
r/MaliciousCompliance - Smug Karen Boss Makes Us OBEY HER Orders! It Gets Her FIRED lol. 

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@roymustang5922 8 месяцев назад
Bitching an employee out for being a minute late is next level petty.
@akusworld5117 2 месяца назад
Sure, but 1 minute late is still late.
@pirate728 2 месяца назад
​@@akusworld5117 but if the policy is 5 minute grace period, then no it's not. 6 minutes late would be late. If the OP was constantly and consistently 1 minute late, there should be a sit down, except for the fact that OP was regularly staying late.
@crvenom Месяц назад
@@akusworld5117 sure, then any time over scheduled time should be paid over time too then.
@tacticallemon7518 День назад
@@akusworld5117 yea, and? It’s still a dick move to go off on someone
@bobemmerson1580 8 месяцев назад
The business was getting 45 minutes of extra work when they needed it, possibly for no extra cost... Wage theft by corporations is a bigger issue than the occasional few minutes late that happens some times.
@ScaryMannJK 8 месяцев назад
My brother in law worked at a fast food restaurant. One day, in the dead of winter, he got incredibly sick. Boss insisted he come in or else he’d be fired. So cue brother in law driving to work, in the dead of winter, needing to pull over multiple times en route. He walks into work, makes his way to the boss, and proceeds to vomit all over his boss’s pants and shoes. Now they both have to go back home.
@nancythane5672 7 месяцев назад
​@bostonrailfan2427 I did it to an assistant principal when I was in Jr. High. I was in "Sick Bay", nauseous. Just as I was needing to rush into the bathroom, he blocked me, jovially saying I was faking. I puked all over his tasselled loafers. That was 1979, West Jr. High School; Taylor, MI. His name was Dale Avery and the secretary's gave him Hell for not believing me. He never challenged me again.😊
@nancythane5672 7 месяцев назад
@@bostonrailfan2427 Whatever, Sparkey.
@zehkiel8018 4 месяца назад
​@bostonrailfan2427 Because as we know, nothing has ever happened in the world at any point in time. Especially on the internet.
@poohbear4515 8 месяцев назад
S4: That dude needed OP. Not as a good friend, but a hero. That $50 gift card was such a slap to the face, but the smug b$tch definitely got the slap in the face when she lost all her precious bonuses and her job. Next time, don’t bully the only truck driver that’s keeping your business up.
@silverflight01 8 месяцев назад
Story 3: I've once had poison ivy all over my arms. It is disgusting and looks awful, I literally had zombie arms! I don't care if you are dealing with the worst rush in history, sick is sick, and if the person is cleared from work for a while and has a doctor's note to back them up, you don't force them to work with the threat of being fired because that's a Wrongful Termination lawsuit
@marmot418 8 месяцев назад
I'm pretty sure that ignoring a doctors note is illegal for a company/manager to do
@user-kl8lo6rj5i 8 месяцев назад
Poison Ivy is awful. Looks like some horrible oozing zombie virus got loose and would you really want your customers being scared off by an employee forced to work like that? Manager sounds like a complete idiot and deserved to get shamed.
@blackmendosa 8 месяцев назад
@@Gamerghoul19 Never threaten, just sue.
@gaylegoodman9097 8 месяцев назад
In an employment class, the instructor asked “What’s the best benefit a company can offer?” After naming all the benefits we could think of, he said we were forgetting the most important benefit. *A great boss.* No matter what the other benefits are, if you absolutely hate going to work, none of it is worth anything. In addition, it could ruin your mental, and possibly, your physical health.
@SerasXHarkonnen 3 месяца назад
Amen to that. I used to work for a major electrical retailer and the company decided to start transferring managers around to different stores to mix things up or something, we ended up losing our long term store manager, who was very liked and respected, and got given the worst manager I've ever had. We used to have fairly low staff turnover but with the new manager over 30 people left within a year. People were even transferring to stores further away from their house just to get away from this guy. He completely ruined staff morale and made it a horrible place to work, which apparently only got worse after I left too. I am aware of multiple HR complaints against the guy including a group complaint of around 20 people, at least 3 of whom were managers/supervisors. So yeah, a good boss can make a job, a bad one can break it.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 8 месяцев назад
These stories are so common nowadays, that it's almost unprofessional for those in management positions to not be aware of them and their repercussions.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 8 месяцев назад
They make new hires at the entry levels watch training videos....these could be management's training videos.
@trashcatlinol 8 месяцев назад
Tbf, most Karen's watch the same three shows, don't bother with the internet outside of their Facebook bubble, and are too busy scheming how to stay in what little power they think they have.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 8 месяцев назад
@@trashcatlinol that doesn't exempt them from being considered unprofessional
@Clemsonalumnus 8 месяцев назад
That’s because some of these managers haven’t figured out yet that people are tired of being treated like that and will call their bluff. When your company is understaffed and your employee can find tons of work elsewhere, you shouldn’t be making checks with your mouth your a$$ can’t cash.
@trashcatlinol 8 месяцев назад
@@SoManyRandomRamblingsno, just thought the insight of an actual Karen will help understand what's going through their head. Mine watches soaps, obscure news, and America 's funniest. Anything outside of those fixations is absolutely ignored, or worse seen as attack on Karen's ego. They can't be THAT stupid and they are just acting like their soap opera hero. Just tells me mine knows they are doing wrong, but think they are the special case who will be exempt from consequences. Doesn't excuse the behavior at all, but we're talking developmentally challenged folk who can't think past their nose.
@ramirezthesilvite 8 месяцев назад
After that "Someone's getting fired for this!" line, I just thought "Oh, I bet someone is!" And sure enough, Manager lost their job.
@yukikitsune7366 8 месяцев назад
I can agree that late is late but I also think that if a boss wants to throw a temper tantrum over being a minute late, then they deserve to face the consequences of workers being malicious compliant.
@5PctJuice 8 месяцев назад
Most service jobs have a window that they allow people to show up within. "Late is late" doesn't really apply within that window since they've explicitly said you shouldn't get in trouble for clocking in during it. Yes it's a good principle to live by but sometimes it's literally out of your control.
@clonescope2433 8 месяцев назад
Depends on the setting an office setting where you can clock in on your own computer yeah late is late you should be able to get there there's no line to clock in. But say a retail job or a fast food job where there may be one or only two places to clock in there should be a grace period nothing crazy but 5 minutes. My work gives a 5-minute grace period for clocking in and clocking out that's mostly there for the morning crew and the closing crew, because we do technically have multiple ways to clock in and out in the morning there's only one way to clock in one computer because all the other methods are locked up and the inverse is true for closing
@rickhernandez7666 8 месяцев назад
Being late occasionally with an excuse is one thing but being chronically late is another, even if it's only a couple of minutes. However, if the employee regularly works unpaid overtime, some leeway is appropriate IMO.
@Josh_the_jester 8 месяцев назад
True late is late but why waste your employee's time and productivity by reprimanding them for 5 to 10 minutes for being late for one minute? Do you really need to be this anal? Why is it not enough that they stay behind to help clean up past their shift? Why do they need to be punished and humiliated for being a minute late, doing that publicly if I was the boss, I wouldn't feel like I did something right, I'd feel like a douchbag for doing something so petty
@stevencaliendo237 8 месяцев назад
Go forecast urself !!!! Apparently you have never worked!!!
@JosieJOK 8 месяцев назад
Hey, if a boss wants to enforce a “late is late” rule to the minute, more power to them. But they can’t complain when their workers also hold rigidly to that rule when it comes to working overtime. You can’t have it both ways. In that position, I’d go with the 5-minute grace period. Sometimes, being flexible gets you what you want more than dropping the hammer.
@paulabell8747 8 месяцев назад
I agree, who knows what happened to cause the employee to be late. If it was a pattern of being late, then yes chew them out- but if it's now and then and they make up the time, just let it go
@nancyomalley6286 8 месяцев назад
@@paulabell8747 Even a pattern could be beyond the employee's control. If the employee has to drop off a kid at school within a certain window of time (can't go earlier bc school will be empty) and there's limited time afterwards to get to work. School schedules can really screw with other deadlines
@nakayawashington349 8 месяцев назад
I don't think that I have ever worked a job that didn't have a grace period 🤔
@swededude1992 8 месяцев назад
I am a millenial/ Gen Y. When I began the workforce my grandparents generation, (the boomers), where about to retire. My parents generation, the gen X I have also worked for for a while. Both of those generations have the policy, if your'e 1 minute late to work, you're 1 minute late, and you'll get a 1 minute paycut on your wage. In the long run you'll be fired for those 1 minutes. My generation and the younger one, we overlook up to 5 minutes being late to work, as long as those 5 minutes, once in a while, are not put into system. Also those 5 minutes late can be worked in by example taking a 5 minutes shorter break, work speedier, or work 5 minutes "overtime" once scheduled work is done. 5 minutes once in a while, nothing to worry about.
@xzenitramx666 8 месяцев назад
I had a boss like that, I was always 15 minutes before the start of the clock, except the day my buss crashed so instead of be there 7.45 a.m. I was 8.03, and my boss exploded on me saying a bunch of lies about me been always late to work, so I just give her the finger and leave her there screaming.
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan 8 месяцев назад
Manager: One minute Late is LATE! Me: Not according to Corporate Policy it isn't. If that's changed, please show me the Memo from Head Office telling us what the new policy is. After that if I were in OP's shoes, I'd call Corporate Head Office to ask them if the Attendance Policy has changed and if not, I'd like the Attendance Write Up [Manager] gave me removed from my Employee File. I suspect Mr. Power-Tripping Manager would fine himself getting a Write-Up and then shortly after get Fired for whatever Power-Trip BS he pulled next... 😄😁😆😅😂🤣
@tmntfangirl4700 8 месяцев назад
Final Story - I always find it hilarious when managers use the ‘if you don’t like working here then you can leave/quit’ card and are shocked when the employees that they’re threatening take their words to heart. Then they beg them to come back.
@charlayned 8 месяцев назад
Yeah, it's bad when the boss doesn't recognize how good an employee is. I know, my husband had a job with an owner who he had worked with since it was 3 guys in the boss's garage. My husband worked there for 13 years and was carrying 3 industry certifications. For that, in mid-1990s he was making 30k a year for what most were making 50k. I finally talked him into quitting for a better job with more pay and he's doing great now, almost to the point of retirement and making great money with benefits. Best job ever. So, moral of the story: don't let a bad owner/manager/boss keep you in a low pay job where you work yourself to death with nothing to really show for it.
@silverflight01 8 месяцев назад
Story 5: Wow, OP is being a star employee, and the Manager decided to bite the hand. What a tosspot.
@SoraDonaldGoofy99 8 месяцев назад
First time I heard that one.
@crimsonmaelstrom573 8 месяцев назад
Quite the twat pocket imo
@joyloft7418 8 месяцев назад
Tisspot. Are you English. This sounds very English. (I'm English)
@s.h.6858 8 месяцев назад
I thought it was pisspot....
@UmamaGoblin 8 месяцев назад
As someone whose always early, anyone commenting "late means late" with no understanding of uncontrollable circumstances should never be in a position of power 🥃
@akusworld5117 2 месяца назад
i've been late maybe 1 to 4 times a year. More than that you need to change your circumstances to not be so uncontrollable
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan 8 месяцев назад
If I were John, I'd tell the Manager "I don't care what you charge the Customer, here is what you WILL pay ME for each Delivery or I will NOT make it..." and before I make another Delivery for her, I'd have a Signed and Dated Delivery Price List in hand... 😄😁😆😅😂🤣
@RadEmpoleon 8 месяцев назад
Story 4: I'm glad OP added the update at the end. Not the twist I was expecting, but good for John to have a new job where he's valued!
@LoveOnTheInsidex3 8 месяцев назад
Story 4: OP and John for the win! Love that she lost her job too.
@skatardrummer1 8 месяцев назад
I think I'm happier for John than for any other story I've heard. Good on OP helping John know his worth. Everyone deserves to be able to feed and house their family.
@lw3269 8 месяцев назад
$20-$30 for delivery of large heavy items? That is insane.
@user-kl8lo6rj5i 8 месяцев назад
Consider the risk of injury, and sometimes a torn muscle or ligament can take years to heal, if ever. That kind of work is for the young, too. As you get older, the wear and tear on the body takes its toll. Then there's the cost of gas and wear and tear on the kind of vehicle needed to transport, then the difficulty of getting stuff through doorways and up stairs. Not an easy job.
@IGSA101 8 месяцев назад
I'm a nurse, I've had coworkers come in two hours late with no reprimand by our managers. While being that late is a problem for me, I'm not so self important to not understand that in a 24 hour care facility it's far more important for us to be there at all. On that note, the latest I've been was half an hour, and that's because I broke my shoulder on the way to work.
@Josh_the_jester 8 месяцев назад
We have a state law that prohibites bosses in the service industry, to force employees to work if they're even a little sick, a boss I previously had tried to do this when I was sick with malaria that I got when I was on vacation in Florida, he said he didn't care, when I asked if he could repeat that (hint: I started recording) he said "I don't care if you're sick, you're not in high-school trying to get out of work, you're an adult with a job" I then thanked him and said I'd sue for wrongful termination if he ever fired me for refusing to come in sick with malaria, I quit after a month
@Orxenhorf 8 месяцев назад
Story 1 - The manager should have been fired immediately, not "shortly after." Story 3 - You don't go in. You let them fire you and then sue them for wrongful termination. With the doctor's note (which the doctor's office will have a copy of if they deny ever seeing it) you're practically an automatic win and getting paid for every normally scheduled shift until the court case ends.
@orangeflame568 8 месяцев назад
Also pictures really help sell to people just how sick you were, so don't forget to take them while ill if your manager is being a dick.
@nicolasjoly6948 5 месяцев назад
Story 3 - Yep... it's totally illegal to fire somebody with a doctors note. +, she quit anyway... so at least make his life a real living hell!
@DaijDjan 8 месяцев назад
Even OP in story 2 agreed with the boss technically being right - that wasn't the point. Being unprofessional and making a scene in front of coworkers - that was the point.
@randycarter2001 8 месяцев назад
Being sick while handling food is pretty bad. But having anybody sick in a customer facing role is just as bad.
@user-kl8lo6rj5i 8 месяцев назад
If not worse. This is a great way to spread illness.
@samauraipc16 8 месяцев назад
Policy these days though even with food handling you get tols to just put a mask on. I just learned at my job as long as you srent running a fever that its okay to come in with covid -.-
@zenko247 8 месяцев назад
Illegal in UK/EU ( allowing sick people handling food and drink what be a huge fine to the employer)
@samauraipc16 8 месяцев назад
​@@zenko247I wish it was the same for united states
@robertc.9503 8 месяцев назад
@@samauraipc16 It is in fact also illegal in the US.
@SeptemberMeadows 8 месяцев назад
STORY 2: When I was managing a game store, my policy was you're scheduled to start work on the hour. However I allowed for employees to clock in between 15 minutes before to fifteen minutes after their scheduled start time. If they wanted some overtime, just consistently clock in 15 minutes early every day and get an hour plus. Conversely one could clock in consistently 15 minutes past their shift start and lose as much each week, no reprimand, just out that much pay. Most employees struck a balance between the two and would break even between the amount of time early and late. Only one employee ever had an issue with showing up on time, she didn't last long. Just an immature high school kid that hadn't figured things out yet.
@AgentLadyHawkeye 8 месяцев назад
What a refreshingly reasonable policy! Just an honest expectation that people manage their time like adults and reasonable impacts if those expectations aren't met.
@SeptemberMeadows 8 месяцев назад
@@AgentLadyHawkeye It worked for my store but one can easily see where such a thing would be detrimental in other industries. In my store, opening and closing, and all cash counting and paperwork were handled by myself and my assistant manager. We both could cover each other and for other employees when needed. If this were tried in high stress industry where someone is getting forced to work an hour extra every week because a fellow worker is, by policy, clocking in late everyday.... The game store was a fun, stress free environment. Everyone loved working there and we had a large amount of good customers.
@AgentLadyHawkeye 8 месяцев назад
@@SeptemberMeadows that makes sense. It certainly wouldn't work for every situation but the idea of just... Having a little bit of flexibility built into the start times. It feels much more respectful.
@AlexOvTheAbyss 8 месяцев назад
That last story reminded me of an old job. My boss said I was on my phone too much (usually changing the song I had playing just as he happened to be walking by). Our next one on one meeting, he sat there on his phone the entire time "chatting with his buddy".
@theauthor8263 8 месяцев назад
if I had a sick employee i'd tell him "stay home and get well or be fired"
@TheCheshireMadcat 8 месяцев назад
I can't tell you how many times I worked at a place that would fire people if they didn't show up for work due to being sick. All were customer service jobs, a few were food service. The US is really bad when it comes to this. Money before people. So glad I work where I do now, if you're sick, stay home. Only called in 3 days in two years, but it's nice to know I can and get paid for it.
@crichtonbruce4329 8 месяцев назад
I've heard story 4 before and it reminds me of the second worst job I ever had: furniture company warehouse & delivery work. For us it was not just the Ahole managers but the salesmen who would constantly lie to the customers: "Absolutely this giant sectional will fit in your tiny elevator or stairwell!", and it was the delivery crew who were ALWAYS at fault when it would have taken a Star Trek type site to site transporter to make it happen.
@catherinep2034 8 месяцев назад
The salesmen on commission?
@crichtonbruce4329 8 месяцев назад
Salary + commission + yearly bonuses for the top salesmen. Ya, they were rolling in money if they were any good at selling. Most popular furniture store in the city too.@@catherinep2034
@anderssorenson9998 8 месяцев назад
Trying to make an infirm employee report to work is a crime here.
@AwkwrdPrtMskrt 8 месяцев назад
Wanda: You're fired! Owner: (plays UNO reverse card on Christine's behalf)
@christinaburney5935 8 месяцев назад
I had a boss like that first one. I was a teen working at Sonic as a carhop. I was running a fever and throwing up. It was winter with snow on the ground too. I remember puking in the trashcan right by the door with my boss screaming at me to hurry up. She didn't even want to give me time to wash my face or hands either. Another time I was told to use the window scraper to scrape all the holiday paint off our windows. I had paint all over my hands. And because she didn't want to do the windows, take out orders, or wait till we had another carhop for me to do it she expected me to run food orders with paint all over my hands. I was being yelled at and I held up my hands to show her just how black with paint they were and that I needed to wash my hands. She told me she didn't care and to take it out right now so I did. The girl in the car just so happened to be a gang member and a friend of a woman who was a single mother that my mom let live with us, and she threatened our family with a gun when I was younger. She asked to speak to a manager and complained about my dirty hands. I knew my boss was going to ream me out for the complaint even though I literally held up my dirty hands and said I needed to wash them. So I told her right away who the girl was, and that she threatened my family with a gun. Needless to say that shut my boss up. And she sent her on her way. Also, she didn't write me up for it either thank God.
@tmntfangirl4700 8 месяцев назад
Story 2 - I personally hate being late. I’m a manager for a local newspaper and for me a person being a minute or even a few minutes late is not a big deal. Being five minutes late is not ideal but I can overlook it. But being 10 to 30 minutes is not okay.
@vec306 8 месяцев назад
I had a coworker whose nickname (by her statement) Tardy Tisha.
@fdm2155 8 месяцев назад
Amazes me that the same job that goes nuts over someone being a minute or two late, thinks it's fine to demand an hour of overtime without notice.🙄
@jaylayson69 8 месяцев назад
I agree, late is late. But if policy says 5 minutes late is ok then the boss needs to back off or Suffer the consequences.
@YukoHoon 8 месяцев назад
Second story: imagine being a bish about an employee that happens to be late ONE day (out of many) ONE minute. Tell me you have far too much time without telling me you have far too much time. Fourth story: well, I don't know which kind of afterlife is out there, but OP certainly won the right to go to the best one.
@wolphin732 8 месяцев назад
Story 3: I'm the same as DarkFluff... I would have asked him clearly if he was demanding to go against my doctor's orders of bedrest and having a doctor's note. I would have called the bluff of not coming in and if I had been fired, would have gone after them for wrongful termination.
@RunnyBabbitMom 8 месяцев назад
I worked in a restaurant. My manager saw me throwing up into the trashcan, I told them I couldn't make it to the restroom. They told me I couldn't work around food in that condition so I started gathering my things, they said "I told you you couldn't work around food so go wash dishes." Half an hour later the owner called and asked to speak to me, they told me to go home since I was sick and to put the manager on the phone. The owner brought me homemade soup amd told me they were watching the camera and as soon as they realized I wasn't in my area they hunted me down on the camera and saw I was sick so they instantly knew what happened. After the manager got a butt chewing of a lifetime they never made anyone stay who was sick ever again.
@NeoLotex 8 месяцев назад
Story 2: Manager is right, late is late, but only if you apply the same rules to employees once their shift ends. If you keep them after their shift ends, because something has to be done right this moment you can shove it.
@rickhernandez7666 8 месяцев назад
True. Making public examples of workers is a sign of a dictatorial management and that’s a bad thing.
@iamalbertwesker2 8 месяцев назад
Story 2: any commenter agreeing with OP's boss is obviously out of touch bosses and managers too.
@johannahunderwood4596 8 месяцев назад
Brilliant! I especially love the furniture delivery story. She was probably making good commission on closing those sales but she was doing it by quoting less for the delivery, making her money at the driver’s expense. In any business it helps to feel and know your own value. If someone then makes a big thing about you being too expensive, it is better to decline the job than to grudgingly take less pay. This is because you will then tie up all of your time and energy doing something you despise and won’t be available to do the better paying work when it comes your way. These managers were all horrible people who abused the little bit of power they had and shouldn’t be in charge of personnel.
@RvnKnight 8 месяцев назад
Regarding the late story, in the Army we were always taught that being on time is being late and that being 15 minutes early was being on time.
@RainbugOnarainbow 8 месяцев назад
Right on time is late(and lazy), 15 mins ahead is right on time, and 30 mins ahead is respectable.
@joleenphillips2415 8 месяцев назад
The story with John the delivery guy- The first time I was lowballed like that, I'd have told that manager, "I'm not accepting any more delivery jobs from you. You can find another sucker or do it your cheap self."
@PressXForXavier 8 месяцев назад
I had TWO bosses like the first story. I had been in an accident, had a concussion, and a broken arm. Still got fired. The second one, I had severe pneumonia, and was going to get fired until I brought up legalities.
@daraphairphire 8 месяцев назад
Totally agree at the end there. If a company is trying to bleed to death, don't pick off the scabs, you need to add more bandages.
@GeorgieB1965 8 месяцев назад
Former state employee here. Contractually, statewide up to seven and half minutes after your shift officially starts you were considered to be on time. At my agency, in some departments you were considered to be on time the moment you set foot inside the building at that 7 1/2 minute mark. Conversely, once you were past that 7 1/2 minute mark, you were considered to be late. Same rules were applied for leaving at the end of your shift: so long as you didn't drift past 7 1/2 minutes, you weren't going to get yelled at for working "unapproved" overtime.
@bubbadmatt8124 8 месяцев назад
Yikes that last story sounds exactly like my last place of work. Glad I don't work there anymore!
@Kal_57 8 месяцев назад
Story 5 : OP should have asked for a raise before agreeing to come back.
@Jim-the-Engineer 8 месяцев назад
Story 2: NOT late - OP said at the beginning that the POLICY was "5 minutes within the beginning of the shift is considered on time." If it's so painful to think of giving employees that tiny bit of leeway, you probably need to find a different job.
@nancyomalley6286 8 месяцев назад
A job where these tyrants are at the bottom and have no one to bully!
@user-kl8lo6rj5i 8 месяцев назад
The place I worked for didn't allow us to be a minute late either. Morale was horrible for that and a lot of other reasons, but it paid well enough that people would stick around until they found something else.
@DozIT 7 месяцев назад
At my first job, on time was 5-10 minutes before your shift for smooth handover. That was clearly defined and we’d clock in and out when we arrived and left so no issue. You are right, he was not late, if they would like to specify a new policy where late = late, that’s fine, but it can’t be a hot headed on-the-fly change
@garysakamoto4007 8 месяцев назад
Reminds me of one of my first jobs. I went in to work already feeling sick and just started feeling worse and worse. By 10 AM I knew I was going to be really sick and went to tell my boss I was going to go home. His response was to tell me to throw up so I would feel better so I could stay at work. So I did, all over his desk. Got to leave and didn’t get in trouble.
@gwood696969 8 месяцев назад
The story about OP being a little late and the boss ragging on him. I see it from both sides and have been on both sides of the situation (as employee and as manager). I hate being late for anything and typically show up to work 15 - 30 minutes early During that time, I get everything organized for the day, get my morning tea, use the restroom and am ready to hit the ground running when it's time to start work. Other employees show up at their desk at the last moment and then grab their coffee, use the restroom, visit with friends, and finally get down to business 30 minutes after their shift starts. As a manager, one has to enforce rules. For a lot of people, the old adage, "Give them an inch and they will take a mile", is true. If they don't get in trouble for being 1 or 2 minutes late, it turns into 4 or 5 minutes, then 5 or 10 minutes and keeps getting worse until they are counseled. OP stayed late most days and made up for the minute or two he was late, so he worked extra. He literally gave extra to the company but he WAS late. If OP isn't punished, other people notice (guaranteed other people notice) and they want to be able to be late too. If the manager doesn't counsel OP, they sure as hell cannot counsel anyone else. The only solution (in my mind) is being a little late on that rare occasion can be overlooked, but frequent lateness has to be addressed...BUT...technically...late is late and should be treated as such.
@larrywest42 8 месяцев назад
Story 3: absolutely agree the manager was a prick ... but the people - _you've heard them_ - who brag about calling in sick when they totally aren't are part of the reason we can't have nice bosses.
@shirothefish9688 8 месяцев назад
few people brag about fake sickdays Everybody's had a shit manager. You can fire the bad employees without punishing the good ones.
@barongeoffrey75 8 месяцев назад
@@shirothefish9688 but if the number of bad employees increases i can become hard not to suspect everyone
@deborahdicesare9042 8 месяцев назад
If you’re so petty that you get your panties in a twist because someone is 1 minute late, you don’t deserve to be a boss.
@crypticghost21 8 месяцев назад
I love it when Karen Managers get screwed over for trying to screw other people over 😂
@BloodThirstyAvengers 8 месяцев назад
Karen: I'm gonna screw you over! Employee: *Slams a card onto the table.* Karen: What the heck is an Exodia? Employee: Oh, my bad. *Slams another card down.* Karen: Uno Reverse?! NOOOOO!
@crimsonmaelstrom573 8 месяцев назад
@@BloodThirstyAvengers”what’s an Exodia?” Well, let me show you! Exodia…OBLITERATE!!!
@levolos6655 8 месяцев назад
Like I get that it’s not good to be late but if you’re scheduled for a shift directly after your classes end sometimes it can’t be helped. Especially since sometimes classes run late and walking out could lead to you missing important information whereas I think being one minute late (when corporate the ones who make the rules say you can be five minutes late) shouldn’t be a super big deal. If it’s consistent talk to both your boss and professor but if it’s occasional it’s just something out of your control. If nothing else send a text saying that you’re gonna be there a minute past if your manager thinks it’s a big deal.
@scottwestleysmith3196 8 месяцев назад
Story 2 -- A lot of people would say that late is late, but the thing that you have to ask is whether or not the guy has a reason to be late? It's not like he was partying late at night and ending up with a hangover in the morning. The guy was seriously busy. Give him a break.
@theauthor8263 8 месяцев назад
Story 3. the manager should be sacked
@Rosedawn321 8 месяцев назад
My mom was an elementary teacher and union rep who worked for a “wicked witch of the west” principal. If she was late by even 1 minute, she was docked 15 minutes. Mom was the type of teacher to stay after to do all her grading and prep for the next day. Sometimes she didn’t get home until 5:00! Teachers are just expected to voluntarily work after paid hours are over with no further compensation.
@stinkertonsden 8 месяцев назад
Story 4 makes me so happy. This is the content/malicious compliance I'm here for!
@kerribottriell-baxter7345 8 месяцев назад
I LOVE that John and OP got better jobs in story 4!
@MisplacedPixie 8 месяцев назад
I love the poison ivy story since I can relate to it so very well. My husband and I had gone fishing on the banks of a river in Georgia but the fishing wasn't that good despite us walking a mile along the river and by the time we gave up and packed it in darkness had fallen. On the walk back I missed a step and went tumbling and sliding down the steep bank towards the river. I grabbed at roots and rocks in the darkness and stopped just as my feet splashed into the water. I used my fingers to monkey climb back up the bank laughing about how lucky I was not to fall all the way in. I would have been luckier if I had because I had been climbing with my hands through poison ivy. I worked in a sewing factory where they made men's formal wear and I was a serger which required turning the cloth under a very large needle while guiding it along a very sharp blade. I called in and told them I was in the ER on Monday due to poison ivy. They left me alone until Tuesday then demanded I go to work. There were not many people wiling to train for the serging machine because it was very hard to make production, no less a profit, on it. They said I'd be fired. I went in. The doctor had woven the bandages between my fingers then round and round my hands like great bulky mittens to prevent me scratching at the oozy mess that was my hands. They didn't want to fire me, I was too valuable but didn't want to lose face either so they didn't let me go home but sat me at a broken machine that needed repairs doing nothing until I could use my hands again days later. I was paid minimum wage for sitting there though of course I wasn't making production. Man, that was such a toxic workplace!
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan 8 месяцев назад
Sick Call Story: OP should have called the Owner when Wanda told OP to show up or be Fired... Bonus Points if OP barfs in the toilet while on the phone with the Owner... 😄😁😆😅😂🤣
@JadenYukifan28 8 месяцев назад
Wanda got in trouble anyway, so karma wins either way....
@Josh_the_jester 8 месяцев назад
Story 3: yeah I think OP should've just let his boss fire him, because then OP can collect unemployment benefits because he was wrongfully terminated
@crimsonmaelstrom573 8 месяцев назад
I would have just told him off over the phone and then asked “do I still have a job now?”
@moonshadow9280 8 месяцев назад
I had to get a new pair of glasses when my old prescription wasn't good anymore. The place opened at 11 but the staff was running a bit late. It was like 5 minute after until they actually arrived. I was a little annoyed that I had to wait but I honestly didn't think it was a big deal. Apparently the staff member needed to get gas which caused her delay.
@ILikeEggs1017 8 месяцев назад
Story 3: I would have stayed home and let the manager fire me. I would have than followed up with a wrongful termination suit.
@gagejoseph91 8 месяцев назад
I work in a gas station that is several hundred feet removed from the grocery store it is tied to. Little cubicle-like box with not much in it. A while back, we had this horrible store manager who lived having her nose in everyone's business but never wanted to actually do anything. She also regularly made up entirely random, nonsense rules on a whim that only ever made issues for the mostly-non-problematic workforce. She haaaaaaaated making trips out to the gas station if we needed anything and would find any excuse - or no excuse - to not do it. If we are low on money in the drawer, we call the store and ask for more and someone brings us some spare bills and such. Depending on the situation, less than 150 would generally be considered too low. But she refused to do so or even let others do so. My drawer would be down to like 100 in total, a bit below the acceptable amount to safely give change, and when I would ask the store for whatever amount, the manager would aggressively ask how much we have in the drawer. "100." "So you have money and don't need more stop calling and asking for stuff you don't need(hangs up)" ....Well, okay then. So, for a while, I did not call when we were low, and one day we were SO low that all we had were like 14 in singles and spare change. Someone puts 50 on a pump, only uses 15, I cannot give him his 35 in change, send him to store to get his change, get call from manager, "WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL FOR MONEY!?" "I had 14." "THAT'S OBVIOUSLY NOT ENOUGH!" "Neither is 100, but you told me it was. So I do not know what is and is not obvious." "....FINE! LESS THAN 100 IS TOO LOW, SO CALL FROM NOW ON!" "Kay." Cut to a few more weeks later, drawer is low again, 'bout 80, call the store, confirmed, more customers come up while waiting for money to arrive, lots of people paying with 50s and 100s, drawer quickly wiped out, she gets to the station and hands me money just as I am explaining to a customer I cannot give money to that money should be there shortly. She explodes. "WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL EARLIER?!?! I CAN'T JUST DROP EVERYTHING AND RUSH OUT THE MOMENT YOU CALL! CALL EARLIER SO I HAVE TIME!" "You said call only when I was below 100, so that's what I did." "UUUUUGGGGGHHH" "............So.....?" Keep in mind, the customer is seeing all of this happen. Maybe it was not wanting to make an even bigger ass out of herself in public, but she agreed to just let me call whenever I thought was best. Took the money and restocked the drawer, she sped out of the station, I gave the customer his change, and he said "That's your manager? Man, you have more patience than I ever will." and tipped me all of his change (25) and told me "Go out to eat or get a drink, on me. You deserve it for dealing with...that."
@lawrencesnodie4622 8 месяцев назад
Being a manager at one time, I do agree that late is late. That being said, if the employee is one that constantly stays past their scheduled time to help finish chores, I'd grant them a little leeway. Also, I'm sure the manager knows when the employee has school. Scheduling him right after class is on purpose. Schedule them at 3:30 instead of 3.
@JarrodKingThoughtsandTidbits 8 месяцев назад
I love that story with john, and the update as well. Brings tears to my eyes
@bryanmulcare9083 8 месяцев назад
I finally got a job at Lowe’s and I am very excited to work. Plus I am hoping there’s no complications with the customers and work. Pretty much I am very comfortable with helping people and determined to learn this company.
@DaveC2729 8 месяцев назад
I wouldn't come back to a job that was dumb enough to hire somebody like Wanda in the first place. Nothing they ever did could make that right.
@donadeavera9608 6 месяцев назад
Why dont these people report their boss to the labor board? That would close the place and definitely get them fired for life.😅
@indigowulf 8 месяцев назад
If I was the poison ivy person, I'd have loudly said, "the manager, Firstname Lastname, insisted I come in or be fired. If any of you customers are not comfortable with me handling your food dishes, you can place a complaint at (corporate number). Reminder, managers name is Firstname Lastname, be sure you mention him." Probably will get fired but he was quitting anyway, and that way you'd be able to take manager down with you.
@cherokeeirishman9612 8 месяцев назад
Careful now…what’s wrong with scorpion tattoos? I have one, it was my grandfather and my nickname in the military. We both fought very well in the sand. And earned those tattoos.
@jamesweekley1087 8 месяцев назад
Story 3: A manager with no medical credentials can get in *BIG* trouble for overriding a Dr's orders. For one thing, he's placing the company in jeopardy of facing a lawsuit and a court judgement. That kind of crap will get a manager fired with cause in a big hurry if upper management finds out, because he put all their butts in jeopardy.
@jamesbell7696 8 месяцев назад
About the "late is late" question, if you're not clocked in and a colleague isn't waiting for you so they can leave, being a few minutes late actually SAVES MONEY for the company.
@boomkruncher325zzshred5 3 месяца назад
Story 1: Unlike most Karens, I understand where this one was coming from. She was about to go on a scheduled vacation when everything that can go wrong, did go wrong. Where the Karen screwed up was by taking it out on poor sick and vomiting OP, instead of being flexible and understanding. Karen COULD have been a hero here, but she chose the path of anger and idiocy. What a shame.
@kenshinflyer 8 месяцев назад
Story 1 and 3: The bosses in these stories are clueless, heartless jerks--forcing an employee to go to work when he's puking all over the place/forcing an employee loaded with allergy sores from poison ivy (complete with doctor's order to rest) to go to work. Story 2: A good boss is asking why OP is late. Sometimes you should be reasonable depending on the circumstances of OP's tardiness. Being late because of his classes should be a consideration, but the boss, feeling threatened, ignores this. Even broke a rule about dealing with employee problems in private. Lucky for the boss that backfire was minimal. Although I could understand why some reactors on Reddit agree with the boss, since some (not all) employees use valid-sounding reasons as an excuse to be late. Story 4: Opportunistic bosses are evil. They know John is desperate for work, so they think they can afford to lowball them. Lucky for him he has OP as a friend to help him.
@gregorythomas333 8 месяцев назад
Story 1: The owner knew that OP could have sued the living shit out of him for allowing Wanda fire OP for being sick. Go on OP for not taking Wanda's crap. Story 3: I would have told the manager...right there...that "You said I had enough time & demanded I be here...so I will be...for the entire shift, Dr. Manager" Story 5: Sometimes you just have to call their bluff...just make SURE you are as good as you THINK you are. In the last two cases it was fact!
@evelynberrios8164 8 месяцев назад
Love the malicious compliance!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂
@user-kl8lo6rj5i 8 месяцев назад
It's the best!
@karmicpopcorn6440 8 месяцев назад
The petty revenge ones give me anxiety 😂 I like the I Do work here ones best, followed by I Don't work here and of course all the entitled. I've binged them 🙊
@arabesquewhyisthistakennow 8 месяцев назад
there are so many middle grounds on being late without punishments, like in my work place, we added the time we're late to the time we're supposed to clock out, and vice versa, you substract it for being early..with a limitation of 1,5 hours
@SpieleSuchti894 7 месяцев назад
threatening to fire someone on a whim over things like this wouldnt even fly in my country. this is wild to me.
@carlacook5181 8 месяцев назад
Sometimes there is a line of people trying to clock in at exactly the right time and everyone can’t possibly clock in at exactly the same time, so there are legitimate reasons for some people to clock in late.
@sandralouth3103 8 месяцев назад
I picked up so many shifts for my staff. When I was a kid if I stayed home from school because I was sick my mother had a list of chores to have done before she got home. ironing, lsundry. Housecleaning, window washing and have dinner ready for 5 people. I am and was VERY sensitive to people being sick.
@anime-mun 8 месяцев назад
In my state, punishing someone for being "one minute late" is a violation of the state's labor laws.
@lovehawks2814 8 месяцев назад
I can tell you what happened with the restaurant with the poison ivy suffering server. They got a health inspection called on them. I don't mean that as a hope for retribution, but personal experience. Even if a single fly shows up in the dining room, some over zealous person will call a complaint about sanitation. Especially in the age of Yelp. I've even seen people file complaints over raw meat, because medium rare is apparently raw. Someone walking in with oozing sores and claiming they would be fired if they weren't there? A very much earned health inspection.
@ethribin4188 8 месяцев назад
Story 2: Yes. Late is late. But that was not the problem. OP even agrees that he was in the wrong. The problem was the manager's behavior. Also. This is petty revenge. Not justified revenge.
@leareed779 3 месяца назад
I supervise a small department in a bank. I told my team that as long as they work 40 hours a week and the work is getting done, I couldn’t care less! We have zero customer contact, and I love making sure they all have a great work/life balance!
@paul16451 8 месяцев назад
I'm a supervisor working for an international company and everyone wants to work the early shift to beat traffic, which I understand, but we need the support during later hours due to not only our Asia colleagues but also the second manufacturing shift. So we unfortunately HAD to make the rule that nobody can leave work any earlier than 5pm, or start any earlier than 8am. Even if there is no actual work left (which is an extreme rarity as we have a team of 15 and work is only increasing), they have to stay for the sole purpose of being available for support questions from others relating to their work batches. That said, they do have flexibility. I don't care if once in a while they clock out a few minutes early, but seeing them leave at 4:45pm every day would be cause for concern.
@JUMALATION1 8 месяцев назад
About the "late is late" thing: I worked in a customer service job in 2022 and officially you had to be exactly on time at your desk by 8 a.m. What I realized after a couple of weeks was that there was a group chat that I got invited to that my higher boss wasn't a part off, where people often said like "oh, I'm gonna be 20 or 30 minutes late, have to get the kids to school" etc. I was fairly punctual most of the time, but one day I was one or two minutes late, because a) I was on crutches, and b) my commuter train got delayed because of snow. I immediately got a warning for tardiness from the higher boss when he saw me stumbling in on my crutches. I was so mad, considering all my other coworkers were late all the time and nothing happened to them.
@debbiehernandez5564 8 месяцев назад
Late is late story..... I had a petty boss who wanted me at my desk right at 3am but my schedule is 3am to 11am. I clock in at 3am on the dot. So I m not late. My office is located at the back of the building. I also had to check out equipment for my shift. So he decided to go to his boss about me not being at my desk right at 3am. I had explained to his boss my routine. I clock in at my schedule time if he needed me to be at my desk at 3am to change my schedule to 2:45 to 10:45. Then I could be at be at my desk at 3am. However this company does not pay me for being early. My time is not free. They left me alone after that.
@colonelrobertsjr.7882 8 месяцев назад
If an employee is on approved medical leave, can their employer contact them and threaten them to return to work early?
@TexasScout 7 месяцев назад
Regarding the late for work story, a better malicious compliance would be to show up 15 to 20 minutes early and sit there drinking coffee and playing on your phone until exactly the time to go to work While your boss has steam coming out of his ears.
@stifynbaker2914 8 месяцев назад
1 minute 'late' is NOT late, unless you have some way to enforce that everyone's clocks show exactly the same time.
@AndyJade-df6dj 8 месяцев назад
I never understand why managers demand their employees come into work when they are sick as a dog, especially in the hospitality industry. Do they want to make their customers sick as well?
@shirothefish9688 8 месяцев назад
easy: they don't care.
@AndyJade-df6dj 8 месяцев назад
@@shirothefish9688 although I remember one story a manager did end up getting sick because he ignored op’s illness at the time.
@DrTimeSCPPsych 8 месяцев назад
It's not just a Dick move to try and make someone work. When they have a doctor's note it's actually illegal
@gamergodofjustice 3 месяца назад
Im habitually 30 minutes to an hour early for work, but even i think one minute late is insane for punishment
@CassandraLane-h3u 8 месяцев назад
I would say I don't understand how people like this even get into management positions, but then on the other hand maybe they were good employees at some point, and just let the management position get to their heads so much that they turn shitty. Power corrupts, even the small fries
@GaryCole-fv2gi 9 дней назад
My mother always told me if I was 5 minutes early I was fifteen minutes late.. has no one ever heard of a flat tire, or a snow storm.
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