The Click
The Click
The Click
Hello, you smell great today

Creator of the Emotional Support Demon & Mango Landshark Plushies

Voice Actor, Musician, Professional Memer.

For business inquiries please find the e-mail below:
r/FurryIRL - Totally "Relatable" 🤔
14 часов назад
r/Sh*tAmericansSay - I'm 1% African 🤩
21 день назад
r/TiHi - Unhinged Kids Toys 💀
28 дней назад
r/HolUp - PP TIN Y 😔
Месяц назад
r/FacePalm - ✨The Future for Women✨
Месяц назад
"Trendy" Kids Names are Unhinged
Месяц назад
Facebook AI is Absolutely Unhinged...
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r/NotHowGirlsWork - Girls Be Like... (or not)
2 месяца назад
r/HolUp - Parenting 2.0 just Dropped 😬
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r/ConfidentlyIncorrect - REAL 💥SCIENCE💥
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r/FacePalm - Baby Name Trends... 😐
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r/BoomersBeingFools - Oh No, Boomers Found AI
2 месяца назад
Main Characters™ are now "Creep Hunting"...
2 месяца назад
r/FacePalm - Not How ”Females” Work
3 месяца назад
@najrenchelf2751 2 минуты назад
4:03 - found another clip for the "Click out of Context" video....
@casssty8516 8 минут назад
A little girl of culture, I see
@DenimDucky 16 минут назад
I was homeschooled for the first few years (age 5-8ish). My mom did a good job 👍
@scientificviking 19 минут назад
28:53 'Emotional escorts' is part of what Geisha were, and mostly what they are in modern day
@steeledgator 20 минут назад
39:38 this aged well p.hub is banned
@daisymeroalin2372 21 минуту назад
9:30 Professor Dave! :D That man is a treasure
@yamirez1314 25 минут назад
31:59 the filmer is a real main character
@trashcan9153 27 минут назад
the arranged marriage one, taking bets now the "acting out" was her liking girls and having normal friend outings.
@OrdericNeustry 31 минуту назад
Hamsters will just eat some of their babies if they have too many.
@elenamunteanu932 34 минуты назад
sorry to tell you but conversion therapy is still a thing sweetie
@Wasabibubblegum 38 минут назад
Pcos gave me a surprise too went for mri referral joked with the doc that she should just sign and skip the test cause it’s looked like I was infertile she then went and rushed back to shockedly that I was pregnant…I told her she was wrong that that must be not mine check again then came back with two very dark positive tests! Hadn’t had a cycle for well over a year but I was about three months and if not for an mri idk if I’d have noticed either! Damn girl
@AngelEmfrbl 43 минуты назад
Well... The hijab came into used in 627 CE and wouldn't have been worn by anyone in the Christmas story as a result because that story happened 6 centuries earlier. It was also not that widespread at first and wasn't that popular for quite some time.
@Ar_lisxx 48 минут назад
Hey Click!! from someone who was homeschooled, it’s honestly kind of isolating and depressing. I love my mom dearly and she was a good teacher, she does work from home so it wasn’t too weird being around her all the time - it was normal for me. BUT I barely made any friends, the only time I really ever got to see people my age, was when she would take me to these “homeschool events” and literally no body talked to each other. My mom is smart, but I found myself getting held back in many subjects from her loss of memory on my grade level (like op said). I’m not against homeschooling, but i’m for it either - I think the main reason you should put your kids in school is for a proper education and social skills. Yet gladly for me, my mother finally caved and got me into a “real” school. I would say i’m doing a lot better, and feel more confident and smart. :D
@Cole_Cross 48 минут назад
THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.
@akiraakiraakiraakira 51 минуту назад
at 16:00 click is so good at explaining stuff!!! Meow :3
@bunnirr 54 минуты назад
Riley is close enough to my name
@boom1boom1i 56 минут назад
shes a premium Airhead - facepalm
@lucywoomy Час назад
The last one reminded me of a guy named Nasser and he used it in the game. It appeared as N***er because of automatic censorship. You can probably guess what bad word resembles the censored version.
@arodoeseverything Час назад
23:40 my ex bf was the same way. He ended up r wording me because I said condoms or nothing and he chose to do it anyway. Guys who are like this are really selfish because all the things that can happen to us is that we could get STDs or pregnant but people like my ex don't care. In his mind the terrible things that could happen to me are worth it because obviously a thin piece of plastic is sooo much worse than an STD or being pregnant 🙄 /sarcasm.
@romanwiller2180 Час назад
2:25 this is what the US show “Are you smarter than a 5th grader” was so funny. As adults we have - generally - surpassed the super basic foundation level of education that we start young children on and we have moved up to the more complex understanding of subject matter. I have a degree in forensic science and would get 4th grade science questions wrong because I know of an advanced bit of knowledge that overrides the beginner level introduction that was the correct answer. I could home school a high schooler *maybe*, but anyone younger I wouldn’t be able to relay fundamentals in an understandable way. This is why science communicators, in general, and teachers specifically are so ridiculously important and have unfathomable super powers.
@rosemiyuki98 Час назад
"Or a Lasso" 😂❤
@jeroenvanos9653 Час назад
Aahh, so Nanowar of Steel was indeed correct with Vegan Velociraptor
@KarolínaTrgiňová Час назад
@draconicfeline6177 Час назад
The transphobia accusations make me think of the men who take rejection so badly that they get aggressive and call names
@fortunatecookie Час назад
America doesn’t let kids “just get in the car and drive” by the way. We also have a fine ($50 in my state) and a minimum number of hours that must be spent on theory (my school gave us three days to go over 12 modules) and a minimum number of hours in practice driving with an instructor (60, with at least ten of them being at night) And then, even after all that and passing three tests, there are still restrictions on how minors can drive (they don’t want you distracted, so you can’t drive around with a bunch of friends in the car with you. A bunch of family members is fine though)
@Makapaa Час назад
About THAT discussion: The limit is pointing your swinger/popper - be it prop or not - at people. If Someones' Character is about pointing things at the crowds, they're NOT there to play a character - they're there to point stuff at people! No amount of Net Gain in Happiness outweighs the Net Loss of Trust and Safety. People like that need to be treated like those things were real.
@Khayoss Час назад
what if that kid got toxic shock syndrome? the dad would’ve worried about his period then huh.
@benjaminfuchssteiner1478 Час назад
This toy is made by the Romans XD
@AnnoyingSquib Час назад
I feel like the hospital saving the elf on a shelf post is slightly skewed. Its really sad that poor girl was denied a surgery that would dramatically improve her quality of life. But remember it was the insurance company that denied the procedure. Health clinics and insurance companies work together, but that doesn't mean they agree on everything. I have family members that work in healthcare that have some really choice things to say about insurance companies. Secondly, the post doesn't look like it goes into detail if this is the same children's hospital the 15 year old was seeking treatment at. Or if the times match up. Are we really expecting nurses to be serious 24-7 when they have to constantly work around sick or terminal kids? C'mon guys. Theyre people too. Again, I really feel for that girl. It sucks and I hope she found treatment elsewhere because American Healthcare is a joke. But lets make sure we are criticizing the right people.
@YourLocalWingofFirenerd Час назад
Th first story is literally why people say man or bear
@sigridbjergbakkemeyer3653 Час назад
We gave our kid the name ‘Sif’, partly because she will easily learn to say and spell it. Which gives kids a lot of pride and confidence. That beige-mum is doing her kid dirty
@toryroseharris6153 Час назад
Love this subreddit
@zippydipity42 Час назад
Re: Chat being a 4th person pronoun. It's not. It's a noun. It behaves exactly like a noun. You could replace any phrase that uses "chat" with "mom", for example.
@gillianc8106 Час назад
After I had breast cancer, I had lots of complications so I couldn’t have a real reconstruction for years. In the meantime, I was known to remove the “stuffie” prosthetic and throw it at friends at parties. They’d end up throwing it around like a game of “pass the parcel”. Yay, good times! 😂 On a more serious note though, people are incredibly presumptuous and judgemental about people when they have no idea what they’re going through. While I was having treatment, I decided to go out to see a friend to lift my spirits, but I had very little energy because I was, y’know, fighting fricking cancer. So I got to the bus stop just a couple of minutes’ walk from our front door, and there was an older woman sitting on the bench there with all her bags by the side of her. I politely asked if she could move a couple of them so that there was space for me to sit, and she huffed and tutted, but did it. I sat down, and a short time later she looked at me and asked what on earth could be wrong with (and I quote) “such a young, healthy woman” that I had to sit down instead of standing. I told her “fibromyalgia, early-onset arthritis and *pulling up my wig to show my bald head from chemotherapy* cancer. Is that enough?” She made a face like she’d swallowed a lemon, but at least she let me be. Some people just don’t think - they look at a person and think they know their entire story, but of course they don’t.
@Soweli_Lili Час назад
i want to be the family dog...
@davidmcken Час назад
28:15 - Was it insane clown posse who supports his daughter who is a furry?
@uniraffesaur Час назад
The scream I scrumpt when bro hit the pole 😂😂😂😂😂
@GalacticGab Час назад
16:20 For those who didn’t know as of 2022, there were about 7.951 billion people ON EARTH, so that woman’s math is far wrong
@davidmcken 2 часа назад
26:30 - This genuinely gave me anxiety. I'm looking up what files I need to archive in git now...
@samiraperi467 2 часа назад
75% human? 👀 3:35 I'd say that's a valid reason to pirate the series. Many sites still work even if you don't disable the adblocker and just close the popup.
@TenderNMeaty 2 часа назад
Home schooling hides abuse from the authorities.
@startheoverseer3006 2 часа назад
I always shower before watching The Click because it means when he smells me in the intro he doesn't have to lie when he says I smell nice <3
@Frogo858 2 часа назад
I have ADD. My friend group is litterly called "The idiot centeral" because ADHD or not , we all act like were high on cat memes , hyperfixations , childhood shows , yapping about favorite fandoms and BEARLY making making it through the year :D👍
@janeplayz1420 2 часа назад
The story about the cheating husband is just heartbreaking. Those women didn't deserve 1. Getting cheated on and lied to, and 2. Getting your trust blatantly abused, especially after an abusive relationship.
@shadow-worrior8095 2 часа назад
Are we gonna ignore the fact that mRNA has nothing to do with covid? mRNA, also known as messenger RNA basically helps DNA replicate. The only reason I could even see it leading to cancer is because cancer is a cell that can duplicate infinitely. Feel free to check me if I'm wrong. I mean it. Like, for real. I like learning.
@davidmcken 2 часа назад
19:30 - You see this "cumming"... that was subtle.
@Kakiro_Miro 2 часа назад
No not an axe but a sword!
@scottcheg9 2 часа назад
You’d be right if surgical mask’s actually prevented germs from getting in your airways, they don’t, like at all. They’re used by surgeons to prevent any bodily fluids exchanging during surgery, if they where operating on someone with an infectious disease they’d be wearing a hazmat suit, which is the only real way to prevent infectious diseases entering the airways. Those people were indeed wearing a mask because they’re “idiots that can’t think for themselves” Regardless you are right about the discrimination.
@DefaultPotato 2 часа назад
Twitter indeed is a separate world.
@lettydragon4299 2 часа назад
19:05 click, that already happened a few times, one streamer showed her green screen butt and played games on it, another furry reptile streamer green screened his entire c0ck and played minecraft on it too xD you could see every wobble it made as he moved, mesmerizing :3