
r/LGBT - Let's Talk About This 

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@a.v.y8331 10 месяцев назад
that first dude has the MOST american way of supporting trans people - "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" and "constitutional right"
@magdolyn 10 месяцев назад
That was my immediate thought, too!
@torunsmok5890 10 месяцев назад
Wholesome 'Murica fuck yeah moment
@defaultdan7923 10 месяцев назад
it’s things like this that are more proof that lgbt is *not* a political thing. it’s almost like this nation was founded on the ideals of *human rights*, and that the notion that someone merely existing as themselves is not something that needs to be argued about.
@eclat4641 10 месяцев назад
@arcadiaberger9204 10 месяцев назад
Proof, if more were needed, that this country was founded by left-wing extremists advancing a radical leftist agenda. Proof that one of the most outrageous lies ever spoken was that it was "self-evidently true" that "all men are created equal", when in fact it was a proposition which could start a fight in any pub in the Western world in 1776 (and wound up starting the bloodiest fight in American history eighty years later). Proof that there is no slogan that the Left should hold more dear than *_We The People._*
@KynesLiet-kq2zr 10 месяцев назад
Ironically I was taken to hooters as a kid. Apparently, I complimented the waitresses hair and managed to become adored by the waitresses there. Now I'm ace so I suppose the whole Hooters indoctrination thing didn't go according to plan.
@BlooMonkiMan 9 месяцев назад
No way 😂🤣💀
@MithikalShield-Rumboq 9 месяцев назад
I’m a girl, and when I was a kid I was taken to hooters. I was silently panicking, and trying not to look at the waitress out of respect with my face flushed red. My dad was not surprised when he found out I was gay 3 years later.
@BlooMonkiMan 9 месяцев назад
@@MithikalShield-Rumboq See, the first mistake was you went to a normal ol' Hooters when you should've been at _Femboy_ Hooters.
@hoodiesticks 9 месяцев назад
The waitress was shocked because you were the first person to look at her above the neck.
@Erika.D84 9 месяцев назад
I also complimented hair, accessories and so on trough my youth.... No one connected the dots. Probably didn' t help i was a girl in a boy' s body. If i was taken to Hooters as a girl (i live in Belgium, we don' t have that here) i would have died of hornyness, for sure.
@aloe8078 10 месяцев назад
The recovering bigot sign reminds me of a story my dad told me. He was born in 1960 in rural Arkansas, and he was incredibly homophobic. Him and his buddies would actually beat up the few gay kids in town. That was until he met my mom. She has a brother, my uncle, who’s been openly gay since he was about fourteen. My dad got to know my uncle and realized that gay people weren’t the evil creeps everyone had gotten him to believe, that they were just normal people who happened to like the same sex. He grew up and married my mom and was always friends with my uncle after that and had more of an open mind. And now he has me, a queer youngest daughter. And I’m lucky to have a dad I love and an uncle I got to look up to growing up, and my dad loves me for me and accepts that I’m queer with no hatred or distaste
@krasistefanovlol 10 месяцев назад
wow, its rare seeing moments like that
@emilyrln 10 месяцев назад
The best character arc! Proud of your dad 🥰
@aki-senkinn 10 месяцев назад
@@old-world-blues ​ Sure but the world is more nuanced than guilty or not guilty. What happened is terrible, but you can also appreciate that the man has changed of his own will, and broke out of the hate he was almost certainly raised into at a young age, which is very difficult. What would be the point of punishing someone now, decades after, after he has changed? If you reject -phobes who are trying their best to become an ally, then more of them will be unwilling to even consider changing their ways since there is more resistance against them, even from the people they are trying to make up with. Yes they should take responsibility for any crimes committed, but bringing up something from like 40+ years ago, to a father who is in support of us now, is pointless. Forgiving is hard, but both sides needs to make an effort to be more accepting towards each other, only that way can we move forward and get along better. If we can do that, than little by little, we can get to a point where hate crimes are a thing of the past.
@BlueTressym 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing your story; although I can only truly speak for myself, I feel that hearing of happy outcomes like yours helps many of us to recover a little faith in humanity.
@Skrunkly_Velvet_Worm 10 месяцев назад
I’m glad your dad changed 👍
@kichikitsu 10 месяцев назад
[CW: grooming] The trans guy who was SA'd and groomed by a trans woman story hits... SO close to home. I was groomed from the ages of 11 to nearly 16 by a trans woman who was mid twenties to thirties. I talk sometimes about it, but I always leave out the trans woman part despite it, unfortunately, being tied into exactly why I trusted her so much. I know all the "predatory trans woman" caricatures. I know all the transphobes that are quick to yell about The Children would take my story and run with it whilst ignoring I am trans myself. Hell, they'd probably argue that she somehow manipulated me into believing i was trans. (She didnt. If anything, she would invalidate my gender due to being a lesbian... "dating" a trans guy.) I don't think I will ever feel safe enough to share those details in any space that isnt overtly trans positive bc yeah, I absolutely would feel like a traitor. I wish that dude all the best, and that his SA'er rots.
@sluttyMapleSyrup 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sorry that happened and as a trans woman, you're right, this story does instill a whispering fear in me of being paraded as the evidence needed to come after all of us, transfemme or transmasc, but it's still important to share because not all trans people are predators, but all demographics _have_ predators.
@juststatedtheobvious9633 8 месяцев назад
Bigots absolutely would abuse your story. The alt-right were happy to listen to what a few cis women did to me, but screamed themselves blind and deaf when I talked about who really offers support. (It isn't team antifeminism.) I hate that you were forced to deal with all this, yet you inspire me with your strength and honesty. You are beautiful.
@ShintogaDeathAngel 7 месяцев назад
That’s a really weird spot to be in, I’m sorry that happened but thank you for having the guts to share your story.
@bob.iscool3845 7 месяцев назад
^^ i was groomed by a gay guy online JUST after i came out as a trans male when i was 14 and was excitedly engaging in social media for the first time due to the extra confidence post coming out. when i leave out the fact that i’m trans - “that’s terrible! older gay men are soo predatory” when i include the fact that i’m trans - “there’s no way that happened, it’s impossible for gay men to be attracted to trans men who haven’t yet transitioned” - which is ironic, bc my first partner at 16 was a non-trans gay guy, who was more than happy to take me on dates, get me flowers, and pound my ass i was also sexually assaulted by a heterosexual woman at a gay bar when i was 19, and deadass most people just don’t believe me?? they’re like “noo, she must’ve been a male drag queen or a trans woman!! there’s no wayyyy a biological feeeemale could sexually assault someone!!” the only people who 100% go “oh yeah, that tracks” are other gay men who have experienced similar weird shit from drunk heterosexual woman in gay bars like, she was in her 40s, offered me drugs, “split” her drink on me and started groping my thighs to “clean it up”, and stuffed her entire tongue down my throat when i was trying to tell her to stop. then she straight up followed me through the gay village when i left the bar until a drag queen stepped in and started talking to me like she knew me to protect me and scare off this drunk straight woman. another interesting thing i noticed - when i started testosterone and stopped looking like a cute femboy twink and looking like a buff hairy bear, the way my female friends treated me was a whole 180. just bc i visually changed, they stopped treating me like their pet gay BFF (uncomfortable anyway but i didn’t have many non-lgbt friends and felt stuck with them) and started treating me like i was a piece of shit who wanted to perv on them and/or sleep with them - i’ve heard other masculine gay men have similar experiences, and feminine gay men tend to feel infantilised and fetishised by certain groups of straight women. l some people are quick to jump to the idea that it’s impossible for cis-her women perpetuate violence, and refuse to accept it - they genuinely believe you can only be a sexual predator if you have a dick, or have had a dick, or “look” like a guy but yeah, tldr - i also got groomed by someone in the lgbt+ community and feel like i need to weirdly defend my groomer for the sake of keeping bigots from continually perpetuating the idea that older masculine/AMAB lgbt+ people are inherently dangerous to children
@briereckersley8823 2 месяца назад
The only time I have purposefully misgendered someone was similar to this, I was working with a victim (I am a victim advocate) and her assault was a huge press case, but the press missed the fact that both she and her partner were trans femme. Her partner didn't pass, and the media was using he/him pronouns for them. Since my client was in the hospital and already being harassed by the press, we purposefully let the press continue thinking everyone was cis. We didn't want her further harassed, and wanted to wait till she wasn't in and out of surgery to ask what she was comfortable with. The media would have turned it into trans woman attacks. Also likely would have turned things nasty because she is trans. I felt awful (I am trans) but I also had talked with many other community members about what seemed best. We did make it very clear to her from the start that if she wanted any corrections we would do so.
@undecidedmiddleground5633 10 месяцев назад
That first guy is fantastic. As the parent of a trans person, it scares me what he will have to deal with from so many people as he grows.
@thiscrazystuff3274 10 месяцев назад
I hope your child gets to enjoy life without taking into consideration abt people's opinions! les mando abrazos
@daniamataka5377 10 месяцев назад
I follow a similar mantra. "You do you, I do me, and we won't do each other... probably."
@undecidedmiddleground5633 10 месяцев назад
@@thiscrazystuff3274 Yeah, me too. But, it's not about their opinions, but their actions. I encourage him all I can, but we live in the Southern Bible Belt and there are a lot of troglodyte bigots here. I've even had to cut contact with my father because of his religious views around the LGBTQ+ community.
@undecidedmiddleground5633 10 месяцев назад
@@daniamataka5377 It should be everyone's mantra. I just do not understand idiots who feel they have the right and obligation to enforce their morals on anyone if the behavior impacts no one else. What other consenting adults do is none of your f-in business and inserting your judgement on others directly contradicts the Christian Bi-ble.
@thiscrazystuff3274 10 месяцев назад
@@undecidedmiddleground5633 Im so sorry to read that, im sure in a very near future you two can overcome this issue, by moving to another state... because changing their minds may last some time :(
@PalisadePeryton 10 месяцев назад
The 'recovering bigot' thing legitimately made me tear up. People can change.
@SingingSealRiana 10 месяцев назад
And that is why I find it imported to talk to people. Not like risking your safety, but for example as a straight ally, or in some safe space, figuring out why they think stuff, giving them the information needed to change their opinion instead of just screaming at them making them more defensive..... There are some real monsters out there, but with many one can talk and even if it's just a few steps sou can move them, those steps can really count
@sophiejones3554 10 месяцев назад
Yes... because he's offering reparation in the form of free hugs at Pride. Which isn't just his way of begging for hugs: by positioning himself and his former views as something to be recovered from he's addressing the self-doubt and shame a lot of people feel.
@ameliafeyparsons4816 10 месяцев назад
Same. Not only did he admit he was wrong and called out that past (and by extension those who still hold those views), but he aplogized and tried to put good back into the world. And by offering hugs not asking for hugs he's not forcing his apology on others, he allows people who need that reconciliation to make peace and on their terms.
@The1Ryu 10 месяцев назад
But their past will be held against them, no matter how much they change.
@sophiejones3554 10 месяцев назад
@@The1Ryu by whom? That's the question. Of course *someone* will be unwilling to forgive... but is that person important? Does their opinion matter? That's the question one must ask. No one can please everyone: so one must always choose whose approval is worth seeking, and whose disapproval is worth risking. Not knowing any detail about this gentleman, I don't think any of us can say how his efforts have been and will be received. If you are becoming a better person because you hope for approval from others...give it up. That's completely the wrong reason to do it. Do it because you want to decrease the amount of evil in the world. Other people's willingness to forgive is their own problem, not yours.
@harleyjune 10 месяцев назад
28:14 NOBODY TOLD ME THERE WAS PAPERWORK. Is it illegal to be LGBTQ+ without a license? Gives a whole new meaning to Be Gay Do Crime
@qckreplacementvideos7561 10 месяцев назад
You can register at your local Council
@justanotherperson3337 10 месяцев назад
I've been gay all my life without license 😎
@janemiettinen5176 10 месяцев назад
If there were sucha license, Ill bet it would look magnificent. Im an artist, so my mind is running wild.. They should also be granted in the month of “fanciness”, as the lovely cleaning lady said.
@derekstein6193 10 месяцев назад
​@@qckreplacementvideos7561Indeed. Just fill out the necessary paperwork and they will print off a temporary license that will be valid until the official one arrives in the mail, typically between one and two business weeks.
@eleanorcooke7136 10 месяцев назад
@coena9377 10 месяцев назад
The fascist lion comic reminds me of all the lesbian TERFs in Italy who were shocked when the anti-trans fascists they had been supporting started attacking gay rights (specifically removing the right for two same sex parents to be listed on a child’s birth certificate).
@Multistanfandom 10 месяцев назад
Exactly this. Gays don't realise that if they support anti trans moments they are supporting anti lgbt as well
@unchartedraider7547 10 месяцев назад
Man it's alnost they hate everybody in the LBTQIA+ fandom and won't stop until it ends and they just happened to start by the most vulnerable part.
@dumbidot1073 10 месяцев назад
Anti-trans people don't like the LGBT in general too?? Oh my!!
@luckyinky7849 9 месяцев назад
*Shocked pikachu face*
@seekingabsolution1907 9 месяцев назад
People have to start realizing that fascists don't have principles and love stripping rights from people.
@theasexualvampire13 10 месяцев назад
My parents have a crazy story: they once went to a gay bar on Halloween to get free food and coincidentally won a position in the costume contest for going as a "straight couple" only little did they know they actually just were that way.
@ThatGreenNugget 10 месяцев назад
That's amazing! XD
@ms.aelanwyr.ilaicos 10 месяцев назад
The addage "my culture is not a costume" is bizarrely, confusingly salient 😂
@arcadiaberger9204 10 месяцев назад
As one of my kids used to say, while he was new to the U.S., still learning English and also not very clear on what was fact and what was fiction, "Is dis a real?" It just sounds so much like an "And then everybody clapped" story.
@TetoTetoTetoTetoTetoTeto 10 месяцев назад
@Reverend_Salem 10 месяцев назад
now the real question is, did the bar think your parents were gay, or lesbians
@dcornect53 10 месяцев назад
She really did go "well I tried the lawful way, going through the system etc, but now I guess I have to try THE CHAOTIC WAY! TIME FOR CRIME!"
@Jestermancer 10 месяцев назад
Peace was never an option
@Gloowie12345 10 месяцев назад
Support women's right AND women's wrongs 😤👏
@czarcoma 10 месяцев назад
Mad respect for the elder gentleman that said let trans people live their life. Hats off to your sir!
@ageridthesilverdragon4440 10 месяцев назад
he might have miss gender his example but still much better then most people online. "if he want to think of himself as herself, HE has a right to do so" but yeah still seem like he is trying his best and that deserve mad respect. he is human and we all make mistakes. but his intention is in the right place
@arcadiaberger9204 10 месяцев назад
He reminds me of my uncle. My cousin is a trans man, and Uncle has said to me, "I don't understand it," but he loves his son, and he knows that's his job as a father.
@shinazugawa_sanemi_ 10 месяцев назад
That's The Bear. He's a great person and I love him.
@czarcoma 10 месяцев назад
@@shinazugawa_sanemi_ he does come across as such. The world needs more people like him.
@AIHumanEquality 9 месяцев назад
He has a very Canadian view for an American. Most Canadians have that mentality of just let people live their own lives it's none of my business what they do.
@kiterafrey 10 месяцев назад
As a CSA survivor who spoke out, there will always be people who blame you (two different pastors blamed 5 yo me) but the number of future victims you could save is worth it. Don't speak out if you don't feel ready or safe, I did to protect my younger sibling from getting hurt next. It is NOT your fault, you are NOT hurt a community, you ARE valid and worthy of support, protection, and justice. And this goes for ALL survivors reading this.
@retro3188 10 месяцев назад
That’s disgusting. You have my sympathy. Seriously, fuck religion.
@danielcrafter9349 9 месяцев назад
👏 this is really a strong thing to say
@db_524 9 месяцев назад
As a SH and SA survivor myself, this hits close to home. I blamed myself for my abuse and I didn’t talk about it for years, and it took me years to realize that what happened to me, wasn’t my fault and ever since speaking about it and being honest with myself and others about what happened to me, I’ve been less stressed and have moved forward from it. I hope you’re healing and thriving. 👏♥️🫂😭
@She_it_her 9 месяцев назад
@blueStarKitt7924 9 месяцев назад
Blame? At FIVE years-old???🤮🤮🤮 🤬I salute you for your courage, and may you heal.🙏❤️
@basicpotato 10 месяцев назад
When I came out as Bi to my Grandma she said "oh you're not bi! I like looking at naked women too!" I just said okay and moved on lmao
@mjangelvortex 10 месяцев назад
I think your grandma might need to do some soul searching for herself because that reaction seems rather queer.
@Kyrikrliy 10 месяцев назад
maybe she's bi too and just hasn't realized yet
@basicpotato 10 месяцев назад
@@Kyrikrliy yeah she totally is lol
@krasistefanovlol 10 месяцев назад
@@Kyrikrliy gonna bet about 2 sheckles and a bag of gold coins that she probably is bi
@cryochick9044 10 месяцев назад
I saw a similar story Grandma straight sis and bi sis. Grandma "you're not gay everyone likes to look at womans asses" Straight sis "I don't do that" The next day Grandma "I MIGHT BE A LITTLE GAY"
@Struudeli 10 месяцев назад
Few years ago I went to a doctor to support a friend while she was at the very early stages of transitioning. We'd both had bad experiences before, but when we saw the rainbow key necklace the nurse had, we relaxed right away. It makes the difference. It really does.
@Struudeli 10 месяцев назад
I did the same later myself by adding a pride flag to my fridge door, as many people visit my home due to me being disabled. My wonderful personal assistant who happens to be trans, knew he was in the right place when he walked in and saw that.
@plantainsame2049 10 месяцев назад
Lanyard is the word for it
@karlitatv 10 месяцев назад
Yeah I recently talked to a psychologist and I talked about gender identity and sexuality and she understood clearly and it was a breathe of fresh air.
@krasistefanovlol 10 месяцев назад
@@Struudeli thats cool, id do the same if our fridge door had room, since i put a bunch of cool magnets and souvenirs on there
@Struudeli 10 месяцев назад
@@krasistefanovlol Mine is also filled with both, the flag is a tiny one! Like 10cmx8cm or something.
@unoreversecard24 10 месяцев назад
couldn’t have called it “Let’s Gossip Bout This” yknow LGBT
@rubixtheslime 10 месяцев назад
oh that's so good
@01claudLO 10 месяцев назад
Let's Gay aBout This
@Chazder.MP3 10 месяцев назад
what do the other letters stand for
@Cera_01 10 месяцев назад
​@@Chazder.MP3QIA= Quickly, I ask
@snomcultist189 10 месяцев назад
There is still time
@missfeisty 10 месяцев назад
I call myself queer because it is much easier than explaining the nuances of my romantic, sexual, and gender preferences to rando cis straight people. 😅
@c.a.2945 10 месяцев назад
its also ALL inclusive and protects our privacy. I dont wanna explain demi bi shit to people who dont need to know.
@missfeisty 10 месяцев назад
@c.a.2945 for real! And I don't have time to give a free lesson on the differences between platonic, romantic, and sexual attraction 😂🤣
@arcadiaberger9204 10 месяцев назад
I think most of us should just say "queer" and be done with it, for the sake of simplicity, privacy and solidarity.
@arcadiaberger9204 10 месяцев назад
I think most of us should just say "queer" and be done with it, for the sake of simplicity, privacy and solidarity.
@c.a.2945 10 месяцев назад
@arcadiaberger9204 Agreed. It's what I us, and it's very much on purpose
@lisahenry20 10 месяцев назад
Whenever anyone mentions the "kids aren't born with prejudices", I remember my grandparents struggling to explain why crossdressing is bad without seeming like a bigot when I kept asking why they were complaining about someone crossdressing. And I wasn't even asking to be a dick, now I would, because I've found doing that can make people realise their own unjustified prejudices, but back then I just genuinely wanted to know why someone who wanted to wear a dress wasn't allowed to wear a dress. I was allowed to, why couldn't they?
@cloudyskyz2237 10 месяцев назад
Wait till bigots figure out Jesus has long hair and wore dresses. They might actually die from shock and disbelief.
@The1Ryu 10 месяцев назад
It's not that it's not allowed, it's that it's odd, and they will be perceived as odd for doing it. Being seen as odd is distressing for people, especially young people, and it's better to discourage an unnecessary behavior rather than deal with the pain and trauma of being distressed by said unnecessary behavior.
@meh2510 10 месяцев назад
It is like a right of passage for the younger generation to disturb the older generation with their styles and music. It is inevitable that what is considered crossdressing today will be seen as meh in the future, like guys with earrings were seen as radical back in the fifties. In other words, be odd, you might set a trend.
@Salikino 10 месяцев назад
@@The1RyuBeing LGBTQ+ isn’t a choice. Discouraging it does not good.
@The1Ryu 10 месяцев назад
@@Salikino Well the subject of discussion is crossdressing and crossdressing isn't in the LGBTQ so I have no idea what your point has to do with the conversation.
@krmrivera83 10 месяцев назад
I signed up for the gay agenda like over a 30 years ago, and forgot to cancel... and here we are
@karlitatv 10 месяцев назад
@teshlafreeman4040 10 месяцев назад
Dang recurring subscriptions lol
@atroll9996 10 месяцев назад
Signed up recently and now I have MORE excuses to paint my nails black :D
@Noxwilson2518 10 месяцев назад
lol same only more recently
@John_Weiss 10 месяцев назад
Same here, dude! Gen-X gays in da house!
@fivelike11 10 месяцев назад
As an ace person I do confirm that I am in fact a mad scientist twirling my mustache in my evil lair under the sea, planning world domination
@kittehgo 10 месяцев назад
Oh cool, have you met the Illuminati Lizard People?
@fivelike11 10 месяцев назад
@@kittehgo yes, we bonded over similar interest like evil cackling and pouring wine in excessively fancy cups
@killing.killian 10 месяцев назад
Good to know I'm not the only one
@Lucifersacebf 10 месяцев назад
I have found my people lol
@LucRio448 10 месяцев назад
Wait, that's YOU? Crazy to meet a fellow underseas base ace mustache twirler, are you by any chnace the one next to wester iceland, or is that apple pie inspired base yours maybe?
@user-pd3lw3mq1b 10 месяцев назад
When I came out as Pansexual 2 years ago my oldest brother bought me a pan flag and a pan license. So technically I have the license to be gay.
@animeartist888 10 месяцев назад
Where did he get that license?! Cuz I need one too! Pan power!
@kitty79er 10 месяцев назад
@@animeartist888 you can search them up. their really cool i have found some for lesbians in the past and can't wait to get enough money to get one. you just search up sex or gender identity, and it pops up
@user-pd3lw3mq1b 10 месяцев назад
@@animeartist888 I think my brother got it at a website called license to gay, so maybe try that, also hell yeah pan power!
@_BubblGum_ 10 месяцев назад
pans unite! :D
@Non-vegen 9 месяцев назад
A license to be gay? Lmfao that's fantastic
@elliepurser7867 10 месяцев назад
A trans woman just got elected in Virginia, after all the anti trans bigotry this really gives me hope.
@violeta8445 10 месяцев назад
Yay Virginia
@MxShadow8 10 месяцев назад
WAIT REALLY? I just googled it I’m so proud to be a Virginian!
@Kyrikrliy 10 месяцев назад
that's great!
@Bread16091 10 месяцев назад
Very cool, Virginia
@Vahlee-A 10 месяцев назад
Aw fuck yeah! Good for her!
@AIHumanEquality 10 месяцев назад
Phobes: We gotta stop the LGBT agenda! Me, a trans woman lesbian: Bruh I can't even stick to a schedule properly.
@_StarlightRose_ 10 месяцев назад
Trans agenda? As an enby(not fully), agenda is the last thing I want
@SapphicTeen 10 месяцев назад
Fr I can't even remember to take my meds when I'm supposed to
@kolgax2064 10 месяцев назад
@@_StarlightRose_ This was a good one!
@kaidaluck648 10 месяцев назад
I'm sorry if it sounds disrespectful, but I'm genuinely curious: Isn't being a trans woman lesbian kinda like being a straight man?
@_StarlightRose_ 10 месяцев назад
@@kolgax2064 :D
@Annie_Annie__ 10 месяцев назад
18:27 I distinctly remember my biology textbook in the 90s saying that there was a difference between ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ and that sex is based on biology and gender on society/sociology. It’s just that the book also said that these two coincide in the vast majority of people, so they are often used interchangeably, but that they _are_ different and in biology class we would use the term ‘sex’. And we did _not_ have brand new shiny textbooks. I also went to school in Texas to a high school where evolution wasn’t even taught because too many parents would complain; so it’s not like I went to a progressive school by any means. It was just presented as fact that the two words had different meanings even if we often used them interchangeably in casual conversation. So it always makes me laugh when these types say that we shouldn’t use a “modern textbook”. How far back do we have to go before they consider a biology text no longer “modern”? The Victorian era?
@John_Weiss 10 месяцев назад
Internet Uncle-Gay🏳‍🌈here! 19:55 Straight people do like overrunning our bars. Has always been a bit of an issue, even back when I came out in the 1990s. I once saw this str8 couple in a gay bar, and the woman was gripping on to her terrified-looking boyfriend so hard, I really, _really_ wanted to walk up to them and tell her, "Why don't you just pee on him to mark him as yours. You're doing everything else but. Oh, and if you don't want to be in a Gay Space, _don't come here._ We are _not_ here for _your_ entertainment."
@-localbard- 10 месяцев назад
Funny story about the word gay being used with a bad connotation; my friend and I were waiting for a bus once and a couple of guys were standing close by and talking about what they were gonna do that weekend. One of them says "yea I'm gonna have to be home alone with my dad it's gonna be so boring" to which the other guy replies "damn that's so gay". The look of horror my friend and I shared at that was unforgettable. Then we realized that he didn't mean it like THAT, he just substituted the word bad with gay but it just sounded so wrong--
@kempolar9768 10 месяцев назад
You just made me realise that I've heard something similar a number of times. Wow I knew it had gotten weirdly changed in people's heads but I didn't realise it was that bad.
@alex_blue5802 10 месяцев назад
Oh no 💀
@JonathanMandrake 10 месяцев назад
as a trans lesbian girl: even *if* you say that you're lesbian, guys won't leave you alone
@SingingSealRiana 10 месяцев назад
.... Same for cis lesbians and ace girls... Unless there is another guy staking a claim all they hear is "I need convincing"
@famine3141 10 месяцев назад
say you are trans and all the transphobes at least leave you alone
@WolfgangDoW 10 месяцев назад
But if you tell them you have a boyfriend they will, cos they only respect guys as people
@Tae12824 10 месяцев назад
SERIOUSLY. My friend, who identified as lesbian when this event took place, was being cat-called by an 8th grader (she was in 6th grade). He'd asked her out multiple times and knew she was lesbian. He didn't stop until the end of the year because he went to high school. Yeesh, way to come off as unappealing, not respecting others boundaries. 😬
@ScorpionViper1001 10 месяцев назад
I really hate the rest of my gender sometimes.
@laszlodomonkos3941 10 месяцев назад
About the "recovering bigot": This man deserves respect for admiting his fault and actively working to fixing it. I wish more people would follow his example!
@hoshireed77 10 месяцев назад
There is a group you can support that does outreach that is founded by ex racists and bigots. They try to reach others who have fallen into the same violent groups and try to get them out by talking and demonstrating that there is another path they can take. It is called Life After Hate. Obama even gave them a government Grant but it was revoked by Trump. So it is legit.
@blueStarKitt7924 9 месяцев назад
🥹🥹🥹 I salute that man!✌️
@NorsePearl 9 месяцев назад
Agreed! It's stupid to turn away people who regret their harmful actions and actively work to improve themselves and spread goodness in the world. It takes balls to admit you were wrong and then work to change for the better.
@rgbatom5145 9 месяцев назад
Would hug
@laszlodomonkos3941 9 месяцев назад
@@rgbatom5145 Definitely!
@bendystrawz2832 10 месяцев назад
We gotta start calling bad marriages "phases."
@AspiringToFailure 10 месяцев назад
A wise man once said "New evidence presented itself and I changed my opinion. I'm a scientist, not a politician." - Prof. H. J. Farnsworth
@KaityKat117 10 месяцев назад
"Good news, everyone!"
@florian8599 10 месяцев назад
He hasn't met some German politicians who are very prone to change their opinions once in a while...
@snowball_from_earth 10 месяцев назад
@@florian8599 especially our dear Söder. Even got called out for it and spewed some bs
@stardewofpyrrhia4381 10 месяцев назад
For the algorithm! 🙌❤
@RuthBhmand 10 месяцев назад
Mummy alien jerky, was the highlight for me🤣🤣
@penelopeviews7335 10 месяцев назад
The team who were first drawing Team Rocket tried getting Jessie in a dress and James in a suit, but no one felt right about. It felt really off. So they switched outfits and everyone liked it a lot more.
@alchemysaga3745 10 месяцев назад
The fact they all innately went, "Hmmrrrgh.... Not queer enough tho?" At them being gender conforming is wholesome AF
@alex_blue5802 10 месяцев назад
I can't explain why but that feels super weird to me too.
@DasypeltisKing 10 месяцев назад
I can’t imagine him in a dress or in a more masculine outfit at all really. He strikes me as a fem queer
@Vahlee-A 10 месяцев назад
Even before I knew what queer was, James struck me as queer. Same with Him from Powerpuff Girls
@shadowwolf7880 10 месяцев назад
And the voice actress of Meowth is a trans woman (Maddie Blaustein)! :D
@xFaerieBonesx 10 месяцев назад
I asked my grandma what she thought about the word “queer” and she gave me her honest opinion that she had never thought of it as anything but the definition of it being someone who’s not “normal” like they’re unique and not like everyone else. I’ve heard her call objects queer because they’re kinda funky looking so I wanted to know what she thought of it within the sexuality standpoint. She genuinely doesn’t mind surprisingly, I do live in Oregon and from what I know we’ve never had a huge LGBT population until fairly recently in history (I think people are just more comfortable now so they’re coming out more) but regardless, she’s never thought about queer being a slur before. I have a friend who identifies as queer, they’re very gender non conforming and my grandma told me “that makes sense then!”
@krasistefanovlol 10 месяцев назад
queer should be in the dictionary as what your grandma said; like funky-looking or kinda unique on the topic of that words meaning, im definitely using that as a word, since the word just rolls off the tongue pretty well to me
@sophiejones3554 10 месяцев назад
I also never knew it as a slur, although people did try to insult me with it, for this exact reason. Where I grew up, queer never stopped being used as a word for something unusual or unexpected (apparently the rest of the country was saying "quirky" but that missed my rural hometown). In fact where I lived, it generally has a more positive connotation than "strange" (which still very much has the meaning of "foreign, not from around here"=sus). My mother taught me the brilliant comeback: "normal is a setting on the washing machine". It short-circuits them, every time😊.
@xFaerieBonesx 10 месяцев назад
@@sophiejones3554 I love the phrase that your mother taught you, do you mind if I use it? ☺️
@sophiejones3554 10 месяцев назад
@@xFaerieBonesx please do!
@WolfgangDoW 10 месяцев назад
​@@sophiejones3554it's not a slur and has been fully reclaimed now, so much so it's literally called the queer community
@torrinowens4376 10 месяцев назад
I've tried to explain to my mom that for my generation, "gay" was really the slur. Every word that is used to identify queer people has been a slur at some point.
@intercat4907 10 месяцев назад
She should hear what happened to the Spanish word for "black" (negro). Yep, it's a pattern.
@AIHumanEquality 10 месяцев назад
@@intercat4907 Negro hasn't really been a slur it's the other N word that I can't write that's the slur.
@J624 10 месяцев назад
This is one example of why I say that the words aren't the problem, the attitudes are. You can ban the word "queer", but then people use "gay", so you ban that and the hateful people find a new word.
@galaxychill9578 10 месяцев назад
slurs are still bad tho...
@torrinowens4376 10 месяцев назад
@galaxychill9578 my point is that queer is as much of a slur as words like gay and lesbian are. Obviously if someone doesn't want to be called that then don't, but if someone identifies as queer you can't take that away from them because "it's a slur". They have all been slurs
@aprildawnsunshine4326 10 месяцев назад
This reminds of a conversation I had with a friend recently. Her trans co worker was being a jerk and inappropriate and she just assumed all trans people were the same. As I explained to her: every community has jerks and her coworker isn't a jerk because they're trans. They're just a jerk who happens to be trans.
@The1Ryu 10 месяцев назад
Then everyone on the train clapped?
@cheddarcheezit2647 10 месяцев назад
​@@The1RyuThings happen and people have conversations, bro. Nothing about their statement was outlandish or unusual
@The1Ryu 10 месяцев назад
@@cheddarcheezit2647 If it is common for the people you surround yourself with people who make such extreme leaps of logic then that's a personal problem. I surround myself with reasonable people and to reasonable people that's a BS story.
@cheddarcheezit2647 10 месяцев назад
@@The1Ryu I'm glad you don't happen to have bigots around you! Unfortunately, you're an outlier adn should not be counted, Reason Georg
@The1Ryu 10 месяцев назад
@@cheddarcheezit2647 No, it's easy to not have bigots around. I will show you how. Stop calling people who disagree with you bigots. There, easy.
@PosiCat 10 месяцев назад
I was "straight" for years because that's what I grew up with as normal. Until that day I saw "that guy" and realized "oh yeah, guess I'm not completely straight." It came as a shock, because I'd never thought to question it, because being straight was normal, and safe, and I never thought beyond that.
@foxinabox5103 10 месяцев назад
Genuinely curious, who's that guy? I can think like 4 guys who might fit the description
@arcadiaberger9204 10 месяцев назад
Heh, I was just a lesbian until I met this one guy.... Gee, funny thing, he looked a lot like my father. So did the next guy who looked good to me. And the next one, who was a trans man. Guess I have a "type" when it comes to men (although not with women).
@sentienttapioca5409 10 месяцев назад
​@@arcadiaberger9204Shhh, don't let Sigmund Freud hear this! 😅
@arcadiaberger9204 10 месяцев назад
@@sentienttapioca5409 Yeah, I know, I know, but it is what it is....
@AylaMarine 10 месяцев назад
​@@sentienttapioca5409 I was also about to say that Freud would have a field day with that...
@austinluther5825 10 месяцев назад
I have several times online gotten the whole, "You transes don't understand basic biology." I'm a medical molecular scientist specializing in human cytogenetics.
@spindles6507 10 месяцев назад
I'm trans but don't understand the science behind it so I can't explain it to my transphobe mom who always gives the biology argument. What can I say that's simple enough for something that thinks like her? What's the science?
@dre1978 10 месяцев назад
​@@spindles6507your brain developed as one gender and your body developed as another. They've done studies on trans peoples brains and more often than not their brains are more similar to the gender they identify with rather than what they were born as.
@austinluther5825 10 месяцев назад
@@spindles6507 I would emphasize 2 things. 1. Sociology and psychology are also valid sciences. Gender is a sociological and psychological concept, while sex is a biological concept. While these concepts can interact, they are separate concepts. Gender identity is more on the psychological side, while gender expression is more on the sociological side. 2. On the biology side, sex is just a form of categorization. Much of biology is sorting things according to similar characteristics. Sex in humans is currently categorized using 3 groups of characteristics: chromosomes, primary sex characteristics, and secondary sex characteristics. Human sex is also currently considered bimodal, not binary. Binary means that there are only 2 possible things in a category (like how binary code can be only 0's or 1's). Bimodal means there are 2 primary forms in a category, but there is variation. All 3 groups of characteristics have 2 common forms but there is a broad spectrum of possible forms and these forms can exist in a variety of configurations. Sex is designated, or assigned, according to which of the 2 primary forms a human has the most characteristics for. And, fun fact! With only extremely rare exceptions, all humans have the genes necessary to express both male and female primary and secondary sex characteristics. It's not as simple as "XY = male." Chromosomes contain a great number of genes and those genes interact with other genes on different chromosomes. The interaction of genes results in different phenotypes, which is how the genes are expressed. All phenotypic females have the genes necessary to form a penis, testes, etc. All phenotypic males have the genes to form a uterus, ovaries, etc. I know this is a lot, but I'm trying to give you a decent amount to work with. And this is still a pretty simplified overview. The overall point is that biology, and all science, is very complex. And we should all be humble enough to recognize that we don't know everything about any subject, that some people know more than we do, and that we should endeavor to learn more and further our understanding of the world. That doesn't mean starting with a conclusion and seeking out support for what we already think. It means starting with a question and following the evidence where it leads.
@Bottleofwater-n5y 10 месяцев назад
​@@dre1978would you be so kind to give me the sources?
@Uffda. 10 месяцев назад
Something that I think could use some inquiry: growing up (and now) when dreaming, how do you perceive your ‘self’? Asked a few people, and in my minuscule sample size there was a trend. (Ex: afab trans person was almost always a little boy in childhood dreams, non-binary person had variable self-perceived gender from dream to dream but was typically non-specific, etc…)
@Acorn905 10 месяцев назад
22:10 "My son says it's the month your peoples celebrate being fancy!" Is now the phrase i want to use to describe pride month.
@vancehoppersequivalent8818 10 месяцев назад
Love how anti-trans and anti-gay businesses waste their ads on creators like Click and OT 💀💀💀
@hexonyou 10 месяцев назад
pretty much every time the algorithm decides that "watches people discuss and debunk transphobes/conservatives" means "send them conservative ads" I laugh my ass off at the wasted air time. It's nice to know what they're saying while actively uhh... never going to give money to them
@pencilwren 10 месяцев назад
@@hexonyou got an ad about how transness is a trend indoctrinating kids. like buddy. pal. you know what channel this is, no?
@Magicratbastard 10 месяцев назад
Y'all are getting homophobic ads? I'm getting ads for vodka
@kempolar9768 10 месяцев назад
​@@Magicratbastard"BANGA ELECTRIC!" Yeah I'll take that over whatever the others are getting.
@Moonstruck_Arrow 10 месяцев назад
While I appreciate you trying to make light of this, it’s actually a big problem. The conservatives know exactly what they’re doing when they put homophobic/transphobic ads on these videos. It’s harassment. They’re trying to discourage us, make us feel unsafe, or make us feel like the world is against us. These ads are especially bad for those who are most vulnerable in our community: the people who are just beginning to question who they are and the people who seek comfort in these videos. We might be able to laugh about it but if you’re in a dark or uncertain place those ads could have a really bad effect when they have to sit through them before the video even starts
@MarchHarrigan 10 месяцев назад
As an enby who changed their name from Sarah to Sam, the older guy giving his opinion on trans people was the most wholesome jump scare.
@skidaddleskidoodle 10 месяцев назад
What does enby mean? sorry just curious
@arcadiaberger9204 10 месяцев назад
@@skidaddleskidoodle Non-binary, not identifying as man or woman.
@this_is_me_Mika 10 месяцев назад
@@skidaddleskidoodle enby is short for nonbinary person (nb). Nonbinary is anyone whose identity is different from man or woman. There are many different nuances to it, some enbies are a bit of both, some neither, some feel closer to one gender than the other. Nonbinary is a very broad and individual identity
@skidaddleskidoodle 10 месяцев назад
Thank you!
@this_is_me_Mika 10 месяцев назад
@@skidaddleskidoodle you're welcome!
@johnsatan117 10 месяцев назад
Fun fact: Sally Ride (The first Female American Astronaut) was gay. I dont know if Lesbian or bi, but she had a girlfriend. Tam O'Shaughnessy. They were together from 1985 till Sally's death.
@boy_girl_cat_party1824 4 месяца назад
I had no idea!!!! This makes me so happy and proud!!!!
@Wednesdaywoe1975 2 месяца назад
I always thought so! Wow, they erased the shit out of her identity.
@BUGFlower413 10 месяцев назад
The story about the guy who beat up his director after he misgendered the other guy he was fighting with has to be one of the most wholesome and funny anecdotes I've heard in a while >w< Respect to him
@martam307 10 месяцев назад
I assume/hope that the fight between them was about some random stuff and had nothing to do with trans rights (I mean, else the guy wouldn't fight principle for transphobic comment, right?). So it's just poetic, it's not transphobic to hit a trans person because the trans person dunno, called your mom fat. If anything, it's equality. Tho seriously, hitting people is bad, don't hit people.
@RazielSoulshadow 9 месяцев назад
In response to The Click's question about this one... I feel like "Jerk with a heart of gold" might qualify? Because they're (maybe) an asshole (picking fights or whatever) but one with a good set of morals. Not saying the brother themselves is an asshole specifically, mind, since I don't know why they were fighting, but for the whole "gold nugget in poo" bit.
@randomisonline 10 месяцев назад
10:25 Something kind of like this happened to me in my senior year of high school. I wanted my senior quote to be "Could be more gay", which was a phrase a friend of mine wrote on my birthday card the year I came out. But the yearbook teacher told me it was inappropriate and he "didn't want to offend anyone", so he wouldn't let me use that quote. I tried emailing the principal, but she was completely useless and just told me she would take care of it and then never did. So in retaliation, I changed my yearbook quote to "(REDACTED)", which made my original quote sound way worse than it actually was, and now that's the quote I have in my senior yearbook.
@traditionalnative 3 месяца назад
That made me actually laugh out loud, thank you. That's hilarious and the perfect response 🤣
@BattleBrooks14 10 месяцев назад
I'm a trans man and the most validating moment I've ever had was I was making small talk with a black man while we were getting food. I'm pre everything so I have to talk different to sound more masculine so when we parted ways, I said to him "Have a good day, man!" and he replied "you too, brother!" And it made my entire week.
@JuBenjiiiii 10 месяцев назад
That is soooo cute🥹🥹🥰
@damienwonder 10 месяцев назад
My most validating moment before coming out was when an older woman stopped by my house because her car broke down on our road, idk anything about cars, but I got my step-dad to come help her & when he was done she told him "tell that nice young man that I said thank you!" And it made my week
@BattleBrooks14 10 месяцев назад
@@damienwonder that's so sweet 😊 love that for you!
@anthonyislate 10 месяцев назад
mine was years ago when I told a friend of a friend that I was trans (I'm ftm) and she thought I was mtf and hadn't started my transition yet lol
@BattleBrooks14 10 месяцев назад
@@anthonyislate I genuinely love that omg
@Matpit18 10 месяцев назад
Shoutout to that first guy. Wish more people around his age range would adopt that mentality. Someone being different doesn’t have to affect you. We’re all just trying to live as happy as we can.
@arcadiaberger9204 10 месяцев назад
"Any person you meet may be fighting a terrible battle....and probably is."
@enbysandmusic217 10 месяцев назад
My great uncles were around his age, and they were gay and married 😊
@thesquigglyone 10 месяцев назад
He reminded me of my Granny... she was outspoken and wonderful, and believed that everyone should just be themselves. Her son, my Dad, is a Trump fanboy... which seems mad to me, but she could have given this exact speech.
@arcadiaberger9204 10 месяцев назад
@@thesquigglyone I'm thinking she might have a few choice words for Sonny.
@BlooMonkiMan 9 месяцев назад
​@@thesquigglyone Shame she's not around to tell him he was raised better than that...
@demonspawn5174 10 месяцев назад
I was in highschool between 2014 to 2018, I can sadly confirm that right up until I graduated "Gay" was still used as an insult. Most people didn't care or clapped back beautifully when it was tossed their way, and there were also those who did it jokingly between friends, but there was definitely several people who seriously meant it in a derogatory way. I've also found that guys tend to react differently when a woman says that she's Lesbian vs when she says she's Gay. From personal experience, I once told a guy I was a lesbian to get him to leave me alone but he just pulled the "I can change that" card. The following time it happened, I said I was gay. The guy didn't know how to react and just ended up leaving. I feel it's almost like some guys take "I'm lesbian" as a challenge, but because "I'm gay" is usually said by guys the don't know what to do.
@susannairisastarte5192 6 месяцев назад
If I tell a straight man I am lesbian/bi and Ace, and just not interested, and he doesn't leave me alone, I always say: How do YOU know you haven't met the right man yet ? Shuts them up every time. 😂
@traditionalnative 3 месяца назад
That's a great tip, I'll pass this onto my lesbian friends!
@no_where_land9947 10 месяцев назад
I have a co worker exactly like the first guy. He calls himself a gruff republican, but he’s actually a total sweetheart and understands he makes his decisions and other peoples personal decision’s don’t affect him. I’m bi and we’ve actually had some great conversations about the lgbt+ bc he’s trying to learn more so he knows how to better respect people in the lgbt+ group!
@yuki13977 9 месяцев назад
that's awesome :D
@TheOddHog 9 месяцев назад
That's so wholesome omg
@crwydryny 10 месяцев назад
I actually know a trans person who had the same thing happen with indecent exposure. She got in an argument with some official over her gender (because she hasn't had bottom surgery) so she just went around flashing everyone. And when they called security to escort her out everyone in the line was "but she's a boy, she can go topless" even the police when they were called refused to charge her and just escorted her out while laughing about how stupid the official was for not recognising her chosen gender
@mujiescomedy279 10 месяцев назад
As in the line were doing some malicious compliance acting cause if the official was right it wasn’t a crime?
@reneenoriega4524 10 месяцев назад
​@@mujiescomedy279as i understood it, it was malicious compliance, yes
@crwydryny 10 месяцев назад
@@mujiescomedy279 yep basically. She was "well you claim I'm male not female I should be able to walk around topless despite having boobs" and everyone else was "yep she got a point, you say she's a guy you can't complain"
@AIHumanEquality 10 месяцев назад
You can walk around topless as a woman in Ontario, it's not even as crime here. Most don't out of embarrassment but you can. You can't enter stores or buildings without a shirt tho regardless of your gender cause that's the rules.
@crwydryny 10 месяцев назад
@@AIHumanEquality funny thing is here in the UK there's a loophole that allows women to go topless in public... As long as they work in a tropical fish store in I believe Liverpool. (Yep it's that specific lol) That said breast feeding in public is considered perfectly normal
@thelivinglegend5271 10 месяцев назад
The comic stating "You are not a joke" really hit me hard to home. That is probably one of the best lgbtq+ comics I've ever seen. Not many tackle that issue or mention it in anyway
@The1Ryu 10 месяцев назад
It would be more impactful if the Click didn't celebrate that same thing two post earlier with Jessie and James.
@TaruOwO 10 месяцев назад
@AIHumanEquality 10 месяцев назад
@@The1Ryu The thing with James and Jessie was comical but that's because Team Rocket are comic relief. They weren't making fun of trans people the way some animations do.
@BryanLu0 10 месяцев назад
​@@The1RyuQueer coding is not automatically bad. Sure it perpetuates a stereotype, but the reason Team Rocket is bad is because they try to steal Pikachu all the time, not because they are queer coded. Blame the Hayes code
@stuffyouwithexplosives 9 месяцев назад
@@The1Ryu It would be more impactful if you left the comments section, his video, social media, the entire internet, Earth, the universe and beyond the universe.
@deerlyqueery 10 месяцев назад
My INNOCENT little brother was absolutely DEVISTATED when I explained the HORROR of how TRANS PEOPLE EXIST Him: So you're a boy? Me: Yes. Him: Cool. A GRUELING explanation, I tell you! The HARDEST THING I've EVER had to explain!
@BlooMonkiMan 9 месяцев назад
You take theater classes?
@laurainathunderstorm 9 месяцев назад
I love your username!! I've never had to explain being ace to a kid, but I did explain it to my older brother (he must've been 19 at the time? I'm just a year and few months younger) and his reaction was "oh OK. Can I still make dirty jokes when you're around?" and that was it, people really have to overcomplicate things in their mind, huh?
@BlooMonkiMan 9 месяцев назад
@@laurainathunderstorm So can he?
@laurainathunderstorm 9 месяцев назад
@@BlooMonkiMan yeah 😅 I wouldn't like for him to censor himself and it's not like it's a very common thing he does, I appreciated being asked though, it felt nice to not be mocked.
@BlooMonkiMan 7 месяцев назад
@@SadOmnisexualBoy So do you? /j
@AIHumanEquality 10 месяцев назад
As a trans woman who looks masuline and has no intention of changing how I look, I rather enjoy freaking out transphobes.
@shnafnif 10 месяцев назад
Hihi nice
@shnafnif 10 месяцев назад
@AIHumanEquality 10 месяцев назад
​@@shnafnifIt doesn't look transphobic. You're fine.
@_StarlightRose_ 10 месяцев назад
"You'll never be a...what the hell do you say you are?"
@prageruwu69 10 месяцев назад
good for you
@RowanWatersStudios 10 месяцев назад
Most of my ssiblings came out as Bi. My younger sibling asked me if I saw myself more than just a straight woman, because he wanted to buy me a pride flag and hanging it up outside with the rest. I said yes. I saw myself as a Demisexual, (which is someone who has to make an emotional connection before falling in love). Funnily my parent got angery at me asking why I had never said anything and that I was just "jumping the train" to not feel left out. My anwser was, I was still straight so I never felt the need to go and tell anyone. I felt it was no big deal because I wasn't gay or bi or trans, etc. There are days I feel more Ace than demi.
@victoralexandervinkenes9193 10 месяцев назад
I get that. I'm straight myself, but I consider myself as an ally, even if I don't show it or talk about that all that much. For me, pride is nothing unusual. If anything, it's a natural thing that happens, not just amongst animals due to genetics, but also amongst how many sapient species there might be out there because of social and cultural growth and diversity.
@susannairisastarte5192 10 месяцев назад
Grey Ace Demi here
@piscacatalt 10 месяцев назад
Hey, genuine question, because I want to get the opinion of someone else who’s Demi sometimes leaning more ace: do you find it easier to imagine yourself dating someone who’s ace than someone who’s allo? Because I do and idk if that’s a me thing or just me being aspec lol. Obvi you don’t have to answer, just curious
@RowanWatersStudios 10 месяцев назад
@@piscacatalt that is a good question. To be honest, I never really thought about dating like that. For me Im worried I will end up with another Narcissis or someone who believes by my gender that I am both weak and that my only role in life is to be obedient to them. I guess I have not looked at others like that. Most people around here are more bi or likes the same sex. And some or non binary. Its an interesting way to think about others. Its not a bad thing either.
@piscacatalt 10 месяцев назад
@@RowanWatersStudios ⁠Thanks for your response; that makes sense. It’s honestly probably that I grew up in a more “traditional” environment so my fears are more tied to the rhetoric about “obligations” and such and “they’ll get it from someone else if not from you” etc. Realistically ik not everyone’s like that; it just feels like itd be easier to navigate with a fellow aspec at least lol
@Myder_Dragon 10 месяцев назад
It might be November but pride lasts all year long. Be proud of yourself regardless of your orientation, ethnicity, gender, financial background, or what your parents have told you.
@Darkloid21 10 месяцев назад
Pride is more a hypocrisy than anything else. You’re only accepted if you fit their mold not for being yourself
@fanfight 10 месяцев назад
I like your profile picture,I love dragons and the color blue!
@CR1MSONACE 10 месяцев назад
Pride lasts until LGBTQ+ WRATH Month.
@Myder_Dragon 10 месяцев назад
@@fanfight Aww thank you! Myder is actually more purple, the background makes it hard to see.
@fanfight 10 месяцев назад
​​@@Myder_DragonOh,I'm sorry! But I like purple too! Can I ask you why the name Myder?
@TheDemonicMushroom 10 месяцев назад
When people call me gay as an insult I turn to them, point at them, call them straight or heterosexual, then laugh at them.
@BlooMonkiMan 9 месяцев назад
Why not call them normies?
@TheDemonicMushroom 9 месяцев назад
@@BlooMonkiManbecause I need to insult them as they insult me
@ShintogaDeathAngel 7 месяцев назад
@@BlooMonkiMan common doesn’t equal normal.
@BlooMonkiMan 7 месяцев назад
@@TheDemonicMushroom Yeah, I guess Normie is more of a non-4chan user insult than a non-lgbt insult...
@BlooMonkiMan 7 месяцев назад
@@ShintogaDeathAngel Well we're not rich enough to call them commoners, now are we?
@jase_allen 10 месяцев назад
20:30 [Mumble] years ago, I worked with this douchey straight guy in his early 20s. He told me about a time when he went up to the Gay 90s, a then popular gay bar, in order to meet women. He talked about how he handled getting hit on by gay guys at the gay bar. I suspect this is what's behind the gay bar death phenomenon. Women go to popular gay bars to avoid getting hit on by sleezy straight guys, and the sleezy straight guys start going to have a better shot with the ladies who want to avoid them. Gay guys hit on the sleezy straight guys, who reject their advances with varying degrees of grace. The gay guys start feeling unwelcome, and start hanging out at another bar. The new gay bar gets popular, ladies start going to avoid getting hit on by straight guys, and the cycle starts anew.
@binghamguevara6814 9 месяцев назад
Why don’t you blame the humanity-destroying, species-destroying lgbtquia2spirit+ political fascist movement rather ‘straight humanity’?
@jase_allen 6 месяцев назад
@@FirstnameLastnames It's not that I forgot about lesbian bars. I just don't have the lived experience to know if they experience a similar cycle as gay bars or why.
@AoiLucine 10 месяцев назад
ALSO Meowth's original voice actor was the amazing Maddie Blaustein, an intersex amab who later transitioned into being a lady. She was amazing and taken from us too soon ;;
@karlitatv 10 месяцев назад
I had no idea about this, she was a legend
@TheMarshmallowMushroom 10 месяцев назад
she's dead??? that's heartbreaking omg 😢😢
@AoiLucine 10 месяцев назад
​@TheMarshmallowMushroom yes, unfortunately passed in 2008 due to an untreated stomach virus. She was 48 at the time, far too young.
@TheMarshmallowMushroom 10 месяцев назад
@@AoiLucine may she rest in peace
@MiningNatureYT 10 месяцев назад
I absolutely love my cis parents interrupting me, a trans person, whenever I try to explain trans things to my little siblings (who are genuinely curious about it) to give them bad information and perpetuate my family's transphobia /s
@krasistefanovlol 10 месяцев назад
thats actually pretty terrible, but sadly those trans-hating pieces of shit come a dime a dozen
@alchemysaga3745 10 месяцев назад
Tell your siblings to ask you about it when your parents aren't around because even though mom and dad are 'trying to help,' they don't actually know what they're saying.
@superranderman1905 10 месяцев назад
You're trans, not your parents. They should sit down and stfu when you're teaching your siblings about trans people. You're parents need to learn as much as your siblings do.
@krasistefanovlol 10 месяцев назад
@@superranderman1905 if not, the parents need to learn more
@odstarmor557 10 месяцев назад
Tell your parents to butt out of things they know Jack and shit about. They have no right.
@ardenbalzer4560 10 месяцев назад
At school, I overheard a teacher and a student talking about on emotional support demon, and I got irrationally happy.
@autisticwitch7581 10 месяцев назад
In my experience, whenever someone uses 'gay' as an insult, the standard response is "hey, 2004 called, they want their twelve year old back".
@darththeo 10 месяцев назад
The best thing about that Recovering Bigot sign is the story behind it. He didn't plan it, he just happened to be there for other reasons. And he chose recovering over recovered because in his view he is still working on improving himself. It is honestly wholesome in all ways
@Kartoffelkamm 10 месяцев назад
That greentext dad who offered to move to a different state for his daughter was pretty good, not gonna lie. Like, people who buy guns usually say they want to protect their families, but this guy actually does it.
@Cruznick06 9 месяцев назад
That "Respect My Trans Homies" sign was made by a good friend of mine! Dude is a phenomenal ally.
@MoniqueDamphousse73 10 месяцев назад
My husband and I hold hands all the time. He's 79 and I'm 73, we've been married for 46 years. I don't see what the big deal is in showing that you love and support each other. ❤❤❤❤ I sincerely believe that most people who get upset at homosexual movie or tv scenes are secretly suppressing their own homosexual desires. They're become angry with themselves for being aroused by it.
@abigailentsminger1658 9 месяцев назад
@Logitah 10 месяцев назад
"Your people celebrate being fancy" makes Pride sound like a cultural festival which it kinda is. Nothing about "shoving gay down our throats" or like that, but leaving treats for a friend, because it's their time to celebrate. ❤
@fictional-girl_05 10 месяцев назад
LGBTQ+/queer culture is definitely a thing! Culture is not just about nationality/ethnicity/race, it’s about any vital part of who you are.
@alexanderthemidI 10 месяцев назад
Why can't straights be proud tho? 🏳️
@L4oo. 10 месяцев назад
​@@alexanderthemidI no one's saying they can't. it's pride month, not just gay pride month. if you don't hurt people, feel free to celebrate. we're all proud of you
@alexanderthemidI 10 месяцев назад
@@L4oo. Yeah sorry I wasn't in clear mind yesterday idk what I was saying
@Blublizzy13 9 месяцев назад
@@alexanderthemidIpretty much the other 11 months of the year are straight pride months. It’s the standard.
@StoryBird2 10 месяцев назад
7:18 my dad had lesbian friends who came into a restaurant one time and as a kid I asked "Which one is the boy" "They're lesbians, women who like women" "OH, ok" and my brain went back to wondering when the chilli would arrive, kids be chill Edit: I thought this was funny, after watching the video at school I ran into my first transphobe, the irony
@BhuriThebest-jx4yn 10 месяцев назад
@errorsansglitch208 9 месяцев назад
@@BhuriThebest-jx4yn"THE MAGIC IS STRONG"
@englishtwister 10 месяцев назад
33:41 the elephant is Elmer. *For those who don't know Elmer, he is a multicoloured elephant who lives happily among a grey herd, and after he tries and fails to hide his true self, he learns that his friends love him for his uniqueness. David McKee wrote Elmer after witnessing an upsetting racist remark aimed at his daughter.*
@donnanoble9772 9 месяцев назад
Gosh, thank you! I was wondering if someone talked about it! I remember reading this as a kid, I'm pretty sure I still own the book, but couldn't remember the story!
@Professional_FunHaver 10 месяцев назад
I continue to be the stereotypical trans lesbian, by being proficient in electronics, machining, and engineering. I'm sorry I keep perpetuating the stereotype. Edit: I don't know why I thought sarcasm in a community of people who, including me, have autism and can't read sarcasm. For all those people, I give a massive /S. I am perfectly fine with perpetuating the stereotype. It should also be known that I am a cat mom and a former gifted kid.
@zeatehkcasualaccount 10 месяцев назад
don't be sorry, keep being swag and awesome 🎉
@CorwinFound 10 месяцев назад
I can accept that. But if you also wear stripy knee socks.... Too far. Just too far. ;)
@krasistefanovlol 10 месяцев назад
it isnt bad that you continue the stereotype, but as long as it isnt said in a bad way, you're good
@IvanPeregue 10 месяцев назад
It is a pretty badass stereotype tho so dont worry about it
@ClownHoundII 10 месяцев назад
I feel this but in the non binary kind of way since I'm obsessed with bugs, bones, and cryptids. And I joke about being a a mad scientist since I'm a science dork.
@vi818 10 месяцев назад
Im trans fem and havent done any voice training or anything so its still pretty deep, and I have realised that I like how my voice sounds but just not on me. Still, its great to confuse people who say something weird walking by like "Hey dude is that your girl? ehehaha" me: "He isnt my type" "AYOO"
@juliawolf156 10 месяцев назад
Me: "I love being all femme and stuff :3" Also me: "WILLST DU BIST DER TOD EUCH SCHEIDET TREU IHR SEIN FÜR ALLE TAGE?" (in case you don't know, it's from Rammstein and the lead singer has a deep voice)
@burgerburger7975 10 месяцев назад
@@juliawolf156 ''You want to be true for all your days til death do you part'' I have no idea who that leadsinger person or that song is but I wonder how those lyrics sound like in the song.
@Daelyah 10 месяцев назад
​@@burgerburger7975Du Hast is an interesting song. It's pretty much satire on marriage vows, and "Du Hast" ("You Have") also wordplays off of "Du Hasst" ("You Hate"); "Du hast mich" ("You have me") and "Du hasst mich" ("You hate me").
@raini14 10 месяцев назад
you are amazing
@burgerburger7975 10 месяцев назад
@@Daelyah Yoo, that's actually brilliant! As someone who loves wordplay and is german, I think I'm checking that one out.
@Mirrima 10 месяцев назад
My close friend, who lives in another country, has recently gone though transition. I was happy to explain my daughter why the uncle is the auntie now, but I was scared to do that at the same time, because justifying transition is now illegal and punishable in my country, and I don't know where my sincere neurodivergent daughter may mention it😢
@sophiejones3554 10 месяцев назад
You can tell her "your uncle figured out she is really your auntie. She's taking medicine so her body changes to help her feel more comfortable, but that has to be a family secret." She'll need to learn the importance of not telling other people's secrets anyway if she's going to make friends with other kids. Explain to her that she can talk about her auntie abroad, but not mention this is the same person she used to call "uncle" or her special medication. Make sure she understands that if she says to someone "no, I've never had an uncle [deadname], I was mistaken" she is *not lying*. She just should not under any circumstances specify *why* she was mistaken about this person's identity. Other people will likely just assume that "uncle [deadname]" is either her imaginary friend or a family friend that she accidentally called "uncle". *that is completely fine* and she shouldn't correct their assumption. You'll also need to explain to her that not correcting someone's assumption *isn't lying* (lying requires initiative on the part of the liar), and if correcting the assumption would cause someone to get hurt then it should not be done. Again, even if you move to another country, this is an important social (and indeed legal) concept for her to understand.
@JoshSweetvale 10 месяцев назад
@coltonfricke7289 10 месяцев назад
I think you should (not sure how) get some sort of thing with her (maybe a phrase?) so that whenever this topic is brought up, she will always remember it and know to not go ahead and say things about it, just so she doesn’t ever just say it aloud if she hears any adults or maybe even other kids talking about it.
@sh4dysh4de 10 месяцев назад
5:51 Fun fact: Out here in yeah ole Canada, women *are* allowed to walk around topless. Since both genders can decide not to wear a shirt, some stores or companies have a rule that, to be allowed to enter the building, you must be fully clothed.
@novaanimations5958 10 месяцев назад
Wait really? I’m Canadian and thought it was illegal? Maybe just because it’s still socially stigmatized but if that’s the case then great!
@AIHumanEquality 10 месяцев назад
@@novaanimations5958 I'm not sure about other provinces but it's legal in Ontario.
@sluttyMapleSyrup 8 месяцев назад
​@@novaanimations5958 As Valkyries said, exposed nipples are legal in Ontario, but Idk about the rest of the country. BC's probably on the same page
@Hexaina667 5 месяцев назад
another reason to move to Canada :)
@Aaa-vp6ug 5 месяцев назад
Take it off when you enter >:)
@prageruwu69 10 месяцев назад
the guy in the first video is my favorite type of person old trucker guy that doesn't care what people do with their lives because it doesn't affect him, he just wants to grill
@Iris_Astraea 10 месяцев назад
As a trans woman, I have respect for people who may not support the LGBT community but are also not against it Like, yeah, he put it best Live your life by what makes you happy since it doesn't affect anyone else
@EndlessIbis27 10 месяцев назад
People get scared for me living in rural, low population places as a transman, but honestly his approach is more common there. I found more oppression in cities. Both places, people are most cruel to their own families. I really wish more places took the "doesn't affect me, you seem to be a decent person" approach outside of small towns. The maximum distaste seems to come from seeing people making any big deal of anything rather than just living their lives and being good people.
@dmgroberts5471 10 месяцев назад
Old Trucker Guy _gets_ it; butt the fuck out of people's business and let them be them. Cis people do not have an inherent right to never see anything they disagree with. It's true, I checked.
@cryochick9044 10 месяцев назад
​@@EndlessIbis27the worst is rural cities. Rural cities and towns is where the most hostility is as they tend to grow to all feel the same. Cities have a bit of everyone and tend to be more hateful to EVERYONE, but towns where everyone can share the same view is a toss up. Some towns in my state (Minnesota) are AMAZING for LGBT acceptance Others are NO GO STAY AWAY.
@einienj3281 10 месяцев назад
Ah, the fabulous gay agenda! Sparkly and colourful! Thank You Click! ✨🌈✨
@astral8178 10 месяцев назад
My last name resembles the word agenda any time I'm hearing about the gay agenda I'm put to fucking sleep
@einienj3281 10 месяцев назад
​@@astral8178Ok.. sounds like a personal problem.
@AIHumanEquality 10 месяцев назад
"Sparkly!" - Pinkie Pie (Equestria Girls Movie)
@einienj3281 10 месяцев назад
@juliancalero8012 10 месяцев назад
The gay agenda involves such devious things as making the LGBTQ+ community part of the knowledge base of children before they learn hatred and intolerance in a way that fits their structure of the world
@LadyMaeghan 10 месяцев назад
I grew up with a brother with cerebral palsy (in Ontario, Canada), but so few people actually knew what it was unless they knew someone who had been affected by it. The 'r' word was the more common derogatory term that was hurled around. It's interesting to hear the differences in cultures, that in Sweden it was the reverse.
@AIHumanEquality 10 месяцев назад
Thankfully it's become heavily unacceptable and taboo to call people that word anymore.
@shoeshiner9314 10 месяцев назад
I think for some people (myself included) you need to know why people are offended by the r word. And that was soemthing i learned pretty young, as one of my teachers talked about her nephew with down syndrome. That instantly stopped the whole class from saying it, as they tended to say it a lot beforehand.
@fictional-girl_05 10 месяцев назад
As an autistic person I despise the r word and the amount of people who still throw it around not realizing it’s a slur- like it doesn’t even sound nice, why would you even choose to use that word unless you’re actively using it to be hateful? That’s why I refuse to reclaim the word, it’s just gross to me.
@sluttyMapleSyrup 8 месяцев назад
​@@AIHumanEquality Especially people who have an obvious cognitive or neurological condition. It seems to be slowly changing definition from meaning "person with a congenital brain problem" to just a single word to say "more stupid than "stupid", "idiot", "moron", or "bellend" conveys." It's not great, it's barely an improvement over its previous usage, but it's... something?
@wooderlyn2224 10 месяцев назад
The other day I was waiting in line at a pharmacy in a grocery store and right next to the pharmacy were some bathrooms, some guy went up to the bathroom then said “Unisex bathrooms!” In a disapproving way. He then complained to the lady in front of me(who he doesn’t know) in line about the unisex bathrooms and “how they’re everywhere” I think he even mentioned he saw a “man who thought he was a woman” and the lady was also complaining about how she went to the hospital to visit somebody and her and her daughters went to the bathrooms and she said “the bathrooms, there were men and women and I don’t know who’s more confused here” these two were semi vague, but clearly complaining about trans people. The guy left without using the bathroom but the lady was still in line. I went over to the unisex bathrooms and saw they were literally single person bathrooms, so it’s not even about trans people. I went to the lady and said “they’re single use bathrooms so it doesn’t matter” and got back in line and she just kinda shrugged. She also acted kinda Karen like to the pharmacist as well. I’m cis, but I care a lot about trans issues especially since my girlfriend is trans and so are most of my friends. It’s honestly getting kind of ridiculous the rampant transphobia I’ve seen because now I see people somehow bringing trans people into issues that aren’t remotely about trans people or even gay people in general.
@ira__s 10 месяцев назад
I was never a homophobe but I was one of those bi people (f) who thought that everyone thinks women are also super attractive and I took forever to figure out that no not everyone would also be in a romantic relationship with another woman lmao. I just thought I was super supportive of lgbtq+ until I realized oh wait I'm actually part of it. Looking back now it's so obvious I was bi but it's insane how oblivious I was just bc I didn't know that it was an option. Sure I had seen it on tv couple times maybe but no one told me about different sexualities and that it's okay to not be straight.
@aoneal3723 10 месяцев назад
Same. I really thought everyone could choose bc I can. I also thought lesbians were only like Ellen Degeneres and/or middle school PE coaches and if I wasn’t into that, I must be straight
@thewaterdragonfr2561 10 месяцев назад
Had the exact same experience, but with being aro/ace. Thought I was just an ally, but no, I was just completely oblivious. Thus continues the bi-ace similarities I guess, it really is a thing !
@karlitatv 10 месяцев назад
I relate so much (I am bi non binary AFAB)
@karlitatv 10 месяцев назад
@dragonsarebutterflies3663 10 месяцев назад
Had this with my best friend. Biggest ally, super supportive of my journey, kind of a slut when drunk and likes to kiss men (hes male), but always just calls himself straight and boring. He once even told me he cant be gay or bi because He never developed feelings for his (male) best friend. So anyway, he came out as bi and was kinda frustrated no one was surprised by that lol
@inkgirl3785 10 месяцев назад
As a bisexual girl (yeah not a woman yet) this video gives me a lot of comfort since my country is homophonic and I last felt safe when I went to Ireland in June and bought a few pride pins (still in my room and in a few instances on my backpack or hoodie). All I can say it thank you Click for the video!
@AlliIsNotaGirlkisser 10 месяцев назад
Same here! I'm a teen girl from Britain, but currently trapped in Russia.
@jlemonz9000 10 месяцев назад
As a bi kid, this gives me such a safe space feeling that I always watch thing like the click when homophobic things come up on my feed.
@arcadiaberger9204 10 месяцев назад
Your country is "homophonic"? Is it Turkey, by any chance? Since "Turkey", the country, is a homophone for "turkey", the bird. [More likely, you meant "homophobic", but I couldn't resist that joke.]
@inkgirl3785 10 месяцев назад
@@arcadiaberger9204 I didn’t even realize I miss typed it-
@hydrashade1851 10 месяцев назад
29:24 all of this just reminds me of this one quote about my generation: "Gen Z is weird in the fact that they'll respect your pronouns, but they wont respect you as a person." the quote came from a cishet high school english teacher, and boy is she right lmao
@Blue-fg8vt 10 месяцев назад
I mean, I'll respect you as a person, unless you show yourself something not worthy of respect. Like being a transphobe.
@johannaweichsel3602 10 месяцев назад
I love her routine, she's hilarious!
@osheridan 10 месяцев назад
​@@johannaweichsel3602 whats her channel? Or is it literally her routine 😅
@Ivy-gp9kd 10 месяцев назад
I have people who say that trans people never existed before people told them to, my (then) 4 YEAR OLD cousin who did not know what being trans was, wanted to be a girl, and I love her so much and I will never let anyone hurt her
@garyboyles5762 10 месяцев назад
On Halloween, I wore a dress, and makeup. The amount of , "Oh, guys can wear dresses too?" looks, and 'Yess Queen!'s was very wholesome. I want others to know that they are free to do what they want, when they want to.
@catluvr2 10 месяцев назад
I did the same thing, even applying my own nail polish, carried a purse that kind of went with the dress, knee-high purple and black socks, and a shawl that complimented the dress. It's the second time I've worn a dress for Halloween, and I loved both times.
@BasicallyBaconSandvichIV 10 месяцев назад
I want to do that as well next year! It's that this year I was busy with plants and grasshoppers. We also hardly do Halloween here. But I want to dress up as a cute cat boy next year!
@BasicallyBaconSandvichIV 10 месяцев назад
​@@catluvr2 Where can you get that?
@grandmothergoose 10 месяцев назад
When I lived in Sydney Australia up until a few years ago, used to do the whole decorate the house and welcome trick or treaters thing on Halloween. Got so popular I had literal crowds to deal with so had to recruit a male friend to help with directing kids and parents in and out of the gate, making sure no little kids walked out alone or with the wrong adult. He arrived as the cutest and sexiest girly witch I've ever seen. He received many positive compliments, and only one attempted insult calling him g@y yelled from a young man in a passing car (which didn't work as an insult because he wasn't wrong! 🤣). With all the class of an Aussie bogan (the Aussie equivalent of an American redneck) my friend yelled back in the most masculine voice he could muster, "Yeah honey, don't you know it!" which earned him an applause from the entire crowd present at the time. From that year on, all the locals kept asking for him to be back again next year, and he never disappointed. Always came around on Halloween and did the same job, each time in another highly feminine but different costume.
@sentienttapioca5409 10 месяцев назад
​​@@BasicallyBaconSandvichIVDepends where you are! Online shopping is a trans person's best friend lol
@MariannaXrss 10 месяцев назад
I love seeing the transition photos of people with their partners because they'll say "I'm on the left/right" and I always get them mixed up so i can never tell anyways. My mind is just "OH YOU LOOK GREAT SWEETIE!" regardless of who is what
@abyssal_phoenix 10 месяцев назад
I recently heard something about a study that would absolutely destroy the argument of “being queer is a choice” The study claimed that attraction is based on a few sets of genes. You got androphilia genes for example, which are genes responsible for attraction to males. Typically women have those, and men got the version for attraction to females. Some people got the “wrong” set of genes, causing them to be gay or a mixture could cause bi/pan. They also had a few theories on why they would exist, and they make a lot of sense imo. A population of animals who get few offspring at a time (like humans) nurtures their children to adulthood to maximize survival rates. But if everyone in your group is “fertile” (hetero in this specific example) then there are more children to protect and feed than if for example 20% were “infertile”. These childless individuals and potential couples could then invest their energy into the children of others. This gives the children more chance of survival. if the population has for example a bunch of gays it would mean the androphilia genes are very prominent in that population, so they’d help to keep those genes present in the children of others as well. This theory was based on primitive situations, where humans lived in family groups (most likely) and were far from advanced. Its a reminiscent theory to the grandparent theory i heard recently for orcas. Granny whales lose the ability to produce offspring but stay alive for a long tome after that, like humans. Over there it is noticed that they help the parent orcas with nursing and protecting the young. Some researchers thought it is possible that humans live past fertility for that reason too. And genetic adaptations like this that are focused on the protection and survival of the species all together are common. instead of ensuring the passing on of the individuals genes, some behaviors etc stay present in species just because they helped others survive.
@thedarknessthatcomesbefore4279 10 месяцев назад
That's interesting, I hadn't seen that one but I have seen again several studies that destroy the same idea (it's a choice) about transgender... I was always interested as I am a cis male but never obviously chose that, but this study shows that there are some di-morphic cells in one part of the brain (can't remember the name of the area) so if just given the brain the neurologists can say with great precision if the person was male or female due to the size difference of the cells between the sexes. Men have larger cells, but they discovered that trans men had the same cell size as cis men and trans women had the smaller cells just like cis women and it didn't matter if the trans person had actually transitioned or not. So trans women feel not right in a male body because they have a female brain and trans men feel their female body is not right due to having the male brain. Makes sense and if I were a trans person I would psychologically find it affirming to discover I don't feel my body is right because my brain is that of the other sex.
@abyssal_phoenix 10 месяцев назад
@@thedarknessthatcomesbefore4279 mhm i read something about those studies too! It is logical that something like being trans is way more different from sexual attraction after all. One is just a bunch of hormones that get produced when they are near another human (oversimplified) the other is something psychological, subconscious and conscious. And physical as well. You're born with the wrong brain technically. Which causes psychological stress like genderdisphoria I do want to know more about the "oddballs" among the queers though. What exactly drives some people to go for a noun as a their gender? Has this to do with something in the brains development? Some mental issues? Or something else? How does asexuality work? Are the genetics at play there too? Or is this something in the brain? Same with furries. Im curious on if there is something behind that which science could explain I myself also am a cis het male but i find the lgtbq community very interesting. That they reclaimed the word queer does fit, since iirc queer is an old germanic word for strange in a bad way (like "that meat smells queer, i wouldn't eat it") They are after all the "weird" ones, the exceptions to the norm. But they aren't weird in a bad way to most of society anymore happily xD
@kattkatt744 10 месяцев назад
Didn't know that Orcas have a have their own Grandmother Hypothesis, but in humans it is fairly well etablised that menopause and grandmothers is a survial adaptation and that it has played a significant part in the survival of humans as species. CARTA has a whole lecture series about this alone (which you can look up here on RU-vid). One of the lectures is from a team of data scientist and anthropologists running data simulations on human evolution and it turned out that grandmothers where more likely to lead to survival than having a big population of young fertil hunters.
@abyssal_phoenix 10 месяцев назад
@@kattkatt744 yes exactly! And the orcas, welk they did more research on their culture and pod hierarchy etc. they noticed that grandmothers play a massive part in setting "trends", teaching the young and i think they also specifically nurture the young males more so than females. I forgot the reasoning behind that though But honestly, orcas are already interesting enough as they are and then science confirms they got culture etc based on region and they hunt, eat and play differently from other pods. Even if the other pods live in the same region, the culture can be extremely different They are essentially the real mermaids 😂
@snowball_from_earth 10 месяцев назад
Do you possibly have a link? I'd love to read that!
@rmt3589 10 месяцев назад
16:59 This is actually an important distinction. Because "Black Eyed Peas" and "The Black Eyed Peas" are two different bands with a different sound to them. They get confused because all the members of "Black Eyed Peas" are in "The Black Eyed Peas", but "The Black Eyed Peas" has a member that isn't in "Black Eyed Peas". The "The" is Fergie.
@deriko11d Месяц назад
i had a stroek with dat one
@rmt3589 Месяц назад
@@deriko11d Tl;dr Fergie = "The". No Fergie, no "The".
@viktorlucious6585 10 месяцев назад
I really needed this video. I don't really like venting in the comments so I'll keep it short. I've been dealing with some major transphobia lately for my coworkers and peers. This video was very comforting and came at a very nice time. I get really sick of seeing transphobia on the internet. People turning us into jokes, people mocking our existence, people saying our rights are invalid or that we don't deserve them, people saying we don't exist. It's nice to see things like this. If you are LGBTQ then I want you to know there are more supporters and genuine people than there are bigots with hatred in their hearts. You are valid. Science backs you up. Biology backs you up. Empathy backs you up. Good people back you up.
@silvermoonpie7942 10 месяцев назад
You are valid too! I’m sorry you’re receiving hate, so here’s some love to balance it out 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
@karlitatv 10 месяцев назад
Sending you hugs as a fellow trans person
@krasistefanovlol 10 месяцев назад
so is the life of trans or any other lgbt people sadly
@roombagaming5808 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for the last paragraph. I hope you have a great day!
@sunshineonmars- 10 месяцев назад
Hugs from a fellow trans person ❤
@tonivazquez1081 10 месяцев назад
As a bi, when The Click went and said around 12:40 that many Bi people may be closeted due to their lets say environment couldn't be more correct. I suspected from like 9 years old that i liked boys, girls and ( later, I'm 50 so my exposure to Trans persons came later ) everything in between. My first big let's say romantic fixation with a girl was at 12, with a boy at 15, my first experience with a girl at 17, with a man at 21...and I kept all of it a secret until I knew the first person that without hesitation or a care in the world said to my "Hi, I'm Miriam, i'm 32 and I am BI". I literally trembled. Then answered" Hi , I am Toni, I am 47 and I am Bi too". SHE WAS THE FIRST BI PERSON I KNEW IN MY LIFE THAT HAD PRIDE ON IT AND DID NOT GIVE A F**K". Lack of visibility engenders closeted people. I am grateful to my dear friend Miriam that she liberated me. That's all. EDIT: I had exposure to Trans people way later in life, and to Gay and Lesbian people at the same time, around 20-21. But simply, never knew a Bi person, and being a sociable kind that make me think I was...strange? weird?. Don't know.
@terepipipes2675 10 месяцев назад
Yeah. I had like zero romantic fixations with guys until university but really into girls. My step mom constantly asked me if I was dating guy friends if I brought them over or demanding I not sit on furniture next to them, keep the door open, etc. But she didn't mind me being alone with girls lmao. I mean like, I'm married to a man now, but I have only been into like 3 men ever out of the women I crush on even in video games.
@tonivazquez1081 10 месяцев назад
@@terepipipes2675 Well, I think yours is a different case, absolutely valid too, but different. My problem was that in the social structure of the small neighborhood I have lived most of my life wa a bit " those things are not to be mentioned", maybe because it is a worker class neighborhood in which the church had a strong but not pressing influence, and people my age had parents and grandparents that still didn't assimilate too well the idea of the LGBTQ+ collective. So, if nothing was explained to you, everything about gender and sexuality was said "sotto voce" and the surroundings kept a posture of "we don't talk about this things"... I did not even knew that being Bi was possible, i meant, i knew a Drag queen before i met a Bi person that lived his sexuality and expression of it freely. Add that to a bit of testosterone dominance macho man attitude all around and i felt very lost, for my Bi people were mythical creatures. Add to that my attraction for men and women and acting on the supposed "incorrect one" a few times and it mess me up. For good. I am still very shy with men ( a shy top, that's an experience ) and with my insecurities in dating and my age and baggage... buf. I am single now and let me tell you out there is a minefield. Thanks for sharing, my best wishes.🙂
@stardewofpyrrhia4381 10 месяцев назад
Hi fellow bi! 🤝🩷💜💙
@aphelion4616 10 месяцев назад
I relate to this so much. I finally came out as Pansexual and Genderfluid at 40 when i FINALLY understood everything about myself in that regard. It's a damn journey and exposure and living environment play huge roles.
@terepipipes2675 10 месяцев назад
@@tonivazquez1081 no i get it. I grew up in the deep south, Mississippi, where people were getting disowned for interracial dating, to this day. Most of us don't even know the anatomy of our genitals. It's just 3rd world backwaters ruled by outdated religious ideals. We definitely have had different experiences, and there is nothing wrong with that. But I do understand feeling ignorant on these topics because of that upbringing.
@spiker.ortmann 10 месяцев назад
What I love the most about Team Rocket in Pokémon is that absolutely nobody bat an eye at their clothes. And James really rocked that bikini in episode that some bigots banned... ❤
@pancakes8670 9 месяцев назад
Mom on Facebook: "Covid Vaccines change your gender! 😱" Me: rushing to the nearest pharmacy to get my free estrogen shot
@Soul-co7ki 19 дней назад
You will never be a woman.
@Gopnik_B57_2 10 месяцев назад
the thing about cerebral palsy being used like a slur in sweden is still a thing. this year i've been called "cp" for what i'm guessing was not masking my autism
@ibringfuckery7159 10 месяцев назад
Yeah. I live in a Swedish-speaking area of Finland and I remember CP being thrown around a lot when I was in elementary school. I'm 17 now, turning 18 later this month so barely 10 years ago.
@WolfgangDoW 10 месяцев назад
CP has very different meaning in English usually oof
@WolfgangDoW 10 месяцев назад
"spaz" short for spastic is considered a slur in the UK too
@catluvr2 10 месяцев назад
I actually have very slight CP and Autism.
@ICanBeYourFries 10 месяцев назад
i hate my brain for thinking it's the other "cp" :(
@sleepingkirby 10 месяцев назад
7:01 I think we should end all conversations that sounds serious but really isn't with "Can I have a biscuit?" Karen: "How dare you!!! I want to speak to a manager!" Worker: "No...Can I have a biscuit?" Karen: "Wha-what?" Worker: "I'm gonna go get a biscuit. Do you want one? They're chocolate chip." Person A: "If you don't believe in the bible, what stops you from murdering everyone?" Person B: "Can I have a biscuit?" Person A: "What?" Person B: "I'm gonna go get a biscuit. I'll talk to you later."
@GeckoTech_Engineer 5 месяцев назад
I have no explanation why but saying the word biscuit as opposed to cookie made it ten times funny for me
@sleepingkirby 5 месяцев назад
@@GeckoTech_Engineer Then my explicit choice of word has done it's job.
@The_VHS 10 месяцев назад
Oh my God the first part of that elderly guy, he is great, saw a video of a blind dog running into a wall and then him saying "how does anyone find that funny" in such a menacing voice with another person playing guitar to it.
@MoonStarzez 10 месяцев назад
I always get so happy when I see elderly people supporting LGBTQ+. My brother came out as trans recently and my mom was only worried that he would get hurt or be bullied for this. She is fully supportive and now trying to learn more about it and I’m really happy about it because that means I’m not alone in my family to be apart of the community! I haven’t come out as Bisexual yet but now I know that my mom is definitely going to accept it. We have different dads so I’m just hoping my dad will be okay with it. He has always been a bit more sketchy but never been negative about it really. (Edit: He is still using he/him pronouns and haven’t changed his name yet. It might take a while)
@nobodishere 10 месяцев назад
I'm physically sick with dysphoria right now, thank you click for making my evening so much more wholesome and bright ❤
@missnaomi613 10 месяцев назад
Please accept some mama hugs. 💙💗🤍💗💙
@defnenil3301 10 месяцев назад
@Michels-ro6mr 10 месяцев назад
Hello, Polish gay dude here, yea, our country isn't the best place for gay peeps. I mean, some find their way around but I do not, I used to go to several places with my boyfriend and never have we even held hands in the open, too big of a chance to get attacked by stupid people. It hurts, very much. But I'm doing my best to not give up, loved the video, hope you all have a wonderful day
@wolfydawolf5680 10 месяцев назад
I hope you have a nice day as well!
@ElitheSnowFox 10 месяцев назад
Click finally addresses 100% of his audience with one video
@snap.-_- 10 месяцев назад
💀 he's got all the furries and all the LGBTQ people
@alexandermuller950 10 месяцев назад
​@@snap.-_-and peeps with gay fetishes too.
@user-un8hy5dd3j 10 месяцев назад
yeah, he never made video on r/furry_irl so he couldn't address all of his audience this way
@ninjakiwigames5418 10 месяцев назад
@@user-un8hy5dd3j I really hope he makes a video about r/furry_irl one day... Sigh... It's a shame he has never done it before. But we can still hope.
@tristanmitchell1242 10 месяцев назад
Non-furry, non-lgbtq+, cis-het watchers of Click exist. I am one. You could probably find a few more. Six or seven if your really look, maybe.
@AceOSpaceWithMace 9 месяцев назад
As an ace, I did not make a choice. I did not make a choice because I do not give a fuck
@Zookiethecrimecookie 9 месяцев назад
Same here
@gracetackett63 2 месяца назад
As a fellow ace I'm disappointed that this top tier pun isn't more highly voted 😂
@algiz_3696 10 месяцев назад
Still can’t believe my very straight conservative brother went to a gay bar. He came home saying “yeah it wasn’t my type of bar” like dude no shit, you go to bars to get drunk and hopefully find a girl. You made fun of a trans woman to my family because they matched with you on Tinder, what made you think a gay bar was something you should go to? It’s so aggravating that people who don’t even support LGBTQ believe they have the right to go to LGBTQ safe spaces, it’s just revolting
@saltire_2825 10 месяцев назад
So what do you want gay bars to do? Ban straight people from entering? It’s a business and it’s illegal for them to discriminate against customers for who they are. Not to mention it’s a bad business practice
@algiz_3696 10 месяцев назад
@@saltire_2825 I’m not saying that, my brother who constantly makes fun of the LGBTQ community in a not kind hearted way goes to gay bars and doesn’t see anything wrong with it. My comment was stating that people who are toxic and aggressive to LGBTQ people shouldn’t feel like they’re able to go to gay bars as the norm. People who are straight and chill idc about, it’s the stupidity like that of my brother who doesn’t see the irony, I have a problem with. I never once mentioned discrimination, it’s the weird idea my brother has that he can make fun of a minority than invade those safe spaces like nothing that I have a problem with. It’s the people not the business
@beansworth5694 10 месяцев назад
Sounds like a problem that could be addressed by calling him gay for going anywhere near queer spaces. Assuming that he's actually obnoxious while there and doesn't leave the queerphobia to himself, not just in the closet feeling out what the atmosphere is really like before committing to coming out which is also possible
@sterthester736 10 месяцев назад
@@saltire_2825 The issue here wasn't that a straight person went to a gay bar. It's that a person who actively shits on and harms lgbtq people went to one.
@alex_runarin 10 месяцев назад
​@@saltire_2825It's less of a "ban straight people" and more of a "why do straight people always want to come into a gay safe space but then get offended when people assume they're gay because of them being in said gay place". Its the same principle that when you go into a cat cafe, people are going to assume that you like cats because,,,, why would you go in there if you didnt.
@SchelinArt 10 месяцев назад
CP and gay were huuuuge slurs for so long in my youth (in Sweden) among teenagers, I was frequently called CP for having to take "special" maths class and gay for being a tomboy in junior high and high school. Today, I'm halfway through my high school teaching degree and we had so many good and wholesome classes and seminars about these issues. I'm beyond glad that it's very much not ok anymore
@Jordan-kq3qw 10 месяцев назад
Uh, CP? I have to be misinterpreting this.
@WeyW 10 месяцев назад
​​@@Jordan-kq3qwin sweden CP is the short term for Cerebral pares
@johnnemo5793 10 месяцев назад
​@@Jordan-kq3qw it's CP as in cerebral palsy
@macaronsncheese9835 10 месяцев назад
Yeah, out of curiosity what does that first one stand for? Because in the US it's, uh, shorthand for, let's say rightfully illegal media involving minors... It's not something you'd call someone as a slur, exactly, though not something you want to be accused of at all either. Edit: Oh, cerebral palsy. Yeah, that's a helluva unfortunate coincidence....
@dagnytheartist 10 месяцев назад
36:19 For me, it's the word "fruity." I heard the words "gay" and "queer" used in positive and negative situations depending on who was saying it, but I *only* ever heard "fruity" used by straight people to make fun of queer people. So when "fruity" started making a comeback in younger queer people my initial reaction was panic/confusion that younger people were being queerphobic and throwing around slurs, but I realized it was reclaiming and I'm desensitizing myself to the word.
@dagnytheartist 10 месяцев назад
Oh, and also context matters, and the modern context I usually hear people saying fruity today is making fun of a fictional character. Now I know this is usually queer people doing this, but if the initial context is just someone mocking a fictional character, it's hard to know if the person is mocking them in a friendly way or in a queerphobic way.
@melissabarrett9750 9 месяцев назад
I've often used the word "fruity" as a term of affection for people who are same sex oriented
@ThatGuyMikey1 10 месяцев назад
The image at 38:35 genuinely made me tear up. I’m a queer trans man and my parents are not supportive. I wish I had someone speak to me about my identity in such a loving manner. I don’t think I ever want kids, but if I ever change my mind, this is the sort of stuff I want to say. If I ever have kids, I want to give them the support I never had.
@crazymissdaisy 10 месяцев назад
My hubby is on the very straight part of the spectrum. He feels a lot of lgbtq representation is shoehorned in tokenism (I mean he is not wrong, well written characters are far between) so he is very skeptical every time a lqbtq character is a part of a show. He LOVED that episode of the last of us. He chuckled about their interactions, pointing out how we bicker similarly and wholly enjoyed it, he even discussed it with his friend and coworker the next day because of how impactful it was.
@SingingSealRiana 10 месяцев назад
That episode is a gift from heaven, there is so little healthy and beautiful representation of love in generell, straight gay or otherwise in this world and Bill and Frank where plain perfection in every way both as a romance in generell and gay rep! They are one of 5 couples that got the wholesome healthy stemp from me and I watch and read a lot. Others are amanita and nomi from sense8, morticia and gomez from addams family, Edna and Wilbur in hairspray and Jaime and Dani from the haunting of bly manor....
@crazymissdaisy 10 месяцев назад
Id love to hear your thoughts on bob and linda from bobs burgers, I personally think they hit the wholesome mark (especially how when Linda gets a job Bob is not jealous or angry, he just miss her cause shes his best friend) @@SingingSealRiana
@cryochick9044 10 месяцев назад
If you want some other good lgbt rep. Arcane (and any lgbt character from runeterras lore) some of the main characters are lesbian and the writers of the show had this idea of what would a world who never descriminated based on sexuality even be like, they questioned if there even would be a word for gay. A line in the show that shows this like of thinking "so what will it be man or woman" This came right after a very flirtatious scene.
@ICanBeYourFries 10 месяцев назад
​@@cryochick9044wait arcane? That one animated show?
@cryochick9044 10 месяцев назад
@@ICanBeYourFries yes it is great and has gay rep specifically lesbian
@roowyrm9576 10 месяцев назад
As a queer "boomer"....68 now, I have a large group of friends who are also queen boomers (and older). My oldest friend is in her 90's. On the other hand, my youngest friend is in their 20s.
@silverscreen42 10 месяцев назад
I'm a high schooler and gay is 100% still being used as an insult. Homophobia is just tossed around the halls like it's nothing - and I live in a very progressive area.
@d3str0i3r 10 месяцев назад
"i wear pride because you make them hide" i want that on a shirt and/or a button
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