
r/EntitledPeople - Psycho Karen Thinks She Owns a PUBLIC POOL! ATTACKS Me For Swimming! 

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@kristalparsons5473 Год назад
"My son stole a toy in its box that was worth 2000 dollars and my brother is gonna call the police!" "And how OLD is the little tyke?" "He's fifteen." Fifteen? And he doesn't know any better than that YET?"
@CassandraMiyuki Год назад
My dad has a few Spawn figures and a bunch of Hot Wheels still in their packaging. I have no idea what their value could be, but I'm sure he would be angry just at the fact that someone as close as family would steal from him. I feel like it would be one thing if the kid was like toddler aged, but a teenager should know better than to steal. I wish a cousin of mine had just stolen a valuable figurine, but instead he's locked up for possession of illegal drugs and weapons.
@francit4856 11 месяцев назад
Hot wheels aren't really worth more than a couple dollars each. The problem with Collectables is they are only worth what someone is willing to pay for them at the time you want to sell them. They go in and out of fashion. Beanie Babies are a good example.
@AlyssMadigan 9 месяцев назад
If you finish the update - you learn that he more than knew better because he intended to make the money himself.
@angelamurray2725 8 месяцев назад
Is this not grand theft
@marlene1708 6 месяцев назад
Son needs to face the consequences of his actions.
@leox.jaramillo3231 Год назад
Story 4: the brother is in the right and has grounds to take them to small claims court. It's good the moronic teen faces consequences.
@Varixian Год назад
I'm pretty sure if they put in a police report and make a insurance claim he can't sue. Because in a sense the insurer buys the object and they take the burden of recouping losses.
@redbeardsteelskin6723 Год назад
@@Varixian The police report is just so insurance pays him. Police will likely contact the family, though I dunno the son will be in any actual "trouble', it'll still be something he has to admit to and the idea is to scare him into realizing actions have real consequences, this time he got incredibly lucky. Personally if I were dad, I'd ask the cops to make a big deal out of it just to truly nail it him, cause if THIS is his logic at 15, rob your OWN FAMILY just to convenience yourself? Adulthood isn't looking great on that track.
@LoveOnTheInsidex3 Год назад
Story 4: Good that the son is getting punishment but what a way to describe your own brother. he collects things, so what?
@DarkEinherjar Год назад
2023, and people still look down on nerds, sadly...
@royal-wolf Год назад
My lifestyle is literally the same as the brother, except I'm female, and OP is just an asshole. No wonder the brother doesn't have a good relationship with them
@Maninawig Год назад
​@@DarkEinherjar I remember a discussion about The Big Bang Theory and how some claimed it normalized nerds. One commenter disagreed, stating that it was a comedy with the premise of laughing at nerds doing nerdy things. Yes, people routed for accolades and such (which you do for athletes as well), but the whole nerd culture was still taken as a joke. I gotta say that I can't disagree. All that (and the 90s push to normalize mental disorders) did was to make it more tolerated than appalled.
@ezekial7028 Год назад
It honestly sounds like OP is jealous of his brother, his brother does what he wants with the money he gets, which is obviously more then OP makes, while OP is stuck with a criminal for a son.
@tmntfangirl4700 Год назад
Everyone collects something, it doesn’t necessarily have to be comics, action figures, movie or tv things.
@tsquaredtim Год назад
In story #4, the brother is totally in the right. He's correct that when the 15-year-old, the 15-year-old son deserves what he gets. It doesn't matter if Op thinks it's "nerdy" to collect collectibles. The figurines are worth money if and only if they are in the original packaging.
@ShadowTaipan Год назад
Also, he thinks it's nerd. Whatever. It is also none of his damn business what his brother chooses to collect.
@tsquaredtim Год назад
@Thomas Miller, exactly. Also, nerds rule the world 🌎 😂
@Josh_the_jester Год назад
Some might say that what OP and his brother did was "too harch" because he's a minor, but don't agree, he made an adult decision to steal a high value asset with the intent to sell for personal ill gotten gain.
@paulman34340 Год назад
You don't go to someone's house, break their shit, then get upset that your expected to pay for it! All OP is doing is teaching his son that "it's okay to break and take stuff without permission" as long as he feels it's "nothing of value" but hate to inform OP (actually I don't the moment he said "nerdy things" as I DESPISE people with this attitude! My EX-Little Sister as she's been disowned for a recent MORE fucked up reason basically a decade or so ago had her baby daddy stay with us for abit! The POS STOLE my 3DS the Release model and half my PS3 games out of my room and bought himself a 360 with what he stole! I found out cause the idiot WENT TO THE GAMESTOP I WAS NICE ENOUGH TO SHOW HIM WHEN HE FIRST CAME WANTING TO BE WELCOMING as both him and my sister are POS, but I love my nephew and niece, thier children! My sister's response was "so what" like this DIDN'T concern her! My mother had to give me the expected amount to keep the peace and tossed him out the house where he then became a DEADBEAT Dad running home to mommy to get out of taking care of his kids! We got him to surrender Parental rights and saw the back of him Had the nerve to "ask for the 360 and games he bought for it" back.....I sent him a copy of the receipt of what I got "trading that shit back to gamestop! Had to rebuy a new 3DS as in the Final Model before they moved onto the Switch the New Nintendo 3DS. I got my games back cause the idiot never knew, I MARKED my games with my initials with my key in a way that you have to look into the light to see the mark clearly! Lucky they had a sale so I paid LESS of what I paid to get those games in the first place!) but courts WILL make you pay what would have been the possible value of the item that was damaged. Your son even took a picture so it will look like he did the crime with no remorse for doing it! You don't get to play the "pay the price it was bought" as the reason the courts started doing this was BECAUSE Jackholes like you kept doing this and the crime kept getting repeated that they finally decided to set examples! Hell the Courts might even add additional things I'm sure your son won't like very much because it's clear YOU his father aren't going to let it sink in
@deanpeter1234 Год назад
It also doesn't matter if it's just "figurines" when said figurines can be worth a substantial amount, especially in mint conditions. The monetary values of such items itself is probably enough to be substantial evidence in court.
@quantumAnarchist Год назад
story 4: imagine if it was a piece of jewelry or a cheap car they stole, $2000 is a felony no matter the item
@jawllypop1750 Год назад
Story 4: As a collector myself, I am furious knowing what that little punk did! I hope some time in Juvi or something will turn his little butt around for being a dirty little thief!
@melkiorwiseman5234 Год назад
Sadly, the truth is that "time in juvie" generally only ends up teaching them how to be a sneakier thief.
@ShadowTaipan Год назад
@@melkiorwiseman5234 not to mention that I doubt that would get juvi for this, even though I would certainly advocate it were it my business.
@violet_skrs Год назад
​@@ShadowTaipan with a theft equating over $2000 the kid could easily recieve jail time. some states its over $1-2k and other states it's over $5k when it's considered felony theft.
@ShadowTaipan Год назад
@@violet_skrs Yes, prison is possible. 15 yr olds don't go to juvi fir felonies. They usually get tried as adults.
@TJDious Год назад
OP4: Where did you ever get off not paying in full for something your child stole and ruined??? No it's not harsh. Your son is a thief, period.
@thelonemask Год назад
I think OP just thought that his son didn’t know any better and believed that would be too harsh. But once he found proof of him intentionally stealing the figure to sell it. That’s when he lost all sympathy for him and realized the brat needed to face the consequences.
@weybye91 Год назад
​@@thelonemask that's no fing excuse
@thelonemask Год назад
@@weybye91 Of course it isn’t, I just think that was his mindset.
@kenkahre9262 Год назад
The kid's already got a bad attitude from OP in general: anybody we don't like, we disrespect them.
@Traveler19491 Год назад
First story: OP missed a golden opportunity. They should have come out of the manager's office, spotted Karen, and just started laughing her a** off, then offer Karen this..."Thanks for speaking to my manager. I haven't laughed that hard in ages!"
@russward2612 Год назад
Swimming Grandma should face charges for attempted manslaughter by trying to drown OP.
Nah just return the favor to the customer complaint to the condom company.
@terrysyvertson9205 Год назад
swimming grandma should have been drowned
@onepieceisking5493 Год назад
I agree 💯. At least she's not allowed to come back to the pool. I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to raise hell over that.
@Some_Guy6 Год назад
Granny should be happy she did not "accidently" get drowned in self defence.
@gfg758 Год назад
@@SLOTHSRIDEUNICORNS I don't think condoms was made back in the Stone Age
@cliffordmaynard6559 Год назад
On the story about the 15 year old stealing, YES he needs to learn the hard way, he needs to learn a lesson.
@rneidermyer5266 Год назад
Story 4: There is no defending such behavior at any age. You do not stand by someone no matter what. They must face the consequences of their actions.
@Maninawig Год назад
There is, in a small sense. Some collector items are toys kept in packages, and a 5 year old might not have the full understanding of what that means... just like seeing a life-alert button and wanting to push it. So, for a tiny kid, there is a defense for not knowing the implications of their actions, but there is no defending them taking something that doesn't belong to them without permission.
@tmntfangirl4700 Год назад
@@Maninawig But the nephew is 15 years old not a 5 year old. Wether he understands the value or not, stealing is still stealing.
@MaryMoodymegumimom Год назад
The kid was 15, not 5
@tmntfangirl4700 Год назад
@Maninawig Год назад
I understand that the child was 15, but R Neidermyer said "At Any Age" and "No Excuse." So my rebuttal to such absolutes was to state that there might be one of being too young to understand the full ramifications of one's actions, but finished it by agreeing that it still won't excuse the theft (just the value or potential harm done by it).
@petervaneno4469 Год назад
"She looks miserable. I want you to reprimand her so she's even more miserable". Seriously, what was she hoping to accomplish?
@audreyricci6383 20 дней назад
Maybe getting OP fired.
@jamescaron6465 Год назад
Regarding the collectible, figurines story. I seem to recall another Reddit post this time from the brothers point of view. As I recall, the brother always felt put down by the OP and belittled for his nerdy lifestyle I guess you could say. So yeah, he really resented his brother and when his nephew stole from him, that was really the final insult to him.
@buildtherobots Год назад
Story 3: good on OP for refusing to get yelled at while being very close to naked. 10/10 can confirm that the devastation of being yelled gets exponentially worse when you are naked.
@ashuradragosani5960 Год назад
Nope, as the parent you are responsible for your kid stealing a valuable and effectively destroying its value. It matters little if its family and whether you get along or not, it is still your responsibility. The son stole someone elses property regardless of from whom and its value.
@1LEgGOdt Год назад
I would agree with you on that fact, but I would also have to disagree with you there on that fact. Yes as parents, they are responsible for their children's actions, but only to the point when their children are old enough to unstand and think for themselves on the things that they do. And it was a Boba Fett Figure that was in its original packaging with the original factory seal. The Kid is 15 years old, he's old enough to know not to steal from other people. Here's what can be done to resovle this issue. 1: Sell anything of value that the 15 year old has. Like Gaming Systems, Models, Collectables, etc. 2: He is 15 years old. Make him get a part time job to help pay off the cost of the damaged Property. 3:Talk with his uncle on how to resolve the issue. But it turns out. the events of the Story 4 has been ressolved, by the father. as in after talking with his wife, they agreed that they'll be selling all of the non essentual items(like what I listed above as the first action the parents can take.), and it was found out that he was intending to sell it and make a lot of money off of it. The 15 just didn't know that the moment he removed it from the package, the $2,200.00(USD) price listing in 2019(yes it happened 4 years ago.) immedately to $0.00 because it had been removed from the factory sealed package. The father goes on in the update that he had gotten back in touch with his brother to talk about what to do. And the brother's renter's insurance will cover the cost of the stolen figure, but he had to file a police report on the theft. Which the father of the 15 yo agreed, because he wants his son to understand that lesson while he's still a kid, that stealing someone else property with the intent to sell the stolen property is wrong and thus suffer the consequences of his actions. So that kid is now about 18 or 19 years old. So we don't know what has happened since the end of that event. But you can look it up and read it for yourself if you like. The original person who posted Story 4 is u/Whooooooop23 on Reddit.
@larrywest42 Год назад
It took me a bit to arrive at the same conclusion. I'm not sure the police would even get involved. Very short-sighted from a family point-of-view, though. I would aim for some payment plan involving the 15yo earning the money over the next 4 years or so, paying via his parents who have the legal liability. The toy collector will eventually be made whole and the 15yo jerk - if he complies - will _hopefully_ learn a lesson. If not, his father can leave that debt to him as his inheritance. Mediation, or even small claims court _might_ be useful as a way to find some middle ground (like a payment plan) and is probably worth a try if both brothers can't reach an agreement beforehand, but can agree to abide by the decision.
@Frazzled_Chameleon Год назад
Yup. You pay the full price for the figure that YOUR SON stole and then get your son to work a part-time job to start paying it off. Fifteen is old enough to know right from wrong.
@phoebegradert9790 Год назад
Agreed especially since the son that stole the figure was not some 2-6 year old the kid is 15 he knows better
@weybye91 Год назад
​@@1LEgGOdt if your son or daughter steels from me, i hold you accountable, since it's your kids
@kevinkunkel9444 Год назад
Story 3: DO NOT GO TO THAT POOL. The lifeguards there are clearly very incompetent and incapable of doing their jobs properly.
@Fyreflier Год назад
100% My friend was a qualified lifeguard from a summer job before starting uni. She would tell us about all the regulations they had to follow including for things like bathroom breaks to make sure there were enough people on duty and watching. The fact that _all_ the lifeguards missed _two_ assaults in that pool within minutes of each other is terrifying. All Karen's grandkid had to do was go under the water once while she was Karening around and I don't even want to think about the consequences for that family
@nickislade5533 Год назад
Probably distracted by said teenagers earlier. You literally cannot focus on one thing all the time
@kevinkunkel9444 Год назад
@@nickislade5533 How many people have to drown because the lifeguard is "distracted?" It's literally the lifeguard's job to watch the entire pool.
@PardonSylver Год назад
​@@nickislade5533the fact is there were THREE lifeguards and every single one missed TWO assaults happening within minutes of each other, because they were distracted? Sounds like Karen only goes there because she KNEW the lifeguards were incompetent and all she had to do was cry assault and no one would dare question the poor innocent grandma.
@nickislade5533 Год назад
@@PardonSylver worked as a lifeguard ? No they are more focussed on the youth and children’s pools because generally that is where the issue is. Grandma should not have been teaching the child in the adult pool where the poor tyke probably had problems even reaching the bottom of the pool. Be an adult. Grandma was in the wrong.
@pattiwagner1980 Год назад
15? Make his behind WORK to replace what he took! He had to know that was going to degrade the figure by taking it out of the packaging. Good for your brother, and good for you. Grand larceny is no small thing.
@missharry5727 Год назад
He's 15 for heaven's sake. He knew he was acting dishonestly, and he was stupid on top. Make sure he gets a lesson he won't forget in a hurry and hit him in his own pocket. That was despicable.
@stuckinmopro8533 Год назад
So OP not only raised a thief but he raised a stupid thief.
@ArtemisMoon12 Год назад
Story 4- Yeah I was thinking this was a child, not a teenager. Even as a small child, I knew mint packaging was a thing. So not just a thieving ass of a teen, but he did it so stupidly as well. A fifteen year old should know better. I feel so bad the brother is treated this way.
@DagNeb_It Год назад
The last story made me cry. 😢 how could someone be so awful to someone so loving. What a great dad and care taker. He deserves an award 🥇
@jerosa07 Год назад
I am a collector....if someone knowingly steals one of my collection items, they will pay in full ASAP!!
@paul16451 Год назад
Story 4: The problem with stealing something to sell it is that you have to find a buyer. A pawn shop will not give money to a minor, and once an insurance or police report is filed on a stolen item, that item is immediately flagged for watch and all sites where such sale items are posted will launch an immediate investigation where the perpetrator would be caught anyway. The kid should count himself lucky that he was caught at the time he was and by his dad instead of by the regular authorities, otherwise his punishment would have been much, much worse.
@thelonemask Год назад
The kid probably just wanted to make some easy money and didn’t really think things through.
@paulman34340 Год назад
Plus he already damaged it's value in his greed to steal it and pawn it off! Best advice to OP is to pay your brother the amount he might have gotten, make your son work HARD to pay you back AND the debt along with apologizing to your brother and maybe make him do stuff for him as an apology as well. And respect he will NOT want that "little shit" around his stuff again! That's what happens when you steal from family or anyone in general! Otherwise he can possibly take this to court where it will be SO much worse and you might end up having to pay WAY more then what he would have expected if you don't get him while's he's "feeling nice!" (Always happens when IDIOTS don't take the "EASY" method prescribed, test their luck and LOSE FAR MORE then what they would have had the peaceful easy option been taken! Stupid is as Stupid DOES!)
@Stonedsheepu8906 Год назад
Story 3: grabbing someone’s ankle while they are swimming can be potentially a crime(like attempted murder or something). You could potentially drown and honestly? Granny should’ve gotten cuffed
@ancipital Год назад
Story 4: So the son was 15 and not 5, was premeditated theft and OP and his family looked down on the "nerdy" brother. Sounds like there was a lot more going on there which is why the brother went no contact with his family, probably a lifetime of bullying and denigration. To cap it off, they go round and the son steals an expensive collectible and then insults the brother further, you sir, are the horrible person in this story, backing up your son even after knowing he's a thieving scrote, wow, just wow. You will need to do a lot of penance to your brother for this, I think a lifetime and more.
@tmntfangirl4700 Год назад
Story 4 - I feel for OP’s brother on this one. I myself am a collector of TMNT toys and figures and I take pride in my collection. OP’s 15 year old son deliberately stole from his own uncle just so that he could sell for money. Family or not I would’ve pressed charges on the punk. Stealing is stealing, it doesn’t matter if it’s from family or not.
@alantran4901 Год назад
Story 2: the richest are often the most money pincher's since they need more money to up their status to look down on the peasants. Story 4: when I heard about the packaging being open I knew that the kid going to have an expensive lesson in not stealing.
@JadenYukifan28 Год назад
What got me is that OP's son intentionally took it out of the box to sell it online, not even realizing that he can't sell just the figure since there is no value out-of-the-box....one, stealing is bad and two, he should have thought it through.....
@yoshimorrison3734 Год назад
@JulianaBlewett Год назад
Story 1: I'd have given her two thumbs up and a cheesy-ass smile. Story 2: hot repeat. "Lady, feck off." Story 4: my mom got called after my brother, her stepson, got nicked for shoplifting. When she got there, the police wanted to release him to her cuatody. She said, "oh no. He can stay until his father picks him up to deal with him."
@meh2510 Год назад
Story 1: I would have told her, this is my happy face, while staring at her with my usual emotionless expression. She probably would have been too creeped out to stay in the theater, much less stalk the manager. Which brings up the topic...Didn't she have a movie to go see? If you want drama to watch lady, you already paid for a ticket, so buzz off.
@johnopalko5223 Год назад
Story 3: Just a note that, in this context, PT means physical therapy, not personal trainer. Also, no reason to sue the pool, but *please* press assault charges against Grandma.
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 3: The teens snickering were far more polite and nice than the grandma, they minded their own business at the end of the day. Sure, the kid may have wanted to copy OP's swimming, but you respond by telling the kid "No, you learn to swim like _this_ first." or something along the lines of that. If "Mind your own business" was a pill, every Karen must take one every day
@richardreid6377 Год назад
Grandma is lucky she just got kicked in the arm.
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
@@richardreid6377 Agreed. If it was me, she'd get it in the teeth!
@tranz2deep Год назад
More like a mandatory dietary supplement, along with that WWII poster manipulation recommending a nice cup of STFU.
@ettinakitten5047 Год назад
Or she could've stopped being so anal about a child's swimstroke. If he's not interested in becoming a professional swimmer, why would it matter what swimstroke he uses as long as it works?
@Fate_Breaker_ Год назад
Story 4: Good parenting! I think you made the correct choice. If people are not held accountable, they will simply keep doing it.
@RepellentJeff Год назад
Story 1: “It takes more energy to frown than it does to smile!” “Yeah, you know it takes more energy to point that out than it does to leave me alone? So, how about you get out of my face, then watch me *really* start smiling.”
@Yumi_Jay Год назад
Which is why resting face is a thing. People don't believe me when I tell them but it's true.
@Stonedsheepu8906 Год назад
Well then I guess I’m a weightlifter because I’m not smiling much
@meh2510 Год назад
"It takes more energy to frown? Okay, lets put that to the test, I'll continue frowning and you smile and let's see which one of our faces start hurting first."
@autonomouscollective2599 Год назад
I always heard that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile (implying it’s more work.) But I would think that means it’s easier to frown than to smile, with all those muscles working together.
@seaweedbrain5598 Год назад
Story 1: Oh man I would've loved to go full Theatre drama on this Karen and sob to her that I lost my job because of her complaint and my child was gonna starve all because, what? I served her correctly? If she didn't look guilty enough I would've sprinkled the fact that I'm sad because a family member died or something. Man if my manager would let me do this, I would love that
@charlayned Год назад
Being a nerd, albeit married for 30 years to another nerd and my ex-nerd was also a collector, my first thought was "Ok, kid is 5 and thinks Boba Fett is cool." Then I find out he's 15. I would be taken the kid to the cops myself and telling them to give him an example of what will happen in 3 years when he's 18 and pulls that stunt. Some of these figures go for more than the 2k this one did, leaving them in the box is how the pricing is done (like mint-condition comics). He knew EXACTLY what he was doing and he needs to reap the consequences of what he was doing. Even if it's an uncle, you don't steal from people. He goes to a convention as an adult and decides to pull that on a dealer with an expensive figurine and that dealer won't hesitate to throw the book at him. And, the kid violated 2 of my three laws for my kids. 1) If it's something I think is okay, you might get to do it. 2) If it involves police, lawyers, courtrooms, jail, ambulances, blood, doctors, or more money than I have in the bank, you should not do it. 3) NEVER embarrass mom & dad in public. #2 & 3 got violated, he needs to learn there are rules and laws for a reason. As for the 2 grandmothers, they aren't doing good in front of their grandkids (I have 9, so...) and they need to remember they are the ones who are the one person the grandkids can come to when things go south with their parents, someone who will talk them through it and help them figure out how they need to handle things. They're not authority figures over their grandkids, so they're safe. Those grandma's were 100% in the wrong.
@brently1968able Год назад
Story 4: If my son had stolen something from my brother, after pulling my size 11 shoe out of his butt, he would not only pay for it but he would go to jail without bail and find out what stealing gets you. My nephew stole shoes from a department store and got caught. I was the only person in the family that had money to bail him out. I asked if he did it. He said yes. He got to sit 30 days in jail even though his mother was mad at me. I told her that if he does the crime, he does the time. It is the only way he is going to learn and the only way to redeem himself by accepting his punishment. He looks back on this now and has kids of his own. He said that he was mad at the time because of what he went through but he said that I did the right thing. He believes that a man should stand on his own two feet and face the consequences of his own actions. This is a value that he is instilling in his own children and uses this as a life lesson for them.
@Danarchy3 Год назад
Story 4: my brother is threatening to sue me because my son took one of his toys. Ok sounds legit, YATA
@AnnaK101 Год назад
Story 4: So the son stole it to sell. The son needs to be charged, and replace the item he stole and ruined.
@LegendStormcrow Год назад
Story 1: As the saying goes, "the whippings will continue until moral improves." And the Bobba Fett story... The dad did the right thing by throwing the kid to the cops.
@RealKingCRK Год назад
As someone who collects figures, it depends, if the son asked, was denied, then took it, the son would be in the wrong, but if the son just straight up still be in the wrong but in a worse situation. Those things are important. they're collectors prized possessions and sometimes, they're how we stay happy, so there's no good side in this story.
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
Collectors items can be expensive. It is OP's obligation to pay. Then punish the kid accordingly.
@thelonemask Год назад
The update states that OP’s son intentionally stole the figure in order to sell it for a quick buck, not realizing it lost all of its value the moment he took it out of the package. So yeah, the kid deserved what he got.
@firefly4f4 Год назад
I gotta say, OP might not have liked the theatre job, but those two managers are awesome. 👍🍿
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 5: Inheritance tends to bring out the worst in some people. Some who deserve nothing want everything and will do everything to try and get it. You'd think Grandma would make as good use of that money as possible, but looks like she didn't. Well, nothing she can do about it
@sarumano884 Год назад
Story 1: I had one of my College Management Team haul me in for an interview once upon a time. Completely mystified me. He took ages to get to the point of why I was being interviewed... He had passed me in the corridor and I Was Not Smiling. (Probably I was concentrating on the next bit of my bits-and-pieces job. I know I never saw him that day.) He danced around the subject but wanted to know what would make me happier in my job? How about a pay rise? I asked. So that went down like a lead balloon. Eventually I was released, p***ed off because I now had to work twice as hard to make up the jobs I missed. But for the next three weeks, every time I saw the guy, I gave him the cheesiest grin I could. And made it blatantly obvious that I was pasting it on my face only for him.
@melkiorwiseman5234 Год назад
I'd be inclined to leave the least important (parts of) jobs undone rather than work harder, then if anyone complained I'd point out that it's (Manager's) responsibility to ensure that I have sufficient time to complete all my jobs and that calling me into the office and wasting (amount of) time to complain about something which is not job-related is indicitive of extremely poor management skills, and now that's dealt with, was there anything else you needed to talk about or can I get back to work now?
@sarumano884 Год назад
@@melkiorwiseman5234 Ha Ha! Yes, he was an appalling manager, and your last sentence was basically how I ended the 'interview'. Unfortunately, I couldn't go slow on the least important parts of the job, because my job was science technician at the college, and the science lessons didn't stop while the berk was talking to me.
@joybernard7359 Год назад
You should have come out of the office dabbing your eyes, as if tearful, If she looked happy, promptly start laughing your head off. Let her explain that to corporate ! Don’t say a word.
@rebeccathistle5359 Год назад
It always gives me some hope for humanity when a post from an entitled person comes back with an update where they have re-evaluated their earlier position and are willing to do things differently and make amends. 15:38
Sorry in the fourth story OP is being a butthole by protecting his seeming son. If he doesn't step up now and teach his son responsibility, boy is going to grow up to be a criminal. And a self entitled Karen of a criminal at that
@aqacefan Год назад
At 15, the kid is old enough to at least get a part-time job and pay his uncle back every penny. MIP means that action figure has been untouched since 1980, and might even mean it predates the safety recall/modification.
@vernonharden Год назад
In the end the father decided to let the police get involved, after a talk with his other half.
@129140163 Год назад
Story 1: At my first job, people complained about me over just this sort of thing, they thought I looked as though I hated my job, which CAUSED me to hate my job. Complaining about someone’s “aTTiTuDe” only makes their attitude WORSE.
@paulman34340 Год назад
Yeah never get such busy bodies! I've seen ALOT of employees with the "I hate my job" face and guess what! I give them NO trouble and move on with my business! Why make their day more HORRID because you can't mind your own business! I swear to god there are times I wish such folk mess with the wrong one and get their teeth kicked in! Then maybe they'll learn to just "move on" a basic common sense everyone NORMAL has that apparently missed them it seems! This idiot reminds me of the story of the Karen who kept trying to get a store to do something "no store would logically do" and she was so "adament" about getting her way, she kept trying to go up "the food chain" to get someone to ORDER the clerk to fulfil her request, even thought they ALL had the same answer as the Clerk "we can't do that!" From the Clerk's Senior, to their manager, to the division manager, all the way to the FUCKING OWNER! Only finally fucking off after the Owner told her the same answer EVERYONE ELSE TOLD HER, which was NO! I swear, something big and time consuming needs to happen to them to make them stop wasting other people's time....but I know in my heart they'll FIND a way to be annoying cause it's in their nature to be disruptive and pests! (These's types FLOURISH in periods of mass discrimination and Racisim if their on the "dominent" side of it because they rarely suffer consequences! Likely why the large amount of WHITE Karens who look old enough can't STAND that those periods of time have LONG passed! We laugh at Karens but back then and in the rare moments they destroyed lives simply off of their own pathetic petty whims! Like it was cocaine and they "needed their fix!")
@hollyhartwick3832 Год назад
Seriously? A lot of people don't like their jobs, especially minimum wage service jobs. It's pretty much standard. As long as they do their job correctly and don't treat customers with disrespect or contempt, they're not doing anything wrong. There no law saying you have to be happy about being stuck in a crap job. If anything, the best way to help is try to make their day a bit more pleasant. Friendly banter, maybe a good joke, a generous tip, cleaning up after yourself to make their job easier. So many ways to make them feel appreciated or easing their burden. Complaining about their lack of fake smile isn't one of them.
@MrSubsound90 Год назад
The first story is almost office space, but with extra Karen sprinkles. The kid that stole the figure...the kid needs to learn. Especially that he knew he was stealing it but too stupid to realize what made it valuable....and doubly so for not respecting his uncles personal belongings, values, and as a family member.
@windyfranks8428 Год назад
Standing by the son doesn’t mean standing in front of them. It means being there as they face the consequences of their actions.
@RunnyBabbitMom Год назад
I have always thought karen will create something to complain about if they don't have anything and now you have given me proof.
@ShadowTaipan Год назад
In some cases, they don't even create anything. They just start going off about a hundred different tangents, usually trying to bait a response to cling on to.
@Some_Guy6 Год назад
Whenever someone lays hand on you, a child or someone in need. Defend it/them to the fullest of the self defence laws. Make them regret the crimes.
@AlonAltman Год назад
PT lady = physical therapy lady
@DarkFluff Год назад
Omg you're right. 🫢🫢🫢🫢
@jeannehafer6754 Год назад
Son who stole figurine does need to face the consequence of what he did, especially since he did it with complete malishes intent. He knew it was wrong and he did not care.
@OcusticClear92 Год назад
Story 4: Teach your son: "All Actions have Consequences. Choose to do only those Actions that result in the Consequences you want".
@kimmccarthy7747 Год назад
There is no real difference between a 6 inch Boba Fett and a Tiffany vase, to its owner. The kid stole it to sell, ruined it, and probably lied to his parents to get away with it. At 15 it probably isn't his first crime, and he should be made to learn. Isn't $2000 a felony?
@jppurves7837 Год назад
Last story: I'm not sure how the laws of inheritance are written in OP's country, but when a married couple owns property together and the will is written for the inheritance to go to the surviving spouse and children of that marriage the mother of the deceased should have no claim on the inheritance. Marriage trumps filial bond.
@SquirrelGamez Год назад
Pro Tip: If someone "just looks miserable" when interacting with you, it might be your fault. Story two: the brother is 100% in the right, to be honest. A sealed Boba Fett isn't only valuable to the owner, it's valuable on the collector market. You can auction that stuff. Glad the dad decided to have his son learn being a thief is wrong.
@User-nx7rs Год назад
Question I would have asked the customer in story one, do you honestly think people like working when they could spend their time elsewhere doing something that they really enjoy? Then I would have waited for the look on her face and the reaction.
@cnealon817 Год назад
Feel bad for that last family. Of course EG only wants to get in touch with her grandkids to get more money!
@MSSmith1022 Год назад
For the first story, I would have looked at that "B" as I walked out of the office and gone "Thanks for getting me fired, now I have to find another job to help my sick mother. Thanks for NOTHING!!" and walked into the kitchen and act like I was clocking out.
@aking3624 Год назад
Only 15? Yeah, old enough to know exactly what he did!!! 😡 Not to mention that he dismisses his collection!! Son is a criminal.
@autiejedi5857 Год назад
I have action figures unopened and I would be livid! That teenager needs to work to pay off the theft or he'll never learn the value of other people's things.
@WildKSPhoenix Год назад
Ballet ticket story: First ticket is free…next ticket is 10 times the amount they’re being sold for at the ticket window.
@PuppyKatt Год назад
Story 4: Your son is 15, so he knows the difference between right and wrong. Theft is theft, and your son is the thief. Either your son pay the full value of the item that HE STOLE, or you pay the full value, then collect from your son. Nevermind the bvllsh!t that you will cover part of the cost. PAY HIM IN FULL. Edit after update: Thank you, OP, for allowing your son to take full responsibility of his actions, and thank you for listening to your wife, then apologizing to your brother.
@TheDarkLink7 Год назад
Insta click. Okay my neck is fully warmed up and whatever to shake my friggin head.
@RunnyBabbitMom Год назад
I was watching the newest red wheel so my neck is still warm from there.
@VoltaicNebulae Год назад
​​​@@RunnyBabbitMomy I tend to jump around from these two as well! KCC (Karma Comment Chameleon) and RSlash are also amazing picks! (But fluff and slash are my faves, hehe)
@test-kf2zv Год назад
"He's a nerdy guy, single..." That's not going to be much help to you on Reddit, OP.
@yaqbulyakkerbat4190 Год назад
story 4. Kid needs to learn a lesson. Straight up malicious theft.
@knittingnana2939 Год назад
Ok but in the first story, the karen got what she wanted and NO karen should ever get what she wants.
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад
OP's Manager had one really good way to get Crazy Karen off their back...they just need to tell Karen to leave. If she doesn't leave, then call the Police and have Crazy Karen Trespassed...
@blueykangaroo Год назад
Karen:this employee looks miserable,well time to get them fired
@otrjustin Год назад
Story 4: at first I was thinking it was a bit harass to sue family over a toy that a child took. But as more and more information was shared, the less sympathetic I was. When a 15 kids k owe how valuable something is and steals to sell, completely unacceptable. He know all to well what he was doing, planned it out and even took steps to try to not be caught. No mercy. Family or not, I would would be getting my moneys worth over it and make sure to never let him around my stuff again. Don’t come crawling to me begging for money when you stole from me
@russlehman2070 Год назад
Story 1. Manager should have promised Karen that the unhappy employee would be beaten daily until her morale improved.
@SirPlatypusVI Год назад
Story 1: if that was me I would have said something coming out like “my mom just died” or something to make that woman feel like crap.
@nathanhinman9069 Год назад
Heard Story 4 before and OP conveniently leaves out the reasons why his brother cut him off for a time. OP sounds like his attitude helped create the entitled AH he is raising.
@jaynewman6420 Год назад
Boba Fet story: At 15 your son should have known better. That is your fault. And yes, the brother should have known better. And you should never have denigrated your brother's hobby. Taking just one can hurt the value of the collection to its owner.
@RipsterSA Год назад
OP needs to pay IN FULL for the figurine that his 15 year old stole!
@ShadowTaipan Год назад
OPs son needs to be the one who pays. If OP pays, his sin better pay him back. Either way, he has to learn.
@KylaFuller Год назад
15 is old enough and doing that to sell makes it even worse. He talked about him like he was 6 or something.
@paulahik211 Год назад
My family calls me nerdy, but they do it fondly and teasingly.
@Tacobellcramps Год назад
Ugh the last story is so frustrating. My friend inherited a good chunk of money from their grandmother, who raised her. As a child, her mom died and her dad soon abandoned her because he wanted to do drugs and claimed she wasn’t his kid. She was and it had been proven, but he just waved his hand and said “Well, I don’t want to be a dad so you’re not my kid.” He left her when she was around 10 and now that she’s in her 20s and grandma died, she is inheriting the money and guess who’s coming back claiming he’s her dad and she owes him for being her father?
@melkiorwiseman5234 Год назад
She should sue him for back-paid child support.
@Human-kb6xc Год назад
Story 4: wasn't there a story like this, but from the brother's side? It sounds super familiar.
@lisadgingersnaps9843 Год назад
@gauravminz8337 Год назад
Story 3: Why sue the pool managers? They did their duty by terminating her membership. OP should sue her for assault. Including the first one with pool noodle. When in water, even a pool noodle to the face can be disorienting to the point that someone can swim downward instead of upward. And honestly, it would have been quite satisfying if she did break her arm when he kicked.
@crypticghost21 Год назад
I bet the old woman in the pool story looked like Ursula, (the sea witch)
@ryukaze7392 Год назад
That's an insult to Ursula though!
@nancyomalley6286 Год назад
@@ryukaze7392 Poor Unfortunate Soul!
@richewilson6394 Год назад
The managers should've said to Karen that if you like I'm going to change her attitude by giving her the rest of the day off and maybe the week off too.
@KingNoah231 Год назад
I also work at the movie theater (absolutely love my job), which can be stressful during the summer and holidays. But those people from the 1st story usually get asked to leave and not return. That kind of behavior is not acceptable at any place of customer service.
@deborahdicesare9042 Год назад
Last story: I have NO respect for the father, he took from his own children to give to a lying, disrespectful witch. The grandmother didn’t deserve anything and the father could have won the suit.
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад
Karen: You look like you hate your job. You should smile more! Me: Ma'am, the last time I smiled, I scared a kid and made him cry... 😄😁😆😅😂🤣
@albertocabezas282 Год назад
The entitledment of some people........ this happened last Saturday evening. I was at my job talking to my colleague and a woman bought some stuff for her kid. The kid was a six old girl looking perfectly fine. Then this girl said something like "Mommy, I want to pee". The woman asked not nicely to us we needed to let her kid to use OUR toilet (and let her in, too). Working at a pharmacy we can't let absolutely anyone unknown to us to use our toilet under any circumstance. This woman went ballistic and demanded to talk to our supervisor. I just called the cops and that's all. We didn't explain anything to the yelling woman and her clearly embarrassed kid said "Mommy, just let go... stop yelling, please".
@ethribin4188 Год назад
Story 4 The conclusion is right. And I will applaud OP, his wife, and brother for talking things out and orginizing. Especially applaud op to listen to commenters advice. His son... i mean, first offence. So its manageable. Lets hope the concequences make sure its the only offence.
@mandymagnolia1966 Год назад
4:44 makes me think of the one line from Crazy Rich Asians that went something like “no one loves free stuff more than rich people” 😅
@nhansen197 Год назад
That grandma at the ens, I can't help but think someone put her up to that.
@christigmc Год назад
Story 4: the child needs to be arrested. At 15 he should know better. Most likely he will be tried as a juvenile so he will suffer short term consequences but not long term. Hopefully the short term consequences teach him a lesson and he never does this again. Although renters insurance will compensate the brother. Most likely insurance will then come after OP to pay them what they are out.
@lauramiller7690 Год назад
I'd like some of these people that want to tell you you don't smile enough for look happy enough to let them come do their crappy job and see how happy they looked by the end of the day LOL
@afailable Год назад
That person with the kid damaging the property, no wonder the brother cut contact. They are absolutely toxic.
@pinktastic6159 Год назад
Story 4: that kid was heading down a bad path. Uncle did the right thing. Willing to bet the uncle actually has a very good job involving computers that allows him to stay at home and the brother doesn't understand it.
@carmium Год назад
Story 1 brings to mind the old jibe notice: The floggings will continue until morale improves.
@sakilynn Год назад
WHO ENJOYS THEIR JOB?! I once had a customer who saw a Karen snap at me because my RBF had set in unconsciously, and she said the Karen was wrong to think they'd always get a song-&-dance. I was so grateful to her for making the effort to cheer me up.
@Hakitosama Год назад
Story 1 : "she looks miserable", a good manager goes "don't worry you're not in trouble". A great manager goes "hey are you ok ? Wanna talk about it ?" Story 4 : what would you say if a teenager came to your house and took your phone ? When you demand he give it back, he announce you that the very pricy phone case is gone ? That's the same. And the brother is RIGHT to want to get the police involved. Play stupid game. Win stupid price.
@NogginNogs Год назад
Karen needs to pay what she owes. It doesn't matter if her son is 15. She needs to pay up.
@Kualinar Год назад
#1 Complaining «"lady"» is part of the problem of employee not enjoying their work. #2 Fitting description for that supposed lady : El Cheapo Maximus. #3 Karen granny got what she deserve : Permanent ban. The cherry on top would have been OP charging her for assault. TWICE. One for the pool noodle wack, one for her grabbing OP's leg.
@monotonecthulhu6709 Год назад
Damn, OP in story 4 lived long enough to see themselves become the Karen. And they don't even know it
@Gardenpossum8 Год назад
Giving away things for free on the internet is wild! I’ve given away both of my babies stuff as they grew out of them. The amount of grown adults who have asked me to drive over an hour or more to deliver the free stuff or asked if I had anything else they could have for free because it wasn’t that much at the time is wild! Or my favorite was when I was told, not asked, to give them all the baby stuff I had and any thing else that was for my baby I was STILL USING!
@paulman34340 Год назад
There was a story similar to this I think not too long ago that it was told about a Guy who was giving his old computer parts away for free. He even was willing to DRIVE to the location of the person who wanted them on his own dime! What awaited him was a Karen who started "questioning" him on if they were stolen or not and that jazz, when he informed he was just giving old parts away! She THEN demanded he get her the NEW Parts for FREE! He responded by "getting" his parts back and then Nope-ing the fuck out! Karen had the nerve to sic the cops on him for "Stealing" despite the fact he never officially handed the parts to her so that only got HER in trouble with the police for filing a false report like an idiot! That OP learned sadly that it's better to put a price tag on stuff like this! Some people are THAT greedy and entitled! Instead of counting their lucky stars to getting working shit for FREE. They want to push their luck! I learned this from my Mother that "you make clear to these's people they get ABSOLUTELY NOTHING if they push! They never learn and it will take MUTLIPLE times of consequences before it finally gets drilled into their heads! As she suffered the same thing you mentioned! Tried to help a woman in the same circumstances she was once in being a Single Mother when she had me (her eldest of four) and every single time, they EACH took advantage and tried to demand more and better! The thing I learned from my mother is "Be kind when people are respectful and kind back! Be Cruel when idiots think they can walk all over you as they know what their doing and have to learn the hard way that's not how that works!"