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@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Teachers who knew her in school said that even though she struggled with math and tests, she was extremely kind to other children, esp. younger children and to those who were being bullied or were lonely or unhappy. That’s a sign of real intelligence and inborn compassion to show this caring at such a young age. And mind you, she was going thru a lot of unhappiness and chaos at home.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Most (not all) of the Hollywood celebrities I don’t give two craps about because I find most of them shallow, self-obsessed, and petty. Diana is different from most people, esp. among the famous. She was special in that she did so much for the world…averted a war, helped end the Bosnia war, raised the awareness of the stigma AIDS patients suffer from, raised two fine sons, changed the British monarchy forever, to name a few.
@mollyazmr 11 лет назад
she was the only real royal one..
@meghnamehta7694 3 года назад
I don't know how William and Harry can forgive their father for how he treated their mother. If Charles told his WIFE that I refuse to not have a mistress, I mean that is SICK.
@3_times_mum520 2 года назад
Why is it that everything Diana says is the truth and everything Charles says is a lie. Perhaps William and Harry know it was more complex. If we are to believe her, she cheated on Charles less than 4 years into their marriage before he went to Camilla. Divorce is sad, but not only one has the blame.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Diana's shyness and blushing was so touching and endearing. Loved how her face often turned so, so red. I felt for her, though because that blushing that much and that frequently was so uncomfortable for her. Definitely a classic HSP (highly sensitive person).
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
You can’t dispute the fact that she was so widely honored at her funeral; it was NOT just pop stars and superficial models and actors that showed up at her funeral; it was SERIOUS - minded people and billions of so - called “commoners” who came to pay tribute to their hero.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Most of us are GLAD that Diana didn’t “grow a thicker skin” and mask her sensitivity; she was unlike some other famous people who mask their emotions with drugs; we’re glad she did NOT take that path. Timid, weepy, shaky, shy, fearful, yet strong, courageous powerful woman with a great mind. I think you have trouble processing that.
@kashkhan2049 11 лет назад
Congratulations to you, your now a grandma.... Really would have been special to see your amazing smile on this so very special day!
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
He slandered their sons’ mother, the mother of the future king of England as “unstable” and other things instead of taking a look at his own issues. That’s what cost him and Camilla the respect of most of the people worldwide. Even the Queen grew fed up with Charles’ immaturity.
@3_times_mum520 2 года назад
Why is it that everything Diana says is the truth and everything Charles says is a lie. Perhaps William and Harry know it was more complex. If we are to believe her, she cheated on Charles less than 4 years into their marriage before he went to Camilla.
@karlamccullough5319 Год назад
Have you heard of the War of the Wales? Their relationship was increasingly toxic. Both were miserable. Diana's 1992 tell all book and her 1995 panorama interview were intended to hurt and undermine Charles. Both contributed to the destruction of the marriage.
@Coryraisa Год назад
@@karlamccullough5319: Charles also helped pen a toxic biography and gave his infamous interview in June 1994, which also contributed to the downfall of the marriage. Both of them were guilty, not just Diana alone.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
So yes, she did make very good use of the media that way, mostly for the public good. When used appropriately, the media can be a very good thing. Diana was a very smart woman who understood this. Her use of the media helped millions worldwide and actually saved many, many lives.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
I am sure it mortified her sometimes for the media and for people to see her tears and she did sometimes have to duck into a car or a loo to have a good cry, but she’d COME RIGHT BACK OUT, and continue with her caring. That’s the mark of a truly, strong, selfless woman.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
So, most of us know that actually, Diana was a very bright woman with loads of potential. Just her deep thinking had most of the world spellbound. She actually did not say much at all, but her actions spoke for themselves and showed her deep caring, love of humanity, creativity, her courage, especially in the face of heartbreak and pain, and her quiet strength and fortitude.
@OdetteValmont 11 лет назад
Fantasic insight in to Diana's life, in her own words!
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
She worked around her many fears; when she occasionally joined others in horseback riding (she was terrified of horses), she’d just swallow silently and stay close to others and just feel her fear without letting it derail her.
@lavenderue 11 лет назад
I really pity the late Princess. She try so much to have a complete family.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Ehhh? The whole “better” blood IS an archaic, outdated myth. I do hold my ground that all blood is fairly identical. Whether Diana’s Spencer family carries the “noble” titles beside their name is irrelevant. What makes one truly noble is one’s ACTIONS and conduct. To which Diana’s fine actions, loving heart, and heroic, strong character in the face of horrible happenings and great suffering has truly elevated Diana to a noble status.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
And actually…Diana really wasn’t this traditional beauty; her nose was large and long, she had freckles, her chest was flat, and her front teeth protruded a bit. It was her dignity and warmth and GENUINE (not fake) CARING heart that made her so, so attractive to BILLIONS. Actually, Princess Anne was in some ways, physically prettier than Diana, so for most people it was NOT just looks alone that won Diana WORLDWIDE admiration and respect.
@slipfall2580 4 года назад
THUMBS DOWN. Sick of hearing other people speak for Diana. I am looking for video's where she is doing the sharing and talking. Clicking out.
@vrfvfdcdvgtre2369 3 года назад
If only we could see the tapes without these reporters loving their own voice and, or, meaningless commentary.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Diana did court the press at times, but that was mostly to publicize the plight of people like the AIDS victims being left to die alone because their own families were foolish homophobes who abandoned them or like the landmine victims and war victims. She also saved the lives of many women worldwide by bringing to public attention how common bulimia was, including exposing her own struggles with bulimia.
@Rakel6784 2 года назад
She will never be forgotten..She will always be Queen Diana to me not Princess 👑👑👑
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
She knew the people needed to see her, while yes, cry, but also recover, wipe away her tears and keep going and keep reaching out to them…and she knew the press could help her with that. That’s a large part of the reason that although the cameras were often upsetting for her, she remained mostly gracious and polite to them. Wills, her son, can vouch for this.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
That’s a large part of why neither Charles or Camilla are really admired by too many people…a few are turned on by their superficial charm, but are put off by their lack of moral standing, their pettiness, and the horrible way they treated Diana (and some others). Charles and Camilla fall into the same category as Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and the Reagans... superficial charm and flash without much substance.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Diana worked to get herself together for the sake of her boys and for the sake of the people because she understood that she had a responsibility to them and wanted to set a good example and legacy for all of them. And while she was going thru all her pain and crap, she remained a GOOD mother for her sons, which is why both of them have many fond and respectful memories of her today.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
She used to media for the public good so we the people would know that as long as she was living, she would NOT abandon the people and leave us swimming around in lies and hearsay.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
She also wanted both her sons & the public to know that she was raising the future king & the “spare” very well & that they would grow up to be moral, level-headed, fine young men. She herself needed the people to know that even in the event of her unexpected death (which did happen), the monarchy was going to be very different, that the next king (after Charles, if he became king) was going to be one that was more caring, less self-centered, & most importantly more in touch with the people.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Another good field she had potential in is fashion design since she did love fashions, especially very feminine fashions and had a strongly artistic streak in her; she did excel in art at school. I always admired that she was so fashionable without being flashy, faddish, or trendy. She was also so feminine in a quiet, soft-spoken, polite way; she was not into frills nor was she into that superficial coquettish nonsense that some women fall into.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
I think toward the end of her life, she EARNED a better self-esteem and EARNED worldwide respect, much as you hate to admit. This I was happy to see, especially once she realized that she was NOT “stupid” after all, that she was NOT “defective” as she feared she was, and that she deserved much better than Charles.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Another ideal career would be a teacher of any grade level…she was always so good with kids and would have made a wonderful teacher…of course, it wouldn’t be math or science; it could be languages, art, or music. Most of us who did some reading on Diana know that she usually aced art and music in school.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Diana and Dodi were headed back to one of his apartments because they knew that once they were back safely in his place, the paparazzi would follow them and just stay outside the apartment and not be bothering innocent non-famous people. She sacrificed her life for innocent people that night. That’s the kind of heroism and big heart Diana had. Does that make you jealous even more?
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
I often felt bad for her, esp. around 1988 thru 1994 because she was suffering so much and yes, I do feel bad that she had the bad luck of being in her accident because she was healthy and happy toward the end of her life. If she hadn't had the accident, she would have lived a good 90 to 100 years because she was actually very strong and had a good physical constitution. I do take consolation in that she died happy.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
She usually was underhanded in a soft way when she also feared that innocent people would get caught in the crossfire. She became all too familiar with the backstabbing, truly manipulative politics of the traditional Palace, esp. with Princes Philip and Charles. So there, she was rather manipulative…which shows that she is NOT “stupid.”
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Diana did “court” the media, but to help others and to reassure the people that yes, she had her problems, but she was remaining strong and would be there for the people as long as she was living and would keep up her outreach work to others, despite her own pain.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Public speaking…another deep fear…she just braved that one and stuttered her way thru, usually blushing uncontrollably and speaking in a halting, fearful voice, but got thru with courage and most people got her messages. And it was powerful messages in just those few stumbling, timidly spoken worlds.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
There is nothing wrong with free will…something both men and women are blessed with. Diana (really all-woman she sure was) used her free will to do much good for the world. And as I was telling our resident Diana-basher, A Graves a while ago, Diana had her problems, but used her free will to get real help for herself and overcome her problems.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
But Diana survived and never even had to be hospitalized at all; all she needed was counseling and a bit of medicine to clear up some acid infections in her stomach from the bulimia; she was able to be treated at home and go on with her outreach projects and raising her sons.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
She did have good friends and her siblings to talk to; they helped her thru her ordeal and she had a good, secular, objective counselor. And she was secure in her spirituality (part Catholic); she didn't need some "Christian" counseling. Her last two years were relatively happy. I am sure she's now met Jesus, Mary, Mohammad and many others in the afterlife. I do hope her afterlife is much happier than much of her life here on Earth.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Too bad the headmistress never thought to tell Diana that she was NOT "stupid" when Diana was crying about her trouble in math and with tests. I'm glad toward the end of her life, she began to realize that she was FAR from "stupid." Usually, highly sensitive people like Diana are actually very intelligent; watching Diana in interviews and in action has me realize that she actually has a very high IQ.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
And yes, there are some people who use these “diagnosis,” whether they are correct or not as an excuse to be weak, irresponsible, or to mistreat others…just like until recently and some people still do this today…use the “bad gene” excuse for the same thing; I have heard too many people use the “alcoholic gene” or “addictive personality” excuse as a lame excuse for failing to seek help for themselves.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
As Diana hinted at in her Bashir interview, she really didn’t give the Queen title much thought; she just was falling in love with Charles fast and hard (as highly sensitive people often do). When Diana expressed sympathy for the loss of his uncle, he was attracted to that and knew she had a kind, caring heart, so he poured on the charm, causing her to be just lost in love with Charles.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
I read that Diana did try her hardest to avoid the States during October since just hearing about Halloween spooked her; she did not like being scared, even in jest.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
And I do believe that Diana in a way sacrificed her life for the people of that hotel, which makes her even more heroic. So, I’m with you there…I know that Diana was NOT some helpless “victim” of some car crash “murder” scheme out of some bad spy/thriller soap opera; she’s a hero who sacrificed her life for the other patrons in the hotel.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Even though she died in middle age, it was NOT, unlike Marilyn, Michael, and too many others, a death from overdose alone in her bedroom or some hotel room; she died happy and strong, albeit in an untimely car crash.
@riaramirez9550 2 года назад
Yes! She could have overdosed herself, had she been dependent to drugs for medication. I saw in one docu that she went to diff psychic or natural healer to help her.
@Coryraisa 2 года назад
@@riaramirez9550: Actually, she never went to any psychic for psychological help. She occasionally went with a friend and visited psychics for fun, but not for serious advice. She went to a real, liscenced psychologist for serious help for her bulimia and her PTSD, which helped her far more than any medication or any psychic could. Also, her humanitarian work helped her heal lots. Often helping others in need can heal you.
@riaramirez9550 2 года назад
@@Coryraisa why PTSD? As a result of her marriage? Diana had sanpaku eyes, the white below her iris was visible. They said, it means someone will harm you. I find that very apparent in most of her photos.
@Coryraisa 2 года назад
@@riaramirez9550: Partially so...but also her PTSD stemmed from her parents' tumultuous divorce when she was six. Her father drove her beloved mother from the house. Diana herself admitted to having flashbacks on hearing her mum's footsteps gritting through the gravel and the car motor fading into the distance. Diana was terrified that she'd never see her mum again. Thankfully, Frances did _not_ abandon her children as popular tabloid folklore claims. Frances fought back and re-gained liberal visitation. Being that therapy was not widely available in the late 1960s, however, Diana was marked by that terrifying event and developed PTSD, which flared up again when Charles abandoned her emotionally. Yes, Diana's wonderful, huge eyes are "sanpuku." I think she was just born with those huge, perceptive eyes. I also suspect her highly sensitive nature widens her eyes further. She was extremely wary of her environment and very, very perceptive. She caught things and subtleties in the environment that most average people miss. Also, as a strongly introverted person, she quickly became overwhelmed by too much sensory overload, so she was wary of that as well.
@riaramirez9550 2 года назад
@@Coryraisa I think children could really be traumatised from their parents' divorce. Maybe when she got married, she had the conviction that when she will have her own family, she will keep it together. And she must have really suffered from postpartum depression. She was so thin after giving birth to William, her appearance was so different from her look during the engagement. Somehow, maybe she was like Karen Carpenter?
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
I read (I think it was a newspaper or book article, NOT tabloid either) that Tiggy was crying as she threw stuff into her bag…Wills saw her and tried to ask what was wrong, but she was too upset to talk, hugged Wills goodbye, then left. The boys were quite upset by this and feared that maybe Charles WAS having an affair with Tiggy after all.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Michael Jackson went down a VERY similar destructive path as Marilyn…used drugs to mask his issues (I think he also had a trace of schizophrenia like Marilyn), instead of seeking real help. It must have been very painful for his poor children (I so feel for them; I wish I could reach out to put my arms around them and let them cry, esp. poor Paris) to see their father, whom they really loved very much, destroy himself and numb himself with drugs.
@dianaspencer1073 11 лет назад
I like Diana, she's just like me when telling story.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Take a look at Nancy Reagan’s story (not one of my fave people, but I did sympathize with her media troubles)…she tried to “tell off” the press and often sniped at reporters and I think yelled at one interviewer…did they back off and leave her alone? Nope…they trashed her and even made up a few lies about her, which upset her…and mind you, Nancy is a NON-HSP, unlike the shy, timid HSP Diana was.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
See the websites hsperson dot com. Diana was NOT just reaching out to people in pain and illness for the benefit of the cameras. If you read more about her, Diana has had this caring about others since she was a YOUNG CHILD.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Tabloid rubbish that she allegedly “removed” Wills’ nanny. If you’re talking about Tiggy, yes, she and Diana did have a few rows, but that was over something else entirely; I think it was because she was trying to worm private secrets about her marriage out of the boys. Diana was suspicious and they did have a short shouting match over it, which landed both of them in tears. But Diana did not dismiss her; they did eventually work things out because they both loved the boys.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
For Halloween, another thing she was desperately frightened of…rather than prevent her sons from enjoying the spooky holiday or spoiling it for anyone else with her excessive fear, she’d have one of her siblings or Sarah Ferguson take them out to the parties and Halloween haunted spooks, then listen to the boys’ adventures later on, perhaps on November 1st when she was more relaxed.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
And Diana really was an HSP; this is not a false diagnosis. Diana didn’t understand this trait at the time along with most of us…she KNEW there was something strange about her and that she overreacted to things most others took in stride or with only a mild upset reaction.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Yes, she was charming, but in a unique way. It was a gentle charm with true substance underneath the surface...you'd see it if you bothered to observe her or even listen to the few worlds she does say...as she herself pleaded here *You can disagree with me, but for God's sake, at least listen.* Too many people judge others without listening or truly observing. Despite her charm, she carried herself regally, with class, and with quiet dignity in a way that earned worldwide respect.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Fortunately, to Diana and her siblings’ good luck, Frances Spencer (Kydd) did gain the courage to fight back and re-gain liberal visitation rights. But poor Diana was very marked by this, which is why she was so, so fearful later on of losing custody and visitation with her sons and was so terrified of ending up in a mental hospital (and denied access to her sons that way).
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
By then, the Queen was growing fed up with Charles and Camilla’s immature nonsense and called Charles and Diana in and suggested divorce. Diana was hurt, but I think it was the other shoe dropping for her. I read that since it was her Christmas to have her sons, she took them I think out of the country to another ski resort and skipped the tradition of the Royals all gathering at Sandringham for the holidays.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Diana had been scarred by her pretty bad childhood, she admitted that she took her mother’s departing from the house harder than most other kids would have; she remembered being really terrified at the sound of her beloved mum’s footsteps crushing thru gravel as she walked out of that Spencer house; it truly frightened her because she feared she’d never see her mother again.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Her also...and I am sure Diana would be happy for both of them...face it, that nonsense of Diana allegedly "firing" Will's nanny is pure tabloid nonsense.
@jennifereguakhide4176 5 лет назад
RIP dear DI.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Diana was much too timid and just too quiet to be any talk show host like Oprah. And she didn’t have the necessary charisma or aggressiveness to be in any kind of selling field, even makeup or jewelry. If she were not an aristocrat, an international diplomat or ambassador would be the ideal career for her. She always worked hard for peace and I think even averted a war between two African factions in one country.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Have you ever lost someone close to you? I hope you are not depraved enough to just “forget” about them simply because they are dead. And I’d like to hope you are not callous enough to tell a grieving person *She/He’s dead, so get over it.* You don’t have to be “religious” to believe in an afterlife or to always remember a deceased loved one. And most of us like to remember wonderful anecdotes of her life (more than her death).
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Because high sensitivity was so poorly understood and she herself did not understand why she was so timid, shy, and quiet and why she blushed almost constantly, why being the center of so much attention upset her so much, why she spent most of her life just being AFRAID, and why she cried so easily.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Lol!!!! Just TRYING to picture shy, sensitive, reserved Diana as a televangelist made me laugh so hard!!!!! Especially since she’s not super-religious (although she was part Catholic and believed in God) and does NOT support the peddling of fundamentalist, evangelical so-called “Christianity.” In fact, I think those televangelists scare her. Imaginative, funny A/U fanfic idea, however.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
But yes, her soul is enjoying relief from the stresses and dramas, not to mention the limitations of Earth life in the 21st century. But her soul, no doubt, does worry about her loved ones, esp. her sons left behind here. I also suspect her soul suffered a bit from post-traumatic-stress disorder for while also.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
She, unlike Charles, admitted her mistake with that Hewitt dolt and the Squidgy deal and took care not to repeat her mistakes. Charles just continued his affair with the ALSO MARRIED Camilla and with other mistresses, then blamed Diana and others when he was called out on it.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
One of Diana’s problems is that unlike you and most of us, she could NOT grow a “thicker skin.” Her sensitivity was as inborn as her freckles and her huge nose. Expecting her to get a “thicker skin” would be like expecting her to shrink and shorten her nose by osmosis or delete her freckles.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
By then, she had alienated most of her friends and I think even her own half sister, not to mention her fellow actors in various films she was working on. She also had the very bad habit of being unreliable and was usually very late or sometimes didn’t show up for filming at all, then later making lame excuses.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Diana’s soul has no doubt moved onto further dimensions we that are living cannot even fathom today. Her soul, I am sure has been to other solar systems and time zones. No doubt her soul has by now touched base with Mother Teresa’s, MLK’s, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s to name a few other zillions of the universe’s deceased.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Even with her bulimia…sure the bulimia made her unhealthily thin and she was pale and weak for a while, but her bulimia was VERY severe at one point; lots of others would have either died or ended up in the hospital. Ditto her self-tumble down the stairs…lots of others would have been killed by such a fall.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Her ACTIONS and strong CHARACTER make her noble, not what kind of blood she carried, which has the same red and white blood cells & platelets as the Queen, as Charles, as even you & me or any “commoner.” Diana's noble heart and character place her in the same true class and status as Martin Luther King, Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton, Gandhi, Lewis Hine, and Harriet Tubman. This fine nobility has been passed on to her two sons, esp. Wills. The titles are artificial creations of humans.
@sandramarinogutierrez6122 7 лет назад
la princesa diana siempre sera la princesa, la bruja de la camilla siempre sera una arrimada y aun muerta la princesa brilla mas que ella.
@richardring4959 11 лет назад
Can't you upload things in one piece please instead of 9!
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
I personally think the biz of having alcohol “genes” is mostly false stuff; most alcoholic/chemical abuse is learned behavior, not inborn. If you want to really bash people in this category, think of the likes of Paris Hilton, Michael Jackson, or Marilyn Monroe…they all have or had serious emotional problems and chemical abuse problems, yet made one excuse after another and mostly blamed others for their problems instead of seeking appropriate help.
@mohammedf.al-ghamdi2090 4 года назад
A pure soul among devil worshippers 👎🏻!!! May she rest in peace
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
She didn’t know why she became so shaky and scared during tests and as a result did so poorly (her O’s for example). She didn’t know why, to her distress, she was frightened of things that others were fearless about, like Halloween, thunder, horses, and certain overbearing people (like Ronald Reagan and Clint Eastwood).
@karlamccullough5319 Год назад
Diana was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) around the time she became engaged to Charles. Charles didn't cause her mental problems. Diana's mental problems were caused by her extremely unhappy childhood, and she may have inherited some mental issues. Diana's mother was considered to be high strung, irrational, and easily set. Sarah also had an eating disorder. I feel sorry for Diana and for Charles. People with BPD are moody, irrational, self-destructive, argumentative, and difficult to live with. I believe she was improving. However, she had insomnia. Lack of sleep and prolonged use of sleeping pills causes irrational thinking. She was paranoid and believed in conspiracies. She obsessively exercised every day to help control her mental issues. That's why there are so many pictures of her in gym clothes after the divorce. Diana was a great humanitarian, a good mother, but she struggled with relationships with men. Diana said they were happiest just before Harry was born. By 1986, the marriage was beyond repair and toxic, and both were miserable.
@Coryraisa Год назад
@@karlamccullough5319: Diana was never officially diagnosed except on the pages of tabloid rags. No competent psychologist or doctor diagnoses a patient without meeting them in person. No, Diana was not solely to blame for the marital problems. Charles was far from blameless and he had his share of baggage also. Diana was not born "defective" or "inferior."
@emilymorris2145 10 лет назад
Poor Diana : (
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Camilla saw Tiggy and Charles perhaps joking and I read even having a brief hug in the snow. Camilla (whose own husband Andrew was on the brink of divorcing her) went into a jealous rage, screamed at both of them, then later shrieked horrible verbal abuse at Tiggy, causing her to flee in tears.
@MsPrecious61 3 года назад
Terrible trigger. I am sure Diana had had enough with Charles and his unfaithful ways
@riaramirez9550 2 года назад
Ow. Is that true? Because someone here on RU-vid is spewing vile comments about Diana while faithfully trying to absolve Camila and Charles from any cheating.
@Coryraisa 2 года назад
@@riaramirez9550: Yep! I'm trying to counter the anti-Diana lies.
@riaramirez9550 2 года назад
@@Coryraisa Ow. Where do you get the information? Because even in recent docus, they are subtly attacking Diana. They will feature a diff person, like Fergie. Then they will include Diana's behaviour towards her.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Diana NEVER pretended to be blameless in the marriage to Charles; she admitted her faults and problems, esp. in the Bashir interview. She knew she had serious emotional problems like her depression, her bulimia, her struggle to cope with her sensitivity, her low self-esteem, and her fears.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Blood is blood with white cells and red cells and platelets whether it is circulation thru someone with an artificial “noble” title beside their name or not. And how does having any title beside one’s name or their blood constitution relate to someone’s mental stability? That doesn’t make any sense. All human blood is fairly identical.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
There is…I don’t worship Diana; I know that like any other human, she had faults also. But you have this unfounded hate for her and you have not come up with ONE valid reason for this dislike. You’ve just rambled on that you think she was “not intelligent” and ranted on and on about her getting by on nothing but “charm.”
@kittyrocoa714 11 лет назад
@0043 he seems pissed and it like Diana turns to see who he is looking at, who was he pissed with that day?
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
She did have poor self-esteem; she figured that at least one thing she could “accomplish” is marrying young and having children as soon as possible. People around her rather didn’t help much, crowing about Charles’ title and that she would be the next Princess if she married the Prince of Wales.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
What’s wrong with feeling good about helping others? Is a strong self-esteem a sin in your book? Why can’t you accept that Diana had perfectly Unselfish reasons for reaching out to others? It would have defeated the whole purpose of bettering humanity if she’d merely kept her outreach work a huge secret and just pretended to be another empty-headed “pretty” face lining the walls of the Palace.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
How do you explain that the VAST MAJORITY of the British people grieved Diana’s death; it was NOT mostly Americans at her funeral and it’s not just Americans remembering this fine hero. I actually have very, very few celebrities and famous people I admire; I am very selective about who I consider a hero. I don’t just love someone simply because they are famous or have a “high” title or profile.
@ChrisMcM3 11 лет назад
The world is an amazing place alright though the problems and the free will of man has caused big problems so in the afterlife or next world it would not be too difficult to find peace. On the royals situation it is a complete load of crap that people can call themselves royal and get away with it as it a fairytale that is apparently real, Remember Rapunzel and the castle story book
@colleen19711 3 года назад
"She didn't know she was going to die" 😂😂😂
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
We're not at all "pissed off;" we're amused by your anti-Diana rantings. YOU were the one pissed off because Diana has a large following and because she was intelligent and died a hero and that her legacy will live on forever. I still suspect you're jealous.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
You and most other non-HSP’s, sure could ace tests even under time pressure, but to somebody like Diana, an HSP and not really normal, it’s different; her experience of the world (fame notwithstanding) was completely different from normal, average people.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
I think it was then that the Queen finally saw Diana’s Bashir interview, really heard Diana perhaps for the first time and began to gain respect for her; she began to realize that Diana was a good person with a great mind and that she had really no ill will toward anyone in the Royal family at all. So, you really still have no come up with any reason for your anti-Diana stance other than jealousy and bitterness.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Where are you now, England? You don’t sound like you know much about the British as you are claiming to be. Not ALL British people keep in their emotions or drink beer. Maybe you and most of your acquaintances do. We KNOW Diana is dead; but most of us do believe in an afterlife. And unlike you, MOST of the world does like to remember their deceased loved ones, not forget all about them.
@svetlana60656 11 лет назад
Diana & Anne Curry - two women who were wronged!
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Mother Teresa, for one, had NO need to butter up ANYONE; your bitter, small-minded jealousy shows in your condemnation of someone like Mother Teresa (who was no politician) as “insincere.”
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Where did you get the fable that Churchill was bipolar??? You can have your POV and true, you don’t have to admire Diana; you can even come here and trash her, but don’t expect the rest of us to stay silent in the face of your bitter anti-Diana rants. Do be prepared for the rest of us to challenge you and debate with you.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Then think of Charles and Camilla themselves, another weak pair…true narcissists. Charles had issues himself, but instead of seeking true help and taking a long look at himself like Diana did, he merely blamed others for his issues, namely Diana.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Once you do ANY of the above I suggested, THEN maybe you might have some merit in your small-minded criticism of Diana.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Who was?
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
I think you are the one who has mental and emotional issues in that you are so twisted into a bathroom sink knot over the genuine respect MOST of the world has for this wonderful woman in Diana; you can’t accept that fact that yes, someone can carry the title of princess, be fashionable, AND also have substance and a good mind inside of their head.
@rockys201 10 лет назад
Just like back then I couldn't care less about Diana's death. People had a starry eyed view of a fairytale princess because people refuse to really grow up and get a life. People cry over people who they know well, people liked to think they knew her well but in reality if they did they'd realize she was human and not anything special.
@jesuslovesyou534 6 лет назад
@lavenderue 11 лет назад
Sorry again. I mean move on.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Ahhh, stop your self-righteous ranting. You're the one who came on here impying that we should forget about Diana.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
Counselor or psychologist would have been another good field for her; she might have to deal with years of school with some science, but maybe with the right help in science and with her own strength and determination, she would have made it in that field. She was so good at reading people and knowing their hopes, hurts, dreams, and loves. She was a good listener and put people at ease.
@Coryraisa 11 лет назад
You really cannot expect to come on to a primarily Diana website or video, trash Diana, then not expect people to challenge you. You cannot honestly expect to be able to badmouth this widely admired and respected hero, then scream “abuse” when others come on and disagree with you and challenge you to re-think your irrational, truly “unstable” hate for this woman.
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