
Prof. Mearsheimer ANALYZES the IMPACT of a New Trump Administration on US Policies and the World 

The Strategist
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In this video, Prof. John Mearsheimer, the prominent international relations scholar, discusses NATO membership for Ukraine, the potential impact of a Trump re-election, challenges Ukraine faces on the battlefield, probability of nuclear war, perspectives from international leaders like Putin and Orban, and countries like India and Turkey on the ongoing conflict.
Dans cette vidéo, le professeur John Mearsheimer discute de l'adhésion de l'Ukraine à l'OTAN, de l'impact potentiel d'une réélection de Trump, des défis auxquels l'Ukraine est confrontée sur le champ de bataille, de la probabilité d'une guerre nucléaire, des perspectives de dirigeants internationaux comme Poutine et Orbán, ainsi que des pays comme l'Inde et la Turquie sur le conflit en cours.
در این ویدیو، پروفسور جان میرشایمر درباره عضویت اوکراین در ناتو، تأثیر احتمالی انتخاب مجدد ترامپ، چالش‌هایی که اوکراین در میدان نبرد با آن‌ها مواجه است، احتمال جنگ هسته‌ای، دیدگاه‌های رهبران بین‌المللی مانند پوتین و اوربان و کشورهایی مانند هند و ترکیه در مورد درگیری جاری صحبت می‌کند.
في هذا الفيديو، يناقش البروفيسور جون ميرشايمر عضوية أوكرانيا في الناتو، التأثير المحتمل لإعادة انتخاب ترامب، التحديات التي تواجهها أوكرانيا في ساحة المعركة، احتمال نشوب حرب نووية، وجهات نظر القادة الدوليين مثل بوتين وأوربان والدول مثل الهند وتركيا بشأن الصراع الجاري.
En este video, el profesor John Mearsheimer discute la membresía de Ucrania en la OTAN, el impacto potencial de una reelección de Trump, los desafíos que enfrenta Ucrania en el campo de batalla, la probabilidad de una guerra nuclear, las perspectivas de líderes internacionales como Putin y Orbán y de países como India y Turquía sobre el conflicto en curso.
Neste vídeo, o professor John Mearsheimer discute a adesão da Ucrânia à OTAN, o impacto potencial de uma reeleição de Trump, os desafios que a Ucrânia enfrenta no campo de batalha, a probabilidade de uma guerra nuclear, as perspectivas de líderes internacionais como Putin e Orbán, e de países como a Índia e a Turquia sobre o conflito em andamento.
اس ویڈیو میں، پروفیسر جان میرشایمر یوکرین کی نیٹو رکنیت، ٹرمپ کے دوبارہ انتخاب کے ممکنہ اثرات، جنگ کے میدان میں یوکرین کو درپیش چیلنجز، جوہری جنگ کا امکان، پوتین اور اوربان جیسے بین الاقوامی رہنماؤں اور بھارت اور ترکی جیسے ممالک کے جاری تنازعے پر خیالات پر بات کرتے ہیں۔
В этом видео профессор Джон Миршаймер обсуждает членство Украины в НАТО, потенциальные последствия переизбрания Трампа, проблемы, с которыми сталкивается Украина на поле боя, вероятность ядерной войны, мнения международных лидеров, таких как Путин и Орбан, а также стран, таких как Индия и Турция, по поводу продолжающегося конфликта.
In questo video, il professor John Mearsheimer discute dell'adesione dell'Ucraina alla NATO, del potenziale impatto di una rielezione di Trump, delle sfide che l'Ucraina affronta sul campo di battaglia, della probabilità di una guerra nucleare, delle prospettive di leader internazionali come Putin e Orbán e di paesi come l'India e la Turchia sul conflitto in corso.
इस वीडियो में प्रोफेसर जॉन मीरशाइमर यूक्रेन की नाटो सदस्यता, ट्रम्प के पुनः चुनाव के संभावित प्रभाव, युद्धक्षेत्र पर यूक्रेन को आने वाली चुनौतियों, परमाणु युद्ध की संभावना, पुतिन और ऑर्बन जैसे अंतर्राष्ट्रीय नेताओं के दृष्टिकोण, और भारत और तुर्की जैसे देशों की चल रहे संघर्ष पर राय पर चर्चा करते हैं।
In diesem Video spricht Professor John Mearsheimer über die NATO-Mitgliedschaft der Ukraine, die potenziellen Auswirkungen einer Wiederwahl von Trump, die Herausforderungen, denen sich die Ukraine auf dem Schlachtfeld gegenübersieht, die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Nuklearkriegs, Perspektiven internationaler Führer wie Putin und Orbán sowie die Ansichten von Ländern wie Indien und der Türkei über den andauernden Konflikt.
Sa videong ito, tinatalakay ni Propesor John Mearsheimer ang pagiging miyembro ng NATO ng Ukraine, ang potensyal na epekto ng muling pagkahalal ni Trump, mga hamon na kinakaharap ng Ukraine sa larangan ng labanan, posibilidad ng digmaang nukleyar, mga pananaw mula sa mga internasyonal na lider tulad nina Putin at Orban, at mga bansa tulad ng India at Turkey sa nagpapatuloy na labanan.
Bu videoda Prof. John Mearsheimer, Ukrayna'nın NATO üyeliğini, Trump'ın yeniden seçilmesinin potansiyel etkisini, Ukrayna'nın savaş alanındaki zorluklarını, nükleer savaş olasılığını, Putin ve Orban gibi uluslararası liderlerin ve Hindistan ve Türkiye gibi ülkelerin devam eden çatışma hakkındaki görüşlerini tartışıyor.
Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
#usa #election #russia #ukraine #nato #europe #eu #iran #india #turkey #middleeast #asia #politics #geopolitics #realism #political #analysis



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@PerceivedREALITY999 Месяц назад
NATO is not a defensive alliance. They illegally bombed Yugoslavia (direct violation of the UN Charter). We must never forget what they did to Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria ...
@FireUpChips92 Месяц назад
Stupid comment. The US also had reasons to go into those countries in the defense of the people that were that were heinously being attacked by terrorist organizations and states. Iraq was brutally occupying Kuwait. Syria was crumbling and ISIS was slaughtering civilians and taking control of cities. Same situation with Libya but with ISIL terrorizing innocent people. Afghanistan was in retaliation to thousands of innocent people killed on 9/11, executed by Al-Qaeda who was being given a safe haven by the Taliban. Yugoslavia was literally experiencing an ethnic cleansing. But yes, please try go on and lie to paint the US as an evil imperialist aggressor. You must long for a world controlled by terrorist organizations.
@grigorijefimovic1087 Месяц назад
It is defensive, they bombed Serbia (Yugoslavia was defacto no more by then) after Serbia had initiated several bloody wars, bombed Croatia for 6 years and even worse in B&H. That said Mearsheimer is part right about Ukraine, completely wrong about Israel & Palestine. If Trump wins maybe Mearsheimer if he isnt lucky is gonna have to move out to Russia or Qatar 😆
@BarsonlineOrg2013 Месяц назад
NATO is a criminal gang together with CIA, Five Eyes Alliance and Co.
@politicalfoolsandhorses Месяц назад
Hi, I appreciate your comment but not geting your facts right and saying Direct Violation etc ....was all out of the context at the time and what you say is misleading. It leads people to think that NATO is run by an autocratic or that whatever its head decides goes. On the first day of the bombing Russia called for an urgent UN Coucil meeting. It tables a draft resolution, to demand "an immediate cessation" of the use of force against Yugoslavia. Among the 15 UN Security Council nations, there were THREE votes in favour (Russia, China and Namibia) of stopping and TWELVE against, with NO abstentions. Argentina, Bahrain, Brazil, Gabon, Gambia, Malaysia, and Slovenia, along with the US, Britain, France, Canada, and Netherlands voted against it. That is how convinced everybody was of the cleansing that was going on at the time by the Yugoslav Gov. Secondly you claim and say ILLEGAL decision. It is because all NATO countries were in favor of stopping the atrocities at the time BUT faced certain veto by Russia and China a the UN security counci. ANY WAY. IT WORKED and in August and September 1995, it helped pave the way for a comprehensive peace agreement. I am not biased and so I need to add that the same is happening in the case of Israel agaist the much militarily weaker Palestians in Gaza. Israel Ethnic cleansing and genocide BUT this tme, all countries face the Veto of the USA at the UN Sec., Council and so Netanyahu reigns supreme. SO THIS VIOLENCE AND THE KILLING OF SO MANY INNOCENT PALESTINIANS, CONTINUES. IT IS DISPICABLE. And where is NATO this time?
@PerceivedREALITY999 Месяц назад
@@politicalfoolsandhorses NATO illegally bombed Yugoslavia (1999). Kosovo war was a civil war. War crimes were committed by all sides.
@joncheskin Месяц назад
Mearsheimer is actually contradicting himself. On the one hand, he says that Trump will force a peace on Russian terms by threatening to undermine aid to Ukraine, but on the other hand he won't do this because he said that he would not agree to Putin's preconditions for negotiations. The reality is that no one knows what Trump would do, perhaps not even Trump. My guess is that when push comes to shove he will likely make a half-hearted gesture toward negotiation and then conclude that it would be in US's best interests to continue fighting the war to the last Ukrainian. Russia is going to ask for eight oblasts, not four, and this would likely be too much for Trump's ego to endure. And suddenly Trump will become NATO's best friend.
@annetteburger1912 Месяц назад
@@joncheskin I think you are right about Trump becoming NATO's best friend...he has a huge ego.
@Kananmunakas Месяц назад
Trumps foreign policy is propably about preserving dominance by resticting its main competitors, he seems to do some sloppy decisions which propably make him more reserved and delegates more to his policy advisors. US wound benefit in all urkaine war outcomes except nuclear war. Keeps russia pinned, boost other countries dependence ties with US. Trump wants to cut expenses but not US powerresoursces and influence. He propably starts deal with germans ect european allies that they start compansating US aid and US starts dropping its military aid step by step. I wound not be supprised if trump wound frree some economic sanctions with russia . After all having russia seem as powerful threath in europe incentivises increases in defence spending. Also US wound benefit if China starts some aggressions or invades Taiwan for example, and freeing sanctions from russia wound have signal effect that using military aggression is less risky option . I think one US grandstrategy wound be retreat from ukraine and start tensions in east and try to provoke china to do something that isolates it from rich economies.
@Wan-Malaysia Месяц назад
It's a TV game show to Trump. He's going to change his tactics as his awareness of reality changes corresponding to his changing understanding of reality as it unfold for him.
@josephl9619 Месяц назад
perhaps he means forcing a ceasefire and frozen war as oppose to hot war.
@mahamadoudiallo589 Месяц назад
I think you have NOT noticed the fact that Trump changed a lot. I am a 2016 Trump supporter who sees now that Trump is now fully embraced by the lobby and pushed to do what they want. Today, I believe Trump is more likely to start a war with Iran and possibly China. You can see how he embraces the warmongers these days.
@annetteburger1912 Месяц назад
Spot on truthful analysis by Professor Mearsheimer!
@2Uahoj Месяц назад
Spot on?
@PaulStPaul-sy9ne Месяц назад
Mearsheimer maybe a good historian but a poor negotiator. Trump will not agree to Putin's "prerequisites " simply because then there will be very little leverage left for our side. Putin put those out there as a pressure tactic to give him some advantage over the US and NATO. If Trump agrees up front to those items, you end up with Chamberlain's capitulation to Hitler over Czechoslovakia in return for a piece of worthless paper.
@annetteburger1912 Месяц назад
@@2Uahoj ,spot on means means his is analysis is the truth
@PerceivedREALITY999 Месяц назад
Instead of arming Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan; US tax payer money should be spent on infrastructure, healthcare, education, homelessness.....
@adelmomontero3554 Месяц назад
@@PerceivedREALITY999 The people that run the government steal it for themselves instead of investing in the good of the country. Every time we have a crisis they print trillions to fill their pockets.
@Joekd6.1 Месяц назад
That's RFK Jr
@Drew-ox2wn Месяц назад
America thanks to the neocon ideology do not care about domestic America they only care about imperial America
@musicclassic5938 Месяц назад
@@Joekd6.1 A great politician, by the way
@innosanto Месяц назад
US does not live in a vacuum. US money is deeply affected by the world.
@melissasmind2846 Месяц назад
I agree. As a US citizen, i care deeply about The Ukrainians. I just dont support this insanity.
@captiveexile2670 Месяц назад
NETANYAHU slaughtered ~ 40,000 CIVILIANS IN GAZA (people working & acting as a "catalyst" throughout the Arab & Islamic world-) as that pal of obnoxious Donald scratches his head and wonders why ANTISEMITISM'S SKYROCKETING as ALL who LOVE PEACE start raisng eyebrows & adjusting "rose colorered glasses" ?
@him4440 Месяц назад
why do you care deeply about the ukrainians? i’m genuinely curious
@melissasmind2846 Месяц назад
@@him4440 they are human beings just like me.
@melissasmind2846 Месяц назад
@him4440 same as Russians. It isnt either/or to me. That's what I meant.
@melissasmind2846 Месяц назад
@@him4440 Ukrainians have a beautiful culture. And the best temple or tribal dancers. Amazing. I've been studying temple dance for the last 4 years. Ukrainian
@yaweno9555 Месяц назад
I think Putin can be convinced to do a 'Quebec' for the Ukrainian oblasts he annexed. That will ensure the ethnic Russians have language rights and more autonomy just like the French in Quebec. That, with not letting Ukraine into NATO can end the war and return democracy to Ukraine. No one seems to remember that Ukraine was aggressively trying to stop ethnic Russians in Ukraine from using Russian. Frankly, they both sound the same to me. Anyhow, that would be like stopping the French people in Quebec from using French.
@66Freesia Месяц назад
Lughansk and Donetsk are already Russia. Kherson, Mariupol, Zaporozhye, Nikolaev and Odessa next. Instead of agreeing on losing 2 republics 2.5 years ago, Ukraine will lose 7 oblast'.
@ugvadugvaw Месяц назад
Not true. People have been speaking Russian all over Ukraine-more so in the East, but in Kiev too. Zelensky speaks Russian for cryin out. What was imposed was that official documents etc. educational material in schools and so on should be in Ukranian. Not a very strange situation and common in multi-lingual states. People need to stop thinking about ”etnicity”. It is an old racial thinking belonging in the past.
@brendanbeirne2 Месяц назад
Not a chance.
@FlorenceWrites Месяц назад
I'm afraid that ship has sailed. Putin is probably playing a global game at this point, and how to cover chess moves way beyond Ukraine's NATO membership.
@66Freesia Месяц назад
@@FlorenceWrites Western propaganda
@arrakis8320 Месяц назад
Me deja sin palabras el análisis tan brillante del Prof. Mersheimer. Muy esclarecedor.
@c59222 Месяц назад
Professor, great 👍🏻 understanding of the conflict. As a Russian-Ukrainian, US citz, thank you
@user-lw8sl8kc7k Месяц назад
“This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want.” -Hannah Arendt, German historian and philosopher (1906-1975)
@captiveexile2670 Месяц назад
YAKETY-YAK (don;t talk back?)?
@ugvadugvaw Месяц назад
Pretty much the autocrat’s playbook. What Kremlin is and has been doing methodicly.
@stefanscally4449 Месяц назад
So the tricks as old as that? Sounds like Putin's propaganda guy that has a background in theatre aiming to confuse public discussion. The Adam Curtis documentary guy was saying the trump gang were learning from that playbook. But, it's an older trick you say.
@eoadedapo2071 Месяц назад
@bernardberube6538 Месяц назад
Orban is one of few people in Europe with good sense on geopolitics.
@captiveexile2670 Месяц назад
Spoken like a TRUE AGENT OF PUTIN'S FSB "Gestapo"!
@tiagofreitas1976 Месяц назад
Also Ronald Macdonald is a great nutritionist
@jean-marcducommun8185 Месяц назад
In my opinion the war in Ukraine caused by internal and external animosities and most of all the pushing forward of NATO towards the border of Russia is now one of the most if not the most severe foreign policy errors I can remember. Another very important one was done when the US approached China back in the 70ties to contain Russia which fires back these days. Without having access to USD China would have had much more difficulties to develop its economy and less opportunity to spy on foreign companies as well. Now it's too late, China can't be stopped. All in all US foreign policy is much too much guided by short term military options a lack of long term strategic thinking using their economic and soft power which is starting to wane given the serious problems at home. All in all it looks like bad management if it were a company.
@helokitty991 Месяц назад
It is not a company, it is a colony.
@PerceivedREALITY999 Месяц назад
Zelensky didn't try to prevent the conflict through diplomacy because he lacks honor and integrity. In 2014 there was a coup. Soon after, there was a massacre in Odessa (dozens of people were burned alive). Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed. A civil war broke out due to the rise in ethnic tensions. For 8 years the Ukrainian military was indiscriminately shelling civilians living in Donbas. If Zelensky honored the Minsk agreement and pledged neutrality, none of this would have happened. The 8 year civil war would have ended and Donbas would have remained part of Ukraine. War is the ultimate failure of diplomacy. Zelensky, Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande admitted that Ukraine had no intention to honor the Minsk agreements. Who didn't want peace? Who advised against the 2022 peace talks in April? Hint: someone visited Zelensky in Kiev at that time. Russia's national security was compromised once NATO began to expand eastwards. Russia clearly stated that Ukraine joining NATO was a red line (November 2021) and unfortunately this concern was never taken seriously. The Russians openly stated: if nothing changes, we will be forced to act in order to defend our national security. Enhancing the national security of one country at the expense of another is unacceptable. The Russians have legitimate security concerns. 20th September, 2021: Ukraine launched military drills with US and NATO. NATO is not a defensive alliance. NATO illegally bombed Yugoslavia (a direct violation of the U.N. Charter). We should never forget what they did to Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. Who blew up the pipeline causing an environmental disaster? Zelensky banned all opposition and arrested a leading priest. Zelensky tried to invoke article 5 under false pretenses. Remember the incident in Poland. Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed. Poroshenko said, “Our children will go to schools and kindergartens-theirs will hide in the basements”. Russians will never forget the 2014 Odessa massacre. The whole world needs to know about it. Why was Denis Kireev eliminated? He was a member of Ukraine's negotiating team during the peace negotiations. He wanted to help his country. Ukraine has a hit list. They target artists, journalists and ordinary citizens. Hundreds of children are on this list. 13 year old Faina Savenkova was placed on this list. Pink Floyd's Roger Waters is on this list. Jimmy Dore (American stand-up comedian, podcaster) and Aaron Maté (Canadian writer and journalist) are on this list. There is evidence that Ukrainian troops have been indiscriminately shelling civilians in Donbas (they used petal mines and targeted areas where there was no military presence). The azov troops trapped in the azovstal steelworks in Mariupol used human shields. They refused to allow civilians to leave despite of humanitarian corridors being present. Russia held a proposed cease fire in order for the civilians to leave, but azov would not allow the civilians to leave. Ukraine has committed many acts of terrorism (car bombs and other forms of assassination). Darya Dugina (journalist) R.I.P. The first terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge killed the truck driver and the individuals in the adjacent car (innocent civilian victims). The second terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge killed two parents and severely injured their young daughter. I have done a lot of research and it took me a long time to write this comment. I have stated a lot of facts and I have given my honest opinion. I have provided a brief summary of events that took place. In order to explain this whole situation in great detail, a book would need to be written. Hopefully someone will write an UNBIASED book, stating facts and allowing the readers to form their own judgments. Everything I said can be fact checked and verified.
@66Freesia Месяц назад
And huge thank you for spending your time and writing this!
@adelmomontero3554 Месяц назад
The guy thinks nothing about feeding his people to the meat grinder.
@PerceivedREALITY999 Месяц назад
@@66Freesia It's my honor and my privilege to tell the truth. Greetings from Australia.
@66Freesia Месяц назад
@@PerceivedREALITY999 Greetings from New Zealand! Glad to see likeminded person
@HandsomeCat-we2dq Месяц назад
Russia is the victim, right? They're the good guys. So stupid.
@bettyboop-xg6jo Месяц назад
Mearsheimer's problem is, is that he basically thinks people are good. They are not.
@adelmomontero3554 Месяц назад
@@bettyboop-xg6jo people are good until they are not.
@innosanto Месяц назад
He is realist he does not think that. He does not identify good and bad, there are no good and bad for realism.
@captiveexile2670 Месяц назад
(yes--they get ANGRY TOO EASILYp-therefore THINGS ESCALATE, Chikdren...and the FALCON CAN NO LONGER HEAR TH FALCONER --- as some very refind BRIT wrote (rhymes with "CLEATS"--- as in foorball player's shoes)
@barnabusdoyle4930 Месяц назад
People in general are good, the people chosen to be in positions of power are usually horrible and willing to do whatever they need to to hold onto power. The average public doesn’t really care about Ukraine or know the situation there, which is most of the problem.
@chw5044 День назад
No one knows what will be... Only Trump.
@Alberich5335 Месяц назад
In Afghanistan the USA or NATO Forces cut the support for the troups of the Kabul governement and the war ended immediately. Without food, munition, maintainment of the weapons, data of air surveillance, all sort of recruitment necessary to fight, they are lost. In September Biden did so and in the West there was a screaming: we gave "the Afghans all we could - it is not our fault, if they run away from the fight and collaborate with the enemy etc.. May be, in November is no Ukraine war to end - because this "ingrate", incompetent and cowards Ukrainians wanted save "the holy World order" and fight against the devil Putin in person. For me is only one "fact" sure: If the Ukrainians "crusaide" is no success for the USA, everyone is guilty - except the USA. For the Sponsors of the US-Democrats it would be the best, Ukraine collapses in September and in two weaks the Ukraine war is no longer an issue for the election. If the average voter is interested in this issue. By constitution the US-President is restricted to foreign policy and national security - and the US-Forces, most important thing. For most "domestic policy" the union states are souvereign, abortion, social security, health care etc.. Therefore "Obamacare" failed as badly as it did. The USA are a nation by will, not by language, will ethnic purety, religion or culture. The USA are a "melting pot of many nations" - they cannot by "fashists" ore ethnic fashists as Selensky and Netanjahu - that is "unamerican". The USA are a Republic, but as a republic a more a confederation than a federation - a nation with no centralism at all in the self-conception of the average citizen. They are patriots for the USA, because the USA are around his homeland, Texas, Ohio and the "fly over states". Therefore they like "America First" over all. For the Globalists and Elites in the rich coast strips that is a catastrophe. For them the USA are "nothing", they won't rule the whole planet - in fact their slogan is "America alone" is "The End of history". "Hegemony ore collapse of the USA". That is imperialism. As imperialism is "out of fashion", they call it "wokeness", responsability for all human beings of the planet, humanity and so on. As an Swiss, who knows the USA only from books, films, history and some knowledge in international comparison of national law, it seems to me, that Donald Trump despite his "impossible behaviour" was world wide seen a good president for the USA, his foreign policy is pragmatic and accepts a multipolar world. His vision of the USA is "only" to be the best state of all, not the only one. Donald Trump hat no political experience, when he came to office. He was a political novice, even much more than Wladimir Putin. The MAGA-Movement is greater than Trump and its key message makes hope: The USA is the best and greatest nation, we will proof that in competition - not in endless wars, thats costs also the average american a lot of wealth. Trump is an emotional character, especially towards Israel. But he is the only western politican, that says: for peace it needs both sides and Netanyahus Israel won't peace. Yes, he supported Ukraine with weapons since february 2021. We do not know the goal. "Every nation has an army - the own or a foreign one". Maybe he wanted the US have in, maybe, he tought, we help you to help yourself. The Biden fraction of the USA want as much vassal states as possible. For Trump every vassal State of the USA is an unpredictable obligation for the USA. In NATO and his "Art. 5" Trump sees the "tyrany of the weak" Even Montenegro could drag the USA in WWIII. Trump and the MAGA-fraction of the USA see this fact as a danger for the USA, the Biden or now Harris fraction see that as a "strenght".
@c59222 Месяц назад
Ukraine was created by Rocciya, and it is going back to Rocciya. There is no others way.
@Some_Average_Joe Месяц назад
That's not true, there could have been peace
@marjangeh Месяц назад
How do we like Russians in Mexico border trying in signing them in WARSA pact?????
@margaritamora2350 Месяц назад
Wish profesor Mearsheimer be Trump advisor!
@Leo-ie3eb Месяц назад
In his first term as Russian president Putin offered a new trading zone from Lisbon to Vladivostok to Germany and the EU. Xi offered his Belt and Road initiative starting in Bejing and ending in West-Germany (Duisburg) Both offers, expanding trade between Asia and Europe strengthening ties and trust between the spheres have been torpedoed by the US lead expansion of NATO to Russias border and the foreseeable Russian reaction being terrified by the loss of strategic disadvantages in the Black Sea and missiles on its borders with Ukraine. One should take in account that plans to contain Russia are state of the art and permanent in US policy (presidents change but not the foreign policy) and have been laid out by masterminds like Breszinski already 25 years ago. USA succeeded with Ukraine as proxy and the costs for ongoing wars are financed by expanding state deficits - as long as foreign investors buy their bonds the show goes on. Money talks, even China invested 940 billion $.(!)
@averageyoutuber7252 Месяц назад
By the time that president #47 is inaugurated in 2025, it will have been approximately 3 years since Russia invaded Ukraine. If the Europeans actually cared they would have revved up their military industrial complexes by now. Instead all I hear is Europeans talking about how the US needs to give more. The EU+UK has a combined GDP of ~20 trillion USD, they should be able to handle the Russian Federation (2 trillion USD) by themselves.
@Dennis0824 Месяц назад
The USA +UK+EU currently lack the industrial capacity to win against Russia. It will take at least 3 years to create that industrial capacity. They could have begun that in 2022 but they assumed that Russia's military was weak so it was not required. When you look at Russia's economy compared to the EU+UK on a PPP basis instead of GDP in terms of US dollars, Russia has the 4th largest economy in the world and it is growing much faster. The EU + UK has grown far too dependent on the USA for their collective security, which allowed them to divert funds to their extensive welfare programs.What they fail to appreciate is that the USA is an empire in decline and it will reach a point where the USA can no longer afford to provide that security. This is the same scenario that the British Empire faced at the end of WWI.
@averageyoutuber7252 Месяц назад
@@Dennis0824 Even by PPP Russia is poorer than Germany alone.
@Dennis0824 Месяц назад
@@averageyoutuber7252 Germany is economic decline due to the sanctions on Russian oil and gas. Russia surpassed Germany last year. Check the latest IMF report corroborated by the latest OECD report.
@Geotrekker56 Месяц назад
How do the Russian Frozen Assets play into all this?
@robertgriffin6668 Месяц назад
The frozen Russian assets delegitimizes the swift system and creates a disincentive for foreign countries to deal in US currency and purchase US treasury bonds. The US basically shot itself in the foot by weaponizing its financial system.
@mjmf1430 Месяц назад
Mearsheimer’s "we are in a bubble in the US" Is logical, but when it comes to China-Taiwan he throws the same logic out of the window.
@Pixel.Dystopia Месяц назад
Nato has become USA's militia to destibilize his enemies instead of a defence force. And as you said, the US couldn't care less about Ukranian lives, it's just a way to fight Russia without even having to use his own soldiers on the field. Such a short term and aggressive waybof acting can only bring us to worse and worse times...
@svenskpafarsanssida9998 Месяц назад
US needs to cut ties with Israel and pull out of Europe. We, the european countries needs to stop relying on american protection regarding regional security. Hopefully if America pulls out, the European Union breaks and we will have no more dystopian and continental overlords dictating sovereign nations laws and regulations. In the short term it will sting but we need to stand on our own legs and provide our own security, right now we look like poodles that america can unleash whenever...
@rezakarampour6286 Месяц назад
' is Donald Trump Fit To Be President ? Dr Bandy X . Lee Question Trump's Capacity To Govern . '
@kevinlatham5661 Месяц назад
should Trump become president again America will deserve everything it gets. your country to lose yank.
@afzaalkhan.m Месяц назад
Deepstate will still rule usa and wars will continue
@melissasmind2846 Месяц назад
Definitely want to hear your take. Thank you
@melissasmind2846 Месяц назад
Before Kamela announcement I believe.
@captiveexile2670 Месяц назад
FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH: Putin lit a FUSE that smolders in UKRAINE-- and he already's putting HITLER t shame by emulating him by "SHEDDING MAN'S BLOOD, DESTROYING LANDS...CITIES...AND EVERYONE IN THEM (read Habakkuk 2:13-17! (But will the entire PLANET YET BE FILLED WITH (gulp) "KNOWLEDGE OF THE GLORY OF GOD"? We'll juat have to be patient and WAIT TO FIN OUT !
@williamhunt9968 Месяц назад
Negotiations are possible without accepting Putin's two preconditions for a ceasefire. He would presumably be willing to negotiate quite seriously providing the Russian army could continue its work.
@fractalmadness9253 Месяц назад
What will Putin do in the Middle East, if he’s no longer busy with Ukraine?
@svenamsterdam3501 Месяц назад
#whitmerdemings2024 😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤
@DOCKent-3339 Месяц назад
@captiveexile2670 Месяц назад
@radoslavdjurica1063 Месяц назад
I still think what I thought 30 years ago. Russia needs to change (and all societies need to change as well) and the West missed a golden chance to make it all good when it had the best chance. But it is as is. Russia has been a stagnant society for centuries. The only real difference was Stalin's rule, controversial at least, but that is to give the taste of times ahead among other things. In short, Stalin generally correctly concluded the Hitler threat (the way he did not believe the attack in 1941 was happening was rooted in common sense, as it was a stupid thing to do), and he did the only thing to counter that effectively with terror measures to achieve much needed modernization. Perhaps these times could be viewed as such, I am not sure, but it is a plausible scenario Putin chose a complete chaos to wean Russians off vodka and generally revitalize a dying society (all white societies are statistically beyond no return in terms of demographics) through a constant upheaval. At the end of a day and at the best of times, Russia knows very well that what toppled the Eastern Block could as well, or rather would, Russia itself. What ails Putin is not NATO at the borders, that is nonsense perhaps they want to believe. What ails Putin is that what IF a neighboring country with similar cultural roots does quite a bit better. That is what toppled the Eastern Block, people were tired of living under threat and fear and much lower standard of living. But what are the options? Even if that were a possibility, to somehow remove Putin, and voila it is done, then the question is what next? Whatever Kremlin's propaganda is, not a lot of people from the West are going to fuck around in Russia and around, It is simply not that attractive. So who would come next? And in what circumstances? This comedy of errors has to end somewhere and hopefully sane heads prevail. Russia needs to modernize and that is it. Now, whether their TV presenters are too drunk and powerful to oppose that, I do not know, it is possible. But, even if they get all they want, the Russians, that means no Russians but Russian feuds. Which means it will be always too little as feudal systems are way too...well, corrupt. No system is ideal, but a feudal one is so corrupt it kills "added value" in its roots as too many "minders" must have their share. JUST BEFORE this Ukrainian war I read some threads learning Medvedev's in-law practically owns so much supermarket share in Russia it is a monopoly 100%. Consequently the prices were so high I was astonished how little an average Russian gets for his/her salary. That is what I am talking about. If things are set like this, no Ukraine would be enough to satisfy such grandiose appetites. Not even 10. Not 100. Russian leaders as is are on its way to cause a massive calamity as they seem very, very reluctant TO BE HUMAN in terms of jettisoning what was once "universal values". Well, that is new. Same league as North Korea and Iran. That is rather novel and worrisome and in the end we will all die and w shall see what Higher Being thinks about that. But Russia if it is to return to talk to normalcy must give some explaining. It is not going to be tomorrow Russia is all fine. Russia has sided with regimes such as North Korea and Iran and that is not going to wash overnight as Higher Being or no, common people do not want to be oppressed and women do not want to be sexually oppressed on top of it and we just do not care how Putin feels, or anybody else in terms of his fellow mullahs or Kim. You may say who the fuck I am, as I am lowly to say all of this, and at least in that they would be right. But not much else.
@2Uahoj Месяц назад
Not really, the West did not miss a "Golden Chance" to help Russia. All through the 1990s and early millennium, the US supported Russia with billions in economic grants in aid. It invited Russia in joint military exercises, such as through the Partnership for Peace program. Western business flooded into Russia providing hundreds of thousands of jobs, while universities added dozens of cooperation and partnership programs. All this was eventually rejected by the Putin regime, which came to despise liberalism because it questioned his authoritarian presidency.
@Fitness4London Месяц назад
Your comment would be so much more digestible if broken down into 6 paragraphs. I think the key point is that Putin is a genocidal psychopath with zero respect for the rule of law, for democracy, for human rights. He needs to be stopped, and the West needs to wake up to the fact that Putin is a 21st century Hitler.
@firstcomment749 Месяц назад
Nato is determined to not let go of Ukraine. Theyll do what it takes
@simo91554 Месяц назад
since when did the president of USA décide the Us foreign policy ?😏
@poliziagrammaticale9430 Месяц назад
It has never happened
@danielvandermaas2828 Месяц назад
But if the Ukranians were to sign a way like 30 percent of their country, what is to guarantee their safety from that point onward? An annexation of such a large landmass will more likely have a destabilizing effect instead of stabilizing one on Europe and the world in general. Nowhere in this video I see an argument why such an annexation would stabilize the situation. The arguments sounds like, well just hand over an enormous piece of land and we will all live happily ever after, this does not sound like a realistic proposition. With this logic maybe the US can hand over Texas to China to stabilize their relation ;p
@DOCKent-3339 Месяц назад
Johnson for President now until January after the inauguration!!!
@ralfrufus6573 Месяц назад
Professor Mearsheimer, what do you think about Erdogan?
@brunxcardster Месяц назад
Ukraine lost the war. Simple as that. Greetings from midwest Brazil, Goiás federal state, SA. At the same time, China almost completed the new Silk Route through south america. Next step, when we talk about it again, it will be in chinese language, not using english.
@gdaqian Месяц назад
dear prof you shall not to be too quick to not give trump/vance a chance
@Daniel-yc5js Месяц назад
What can be changed? What will be changed anyway?
@hn6187 Месяц назад
There's a dogma in all this... What could it be? Oh wait, maybe politics and economics is about more than calculation, humans rely on ethics, morality, intuition
@evidencemeso115 Месяц назад
"Ukraine is loosing on the battefield" ? Any rational for that ? Because with my eyes the situations seems blocked since 18 months....
@juliantheapostate8295 Месяц назад
Losing. Have a look at the mapping channels like Military Summary and you can follow the movements
@evidencemeso115 Месяц назад
@@juliantheapostate8295 thanks. It looks like minor moves though. It seems also tjat Russia has never established air superiority, did it ? Im no military specialist but everything seems frozen in the "attrition war" status, where we have been hearing for a year now that Ukraine was on the bringe of collapsing... Besides that I find Pr M analyses very interesting and I do share many of his conclusions.
@kzlfaku Месяц назад
Losing in this sense means getting your military demolished, not conquering new lands. That is his point.
@t_w_7821 Месяц назад
well, you better open you eyes wider. I believe you get your information from western MSM claiming that Ukraine is winning...but the fact is the whole world knows Ukraine is losing except the people in western-sphere (except governments of course), the Ukraine army average age is now 36.... lost 18% of territory...if you call that winning then I don't know what is losing.
@evidencemeso115 Месяц назад
@@t_w_7821 i asked for rational. Not for agressive troll. I perfectly know what MSM and alternative respectively say. Thx
@rosesoulis1840 Месяц назад
A lot of people here bad mouthing McDonald's.....jealousy
@stewartderekbarker-bo9kg Месяц назад
Sorry , mr mershi , I don't think china's a threat Full stop only a financial threat✌️✌️✌️👍👍👍
@afzaalkhan.m Месяц назад
China is most balanced country ,no wars etc
@jackv2084 Месяц назад
Mearsheimer 🤝🏼 Orban 🤝🏼 Putin
@michaelmoore9557 Месяц назад
A negotiator starts with his best possible outcome as his opening offer. Trump has. Putin has. The negotiations may result in something both sides can live with. You don't offer the other party his best possible outcome as your opening offer. Unless you've never negotiated for a living.
@2Uahoj Месяц назад
Yes, exactly. Why in the world would you start negotiations offering Putin everything he wants?
@gdaqian Месяц назад
i have to disagree this time my faved prof this time. you need to give trump and his movement another look. both he and his vp have the will and will end the war
@bellakrinkle9381 Месяц назад
Yesterday, I watched a video about a high school student who won his bid for class president by promising to make all vending machines in their school free. Of course, he won. Then, the man who created that video stated everyone who wants to become president runs a campaign promising what everyone desires. I'm just saying...I'll take anyone's bet.
@adelmomontero3554 Месяц назад
Trump as much as I like him will try to save himself and his family. I'm not so sure that he will put a stop to Ukraine and Israel.
@gdaqian Месяц назад
@@adelmomontero3554 was talking abt the ukraine war as that was the topic here. agree with you that israel is a much thornier issue for the trump vance tag team. vance tries to argue his way around it. eventually that little nasty "ally" will be our downfall. hope im wrong
@marvinhadley2084 Месяц назад
Quantity has a quality all its own….Stalin
@holdencaulfield5220 Месяц назад
Русские все равно победят!!! Дада, непизди)
@nightowl5475 Месяц назад
I agree.
@walentystankiewicz8486 Месяц назад
Dear Prof. Your predictions and analysis concerning world geopolitical affairs are usually incorrect, particularly regarding Ukraine and Taiwan. You like to say that the USA would not allow this or that, but you have to remember that times have changed and that the USA changed and can not do too much because the USA lost power and respect around the world.
@brendanbeirne2 Месяц назад
Mearsheimer is anything but "usually incorrect" -- to wit: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-JrMiSQAGOS4.html
@dianal3542 Месяц назад
Learn WW2 history Prof Mearsheimer cause it's repeating itself
@ooohdavey Месяц назад
Sorry, but the motives and the goals of the russo-ukraine war are nothing like those of the Nazis in WW2.
@tgoodson2 Месяц назад
"The problem is to a lessor extent in Moscow." Oh ok not wasting my time listening to any more of this
@gajendrasinhjadhavrao9212 Месяц назад
Already made a fault by not comprising. Parties all concerned need to compromise and stop at earliest earliest
@jjmailhouse Месяц назад
the west nerver learns the lessons in Iraq. Please keep not learning and regret in many years to come😂😂
@SFRJshone Месяц назад
He wont
@DOCKent-3339 Месяц назад
The Speaker of the House is third in line for President. We need him now!
@2Uahoj Месяц назад
Why in the world does he think that the West has to accept all "the prerequisites" that Putin demands before peace negotiations can begin?? What about Putin accepting all of Ukraine's prerequisites? His logic is flawed. Negotiations means that both sides are willing to give, not merely demand.
@Fitness4London Месяц назад
It's disturbing that so many commentators are blind/indifferent to the fact that Putin is a 21st century Hitler, who will expand his territory by force at every opportunity, and needs to be stopped. Ukraine needs the support of the civilised world to force Putin out of Ukraine altogether, otherwise Putin will be emboldened to invade Moldova, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Mearsheimer sounds more and more like a spokesman for Putin, with his endless condemnation and belittling and gross misrepresentation of Western countries, and his false narrative of the inevitability of Putin's ultimate victory.
@johnjosephhogan4745 Месяц назад
Orban has genuine Morality That’s It I’m European Orban keep talking Peace I’m from Ireland For the Human race Stop the killing By NATO under the control of US Please please please
@timurmishiev6845 Месяц назад
Putin's puppy.
@TedWilliamCraven Месяц назад
When trump is re-Elected*
@billfargo9616 Месяц назад
Mearsheimer is confusing Orban and Putin like Biden did Trump and Kamala.
@gallaxian Месяц назад
Mearsheimer claims “the Russian military is in much better shape today than it was in early 2022.” Does he realize the Russians are driving to battle in Chinese golf carts and WWII-era tanks. What a clown.
@nelsonbrown1106 Месяц назад
@viveviveka2651 Месяц назад
As if this guy knows the future.
@janneeklund7960 Месяц назад
Professor is ignoring economy and finance and therefore, he's lost.
@kzlfaku Месяц назад
Nahh, Russia is handling economy and finance quite well. Enough at least for upholding the war and society. It may change, but the world is 1 part the west, and 7 parts not in the west. And the 7 parts do business with Russia. This simple point is overlooked all time in the west.
@Fitness4London Месяц назад
Sounds like Professor Mearsheimer is pitching for the job of Putin's official spokesman.
@TerryMilesSurrey Месяц назад
Following you just to keep an eye on your lies and distortions
@hikarisama306 Месяц назад
What lies ?
@gman_1984 Месяц назад
He’s one of very few are willing to say the truth. I follow him to keep an eye on that
@philipambler3825 Месяц назад
A baseless comment on an erudite and effective commentator.
@markbrock8662 Месяц назад
It is weird the way you say "you and I believe..." You don't know me or what I believe. This seems a manipulative technique. Stop it eh?
@vicparedes23 Месяц назад
If Donald Trump is re-elected it will a good thing for Americans and the whole world we will continue to enjoy McDonald's burgers and more...🍔🌭🍗🍟🍝🥞🥚😀🍦🛵
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