
r/PettyRevenge - Karen Neighbors Won't Stop Trespassing! Gets Mad When Repeatedly Caught! 

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@panagea2007 Год назад
My neighbor's kids kept swimming in my pool because their mother told them it was all right. I came out with a gallon of apple juice, told them it was pee I had been collecting, and dumped it in the water. They screamed and climbed out. They never swam there again.
@godbacks09 Год назад
@cygnisdragon3485 Год назад
😂 👍
@DavidWsTrainVideos Год назад
Well that’s one way to do it 😂
@musatshabangu560 Год назад
@DiscoTimelordASD Год назад
@yutorzh7144 Год назад
Nobody. No teacher, no business, no employer, absolutely NOBODY should have the right to control another person's bladder or bowel movements under any circumstance ever.
@wolvesone Год назад
tell that to securitas security when i used to work for them my site supervisor made a rule that we were not allowed to use the restrooms at all even when we worked 12 hour shifts same day he made that rule same day i told him to f off i quit and same day i got hired by another security company on my way home been there ever since and found out that that supervisor still has that rule in effect but changed some to allow for "emergency" use
@dudeorduuude5211 Год назад
In fairness, you know some kids use it to skip class, right?
@Sassafrass95 Год назад
@@dudeorduuude5211 yea but to punish all kids for some trouble makers isn't really fair is it
@someguy7629 Год назад
It's also unhealthy to hold it up for longer periods of time. It can even damage your bladder n stuff.
@wolvesone Год назад
@@someguy7629 as a former firefighter and someone with medical training you are 100%correct it can cause very serious damage to your organs
@DarkEinherjar Год назад
I'll never understand people who ask "why didn't you go to the restroom before?" BECAUSE MY F-ING BLADDER WASN'T FULL BACK THEN, THAT'S F-ING WHY! A teacher refusing to allow students to use the restroom without a valid reason is denying them their physical needs and creating potential for embarrassment and emotional trauma, which is considered abuse. That b--- of a teacher probably chose to retire to avoid any consequences, or was forced to retire.
@alanalirkani Год назад
Plus, you can go during recess and lunch and still have to go during a class. It depends on how much one drinks and what one drinks.
@pizzapartytime1826 Год назад
@@alanalirkani yeah some days I’m fine and sometimes I go a lot
@wfcoaker1398 Год назад
Learning to use a bathroom when one is available because you don't know when you'll get the chance again is part of growing up. You can't just expect that a bathroom will be conveniently available when you need one.
@candidsandie Год назад
@@wfcoaker1398 but holding it in can cause bladder infections and act number of other problems, not to mention a fear of asking to go, or, as in young kids, a regression of potty training. There is really no good excuse to deny a child the ability to use the toilet when requested. Plain and simple!
@wfcoaker1398 Год назад
@@candidsandie Oh, I'm not suggesting that. You can't expect 8 year olds to be adults.
@Josh_the_jester Год назад
Story 3: the petty gaslighting from OP's family is infuriating, the fact that they went from "best cake pops ever" to "eh" is a huge hot heaping pile of horse crap
@charlotteemerson5050 Год назад
I don't think I have mentioned this. I have been widowed for 8 years. My hubs used to tell me I was wonderful, beautiful, and that he loved me a couple times a week or so. Everyday when I hear Fluff say these things it brings back fond memories. Thank you so much Fluff
@s.v.2796 Год назад
My dad died 4 years ago from dementia. Although he forgot who everyone else was he never forgot my mother. His face would light up on seeing her, even the day he died. They had the solid marriage that my husband (33yrsmarried) and I model our lives together on. Please don't hide your love, your experience your relationship knowledge. Even if you choose to not marry again, which you might, your a blessing to others.
@dorothylloyd1804 Год назад
I always told my daughter if she needed to go to the restroom at school, I mean really needed to, and was told no, to go anyway and I'd deal with. There's no reason to make a kid miserable over taking 3 minutes to pee.
@someguy7629 Год назад
It's also very unhealthy and in some cases (depending on how long you have to hold it in) dangerous.
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 3: Man, OP straight up exposed their favoritism and unwillingness to even try OP's cooking, and there's nothing they can do to save face since it'll just prove their bias
@kucsidavee Год назад
That whole story was nothing but Deja'Vu for me.
@michanone Год назад
Wouldn't have gotten to the point with me. I'd do it once, twice. Third time I wouldn't bring anything. Whole family is stupid, they don't deserve those things.
@UmamaGoblin Год назад
They can't accept that OP is actually better even after admitting it 😆
@meh2510 Год назад
What would be hilarious is if OP decided to turn her hobby into a business and end up stealing all of Kay's customers.
@donnakubiski5572 Год назад
@@michanone I'm with you. Would have done the same thing.
@AGoodBrentDogs Год назад
Story3: I’m glad there’s finally another story where the husband backs up his wife. Too many have had them side with his family.
@bleachfan2.029 Год назад
Same I was expecting him to berate her but was happily surprised
@mewsomething7686 Год назад
Story 1: I had a friend who had this issue with her MALE english teacher in highschool. One day, just after recess, during a double lesson she asked to go to the toilet and got the classic "You should have gone on your break" She said "its important, she really needs to go" He argued and said tough luck etc. She got really mad and just screamed at the top of her lungs "I HAVE MY PERIOD I NEED TO CHANGE MY FREAKING PAD!" ....he never stopped her again
@alantran4901 Год назад
Story 1: Anyone betting that the teacher was force to retire because the school administration would be sue to the ground if the incident got out?
@wolvesone Год назад
i say that is a given
@tuffyukulele Год назад
This is how we grew up in our schools. LOL. Bathroom time was during recess and lunchtime.
@sumonelse1989 Год назад
Ya, I'm pretty sure that was a human rights violation that not even the police can get away with these days.
@darahhart5872 Год назад
I hope so , should have taken her license.
@darahhart5872 Год назад
@@tuffyukulele in first grade my class was told not to ask during recess. So I didn't, went #2 in my pants (I didn't want to ask and get in trouble) , got in trouble anyway, was paddled, withheld from some activity or other.. yeah I was paddled for obeying and will not forgive the teacher for it, hated her after that.
@georgeworley6927 Год назад
Story 1 I from young age thought that it was barbaric to ask to use the restroom. It is humiliation at it's finest. I complained about it to my mom who was a teacher. In third grade I tried to get my teacher's attention and she would not call upon me so I just got up and walked out of the classroom. So tried calling me back however I just kept walking and went to the restroom. After I got through, I went to the principal's office instead of my classroom. She took me back to class and told my teacher that if she found out that my teacher gave me issues over my actions that she would make problems with her. After that my teacher basically went to an open door policy when it came to restroom use.
@btsjimin9573 Год назад
My mom always told me that if I had to go to the restroom and the teacher said no that I can get up and walk out no matter what.
@thomasbarca9297 Год назад
Story 1: that kid was epic, I’m glad that horrible teacher retired
@og_3rd_st_saint_gat Год назад
I agree but if i was the kid I would done it on the teachers desk teach her a lesson
@dragonStorm1735 Год назад
On her shoes too
@hideshisface1886 Год назад
We had a kid in our elementary, who did similar thing - except with diarrhoea. Teacher was completely convinced the kid was faking having a stomach ache due to the test. Well... The kid in question was from another class, so I do not know the details, sadly, but it was a pretty nasty story circling around for couple of weeks.
@justinnewman6604 Год назад
I'm not glad she retired...... doesn't deserve a pension! Should have been fired!
@Kualinar Год назад
Just sad that she retired some 29 years to late.
@ldyshkspr Год назад
the baking story happened to my daughter too. she is a great cook and she brought something to a family dinner and people raved over it. until they found out she made it then they made disgusted faces. i am mad
@barbiek3987 11 месяцев назад
My brother's inlaws have done the exact same to me. It's wonderful until they know I made it, then 'omg we've been poisoned'. (insert eye roll).
@kb1kos Год назад
My mom did that to a teacher in the 1920s. #3 when asked to bring something, "WHY? Nobody ever eats anything that Kay didn't bake." #4 OP didn't avoid the neighbors from hell. OP drove them away.
@JulianaBlewett Год назад
Story one: if I would have had that teacher, I would have: 1) told her off 2) gone to the bathroom anyway 3) headed to the principal's office 4) told my mother 5) watch the fireworks show
@rora9553 Год назад
Story1: ok, anyone else lose bathroom and water “privileges” from talking in line after recess? Took a kid with kidney problems for parents to do anything about that.
@darahhart5872 Год назад
No, but I was paddled for obeying the teachers orders to not ask to use bathroom during recess.. I went in my pants instead.
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 5: Wow, all of that just because OP just lied once about where he went. Talk about disproportionate retribution. What a man-child he is. And really, "his house"? If I dated someone, I wouldn't have ownership of their house, right? If I'm right, then the same applies to Dick.
@RacheilAZ Год назад
I had a 4th grade teacher (getting ready to retire) that was like that. I had a UTI and needed to go when I needed to go. She did the same thing and said I couldn’t go. I asked her “Do you really want to tell me that? (as I waved my doctor note (that the office gave her earlier). YES - I peed at my seat and it made a massive puddle. She stopped telling us we could not go when needed.
@marinam.2293 Год назад
Wow, how strange - believe it or not, but I had almost the same thing happen to me in 4th grade. Also a UTI, which meant that it was painful and burned if I tried to hold it in, and also a teacher who refused to let me go to the bathroom. (Yes, I also peed all over my seat.) Wish I'd had a doctor's note, but we weren't taken to the doctor for "minor" things like UTIs. She hadn't noticeably relaxed any of her other rules after that, but she always let me go to the bathroom when I asked.
@SargeWolf010 Год назад
Story 1: she didn't retire she was FIRED and righfully so... Story 2: 🤣 Story 3: Now op knows how Jared's felt when Zales came to town... Story 4: 👍
@GeorgieB1965 Год назад
A teacher with that many decades in would be strongly encouraged to retire after a serious incident like that, as being fired might take too long and/or jeopardize things like a pension.
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
When I was in 1st grade....the teacher decided to make me do a problem on the board before allowing me to go to the bathroom. I wore dresses back then....and I was standing next to her at the board when I couldn't hold it any longer and the splash meant she basically got her foot peed on. She never made me wait again when I raised my hand to excuse myself. Lol. No repercussions for either of us and she taught for many more years, she just learned that some people wait until it's too late for games. Lol.
@marioStortuga Год назад
Story 1 as a parent I would flipped out on that teacher.
@sitavita Год назад
That is likely what happened when the parents found out what happened, hence the change in her allowing them to use the bathroom. Her contract was not renewed forcing her to retire is my guess.
@smstnitc Год назад
OP didn't ruin old boss' marriage, old boss did. It was just a ticking time bomb that finally went off
@richewilson6394 Год назад
They really need to do a life course and high schools for kids before they leave because they need to be taught what their rights are as employees because this guy had a golden opportunity to sue for wrongful to termination on his hands as well as an investigation on his manager for having relationships with another employee during working hours.
@SerenaSilverMoon Год назад
I'm surprised that the Manger did just write OP up after telling him that he wasn't doing his job. And yeah OP should have sued for more then just wrongful termination but harassment too.
@bloodwolfgaming9269 Год назад
It all depends on the state. Some states, like North Carolina, are "Right-to-Work" states meaning your employer can legally fire you from your job for pretty much any reason provided it's not discrimination of race/gender/etc. I used to work for a security company where I was the only night guard at one point for almost 2 months and because of it, I worked 11pm-7am on weekdays and 7pm-7am on weekends for about 44 nights straight with no days off. We ended up having a decent snowstorm heading our way that winter and I lived out of town in an area that could take anywhere from 3-5 days for a snowplow to get to because we were a "low priority" area. I even told my supervisor this and they told me that I should come to town before the snowstorm and get a hotel (on my own money most likely) so that way I could make it to work which, I wasn't going to do. Snowstorm hits and we get about a foot of snow leaving us snowed in a couple days and I ended up missing like 2 or 3 days of work. Not long after that, they started cutting my hours and having me train a new guard (that would ultimately become my replacement) because about two weeks later, I get a call that I am terminated for "sleeping on the job" even though I never got to see their proof outside of them saying "Someone saw you." and "We have you on camera." In the end, I felt they terminated me because I missed a few days' work due to something I had no control over...but since they couldn't fire me for that, they just said I was recorded sleeping on the job and that was their excuse. I maybe could have fought it saying I was wrongfully terminated for something I had no control over, but I didn't have any proof to back that up and it wouldn't have been worth fighting it in the end regardless. But yea...there are some states where, legally, you can be fired for just about anything and, provided it isn't for racial, gender, or medical reasons...then there isn't really anything you could do about it.
@richewilson6394 Год назад
Once your neighbors are using your driveway more than three times you need to get security cameras put in and no trespassing signs and get the police to monitor your street for any activity like that
@sitavita Год назад
I don't think the neighbors ever had permission. They likely saw the last owner move out and that it was empty and started parking there in addition to using the pool. People like that never actually ask permission. The only thing to do is call a towing company once the signs are up. Police in many areas won't do anything.
@richewilson6394 Год назад
@@sitavita I should have said that there was suspicious Behavior to the cops or check their plates. Also yeah if you have a pool you're guaranteed you're going to have people trying to sneak in so a security system is a must for liability reasons for sure.
@bleachfan2.029 2 месяца назад
I’m glad that Pete stood up for his wife, even though it was against his family. There is a good husband right there
@DarkEinherjar Год назад
Story 4: OP got two people arrested and had the rest of them evicted... why is this not pro?
@SerenaSilverMoon Год назад
That's what I was thinking. AND they have to pay him back still for the fence that they destroyed.
@phoenixspirit9530 Год назад
The secret ingredient in Op's cake pops was spite. Sweet and savory.
@elenalizabeth Год назад
I read that as spit 🤢😂
@shadodragonette Год назад
My sister went through something almost as bad. Teacher wouldn't let her go to the bathroom (she was maybe 6) and she made quite a mess. That teacher never made that mistake again.
@lindab.716 8 месяцев назад
I was the volunteer librarian at my kids school. I had a first grade class in when one child had an “accident “. Laughter ensued . The teacher put an end to that and kindly directed the child to the office. She was not one of the popular teachers but I knew who I wanted for my younger children. ❤
@layneauman2020 Год назад
It’s Time to get FLUFFY!!!
@SerenaSilverMoon Год назад
I wish that he'd sale that plush again or make another one.
@layneauman2020 Год назад
@@SerenaSilverMoon I think we all would
@AlexOvTheAbyss Год назад
Related to story 4 - I think people like that (who have outstanding warrants and still cause trouble) have something messed up mentally. I had an ex who had moved from another state and still had expired plates on her car 6+ months later. So you'd think she'd try and fly under the radar, right? Nope. She constantly ran red lights and did all sorts of other illegal things.
@DanielVisOneCade Год назад
Never underestimate the power of Antisocial personality disorder not everyone has to present as a rip roaring mega Karen it's like most disorders/dissociations they often don't even realise their behaviour could be problematic. Their usually massive narcissist through so even if you did point out how they are their own worst enemies they basically couldn't wrap their minds around it anyway since nothing's their fault. 🤣
@AlexOvTheAbyss Год назад
@@DanielVisOneCade Oh yeah, she was definitely a narcissist, which made me wonder if that is why people do these dumb things lol
@marjoriejohnston4905 Год назад
Oh, boy, I would have unleashed my mom on that teacher. I had arrangements made regarding needing to use the bathroom due to medical issues.😈
@barbiek3987 11 месяцев назад
Story #4. I'm speechless. The nerve of some people. I'm surprised that they didn't go INSIDE YOUR HOME since they considered the rest of YOUR property, theirs. Hope you got better neighbors when they were gone.
@davidmeckley3773 Год назад
I had a teacher in second grade who if you made angry would dig her nails into your scalp until you bled. Was reported and kept her job and had no consequences for her actions! Unbelievable!
@charlenevarada--Stargazer Год назад
Fluffy, that first story about that teacher & the bathroom reminds me of the time in 5th grade when I urinated under my desk as that teacher wouldn't let me use the bathroom! I got sent to the principal's office where I was kicked out of school & told to get psychiatric exams as I was branded "crazy" by that teacher!
@BridgetKF Год назад
Story 1 reminds me of a substitute teacher we had. I have a very touchy stomach and get sick to my stomach easily. So I sometimes ended up rushing to the washroom right after lunch, or if the scent of lunch was strong, it would set me off back then. Well, I told the teacher, urgently, I had to use the washroom and she was like "No, I'm not having brats use THAT excuse again to get out of class...." I should mention, my desk was right up at the front of the class. A minute or so later, I ended up making a mess on the floor, and she had to run out of the classroom because she was gagging. LOL She didn't come back. I was fine after, of course, and quite glad to be rid of the hag.
@candiebarr6745 Год назад
Lucky kid... I had to pee in class multiple times and have my mom go to the school multiple times for the teacher to start letting me go. And it wasn't until my mom screamed at them because there was blood
@astrid6496 Год назад
The only people who say beautifully decorated cakes and desserts are overcompensating for lack of taste, are those people who lack the talent to make said beautiful creations 😂
@stoopingfalcon891 Год назад
What a lot of people don't realise is the amount of damage that can be done to a childs 'waste disposal system' by forcing them to wait so long to go to the loo.
@scarletrose7272 Год назад
As a former public school teacher: I was reprimanded by my supervisor a couple of times for allowing my students to use the bathroom whenever they needed. After the second reprimand, I was instructed to only allow students during certain periods (right before and right after lunch/recess were a no-no), and to encourage students to go during prep periods (ex: art, science lab, gym, library time).
@phiahart Год назад
Story 1: Had a similar experience but in highschool, Our classmate hated the teacher and had no shame to make a point and peed in the classroom XD
@pamalarush5768 Год назад
My mom used to say, "If you gotta go, you gotta go and if you don't go when you gotta go, you won't have to go when you do go." 😃
@UmamaGoblin Год назад
As a kid I never let those teachers have their way. I'd always give some smartass remark and ignore their imagined authority. The schools never really punished me cuz they knew it was wrong and my parents tended to have my back
@safaenoname6323 Год назад
My teacher once didn’t let me go to the restroom because she thought that you couldn’t have a stomach flu while being on your period. So I ended up running to te restrooms anyway and proceeded to to barf for like two minutes straight. Then came back grabbed my stuff told her that she wasn’t right for thinking I was lying about not feeling well and then. Went to the principal to cal my mom and get home. After that she never denied me to go ever again
@catjazzhappycat7273 Год назад
We had a World Culture's teacher in my highschool that had no problem letting students use the restroom, But his rule was you had to flush and wash your hands, this was back in the early 1990s.
@singingwordwright148 Год назад
"Why didn't you go during recess?" "Because I spent recess drinking the water that now wants back out. ya dolt!"
@elenalizabeth Год назад
My response once was: “I did, but it’s summer so I also drank an entire bottle of water and it turns out my bladder is smaller than said bottle”
@LancerkingNoel Год назад
Story 5. "Enter Dick" "so named because he was one" "When I first met Dick" Op just started shooting himself on the leg with the naming
@PhantomFerret Год назад
In terms of the first story: My middle and high school didn't have issues of kids wetting themselves. We had a 15-15 min rule, where you couldn't leave class for any reason (unless you had an IEP stating you left five minutes before the end of class bell rang) for the first and last fifteen minutes of class. This rule applied even for half days, when class was usually shorter.
@georgeworley6927 Год назад
I got up and walked out of class when I needed to use the restroom and dare anyone to say a word. Once in elementary school, I had to go to bathroom because I wasn't feeling well. I went in my pants. I had diarrhea and didn't make it to the bathroom. My pants was soaked. After being in the bathroom for almost 20 as I was too embarrassed to go back to the classroom, the teacher, who was good friends with my mom, sent a kid that she knew I was friends with to check upon me to see if I was ok. I told him to get in touch with my mom to tell her to bring me a clean set of clothing and something to put my dirty clothes in. She did. The school nurse brought me several towels to clean up with so when I did get fresh clothes, I would not get them messy. I went home with my mom when she arrived. I apologize to the custodian. He said it was ok and I didn't mean to do it. The point of my story, is that if I had not been able to go I would have gone in pants which would have embarrassed me and stunk everyone out of the classroom
@Nevertoleave Год назад
To be honest, overly decorated cakes hardly ever seem to taste good too, except when done by a VERY good baker.
@richewilson6394 Год назад
Also the best way to get back at Kay would be to post everything you do on social media so that you can get popularity that way of people liking your stuff versus her crap. Cuz it's a known fact that people like things that are pretty to eat versus the rough looking items on display.
@drakofox1362 Год назад
That's so true especially in shows like Cake boss where they overly decorated there cakes but they still look awesome to eat
@rossf371 Год назад
Story 1: why do so many teachers do that, it's so weird. And for petes sake at age 24 I have to pee every 40ish minutes, same with many other people. Some just have very active urinary system. Then their the issue of increased risk of UTI's and bladder infections when you hold it.
@lesleyhawes6895 Год назад
Story 1 although I never stopped an individual pupil from going to the bathroom, the ones I was a bit wary of were the kids who decided they needed to have a piss in groups!
@nannettepolcastro4799 Год назад
My teachers would only let us go one at a time.
@elenalizabeth Год назад
We had a rule for a while in 5th grade of us girls had to go as a pair after an assault took place in the school bathroom and the girl almost died (though we weren’t told that, only that it was “for safety”). If someone else didn’t want to go then we were sent to use the bathrooms next to the reception/nurses office area.
@draksig12 Год назад
On the baker story, maybe she should start her home bakery back up and make it more successful than Kays.
@stoopingfalcon891 Год назад
My neighbours grand daughter makes the best cake pops ever! One of the local cake shops (the assistant manager is a friend of mine and had tasted her work) hired her when she turned 18 to be their exclusive cake popper, and one of the bakers took her under her wing to teach her how to bake just about anything. 5 years later she still works there as an assistant baker.
@juliem-r9734 Год назад
I’ve always had a tiny bladder. Sometimes if there was a sub, she wouldn’t be told about me. I would ask, she’d say no, I’d usually end up needing a change of clothes. So when my kids were in school, I made it clear to them that if the teacher gave them any problems concerning bathroom visit, to just go if the teacher told them that they weren’t allowed. Happened a few times. It all came to a huge head when in middle school, my sons teacher got mad and decided no kids could use the bathroom or get water for the rest of the year. I tried first talking to his teacher, then I called the principal and vice principal who both blew me off saying the teacher had the right to discipline the kids. Well screw that! I called the school board president (just happens that my husband rode the bus with him for several years). Within 45 minutes, the principal called, apologized. Said my sons class could go whenever they needed. The vice principal called to apologize for not doing anything and blowing me off. All 3 also had meeting with the board the next morning. 😂 Don’t mess with mamma bear!
@someguy7629 Год назад
Played stupid games and got stupid prizes.
@phoenixspirit9530 Год назад
Good job mama !
@otakubancho6655 Год назад
These petty revenge stories always make my childhood seem sane!
@Parknest Год назад
Story 5: Living well is truly the best revenge. In my first full-time job the manager (I'll call him Steve) was a bully who micro manged everything I did and came down on me like a ton of bricks for even the smallest thing. He had his come-uppance 13 years later. I now work for a law firm, own an SUV & a Mercedes. I recently found out from the obituary section of the local newspaper's website that Steve had passed away in 2014.
@Serene80 Год назад
Story 1: My first grade teacher was an evil witch. I will never forget the time I was being punished for... something... and she wouldn't let me go to the bathroom. I'm 42 now and I doubt I will EVER forget the embarrassment of having to walk to the office, dripping on the floor.
@stoopingfalcon891 Год назад
There was a teacher that started a new school year in one of our local primary schools (UK) that was exactly like that teacher described in the story. She lasted barely a month, before having to face a tsunami of very very angry Mama and Papa bears, my wife being one of the Mama Bears. No idea what happened to her after she vanished from the school. In my own time at school back in the day, the teachers made a rule that if you needed to go to the loo, you just held up your left hand, they would just nod and say nothing and off you go. I may have hated school, but the teachers were great!
@grannydyess Год назад
If neighbors kids kept swimming in my pool unsupervised and uninvited I call cps and cops
@darahhart5872 Год назад
Story 1 reminds me when I was in 1st grade. We were headed off to recess outside on the playground, and we were told under no circumstances were we to ask to go to the bathroom. While playing the sudden need to #2 hits me, but, I was a very obedient child.. I didn't want to get in trouble for asking to use the bathroom. I could not hold it either, so I go in my pants. Of course that became immediately obvious, and I get taken to the office and then after a change of clothes, the teacher takes me to her classroom, paddles me and I missed out on some movie or some such, I don't remember exactly. That's right. I was punished for obeying the teacher. I hated her after that, never forgave her and it was so traumatic for me I forgot her name.
@kristiehoffrichter5874 Год назад
Story 2: Kudos to OP for telling the ex- bosses wife about what happened in the workplace, about her husbands 'meetings' with V, falsely accusations against OP and fired for no reason during a snow storm. She had a right to know about the way he really treats his employees, and his secret affair behind her back. No doubt if she decided to fule for divorce she can sue him and his secret girl for cheating. One of things I've learnt from these videos. If your boss or work colleague are causing trouble and try to blame you for it. Always put it down in writing and send it to the higher ups like HO, they'd no doubt have someone investigate into it. They'd be able to get the boss fired for not only discrimination against an employee by false accusing them, but also favouritism of an another employee, mot following workplace procedures by not doing write-ups and wrongful fired them without valid reason.
@DBHawk3 Год назад
Story 3 had a little bonus. It wasn't just a petty revenge, but a delicious compliance!
@rachelpaxman7290 Год назад
Story 1: How can anyone concentrate on learning when they have to use the bathroom? It's contradictory to make a kid stay in class when they've asked to use the bathroom. They're not listening to the teacher, they're waiting for permission to relieve themselves.
@LM-wz9yw Год назад
My husband has permanent damage due to a teacher who refused to let him go to the bathroom, ever. Not any kid, just him. Not letting someone pee is actually a huge deal.
@AmayaElls 8 месяцев назад
As a teacher the bathroom stories are always horrifying, the most I'll do is if I'm about to give instructions or if it is right near a break/end of day I will ASK "Can you wait for a bit?" And if they really look uncomfortable while answering yes I will remind them that it was a question not an order. I'm pretty sure I'd get in serious trouble if I gave an outright no with no good reason,
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
Story four..... I'd call the tow trucks after they parked after the first time I warned them.
@gregorythomas333 Год назад
Story 1: I had a teacher try that "You should have used the bathroom earlier" stunt...I just looked at her and asked "Do you not know how human biology works?" I went anyway. Story 3: OP should not bring anything else to the gettogethers anymore. There is no sense in wasting food...or effort...on assholes like those people. Snotty people piss me off.
@badgerthecheesestick1171 Год назад
Story 5: Rise over run is also the formula for slope. Damn, I hate that i know that. CURSE YOU ALGEBRA!
@aennaenn7468 Год назад
If those neighbors were smart they wouldn't have warrants in the first place
@Syxxth Год назад
Please don't mistake this for me saying I was a badass in school, but one substitute teacher refused to let a girl go to the bathroom. She asked him several times and he kept saying no. I stood up, walked over to the girl, said "Come with me" I took her to the female's bathroom, waited outside for her to get done with what she needed to, and walked her back to the classroom. The teacher said "you are both in trouble" I told him "we'll see about that " Nothing ever happened. He didn't send us to the principal, he didn't write us up, he did nothing but continue with the lesson. Again, I was no badass. In fact, I was one of the kids who was picked on relentlessly. But, I could never stand a bully.
@elenalizabeth Год назад
Why is it always male teachers that refuse to allow female students to go to the bathroom, it seems very misogynistic 🤔
@wristdisabledwriter2893 Год назад
Story 1 reminded me of a recent issue before I graduated. I get double time on tests due to disability and the place I have to take the tests gave me a list of rules that I have to sign to get access for my tests. I read through them and saw it’s the usual stuff except they won’t let us leave the room for any reason til we hand over the tests. I am confused asking about bathrooms in the room and they said it’s outside. I than argued I need bathroom breaks and wouldn’t sign it under these situations. They said use the restroom before the tests. I said that’s not going to work because my tests times are anywhere from 3-6 hours. They tried to get me to get medical records saying I had to go frequently to the restroom (which is true medically too) but I just saw my doctor and had a test before the next one. Long story short I finally got them to agree to let me go to the restroom during tests
@someguy7629 Год назад
Them trying to get your medical records is highly illegal. You don't have to share it with anyone but your doctor. (or the hospital if something happens, obviously)
@wristdisabledwriter2893 Год назад
@@someguy7629 actually since it’s school it’s different I usually get the doctors note but like I said I was in between appointments and had a test coming up
@jamiesuejeffery Год назад
Nearly 30 years ago when I was in my very first parish as a parish pastor (a tiny parish), the head (only) usher took me aside and said, "My doctor has me on water pills. If I leave the worship service in the middle of the service, don't be offended. I just have to urinate." This little church was so tiny, it only had a center isle between pews that could hold maybe 6 people. There were no side isles. Several times, he got up from the back pew, marched right down the center isle (the only isle) and exited to the bathroom. My physician put me on water pills (diuretics) a couple of years ago. I honestly did not understand what he meant when he said he had to go when he had to go. Now I do.
@vickymc9695 Год назад
Had a teacher like that in high school, he gave my friend a kidney infection; because she was so scared she didn't drink and peed in-between all 6 classes. The stupid rule got repealed when one girl bleed on a chair.
@elenalizabeth Год назад
Why is it so often the male teachers that don’t let the female students go 🤬 It’s so gross and feels very misogynistic, and also like they don’t understand biology in that we can’t hold in our periods.
@cletusanne 5 месяцев назад
The pee teacher story made me crack up because that sounds like something my teacher mother (let's call her Mrs. Karen) would do.
@keepupwithspeedy 7 месяцев назад
when I was in school, I never asked to go to the restroom, I just told the teacher that was where I was going and went. I always made sure I was as fast as possible though.
@samuelchappell7280 Год назад
Story 1. If I was that kid, I would have said that she can either let me go to the bathroom, or I was going to take a piss right there in the classroom. If she called my bluff, let it rip in front of the entire class.
@sharper58 Год назад
I hated that stupidness of 'why didn't you go during break ?' or some teacher getting all prissy about 'disrupting their class' by asking to use the bathroom. I once had a teacher moan at me for taking my bag with me and insisted it stay in class. Uh, no. I'm not leaving my things behind to have who knows what happen to them when your back is turned so it's coming with me.
@elenalizabeth Год назад
I once had a male teacher tell me I couldn’t take my bag with me, so I started to rummage through it in the classroom and he yelled at me asking what I’m doing interrupting his class. I told him “I’m just trying to find a tampon but they are pretty small so get lost in the bottom of the bag”. He went bright red and yelled at me to just take the damn bag with me 🤷‍♀️😂 I actually kept all my hygiene supplies in a little zipped pouch, so I could have just taken that, but I hated that teacher for how he talked to us girls, so I took my chance to embarrass him.
@ajb7530 Год назад
Never dis someone's cooking until you try it. Because you never know.
@stacym735 Год назад
I used to belong to a social club that had regular "potluck dinners." I was always asked to bake something and bring it, because I kept entering local bake-off competitions and winning. Since I loved sharing my baked goods, I was always happy to do it. Then, enter Margie. Gering up to the first potluck after she joined, Margie started crowing about how nobody else needed to bother bringing a cake, because she had that covered. She was KNOWN for her cakes in her extended family, her's were the best, etc. And I happily stepped back to give Margie the spotlight (the cake was good. Nothing spectacular, but good). As it turned out, nobody could bring up making anything at all that Margie didn't pronounce that her's was The Best, and she'd bring it to the next potluck to prove it. Now I won't say that she alone was responsible for the demise of the regular potlucks. But her constant bragging and competitiveness led a lot of people to just stop bothering with it. It had stopped being fun. And it dwindled down to not much of a thing after awhile.
In Story number three the family were being entitled a holes the whole time by not giving Op's food a chance
@theswedishdude1 Год назад
i don't understand why americans feel the need to control when students can use the bathroom, in my country we've never done this if we needed to pee we just went to the bathroom, it wasn't chaos, people didn't constantly "go pee" so they could skip class it was just a normal school day.
@elenalizabeth Год назад
They have the wrong type of people becoming teachers. Not people that genuinely want to work with kids and enjoy teaching, but the ones that want the power-tripping ability that comes with working with small humans.
@s.m.gonyea1453 Год назад
I had to have doctor's notes every year to be able to go to the bathroom when I needed to, and even then there were teachers who ignored the note and refused to let me go. Forget those teachers, I hope they always find themselves without toilet paper. After completing their business. In public restrooms.
@theauthor8263 Год назад
changing their tune when they find out who made it. I know the feeling
@jerichogarry Год назад
The people in these stories are the reason the world is ending.
@quix66hiya22 Год назад
Those trespassing neighbors are criminals. Good riddance.
@srephenlucietto5114 Год назад
I would have pressed them for payment by ducking from any payment they get and let the tax office to watch there asses to see if they buy any thing
@rubyblue444 Год назад
Time for my Fluff fix!!!
@FredRated1967 Год назад
While Dick may have been confused about what a logarithm is, OP was confused over what a tangent is. Rise over run refers to the slope of a graph, not the tangent.
@jenolasmalls3178 Год назад
I used to tell my kids if u need to go to the bathroom and the teacher won’t let u walk out, I’ll handle the after math cause ain’t no way u gonna used the bathroom on ur self
@candifeinberg3222 Год назад
I had that same experience in first grade. When the kids I teach ask I never make them wait!!!!!
@Iyiouseismouse 6 месяцев назад
I know an Army SEAL who was a door gunner on a nuclear submarine! One time he let me drive the sub since I was a commando.
@Keilahann24 Год назад
Response to Story 1: So I had physics with this teacher who thought using the bathroom was a privilege, not a right. 3 minutes before the class was supposed to start, I feel the drop that women know all too well. I ask to use the bathroom and he refuses because we had a rule that kids couldn't go to the bathroom during the first and last ten minutes of class. I just stared him down before walking out. I think he should be glad because that October, a local elementary teacher didn't let a kid go to the bathroom, he wet himself, and we never heard from her again.
@elenalizabeth Год назад
I would have been like “you’re a physics teacher but if I don’t go right now you’re about to understand that the biology of a woman doesn’t allow her to hold her period in” Embarrassment seems to be a very good learning tool for power-tripping people 🤷‍♀️
@trgoohileshea2820 Год назад
Our grade school bathroom was TOTALLY open. The toilets were lined up against the far wall and the urinals were right next to each other. I was horribly pee shy, so none of that worked for me. I don't know how I made it, but I saw a lot of other kids not make it...Bastards!
@misspisces319 Год назад
In 2nd grade I transferred to a new school and the substitute teacher wouldn't let me go when I needed to. I peed my pants and was so embarrassed. My mother threw a fit when she came to bring me a change of clothes. I get to 4th grade and she's the new 4th grade teacher. One day I forgot my materials for a project we were working on and she failed me for the entire assignment even though it wasn't due yet. That didn't end well for the teacher. She was clearly biased against me and the principal recognized it as well. I was just a shy kid trying to fit into a new school and she made me feel like I didn't belong.
@ItsDuskyWusky Год назад
Story 1: I was that kid in my school. Teacher wouldn’t let anyone go to the bathroom and no one could go during lunch cause it was a 50% chance they’d allow you to go during it and since the teachers had a vendetta against me cause of my brothers, I wasn’t permitted to go during lunch. One day I had to go really bad and my teacher said I shoulda gone during lunch and when I tried to argue, she moved my bus to yellow. In retaliation I stood up and peed myself while remaining eye contact with her. Long story short, we began traveling as a group for bathroom breaks. Btw, I was 6 when this happened and was in first grade.
@cherokeeirishman9612 Год назад
Should’ve said “Apparently Kay is NOT a better baker!”
@elenalizabeth Год назад
The name just made me giggle because of the channel “Kay’s cooking” 😂
@mrroboshadow Год назад
"these cake pops are delicious!!!" to "you're just mad Kay bakes better stuff" hope he didnt hurt himself with all those mental gymnastics....who am i kidding i do hope it hurt
@melkiorwiseman5234 Год назад
On this side of the pond, if you have a judgement debt which is still unpaid after the statutory period for payment has expired (generally 14 days), you just transfer the matter to the High Court and then get the sheriff's department to go and collect on your behalf. Those cars would have been gone, all right, but not to a tow company...
@andie2809 Год назад
Funny story... I was watching a bad drivers video and Dark Fluff was playing in the background!😂 They were listen to one of Fluff' s stories when they caught an accident on their dashcam!!
@sonyamiller4853 Год назад
That's amazing!
@SerenaSilverMoon Год назад
Oh that is EPIC!!!!
@someguy7629 Год назад
He was always the black sheep of RU-vid.
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