
r/EntitledPeople - Karen Kidnaps My "CUTE" Guard Dogs! Sues Me When Attacked! 

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@arentibbs799 Год назад
Story 3: Togo is the bestest boy and deserves extra treats and pets for protecting his human. Gus also deserves extra treats and pets for being a good boy. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but even I know that if a dog is growling and barking at me, that's nature's way of saying "do not touch".
@Devillin 10 месяцев назад
I was listening to the story wondering where the Pyrenees was, since even I know how protective they are of their owners.
@Ozzygirl17 2 месяца назад
@@DevillinCan confirm this. My mom and stepdad have a Great Pyrenees mix named Brutus, and he is fiercely protective of my mom to the point where anyone visiting their house needs to give advance notice.
@theauthor8263 Месяц назад
I'd buy Gus and Togo a beef steak each, and I'm not the owner
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
Story 4..... Guy just doesn't understand cats. Always remember.... "Dogs have owners, Cats have staff!" 😄
@theauthor8263 Месяц назад
love the comment, It's true
@TheBlackSeraph 21 день назад
A cat lover would be devastated if their cat only wanted to be pet or cuddled every other day. I can imagine a dog person being confused by the fact that cats generally accept attention on their terms, or not knowing that playing with a cat before sleep time cuts down on the zoomies but "the cat's looking at me and it freaks me out - get rid of it"? What an arsehole!
@bleachfan2.029 4 дня назад
@@TheBlackSeraphour cat butters calls us when she wants pets😂. She gives out the cutest chirps and when we pet her we baby talk her and she responds back. If you lay down you become her bed, and when I’m watching tv she becomes a talking scarf. 😊. Best cat ever
@tree1383 Год назад
I had a Ragdoll for 17 years. They are called puppy dog cats. They pick their person and file them around and talk to them. They like to cuddle. They are lap cats. She was beautiful and loving.
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
If it weren't for the fact I know my cat is siamese I would swear she was a ragdoll then, because she is practically my shadow, I worry about us both with how often I am tripping over her.
@ashes7245 Год назад
​@@SoManyRandomRamblings siamese cats and ragdolls are closely related and share a lot of common personality traits. Obviously every cat is different, but there are trends in breeds. I like talkative cats so there are certain breeds Id lean towards when ready to adopt again. But I'm not set on a breed, just know which ones tend to have personalities I really like. My tabbys are perfect.
@Patriot46426 Год назад
Follow you around
@SeanBZA Год назад
@@ashes7245 I have a genuine street special, who is absolutely not talkative, but does purr nicely. Also not a people cat, though he is very happy to be comfortable near me.
@randomstuff-qu7sh Год назад
@@ashes7245 When my sister adopts a cat, she goes to the animal shelter and lets the cat choose her. Not really sure how else to describe it.
@BlacknessInTheLight Год назад
The most bizarre moment I've felt in a long while, lying on my bed with my beautiful little cat lying on my chest and purring as I pet her, and at the same time listening to someone raving about how they should only have to pet their cat once a WEEK. Thank goodness that kitty found its way to a better home ❤
@WolfgangDoW Год назад
Why have a pet then? Like it's right there in the name even, you should pet your fuzzy friends as much as they want it You can't OD on love UwU Purrs are scientifically proven to be healing and improve moods, on top of kitties just being amazing Cats are sacred, they deserve good human staff (you don't own a cat lol)
@damien678 Год назад
And they got a ragdoll. A RAGDOLL. That they want to act like this.
@ViridianFlow Год назад
​@@damien678A ragdoll is one of the most cuddle needy cat. I always said I was a dog person and didn't really like cats as they didn't seem to like humans so it's kind of pointless to own a cat. Then my housemate got a ragdoll because we live in a small city apartment. Now if I sleep in past my alarm I wake up to this adorable creature making biscuits on my chest and purring loudly. If I ignore it to sleep it starts rubbing it's face on mine until I cave and give it as much love as it wants. Follows me room to room and if I'm late home from work he sits by the front door making sad noises until I get home. Ragdolls are the dogs of cats.
@lyndawebster6840 Год назад
@@ViridianFlow rag dolls are beautiful we had one and they do crave affection ours sat on the lounge with us or someone’s lap watching tv all the time she was a really sweet natured Kitty
@gennyquevillon1716 Год назад
Story 4: I've had cats and dogs, and I do not understand why a person would be annoyed at *having* to pet them more than once a week... I'm constantly pestering my dog because he's always being too cute or silly, and it's worse when he just got a bath because he's soooo soft!
@ruthdubb3274 Год назад
Last story. Not only was OP justified in calling the police and reporting her car stolen, it was necessary. If the sister had gotten into an accident, OP would have been liable.
@keithpanda 8 месяцев назад
Two wrongs don’t make a right. Calling the cops is way OTT for a family dispute with someone potentially going to jail.
@Galaxy1001D 8 месяцев назад
Agree to disagree@@keithpanda The only way to get some people to learn about boundaries is to get an outside party to teach them. Being the bigger person is just giving permission for them to walk all over you.
@vaporean_boylove.0w083 7 месяцев назад
​@@Galaxy1001D Sometimes being the bigger person is code to just enable someone in some situations
@lolbittheglitchqueen6871 7 месяцев назад
​@@keithpandaIt's about protecting yourself from being legally liable from their stupid. Also if a member of your family steals your stuff, they aren't realty your family. Family cares for one another and don't steal from each other.
@nicolasjoly6948 7 месяцев назад
The liablelity stuff is half way false. I mean, I'm not a pro with insurance and it may differ from country to country. But, normally, if you have a car & insure it properly, anybody with a driver liscence can drive it. It will still be your insurance (I'm in a no fault place - but I guess in a "fault" place, the driver need his own insurance). If OP didn't allowed it and there is an accident, she can sue and she is not responsible. It still a freaking hassle to go to court to prove & stuff. It remember me a story I saw on this channel about a MIL that want to borrow OP car after she scrap 3 of her own telling him that she need it more... as it's to go visit familly and him it's to work.
@ArtemisKitty Год назад
Ragdolls are specifically engineered/bred TO be super cuddly/demand affection all the time, and to be lap cats with soft downy fur. What were they even thinking? I have a Siamese/Ragdoll mix, and she wants cuddles at LEAST 3-4 times a day. And for as long as I let it go on. She once kept me there for 20 minutes, and STILL looked at me like "why are you stopping?" when I was done. She also always likes to know exactly where her humans are, and will either stay in the same room, or meow for us if we leave the area while she's napping, then come walking to that room to get a scritch and then find a new nap spot. It's literally what they're genetically designed for, though. To be cuddly pets. Of all the designer breeds you could choose... They're right up there with exotic shorthairs when it comes to cuddle-time demands! (Also bred for that purpose.)
@WolfgangDoW Год назад
Lap cat is best cat UwU
@WolfgangDoW Год назад
I wanna get a lykoi/werewolf cat, they're meant to be very friendly too and almost dog-like in personality even
@damien678 Год назад
And a KITTEN on top of that. Not an adult that would need to warm up to them, or who's grown up to be more independent. They wanted a bloody ragdoll kitten.
@caitlinsessom161 Год назад
1st story: I did research on the pyrenes breed, and they're big dogs bred to fight off animals like coyotes and even bears. ED is extremely lucky that all he got was a bite.
@abigailblackstock4928 Год назад
Great Pyrenees is a giant breed as well, with lots of power and a dedication to only thier family. Yeah, dude's lucky the dog didn't go for his head/neck. He threatened the kid, I've known dogs that would kill someone for that.
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 5: That's not how ownership works. If your name isn't on the title, it's not yours. It doesn't matter how much money you contributed, the title determines the owner(s). OP didn't go too far, she made the right choice
@dustypaladin9216 Год назад
Exactly. Like who do these people think own birthday gifts and Christmas presents and shit. Money doesn’t determine ownership
@JadenYukifan28 Год назад
Exactly, OP's name was on the Title of the car and the Boyfriend's sister was in the wrong, as was the father. If it was me, I would have given them an ultimatum...Either come back with the car or you'll go to jail for stealing something that wasn't yours to begin with.
@TheQuietTyper Год назад
Also, from what I understand it wasn't the BF's sister or the BF's father who helped pay for the car, it was the BF, so even if pitching in the money equates to part ownership, it's only the BF and OP who own it and they said no.
@syrusorelio2309 Год назад
And that's ignoring the fact the dad claimed the sister had rights because her brother helped put money down on it. Even if brother's name was on the title didn't automatically give his sister permission. If something did happen to be jointly owned both owners need to agree. In this case only op owns the car and her bf backs her decision in regards to his sister's request
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
I'd demand she return the car RTFN! And I'd report it stolen. 😡
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 3: Honestly, if the dogs are being protective OP, then it's clear that OP's family raised the dogs well as they greatly trust OP's family. Yeah, Togo is a guardian dog, but protecting OP was still clear of how well Togo was taken care off. As for the question in the end, plenty of entitled people are super cheap, so they consider just picking up some random dog to be ideal, whether it has an owner or not
@katta309 Год назад
Those types of people are also the ones who will mistreat the dog/dogs they have as they think of animals as toys more that a companion
@JadenYukifan28 Год назад
What made my blood boil was the fact that the ED wanted one of OP's dogs to be put down for being too violent, the dog was protecting OP from the ED and not the other way around.
@Enter_the_Toshiverse_1996 Год назад
@@JadenYukifan28 Not only that, but the entitled mom tried to strongarm OP's dad by saying she'll drop the charges if they give up Gus. I wanna high five the dad and buy him a drink for telling that Karen to go pound sand, he is my spirit animal 😂
@JadenYukifan28 Год назад
@@Enter_the_Toshiverse_1996 Agreed, that was epic and of course, if they did take it to Court, they wouldn't win. (ED and EM)
@randomstuff-qu7sh Год назад
The entitled people in these stories almost always double down when called out. They don't care that the dog belongs to someone else. I saw. I want. Nothing else matters. Anyone who dares get in the way is a hated enemy who must be hurt and/or destroyed. That's why they'll pursue the more expensive course of action. They didn't just want the dog; they wanted to hurt the owner out of pure spite, for refusing to give it to them.
@paul16451 Год назад
Story 1: OP should have said, at the dinner table, that she was sure the troubled youth group charity she planned on donating the certificate to would greatly appreciate her thoughtfulness. And yes, such organizations do exist that give teens free "hate tattoo" or gang tattoo removals.
@tsubakiofmelancholy6297 9 месяцев назад
Another comment claims she did actually give it to a group of reformed skinheads so they could remove their old hate tattoos. So, something good did come of that 'gift'.
@WorgenGrrl Год назад
Story 1: I heard this story before and I think she ended up giving it to a group that helps former skinheads get their hate tattoos removed.
@ElCid48 Год назад
I love to be her child. when she get old and her skin hangs all over the place with her tats, i will tell everyone that I love to visit her and her body is like reading a old newspaper or magazine............
@Enter_the_Toshiverse_1996 Год назад
Well, at least something good came out of entitled mother-in-law's bickering
@LegendStormcrow Год назад
A.dang good deed.
@richardreid6377 Год назад
Re-gifting the certificate would have been my suggestion.
@dinascharnhorst6590 Год назад
Oh, if so, that is the best solution of all! ❤
@crypticghost21 Год назад
I'm so happy that the Karen family got exactly what they deserved for trying to steal someone else's dogs
@cherokeeirishman9612 Год назад
We had a dog stolen before. We had a little red mutt from the animal shelter. My kids were out playing in our yard (9 & 4) and a green pickup truck came up and Rusty (my pup) being a friendly guy was wagging his tail and let the guy pet him. IN FROMT IF MY KIDS this guy unhooked him from his cable and ran back to his truck, peeled out, & laughed as my kids ran after him crying. I didn’t catch him but if I ever see him….I’ll “unhook” his head from his shoulders.
​@CherokeeIrishman Did you replace the dog? You need to replace the dog or your children are going to hate you for the rest of your life.
@cherokeeirishman9612 Год назад
@@SLOTHSRIDEUNICORNS no we did not replace the dog. My kids didn’t want to disrespect the memory of Rusty (pup) by simply getting another dog quickly after. We did end up getting another dog a couple years later. Parents who replace a beloved pet right after one dies, runs away, or gets stolen is teaching their kids a bad lesson. “Everything is replaceable” They need to learn to mourn for losses, not just cover up sadness. Being able to process loss is very important.
@BunchyPanther42 Год назад
@@SLOTHSRIDEUNICORNS any pet owner who truly loved their pet wouldn’t “replace” their old loved pet
@CMage101 Год назад
Back home in Louisiana, we love our dawgs. People don't come onto a Cajun's property and try to steal their pets, that's a good way to get yourself a bad case of lead poisoning.
@ernestlemmingway1124 Год назад
*Fourth Story:* Wow! Those entitled parents are perfect examples of people who shouldn't have pets of any kind. Adopting a pet, IMO, is just a step below adopting a child. And no, you can't train cats to only want affection once a week for just thirty seconds. All pets who bond with their humans need the same kind of love and attention that young children do. They're thinking, feeling creatures with emotions of their own.
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
The best I have been able to train (one and only one of them) is to meow a little less often....by giving her extra love when she was off minding her own business. It's maybe only reduced her pushiness by 10 or 15%.... but giving her extra love was the only effective way of getting her to ask for love less often. Lol. 😆
@ashes7245 Год назад
When I was looking to adopt another cat I too was looking into seeing if shelters had breeds/mixes like siamese, but I ended up with a tabby. Why? Because I love talkative cats and certain breeds are known for that. But the tabby I have is plenty talkative and has the loudest purr ever. I love him :)
@arnoldfossman1701 Год назад
@@SoManyRandomRamblings I trained my cat to do what he wants when he wants.
@MyAramil Год назад
There are cats who need more/less affection than others though. There are some who are content to be near a person but do not want to be pet except for special occasions.
@Gwennedd Год назад
@@MyAramil, I have one of those. A White Russian who hates to have her fur mussed or being picked up as well as being shy and leery of people. We compromise. She comes and lays beside me when she's ready for some loving and gets scritches where she wants them. We both get what we want that way. She trusts me now even though she'll always be extremely shy of other humans. All cats have distinct personalities, as do humans. Working within the bounds of accommodating those distinctions isn't always easy, but one gets the reward of being happy and comfortable with each other eventually.
@alantran4901 Год назад
Story 3: Karen and her family is lucky OP didn’t go John Wick on them and gun them down.😅
@Enter_the_Toshiverse_1996 Год назад
That probably would've happened if they all lived in Texas
@gauravminz8337 Год назад
I would go John Wick on their asses with a stick if it were my (future) dog on the line, because what happened doesn't feel like they paid their asshole taxes for the incident. Even after I found out that they ended up selling their house and moving away in under a year.
@DarkEinherjar Год назад
That would've been hard considering she was a 12yo girl. Her father, on the other hand...
@johngelnaw1243 Год назад
They're lucky the dog(s) were showing restraint. But yes, when I was a kid, the standard response by my father would have involved a shotgun or a hunting rifle-- not necessarily to fire, mind you, just to remind folks to be friendly.
@Josh_the_jester Год назад
​@@Enter_the_Toshiverse_1996 or Florida/Ohio
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
Last story....considering that OP already paid her boyfriend back, by his dad's logic the bank still has part ownership of your house AFTER you have fully FINISHED paying off your mortgage. 🤦🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️
"Can you train my cat to only want pets once a week?" Can you imagine only giving your kid(s) hugs once a week? That's just insane.
@maxshep2829 Год назад
I haven't been hugged in years..... .... By anyone other than my cat! ❤❤❤
@marjoriejohnston4905 Год назад
I wish someone would train one of my cats to want pets. Even once a day would be better than what I get now from her
@johngelnaw1243 Год назад
This is a fundamental lack of understanding of feline behavior. You don't train them on when to pet them, they train you.
@hellfire66683 Год назад
Wait you give your kids hugs?
@WolfgangDoW Год назад
Some people aro awful and emotionally neglect their kids too sadly
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
I have a cat that practically lives on top of my feet. I only want her to give me enough space that I step on her less often. Poor thing.
@BrokensoulRider Год назад
Miune does the saaame thing. And I feel bad when I have to move her because of how I ache.
@matthewmcdaid7962 Год назад
Last Story... "Borrowing" brother's girl-friend's car... NTA. The sister is the AH. She was told "No" and lied in order to take the car. Taking a car without permission of the owner is the very definition of theft. Calling the police and reporting a theft is the normal and correct method of handling such a situation.
@carolinenagel7085 Год назад
The cat story: I have a tortoise shell cat. She is a handful. This morning she decided five o'clock was the right time for me to get up and feed her. She does this often. Whenever I'm videochatting she'll walk up and down endlessly filling the screen with only fur and me bending all over the place just to get my face in front of the camera. I have scars of scratches on my arms. It takes her about three minutes of turning this way and that way before settling down on my lap... for a few minutes and then start the whole routine all over again. She is a handful, but I love her very much. If these are things you don't like don't get a cat.
@Bunnymannn7 Год назад
Story 4: I really don't get how someone can be annoyed about petting their pet. I can't even look at my cat without feeling the urge to snuggle with him for simply existing!
@hailyjohnson407 Год назад
Same 😂😂 my dog looks quite annoyed sometimes because he'll be drifting in and out of a nap and then he hears me cooing over him and opens his eyes and gives me this look like "seriously mom? You do this every day" and then I run over and give him pets for doing absolutely nothing other than existing and looking cute
@HaakonTheRayquaza Год назад
Story 4: ED; "Train my Cat to only wanna be pet for like 2 times a Week" OP: Why don't you just give him the Attention he needs? ED: WHAT?! How dare you demand that I do anything that requires EFFORT!!! you're a Monster for demanding that I do as much as lift my Butt!!!
@Enter_the_Toshiverse_1996 Год назад
OP: "Well you can just return the cat to the shelter and then go eat sh*t because I gave you advice on how to care for him and you wouldn't listen! Clearly, you're not fit to be a cat parent, I'm genuinely surprised you managed to raise that son of yours properly!"
@666Vampirefromhell Год назад
Story 1: I'd have taken the gift certificate back myself, gotten the money back, then used the $500 to get more tattoos.
@LegendStormcrow Год назад
Same, but OP did far better. They donated to a place that did tat removal for rehabilitated supremacists.
@nobodyimportant2470 Год назад
The fine print on almost all gift certificates and cards that prevent this. They have to be used on good or services from the business and they expire after a certain amount of time. Gift certificates are like giving cash but less flexable and with a time limit to use it or poof the money is gone.
@LegendStormcrow Год назад
@@nobodyimportant2470 There are a lot of places that make the expiration date on cards illegal, so that's slowly fading. Even if it's still there, since Cali keeps invading the rest of us, we can claim we live there to get an automatic reopening of the gift card.
@RajaniIsa Год назад
@@nobodyimportant2470 not only that, even if they did they’d want a receipt.
@dinascharnhorst6590 Год назад
Oh, as the servant of 5 rescued cats, the cat story had me seeing red! Ragdolls are sweet, needy, clingy, and loving cats! Petting cats lowers the blood pressure and releases endorphins, reducing stress. Today, I've had a really crappy day at work and I'm really stressed and sad...I can't wait to get home and have my clowder come smother me, cover me with their fur, and purr my stress away.
@SMDoktorPepper Год назад
Its nice to hear the update on story three. Never knew they took the family to court. The fourth story is sadly very common.
@ebonyblack7272 Год назад
People like the parents from story 4 are the reason why robotic pets are a thing. They're for people wholike the idea of having a companion on demand but don't want the financial or emotional responsibility of carrying for another sentient being.
@KarmatheCorgi Год назад
Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with robotic pets. Sometimes people want the companionship but can't or won't want to take on that responsibility. I have two rabbits (free roam in their room), two cats (indoor only), and a small dog. I wouldn't have it any other way but I'm honest with people when they ask how difficult it is to care for any of the animals in my care, especially the rabbits, because there are a lot of people who think "Oh they are small, they can be kept in a cage all day" which isn't true. Buns need lots of room to hop and play, so do cats, and even small dogs need to be walked and trained properly! Even fish need more space than many folks realize and require more care and prep to get their tanks properly balanced and cycled before you can even think of adding the fish! Gah... now I want my fish tanks again :(
@ebonyblack7272 Год назад
@@KarmatheCorgi I'm not trashing them. I'm trashing on the family for not taking into consideration that they signed up to care for a sentient being with no real care or consideration for it's well being.
@Skrulzie Год назад
Story 4: I take care of tons of cats. Constantly. Each one gets pets all the time and it usually eats up my time heavily but I never had a problem with it. Having a cat be that affectionate is usually uncommon. The fact that 1 cat drove the dad insane is just sad. In my life I have taken care of around 30+ cats and most that are gone I miss dearly. People who want a kitten give off red flags immediately. I have heard of people adopting a kitten and once it is fully grown they abandon it somewhere then go get another kitten. I have adopted many cats and never had a preference. For the most part I find cats who need love in their life. People like the family in Story 4 sicken me.
@paulman34340 Год назад
Ditto. Major Cat owner who has had 5 cats within my 36 years of life! and petting my cat (number 5) while listening to this! Funny enough he became my cat because my sister is a Twat! I respect my BIL but he's a doormat for my sister's whims and she got him as a kitten from BIL Six years ago! Sister loved him for like "a second" then forgot about him. I took care of him because Cat 4 who I had for the longest (since I was 18) had died (he lived VERY long and was healthy! He ran out the house and was hit by a car! This was something new to me, but my mom figured it was because he knew he was dying and was trying to go somewhere to die quietly! It was sad and similar to how he came to us! When I was 18, helped my mom clean out her van when he jumped into it to get our attention! And he was with us ever since! I was depressed as Cat 3 was lost because of my jackhole brother who took her when we were all out and abandoned her somewhere out of revenge for her pissing on one of his old shirt's! Ma tanned his ass and I didn't feel anything for him! Especially now that he's homeless and asking for help! I long disowned him for other reasons alongside the cat thing! Had the nerve to bring it up as me being petty and I reminded him he still owes me 1000 dollars for one of the MANY other things he has done to me over the years! The cat is chief among them! Never heard from him again in the last 10 years! And don't care to know) and he brought some life back to my depressed self (especially as my grandmother ALSO died a year prior and I finally saw the true nature of an Aunt I once beloved since I was 5! It's sad how many toxic family members I had to disowned over the years) and frankly loved him! Baby Sis finally gave him to me officially since I was the one caring for him (and because she was tired of having to pay to get me litter and Cat food since I was TAKING CARE OF HER CAT THAT EVEN SHE KNEW LOVED AND WAS ATTACHED TO ME AND OUR MOTHER OVER HER BY THIS POINT OF HER NEGLECT! She got my BIL to get her a dog that she initially TRIED to ignore! But that dog is a "Pit/Labrador" mix....and "Female!" so she can't ignore her! "because the dog won't let her! I can only laugh at her lazy ass as Ma and me TRIED to warn her away from the idea ESPECIALLY when she's caring for my 4 year old niece, her daughter at the same time! She only relented AFTER the dog is now grown and too attached to be rehomed! Ma made it quite clear she's NOT getting out of this easily! Services her right! At least she's learning to be a good dog, but that's largely my mother and me then her LOL) and I've been caring for him ever since! But yeah as you said and as I mentioned my Baby Sister. That is true! Sis abandoned the cat in like the FIRST FUCKING WEEK of adopting him. Especially when I started caring for him and as I said with the Dog of hers! She'd have likely abandoned her too if Ma wasn't on her ass about it (she bought her, she raises her. No questions asked! Only way she learns to stop buying shit on a whim) and it is sad for these's animals because irresponsible people like that family exist (as my mother said to my sister when she wanted to get rid of the dog now that she's grown and bleeding all over on her periods! She'll get a red flag on herself if she tries after waiting too long to make this decisions! No need to feel sorry for her! She had the LONGEST and alot of warnings beforehand! I think it's BECAUSE of the red flag I mentioned they do this! Get rid of the pet and be able to "get a new one" without the Mark on their record! Hope they get it anyway and that cat gets a good home!)
@BrokensoulRider Год назад
I picked my cat out as a kitten, but she also velcroed herself onto my shoulder and refused to get off when I had the ASPCA people pick her out for me, because she came up to the glass she was in and stared at me. She's still with me now and being, as we call her in my house., the Black Death.
@pambriggs3411 Год назад
My husband rescued a stray ginger and she eventually had five kittens. We found a home for one, but not for the others. So now we have five cats and we love all of them. People tell us we should take them to a shelter but how can you get rid of family? Yes, the vet fees are high and feeding them is expensive (we are pensioners) but we manage.
@paulman34340 Год назад
@@pambriggs3411 Funny enough my 4th Cat was a Ginger as well.....I miss the little guy! My 5th a current Cat is like he was "reincarnated" (they act EXACTLY the same LOL Except he's pure Black with a white underbelly) since I he came as a kitten Not to long after the 4th's death! (At least he lived long and well, I was surprised on just HOW MUCH he tolerated my idiot moments with him! Guess my positives outweigh my negatives! 5th tolerates SHIT and feels more the owner then myself sometimes LOL RIP 4th)
@damien678 Год назад
I wanted kittens so it would be easier to train them to go for walks, since the apartment my bf and I have currently is very small, and I'd want them to have more space and enrichment I do think in most cases it is a serious red flag, however. I would also have been happy and still would be happy to teach an adult cat to go for walks. I just ended up getting lucky with the two kittens I got and they're my partner and I's whole world. They also adore their walks and usually sit really still when we get their harnesses out lol 😂
@russward2612 Год назад
Story 3: ED is lucky he still has 2 arms. Story 4: l call myself lucky if I can entice my feline overlord to consent to being scritched for 5 minutes.
@rickraber1249 10 месяцев назад
Here's the thing: dogs have owners. Cats have servants.
@russward2612 10 месяцев назад
@@rickraber1249 you'll notice I acknowledged him as my overlord. My highest purpose in life is to serve as a competent material support primate for my ginger tabby feline overlord Shere Khan Magnus. 🐈👑✌️🖖
@rickraber1249 10 месяцев назад
Shere Khan Magnus. I love it. Wasn't Shere Khan the tiger in Disney's The Jungle Book? The Magnus part is, of course, self explanatory. @@russward2612
@SlipShodBob Год назад
The guardian dog story reminds me of one a farmer in Oregon told me as he had a couple that protected his flock of sheep. Due to the size and the fact they are more relaxed while with the flock even though it costs more he has always had the vet come out to them which had never been a problem before until the old vet retired and sold the practice. The new one who brought the clinic had grown up and lived until then in a city. After one had killed a mountain lion protecting the flock but had been injured he called the vet to book for him to come out, he refused stating all dogs had to be seen in the clinic, he tried to explain and tell him that it was the size of a bear that made Beethoven look like a puppy. But the vet insisted so he managed to get loaded in the back of his truck where it became agitated as it left the flock behind, when he got to the clinic he left it in the truck to go inside where the nurse told him he could bring it in. He told them that it had just ripped apart a cougar so if they wanted a bloodbath nodding to all the cats that they could go and get him but they'd need a bigger and stronger collar and lead than any they had on display. The vet took one look as the agitated dog snarling as someone carried a cat out and said he would visit him the following day, when he came he couldn't believe that it was the same dog laying amongst the sheep with its tongue hanging out it was also the same time he realised that sometimes it was to do home visits.
@hailyjohnson407 Год назад
Glad that vet learned! It's shocking to me after growing up on a farm and then moving to the city in college, so many people don't understand the difference between a pet dog living in town, which needs to be trained to have excellent manners and be friendly to strangers, and a dog with a protection job who is trained specifically to distrust strangers. My parents' dogs out on the farm would destroy anyone who tried to set foot on our property without permission. But so long as one of my parents are home, they are trained to back off if my parents tell them "it's ok, gentle" and then my parents will interact with the guest, and then the dogs relax and allow them to walk around. They also don't take to any stranger animals that set foot on our property, but will be chill if my parents bring home a new dog, because they understand my parents are giving permission. I have a little chihuahua/dachshund mix that grew up for his first 9 years on the farm, but he was not a fan of the big dogs, and he sustained several injuries due to his small size, so when I moved for college, I took him with me, and it was hard for him to adapt when he was used to being protective and territorial. He still hasn't warmed up to other animals (except for one dog my friend has, and he is also small and very submissive so my dog doesn't see him as a threat), but he was very easy to convince that human strangers are not the enemy 😂 he adapted to apartment living quickly and loves being an only dog and being spoiled with toys and blankets, and we joke he's living the luxury retirement life now at 12, and he loves going on campus and getting tons of pets from strangers, but he will not tolerate any other animals. Some things you can train out of a dog, and some things you can't, especially depending on the breed traits, the dog's personality traits, and how long they have been trained to be a certain way.
@Mcb0223 Год назад
I have a rag doll mix and he is CONSTANTLY wanting snuggles. Definitely more so than my other/previous cats. There’s no way he’d only stand for once every few days lol.
@gageperuti5519 Год назад
Story 4: Do these people know ANYTHING about cats?! And seriously? It almost ends their marriage? What wackos!
@ashes7245 Год назад
Sure cats are more independent than most fur babies, but they still need love. Most are usually good at telling you when/how much. In my experience even the clingy ones will be OK just being near you so long as they feel loved.
@gecko2.617 Год назад
Story 3: Entitled Dad is lucky that he did not loose his arm to the dog. Sadly I think they did not learn from their stupid mistake...
@benjaminspencer6507 Год назад
Story #3. The entitled family is obviously city dwellers! I can speak from experience. I grew up on no 1 but 3 farms. It was a co-op. And I have quite a few stories of these entitled city people, from the 60's and 70's! I'm 70 years old now. Even had 1 family try and kidnap my 4 year old sister sitting on a tractor while dad was off the tractor, opening the gate into a field!!
@TheBre1491 Год назад
I’m from the city and I’m not that stupid. Big thing is to look at the dog’s conditions. Well fed, clean coat, has a home. And then look for the owners, especially in the country. My dog is part of my family and I’d go full mana bear on anyone who tried to touch him without my permission. 😂
@chezsnailez Год назад
Our Nadine took a month and a half to come out from her hiding spot when we adopted her. Now she naps next to us like she owns us...
@acatnamedm4529 Год назад
Gets cat. Complains that they...checks notes...have a cat.
@lindab.716 6 месяцев назад
Let’s send props to my grandma. In 1952 my dad went to Arizona to talk to his mom before proposing. Mom was 5 years older and a different religion. Grandma responded “If you love her marry her”. ❤ Grandma treated mom as a daughter until grandma passed ♥️
@dogofwar6769 Год назад
Story 5; I had a problem like that myself once and it nearly resulted in my car being confiscated by the police. Basically my step father let his daughter with substance abuse issues 'borrow' my van while I was a work myself. I never gave either of them permission to use my van, but my mother had a spare set of keys and my step dad knew where they were kept. Well my stepsister got pulled over for driving erratically because she had scored a bunch of narcotic pain killer pills and was high on them while driving. The state I lived in at the time had a law where the cops could seize your car if it's used in a drug deal, and so the cops did just that. I was luckily able to talk to the DA and he worked it out so that I at least got the van back after paying the impound fee. Which was at least better than the alternative.
@paulman34340 Год назад
Had a stepdad like that too! He had it in his head ANYTHING my mother bought was his because their married! That also included anything bought with her MONEY so that was mine and my siblings things! He never touched anything he knew wasn't bought by my mother and my mother only learned LATER because we had poor communication and feared she okayed this behavior "she didn't" and she put a right stop to that shit (took 4 years, bastard was SNEAKY with his abuse! He would make a GREAT "Analyzing Evil" video right next to the guy who does those videos own Stepdad who he recently did a "Video on!" Serious wonder who's worse, Evil Stepdads or Evil Stepmoms?) But when I noticed this! I started presenting my things as "stuff my dad bought me when I was out" and what do you know! He never even GLANCED at them, not ONCE. Recently he conned my baby brother (HIS OWN BIO SON) out of 10,000 Dollars. He received 50,000 dollars from some lottery he was in, Ma put it away for him (he was 22 when this happened which was a year ago) and his dad (now estranged from our mother! Too expensive right in the last 10 years to divorce his ass!) begged that he needed 10,000 (he only knew his son had more then 5,000 dollars) my baby brother who ALREADY didn't like his dad, helped him because he was emulating me (Since I'm known as a kind giving person) sadly I wish I taught him that I'm kind to "only people I get along with and KNOW aren't con artist scum" his dad "lost the money" and I could only clap at him wondering "was it worth DESTROYING the last shard of respect your son might have had for you idiots" since now baby brother wants NOTHING to do with him now! He decided it was the Idiot Tax Price he paid for thinking his dad would ever be a good person!
@dogofwar6769 Год назад
@@paulman34340 I hear you man, I hear you. Sounds like your step dad was a real piece of work too. And hell, that thing with my van wasn't even the first example of him just loaning out other people's stuff. That same step dad also *_stole_* two cars and sold them because he got mad at me and little brother. The decided that we weren't showing us enough 'respect' and we needed 'punishment'. He got away with it because the cars were in our mothers name so it wasn't legally a grand theft auto. This actually became a whole big legal fight that ended up with me taking in my little brother as his legal guardian. Never got the cars back though.
@paulman34340 Год назад
@@dogofwar6769 Sucks, but at least it sounds like you and bro don't have to deal with him anymore (or specifically in the "he can touch your shit anytime he wants without consequences!") Mine I won't hesitated to have the cops on his ass! Especially once I started making my own money to buy stuff (as in money from another source! I had a thing with my mother paying me for doing jobs for her while I wasn't working, and he still believed "her money was his" as in "if she gave money to someone for doing a favor for her! He'd believe it's his by default" he won't try that on people he KNOWS would bend him like a pretzel! Like my mother's little brother, my uncle who had a body builder physique! And now EVERYONE even his son is a GIANT to him) so I would LOVE to see how he'd tried this game! I really do (not like I'll EVER let him in my home or space! Ma and him were DONE years ago. Only reason it lasted longer then needed when I was 12 was because he was an illegal! He woo-ed her, even tricked my young self! He became a lesson about being careful of manipulative assholes who try to befriend you with "The stuff you like" to me! and once they were married, you know how that shit works! He REALLY hated me because my mother doted on me and it was the "illegal jealous of a citizen" shit, tried to hide his abuse of me as "discipling me to not be spoiled" and he REALLY didn't like me when he discovered my ADD and Autism! He was my first introduction to what they mean about "foreign trash" and I never thought I'd see an example of that! I've befriend MANY foreigners both before and after him! But he served as a reminder "trash exist EVERYWHERE" then she had my baby brother and it became HARDER to get rid of him! Finally did when he ran off as I said after getting caught cheating and almost giving ma a STD! Been YEARS and I haven't felt this happy and free since I was 12 and they married! I ain't wanting that toxic shit back!)
@scottkendrix6231 Год назад
The story about the attempted theft of Gus is a classic case of FAFO.
Have a cat that comes to see me 3-4 times a night, I'll give her the attention she wants. She lays down, purrs, kneads, then sometimes takes a short nap or leaves for an hour or so. Cats aren't impossible to understand, they will make there intent clear, and if a cat likes you, that's special.
@katphish30 Год назад
I used to volunteer in the cattery at a shelter, and that cat story gave me flashbacks People and their expectations are so wild. 😭
@deniseeulert2503 Год назад
I was at a local cat shelter when a woman brought a female in, wanting to drop it off. This is a no kill shelter, and they have a waiting list. But when they found out the cat had had kilttens, and none of THEM were sterilized, much less the female, they wouldn't put it on the waiting list. That Karen got so angry, but she had no right to.
@damien678 Год назад
​@@deniseeulert2503 Wait, was she seriously trying to take the mum away from the kittens?
@calycalyps0 Год назад
Dude, the dog story makes me so furious. That is so traumatising for dogs and the kids. I would hope that they learned their lesson but they probably didn't. My skin is literally burning from being so angry. I hate when dogs' lives are threatened because someone does not know how to handle a dog. Thank god the dogs came out well. I was bitten once by a small dog. He was enjoying pets, rolling on his back for more without any signs of being annoyed and just out of no where bit my thumb. He bit so hard that he was hanging on my thumb when i yanked my hand up out of shock. While that was the one and only time i was angry at an animal for hurting me, i still would not put that dog down. It's a living being and can make mistakes and have It's flaws. I was a kid back then and if i understood that i shouldn't put the dog down because of that, adults should too
@LordDuff Год назад
buying or adopting a dog tends to have animal protection issues which those people wouldn't have passed in that third story, hence the whole stray/stealing behavior. Those people straight up said they were gonna hurt not just the dog, but the 12 year old girl to " teach them a lesson."
@RepellentJeff Год назад
Story 4 is one of those stories that makes you genuinely consider the societal benefits of forced sterilization.
@CRSB00 Год назад
it's simple really, these people don't want a pet (read a living, breathing, feeling, sentient "fur baby" that has needs and comes with a series of responsibilities) they want a "cute furry thing" they can sometimes pretend they care about (usually in front of their friends to brag) and then forget they exist for most of the time
@phylliskress2296 Год назад
Better yet, Pet Rocks. No petting, grooming, eating/pooping/etc. Perfect pets for entitled people!
@nodakear1 Год назад
Buy a furby.... it's not living yet furry... And if it talks too much, u can take the batteries out and make it shut up... that is the kind of pet they want/need :P
@johncochran8497 Год назад
I'd go further for those types and request retroactive birth control.
@squiggle463 3 месяца назад
for the third woman, Toxoplasmosis is supposed to make you love the cat more, not hate it. it's heartbreaking to hear that degree of entitlement.
@TheBlackSeraph 21 день назад
Pretty sure toxoplasmosis doesn't happen in under 1 week, and if the cat is peeing and pooping everywhere, it's because NO-ONE bothered to train them to use the litter box.
@PINKH0RNET Год назад
I have a two and a half year old half-Norwegian half-something else cat we rescued off the streets near my highschool and it's the sweetest you can imagine. A ball of fur greeting me everytime I come home, and a real chatterbox. He always do what I call "the sausage", laying on his back meowing so I can pet his belly. When I'm alone with him at home he follows me everywhere I go. Such a cat given to such entitled people is honestly one of my greatest fears, they could litterally ruin its life. He brings so much joy to me.
@dannygillmor2337 Год назад
I had some neighbor kids try to steal my dog when he got out, they figured 12 year old me wasn't going to kick and 8 year old girl in the face... I had a 7 year old sister that could have told them I bore no such limitations.
@scarletrose7272 Год назад
OMG! I had to pick my cats up and pet them for a while when I heard that 4th story. What horrible people!
@BPJD2004 2 месяца назад
The stories with the dogs and cats had me grinning and in disbelief. Good Gus and Togo for protecting their owner, all the treats and pets for them, and the Karens with the cat, omg. Five minutes is not nearly enough time to get a good petting. I am currently spoiling my two cats with canned food after hearing that one.
@Jktucker012 Год назад
A fluff a day keeps the Karen’s away
@roymustang5922 Год назад
As does your favorite freedom seed planting device.
@thebeardedbrony9586 Год назад
Karens will NEVER go away, sadly.
@cathyheckman7415 Год назад
@Christylove2000 Год назад
I feel like this is true because I go out a lot and I have never met one and it’s been years since I started watching fluff 😆
@stacybritt4259 Год назад
@CrazyCartoonCat12 Год назад
In story 3, my family had a great Pyrenees and I can confirm that they are badass cuddlebugs. In story 4, screw that entitled family, especially that dad, what's his freaking deal!? Humans need more training than pets.
@joebufford2972 Год назад
Absolutely. She was told no way do not drive my car and when she took it it was Grand theft Auto and the father could be an accessory to such prime
@5PctJuice 5 месяцев назад
Story 4: Those parents would HATE my cat. He's 21 and still insanely affectionate, wanting to lay down on laps and chests daily. Little guy can't even really purr anymore but he's the clingiest cat I've ever met. We've never quite figured out his breed; he looks like a smaller Maine Coon mixed with a bit of Chantilly Tiffany and Ragamuffin. It's weird, but we love him.
@joebufford2972 Год назад
Dogs know they're human companions and are very protective of them so a stranger can be a threat if the animals keeper feels threatened. Dogs are very good judge of characters and can read humans very well on their intentions❤
@cherylwolf7458 Год назад
Last story...An absolute must to report stolen!! Bf needs to get priorities straight along with dad and sis! Also he shouldn't be sharing ANY financial decisions or conversations he and Gf make with anyone else. (Except to now clarify she paid bf back for loan on down payment.) It's none of their business and would have prevented this whole fiasco!!
@KuroganeX3 Год назад
I highly doubt that. That sort of parents spy on their kids bank accounts [ most of time they receive monthly statements from bank from credit card usage]. Was in that position. After that changed my bank statements to electronic ones so my Ex Father wouldnt get to know how much money i had on account. Anyway i would say to move out asap and get their own place so this sort of bs wouldnt happen again.
@kor6161 Год назад
Story 4: The entitled family should probably just get this Nintendo game, where you can raise cats. Because the cat they want is literally a digital one 😂
@hereschica Год назад
Yeah, the entitled family got wat they deserved! I grew up around dogs and know they they can and will protect their owners if they believe their owners to be in any danger of getting attacked!
@KarmikCykle Год назад
I had a cat who we adopted as an adult rescue. He'd clearly been abused, to the point of completely freaking out and turning into a panicked whirl of tooth and claw if you ever tried to put him in your lap. He eventually realized we loved him and weren't going to hurt him, and turned out to be a wonderful companion. He never did get over his utter terror at being put in laps, though. For years I wondered what kind of "owner" would make a cat that afraid of sitting in a person's lap. After hearing story 4, I think I finally see it.
@aybarra912 Год назад
My cat was the perfect example of each pet being different. She would go weeks where she did not want any kind of attention and might even get mad at me for even being near her and then randomly for a few days she would be clinging to me constantly as she got older her affectionate periods became longer and more frequent. I miss her dearly.
@Andrew-fq7pu 7 месяцев назад
Story 3: how was the 40yr old that trespassed, tried to steal a dog, assaulted & battered a 12 yr old girl not arrested and charged for his crimes?
@pg4662 Год назад
That gift card... I'd have framed it and given it back to mil as a present, all nicely gift wrapped and with a big bow!!!
@slosh360 Год назад
I haven't owned a cat for nearly a decade. We got an orange 7-month old cat three weeks ago, Cheeto, who seemed chipper/spry when we first saw him at the shelter. We get him home and not even 24 hours later, he is having massive sneezing attacks, making him lethargic. I was thinking that it's a new environment and probably not nearly as clean as the shelter, which was in pristine shape. A few days later, his sneezing is also accompanied with bloody nasal discharge. I take him to the local vet the following day, to find out he has a middle ear infection (sinus infection, if you will). Low and behold, three days of amoxicillin and now he's tearing up and down the hallway, playfully attacking my arms and feet. $500 later, this cat won't leave me, my GF or our son alone and we love it. Our little Cheeto loves us and stealing our hot Cheeto snacks. I guess he's living up to his name.
@gaylegoodman9097 Год назад
The cats I’ve had, owning them since I was 10 and now am 66, aren’t dogs! Wanting a cat to “come” is ludicrous. They only come when they want to. There are 2 jokes that describe cats to a tee. “Dogs have owners, where cats have staff.” and “We feed dogs. We take care of dogs, and they look at us thinking, They must be God! We feed cats. Take care of cats, and they look at us thinking, We must be God!”
@shield0fjustice778 Год назад
The guard dog story is a perfect example of F around and find out,
@jacquelynsmith2351 Год назад
Story 4: If my kitty could handle another pet in the house (the hedgehog is stressful enough for her), I'd take the kitty off their hands! But my kitty has a past and doesn't like other animals... or people... or anything new 😅
@GoinBand2 Год назад
Great Pyrenees are the best! Mine protected me when an air conditioner repairman tried to intimidate me into buying a new AC. He wasn't taking no for an answer much like the dad and entitled family. My GP lunged and snapped at him. That guy fled my house, practically making a Wiley Coyote hole through the front door! 😂
@dee_dee_place Год назад
OP, her tattoos, & her MIL: If anyone gave me a gift certificate for tattoo removal, I would throw it back in their face. That's what OP should have done, throw the gift certificate at her MIL's face, across the table, & in front of all the other guests.
@dominiklehn2866 Год назад
Even if the car in the last one was owned by both of them, that still doesn't entitle his sister to take it. Especially not after directly being told no.
@YunMei17 Год назад
That story about the kitten and the clinginess - I mean, hello? It's literally an infant, a baby. Of course it wants/needs pets! wow
@stephaniepedersen7919 Год назад
Lucky for Entitled Dad it happened in Canada so he didn't need to pay for his hospital visit
@candacevalentine9394 Год назад
We had a pack of dogs on our ranch. Great pyrenese, anatolian sheppard, blue tick beagal mix, blue heeler, cathoula, and my doberman. The 2 that showed up outta no where on the ranch and tried to grab my two youngest kids left via ambulance. Sherriff had to photograph and collect bits and pieces. Kids were playing in the sand not 20yrds from me while the dogs were trying to get a rabbit out of its hole. My daughter screamed and the dogs were gone full tilt. The kids were only 20yrds from me but 6 fur missles were there full out and hit their target. We lived 45 mins from the nearest paved road.
@royal-wolf Год назад
I am the cool aunt who like to take my niece and nephew to the movies, amusement parks, and absolutely spoil them. I never want kids of my own
@Nevertoleave Год назад
When I see a dog with a collar in the country I generally assume it belong to someone. If it more of a bush area or it looks hurt I’d pull over, figuring the pup wandered off and might be worrying their family. But in farm country, unless it’s obviously hurt or in distress, I just leave ‘‘em be. They’ll find their own way home
@arentibbs799 Год назад
Story 5: NTA. OP is the sole owner, her name on title, insurance, etc. It does not matter if BF helped pay the down payment. BF was paid back so he had no claim on the car. Even still, even if a person has a financial interest in the car, that "ownership" does not transfer to family members. Assuming sister is an hour away, waiting two hours after notifying her to return NOW is sufficient. If sister got in an accident or violated the law, OP would be on the hook because no proof she did not give permission. Filing a police report gives proof that the car was taken without permission.
@carmenvazquez5784 5 месяцев назад
The Cat Adoption: This reminds me of a time in the long ago when pet stores sold dogs. I would always stop to gush. One day, as I'm drooling over the puppies, a woman starts talking to an associate of the shop saying she wants a dog. But the dog shouldn't bark too much, eat too much, shed and I honestly can't remember the rest of this nutjob's demands. The associate and I looked at each other and I said out loud, "You know, Toys-R-Us has some lovely stuffed animals you should consider." I don't think the idiot got her dog that day -- and I hope she NEVER got a dog or any animal!
@S7J7P7 Год назад
My neighbor Shirley does this. She steals neighborhood cats all the time. She comes to visit my mom and our cat. It’s bowl and bed will be gone. So will Shirley. If her late husband had not been such a wonderful man we would have her arrested. But he was killed in an airplane crash before I was born. But my Dads family still talks about what a good man he was. No one ever says this about his wife.
@lankycide77 9 месяцев назад
I can't believe I need to say this, but no one who owns a guard dog should ever fear their dog being killed for doing its effing job. Like, they're companions and practically family members too, but they're also GUARD DOGS. Their function is to protect you from aggressors. I repeat, because this cannot be stressed enough. Negligence on the owner's part aside, *you shouldn't have to fear your dog being killed for protecting you and your own.*
@Scarletlight525 Год назад
Worst Cat Dad Of The Year over there likely felt competition from the cat, because suddenly there was another baby in the family! Seriously, you don't want to believe those types of people exist, but they do...
@betsyadams9670 Год назад
Love the first story. I know women that didn’t get their first tattoos or piercings until they where over 60. Being married has nothing to do with it.
@Swiizz. Год назад
In the dog story, the entitled dad is lucky he didn't end up with 15 years in the slammer for assaulting a minor on their private property...
@alexisgrunden1556 Год назад
Story 3: Entitled family were damn lucky that Togo was in a restrained mood. A dog that size could have easily killed that @$$hole, and if the man actually _had_ hurt one of Togo's humans, then it's entirely possible he would have quit being Mr. Nice Dog.
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
That's the difference between a proper guard dog and any random hig dog. The guard dog uses just enough force to protect his family.
@alexisgrunden1556 Год назад
@@lancerevell5979 Like my dad's dog when he was growing up; Esel was taught to catch or tree intruders, but not hurt them, and he was big enough that no one particularly cared to test his patience on that (200+ lb St. Bernard cross). Gentle as a lamb with family and those on the official Friend List, though~
@varedna Год назад
@@lancerevell5979 True, dogs have the instincts to go for the neck if they get something on the ground.
@anopinionatedtakeonreality2074 6 месяцев назад
Damn, the father would hate my bombay cat. She spends half her time sitting on my shoulder. Wonder if the father actually helped raise the kids? A cat is a lot easier to raise and look after than a kid. Yet he couldn't look after a cat for a few days?
@j.d.l._666 4 месяца назад
Story #5: no, OP is not the AH! It's theft. Just because the dad has a spare key or access to it doesn't mean he can just give it away! They stole the car and OP has every right to protect their property!
@Josh_the_jester Год назад
Story 3: Dog owners have no idea how easy they have it, because if you own a cat, chances are you're not gonna see them again, not in one piece anyway, especially in western states where illegal dog pits use house cats, as fodder, for some sick side show for the sadistic
@rickraber1249 10 месяцев назад
The last story about the sister who borrowed the car w/o permission reminded me of something that happened to me. It was somewhat different, but has to do with cars and liability. My (thankfully) former son-in-law bought a pickup from us. I immediately filed a seller's report of sale with the state, and dropped the insurance. Son-in-law was of course aware of this. He hit another driver, and when the police arrived, he gave them my old insurance card that was still in the glove box. So I got a call from my insurance company, and a snippy young man informed me that I was liable for the damage to the other guy's vehicle. I pointed out that I no longer owned or insured the pickup, and had filed a seller's report. My point being, know and limit your liability when it comes to vehicles you own or used to own.
@Serai3 Год назад
I've never understood what makes people think they're entitled to just scoop up any dog they see with the assumption that it's "abandoned". Yeah, NO. You are not the Dog Patrol. Mind your dam business about other people's animals. Unless the critter is in obvious distress, LEAVE IT ALONE. It could be on its way HOME, and you would be committing a crime.
@empressmarowynn Год назад
I couldn't imagine going an entire week without petting my little tuxedo baby. He greets me with headbutts when I come home because he demands pets immediately. Why on earth would someone get an animal if they don't actually want one?
@andreehobrak1425 Год назад
On the last story. Get out of that house quick. Take the boyfriend if he wants to come. I guess the dad is going to charge OP rent soon. And the rent will increase every time OP does not do as dad pleases.
@andreehobrak1425 Год назад
The 2 pet storys high light how badly we need some kind of drivers license for people that want to own a pet.
@wolphin732 8 месяцев назад
The last one... taking without permission is theft. I would have called and said it was stolen and by after they had requested and been denied permission. Still means they would be dealt with as a theft, but would be less likely to be shot if they didn't immediately comply. I would be getting the safe's code changed, and the parents not having access to it.
@mrroboshadow Год назад
idk why story 5's events are so common i read about an entitled aunt who stole her nephew's car so he'd be late to class, cause his alarm woke her unemployed ass too early or when a stepson stole his doctor stepmon's car when she was on call, which could have possibly resulted in deaths and lawsuits
@someoneawesome8717 Год назад
The parents in the fourth story should get plushies instead of a living breathing creature. Also it was clearly not toxoplasma because that actually makes you more affectionate towards cats
@pattiboyd7223 Год назад
OP should have cashed in that removal voucher.
@realbadger Год назад
I have four cats; they're super loving and comical, frequently insisting on attention, and take turns sleeping in my arms at night... I'd have it no other way.
@jedediahcoulbourne1791 Год назад
For story one if it's the story I think it is OP had an update. She got in contact with a friend that helps former convicts turn their life around and that voucher was used to help erase someone's swastika tattoo that brought then alot of shame
@timengineman2nd714 Год назад
Story #3: The few Redbone Hounds I've seen are similar in size (only slightly smaller) than a Great Dane! They also Love THEIR Humans, to threaten THEIR Humans is an Extremely Stupid Thing To Do!!!
@BunchyPanther42 Год назад
Story 3: how is dad not in jail? Attempted theft, assaulting a 12 year old girl and lying to police
@rickraber1249 10 месяцев назад
The story about the dogs really got to me. A smart dog has about the same level of intelligence as a 3 or 4 yr. old child. Letting dogs run loose and casually stating that sometimes people returned them home, or they had to go to the shelter to retrieve them? What kind of nitwits are these people? Also, more than one dog is a pack. Dogs are pack animals. Lucky for these owners that the dogs weren't taking down the neighbors' pets or livestock. Yes, I'm glad the story ended well, but for heaven sake, people, if you have dogs, keep them fenced!
@Ironraven001 Год назад
Story 1, I'd bet OP could get some cash for that tattoo removal voucher. Even at half price, $250 is a decent down-payment on another tattoo! 😂
@RajaniIsa Год назад
Nah. Someone else said in an update it was donated to a organization that helps reformed people get rid of hate tattoos.
@tiffany02020 Год назад
I have a Great Pyrenees who sleeps with my goats and keeps them safe. She’s the nicest dog I’ve ever had. Such a gentle mouth, gentle demeanor. Also tho she snaps bones in half like they’re twigs hahaha. Very very powerful dogs. If she were a stranger to me I would never want to be going after one of my nephews with her protecting them. Yikes. Happy she’s on my side haha.
@christinalyons9038 Год назад
I just can't even with that cat story. Insane much. What kind of grown man has to go home to mommy bc he can't deal with a kitten that it was his idea to get in the 1st place. Their poor son, I hope he grows up with more sense than his entitled parents. I'm just glad the cat was re-homed
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