
Raider Nation Anthem - ZEE ( "Who Do You Love" - YG ft. Drake - Remix) 

Zee Ministries
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21 year old Artist "Zee" Performs the new Oakland Raider Nation Anthem.
Video Directed by Marcel Padilla.
Recorded in RizeNShine Studios
Instrumental Reproduced By SuaBeats
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29 сен 2024




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@audreyfranquez7258 4 года назад
Who is hear after they became Las Vegas Raiders #Raiders 🤍🖤
@jacobfornite1173 3 года назад
@athenaheffern1424 3 года назад
me !!!!!
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@nevaehchavira4116 7 лет назад
Wow this is amazing...combines my lord and my raiders 🖤💀🙏
@michaelslack5269 7 лет назад
RIGHT!!! I'm 60 yrs old, and when I'm out in the shop you can hear me bumpin this one LOUD! No wonder my neighbors look at me funny...lol! RN4L Baby!!! Jesus forever!!!!!
@kburbank9539 5 лет назад
Fuck the raiders
@jerryborges4308 4 года назад
So much hate kid your probably a ban wagon
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@beeros6496 7 лет назад
Damn man...need to make an annual Raider Nation song....maybe a whole album? I'd buy! NAIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@shimonkindred2755 5 лет назад
awesome music video go Oakland Raiders.
@paulkraft1871 9 месяцев назад
Raiders are going cook the chargers
@marcustvchannel5885 Месяц назад
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@dianamaganda321 19 дней назад
:( we got cooked :((((((
@marcustvchannel5885 19 дней назад
@@dianamaganda321 we gotta do something about the quarterback
@user-xb1cp7yu7v 16 дней назад
@globalsetdarkpool8276 7 лет назад
We the most Passionate team in sports history..... nobody got it like the RAIDER NATION
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@Schwackem99 7 лет назад
Derek carr mad history he had 90 tds in first 4 years Go Raiders
@marioacosta9231 5 лет назад
Raiders nation
@hs4a085 4 года назад
Now hes a scrub
@Wordlifebasic 4 года назад
@@hs4a085 ur a scrub
@andrewryan6531 3 года назад
I’m a Giants fan but I don’t mind the Raiders myself though, and this anthem is absolutely sick as well there people!!
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@davidmccole2785 3 года назад
Still bumping in KC in 2020 baby!!!
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@carloserrano7807 3 года назад
Update to LAS VEGASSSSS pleaseeeee
@guero74078 6 лет назад
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@victoriaharrington4430 2 года назад
@emilloalvarez6872 7 лет назад
when your almost to your destination but your carr breaks down😂😂😂
@quietninja1483 7 лет назад
Emillo Alvarez lol 😂
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@takiboris 7 лет назад
I don't watch football, but this fire lit.
@yaretziijadelyn 7 лет назад
if raiders loose i still go for em😎😄😄
@YarianaLeon-o3o 9 месяцев назад
Love 🎉
@georgehernandez313 2 года назад
We need a 2021 now
@reneegarner1591 4 года назад
@0CASPER5 6 лет назад
@Luyraz 6 лет назад
I remember zakaria from 95.7 the game play this live on radio.
@matthewgamboa9196 7 лет назад
@taawatiyo 5 лет назад
I'm gonna be here know matter how good or bad this team is #rn4l
@mathewmaldonado3570 4 года назад
Puro raider nation homie
@ashleytaylor9593 6 лет назад
Raiders rock
@IsGAdrian 6 лет назад
Las vegas raiders!!!
@parmesancheese6648 6 лет назад
Go Raiders
@DOWN64oz 7 лет назад
@mariomageno74 2 года назад
Broncos baby
@prickly_patroller_YT 4 года назад
Raiders fans go to Oakland in a Oakland Raiders game sing this song☠️
@aml42583 5 лет назад
Moving las vegas
@DEMONjayyss 3 года назад
The fact that I’m a raiders fan and my cuz is a cow boys fan
@HurricaneMatthewJr307 4 года назад
For 2019 For Raiders Anthem will be by me Hurrcaine Matthew Jr this will be a new version
@knightkillinyt4518 6 лет назад
@Torres3929 10 месяцев назад
We might be back yall(I hope)
@borntobearaider7677 4 года назад
Bro we need the new beat
@Mike-sr6gd 11 месяцев назад
20 years of bullshit im still here🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️☝️🍀
@1221rana 4 года назад
Can someone plsss give the lyrics
@agustindelgado3052 3 года назад
2028 💥💥💥❗💪💪💪🔥🔥
@makemefamous275 5 лет назад
Not a fan but this is fire
@kingkingston7959 4 года назад
Na niner gang
@billybob7902 6 лет назад
Update: king,Mack,jack,Crabtree are all gone
@jazielstulzer5829 2 года назад
Boo Raiders
@Theusualsaretoblame 6 лет назад
The delusion is strong
@adriannaperez4704 6 лет назад
@gavinstrahan9048 5 лет назад
2018, we lost marqet king, Khalil Mack, Amari cooper, crabtree, and so many more, it's sad😓
@williammartinez8598 5 лет назад
@angelochoa1908 5 лет назад
At least me have Antonio Brown now
@miguelazevedo7909 5 лет назад
But win antonio brown!! Keep calma!! This year we win the superbowl
@chaotic6972 5 лет назад
@@miguelazevedo7909 /: I don't know about that buddy you can hope
@Lj22318 5 лет назад
William Martinez fuck up pussy nigga
@ajeeeezy24 5 лет назад
My dude, can we get an updated version of this song with our current roster, that would be fire! #RaiderNation #RN4L
@rcsqweebs9452 5 лет назад
Bro that would be sick
@ericklopez-pk8st 5 лет назад
Raider nation would appreciate it
@johncarvalho8689 5 лет назад
ajeezy_24 yessssssirrr I agree with you!! I’m feening for it
@figie_bok1077 5 лет назад
Ohhhh shit bro that would be siiick
@frostbiteandfireball2919 5 лет назад
@kinggibby3213 5 лет назад
ZEE We need a new song for this upcoming season I’m hyped already #RaiderNation ☠️
@GraphkRaider 4 года назад
My new Raiders Anthem!!!!! This is for you RAIDERNATION!!!! 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ please subscribe to the channel and please share let's get this heard!!!! #raidernation #RN4L ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-yjIKX0Dyf1s.html&feature=share
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@buster9563 4 года назад
Nothings gonna stop me from loving Raiders
@austinshoemaker6072 3 года назад
@raidersandkingsforlife 3 года назад
Same die hart fan
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@RAIDERSOCAL-gj9pz 5 лет назад
We need a updated one for 2019 now 😎 this was a Sick one tho
@babyfadez 4 года назад
RAIDER SOCAL8124 maybe we in the playoff go to kanas city beat the chiefs go to Baltimore beat the ravens go to New England and beat the patriots
@rubenbanuelos8141 4 года назад
Dumb ass song
@_kaaaden 4 года назад
ruben banuelos petty ass niner fan bumping “bang bang niner gang”
@GraphkRaider 4 года назад
My new Raiders Anthem!!!!! This is for you RAIDERNATION!!!! 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ please subscribe to the channel and please share let's get this heard!!!! #raidernation #RN4L ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-yjIKX0Dyf1s.html&feature=share
@Wordlifebasic 4 года назад
@@_kaaaden smh
@2800boy 4 года назад
It’s tough making a song with lyrics about the players cuz then the song becomes outdated after only year.
@naya_xander8085 3 года назад
Lol fr tho
@richieperez9592 7 лет назад
Zee!!!!! bringen that Christian hip-hop G-funk, this song is flowing nation wide, amen Jesus. I think your gonna get invited to rap at home games half time in Oakland, i see it soon, amen!!!
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@209Twinz209 6 лет назад
Been loyal to my team since I was 3, no joke since 88' I've been a die hard. 30+ years of dedication to my team, our team. Proud to be apart of this nation, raider nation till I die, Idgaf if we're 2-14 or 16-0 loyal to my raiders not a faker! Much respect an love raider nation.
@naya_xander8085 3 года назад
Raiders since birth 1987
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@ernestomolina4453 Месяц назад
Raider Nation til the end . EST.1985 in The City Of Los Angeles California 🏴‍☠️☠️🏴‍☠️☠️🏴‍☠️☠️🏴‍☠️💪🏽
@hs4a085 4 года назад
Vegas nation stand up!! Lol
@trayjenjones7044 6 лет назад
Ik y'all love this profile pic☠
@marvinramirez3269 7 лет назад
Always feels good to be a Raider!!! Get the W get the L or the tie you already know what it is till I die!! Raider nation baby...
@mixalilopez6963 2 года назад
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@marijaneramirez7769 6 лет назад
I was a Raider fan ever since I was born my dad took me to my first game when I was like 4 months old
@eddythreesix5272 4 года назад
moghty red oops, you almost had it 😂😂
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@SoCalHispanic29 7 лет назад
"God over money"... I love that verse. Gospel Raider Rap!!! ⛪️ 🙌🏼🙏🏼
@cathygaston1115 7 месяцев назад
Yes 👏
@marcustvchannel5885 Месяц назад
Raiders ..!!
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@michaelramirez3112 4 года назад
"We make your home game look like a Road game....thats right RAIDER NATION IS EVERYWHERE
@victoriaharrington4430 2 года назад
Yes sir
@victoriaharrington4430 2 года назад
Yes sir
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@glennaguilar2339 6 лет назад
the Day my brothers passed away it was the worst day of my life that stil is the worst day, that day from all you wonderfull raider nations send there heart felt condolences by the thosands that day my brothers were known bye the Raider Brothers!! love you Raider Nation!! god bless you all!! go Raiders!! ;.)
@dianamaganda321 6 месяцев назад
The raider brothers 😢 that’s an extreme name
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@e.garcia9037 7 лет назад
Im a charger fan but i have to admit this is a sick raider anthem. What a way to get pumped before game time raider fans 👌
@Abk160 7 месяцев назад
Should see the new one if you think this one is sick! And yes Ik im replying six years later 😂
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@matchen2265 5 лет назад
My dude we need an updated version!! #RaiderNation ☠️🏈
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@miguelangel-xh1xj 7 лет назад
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@CaliforniaRa8er760 7 лет назад
this goes hard!!! keep up the good music...
@hotdogperson2038 7 лет назад
Good job 👍🏼 my uncle Luis is on the back left in 0:33 , we are giving him a lot of crap about his drunk dancing in the background and about the raiders losing ;)
@Vivalaoh 7 лет назад
Aaaaaaye! Zee gots flow..keep that heat coming boooooy!
@erikalopez8212 7 лет назад
good song
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@josephlomas6174 4 года назад
Yo Zee can you do another one for the nation? God bless you!
@juancervantes4319 7 лет назад
We got this next season when Carr comes back ( like if you think we will do even better next season)
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@clashongamingclashroayle8982 7 лет назад
@ovr4786 7 лет назад
ClashOnGaming # CLASHROAYLE ya pray for carr god bless him
@aybee8416 7 лет назад
I hope Derek Carr is OK from his injury
@ovr4786 7 лет назад
@marcusball6144 7 лет назад
carr is playing for the RAIDERS
@carrtee7560 7 лет назад
ClashOnGaming # CLASHROAYLE agh
@angelballesteros8340 7 лет назад
I want to blast this at a Raiders vs Cowboys game
@eliyazzie1483 4 года назад
Pretty sure raiders gonna lose
@undisputederarocks4501 4 года назад
@@eliyazzie1483 again
@Punchoutmaster1 4 года назад
Eli Yazzie you sure about this year lmao 😂😂😂
@eliyazzie1483 4 года назад
@@Punchoutmaster1 yup very sure😂
@Punchoutmaster1 4 года назад
Eli Yazzie basically stole players from your team and Whats going on with Dak Prescott 😂 pure comedy
@juanmendiola6356 7 лет назад
iTunes. I want to buy this song
@KV610Brainsikk 7 лет назад
Juan Mendiola search youtube video converter and get it free
@diananunez4245 7 лет назад
jayhs how do you do that? (video converter)
@rosemenendez5496 7 лет назад
jayhs o
@marlenepoorbear9595 7 лет назад
I love raiders
@0CASPER5 6 лет назад
@ch1no134 5 лет назад
@evaaliciaelanamoncadaduke9624 5 лет назад
Omg raiders are the bestttt.💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@drevingames5748 7 лет назад
Raider Nation
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@Angel-xb2rw 7 лет назад
This is the best song in the world
@thegiftoflife1809 7 лет назад
More A jey so true
@anthonysantiago2645 7 лет назад
More A jey the one that ice cube made is one of the best ones tbh
@jasonflores8545 7 лет назад
thay suke
@jasonflores8545 7 лет назад
thay suke
@jrmares24 7 лет назад
Jason Flores u suk
@shimonkindred2755 6 лет назад
this video so awesome gets me pump up for every Oakland raiders game
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@wayneosborne9673 7 лет назад
Praise God for our brother Zee
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@joshgarcia1577 4 года назад
I know there there trying to take us to Vegas but we are always oakland raiders
@kellyackerman4364 6 лет назад
Gooooooooooo Raiders ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@careyplascencia6928 7 лет назад
This was pretty good. Have to bump it. #Raiders
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@slimshadie559 7 лет назад
On Repeat!!!!
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@uriahsavage6815 7 лет назад
I let my nerf gun listen to this and now it turned in to a glock
@JesusRodriguez-sd8pu 7 лет назад
Dope track Raider Nation
@TheReuter 7 лет назад
Raider Nation all the way to Malmö Sweden!
@isaacromo9188 7 лет назад
@saramcgee9711 6 лет назад
Let's go Raiders
@glenyeseniarobles1587 6 лет назад
Jesus Rodriguez Alomjhjhsbs
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@angelornelas43 5 лет назад
Need an update for 2019 🙌🏻
@xwillis1988 4 года назад
Please bless us with an updated song, I can’t bump this song on sundays anymore please 🙏🙏🙏
@ramidimes5307 4 года назад
Ayee he jus did
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@scottycamera 7 лет назад
Good shit man, usually fans don't make something this good!! This is dope man! Keep it up bro. Go Raiders...
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@briannealvarez7218 7 лет назад
Amazing God Bless you!!!
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@erikalopez8212 7 лет назад
how do u buy this
@James_Marano 5 месяцев назад
Cuz Jesus is King If you do not believe him now you will later 😂😂🔥🔥
@eRosales95 5 лет назад
Anybody here in 2019??
@mariadoria5716 5 лет назад
I’m here
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@rickygonz2860 2 года назад
@aaronochoa-hughes4991 7 лет назад
Fallon Smith brought me here.....I like it
@JumpmanJay209 7 лет назад
Aaron Ochoa-Hughes me too with her fine ass
@larrytaylor7905 7 лет назад
that's shit hard...R4L
@anabelsantos5626 4 года назад
Love this song raiders rule
@britneywood77 3 года назад
Raiders suck
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@khloielayden6292 2 года назад
This is my hip hop song I did it on stage and it was such a fun song to work with
@PugFitNation 6 лет назад
Be blessed good stuff Job 37:18 genesis 1:5-8 Revelations 4:6 revelations 15:2 Firmament son.
@gudino209 7 лет назад
"derek carr the mvp" ........ lmao 😂😂😂😂
@Psychobulbasar 7 лет назад
gudino209 he should be an mvp is a leader of their team and one of the best players in the league and derek carr was obviously the best qb and leader
@deletedacc4715 7 лет назад
Psychobulbasar He's the 2nd and I'm a Raider fan
@RaiderM559 7 лет назад
if he didn't break his leg noo bull shit we would of smack the shit outta Houston they fucken trash they got lucky we be back next year 💯 #raidernation
@michaelarbios1411 7 лет назад
this is pretty dope no matter what happens this season raiders fans should be proud really bummed Carr got hurt the raiders had something special going.
@JoseAguilar-rq9cr 7 лет назад
Michael Arbios ain't over yet
@kvngs213 7 лет назад
Jose Aguilar yeah it is
@deletedacc4715 7 лет назад
Michael Arbios Next Season boii is our season Gonna be Unbeatable 😏👌
@michaelarbios1411 7 лет назад
Pedro Espinoza yep I'm sure next season will be better with Carr healthy hopefully this is a Superbowl contender on paper.
@deletedacc4715 7 лет назад
Michael Arbios Fr Carr will come better this season they made people get boners next season he's gonna make them explode their nuts (no homo)
@briansolorio4968 5 лет назад
@Servant44 Месяц назад
🙏 To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations Luke 24:47 KJV and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem. - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds) Luke 13:3 KJV I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.] ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬ and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.] - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins John 8:24 KJV I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.] ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬ and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.] - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬ for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.] Acts 10:43 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.] Romans 10:10 KJV‬ For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.] - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins) Proverbs 10:12 KJV Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.] ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.] - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) 1 Peter 4:8 KJV And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.] ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬ And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.] - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins) 1 John 1:9 KJV If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.] Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬ He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.] - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins) Acts 2:38 KJV Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭ Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬ And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.] - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins) ‭James 1:16 KJV‬ [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren. ‭James 5:19 KJV‬ Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;] James 5:20 KJV Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.] (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins) - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins) ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬ And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.] ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬ but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.] (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins) ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬ Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.] Luke 17:4 KJV And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.] - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins) ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬ [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him. Mark 13:13 KJV And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]
@coniegonzalez7155 4 года назад
@ShogunX11 3 года назад
The first and only "Nation" in the nfl. It's an insult when other teams try to use it
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