
r/EntitledPeople - Psycho Karen Thinks She OWNS a PUBLIC PARK! Tries to Attack Me. 

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@Nakhash Год назад
W.T.F. What is wrong with his sister? I can't imagine telling my brother to take care of kids that aren't his.
@jamarrallen2181 Год назад
The mom was even more delusional saying he should help regardless lol.
@drakofox1362 Год назад
My sister at least asks me to watch them only one time she didn't and that was because she was in the hospital
@anonmouse15 Год назад
"Sounds like you just volunteered! I'll tell the ex that you'll be paying child support soon."
@dutchvanderbilt9969 Год назад
The mother and the sister are both a bunch of disgusting hypocrites.
@armadillotoe Год назад
She isn't the biological child of her "father."
@gilded_lady Год назад
Second one: Hard agree with you, Fluff. He's not the dad. He doesn't owe jack all.
@jonathanpeters6734 Год назад
The law also agrees with him. Since its not op's kid and was never wed to the ex, if she were to seek legal action, she would be laughed out of the court when she can't provide a marriage or divorce certificate and also gets proven that the dna test has proven it was not his child.
@hafentoffen2 Год назад
How the hell can you be selfish for not wanting to support your ex's child that's not yours to begin with. Bloody hell...
@paulman34340 Год назад
projection! I'd remind the mother "your not a good person when your trying to force others to do a good deed for you!" Frankly speaking Ex did what my disowned adopted brother's baby mama TRIED to do with my mother! Approaching my sister to act as "proxy" by showing my mother "pics" of the baby! My sister is an idiot! Mom knew the game and wanted nothing to do with that (especially as brother was disowned a year before she came around claiming the kid as his!) She tried with me, but I made it clear of all my nephews and nieces! I don't recgonize this child as such (never liked her) not that I hope the worst on the kid! But "not my responsibility!" (Especially as the world has it out for "good men" as even giving a DOLLAR to help a single mother and child seems likely to land you with child support! Still remember the guy who was nice to a kid in his apartment and the mother rewarded him with "an attempt to put him on child support" that thankfully failed! Feel bad for the kid as he became attached to that OP! And now he'll wonder why he's "Avoiding him" and who's responsible for that! Women like this abused the system and now it's blowing up in everyone's face! You get the end you deserve assholes!) But yeah sister and mother are the type I hate! Self-righteous assholes who think forcing others to do a good deed in their stead means THEIR good people! Remind me of the mother and sister from a different story who destroyed their family in their obsession to get the Poster back together with their ex despite the fact she long fucking moved on! Ex was a creep for helping them and husband and brother were not happy the two went into manipulation and using THEM to trick OP. When the family is destroyed! Ex will abandoned them when they have no use and they'll be left with the fact they lost it all for this "crazy chick" but "crazy attracts crazy" I suppose! Fucking idiots
@kwams26 Год назад
When I was 15, my then girlfriend (I'm black, she was a red - haired freckle faced irish girl, and 14) called me after she had gotten braces. We went to Safeway by her house to get her baby food, sonce that was all she could eat. We're standing at checkout reading the jars to each other when I heard a gasp. There was an older white lady behind us with an absolute look of horror on her face. We laughed and went about our day.
@donnakubiski5572 Год назад
You gave me a laugh too. Thanks.
@marifeely1694 Год назад
LOL. I'd love to have seen that.
@DarkEinherjar Год назад
Story 4: Nope, they don't deserve a single penny from OP. Screw them. You don't get to abandon family and then play the family card when it's convenient for you to do so. Even those pennies were too good for her.
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
She's a ..... "penny dreadful". 😆
@dutchvanderbilt9969 Год назад
I would have just brought out the scatter gun and peppered the hood of her pretty new car with some birdshot.
@robertc.9503 Год назад
Should have gone and grabbed the tractor, gotten a big old scoop of manure and dumped it on her shiny new Porsche.
@lanteanboy Год назад
oh no, she wants a thousand, she'll get a thousand..... pennies
@heathermiller5765 Год назад
@@lanteanboy lol I had the same thought 😄
@d.phantomfan1216 Год назад
Story 2: I hate when parents do that. It's your choice but I'm going to shame you until you give in. Mom and sis can pay her. Also if the time line does add up, then doesn't that mean she might have cheated.
@kat8753 Год назад
Totally agree if they feel so sorry for that woman then they should pay, but of course they will not because it's different when it's their money not somebody else paying. If I was OP I'd tell them they should just get off their high horse.
@christakriel3632 Год назад
I thought about the ex cheating as well. If the time line fits she was probably stepping out on OP before they broke up. Sorry for the kid, but OP has less than nothing to do with the kid.
@jacklow9611 Год назад
Or gotten pregnant with the first guy she went out with immediately afterward. She could also have been cheating, too. That IS a possibility.
@randalparks9648 Год назад
RE: Child Support story. My cousin and his ex, when they split up had 2 kids (both his) and 3 HORSES). Ex got support for the kids (appropriately) and then tried to nail him for HORSE SUPPORT! It took a couple of years, but the courts finally agreed that if she wanted PETS, no matter what kind, SHE was responsible for paying for those pet's room, board and whatever. NO Horse support1
@kenconnelly773 Год назад
I babysat a neighbor’s kid about 50 hours a month for nine months (because I’m nice to a point of being a pushover). Nevertheless I charged a $1 a day to babysit. Reason I did that was to have a firm boundary that I was a babysitter and not on a fatherly role.
@falicatena Год назад
Story 1: if your scavenger hunt includes needing to take pictures of random strangers, you should make a new one. Harassing people for the sake of a scavenger hunt is extremely entitled, and I couldn't imagine that being a fun scavenger hunt to be on
@flashstudiosguy Год назад
Yeah, I mean, imagine if she'd tried to take a photo of someone who REALLY didn't want their photo being taken, someone who'd literally kill to make sure that photo disappeared...
@jacklow9611 Год назад
It could have been a Sorority thing, for one of the "classiest" Sororities.
@AgentLadyHawkeye Год назад
I've done a big scavenger hunt (GISHwhes) and one of the rules is essentially to be respectful of and kind to yourself and others, both participants and non-participants.
@bautistalover Год назад
Like I’m seriously surprised she sneak a selfie with the back of his head. I’ll give her props for that for not being a full on psycho.
@thestormcraft4012 Год назад
the problem is most of these karens seem to suffer from what we call narcissistic personality disorder which is an un-treatable mental disorder, simply put because of this disorder they legit think that they are god himself and that all other humans are lesser then them.
@TheOfficialTarynTots Год назад
Story 2- I'm shocked OP's family wanted him to pay for his ex's child. She must have been really convincing on the phone with his family especially since the dna test proved it wasn't his. And yes, I know if someone starts paying for a child that isn't theirs or signs for the child ( even if it is deemed not theirs by a dna test) they still have to pay for the child as if it was there own. Clearly, his ex found out he was making decent money and that is why she went after him. She probably couldn't get anything out of the biological father. I can't stand people who do stuff like this. Children are not props or just a reason to get money. They shouldn't mess with their lives like that and I feel bad for the kid. Who knows who the Mom said was his father to him. It's a messed up situation.
@curtisalex456 Год назад
Also, OP should get a DNA test for himself and his siblings to make sure that they are his dad's children. The mum's attitude seems suspect to me.
@orion5279 Год назад
I think I'd be cutting off my family after this trash
@someguy7629 Год назад
A woman can tell lies with relative ease about a man and be believed.
@dutchvanderbilt9969 Год назад
His mother and sister are disgusting hypocrites
@TheOfficialTarynTots Год назад
@@someguy7629 It's sad but true in a lot of instances. Those kind of women make us all look bad and they really get under my skin. I can't stand people like that.
@ADoseofWhit Год назад
When I was 14 I was shopping with my stepmother and 2 week old brother. I was pushing the cart and playing with my baby brother while my stepmother walked a head of us shopping. A karen like the one in this story gave me that look up and down. Her face scr)eamed how she thought I was godless filth. She then asked me "well how old is he" (the baby) with a huff. I played dumb and called my stepmother over and was like "mom he's two weeks right?". She walks over paled face with her 2 week old baby pouch. My stepmother was like you know how old he is. The lady looks at her then me and walks away. My stepmother asked and I quickly explained how that lady thought he was mine. And she just said "that lady did seem off".
@gaxalee7392 Год назад
Seriously, have people never heard of older siblings?
@LunaP1 Год назад
All I can say is yikes. These godless heathens always see other people as offensive for minding their own business.
@gtaisgreat8385 Год назад
This comment reminds me of an episode of 7th Heaven were the character Beverly Mitchell played was at the mall with her twin brothers but was mistaken as their mother.
@Rylosalex Год назад
@@gtaisgreat8385 I remember that episode.
@dutchvanderbilt9969 Год назад
This reminds me of a piece of advice I was given never assume because when you do you make an ass of you and me
@consciousbeing1188 Год назад
Story #1 - As a younger man I was a nightclub bouncer for a side-gig. Every weekend there was at least one group of girls out together (and most often several groups) for a Hen's Night or other such occasion where the center of attention just HAD to get a photo taken with every bouncer in the club. Most of the guys I worked with were happy to oblige as an in-road to a little flirting... I always refused because I had a wife and kids to go home to and there's always the six degrees of separation to be wary about and my resistance was often met with offers of "favors". 99% of the ladies would pester me for a while but let it go after I insisted it wasn't going to happen... The other 1% of Karens would get offended and retaliate with everything from complaints to my supervisor up to making false allegations that I'd groped them in an effort to get me fired... A drunken and spurned Karen is the most entitled nightmare of the species.
@dee_dee_place Год назад
Isn't it interesting that the 1%, of women, who won't take no for an answer, from a guy, get incensed when men won't take no for an answer from them? What the heck happened to respecting yourself & others? Good on you for refusing to take pics with random women. I had a male dentist that wound up retiring because he couldn't afford to have his female assistant sit in an exam room with him every time he was dealing with a female patient. It's ludicrous! BTW- I was on a cruise, & one of the other ladies present had taken a pic of me doing something random & funny. Afterward, she got me alone, told me she took the pic, showed it to me, & asked if it was alright if she kept it. I said, "no, I don't like my pic taken". Without further ado, she deleted the pic in front of me. I was perturbed that she took the pic, to begin with, but her asking me if she could keep it & then deleting it immediately, quelched my anger. That's how grown-ups do things.
@consciousbeing1188 Год назад
@@dee_dee_place The problem that exists today is the direct result of 3 main contributing factors: (1) a litigious world where lawyers get rich by coercing gullible clients into vexatious lawsuits based on frivolous grounds; (2) Hyperbolic, gynocentric social media campaigns such as hashtag believeallwomen that use skewed data to make professional victims out of every woman who feels she was even slighted by a man and; (3) the general entitlement that young women (in particular) believe is their "right" to make every male of the species who refuses to abide by her dictates pay their penance for the perceived social injustices of previous generations. The daughters of second-wave feminist extremists were raised with the belief that men = bad and women = can never do wrong. Those daughters grew up in the 80s, got degrees in Humanities and eventually formed the backbone responsible for policy changes at all government levels and corporate HR offices to the point that the West is now mired down by institutionalized feminism and men are opting out of any situation that might give rise to false allegations of impropriety. In the meantime, guys like me are blissfully single and have cracked open a cold beer to sit back and laugh at the world's greatest freak show 😏
@damien678 Год назад
Women that can't take a 'no' like this woman couldn't in Story 1 sound r*pey af
@GeorgieB1965 Год назад
The public park one can sympathize with. Back in the day when my daughter was a pre-tween, I was at my local park watching her for spell and apparently a group of Karens called the po-po on me because I apparently looked out of place doing daycare for my daughter (apparently I was the only father there). The cop certainly felt uncomfortable, but the incident left a very bad taste in my mouth, and I haven't been back to that part of the park (playground) for the better part of 15 years.
@someguy7629 Год назад
When a woman hugs and kisses her child, no one bats an eye, if a man does it, some people go batsch!t crazy.
@Adamskyize Год назад
Try going to Thailand as a caucasian widower with your half-asian tween daughter to visit her maternal grandparents ...
@flashstudiosguy Год назад
I'm sorry that a bunch of overzealous busybodies made you feel uncomfortable.
@lunaticbz3594 Год назад
@@Adamskyize Owch...
@marifeely1694 Год назад
@@Adamskyize Oh boy...I'm sorry they spoiled your trip to the park to the extent that you haven't been back, or not for some 15 years.
@iluvfoxtrot3629 Год назад
Story number 4, where the mom asks her son to give his half sister money, actually has its own saga. I think there’s 3-4 parts to it. I’ve never heard them all in one video though. The mom and sister show up multiple times demanding money. OP spends it on a tractor instead. They still demand money etc.. last I heard OP’s mom’s husband showed up saying that he’s divorcing her (I don’t remember if there was a prenup or not) but he came to tell OP because he figured they would come bother him about money again.
@ZPokemonfanA Год назад
"puts one arm around me" That should be responded with a punch to the face. You never know what these people are going to do.
@wristdisabledwriter2893 Год назад
Story 2 I’m surprised there was a kid. The Karen sounds like she would lie about having a kid just to get money
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
Not OP's zoo, not OP's monkey! Ex needs to go to the baby-daddy!
@thepretzel2 Год назад
That's actually what I was thinking when the kid showed up and especially after she was hesitant about getting a DNA test. Imo, OP should have had HER take the DNA test as well.
@someguy7629 Год назад
Touching strangers in any way (pretty much) is an open invitation to get hurt (self defence).
@schooltechnology Год назад
Hurt? Not in a “stand your ground” state. Here living survivor is 9/10 of the law.
@NightingaleSpica Год назад
Lol the Karen at the park reminds me what had happened to me. One time I took my baby/toddler cousin and my younger sister to the book store at the mall while my Aunt was getting her nails or hair done. Well, at the time I was a college student and I happened to needed to grab a few things and asked where those items were at to a store employee. I was given a stink eye and was told where to go. I thank them and grabbed said items. Then take my cousin and sister to the kid sections before finally finishing at the Cafe in the bookstore. The entire time I was being glared at by some of the employees, especially the person who I asked earlier. It started to feel like they were they were the manager and spread the word to watch us. It was awkward and I felt like they were all expecting something to happen. Well, apparently once we sat down all calm and with all our items paid for the woman finally comes up to me. She was like, "I am impressed that a single mother like you is able to keep your kids so well behaved. I was unsure cause of the way you dressed and asking for college material that you were an honestly for real." I was like what the hell. Single or not, dressed however I am, with kids or not, doesn't mean shit. I was just dumbfounded and I go, "Well yeah its easier when they are not your kids." The look on their face was priceless as I continued with, "Besides, it's none of your business what my situation is. All that should matter is that we are paying customers who are following rules and should be treated equally as such." That was when I heard someone laugh in the background and they just walk off embarrassed. I still have no idea what was thought or what the bet was, but apparently I must have proven someone wrong for once. Lol
@jessierabbit Год назад
My sister and I have a 15 year age difference and I can't tell you how many times I've been mistaken for her mom. When she was little and I brought her out in public I would get some really strange looks. She's 9 now and understands that I might be mistaken as her mom if we're alone but to not get upset.
@lomax343 Год назад
My step-son was twelve when his twin brothers were born, and from the very first he was wonderful with them (he still is, now that they're teenagers and he's married with a son of his own). Twins often require an extra pair of hands, and my step-son was totally OK with this. One day, when the twins were about a year old, we stopped at a motorway service station. The twins had had enough of car-seats for a bit, so we carried them. My wife headed for the ladies so my step-son and I took a twin each and mooched round the shop - not really to buy anything, but to relieve the boredom. Eventually, I made my way to the till, whilst my step-son was over the other side of the shop, having a conversation with his brother and showing him stuff. The woman behind me in the queue made some remark about "Kids these days..." I called mt step-son over. "This," I said to the woman, "I my son Xxx [I omitted the step part for tactical reasons] and his brother Yyy. If you've got anything to say, say it to his face. Otherwise, take your assumptions and shove them [take a wild guess]." The woman decided she didn't want to buy anything after all, and scuttled off. Side note: When he was fifteen, my step-son discovered a site which let him talk to girls on-line. He found that he got *much* more attention if he had one of his three-year-old brothers on his lap.
@christakriel3632 Год назад
I had to giggle at the last part of your story. You son learned a valuble lesson at an early age. A kid or pet in tow usally get you a bit more attention from the girls specificly if you are not solely responsible for the kid (family but no your child) and totally responsible for the pet.
@lomax343 Год назад
@@christakriel3632 When said brothers reached the talking-to-girls stage, and learned how they'd been used, their reaction was to wonder where they could borrow a toddler.
@lynneconklin917 Год назад
Ohhh. That’s why my eldest didn’t mind toting one of his younger siblings around. JK. I figured that part out long ago when one girl he was interested in said how nice it was that he helped with his siblings. Lol.
@aaronabbey2604 Год назад
As the saying goes, the power of bonners is always stronger.
@christakriel3632 Год назад
@earlinejackson8151 Год назад
She couldn’t just snap a picture and run. If it was for a scavenger hunt, she had to have a picture with her in it with a person with dreadlocks, not just him alone. She was just too much of a rude Karen to be polite and accept “no” for an answer and go find someone else.
@redpillpopper3205 Год назад
Ugh, makes it even worse in my opinion. She was so entitled that the bartender wasn't even a human being, but a prop for her to pose with. I swear I can't stand Karens and entitled people.
@jacklow9611 Год назад
That's what I was thinking. It could have been a Sorority thing.
@rikukiko Год назад
Why not just pretended to take a selfie with dreads in the background instead of going through all that hassle, seems people don't mind if they're caught in the background for a picture someone is taking of themselves
@foxfireinferno197 Год назад
"Here's twenty cents. It's more than you deserve."
@ScottAlanBecker38 Год назад
Too much.
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 5: Don't wear a relative's rank, and don't use your relative being part of the military (that is if they actually are and you're not just lying) as an excuse to bully people. Last I checked, your behavior can cause consequences to the military person.
@DoctorRobertNeville Год назад
Oh it most certainly can. I didn't know it at the time cause I was a little kid, and saw my friends move off base. It wasn't till I was much older that I heard this dependa was going around base ordering people around. The Base C.O. got wind of it, and this Officer got a reduction in Rank because of his wife.
@murraystewartj Год назад
It's all in the Karen handbook. Stuff like "Don't you know who I am?", "I'm the owner's wife/sister/daughter...", or the stealing of a husband's military rank. There was one story where a woman made a ruckus in the checkout line at a base store trying to intimidate another woman with husband's rank of sergeant. A nice older woman in line behind the dependa asked for her husband's name, then revealed that she was the base commander's wife. Consequences ensued. More than a few military careers have been stalled or ended by women stealing their husbands' rank, and I'm sure a few marriages as well.
@Weird_Stealth Год назад
The Ex-GF & Baby thing: If the kid isn't yours, you shouldn't be required to support it financially, don't matter how much you make. Doesn't mater if you dated the girl who pushed out the kid. If the kid doesn't have your DNA, you shouldn't have to pay for the kid.
@heathermiller5765 Год назад
I feel the same 😒
@withintheshyness Год назад
Like where the f$&$$ is the actual father?
@marifeely1694 Год назад
Of course he's not responsible for someone else's child and I'm surprised at his Mum's attitude. Later on he probably will have his own children to support and he won't expect anyone else to pay it. Ridiculous.
@dragonwolf64 Год назад
It’s called dad by default and it’s a thing.
@zarddin9561 10 месяцев назад
@@dragonwolf64 What is "dad by default"? Is this some kind of western USA thing?
@Sammy-Ambriz Год назад
S1: I’m a nerd as well and I’m single but I don’t care cause I got free time on my hands S2: ALWAYS get a DNA test to know if the kid is yours or not S3: Karen the only disease that’s being spread is your level of entitlement also a public park is public property S4: Gold Digger there’s a thing that nearly every adult has: it’s called a job S5: There’s a thing called Stolen Valor which can potentially net you in serious trouble
@dutchvanderbilt9969 Год назад
I don't think that woman in the first story ever really grew out of the high school phase
@Sammy-Ambriz Год назад
@@dutchvanderbilt9969 more like she doesn’t understand no is a complete sentence and how personality works
@dutchvanderbilt9969 Год назад
@@Sammy-Ambriz that too
@FlutePlayer777 Год назад
That last story wasn't stolen valor because she didn't claim her nephews rank as her own. She just used him to try to get what she wanted. But seeing as OP is a senior officer her nephew could get in a world of trouble because she ordered OP around. Chain of command is a big one.
@flashstudiosguy Год назад
Karen:"MY NEPHEW HAS JUST GRADUATED FROM NAVAL COLLEGE AND COULD SERIOUSLY MESS UP YOUR CARER!" RAFAC Sgt Me:" I sincerely doubt that for three very good reasons; 1: You say he's graduated Naval College? I'm Air Force 2:As he's just graduated, he will be an Able Rating, I'm a Sergeant, which is two ranks above him and 3: the Navy holds no power over the Air Force. Even if your Nephew was something in the Navy that could cut ice, to make any actual impact on me, he'd have to take his grievance to my Commanding Officer, which I doubt he would because of all the paperwork and subsequent enquires that'd have to be made before anything could actually happen to me!"
@ilikejelloyay208 Год назад
Story 2: OP should disown sister and mother.
@bleachfan2.029 Год назад
If idiot mom and sister want to support the gold digger they can,
@theswedishdude1 Год назад
story 2: not your kid not your responsibility, if they feel so bad for the child and the "poor mother" they can step up and pay for her lifestyle, OP stay strong and don't give in to your family's peer pressure.
@MrKingArthurhk Год назад
I would tell my sister to go ahead and support another man’s baby if she cared so much.
@Fuckyoutubecensorship1 Год назад
I agree I would have told her the same.
@petestorz172 Год назад
Re Story 2, OP is not the father, ex waited 5 years so his memory would dim, and then lied to guilt-trip $$ from him. Mother and Sister need to have these facts pointed out, with a potential consequence of limited or zero contact if in any way they support the failed extortionist.
@jsmith1291 Год назад
Story 1: No, EK, you are not the center of the universe, and no one is obligated to tolerate your foolishness. Story 2: So OP's family thinks he's being selfish for not paying to support a child that is not his in any way? Yeah, he ditched the ex, maybe it's time to ditch the family too.
@DarkEinherjar Год назад
The moment she complained about the DNA test and tried to run away from it, it was obvious she was lying. And what the f--- is wrong with OP's mother and sister? Why on earth should he support his abusive ex's child that isn't his? Her poor life choices are not HIS responsibility.
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
If they are so concerned, THEY can support the kid! 🙄
@LunaP1 Год назад
A nice call to CPS should shut her up real quick.
@gtaisgreat8385 Год назад
1000% she was lying.
@dutchvanderbilt9969 Год назад
They're a couple of disgusting hypocrites is why. If you're so concerned with that woman and her child having money they can pay her. But if you said that to them they'd probably say something to the effect of "why should I have to give her money it's not my responsibility" which is funny because their son/brother doesn't have any responsibility to give that woman any money either.
@dutchvanderbilt9969 Год назад
@@lancerevell5979 exactly!
@TitusRedwind Год назад
Story 2 - OP is under no obligation to pay for a kid who isn't his. Especially after years without contact. They used to date but he wasn't the one who got her pregnant. If that woman wants child support, she should go to the biological father.
@sarizzlelynn Год назад
Story 1: They’re “nerds” for standing up for someone who wants nothing to do with her requests? Weirdo!
@condorboss3339 Год назад
I would like to think I would stand up for the person being harassed. It really is the right thing to do. So far, I have been fortunate not to be put in that situation.
@damien678 Год назад
With her thinking she could touch them even after being told not to, and not being able to take a 'no', she's honestly a r*pist in the making
@stephaniepiroutek9661 Год назад
So related to story 3 I am 15 and 12 years younger than my sisters, and I have lost track of the amount of times my sisters had been mistaken by strangers for my mom. With the sister who im 12 years younger than we once had a woman, when I was too young to remember, clearly say directed to her about me for doing something at a store, that she should "raise her child better" my sister just ignored her and went about our day. At least it didn't escalate like op's story did.
@andie2809 Год назад
Yeah if the mother and sister think someone should pay for some random man's kid ...let them pay for it.
@peteranon8455 Год назад
Story 2. Anyone who wants you to pay for your ex's not-your-kid is a dirty cheater.
@walteririzarry7380 Год назад
Story 2 I'd disown my sister and go very low contact with my mom. Had this happened to me I'd support my kid and apologize while making up for the missing 5 years. The kid not being OP's shows that his ex was cheating and got knocked up during the relationship. Mom and sis can pay that child support, because I'd be pissed ex tried to put me on the hook for her betrayal, and even more angry at my sister for her actions. I'd also be disappointed in my mom and tell her that she and dad can support a grand kid that isn't theirs
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 3: I don't even know why Karen would bother with a random person. Maybe she thought that OP was a teen parent, but even then, why bother her?
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
There was a disease..... Karen has a mental disease!
@animefan8591 Год назад
Plus shaming her like that I mean let's say she is a teen mom who forced to have the child she's 15 and ten and a half year age gap puts child at around 5 plus with 9 months pregnancy would have put her at 9 when she got pregnant. Horrifying concept
@alexisgrunden1556 Год назад
Some people's day just isn't complete unless they've made someone else feel like 💩.
@flashstudiosguy Год назад
Same as all other Karens, she's a "God fearing, Law abiding Member of Society who can do no wrong"
@wintergray1221 Год назад
@@animefan8591 Not to mention, not every teen mother gave birth to a child she made willingly.
@LavenderSystem69 Год назад
The Karen in that last story? That's what we call a "dependapotamus" (a dependent who's gone off the deep end, and uses their SM's rank/position to start demanding shit they're not entitled to in the most obnoxious way possible). The thing about dependapotami, tho, is that more often than not, they end up negatively impacting their SM's career because according to the UCMJ, the SM is responsible for their dependents' actions... I guess I should be grateful I wasn't in the service long enough to have to deal with one in the wild lol
@icetweiz Год назад
definitely if they're gonna wear their spouse's rank like some trophy, then they should be held liable for whatever happens to it
@LavenderSystem69 Год назад
@@icetweiz See, that's the thing, though... the dependa is rarely, if ever held responsible. Their SM is, even if they're not aware it was happening
@icetweiz Год назад
@@LavenderSystem69 they really need a wake-up call slap
@bsummers9759 Год назад
That’s messed up. You can’t control what crazy relatives do, that shouldn’t be on the SM. At least you can put your foot down with your spouse but a loose cannon auntie would be harder to shut up.
@condorboss3339 Год назад
That story made me laugh as I thought of a shavetail ensign trying to scold a marine captain. It would be funny to watch.
@jaypritchett6846 Год назад
*I know how the third story feels!* I’m 9 years older than my brother and 11 years older than my youngest sister, and that type of stuff happened a lot when my parents weren’t around. We’d be at the store, I’d be holding their hands, and people would give me the worst looks because they thought my siblings were *my* kids!!! So, I’d say stuff like “let’s find _our_ parents”, and *some* people would get the hint.
@dee_dee_place Год назад
My Sisters are 6 & 9 yrs older than me. In NYC, all the neighborhood kids were their age; I was the only baby. When we moved to FL, by the time I was in JHS, my Sisters were married with kids of their own. All my friends were the oldest in their families, & they couldn't wrap their heads around the fact that my Parents were 34 & 35 yrs older than me; they thought my Parents were my Grandparents. I constantly had to tell my friends that their Parents were presently the age at which my Parents had me. I never had my Sisters mistaken for my Parents though because I constantly addressed them by their first names, & not by 'Mom'.
@Anne-uk6zp Год назад
I’m 15 years older than my brother and I was on birth control for my irregular periods. I was with my parents and newborn brother at the store picking up my meds and getting some other stuff. The pharmacist looks at me holding my brother and tells my dad “ I don’t know why you’re getting these obviously it didn’t work” I thought he was gonna snap but nope my mom beat him to it. I get how you and story 3 feels. Even 20 years later we still go through this lol Now he calls me sister/mom just to make there heads explode 😂
@marifeely1694 Год назад
@@Anne-uk6zp LOL
@cybercat7851 Год назад
Story 5: Her son graduated from the Naval Academy? Too bad. You go there to learn, they don’t teach anyone high ranking enough to get someone booted out of the service. (I know this because my dad served in the Navy and I know about his time at the Academy.) EDIT: and even then, I don’t think its possible to report between branches. And even after that, a senior official would have to investigate the claim.
@TrueKingOmega Год назад
Actually it is possible. All branches fall under the UCMJ, which means they all follow the same rules. It wouldn't matter if one was from the Navy and the other from the Air Force, as one phone call can be career ending. I was in the Marine Corps from 2009 to 2016, and they drill that bit into our heads before we leave boot camp
@hi_stranger9156 Год назад
story 2 : well,if the mom and sister dissapointed. maybe they should take care of it by themselves, no need to harrased OP.
@strongjohn10956 Год назад
Story 2 - The OP's family that expect him to help support a kid of his Ex's that is not his is terrible.
@looniebinn Год назад
Story 2 is pretty crazy. I can't believe all of those people are trying to guilt trip him into paying for a child that isn't his. Especially if you take into account that if it could have been his baby, then she was probably sleeping with another guy when they were still together. OP dodged a bullet with that one. We're lucky that we're alive in the day in age that a DNA test is so easy and cheap to obtain. I've seen this happen to several guys that I know. They break up with an ex who ends up getting pregnant then they show back up pretending the baby HAS to be theirs and they want $$. DNA tests are life savers for us guys.
@dee_dee_place Год назад
When my Nephew became sexually active I said to him, "I'm telling you this as a woman, if a girl says she has it covered & is using birth control, don't believe her. CYA & wear a condom every damn time. And if you have a kid with a girl, you'll be joined at the hip with her forever because you'll share the responsibility for that kid." He was attracted to girls that already had a kid(s) with someone else. My Nephew is a big mush, & if he made any girl pregnant, he would treat her other kid(s) exactly the same as his own. I also told him, "you would be like the brass ring for a single girl with kid(s) because you would take on the responsibility for all of the kids". Thank The Almighty above, he listened to me. Now he's married & has a daughter & 2 stepkids; the latter of whom he loves unconditionally.
@cadentnova3675 Год назад
For story 2, I cannot see any reason for OP to have to pay, since at that point if the kid isn't his, but it aligns with when they cut ties, she was likely cheating on him with someone who was poor, and now has to deal with the child as a result, so what she really deserves is for OP to just block her
@johnburnside7828 Год назад
Story 2 - OP needs to go NC with his Karen sister and mother!
@lyndora33864 Год назад
I have a friend who's 14 years older than her sister. Thankfully, the worst thing that happened in public was weird looks.
@richardludwig4860 Год назад
story # 4 - i would tell karen " you are in a position to DEMAND nothing - i am in the position to GRANT nothing - SO YOU B!TCH WHAT YOU GET IS NOTHING"
@johnopalko5223 Год назад
I was really hoping that when EM said, "Just give me something!" OP had given her a faceful of tobacco juice.
@justsomeguyonhisphone709 Год назад
Story 2: It's clear as day that the females in OP's family don't understand how terrible being baby-trapped is or only see it as a 'reasonable' allowance
@hertzyscowicz7066 Год назад
S5: If Karen had accosted a slightly more petty officer, it might have impacted her son's career if he really was in the navy.
@anderssorenson9998 8 месяцев назад
I retired O3 but that was quite a while ago I now have hair down my back and an unruly beard, I met one of these lunatics when I was at a US Army base in Germany where I was in a guard of honour for an old friend. A lunatic of a woman accused me of stolen valour that her husband is a high ranking officer and she knows what a real army uniform looks like. Her husband dragged her away apologizing over his shoulder. She was right I wasn't wearing a US Army uniform, but incorrect that her Sergent husband was high ranking or an officer. I'm guessing most of these lunatics are having some kind of medication reactions.
@Sunriru Год назад
on story two, not his kid, not his problem. plus hes not even married to her. if his mom and sister want her to be supported, they can do it. also as someone else mentioned, if timeline matched up, she was probably cheating while with op third story, that karen sounded absolutely psycho
@fairygoth-mother7341 Год назад
The last one: If that Karen had been polite from the beginning and ASKED for the aisle seat, I'm willing to bet that OP would have switched with her. Karen's all seem to have forgotten: you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
@paperkay Год назад
The tractor guy story: (I love tractors, by the way, and the fact he bought a 27.000 bucks beauty warms my heart) - it sounded like the woman didn't NEED the money, but hated the fact her firstborn was a level-headed, responsible adult with a vast savings account, whereas he adultery spawn was just... black holes. She hated him having money. How dares he. It belongs to her other kids!
@schooltechnology Год назад
Frugal for a tractor. Or a very used tractor.
@Harespider Год назад
Story 2: I think the women empathize with the idea of being a single mother and the men empathize with the thought of being forced to be take care of someone
@dee_dee_place Год назад
People need to step up to the plate for their own responsibilities; not anyone else's, period.
@ms.c.j. Год назад
That last story, OMG! I am claustrophobic, as well as deathly afraid of heights, and I have flown many times, no problems.
@rosaazure Год назад
Story 2 - OP should give his ex all of his sister's contact information saying that his sister is interested in pay for the baby.
@Coira2 Год назад
I have stories in the opposite vein of the third one, I suffer from a major case of baby face and when I'd take my toddler nephew out in my early 20s, there was more than several times someone would give us a freebee. Bagels, juice, snacks, it was shockingly kind. I always thought it was because he's adorable and well behaved, but I think now it may have been for a different reason.
@skatardrummer1 Год назад
Story 2: wow, not only am I shocked about the mom and sister taking the ex's side, but also completely ignoring the fact that she probably had cheated on him to have that kid since they were together around that time of conception. Unless she got busy like the day after they broke up and still, he has no responsibility to a child that's not his in a relationship he's not in.
@ryproar11 Год назад
Story 4: I went through this bs too and I can tell you this, family will throw you out if you don't fit their lifestyle. What you do is what I did. Say nope talk to my attorney. Do not contact me anymore and I am getting a restraining order for solicitation and extortion. Get the restraining order and bring the documents to the court house. My family wants nothing to do with me so I want nothing to do with them either. So should op in this case. Call their bluff and you disown them.
@blaa6 Год назад
Story 4: At the mention of helping her sister, OP should have laughed in her face.
@diamondjim7560 Год назад
Nah, he had a chaw in his mouth, spit gas to go somewhere.
@BrokenAngel2480 Год назад
You know that $50 tip was reported to her CCARD company as fraud or charged back.
@MariaEduarda-ng1th Год назад
About the sister, i feel it The woman in my family look very alike so when i would take my cousin out with me EVERYONE would look at me with disdain thinking i was her mom, even say bad things out loud The fact we both use blue glasses doesn’t help 😂 It doesn’t bother me, i just feel bad abou the actual teen moms out there
@russgrunert4730 Год назад
Cut off all contact with sister and mother, tell the ex gf to contact the real father for child support
@modestyblaise5895 Год назад
Story 4. If she needed the money so bad she could have sold her Porsche.
@impagain Год назад
What was the prize for that scavenger hunt that she was willing to pay $50 and harass a guy over it??
@tammyusher4175 Год назад
Why should he pay for someone else's child? They're not even a couple. His sister and mother need a reality check.
@Josh_the_jester Год назад
Story 3: oh I hope for all the Halloween candy that she did find her, and made sure Karen wouldn't be able to enjoy corn on the cob anymore
@NopeNaw Год назад
Story 2 - I was going to comment it, but Fluff echoed my thoughts exactly. If sister cares so freaking much, why don't *she* give them money? If she refuses, then just complain how awful she is for ruining their lives.
@DigiDragoh Год назад
Story 2 I'm more shocked at the mother how dumb is she paying for someone else's kid if the ex wanted money why not ask the ACTUAL DAD. Not op
@swisstroll3 Год назад
Story 1: What probably happened was that she was drunk and not thinking clearly. What certainly happened was that she was not thinking clearly.
@Garion1227 Год назад
I would block the sister in the child support story
@Trek001 Год назад
As a former resident of London, I can confirm the 3rd story - sounds exactly what the good residents of the posher parts would say
@MAJIK0909 Год назад
Story 2 - the women in his family kinda seem to explain why he ended up in an abusive relationship with the ex in the first place. Mom & sis are nuts to think that he should pay for a child that's not even his, regardless of how much money he's making now! SHEESH!
@raarasunai4896 Год назад
Second story, I think I heard another RU-vidr read it and read someone the comments, and one of the comments the person basically said that she(the commenter) made her living out of taking men for child support and “looks forward to the day paternity tests are illegal!”
@aqacefan Год назад
Story 1: "Nothing wrong with being touched?" as I bend one of her fingers back towards her wrist. "Just touching you, nothing wrong with that, right? Why are you making such a fuss over what I'm doing?" Story 3: "Mind your own f*cking business'"? Practice what you preach! Story 4: "You kicked me out of your life nearly ten years ago, lead off by insulting me, then have the gall to ask me for the money I inherited from someone that I'm actually related to? Turn around, drive away, and don't ever come back. And consider this the last words I ever say to you." As for giving the egg donor something, how about a shot of chew juice, right in the eye?
@heathermiller5765 Год назад
Lol I was kind of hoping he'd spit it out right on the hood of her new car 😄
@kristinkolberg2669 Год назад
For story 1 - As a former cocktail waitress, this is (unfortunately) common behavior or male customers towards women working at a bar. While it isn’t acceptable towards any gender, let’s not demonize this women while giving men a pass
@gaxalee7392 Год назад
What moral obligation does Op have in the child support story? How is he the one ruining his ex and her kid’s lives? How is it “selfish” to not support an abusive person in their endeavor to trap you in their life? Until the mom and sister can come up with a logical answer for all three questions that doesn’t include: insulting Op, calling back to his past with his ex, or refer to his sex/gender, I don’t see how anyone could take their garbage as anything but useless babbling.
@Danarchy3 Год назад
Story 2: ok mom, sis, you make more money than me (likely) so are you going to support that kid?
@willianvos3521 Год назад
Story4: OP should have giving one penny or a hand of dirt
@billiekantowski376 Год назад
You do not owe that woman anything.
@djlamar2 Год назад
First story: If a guy says he doesn't want his picture taken then for crying out loud he doesn't. I remember once taking a picture with my friends and posting it on social media. Later on I found out that one of my friend's family didn't want her on there and out of respect for them I cropped her out of it. It was a hassle but me and this lady were really good friends and I had no quarrel with her family either
@pocketsycho8720 Год назад
The judge who ruled that the man needs to pay the money for the kid that isn't his needs to be personally held liable as they went above the law to make a ruling and most likely had a conflict of intrest
@evelynberrios8164 Год назад
You are not responsible for a child that’s not yours. Tell your sister and mother if they want to help they can. Don’t in any way get involved.
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
Last story..... So this Karen is wanting to "report" a Marine Captain (O3 grade) to a wet-behind-the-ears shiny new Navy butterbar (O1 grade)? Bwahahaha....! 😆
@WkieCkie Год назад
Story 5: if the nephew was in fact a graduate and saw the op’s rank on the business card he probably wouldve shit himself that hes already got a potential superior on his bad side thanks to his aunt
@robertaylor9218 Год назад
If you can be forced to pay child support then you should be able to sue for custody. If I was ordered to pay child support for a child that biologically was not mine, you bet your ass I’d be suing for custody.
@alphaleader870 Год назад
Story 2 the OP'S dad needs to divorce the OP'S mother.
@adamdubin1276 Год назад
Story 5: If said nephew exists he probably just said yes Aunt Karen, then pocketed the card and never bothered making the phone call because he knew that she was crazy and doing anything about it would just result in him getting a bigger headache than any of this was worth.
@jonathanwilliams1065 Год назад
1st Karen sounds like she was drunk when she walked in
@jamesweekley1087 Год назад
Story 2: OP should go no contact with any of his family who continue to argue that he pays anything at all to his opportunistic ex. She can get her child support from the real father, whoever he might be. Or they can foot the bills for her.
@barbarachrisman8574 Год назад
Mr. Fluff please don't give the Karen any ideas or a reason to go back to that poor bartender's bar.
@zero00044 Год назад
When someone yells that they deserve money, you say "you deserve nothing. If you need money, work harder and get 2 or 3 more jobs."
@laurabaumgartner3085 Год назад
Steve-O deserves a raise, along with a plate of chocolate chip cookies all for the hard work he does.
@SABRMatt2010 Год назад
Story 4: That's...just...WOW. That woman is clearly a sociopath.
@lauradelacruz8287 Год назад
Story 2 pay NO child support for a child/children that are not your biological father. Absolutely no parental support ever
@BellatrixAnnie Год назад
Second Story: I agree with Fluff on that one. He's not the dad, so doesn't owe a single penny to them. Last story:I might be strange, but I actually sawped seats with a marine, before he was like 6ft something, and I'm only 5ft 5inches, but then again we did have a great talk...It was the first time flying by myself as well. (I was about 16/17years old at the time.) But the funnier thing was when I was about 18/19 he actually turned out to be a teacher at my college. lol
@riel4553 Год назад
Story 2: He shouldn't be taking care of kids that aren't his. But I'm wondering what the F type of "dark jokes" he was telling for the sister to blow up that way and even his father told him to not joke like that. He makes it sound like the sister didn't have an opinion before the jokes.
@patrickfraley361 2 месяца назад
Story 2: It's time to go no contact with your sister and your mother. Ridiculous.
@jacobtiger6567 Год назад
Story 2: has anyone mentioned this... OP said that the timing was right that the 5yr old to be his. I might be assuming things but doesn't that mean that his Ex was cheating on him? Of they were together and it wasn't his, then she was messing around with someone on the side.
@kevinmaxwell9539 Год назад
If I were OP, I would have gone to my truck, called the police, and told them that she was trespassing and ask them to forcefully remove her from the property if need be. Or use the tractor to tow the Porsche.