
Q&A Why Did God Create The Tree of Good and Evil if He Knew Adam and Eve Would Eat From it 

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Here's the opening live Q&A session that launched our online video training.
Almost a million people have sat in on this Bible teaching session. The rest of the videos in this playlist represent the MOST asked questions we have had in our 20 years of hosting LIVE Bible Question & Answer dialogues. I hope one of them can minister to you today.
Paradise Lost
Message # 1: paradise lost. Whatever happened to Paradise? There was a perfect earth with no sin when Genesis 2 ends. What a place it must have been with all of the glow of Creation unshrouded by sin. Every creature was good, and every part of the universe sang the glory of God. No groaning under the burden of sin was yet present from the creation. But then something drastic happened. What? Adam’s and Eve’s sin. Look at Genesis 3 with me.
(3:1-2) Message # 2: pride: the weakness of satan. God is in an all-out war against PRIDE this morning. He wants to stamp it out in our lives this morning. Let Him give us an exam this morning and help us cure our “I” problem today! Humility is an ingredient of all spiritual blessings. Just as every sin has its roots in pride, every virtue has its roots in humility. Humility allows us to see ourselves as we are because it shows us before God as He is. Just as pride is behind every conflict we have with other people and every problem of fellowship we have with the Lord, humility is behind every harmonious human relationship, spiritual success, and joyous fellowship with the Lord.
(3:1-5) Message # 3: AVOIDING THE DEVIL’S TRAP. Now, to the scene of the last Adam. How unlike the 1st Adam, this last Adam is.
The Devil challenged the first man. The Last Man challenged the Devil.
The Devil ruined the first Adam. The Last Adam spoiled the Devil.
The First Adam stood as the head of the race and, falling, dragged the race down with him. The Last Adam stood as the Head of the new race and, being victorious, lifted that race with Him.
The first Adam’s work of causing death could be undone, and it was at the Cross. The Last Adam’s work can never be undone, for He brought endless life.
The 1st Adam did the work of man. The Last Adam did the Work of God.
(3:3-5) Message # 4: the four spiritual flaws. Satan is in an all-out attack to make you and me doubt, reject, and become deafened to the voice of Jesus. We are not listening to the voice of Jesus when we think wrongly about God! Will you listen to that voice? Adam and Eve chose to not listen to God. Satan wants us to Doubt God’s Word, Doubt God’s Goodness, God’s Authority, and Doubt God’s Plan.
Join the LAND OF THE BOOK channel to access weekly video releases over the next year totaling 50+ EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS featuring weekly in-depth Bible Study lessons with John & Bonnie. Clips are taken at just one of the places where we are taking our virtual journey through all the Lands of the Bible & Great Museums of the Bible on the Paul's Life & Letters Course. Plus all the assigned HOLY LAND, Paul's Life & Letters Course STUDY RESOURCES, and John's two most loved books--David's Spiritual Secret & Living Hope for the End of Days at:
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• Q&A Why Did God Creat...



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@be.love.shine. 14 дней назад
Thorough is not boring, especially when it's about God and his living word of our salvation. I appreciate the way you teach. Praying for you and Bonnie always. Glory to the LORD our GOD in Christ Jesus ❤
@miscellaneousvids8511 15 дней назад
God is outside our time domain and sees the beginning and the end simultaneously.
@lproof8472 8 дней назад
@@CrowdJusticeUSReal enough to compel your reply.
@404Limit 5 дней назад
@@CrowdJusticeUS name 5 thing without a creator and your proof and I will debunk every single one of them and infact you will only add things with a creator to my odds.
@davegaskell7680 3 дня назад
So what's the point of the stuff in the middle?
@davegaskell7680 3 дня назад
@@404Limit Before we have a go at your challenge, do you think that a cloud has a creator and, if so, what do you say the creator is and why? I'm just wondering whether or not your challenge is an honest one.
@404Limit 3 дня назад
@@davegaskell7680 So far the score is 3-0 and you gave me the two points for things with a creator and made me write this text which is the proof of another thing with a creator and the text proves it as I am the creator, your text as a thing with a creator, and yes clouds have a creators. Water vapor and condensation is the creator of clouds a simple google search will tell you that, and you may want to say those are formed but go look up what word is used in the definition of formed (CREATE). If something "creates" something it is a CREATOR. So 3-0, Go on I heard them all, even God has a creator, men, 4 - 0. Funny thing is even if you try to say energy or virtual particles, you will be debunked and the fact that you untruthful atheist have to reach that far is quite sad. What type of energy? Kinetic created by motion, Thermal created by heat. As for virtual particles, they don't know what creates them but the believe it is the fields of other particles. For the things you don't know what creates them, does not mean they do not have a creator. Astrophysicist will even teach you the universe was created, another thing with a creator. Look I also do not believe in God or Gods, I to am atheist, but I am truthful one and I do not deny everything I observe has a creator. The creator creation axiom out numbers the axiom of numbers because all numbers are created, if you are to believe 1 = 1 you must believe this reality has a creator, otherwise the numbers are meaningless to you.
@mrdave22 16 дней назад
What a great teacher. We are blessed to have him.
@Cosmo_the_wolf 3 дня назад
I’ve listened to him say so much stuff about so many different things just to answer that one question - he should have just said “we don’t know”
@JerodM 13 часов назад
“We don’t know” wouldn’t be truthful because we do know. It’s really not hard to
@garyowens8201 15 дней назад
God doesn’t mind if we have questions about anything. Whatever we seek has to come from right motives, to desire to increase our knowledge of Him and our desire to become more like Him. We just have to understand that this side of Heaven we will not know all we would like to know. The day is coming however when we will know as we are known. I take comfort in that.
@truthgiver8286 4 дня назад
Of course god does not mind if you have questions he only exists in your head the same place the questions come from.
@davegaskell7680 2 дня назад
@@garyowens8201 The negative apocalyptic message of Christianity in a nutshell
@KobaltBlue680 23 часа назад
@@truthgiver8286you came here to comment nonesense with no reason? Can you prove he doesn’t exist? That is your belief just like we believe he does. Nobody here is trying to win you over you do not have to believe, personally I couldn’t care any less. Just keep your ignorance to yourself.
@truthgiver8286 23 часа назад
@@KobaltBlue680 That is just it if you kept your ignorance to yourself it would save me a lot of time and effort
@KobaltBlue680 23 часа назад
@@truthgiver8286 were you forced to respond to the original commenter? I’m just doing to you what you did to them, respond. If you don’t like it then don’t do it and complain.
@tomm6167 14 дней назад
"God has committed all to disobedience that he might have mercy on all ... From him and through him and to him are all things." (Romans 11:32,36a) Romans 8:19-21 is similar.
@danwilson5630 15 дней назад
Thanks for tackling (and publishing) such a hard question, head on
@prasadpalayyan588 10 часов назад
We must love God above everything, thats what God expect , require from us.
@Jesusisking247 14 дней назад
I was just thinking this question in my mind and this popped up in my feed, God is amazing!
@mosriteminioncause7741 16 дней назад
We are not meant to know everything - (its not wrong to be curious depending on "your" motivation).... but thats what faith in God and Jesus is all about...Love =Trust...And some things are purely Gods (his secrets)... Dr. Barnett is right on target with this teaching. ❤✝
@JASON_CAMPEAU 15 дней назад
ASK YOUR GREAT AND WISE/IGNORANT DEMON PASTOR WHY HE CHOOSES TO IGNORE GOD AND THESE VERSES?* JEREMIAH 10:21 - *For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the LORD: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered.* (Jer 22:22, 23:1) JEREMIAH 22:22 - The wind shall eat up all thy pastors, and thy lovers shall go into captivity: surely then shalt thou be ashamed and confounded for all thy wickedness. JEREMIAH 23:1 - *Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD.* (Eze 34:10, Mal 3:8) EZEKIEL 34:10 - Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and *cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more;* for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them. HOSEA 4:6 - *My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou has forgotten the law of thy GOD, I will also forget thy children.* (Zech 4:6) HOSEA 6:6 - *For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of GOD more than burnt offerings.*
@TennesseeWhiskii 15 дней назад
Agreed! God has revealed to us precisely what we need to know. It's okay to ponder some things are wonder the mysteries as long as we don't obsess over these things or create division on them. What's been provided in the scriptures is sufficient for our understanding of things.
@Sealust50 12 дней назад
​@@TennesseeWhiskii That's the classic "cop out" response - the Lord works in "mysterious" ways, and what has been provided in scriptures is "sufficient"
@Sealust50 12 дней назад
A safe, cop out, typical response to hard and difficult often asked questions that beg to be answered and never are
@TennesseeWhiskii 12 дней назад
Cop out? Explain to me how that's a cop out? It's an answer that you refuse to accept. Do you think our Governments shares with us everything?​ God isn't obligated to share everything with us. He doesn't answer to us,we answer to him. The people that don't believe always seem to go out of their way to join these discussions. If you don't believe and absolutely know it to be untrue then why bother?@@Sealust50
@tessasxdewet8881 15 дней назад
Thank you for that. Something that is never mentions is that God is fair and just and super democratic. We all inherited among other attributes; free will to choose, make a decision. Even the angels.
@somerandom7672 День назад
We are born into sin, already guilty, and are heavily influenced by constant evil in the world around us. If we start off 'good', life breaks us down sooner or later. We can choose right, but then we're still here left with the wolves. I think it was Paul who said that the things he wills to do, he doesn't do, and vice-versa? The thing is that the more you do the things you wish not to do, the more desensitized you become, until they are habitual, and you start to not care so much because it seems more normal and understandable to you. So having chosen good, God lets Satan abuse us as he did with Job, until we eventually choose evil, as did Job. What was the point in giving us 'free will' at the cost of a pure world and eternal life, if our free will is influenced and reshaped? God gave us the ability to choose, at our own risk, so that we could love him instead of being programmed to act like we loved him. When people do choose to love God, however, he leaves us in silence and suffering, with Satan 'prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for those he can devour', until we blacken from corruption. The says "I never knew you." and casts us into hell fire. Am I being unfair or dishonest? Did Satan and the angels have free will? If they did, and rebelled, and God saw their fallen state. Why would he do it again with far lesser beings, and allow Satan to whisper in our ears? If the angels didn't have free will, then God himself determined that they should do what they did, already having planned that they would be destroyed along with the majority of all humans who ever lived, in eternal fire. Am I mistaken?
@yvonnearpino9550 День назад
We may think that 'democracy' is 'good', but in God's kingdom, those who come to Him are transferred from the domain of darkness to the kingdom of His beloved Son (Col 1:13). We live in a Theocracy.
@cochisecarter6298 12 часов назад
Amen, and that's the answer to the question 🙏🏿
@jopa8960 4 дня назад
It is a profound theological misunderstanding to suggest that God maintained a literal tether on Lucifer, as the Scriptures do not support such a notion. Rather, the Bible reveals that God created Lucifer with the gift of free will, an attribute inherent to all sentient beings endowed by their Creator. Lucifer, whose name means "light bearer" or "morning star" (Isaiah 14:12), was originally a magnificent and exalted angel, adorned with wisdom and perfect in beauty (Ezekiel 28:12-15). As long as Lucifer remained faithful and loyal to God, his position reflected the harmony and glory of God's created order. This state of loyal obedience can be seen as a metaphorical tether, a bond of alignment with God's will. However, the pivotal moment of rupture came when Lucifer exercised his free will in rebellion against God. Desiring to exalt his throne above the stars of God and to be like the Most High (Isaiah 14:13-14), Lucifer's pride and ambition led to the emergence of iniquity within him. The Scriptures poignantly declare, "You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you" (Ezekiel 28:15, NIV). This rebellion marked the breaking of the divine relationship, severing the metaphorical tether of obedience and loyalty. The only true tether between God and His created beings is our adherence to His will. Obedience to God signifies a living, vibrant connection with the divine, as reflected in Jesus' words, "If you love me, keep my commands" (John 14:15, NIV). Conversely, disobedience signifies a breach in this relationship. The fall of Lucifer exemplifies this principle: "But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit" (Isaiah 14:15, NIV). Therefore, it is clear that the tether between God and His creatures is one of voluntary submission to His righteous will. Disobedience, as demonstrated by Lucifer's fall, severs this sacred bond, resulting in spiritual estrangement and the propagation of evil. As believers, we are reminded to remain steadfast in our obedience, thereby maintaining our divine connection and reflecting the glory of our Creator. Perhaps the difference between Lucifer and Hezekiah is that Hezekiah was already in a sinful state, whereas with Lucifer, sin had not yet entered creation.
@MrCosmos110 15 дней назад
Fantastic young man, It's always an inspiration to hear your insight. Not all have what you have. Thanks so much
@EricSmyth2Christ 3 дня назад
The answer is dynamic omniscience Gods active and complete knowledge based in a temporally present perception of reality, accounting for the epistemic categories of knowledge, in light of its cognate expressions
@jaymeebarrington2509 16 дней назад
God knows everything 🙏 and in order for Him to honor His gift of Free Will, He needed to provide an item that would accomplish His divine plan. God bless you all ❤
@jamesharris9352 15 дней назад
@jaymeebarrington2509 Best explanation so far... Thank You... Wish "He," could of just started it of with "The New Millennium, and skipped the vast majority of creation having to way the consequences of sin with horrible pain and sufferings throughout all the ages past... I know we aren't to question God and I try not to... However to me, it would have been better if He would have never created it in the first place. 🫤 Before I was ever born I had no worries, no guilt, never sined, never felt pain, never experienced being betrayed by anyone or vise versa ect... ect... ect... Blessings: James... 🕊 P.S. - Yes I struggle with bitterness towards God. Trying however to over come... Amen... 🙏
@jaymeebarrington2509 15 дней назад
@jamesharris9352 Please, my brother, don't be angry with God. Believe me when I say Jesus knows your pain and loves you more than you could ever imagine. I fully understand because I, too, endure heartache, but knowing God's love makes me love Him even more because He has never left my side nor yours.The enemy hates God so much that He wants to destroy us, but His Mercy and Grace said no. Trust Jesus, surrender and repent. We are going Home any minute now, and everything you experienced prior to coming to this painful world will be experienced again. Thank you for your honesty. You are a blessed individual with a loving ❤️ heart. I will keep you in prayer 🙏 ♥️ God bless you, my brother in Christ.
@illumitommy 15 дней назад
This video covers far more than the 20 minutes it takes to watch it.
@omarbradshaw983 День назад
Very good teacher and i love how u keep turning to what the word says which alot dont do. Bless you sir
@abedejong6799 День назад
The tree of good and bad was the consequence of " created in God's Image and likeness: FREE WILL, halleluja
@erinjenkins4738 14 дней назад
I absolutely love listening to you ❤ I have learned so much !
@gvenkataram 14 дней назад
God was giving Adam free will to choose Good or Evil
@mizmera 10 дней назад
This is about the same with everything we have. We can use everything for good or evil. Internet, cars, the word of God, etc. The question is how you use it.
@davegaskell7680 3 дня назад
@mizmera 3 дня назад
@@davegaskell7680 would you rather be like a robot?
@davegaskell7680 2 дня назад
@@mizmera What about having the option of free will but without the punishment of being sent to hell for making a choice God tempts us to make? Why couldnt that be an option?
@omgwtfpwnd 2 дня назад
@@davegaskell7680 If God knows the beginning and end, if he knows you before you're born, when you're born, what you're born into (indoctrination into other religions), and after your death, then how can he punish you? There's no free will, there's no true randomness because God knows everything you're going to do before you do it. You were born into sin and the devil can be anywhere at any time like God, whispering into the minds of men and women, making them do things they shouldn't. So wouldn't it be fair to say it's cruel and vindictive that God is damning his own creation, already knowing the devil and angels would betray him, alongside with his creation? People are either born damned as a sick joke or blessed, without any recourse. If you're blessed, it came from God and he blesses you, but if you're damned then God abandons you, still loves you but you're not allowed into Heaven. What kind of loving God does this?
@ronbuckner8179 14 дней назад
The fall of man is not the only aspect of this story. The point of this was to draw Satan out and expose him to us so we could know Satan and our sin
@chrisdotson3520 3 дня назад
There is a Christian tradition that God would have given them the tree to eat at the appropriate time. They took it for themselves instead of waiting for it to come from above.
@MarieAntoinette1938_tmc 16 дней назад
He didn't answer the question
@davegaskell7680 2 дня назад
@@MarieAntoinette1938_tmc You know that, I know that, non-believers know that .... but believers think the answer was brilliant. Hey ho!
@pedenmk 15 дней назад
God knows best. Thanks Mr Barnett.
@SuperMrAndersen 10 дней назад
So Mr Barnett doesn't know? Took him 20 minutes to say that.
@Maha1J 15 дней назад
❤✝️😊 i love it 😍 Thank you pastor God bless you
@FractalityX 6 дней назад
Simple: it is just an expression of free will. The fruit simply represents the choice to disobey, which is in fact, a gift from god. He gave, and gives us that choice. That’s how much he loves us. And he knows we will make that choice. And that’s why Jesus was always plan A.
@Tinesthia 3 дня назад
Would you put the poison in the Child’s play room if you instructed them not to eat it? Is giving them the free choice to obey you more loving than making sure they don’t eat poison? Would you then place talking toys in the play room that try and convince them to eat it? Would that be loving? Would you be at all responsible for their death when they inevitably eat it because you knew they would all along? I personally value my child’s physical and spiritual life more than my need to be obeyed or their free will choice to run into the freeway.
@FractalityX 3 дня назад
@@Tinesthia Your point of view assumes that the “fruit of the tree” is literally an object. Actually I don’t think it is. Instead I believe it’s simply a symbol for disobedience. And guess what: even you, though you may be loving and well intentioned, place disobedience in the playpen with the child. For so long as their are constraints, there is disobedience. (Go check how the kids who were raised without constraints turned out. Obviously, constraints are a form of love). So because we have free will. Because you love your child. There will always be the option to disobey. (The fruit of the tree) The amazing thing about God is that he both loves us enough to place the option of free will (the choice to disobey) in the garden with us AS WELL AS place the solution (the antidote to our inevitable choice) right next to it: Jesus. God does not “NEED” to be obeyed. He knew he wouldn’t be obeyed of course. But to create humans without free will would not be an expression of his love. It would very much oppose what is written about love in Corinthians 13. God is not responsible for our death either, just because he gave us free will. Our spirits are eternal, and he gave us the solution to our own mistakes (Jesus). So it’s a perfect plan. We are loved infinitely and without any strings - and we are given a savior because of what the lack of strings will lead us to. All of this spits in the face of Satan who tries at all times to corrupt us and mislead us. And so we live out our destiny. God to Satan: “And I will put enmity (open hostility) Between you and the woman, And between your seed (offspring) and her Seed; He shall [fatally] bruise your head, And you shall [only] bruise His heel.”
@Piccolo_Re 3 дня назад
Plan A after this fall was the flood. God was very mad with His creation in the OT. But then He saw that the problem lies in human nature. Everyone is born evil after the Fall and is inclined to sin which is called concupiscence. To rescue, redeem and restore humanity they needed a Savior from their own fall which was Plan B. The protoevangelium of this was in Genesis when God said “the seed of the women” would crush the “seed of the serpent.” And this Baptism which is the new flood purifies our sinful nature and brings us to life in Jesus (the seed of the woman).
@omgwtfpwnd 2 дня назад
@@FractalityX If God knows the beginning and end, if he knows you before you're born, when you're born, what you're born into (indoctrination into other religions), and after your death, then how can he punish you? There's no free will, there's no true randomness because God knows everything you're going to do before you do it. You were born into sin and the devil can be anywhere at any time like God, whispering into the minds of men and women, making them do things they shouldn't. So wouldn't it be fair to say it's cruel and vindictive that God is damning his own creation, already knowing the devil and angels would betray him, alongside with his creation? People are either born damned as a sick joke or blessed, without any recourse. If you're blessed, it came from God and he blesses you, but if you're damned then God abandons you, still loves you but you're not allowed into Heaven. What kind of loving God does this?
@FractalityX 2 дня назад
@@omgwtfpwnd Just because God knows the outcome doesn’t mean the outcome is not determined by us. So if my individual outcome is damnation because of my own choices, it’s my own fault. The alternative is that God either never creates me, or controls my existence (no free will). I prefer to have the choice - and I have chosen him.
@SwiftDavid1489 День назад
I have an interesting answer. Since God is all knowing he knew that this reality was the best reality where he saves the most people... So whatever is allowed by God, it has a GOOD reason
@wraves693 День назад
We could not be truly free if God had not given us the option to reject Him, And you know what's interesting? The name of the Tree was "Tree of the KNOWLEDGE of Good and Evil", meaning even with us disobeying God, he gave us the knowledge to discern what is good and bad without having him around, since once rejecting God he needed to take a step back to solidify our autonomy.
@colinw2104 15 дней назад
I’ve often wondered if we will get to eat of the fruits of the tree of knowledge when we are in heaven with Jesus Christ. Once a season or year.....whenever.....We all gather to get a piece of the harvest and temporarily get a more heavenly experience while already there.
@VGERUNIT 16 дней назад
God Bless
@k-j-l9196 12 дней назад
It wasn’t the fact that the tree had powers to give knowledge of good and evil. The fact they disobeyed God and ate the fruit off that tree caused them to receive the knowledge.
@eddenz1356 2 часа назад
So Adam and Eve didn’t do anything wrong since they didn’t know what good and evil was till after they ate the fruit.
@trevorhull2216 2 дня назад
This 20 min video just gave me so much revelation it’s insane, I’ve asked God very similar questions but it all makes sense, he tests us to reveal the condition of our heart to show us how much we need him and it’s always I I I instead of us (you and God) it’s all about us being free agents and choosing and trusting the perfection of God
@brianbridges8124 День назад
Reveal what? The condition of our heart is already known by God before were born. Like what the weather will be like on any specific location or time, God knows it already and similarly knows who's going to hell long before he creates them. This Information that was already known by the God, since he is omniscient and knows everything. means nothing can be revealed to him. Our choices have already been predetermined by gods foreknowledge.
@trevorhull2216 18 часов назад
@@brianbridges8124 yeah bro I said Gave ME revelation you just had a yap session for no reason I know everything you just said congrats for wasting your time
@onbored9627 4 дня назад
I love his penmanship
@fazole 14 дней назад
Perhaps this age is a great Trial to prove what is stronger, Love or Selfishness. God requires faith in Him to prove our Love of Him, even though we can't see Him. Satan has lost the trial, but is selfishly trying to take as many as he can with him to destruction. To accomplish a fair trial, God had to give us freewill and choices to make.
@Maha1J 15 дней назад
@dailydoseofnumerology5891 12 часов назад
Whether you’re religious or not, you have to admit, it’s incredibly hard to understand why God made things the way he did! I could study religion for the rest of my life and never be 100% satisfied without physical proof. And if he is real why did he create me this way?
@markchristopher7855 2 часа назад
What a great question by the little one. Albeit I like this teacher, he blew it on this one. GOD ADDRESSED this subject more profoundly and succinctly than any of the other questions. Sin was sent and allowed in to unfold GODS' ULTIMATE PLAN AND HIS INTRODUCTION OF HIS TRINITY. GOD - THE FATHER (POWER, HOLINESS, INTERCESSOR, GAL 5:22-24 AND JUDGE). GOD - THE SON (REDEEMER, RECONNECTION AND RESTORATION TO GOD AND INTERCESSOR. GOD - THE HOLY SPIRIT (HELPER, GUIDE, PROTECTOR, SUSTAINER, POWER OF GOD, INTERCESSOR) That Tree and it's Fruit was necessary for HIS BRILLIANT AND POWERFUL PLAN TO INTRODUCE HIS TOTAL SELF to us. No tree and fruit....No direct need for THE LORD JESUS CHRIST SACRIFICES. Colossians 1:16-17 16 For by HIM WERE ALL things CREATED, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created BY HIM, AND FOR HIM: 17 And HE IS BEFORE ALL things, AND BY HIM ALL things consist. Matthew 4:1 Then was THE LORD JESUS LED UP OF THE SPIRIT into the wilderness (to be tempted) of the devil. Psalms 119:90-91 90 THY FAITHFULNESS IS UNTO ALL generations: THOU HAST ESTABLISHED the earth, AND it abideth. 91 They continue this day according to THINE ORDINANCES: for ALL ARE THY servants. Psalms 17:13 Arise, O LORD, disappoint him, cast him down: deliver my soul from the wicked, which is THY sword: Isaiah 45:7 I FORM the light, AND I CREATE darkness: I MAKE peace, AND I CREATE evil: I THE LORD DO ALL these things. John 17:1 THESE WORDS SPAKE JESUS, AND LIFTED UP HIS EYES TO HEAVEN, AND SAID, FATHER, THE HOUR IS COME; GLORIFY THY SON, THAT THY SON ALSO MAY GLORIFY THEE: John 17:2 As THOU HAST GIVEN HIM POWER OVER ALL flesh, THAT HE SHOULD GIVE ETERNAL LIFE TO AS MANY AS THOU HAST GIVEN HIM. John 17:9 I PRAY FOR them: I PRAY NOT for the world, BUT FOR them which THOU HAST GIVEN me; for they ARE THINE. John 17:12 While I WAS WITH them in the world, I KEPT them IN THY NAME: those that THOU GAVEST ME I HAVE KEPT, AND NONE of them is lost, BUT the son of perdition; THAT THE SCRIPTURE MIGHT BE FULFILLED. 2 Samuel 24:1 And again THE ANGER OF THE LORD WAS KINDLED AGAINST Israel, AND HE MOVED David AGAINST them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah. Acts 4:27 For of a truth against THY HOLY CHILD JESUS, WHOM THOU HAST ANOINTED, both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, were gathered together, Acts 4:28 For to do whatsoever THY HAND AND THY COUNSEL DETERMINED BEFORE TO BE DONE. Matthew 10:34 Think not that I AM COME to send peace on earth: I CAME NOT to send peace, BUT A SWORD. Matthew 13:10 And the disciples came, and said unto HIM, Why speakest THOU unto them in parables? Matthew 13:11 HE ANSWERED AND SAID unto them, Because IT IS GIVEN UNTO you TO KNOW THE MYSTERIES OF THE Kingdom Of Heaven, but to them it is NOT 🚫 given. John 6:70 THE LORD JESUS ANSWERED them, Have not I CHOSEN you twelve, AND one of you IS a devil? Romans 9:15 For HE SAITH TO Moses, I WILL HAVE MERCY ON whom I WILL HAVE MERCY, AND I WILL HAVE COMPASSION ON whom I WILL HAVE COMPASSION. Romans 9:16 So then IT IS NOT of him that willeth, NOR OF him that runneth, BUT OF GOD THAT SHEWETH MERCY. Romans 9:17 For THE SCRIPTURE SAITH UNTO Pharaoh, Even for THIS SAME PURPOSE HAVE I RAISED thee up, that I MIGHT SHEW MY POWER IN thee, AND THAT MY NAME MIGHT BE DECLARED THROUGHOUT ALL the 🌎. Romans 9:18 Therefore HATH HE MERCY ON whom HE WILL HAVE MERCY, AND WHOM HE WILL HE HARDENETH. Obviously I could keep going and going. This is ALL A Part Of HIS DIVINE PLAN. Answer: GOD INTENTIONALLY PLACED The Tree And It's Fruit there to bring about THE TRINITY AND All Things For HIS PURPOSE. HIS SCRIPTURE IS Crystal Clear. This is just a smidgen of what HE HAS PROFOUNDLY AND SUCCINCTLY COMMUNICATED IN HIS SCRIPTURES.
@clmkc5393 11 часов назад
Respect someone who says "I don't know or am unsure." How about to test the human spirits ability to obey and submit to his will and exercise free will.
@danielrmelos 2 дня назад
Nobody can answer this question but God, Jesus, or The Holy Spirit.
@justinmayfield6579 День назад
Since God exists outside of time, you kind of have to approach the question differently. The fall was always calculated into the equation but God desired a higher good only accessible via the tree being made and us falling. He was willing to forbear sin that He might save and redeem a people who know His mercy and suffer with Him (in Christ, God cannot suffer in His divine nature) to humbly love, have mercy, and forbearance and hatred of sin, like Him, and ultimately share in the Beatific Vision, which is the highest fathomable good for a creature.
@sandrasplayplace 14 дней назад
I felt like he wanted him to create a conscious…for him to be able to develop how to make a choice from doing something GOOD or bad
@derpybattledroid57 15 дней назад
It’s HIStory, he’s the Storyteller. Listen to the Author of the Book of Life. 🙏
@MB-wn9cv 15 дней назад
What i dont understand is why God even created us, he saw all the pain, tears, suffering, killing, sorrow that would come????? 😢 😢😢
@jhenniceamorrow5936 15 дней назад
Because He knew of the creative nature we hold, compassion, beauty and inspiration. He knew the possibilities and the challenges. He knows and sees us as His children, that He loves.
@tomnoyb3286 15 дней назад
@@jhenniceamorrow5936 O..M..G!!! Well I'm glad my Mum didn't love me like "god" supposedly does. "god' loved me like my father did - beat the tar out of me because he was in a bad mood - not because I'd done anything wrong!
@rtceables6524 14 дней назад
It's all revealed throughout the Bible... God wants a bride for His son. We too get celestial bodies, and we are presented as royal heirs. In the meantime He (in Spirit) wants to cohabit in our earthly vessels... As explained in Ephesians 2.
@joshuajacob3140 13 дней назад
Let me ask you a question, if you had the power to create the most wonderful creation, but you know that there would be some lapses but ultimately the creation would be redeemed into the perfect way you intended it to be. Would you say “no I won’t create it” because of the lapse that you know for a fact can’t ultimately hinder the beauty you would create. And secondly, we have to understand that our view of evil is wildly flawed and here is why, when we speak of evil we try to distant ourselves from it by saying so much killing, so much this and that, but what we fail to understand is that we are the ones who welcomed evil into this world and not God. God only gave us the opportunity to choose if we want to welcome evil or trust in His words and we chose the former and the funny thing about this is that even today we still chose the former. Humans kill humans, humans covet from humans, humans lie to each other, steal from each other etc. but we think that because we haven’t killed anyone then we can point at other sins and say why do God allow them not realizing that God is also allowing us as well because if He was to be just and judge every evil then we would all be in hell. So why does God allow so much pain? It is because God keeps giving us the same opportunity He gave to Adam and Eve, to either trust Him or chose our selfish ways. Either way He is still God but we are nothing without Him.
@ElvisAngelmaier 8 дней назад
"but you know that there would be some lapses" = you are doing mistakes = you are not perfect = you are not God, which is perfect. "but ultimately the creation would be redeemed into the perfect way you intended it to be" - so rather than fix error at the beggining, you create all wars, suffering etc, which means you are not all good, because by your "most wonderful creation", you created lot of evil .
@billcook4768 14 дней назад
We don’t talk about it much, but we have to accept that from a human standpoint, good can be a real jerk sometimes.
@monicapurcell100 15 дней назад
Yes, because He had a perfect plan. And that plan included that men would CHOOSE Him because He is not a dictator. He wants our love for Him to be free, not forced. Now, choices require alternatives. Obedience is a choice. He wanted us to choose to obey Him, to chose to love Him. He knew we wouldn’t and He knew that it would take all of what has taken to happen in history: man’s fall and restoration. It was and is all a perfect plan from the start.
@dsp62122 14 дней назад
If mankind is dead in sin, and not one among mankind is righteous, how is any man supposed to choose God? Not one man did... The Lord Jesus said that man was unwilling in ‭Matthew 23:37... "“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing." So, then, clearly, no man can, has, or will choose God. Rather, this is why our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus saved us through the Cross.
@jeffc5474 13 дней назад
@@dsp62122You make your choice. You choose to answer Him or not.
@dsp62122 13 дней назад
@jeffc5474 Jeff, you can boldly declare that as your testimony to me. I am but a mere man. But, I am certain that will not be your testimony kneeling before your Lord, God, and Savior Jesus... It was the Lord Jesus who sovereignly changed your heart and mind so that you made whatever choice it is that you just declared that you made.
@AChristianfromNZ 6 дней назад
@@dsp62122 I am uncertain as to the precise nature of your argument; however, I unequivocally chose to align myself with God. "Choose you this day whom you will serve" - Joshua 24.
@dsp62122 6 дней назад
@AChristianfromNZ From my perspective, this is not about making any sort of "argument." This is not some sort of back and forth discussion trying to figure things out. I declared to you my unequivocal salvation witness testimony. I did so as if I were kneeling before our Lord Jesus being mindful of what our Lord Jesus said in Matthew 18:20... "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”" You then kindly responded by declaring your unequivocal salvation witness testimony. I trust that you, too, were boldly stating to me your unequivocal salvation witness testimony as if it were in the sight of our Lord Jesus. I accept that it is your testimony. So, no arguments are being exchanged between us from my point of view. With that in mind, I will restate my salvation witness testimony to you as if I am kneeling before the Lord Jesus giving this testimony to Him... I unequivocally give all honor and glory to my Lord, God, and Savior Jesus for His choice to save me by sovereignly changing my heart, my mind, and my free will so that I believed in Him, repented, live by faith through Him, and strive to live a life pleasing to Him. So then, that is my unequivocal salvation witness testimony as if I were kneeling before our Lord Jesus. So, see, there is no argument between us even though each of us does give a diametrically opposed salvation witness testimony before our Lord Jesus. Fortunately, it is our Lord Jesus who will judge between us...
@lanieturner9688 15 дней назад
so why did God say that He regret creating man, knowing beforehand they would fall to sin
@delbert372 4 дня назад
Genesis chapters 1 to 11 are mostly figurative, not literal, a literary genre known as “mytho-history.”
@chriswest8389 16 часов назад
Th J document is the earliest. It’s also the most anthropomorphic.
@Gundice_the_cryomancer 13 часов назад
This is pushing the goal post​@@delbert372
@cochisecarter6298 12 часов назад
It's simple God doesn't want us to be flesh bots, so he gave us all praise God free will! All from satan to the angels,to all of us, have free will! To choose to trust him or to disobey him! There wasn't a true way for God to not allow us to have this choice without making us flesh bots. So it was destined that we would disobey him even if the tree wasn't there! Somehow, we would have disobeyed, and God still would have had to have a salvation plan for us!
@ephraimmenashe 14 дней назад
So when the woman SAW THAT THE TREE WAS GOOD FOR FOOD, that it was PLEASANT TO THE EYES, and a tree DESIRABLE TO MAKE ONE WISE, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. (Genesis 3:6) For all that is in the world-the LUST OF THE FLESH, THE LUST OF THE EYES, and THE PRIDE OF LIFE-is not of the Father but is of the world. (1 John 2:16)
@MelissaLatimer 14 дней назад
The plan is based on the foundational words and action " experiment of choice" . "Free Will" the painting of life and we're the paint of colours. For Gods image He creates is a board game back to the start, which is, unwaving trust through obedience, faith and love. Evil played, evil failed, re-fresh of light and salvation becomes new.
@user-vx5le1vj3o 14 дней назад
God wanted Adam and Eve to volunteer to know the pitfalls of the knowledge
@DeckerdSmeckerd 2 часа назад
I guess you could go so far as to say, that it is unjust to prevent evil acts through punitive measures since the acts never occurred and never will occur. Aside from punitive measures (assuming I am right about it being unjust to do so), who can say what has or has not been prevented besides God and whoever he made aware?
@robertemanuel7664 6 дней назад
Great explanation, but I think he lost Sophie after the first two minutes: she went to sleep in her mom's lap well before he came back to her question.
@keithkolozsy1618 15 дней назад
God allowed Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to demonstrate who He is by revealing His Goodness (His Grace) and to share Himself with His people (His Redemption) so that we can know Him, glorify Him and enjoy Him forever. God is the Great Giver of all good things, including of Himself, that we may partake of His Kingdom and be filled with great joy. The very act of His great gift to us (Himself), is glorifying to Him, and we are privileged to acknowledge that (the truth of who He is) by giving Him the glory that is due to Him. The knowledge of His Truth produces in us a great gratitude accompanied by profound joy. Amen
@earlwilliams5473 2 дня назад
The purpose of life is to choose Jesus. Everything else will be destroyed. The tree created choice.
@benjaminfalzon4622 10 часов назад
God didn't know; because he decided not to know... God created the Tree of Good and Evil because God didn't want to force us to be good, God wanted to give us a free choice, and they made the wrong choice on behalf of all of us. If God forced us to be good, we would be just like man-made robots... God didn't want to create Robots.
@robbysguitars8223 15 дней назад
It's my belief that Lucifer was the first created, self aware, being. Whether he rebelled because The Father created a new order of beings(Adam) or not, i cannot say.
@okoriemaxwellmpama1811 Час назад
To really attempt to answer, we may have to think a bit somehow. God was satisfied with all he made. Adam seemed to have started having issues with Eve. How? God said, don't eat the fruit but Adam added thus; don't even tauch which suggests stubbornness .Eve might have been complaining about thus giving the serpent the excuse to compare things for her which she rushed to let Adam learn. Adam ate it and the result was a patch work. God came. They were ashamed and hid from him. God asked and Adam, already having issues said, the woman you put here with me .God punished all involved. Told Adam and Eve that their fruitfulness would be greatly affected. He mended the relationship but did not purge them of the fruit or cut down the tree but changed his plan for man to live for ever. That sin looks like Comparison; thinking the grass was greener on the other side.
@andriebester 14 дней назад
Sophie, I applaud you for your question! Regrettably though, after 20 minutes of piffle it still begs a logical answer. Even though you are young (from the sound of your voice) you are seeing the inconsistencies the biblical narrative faces. The fact that a human has to do the explaining on behalf of the god of the Bible, and polish his image whilst doing so, already speaks volumes. Stay sceptical and trust your gut.
@SuperMrAndersen 10 дней назад
No, he said in the beginning that nobody even most famous philosophers don't know. But he needs money, that's why 20 minutes of piffle.
@yahuahforever3169 13 дней назад
@bridget1873 15 дней назад
Now I have MORE questions. Why did God create Lucifer? God knew what was in his heart and knew he would fall, so why create such a being who would tempt humanity to also fall? Please, Pastor, please help me understand.
@rtceables6524 14 дней назад
To show us that only God is perfect and that imperfection is also inherent in celestial beings, not just in us humans. Hence why we're instructed to be careful listening to angels (celestial beings)...
@IamAloha 14 дней назад
@@rtceables6524we are above the Angels, so we can demand they show who they are aligned with . We command the evil to leave , request the help of good Angels .
@imaginthat1044 15 дней назад
This is the fundamental question. Suffering starts from the begining, but God knows outcome and why. Hard to understand as a human, since the outcome is what we wonder about. Those of us that asked this question are some of the chosen ones, as we seek guidance through the bible.
@Mrphilharmonic День назад
Yes, you could bore ALL of us …..for a VERY long time!!!
@sandyfisher7322 16 дней назад
he was perfectly kept, but then iniquity was found...when was iniquity created in lucifer, and how did it get there?
@sandorrabe5745 15 дней назад
From the video I understand it's like entropy; God is the One sustaining and as soon as He lets loose decay (imperfection, sin) will ensue.
@sandyfisher7322 15 дней назад
@@sandorrabe5745 thank you!
@AndrasSchein-Illes-rd5ux 2 дня назад
It's quite astonishing to see the mental gymnastics applied here to answer a simple question.
@jayvansickle7607 2 дня назад
what do you believe the simple answer is?
@AndrasSchein-Illes-rd5ux 2 дня назад
@@jayvansickle7607 I thìnk the simple answer is that 'it doesn't matter as it's not real.'
@novasmith День назад
It’s a very simple reason. Without the tree, there is no freedom of choice.
@jayvansickle7607 День назад
@@novasmith were Adam and Eve created imperfect?
@AndrasSchein-Illes-rd5ux День назад
@@novasmith it's just a myth. A fairytale.
@roncoleman3259 14 дней назад
Question if lucifer was with god covering the throne why does he say he will ascend above the stars he is already there ?
@brentrogers-se8kx 11 дней назад
free will...
@wernererasmus2334 11 часов назад
"Protestant theologian John Calvin rejected the identification of Lucifer with Satan or the devil. He said: "The exposition of this passage, which some have given, as if it referred to Satan, has arisen from ignorance: for the context plainly shows these statements must be understood in reference to the king of the Babylonians."[105] Martin Luther also considered it a gross error to refer this verse to the devil." ... from the Wiki article. This sentiment is shared in many, many other places. I'm therefore not convinced at all that Genesis 1,2 is literal, and that this question and all the fancy opinions that go with it ... the Lapsarianisms... are even relevant. The Fall could also be a spirit infused recognition/identification of the condition in man, and the "story" that clarifies this. Literature has always contained metaphor to describe conditions of the heart. The literal views of Gen 1,2 are becoming thin. The miracle is that the person of Christ very literally contradicts the metaphorical condition identified, and that God can resurrect literally, as he had created literally. Christ is obviously literal, and the conditions around his death and resurrection historical
@hugofranco3891 16 дней назад
Amen ✝️
@Tzkje День назад
Can anyone tell me why people laugh after Sophie asked her question? What was so funny about it? I don't understand. It was a genuine question. Laughing at a question like this absolutely mortified me as a child and killed my desire and security to ask anything.
@benitorurche578ify День назад
It’s okay to say “I don’t know”, man!
@RandyFinch 2 дня назад
If, from eternity past, God foresaw how everything would play out, then God has no free will. He would have no choice but to create everything according to what He foresaw. Otherwise, his knowledge would be imperfect.
@jerryboblett3083 14 дней назад
How can there be no sin in heaven without affecting freewill. Do we still have our same personalities that make us unique from one another. Maybe off topic but it is something I think about.
@joykeebler1916 15 дней назад
- fiery stones and the planets to come
@francisagyinasare8079 5 дней назад
The question assumes that God knew (or MUST HAVE KNOWN) that Adam and Eve would sin. The narrative itself doesn’t support this assumption. So, short answer: God created the tree, not knowing what Adam and Eve WOULD do, but only what they COULD do. Why expect otherwise seeing that man was made in God’s image-free to autonomously make decisions?
@johnnysparkleface3096 11 дней назад
I think we humans may not receive the answer to the question as it may pertain to us, but angels watch humans and learn things about God by how he interacts with us feeble frail humans. So the purpose of the tree ((I think) was ultimately so that angels could learn more about God. He shows that even lesser beings than angels can be saved, that right there shows God's grace. And angels continue to watch us and learn about God. In the end we will be raised higher than the angels and judge them.
@roberthagedorn290 12 дней назад
Adam and Eve disobey the Genesis 1:28 commandment--the first commandment--to "be fruitful and multiply [in the Garden]" when they become one flesh incorrectly (Genesis 2:24) by eating from the wrong tree in the allegorical Garden's center (Genesis 2:9).
@redrevyol 15 дней назад
The tree of good and evil is not the tree of good and evil; It is the tree of awareness.
@melodygn 13 дней назад
What's a good proof that we are in a free love relationship with our partners? Our ability to say "no" and "leave" at any moment. If there wasn't something that gave us the opportunity to say "no" to our partners, are we really in a free relationship? Or are we just captives?
@jeffc5474 13 дней назад
If you are in a free love relationship then you are in sin. Period.
@melodygn 13 дней назад
@@jeffc5474 lol, thank you LEGALIST FUNDAMENTALIST! English is not my first language, what I meant is that in any true relationship based on love, FREEDOM is the proof that the relationship is truly based on love. If you CAN'T leave a relationship, that is not a loving relationship, but a kidnapping. DID I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR JEFF??!! (Who hurt you?) 🤔
@jeffc5474 12 дней назад
@@melodygnThe Bible says that you are in a reprobate mind. You are not living your life according to the Bible. You are in an LGBTQ affirming “church” that is not of Jesus but of Satan. The “Queen James Bible” is an affront to God and you who are living a deliberately sinful lifestyle will find yourself being judged one day soon. It is not our fault you wish to be a prostitute with others for free. You are living the life Satan wants you to live.
@dr.snipes9410 8 дней назад
There are multiple more excplinations tho, that include evil as an option for free will.
@andrewschafer8986 4 дня назад
The better question is why was satan in the supposed garden of Eden? Okay Christian’s go!
@somerandom3247 4 часа назад
Video starts at 19:50
@doccollins5131 14 дней назад
Pretty sure it was the tree of knowledge of good and evil...
@Cukito4 5 дней назад
A good question for a child, or for anybody?
@user-jt3ex9pl8s 16 дней назад
🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸Please 🙏🏻pray for salvation for Chris, Pete and Nick.
@sandynelson6229 16 дней назад
@user-vy7iw4lf5o 16 дней назад
I find this difficult to believe because the user name is always different.
@user-jt3ex9pl8s 15 дней назад
@@user-vy7iw4lf5o I have access to two I pads. That’s why there are two different user names❤
@maxstone9148 15 дней назад
@user-jt3ex9pl8s 15 дней назад
@@sandynelson6229Thank you❤
@lonecar144 11 дней назад
the tree is symbolic and eat means to partake of, it is a metaphor. If I lie to you or about you, you or another will suffer from misinformation. If I steal from you, you will suffer from lack or have to put out new effort to regain the loss, and all this while my family, friends and neighbors turn a [blind eye] or encourage my behavior. Now multiply that by the world population, then add in pride, greed, sloth, hate, etc, and you have suffering all around. Then stir the pot with the destructive force of three major wars and you have hell on earth (the pit). The evil and suffering in this world is man's doing not some fabled fallen angel. When someone is tempted to do something that they know is wrong they have a little debate in their head and lie to themselves and make excuses to justify the action they want to take. Just like the story of Eve and the talking serpent. A talking serpent is a fable; 2 Tim 4:4 (KJV). A talking serpent symbolic of the lust of the flesh; is truth. The power of those that give into this serpent is what God calls Satan, or to be more specific, the power of those that use and abuse the laws of God “to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” the poor, fatherless, and widows, is what God calls Satan, a principality (a government). And any who support him, through lies or evil plans (mind), or with works (hands) are his angels. Hence the mark of the beast. All glory to God. Amen
@CesareVesdani День назад
One question I never had received an answer for, is, what would have happened if Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Life instead?
@saibotblack 21 час назад
I think, this tree is for eternal life - see at the end of 1.Genesis 3,22 and then 23
@CesareVesdani 20 часов назад
@@saibotblack I read the verses. It would be good if we were in a sinless state and have eternal life, if Adam and Eve have not being deceived.
@saibotblack 10 часов назад
@@CesareVesdani yes 😌
@sandywethington5960 13 дней назад
Sophie's question could have been backed up to the creation of Lucifer. If he knew Lucifer was going to want glorified why did he create him?
@fordifly1368 13 дней назад
Everything God created seemingly has balance. The universe seems to work off of a balance and counterbalance. Two forces pulling against each other. In order to have free will, this seems to need to exist. Not sure, just spitballing
@eagle3351 14 дней назад
When God created Adam and Eve, he created them because he wanted a relationship with them. He created them in his image and in his likeness. He wanted them to love him and choose him above all else, the way that he loves us. And so he put them in a position to make a choice. Scripture says choose you this day whom you will serve as for me. In my house, we will serve the Lord. They didn't they chose self. And they did die spiritually. That's why God had to send Yeshua, Jesus to die as payment for our sin. When we are born again we are redeemed. We've been bought with a price the blood of the lamb. We are made to be restored. We are born again into newness of life. And we are restored to the life that Adam and eve had before the fall. Back to the original image and likeness of God. And we are saved by faith. And we are supposed to pursue the Lord. Not the world.
@dsp62122 14 дней назад
If mankind is dead in sin, and not one among mankind is righteous, how is any man supposed to choose God? Not one man did... The Lord Jesus said that man was unwilling in ‭Matthew 23:37... "“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing." So, then, clearly, no man can, has, or will choose God. Rather, this is why our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus saved us through the Cross.
@eagle3351 14 дней назад
@dsp62122 Then why does scripture say choose you this day? Whom you will serve as for me in my house. We will serve the Lord.
@dsp62122 14 дней назад
@eagle3351 As to mankind choosing his eternal destiny... The Lord Jesus commanded mankind to choose life... Deuteronomy 30:19-20... "This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." But, mankind chose death. The Lord Jesus knew mankind would choose death, as of course He would have known all along. So, all along, the Lord Jesus predestined that His future eternal sons and daughters would murder Him in the most torturous and ignominious way on a cross. The Lord Jesus died on the Cross in order to create sons and daughters who were made in His image. In order to be made in His image that meant His future eternal sons and daughters would have to come to the knowledge of good and evil molded together with free will. Therefore, Adam and Eve had to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So then, it was through the Cross that Jesus justified all the sins that followed Adam. It was through the Cross that Jesus made known to all of Creation that He forgave all of mankind's sins committed following Adam. By His resurrection the Lord Jesus made known that His future eternal sons and daughters were predestined for eternal life. As Paul's revelation about the Lord Jesus's eternal Gospel revealed through 1 Corinthians 15:51-57... "Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed- in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." So then, the Gospel declares that the Lord's eternal sons and daughters will freely declare that Jesus is Lord even though when we were commanded to choose life we all chose death... Our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus predestined it all according to His eternal plan for mankind, that is, His future eternal sons and daughters. Truly then, all honor and glory belong to our Lord Jesus, who is God over all to be forever praised. So take heart... This is the Gospel upon which we take our stand in Christ Jesus.
@oxybenzol9254 8 дней назад
​@@dsp62122When it was the plan all along there is no need for all the bloodshed in the old testament.
@dsp62122 8 дней назад
@oxybenzol9254 I am not sure what your point was in this reply. Could you expound...?
@philliproberts-bx6ec 13 дней назад
Was the Angel's part of the group in Gen. 1:26 us who is us?
@djacobmadrigal 7 дней назад
It’s simple: Felix Culpa.
@jimreynolds3798 16 дней назад
@joequintero5494 4 дня назад
you could go even further back than this as in why would god create lucifer knowing he would rebel in the first place, it doesnt make sense that an all loving god would even create evil
@graverobbersministry8939 13 дней назад
I differ in the analogy. I do not believe God to have purposely disconnected to prove something, this would indicate that God did create evil, its the choices we make that disconnects us to God. Like the analogy Jesus gave of lusting in your mind, this is sin, even the apostle James said, “once sin has conceived then it brings forth sin.” Lucifer allowed pride to take hold of his thoughts, this was his disconnect and downfall. The Tree was put in the garden as a choice and a representation of God and His son. The tree of good and evil represents the Father who is Omniscience, the tree of life represents the son who brought forth life and can give life through the attributes God gave him, so the son has the Omnipotent attribute of the Father in order to create all things whether in heaven or earth. It’s when disobedience took place is when they found themselves naked, which means they were now separated from God, the lifeline. Out of God’s love is the reason He put the tree in the garden, so that man can at anytime choose on his own, without choice there is no love, just robots. Lucifer was in the presence of Father and son, he was the covering cherub, which means he was the protector of God’s sovereign law, the stones of fire [Ten Commandments] which represents the character of God, a transcript of His and His son’s character. God the Father represents the tree of good and evil because He already knew about sin, for He foresaw before anything was even created. But the son, he knew no sin, he didn’t even know what the experience is like, but he was willing to take the place of man in the case he was to sin, this plan was in place before the creation of anything.
@omgwtfpwnd 2 дня назад
If God knows the beginning and end, if he knows you before you're born, when you're born, what you're born into (indoctrination into other religions), and after your death, then how can he punish you? There's no free will, there's no true randomness because God knows everything you're going to do before you do it. You were born into sin and the devil can be anywhere at any time like God, whispering into the minds of men and women, making them do things they shouldn't. So wouldn't it be fair to say it's cruel and vindictive that God is damning his own creation, already knowing the devil and angels would betray him, alongside with his creation? People are either born damned as a sick joke or blessed, without any recourse. If you're blessed, it came from God and he blesses you, but if you're damned then God abandons you, still loves you but you're not allowed into Heaven. What kind of loving God does this?
@hienmango 2 дня назад
So in god’s mind he already knows who’s saved and damned. So doesn’t matter what you do it’s already baked in. And god refuses to save you even though he knows you’re gonna be damned. Or he’s helpless to change the future. Which means he’s not a true god.
@florida12341000 2 дня назад
I just never understand how even Christian’s can admit that god is all knowing which instantly destroys any notion of free will. I’m not actually free to make any decisions because the absolute decision I am going to make will be exactly what god knew was coming and setup
@xAaeiynx 2 дня назад
If I "know" my child is going to put everything into their mouth, but I still "setup" their play pen with child toys and child books. And, the child books ended up being the ones that were chewed up. Did I "decide" for my child to chew the child books instead of their child toys, or did my child "decide" the child books were more appeasing to "chew on"?
@florida12341000 2 дня назад
@@xAaeiynx its doubly hilarious when people try to make analogies to map on to real life without the understanding of the key factor you leave out. Let me fix it for you. If you know for a 100% fact that your child will put everything into their mouth and then you put them in a play pen knowing they are going to put that toy in their mouth. They put that toy in their mouth and choke because you knew it would happen and then you proceed to punish them because they did so. That is what god is doing. God put us in the garden knowing we would eat the fruit and sure enough we did and then god proceeded to make us mortal and send most of us to hell because of something god setup in the first place knowing the outcome.
@xAaeiynx 2 дня назад
@florida12341000 You're inferring what's not there and misconstruing my point. The Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil is not some poisonous tree. The same way a children's book is not some poisonous toxin. Certain objects are meant for certain things. The Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil was not a food source, like the Tree of Life was. The same way a child's book is not the best object for babies to put into their mouths/chew on. Yet, both objects still have a purpose and not this poisonous toxin that's going to kill you. The Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil was meant to be used, for something else. Same way a child's book is.
@florida12341000 2 дня назад
@@xAaeiynx okay follow this very simply laid out series of events and tell me specifically what part you disagree with or is misrepresenting truth. God is omniscient omnipotent and omnipresent. omniscient = Knowing everything omnipotent = Unlimited Power omnipresent = Everywhere Being that God is everywhere and has unlimited power and knows everything God proceeded to create the garden because God knew God was going to do this and what else did God know? God already know in the future at some point humans would do the thing God told them not to do and thats eat the forbidden fruit. We agree God knew this would happen otherwise God isnt omniscient. So if God knew this would happen and knew the punishment for doing this then does it not follow that God setup humanity for failure? Imagine I give a child a knife and I somehow knew for a 100% fact they would cut themselves before I even give them the knife. Does it make sense for me to proceed and punish the child for the action I knew was going to happen? or does it make more sense for me to just not do that? The only obvious answer is God is not all loving or love. God wouldnt do this to humanity if God truly cared about us. but let me guess "God works in mysterious ways"
@xAaeiynx 2 дня назад
@florida12341000 I already explained where I disagreed. You're just arguing in circles, at this point. I don't equate the Garden of Eden scenario to poisonous toxins, knives, choking, etc. I equate it as objects serving a different purpose, but it won't kill you if you use it incorrectly. Like a baby choosing to chew on a child book vs a child toy. I know neither scenario will actually do any real damage nor harm to my child, but I would like to help them see why chewing on books is not the best route vs chewing on toys and to trust in my wisdom in what's best for them.
@Rocky-xx2zg 3 часа назад
Who did the so called 'God' address when the command was given: 'Let US (?) make man in our Image'??? The religious people I ask do not have a logical reply. JMO
@FrankPCarpi 9 дней назад
If his name was Lucifer before he fell into the sin of pride and slander against the Most High Yahweh Elohim, then who is Enlil?
@sharpstringsct 21 час назад
Because God also created free will
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