
RE: NS is Socialism | Responding to your counterarguments and Further Explanation 

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This is my response to people's criticism from yesterday's video. It may be the first of many, depending on how people take this one. I would like to ask that you watch the full video and consider everything being said. Link to yesterday's video: • National Socialism WAS...
Like to dislike ratio for yesterday at approx time of this video being uploaded is 1,935 likes to 1,242 dislikes.
If you disagree with my definition of "Socialism" (public-sector state control of the economy/means of production) you may want to check out my more recent "Public vs Private" video, where I showed the history of the terms, starting in Ancient Greece and Rome, and moving all the way to the present day. Link • Public vs Private | Th...
This video is discussing events or concepts that are academic, educational and historical in nature. This video is for informational purposes and was created so we may better understand the past and learn from the mistakes others have made.
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History isn’t as boring as some people think, and my goal is to get people talking about it. I also want to dispel the myths and distortions that ruin our perception of the past by asking a simple question - “But is this really the case?”. I have a 2:1 Degree in History and a passion for early 20th Century conflicts (mainly WW2). I’m therefore approaching this like I would an academic essay. Lots of sources, quotes, references and so on. Only the truth will do.
Check out the pinned comment below for more information, notes, links, and sources. Also, please consider supporting me on Patreon and help make more videos like this possible / tikhistory



13 авг 2018




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@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
*PLEASE READ* I’ve replaced my original pinned comments in BOTH videos because people either ignored them completely (pinned comments is where I list my sources, not the description as many of you claimed) or because I wanted to address many of the criticisms that people had about these videos. Since comments can only be so long, I’ve had to split this into sections. So please make sure you check out the comments below this one. Sources will be listed in the following post, as are links to a couple of videos etc. First of all, the National Socialist economy and society in Germany was absolutely not capitalist (no matter how much people scream at me that it is). After crushing imports and exports in 1933-1934 in order to promote Autarky and rearmament, party officials were basically in every shop and business, providing them with goods or foreign currency, and dictating policy etc. On top of this, Autarky crushed imports and exports, causing the end of trade, helping to isolate Germany from the globalized economy. All this caused a massive economic crisis in 1934, but to quote Tooze's Wages of Destruction - "...in practice the Reichsbank and the Reich Ministry of Economic Affairs had no intention of allowing the radical activists of the SA, the shopfloor militants of the Nazi party or Gauleiter commissioners to dictate the course of events. Under the slogan of the 'strong state', the ministerial bureaucracy fashioned a new national structure of economic regulation." - P112 "It would be absurd to deny the reality of this shift. The crisis of corporate capitalism in the course of the Great Depression did permanently alter the balance of power. Never again was big business to influence the course of government in German as directly as it did between the outbreak of World War I in 1914 and the onset of the Depression in 1929. The Reich's economic administration, for its part, accumulated unprecedented powers of national economic control." - P113 And this was 1934. So this was absolutely not capitalism. And if it's heavy state intervention, with a planned centralized economy, without being capitalism, what could it be? A commenter critical of what I was saying (Adrian Mahon) said that my definition of socialism was wrong, and that - "It's about power relationships and shifting these to the workers" Ok, I absolutely agree with what he’s saying there. From an ideological perspective of what was defined by Marx, that's a fair assessment. And I don't disagree - I never have done. But, there's an issue with this definition historically. And people have given other definitions (revolutionary vs non-revolutionary, “seizing the means of production” etc). In fact, socialism doesn’t have “one” definition because as Evans wrote - “When an intellectual historian reads Hobbes’s Leviathan or Marx’s Das Kapital, it is not in order to use their writings to reconstruct something outside them, but in order to construct an interpretation of what they mean or meant. There are indeed many interpretations of these thinkers’ ideas, not least because the systems of thought Hobbes and Marx established were so wide-ranging that they never became completely closed.” - Evans, R. “In Defence of History.” Granta Books, Kindle. So, let’s not pretend that socialism is a fixed definition. Now, some of you also have this concern - "We are seeing a rise of fascism; to 'revise' the meaning of socialism plays to a particular audience that (I'm hoping) you don't want." - Adrian Mahon. I agree, and I absolutely don't want to see a rise in fascism or National Socialism. I cannot stress this enough. I've already said a couple videos back that I'm doing a Holocaust documentary because I'm sick to death of people preaching Holocaust (and Holodomor) denial. It's sickening. So, do not think I'm at all promoting either ideology. Several people claimed I was ‘redefining socialism’ so I could deny the Holocaust. No idea where that came from. And actually, by saying that National Socialism wasn't socialism - this actually plays into the National Socialist and denialist hands. Now, at first you might think - why? Well, let me explain with a bit of history - Hitler genuinely believed in his version of 'socialism', and thought it was a form of 'socialism'. It doesn't matter if you think that it's socialism or not at this point, just run with it. So, when Hitler comes to power in 1933, he 'socialized' the German economy by removing the Jewish influence from government etc and imposes his version of 'socialism'. And this actually caused an economic crisis by 1934 as a result. This was due to Autarky and armaments spending (see the previous quotes in my above comment which are linked to this). With the 'socialization' of the people, he removed Jews from society, and heavily restricted trade, ending capitalism. And he geared up for war. Military spending was less than 1% of the budget in 1933, and was 10% in 1935. This was “- a bigger and quicker increase than ever seen before in peacetime in a capitalist state.” from Rees, L. “The Holocaust: A New History.” Penguin Books, 2017. Page 92. Now, why would he do this? Is it just for military conquest? Or is there some sort of underlying motive? And yes, there's an underlying motive. Going back to Mein Kampf, what he see is his version of Nationalism (which is entwined with his 'socialism'). As a brief explanation - he thought that the species shouldn't mix breeds. And that Aryan peoples built nations. However, the reason he thinks nations collapsed in the past had nothing to do with war etc; it was all because the Aryans interbred with the lesser races. In Hitler's mind, the dilution of Aryan blood would weaken the race, and bring down the nation. Yes, complete lunacy, but there's little doubt he thought this. And he honestly thought that the Jews were the absolute worse race, and the fact they didn't have a nation of their own (at the time) proved his theory right. In Mein Kampf, Hitler says that the Jews were like parasites who would latch onto Aryan nations and dilute Aryan blood with their own blood by interbreeding. Therefore Hitler thought that the Jews had to be removed from society to prevent the Aryan German blood from being diluted, and thus causing the downfall of the German race. However, there's the Marxist problem too. In Hitler's mind, the Jews were championing Marxism. The reason was stated as: if they made everything equal and classless, this would give the Jews the best chance to interbreed with everyone and thus bring about the fall of humanity. Yes, it's ridiculous, but that's where he went with it. So, you can see why he hated Bolshevism so much. He thought that international communism would allow the Jews to destroy the Aryan races. He therefore decided to take action and beat the Jews before they beat the Aryans. This is why he wanted to go East. He viewed the Slavs as slaves owned by the Jews. But if they conquered the Soviet Union, rid the Jews from society, the Slavs would serve the master German Aryans for a 1,000 years. Now, Adrian Mahon said "Can we agree agree on what 'socialist' means (hint: it's not state intervention). It's about power relationships and shifting these to the workers" Ok, but let's look at what Hitler thought for a moment. Hitler thought that 'socialism' was about power relationships too. The difference was that he thought the way to solve the issue wasn't by having the workers rise up. But actually by removing the Jews. (I know this isn't socialism as Marx defined it, but stick with me for a bit longer) If he removed the Jews, then the power relationships wouldn't happen. The Aryan race would all work together as a collective to better the German nation - the elites would help their fellow men, and the workers could rise to the top. Hitler does say that the ladder still exists because individuals should be able to climb up if they're better than others. That would actually help the race because supposedly the better elements of the race would rise upwards. (And you do have quite a bit of social movement in the National Socialist era of Germany, so it's not completely correct to say he was just saying this stuff.) Now, this Hitler-version of 'socialism' is actually mixed with his Nationalism. Hitler redefined this to mean that the state was the absolute embodiment of the race (his 'Nationalism'). However, the two are intermixed. You can't have one without the other. The state/people need to remove the Jews, and the state/people need to work together. Now, if you keep this idea in mind - that the Nationalism and the Socialism element are equal and the same - look what happens when we consider the history of the time: When you think of the trains taking people to the forced labour camps, the concentration camps, the death camps etc, what you have to remember is that, this absolutely wasn't free-market forces doing this. This was a systematic industrial mass-killing, controlled by the state (hence my "intervention in economy and society" bit), and I would absolutely argue that this could not have happened to this extent in a free-market capitalist economy. How would a business market "Murder of Racial Minorities on a Mass Scale" in any capitalist society? It just wouldn't happen to this extent. Yeah, you have persecutions and murder during wartime etc, but not mass-industrial-scale-murder.
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
This is why I'm not backing down on this issue. By being a state-controlled racist-socialist entity, events like the Holocaust can absolutely be explained. A racist free-market-capitalist entity actually gives the Holocaust deniers more room to deny the event, because they can say "there's no way they systematically murdered this many Jews". Under the traditional 'let's see National Socialism as a capitalist regime' mentality, you can't explain it because the markets wouldn't create it, and no individual human being could possible murder people like that. So in this scenario, the denier-argument reasoning sparks as true (at least, to those who haven't done research). But if you turn around and say, actually it does make sense because these guys weren't just racists in a free-market society, but they believed in different collective groups, and that (in this outlook) individual human beings have no meaning (since we're all a collective of groups), so murdering groups is alright. And then you realise that these National Socialists didn't think for themselves because they were part of a collective group. So if they're ordered to kill, they will! Because who are they to question anything? Why would they go against their Aryan group? And if they don't view other human beings as individuals but as ants to be crushed, or just pure numbers, or even barcodes... then it's much easier to see why, in a state controlled collectivist society, why systematic industrial murder is actually possible. At that point, it becomes much harder to deny the events in question. Now, onto what socialism was by people’s definitions in the comments. The ‘socialism’ they’re championing never actually happened in practice. They talk about ‘real’ socialism, often saying that “well, ‘real’ socialism never happened”. But looking back on history, the theory of socialism as Marx said it was never happened, but numerous attempts to create socialism did occur. To say they’re not socialism is not fair to history. The Soviet Union wasn’t a ‘socialist revolution’. The Bolshevik Party seized the means of production; the workers didn’t. They didn’t solve class conflict - the Party or the state employees became the new upper classes of society - and there was definitely not equality. They also introduced the New Economic Plan (limited capitalism), but also, even when they attempted to ‘socialize’ the people in the collectivisation of the 1930s (inside the famine that was a direct consequence of the state ‘taxing’ the produce off the peasants in the fields) the state was the controller of the economy and society, not the workers. You also have a slave economy in the Gulag system, which is similar in some ways to the forced labour camps and the concentration camps of National Socialist Germany, which clearly indicates that the equality and liberty that Marx was aiming for wasn’t a reality. So, by the definition used by everyone else ‘in theory’, the Soviet Union wasn’t socialist. When you consider that Venezuela was socialist - again people say this wasn’t ‘real’ socialism. But it existed. When you consider the socialist policies of the Labour Party in Britain, the Scandinavian countries, Western Europe, Cambodia, China and so on, you can certainly make the case that these weren’t ‘real’ socialist countries or policies. However they existed, and they tried to implement the ‘theory’ of socialism, and they instead created a version of socialism that is very much real in history. You can say these weren’t ‘real’ socialisms, and that’s great for a political debate, but from a historical debate, these were real and they were socialisms - by the historical viewpoint of history. And, since I’m looking at history not theory, I’m interested in defining socialism as what actually happened, not discussing the theory of it. Hitler’s version of socialism isn’t Marxist Socialism, and I’m not saying it is, but it is (by historical standards) a version of socialism. Hitler’s socialism variant is: directly influenced by what Marx said; he changes this to come to a different conclusion; he implements it in history; it is not capitalism; it shares many of the same traits as the other ‘socialisms’ that existed in history; and it supports the Holocaust and other National Socialist policies that, on the surface, don’t make much sense because they’re being viewed from the ‘they’re capitalist’ viewpoint. Is the National Socialist Party left-wing or right-wing? That’s up to you to decide. I would suggested they’re a mix between the two sides, and I avoided creating a different political spectrum in the videos for this reason (although I split it up into different categories). Did National Socialism ‘work’? Not really. As the two quotes I quoted from Tooze show, the economy by 1934 was in the gutter, which is another reason war was on the cards because they had to conquer more territory and resources, and enslave a lot of people, in order to make it work. Now, what does this mean for ‘real’ socialism (Marxist Socialism)? Well, this is absolutely not an attack on socialism. Nothing I have said has been against socialism in general. Just because Hitler was a socialist, doesn’t make all socialism bad. That would be like saying “Hitler was a politician, therefore all politicians are bad”, which is clearly not a logical way of looking at it. And I’m absolutely not implying that socialism doesn’t ‘work’, by bringing up the ‘failed’ socialisms of the 20th Century. Looking to the future, there’s no reason to think that because socialism didn’t work so great in the 20th Century that it couldn’t work in the future. Yes, some of what I said in the videos was wrong - the liberalism/conservatism bit in the 19th Century in the second video were flipped around (it’s been over a decade since I last studied that stuff and the video was off the cuff). I also mentioned Manstein as being a star general. This is true, but he was actually the exception, and was really the only “von” (aristocrat) that Hitler trusted (until 1944, when he was dismissed). Generals like Model and Zeitzler were favoured over the Prussian officers because these represented the new generation of ‘socialists’ that had worked their way up the ranks. But again, that was in the quick off-the cuff response video. Overall, the points I raised about National Socialism being a version of socialism still stand. And, to those who say that “I’m not listening” or have gone out of their way to suggest that I shouldn’t cover politics again because I’m “ignorant” (which is a polite word compared to what some have used), you’re not being fair. When covering WW2, battles and the Holocaust etc, it’s impossible to stay out of politics, economics and society, since they’re all linked. Plus, I have studied this stuff, and will continue to do so. I’ve now re-read Das Kapital (after a decade) and it hasn’t changed my view on all this at all. *(Selected) Bibliography* Notice the word “selective”. I studied this in college and university, and therefore don’t have access to all the books I used back then. The books listen below are directly in reference to the above topic, and below them is a link to the list of books I have on WW2 and the surrounding period. Brown, A. "How 'socialist' was National Socialism?" Kindle, 2015. Geyer, M. & Fitzpatrick, S. "Beyond Totalitarianism: Stalinism and Nazism Compared." Cambridge University Press, Kindle 2009. Grand, A. "Italian Fascism: It's Origins and & Development." University of Nebraska Press, 2000. Evans, R. “In Defence of History.” Granta Books, Kindle. Hitler, A. "Mein Kampf." Jaico Publishing House, 2017. Hobsbawm, E. "The Age of Extremes: 1914-1991." Abacus, 1995. Kershaw, I. “Stalinism and Nazism: Dictatorships in Comparison.” Cambridge University Press, Kindle 2003. Tooze, A. “Wages of Destruction: The Making & Breaking of The Nazi Economy.” Penguin Books, 2007. For a complete list of books I own on WW2 and similar, see this link - docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/114GiK85MPs0v4GKm0izPj3DL2CrlJUdAantx5GQUKn8/edit?usp=sharing
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
Links to other people’s videos that are interesting: The Irish Marxist Leninist’s “The Nazis Were NOT Socialist - Response to TIK” video. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vaA_hix9E9k.html this was good, but fails to understand that the National Socialists weren’t capitalist, and doesn’t grasp that this isn’t Marxist Socialism. Blitz of the Reich’s “Nazism is not Capitalist nor is it Socialist... it's something else (TIK Video Response)” ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-go9lP1vZL8I.html this was very good. I don’t necessarily agree that it wasn’t socialism, but he makes a very good argument for it being neither capitalism or socialism. Highly recommend his channel. Hitler and Economics | Thomas E. Woods, Jr. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-17DkMDvKqw0.html This is a “conservative” institution talking about the National Socialist economy. Yes, it’s biased (just like all sources), but it makes it clear that this wasn’t capitalism. There were other response videos too, but these pretty much covered all the points. Links to interesting articles that claim that National Socialism was not Socialism (which I linked in the original pinned comment, but nobody seemed to see that and thought I wasn’t taking in what other people were saying) - “Hitler was not a socialist, even if he did stash champagne” www.telegraph.co.uk/history/11655230/Hitler-was-not-a-socialist-even-if-he-did-stash-champagne.html A good example as to why you shouldn’t trust the traditional media for your information. “An entirely Americentric argument, spurred on by certain batty ideologues and infamous websites, claims that Adolf Hitler was not the far-right, anti-communist nationalist that everyone else remembers him to be, but rather an egalitarian socialist.” rationalwiki.org/wiki/Hitler_and_socialism [This page was last modified on 8 August 2018] Hitler was anti-communist, so not sure where the author of this page got that idea from. But being anti-communist does not make him an anti-socialist. “Man says Nazis were socialist, gets schooled by history writer” www.indy100.com/article/nazi-socialist-right-wing-white-supremacists-history-twitter-mikestuchbery-7900001 Yes, except the history writer in this case thinks fascism and national socialism are the same thing. They are not. Thanks for watching and reading!
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
Adrian Mahon - ok, agree to disagree.
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
"You keep making ideological explanations. Hitler said that, hitler thought this." Yes because this is relevant to what National Socialism was. Marxist doctrine was not relevant to National Socialism. I don't know why this is so hard for people to grasp. It's as simple as that. "Capitalism is a real economic system, socialism is a different and separate economic system, social-democracy are certain government regulations under capitalism to smooth out existing class struggle." Here we are: your definition of what constitutes socialism does not include democratic socialist countries. The Labour Party in Britain did not get rid of private property. However, they were socialist. Similarly, the National Socialists in Germany did not get rid of private property for the Germans, but they were still socialists. Bismarck introduced socialist policies - these were socialist policies. But not by your definition. People have defended the Soviet Union (even though they had private property and the capitalist New Economic Policy) because they're willing to make exceptions for that, for some reason - that reason being they're willing to defend the USSR's un-socialism because it fits into their Marxist Socialist ideology. This is the problem: I'm not discussing history with people who are interested in history, I'm discussing history with people who are talking specifically about the ideology of Marxism. This isn't about Marxism - this is about National Socialism and the wider-socialist movement, not Marxism. If I said "Hitler and Marx shared the EXACT SAME ideology" then you have a point. But I've NEVER once said that at all. Socialism is not just Marxism. "So tik, nazi germany was capitalist and anti-capitalist at the same time?" It's not capitalist. I've not said it was. You're trying to make out that it is 100% capitalism, but you're not considering the historical reality. "So nazism is marxism and not marxism at the same time?" No. It's not Marxism. I'm not trying to say it's Marxism. I am saying it's a form of socialism, that isn't Marxism. We know that 'socialism' as a concept came before Marx - he didn't invent it. So when you say "but Marx said" - it's completely irrelevant. This isn't capitalism. It isn't Marxist Socialism. It's National Socialism, which is historically a form of socialism, just like the Labour Party in Britain, the socialist parties in every other country in the world, and so on. They may not be "real" socialism to a Marxist, but historically they are still socialism. "What you are suggesting is to water down definition of socialism as much as anyone has abused that word in his interests or due to his ignorance." I'm saying what it is historically. THIS is the point. This is a history channel; I view things from a historical perspective. Definitions evolve, and I absolutely do view National Socialism as an evolution of Marxist Socialism, just like Christianity was an evalution from Judaism. To say Christianity is not part of the Abrahamic religions would be to deny the historical reality. Similarly, to say National Socialism wasn't a form of socialism is to deny the historical reality.
@admiralscheer5325 5 лет назад
TIK not only are you ignoring half his comment but you also unpinned this AS SOON AS HE POSTED IT
@jeffrnyquist 5 лет назад
In the 19th century the liberals were the ones in favor of capitalism. Conservatives were Tories, aristocrats or monarchists - like Disraeli in Britain, or Bismarck in Germany. They were not “leave alone” Capitalists.
@dingledooley9283 4 года назад
The conservatives were willing to leave the mill owners to their own devices ie. Allowing the exploitation of the working classes while the liberals were trying to achieve a more mobile class system, you are both right and wrong.
@lordhigglebottum8377 4 года назад
@Lics Norgi Capitalism has nothing to do with freedom. It is all about property and its relation to the State. Freedom and or liberty are their own entities.
@juliantheapostate8295 4 года назад
How does Robert Peel fit into that, the Tory who practically founded free market economics?
@ddandymann 4 года назад
Exactly, TIK uses modern political definitions and creates a false dichotomy with the past that did not exist at the time.
@cleanerben9636 3 года назад
It's more like; "please leave it alone because I want to keep using child labour in the factories I inherited. Here, have a bribe"
@Zurvan101 5 лет назад
National socialism is a collectivist ideology. It is clearly a form of socialism, just not the form of socialism that most socialists want. It is however one of the two inevitable results of centralised control of the economy and collectivisation of the population.
@lukebruce5234 5 лет назад
It's an emergency break devised by the industrialists and other capitalists to stop socialism, look even the demented libertardian degenerate Mises agreed: *_It cannot be denied that Fascism and similar movements aiming at the establishment of dictatorships are full of the best intentions and that their intervention has, for the moment, saved European civilization. The merit that Fascism has thereby won for itself will live on eternally in history. But though its policy has brought salvation for the moment, it is not of the kind which could promise continued success. Fascism was an emergency makeshift. To view it as something more would be a fatal error”_* *-Mises* Remember, viewing it as anything else would be a fatal error.
@lukebruce5234 3 года назад
@MajorLeague I doubt there is a single historian who would agree with that statement.
@lukebruce5234 3 года назад
​@MajorLeague Can you quote from this obscure "economist" Henry S. Miller? All I was able to find was one publication called "Techniques of Price Control in Fascist Italy" and the word "Germany" is not found once. Your claim that no historian claims any nexus between the two is laughable and an outright lie. You are right that John Lucacz is one of the very few scholars who claim that. It seems however that he had personal reasons rather than an actual argument (he was a self described reactionaryand of Jewish origin) and claimed such nonsense like that the backbone of the nazi electorate was the working class when all studies point to the opposite: _Sociologist Seymour Martin Lipset wrote that the typical Nazi voter was a ­middle-­class self-employed Protestant who lived on a farm or in a small community. By contrast, sociologist Richard F. Hamilton con­cluded that the upper classes (white-collar and self-employed Germans) were the bedrock of Nazi electoral ­support._ funnily enough your own source destroys your narrative of no historian claiming any nexus between the two when John himself admits he is going against the grain with that one. I read his terrible essay on fascism. His obscurantism is apparent. From his ignorant statement about National Socialism predating fascism (which he did by mentioning the party of Bohemia and Moravia not knowing the party has always been a pro-British social democratic party and always Czech and not German as he claimed), his ridiculous statements of Stalin's respect for Nazi Germany and supposed Stalin's concentration camps (neither quantifiable with any data and both made up) to his typical pro-British nonsense about the Soviet inability to win the war on their own (debunked long time ago by Glantz himself). No need to obfuscate the truth. Hitler's first finance minister was a liberal and a large scale privatization ensued short after he gained power.
@lukebruce5234 3 года назад
@MajorLeague I have never heard of Miller and after looking him up I only found his writings on Italy that are long out of print. Has he even published anything on Germany? You mentioning him earlier and not being able to quote anything from him supporting your claims is telling. I see you like to drop some random names (not just Miller but also Charles E Noyes) dating back into the 30s whose publications are long forgotten, out of print or in any way unavailable and then pretend they agree with your points and never quote anything from them. All Germa Bel, Christoph Buchheim and Jonas Scherner are of course valid sources. Your claims about Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRG) never being nationalized are laughable. Although a nominally private railway company it was indeed 100% owned by the German state. All themes of Nazism being German is a non-argument. The claim is that Nazism is a German version of fascism and not the exact same thing as Italian fascism. *Lucacz did not present that claim as contrarian in Hitler of History. He makes the case that casual reading about the war regularly made the conflation, but in works by doctors of economics or of philosophy, the imprecision of lumping them together is not present.* Does he? He clearly wrote in his essay it's a common "misunderstanding" within academia including within liberal academia. _Not only leftist political thinkers and writers but historians, too, found it proper to employ the overall term of 'fascist'. A principal example of this was the German historian Ernst Nolte massive book Three Faces of Fascism._ I am quoting his essay on this very topic that I had thought you sourced. Now you claim you are not even familiar with it. It's clear as day the guy was a pseudo-historian. Even a casual reader like me could easily see several errors in the short essay. From his inability to decipher who the Bohemian Nationalist Socialists were to his now outdated and false claims about the non-existent concentration camps in the USSR or the ridiculous claim of Stalin purposefully tried to paint Hitler as a fascist to hide that he himself is a National Socialist. *YOUR QUOTE* That is your evidence for socialism? You first define it the way it should be defined (your mistake) and not the way an obscurantist would (like the mentally deficient TIK) and then find a quote about how private business continued just fine, only with stricter rules. And of course while leaving out the inconvenient follow up: _Despite his harassed life, however, the businessman made good profits. The heavy industries, chief beneficiaries of rearmament, increased theirs from 2 per cent in the boom year of 1926 to 6½ per cent in 1938, the last full year of peace. Even the law limiting dividends to 6 per cent worked no hardship on the companies themselves. Just the opposite. In theory, according to the law, any amount above that had to be invested in government bonds-there was no thought of confiscation. Actually most firms reinvested in their own businesses the undistributed profits, which rose from 175 million marks in 1932 to five billion marks in 1938, a year in which the total savings in the savings banks amounted to only two billions, or less than half the undistributed profits, and in which the distributed profits in form of dividends totaled only 1,200,000,000 marks. Besides his pleasant profits, the businessman was also cheered by the way the workers had been put in their place under Hitler._ So not only did the private business continue just fine, it continued at the expense of workers, which is of course one of the main pillars of fascism. Why would you even quote someone to prove my point? The amount of embarrassment and dilettantism you're showing is astounding.
@lukebruce5234 3 года назад
@MajorLeague *Socialism is not when private businesses do poorly. Socialism is the state/collective remand of the means of production and my quote from Shirer touches on each element of the means and indicates state possession of those means. Your quote of Shirer doesn't negate that.* The facts that the economy was largely run by businessmen and that the businessmen supported and voted for the regime and that the businessmen did better under the regime in itself disproves and negates the ridiculous claims about Germany being socialist. If it were socialist there would not be businessmen supporting and profiting from anything, they would not even exist in the first place. *These works of Noyes and Miller are the basis of our understanding of 3rd Reich* *Source material is superior to Bel's non-academic work as a contemporary pundit making one of over 150 anti-privatization pieces and using major falsehoods at the fundamental basis of it. Not peer reviewed, not submitted to journals, not citable in academia, not highly cited like Miller.* Which works? You have yet to quote anything. Why can't I find anything about these authors and why can't you find a single quote showing that anything they have ever said even remotely corroborates your views. The only quote you provided was from Shirer which clearly supported the notion of private business playing a vital role in the German economy. Maxine Yaple Sweezy Woolston of Harvard University Press in her 1941 study concluded that the Nazi economy that it _"was thus that the capitalist class continued to serve as a vessel for the accumulation of income. Profit-making and the return of property to private hands, moreover, have assisted the consolidation of Nazi Party power"_ and that it was the business which as gotten better off at the expense of the worker: gyazo.com/a3e0edad7c54416e0e97d4b76cc7c564 The German officials were quite open to the fact and reported it themselves: gyazo.com/2dfa3131d4be5d9ea293fe4e25503498 In fact there is ample evidence the very word comes from that period of Germany: gyazo.com/5322fb3f402ccef2bfff4601176b027b *Do you have jstor I ask? It isn't possible to copy and paste from jstor.* Everyone has access, just use sci-hub. *1) Can you contest that the facts of Shirer illustrate complete state control of the means?* I am not aware of these claims. The page you sourced showed that private enterprise flourished whereas in an actual socialist society like the USSR it would have been nationalized. *2) Can you falsify that Vestag was always private and was never public and that reichsbahn was never private and always public? If so, can you admit that the claims of privatization would be impossible in both cases for these reasons of never having changed in public/private status in their history?* Not all parts of the Vestag were always private. Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks was taken over by the state in 1932 and later reprivatized. *3) What about Reichsbank? Can you contest that 3rd Reich took no privatization action on the central bank, but rather nationalized the bank of the same claim in an internationally unprecedented state takeover? Real nationalization, not a bailout: the economic chamber ran the central bank. Can you admit that this claim of banking privatization is false, due to this massive nationalization and the subordinate nationalization of smaller banks and other financial institutions in 1936-1938?* I am not aware of any privatization of the central bank however in similar manner to Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks the German government took over several major banks in the midst of the Great Depression such as the Darmstädter und Nationalbank and Dresdner Bank and these to were reprivatized later. *What about privatization? All socialism requires is for the means of production in an economy to be private. All enterprise need not be public in socialist political economy.* Of course they do, either all or at least the vast majority. *Lucacz is not a pseudo historian. You have not read his work. His historiography was lauded in Kershaw's historiography. Either way, ad hominem is fruitless. What is your disqualification of the several parties comprising each philosophy not overlapping whatsoever as well as the clear distinction - polarity - oppositeness - of 3rd Reich from Fascist Italy on the topic of public vs private possession of the means.* I have read his essay and pointed out clear falsehoods and lies throughout the thing. It was in fact you who claimed to not have read the thing. He was a self-described right wing reactionary, why would you even bring up this biased irrelevant source into the conversation?
@almcdonald8676 3 года назад
I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to have a historical analysis by a commentator who doesn’t want to argue towards a preformed conclusion
@severusdrusus8003 5 лет назад
Honestly, try getting rid of this daily debate of 'what the heck is socialism'. THE TOPIC ITSELF is a total mess even within pan-Marxist circle
@ddandymann 4 года назад
The term 'socialism' has reached the same state as the word 'fascism'. Which, as George Orwell once said, is that it has no more meaning than implying 'something bad'. With that something varying depending on who invoked the word.
@roland20002000 3 года назад
No it is very clear what socialism is. The problem is most people who support socialism don't know what it is. That's why they always say "That wan't real socialism" every time millions of people starve to death and further millions end up in slave labour camps. Yes it was real socialism.
@adamk828 3 года назад
@@roland20002000 it’s not clear what socialism is. If you do a bit of history you would know there various kinds of socialism. Socialism existed well before Marx as well
@burmiester1 3 года назад
@@adamk828 Socialism did not exist before Marx. There was no government that was created when the proletariat butchered the rich and seized the means of production before Marx created the concept. Marxists also do everything in their power to muddle the waters and confuse people about their real intentions so as to make people more likely to accept their beliefs.
@ChristopherJames1993 4 месяца назад
@@burmiester1ever heard of the French Revolution? Marxism was a version of socialism created by Marx but Socialism started in Europe in the Middle Ages. What is today called socialism was originated as Communism (from the communes it was invented in) by peasants as a way of governing themselves and getting rights.
@draj8590 5 лет назад
TiK is doing us all a huge service by stoking discussion and debate on these topics (which he states is the purpose of his channel) whether or not you agree with his assessments. Thank you TiK for being awesome!!!!!!!
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
That's the idea :) cheers Case!
@dot2562 2 года назад
It's not if he's wrong!! I don't no if he is, but if he is wrong, he's doing a disservice. 🙄
@dot2562 2 года назад
If you don't believe what I believe, the minute you disagree with me, I stop listening to you, wether your right or wrong, that's fact, no matter how much you argue your point or how right you may be.... I don't give a chit. That's people. That's life. End of day it's all pointless, until you realise
@ie.zvezda Год назад
The only thing he is stoking is the flames of misinformation in a time where misinformation is rampant
@pradyumnabanerjee3333 Год назад
@@ie.zvezda how so
@agriphalalbion115 3 года назад
Just to let you know. I have subscribed because of your argument about National Socialism being a type of socialism. Thank you. Someone had to say it.
@steviewondek Год назад
Hardly democratic socialism though is it? Do you or Dik even understand political science at all?
@agriphalalbion115 Год назад
@Stand andDeliver well I studied a couple of modules of political philosophy at uni, but most of my studies were on epistemology and phenomenology, so I'm not fully aware of all aspects of political philosophy.
@Mike-xh2vm Год назад
Same here, finally someone that speaks the true.
@cossav2560 Год назад
He just plays with definitions. There is no real debate. It's like me saying "Oranges are actually apples. I mean look closer at their similarities and well doesnt shape take importance over colour? think about it ... bla bla bla ... so you see everybody is wrong and only i am right". Tik is good for several things but for others he just goes into way too many nuances and details. So deep that you could basically argue anything.
@agriphalalbion115 Год назад
@Cos Sav I don't think he's saying NS is equivalent to S. I think he's saying that in the broad tradition of S, NS is legitimately included by logical inference. C, DS, and SD are also part of the broader socialist category, yet they are all radically different in practice and outcome. Your objection misses the point, perhaps.
@dabidibup Год назад
To paraphrase from MK: “Nazis are what the Communists would be if they had the balls to achieve their goals”
@Pasadena97- 5 лет назад
Lower, middle, and upper classes aren’t classes in Marxist senses. There’s two opposing classes, the Proletariat, being the industrial workers, and the bourgeoisie, which are the exploiting class, the business owners. Of course there’s also peasants, and petty bourgeois, but the latter two are the main ones.
@GeographyCzar 5 лет назад
"Once you've seen it, you can't unsee it." Nailed it!
@backfisch773 5 лет назад
These weren't the main points of criticism and it feels quite dishonest, to claim those 3 points, reading a lot of well constructed comments on the last video. You also don't seem to understand liberalism, but as you don't define your terms, it s hard to tell, if it is intentional.
@tomogburn2462 5 лет назад
I think its because liberalism is totally different between nations. American liberalism in the 30s and 40s, was closer to British conservatism, while British liberalism, is more like American Conservatism. Even today thats still the case. Sargon is a liberal. By American standards, Sargon is a conservative.
@backfisch773 5 лет назад
That´s why it is pretty important to define your terms early on.
backfisch773 shut up lefttard
@feuerderveranderung6056 5 лет назад
It gets even better: A Conservativ wants to protect the country as it is. A Reactionar wants to bring back things from the past. A Liberal wants a more open Society. Which means what a Conservativ, a Reactionary and a Liberal is depends on the time and the region.
@panosfasoul699 5 лет назад
I actually read a lot of comments and those three where really common. Liberalism has MANY definitions on different times.
@marioherrero6506 5 лет назад
Disculpa que no escriba en ingles, entiendo lo que dices, pero te felicito por tu canal y por tu aporte a la historia. Asi como a tu vision y revision de ella. Eres un gran aporte. Espero qe algun dia tengas subtitulos en español porque en mi opinion seria muy enriquecedor poder entender todos tus puntos de vista y argumentos para asi poder analizar tu revisionismo historico y poder compartirlos. Gracias por ejercer tu libertad de expresion y ser un aporte al debate de un periodo historico que hasta el dia de hoy, todavia se ven sus inconclusas consecuencias.
@draug7966 4 года назад
Great video TIK, don´t mind all the self-proclaimed experts in the comments. The problem is so many people don´t think further than racism=right wing. To me the right wing-left wing scale has nothing to do with racism-anti racism, they are two different things.
@TheImperatorKnight 4 года назад
Exactly. The Left are just as racist as the Right. Karl Marx hated Jews, and rants about them in “On the Jewish Question”.
@ChristopherJames1993 4 месяца назад
@@TheImperatorKnighteverything he wrote was about hatred of Jews and “Jewish capital”. So all Hitler did was a more faithful version of Marxist thinking and Social Darwinism combined if anything. The evolution of the race to the best it can be. Marxist Darwinism?
@Jonhistorymodel 5 лет назад
Thankyou for standing your ground. High respect mate.
@MrPetePieman 5 лет назад
I admire how you have tried to simplify such an immensely complicated and intense topic into one video. I think you over generalise a little bit, particularly in regards to conservatism and liberalism, but, considering the sheer scale of the topic, I think you do a good a job as possible. Looking at the comments, I feel sorry for you. How are you supposed to do a historical video explaining Nazism/Socialism when so many people commenting have such obvious political biases? Anyhow, keep up the good work TIK! Your videos always teach me something new and help me refine my own views. :)
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
Thanks Peter! Yeah, I mean, if I had more time (this being a response video) I could have gone into more depth, but it wasn't necessary. And you're absolutely right - how can I cover the history of WW2 if we misunderstand one of the major powers that's fighting it!? I can't cover the battles or the atrocities without understanding exactly what the National Socialists are all about. Sadly, a lot don't want to accept this. Also, you're right that I generalise a bit, but I also didn't have much time to make this, so forgive me! :)
@MrPetePieman 5 лет назад
TIK No problem, keep the good content flowing. On another note, Ian Kershaw's book "The Nazi Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation" has a really good chapter on how historian's views of Nazism have evolved. For example, Kershaw discussed how Nazism was viewed differently depending on the historical methodology used. A Marxist, for example, would say that Nazism was capitalism in its most reactionary and extreme form. Hannah Ardnt, however, argued that Nazism and Communism (USSR) were opposite sides of the same totalitarian coin. Ernst Nolte (who went a bit crazy in his later years), went against such a view and saw Nazism as"fundamentally anti-Marxist" in its nature. In my own view, taking influence from Nolte and Hobsbawn, I see Nazism as the most extreme form of Fascism. Nazism, unlike Italian and French fascism, placed much more emphasis on racism, anti-Semitism and the belief in a 'Fuhrer' figure. In short, Nazism had Socialistic tedancies but they were accompanied by social consevatism, an inconsistent economic theory that can be explained by Hitler's personal disdian for economics , anti-Semtism and ultra nationalism. Anyway keep up the good work and don't let overtly negative people put you off! :)
@colmortimer1066 5 лет назад
@@MrPetePieman Nice to see a positive comment in here. History, facts and logic have little use for emotion, yet we get a lot of anger here as people do not listen and become blinded by their emotions. Don't get we wrong, you can consider emotion once you understand the ideas presented to judge how you feel about it, but you first have to remain calm and consider the ideas presented. I think any who can do that will find TIK did well here, and those than can't watched 2 minutes of the video and raged.
@Gvjrapiro 4 года назад
@@TheImperatorKnight yes, a lot don't accept your false history and generalizations, because they embolden nazis
@Gvjrapiro 4 года назад
@@colmortimer1066 dude, the video is undeniably flawrd
@benlepsch2107 5 лет назад
Great video ignore the dislikes from the extremists
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
@Gvjrapiro 4 года назад
You mean people who understand history...
@lewistaylor2858 3 года назад
@@Gvjrapiro and have an agenda...
@Gvjrapiro 3 года назад
@@lewistaylor2858 nope. just understand history.
@miguel47viana30 5 лет назад
Awesome videos, just subscribed. I believe you, in this days where everyone gets offended by affiliation, could state the obvious. "Hitler was a Socialist, witch is not the same as "all forms of socialism are racist and inhumane" Nowadays a lot of people feel, like Jon Stewart put some years ago, that if you subscribe to an idea, you subscribe to everything that can derive from that idea when taken to extremes. So, when you associate Hitler with Socialism... and if i agree with a big part of some Democratic Socialist countries ideas... I am like Hitler. Following this line of thought, people get extremely defensive. Keep up the good work.
@PublickStews 5 лет назад
Your understanding of the 19th Century is just as bad as your understanding of Nazism. To say that conservatives in the 19th Century were in favor of laissez-faire is one of the most laughable and ridiculous things I've ever heard. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about and you really need to spends months or years reading before you make another attempt at stepping outside your area of expertise.
@CNYahla 5 лет назад
Yeah I like TIK stuff usually but that video is embarrassing. Conservative in 1800s were monarchist and quite skeptic of capitalism...
@Doc_Tar 5 лет назад
So, correct his assertion then. I'd be very interested in what you believe to be the real definition of conservatism.
@Saeronor 5 лет назад
CNYahla Not just of capitalism, but even of technological advancements. Anecdote alert! There's a story of a noble, who refused to allow building a railroad on his land, because, paraphrasing, "No goddamn train will whistle at me!".
@philWastell 5 лет назад
Doc Tar I would say that conservatism tends towards being broadly supportive of the contemporary status quo. An attitude to change rather than being a prescription of what's to come. So in the past it was sceptical of capitalism, that was changing the old order of social relationship, as well as bringing about a new middle class that desired to challenge the pre-eminent position of the aristocracy. Come forward a hundred years or so and the views of the middle class are now seen as conservative values. Every one wants progress but each want it to stop once they have the whip hand.
@Doc_Tar 5 лет назад
Vicky C, I agree with your observations on liberalism and liberal party as well as the Tory party in the UK. Conservatism as a political philosophy can defined separately from Conservative parties. The Great Course offers a course titled "The Conservative Tradition" that is also on sale right now. It's not too bad.\ \ www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/conservative-tradition.html
@vonOhzu 5 лет назад
Cave man brain: "Socialism addresses the inequality inherent in Capitalism by transferring the ownership of capital to the workers, thus ending the alienation of labor by synthesizing labor with the capital." Genius brain: "Socialism is when the government does stuff." Galaxy brain: "Socialism is when it has something to do with society."
@hans-joachimbierwirth4727 5 лет назад
Lobsterism! Dominance, rape and occasional dismemberment of females to keep them from running away while being raped is natural! Hail Peterson!
@vonOhzu 5 лет назад
If I took a book, and substitute "pages" with "cured pork" and substitute "covers" with "bread" I wouldn't insist the ham sandwich is still a book.
@hans-joachimbierwirth4727 5 лет назад
Now if that book was a quran, we understood that the muslims put the oppressive ruling class under burqas to liberate the arabs. Take islam and substitute "kuffar" with "icecream" and "jihad" with "free beer" to achieve world peace and socialism. If we also substitute "prayer" with "masturbation" we achieve easy to defeat jihadis because of sexual exhaustion and quite funny fridays at the local mosque.
@dondajulah4168 5 лет назад
So, of the millions of Jews that Hitler killed, how many of them were engaged in practices that marked them for extermination? Just how does a 4 year old girl, the daughter of Jewish parents who have worked as farmers their entire lives become identified as an enemy of this Socialist utopia? OK, so the Jews are just natural enemies of this socialist Utopia and so must be marked for extermination, how about the Slavs? Certainly they were put on this earth to be nothing more than the servants of the Aryans in this classless society. How about black Africans? Native Americans? or anyone that cannot prove their pure Aryan ancestry? Where do these folks fit into this classless society?
@dondajulah4168 5 лет назад
So, can I call the Nazis Christians since Hitler remained in good standing with the Catholic church and, for the most part, maintained good relations with Christian religious leaders? I guess Stalin abandoned Communism when he revived the Russian Orthodox Church to inspire patriotism. Oh wait, Stalin encouraged patriotism and since Stalin defines what Communism and Socialism are that means that either any government which encouraged patriotism is also Communist or Socialist. Both you and TIK have no leg to stand on in this discussion as is made clear by the numerous people that have provided much more thoughtful and informed responses than are within my capability. That TIK did not even present this as a discussion but rather an edict with no acknowledgement of the millions of hours of scholarly work devoted to the topic of modern political theory in general and how those arguments apply to political movements of the post WW1 period does not reflect well on TIK
@stevenhombrados1530 3 года назад
I feel we have come back full circle back to the age of extremes.
@user-xg5gw6zz3g 5 лет назад
A wolf has four legs, two eyes and a tail. It's basically a dog. A horse has four legs, two eyes and a tail too. Hence horse is a dog too
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
But they are both mammals - to reject that is to deny reality.
@arisps17 5 лет назад
Very good point Aptem. That s the argument in the video
@arisps17 5 лет назад
Dolphins are mammals too. Your point?
@OmbreDunDouble 5 лет назад
Yeah, they are both mammals, just like nazism and socialism are both political and economical system. What was your point ?
@arisps17 5 лет назад
My point is the former is far right conservative and the other far left progressive there is clearly no relation.
@tomogburn2462 5 лет назад
The main issue here is that German Socialism, wasnt. MEFO, contract system, private industry, and of course, from the horses mouth: "'Socialist' I define from the word 'social; meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency. Our adopted term 'Socialist' has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false." - Adolf Hitler Hitler made the "its not true communism" argument. Go watch a Sargon of Akkad video and see how that argument plays out... Socialism to the Nazis, was not an economic or political theory, it was a philosophical ideology about race and nationality. And actually Hitler said classes dont exist. There are no such things as classes: they cannot be. Class means caste and caste means race. Munich - Speech of April 12, 1922 You're wrong my dude. And you even make the arguments that prove that you're wrong. The Aryans are not "seizing the means of production". They already owned the means of production. To get them producing more, the Nazi government created a bond program, and then turned it into a currency, they didnt send in government management. Heres a big tip. People lie. I know, I know its hard to believe....but sometimes, people say theyre liberals, and theyre not. Sometimes people say theyre conservatives, and theyre not. Sometimes people say theyre socialists and theyre not. You look at the objective facts, which you're VERY good at doing in every other video ive ever seen from you....but here, it seems to be based on philosophical and ideological stances, not the ACTUAL objective economic operation of Nazi Germany. And socialism is an ECONOMIC system. Not a political or philosophical system. If you dont actually DO socialist economics, you are NOT socialist, no matter how many times you say you're a socialist. If I say im a Communist, and then open up a business, I am not a communist. Its like when the US says its a free market capitalist nation. No. No it isnt. Hasnt been for over 100 years. If Nazi Germany was actually socialist, it would have fully mobilized its industry before it was already losing. It didnt. America was actually more Socialist in 1942, than Germany was. Look at the ACTUAL objective economic function of each nation in World War two. Not what the leaders said. Peoples actions are a better meter than their rhetoric.
@killahcavalry 5 лет назад
TIK says "and at the end of the video you still don't believe me, go to the source" while waving around mein kampf. Then you give him a taste of his own medicine from the source. Speaking of his own medicine, it seems he forgot to ask "but is this really the case?" about Hitler's words and personal definition of socialism. Then again, it would be hard to see through the lies with such an elementary grasp of political science and economics.
@tomogburn2462 5 лет назад
Yes, they utilized socialism and government management and nationalizations to increase war production. Thats socialism. Thats what I said. The western nations in world war two, were objectively, more socialist than Nazi Germany. Exactly. It has nothing to do with ideology. It has to do with ACTIONS. Objective results and means. When the United States nationalized industries, sent in elected officials to manage production, moved people from all over the country to Detroit, set production goals at a state level, they were actually being more socialist than Nazi Germany was until late 43, early 44. Thats literally my point. You literally made my point.
@tomogburn2462 5 лет назад
It can be multiple. Thats what im saying. You have to look at the context, and the actions, and the results, to see what context applies to each use of the term. It can be both, but both are not the same thing. A lion is a cat. A Maine Coon is a cat. A lion is not a Maine Coon. German Socialism, is far, far, far different from other kinds of socialism. Just like American liberalism, is quite different from British liberalism. If I want socialism to move into my house, using the cat example, I would be quite ok with a Maine Coon. Id be, slightly less than thrilled, that there is now a 600lb lion in my fucking living room however.
@aleksaradojicic8114 5 лет назад
Tom Ogburn All nations became more socialist after 1929.
@tomogburn2462 5 лет назад
Yes, because the crash effected many people's mentality about capitalism, and governments were forced to make reforms which benefited people, lest the people threaten the power structure. In the United States or Britain, people were able to retain the democratic system and make timely reforms which averted someone like Oswald Mosely, or William Pelley from gaining any political traction. The Weimar Republic was so paralyzed that it was unable to make the reforms necessary, so support for fascism grew. To paraphrase Robespierre (and im sure he'll roll in his grave for this), fascism is the violent pressing of issues FOR the needs of the people. If people are hungry, a democratic system debates, votes, and reforms. If democratic systems fail to feed people, fascism rises, which will cut the "red tape" and give the people what they popularly want. It will feed them, usually by violent methods directed at people who arent them. Read Mosely. The guy was pretty clear about why fascism is desirable at times. When people want something or need something, and a democratic system cant supply it, people want someone to "just do it". A new machine. A new political machine to achieve the wants and needs of the people. Thats why all successful nations in the modern era, are a mixture of capitalism and socialism. 19th century free market capitalism failed to provide things people needed and wanted. Most nations democratic systems reformed quickly. Some did not, and they fell to fascism.
@DanovYT 5 лет назад
TIK, socialism is defined as the common ownership and operation of the means of production. A regime whose economic policy directly inspired the word "privitization" through its aggressive pro-market and anti-democratic policies cannot be considered socialist! Transforming public assets into autocratic monopolies is one of the most anti-socialist things that a political entity can do!
@DanovYT 5 лет назад
And in practice that meant crushing actual socialist movements in Italy while supporting the Italian capitalist class. It is for this reason that he was denounced by his former syndicalist political organization.
@sorsocksfake 5 лет назад
What does privatization mean, when the state owns the owners? When those businessmen get their orders from the state, and they know that if they disobey they'll be replaced by someone who obeys better (and of course, killed while at it)? Under nazism, there was common (state) ownership of the means of production, in every way that actually matters. As for "[not] anti-democratic"... I think we can safely drop that, when talking about actual real-world socialism. It's no longer an untried theory.
@DanovYT 5 лет назад
sorsocksfake Dude, what are you talking about? The state did not totally own Germany's means of production (on top of the fact that state ownership isn't even the definition of socialism as there exists state capitalism). The Nazis literally sold off massive amounts of economic assets owned by the state in order to create or grow large monopolies. *If a monoply exists within a state's borders, that state is not socialist. Monopolies are exclusive to capitalism.* And don't even try to say something like "the Soviet government had a _monopoly_ on its country's resources!" That is mere rherotic and does not reflect any defined academic definition forwarded in political science or economics. Only some conservatives and the far-right push something similar (mind the middle ground fallacy!). There is no No True Scotsman involved here as the word "socialism" has a defined theoretical and material meaning, one which cannot be accurately grasped without reading and understanding the source material of those who developed the backbone of modern socialism. Many commenters have already described socialism very thoroughly here with some deviation but much more overlap. Other distilled, backwater versions produced by often biased secondary sources manipulate what the likes of Marx, Engles, Lenin and others wrote about the ideology. Hell, you just need to read the first few pages of Lenin's _State and Revolution_ to see that the exact same shenanigans played out over a century ago. So, for the thousandth time at this point, Nazi Germany was *not* a socialist state.
@DanovYT 5 лет назад
Pigeonshit Coospiracy Productions You should look into Marx's personal viewpoint on Jews...
@n3rdm4n 5 лет назад
> transforming public assets into autocratic monopolies is one of the most anti-socialist things that a political entity can do! Kind of like they did in a certain union of *socialist* soviet republics. Funny how socialist regimes seem to tend toward that.
@bendavy1816 5 лет назад
Thanks for the video and the channel TIK. I love that you challenge my views on history and you have got me to read to books to prove/disprove points of view. So far I have agreed with 80% of what you say but I would love the chance to talk it out and have a proper chat. Keep up the good work. Ben
@kellysnipe9586 Год назад
TWO QUOTES FROM HITLER on socialism; 1) "One must first have experienced need to become a socialist." and 2) "Real socialism is what the state can do to benefit people." Hitler's "National Socialism" is a form of statism or state-socialism. It has also been called Prussian Socialism, after Oswald Spengler's book "Prussianism And Socialism". This kind of socialism is found in Arabia ( the Baath Party for instance ) and in South America ( an example is Peronism ).
@Feffdc 5 лет назад
So essentially you say that every nation on earth is socialist since Everyone has both private and Public sector?I got it right?Dont want to argue just making it clear
@jamestheotherone742 5 лет назад
That's why he said it was a "spectrum".
@jadeybaby166 5 лет назад
with Nazi Germany at the totally not socialist end.
@jamestheotherone742 5 лет назад
See original video where when you decouple the economic theory from the political/social, the two become very similar. Both subordinate the individual and society to the State. How they went about that was different. The Bolsheviks destroyed the bourgeois and private sector, the Fascists incorporated them.
@Titantr0n 5 лет назад
+Caldwell Transport Columbus, GA Even if I took your very fallacious statement as true, that makes nazi Germany a socialist state how exactly?
@jamestheotherone742 5 лет назад
Perhaps you should actually think about what I wrote. The answer to your question is contained within it.
@derandere4965 5 лет назад
It does not matter in the least whether you put Hitler in the "socialist" or in the "not at all socialist" cardboard box. There is no insight to be had from arguing about categories.
@Titantr0n 5 лет назад
No, but that lie empowers the "oh well, you're a socialist, just like Hitler, BOOOOMM!" argument which, it wouldn't seem written that way, but it's a fairly common anti-socialist argument.
@derandere4965 5 лет назад
Titantr0n, it is no argument for anything at all.
@recoilAbs 5 лет назад
I agree it isn't a logical argument, but it's so commonly used by ideologues that it must be addressed.
@hans-joachimbierwirth4727 5 лет назад
There is also a hidden vindication of real national-socialist policies involved if someone builds a huge strawman connecting the term national-socialism with aspects that weren't part of it, so that the real aspects of it can be openly teached and considered harmless. That's the tactic of Jordan Peterson whose lectures are full of NS-shit.
@derandere4965 5 лет назад
These "tactics" as Hans-Joachim Bierwirth calls them are a common yet most feeble attempt at purging criminal systems by pointing out seemingly positive aspects which are accidentally connected to their ideologies. In our case it is not even about positive aspects but merely about positive associations connected to the word "socialism". This way of reasoning is ridiculous. Not everything that happened in so-called socialist states was good (no example needed) and not everything that happened in the Third Reich was bad. Even though I think to have made my point clear many times now: Stop arguing about how certain systems are good or bad: They are certainly not good or bad because a certain name is given to them. They are bad because they neglect people's rights, because they don't hold to the equality of all people, because they don't grant fair trials, because they seperate families, because they kill defenseless, innocent people, because they start wars. And they may be good because - for example - they grant safety and public order. I really give a damn about this manipulative method of arguing. You might even try to play down the holocaust by stressing how the victims were given food and shelter (before being killed by starvation, forced labor or else). Arguing this way is insane and deserves no attention at all. Let national socialism be socialism or not. As it does not change my view on Germany's history in the least, I really don't care. By the way: History should describe facts and investigate causality. It should, however, not assess good or evil.
@kaspervanmaldergem1188 5 лет назад
Don't have a habit of commenting, but felt like I needed to here. Listed are my biggest critiques of your video(s), in no particular order: 1) You don't, at all, seem to differentiate between Socialism and social policies. Yes, Hitler enacted social policies, many of them even, as did most, if not all, fascist dictators. They did this to please and appeal to the working class, to get them to support their regimes. But so did the capitalist countries, even the USA. Socialism, however, is more than just social policies. It stems from an internationalist view of the world, where all the workers of the world are united by their struggle against the upper class(es). It seeks to remove social injustice from the world, by focusing on complete economic equality (at least in the long term, it starts with social policies). I will not claim that any self-proclaimed socialist state ever achieved this, or even got close to achieving it, but that is the goal, a brotherhood of all working class people across the world. 2) You also don't mention the roots of fascism or national-socialism properly. It starts out as a reaction to modernism, particularly internationalism and socialism, and to a lesser extent it reacts on the excesses of capitalism. To achieve the first two it is extremely nationalistic and racist in character, yet at the same time it calls for social policies, to achieve 'class reconciliation', and unite the etnic people against the (perceived) external or internal threats (Jews, Poles, communists, refugees, Muslims, whatever they perceive threatening at their respective time and place). 3) Even though the nazis enact social policies, they aren't even really economically socialist, precisely because they outlaw labour unions, therefore outlawing the class struggle in the work place, and instead implementing a corporatist system, where representatives of the labourers and the bosses, in accordance with state representatives, try to figure out the best way to both keep the production going, and keep everyone involved happy. The state could threaten the workers that strikes would result in imprisonment, but they could also keep the bosses in check, by reminding them that if they could not run their business, the state would take over. 4) About the NEP and the marxist view on economy, because I feel you explained that quite poorly. Simply put, in the classical marxist view of economy, you have 4 stages, not 3. The first one is pre- or proto-capitalism. Then you have capitalism, then socialism, finally communism. The NEP was a policy Lenin enacted because he thought that Russia hadn't fully entered the capitalist stage yet. So at first he tried to motivate entrepreneurs to start businesses, fully intent on nationalising those businesses in time, in the socialist stage. 5) This relates back to my first point, but when talking about the political spectrum, although I'm glad you didn't go for the horseshoe, a square grid is far better, although personally I'm a fan of the triangle spectrum, where capitalism, fascism and communism are three opposites, and ideologies of particular nations float towards any of the three. That being said, these kinds of charts never take factors like 'tolerance towards other cultures' into account, which, again, is a very important, yet not at all mentioned difference between socialism, and national-socialism. 6) The night of the long knives is the culmination of the debate whether 'Nationalism' or 'Socialism' was the most important for the NSDAP. Those who thought 'Socialism' was more important were mostly killed or imprisoned, or had, by then, already changed their minds about it (Goebbels). How the SA was relevant in this, I don't know. They were just the fight crews of the party as a whole, often picking fights with communists, anarchists and socialists. The name, Sturm Abteilung, translates to Storm Division, nothing socialist about it. There's probably more, but I feel like these were the major ones. I'm a big fan of your videos, and will keep on following you, but I'm used to some more nuance from your side. That having been said, this is indeed an important conversation to be had. P.S.: Sorry for the bad english, I'm not a native speaker.
@eruno_ 5 лет назад
@ You are an absolute moron. Just wanted to point that out.
@mabussubam512 5 лет назад
@@eruno_ Well pointed, it's so visible from your reply. Hate to see people saying stuff like this without giving any context.
@leighduxbury3864 4 года назад
Maybe we need a new definition for Socialism that isn't international. Perhaps we could call it national socialism?
@alexanderchenf1 3 года назад
Socialism is an ideology that is to rob the rich for the poor. International socialism imagines the rich around the world being the class enemy. National socialism imagines the foreign rich being the class enemy - in Nazi’s case, all Jews. You are talking from the narrow perspective of international socialists. A system based on collectivity, such as all forms of socialism, naturally outlaws freedom of assembly such as the labor unions. USSR and Socialist China outlawed labor unions
@gabrielfrostbrand2754 5 лет назад
Thanks for the video, because it helped me too explicate my own position in this matter by bringing it up as a criticism. So here it is: 1. Equality as all being equal in regards to their race is quite different from socioeconomioc equality and might be better discribed as racial unity or "harmony" (as a Nazi would probably say), because the Nazis actively embraced inequality as a part of that "harmony". Also, the SU and Nazis both had their slave classes which where actually a part of their society, while being made invisible through exclusiin and marginalisation and where in practice extremely hierarchical, which contradicts their supposed equality. 2.Both have heavily relied on state intervention as a tool for economic policy but with different ends in mind. The Sowjets wanted to use it to produce a communist utopia without the economy of state capitalism that was supposed to bring it about, while the Nazis saw economics just as a tool to advance the interests of the nation (according to their own deffinition). 3. Socialism was supposed to ultimately become one global economic model (hence the emphasis in internationalism), bit the Nazis as far as i know did Not want to conquer the whole world, although they would eventually have to impose their ideology on it. 4.The Nazis were economically fascitic, which means a merger of the state with corporate power. The Sowjets were one big centrally controlled totalitarian corporation themselves.
@Rangerpl1322 5 лет назад
One thing that people seem to be particularly bothered by is the bizarre list of completely irrelevant videos in the description of your video from yesterday, which contain Jordan Peterson, who is controversial to say the least. It looks like you copy and pasted your recommendations feed. Can you elaborate on this? Did you include that by mistake?
@netz8439 5 лет назад
Rangerpl1322 how exactly is he controversial if you don't mind me asking
@mikemarion19 5 лет назад
Rangerpl1322 how is Jordan Peterson controversial at all? For being smart and correct all the time lol
@Rangerpl1322 5 лет назад
He is controversial in that his opinions have stimulated argument and counter-argument from people who agree with him as well as people who disagree. I used that word purposely to avoid discussing Peterson's views themselves, rather why TIK thought to reference him when he's not really relevant to the video
@mikemarion19 5 лет назад
Rangerpl1322 everyone hates the guy that tells the truth
@eggboi7846 5 лет назад
A hysterical climate change denier and cooky mysticist is being praised as the Messiah by millions of young men around the world. Yes that freaks the hell out of me.
@morgulb 5 лет назад
I had a similar view of NAZI's a couple weeks ago and just assumed "right wing," until I started reading troll comments. With both left and right accusing the the other side of being NAZI's. There are chest pounding dissertations on this subject. Your explanation is the most logical I found so far. Excellent work, I enjoyed yesterdays video as well. This gives me a lot to think about and at the same time adding to my must read book list. Thank You
@praz7 2 года назад
They're far-right but they were also socialist. Far-right often co-opt socialism because they believe that socialist policies can protect hierarchies and stop workers from revolting.
@praz7 2 года назад
TIK explained in one of his videos that unlike communists, the fascists want to make socialism their final goal through state capitalism, while communists want to make communism their end goal by going through state capitalism and socialism. We already have state capitalism.
@trystdodge6177 2 года назад
@@praz7 state capitalism is just socialism.
@DaveHowTo 5 лет назад
excellent. thank you for being brave and honest. Its hard in today's polarised society and media BS for the truth to out. your depth of knowledge on your subject is obvious.
@mattsdf7261 5 лет назад
Quick question for you. Do you think some of the confusion regarding “socialism” is a result of the modern misuse and overuse of the word within our present day politics?
@krickbatkid6259 4 года назад
@oldmanjinkinsskyrim737 3 года назад
Probably yeah /:
@sinthoras1917 5 лет назад
if it made click in your head by reading Hirler, then it will literally explode after reading some Marx, Lenin, or even Stalin
@Feffdc 5 лет назад
RoMMeL1337ak47 Thank you Rommel.Didnt know you are a conservative.Your liked videos kinda give away that
@somerandomname3124 5 лет назад
Hirler is my favorite author, his book "Meme Kunst." really resonated with me. Ebin, Stubble, and Mooks didn't really connect with me that much.
@hans-joachimbierwirth4727 5 лет назад
> but his book is a more enlightening A book written by Rudolf Hess. You must be an expert.
@knubbedeh 5 лет назад
I agree with other comments here. These weren't the main criticisms of your last video. Would love if you had actually included some of the most high voted comments and gone through their arguments whilst arguing against them yourself.
@SomeCanine 5 лет назад
People think of socialism only in terms of welfare programs these days. Back then, pure welfare programs weren't even a concept. Everyone was expected to work for their keep, even in socialist countries. Their idea was merely to remove the elements that were hindering people from having any kind of upward mobility. Using the state to accomplish this task is very socialist and to that extent almost every modern country is socialist today. But that's not what people mean when they're arguing for socialism anymore. Now they know that nobody is actually stopping them from having upward mobility so they create fantasies about rich people gaming the system so that they can feel better about doing nothing to help themselves.
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
That's a pretty solid analysis of the situation.
@lastmanstanding5423 4 года назад
I'm so happy to have found this channel... :)
@ObssesedNuker 5 лет назад
"state intervention makes you socialist.” By that definition, literally anything short of anarchism is socialism...
@eggboi7846 5 лет назад
Ironically, anarchists are actually socialists.
@ObssesedNuker 5 лет назад
But if anarchists are socialists... and socialism is state intervention... how can there be state intervention without a state? That is literally what defines anarchism: the lack of a state.
@tomogburn2462 5 лет назад
Anarchists are libertarians who have dreadlocks and smell bad.
@christopherkhill3213 5 лет назад
Hyperbole (esp w/ the strawman variation) is the 2nd most common leftist tactic. By the same logic, anyone to the right of Karl Marx would be a Capitalist.
@christopherkhill3213 5 лет назад
A Satanist doesn't believe in Satan, but only in the abolition of the (Western) Church.
@Doc_Tar 5 лет назад
You're in trouble already with your "Conservatism vs. Liberalism" since you'll find a number of different definitions on Liberalism. How about Free Market ( Adam Smith) vs. Central Planned Economy (Marx) for economic principles and Conservative (keep established institutions) vs. Progressivism (replace the old with untried).National Socialism is socialism while Communism is about uniting the workers of the world to achieve "from each according to his ability to each according to his need" utopian society without out ownership, money or profits.
@TheLiverpolitan 3 года назад
Have been watching your channel a lot recently, found this and the preceding video fascinating. I am to the Left politically and the thought that Hitler was a Socialist doesn't sit well with me but having now done some reading around the topic he clearly was, I can't deny the evidence. Thank you for making me think, I also think your Battleplan series is superb X
@sreeharimuraleedharan1476 2 года назад
@Gachibass Commentator tik debunked Finnishbolsheviks arguments in previous video.
@sreeharimuraleedharan1476 2 года назад
@Gachibass Commentator did you watch the video of tik
@tasfa10 2 года назад
Don't be fooled. This is utter nonsense. Socialism is shifting the power to the workers which has nothing to do with anything Hitler ever did, it actually stands in direct opposition in many cases.
@thefinnishbolshevik2404 5 лет назад
If Hitler calls himself a socialist why would you just take his word for it when his pro-corporate policies clearly say something different?
@sealerer969 5 лет назад
Same way Stalins communism, wasnt communism
@thefinnishsocialist4816 5 лет назад
Socialism isn't government doing stuff; it's social ownership and control of the means of production, hence it's ridiculous to conflate a capitalist state enforcing privatization and monopolization with socialism. The very concept and history of e.g. anarcho-socialist systems _(although not a fan of them)_ already seem to contradict your claim.
@295Phoenix 5 лет назад
BruderShaft1 You're thinking of capitalist governments that take a more interventionist approach to dealing with the economy. Corporations (at least corporations as we know it with CEOs, Board of Directors, stockholders, etc.) literally cannot exist in a socialist country.
@ProletarianNuklearWarrior 5 лет назад
BruderShaft1 no. Socialism means worker ownership of the means of production example: cooperatives Give me an example where business owners loved it when the company was forcefully turned into a cooperative
@ProletarianNuklearWarrior 5 лет назад
sealerer except Stalin Never said his system was communist. He said he wanted communism and communism isn't something you get in a day. It's the end-goal of actual socialism.
@flataffect8535 5 лет назад
Your descriptions of conservativism vs liberalism, especially how they were understood in the 19th century, isn't really correct. Historically conservativism referred to efforts to preserve the old social and political order. Generally conservatives would have been monarchist and supporters of the old aristocracies. If you wanted the Bourbons on the throne of France, you were a conservative. Liberals on the other hand supported things like constitutions and the dissolution of power (through things like voting). Many liberals were republicans (in the sense that they supported a republican form of government) but not some simply wanted a more liberal form of the monarchies that they already lived under. A large part of the 19th century centred around the conflict between the old aristocracies (conservatives) and liberal reformers. Differences between economic policy didn't really come into play but when it did, the conservatives generally supported protectionist and mercantilist policies designed to protect entrenched interests (rich nobels) while liberals supported more (what we would today call) free-trade or sometimes even lassez-faire approaches. Mixed up in these 19th century struggles was nationalism, which was also opposed to the old aristocratic conservatism, but for different reasons. The old aristocracy was definitely an international political order. Originally nationalism was strongly entwined with liberalism: The were close to the same thing during the French revolution and they were tied together during the revolutions of 1948 as well. When Bismark took power, he managed to separate nationalism from liberalism and create a new conservative-national state in the form of the new German state. Socialism also came about in the 19th century only becoming a major force decades after both liberalism and nationalism had made major inroads. Socialism originally was a broad term and referred to just about any movement that wanted to change the social order in a way that would benefit poorer people who remained excluded even in the newly liberal societies. Early socialists didn't necessarily want to abolish private property but they did want to establish systems that would benefit the poor and many theorized about entirely new ways of organizing society that would get rid of poverty altogether and abolish all economic distinctions. One of the first socialist programs were the work houses in Paris during the brief Second Republic.
@ghostmidas7411 3 года назад
thank you
@ghostmidas7411 3 года назад
plus theres many defferent types of socialism also socilaism was really popular in grmay germany at the time Karl defined communism and socilaism has the same things and lenin defined it has just classless. The guy in this vid is wrong because by saying the nazis where socilaist he defeats himself with his own logic because then i would ask if he things captailism and state captailsim are the same thing. Also communist are socilaist this dude has no idea what hes saying
@michaelporter2103 5 лет назад
Second point i want to make. Socialists don't divide society into three classes, that is the liberal view of class based off income. Socialists divide society into two classes based on their relationship to the means of production. Primarily those who own the means of production and those who actually work the means and produce what is needed for society.
@Swift-mr5zi 5 лет назад
You're wrong, In Marx's work he talks about people in the perspective of the means of production yes however he also mentions the factory owners such as seen by Engel in London who served the wishes of the upper classes by controlling the working class for the benefit of higher wages.
@rifleman4005 4 года назад
@@Swift-mr5zi you do know Marx lived in the 19th century and does not work in modern times. So unskilled workers are the same as google software engineers. That's laughable. And you clearly do not grasp that the owners today are often pension plans, sovereign wealth funds and endowment and foundations funds.
@noth606 4 года назад
@@rifleman4005 I don't think Marx ever worked an honest days of work in his life. I'd go piss on his grave if it was worth me the ticket price to go do it. But unksilled workers today are call center employees, mcdonalds complete staff etc, hardly software engineers although I don't have experience of the google ones in specific terms. But another thing is that all countries are run by socialists since the last about 50yrs or more, there are zero non socialist countries now. Not one! Socialism is state control, regulation and power, and all nations today have that to a degree no one could ever have even imagined 200yrs ago anywhere. All the funds, pension plans, endowments etc exist only so long as the government in power allows them to, the moment they don't they cease to exist.
@bruhb7611 5 лет назад
This reminds me of a time when old Sargon said that he was a centrist and acted like a centrist.
@zk0rned 2 года назад
@Pep but they aren't objectively
@Mike-rx3mn 5 лет назад
Great video, it's not often that a person goes online and says I've seen things in a different light, but as we grow older and wiser sometimes things look different, one of the great things about growing old is you get to look back and see how you have grown over the years. If you are willing to accept things in a different light, you will see not everything is so cut and dried. As someone who teaches history, you must have noticed this before, and you will probably notice it more often if your willing to keep an open mind. You have to have an open mind and be willing to learn or see other opinions. The subject you have decided to teach, explore, learn about is one that most people would just accept as unchanging historical fact no matter what new evidence comes up, but you have to know some things are subjective, two people see the same thing yet describe it differently. So I'm sure authors tell a different account of events, but they may be making honest mistakes based on their skill, training, and the current facts at hand, but we all know some facts change like the butterfly effect, change one small thing in the past, and the story changes. Still kinda gotta suck that you thought one way and you realize it could be another. Thanks for the video, please keep them coming.
@mariooo2493 5 лет назад
TRADITIONAL MARXIST THEORY: 2 classes workers and burgoise. Read Marx when you want to talk about marxist theory.
@740gl7 5 лет назад
mario gutierrez w Would be an idea
@electricdazz 5 лет назад
I really wish he would read some Marx.
@mariooo2493 5 лет назад
Franjo Krajinović i read Marx but It seems that the thing you read is Jordan peterson. A capitalist system is caracterized by the proletariat and the burgoise, not the low, middle and high. Of course there were peasants and petit burgoise but those 1- are not the base component of capitalism and 2- without the proletariat and the burgoise it wouldnt be capitalism.
@mariooo2493 5 лет назад
Franjo Krajinović And in our time still the same, there are people owning companies and people that work in those companies becoming their source of value.
@mariooo2493 5 лет назад
Franjo Krajinović Do you know Max Weber bud?
@ciarancassidy7566 5 лет назад
"Socialism is when the government does things, the more things the government does the socialister it is".
@danieltaylor885 3 года назад
the government is the state, the state is the public sector, and the socialist wants the state/ public to own/operate the means of production. Yes, the more the government does, the more socialist it is. essentially as soon as you have a fiat central bank, you're anything but capitalist, ignoring the mountain of other government interventions. theres no such thing as "state capitalism" it is an oxymoron socialists love to use to absolve socialism. you should watch all the debates richard wolff has had with people like gene epstein or david friedman, as usual the dudes a clown like all serious socialists. i guess thats why socialists resort to rhetoric instead.
@jasperpuddentut9781 2 года назад
@bpmmiller 5 лет назад
Prior to a much better alliterated reason for interest in this fascinating channel, I must acknowledge my appreciation for the thoughtful comments being narrated throughout not only political subjects, but both popular and obscure military history. I have spent decades familiarizing myself with many aspects of World War II, and look forward to further enjoyment of the unique observations and rare details being shared here. Keep up the good work sir.
@gophishkopesh2445 5 лет назад
Thank you for broadening my view on National Socialism. George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia has some interresting points on the various socialist type parties in the Spanish civil war.
@Anonymous_Cake 3 года назад
Stumbled across this late, can't say I agree with everything you say but it's always good to spread your opinion and argue your points so this was certainly very informative and influential. The beauty of history is that you can argue for and against certain things so long as you have relevant evidence to back it up so good job on actually having a well read opinion rather than most people that just look at the name 'National Socialism' and think that's all the evidence in the world. Great video mate!
@gnetkuji 5 лет назад
"This channel isn't going to always tell you you're right." Certainly makes you feel good when people do that to you, doesn't it? It makes you feel more correct than ever to have a horde of people praising you for your brave stance, huh? Has it ever occurred to you, though, that the reason you have this channel is because you want to bring knowledge to people and, therefore, when a huge number of them blindly agree with you, then it might be a little suspect to trust that feedback in the face of overwhelming criticism? You are always going to get a large cut of people who will praise you and take your side of every fight whether you're right or wrong, not because they know more than you and agree, but because these are people who've come to trust you and refuse to believe you might be telling them wrong information. *That sort of audience is great for emotional comfort, but is utterly worthless as a means of judging if you're correct or not.* If literally hundreds of people are calling you wrong, maybe instead of taking solace in whoever you can find who will agree with you, go back and do more research to make sure you're actually correct. Don't just trust that whatever you've read so far must be correct, and ffs, at bare minimum, do more research specifically on your sources and don't just trust somebody because what they say sounds good.
@Titantr0n 5 лет назад
I wish he wouldn't dismiss everything uncomfortable, that was spot on.
@douglaslinton1759 5 лет назад
He is right to your research the problem with you people your injecting politics into this
@Therworldtube 4 года назад
The problem is is that very few even take their sources to back up. I applaud Shadiversity not for his opinion, but for his honesty and marksmanship in swords and medieval stuff. He even mentioned that baises is a problem, without any politics.
@Aivottaja 4 года назад
Did you already hit unsubscribe, princess? Toodles.
@bakters 4 года назад
I didn't even read through this comment much, but I counted "yous" and I lost count somewhere around 20. It's all about TIK, all of it! Aaanyway, that's not the scary part. Resorting to ad personam is bound to happen on the Internet, but 104 likes? 104 people considered this to be a valuable voice in the discussion? That is scary.
@abeaboud272 2 года назад
"There was one thing in common in the ideology of Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union: opposition to the capitalist democracies. Neither we nor Italy had anything in common with the capitalism of the West. Therefore it would appear to us quite paradoxical if the Soviet Union, as a Socialist state, were to side with the Western democracies" (Secret German memorandum to Soviet leaders, July 27, 1939).
@altaiaurelius 2 года назад
Well duh they’ll say that when talking to SOVIETS. It doesn’t mean they view each other as different branches of the same ideology.
@abeaboud272 2 года назад
@@altaiaurelius But they are branches of the same Hegelian collectivist ideology. The National Socialists' program is only different where ethno-nationalism is concerned, but the socialist parts are identical to the demands in the Communist Manifesto. Nazi publications often explained "Why we are socialists" and even Mein Kampf has a chapter on how Hitler convinced many "Reds" to join the Nazi party, which tells me they are either dumb or similar in many ways. By 1933, the Gestapo warned that 70% of the Brown Shirts recruits were communists. In a 1925 speech Goebbels went as far as saying that Lenin was only second to Hitler in greatness... The evidence for this case is overwhelming. George Orwell, himself a socialist, discussed it in many places as well: National Socialism is a form of Socialism, is emphatically revolutionary, does crush the property owner just as surely as it crushes the worker. The two régimes, having started from opposite ends, are rapidly evolving towards the same system - a form of oligarchical collectivism. And at the moment, as Dr Borkenau points out, it is Germany that is moving towards Russia, rather than the other way about. It is therefore nonsense to talk about Germany 'going Bolshevik' if Hitler falls. Germany is going Bolshevik because of Hitler and not in spite of him" (George Orwell, "Review of the Totaliatarian Enemy", 1940). You get the point.
@MrQuitarias 5 лет назад
Hey, solid vid. I would still argue that germany sits smack in the awkward zone between being easily classable as capitalist or socialist. But there is deffinetly good food for thought here. Most of all though, I often find these arguments of definitions to be somewhat counter-productive as they always trigger people to assume you mean the worst of whatever thing they aren't intimately familiar with when you call x as being y. Usually in person I try to work around that by just describing state policies and avoiding groupings like that. Still, cheers !
@lordhigglebottum8377 5 лет назад
SO you basically didn't interact with the criticisms you received and just doubled down... why? You see hundreds of people saying you don't understand what socialism is, and your response was to just say; "I'm right and you're wrong." Did you even try to research what they were saying? You're saying that this channel isn't here to reinforce the conclusions of its viewers and you're acting like everyone disagreeing with what you've said are only rejecting what you've said because it hurts their feelings. You were told you were wrong, and your response was to say "no u" and to hide within the comments of people supporting what you've said. You are doing the exact same thing as those people who you accused of unsubscribing because their preconceptions were challenged. To the best of my understanding of what your concept of Socialism is; ancient Rome is socialist, as is ancient China, and every monarchy and every republic. I've gotta ask, do you think taxation is socialism? I mean, it is state intervention in the economy. My point being is that the way you define socialism has no purpose, you've widened the term so much it has no meaning. You're getting to Dinesh D'Souza levels of revisionism and flippancy. Conflating the idea of race war with class war, conflating interventionism with socialism, conflating slavery with worker ownership of the means of production. I honestly can't tell if you're purposely trying to muddy the waters or if you're just missing some important parts of political theory. You should look up the term social democracy. It's an example of how your definitions and understanding are flawed. The framework for your message is based on a very limited view of the world and political theory, the world is not comprised of only three economic theories. As you said, everything is a spectrum, but it it far larger than you know. IDK if I can really trust what you say from now on. I mean your basic understanding of politics seems to be extremely off, for instance when you were trying to set the stage and explain the situation of politics in europe, you claimed that the liberals wanted greater intervention and the conservatives wanted no intervention. This is backwards, the liberal parties of Europe where founded on laissez faire ideals and the conservative parties were built on support of the status quo and state interest. You're close in some areas, socialism is a spectrum of different ideologies and inbetweens. But the core is equality of power amongst the classes and proletarian control of the means of production. National socialism's core ideology is built around race and nation. These two ideologies are vastly different in their philosophy and theory to their practices. For example, Nazism is openly spiritualistic and draws from neo-germanic paganism, this is why Nazis talk about will and spirit a lot. Socialism and Communism are based on materialistic analysis of the world. All in all, you should probably research this topic way more than you have before you continue.
@MarkoKraguljac 5 лет назад
This would become an awesome channel if he honestly addressed posts like yours instead of being stubborn. But he seems to be digging himself deeper and deeper.
@VengefulLeprechauns 5 лет назад
I think you have a great point, which is that he's right if he uses his definition, but his definition very broad, more broad than what most people mean when they use socialism. I think he should have formed his argument better than he did, because his basic argument does hold some merit, at least if view Socialism as a mainly a philosophical and ideological system, not an economic system. All in all he should have done better, but his argument isn't terrible. He just did a poor Job explaining why his definition should be used and not the more common economic definition of Socialism. All in all though I would say no longer trusting him on other topics is going a bridge too far.
@lordhigglebottum8377 5 лет назад
@BIRD MUST FEED I don't think his argument has much value. If you take him at face value, he is basically gravely confused about the definition of a large amount of important terms regarding the topic. If you read his argument the way you did, it has nothing to do with Socialism at all, but collectivism. Which while not wrong, it certainly isn't a new assertion or one that would be challenged. The problem lies in both the misuse of the term Socialism and the concerning comparisons between several topics. The idea of class warfare/struggle is rather common and while not regarded well by many it is by far no way similar to the idea of race war, and in this video TIK equates the two as does he with "seizing the means of production" to enslaving the entirety of the slavic ethnic group. TBH IDK how to read this. I have seen examples of youtubers coming onto the platform, using benign messages to build an audience, only to spread fascistic views. IDK if TIK is doing this on purpose or if he's just lacking the understanding to competently comment on the subject. The reason I say I don't know if I can trust him on other topics is because he had some of the very basics of modern european politics wrong. If he can't research the basics for a well developed topic can I expect him to be competent in researching about obscure topics that have far less academic analysis?
@VengefulLeprechauns 5 лет назад
Lord HiggleBottum What fascist views do you think he has? He's stated plainly that he has no intention of denying the holocaust or other atrocities, and said that 'Nazi Socialism' (as he believes) does not relate to 'Modern Socialism' anymore than say, Christian Quakers relate to Crusading Christians. They are both Christian, but wildly different. He seems to be arguing the same. He sees Nazism as a radical branch of Socialism, not that all socialism is inherently radical, or evil. Idk why you see this as dangerous. Yes, the argument is perhaps misguided, but I don't see anything alarming in his argument.
@lordhigglebottum8377 5 лет назад
@BIRD MUST FEED His argument doesn't really contribute anything and all it does is muddy the water. By changing the definitions of things flippantly as he has made the term Socialist meaningless. Which may not seem overtly Fascistic and I wouldn't claim it to be such, it certainly muddies the water on the subject which I could only see benefitting fascist/nazi ideology. It may not be intentional, but these days you can't be too sure. The youtuber I was talking about previously is EdgySphinx, someone who claimed to not be a fascist or a nazi, years later he came out as an open fascist calling for mass human rights abuses. This isn't uncommon, they are intentionally deceiving.
@IchKomentiereNur123 5 лет назад
Why did you unpin the nazi?
@eggboi7846 5 лет назад
Maybe he realized it wasn't a good idea to pin the comment of a literal nazi.
@facelessstranger6439 3 года назад
Thank you sir for helping me understand and be able to disprove people that will actually listen to what I have to say about national Socialism.
@Oshnook 5 лет назад
Well, I enjoy your thought-provoking videos. Keep up the good work!
@electronkaleidoscope5860 5 лет назад
aaaaannnd some People still downvote bomb- likely without watching. childish. Really cool of you to make this. Things like this show why you're worth listening to- even if (like literally everyone) you're occasionally off on your points. Awesome stuff as always.
@goldfisch9199 5 лет назад
As far as I know, there are multiple statements especially made by Goebbels, that not only prove that he was a socialist, but also prove that he sympathized with the Sovjet Union at first.
@lauriepryce-miller9678 5 лет назад
Really loving your channel TIK! Your videos are just fantastic. Keep up the great work. ~ What strange creatures humans are ~ Respect! From Cornwall
@mikesmith2905 5 лет назад
Nice to see someone actually thinking for themselves - Humans have a tendency to oversimplify because it makes managing ones expectations easier, reality is untidy and complex. Personally I think Mussolini has slightly more relevance today, the currently popular 'corporate socialism' really is just a re-run of what he believed Nice vids - having watched a few I have subscribed
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
Cheers Mike! Yes, most of those downvoting these two videos have not actually stopped to think. They're ignoring or misunderstanding Hitler's words, and his actions during his time in power. It makes more sense for him to be classed as a socialist than for him not to be.
@alhesiad 5 лет назад
I was one the critical commenters in the other video, and this one left me unimpressed. You are basically not arguing that nazism is socialism... you are just arbritarily redifining what socialism means so that the word also englobes "nazism", based in superficial rethorical similarities. I suggest you to read what the actual academic consensus, by political scientist and economic historians, is in the issue. I am going to sound snobbish, maybe even offensive, but you are a military historian, you are not specialized in XX century political philosophy. Saying that nazism is a branch of marxism is (and im sorry for using this word) just ignorant, and shows that you havent do your research.
@illdiscipline1405 5 лет назад
He's working backwards to desperately shoehorn his conclusion without having the facts to back it up.
@listener523 5 лет назад
Did you watch the video? Neither Hitler nor Stalin were Marxist Socialists. Nobody is. The global proletariat revolution did not work.
@alhesiad 5 лет назад
The consensus of decades of research by specialized experts is the best reference that we have in any issue, no serious discussion can starts if its existence is not even acknowledged, which is what TIK seems to be doing.
@Doc_Tar 5 лет назад
Then what does Socialism mean in the political organization that referred to itself as "National Socialist" and governed as a central controlling power over the economic aspects of the society, which is what the Nazis were?
@walt1999walt 5 лет назад
alhesiad You sound like those nutters that say Venezuela (or Cuba or China) isn't REALLY communist or socialist. Nice try, but no. Deal with it.
@cortanathelawless1848 5 лет назад
Social democracy isn't socialism either.
@TheStephaneAdam 5 лет назад
It can be, or more precisely it can drift into socialism if it goes far enough. Categories in politics are very tricky things representing goals more than actual reality on the ground. You'd call a country socialist if it had a 91% tax rate for people who make over 200 000 dollars a year... But was Eisenhower a socialist?
@PMMagro 5 лет назад
Off course it is democratic socialism. Or change through reform (democratic methods).
@xsDelyia 5 лет назад
TheStephaneAdam no I wouldn't call that socialist, tax rate is ancillary to what class owns the means of production and wields the power of the state. Its still a dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie with it's 91% tax rate
@TheStephaneAdam 5 лет назад
That's... the whole point of socialism! Socialism is basically a stopgap measure to avoid things getting so uncomfortable the working class decides to kill everyone. That was how Karl Marx envisioned it at least. That said Karl Marx was writing in the 19th century, when the 60 hours work day was normal and child labor was cool. A lot of what we think as obvious like some forms of socialized medecine and worker protections were quite revolutionary at the time.
@cortanathelawless1848 5 лет назад
TheStephaneAdam No it's not, socialism is the abolishment of private ownership of the means of production and worker control of the economy. A social democracy can only exist in a capitalist society
@bobcougar77 4 года назад
Really interesting points. I'd like to learn more. I frankly never really had a good internal definition of fascism. With the way it's being constantly thrown around these days, its probably worth while really understanding what the hell it is.
@carlrichieukmusic 2 года назад
@summerbreeze7288 5 лет назад
I really enjoy your blogs. You take complicated subjects, and make them easier to understand, and palatable to listen too. So many people here have “BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER”. All, or nothing. There can be no absolute doctrine. It’s impossible, once you go from paper, to implementation.
@eurolicious1 5 лет назад
Why is it that so many people that disagree with this video or the previous one have either the word bolshevik, Marxist or Leninist in their username? Hmmm... Maybe Nazism doesn't fit cleanly into a definition of socialism but it absolutely had many socialist attributes. This is a very thought-provoking video and I think that's what the majority of us want. If you get angry about an argument that you disagree with or that doesn't fit into your worldview, that's your problem. Maybe you need to open your mind.
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
You're right that the purpose of my videos are ultimately to provoke a thoughtful discussion. Unfortunately these videos provoked another Bolshevik Revolution, this time to create an echo-chamber in a comments section.
@oldhat2u 5 лет назад
Great food for thought, my friend. Keep up the good work! ;^)-
@stevenrolison3140 4 года назад
Thanks for your work here and willingness to approaches this contentious subject with an open mind and honesty. I found your video when searching for material that was prepared to challenge the current orthodox view. Have believed for some time that the traditional take simply didn't add up, lacked coherency and consistency. Having read the NSDAP 25 point plan and extracts from Mein Kamp was the catalyst to challenging my own adoption of the traditional take. So found your openness refreshing and courageous. Couple of questions for you. Your take on the 19th two world view, conservatism v liberalism although a fair overarching observation I would throw in some of the social reformers, Shaftesbury, Fry, Wilberforce, Garrison, Tubman Nightingale etc. These folks arguably had a huge impact in bringing social reforms and changes. I think that many of these people were inspired not out political ideologies but by their inner faith. This would certainly add another dimension or facet to some of the changes and longer term implications brought about in the 19th century. Also in my travels I ran across an idea that posited that the NSDAP social and racial solutions were impart influenced and inspired by the eugenics movement and activities of the US. Namely the Democrats. It's another contentious area but when you drill down there does appear to be some validity to the proposition. Was wondering if you had any thoughts or research to add. Again thanks for your thought provoking work will look at your other videos. Thanks in anticipation of a response.
@AndreyKarlovich 5 лет назад
Awesome video once again! I'm always learning something new from this channel!
@bringyourownbrilliance4353 5 лет назад
I am a new subscriber to the "TIK Universe." I am an amateur armchair Historian, and I want to offer my sincere appreciation for TIK exposing himself to abuse by being as honest as he possibly can. TIK would you present a followup video to this one and illustrate the differences by offering examples with illustrations? That would help us on our journey to understanding the politics illustrated in this video. Thank you.
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
I may have to :) and thanks for subscribing. The channel isn't always quite this heated. But it has been in the past. I've been accused of being a fascist, communist, socialist, Nazi, liberal, American, anti-German, pro-German, anti-Soviet, pro-Soviet, conservative, pro-Croatian (yep) and numerous other names and political affiliations. It's really quite funny.
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
Oh and anti-American (thanks to my Market Garden videos). Forgot about that one!
@CharcharoExplorer 5 лет назад
TIK, I do not know nor care enough to express an opinion here and I feel some of the arguments here are partisan in nature or ideological (some, not all!). Will you make a further response or will you go back to the battles and logistics? I do not mind either way, you do as you please, though I will be honest I prefer the other stuff. Do try and see the problems of the r Shitwehraboossay sub reddit with your video. IDK if they are correct and they make the silly mistake to cast a centrist like Jordan Peterson as Alt Right (the alt right hates Jordan with a passion) but it is worth a gander. Cheers.
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
I'm aware of the posts made on that subreddit, and I'm aware of the other response videos people have made. However, as the new pinned-comments (and my responses to the counterarguments) show, there is definitely a lot of validity to what I'm saying. I've promised my Patreons that I won't make more videos on this topic for a while, simply because the point has been made, and the arguments are just going around in circles (the Marxists are relying on rhetoric and postmodernist tactics, rather than evidence, and are dismissing the points I'm making). But I'm not over with this. I'm going to do what I did in the past when the Wehraboos disagreed with me - go back to the regular military videos, and use them to show why what I said here was the case. I may not say "this is the socialism in National Socialism", but it's evidence that supports the point, so that eventually I'll be able to tackle this with overwhelming evidence.
@CharcharoExplorer 5 лет назад
I find it weird how many (again, not all, I try not to be dishonest) of the people arguing with you are socialists, marxists, and fascists. This is funny in a sense. Someone has to explain to them what Alt Right is as well. They seem to be confused as by their definition, a left wing progressive like me would be a far right wing person if Jordan is alt right. That part triggers me the most because it is obvious to check it, no need to even study history or politics or economics or think on morality, just enter the wacky sites and read what the wackos say.
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
Oh yes, it wasn't just Marxists etc that disagreed. And, in fact, several Marxists agreed with me. But a portion of those that disagreed were quite reasonable about it - which is great! I don't expect everyone to agree with me. Blitz of the Reich's response video was very well balanced and great to listen to, for example. But the majority were Marxists, and weren't here for reasonable discourse. So yes it is funny - or even sad! The reason I linked to Peterson in the first place - stress on _link_, since I didn't use him as a source - was because he was talking about postmodernism, which is what they're doctrine. They're not using reasonable discourse, and they're not interested in the truth. Ideology trumps thruth. Whoever controls the present controls the past... It's very much Orwellian in that sense. That's why they're willing to go to Marxism.org and quote from there, because it isn't about knowledge or reason - they reject these notions. It's about dogma for them. It's about politics, and power. And you're absolutely right - it forms an echo-chamber for wackos.
@CharcharoExplorer 5 лет назад
It is funny that postmodernism, a tool that can lead to great artistic progress is now used by plebs to wage a culture ware online. We truly are living in a special timeline :D !
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
Yes! The problem though is that it's much easier to make a deliberately false statement, or make a deliberately dishonest accusation, or ask a deliberately high quantity of similar but slightly different questions, than it is to respond to all of them. And if I don't respond, they can claim it's because I can't refute them, and if I do respond, they can claim I haven't addressed the "main issues" or still claim I'm afraid to responded to the comments that "refuted" me. It's ulterior tactics - and I now see why many RU-vid creators don't interact with their audience in the comments sections. The reality is, I got 1,500 comments within 3 hours of last week's video going up. There's no way I could physically respond to them all. So, by defacto, they win (by their own flawed logic).
@jkbrown5496 Год назад
I've found utility in the view that there is no separate capitalism, socialism, or communism. It is all on the spectrum of the liberty to keep and use your earnings to participate in markets and enterprises to generate wealth for yourself. Infringement on who can exercise this liberty increases as you move from Laissez Faire capitalisms through regulation/licensing into interventionism to the various flavors to socialism to what we call communism, the total bureaucratic control with only "distinguished holders of important offices" able to generate wealth for themselves ( at least until they fall out of favor). Your explanation of the racial/Aryan focus of the National Socialist economy helps me see why Mises called it the Zwangswirtschaft as a "compulsory economy" would need those permitted to hold businesses to be socialized, otherwise direct control would be required. Thanks.
@davidl6558 5 лет назад
You've been doing interesting and thoughtful work. Thank you for your effort.
@showtale8325 2 года назад
Could the fact that Hitler named the party "National Socialist"party perhaps lend a clue?
@millenniumvintage9726 Год назад
Yeah just like the democratic people’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) is definitely a democracy
@showtale8325 Год назад
@@millenniumvintage9726 a republic is as far from a democracy as a socialist republic is from a democracy
@baph0met Год назад
@@millenniumvintage9726 Democracy means the rule of people. North Korea is technically a democracy, the majority DOES vote for Kim. That's why democracy is a terrible ideology, it has nothing to do with freedom, it only states that majority rules, which in North Korea it does.
@millenniumvintage9726 Год назад
@@baph0met An authoritarian state with sham elections does not mean it’s a democracy. Those people aren’t given a real choice about how their country is governed.
@burunduchokbobo6773 5 лет назад
Subscribed. I like the way of your thinking, your seem very honest and enjoy what you're doing, keep going. Greetings from Ukraine.
@guswesson2902 5 лет назад
Keep up the good work.....these topics are not taught like they should be. This gives rise to myths and false facts. Thank you for your work.
@steviedfromtheflyovercount4739 3 года назад
Excellent video and lecture. Love your videos. I am an Amateur military and modern European history geek. Happy to find someone sharing my interest. Thank you.
@LeftyConspirator 5 лет назад
Well, at least you've achieved left unity - everyone from Marxist-Leninists to demsocs to anarchists to social democrats disagree with you on this one. Hell, you've probably even got the Trots to get on board, and do you have any idea how hard that is?
@Enumclaw 3 года назад
Well yeah, if Hitler was a socialist than it goes a long way in disarming the left overall. The left needs Hitler to be their boogie man. The left uses Hitler as a cudgel to beat others into compliance, 'don't be conservative because that's like being a nazi,' that sort of thing. But if Hitler's ideology was more closely aligned with leftist schools of thought, it just makes the left look even dumber and leaves them with an even bigger death toll to try and dismiss and ignore. I can see why the left would collectively be in opposition to this, they can't afford to lose the Hitler boogieman mythos.
@rahulshah8911 5 лет назад
Yh been a long time fan but I'll be honest not only was the first video disappointing the rebuttals missed out a lot of the points people were making against your arguments.
@Ussurin 3 года назад
2:47 - primary schools and schooling in general (as understand in modern terms) was a conservative imperialist idea of Germany that derrived itself from mercentalism. It was Bismarck who created them as "factories of workers learned to obey and construct"
@2bittesla 3 года назад
The education system has trained people not to think. A perfect example for all to test for themselves is Newtons law of physics. When dropped together an apple 🍎 and brick do not fall and land at the same time. I would love to see a video that confirms Newtons law.
@richardrichards5982 5 лет назад
Sorry, but you have just shown me how little you know on 19th century political developments. Otherwise love your presentations on military history. Please do some reading around what Hitler actually defined as National Socialism. He said that it was completely the antithesis of marxist socialism. In marxist economies, you nationalise the means of production supposedly for the benefit of the people. In the National Socialst economy, you nationalise the people for the benefit of the large companies and the nation. Germany was a capitalist economy through and through during WWII, before and after. Every nationalisation of industries under the NS regime was immediately sold off to other German companies, or at least promised to German companies. You can look at the NS regime as 'capitalism on steriods'. Recommended reading: Adam Tooze 'The Wages of Destruction', James Pool, 'Hitler and his Secret Partners' to name two.
@TheImperatorKnight 5 лет назад
Tooze's Wages of Destruction "...in practice the Reichsbank and the Reich Ministry of Economic Affairs had no intention of allowing the radical activists of the SA, the shopfloor militants of the Nazi party or Gauleiter commissioners to dictate the course of events. Under the slogan of the 'strong state', the ministerial bureaucracy fashioned a new national structure of economic regulation." - P112 "It would be absurd to deny the reality of this shift. The crisis of corporate capitalism in the course of the Great Depression did permanently alter the balance of power. Never again was big business to influence the course of government in German as directly as it did between the outbreak of World War I in 1914 and the onset of the Depression in 1929. The Reich's economic administration, for its part, accumulated unprecedented powers of national economic control." - P113 This was by 1934. So yes, a state controlled and planned economy much like what you'd get in a socialist country.
@Gvjrapiro 4 года назад
@@TheImperatorKnight actually, no. Even ignoring the non Socialist aspects of the German economy, what you described still does not constitute as Socialism
@Gvjrapiro 4 года назад
@Vicky Caramel uh, no. You all keep pretending that Marxism and Socialism are seperate in the "complete social control of the economy," but no, that is the only form of Socialism. Marxism follows this definition, so does every other type. What Hitler had was not Socialism.
@Gvjrapiro 4 года назад
@Vicky Caramel mate, I'd say the Nazis hit a full .5 out of that list.
@nowthenzen 4 года назад
"Start at the bottom and rise to the top" is not a Socialist concept because there is no Top and Bottom. It's a Capitalist concept.
@WillDimi 5 лет назад
Interesting video. Ive often thought the western powers opposition to nazi Germany was heavily influenced by Hitlers determination for German self reliance, which would clearly have had a huge impact on global capitalism. How much do you think this may have been a factor in the causes of ww2?
@BroadHobbyProjects 2 года назад
For Germany to survive on its own it needed oil, foods from the east. That's why they invaded the soviet Union. The UK and France also wanted to keep Germany in check. (which was the second biggest economy in the world, with around 80 million people)
@madmonkeys88 11 месяцев назад
​@@BroadHobbyProjectsand, you know, they didn't trust Germany. Honestly none of the Europeans trusted each other until very recently. They always went to war with each other. And seeing Germany re arm itself after the fuck up that was WW1. Seeing Germany start to invade/annex other European countries sent up a ton of red flags for the rest of Europe.
@Sphere723 5 лет назад
I think this video ignores the evolution of the Nazi party between the late 20's and late 30's. In the 20's it was very much a "workers" party. They were not friendly with German industry or finance, seeing them as corrupted by Jewish influence. But as the party gained political power the relationship with German businessmen and industrialists grew. By the time the Nazi's actually get real power, their economic policies are largely centered on re-privatizing certain government owned industries, and also handing out large military/infrastructure contracts to the private sector to restart the economy and lower unemployment. Obviously the Nazi's had their own brand of social policies which they enacted, but in terms of economic policies they were less socialist than the SPD government which they replaced.
@txm100 5 лет назад
Yeah after the 1934 Röhm Purge no socialist ideology at all was left.
@Sphere723 5 лет назад
I thinks it's shallow history to just ignore the feud between Hitler and Strausser/Rohm.
@TheTokkin 5 лет назад
No. The nazis were not a worker's party even in the 1920s. In their first elections they tried to fool workers into voting for them, but they never actually managed to attract voters from traditional left wing constituencies. They found out, after their first electoral defeats, that they were attracting far more votes from the peasants. They then refocused as an agrarian conservative party with intense antisemitism.
@leighduxbury3864 4 года назад
What? Was Volkswagen private? Was the autobahn private? Was the health industry private?
@Gvjrapiro 4 года назад
@@leighduxbury3864 mate, those are terrible examples
@kloschuessel773 5 лет назад
If we arent in an age of extreme now, im afraid how much worse it still can get.
@freedomordeath89 5 лет назад
Other than the Great War I would add the 1870 Franco-Prussian War and the PARIS COMMUNE of 1871 as central events when talking abotu liberalism/socialism/conservatism. The French Commune was the first big "red scare" in Europe and many countries (Like Bismarks' Prussia) started some social reforms toa void a similar event.
@TJDK 4 года назад
This is exactly the arguement I have had with people for years. So many of today's era candyland Marxists have no idea that Hitler's overarching vision is not only a socialist society but that Hitler's vision and Stalin's vision ended up being almost identical. Gulags are concentration camps anyone who has read Gulag Archipelago can see the similarities there. Difference is that Hitler used the Jews and undesirables as a workforce and a resource for scientific experiments for a long time and documented it all. People forget that Stalin himself was an anti-semite and is the person who is attributed with creating the doctor's plot to foster antisemitic beliefs in the Russian populace. So how many Jews did Stalin put in camps over his reign? It makes one wonder if Stalin did have similar experimentation programs that we are unfamiliar with due to the protection of isolation the Berlin wall offered for decades post war. That makes me think that Hitler and Stalin's "Utopian" visions are not only similar but ultimately identical. Both had governments with layers of bureaucracy, had the party be the replacement of religion essentially, ran things with absolute control of all priperty and the means of production, and had internment camps for undesirables and political opposition. But since the leftists in America in particular all are now something akin to MK Ultra zombies who blindly think socialism is some great solution to things they are blind to the reality of Stalin's horrendous crimes and his admittedly wildly varying body count that often is listed as higher numbers than the holocaust has. I'd guess that any legitimate documentation of all the atrocities of the Stalin era have been carefully curated to avoid anyone drawing the Stalin/Hitler parallel too readily but once one reads a bit and thinks logically its extremely clear that the core ideology that dictated both Nazi society and the USSR are one in the same. But telling people that who support socialism or call themselves Marxists are too vested in the lies they have bought into by identity politics to do anything wallow in denial and cognitive dissonance until they declare you a fascist racist nazi lover requiring them to "bash the fasc" just like a good little programmed fascist would do. Oh the ironies idiots present are comical and tragic simultaneously...
@admiralscheer5325 5 лет назад
Oh for the love of God. TIK, I love you but you are wrong here. Again, your definition of socialism is *wrong*. Socialism is defined as "the transitionary stage between capitalism and communism, characterised by the workers ownership of the means of production" your thinking of social democracy, which also allows state intervention in the economy, and social welfare programs within the framework of capitalism. Honestly I don't think you've ever taken a politics class in your life, and it shows. Your first video on this wouldnt even get a c at A-level, simply because you failed to define anything you were talking about at the start. Especially socialism and capitalism. It's clear that millitary history is your best field. Stick to it, by all means. You have unbelievable clout behind you, people will take your word as gospel, you have a responsibility to be better than this. What you have done here is redefine both socialism and it's aims. 'socialising the people' is not a substitute for the means of production. Which remained in capitalist hands and ended up perpetuating top down worker-boss relations. Now I'm not a commie or a socialist myself, so for God's sake man. Listen to yourself and ask. Is this really the case? In socialism, capitalism and socialism cannot exist side by side. In the soviet unions case the NeP technically made it state capitalist. But the workers did have ownership of the MoP through 'democratic centralism' in the soviet state. At least in theory. There is a big difference between lazzei faire capitalism, state capitalism, social democracy, socialism, communism and anarchism (which you seemed to not understand the placement of in your last video, putting your political knowledge into even hotter water). Come on man, just listen to yourself, do some more reading and actually read the main arguments against you, and remember. Socialism isn't "free markets+state intervention+private property" and there is an important distinction between personal and private property. One being the MoP and the other being your Toothbrush. Oh and on another note. If you want to facilitate debate In the comments section, or at least have it be a fair place to debate. Please don't 'heart' only comments that agree with you, you had to really dig on the last video to get to some really long, good, thought out essays. You know, the good comments.
@flipierfatalbina4757 5 лет назад
Socialism doesn't even have to be a transitional state. It's just community ownership of means of production.
@Mocsk 5 лет назад
FlipierFat // Daniyar that's communism
@reddeadsniper1263 5 лет назад
Ryan Wilson here we go again..... he's not going to heart comments he believes are wrong is he?
@admiralscheer5325 5 лет назад
William Adair I doubt he will. But I'd rather he didnt heart any in the spirit of unbiased civil discourse
@flipierfatalbina4757 5 лет назад
+Mocsk what? what is communism? please enlighten me. how exactly did my family live in a communist society- stateless, moneyless, and classless.
@SuperSpark1234 5 лет назад
Dear TIK I am afraid that this is just rubbish. There is so much here to deal with. First, the nature of 19th century ideological struggle was not between free trade conservatives and socialistic liberals is wrong, wrong, wrong. Conservative theory in the 19th century was not opposed to state intervention and was most definitely opposed to free trade, it was liberal thought that promoted free markets and a minimal state. In the latter 19th century, new liberalism supported aspects of social reform - as did the more socially aware aspects of Disraeli directed conservatism. You miss out the fact that socialist/ Social Democrats develop in the 19th century not after WW1. You also omit one of the most important ideologies of the the 19th century, and this century, that of nationalism, which is key to understanding fascism. You need to grasp this, as the first social security legislation was undertaken by Bismark a conservative nationalist. The thesis you promote originates in the cold war as a way at discrediting socialism, it was then taken up to get the right off the hook for their collaboration with fascism and to rehabilitate very unpleasant political groups. You should look at some more systematic material such as Carl Levy, Fascism, National Socialism and Conservatives in Europe 1914-1945. Contemporary European History Vol 8, 1, 1999. There is a vast literature out there dealing with the subject particularly the corporatism of the NAZI state and the link between industrial interests and fascism.
@istvanmarki4205 5 лет назад
Dear Superspark, totally agree whit that.
@monkeyt1554 5 лет назад
You are right about the political climate of the 19th century
@RaidenDerTyran 5 лет назад
Bismarck's goal was to keep the German people united and not split up between several ideologies, which is why he believes in Realpolitik which tries to be as unbias as possible and appeal to as many voters as possible. He only did this to appease the socialists so that they may keep quiet for a while.
@mikeinmelbourne9491 5 лет назад
Notice how he ignores the criticism and just hearts the supportive comments? I’m done with this channel.
@AF-nh2ux 5 лет назад
Mike in Melbourne he's done it before as well. This channel is a demonstration for why online intellectualism can't really reach high levels. Peer review honestly matters.
@marcus7564 5 лет назад
Good on you TIK for taking on a divisive topic, and moreover making a reply video. I know the internet is not a place known for its constructive arguments and civil discourse/ responses to disagreement (to be fair some academics can be just as bad lol). Keep it up tho! I did my Masters in political science with majors in history and political philosophy and in my experience, I have found using the sides of the French National Assembly people sat on is a poor conceptual framework for understanding the complex relationships between different political ideologies. Additionally, as TIK has said words and categories mean different things to different people at different times. Hitler saw himself as a socialist, and a nationalist. He wanted prosperity for all people within the German nation achieved through collective action and control. That is what the words meant to him. If we still want to take a non-relativistic approach to categorise ideologies would say the following: When we are dealing with words that have a long complex history, such as 'socialism' it is more useful to think of it as using fuzzy concepts such as Lichtenstein's family resemblance. By looking at words by a series of overlapping similarities rather than a single essential element we can escape the issue typified in the comments section here. The best example of this, however, is the problem of defining what is and what is not a game, trying to find the essential essence of 'game' is a nightmare. For me personally, if I have to I would classify myself as a democratic, socialist, liberal. Democratic because I believe the power structure of the state should be organised so it rests o the will of the people. Socialist, because I believe the power of the state should be used to reallocate wealth and resources ( in a mixed system, regulated market), and Liberal because I believe we should try and minimise the role of the state and social cohesion in controlling peoples identifies and beliefs. Now I do not go as far as Hitler or Lenin in how much I think the state should reallocate resources, there is a shit load of room in that, it's very fuzzy and only one element by which all 3 of us would define our use of the word 'socialism' but there is a 'family resemblance'. The resemblance is especially apparent when you take the frame of reference of contrasting the three socialisms to libertarianism. Libertarianism is hyper-individualist rather than collective, the state has no right to reallocate resources on moral grounds. -sorry if the spelling is not the best, its late after work and I am dyslexic.
@franklinkz2451 3 года назад
Haaa!!! Ive jumped ship on most historically based channels because of this channel! Thanks @TIK
@andrewjohnston9115 3 года назад
Yep, it’s an astonishing channel, the detailed examination of WW2 campaigns is outstanding, and this revision of Nazi political dogma is just amazing and once realised it’s so obvious.
@1berrylover178 3 года назад
I really like TIK's channel, but shutting yourself to other perspectives because you like his probably isn't great
@user-nt8wh3cg8r 5 лет назад
"Communists said that we need to overthrow bourgeoisie, Nazis said that we have to get rid of specific nationality, therefore they are both socialists." Do you actually believe that class and nationality is the same thing?
@740gl7 5 лет назад
Граф Сорочанский Stop confusing us!
@jayfrank1913 5 лет назад
Not that you're necessarily wrong, TIK, but using a random internet self-proclaimed Nazi as a source is pretty sketchy.
@Justin_Steve 3 года назад
As far as I know, liberalism has rather been the ideological current that most traditionally defended the idea of the free market and small government, in the context that we are all equal before the law and we all have individual rights and freedoms, including that of accumulating and invest capital without government intervention. Those were the ideas of John Locke, Adam Smith, Herbert Spencer, Frédéric Bastiat and if we move forward in time, in the framework of neoliberalism we have others like Hayek and Friedman. I believe that in the US the term liberalism has been distorted and what is now understood by it is something more similar to social democracy.
@JC839 5 лет назад
Can you come up with a likely scenario that Germany could have possibly defeated the Soviet Union? Or was it doomed from the start?
@Davidh41690 5 лет назад
It is merely another branch from the tree of socialist thought. It was never much of a question to me once you look at the legislation in place. The ethos was predicated upon the idea of socialist temperance within society. A great video as always TIK.
@nottoday8205 4 года назад
Finally!! Someone who makes sense! While reading Mein Kamph I couldn't shake the....this guy is a socialist who is trying to explain away his socialism throughout the whole damn book. Bravo Sir...I'm with you 100%
@carpetsnake83 4 года назад
I agree with you I think the problem is the use of the word socialism I use it as synonyms with collectivism which includes everything from anarchism communism conservatism fascism democracy international socialism, national socialism and even classical liberals anyone whom believes that their must be a central authority for the good of society I’d classify these as the left However the people whom are claiming it’s not socialism are doing so cause to them there is only one type of socialism the international type The only ones on the right that is to say individualist is to say liberal in the true sense are libertarians but that’s my opinion
@lukalegcevic5300 3 года назад
I'm not sure if there is a point in replying to the 2 yr old video seeing that in recommendations there are 2 more long videos on the topic, so you've probably seen all the arguments. But I'm gonna put in my 2 cents regardless. Actually, according to the varying definitions of "class" struggle, NS were socialist while USSR was no at least not after 1928 and first five year plan where it completely transitioned to the state run economy, which is labeled statist/etatist or state-capitalist (although, I think this naming is a bit inaccurate as there were few if any capitalist elements to it). After all, NS did transfer all of the economy to the Aryan people, while USSR until it's end in 90's never finished transition to publicly owned/worker controlled economy (it got stuck in middle-man's/state's hands). Also, one of the oversimplifications that I've noticed you used is equating state owned with publicly owned, which is not the same, at least not in context of socialist run economies, but in practice there were very few examples where the difference was present (see socialist Yugoslavia). And lastly, Communism refers to political system rather than economic system, where all power was to be trickled down from centralised state to local councils, which in practice never happened as conditions were never achieved. This point kind of triggered me to leave a comment as you've put Communism on economic theory spectrum. And lastly, putting economic policies on the left-right spectrum is erroneous in my opinion as it's not as linear division as social or political rights where the separation on left and right comes from. Economics itself is a bit more 3-dimensional. After all, where on the spectrum would feudalism fit? Generally, your assessment was not wrong at least not in case of NS, it's more that you've either misinterpreted some of the elements or just oversimplified them, which to be fair are more part of in-depth political theory rather than history. It was a brave hot take I got to admit and I do understand you've gotten some of the hate, especially with the current state of the affairs where people get triggered by almost anything. I'm willing to elaborate in further detail, but like I said in the first sentence, it's possible you've already seen it all by this time.
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