
r/AITA My Wife Tried to Steal My Vacation 

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@darkarcades 4 месяца назад
Story 2: you mean the bride who still agreed to marry the dude after being proposed to at a wedding? Absolutely justified. NTA
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
And it sounded like she never apologized or asked OP if the brother got her okay.
@Richard_Nickerson 4 месяца назад
​@@lorilancaster5917 Exactly
@ostlandr 4 месяца назад
A public proposal would be a hard NO from me. At someone's wedding? Dumpsville.
@kimberlypritchard3772 4 месяца назад
Came here to say exactly this! She's no innocent victim
@Shimonotoki 4 месяца назад
100% agree.
@Mask0fFate 4 месяца назад
I disagree with rSlash’s assessment of the second story. I don’t really care what a wedding is supposed to be; OP’s brother did something to make his wedding about him, and OP was just supposed to deal with it. Well, if that’s the standard for him, then it’s only fair OP can do the same thing. Plus, as other commenters pointed out, if OP’s brother’s wife said yes to the initial proposal, then I think she’s just as guilty as the brother. Ergo, I think they both had it coming.
@Dragonmaster0118 4 месяца назад
That OP was a guy but yeah
@Mask0fFate 4 месяца назад
@@Dragonmaster0118 Thank you!
@dinlupus3196 4 месяца назад
its just saying "be the bigger person" but with more words, it's not a necessity to be the bigger person and He had it coming . Hehehe for the way that the grandmother reacted to the mother trying to call out Op, the family is very aware of her favoritism.
@Goliath_mindset 4 месяца назад
​@@dinlupus3196I rolled my eyes when I heard the long and drawn out thing from Rslash about it and was just thinking "tell us you're one of those be the bigger person dipwads without saying it" turnabout is fair play and rightfully so.
@tishcarter3918 4 месяца назад
Let's consider that fiancee/bride. There's three broad category reactions - her making a big deal and being equally as loud about her engagement, her saying yes and trying to downplay it because saying no or anything else would cause more drama and more distraction, and her getting POed at her fiancee later for causing a scene. You say she should have said no as if that wouldn't have caused MORE wedding drama and taken the night away from the bride? Nah. I think it's safe to presume she did one of those three things. That means, there's a 2/3rds chance that she was a relative innocent. Since OP doesn't say a single thing about the bride/fiancee doing anything and that would help make her case even more it seems likely she either was "yes, thanks, did you see the CURRENT BRIDE by the way?" or she tight-lip smiled or any other non-major reaction.
@BDM276 4 месяца назад
2nd story, if the bride said yes to a proposal at a wedding then she deserved it. She should have said it wasn't ok to propose at a wedding and that it really wasn't the time or place. Her saying yes to that proposal makes announcing a pregnancy at her wedding fair game.
@StupidCatLady 4 месяца назад
I agree
@SteviiLove 4 месяца назад
I couldn't believe his judgment honestly It's like he's not reading the same story we are.
@Juju2927 4 месяца назад
Nah, he's just biaised whenever a wife / mother and her kids is involved in a situation, as always.
@BDM276 4 месяца назад
@Juju2927 Exactly. Weddings involve two people, but where was that consideration about proposals?
@dzesien 4 месяца назад
But how can we know she did? So many proposals involve the woman being in the dark. It could have been a.surprise & she was happy and said yes because she was so surprised. In her place, I wouldnt be mad about the announcement but if it wasn't her plan at all to be proposed to at a wedding then she might think "damn, at least I didn't mean to do that, but they specifically planned it to be rude. His brother is an ass". I don't think two assholes make one good person or something. I think reddit often forgets revenge doesn't happen in a vacuum & I doubt those brothers will have a good relationship. At the very least the bride might feel resentful. I don't think family who takes revenge on each other is a good family to have around. It seems like the whole family is like that, OP included. After all, after that wedding thing WHY did he choose revenge instead going Low/No contact? Because he is made from the same cloth
@darkmask5933 4 месяца назад
Story 2: Disagree with the brother's wife being a poor victim, she was at least complicit in being proposed to at OP's wedding since she accepted it, and sure "pressure of public proposals" but OP doesn't mention his FSIL apologizing for stealing the spotlight, so frankly I say it's fair game. Mother is the biggest AH for blatantly favoring her precious boy, so she can sit and spin.
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
And cheers for grandma for remembering
@topasu9454 4 месяца назад
he also didn't mention his OWN wife, so clearly the women weren't even on his mind to begin with. it's all about his pissing contest with his brother and making his mommy upset. so yeah, fuck you for jumping to conclusions
@hmspretender 4 месяца назад
Exactly my point!
@hmspretender 4 месяца назад
Especially with Grandma saying what she did, it's OBVIOUS who the golden child is. I'd wager that this isn't the first time the brother has hijacked something from OP.
@Goliath_mindset 4 месяца назад
As the saying goes, turnabout is fair play, so I agree with ya and disagree with the stated score.
@Hybrid301 4 месяца назад
The wife really became the A-hole when she “accidentally” told the kid about the trip. That was some underhanded manipulation.
@melodyharpole8272 4 месяца назад
Who became the a-hole the moment he accepted a family trip and decided that his step kids weren't family. She needs a lesson in geography . But she's not wrong in the idea that it should be a family trip. When you marry someone with kids. Those kids become part of your family. He wants to live the happy child-free life. That's wrong
@Juju2927 4 месяца назад
@@melodyharpole8272 He earned the trip, he decides who get to enjoy it. Case and point. Also, where does he says he doesn't consider his Step daugther family ? Tell me, would you have reacted the same if he said "Actually, I wanted to offer the trip to my parents so they get to enjoy themselves too" or not ?
@berkhero3006 4 месяца назад
​@@melodyharpole8272 he didn't acsepted a family trip tho, he wanted a couples getaway she wanted a family trip. I think you are jumping when youbsay he doesn't see the stepdaughter as family
@miniman649 4 месяца назад
@@melodyharpole8272 plenty of parents have trips without children to get alone time. It's perfectly normal. Stop leaping to conclusions.
@hiroshi7025 4 месяца назад
@@melodyharpole8272 No, he could decide to pack up 4 hobos off the street and take them raving in Florida, that's HIS call. Why? Because HE has earned it. Him proposing it to his wife is not a given, this is a gift from him. There are stuff that, in a marriage SHOULD be shared, some that MUST and some that CAN. It is a "should", but not a "must".
@klocugh12 4 месяца назад
Gf who broke up with OP for crying after breaking a leg doesn't get to whine about toxic masculinity, because she just promoted it.
@allisoncastle 4 месяца назад
True. But she doesn’t seem like to kind of person to believe in toxic masculinity anyways since she clearly promotes it sooo hard and seemingly grew up around it as well.
@michaelkollars663 4 месяца назад
And that story is why guys don't show emotions in front of women
@klocugh12 4 месяца назад
@@allisoncastle Totally. Her actions show she doesn't believe it at all. That might still not stop her from being a hypocrite though, by trying to use it to get her way when convenient, making mockery of the concept in the process. But that would be another story.
@themeepster34 4 месяца назад
Honestly I'm disgusted by her behavior. This is why men don't show their feelings, because of crap like that. Makes me so mad.
@ramenbomberdeluxe4958 4 месяца назад
@@michaelkollars663Welcome to the patriarchy and it’s messed up standards for men and women (though especially women) alike! Brothers, we aren’t free either.
@Nerobyrne 4 месяца назад
Yeah man, whenever I'm insecure I also make really racist comments out of context.
@respecttheweirdness.2144 4 месяца назад
💀💀💀💀 don't we all🤣🤣🤣
@hiroshi7025 4 месяца назад
I mean, they actually do. A lot of racist folks very clearly have some insecurities regarding their appearance. (Sometimes rightfully so, because have you seen racist politicians?)
@dinlupus3196 4 месяца назад
I wonder how many guys did she had actually screw, my bet is in 1 or 2 at max
@aduckofsomesort 4 месяца назад
I think you mean out of pocket
@Nerobyrne 4 месяца назад
@@aduckofsomesort why not both?
@williambragg6171 4 месяца назад
2nd story it is plainly clear that the mom has chosen favorites between her sons.
@bibigamer502 4 месяца назад
Most likely the mom already had her favourite long before the brother did his thing at OP’s wedding and was super good at hiding it and neither the brother or mom have a shred of love for OP
@trumediamix1 4 месяца назад
I can't even call OP an asshole for giving her brother and mother a dose of their own meds, tbh! 😂 If anything, I think it's warranted, and I especially appreciate that the grandmother backed her up on this! "Don't you be telling her off about shenanigans like this when you enabled your son to do stunts like this at HER wedding!"
@bibigamer502 4 месяца назад
@@trumediamix1 ya looks like the mom has her favourite child and does care about OP in the slightest
@Dragonmaster0118 4 месяца назад
@@trumediamix1 op was a guy too
@trumediamix1 4 месяца назад
@@Dragonmaster0118 Oh... °-°" That's... I don't even have the words to describe what to think of that...
@TheSignGuy1234 4 месяца назад
Story 2: OP is NTA OP's brother stole the spotlight during OP's wedding, so he has no right to complain when OP steals the spotlight at the brother's wedding. Its the classic "What goes around comes around."
@Dragonmaster0118 4 месяца назад
And the brothers now wife condoned it by saying yes.
@sawyerawr5783 4 месяца назад
Turnabout is fair play. Obviously the fiancee didn't see a problem with it, or she'd have tried to apologize (tbf, all we have to go on is OP's word, so maybe she did: but per the info we have she didn't). At that point, I see nothing wrong with returning the favor. Sure, taking the high road is nice, but I get the feeling this isn't the only incident like this in OPs life.
@darianwebster4808 4 месяца назад
I agree, rSlash has dropping a lot of L takes lately.
@RobertoWhyyoucare 4 месяца назад
I wonder when "two wrongs don't make a right" stopped being a thing people care about. Doing something assholish because someone else did the same thing justifies it, but doesn't make it okay. That's why the subreddit has the "ESH" option.
@Radman1889 4 месяца назад
I see it more of a ESH situation.
@ScorpiusZA. 4 месяца назад
Story 2: Gotta disagree rslash - what's good for one is good for the other. If the brother can't take it, he shouldn't dish it out. If the brother had not done anything to warrant OP doing this, then yes, he would be TA. But not here.
@Nocturnis 4 месяца назад
Same. You could make the argument of "two wrongs dont make a right" but even so.
@blainetate743 4 месяца назад
On the bright side, he did agree that OP’s brother was the bigger jerk.
@stuartwalker9597 4 месяца назад
@@Nocturnisturnabout is fair play
@ScorpiusZA. 4 месяца назад
@@Nocturnis I'm petty AF. So this is something I agree with.
@Nocturnis 4 месяца назад
@ScorpiusZA. So am I. Im a firm believer of "if you disrespect me, you dont get to get mad when I do it back."
@Chuckf66 4 месяца назад
Can we shout out to granny for the "sit down and stfu"?
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
Wish she said that to the first wedding
@ashleyd7023 4 месяца назад
Story 3: He wanted to define the relationship; she clearly stated she didn’t want to be his girlfriend. He’s free to do what he wants as he’s single.
@Lovesausage269 4 месяца назад
No she just wanted to sleep around and he was supposed to wait until she was ready for him to take care of her
@nationalinstituteofcheese3012 4 месяца назад
Why did she lie then?
@destinedtogame 4 месяца назад
​@@nationalinstituteofcheese3012because people are horrible
@suspishfishy 4 месяца назад
@@Lovesausage269someone obviously hurt you negative Nancy
@BeeWhistler 4 месяца назад
@@suspishfishy Negative? That was literally what happened. The girl didn't want a commitment but he wasn't allowed to move on. Presumably she wanted him at her beck and call. The only part I disagree with is whether she'd ever eventually settle down with him.
@scpfoundation8376 4 месяца назад
There’s an update in the last story: I will update in the first part and clarify some things later After my post I talked to Miles. At first he was kind of mad and thought I had been blowing things out of proportion. Some more details are in my last post. We came to the conclusion of taking more distance while he figures that all out. Mainly because I did not want the added stress of petty drama. Then I talked to my parents and explained to them, what was going on. They were really upset by how Lindy treated me. Like obviously they weren't going to get involved , but it was nice to get that of my chest. Then nothing else happened. Until Tuesday evening. Wednesday was a holiday so some of my friends took the opportunity to go to an Irish pub to do karaoke. At some point my best friend and I went to pee and touch up our make up. Then Lindy and some of her friends walked in and kind of cornered us. It wasn't pretty. They stared loudly talking about "man sealing bitches" and how some women were just born to be homewreckers. And imagine being pathetic enough to pretend to be a guy's friend to fuck him and how pick me's are the worst. They kept kind of edging us physically into the part where the hand dryers were while pretending we were not there. Until my best friend had enough and just pushed trough them wile drawing me behind her. We were almost at our table when Lindy went right behind me and pulled my her so that I feel backwards onto like a metallic peace where you are supposed to put your feet on. It hurt so bad that I started to see white. And then a girl next to Lindy poured beer on me. I can not really tell you what happened, but there was a scuffle and somone dropped one of those heavy pint glasses on my head. The Lindies were taken away by police and I was taken to the hospital. My parents were furious as were Miles parents. They both came to the hospital. I was severely concussed, my nose was factured and the worst thing is that I have a hairline fracture in my back. I stayed in the hospital till yesterday morning. Miles did try calling me a bunch. According to my parents, they told him to not visit me right now. I did get a official notice saying that apparently there was now a legal case open against Lindy and one other girl for not only assault but also public disturbance in the bar. So now I'll have to deal with all that legally. I finally talked to Miles. And long story short. Those of you saying Lindy was isolating him was a sign of an abusive relationship was right. He told me all the things she said to him to make him feel awful. She would freak out about anything in her live and take that out on him. She would scratch him and bite him when she was mad. Our talk ended with both of us crying and apologizing. We will be closer again. At least so we can talk about these things more often. He broke up with her and is hiding at my parents house. So that is it for now.
@exavior2138 4 месяца назад
My original thought for this story was that Miles had a crush on OP since he got that upset that she didn’t come to his party. Now I think he got mad as that would have been someone to “save” him from his girlfriend.
@VermillionDraco 4 месяца назад
Jesus that girl is a legit psychopath.
@GeoToni13 4 месяца назад
Lindy is a crazy ass nut job who needs to be locked up. Really wish nothing but the best for Op and for Miles too.
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
Wow. I wanted at first to give Lindy a little slack, only a little, since it seemed like OPs and Miles parents give off a notion that they want OP and Miles to marry. They call each other family and they still have that photo on display when I’m sure there are milestone pictures they can display and put that one in an album instead. But any redemption I thought Lindy could get went out the window the moment she and her harpies made a scene at the pub. I hate that it took OP getting assaulted for Miles to get the hint that Lindy isn’t gf material
@ostlandr 4 месяца назад
Miles didn't dodge a bullet. OP took the bullet for him.
@silverflight01 4 месяца назад
Breakup: Crying/Screaming leg over having your leg broken for the first time is a natural reaction, like that's a lot of pain, how is anyone who has never had a broken bone before supposed to not cry through that aside from emotionless "robots"? Not only did the ex break up with OP for having a natural reaction to a broken leg, but then proceeded to lie about the reason, which means she absolutely knew that what she did was bad. I hope OP finds someone better, someone that would support OP whenever he experiences terrible emotional or physical pain
@abiean222 4 месяца назад
i'll say it again, if the truth will ruin you then you deserve to be ruined.
@deborahdicesare9042 4 месяца назад
Birth announcement story: I’m so happy that it just happened to work out for OP to be able to pay his brother AND his bride back. He proposed at OP’s wedding AFTER being told not to. AND THE BRIDE ACCEPTED! Big mistake on both of their parts. Good for you OP! Zero score on the AH chart.
@Richard_Nickerson 4 месяца назад
4th story: It's ok for the woman to be extremely rude & even racist because she's insecure in herself? And what would ceaseless comments like that do to a man? Maybe make him insecure? And he's not allowed to respond the same way? "Rules for thee, but not for me." I'd walk away from that whole group of people.
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
And there is also a huge difference in being insecure with yourself and trying to sabotage a friends relationship. If she says things like that to OPs gf around him, who knows what she said and did when he wasn’t around. I also bet she uses what he said to push the thought more into her head.
@bluestreaker9242 4 месяца назад
Exactly. Imagine thinking that being insecure excuses racism. Like wtf? Can we maybe NOT excuse racism? That's just cringe as fuck. Like, for real, that girl DESERVES to be ALONE. :/
@Azulakayes 4 месяца назад
She is also objectifying black men as if they are all mindless idiots who just want random women for their weight and skin colour.
@Richard_Nickerson 4 месяца назад
@@lorilancaster5917 Agreed
@Kyle-md8zz 4 месяца назад
And where is the girlfriend's score normally rslash is all about partners supporting each other and not allowing others to disrespect your partner.
@raarasunai4896 4 месяца назад
Story 5: Crying doesn't make you weak. It makes you human. To quote the Mayor from an episode of the original Powerpuff Girls when Miss Bellum was taken hostage, "Strong men also cry. Strong men...also cry."
@SaiyanSweetheart45 4 месяца назад
This may just be my opinion, but personally I think a man who can face and express his own emotions and be open enough to cry is BEYOND strong. People who say "Real men don't cry" probably never met a real man.
@gasriel3066 4 месяца назад
​@@SaiyanSweetheart45yeah, just look at Uncle Iroh. That little soldier scene is so sad...
@SaiyanSweetheart45 4 месяца назад
@@gasriel3066 it's absolutely heartbreaking. But there's an underlying bittersweetness there because it speaks volumes to just how much that man loved his child.
@raarasunai4896 4 месяца назад
@@gasriel3066 I don’t think you could pick a better role model than Iroh. Written excellently, full of wisdom, and unafraid to show the hurt he has been through and learned from. “Leaves from the vine Falling so slow Like fragile, tiny shells Drifting in the foam Little soldier boy Come marching home Brave soldier boy Come marching home.”
@dinlupus3196 4 месяца назад
if men weren't destined to cry they won't have a tear sac. im pretty sure that she wants a sociopath or someone who got their amygdala removed. how she even pretend to find out a "real man" if the thing that make her broke up was crying for having BROKE a leg, what does she pretends to do, to go around breaking guys legs until she finds someone who don't cry because of it?
@miniman649 4 месяца назад
story 2: you are wrong Rslash. The SIL clearly said yes, so she is just as guilty. If she respected OP and her wedding day, she would have said no to the brother, or at least said that this wasn't the time or place for such things. But she clearly said yes, making her just as guilty as the brother.
@Dragonmaster0118 4 месяца назад
Op was a guy
@johnnelson6124 4 месяца назад
Seriously…I could see giving the brother a bigger score than the girl he proposed to, but treating her like she’s got no accountability ain’t it. Unless being a women automatically makes her more passive and innocent…/s 🙄
@WriterGirl90 3 месяца назад
Exactly, she could have said ‘Ask again when it’s not someone else’s day’ but she didn’t!
@d.phantomfan1216 4 месяца назад
Story 3: I say stop talking to Amy all together, she told you she wants nothing serious, but then gets mad as if you cheated on her. I can’t stand people get mad because they want a safety net and think they can keep people waiting for them like that. Savings accounts are safety., insurance is a safety net, people are not safety nets.
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
And let Lisa know the truth before Amy gets creative with the facts.
@afuzzycreature8387 4 месяца назад
Yeah. She can't have all the benefits and none of the negatives
@Artretha 4 месяца назад
As a feminist, the story with the broken leg really pissed me off! I can't stand it when people, especially other women, reinforce that kind of toxic masculinity! Guys, you should all be free to cry when you need to, and I'm sorry that conventional society tries to force you not to do that. You deserve way better! 💖
@RedrumZombies 4 месяца назад
Because Toxic Femininity
@residentsleeper8639 Месяц назад
Right, Like. What's even more wild to me is the fact that OP might have been talking about his femur bone, Which if you don't know is both the largest bone in the human body and *also* the most painful one to break. No idea if that's what OP was actually talking about breaking, But if he was...Yeah, ANYbody would be crying
@DaisyA-04 19 дней назад
Well said!
@Juju2927 4 месяца назад
2nd story : NTA. The wife of OP's brother is the one the latest proposed to. Therefore, she's also guilty for the stunt if she didn't react negatively to his proposal (not in, refusing, but in telling him you don't do that at others' wedding)
@eyeruscat9439 4 месяца назад
We don’t know that she didn’t. Like proposing at a wedding is definitely in poor taste, but his brother might have also been chewed out later by the fiancé. She should have apologized to OP, but also, maybe she did and he just didn’t mention it. I don’t know, just hoping to give her the benefit of the doubt. That’s not to say that he wasn’t justified in clapping back at his brother, but I feel bad for both wives in the situation.
@The-O-N 4 месяца назад
The final story has a crazy update if you look it up, I'll summarize to the best i can. First off, Miles and op talked and they agreed to distance themselves for the time being. Op talked to her parents about what happened and they're on her side about it without getting involved. A few days later Op decided to go to a bar with some friends on a holiday. Lindy and her friends came to the bar and confronted op about while calling her a pick me and a homewrecker. Lindy eventually pulled op's hair and she fell backwards onto metal piece where you put your feet. One of Lindy's friends poured beer on op before dropping a pint glass on her face. Lindy and her friend got taken away by the cops and op was taken to the hospital. Op got a concussion, a fractured nose and had a hairline fracture. Op's parents and miles's parents were pissed. Lindy and her friend now have legal problems. Op and Miles eventually talked again and Miles came to the conclusion that Lindy was manipulating him by isolating him so he decided to break up with her and Op and Miles are friends again Sorry if this is very summarized I'd recommend you see the post yourself
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
And if I’ve the comments correctly, Lindy would physically abuse Miles as well.
@RealCoolstriker64 4 месяца назад
@@lorilancaster5917yes, good point. She would claw and bite him.
@wannabehistorian371 4 месяца назад
Wow, that escalated.
@balazsfoldes4700 4 месяца назад
You won the trip, you get to call the shots. If she wants to take her mother to Florida, she can pay for it.
@kelsmister 4 месяца назад
Exactly! You telling me she’s so poor she can’t save for a simple Florida trip? Come on. If she wants to take momma-San she can start saving for it
@iononcantomascrivo 4 месяца назад
Totally. I went through something similar with a lady who had one point with a friend of the family. She loved to do dangle her then-minor children in front of anyone foolish enough to give her attention while soliciting monetary “favors” which she refused to ever admit were handouts and often refused to ever return those favors. I remember, towards the end of our friendship, it was around tax time and I had gotten a substantial refund. I made the mistake of letting it slip the size of my refund. I knew as soon as the words had left my mouth, that I had screwed up. I could almost see her eyes light up and see her smug devious smirk over the phone. I thought that was it, until the next time we spoke which was only a few days later. Apparently, she had told her children that their Uncle (me, I'm not their uncle and she had a habit of ascribing these familial nicknames to any person she was even remotely connected to) that I had promised to buy them a trip to a theme park. Adding some emotional blackmail and mental manipulation to the equation, she pulled this stunt, no doubt, because her youngest’s birthday was in the springtime right after tax refund season. Her husband was often on the road working and he came home right after their son's birthday. I told him everything and apparently they had a blowout fight. He called me up directly and apologized profusely and said that his wife was always doing these kinds of things: obligating friends or family by making promises in their names, often trying to manipulate them by bringing their children into it. It turned out, which I was not aware of, she had done this so often she had exhausted every single relationship she had and had very few, if any, friends left. Naturally, after everything boiled over, my now-former friend in a feeble attempt to get the last word, wrote a series of nasty, shouty, grammatically incorrect, typo-filled private messages. I only saw the first one before blocking her which was: “Because of you, my husband and I had a fight. I hope you're happy.” It was a typical response from her as she never could take accountability for her actions or see that she was the orchestrator, and the root cause, of all of the drama in her life. We’re not friends anymore.
@InkHyaena 4 месяца назад
Saw in another comment that there was an update. Wife hijacked the trip by giving OP's ticket to her best friend bc he wouldn't budge on taking his step daughter and MIL
@KageKobushi 4 месяца назад
@@InkHyaena And OP will update later: 'Glad that the blinders are off now. Divorcing wife.' Or at least I hope he does. :P
@allisoncastle 4 месяца назад
@@InkHyaena oh. My. F*cking. God. He better leave her pathetic ass.
@stepbro9042 4 месяца назад
OP is NTA is the wedding story, yes he caught the bride in his revenge but so what? His wife was caught in OP's brother's shitty proposal with blessings from their own mom. Feel bad for both brides but if someone proposed to me at someone else's wedding I wouldn't be elated, I'd be wondering wtf is wrong with my partner that would possess them to propose to me on someone else's special day. It feels like a cop out to planning your own special day to propose.
@bibigamer502 4 месяца назад
I think he either forgot that or completely overlooked it so OP’s brother can feel good about himself
@clevergray8754 4 месяца назад
Yes. He is. Lol. You ever hear the expression "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind?"
@stepbro9042 4 месяца назад
@@clevergray8754 what are the consequences here for getting revenge on his brother?
@clevergray8754 4 месяца назад
​@@stepbro9042"getting revenge" on the brother ruined SIL's special day. If OP was so angry about his wedding getting ruined, why didnt he stop to think about SIL's feelings? There's more than one person involved.
@clevergray8754 4 месяца назад
​@@stepbro9042"Getting revenge" automatically makes you an A-hole. "Seeking justice" and "getting revenge" are two separate things.
@silverflight01 4 месяца назад
Story 4: What an insufferable person, like not only was the friend racist, but was even trying to get OP's GF to cheat on him with a black man. That's not okay. She needs to drop the mentality
@black1917 4 месяца назад
And the GF SIDED WITH HER! OP needs to reevaluate this relationship and/or keep a close eye on his GF.
@dbzfan66 4 месяца назад
2nd story: It’s not fair to give OP an AITA score for expecting him to be the bigger person when all he was doing was returning fire; if the brother can propose at his wedding, he can announce a pregnancy at the brother’s wedding. Yeah the brides were caught in the crossfire, but that is 100% the brother’s fault. Not OP’s. Mom definitely deserves a score though for the blatant hypocrisy by calling out the pregnancy announcement but not the proposal.
@leopardeye1654 4 месяца назад
Metal stairs story. That deserves more than one butt hole score if you ask me.
@KageKobushi 4 месяца назад
I'll be honest: At least she showed her colors now, rather than later. Can you imagine if their relationship continued because this hadn't happened, and OP got cancer or something years down the line?
@unoriginalusernameb 4 месяца назад
The breakup story is beautiful because in the end she wasn’t strong enough to face other people knowing what kind of person she is. It’s very odd she felt OP being “weak” by committing the faux pas of feeling pain when he broke his legs and fell down the stairs(lmao is that a joke tho like, seriously??) was a reasonable reason to break up with him, but she must’ve known that her justification was cruel because she told her friends a different story.
@locusxe1411 4 месяца назад
That’s usually how terrible people operate. They know their actions are terrible so they lie
@LLandS18 4 месяца назад
Quite honestly the trash took herself out. I can't imagine breaking up with somebody because they broke their leg and they're in pain and they're crying. I wouldn't even tell anybody about the fact that they were crying. That's private medical information and it's not for me to share.
@dracko158 4 месяца назад
Story 1: NTA. Accidentally? No way, I think she purposely told the daughter so they she can use it to guilt trip OP into agreeing with them. His trip, his rules. I'd say bring your friends for this trip instead OP, your wife is selfish and has that "what's yours is mine" mindset.
@Throwitbackandmakeitclap445 4 месяца назад
And when she was laying out her plan without letting him speak she was hoping that he would bend to her will.
@terraguttierez2996 4 месяца назад
No. theyre married. He used THEIR money for the hobby of buying raffle tickets. Notice how he says HER daughter at the start? yeah hes an asshole for that alone and makes me think he doesnt actually see her as family. Wife is an asshole for telling the daughter as a manipulation tactic, but lets not act like they arent MARRIED and share finances. If they didnt, OP would have said so in their post. It is both of their trips. Frankly, i think OP is selfish for othering his stepdaughter. Its not HIS daughter even if he chose to marry her mom.
@PinataFreaks 4 месяца назад
2nd story: OP's brother's bride is not innocent at all. If someone proposed to me at someone else's wedding I wouldn't say yes. I would say "What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you do this at a wedding, you idiot?" I might actually break up with someone for being so selfish that you think that's okay. The bride was fine with being proposed to at a wedding. So she can see how something like that felt for OP's wife during their wedding.
@CAUGHH 4 месяца назад
Getting proposed at a wedding would feel like a slap in the face. I would be so pissed, “out of all of the places me and my significant other have been to they chose this place???” the fact that she wasn’t angry makes her the butt hole
@Richard_Nickerson 4 месяца назад
@unknowngamer37415 4 месяца назад
It depends The brother sounds like the kind of person who would lie to his wife about it but until we get confirmation he did I would say the ops is in the clear.
@PinataFreaks 4 месяца назад
@@unknowngamer37415 If she genuinely believed that OP was okay with the proposal happening at his wedding. Then the bride should consider this a debt repaid. So, regardless, she has nothing to complain about here.
@Clyde-S-Wilcox 4 месяца назад
Story 4: Nobody who behaves like that has any grounds to complain about being snapped back at. Period. Especially when she's being such a disgusting racist.
@summerbuck2136 4 месяца назад
The last story has an update. Lindey and her friends attacked OP in a bar. Miles broke up with her and there’s legal repercussions to what Lindey did. Also turns out Lindey was abusing Miles.
@agingersopinion4820 4 месяца назад
If my boyfriend proposed to me at the wedding of someone else, making it a big deal and making it very apparent that bride and/or groom are not into it, not part of it (like the bride handing me her flowers and bf coming out of nowhere or something, because that's actually cute) than I would absolutely tear my bf a new a**hole and say no.
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
I would also feel like he would be trying to force me to say yes.
@donmcarthur2146 4 месяца назад
Ft Meyers is not 60-70 miles from Orlando, it's about 200 miles. Nearly a 3 hour drive.
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
In an update OP brought up that his wife was encouraged by a friend of hers that nots fond of him to hijack the trip. OP decided not to go and his wife, stepdaughter, MIL, and the friend went instead. While in their mind they may have thought they won, I think the reality of the distance where the prize of the trip and where they wanted to go hit them hard.
@Dragonmaster0118 4 месяца назад
And hopefully OP grows a spine.
@craigwapples4200 4 месяца назад
5:02 the bride in story two said yes to marriage at someone else’s wedding she was a part of it
@d.phantomfan1216 4 месяца назад
Story 1: accident or not She was quick to use her daughter excitement as a manipulation tactic. You would think someone who did it by accident and was an apologetic would know not to mention the daughter’s excitement in the argument, because that be a dead giveaway it wasn’t on accident, but I got your wife just saw an opportunity. Also, how come this trip that you won, which should only include her family, what about any of your family or friends? Maybe one of your friends would like to come on the trip and haven’t been anywhere either. Also, I love how your wife is acting like she want to do something really nice for her mom right after volunteering her to watch her kids so they can go out. It’s your ticket your why can’t make you do anything if she’s had to eat crap because she may promise that she can’t keep that’s her fault.
@Littlecato001 4 месяца назад
Story 5, NTA op's girlfriend showed her true colors "I can't get the image of you crying on the stairs out of my head, and I don't see you as a real man anymore" what does op even respond with "oh i am SO sorry that i broke my leg" op dodged a bullet if she wasn't there for him to recover if the situation were reversed and OP said the exact same thing he would've been made out to be the ahole, she sounds insensitive and uncaring for her injured partner
@70TruckGuy 4 месяца назад
What's the famous phrase? "When people tell you who they REALLY are, believe them". A couple of months of pain prevented a lifetime full of pain from that unfeeling lying sociopath.
@nitequeen17 4 месяца назад
Rslash as a fellow mom/wife. Story 2 makes you sound like a damn simp. Stfu op was 100% right in his revenge and both groom and bride
@Dragonmaster0118 4 месяца назад
Guessing you’re new to listening to him?
@drwboy07 4 месяца назад
He simps hard for women.... most of the time.
@KadeStringer2.0 4 месяца назад
@@Dragonmaster0118op was right
@Dragonmaster0118 4 месяца назад
@@KadeStringer2.0 I agree but opinions like that are common for him.
@stuartwalker9597 4 месяца назад
Should see him when it comes to age gaps between consenting adults. If the guy is older we never hear the end of it or if the woman is older like today the silence is deafening
@justicedunham4088 4 месяца назад
It’s pretty basic respect that you do not make major family announcements at weddings, birthdays, funerals, and baby showers. Doing so means you’re incredibly selfish and ruining an already important event.
@Richard_Nickerson 4 месяца назад
Yes, and? So, you're saying OP IS the a-hole? Even though they're just doing what the brother did right back? Even though no one in the family sees the hypocrisy? Seems like that whole family can get bent, honestly.
@plueshadow6455 4 месяца назад
It unfair to the baby as well, since now half of the family already has negative feelings about it before it was even born.
@PapaBearIsHere 4 месяца назад
@@Richard_Nickerson they simply said its bad, why assume they mean OP and not the guy who started it.
@teslagod7221 4 месяца назад
Uhm, what about a family of relative that's supposed to come to the wedding got massacred? 🤔Or any family related near death or death emergency coinciding with the wedding? 🤔 Or complete strangers needing to escape a mafia or yakuza or cartel group by hiding into the wedding event? Or screw them, wedding is more important than people's lives? 🤔🤔🤔
@Richard_Nickerson 4 месяца назад
@@teslagod7221 Wtf are you even talking about?
@maieen2665 4 месяца назад
*First OP:* OP's wife "accidentally let it slip" to her daughter that OP won a free vacation. _Sure_ she did. It wasn't manipulative at all. 🙄 OP is NTA. *Second OP:* I wonder who OP's mom's favorite is. 🤔. Considering the context, OP is NTA. Shoutout to OP's grandmother for shutting down his mom. I can understand rSlash's point, but I'm gonna stick with my verdict. *Third OP:* As OP said, he was single so he can do whatever and whomever he wants (within reason). I wonder if Amy was more upset by how quickly OP moved on, or that he moved on with her friend. Either way, OP is NTA. *Fourth OP:* OP and his girlfriend's friend made stereotypes about white and black dudes. I'm gonna say ESH, and it's not at all because I'm an 18-20 in pants. 😛 *Fifth OP:* OP's ex could break up with OP for any reason, but the fact that she chose to _lie_ about the circumstances of their breakup tells me that she knew she'd look bad if she told the truth. OP is NTA for telling the truth. Also, lol at OP's 26-year-old ex telling a 19-year-old he was acting like a "real man" for crying _after he broke his leg from falling down the stairs!_ *Sixth OP:* I'm frustrated for OP. She explained to Miles how Lindy was treating her; Miles waved it off; then Miles _and Lindy's punk a$$_ are mad at OP for not showing up to his birthday party?! OP could've explained to Miles _why_ she wasn't going, but still, OP is NTA.
@KadeStringer2.0 4 месяца назад
The fourth story was handled poorly.
@black1917 4 месяца назад
@@KadeStringer2.0 Nah, OP did nothing wrong and he needs to be weary of the GF or break u with her, because the fact she didn't call out this bitch her self and is siding with her is very telling.
@del6207 4 месяца назад
Sometimes I feel Dabney deliberately gives outrageous takes on these so lots of people would comment saying otherwise thus increasing the video engagement. Edit: I am making a general statement and not commenting on anything particular in this video.
@Juju2927 4 месяца назад
There's a lot of that. But many (myself included) also noticed that whenever a wife / Mother and their kids are involved in a situation but aren't "actively" the butthole, they get a pass. But whenever a man is in the same situation, then suddenly he goes into "Insinuation mode" makes up a lot of assumptions as to why the dude is most likly a butthole too.
@hiroshi7025 4 месяца назад
If you're talking about the marriage proposal story : Not really, he just goes double standard A LOT when it's about finding some guy's wrongdoings VS when it's a woman.
@obscenityoverload5458 4 месяца назад
Yeah I'm feeling this too
@Ryder-the-Creator 4 месяца назад
He probably knows it can cause debates because it gives his videos more attention. Some of his takes usually resulted in either people saying otherwise or ripping him apart. His takes are usually the fact that he glossed over some info, so that the commenters can correct him or agree with him.
@EduardoMarinero-cm3tc 4 месяца назад
@@hiroshi7025100% I’ve always thought he has a very obvious white knight complex.
@PlateFullaPinecone 4 месяца назад
i don’t think OP should’ve gotten a butthole score in story 2
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
And especially one almost as high as the brother.
@auberginebear 4 месяца назад
#5: NTA; sometimes even women can perpetuate toxic masculinity, and sharing that with others is the least OP could do.
@spydersoup8447 4 месяца назад
Goes to show that even women can have sexist mindsets towards men.
@torq3266 4 месяца назад
2nd story: I love OP so much for this. 100% real. 100% valid. LOVE. HIM. I wouldn't have even gone to the brother's wedding for that but this is so much more petty and I am here for it. Oh. NTA btw. I can see your view of everything on this one Rslash, but I'm gonna let my bias take over here cause I love it.
@teslagod7221 4 месяца назад
As if OP and his wife intentionally tried their best to get pregnant on the date of the wedding to get back from their own wedding getting hijacked...
@mtb095 4 месяца назад
At 3:00 , no it’s not a FAMILY trip. It is the person who won it’s trip
@Queenxily 4 месяца назад
I’m sorry 19 and 26??? What is a 26 year old woman doing around a 19 year old.
@allisoncastle 4 месяца назад
Which story are you talking about? I must’ve missed that part of one of them
@wingracer1614 4 месяца назад
Yeah I think that is the problem. She didn't see him as that young but seeing him crying on the stairs (not that there's anything wrong with that) has changed her opinion of him. Now she sees him as the kid he is compared to her and that's freaking her out.
@Simipourfangirl 4 месяца назад
Even though it's legal, it still feels wrong. I could never date an 18 or 19 year old. 20 is the youngest that I can go.
@wingracer1614 4 месяца назад
I can see how it happened. She's 26, going to college and meets a hunky guy at that college in the same program she is in. She's not expecting him to be 19. probably comes off as 24 or so, at least 22. When she found out about him being just 19, that probably ikked her out a bit but she was already involved with him and it was going fine. Until she sees him lying on the ground crying. That drove home the idea that she was a grown ass woman dating a kid and she was understandably not ok with that anymore.
@hiroshi7025 4 месяца назад
It's not that rare. Though it should be because this type of relationship almost always ends up in an unhealthy power dynamic type of situation.
@orchidoxs126 4 месяца назад
The thing is I could see the compromise of bringing the step daughter. But why would her mother be the closest person to him by her logic. This is still HIS trip. But she's really a jerk for telling her daughter, because she was trying to strong arm op into a decision .
@RunaRothstein 4 месяца назад
As an ex wife of a black guy and a big girl, I'm offended. It doesn't matter of the size. It's how you use it
@Chuckf66 4 месяца назад
Story 3 - NTA. Amy said she didn't want anything official, so she got something casual.
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
So casual that it’s no longer there. She rejected him therefore he gets to move on.
@grandmasteroogway2840 4 месяца назад
How many times do I have to say it, DO NOT ANNOUNCE A PROPOSAL OR PROPOSE DURING ANY WEDDING EVENT AT ALL, Easter, Christmas, Valentine’s Day YESS ABSOLUTELY, weddings, baby showers, birthdays ABSOLUTELY NOOOOOOOOOT
@thetruth1816 4 месяца назад
Story 1 : NTA.. F that.. if im op just because the wife tried to strong-arm op into doing what she wants i would invite everyone else but her.. Story 2 :NTA.. it clear as day who the goldenchild is in op Story.. op just stop inviting the birthgiver and your "brother " to things anymore..nahhh the whole wedding proposal thing of op bro sounds like " i know hes gonna propose i know its wrong but its all about me".. Story 3 : NTA.. why hold yourself back when someone who's not that into you.. F amy.. Story 4 : NTA.. nahhh so the friend can insult op right to op face but op is not supposed to respond?? op GF "friend " encouraged cheating but op isnt supposed to respond?? Op needs to put his foot down and tell his GF " either you stop inviting it to gatherings or were done".. op gf " friend " gets 3 out of 5 a holes for being a racist piece of work.. op GF gets 2 out of 5 a hole for not shutting the " friend" down immediately or when op responds she wants him to apologize to the useless waste of air.. Story 5 : NTA.. stacy is a heartless cold monster.. good on op for setting the record straight and telling everyone who stacy really is and not letting her get away with BS..1.5 a hole for stacy ?? Really rslash?? Stacy deserves the full 5 🌟 a hole .. Story 6 : NTA.. why go somewhere your clearly not wanted.. op does need to tell miles everything though..so wait everyone is mad at op for op not allowing herself to be the punchingbag?? Op red flags here you may wanna start distancing yourself from this " family function" and family as a whole....
@PizzaMineKing 4 месяца назад
While I agree with more than 1.5 on story 5, the full 5 stars are reserved for way worse.
@Dragonmaster0118 4 месяца назад
I dash Stacy is a 3.5
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
Story one: there was an update. OPs wife has been encouraged by a friend of her to hijack this vacation and kept pushing. OP wound not going and his wife, stepdaughter, the fiendish friend, and MIL went while he stayed home. He’s upset but doesn’t see this as grounds for divorce
@DaBaseBallZ 4 месяца назад
Story 5:Talk when you slip on metal stairs and fracture your legs without any form of reaction whatsoever,*GF* NTA,It's not ok to break up with someone just for showing regular normal human reactions to pain of that level
@Spongeboyking 4 месяца назад
Story 1 : ok the wife become the A-hole when she gets the kid involved that’s some manipulation right there Story 2 : op is half the A-hole she’s treating her brother, the same way she treated her she’s not the butt hole for that but she got the bride in the cross of fire who did nothing wrong who probably didn’t even know she was gonna get proposed to Story 3 : how can you get mad at someone for sleeping? With someone else when you’re not even in a relationship with them you’re just hooking up Story 5 : dude she broke up with you because you were crying in pain because you broke your leg and said you’re not masculine for that you had every right to tell them the real reason you saving other guys form her
@allisoncastle 4 месяца назад
I mean if the wife said yes to the proposal then I feel like she DID kind of deserve this. If that happened to me (proposed to at a wedding) I would be grossed out and probably take some sort of break with my partner.
@Spongeboyking 4 месяца назад
@@allisoncastle yeah but we don’t know if the brothers wife knew that’s the only thing we didn’t get out of the story
@kauunis 4 месяца назад
wedding/pregnancy story: OP did just what his brother did, yeah sure there is two people coming together as one, but the guy and his wife is BRINGING a life into the world, thats more important then a wedding. Also, the mother priorities the brother more then OP, thats clearly in the text! So you are wrong rslash, sad to say. OP is NTA in that one!
@bland9876 4 месяца назад
One of the marriage vows if I remembering correctly is "through sickness and in health" OP falls down the stairs breaks his leg and she's like "see ya wouldn't want to be ya" bullet Dodge.
@cherokeeirishman9612 4 месяца назад
Coping mechanisms do not put other people down. Tell your girlfriend that you cope by defending yourself! And she has a problem with that and she is just as bad as our crappy friend. Who is racist by the way
@SnailMaster 4 месяца назад
Story 2: NTA. One of the biggest wedding no-no's is never propose at a wedding. Because it'll come back to bite you tenfold. Propose at my wedding, and I will announce my wife's pregnancy at yours. What goes around comes around. R-Slash, dude, no. No buttholes for OP. 2/5 for you. And also, his brother's wife is just as guilty. She agreed to the proposal at OP's wedding, so she doesn't get a pass.
@TheBonehead1997 4 месяца назад
So there's an update to the last story. Lindy was an abusive girlfriend, and OP skipping the party brought it all to light. Miles dumped her, and started hiding at OP's parents house. On top of that, Lindy and her friends found her at a bar, cornered her and her best friend in the bathroom before her best friend shoved them away and ran out. Then, in the middle of the pub/bar, Lindy yanks OP's hair, causing her to fall onto a metal piece on her back, fracturing it. She sees white for a bit, causing the rest to be a bit hazy, but then a pint glass falls on her face as well. She's taken to the hospital, and charges were pressed against Lindy and her friends after cops showed up.
@PoppyCorn144 4 месяца назад
2nd story - his wife isn’t even pregnant 🤣 🤣 🤣 And the final story has a WILD update:- Lindy assaulted op (concussion and fractured nose), then Miles reveals Lindy was abusing him all along. He broke up with her and is hiding out at op’s parents’ house.
@o.c.kiddkidd5163 4 месяца назад
ALL sexual partners owe their partners FULL DISCLOSURE on whether or not they have other partners. It is an ethical and public health question. That being said, OP #3's not-GF has no business getting angry that he is seeing other people.
@Richard_Nickerson 4 месяца назад
3rd story: NTA Stop hooking up with her altogether.
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
And sadly he may need to pause or not date Lisa due to her connection with Amy. I’m sure Amy can just call the next guy from her black book
@jdawson239 4 месяца назад
As someone who lives in fort Myers I can tell you it’s more than 60-70 miles from Orlando lmao
@Mooskym 4 месяца назад
My thoughts while hearing the first story: Hide-the-pain Harold: "I won a free vacation... It's to Florida."
@Zxceelxuz 4 месяца назад
Girlfriend who broke up with the guy over some tears is a shining example of why so many of us bottle our emotions up. It ends up being weaponized against us.
@SailorDeath 4 месяца назад
That last story, the OP made an update on best of redditor updates where apparently the GF attacked OP, dropped a glass beer mug on her face and pulled her hair and yanked OP to the ground causing several injuries, landing her in the hospital. OP is pressing charges against GF and one of GF's friends that also attacked as well as the bar this happened in. it also came to light she was being abusive to OP's friend in the relationship too.
@k-conn2266 4 месяца назад
Breakup: So...instead of OP, she'd rather have a "strong" (toxic masculine) "man" that has no other emotion except for rage. Bye, girl. Enjoy your future abusive string of relationships.
@thejourney1369 4 месяца назад
First story. Would he want a couples trip if the stepdaughter was his daughter? I think if she was his daughter and not step, he’d not even think of a couples trip. Story two. Way to go. Not the a-hole. Your brother could propose at your wedding, but you couldn’t announce your wife’s pregnancy at his? Glad you did it.
@SergioBicerra 4 месяца назад
Story 4: some years ago a big sized woman posted a photo with the caption 'Sorry black guys, only white men can handle this' and a black guy answered 'on behalf of the black community, we wholehartedly support your decision' then it all spiraled with commets aroun the lines of 'on behalf of the white community' 'on behalf of the mexicans' the chinese, the muslims... funny af.
@nexasmerideus9760 4 месяца назад
Floridian here who lives in Orlando. If the trip is for Fy.Myers it's completely unfeasible. It's an almost 2 hr drive one way. You cant do all she wants to do in a day so you're looking at 4 hrs a day of driving. I'd be pissed as well.
@CAUGHH 4 месяца назад
2story 100% dissagree with r/slash. The wife knew it was inappropriate, but still said yes, despite all of the red flags.
@Murderkarpe 4 месяца назад
Story 4, yeah... The "just kidding" part was like when someone posts they want to commit a heinous crime against someone on Twitter, only to tack on "in Minecraft" as if it absolves them of being deranged.
@adrianrr18 4 месяца назад
13:00 I'm splitting hairs here. But the girl didn't break up with OP for having brittle bones. She broke up with him for not dealing with the pain "like a man" and basically grunt and shout guttural sounds to deal with the pain but NOT crying.
@wingracer1614 4 месяца назад
She's 26 and he's 19. This incident made her see him as a child and has her thinking of herself as a cradle robber (possibly justifiably). Not surprised she wants to nope right out of this situation. Though she certainly could have handled it better.
@locusxe1411 4 месяца назад
⁠@@wingracer1614what are you talking about? HE!BROKE!HIS!LEG!! You gotta be one tough mf to not be crying after that. What is this cradle robber bs even mean? She ain’t much of an adult either so I don’t know what you mean by this
@wingracer1614 4 месяца назад
@@locusxe1411 None of that matters. She didn't break up with him because he broke his leg and cried. If he was 30, that probably wouldn't matter to her. What this incident made her realize is that she's dating a 19 year old student. She either did not know he was that young or knew but hadn't thought about it/processed it yet. Now she has and it freaked her out. That's my theory anyway.
@RealCoolstriker64 4 месяца назад
@@wingracer1614what are you talking about, she LITERALLY SAID that was why??? Can I have some of the copium you’re huffing?
@dudeorduuude5211 4 месяца назад
​@@wingracer1614thumbs down on your commentary as you are projecting. Big time.
@Ziivyy 4 месяца назад
In the second story the wife is also the a-hole. If my partner proposed to me at SOMEONE ELSE'S wedding, I would never even dream of accepting at that moment. That's someone else's moment
@nomar5spaulding 4 месяца назад
I cannot imagine fighting over going to Florida. You'd practically have to fight to get me to GO to Florida.
@LoyalTako 4 месяца назад
I live in FL, the overpriced mickey mouse pretzels aren't worth it lol
@wingracer1614 4 месяца назад
Especially Ft Meyers. I live about 45 minutes from there and been there MANY times. That is not a place to go on vacation, that's a place you need a vacation to get away from. I mean I could see a trip to Disney or Miami beach or something (not my choices for vacation but I could see it) but Ft Meyers? Seriously?
@nomar5spaulding 4 месяца назад
@@LoyalTako 50% of my dislike for Florida is that it's just too damn hot. I live in the northeast. It's too hot here in the summer these days. When I was a kid, a few days a year of 90 was newsworthy. Ironically, not wanting to have much to do with Florida, there are a few trips I would like to take. I would like to try and see NASA launch one of the SLS rockets for the Artemis program with my dad, and that would require a trip to Florida lol.
@amandaalgee2995 4 месяца назад
@@wingracer1614 they have a nice rum distillery there 😂
@LoyalTako 4 месяца назад
@@nomar5spaulding thing is it's not even the heat, you're feeling all that Florida humidity. I've been out in the Mojave before and you could still wear a jacket with the dry heat. Here you didn't even think of wearing pants with 70 and a high humidity you're going to be drenched in sweat
@DaBaseBallZ 4 месяца назад
Story 6:Lindy's allowed to feel that way about OP,What she's not allowed to do is harass OP behind Miles's back and do unnecessary things due to her feelings,NTA
@terestar1 4 месяца назад
Gotta disagree with rSlash on the 2nd story - I agree weddings are supposed to be about the couple being married, but clearly OPs brother spit in the face at that and so why should the brother expect that same respect at his wedding? In my opinion, OP's brother had it coming, and especially so if the SIL accepted the proposal.
@wingracer1614 4 месяца назад
Then just don't go to the wedding. Two wrongs don't make a right. Did they deserve to have their wedding ruined? Probably but that doesn't make actually doing it the right thing to do.
@KadeStringer2.0 4 месяца назад
@@wingracer1614it kinda does
@condorboss3339 4 месяца назад
Last story: OP was in a no-win situation. I think not going was the least-bad option. I snorted when Lindy said 'OP made it all about herself'. Projection much, Lindy?
@skitzosivith6870 4 месяца назад
So if a person is insecure they are just allowed to be mean?
@reffk5306 4 месяца назад
and yet if someone were to call this out, people generally being dismissive towards females rather than males. "shes being insecure, pls try to understand" and "you are a man, why are you being insecure?"
@skitzosivith6870 4 месяца назад
@@reffk5306 right tho
@phoenixmastm 4 месяца назад
Last story had an update: Turns out Lindsey was abusive towards Miles, attacked OP, and ended up in major trouble over it. Miles broke up with Lindsey and apologized to OP, revealing his own issues with her abuse.
@DaBaseBallZ 4 месяца назад
Story 4:I speak for the Arab when i say,We also decline this "creature" Anyways,NTA
@heidistokes9273 4 месяца назад
I've done the trip from Orlando to Fort Myers. It's a 3 hour drive. It's definitely not a drive I would want to do again just for the sake of Disney
@lucifermorningstar2505 4 месяца назад
2nd op is not the AHole he return the same energy 4th op is not the AHole and not racist he was actually saying facts tbh
@allisoncastle 4 месяца назад
Stereotypes and generalizations aren’t facts 🙄🙄
@lucifermorningstar2505 4 месяца назад
@@allisoncastle I’m talking from personal experience and seen it I’m not saying all do but people need to stop being so sensitive over simple comments ohh he said something that’s generalized we have to get the pitchforks because we are woke crybabies
@christianvacchelli1953 4 месяца назад
@@lucifermorningstar2505 "woke crybaby" sounds like a good description for the "friend" in story 4 tbh, the behaviors are all there
@detictivecastielmalfoy4220 4 месяца назад
If she decides she doesn't want a real relationship, she doesn't get to bar you from seeing other people
@d.phantomfan1216 4 месяца назад
Story 2: I am going to put a pin in what R/ is saying because we don’t know if the wives are in on this or not. If they are then I say NTA, if they’re not or even try to stop it then ETA. I think we can all agree that mom is definitely the main problem, she clearly has a favorite. She’s a massive hypocrite, and she doesn’t get to be mad that her logic was thrown right back in her face. Even grandma must’ve known what was going on because Shisha her down instantly.
@RealCoolstriker64 4 месяца назад
Yes we do, actually. We know she’s complicit because the wedding OP got his revenge at would have never happened if she said “no.” She accepted the proposal. She’s complicit.
@kimberleymcmillan682 4 месяца назад
The best part about watching this the second it drops is managing to avoid the RU-vid ads.
@TsukiKageTora 4 месяца назад
I hate anyone who incorporates their private behind closed doors lifestyle to others without their consent. This lady is disgusting and needs to be taught that it is inappropriate to talk to everyone she sees about her s life
@mothbone_studio 4 месяца назад
8:56 when bro said she was only an 18-20 i got sad cause i’m trying to loose weight and i’m currently down to a 22 pant size thinking i’m looking good since i’ve been loosing but now i know people think that’s still big 💀💀 humbled me real fast
@stuartwalker9597 4 месяца назад
You are doing well keep it up, if you have a goal stick to it, you got this 😊
@ninjax6276 4 месяца назад
For story 1 I 100% agree that op is NTA. Leaving that aside I do think its kind of weird that he keeps regering to his stepdaughter as his wife's daughter and not his. Its not like he barely knows her because he married her mom. If it were his biological child I bet he wouldnt leave her alone.
@The_Gentleman_Blacksmith 4 месяца назад
"They've never been to Florida!" I've been, it sucks.
@avashnea 4 месяца назад
Good you think that. We don't want losers like you.
@mariposa9506 4 месяца назад
You went to the wrong spots then.
@strikeforce1500 4 месяца назад
6th story: NTA. God forbid you don't want to be insulted and offended by a crazy woman, with huge insecurity problems. Godspeed Miles, if you don't see those huge red flags,well.. Good luck.
@cottonsheep1493 4 месяца назад
Look op nta but tbh if you married to someone with kid you can’t act like you are a couple without kids she act like a asshole but what if she just refused because op didn’t wanna take her daughter and op be like “fine I will go without you “I feeeeel like comment section would be different I’m just saying don’t expect her to not bring her child everywhere
@miniman649 4 месяца назад
I mean, plenty of couples goes on trips without dragging their kids along. It's called parent alone time and parents do deserve such occasions. The child can either get a long-term babysitter via family or hired help, or if they are old enough, stay home alone.
@doodlethealien8889 4 месяца назад
Jeez the gf who broke up with op over him CRYING over his BROKEN LEG? WTF that’s so gross. Everyone deserves to cry if they need it, especially if they get hurt.
@splattnoodles2822 4 месяца назад
Good morning everyone!
@angelodaems1021 4 месяца назад
Good afternoon for my its 15.05
@TheAltMapper 4 месяца назад
You’re from Europe?
@JB-ew6pi 3 месяца назад
Story 2: The bride who said yes to the proposal during OP’s wedding? You sure she had nothing to do with this? Yeah, no. NTA.
@blazesice 4 месяца назад
I'm going to disagree with the first story. Why would OP want to go on a holiday with his wife and step-daughter? Leaving the step-daughter out feels selfish to me. There's no need to take the MIL though.
@SteviiLove 4 месяца назад
Why? She can't handle a weekend at grandma's, really? Grow up. You are as entitled as the wife. Husbands and wives deserve to go on intimate vacations once in a while, especially when the husband won a free trip.
@readjordan2257 4 месяца назад
florida/georgia resident here: fort myers is a LONG drive away from Orlando as in it feels longer than it is, and orlando is (like many cities) an hour away from itself. not to mention the extra traffic around all the parks your wife wants to see. if youre getting a trip to Ft.Myers, thats great and less frustrating and actually much more suitable for 2 couples to go. on a trip to ft myers, dont then go to orlando and the parks, youll be really frustrated. actually, the irony is Disney favors distant visitors anyway. you save ten Gs or so for a legit vacation there and youll get all the perks locals dont even get. while disney does this for the money, it is also accidentally fair. as a resident i hate to say every bit of this, but we can go for like an afternoon whenever so we arent as interested in most Disney has to offer, but as a long distance can only come rarely in your life kind of person, your needs and wants are much more economical for the parks. so my point is, her plan is a big ass sabotage to what she intends to do anyway.
@user-vx3io7mz7s 4 месяца назад
You know it's a good day when it's R/ AITA😂
@erauprcwa 4 месяца назад
Story 2: what is it with people giving OP an AH score? NAW! He did what we all would've done and OP's wife was in on the pregnancy stunt. NTA. 1 AH score for Dabney not respecting the petty revenge.
@Mr_Timi1 4 месяца назад
While I agree the trip is OP's to do what he wants to with it, a family trip would be pretty sweet unless the step-daughter is just a jerk or something... he married the mother but the daughter comes with the package. If I was the wife I'd let him take his adults only trip maybe he can take another couple and some other friend of his because I wouldn't leave my kid behind.
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