
Proof of Eternal Security? 

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John 10:28 Cannot be Refuted?



5 июн 2024




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@ekklesialifeapplicationbib7352 Месяц назад
If you are in Christ you are secure!
@Mr.MacMan Месяц назад
Yep. If you are TRULY saved, you’ll never be lost again! You’ll have ups and down in your walk, but will always remain faithful.
@contendingforthefaith9897 Месяц назад
True but not true. That's why we have an apostate Church age today, it was prophesied to happen. The Bible don't pass on the thought, OH , THEY WEREN'T SAVED IN THE FIRST PLACE. Those people in the new testament that turned back, WERE SAVED IN THE FIRST PLACE. THEY HAD FREEWILL TO TURN BACK ALSO.
@danielkim672 Месяц назад
@@Mr.MacMan We are faithful BECAUSE God is faithful always to us His children. Hallelujah for THAT!
@TS.CHICAGO4GOD Месяц назад
If you turn away and enjoy living in sin you were never truely convinced in Christ and Baptized In the Holy Spirit,because we are literally a new creation ,heart and mind 🙏🏻♥️
@tiwanstrong1413 Месяц назад
@@TS.CHICAGO4GOD that's extra!!!! So the formula is: you gotta turn away AND enjoy it??? 🤔🤔🤔
@majormayco Месяц назад
Those who quote that passage always ignore verse 27, where Jesus begins by saying, "My sheep hear My voice, I know them and they follow Me." Take note of those three factors: 1. They hear My voice. 2. I know them. 3. They follow Me. Whoever is not in that category is not among His sheep; whoever is not heeding His voice by abiding in His word, whoever is not known by Him through fellowship with Him, and whoever is not following Him is NOT among His sheep.
@contendingforthefaith9897 Месяц назад
The Church apostate age, has brought forth a lot of people like that. Five out of seven Churches are apostate today, we see this in the book of Revelation chapters 2 and 3. You can be saved and fall away, you can be saved and not fall away. You can get your salvation back too.
@smartchristians Месяц назад
If a person is a sheep, what does Jesus say about them? He says there is no possibility of perishing.
@majormayco Месяц назад
@@smartchristians And Jesus has clearly defined who His sheep is. Many come to Him, but end up abandoning Him and going back to a lifestyle of sin, thereby losing their salvation - unless they REPENT. 2 Peter 2:20-22 says, "For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning."
@reginaldozims4704 Месяц назад
Corey my brother. YOU ARE WRONG. LISTEN TO DAVID PAWSON's teaching on that. You will be educated. I have many times told you that you are wrong. The liberty in Christ, is freedom to choose, reject or accept. Listen to apostle Paul's teaching on consistency in walking with God and the consequences of falling away or behind.
@reginaldozims4704 Месяц назад
You are wrong on that
@jasondawdy5524 Месяц назад
I gave this an immediate like right after I clicked on the video. Standing firm on this as well, brother. Keep going
@christopherbird8458 Месяц назад
This text is UNDEFEATED!
@contendingforthefaith9897 Месяц назад
The text is true, but that just looking at it from one side. The Bible show people that walked away from God, they turn back to the present world. Freewill will allow you to walk away from God, and simply lose your salvation. Breaking down words, explaining it in the Greek or Hebrew, it must be explain in the confines of scripture, with holy Spirit interpretation. THATS THE TRUE STANDARD , THE BIBLE TELLS THAT.
@danielkim672 Месяц назад
@@contendingforthefaith9897 Explaining it in Greek and Hebrew IS in line with Scripture as it was written in Greek with the audience being Jews. Those that walked away were NEVER believers to begin with. Jesus warned of these people, that HE NEVER KNEW them. It is God that does the sealing preserving. Salvation is 100% God's Grace and work, not humans.
@davisbelas3516 Месяц назад
Why did Peter repent and seek forgiveness after denying Christ, but Judas did not? Peter was saved, Judas was not. Can someone who is truly saved apostate and then repent, returning to the faith? Yes, if they are truly saved, they will always come back. Jesus said He won’t lose even one that The Father gave Him, that means that once you’re saved you’re forever in His hand!!! Romans 8:38-39 (ESV) 38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
@albertcabrerajr992 Месяц назад
@@davisbelas3516 One word will ... and it will not be by God's own doing... but it is *going to be by man's own doing* . . . GOD always spoke 2 things in Scriptures: 1 All His CLEAR Promises and 2 All His CLEAR *WARNINGS* if an angel, whose habitation was the Kingdom of Heaven... even with God, *can fall and have fallen out from God's grace* . . . what more a man? *Abiding in Him* IS A CONDITION.
@joojotin 24 дня назад
​@@albertcabrerajr992Angels arent saved by grace through faith
@orangeandslinky Месяц назад
If you could lose your salvation, you probably would every day in word, thought or deed. I am not the author or finisher of the faith that was given to me by God. I don't even keep me sealed unto the end. The Holy Spirit does. Also, if I could lose the salvation given to me as a free gift, not of works lest any man boast, don't make sense if I am able to forfeit the eternal life of God away by my will. Is my free will greater than the will of God? I sure hope not. I don't trust me to do several things I planned to do. If salvation is kept intact by me and my works, this does not look good at all for me.
@majormayco Месяц назад
You're saying what you think, not what the scriptures is saying. Stick to what God says.
@TheMeefive Месяц назад
You are making a logical fallacy in that you are arguing that free will gives you authority over God. That's ridiculous. God is not willing that ANY should perish, and yet many will. Is their free will greater than God's will that they don't perish? No.
@orangeandslinky Месяц назад
@@TheMeefive I am saying my free will gives me no authority. I'm also not speaking for those who are or will perish. I am speaking for the saved and sealed and elect of God alone.
@orangeandslinky Месяц назад
@@majormayco I did , and so do all people who believe in the gospel given to Paul. There is an old testament and good news to the Jews, and there is a NEW testament and good news to anyone who would believe. That is 2 true gospels. One is without the finished work of the cross by faith and works to the Jews. The 2nd was and NEW, BETTER, UNKNOWN, MYSTERY gospel that the apostles never heard of. They did convert in time to Pauls gospel. Paul call this NEW UNKNOWN gospel His gospel. I am saved by Pauls Gospel given to him by the risen Christ. If Satan knew about Pauls gospel and the cross work of Jesus Christ, Satan would have never wanted Christ to die on the cross. NONE of the Apostles that walked with Christ believed by faith that he rose from the dead at all by faith in Christ's words. They walked by site and proof and signs and wonders. That was just fine too. That is when salvation was of the Jews. Mat Mark Luke John James knew nothing of the cross work of Jesus Christ at all. They were interested in the Kingdom on earth. John 3:16 even says NOTHING to the Jews about the Cross at all. They didn't know about it.
@majormayco Месяц назад
@@orangeandslinky Everything you're saying is just hogwash, wrought from acute lack of knowledge of everything in the scriptures. You're just puffed up in your imaginations, without even a vestige of revelation of the word of God. Mature up and grow in wisdom and understanding.
@tas-studios Месяц назад
I think people who believe you can lose your salvation don't understand the Gospel
@kgar5String 27 дней назад
They don't, they think they help God with the salvation by what they do.
@delgadorebinds987 Месяц назад
Great break down brother. Also, on a logical level paired up with what you just explained, when Jesus granted salvation through our repentance He knew what sins we would commit as christians and will still hang on to us through our walk! That's our loving Savior!
@TheMeefive Месяц назад
Ironic that you said " on a logical level" and then said something that is scriptural illogical. " He knew what sins we would commit and will still hang on to us through our walk." False. He knew what sins we would commit as Christians and said "IF we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. " If we don't confess he won't forgive nor cleanse us. "Shall we continue in sin? God forbid. "
@delgadorebinds987 Месяц назад
So you're saying as a Christian you don't sin anymore?
@danielkim672 Месяц назад
​@@TheMeefive So HAVE YOU confessed EVERY single one of your sins since you became a Christian? Of course not. That verse is not threatening a loss of salvation. That verse is about the Christian walk, the struggles, what to do when we sin and grieve God our Father. The santification process. That verse is not implying we lose our salvation.
@jbond837 Месяц назад
Some people want other Christians to lose their salvation but they want to be secure in theirs. They salvation out to be the hardest thing when Jesus said its a free gift but they want it to constantly cost us something & if it cost us then the gift never was free. So salvation is forever
@JesusLovesYou12z Месяц назад
100% spot on. It’s usually a pride issue. A lot of these ppl do not see the sin in their own life therefore they almost root for for ppl losing their salvation as they see their “sin” but negate their own. They think it’s to easy and don’t like that there’s people they deem sinful who are still saved. We should be all be soooo thankful that you can’t lose it.
@TheMeefive Месяц назад
It was Jesus who said "Whosoever does not BEAR HIS CROSS and COME AFTER ME CANNOT BE MY DISCIPLE." And then he gave a lesson on counting the cost. We are in a covenant relationship. If you're not keeping your end God won't keep you. That's neither pride nor arrogance; that's scripture.
@majormayco Месяц назад
That's quite ignorant thinking. Take time to study the scriptures. 2 Peter 2:20-22 says, "For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning."
@davisbelas3516 Месяц назад
@@JesusLovesYou12z wasn’t that one of satan’s main objections or accusations? How could a holy and just God allow sinners and law breakers to enter Heaven? The book of Job? There are only one of two spirits at work here. Either you are filled with the Holy Spirit, or you are being influenced by the spirit of the accuser. Can’t be both, we can’t serve two masters.
@davisbelas3516 Месяц назад
@@TheMeefive Adam was in a covenant of works and did not keep up his end of it. God would’ve been just to send Adam and everyone after him to hell, but He offered a covenant of grace. (Genesis 3:15) God showed Adam mercy and promised a way for humanity to be saved/reconciled back to God. The covenant of grace is unconditional and only for the elect. God’s chosen portion that He redeemed before the foundations of the world. The covenant of redemption was between God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit. All that’s required of us to be saved under the covenant of grace is faith in Christ alone for the glory of God alone…and even that faith is a free gift from God so that none may boast. Do you really think God would predestine His elect but leave it up to us to obtain or maintain His Salvation? Some argue that it’s not fair, why did God choose some but not others? Fair would’ve been nobody being set apart for salvation, we all pay the penalty for our sins. Nobody really wants what’s fair, if we truly understand the biblical doctrine of total depravity then all we want is mercy and grace. Our only hope rests in Christ, not in our works or our “free will”. Amen.
@vpdiid191 Месяц назад
Hello Corey. I can’t go that deep into the Greek text but for simplicity sakes, how can we reconcile this position with what happened with Judas Iscariot? Was not he hand picked and chosen by Christ himself and was welcomed to be part of the sheep that you mentioned in the book of John? I believe that context is everything, and Christ gave so many examples of those who claimed to be part of his sheep until the very end but their ultimate fate was something very different from eternal salvation and security. The problem I have with this doctrine is it gives a false sense of hope, peace and security to those whom says to Christ “Lord”, “Lord”, but are not doing his will….despite prophesying, performing miracles and casting out demons. I believe our fate and security is tied into remaining faithful and obedient until the end.
@ricksonora6656 Месяц назад
Judas was never saved. If you find everything the scriptures say about him, you find he was a thief who never repented and believed, “the son of perdition.” Even in the end, rather than humbling himself with trust in God for forgiveness, he usurped God’s right to judge, by taking his own life. Watch out for straw man arguments that use what unsaved people do as examples of what saved people might do. False converts can fool you into thinking they’re real converts. But we don’t know the hearts. God isn’t fooled.
@JesusLovesYou12z Месяц назад
Works cannot save you. Not having security and constantly worrying about losing your salvation is an atrocious way to live. There’s no peace or joy in that.
@danielmoore2320 Месяц назад
@marktravis5162 Месяц назад
Those who truly have accepted Christ will always remain faithful to the end that’s why Jesus doesn’t lose none of his sheep. Judas Iscariot was called but was never a real sheep as in saved which Jesus also points out. So nobody can say that Judas received salvation and was a real sheep. Many are called but few are chosen. There’s hundreds of people that go to church on Sunday and profess to be Christian and followers of Christ and are not but are just playing the part as a true sheep but are not, claiming salvation but having not truly received it. As John states that they went out from us to show they weren’t all of us. So the point is just because you have someone seeming to be a part of Gods sheep and proclaiming Christ doesn’t mean anything, those who turn away never truly had him. As Jesus says his sheep is not going to go to a voice of any stranger. Therefore you can know that anyone who has turned away to something else and away from Christ were not truly his, and therefore they were never truly saved. The gifts and calling of God is without repentance the word says, therefore once it’s given there’s no take backs from God. Salvation is a forever gift to those who received it and know they are saved. For example how do I know that I’m saved? Because of the Spirit in me, and I know I’m always going to follow Christ no matter what, no one or nothing can persuade me against that. Every Christian can know that, like Paul says I know whom I have believed. You think it was possible for anyone to persuade any of the apostles that what they believed regarding Jesus was not the truth? No , and that’s how every Christian should be, fully knowing what they believe and that they cannot be removed away from it. That’s why it’s important to be established in knowing the truth of the word
@danielkim672 Месяц назад
Jesus knew from the very beginning that Judas was not a believer. John 6:70 70 Jesus answered them, "Did I not choose you, the twelve? And yet one of you is a devil." Although Judas fooled the other disciples, Jesus always knew Judas would betray him. You believe your faith and obedience will save you? How much faith and obedience do you need? Do you have enough now? How can YOU know you have enough faith and obedience? The Gospel is that GOD is the one that secures our salvation. NOt humans.
@QueMari Месяц назад
These are scriptures that point to Eternal Security: “I give them ETERNAL LIFE and they will NEVER PERISH…” (John 10:28) “And this is the PROMISE that he has PROMISED US, eternal life.” (1 John 2:25) “For by ONE offering he has perfected (justified) FOREVER them that are sanctified.” (Hebrews 10:14) “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are SEALED UNTO THE DAY OF REDEMPTION.” (Ephesians 4:30) “…reserved in heaven for you, who are KEPT by the POWER OF GOD THROUGH FAITH unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” (1 Peter 1:4-5)
@mikem3789 Месяц назад
Corey, I agree with you. However, I think there is a ‘faith unto salvation’. One may ‘believe’ for a season and then, at some point, no longer believe. The parable of the sower of the seed makes that clear. Only one seed (heart) was truly converted and bore fruit. Remember, when some ‘believed’ on Jesus, but He didn’t commit himself to them, because He knew what was in man? God sees the heart. I do not believe there is any assurance for a person who longer believes, what they once believed, regarding the deity of Christ, His death, burial and resurrection, and His atoning sacrifice on the cross for their sins. 🙏
@AtTheDockOfTheBay Месяц назад
Jeremiah 32:40, ""I WILL MAKE an *everlasting* covenant with them (in the blood of Jesus), that I WILL NOT TURN AWAY FROM THEM, to do them good; but I WILL PUT My fear in their hearts, that they SHALL NOT DEPART (Heb. "sur", apostatize) from Me." If anybody has a problem with that scripture, then take it up with God, for it's His word.
@letgodbetrue8864 Месяц назад
Respectfully speaking, Paul, referring to the gospel, said that they speak the wisdom of God in a mystery; And that the only one who can unlock the mystery of God’s wisdom, is the Holy Spirit. So then, the interpretation of scripture, doesn’t come from a person’s knowledge of the Hebrew or Greek language, but from the Spirit of God.
@Tizzleee Месяц назад
Well who do you think is working in Brother Corey? He uses two of the common languages of biblical times to give an even more accurate and deeper understanding of the text. It seems as if you’re saying he’s taking credit for his knowledge and not giving glory to Christ. I may be wrong but if I am my apologies 🙏🏾❤️
@letgodbetrue8864 Месяц назад
@@Tizzleee I’m simply repeating the point that Paul made in 1 Corinthians 2, which is, the Bible is the wisdom of God in a mystery; And, the Holy Spirit is the only one who can unlock it. The princes of this world knew Hebrew and Greek, but they didn’t know the wisdom of God, because the only way of knowing it, is through God’s Holy Spirit. So then, we should be careful not to put our faith in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
@josephlester4650 Месяц назад
God's blessing unto you Corey can you also relate your conversation to Hebrews 6 vs 4 through 6 concerning your topic on salvation thank you your brother in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
@DustMan77 Месяц назад
Dear whoever reads this, Don’t let this comfort you in any of your sin. Delight in His law and be zealous for righteousness.
@johnthreethirty2568 Месяц назад
Dustman-Conviction automatically comes from the Holy Spirit if one is a child of God, don’t worry about other people, pray for others, there are to many sin pickers out there.
@kgar5String 27 дней назад
Sinners are the only ones comforted in sin.
@FeedMyLambsPeter Месяц назад
Away then with all that is sordid, and the malice that hurries to excess, and quietly accept the message planted in your hearts, which can bring you salvation.
@randyrstevens4403 Месяц назад
Repent, Believe, Confess, and Receive Jesus as you're Lord God and Savior every day. Just don't give Jesus a title in your self, but surrender to Him as the RULER of your life. Easy to say Jesus is my Lord God and Savior, but do you really surrender, and are you obedient to the RULER of your life, or is the RULER you, and your self agenda. Lord, Lord did I not do this, and that, but He never knew you. Imagine That.
@glennmcbride4008 Месяц назад
You can't separate yourself from the love of God, Romans 8:39 says nor any other created thing. You are a created thing, so you can't either.
@TheMeefive Месяц назад
The problem with your statement lies in the fact that God loves everybody. "For God so loved the world" Anybody can reject God's love. In fact Jesus predicted that in the last days, because iniquity shall abound the love(agape) of many will gradually grow cold. Only Christians can experience the agape love because it is spread abroad in our hearts at conversion. Sinners never had agape so it's impossible for it to gradually grow cold in sinners.
@majormayco Месяц назад
Do you even know what that verse is talking about? The people who are in hell, are they there because God hates them? What you don't know is that God doesn't even hate the devil.
@danielkim672 Месяц назад
@@majormayco God has JUST anger against the devil and the people in hell. That is why they are in hell.
@kgar5String 27 дней назад
@@TheMeefive Loving everyone has nothing to do with saving everyone, he loves Israel but right now they are under a spirit of stupor until the fullness of the gentiles come in, they are blinded to the gospel and those that die before their eyes are opened are lost, He will have mercy on whom he will have mercy, not my words, God said it, it is not the way I see it, it is what he said. This is the reason he spoke in parables, "It is not for them to know", If I speak plainly they would repent" Jesus said this not John Calvin.
@Kattchatt Месяц назад
Howdy, just found you today :3 I think the main reason people dney eternal seurity is that they either forget that false converts exist or they deny they exist because "it's elitism". That's my best explanation.
@davidgibson80 Месяц назад
@smartchristians Месяц назад
Thank you
@vpdiid191 Месяц назад
my question is how do we grow in salvation? why are we admonished to do so??? What are the repercussions of “not growing in salvation.”
@kgar5String Месяц назад
If we don't grow in salvation we will stunted, not as good of a christian as we should be, but you cannot stop being a christian because Jesus said you can't and none of those things that you do are the reason you became a christian. In addition God will work a work. For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, And scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.
@vpdiid191 Месяц назад
@@kgar5String I have to disagree with you on defining not growing in salvation as meaning being “stunted”. Defining or understanding what it means to not grow in your salvation is not even debatable as Peter CLEARLY quantifies what this means in the subsequent verses (1 Peter 2:11-25).
@vpdiid191 Месяц назад
@@kgar5Stringalso, we are admonished to grow in our salvation because as Peter states, the repercussions of not growing in salvation leads to sin ( 1 Peter 2:11). Furthermore, Peter expounded on this discussion in his second letter to those of the same faith as his, whom accepted Jesus and were baptized in his name 2 Peter 2:1-3) Peter than speaks on all of the promises and securities that we have in our faith- 2 Peter 1:4 says: “For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.”
@vpdiid191 Месяц назад
@@kgar5String After clearly defining the audience and clearly speaking on the promises of God to Christians, Peter then warns us of the the fate of Christian’s who are not growing in their salvation and “forsook the right way” For if God did not spare angels who sinned, but cast them into the pit and delivered them to chains of darkness, being kept for judgment; - 2 Peter 2:4 For if they are overcome, having both escaped the defilements of the world by the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and having again been entangled in them, then the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn away from the holy commandment handed on to them. The message of the true proverb has happened to them, “A dog returns to its own vomit,” and, “A sow, after washing, returns to wallowing in the mire.” - 2 Peter 2:20-22
@vpdiid191 Месяц назад
@@kgar5String After clearly defining the audience and clearly speaking on the promises of God to Christians, Peter then warns us of the the fate of Christian’s who are not growing in their salvation and “forsook the right way” For if God did not spare angels who sinned, but cast them into the pit and delivered them to chains of darkness, being kept for judgment; - 2 Peter 2:4 For if they are overcome, having both escaped the defilements of the world by the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and having again been entangled in them, then the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn away from the holy commandment handed on to them. The message of the true proverb has happened to them, “A dog returns to its own vomit,” and, “A sow, after washing, returns to wallowing in the mire.” - 2 Peter 2:20-22
@bishoptracyholloman8452 Месяц назад
12.“that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory. In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; 13. in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, 14. who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.” (‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭12‬-14NKJV). Yahweh guarantees our salvation and redemption. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” (Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬). You cannot lose your salvation, because we could never do anything to rightfully earn it!
@glocksafari Месяц назад
Hey, if anyone can give me thoughts or direction on the following passage, I would greatly appreciate it! Hebrews 6:4-6 “For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5 and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6 and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt.” Of course I read what’s before and after, but from viewing and reading, it SEEMS (yes seems) that people can fall away as it mentions “restoring AGAIN to repentance.” Any insight would be awesome :)
@ricksonora6656 Месяц назад
First, what is the name of the book? The whole book is about the contrasts between Judaism and Christianity. Read each phrase that identifies the subjects. Every phrase can be applied to the Jews. And what is the theme of the book? The passage isn’t about Christians, it’s about Jews who returned to the Temple system of sacrifices.
@dianaV1212 Месяц назад
I dont get it🤔 sorry Corey, you'll probably sarcastically say "Oh well"😊 Salvation is not lost, its man that gets lost!!! Laymens term please. Greek or not I wanna know In english if it means that a man can Choose to turn his back on God after being saved and go and sin and he is still safed🤔 What the heck! I dont get it!!!🤨
@dhewitt8413 Месяц назад
Feel free to move on from this topic my brother you will never convince me . Blessings
@smartchristians Месяц назад
Feel free to stop listening to this topic, I will never stop preaching it. Or feel free to make a Biblical defense and refute the point.
@Fisherofmen317 Месяц назад
Isnt this the case of His sheep notbhearing His voice??? This person should be grateful for such assurance. I think you do a video on hearing His voice which is the Word ​@smartchristians
@kgar5String 27 дней назад
In order for God to have all of your heart, mind, soul, everything about you should be at God's disposal meaning what you think, love, hate, believe, do not believe, your reputation and even your very life should be accessible for God to touch, if you have reserved some things he is not lord.
@gregorycalizaire Месяц назад
I know this is out of topic but, can I drink water while fasting? Thanks in advance
@user-qx7dr9hz1d Месяц назад
Yes there are different types of fasting
@CCD_106 Месяц назад
Corey, simple question, ​do you believe that one can receive the Holy Spirit and still not be truly saved?
@ricksonora6656 Месяц назад
No. Many who do not have the Spirit fool others by imitating gifts or fruits of the Spirit. Before Pentecost, it was different. The Holy Spirit came upon people to empower a task, but He did not indwell them or seal them the way He has since Pentecost. So, they could have the Spirit upon them, but not in them. That included some people who were not truly saved. There’s nothing in scriptures to indicate that a person would conditionally receive the Spirit today.
@hollywoodelpaso1982 Месяц назад
Great question! The answer is.... We will wait till you screw up and then question if you were ever saved. OSAS is absolutely true, Corey is correct. And also because it's correct we will just wait for you to cheat on your wife and we will question your salvation.
@tiwanstrong1413 Месяц назад
That is a dumb question!!! What do you take "being saved" to mean???
@CCD_106 Месяц назад
@@hollywoodelpaso1982 LOL, nice!
@CCD_106 Месяц назад
@@ricksonora6656 Then OSAS is FALSE, see Hebrews 6...🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@Fisherofmen317 Месяц назад
There are more passages than this that point to the validity of what he's teaching. What about Phillipians 1 and God continuing the work He started or John 6:35 i believe where Jesus' says He will lose none that the Father gives Him or Paul telling us that those who are called have been predestined before the foundation of the world. Idk 🤷‍♂️ makes perfect sense. But then again Im a believer who believes everything that lines up with Scripture
@henricorossouw2400 Месяц назад
Have you tried inviting Steve Gregg to debate this topic?
@truesoldier1 Месяц назад
Jude 1:6 (KJV) And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. How misleading is it to think we are more deserving than the Angels of God. Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound. God forbid. No matter how much you believe you are "saved" sin will place you into a devils hell. God can't deny himself.
@Kinikunboi Месяц назад
I'm sory if I go off track from the verse that we're focusing here but isn't Matthew 24:13 a condition for our salvation? I'm only new to this doctrine of Eternal Security and I'm not sure if you've already tackled about this specific verse but I'm just bothered by this verse because I often think that this counts as a condition for us to be saved. Enlighten me please.
@jimbobhaha Месяц назад
@smartchristians How would you describe a backslider in simple terms? 1) saved and then backslidden? 2) backslider, never saved? 3) your words, something else.
@smartchristians Месяц назад
The term backslider is never used in the NT it is used to describe the nation of Israel. No believing person has ever been described in the Bible as a backslider
@jimbobhaha Месяц назад
@@smartchristians That invites more questions... But... I was invited to a local Baptist Church last year, and we attended for a while. I had asked this very question, OSAS? The response I received was basically... "one can backslide.."
@jimbobhaha 2 дня назад
​​@@smartchristians Next question. Can you as a OSAS believer, Sin? If you as a OSAS believer can sin, how and why do you sin when Jesus says to go and sin no more. Also, can a saved believer become an apostate?
@hollywoodelpaso1982 Месяц назад
οὐ μὴ is in fact doubling down on the negative. It's NOT a double negative as we understand it in mathematics. It's literally 'no no". But when it comes to OSAS I err on the fact that the word apostate αποστάτης exists at all. That verse was correctly translated and says exactly what Corey says and there's no way to debate that using those verses alone.
@alejandrogaricia2252 Месяц назад
Im here for all of this talk to me brother
@vancejohnson2447 Месяц назад
Brother Corey, I do believe Jesus & God knows all who are saved even before we were born, but doesn’t the last Chapter Book in Revelation prove some will be removed? I’ve asked you brother many times. Revelation 22:18-19
@smartchristians Месяц назад
Since no one of His can be blotted out I don't think we should take this as a person being saved already then having their salvation being sustained by the tree of life nullified. The question is what is meant by the passage. Is it referring to Eternity or is it referring to the Millennial reign where people can die. In chpt 7:14 it refers to those who have washed their robes as those who have come out of the Tribulation and are now going into the Millennium. If this is the same reference, then Jesus is talking about a physical death during the 1,000 years.
@SojournerDidimus Месяц назад
Lutherans disagree with you, for some reason they believe it is possible to resist the Spirit to the point of not being a believer anymore. Not sure how to defend that though, but it would be fun to hear you discuss this with Jordan Cooper.
@danielmoore2320 Месяц назад
The verse is easy to explain Christ does offer eternal life but anyone at any time can reject it thru sin
@tiwanstrong1413 Месяц назад
That's a lie.... Which sin??? 🤔🤔🤔
@danielmoore2320 Месяц назад
@@tiwanstrong1413 habitual sin your argument is against God's word John 8:31
@tiwanstrong1413 Месяц назад
@@danielmoore2320 So Jesus didn't die for habitual sins... Gotcha
@tiwanstrong1413 Месяц назад
@@danielmoore2320 if you continue in my word?? WHICH PART????🤔🤔
@tiwanstrong1413 Месяц назад
@@danielmoore2320 I tell you what, if you come to the Lord lost, and then you get saved, and then you get lost again, you might as well just go to hell, because ain't no hope for you, because chances are you are going to sin again... Good day
@tiwanstrong1413 Месяц назад
it's amazing only people who think that you can lose your salvation always seem to be the ones to assume that WE THINK you can live any ole kind of way and still be saved? No true Christian ever thinks that or says that... ONLY those of you who don't think you have eternal life right now assume that!!! 🤔🤔🤔
@truesoldier1 Месяц назад
Saints remember we are saved by grace through faith. Grace involves at least 2 things. (1) We see Gods unmerited favor extended to all who receives his Christ, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, black, chinese, polish, german, etc. Grace is Gods display of his love for man. This display of grace is an event that took place on the cross. (2) Grace is also Gods spirit or the characteristic of love. Grace is not a magic wand to be judged righteous by your own account. Faith or believing Gods word has evidence. Faith is the only way to access the grace of God. If you believe Jesus blood is able to cleanse your conscience from dead works then you will obey the scripture and present your body a living sacrifice by dying to sin and any sacrifice denotes a death taking place. You are buried with Christ into his death. This is the evidence of your faith in the completed works of salvation. Your work as a Saint begins after the new creature is formed. I have much to say but I'm limited. Faith has evidence. Abraham was called the Father of faith because of his evidence not to be confused with Gods unmerited favor.
@danielkim672 Месяц назад
Ephesians 1:13-14 13 In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory. God guarantee's our inheritance, we will never lose it as the Holy Spirit's promise SEALS us. It is GOD who preserves us and keeps us in salvation, not us.
@TheMeefive Месяц назад
You do understand the nature of a covenant? God keeps those who want to be kept. He doesn't force obedience, he commands it.
@danielkim672 Месяц назад
@@TheMeefive We obey because we are followers of Jesus Christ. How much obedience is needed to ensure salvation? Do you have enough? So how are you going to UNSEAL THE HOLY SPIRIT? Please respond to Ephesians 1:13-14 directly and how you exegesis the verse.
@TheMeefive Месяц назад
@danielkim672 Paul understands the nature of a covenant. God promises us salvation, security, provision, etc., as a guarantee if we abide in his will . At the start of Ephesians. Paul lays out God's part of the covenant. Beginning at chapter 4, he lays out our part; walk worthy, keep the unity of the Spirit, crucify the old man, walk in newness of life, be strong in the Lord. Take advantage of the resources God has given us to stand; and then stand.
@danielkim672 Месяц назад
@@TheMeefive There is a distinction in the early chapters of Ephesians as Paul teaches about salvation and the later half of Ephesians as once we are CHristians, what we are to do now that 'we are created for good works'. There is zero teaching in Ephesians that works has any part in salvation or keeping salvation. The works is part of our DISCIPLESHIP as a follower of Christ Jesus. As part of santification process. Please cite the verse that Paul is teaching we will lose our salvation if we do not do works in Ephesians.
@danielkim672 Месяц назад
The gift of salvation is a 100% God. God is the reason we get saved and God is the reason that we keep our salvation. It is an actual promise that can never be broken. Not by humans or even God himself. He would never go against a promise that is given, so how can human walk away from the Will of God? That makes no sense at all and is not supported by Scripture.
@TheMeefive Месяц назад
2nd Peter 2:9 ". . God is not willing that ANY man should perish but that ALL would come to repentance." Most of the world is walking away from his will all the time. What prevents a Christian from doing it?
@danielkim672 Месяц назад
@@TheMeefive what prevents a Christian from walking away from God? GOD prevents it. Ephesians 1:13-14. We are SEALED by the Holy Spirit. Our inheritance is guaranteed. Humans can not unseal this, and we will get what is coming to us, the gift of salvation. how can YOU break the Seal of the Holy Spirit? 13 In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is the guarantee[a] of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it,[b] to the praise of his glory.
@saskeuchiha9942 Месяц назад
i dont have any desire to sin you all miss the point the point is if i was new to the lord and you say i cant lose salvacion then i may sin and not even try not to stop
@minionforgiven Месяц назад
Check out good fight ministries. They have a similar challenge to the other direction.
@matrixrc28 Месяц назад
If you are true in your heart committed to Jesus Christ and not just saying Lord Lord, you are His sheep and He knows you.
@FeedMyLambsPeter Месяц назад
Happy the man who remains steadfast under trial, for having passed that test he will receive for his prize the gift of life promised to those who love God.
@MrTutiplengo Месяц назад
The problem with the once saved always saved argument is that it implies that you can go on sinning and there will be no retribution. But the answer is simple: Heb 12:14 says that without holiness, none shall see Him. The quoted verse does indeed say that those who hear His voice will never loose their salvation. I believe that "hearing his Voice" implies also obeying it. If you don't hear His voice, that is, obey His commandments, then you are not holy, therefore you will not see Him.
@ricksonora6656 Месяц назад
If you quote Hebrews 12, you ought to be smart enough to have noticed, at the beginning of the chapter, what it says about God chastising His children. You ought to be smart enough to connect this with 1 Corinthians 3, 5, and 11, where Paul teaches that chastisement can be as extreme as premature death “that his soul may be preserved in the day of judgment.” The accusation that OSAS is a license to sin is scurrilous and ignorant.
@MrTutiplengo Месяц назад
@@ricksonora6656 Enlighten me then. What happens to a saved person if he/she keeps sinning?
@malachimcdowell9209 Месяц назад
@@MrTutiplengohave you ever thought that maybe that person isn’t truly saved …? Or possibly maybe that person is a believer struggling with sin and the Holy Spirit is working in him to a perfect completion like scripture says. It’s one or the other… no in between bro.
@MrTutiplengo Месяц назад
​@@malachimcdowell9209 If the person accepted Christ as his/her savior, why wouldn't he be saved? Are there examples in the Bible where someone wholeheartedly repented and was refused by God? If there is, please share, as at least I haven't come across it. If OSAS is true, then why would God need to work a person into perfect completion? It's not like there's any condemnation for that person after all. Thank you for a respectful response. The other person who replied called me an ignorant and did little to show me wisdom. I won't judge him, and if OSAS is true, there is no condemnation for his disrespect, either, so we're good.
@MrTutiplengo Месяц назад
@@ricksonora6656 I can't find anything about that in 1 Corinthians. Can you share specific verse? But I ask. If there's no condemnation, why does God need to chastise his children?
@zzFOXDIEzz Месяц назад
You can easily find online objections to OSAS And how they deal with this scripture. Why not include those objections? It would provide a more comprehensive, nuanced, and subjective teaching.
@smartchristians Месяц назад
I noticed you didn't cite those alleged objections to this text. Thus far, EVERY attempt to deal with the Greek of v. 28 (or all of John 10) is to add a condition that isn't in the text. Again Jesus literally said there is No Possibility of perishing. That eliminates ANY possibilities that can cause a sheep to perish.
@catholictruth102 27 дней назад
@@smartchristiansNo possibility of perishing IF you are a sheep, if you’re no longer a sheep this wouldn’t apply. Further, the present indicative, in certain instances, can function to describe an event which has not yet occurred. Take in *Revelation 22:12* “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done.” Jesus has not come yet, but He will come in the future. Despite this, the verb ἔρχομαι is in the present indicative, which in normal circumstances describes an event happening continually and in the present. So when, in your John example, it says I give them eternal life, it could be functioning to mean, I *will* give them eternal life. Especially considering that even a true and genuine believer must die first before they receive their reward. But if one dies, how can they be said to have eternal life? If they have eternal life right now and in the current moment, how do you explain their life being cut off at their death?
@camden7488 Месяц назад
Where does the verse(s) say "at this very moment" you jave life unto the ages. Obviously if alive you have life already..... We dont manifest in the Spirit till we shuffle off the mortal coil. So where does it read "you have eternal life right now or at this moment"
@arsynoeford9638 Месяц назад
Take the challenge 💪
@marktravis5162 Месяц назад
The word tells you that eternal life is in Jesus, so those who have Christ have eternal life. So you can know if you have eternal life if Christ is in you
@ricksonora6656 Месяц назад
Where in the verse? “And I give (present indicative active) them life unto the ages”. You do know what present tense means, don’t you? It doesn’t mean “I will give to them in the future if they jump through enough hoops.” 1 John 5:11-12, And this is the testimony: that God has given (aorist tense, meaning, at some time in the past) us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has (present tense) life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. John 3:36, He who believes in the Son has (present tense) everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. John 6:4, Truly, truly, I tell you, he who believes has (present tense) eternal life. So, the counter question is, do you trust God, or do you trust your own perseverance and works, thus reducing salvation to a mere opportunity?
@camden7488 Месяц назад
@@marktravis5162 is Christ in you? How do you know? Cause you said "I believe" is that what causes us to be born again or from above? Many think they are by their own admission but even Jesus said there are some that "he never knew"........ Again there is no scripture that says you receive "eternal life" immediately upon your recognition. It reads you have it.....that is all.
@smartchristians Месяц назад
It is literally in the passages. The present tense is used to tell us that we "have" present tense life. We have life according to Jesus right now. Also according to Jesus, we have ζωὴν αἰώνιον (Life into eternity/eternal) So how long do we have this life?
@tryme3969 Месяц назад
If you could lose your salvation, then your salvation isn't any good.
@dhewitt8413 Месяц назад
He that endorses to the end shall be saved
@DustMan77 Месяц назад
THIS 👏🏻🙌🏼
@wolfwatchers Месяц назад
endurance is not part of the gospel of grace revealed to Paul ( 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ) but it is part of the kingdom Gospel for Israel ! (2timothy 2:15 k.j.v) you must ''Rightly Divide the truth! Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, Matthew 9:35 And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, Matthew 10:5-7 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Matthew 15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Matthew 16:21-22 From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. Matt 16 The disciples didn't know what was meant by rise the third day ! therefore, the death burial and resurrection which is our gospel (correct?) is not the Gospel preached in matt 4, matt 9, matt 10, Matt 15 E.T.C 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is not the same Gospel that was preached to Israelites before atonement! there's 2 Gospels in the bible !!!! your mixing the 2 instead of rightly dividing the 2
@adamrogers-bt7kh 8 дней назад
That's talking about the tribulation
@debrawallace33 Месяц назад
So what are u saying if Im get saved and Baptist. Live my life for God but turn away from his teachings and live my life against his faith and like Crist, I die in my Sins before asking for forgiveness or repent. I die in Sin there is no repentance from the Grave.
@ricksonora6656 Месяц назад
Your comment describes you as both saved and not saved. Either you are or you aren’t. If you are, God is “working in you both to will and to do according to His good pleasure.” If you abandon the faith, you demonstrate that God was not working in you because you were a false convert. You thought you were saved, but you weren’t.
@TheMeefive Месяц назад
​@@ricksonora6656That explanation is disproven by Revelation 2&3, which clearly deals with people who were genuinely saved but lost their first love, fell into sin and were warned to repent or lose excess to the tree of life
@ricksonora6656 Месяц назад
@@TheMeefive Your explanation is disproved by the letters being addressed to collectives, not to individuals.
@tiwanstrong1413 Месяц назад
Once saved ALWAYS SAVED... Or Else.... Twice lost ALWAYS LOST!!!!
@majormayco Месяц назад
That's a doctrine of demons and fallen angels. The scriptures clearly says you can surely go back to a lifestyle of sin and lose your salvation.
@tiwanstrong1413 Месяц назад
@@majormayco And you're still supposedly saved I take it???🤔 You will bust hell wide open thinking your faithfulness will get you saved and keep you saved.... Which, by the way, you ain't got no faithfulness... Jesus is THE Faithful One.... Filthy Ragger!!!
@tiwanstrong1413 Месяц назад
@@majormayco Without Law.... Justified!!! Without good works.... Justified!!! Without being GOOD.... JUSTIFIED!!!! FAITH IN CHRIST ALONE!!!!! JUSTIFIED.
@majormayco Месяц назад
@@tiwanstrong1413 You're misunderstanding everything about salvation because of being ignorant of the word of God. You forgot to say, "With sin and corruption of this world, JUSTIFIED." Haven't you read where it's indicated that anyone who continues with the works of the flesh and any form of sin after receiving salvation will not inherit the kingdom of God? I bet you don't even know that's in the scriptures.
@tiwanstrong1413 Месяц назад
@@majormayco You're not stupid enough to post the verse.... I love the word... Your opinion, though, is useless to me.... Post the verse
@maxvaldez7412 Месяц назад
Amen, brother Corey. I don't have anything to refute this because I believe in once saved always saved If anybody is interested, I have 4 explanations. Why? I believe that you can't lose your salvation.
@kgar5String Месяц назад
But you did not give any of them because you don't have it, get on the channel and prove it.
@maxvaldez7412 Месяц назад
@@kgar5String Reason number one. If somebody calls somebody else an idiot dummy moron. It's only a matter of time before a they start to believe it or be they live it out of spite because of what that person said. Or there's even a third reaction. They will get that person out of their life. If you tell somebody they can lose their salvation long enough, it's only a matter of time before A, they live in fear and never grow with God B. They absolutely 100% walk away from God and they say to themselves. I'm already being accused of losing my salvation. So I am going to live the life I want. C. See, they make the decision to get that person out of their life. D. This is where I'm at. I ask God to intervene at some point to remove that person out of my life and it takes a lot of patience. Respond for the last 3.
@nosindiswaxhakwe9237 Месяц назад
Somebody help me out here i am a child in this... Does this means i can call myself a Christian and live how i want and still be saved? This channel always warn us about certain false preachers who prophes to be born again Christians of which many of them know scripture but they choose to twist it for their own benefit... Are they also saved as they prophes Christ or what? I am really confused 😕😕 please guys help me to understand ( what is the meaning of entering through the narrow gate?) Im really confused 😢 if people can live how ever and still be saved that means... Please help me i need clarity here because i feel im getting lost. What it means to be saved or should i say how do I know that I am saved? How do we see if a person is saved or not or is it just anybody who Lord...Lord?😢 I really need to understand brothers and sisters because I'd hate to think that I am understanding and in the end find out that I miss interpreted the Word of the Lord. Thank you 🙏
@JCAPB123 Месяц назад
Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me wholeheartedly The Bible says that God is the author and finisher of our faith, that we are turned into a new creation in Christ Jesus. In the Old testament God spoke to a prophet (I think it was Jeremiah? I forget) about the new covenant He will make with mankind, how He will put the fear of Him in their hearts so that they might not turn from Him. When the Holy Spirit is inside of us, and it is grieved when we sin, I think we would probably feel that grief over our sin as well since the Holy Spirit is inside of us. We learn to hate our sin. It's a natural process I think. This is my perspective atleast.
@nosindiswaxhakwe9237 Месяц назад
@@JCAPB123 thank you so much it sounds clear. Thank you God bless you 🙏
@Eric_Reborn Месяц назад
Just simply trust and pursue Christ. Abide in him the result will simply be that you'll pursue sin less because you are pursuing holiness. Sin isn't ok but God is so gracious and merciful that he is willing to forgive your sins but if your faith in Christ is genuine you will not have the same attitude towards sin. Sanctification is a life long process so I understand it won't be easy to completely break free from all your sins right away but trust Christ and they'll go away more and more over time. Repentence isn't about being sinlessly perfect it's about a mindset change away from sin and towards Christ.
@FeedMyLambsPeter Месяц назад
Better enter into Life Halt or Maimed than for your whole body to be cast into Hell, where the worm dieth not and the flames are not quenched!
@UniversityLordJesusChrist Месяц назад
Corey, not disagreeing, however somethings needs to be qualified, so i am opened to a discussion, doesn't have to be on air.
@smartchristians Месяц назад
Just submit your Biblical refutation to the Greek text
@jeffellenberger3963 Месяц назад
If you don’t realize Jesus is God, the Father is God; then perhaps one would argue you could lose salvation - however God himself says “See now that I, yes, I, am he; and there is no god beside me. I put to death, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal; no one saves anyone from my hand!” (Deuteronomy 32:39 CJB) So Jesus informing that He and the Father are One- that you cannot take from His hand nor the Father’s- emphatically points to the fact that if God saves you, through the Lord Jesus Christ; you are indeed saved and eternally so; as Jesus Himself did the Father’s will by providing salvation by His own hands.
@TheMeefive Месяц назад
"IF" you abide in him. That's how covenants work. Who was Jesus referring to in John 15:6? Clearly people who initially accept him but do not abide/endure to the end
@jeffellenberger3963 Месяц назад
@@TheMeefive that’s the point - those who are in Christ are the ones who remain and abide- those of the true vine/root: the branches that remain living by Him, just as the sheep who will not follow another, or the seed that is planted in good soil and thus grows into wheat, or the overcomers, the believing ones, those who have been born again/by the Holy Spirit, those who are made alive and free, those who trust in the grace of God which is not earned nor kept by merit-- all of it is pointing to the Saviour signing the debt, sealing us by His Spirit, and delivering us to the Father-- the ‘If’ part is a sentiment of truthful faith in Him and trusting this is so; As He says. Not as a mode of work on our part (which would be the case if you were to have to ‘keep’ yourself saved) but as a result guaranteed by the Lord and the Lord alone- after all He who began the work in us brings it to completion. The ‘if’ also allows for generalization to include all those who hear and may believe (but only temporarily- which as the parable of the seeds points out with the first three examples would not be saved (as the referred person that is actually considered saved in the last example is the only one to remain) and it was those whom the soil was correct- the heart- which God himself gives us) The ‘if’ gives way to grasping also how we ourselves can discern ‘if’ we indeed are saved - as ourselves or others ‘if’ saved will infact produce fruit as a result of it- but in that case the truth of the matter is those who are saved are indeed saved and cannot have that state removed - The ‘if’ is not implying a state that can change once given, it is pointing out that it is certain when truthful and not certain if there is a disingenuous beginning- but again the outcome is guaranteed by the Lord when the state is indeed truthful. otherwise what would the purpose and power of Christ’s sacrifice have been for if it only followed that it was temporary and could be lost (that would be no different than the old covenant of the priests presenting offerings year by year- and as God clearly points out: He himself will provide the blood of His covenant, and Christ’s offer was one time for all time - hence the New Covenant of his blood.) The warnings are to those who rely on their own work, or are not genuinely putting their trust in the Lord (with wholeheartedness), or the mere purpose of being fearfully thankful and not arrogant so it is considerably wise to ‘check ourselves’ to make sure we truly do trust in Him and not ourselves/ disingenuously. As for those who genuinely trust in Jesus Christ and His Work - which is inclusively referring to salvation - are indeed saved. Eternally. No one can ‘undo’ what God has done. If indeed the truth is you are saved - which is affirmed by wholeheartedly trusting in the Lord and Christ whom the Father sent and His work on the cross and resurrection and by the Holy Spirit’s seal- you are indeed saved - once and for all. As only God can do this for us and by His hand. The same hand that keeps us eternally so.
@letgodbetrue8864 Месяц назад
Salvation is the deliverance from sin and death. The fact that we’re still capable of sinning and dying, means that the salvation process is not complete yet, and our bodies are still in the image of Adam. So then, when Jesus spoke of giving His sheep eternal life, He had to have been speaking of His second coming, because some of His sheep have fallen asleep and their bodies are still in the ground; And the fact that we’re waiting for the adoption which is the redemption of our bodies, proves that it hasn’t happened yet. But when He returns, He’s gonna conform us to His image, which is synonymous with completing the salvation process, and causing our mortal bodies to put on immortality(eternal life). We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.🙂
@wolfwatchers Месяц назад
salvation is done deal when you trust the death burial and resurrection! from your heart ! what your speaking of is Glorification that wont be done until we receive our new bodies that no longer have sin and death operating inside of them ! but we are saved and sealed with the holy spirit until redemption day, when we hear and believe the gospel revealed to Paul Ephesians 1:13-14 13In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 14Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.
@letgodbetrue8864 Месяц назад
@@wolfwatchers I neglected to make the point of this comment. The fact that we’re waiting for the adoption, means that we’re not what we will be when He returns. So then, since we have not been conformed to the image of Christ yet, it’s not impossible for us to be deceived, or fall away from the faith; that’s the reason for the warnings of the Lord in the canon: To beware of false prophets/Christ, and to contend for the faith.
@wolfwatchers Месяц назад
@@letgodbetrue8864 Absolutely we can fall away from THE faith but that doesn't equal loss of salvation, that doesn't equate to loss of eternal life , we are sealed with the holy spirit until redemption day ......................................................................... falling away from THE faith effects our earthly life and our blessings, and our walk but doesn't effect our status of saved ! next issue is we receive our new heavenly bodies when we die not at some resurrection, not at the rapture not at the second coming but when we die! 2 Corinthians 5:1 N.L.T 1For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down (that is, when we die and leave this earthly body), we will have a house in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands. 2We grow weary in our present bodies, and we long to put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing. 3For we will put on heavenly bodies; we will not be spirits without bodies. Philippians 3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, its Israel that is promised resurrection , we in the body of christ are promised new heaven bodies where we will dwell and live amongst the angels in heaven not on earth ,
@sdhute Месяц назад
How about Judas? Is he in heaven ?
@davidgibson80 Месяц назад
I think Judas was unrepentant
@danielmoore2320 Месяц назад
1 Tim 4:1 Many shall depart from the faith Cory your teaching of eternal security comes from satan
@smartchristians Месяц назад
You have the ability to insult, but what about the ability to intellectually refute the text?
@danielmoore2320 Месяц назад
@smartchristians it's not a insult it's a fact as far as the verse you it's true it's an offer of eternal security that according to the text is conditional Rev 3:16 proves that
@smartchristians Месяц назад
Again, an inability to deal with the text.
@seedfarmer0416 Месяц назад
Corey continues to bury his head in the sand of dogmas! First off, it is not our (yours nor mine ) salvation but 'His'... and that is why David said " Restore unto me THE JOY OF THY SALVATION (Psalm 91:12 ). Salvation belongs to Yahuwah alone, it's a gift of God extended to us by Grace and faith in Christ, not a tangible gift you put in your back pocket as your belonging. Secondly, humans are not sheep, goats or wolves... Scripture only picks traits from these animals to describe and differentiate characteristics of human behavioral patterns (zoomorphize ). Therefore, since human beings are not inherently born to behave like sheep, or goats, or even wolves... that means we grow into making these choices; and this means that being a sheep of Christ IS A CHOICE NOT DESTINY !!! So, I can choose to be Christ's sheep today and be on the path to be saved from God's wrath, or stray away from the path temporarily or permanently and become a wolf or a goat heading for eternal destruction, The choice is ours!
@wolfwatchers Месяц назад
your not on a path to be saved, you trust the gospel revealed to Paul (1Corinthians 15:1-4 ) you are saved , and sealed with the holy spirit ''until'' redemption day, Ephesians 1:13-14 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 14Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. Romans 8 :9 Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his., Romans 5:9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. being ''NOW Justified!
@seedfarmer0416 Месяц назад
@@wolfwatchers I agree with all your scripture verses but when you sign up for a free race and you meet all the requirements, you are automatically counted as qualified to run in the race,if you don't run the race or you quit mid -race, then you will not be counted as one of the runners,or be considered as one of the runners that quit along the race ( 1 Corinthians 9:24 etc ). Do you even know what we are saved from according to the scripture?
@wolfwatchers Месяц назад
@@seedfarmer0416 you cant use all these non biblical analogy's, to prove doctrine the bible speaks for itself ! ill address your question will you address mine? according to scripture we are saved from wrath , Judgment for sins, damnation, and death, !!!!!! My Question is what does it mean to be Justified from all things that you could not be Justified by the Law of moses ???? Acts 13:38-39 And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.
@seedfarmer0416 Месяц назад
@@wolfwatchers Non biblical analogies? Paul - 1 Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way as to take the prize. Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with endurance the race set out for us. etc etc Good, I agree that the scripture says we are saved from God's wrath - 1 Thessalonians 1:10. The law is just to show the awareness of sin( Romans 3:20), it is not the means that God put in place for the atonement of sins, even though all animals used in the ceremony are offered according to the law (Leviticus 17:11 ) . Now , I will answer your question with two Bible verses, hopefully that will satisfy you than me explaining or elaborating on them. Hebrews 10:1-7 For the law is only a shadow of the good things to come, not the realities themselves. It can never, by the same sacrifices offered year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship. If it could, would not the offerings have ceased? For the worshipers would have been cleansed once for all, and would no longer have felt the guilt of their sins. Instead, those sacrifices are an annual reminder of sins, Because it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. Therefore, when Christ came into the world, He said: “Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but a body You prepared for Me. In burnt offerings and sin offerings You took no delight. Then I said, ‘Here I am, it is written about Me in the scroll: I have come to do Your will, O God.’ ”a Romans 3:25 God put forward ( Christ )as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins.
@wolfwatchers Месяц назад
that doesn't tell me what it means to be Justified from All things ! if I'm Justified does that mean if I do these certain things (whatever sin ) I'm in trouble and facing wrath or judgment or damnation or loss of eternal life or loss of status of reconciled and at peace with God or does it mean if I do them certain things I'm Justified! if a person with terrets syndrome is justified from wicked words , are they judged for their future words or because they have dieses are they Justified ! we have a dieses called sin and death and when we come to christ we are Justified and imputed christs righteousness not our own ! the issue with folks that think we can lose our salvation have no idea what it means to be Justified! Titus3:5 He saved us, not by the righteous deeds we had done, but according to His mercy, through the washing of new birth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. acts 13:39 And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses. Philippians 3:9 and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith. Romans1:17 For the gospel reveals the righteousness of God that comes by faith from start to finish, just as it is written: “ The righteous will live by faith.” Romans 4:5 But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness, Romans 4:6 And David speaks likewise of the blessedness of the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works: Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: Romans 5:9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him… Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Romans 8:39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 2 corrin 5:19 For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation.
@ogmakefirefiregood Месяц назад
We are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus, for good works that he has prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Quick test: Salvation, which is God's work, should be accompanied by good works. If nothing has changed in your life, you might want to examine yourselves to see if you are actually saved.
@stumpintheearth1088 Месяц назад
You can't get to OSAS, in the verses you mentioned, until you understand first, who the Lord's sheep are and secondly, what is the critria for being the Lord's sheep? 1 The sheep heard the voice of the Lord 2 The sheep follow the Lord *Let take care of the above two critreias in one verse.* *James 1:22* But *be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only,* deceiving your own selves. *If you only hear the voice of the Lord but, not obey and follow the voice of the Lord, you deceive yourself and you are not one of his sheep.* Criteria 3 The sheep are known of the Lord 4 The sheep know the Lord. *John 10:14* I am the good shepherd, and *know my sheep, and am known of mine.* *If the Lord don't know you and you don't know the Lord, you deceive yourself and are not one of his sheep.* *ONLY HIS SHEEP HAVE THE PROMISE OF ETERNAL LIFE.* Luke 13:27 But he shall say, I tell you, *I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.* *1 John 2:* 3 And *hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.* 4 *He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar,* and the truth is not in him.
@ricksonora6656 Месяц назад
Notice in the verses you quoted that obedience is an identifier of His sheep. It does not turn them into His sheep.
@tiwanstrong1413 Месяц назад
​@@ricksonora6656he's not gonna NOTICE
@stumpintheearth1088 Месяц назад
@@ricksonora6656 Matthew 12:33 Either *make the tree good,* and his fruit good; or else *make the tree corrupt,* and his fruit corrupt: for *the tree is known by his fruit.*
@danielkim672 Месяц назад
What is the criteria of salvation and eternal life? WORKS? OF course not as Ephesians 2:8-9 and James will also tell you it is not works. There are several verses but why go past John 3:16? BELIEVE in Jesus Christ, and you are saved and have eternal life. No WORKS. You think your works get you into heaven? WOWzers
@hebrewrld Месяц назад
I pray for you bro. Ephesians 2 explain salvation beautifully and Roman’s 4. We are saved by grace through faith NOT OF YOURSELVES.. NOT OF WORKS.. When we are born again Ephesians 2:10 explain’s our purpose. God ordained the ones who would be born again has his master work to do the works he prepared for us BEFOREHAND meaning born again believers are doing what God meant for us to do in the first place. You’re low key trusting in works and not dividing the word of truth correctly family. When you truly believe you are now made from above (born again) with a purpose. We are justified by FAITH in the sight of God, works are justified by the flesh. You can do all the works you think will save you but if you can’t control your tongue, not spewing love and peace then you’re not producing the fruit of the Spirit which is LOVE. This is what it’s all about the Good News. We are God’s workmanship created IN CHRIST.. shalom my friend.
@ricksonora6656 Месяц назад
1. Insecurity assumes scripture contradicts scripture. That denigrates the scriptures as well as God’s truthfulness. 2. How would Satan snatch a believer? By whispering in his ear. Why would someone walk away? Because he listened to Satan. But what did Jesus say earlier in the chapter? His sheep won’t listen to it follow another. By process of elimination, the person who walks away was not Jesus’s sheep; he was a false convert. Which leads to.. .. 3. Insecurists use behaviors of false converts as examples of what born-again converts may do. (Straw man fallacy) Salvation isn’t a place you can walk away from. It’s a condition and a state of being. Regeneration changes what you are. You become a child of Gods. The god of Insecurists is a deadbeat dad who lets them walk away. That’s not the God of the Bible.
@TheMeefive Месяц назад
Salvation is the product of a covenant relationship. Jesus said " This cup is the new Testament/covenant in my blood. The nature of a covenant relationship requires both parties to keep their end. Our end is to abide in Christ, God's end is to keep us. When we stop abiding we are cut off. Don't believe me? See what Jesus says in John 15:6.
@contendingforthefaith9897 Месяц назад
Very few people in the Bible, that fell away, was false converts. The Bible tell us about the ones that were false converts .
@TheMeefive Месяц назад
​@@contendingforthefaith9897Have you read Revelation 2&3. Jesus was clear with these churches that if they did not repent 1. They won't get to eat of the tree of life (chapter2:7) 2. They will not receive the crown of life (v:10) 3. They will not receive a new name (v:17) 4. He will give to EVERY ONE OF THEM according to their works 5. They will not receive the morning star (v:28) 6. They will not receive white robes (chapter 3:4) 7. He will blot their name out of the book of life ( v.5) 8. He will not write upon them his new name (v:12) 9. He will spew them out of his mouth
@rapmeister1000 Месяц назад
I’ve offered that challenge to you. You’ve yet to respond.
@smartchristians Месяц назад
Submit your answer in the comment section
@rapmeister1000 Месяц назад
@@smartchristians my answer is quite lengthy, and would violate the caveat you now insert into your argument. That is to address OSAS solely from the basis of John 10:28. I did not notice that as a stipulation the first time I saw you levy this challenge. You say that no scholar has been able to refute you, and I’m finding that extremely difficult to believe. This, because any scholar would mention that to base a doctrine upon a single verse is the foundational act which leads, more often than not; to false doctrine. Thus, your argument for only observing a single passage ignores the relevance of the Rule of Progressive mention in hermeneutics. This is the reason that my counter to your position is based on multiple passages. However, to address your position at minimum, your major focus appears to be on “harpazō tis autos ek ho cheir mou”. But this brings into question the very thing that you claim is not a valid challenge, because it would present a contradiction. That is, free will. As we are given free will by God, why is it a contradiction to leave His hand of your own accord? The Greek “harpazō” (G726) means to seize/carry off/snatch out or away. Leaving under one’s own volition is not the same, & therefore creates no contradiction as the Greek for leave is “aniēmi” carries an entirely different definition which creates no contradiction. Shalom
@smartchristians Месяц назад
You have literally missed the point of this video and every other time that I've covered this text. I specifically focused on clause "B" of the verse "and they shall never perish" and you say my major focus is the last clause. You cannot possibly answer the challenge if you are focusing on the wrong argument. You also said you find it difficult to believe there is no other Greek Scholar that refutes "THIS" text. All you have to do is find one. I cannot. The reason is, because for a Greek grammarian to disagree, they would discredit themselves as this is a very basic Greek understanding. An emphatic negation of a subjunctive is exactly what I said it is. If you aren't able to deal with this greek argument, that is fine. But don't make an attempt . Just say I disagree with your overall conclusion but I am not equipped to refute the greek at this point. Lastly, Anyone that has ever listened to me knows that my assertions aren't based off of one single passage. But we are currently dealing with this one passage. What you've done is what everyone else has done. Ignore the argument as though this text doesn't even exist. Respectfully, deal with the text and the argument or just stand by and see if anyone else can.
@rapmeister1000 Месяц назад
@@smartchristians what you have done, is give you’re common justification for your position based upon no more that the parameters that you, and only you; get to set on your channel. Now what you’ve missed in what I said, is something that you weren’t paying attention to within your own statements. First, though you do state that you want to focus upon the “B” clause, you shift to using “C” in additional support of your position regarding the “B”. You clearly give emphasis toward, “neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” as support. Second, you miss the point of what I’ve said regarding single text usage, as it is specific to this argument & no other you’ve made. I’ve watched many of your videos, & agree with your positions there. There are also a few where I’ve disagreed with your position, and have also voiced such. I still find your claim regarding Greek grammarians exaggerated. I’m no expert Greek grammarian, as I lean more toward the Hebrew. However, I’ve studied & learned enough Greek to know this. Regardless of whether or not it’s subjunctive or not, we cannot simply reach a conclusion regarding any statement in scripture via presupposition without asking the appropriate questions. The first being who is those who shall never perish. Well, you did show that from vs 27. Yet, there is a follow up question or 2 that must also be answered. The first follow up to ask is what, exactly; does “eternal life” mean? The second revolves around that free will I previously mention, which your position negates thereby making the “sheep” witless automatons. “aiōnios didōmi autos kai ou mē apollymi” does not specify external life where. This leads to the third follow up question of does this mean eternal life with Him in paradise, even if you stray? Thus, you’re automatically making the presupposition that “eternal life” always means an eternal existence in,paradise. And this is why I previously mentioned hermeneutics, because we can clearly find a life of eternal torment in scripture as well. Now correct me if I’m wrong on this part, but I believe that you’ve previously stated that it is your belief that it is impossible for them to stray. Yet there is no text suggesting such. Hermeneutics on the topic reveals that one can indeed stray, and remain lost (1 Tim 4). And contrary to the argument I’ve witnessed you raise before toward this end, the text in no way concludes at them never having been saved. No discrediting required. Thus, I shall continue to respectfully disagree.
@smartchristians Месяц назад
Just simply say that you don't understand the Greek. When you say "regardless of whether or not it's a subjunctive or not" tells me you aren't versed in the language, which is fine. What isn't fine, is attempting to argue from a position that who have no knowledge of. Jesus was speaking to the Jews about His sheep. The emphatic statement He made was there is NO POSSIBILITY of them ever perishing. You cannot come back and then say "but what if....." That's the point of an emphatic or double negation of a "Subjunctive". The Possibility is eliminated. Now if a person wants to ask how is that possibility eliminated then when can address that. But even if we never determine HOW it is impossible for a sheep to ever perish, Jesus' negation still holds true.
@FeedMyLambsPeter Месяц назад
What kind of Lunatic would command his Disciples to cut off the hand or pluck out the eye that causes them to sin or spend forever with worms that Never die in Hell if there was any such thing as eternal security!?
@danielkim672 Месяц назад
But what happened? Did they actually have to cut of their hands or pluck out the eye? NO. WHY? Because JESUS CHRIST our Lord took all of our sins upon Him, so that in His death after a perfect life, HE STANDS IN JUDGEMENT before God for us. Jesus Christ took care of the sins so that those WHO BELIEVE in Him, we are viewed as sinless by God the Father. From the moment of accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, to the day we are in heaven with God. What makes humans think they can alter the promises and guarantee of salvation?
@FeedMyLambsPeter Месяц назад
@@danielkim672 Sacrifices in the Old Testament were only offered for sins of Ignorance!
@danielkim672 Месяц назад
@@FeedMyLambsPeter please share the verses that sacrifices were only for the 'sins of ignorance' and what are the other sins and how were they handled in the Old Testament?
@FeedMyLambsPeter Месяц назад
@@danielkim672 This terrifying fact hit me while studying the old testament,it is a fact, and could mean or have vast implications that hardly bear thinking about! - The man who wrote Unlocking the Bible also bought this fact up it one of his Sermons his name is David Pawson - He also wrote the book Once Saved Always Saved? which included 80 scriptures showing a man can loose his salvation - I heard his wife's voice in my head - "He didn't make it" around two months later I discovered that she had dyed around that time!
@danielkim672 Месяц назад
@@FeedMyLambsPeter Just pick 5 of those 80 verses. I am interested in reading these.
@rvvanlife Месяц назад
Your saying that you can't lose your salvation because "sheep will follow " , in the real world, sheep don't always follow. Here's the problem " clause A, B, and C implies that the sheep are following. Your neglecting to point out the condition of the sheep that this scripture refers to
@UniversityLordJesusChrist Месяц назад
Greetings Corey, but who is a sheep and who is truly considered as Saved?..that is what needs answering, Peter was walking with Jesus up to crucifixion and still was not yet converted (Luke 22). A truly saved person almost does not sin (1st John 3).. So who is a sheep and who is really saved is the question. Of course Jesus wants no one that believes in him truly, to perish and he will do everything in is power to help someone that believes on hin as the scriptures says to be saved.
@ricksonora6656 Месяц назад
Jesus knows His sheep. Read John 10 again. Jesus doesn’t “help” anyone to save themselves. He saves or He doesn’t. Our part is to get our self righteousness out of the way and trust Him to do the saving.
@UniversityLordJesusChrist Месяц назад
@ricksonora6656 what?? Mark 10 clearly let's you know without God it is impossible to make it into the Kingdom of heaven, with man it is impossible, but with God it is not impossible, that is the holy spirit. That is why Jesus tells we have to be born again of the water and the spirit (John 3:5), the Holy spirit is the word reminder my friend, that is what keeps our conscience holy. Jesus leaves the 99 sheep to chase after the one, that is the holy spirit trying to save you my friend..Jesus fills his elect with the Holy Spirit just as he did the disciples in Acts 2, that is what helps to save us.
@ImAskinGOD44givenessHowAboutU Месяц назад
Idk. King David asked GOD not to take His Holy Spirit from him. I don't know again because it's like if you can't lose your salvation then it's a free will to sin. Idk again. Scripture says in Romans 8:38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. But i don't see sin in that category and sin separate us from the love of GOD. What if someone relapses and dies in sin? How do you know your saved? I can't be so confident in my salvation. I have hope and faith that Christ will forgive me. But still i have some doubts. Only because of the things I'm guilty of. Yes i grieves over my sin, repented of it and furthermore it disgusts me
@555chan Месяц назад
Bottom line, once one becomes Jesus’ sheep, one must stay Jesus’ sheep till the end. The Bible speaks of sheep and goats. Sheep can become goats and goats can become sheep. Perfect example is the apostle Paul, from goat to sheep.
@BibleTruthChannel Месяц назад
Where do you get that from? You’re making statements without any biblical basis. If you have no scripture that says sheep can become goats then why are you making such statements?
@ricksonora6656 Месяц назад
Paul did not transform himself into a sheep. God did that through regeneration. Salvation isn’t a costume you can put on and take off. It’s not a place you can walk to or from. The new birth by God changes what you are. What vanity, to think you have the power to change yourself into a sheep, which only God can do, or into a goat, and undo what God has done.
@JesusLovesYou12z Месяц назад
lol 😂 no. You sin way more than you think. You 100% are going to hell by you’re definition
@JesusLovesYou12z Месяц назад
Repent for your pride. That audacity to think you can turn yourself into a sheep lol. You sin a lot more then you think and even by putting this much faith in yourself and your deeds you’re sinning. You’re so lucky that you can’t earn it. You’d be headed towards hell if you died right now unfortunately by your own logic but through gods grace you aren’t!
@contendingforthefaith9897 Месяц назад
The thing is, he has lost the argument on OSAS a number of times, he just too shame to concead to defeat. The Bible show us three different sides to OSAS. We see this throughout the Bible. Freewill will allow you to lose your salvation.
@smartchristians Месяц назад
Lost to who?
@aussierob7177 Месяц назад
Where does it say in the Bible : Once saved, always saved" ? The first person to espouse the idea of "Once Saved, always Saved" was John Calvin in the 16th century. Even Martin Luther did not subscribe to this teaching. Pryor to Calvin, the unanimous consent of early Christians was that a person is capable of losing salvation by committing a grave sin without repentance, as John spoke about in 1.John 5: 16-17. No suggestion of once saved, always saved can be found on the lips of any Christian before Calvin. In Sacred Scripture truth is differently presented and expressed in the various types of historical writing , in prophetical and poetical texts and in other forms of literary expression. (two or more different answers for the same piece of Scripture) Outside the Church there is no salvation. The Eucharist is necessary for salvation. Baptism is necessary for the forgiveness of sins and original sin. The Charitable Works of Mercy are necessary for salvation.
@kgar5String Месяц назад
Another dumb statement, John Calvin did not write any of the inspired scripture neither did the writers mention him. Just read the bible as though you nothing so you can get from God's word what he intended you to get from it when he put the words, you see to read just to reinforce what you already believe. If God cannot touch what you believe or think his is not lord to you. Was Jesus a Christian? How about Paul, John? Luther came to understand justification as being entirely the work of God. Luther asserted that Christians receive that righteousness entirely from outside themselves; that righteousness not only comes from Christ, it actually is the righteousness of Christ. How can you have righteousness come from God, and he said he is able to keep us from falling but he just won't do it. How can you be born again and then be unborn? How can you be sealed until the day of redemption and then be unsealed? How can anything separate you from the love of God when God said nothing can? How can God put his spirit in you and you take his spirit to hell because he said he will never leave you? How can you walk away from Jesus when he said if any of his sheep walk away he would leave the 99 and bring them back? How can we born from above like Jesus told Nicodemus (Ezekiel 36:25-27) 25 Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. 26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. 27 And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. God took out you heat and put in a new one, put his spirit in you and caused you to walk in his ways and you can fight through that? wow.
@aussierob7177 Месяц назад
@@kgar5String I did not say John Calvin wrote inspired Scripture.
@adamrogers-bt7kh 8 дней назад
Outside the catholic church? Have you looked up John wycliffe or William tyndale?
@aussierob7177 8 дней назад
@@adamrogers-bt7kh Why would i need to do that ?
@adamrogers-bt7kh 8 дней назад
@aussierob7177 because the catholic church burned William tyndale alive for translating the bible into English John wyclffe - the catholic church was so mad at him they dug up his bones and had them scattered The Roman empire couldn't stomp out Christianity so they integrated paganism in with it. This is just basic examples of the heretical evil catholic church
@CappieBG Месяц назад
If you could lose your salvation, it's better to wait till death before confessing and accepting Christ like the Thief on the cross, so we don't risk losing it.
@lisatagliabue6395 Месяц назад
We cannot lose our salvation. The Bible says, no one can pluck us out of Gods hands! Ty for addressing this topic.
@majormayco Месяц назад
Take your time to study. Verse 27 begins by saying, "My sheep hear My voice, I know them and they follow Me." Take note of those three factors: 1. They hear My voice. 2. I know them. 3. They follow Me. Whoever is not in that category is not among His sheep.
@albertcabrerajr992 Месяц назад
SEE THE CONDITION v5 *He that abideth in me* , and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. v6 *IF a man abideth not in me* , he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. Scriptures interprets itself. Do you see the condition? here is a hint... if a angel, who is a higher being, *can fall out from grace* . . . because of one thing which i will not tell you... what more for a man who is not at the same stature as an angel. i think this corey guy *cannot even tell the difference* between the BIDDEN and the CALLED. (KJV)
@tbuitendyk 24 дня назад
By making such a "challenge", you seem to think that it's encumbant on others to disprove your false doctrine. Which false doctrinal ideas, incidentally, you support by non-contextually ignoring a host of clear passages that contradict the Gnosticism. And you do this all the while obviously exalting in your own "superior" understanding of the Greek. Better to exhalt the Holy Spirit and humble yourself under the living word than try to win an argument with spiritually dead reasoning. Your precommitment to your interpretation is simply and obviously wrong to those who tremble at God's word. You are merely exhalting your pre-selected system above all the word of God. I would strongly counsel you to pray for light against the deception you're under.
@dank2476 Месяц назад
If you are reborn, you are saved eternally.
@saskeuchiha9942 Месяц назад
so i can sin all i want now cheat on my wife lie ?
@arsynoeford9638 Месяц назад
Take the challenge 💪
@arsynoeford9638 Месяц назад
So what does the holy spirit do in you (if you indeed fill ) ?
@arsynoeford9638 Месяц назад
Also, if that's what you are thinking start praying ,no one born of the spirit thinks this way
@24azion Месяц назад
You would not do that if you love the Lord. If you love Me, you will keep my commandments. John 14:15 He is holy so we must be holy.
@JesusLovesYou12z Месяц назад
lol what true believer would want to do constantly do that? Repent of your foolish pride my friend. You rely to much on your own works and trust me you may not cheat but even by your statement you’re so much more sinful then you realize. By your own standards you’re headed to hell. Surrender your pride and accept his grace. I know you can’t fathom others sinning and going to heaven but that’s because you still have far to high of a view of yourself. Repent of your arrogance and pride.
@DeepConviction25 Месяц назад
The true definition of CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
@kelvinsmall2552 Месяц назад
@DeepConviction25 Месяц назад
@@kelvinsmall2552 😂😂😂😂😂😂. Bring your best Greek grammarian from the SDA organization to refute what he said. He’s waiting!!!!!
@kelvinsmall2552 Месяц назад
Not me the Bible is plain. Our tongue is English not Greek. The Bible is plain on this subject
@DeepConviction25 Месяц назад
@@kelvinsmall2552 you must be naive the original text is in Hebrew for Old Testament Greek for New Testament please follow the rules of the original text. Please don’t deviate from the original language.
@DeepConviction25 Месяц назад
@@kelvinsmall2552 also give scripture to support your claim. Just don’t make statements without any proof or evidence.
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