к местному климату, природе, животному миру и прочее. Это прослеживается в кулинарии, одежде и естественно мировозрении. Если вы переедете в Россию, то ваши дети вероятнее всего вырастут очень русскими, по сравнению с родителями (разумеется, если они не будут расти в культурном ваккуме), они будут иметь русских (не русских как национальность, а как культура) друзей, а это не дружба в понимании жителей запада, это более глубокое и проникновенное чувство, будут учится в школах, ходить в детские сады, посещать детские лагеря. На итоге они вырастут с ощущением неразрывности с Россией, и если им вдруг придется покинуть страну впоследствии, им будет очень тяжело существовать в западном мире. В общем - вы должны осознавать, что ваши дети, как бы они не выглядели, какие бы имена не носили, с высокой вероятностью вырастут русскими. И путь назад может быть крайне труден и несчастен
@gullsmeddrmmegull2505 20 дней назад
From Norway here. My wife and I are already looking and dreaming of Russia. Yes definately we will soon come and try it out. Avito also offers cars for sale, so we get an idea oh how much funds we need to have ready. In adition we need to know about school for our 4 small children and how we can make a business in Russia. It is requirig extensive planning and will take time to make the move, it have to be good, because exept from liking and supporting Russia, we already have established a successive business here already.
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
I really messed up this video I have to open up with that as my integrity is hurting. Refer to pinned comment.
@davidronan1677 20 дней назад
Do it if you can
@OnlyThis-1 20 дней назад
Согласен, нужно планирование. Очень тщательно нужно все подготовить , это очень важно и будет грамотно. А в какой сфере бизнес? Я могу подсказать как лучше это можно осуществить в основных движениях.
@madsimilius7057 20 дней назад
Also from Norway and i am also dreaming of leaving this countrym im thinking of Denmark , Denmark is MUCH cheaper housing then here and has better sallaries, but their politics is as messed up as ours. If the madness in the west does not end soon i think east is the way to go !
@oliviao3686 20 дней назад
What's going on in Norway? I'm Russian in Western Europe, I know how it's here but I didn't expect to meet people from Norway willing to move anywhere...
@user-cp8sk2cl9c 20 дней назад
I am from Sochi. The real estate prices has increased ten times in ten years due to visitors. Please don't come. We can't already afford buying land or apartment. Please don't come. Stay where you are. With foreigners the prices will skyrocket. We don't want that.
@vanjamenadzer 20 дней назад
This happened in Belgrade when war started with high influx of Russians and Ukrainians. People raised rent a lot and some even kicked out tenants in favor of RU or UA who were ready to pay more lol
@jmartin4364 20 дней назад
Immigration has ruined many cities in the west by raising home prices. Your worry is valid. Vancouver British Columbia and Miami Florida are just a few examples.
@letsbefreeletsbefree7183 20 дней назад
I understand you also when rich foreigners come and hike up the prices for everything.
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
Он ошибся , забыл один ноль, дом стоит 195 000000 рублей , это Два миллиона и 187 тысяч . Так что американцы будут очень разочарованы . Он сказал , что ошибся в цене , но не говорит настолько , ошибся в десять раз ! 😂
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
@@letsbefreeletsbefree7183 stop dreaming that you can get a mansion in Russia for 200 hundreds thousand , he forgot one 0 , that house costs 2 million and 187 thousands , not 200 thousands
@slavcity406 19 дней назад
Hey, so. You said to write our story in the comments. So this is gonna be kind of a long one.. I was born and raised in Lewistown Montana USA in January of the year 2000. Born as a Mexican American but raised with my mother's side of the family, which was Irish/German. My biological father was never in my life, so my great grandfather, who was a Korean War veteran, was my father figure for the first half of my life until he passed when I was 13 years old. However, growing up, I'd always sit next to him with a big bowl of ice cream watching the history channel.. it was there that I discovered WW2 history. I absolutely fell in love with Russia. As the sacrifice the people of the Soviet Union made was so tremendous, and there was no other country that had the Unity quite like that of the USSR. Ww2 America might have been a close contender, but no one in the states besides soldiers felt the pain inflicted by the war... I don't mean to ramble.. and maybe it's just the propaganda posters and art, but I swear, there's a sort of unity amongst the Russian people that can't be described. A whole purpose in which to move forward through the thick and thin.. i don't know if I believe in past lives but iv always had a love for Russia and the Soviet Union that I can not explain to anyone as to why. I have one tattoo, and that's the USSR coat of arms on my left shoulder. I have flags, uniforms, posters, medals. Everything that is Russian I love with all my remaining heart.. and to grow up in America, iv been surrounded by decadence and filth.. the food and water poisoned. The roles of men and women being reversed. Kids be targeted by the LGBTQ+ community, and the list goes on. That's why I want to move to Russia. I want to have a chance at life in a place that I love and hold so dear to my heart... it's my goal to move there ASAP. I just wish I had the right advice as to what to do to achieve that.. there's a lot more I could get into, but I don't want to ramble. God bless the Russian Federation and her people.. and God bless anyone fortunate enough to make it to Russia.
@Wild-Siberia 19 дней назад
Believe it or not I read the whole thing and listen man i remember sitting with my grandpa too listening to stories of the Mexican Revolution he was born in 1918 but his mother played a role as a female soldier and later a whiskey bootlegger into Arizona from Sonora. SO were influenced by the people who came before us and I can understand the feelings you get now with the way things have turned out.. My advice is get a russian tourist visa asap, take a vacation. I still havent met someone who regrets visiting 😅 Thanks for the support on the channel i hope this comment finds you in good health .
@slavcity406 19 дней назад
@Wild-Siberia that's awesome man. I'm glad you had a good relationship with your grandfather too. God, family, country. The only things that matter in this life. Thank you for the advice man. Iv never traveled outside of the country before. Let alone by myself. I feel like a child, haha, even though in 24. Anyways, God bless my friend.
@slavcity406 19 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberia ^^
@laymalaykule236 8 дней назад
​@@slavcity406 приезжай, не бойся. В крупных городах многие говорят на английском и люди доброжелательны, у тебя не будет проблем с общением, обычно все рады помочь гостям нашей страны. Посмотришь , как мы живем и решишь для себя. Ты молод и сейчас самое время решать как и где жить дальше.
@a2agata 20 дней назад
Кто боится холода в России, знайте - в домах тепло, а для улицы есть теплая одежда.
@jackstraw1634 20 дней назад
Do the Russian people mind Americans coming over there? I feel ashamed at how the Gov acts, & it isn’t a good representation of what the regular Americans are like. All of us aren’t jerks, & don’t like the woke ideology being pushed.
@Daniel-ml3gt 20 дней назад
Hola, aqui, en Uruguay hay algunas personas que vinieron de Russia, Y ELLOS SUFREN EL FRIO DE AQUI PORQUE ES HUMEDO. Se quejan del frio. Y son de Russia...entiendo lo que dices.
@RoniLadyBoss 20 дней назад
Пусть едут в Воркуту жить если хотят жить в России
@ФилинТата 20 дней назад
​@jackstraw1634 нормальным простым американцам мы рады. Многие россияне такие же "синие воротнички" или "рэд неки" (rednecks), мы очень похожи с вами 😊
@a2agata 20 дней назад
​@@jackstraw1634 российский народ не возражает 😊 Сейчас в России живут немало американцев, у них есть каналы, можно посмотреть. Если вам не нравится ваш губернатор, не берите его с собой 😊 Удачи! И хорошей дороги! ❤
@matty_mcmattface 20 дней назад
Humans can make mistakes - you corrected it straight away so no need for embarrassment or shame - I believe it is just an honest mistake. Thank you for all the experience you are sharing to people from all different countries. The more we all learn about other places and cultures the less chance we have of being enemies and making war. Peace to all.
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
I’m extremely embarrassed and filled with shame, the truth is I miscalculated and I recorded and published and didn’t check my numbers. The point of the video was a hit it’s being viewed for the information the prices are on screen what I said is wrong. I’m sorry but I pinned the occurrence on the pinned comment and in the description. I will be going live later today to show the prices again.
@matty_mcmattface 19 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberia My friend - there is no need for shame, everybody makes mistakes. Let the first stone be cast by he who is without sin? I have another channel where I create instructional videos for music teaching. Sometimes I make mistakes and don't catch them until after I have published. I look forward to enjoying more of your interesting and helpful content brother.
@victordoom7629 20 дней назад
Im blown away. Those prices are way out of my price range though. I prefer a quiet small village like where you and your wife plan to live. Looking foward to your next video where you show the lower price range
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
My friend the pinned comment and description mention that I totally messed up the calculations. Please forgive me the video was filmed late at night but it’s staying on for the information value of the decree. Thanks for pointing the mistake out I appreciate it 🙏🏻
@marvz71 20 дней назад
You can't touch a 3 bedroom ranch style house on a 1/4 acre outside of Nashville Tennessee for under $350k now. Sochi is looking mighty tempting.
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
I made a calculation mistake but for 350k you can still retire. I’m going to be remaking the video sorry
@drice2223 20 дней назад
@marvz71 I'm over in baxter tn .. are you considering Russia?
@Yarrus1 20 дней назад
Guys!Prices in Sochi or Moscow the same or higher than in New York or LA. Amigo lives in the Middle Siberia. Just there is cheap prices. But no job with high salary
@user-xs2ru9on4s 20 дней назад
Сочи - это субтропики!
@Yarrus1 20 дней назад
@@user-xs2ru9on4s а Лоса Анжелес что?))) Там как в Таиланде круглый гоб одинаковая температура почти)))
@briancossey4773 20 дней назад
At 9:08 he is showing a home/property and it is my vision of heaven on earth; the scenery alone is breathtaking! I have lived in America almost all my life and watched as the politicians and corporations have put the economy right in the crapper, and the housing market is the next item that will be collapsing. I read, write and speak Russian (somewhat), and with the new decree all I can says is: SIGN ME UP!!!
@tatianapreobrazhenskaya9777 20 дней назад
Welcome aboard the Ark!
@user-em3wi7ex4k 20 дней назад
a loser in America will be a loser in Russia, and even worse you'll be in Russia.
@bestbaza5780 20 дней назад
@@user-em3wi7ex4kYou know better who is looser or not
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
Please check his numbers , that house costs 2 million and 187 thousands , not 200 thousands 😂 don’t understand that for such to build such house the workers shouts get maybe two dollars a day salary . Would you like to live in a country where is such exploitation of workers ? He admitted that he made a mistake in the price of a house , do you own math .199 000 000 rubles is 2 million 187 thousands 396 dollars .
@laymalaykule236 8 дней назад
​@@bellaadamowicz8380 подскажите телефон этих рабочих которые согласны за 2$ в день работать 😂😂😂
@simplemind7 4 дня назад
You're truly gifted, you've got a gift of orchestrating & tying any subject effortlessly, thx for the video.
@Wild-Siberia 4 дня назад
Thanks for watching
@shawnh.7141 20 дней назад
What a great video. As an American, these are very sobering truths.
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Please refer to the pinned comment the reality is there’s still much better options for the prices I listed on American usd but I have to be transparent 🤝🏻
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberiawhy don’t you tell the truth, the house you showed cost more than 2 million American dollars. Stop lying , there are no mansions for 200 thousands dollars in Russia in Sochi
@bellaadamowicz8380 19 дней назад
@@shawnh.7141 the price is not 200 thousand dollars , the price is 2 milion and 187 thousand dollars . Convert the price of that house of 199 000 000 rubles into dollars , and you will get 2 million 187 thousands dollars
@Ролтун 20 дней назад
Foreigners, do not be afraid of the middle part of Russia. Yes, our winters are cold, but the heating at home is very good. And inexpensive. Winter has its advantages. and in summer it's hot there, just like in the south sometimes
@stevepelham9010 20 дней назад
Thanks, got it!
@Qsderto 18 дней назад
@@84jamesp I think I'm going to die from the cold one day.. cold narrows blood vessels, it is not so convenient for people with high blood pressure. When I was vacationing in Bali for two weeks, I didn't take blood pressure pills.
@SuzanMiller-ou5kq 11 часов назад
I love cold weather so that won’t bother me
@alexmashkin863 20 дней назад
Dan really can't math :-) $200k is 20M not 200M 😅 There's still a huge difference between LA and Sochi, but not that huge as he makes it out to be :-)
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
I know it’s so bad I ruined the video but please forgive me and refer to the pinned comment 🤝🏻
@bellaadamowicz8380 19 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberia listen, take it down , you are lying to people , and only admit it , when somebody points to your mistake, but to all the people who believed you you only say thank you for watching , you are dishonest .
@user-ny5nq5pb8e 20 дней назад
4:53 well, that's not $170 000, that's 170 000 000 rubles, it's about $1'800'000
@user-ny5nq5pb8e 20 дней назад
8:45 ok. Now I see that you have some problems with currency conversion. That mansion is $2,2M. 1 dollar = 90 rubles
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Yes I made a huge calculation error thanks for pointing it out I myself mention it in the pinned comment and description. I appreciate your support please accept my sincere apology but the actual prices are on screen
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
@@user-ny5nq5pb8eexactly . He should take it down, I told him long time ago it is nonsense 199 000 000 rubles is 2 million and 187 thousand dollars . It’s hilarious .
@Matt999PL 18 дней назад
Exactly. With big approximation divide by 100 to get USD. 200 000 000 RUBLES 2 000 000 USD
@len8336 17 дней назад
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Comment Where Youre watching from and what you thought of the video PLEASE THANKS!
@NB-qy7ku 20 дней назад
How much is farm land in Russia?
@TatHube 20 дней назад
​@@NB-qy7kuя открыл первое попавшееся объявление: 37 гектар стоит 35тыс$ в Самарской области.
@sinistersilverado965 20 дней назад
Louisiana, USA
@helvetii42 20 дней назад
Oregon, former Russian territory.
@gtilusso2101 20 дней назад
Georgia, America
@mik1984 20 дней назад
Depending on who lives in the community, I would love such a clubhouse, like the one in the beginning in LA. The idea of a community where you can simply walk out the door and socialize with other people is something I most painfully miss from my time as a student.
@stepangrigoryan5048 20 дней назад
Greetings from Los Angeles! You are right for 100% .
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
I’m originally from LA hello!
@Yarrus1 20 дней назад
@@stepangrigoryan5048 barevdzes ahper. Ahper was not right😂 Sochi is the same prices as in LA and there are many armenians😂
@ФилинТата 20 дней назад
​@@Yarrus1 так в Калифорнии тоже самая большая армянская диаспора😂 Они никак не хотят жить в своей стране.
@Yarrus1 20 дней назад
@@ФилинТата их там больше чем в самой Армении
@petergahlert3942 20 дней назад
Ugly buildings in LA , there is No Life and Love in it ! Viva Russia !
@solrac1287 20 дней назад
And you forgot to mention something important, the houses in Sochi are solid brick and cement with a good foundation, while in California they are made of wood.
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
That house cost 2 million dollars and 187 thousand dollars . Check it yourself 199 000000 rubles converting into 2millionand 187 thousands
@Kukublad 20 дней назад
I Russian from Sochi, I love this channel, but just only for convenient learning English! He speak very well, and usually I not writing comment, but this is mistake with extra “0” was super funny ))) I noticed in past videos his ideas, about Russian very surface and naive, but I like this guy! So I wish him good luck!
@rdallas81 20 дней назад
You speak good English. From USA with love! Bless Putin and Russia 🇷🇺
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Yes I made a huge calculation error thanks for pointing it out I myself mention it in the pinned comment and description. I appreciate your support please accept my sincere apology but the actual prices are on screen
@mariaelisaellis3489 17 дней назад
Very interesting! Thank you for the content! From São Paulo, Brazil.
@NewAlbionTV 20 дней назад
For $200K in London you cannot get even a small studio flat. "Medium class" in London will be £1.5m
@NorbertKa-tx5ei 19 дней назад
@@NewAlbionTV He screwed up the math! Everyting he shown cost 11x as much in dollars what he said. It's not that cheap.
@salami_god 20 дней назад
man, the house in Sochi is 170 mil rubbles. it is not 170 000, it is 1.7m usd )
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
My friend the calculations were off we discussed it during the live I’m so embarrassed 🤣 I recorded late in any case the video will be redone. No ill intention
@salami_god 20 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberia it is ok, just i was shocked of the price - por 170 mil es imposible comprar una hacienda así en Sochi. Viva Mexico y Rusia!
@3Zeppoli 20 дней назад
No he's right. It's 1.7 million ​@@Conservativetomycore
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
@@Conservativetomycore of course. It is 1, 7 million, and the house that he said costs 200 thousands in reality costs 2 million187 thousands , sorry .
@cronoscoin417 17 дней назад
@@bellaadamowicz8380so the entire video is completely off on its main point
@youtubeuser6067 20 дней назад
The exchange rate from 1US dollar to rubles is roughly 100 rubles. So, US $200,000 is close to 2,000,000 rubles, NOT 200,000,000! Those mansions in Sochi are around 200,000,000 rubles or $2,000,000 US dollars. Be careful with conversions!🙏
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
My friend the mistake was made without intention, I am embarrassed but I apologize in the pin Comment and in the description. I appreciate you for calling it out. Im going on a live later to also talk about the issue and show the prices again.
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberiayou are a liar .
@yunsi7954 20 дней назад
All my bags are packed and ready to go
@natskl296 20 дней назад
170 000 USD is 17 000 000 RUB. The mansion that you refer to is 170 millions rubbles (not 17). Nothing is cheap these days, even in Russia.
@galinaaxley609 20 дней назад
Comparatively cheap, that's the whole point.
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
My friend the pinned comment and description mention that I totally messed up the calculations. Please forgive me the video was filmed late at night but it’s staying on for the information value of the decree. Thanks for pointing the mistake out I appreciate it 🙏🏻
@ihomeproservices7040 20 дней назад
My wife’s a real estate broker in Florida . And you can get a tiny condo unit for 1 million. Florida prices are out of this world right now.
@user-bf5rk7ty6q 20 дней назад
Oh, it's terrible! Moreover, in the USA houses are often built of planks, and in Russia timber, brick or monolithic concrete are more often used.)
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
It’s insane
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
That house cost 2 million and 187 thousands dollars , he already admitted he made a mistake , forgot one 0 . 199 000000 rubles is 2 million and 187 thousand dollars
@Travelingforlife 12 дней назад
Most of America is way overpriced! Not to mention ridiculous property taxes, and insurance!!
@bellaadamowicz8380 12 дней назад
@@Travelingforlife this house cost 2 million not 200 thousand , he forgot one 0
@lovegrenv 16 дней назад
I have been planning on moving to Russia for almost a year. I’m almost ready to put my home on the market, and hope to be there before the “selection” here in the US. “Not in my name” is what I say to my government. I live outside of Austin, Texas, and can’t wait to be there. I was preparing to utilize the Quota system to get temporary residency, and believe that Putin’s decree is a gift from God to help us escape this insanity. Thanks for your informative video! Much appreciated!
@Wild-Siberia 16 дней назад
New video is out
@operpost 20 дней назад
169 000$ is around 17 000 000 rubles (not 170 000 000)
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
were on live laughing on my major mistake
@user-xs2ru9on4s 20 дней назад
1,700 000 dollars
@oliviao3686 20 дней назад
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
Not, 169 thousands dollars converts into 10,489,977.78
@BabaYaga-gv9zb 20 дней назад
Sorry to spoil the party , but that house in Sochi Russia is $1.7 Million not 170 K …. you’re confused with a lot of zeros 😂
@Selfrespect12345 20 дней назад
@@BabaYaga-gv9zb Are you serious?
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Yes I made a huge calculation error thanks for pointing it out I myself mention it in the pinned comment and description. I appreciate your support please accept my sincere apology but the actual prices are on screen
@ccdsds3221 20 дней назад
@@Selfrespect12345yes, a guy that has lived in Russia for more than 2 years does not know the value of its currency…😂
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
⁠ the author already said he miscalculated , forgot one zero ! 😂 no you can’t live in mansion in Sochi for 180 thousands
@BabaYaga-gv9zb 19 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberia no problem, I’m currently shopping Sochi Realestate, price for desirable properties is ranging between $ 750-3000 per square foot…. It is the most expensive city in Russia
@greg8946 18 дней назад
I live outside of DC, my girl has a house in Tahoe, California. We're checking out Nevada and maybe Idaho next. If the United States has this election overthrown again and the country continues on its current path then I am looking at Croatia or Russia. My mom's side of the family is originally from Russia and I would love to be part of that culture. Great video👍🇷🇺🐻
@ridazi 20 дней назад
hey its really cool what you are doing. part of my German Ancestry family in the 1820 received a land grant from Catherine the Great to farm and move to the area of Zaporizihya - Ukraine -my part of the family Wiens moved about half of the 30,000 who lived near Mariupol, after the crimean war. 1879 to Canada and the USA. - anyway - sounds like a good move in Nova Scotia and its colder here than moscow. - time to move back.
@oliviao3686 20 дней назад
We love our Germans. Maybe they don't speak their language any more but they still have the real German attitudes and all our respect
@vivianebernardon9954 18 дней назад
@ridazi hei hei! My family also went to live there invited by Catherine The great! They were called The White Russians. My greatgrandfather left Russia in 1918, to Germany. Then came to Brazil in 1930. What a small world.
@aizhongwen 20 дней назад
Russian house is a mansion compared to Los Angeles cottage for the same price. Thanks for sharing. I wish you success with your own home.
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Sorry but in the video I made major calculation errors this was pointed out during the live of the video. The video will Be remade and kept until the new remake comes out. Please disregard the prices of the Russian side they were off.
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Sorry but in the video I made major calculation errors this was pointed out during the live of the video. The video will Be remade and kept until the new remake comes out. Please disregard the prices of the Russian side they were off.
@robotron1236 20 дней назад
But the wages are WAY lower in Russia and nobody ever mentions that.
@galinaaxley609 20 дней назад
​@@robotron1236Yes they are. I am both a Russian and American citizen. In all my 55 years that I'd lived in Russia I succeeded in everything, like job, housing, family, and traveling all around the world. Yes, I've been in 10 European countries, Thailand, China... visited almost all former USSR countries. All this happened as I was paid that "low wages". Whereas living here in the US for 10 past years, I can only afford paying bills for the money that I get paid here. You see the difference? With way smaller wages, one can afford everything, and with higher wages - just survive. I am still living here because of my American husband, who don't want to move anywhere. Thank goodness my both kids live in Russia and I always go there to see them. And of course I will eventually move back to my homeland.
@robotron1236 20 дней назад
@@galinaaxley609 good, we don’t want you.
@user-bf5rk7ty6q 20 дней назад
В нашем городе самый дорогой особняк с участком 50 соток (два гаража, беседка, теплицы, баня и др. ) стоит 50 миллионов рублей. Это 500 000 долларов
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
My friend the mistake was made without intention, I am embarrassed but I apologize in the pin Comment and in the description. I appreciate you for calling it out. Im going on a live later to also talk about the issue and show the prices again.
@genecanfield3681 20 дней назад
Thanks for the presentation, Dan. In your follow-ups, could you give us an idea of property and income taxes? Just on a personal note, I remember Russians coming to the US in the 80s to escape the USSR... what a role reversal!
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
I’ll be sure to make a note of that next time
@kevinboehm1615 20 дней назад
Yes, tax info is critical
@annakoenig3824 20 дней назад
Something like this: The basic tax rates are listed in the Tax Code. You need to pay: 0.1% of the cadastral (non-market) value of real estate - for houses and apartments, rooms, garages and parking spaces, for outbuildings on garden or utility plots, you need to pay the state annually. 2% - for objects that cost more than 300 million rubles. 0.5% - for all other objects. However, local authorities may vary these rates. They are allowed to both reduce them to zero and increase them (but a maximum of 3 times). You can also change the rates depending on the cadastral value of the property (setting the "thresholds" of the cost for a particular rate), on the type of object and its location. The transport tax depends on the volume of the engine. If an individual is a tax resident of the Russian Federation, most of his income will be taxed at a tax rate of 13%. Such income, for example, includes wages, remuneration under civil law contracts, income from the sale of property, as well as some other income. The payroll tax is paid by the employer. You don't need to count your taxes yourself. Towards the end of the year, a receipt for payment (property, vehicle) arrives.
@Luorawetlan 20 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberia Если хочешь могу скинуть тебе фото своих платежей за газ (кухонная плита + отопление) за прошлую зиму. Также могу скинуть фото дома, чтобы иметь представление о площади.Только я не знаю как отправлять личные сообщение.
@olgsem 20 дней назад
The income tax currently stands at 13%. A progressive scale will be introduced from 2025: 13% of income less than 200 thousand rubles per month, 15% of income from 200 to 416 thousand rubles per month, then 18%, 20% and 22%. The absolute majority will not be affected by this innovation. There are also a large number of all kinds of tax deductions and benefits. Pensioners do not pay this tax from retirement, families with children have a tax-free part of their income, and so on. The tax on residential real estate is 0.1% of the cadastral value of housing per year. For commercial 2% per year. For other types of property 0.5% per year. And depending on the region, the percentage may vary slightly. And, again, there are many benefits and exceptions - pensioners, large families, etc. Of course, all this applies to Russian citizens
@lowanglejack 20 дней назад
Watching from New Hampshire USA. This is very interesting, its got my attention.
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Thanks a lot I ruined the price exchange but I hope people got the idea
@sergeykazantsev1 20 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberia Still, for 1.5 lemon do$ that futuristic concrete/ glass mansion with the amazing view and all of the other buildings on the land, is still priced OK. Because where I live here in US in WA state next to Canada, a some distance away from me, in a semi retirement community, with nothing and a bunch of HOA pay, a house way worse than that one, cost more than 2 mil. do$ It has some view though on to the ocean, but it's a dumb circular village type of setting with a bunch of control speed bumps, no acres of land.
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
@@sergeykazantsev1the house costs 2 million and 187 thousand , not 1,5 million and of course not 200 thousands 😂
@user-mj2ds9tw3s 18 дней назад
The monthly rent of land space for the mobile home or trailer now is probably about $2,000. When we checked one sometime in early 2011, the rent just for the land was $1,250/ mo. Crazy!
@AzzekaTheRealOne 20 дней назад
😮😮😮😮what a difference a country makes
@caldooo 20 дней назад
Oh my god! Prices are also way out of control here in México Daniel. And with the low income you can imagine. It is very appealing moving to Rusia for me. Thank you so much for all the valuable information broski
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Mexico is out of control i was living there recently... back in GDL i will be showing some vidoes of myself soon with Ksenia
@evakostow1756 16 дней назад
Love this program, I am from Argentina, my whole family from Rusia. Love LA from 30 years ago, now is dirty, so sad.❤
@Whoisthere-z1m 20 дней назад
Summer in Sochi is hot and humid. Already in early June, the water warms up to +22 °C. In August, there may be short-term rains, daytime temperatures reach from +30 °C to +35 °C, and the sea is +27 °C. Due to the high humidity (about 80%), such weather can be difficult to tolerate, then the velvet season at the resort will be more suitable - from September to the end of November
@kaymynkaliel4141 20 дней назад
The pictures Dan is showing you is 100% correct, I grew up in Ventura & Santana Barbara, a 90 min drive north of where Dan grew up. You can be paying for that house in California for the rest of your life. Keep in mind, depending on where you live and the regulations you must abide by may or may not allow you to rent a room to anyone if you post an advertisement for shared living because it would violate the contract of the purchase of the home. People rent out rooms to help supplement their income for financial assistance to pay the mortgage. There's usually no peace and quiet and perhaps you may hear people racing their car at high speeds, it happens. California, I call it a separatist state because they create some of the stupidest laws you can imagine. For instance, a man smoked cigars, the smell went to the neighbors home, the man smoking the cigar was fined for air pollution. No joke, California Sucks. Too expensive and way to much bull pucky and potential police harassment just so their department can fine you so they can earn money to support their law enforcement department. This is 100% the truth.
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
He said that he made a mistake , the house costs 2 million and 187 thousands . 199 000000 rubles is 2 million 187 thousands and 396 dollars . Sorry .
@kaymynkaliel4141 20 дней назад
@@bellaadamowicz8380 I was talking about the price of homes in California. Property prices are stupid expensive. I mean no offense but I grew up in California and I know the prices are stupid crazy high. You don't get much for what you pay for.
@bellaadamowicz8380 19 дней назад
@@kaymynkaliel4141 True , but he lied or made a mistake , so he said , 199 000 000 rubles is 2 million and 187 thousands dollars , not 200 hundreds thousand dollars like he said . Houses are crazy expensive , it is true .
@mickeycricket1265 18 дней назад
Have never seen your videos before. THIS is really good. Great information. Great job. Very interesting. Keep going.
@Wild-Siberia 18 дней назад
Please read the pinned comment also look at my live video for prices 🤝🏻
@Whoisthere-z1m 20 дней назад
A house in the village can be bought from 500 dollars... Depends on the condition and the distance to the nearest city
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
@Whoisthere-z1m 20 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberia Greetings from the south of Russia, Sochi is not far from my house, 250 km😊
@banana_bread_at_work 20 дней назад
$500 ?!
@alext5285 20 дней назад
@@banana_bread_at_work In the deep provinces you can find such an offer. A traditional house made of solid logs with a small plot. But you will probably have to repair the roof, replace the floors, possibly lift and replace the lower logs, change the interior decoration and insulation. If you understand the construction of houses - this can be a good solution with a small budget in the end.
@ФилинТата 20 дней назад
​@@banana_bread_at_work это совсем ужасный вариант неизвестно где😊 Лучше покупать дома в развитых муниципалитетах, там дом в среднем стоит от $50,000 до $100,000. Лучше покупать дома в пригородах, с большими земельными участками, чтобы жить и строить дом рядом. Так сделал мой кузен: купил небольшой старый дом с участком 1200 кв.м., лишнее демонтировали и вывез. На участке построил дом и баню, а жили в старом. Этим летом въехали в новый дом, а старый снесли. Теперь заняты разбивкой сада на его месте
@jimgonis6543 20 дней назад
GDay From Australia
@lorisheheen2198 20 дней назад
Wow Dan...the house comparisons is unbelievable. You are so right."A box."😂 I must say that I love where you bought your land and plan on building your home! The Beautiful surroundings and scenery is absolutely breathtaking! I can't wait to see when your house is up and done. You and Ksenia are truly blessed.🙏❤😊🌳🌲🏕
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Please refer to the pinned comment I’m thankful for your input. It’s so embarrassing 🤣🤝🏻
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Thanks so much though for watching and supporting it means so much!
@lorisheheen2198 20 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberia ☺️❤️❤️❤️❣️
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
The house cost 2 million and 187 thousand dollars , he forgot one 0 .
@FrostOperator90-YT 20 дней назад
No biggie on the mistake. Once again, God bless you and thank you so much
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Sorry but in the video I made major calculation errors this was pointed out during the live of the video. The video will Be remade and kept until the new remake comes out. Please disregard the prices of the Russian side they were off.
@FrostOperator90-YT 20 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberia No worries, mistakes happen all the time in life. I would also wish to see a video, if I didn't miss one that is already out, about how to transfer money from western countries to Russia. This would be really helpful. Thanks
@usman3583 20 дней назад
​@@Wild-Siberia yes i just noticed this and was quite confused, but fair play and look forward to your new video
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
@@FrostOperator90-YT yes, the house costs not 200 thousands , but 2 million 187 thousand dollars . He is very sorry 😂
@Dixis 20 дней назад
200k$ for a cardboard box in community club in outskirts, I can buy a brick/log mansion with a plot of land in Moscow Region for this amount
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
@user-xb1nq4xk5t 20 дней назад
За эти деньги, можно купить целую заброшеную деревню и зделать себя губернатором!
@VitaliiFajet 20 дней назад
За эти деньги ты можешь купить и в Липецке и в Волгограде и Самаре и сможешь ловить рыбу на Волге, не боясь оказаться в тюрьме как у вас в Америке, У вас перед поездкой на рыбалку надо прощаться с родственниками, вдруг рыбалка тюрьмой закончится.
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
Sochi house that he shows costs 2 million, not 200 thousands
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
@@VitaliiFajetЧушь , мы ловим огромные рыбины , что за сказки
@juliab894 15 дней назад
Hi..I'm from the South West of England and look forward to hearing and seeing more of your videos.
@Wild-Siberia 15 дней назад
Thanks a lot there’s a new one out already and I’m working on another one
@nickemfive8866 20 дней назад
Watching from Swedish Lapland (Scandinavia). The safest and cheapest place in the country. 50k USD kan easily get you a decent house here.
@-Egor- 20 дней назад
You have a very beautiful country, greetings from Russia, Moscow.
@user-pd3ge3rk3v 20 дней назад
Швеция теперь в НАТО и в ней больше нет безопасных мест!
@NomosPocus 20 дней назад
Sweden is a shxrhole now.
@Intel-i7-9700k 20 дней назад
I don't think that Sweden has a good future the coming decades for various reasons. Plus, in Russia you can for the same price live much closer to a large city for day trips.
@Oomph6006 20 дней назад
@@Intel-i7-9700k Why should Sweden have worse future then Russia? Yes they do have some trouble with some immigrants but at some point this will end.. Every country has it ups and downs..
@dwayneanddonnadore5347 20 дней назад
Tempting!!!! My sister lives in a mobile home park in the east bay area here in California. Her neighbor just moved into a small 3 bed 2 bath mobile home. Paid $459,000...for a mobile home. Russia,may be the answer. Thank you Mr. Putin😊❤
@user-rt1xm3pk2s 20 дней назад
I have a stone house (3 bedrooms and a living room), 100 m2, + attic. + garage and bathhouse. Plot 750 m2! Price approximately = $60,000 And, its own water well, electric heating. I only pay for electricity. Land tax - 3$/YEAR! And yet, I live among mountains and lakes, next to a ski resort.
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
My friend the mistake was not done on purpose I pinned a comment and put in the description 😔 I’m going live in a few hours to show the right prices and to address the mistake again🤝🏻 please accept my sincere apology
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
That house costs 2 million and 187 thousands , not 200 thousands .
@randomideas7799 20 дней назад
I live in Melbourne and im greek and i thought this is RIDICULOUS for los Angeles...until i realise the average house price for a house in my area is 800,000-1,000,000 AUD FOR A TINY HOUSE DILAPIDATED HOUSE OR A SMALL APARTMENT! In my home town in northern greece 50,000 gets you a nice big apartment (around 20-30 years old but still good) or a HUGE plot of land with some fruit trees!
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
I’m extremely embarrassed and filled with shame, the truth is I miscalculated and I recorded and published and didn’t check my numbers. The point of the video was a hit it’s being viewed for the information the prices are on screen what I said is wrong. I’m sorry but I pinned the occurrence on the pinned comment and in the description. I will be going live later today to show the prices again.
@bellaadamowicz8380 19 дней назад
Greece is. Beautiful
@Fawazedits8944yt 20 дней назад
Its 170 million Rubles that is 1.7 million dollars, That is what I have counted 170,000,000.
@svet_svet-pr2gg 20 дней назад
You are right! 👌
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Yes I made a huge calculation error thanks for pointing it out I myself mention it in the pinned comment and description. I appreciate your support please accept my sincere apology but the actual prices are on screen
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
@Fawazedits8944yt 20 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberia It Happens due to web page not automatically adjusted to the display resolution and one digit will be moved up or down, and It will be overlooked, Sorry I didn't saw your comment, your are doing great job I will subscribe now.
@PatriotUSA 20 дней назад
Wow This is Crazy..Pre prices..I like it..I live in North Georgia in US. But originally I came from Czechoslovakia long time ago..Russia looks really beautiful.. Nice opportunity for people...
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
My friend please refer to the pinned comment I’m taking the time to apologize to everyone as I recorded late and made a mistake please accept my sincere apology
@dfaz333 20 дней назад
I'm in north Georgia too. 🙂
@mikevetrov8312 19 дней назад
Mate wrong calculations. First house is 170 millions rubles, which is 1.8 millions dollars
@Wild-Siberia 19 дней назад
Yes sorry I made a calculation error please refer to the pinned comment I made a live and made the same mistake check my live videos we go over more things in detail.
@marvz71 20 дней назад
I'm gonna have to be where it is the warmest on average regardless of where it is were I to visit or stay over there. Wouldn't even care if it were Crimea given the current political climate, temperate climes are more important.
@tatianapreobrazhenskaya9777 20 дней назад
Crimea is paradise, if your water supply is secured. "Wouldn't even care" if it's among Russia's top tourist destinations, lol.
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
@@tatianapreobrazhenskaya9777don’t know there is a war in Crimea ?
@tatianapreobrazhenskaya9777 17 дней назад
@@bellaadamowicz8380 there's none, Ukie won't ever have it. Missiles sometimes fall, but it's so miniscule.
@bellaadamowicz8380 17 дней назад
@@tatianapreobrazhenskaya9777 Wishful thinking
@user-pr3sw5pp6d 20 дней назад
Когда услышал жену блогера "EXPAT American" об безопасности купания в Чёрном море из-за отсутствия акул, я поразился, потому что никогда не задумывался об этом в таком плане. Мне казалось что это рай, потому что так показывали в рекламах и других передачах на ТВ до ютуба... Кстати, когда этот же блогер рассказал об крокодилах во Флориде, я поблагодарил Бога что родился и живу в России🙂🙂
@user-bf5rk7ty6q 20 дней назад
только вот когда ветер, опасно. Унесёт волной и кирдык. (
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
Смешно . Вы наверное нигде не были . Кстати дом который он показывал стоит 2 миллиона и 187 тысяч долларов, он просто ошибся , забыл один 0 .😂199 000 000 рублей это 2 миллиона и 187 тысяч
@Qsderto 18 дней назад
The Black Sea blooms in hot weather, and it's just unpleasant to swim in it. And there are a lot of jellyfish there. They are small and not so dangerous, but it is also unpleasant to swim among this vile slime.
@donnalowe9334 20 дней назад
Please do build new homes with the Art Deco and Art Nouveau look..it is back with love. Thank you! Appreciated.
@thetubeeleven11 20 дней назад
I love Russia’s President Putin. I love the sanity of the Russian government and its people. I love how beautiful the nation of Russia is, it’s landscape, it’s rich culture, it’s architecture, it’s beautiful and gorgeous arts including its classical music masters and incredible ballet! Such a rich traditional culture! I would love to be a citizen! 🇷🇺
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Thanks for watching thanks for the support 🤝🏻
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
@@Wild-Siberiaplease tell them the house you showed costs 2 million , you are lying to people
@Po6om_Bepmep 20 дней назад
4:57 it is $1 700 000
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Yes I made a huge calculation error thanks for pointing it out I myself mention it in the pinned comment and description. I appreciate your support please accept my sincere apology but the actual prices are on screen
@toddhendley67 20 дней назад
Watching from West Virginia, USA. Four and a half years from retirement. Those prices are awesome and being able to own the land is fantastic. Can't do that in most countries
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Please refer to pinned comment please accept my apology also a remake will be made showing prices from 30-50k houses
@Luorawetlan 20 дней назад
In Russia it is also impossible if you are not a citizen. You can only buy a house. You can register the land after receiving citizenship.
@VitaliiFajet 20 дней назад
Ну землю в России пока нет гражданство не купить но достаточно того что дом можешь купить и 6 соток земли, это 0.6 гектара. Если хочешь больше можно взять в аренду у государства на 50 лет, потом выкупить.
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
That house cost not 200 thousand but 2 million and 187 thousand , he forgot one 0 .
@davebuick1321 10 дней назад
yes i will look into this idea for sure , i immigrated to Canada from Scotland as a child with my parents. what a great country it was, however sadly it is not the same place as it was . i am getting ready to retire but with this change in our society(and it is not going to get better soon to say the least) I have been investigating the possibility of moving to Asia or South America. I have never though that Russia could have been an option until now but i did hear of a Canadian farmer that moved to Russia with his family. I have always been fascinated with Russian culture and have much admiration for Vladimir Putin. . i could speak for hours with you about Russia . i hope to hear from you , and thank you for the work you have done on this video.
@bli4n5427 20 дней назад
Dont bring money to russia, if u have nothing to lose like this guy , then yes chances are big that u will have it better in russia, just like this guy did, if u have 30k bring it to russia, buy a small village house and live there with ur russian wife all good. But if u have money dont do it in russia, russia is not the place to spend ur big USD or EUR. With money there are far better places overall to move from the west if u wanted to. I am talking about 500k+ USD here. If u have nothing to lose sure russia is a good bet
@jimmyboyles2868 20 дней назад
Name a better place please.
@bli4n5427 20 дней назад
@@jimmyboyles2868 u must be joking right? I just framed it. depends what kind of money u have.
@bli4n5427 20 дней назад
@@jimmyboyles2868 dude I was born in russia, lucky to have espace that hole, like I said depends on ur money, if ur broke then move to russia, yes it will be prob be better, take 20k and byu land there if that is your thing like this guy did , thats all
@bli4n5427 20 дней назад
@@jimmyboyles2868 tell me ur networth and ur plans aka do u wanna live in a big modern city, or do you want to live off the land, then I can name u , I cant name u into the blue 175 countries cmon
@jimmyboyles2868 20 дней назад
@@bli4n5427 America is a joke. Enjoy the devaluing of the US dollar and inflation. No Woke BS there many leaving US dying.
@pamela5568 20 дней назад
The changes won't help American's who have a government retirement, or get social security, because they will lose them if they move to Russia. The U.S. Government has many controls for expats. But, this may help Russia gain population.
@ФилинТата 20 дней назад
Пенсионеры в штатах могут сдать свои дома в аренду и уехать жить в Мексику, так делают многие.
@pamela5568 20 дней назад
@@ФилинТата That is true, but Mexico has gotten more expensive and many places are not safe there. I was considering Argentina if they can get their economy sorted out.
@user-jj6hw2qg3o 20 дней назад
Всё хорошо, но скоро это всё поползёт в космос, цены вырастут 😁, и мы, простые граждане окажемся в ж.... е.....
@Blaker_76 20 дней назад
Если продать домик в Америке за 200 тысяч долларов, то в России можно купить дом с большим участком под Питером или Москвой тысяч за 50, а остальные положить в банк и на проценты жить в шоколаде не работая.
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
My friend the calculations were off we discussed it during the live I’m so embarrassed 🤣 I recorded late in any case the video will be redone. No ill intention
@vulgarisopinio 20 дней назад
50 тыс под Москвой с большим участком? Это фэнтези.
@AsyaMillenium 20 дней назад
Под Питером за эти деньги ничего приличного не купить вообще. Сама в поиске. Минимум 10млн рублей на что-то приличное. И еще ИЖС надо брать, а иначе за коммуналку платить устанете безумные деньги.
@ФилинТата 20 дней назад
Умножай свои $50,000 на 2 или на 3, сказочник 😂
@bellaadamowicz8380 20 дней назад
@@ФилинТатаон забыл один ноль , он уже признался и просит прощения , 199 000000 это не 200 тысяч долларов , а 2 миллион 187 тысяч долларов
@Houbaraoutdoors 20 дней назад
I am packing for siberia
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Siberia is the best come visit us at lake baikal
@MariaMagdalena-cf7ew 20 дней назад
😁🤣😅You've got a way to go
@raymondlemuel4099 15 дней назад
Hi from Romania , a lot of people love Russia so your videos helps a lot . Thanks
@bettyannbakos3866 20 дней назад
Yes, people will need houses 🏘
@Wild-Siberia 20 дней назад
Sorry but in the video I made major calculation errors this was pointed out during the live of the video. The video will Be remade and kept until the new remake comes out. Please disregard the prices of the Russian side they were off.
@herbalannie7707 20 дней назад
10 years down the road all these houses in Russia will double in price. Sounds like now is when to come! I'm in Ohio. I have Slavic roots and love that culture. I am retired live on 20 acres in a little cottage in the woods. The Putin Tucker interview is what really intrigued me about Russian history and my possible Russian ancestors that came from Poland. Oh, tax assessment on my little house in Appalachia is $220,000.
@mer3abec 20 дней назад
You can buy good house in Krasnodar region for 40-50000. Put rest to bank and get about 1.500 000 - 3 000 000 rub annually just % from your money :) Then Central bank % now about 18% . So banks gives you 12-15% .
@Travelingforlife 12 дней назад
America has become unaffordable to due theft by gov and inflation!
@vrp.s День назад
Great video, beautiful homes
@bettyannbakos3866 20 дней назад
Wow wow wow 170k for the mansion!!!!!!!
@jerrylee4485 20 дней назад
1,7million hahahahahaha
@robdavis2 День назад
There are still small towns in America where you can get cheap real estate to retire to. Like Marshall and Jefferson Texas. Those are some crazy prices. But I don't know about living in Russia. Great video. Thank you for sharing
@Wild-Siberia День назад
Yes anyone can make a life anywhere rights it’s just about wanting to
@arkyark8 20 дней назад
14:03 a building inside an apartment would blow my mind too!! 🤯😂
@chelovek4403 20 дней назад
Just a correction: the shown house in Russia is 170 million rubles, which is $1. 800.000 (one million eight hundred thousand) dollars
@-Avra- 18 дней назад
Love your channel! Grettings from Slovenia!❤
@Wild-Siberia 18 дней назад
Slovenia 🤝🏻 thanks for the support
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