
Reformed Thoughts on Michael Heiser | Kingdoms Unveiled 

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Many of you may be familiar with Michael Heiser and his works discussing the divine council worldview. Despite great contributions within his books, some of his writings are very concerning to many with a Calvinistic and Reformed persuasion. In this episode, Jon and Doug discuss their experiences with Heiser’s books and how we should interact with agreeable and disagreeable ideas from the same author.
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12 сен 2024




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@robertlee8519 Месяц назад
I'm going to skip this video because I already know that the video is going to disagree with Heiser. But I'm sorry but between John Calvin and Michael Heiser, I'm picking Michael Heiser. Edit: I have realized that my comment lacks Grace. Even though I believe differently than John Calvin, I can still listen to a brother in Christ talk about his opinions without me having to be overly disagreeable. My apologies to OP. Maybe I will give this video a listen!
@aitornavarro6597 Месяц назад
Calvin or Heiser? Heiser all day. I'd even pick Luther over Calvin and I'm not even lutheran. Anyway, I love Dr. Heiser his work help me to connect the dots on a lot of things I was already noticing in the text and studying and he expanded it even more. What really blew my mind was the DSS and septuagint readings of Deuteronomy 32:8 with the alternate reading of "sons of God" instead of "sons of Israel", which I had no idea about nd how it connected to Psalm 82 that's what really got me. It shook me, but overtime I pretty much accepted it. What made it easy was I was already studying Genesis 6 and the nephilim, Book of Enoch listening to Chuck Missler, Rob Skiba etc...
@debras3806 Месяц назад
I think you should listen and will be surprised!
@robertlee8519 Месяц назад
@@debras3806 You know what You're right. I shouldn't be so close-minded and stuck to my opinion that I can't hear other people speak with differing opinions
@chriscarter8457 Месяц назад
There’s a reason Calvin is known as a one of the great reformers and Heiser is not.
@robertlee8519 Месяц назад
@@chriscarter8457 You can go put your opinion in the trash where it belongs. That's the dumbest thing I've heard all day and I've heard a lot of dumb things today. Heiser trumps John Calvin every time.
@lakeshagoodwin6421 14 дней назад
I live in Spring Hill, Tn.. Micheal Hessier has been a blessing to my spiritual walk with Jesus Christ.. along with Pastor Darby.. He was a good man, his love for Biblical truth was genuine… and he is missed
@randomname2366 Месяц назад
You both should reread the chapter leading up to it. He goes into it because free will and responsibility is deeply tied to the role of image bearing for both humanity and the lesser Elohim. We were made to image Him and that includes His freedom to choose. Only God is the moral standard so the ability to freely choose not to image Him would always be present in any imager bearer. Determinism destroys the freedom of man and of God because it is a man hating view of scripture, acting like God thinks we are all trash somehow worthy of His life and death. You can’t make sense of image bearing and hold to determinism consistently. If the criticism is that Heiser didn’t impose later church traditions on ancient texts then I am going to stick with Heiser. He goes to other texts when looking at scripture because they were contemporary with when scripture was written and sometimes quoted by scripture. When you impose ideas that are a thousand years removed from the authors and audience of a text you destroy and distort the text. The point of his chapter is to point this exact thing out. Also, you say church tradition already handled this. The first 300 years of church history has zero evidence of determinism being taught. The orthodox never followed Augustine who was the first to teach it in the 400s. Even the Catholic Church denied much of what he taught because they saw the issues with it. It wasn’t until Calvin especially and to a lesser degree Luther that we get these full blown deterministic ideas. Those are completely foreign to the ancient Jewish culture and the scriptures and should be rejected wholesale. Augustine was a former gnostic which taught determinism and he clearly imported it into Christianity.
@daniellachlanclark Месяц назад
To be fair, not just Augustine, but also Chrysostom and also Jerome in the 300s. Here is Chrysostom in his homily on Ephesians 1.1.4 "What he means is this: The one through whom he has blessed us is the one through whom he has elected us.… Christ chose us to have faith in him before we came into being, indeed even before the world was founded. The word foundation was well chosen, to indicate that it was laid down from some great height. For great and ineffable is the height of God, not in a particular place but rather in his remoteness from nature. So great is the distance between creature and Creator."
@Baltic_Hammer6162 17 дней назад
@@daniellachlanclark Augustine and Jerome were contemporaries. Jerome translated a pile of loose transcripts that were in Greek to form the Latin Vulgate. Augustine used it and later Jean Cauvin man in Geneva used it. It was Cauvin's favorite. In one of Heiser's last recordings he states those Greek manuscripts were defective or had defects in them. Heiser also posed a question...WHY do some people insist on including "early church fathers"ECF in study or discussion?? Is the authorship contained in the Bible not good enough?" What insight into do they provide over Scripture of God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.? A number of these ECF are 300 to 400 years after Christ, like Jerome and Augustine. Did they gain more knowledge than the Apostles.?
@daniellachlanclark 16 дней назад
@@Baltic_Hammer6162 Probably for the same reason that Heiser includes discussion of inter-testamental writings. It helps us get a read of how people early on interpreted scripture. It would at least give me pause before suggesting a reading for a text that nobody had thought of for 2000 years. For example, it's useful (but not necessarily conclusive) to know that the dispensational, pre-millennial view only emerged in the 19th century. Likewise, it's useful to know that for a very, very long time, Christians have read Paul's words in Ephesians, "In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will", to mean, there is a group whom were chosen by God, the condition for being chosen was that they were predestined, the predestination was according to God's plan, God having a divine will that he works all things out to conform with. I'm not sure what you mean by saying the latin vulgate was Calvin's favourite, since he taught from the Greek text of the New Testament without notes.
@Baltic_Hammer6162 12 дней назад
@@daniellachlanclark The Latin Vulgate part. That's something I came across during my deep dive research into Jean Cauvin the works of the man in Geneva. Cauvin did not need notes. Going through his commentaries he was great at making up "scripture" from thin air. Then adding a veiled threat not to challenge him. What else can you expect from an ultra narcissist who demanded the Geneva council recognize him as "the One and Only Voice of God on Earth"??
@edwardhines2237 10 дней назад
As brothers in Christ I think you have handled the things Mike has said well with humility and grace. He has caused me also to see things in scripture that I have been reading for years and never noticed they were there. Bless you and hope to see you in the new Kingdom.
@daniellawson1371 Месяц назад
What an awesome conversation! Always refreshing to come across other Reformed Baptists who like to read wide, talk with others across the table, and take themselves lightly.
@kingdomsunveiledpod Месяц назад
Thanks for the encouragement!
@chadster771 Месяц назад
Man I love me some Heiser. He’s been such a fun, worldview expanding read. And I love that you’re talking about “that” chapter. I’ve just sat it aside as a blip. Glad yall are talking about this and glad my algorithm put this in my watch list.
@graybillythekid 3 дня назад
Why set it aside when it's key to understanding the role of being an image bearer n what tht means throughout the biblical narrative.
@jeremyjohnson8128 Месяц назад
I remember Doug Wilson reviewing The Unseen Realm years ago, and his only significant criticism was also that chapter.
@benkaim6895 Месяц назад
From what I’ve read and heard on Heiser his biggest issue with Calvinism seems to be the predestination/election aspect. The example this pastor says he “camps on” in the book of Samuel is when Saul on his manhunt hears that David is in a city he just rescued. David inquires of YHWH and asks if Saul will go there to kill him and God says yes. David then inquires the LORD again and asks if the city he just saved will turn him over to Saul to save themselves from Saul besieging the city. God says yes. David then flees the city and Saul never goes to the city and the city never turns him over. Heisers argument is essentially that Divine foreknowledge doesn’t necessitate predestination. When it comes to salvation we see circumstances change. Gods chosen (elect) people, Israel make choices to give allegiance to YHWH or to other lesser gods. As a Reformed Calvinist it’s definitely good food for thought and needs considering on whether we are trying to uphold Scripture or a doctrine when it collides with Scriptures. As Heiser says, “scripture is ambiguous sometimes for a reason” and that’s why we have eschatology and soteriology
@danielkim672 28 дней назад
I am not going to make and argument for Heiser or Calvinists. I need to read more of Heiser but does he believe true saved believers can lose their salvation? If he does not, then no matter if one is a Calvinists or hold to Heiser's thinking, God knows every single soul that will be saved aka written in the Book of Life. This is knowledge God knew before the foundation of the world, whether you will believe God actually predestined that or He simply knew who would believe in Jesus Christ.
@Baltic_Hammer6162 17 дней назад
@@danielkim672 No he did not believe a truly born again Christian lost their salvation. You're a new creature in Christ. Why would anyone throw that away or rescind it::"?
@danielkim672 16 дней назад
@@Baltic_Hammer6162 there are so many Christians that believe we can lose our salvation. Way more than I realized.
@Baltic_Hammer6162 16 дней назад
​@@danielkim672 I know there's a bunch of verses in the OT/NT that appear to affirm you can lose it. But IMHO if the grace and love of Jesus Christ is truly in your heart, your eyes would be opened to see your old ugly self compared to your new self getting cleaned up by the Blood of Jesus while seeing all the blessings He gives us freely each day.
@danielkim672 16 дней назад
@@Baltic_Hammer6162 I do not believe Christians can lose salvation that is gifted to us by the Father through Jesus Christ and sealed by the Holy Spirit.
@nomadicrecovery1586 Месяц назад
Michael Heiser was right about that issue absolutely correct.
@Baltic_Hammer6162 12 дней назад
The countless things Heiser saw in the Bible and researched then hashed out and presented to the public, are mind-blowing. But his critics (usually reformed/calvinist) like to whine about Heiser, as in he thinks he knows "new" things in the Bible that thousands of "theologians" have missed for 2,000 years. But they don't stop and realize just how utterly ignorant 'church fathers" like Augustine were. Augie was set upon a pedestal and his elements of pagan Gnosticism were incorporated into doctrines when were incorporated into Jean Cauvin's philosophical humanist belief system with more barnacles. Since people are gullible and lazy and easily brainwashed, so they do not and did not dig to find the backstories which add so much depth and understanding. So the most exalted of Catholic and Protestant teachers and leaders became nothing more than parrots ASSUMING the people before them did the hard work...NOT..!! So they built foundations made of false beliefs but were brainwashed so thoroughly they truly thought they knew the Word of God. But they did not know a fraction of what a 1st century Jew knew. So they ran with ignorance thinking they were wiser, but in fact only knew lies. I figured out long ago that when a belief system/cult deliberately ignor every verse plainly destroying their sand castle, its time to run....fast.
@crossculturecommunity6593 13 дней назад
You folks have the right attitude and teacheablility. Ironically, due to my own openness to seek "the chief end of man", I WAS Calvinist and am now fundamentally Wesleyan. I had to make a determination of what the Bible emphasizes about YHVH: Sovereignty? Love? or Holiness? Go figure!
@crossculturecommunity6593 10 дней назад
If it's Sovereignty (Calvinism), you need mental calisthenics to rationalize why free will is ABSOLUTE when described by Scripture in ALL instances. If it's love (Arminianism), it's again difficult to justify judgement. BUT if it's holiness (TRUE Wesleyanism), it's a cinch to logically justify love, judgment and even sovereignty.
@othnielbendavid9777 14 дней назад
Great video. I appreciate your grace toward Michael Heiser. His ministry had a good influence on me. Thanks for sharing brothers.
@angelachaney816 Месяц назад
The part discussing the paper John Piper wrote about the Two Wills of God at about 38 minutes into the video was a blessing. I appreciated this video. In that as brother and sisters in Christ the focus is for unity, even if there is a difference of opinion. I consider this conversation an example of two brothers showing what Philippians 2 looks like. Thank you for the dialogue.
@interestedmeow 22 дня назад
You should look up the webpage dedicated to this controversial chapter in Heiser’s book where he lays out a position parallel to, if not identical to Pipers. It will be equally encouraging I’m sure. 😊
@fridge3489 21 день назад
John Piper, as far as I know, is a dispensationalist.
@thebigbus1 Месяц назад
You mean we DON'T have to be fallacious jerks and throw out any and all scholarship from a person just because they get a few things wrong?? Heaven forbid :P. Heiser had horrid presuppositions regarding the will, etc. They weren't biblical. We all "know" that if you just listen to him on the podcast, regarding said topic. It was so disappointing, but par for the course for the "free will" side, per se. Those of us who have been in the "game" long enough, already know the rhetoric and should be able to look past that to still see if other things the author is saying, line up with Scripture. I love Heiser's work overall. I loved his approach to the bible as well, on the podcast. I knew when he was speculating, and I knew when he was being dogmatic philosophically without having Scriptural backup. Him not being a "calvinist" doesn't mean I need to throw it all out....and in like manner, those who are "free willers" don't have to throw out every single thing written by a "reformed" person. It's just lazy and evil thinking, to be honest, and Christians shouldn't be fallacious jerks. IMO.
@Baltic_Hammer6162 12 дней назад
What I really hear you saying is..... Heiser's presentations which he would fully explain and explore from every possible angle, while using the Bible and 2nd Temple Jewish literature, just doesn't fit thru my Jean Cauvin Bible filter. So therefore Heiser has to be wrong and a heretic. Its truly crazy how people make up stuff and then twist the Bible to make it support THEIR version of the Bible. Classic Calvin in Geneva.
@owenmcghee8837 7 дней назад
I was told early in my christian walk of 50+ years to always hold my doctrines loosely because something will come along to throw a curve ball that will send you spinning.
@TheGermdog 25 дней назад
Hey Brothers, can you look into doing a response video to Doreen virtues critique and caution of Michael Heiser? I feel like her and her guests are pretty far off, but I know a lot of Reformed Church people listen to her.
@Baltic_Hammer6162 12 дней назад
She is a deceiver and hops from one type of deceit to another. New Age to Episcopal to ?? to suddenly appearing chummy with Justin Peters. Birds of a feather flock together. STOP listening her unless you want to reinforce the Bible's warning on the blind leading the blind.
@jeffkooistra264 6 дней назад
The basic problem here is that both omniscient and omnipotent are terms related to infinities. We are not capable of handling terms about infinities in the real world in our human minds. The best advice is to believe that it all depends on God but act like it all depends on you. We are bound by time, and God is not. These discussions will never be settled. Like dividing a number by zero, the result is undefined.
@franklindzioba13 Месяц назад
Around the 16:30 mark this was said "not only are we free in our decisions but we are free in our salvation", is this statement consistent with the Reformed Theological view of God's sovereignty?
@ParticularBaptist Месяц назад
No it's not, they were saying that's Heisers view
@franklindzioba13 Месяц назад
@@ParticularBaptist I just relistened ..you are correct . I think he was summarizing Heiser's view. I appreciate the correction .
@nightrider963 Месяц назад
Funny how the “establishment” puts this out when the man can no longer defend his position. Did these disagreements just occur to them ?? LOL.
@Baltic_Hammer6162 17 дней назад
Took the words right off my tongue. Wait til he's dead then trash him.!! That's the Calvinism I know very well, but when your belief system founder was like that, can you expect better from his followers?
@graybillythekid 27 дней назад
Dr. Leighton Flowers is an ex calvinist of 10 years who taught n defended it but left calvinism n he now does an incredible job of not only exposing the deep flaws of calvinism but he also shows you a much more clear and much better way of interpreting so called calvinistic passages. I would challenge any reformed calvinist to listen to Dr. Flowers n try to tell me he doesnt make way more sense than any calvinist past or present...
@johnpeavey6557 15 дней назад
Hi Billy, I would challenge you to read and study Ephesians 1 and write out each point made than tell me what the chapter is teaching.
@graybillythekid 3 дня назад
​@johnpeavey6557 I would challenge you watch n listen to Dr. Leighton Flowers explain Ephesians 1 in context...
@jamesb5136 25 дней назад
God ordained from the begining of time for Mike to put this chapter in the book
@interestedmeow 22 дня назад
😂 You win the internet brother! You win the game of ‘Break that System!’ too 😂😂
@St.QuoVadis Месяц назад
I have been waiting to see a video like this. I really had to wrestle with the unseen realm, especially because some reformed mentors of mine recommended the book. It was difficult for me to reconcile these two ideas. Thank you and god bless!
@williamcunningham4946 Месяц назад
Heiser is absolutely right about free will and Calvinism, he put it in the book because Calvinism isn't compatible with the Devine counsel (which is clearly in the Bible)
@kingdomsunveiledpod Месяц назад
@williamcunningham4946 Месяц назад
@@kingdomsunveiledpod ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kN_5SHEsHns.htmlsi=fL9EkAFy4kFGKCIe
@BrianRich1689 26 дней назад
It's certainly not incompatible with it. Predestination and election was taught by early Church Fathers before Augustine. Chrystosome for instance goes into length about election and predestination and it mirrors what Calvin said about it. And it's spot on with what Paul said about it.
@williamcunningham4946 26 дней назад
@@BrianRich1689 no it's called CALVINism for a reason. God doesn't need someone to be murdered in order to achieve His glory. God achieves His goals without infringing on your freedom to make your own choices. We inevitably make bad choices with the free will God gave us, THAT'S where evil comes from. When you toss out false doctrine like Calvinism, the Bible makes much more coherent sense. I've encountered so many atheist who are atheist because of Calvinism (That's not a coincidence), when I remove Calvinism from their argument their arguments fall apart that's not a coincidence either
@BrianRich1689 25 дней назад
@@williamcunningham4946 "it's called Calvinism for a reason" - Calvinism is a label given to Reformed theology by the Remonstrants who disliked Calvin. It was meant as a derogatory label. That's why it's called Calvinism. "God doesn't need someone to be murdered in order to achieve His glory" -So you're saying that the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus didn't glorify God? I disagree, weird statement. Minimizing the Gospel isn't a good point to stand on. Unless I'm mistaken on your point, if so, clarify. "God achieves His goals without infringing on your freedom to make you're own choices." -Thats a broad statement. In some cases this is true. In cases like the Israelites conquest of Cananaan, God delivered the Canaanites unto destruction, I doubt it was their will or choice to be destroyed. They had no chance, God was on the side of Israel. You don't have a choice in whether or not you are physically born, and the same goes for ones spiritual birth. One of us is consistent on this, and it's not you. "We inevitably make bad choices with the free will God gave us,THATS where evil comes from" -This point I agree with. Where this comes from is both by choice and our fallen nature. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". That's a "Calvinist" ideal btw. "When you toss out false doctrine like Calvinism, the Bible makes much more coherent sense" - What part of Calvinism? Calvinism isn't a "Doctrine" it's a set of doctrines. If you mean Calvin's views of soteriology, then I disagree, it's very consistent, Biblical and was held by early Christians who lived before Augustine even, and I can list those early Christians if you'd like and provide quotes proving this. Calvin's Soteriology is spot on. "I've encountered many atheists..." - That's tertiary evidence. And it's an opinion based upon wrong doctrine and is not Biblical. Atheists don't believe because they are in rebellion towards God period. I won't entertain that notion since it's ridiculous on its face. "When I remove Calvinism..." -Atheists will be more friendly towards ideals that allow them to keep some of their humanistic values. Unbiblical principles appeal to mankind's desires and ideals. So this could make sense, but also: this is tertiary evidence.
@PreDustined 17 дней назад
I first have gravitated to heiser's view and now im Reformed ive been wanting to know if i cam believe in the divine council worldview with Reformed theology as well as covenant theology
@graybillythekid 27 дней назад
Are you guys familar with Dr. Leighton Flowers??
@robjoyce4681 12 дней назад
I don't think these men understand that when Michael Heiser thinks outside of the box. Calvinism is the box. Modern reformed Calvinism is the restraining entity that disables reasoning. Michael Heiser brought ancient near Eastern understanding to the text which was mind-blowing and surprising to us in this day and age. Calvin brings Western thinking that many of us align with. The shocker comes when we open our eyes to understand what the authors were saying in that culture and time period. Dealing with Calvinism is relevant and mandatory in my opinion. They appear to be blinded when they don't understand this.
@laurakosch 10 дней назад
This is the best analysis of the Calvinist phenomenon.
@DumbSheep88 Месяц назад
Im actually about to start driving to from Dickson to attend your church! We wanted a reformed church and found your and since i have been listening to your stuff and i think its great you talk about this stuff.
@TurtleTrackin 13 дней назад
Actually- the fact that a non-Calvinist (Heiser), some Calvinists, and even some (probable) dispensationalists (i.e., Chaffey) uphold the DCW lends it credibility.
@Timothy_67 11 дней назад
It is ironic how you said, "it matters to God how we respond." Why would that be if he has predestined my response? Hmmm!
@laurakosch 10 дней назад
This is just one of the glaring internal contradictions inherent within the reformed system.
@pomegranate6221 12 дней назад
What are these two talking about?
@Baltic_Hammer6162 12 дней назад
They are taking issue with Dr Michael Heiser's view let the Bible speak for the Bible. But they want the Bible squeezed thru the Calvinist filter. Anything squeezed thru any level of Calvinism is going to be deceit but it will be so well camouflaged some people will believe it and be blinded.
@CRoadwarrior 6 дней назад
Heiser was not the best Bible interpreter. In fact, it has been shown that he regularly engaged in eisegesis, speculation, assumption, and using ANE and non-canonical books to add to God's word. Anyone interested in learning the truth about Heiser's tactics show see the series "The UnBiblical Realm: Refuting Michael Heiser's Divine Council w/Heath Henning."
@AsterixDaBriton 16 дней назад
Now this is done with love, even though we don’t agree, totally, geez I don’t even agree 💯 with the Mike 😂 either one love amongst the Saints bless💚😎❤️
@missinglink_eth Месяц назад
I love watching you guys and love Heiser’s work. It helps me understand the Bible so much more and how the original audience likely understood the supernatural. I am not reformed, so this is very interesting to hear your views and how they mesh.
@edwinvelazquez8190 20 дней назад
Concerns about Heiser's teachings: 1) Video - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-X6ih2uBh0Is.html&si=8vyAhlKd3HpBPfFr 2) Video - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Q97Hjeoj43U.html&si=nPKVhgJZvtdGAD8P
@kingdomsunveiledpod 19 дней назад
We have a response video coming next week
@Baltic_Hammer6162 12 дней назад
Doreen is a textbook example of blind leading or trying to lead the blind.
@Joe10e84 2 дня назад
This was devastating to Doreen's videos and exposes many inaccuracies. ru-vid.comRjgo_LuEWNc?si=wW4KFkbXCXZXdXp6
@dannewcomb7631 Месяц назад
I agree with you two. Loved Heiser even though I disagreed with him and his view of God's sovereignty. His view of election was so off and his view of Scripture seems to be off a bit. But man he was good at many other things.
@graybillythekid 27 дней назад
What was wrong with his view of sovereignty n election?? He makes more sense than any calvinist I've ever heard.
@dannewcomb7631 27 дней назад
@@graybillythekid well yes. I'm from the Reformed faith...so I would not agree with him on that. But I do on many other things.
@graybillythekid 27 дней назад
@@dannewcomb7631 but why do u disagree with him?
@dannewcomb7631 27 дней назад
@@graybillythekid his view of election. I agree with him probably 90% or more. I think, it seems to me, most often the disagreements lie in a misunderstanding of what people believe in regards to election. I know Heiser thinks the people of God, Israel, were God's chosen people. Yet he makes the correct point that just because you were born a Jew doesn't mean you were saved. I agree. I don't know to any Reformer that thinks otherwise. There was the "remanent". And no Reformer disagrees with him regarding man's ultimate responsibility to believe. Man is responsible. Yet there are so many passages that confirm what I experienced and so many..."I once was blind but now I see". I think it is pretty clear the grace of God is needed to save. Eph 2:8-10 is a good place to start. Even our faith is given to us. Yet, mysteriously it seems, man is responsible. And the Gospel must be preached "Repent and believe". No Reformer rejects evangelism. But...I suspect Heiser was just being loyal to his tradition, an emphasis on man's responsibility perhaps. And I'm not sure about his view of scripture. He may be right but I'm probably more traditional on the idea of the cannon is inerrant and the books not included are not necessarily inerrant. But...I liked him. I listen to him a lot.
@graybillythekid 27 дней назад
​@@dannewcomb7631I think you could benefit from listening more closely to Heiser's views on election, salvation, spiritual deadness and sovereignty. It's not a mystery as to how man is free if God is sovereign. Reformed ppl mk it a mystery because they are married to the theological system of calvinism and many cant think outside of that box. Dr. Heiser believed that man is responsible because man has the capacity to freely respond to God's appeals, not that men seek God because we don't but that we can freely choose to accept or reject God's appeals without some divine intervention as if we didn't have the capacity to believe the gospel without God specially enabling us to do so... I don't think you understand Dr. Heiser's view of scripture either but u acknowledged that. Just a friendly recommendation if you want some real clarity on calvinism, election, salvation, predestination, free will etc.Check out Dr. Leighton Flowers he is an ex calvinist of 10 years who taught and defended it but left calvinism and has a yt channel called soteriology 101 where he does an incredible job of exposing the deep flaws of calvinism as well as showing u a much more clear and better way of interpretating so called calvinistic passages than any calvinist I've ever heard past or present. He even shows videos of John MacArthur preaching calvinism in one sermon n in another he preaches something completely contradictory to his own calvinism lol because calvinism is a walking contradiction...
@jeffwatt4684 Месяц назад
Great discussion
@JamesReed-n8h Месяц назад
I am calvinistic,reformed and confessional. I came upon Hieser's book several years ago. I read it and absorbed it. Divine council etc. etc. I Absolutely loved the Unseen realm. Footnotes everywhere I was SO IMPRESSED!! UNTIL!!!!haha. I came to the chapter on "Calvinism" no footnotes just dumb!! My book bleeds with ink!! I'm like...What???...So..yeah. I learned as frustrated as I was...I sort of ignore that chapter and have learn to not throw out the good because I can't take the bad. I have no idea what happened such a brilliant man but not so much in this chapter. But...I believe he now knows. Praise God that He uses me in my flaws.
@LuLu-wd6ip Месяц назад
So, do you believe that the 3 supernatural rebellions that Heiser talks about was pre-determined by God to happen?
@truthseeker5698 Месяц назад
Indeed, Heiser now knows Calvinisms wellspring is from the Saran. Amen.
@DumbSheep88 Месяц назад
Austin Taylor is my name ill be attending starting next week looking forward to it very much!
@truthseeker5698 Месяц назад
Reformed Calvinism are disgusting theological attempts to usurp Jesus The Messiah into a systematic cults image.
@dianeellison3090 Месяц назад
But, if he SO misunderstood the sovereign doctrine of election, I still dont see WHY I should trust his judgement on any other topic. He was very hostile with Dr. James White on Psalm 82.
@rustyrussell3211 Месяц назад
Do you mean that in your own opinion he was wrong,.....
@sorenpx Месяц назад
He didn't misunderstand the sovereignty of God, but even if he did, it does not follow logically that because someone has a misunderstanding in regard to one piece of theology he necessarily must misunderstand everything else.
@truthseeker5698 Месяц назад
Do you not “see” the inconsistency and double-mindedness in your comment?? Lord have mercy!
@amieroberg5252 Месяц назад
44:54 we can’t improve upon the Faith revealed by Christ and delivered once for all to the Saints.
@interestedmeow Месяц назад
The fact that neither of you happened to have approached him on this in life is extremely telling. The fact that neither of you read the web page dedicated to this chapter that reveals he actually held a very orthodox view on quickening, nearly word for word as you described, is also concerning. IF you’d taken the time to actually research his full thoughts on this, you’d find the he did in fact agree with Piper about the two wills and the very passage you two seem unwilling to actually engage with in 1Sam upholds Pipers position perfectly.
@kingdomsunveiledpod 29 дней назад
Thank you for the feedback
@KravMagoo 24 дня назад
Learned nothing about Reformed or Heiser.
@missinglink_eth Месяц назад
AOL chatrooms ftw 😂
@alex1ms Месяц назад
Love you guys, I am rereading Unseen Realm, and on chapter 7 on the section “Earth was not Eden”, Heiser pretty much says the world was not “perfect”, but instead was only “good”, or “very good”. He argues that if God wanted us to understand that the world back then was perfect, he would use that word instead… and yes we are talking about the world before the fall. I wonder where Heiser is trying to get here, I always had the impression that before the fall the world didn’t lack anything, it was in a way…”perfect”. Does anyone know more details on Heiser’s position on this and what should we as Reformed believe about this?
@sorenpx Месяц назад
If I recall correctly--and I may not be--he distinguishes between Eden and the rest of the earth. The Garden is not all there was. The rest of the earth was "good" but still needed to be subdued and developed.
@alex1ms Месяц назад
@@sorenpx But would that make the rest of the earth, before the fall, not perfect then? Even if you consider the garden “perfect”, it still needed guarding and keeping before the corruption of sin.
@sorenpx Месяц назад
@@alex1ms I honestly am not even sure what a "perfect" earth is. How do we define it? Does it mean free from danger? Does it mean already being perfectly cultivated? I honestly don't know.
@rockandroll3671 Месяц назад
Ask the question: Why did God command to “… subdue …” the Earth? What needed subduing? Gen 1:28
@vcbrittney4072 Месяц назад
@@rockandroll3671I’ve always understood it as Adam was to subdue the earth aka have authority over it as he was created in the image of God and ranked highest in all that was created. By sinning against God, he forfeited his/man’s authority and this position transferred to Satan. Who will have dominion until the second Adam (Christ) defeats him and takes it back.
@user-bz7hw4gx5n 16 дней назад
Is Calvinism even Christian? It’s more like Gnosticism
@Baltic_Hammer6162 12 дней назад
Catholicism and Calvinism grew from the same rotten root of parts of multiple Gnostic pagan beliefs. The Manichean's doctrines never left Augustine. Manicheanism was just one of 4 or 5 Gnostic systems floating around the 1st century and later. Some earlier. Calvinism does share a lot of traits with Gnosticism, Islam, New Age, etc. They all have "secret knowledge" available only to a select few. That's a starter intro for a very long topic.
@geoffmckenzie2608 20 дней назад
Sheesh! ½way through and you haven't defined ANYTHING! WHAT ARE YOU ASSUMING WE KNOW??????
@truthseeker5698 Месяц назад
Reformed calvinism simply has their own deity that attempts to claim God of The Bible. Jesus The Messiah words away from me will be heard by many of these reformed calvinist. adherents. Bearing. false witness has significant ramifications/ consequences.
@danielkim672 28 дней назад
So what is this deity that is different than what you believe is the true God of the Bible?
@truthseeker5698 28 дней назад
@@danielkim672 Impossible to cohere align Jesus The Messiah with the christ of Calvinism.
@danielkim672 27 дней назад
@@truthseeker5698 I am not a Calvinist so I do not know the all the intimate pieces of theology so the question i have is in what main way does Calvinism view Jesus Christ that does not align with Jesus The Messiah from your perspective?
@truthseeker5698 27 дней назад
@@danielkim672 Jesus The Messiah draws all to himself and desires none to perish. The christ of Calvinism predetermined its elect before the world began and has decreed everything that happens. Impossible these two are the same.
@danielkim672 27 дней назад
@@truthseeker5698 I see where are coming from. It might be difficult to understand for sure, but I do believe that because of God's Sovereignty, He saves the ones who He choose to save. I agree that Jesus and God desires for everyone to be saved. I also believe that for the work of Jesus on the Cross to be complete 'requires' the work of humans to actively choose Jesus over sin, then the work on the Cross is not complete. I will say I could be wrong and I am glad we can have these discussions. God bless!
@edwinvelazquez8190 20 дней назад
Concerns about Heiser's teachings: 1) Video - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-X6ih2uBh0Is.html&si=8vyAhlKd3HpBPfFr 2) Video - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Q97Hjeoj43U.html&si=nPKVhgJZvtdGAD8P
@dannewcomb7631 Месяц назад
I agree with you two. Loved Heiser even though I disagreed with him and his view of God's sovereignty. His view of election was so off and his view of Scripture seems to be off a bit. But man he was good at many other things.
@mikelyons2831 28 дней назад
If I may ask, what was not right/correct with his view of God's sovereignty?
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