
Progressive Pastor Gets John  

Daily Disciple
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18 сен 2024




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@aedendaley5226 2 года назад
That pastor is literally on a mission to help people go to hell. Its disturbing, how many people he is deceiving and there is also a possibility that he is deceiving himself also.(Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles? Matthew 7:22)
@liljoestudiosofficial 2 года назад
and the next verse is Jesus' response to tht, and He is NOT happy
@Konan43316 2 года назад
@@liljoestudiosofficial I will be honest the night I got saved, that passage hit hard. I’ve been a pastors kid my entire life and I thought that I was saved. But God showed me the truth and he changed my life.
@liljoestudiosofficial 2 года назад
@@Konan43316 wow. glad you learned the truth when you did 👍
@Dkai24w 2 года назад
That's every progressive pastor
@hoopmania9912 Год назад
The bible did warn there will be a lot of false prophets in the last days. It looks like we are there.
@liljoestudiosofficial 2 года назад
"They are saying you can become your own god" is it just me or did Satan tell Eve the EXACT SAME THING?
@c.p.1010 2 года назад
Wait one minute🤔... ....🤨😳😯
@Cavirex 2 года назад
yep. The oldest heresy.
@sovereigngodlisaloves9525 2 года назад
It ain't you. I use a lot of space on my IG saying this. It's But what New Age is about--naming the self "divine." But, the Bible's archaic, right??? 😒
@pigeonstew 2 года назад
That's also what New Age teaches "YoU cAn BeCoMe A gOd"
@miguelpideo9243 2 года назад
do you guys belive even satan want to bow down before Jesus ?
@heidiwitmer1587 2 года назад
“you don’t need to be saved!” *Jesus literally telling Nicodemus that in order to see the kingdom of God, you must be born again*
@YeshuaSaves3 2 года назад
I don’t get why he calls himself a Christian if he doesn’t even accept Christ as the only way…
@Cavirex 2 года назад
It's the ol' fashioned gnosticism in the guise of Christianity once again. Notice the use of the rainbow flag. That's what the Enemy does best. Corrupt God's signs and words. That's what I used to do when demons seized my heart and pushed me to be filthy. So glad that I finally joined Christ and struggle daily.
@YeshuaSaves3 2 года назад
@@Cavirex That is good brother, dying daily with you here in California.
@seachick9860 2 года назад
@@Cavirex Praise be to the Lord that He has saved us! Continue to run in endurance, brother. Your sister here in Colorado is with you as well! ❤️
@2fast-4u 2 года назад
@@augustpolca3484 wdym
@2fast-4u 2 года назад
@@augustpolca3484 endurence means to be honorable and dying is to die in your flesh kill it if it causes you to sin.
@ryanericmeerdink4904 2 года назад
"You don't need to be saved" sources: I made it up
@Ch3lRae 2 года назад
@questianityinteractivebibl9830 2 года назад
@questianityinteractivebibl9830 2 года назад
Sources: trust me bro
@Cavirex 2 года назад
@@questianityinteractivebibl9830 sources: my cousin has a friend who knows a guy who told him that his brother has read it in the Bible
@RonTamares Год назад
Sources: Satan
@djpeterson7479 2 года назад
"Jesus never spoke of hell." Is this man reading the same Bible I am? (Mathew 13:50, Luke 13:28)
@itstriplem2069 2 года назад
The Lord spoke more on Hell than anyone in the Bible.
@Jesus-Is-Lord--Romans-Ten-Nine 2 года назад
@@itstriplem2069 Amen
@Jesus-Is-Lord--Romans-Ten-Nine 2 года назад
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."
@amethystwolf3608 2 года назад
Honestly, there's a decent chance he does have a different bible. It's sad how nowadays if you don't like what the bible says, you can get one that fits your narrative. There's many bad and just false translations such as the queen James bible. The QJV basically changed every verse against homosexuality to be in favor of it
@pixnist 2 года назад
i think he's reading the queen james "bible"
@setheiler 2 года назад
Every time you scrunch up in your chair when you try to explain how wrong he is, I can completely feel the same feeling of "no no no no that's not what the bible says".
@EclipseHedgehog 2 года назад
"God is not a jew-" um excuse you, YES HE WAS! Jesus was a Galilean Jewish man.
@insomnolant6043 3 месяца назад
Sure, but that doesn't mean what we think it does nowadays. Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.
@duedilligence5463 2 года назад
Jesus literally mentions hell more than anywhere else in the Bible. How can this pastor be so misinformed?
@jeremybrooks7415 2 года назад
Because he knows he's going there for not preaching the Word. He's not teaching about sin, repentance or the truth of Christ.
@Novelera05 2 года назад
He is a false prophet
@unblindingfaith Месяц назад
Not exactly. Yeshua warned us "beware of the scribes" (people who write and handle documents). The word "hell" is a transliteration from 3 other Greek words that all have completely different meanings! This invented word "hell" replaces the real meanings of "Hades" "Tartarus" and "Gehenna". Find out what they are here: www.youtube.com/@unblindingfaith/featured (But otherwise, what is the "Second Death" for if a God whose mercy endures forever tortures people forever?)
@abbysouthern4640 2 года назад
This is so disturbing! Everything he is saying is absolutely wrong. John 3:16 is talking about salvation. My heart breaks for those who are attending his sermons. I pray that they find the true Christianity and that they get saved. 🙏
@Jesus-Is-Lord--Romans-Ten-Nine 2 года назад
Yep 🤮. It's so far out it sister. 🙏
@HappilyAnonymousGirl 2 года назад
As Christians, we are called to suffer and face trails and tribulations sometimes. Everyone goes through hardships at some point in their life and we are no exception. The thing that separates us from nonbelievers is how we handle our struggles as well as our belief in and willingness to have faith and trust in God. Some of the books in the Bible were written by people who at one point wanted to die. They went through a lot of hardships as Christians and thought their efforts were pointless. Even though they felt this way, they still chose to trust in God and believe in Him, and God eventually blessed them. Sure you can experience the same as a nonbeliever and experience blessings after hardships, even if you don't believe. If anything is possible, then surely that must be something that's possible. Maybe it is. Maybe not. Just a thought. But I'd personally rather go through hardships in life while believing and trusting God, than without. Why? Well, to be honest, I'd rather go through hardships, receive blessings, and go to Heaven when I die than go through hardships, receive blessings and end up in Hell... Because if that were to happen, then all of my suffering and blessings really would be pointless... I may suffer a lot in life, and already have, but if relying on God and obeying Him while I suffer is what I gotta do to see Him when I die, then I think that makes it completely worth it. We do crazy things for people we love, sometimes. Why not do something that seems crazy to the world for the person who gave us this world? It's always our choice what we do at the end of the day. I just hope more people choose to seek God and live for Him, because He loves us and wants to be a part of our lives. This one and the next. Thank you for reading this if you did, and God bless.
@calummacritchie7840 2 года назад
@jaimepacheco8361 6 месяцев назад
Well said...Praise God for His truth.
@BalikTrollbane 2 года назад
As a Canadian, homeschooled kid from back in the day, and Christian, im happy i found your channel man. Really loved the video and insight. If you are having a tough day, remember you are helping to make a positive difference. Cheers!
@christiandad5920 2 года назад
As a father I have a deeper appreciation for God's love for us. I look at my daughters and I know that there is nothing they could do for me to stop loving them. They might make me angry, it might take time to forgive them, but by Jesus' example on the cross and His love for me, I can't help but share that love with them. I don't think God will only start loving us when we accept Him, He loves us INSPITE of our sin, He loved us before we knew Him. Now because He is just, there is punishment for our sinful actions, but because He loved us so much He, Jesus, took the punishment for us, then destroyed the penalty for sin by defeating death so that we may live life eternally with Him. Unfortunately this person in the example is taking that unconditional love and abusing it by inferring to the congregation that, hey, don't worry how you behave because God loves you. We need to be repentant to fully accept God's love and sacrifice for our sinful nature. This is an ongoing relationship that God will NEVER walk away from.
@jamielthashepherd6870 2 года назад
Notice how he doesn’t have a Bible. That’s very telling
@romariostanford4404 2 года назад
You deserve a larger following may god bless u and your family
@questianityinteractivebibl9830 2 года назад
Agreed! 💯
@sportsking1930 2 года назад
God* but amen
@TheChristianPinoyLayman 2 года назад
I think it's healthy to have conversations with folks having different interpretations. But I believe one should have already carefully studied the bible themselves before doing so and use wisdom when doing so. Which is why I think proper and consistent discipleship is key; being equipped is absolutely necessary especially today when all these teachings are popping up.
@francishora7453 2 года назад
The bible is not open for private interpretations.
@jess1987 2 года назад
Absolutely! I certainly wasn't equipped four years ago. But, now I can stand firm in truth and not get backed into a corner. I'm so thankful for being discipled and I would love to disciple other's!
@Cavirex 2 года назад
@@francishora7453 it depends. Church fathers were doing exegetical work from the get go. The problem is when you try to distort the Biblical narrative to suit your own agenda.
@francishora7453 2 года назад
@@augustpolca3484 do you want a verse that says that exactly?
@francishora7453 2 года назад
@@Cavirex there is only one interpretation of the bible, that is how it was meant to be understood by the authors but there can be many applications.
@nathan3942 2 года назад
Shame on that “pastor”. That's the most wicked clip I've seen in a while, and I'm pretty sure that if an individual gets to that level of delusion, there's no way back.
@Telepathythinker Год назад
Depends Saul persecuted Christians, and he had an encounter with God, and started following Jesus, and his name became Paul
@moosechuckle 2 года назад
I think if I was younger in my faith, this “pastors” sermon would have been appealing to me, but at this point in my faith, it’s absolutely nauseating. This type of preaching leads to deconstructing, and completely destroys the church.
@kaityhues4801 2 года назад
Thank you for continuing to put forward the true gospel! i’m so glad that God is using you and your ministry, keep going brother 🔥
@Jesus-Is-Lord--Romans-Ten-Nine 2 года назад
Amen. Great Channel 👍.
@dirkhoekstra727 2 года назад
Just that disgusting thing around his neck is enough to make my stomach sick. I don't even need to hear what he says.
@jerrodnewsome1495 2 года назад
Wow!!! did he just say what satan said to eve in the garden????
@Cavirex 2 года назад
"Progressive" and "pastor" in the same sentence. That's all you need to debunk him/her/they/shim/demonself
@keef5 2 года назад
Progressivism is a political philosophy in support of social reform.[1] Based on the idea of progress in which advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition You say that as if it’s a bad thing 🤨
@Ch3lRae 2 года назад
@@keef5 just because you use the word progressive doesn’t mean it is. It’s actually deeply regressive Christianity to twist the Bible into your own interpretation to please your own narrative.
@keef5 2 года назад
@@Ch3lRae the narrative of recognizing some parts of Christianity suck and accepting people for who they are as opposed to just deeming them doomed to hell?
@Ch3lRae 2 года назад
@@keef5 yes the truth is painful at times and just because we have the opportunity in our free will to not believe it doesn’t make it less of a truth. I was atheist for years. I wasn’t saved until I was 30 so I understand fighting against the Bible and not wanting to believe it. It’s only when we learn that evil truly exists that we can see Gods love and wrath all as one.
@Ch3lRae 2 года назад
@@keef5 and of course you should love people where they are. But don’t deprive them of truth to protect their feelings.
@craighowe2054 2 года назад
Love the message, just one thing I would like to mention_God NEVER hates the sinner (16min:12sec) But he always hates the sinners sin. I notice that you commented on God hating sinners, I would disagree with that statement as im sure you would agree we are all sinners that need to repent and turn to the Lord and His finished work. In Him alone is Salvation found. Romans 5 v 8 All are sinners and yet He (God) Loves the sinner so much that He sent His only Son. May the Lord bless.
@emmygrace03 6 месяцев назад
Glad someone addressed this! 😅
@josiahtaylor7967 2 года назад
God doesn't hate the sinner. Yes he hates the sin and yes he is perfectly just and yes he is wrathful, but he really does have unconditional love. That doesn't mean he'll let you off the hook for everything or that he doesn't care about your actions, but it does mean that when we are sinners, it doesn't make him hate us, it makes him weep at the fact that we've left Him even though he loves us so much. The parable of the prodigal son demonstrates this very clearly. I don''t mean to attack you Isaac but please don't say that God hates sinners because that's simply not any more Biblical than anything in the progressive pastor's speech. God hates sins and he has to punish them severely because he's perfectly just but he doesn't hate the people who commit them. He just misses them.
@pandakawaiidebby890 2 года назад
Well God does hate evil doers. “For you are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil may not dwell with you. The boastful shall not stand before your eyes; you hate all evildoers. You destroy those who speak lies; the Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭5:4-6‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “The Lord tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭11:5‬ ‭ESV‬‬ Not here the nuance. God hates those who embodied their sins and take pleasure in doing so. “Every evil of theirs is in Gilgal; there I began to hate them. Because of the wickedness of their deeds I will drive them out of my house. I will love them no more; all their princes are rebels.” ‭‭Hosea‬ ‭9:15‬ ‭ESV‬‬ God still wishes that the wicked turns away from their deeds and walk in the path of righteousness,. “Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, declares the Lord God, and not rather that he should turn from his way and live? But when a righteous person turns away from his righteousness and does injustice and does the same abominations that the wicked person does, shall he live? None of the righteous deeds that he has done shall be remembered; for the treachery of which he is guilty and the sin he has committed, for them he shall die.” ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭18:23-24‬ ‭ESV‬‬
@emmygrace03 6 месяцев назад
Glad someone addressed this! 😅
@andrewmayhew9746 2 года назад
What do you think of the quote "Always preach in such a way that if the people listening to you do not come to hate their sin, they will instead hate you." -Martin Luther
@Candi_Clown 2 года назад
I personally think it sounds a bit backwards and unfinished 😅 We need to preach for people to hate their sin and get the devout non-believers to hate you
@brigadierharsh1948 2 года назад
Stuff like this is so far over the line that it ought to be treated as purely malicious. This guy isn’t a good-faith actor. He’s not some genuine person that just got it wrong. He’s an evil person living an evil life and he’s trying to recruit others. I think responses like this are incredibly important, but also Christians need to be less willing to even entertain subversive people and ideas. They’ll guilt you into “hearing them out” and just spew lies, don’t trust anyone that isn’t earnestly trying to back up their positions with scripture.
@jessahgase6919 2 года назад
@@augustpolca3484 he is completely twisting the Gospel so yes what his doing is wrong. It’s love to call out false teachers and teachings. Galatians 1:8-9 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
@mechadoggy 2 года назад
@@augustpolca3484 “so long as it doesn’t hurt people in this life” This life is not what you should be worried about. The next life is what you should focus on. Eternity matters. That’s why Jesus said, “What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” (Matthew 16:26)
@HandoftheLord94 2 года назад
I have to share this somewhere, I know it is unrelated, but God gave me a therapist in substitute of my regular therapist today. He was put in front of me by God to let me know God is always listening, more than even my regular therapist, and the world combined. Thank God for everything I have! Sorry, lol, I wanted to tell someone
@angelob2867 2 года назад
God Bless! Tell everyone who can listen!
@Andy-io4ez 2 года назад
Man I'm loving this channel. It's so easy to get into video's where there's no humour or light-heartedness to anything (even though it's truth being preached) I think what your doing is so refreshing for people around our age and I believe it will reach many! Blessings to you my friend from Belfast.
@miak.pinelo 2 года назад
I love your videos! And I’m super curious. How did you learn the Bible so in depth? Did you go to a Bible Institute? Had a mentor or you just did it on your own? You have so much wisdom I aspire to one day be like you
@Michachu7 2 года назад
Would you like some advice? I have been seeking wisdom for a long time until the Lord revealed it to me. And I have good advice
@Michachu7 2 года назад
The Bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. So my suggestion would be to pray for wisdom and check to see where you are standing with God and see what’s keeping you from being closer with God.
@Michachu7 2 года назад
And also get into the word daily, making sure that you have a firm standing on the Rock that is Christ, not Dwayne Johnson…
@Tamisvideodiary 2 года назад
One thing I have to disagree with in 16:25. I don’t believe that God hate the sinner sometimes. No, HE ALWAYS hate the sin, but loves his children. He wish for none to perish, but he is a just God. Even the murderer, God loves them that’s why when murderer hear about the love of God and he reveals himself to them, many are turning to him. He loves them too that’s why the word said yet while we were in sin, while we were murderers and sinners. CHRIST died for us, because he loves all of us not just some of us.
@GraceFaithGFDance 2 года назад
He loves all of humanity but we aren’t all His children. We are only His children if we are born again, adopted into His family.
@Tamisvideodiary 2 года назад
@@GraceFaithGFDance Does God hate sinners? That was the question
@ligetisspaghetti5763 Год назад
God hates sinners and the sin. He wanted to save us (his image) however so he sent Jesus to atone for and wash off all our sins. In Jesus we are made justified clean children of God, whom Gods loves very much.
@Tamisvideodiary Год назад
@@ligetisspaghetti5763John 3:16 and Ephesians 2:1 said other wise. I stick to the word of God and not my own opinions because none of us are more special then the other. We were once all sinners and Jesus came and die for all of us. Like God said he wants none of us I perish but all to come to repentance. It’s the literal word of God how could people congress you know miss it.
@emmygrace03 6 месяцев назад
Glad someone addressed this! 😅
@justincroft794 2 года назад
2 Peter 2:1-3 ESV But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.
@leonard9636 10 месяцев назад
Never have I seen a pastor so determined to sending people straight to hell
@jacobharding5301 2 года назад
"Human becoming Divine" Oh boy, Mormonism here we come.....
@linktesla9488 2 года назад
That pastor just went over the edge-and did a backflip!
@jamesgossweiler1349 2 года назад
I have a friend in the military who told me he could listen to someone for three minutes and know if they really served or not. I can listen to a “pastor” preach for about four minutes and know if they’ve been through seminary. There’s also a lot of chatter about “differing interpretations” but among highly educated Bible expositors there isn’t much substantive difference. This “pastor” is making some odd statements.
@tylerx099 2 года назад
Excuses is what it is. Yes, they are hard things to understand in the Bible, but with proper exegesis we can get one solid interpretation of the text
@sarahs.7808 2 года назад
I love these long videos
@TheLazyEconomist 2 года назад
Your editing skills have gotten really good as of late.
@BTwiseman Год назад
15:43 I completely agree that this pastor is preaching a twisted and deceived gospel. And yes God hates the works of evil doers. But He does not hate evil doers. God is the father in the story of the Prodigal Son, and He loved his son through each an every sin, mistake, and evil thing. God does not love us more now than when we didn’t follow or believe in Him. Now we have access to the fruit and manifestations of His love - peace, joy, fruits of the Spirit, gifts, discernment, prophetic, visions, etc. Just saying “God love you” is definitely not the fullness of the Gospel or the way of the Spirit, but we can’t go so far as to remove it from His heart, His story, and His scripture.
@emmygrace03 6 месяцев назад
Glad someone addressed this! 😅
@GodDutyHonorCountry Год назад
EVERY video I leave a.comment on, I’ll leave your RU-vid channel link. Your work is GREAT!
@elifinkelstein2855 2 года назад
That's a serpent that we were warned about.
@TheoHawk316 2 года назад
I think this dude is off of his chair in every way. No, John 3:16 isn't the most "misunderstood verse in the Bible".
@Novelera05 2 года назад
John 3:16 couldn’t be more clearer, that pastor is distorting the word of God to fit his own world view. He is a false prophet.
@Saribex 2 года назад
This is so dangerous.
@noahcrawford9787 2 года назад
What he said sounded like Mormonism, "becoming a god"
@LoreMaster2023 2 года назад
So my interpretation of progressive Christianity and true Christianity is True Christisanity is the book And Progressive Christianity is the movie adaptation of said book the kind of movie that looks at the book and says "yea we ain't doing anything like that" and thinks deviating from the plot of the book by thousands of miles is a good idea P.S. this comment is a joke do not take it seriously
@archelynwolf 2 года назад
and then the movie makes more money because people don't understand the message in the book
@leannemorter5014 2 года назад
If anyone asks me for an example of a false gospel this progressive preacher would be a great example to use.
@ant2901 7 месяцев назад
I love how these false pastors never quote scriptures like real pastors do, they just ramble on with their lies with no scripture to back up any of the nonsense claims
@LivingWithPurpose237 2 года назад
Isaac, I absolutely love your channel! You are exactly right and the scriptures back up what you are saying. The Bible tells us that nobody is good, that we are dead in our sin and therefore require saving through the Son of God and our Savior Jesus Christ, whose blood was shed for our transgressions in an act of atonement for our sins. Through this we are sanctified and we are called in the Book of Leviticus to Holiness by deliberately shedding ourselves of those sinful acts or habits we used to partake in and to surrender that, pick up our cross and follow Jesus! Keep doing the work of the Lord, for He will surely bless you for continuing to enlighten others with the Truth of His Word! 🙌🏻 💕 This is why my twin sister and I are trying so hard to speak the Truth and not sugar coat anything in our Bible Study. People have to know the Truth that is Jesus Christ and He is the only Truth that will set you free!
@thelthrythquezada8397 8 месяцев назад
Are those people NOT bringing Bibles to that church?!!!
@aubrieweaver2302 2 года назад
Love your videos and commitment to the truth!
@simonoraha 2 года назад
Excellent commentary my friend! It is important to point out faulty ideologies about the Christian faith to try and eliminate misunderstandings of the fundamental aspects as much as possible. Keep going brother, Jesus is our Lord and Savior and God bless!
@josephnajera79 2 года назад
One must lead in the dance; Who's leading you?
@TheMidnightModder 2 года назад
Love means that Adolf Hitler is punished. A lack of love means that Adolf Hitler gets off scot-free.
@hawkhub934 2 года назад
Fun fact Jesus spoke more about the dangers of Hell than he did of the joys of Heaven. It is ridiculous that these people think they can be pastors and yet they don't read the bible at all'.
@jess1987 2 года назад
He's certainly speaking what he wants Scripture to say, to suit himself. I hope he truly comes to true salvation before it's too late.
@godsaves1127 2 года назад
So true
@mcgilldi 2 года назад
He's leading others to perdition, and will be judged for that. I hope he comes to repent.
@lilacook921 2 года назад
Thank you for saying that brother ❤️ yes you're correct once you're SAVED BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS GOD the father always loves you ❤️ and ✝️🛐 s
@lilacook921 2 года назад
MAN HE'S SO OUT THERE 😭😭❤️ and ✝️🛐 s
@kevinclint7588 2 года назад
@britishslang5335 2 года назад
Heyo, love the content but... I really don't agree with "Sometimes God hates the sinner too." God doesn't hate the sinner. That's exactly why He sent His Son to die for us. Though I would like if you elaborated more on that. I'm interested to hear your perspective.
@emmygrace03 6 месяцев назад
Glad someone addressed this! 😅
@ReekRamsey23 2 года назад
I love the content you put out
@questianityinteractivebibl9830 2 года назад
I have a question for the folks in the comments! Do you consider the term “Progressive Christianity” to be an oxymoron? Why or why not? Oxymoron: a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (i.e. jumbo shrimp, organized chaos, deafening silence)
@Ch3lRae 2 года назад
Absolutely! God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Most of what is considered “progression” in our society today is actually deep regression
@lindag9207 2 года назад
Lol at jumbo shrimp though
@questianityinteractivebibl9830 2 года назад
@@lindag9207 It’s a classic example of an oxymoron 😆
@lindag9207 2 года назад
Yea I get it but I giggled 😂
@lindag9207 2 года назад
I know shrimp means small and yet there are jumbo ones .. I just thought it was funny and I like what u said
@nataliefutrell7148 Год назад
u have beautiful wisdom brother!
@timwitowich2126 Год назад
I can't decide if this guy committed regular heresy or full-on blasphemy....nah its blasphemy.
@alleashawatson4648 2 года назад
Just because the word HELL was not mentioned in the Bible, does not mean HELL was not talked about in the Bible. [Mic drop]
@sovereigngodlisaloves9525 2 года назад
Yes God dwells within us. But, this is by the Holy Spirit ONLY to those saved. ✝️
@riftshredder5438 2 года назад
I'm so happy there are people fighting back against this crap
@conniehale848 2 года назад
This is a prime example of why you should read your bible.
@AshJae 2 года назад
Also-Jesus spoke mostly of hell. He spoke more about hell than anyone did and more than anything
@nourkhan1399 2 года назад
God loves everyone , but he hates the sin , it says in the Bibel that hate is a sin and then God can’t hate because it’s a sin , it says if You hate with your heart that’s like murder to God.
@dktn8080 2 года назад
Hebrews 12:7-11 7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? 8 But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. 9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness. 11 Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.
@Shyshy351 2 года назад
so much big words but amen
@yagotta1 6 месяцев назад
God is God and man is man. We are His creation. We are not equals with God.
@ethereallune3992 2 года назад
Something I’ve wondered because of the pain I’ve experienced in my life, and those who I love have experienced as well… is if God does hate some? Some people have pointed out Esaú and that maybe some are hated.. I don’t know the bible well, I’ve been seeking, but it seems the more I seek, just awful things happen, I’m a person who is trying, but it seems like I get left lost often and in confusion. I’m a young female, so I try to find people like myself, but even then they seem to be filled with so much good fortune and joy that I feel discouraged like I’m doing something wrong. I’ve had to endure a lot of emotional pain in my short life.. and cried out in prayer since a child.. but i didn’t see much relief.. how is a person in a situation like mine supposed to feel like there’s hope at all.
@erneststewart9117 10 месяцев назад
These people are so sadly going down the wrong track, I hope they wake up before it’s too late.
@sjm9876 6 месяцев назад
How on earth can a person be so mistaken
@According_To_Matt 7 месяцев назад
This is the "I got to church to feel good on Sunday" type of "ministry."
@jacobit49 4 месяца назад
"Jesus never spoke of Hell!" Immediately, "those who say Raca shall be in danger of hellfire comes to mind."
@heavensent7770 2 года назад
Jesus Christ is the living word, Thank you Yahweh (God) for sending him to die for our sins and rising again 🙏 ❤
@MH-fz1yn Год назад
God is a Creator of all but a Father to some
@tutituti7698 2 года назад
Any lie has a seed of truth
@carsyncamp6846 2 года назад
So I'm new to Faith and the first thing I looked up was progressive Christianity because I figured that would be what would work best for me. However at this point I'm extremely grateful that I did not come across any full sermons on progressive Christianity like I was searching for, because I honestly believe I would have fallen into that hole
@Mike_Sage 2 года назад
It’s not about picking the Christianity that best fits you. It’s about becoming like Jesus in every way, no matter the side of the aisle it’s on. Jesus needs to become your ultimate Lord, the number 1 influence in your life.
@euanthompson Год назад
My favorite part of this video was the "that will be a nope from me" part. I am 100% with you there.
@Baggerz182 2 года назад
can your next video be about richard dawkins and the God delusion
@keef5 2 года назад
Can’t wait to see him fail at rebutting Dawkins’ points
@Baggerz182 2 года назад
@@keef5 thats if he does make a video on it
@itstriplem2069 2 года назад
@@keef5 dude Dawkins rebuffs himself, claiming things he has no basis in. Just cause a scientist says something doesn't mean its true. It's literally a religion for you guys.
@keef5 2 года назад
@@itstriplem2069 it’s literally not
@itstriplem2069 2 года назад
@@keef5 It is since you guys literally take a scientist's word as if it's prophecy. Science has become its own cult of personality, which itself becomes a religion. Same how people worshipped their ancestors or praised their leaders to an idol-like level, modern-day people do the same thing.
@danielrios4017 Год назад
I love your stuff, can you make a video talking about your beliefs on soteriology?
@d8103 2 года назад
Love your videos man thank you
@agctwillis8138 2 года назад
15:45, you said specifically “The Bible says “God hates the works of evil doers,”.” I agree with everything else you said, but you said that God hates the works of evil doers, not the evil doers themselves. I’m not saying they are innocent either “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” but God does love us, he doesn’t love our sin and because he loves us he will punish us for sinning unless we repent and accept salvation.
@PaladinThizz Год назад
Jesus said "you must be born again" that's where the term "born again" came from. As in "born again" in the spirit. Because you were spiritually dead
@danielverhulst1378 2 года назад
To show the reason the Son must be crucified ("lifted up"-v. 14), Jesus declares God's great love not only for Israel, but for the world. This single verse expresses the whole of the message of John's Gospel, and indeed, of salvation history.
@thundershadow Год назад
If you think really hard about it... this theology is a caricature of the denominational construct. The reason we do not all say the same things is through no fault of God's word. It is not subject to any private interpretation which is to say... it is not intended to say one thing to you and a completely different thing to someone else. If that were the case then scripture would be useless for reproof and correction in righteousness. What Satan told Eve was that our eyes would be open and we would become like God knowing good and evil. This is the birth of our impulse to make God in our image (ination). We gained a false sense of authority. We have no reason to think we know the things we think we know about a God that we have never laid eyes on. For us to know God we are completely dependent upon him to reveal himself to us. And believe me he does. The reason so many turn back is because that revelation does not always come as a booming voice to all of us or from a burning bush or a finger pushed through the veil to write judgement against the arrogance of a king. May God protect those who regard him reverently and with awe and guide us by your word into the light of your presence.
@stevebernardoni777 2 года назад
Would love to know where that guy got his info
@lilacook921 2 года назад
I'm praying for this misguided minister😢 he's leading Christians astray ❤️ and ✝️🛐 s
@dillon7912 2 года назад
I really can’t understand these very unbiblical beliefs, I mean if there is no hell then there’s no reason to repent. People who believe this are only looking for a reason to still sin and yet feel safe from Gods wrath. We should keep these people in our prayers! No one is perfect yes, but we are to seek to honor God with the life he has given us!
@MsBunny-lm5nh Год назад
This church is in my home town. I was talking with my grandma about going around to different churches. To see how they teach. And this church was one of them. I guess now I don't have to cuz nothing what he says made Any since.
@Servant_of_Yeshua96 2 года назад
This reminds me of that pastor they made a movie about. The one about how the devil basically whispered to him that we were already saved. Which is false unless you accept Jesus into your heart. There's so much to receiving to the Holy Spirit than just the Holy spirit. The gift of many things that come with it. God's words are not to be confused by. He makes it clear for us to understand.
@calebkey2166 2 года назад
@Glorious716 2 года назад
@emmygrace03 6 месяцев назад
Was anyone else confused/concerned when Isaac said that God hates the sinner sometimes?? That's not Biblical. God is love so He always loves us. Yes, he hates our sin, but not us. That's why He sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.
@jaimepacheco8361 6 месяцев назад
When did Isaac say that? I heard him say that God is a just God and that He will show his wrath.
@saigotheanimator1098 2 года назад
Progressive?More like progressively lost in sin
@teloivi1632 2 года назад
Hi! Would you mind checking out the Mandela Catalogue? It’s an analog horror that’s based around Christianity. I’d like to see your opinion on it! I haven’t watched the whole thing because it’s quite unnerving but if you’re up for it, it would be great!
@lilacook921 2 года назад
We are SAVED BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS, but we GROW IN more like Jesus day by day! Our works are filthy rags the holy spirit leads us to do good, but WE AREN'T MADE RIGHT WITH GOD THROUGH OUR WORKS, BUT THROUGH WHAT JESUS ALREADY DID ❤️ and ✝️🛐 s
@Hope4Life26 2 года назад
Oh wow🧐….What a peaceful lie? 😂
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