
Pyre Original Soundtrack: The Black Mandolin - Full Album 

Supergiant Games
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8 сен 2024




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@MyOtheHedgeFox 7 лет назад
3:31 *The Accusers:* approaching their goal swiftly and mercilessly like a marching army, an order of men honed into a perfect machine. 7:28 *The Fate:* inevitably righting the wrong and bringing all to its place, as the wheel of fate itself creaks to their tune. 11:25 *The Dissidents:* thrill taking over all, the higher purpose all but gone in the heat and fervor of the wild chase. 15:22 *The Withdrawn:* haunting and otherworldly, taking over the arena like the bog mists. 19:19 *The Pyrehearts:* riding into victory on the wave of glory, as befits the true knights of the Sea-Dominion. 23:16 *The Essence:* ruling over the air itself, the stars themselves dancing to the rhythm of their wings. 27:13 *The Chastity:* ceremonious and orderly like a well-trimmed park, each branch and leaf where it is supposed to be, each move and step according to their ceremony of glory. 31:10 *The Tempers:* all quivering to the heavy footsteps of those who bear the burden of the Downside itself, their victory inescapable and imminent.
@moonlitpebbles4778 7 лет назад
I just love the way each triumvirate's unique song merge with Never to Return; really brings the Scribes' ideal for each triumvirate out.
@okamiman73 7 лет назад
It's kind of interesting how (imo anyways) the only triumvirates that really deserve their freedom are the ones that aren't "corrupted" so to say; Manley is exploiting the Rites for his own gain, and isn't humble in the least; Tamitha wants to use her freedom to destroy the Commonwealth; Barker just does it for fun; Ignarius isn't "strong and gentle", he's more of a brute in some ways, though not as much as he used to be; Udmildhe worships Yslach...You get the point. Meanwhile you have the Oldhearts, still holding true to tradition and faithful to the end. That's just my opinion - would be cool to hear what anyone else thinks.
@MyOtheHedgeFox 7 лет назад
Truth be told, in the eyes of the Scribes, those who prevail in the Rites deserve freedom. But all in all, the Scribes once walked the Downlands just like the exiles themselves, and in their robes the exiles represent the Scribes themselves. So they themselves decide who deserve freedom. The Sandalwood's peculiar chest only highlights this.
@conner6615 6 лет назад
I think my favorite part of all this is the way that each Triumvirate has, in one way or another, failed. The Accusers, founded by a proud General on tenants of nobility and strength, are now led by the Liar Lendel, more focused on a personal grudge against Ti'Zo and his own escape than leading his Triumvirate. The Fate may appear to still hold onto their roots, and in many ways they do. But if they prevail in Liberation, their anointed one Dalbert chooses to give his spot to his son, going against tradition and what was decided. The Dissidents were founded so that those who didn't belong elsewhere could find a home. But now, they're little more than anarchists who belong nowhere and conduct the Rites for sheer thrill. The Withdrawn, founded to seek out hidden knowledge, have taken to worshipping a dead god, because he is the last great mystery. What knowledge could be more hidden than The Astral-Born's? In their own, warped way, the Withdrawn are still doing what Milithe first intended. The Pyrehearts were meant to keep alive the passion of the Underking. Gilman fits that role, but unfortunately, the Triumvirate as a whole is more prone to cravenry and infighting- the perils of too little and too much passion, respectively. The Essence are centered around freedom. Tamitha's freedom is her goal, but not so that she can be free herself. Rather, she wants freedom so that she can steal the freedom, and probably lives, of the entire Commonwealth. The Chastity are meant to be humble and wise. Tinderstauf is witty and crafty, but I'd never quite call him wise, and humble definitely doesn't apply. He's in this for his own, purely selfish gains. The Tempers are founded upon mercy and strength. At first glance it's clear they've forsaken Mercy, but looking deeper at his own mental troubles, you get the sense Ignarius isn't as strong as he claims either. The Nightwings are meant to be a benchmark, a common foe, a thing to strive to beat. And, in the final Liberation, this comes hauntingly true. The Voice couldn't have been more right when he said of us and Oralech, "You deserve each other."
@britneyspheres7yearsago11 6 лет назад
okamiman73 The Dissidents with Barker are just about the only Triumvirate that remained faithful to the original Triumv. This is extremely ironic; here’s why: The Dissidents are the Triumvirate of being the different group, not fitting in, standing steadfast against the rites. And yet Barker and his gang are the only Triumv. who remain the SAME as the old ideals...BY BEING DIFFERENT lol All the other Triumv. are “corrupted” so to say. Lendel is the opposite of Honor, The Tempers don’t respect mercy, and the Pyrehearts are cowards. The Dissidents are against everything and just like to play for the sake of it, as they should be. The Fate is kinda 2nd in terms of staying Faithful (no pun intended) to the original ideals. But this is shown in 2 characters not 1 leader. The old dog is all for tradition. His savage son is all about dominance. Like Many-Mane the Alpha has split into two.
@Alaric11 6 лет назад
I wish I could purge my memory of this game so I could play it again.
@rafaczajkowski5394 4 года назад
Same, same...
@DARK_AMBIGUOUS 3 года назад
I haven’t played it yet, I can’t wait to play it if I ever get a computer before the world ends
@mysteriousnobody613 3 года назад
Saaaaaame ;-;
@FancyTophatDude 7 лет назад
god how does the freaking dissidents version work so well? this is so crazy..
@Xardis 6 лет назад
I would love if you pulled "She Shines" with Pyre and gave us Never To Return song for The Beyonders.
@kasane1337 4 года назад
I might be 2 years late, but this is what I came up with (please note that English isn't my native language, so my grammar might be off and my words limited): ----The Beyonders (31:39): By the Scribes, we gather in their names. The vile Beyonders all have been contained, Inside the crystal sentenced to remain, Eternity of solitude and pain. Who shall rise again? Their treacherous plan to murder was in vain, Their sole task to discipline and train, Their freedom lost and never to regain. They shan't rise again...
@Toporshik 7 лет назад
Wow. I even didn't notice it in the game, that songs have different text each time. That is beautiful example of attention to the details in game world.
@MyOtheHedgeFox 7 лет назад
Each version is like the dream Rite of each triumvirate. Slowly yet surely, like flames of the pyre, they prevail over the common foe, to finally ascend into the starry skies in a shimmer of light. Each song in this album is a mix of the Nightwings Advantage theme and the triumvirate’s Advantage theme. The closer the song goes to “Who Shall Rise Again?” or “To fly this prison, never To Return,” the more the triumvirate’s Advantage shows. Of course, during the verse with the praise to the Scribes, only the triumvirate’s Advantage theme plays. They gave their freedom so that you may yet have yours.
@Greenen72 7 лет назад
----The Accusers (00:00): By the Scribes, we gather in their names. The bold Accusers, steadfast in their aims, Those loyal few who serve Golathanian's claim, Seek absolution in the pyre's flame. Who shall rise again? The hand of Gol brings justice to this place, To find redemption in the solemn race, To bear the burden of Golathanian's grace. Who shall rise again? ----The Fate (03:57): By the Scribes, we gather in their names. For Many-Mane, the Fate defend his claim, Jomuer the fearless one cannot be tamed, His faithful three bring honor to the flame. Who shall rise again? With discipline, the order of the Mane, Preserve the glory of the Alpha's reign, Their perseverance shall not be in vain. Who shall rise again? ----The Dissidents (07:54): By the Scribes, we gather in their names, The Dissidents stand firm against the flame. Conviction binds them in their common vein, Once disparate, in robes they are the same. Who shall rise again? Ha'ub, who harbours those who've gone astray, The cursed one who guides them on their way, Shall see them home before the light of day. Who shall rise again? ----The Withdrawn (11:50): By the Scribes, we gather in their names. Milithe the Molten sets her pyre aflame, Her fearsome three seek knowledge for their claim, Though Withdrawn shall find the truth or leave in shame. Who shall rise again? The wild witch uncovers all concealed, Her devotees in struggle never yield, Till all forbidden knowledge be revealed. Who shall rise again? ----The Pyrehearts (15:48): By the Scribes, we gather in their names. The Pyrehearts find courage in the flame, The passion of the Sea-Dominion's aim, To bring unto the Underking his claim. Who shall rise again? Beneath the blue, old Ores plots his stand, His mighty deeds are known across the land, He shall not rest 'till victory's at hand. Who shall rise again? ----The Essence (19:44): By the Scribes, we gather in their names, The blessed born, Triesta lays her claim. For her grace the Essence fan the flames, And liberty shall be their only aim. Who shall rise again? These pious three shall wear no earthly chains. The virtue of their matriarch remains, To free them from this unforgiving plane. Who shall rise again? ----The Chastity (23:41): By the Scribes, we gather in their names, Lu Sclorian, the Hundred-Minds shall claim, The Chastity, in faith uphold his aim, His humble three seek wisdom in the flame. Who shall rise again? The verses of the law have laid it plain, For Sclorian, no question there remains, The virtuous shall victory attain. Who shall rise again? ----The Tempers (27:38): By the Scribes, we gather in their names. For Soliam Murr, the Tempers lay his claim, The horned king, repentant in his aim, To show his flock the mercy of the flame. Who shall rise again? The virtue that the Tempers must attain, The strong and gentle shall be both in twain, And snuff the pyre like a summer rain. Who shall rise again?
@Greenen72 7 лет назад
Taken from Chronometry's comments on the Pyre Extended OST (ggw1776)
@princessthyemis 7 лет назад
Thank you both SO MUCH!!!!
@calvinwebster5735 7 лет назад
I THOUGHT I WAS HEARING DIFFERENT VERSIONS! Too busy duking it out with the other teams with 5 titan stars up to fully notice. These matches were always intense
@samb5963 7 лет назад
I know! I only noticed in my third or so Rite when I heard the song namedrop the Essence and I had to pause it for a second. Awesome detail.
@TLMonkey54 6 лет назад
I just wondered... has anyone mashed them all together? It should be interesting to hear the whole instrumental range at once. I don't know if it would sound *good*, but the curiosity is there
@dothwile_3703 7 лет назад
Well this was pleasant surprise
@aaronng7138 6 лет назад
The Essence were such utter BASTARDS to fight, had to turn off all my titan stars and lower difficulty alongside restarting like 20 times. The near-immediate purchase they gained in the Orb was fucking brutal... In hindsight, no matter how much I liked her character, I probably shouldn't have set Jodariel free on the first Rite.
@kobaltapollodorus8922 5 лет назад
When they take the position in the middle of the field, the easiest way to defeat them, at least for me, was to put Ti'zo right next to the orb and have him nuke the area with his implode ability. Rush with either Moon-touched girl or Gilman.
@AuspexAO 5 лет назад
They were so desperate I almost wanted to just let them go through, especially after Pamitha's heartfelt plea. Instead I crushed them and sent Pam. She'll get over it, lol.
@Crowbar 7 лет назад
Oh, if you bought the soundtrack these are included now.
@ThatFreakingDude 7 лет назад
I've been waiting specifically for this, to be honest.
@Vaxtin 5 лет назад
I've shed some tears. I didn't expect that. I've played through the story only once, when the game released. As I listened to the individual themes, memories of the characters flood back into the mind and hit me with emotions. Everyone has their motives to chase Liberation. Well, most of them anyway.
@kaper-donjon7332 7 лет назад
Wish i could to hear version Never to Return for Beyonders ;)
@princessthyemis 7 лет назад
I'M SO HAPPY THEY RELEASED THIS! How unexpectedly wonderful!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!
@allterraincapybara6749 6 лет назад
I stumbled upon this games soundtrack the other day, hooked ever since. Probably listen to it every day
@ringthatkill 7 лет назад
This is amazing thank you so much for uploading this.
@nekov4ego 7 лет назад
Thank you Supergiant
@sandmasterflex 7 лет назад
The dissident version is my favorite!
@Ferniiiii 7 лет назад
Listening to this new version truly was a joy
@XOXOcel 7 лет назад
@AuspexAO 5 лет назад
Celeste + Tariq. You served well the scribes, now sing your sweetest songs for each other.
@NhardosVideos 7 лет назад
These are all stunning musical works!
@Kragsword 7 лет назад
Oh, no True [REDACTED]? That's a little sad. But great, still!
@Unwarranted530 7 лет назад
It's more or less the same as the generic version you find in the original soundtrack.
@Kragsword 7 лет назад
In-game version is more vibrant. I like it a little bit more.
@TheD736 6 лет назад
Yeah, it mixed the high mandolin of Will of the scribes in, it was good.
@princessthyemis 7 лет назад
Oh my gosh, how unexpected!! THANK YOU!!!!!
@painted_dog 7 лет назад
@jumbodude1987 7 лет назад
Did anyone vs the Pyrehearts in a liberation rite?
@Runovaris 6 лет назад
I did!
@vincentlance 6 лет назад
Yup, after I already liberated our favorite knight to boot. It was the second to last liberation rite in my playtgrough so the tone was kind of all over the place
@samb5963 7 лет назад
I am kicking myself so hard for buying the soundtrack on iTunes and not steam now!
@supergiantgames 6 лет назад
Hey! Reach out to us (info@supergiantgames.com) and we'll get you set up with the bonus albums if you can share proof of purchase.
@samb5963 6 лет назад
Oh wow, thank you!
@sowatome849 4 года назад
What have they done my ears are groovin
@JakeDaines 7 лет назад
hell yesss
@Xardis 7 лет назад
It would be nice if 2 tracks were fully separated. I mean left and right. Each one plays diffrent type of of instruments but their voices are not fully separated, each track has a very quiet version of vocal other. If I remember correcly, it was not the case in game.
@BlueStar0788 7 лет назад
Did what you just said make sense to you? Because it surely made sense to no one else.
@jackawaka 6 лет назад
basically means that its a stereo track, the adversaries in one ear and the standard track in the other
@BlueStar0788 6 лет назад
jackawaka I know what stereo means. But that doesn't make any sense to do. There's no logical reason anyone would want that unless they want it to sound like shit.
@jackawaka 6 лет назад
yeah pretty much
@princessthyemis 7 лет назад
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!
@somerandomdude7785 3 года назад
Why does this remind me of PvZ2's Ultimate Battle themes?
@lainkurai 7 лет назад
Nice spam on my notifications... But worth
@BreSki8. 7 лет назад
Rip my sub box
@onyxtay7246 7 лет назад
I just bought the album on Bandcamp, but can't seem to find this there. Anyone have advice?
@supergiantgames 6 лет назад
Hey! Shoot us an email (info@supergiantgames.com) and we'll help you out.
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