
Remember When This Game FAILED? - SimCity 2013 (#1) 

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30 июл 2024




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@jasweb147 Год назад
So how is the game now? Is it playable?
@Valhir03 Год назад
@jasweb147 Год назад
@@Valhir03 Thanks now I have to find it somewhere. :(
@ConflictNerd Год назад
Honestly? It's totally playable. It's a totally different experience to Cities: Skylines though. The scale of SimCity is way smaller, and the depth of details available in Cities: Skylines is way, way larger - but it's still a fun, casual city-builder and I really enjoy it now because of those differences. It's also interesting to see some of the things SimCity did in 2013 that Cities: Skylines would go on to do years later, such as using things like Ore Mines and Oil Wells to make metals and plastics, that you can then send into a factory to make goods that you can then export. I also love the modular buildings available in SimCity, and think it's really cool being able to expand a single power plant into something slightly more powerful for a fraction of the cost, rather than having to spend money, at full-price, on a completely new building.
@incompetencelogistics8924 Год назад
@@ConflictNerd I remember SimCity tending to be more difficult than C:S on average as well, so it may be more for you if you like the management aspect more.
@MichaelBelgium Год назад
@@ConflictNerd Honestly Simcity13 gives like a special feeling when playing it, that C:S doesn't have. The modular building is so much more fun and C:S doesn't have it. They tried with airport DLC but its such a big flop. The sounds, zoning, gameplay, etc is so much more satisfying in simcity imo C:S does have more dept of details, but only in building aspect, not simulation aspect (C:S is litteraly a "city design game" at this point developed by the community)
@Mike20we Год назад
The thing I love about this games is that it actually simulates real days instead of having no real schedule. For example sims will go back home at night and sleep and will go to work in the morning causing a morning rush hour, schools also wont be open all day like in Cities skylines and it just feels much more authentic, there should be a mod for that in cities skylines.
@Someone-lr6gu Год назад
There is a mod for this in Cities Skylines. It's called Real Hours.
@Mr-dm5we Год назад
@@Someone-lr6gu Real time
@MichaelBelgium Год назад
Simulation wise Simcity is much more better than C:S yeah
@PtrkHrnk Год назад
@@MichaelBelgium Time of day simulation, maybe. But not in simulation of traffic, life, work, traffic, water, traffic, public transit... did I mention traffic?
@obviousbear1289 Год назад
Sadly they achieved this by absolutely cheating with the engine. Yes, sims leave their homes in the morning and return back home in the evening- but not the same home. The individual agents will leave their home, search for an appropriate job in their radius, and go fill that. In the evening, they'll leave the job, search for an appropriate home, and go back to that. This was one of the many (many (MANY)) reasons map size was so small - if your city got too big, it ended up with a "wave" behavior" of skilled/unskilled jobs sloshing back and forth, greatly destabilizing the surrounding economy, which then resulted in an uncontrolled downward spiral. That combined with a horrid pathfinding led to things looking nice, but being utter and complete cr...aziness.
@A.Martin Год назад
Many parts of SimCity were superior to cities skylines, but its main failing was it was limited, so maps were too small was the main thing. There were also the online issues and lack of modding. But it had so many great ideas, like the expandability of buildings, if you need more capacity in a school, make it bigger, same with power stations etc.
@angulion Год назад
Not only that, but that the population it showed was scaled exponentially at some point, making balancing a total mess in a large town. Because it looks cooler when it says 500k instead of the real value of 13,5k, or something like that. It was proved from leaked sourcecode.
@egel7736 Год назад
Such a shame. It had a pretty OK foundation (after the initial launch issues were dealt with) and I would have loved to see EA improve on the game. It's just so whimsical and adorable. It also actually looks visually appealing to me, which Cities: Skylines (which I love) does not at all.
@Bethgael Год назад
The "always online" was what did it for me. EA's consistent use of "hey, we know this is a SP game mostly, but you have to use up any data you may have [because yes, some people did and still do have data caps] on loading up this game!" was the final nail in the coffin for me and EA. Since then the only games from EA I've bought are DAI (because I have written 1000 pages of DA fanfic so of course I did) and MELE (which was a gift from my son because he was unaware I was boycotting them). My review of C:S back in the day was basically "does what EA games claimed was impossible". [almost 10 years! Whut???] I do love watching Dylan's videos of it though. :D
@A.Martin Год назад
@@egel7736 yea they just needed to have online mode be optional, and make the maps bigger. Also need highways if the maps are bigger.
@mffuniverse3806 Год назад
Nah city skylines is superior, you can shit take on nostalgia all you want but you can’t deny CS surpassing them in every way. Especially with the newest update that isn’t even done being released FOR FREE
@usmansm Год назад
This game had so much potential. It was so unfortunate that EA killed the game so quickly without giving it another chance.
@1ButtonDash Год назад
the game is good but people made such a huge deal of the city size back then it pretty much killed the game. it has lots of great mechanics and interesting features. It is unfortunate.
@kpro8908 Год назад
@@1ButtonDash The bigger issue for people at the time was the online-only requirement, excessive DRM, and terrible server support. City size was a problem after everything else was sorted, but those early stumbles cratered a huge portion of the player base’s interest
@matthiewbaker7249 Год назад
@@kpro8908 The online only requirement killed me. I couldn't play the game because EA wouldn't let me onto their servers. I am not going to get this game unless it is not on origin. It is a terrible platform. If this game would've been on steam, it would've been one of the most successful city builders of all time.
@philipcrash765 Год назад
@@matthiewbaker7249 Origin doesnt exist anymore, they got their new EA launcher. I havent tested how it performs yet tho.
@Stettafire Год назад
​@@1ButtonDash City size wasn't the issue the issue was the countless bugs, crashes, bad AI etc etc. It wasn't people "making a big deal" that killed it, it was the game being bad that killed it
@captain4318 Год назад
This game definitely has a certain charm. It's cute and fun. The small scale ruins the creativity and excitement for me, but it's still a game that I'll play for a weekend once a year or so.
@heathjake25 Год назад
same, I love playing this game. But only thing that puts this game over cities skylines is the Cities of Tomorrow expansion. I also got the limited edition from pre-ordering the game 9 years ago, so I have the landmark that shoots 10,000 people into space, which is fun. Also, I think the small city size really makes you push your creativity to make the most of it. There are some amazing cities out there with such small space.
@vanyadolly Год назад
I'd love to build small charming towns, but not without farms. They took farms out of the one iteration of the game they should be in.
@taryngeissler8797 Год назад
I wish CS would implement the modular buildings. I loved them. I loved that if you had the red cross thing in your city, red cross tents would pop up all over your city( at the schools, town hall, ect.) During and after a disaster. I thought that was so cool.
@RobSpeaking Год назад
You’re in luck with the sequel
@Ben71246 Год назад
This was my first ever city builder game, I got it when I was maybe 10, and even then I knew it was ganky, but I still loved it and reminisce it. I do think that this game had some features better than city skylines. For example expanding fire ambulance and police stations was cool. And having multiple cities was something I missed. Over of course cs is better
@CrazyAlienLady051 Год назад
Yeah I think the only way to add more ambulances or trucks is to increase the budget in Cities Skylines. You can’t edit the buildings. But, you can move them around without bulldozing and you can rename buildings. Something SimCity doesn’t have.
@valentinkathiru6390 Год назад
@@mikeyreza , and @Retaliatergamer. I was 9 so same haha, and I completely agree with you both. So much nostalgia listening to the music and hearing the sound effects. Hoping for the same hoping eventually someone makes it.
@kayabaj Год назад
God, I remember playing SimCity when it came out after years of playing City Life Deluxe on my father's computer, it felt so futuristic and the editing of individual buildings blew me away. I still hold hope that Cities Skylines 2 will have the social classes and building editing mechanics from mentioned games, cause they are just neat in my opinion.
@Mr-dm5we Год назад
Nah, to me adding an inevitable class divide is not the best idea. Unless you can resolve it in the game and build sort of a socialist society, unlike in simcity where you can't do anything about it
@kayabaj Год назад
@@Mr-dm5we I think it's narratively interesting, like Monopoly. Cities Skylines is showing an inherently flawed system, but unlike Monopoly that wasn't their intention(I assume). Cities Skylines is to ekistics what Monopoly is to economics and that's great, the problem is that they didn't actually lean into it, most cities designed in Cities Skylines should be an utter unbridled mess, riots, poverty and all the misery of contemporary living. So adding social classes, inherent friction between them and even lobbying for policies by them would be fantastic, building a dystopia can be way more fun than building a utopia. Admittedly that's more of a writer than city-builder opinion but I love both.
@smiggy1968 Год назад
I still play SC2013 occasionally. You can get quite far into the game on a Sunday afternoon rather than the mega time commitment of starting a City Skylines build from scratch.
@Zorbino88 Год назад
Just another example of EA destroying an entire gaming community due to their greed of money.
@Stettafire Год назад
I would argue it was the failure of SimCity that let cities skylines be a runaway success. EA isn't killing the gaming community, it's killing EA
@roccociccone597 14 дней назад
@@Stettafire well.. it was EA's insistence on implementing an always on network features and forcing it on origin. So it definitely was EA's fault that the game released in the state in which it did. And it barely gave the game a chance to improve, it was killed way too soon.
@aeyempire Год назад
Remember that biggest failure reasoning was the anti-piracy creating problems for the original game owners. Second reason was the lack of features, which got added with updates later on, but not that much because it failed a lot.
@matthiewbaker7249 Год назад
So much so that I bought the game and it wouldn't let me play it. thanks origin.
@aeyempire Год назад
@@matthiewbaker7249 that is why it is the only game I pirated. (except reigon locked games.)
@PSPbrtag Год назад
I played this game this year with my GF and it was way more fun than I ever thought it was. There is some real meat in getting a good city going, managing resources and working towards milestones. SimCity and Cities Skylines are both excelent in very different things. One does not scratch the itch the other does.
@PSPbrtag Год назад
@@mikeyreza Absolutely. I feel a real lack of good games about building and managing that can also be played in co-op. Sim City 2013 could have been a real gem if only it worked a little better and the mapsize made more sense. You can get used to it but there is no denying it was a big letdown at the time.
@SKRWildfire Год назад
Omg the memories playing this game. The bugs, the annoying traffic but still soo much fun. Btw just a tip i cant remember where or how but i used to have a mod for 1 way roads. Also here was the exploit that you can pauze the game (before the in game time hour is over like on x:57) put the tax on max go on to the next hour and put the taxes normal and it doesn't pist off the sims. For some extra money
@justinjohnson293 Год назад
I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this but the soundtrack for this game is SPECTACULAR!!!
@darhkblu Год назад
Its just 1 of many reasons why I just can't get into C:S.
@mffuniverse3806 Год назад
@@darhkblu Wym CS got amazing soundtracks now at least, GoldFM is the best radio of them all.
@darhkblu Год назад
@@mffuniverse3806 I don't really know how to explain it as to why I love Simcity 2013 and can't get into CS,IDK its just this kinda overall vibe that the game has that CS just doesn't,A part of it is the soundtrack and a part of it is the whole simulation part the day and night cycle,IDK yeah it just has that somthing,The visual design aswell overall its so much better to me then CS...
@gracebuskell Год назад
I play CS and put the sims city music on in the background…best of both worlds imo 😂
@Rose_D Год назад
It genuinely is, I have it playing in the background when I work sometimes and it helps me focus!
@BigJMC Год назад
One thing that I loved about this game is the multiplayer and the fact that other player’s cities had an affect on your city.
@miguelkeeler7747 Год назад
I wish they would incorporate little details like the construction workers, movers, rush hour traffic, etc in Cities Skylines... This why I like Sim City, for the visuals (for the most part).
@janehoyken Год назад
Im one of the few people who enjoy simcity 2013 a lot more than cities skylines and i think simcity 2013 did is like doing most things right, its just that theres a few mistakes but those are major big mistakes
@luis4ever887 Год назад
Never seen any of your content before but 8 hours after you uploaded this video, it got recommended to me and this is exactly what I was waiting for for a while: revisiting this lovely game!
@GA-girl-Brooke Год назад
Love to see this making a comeback! I was a diehard SimCity fan when I was younger. SimCity 4 and SimCity 2013 were my most-played ones. I love the nostalgia this brought me! If you play SimCity 4, even for one video, I’d be so happy!
@MrElvis640 Год назад
I remember waiting for this game to come out like a kid waiting for Christmas, I spent lots of hours but always hated when I couldn’t pump water from the ground anymore and my city would slowly die just for me to start all over again. The sky bridges connecting the high tech building was next level in this game, have yet to see that on CS
@bj2200 Год назад
You tripping all you had to do was just buy water from neighboring cities lol
@motorcycling5441 7 месяцев назад
​@@bj2200 The neighboring cities will run out of water eventually.
@Samuel88853 4 месяца назад
@@motorcycling5441 Thats what the sewage sanitizer is for.
@magiciangob Год назад
I've been playing Anno 1800 a lot recently and I realized that a lot of the concepts that SimCity 2013 tried for have been adapted and surpassed in the Anno series. Although TBH Anno is more a logistic simulator than city builder, but you get the idea.
@chloeneal4006 Год назад
Then you get to the traffic nightmare and run out of land disaster and remember why you're on your 4th monitor
@JC_Cali Год назад
It also seems so lacking in terms of public transport, rail interconnectivity, freeway expansion, ferry connections, etc.
@Samuel88853 4 месяца назад
skill issue
@holywobbles8703 Год назад
The sound track for SimCity alone is enough to make even me boot up the game every now and then. It truly made this game amazing.
@Viesta Год назад
i honestly wished this game didn't fail... i have been wanting another sim city for the longest time now.
@babble-on Год назад
9 years later and i still really wish we had modular megatowers in cities skylines lol
@henryli9133 Год назад
The colour and map theme in Simcity 5 is way better and more natural than C:S. C:S is just so yellow and dark.
@sGabrielJ 10 месяцев назад
The visual of this game is so beautiful, the buildings being constructed, buildings interiors, even the grass... its a shame that we dont have a sequel
@crystalsaturn7503 Год назад
the main reason I stopped playing this game was the zoning. Once it goes to high density there is so much wasted space between all the buildings. I now play Skyline Cities where the building would build everywhere you zone.
@chexgeam6598 Год назад
Things and tips that may help you out: >Buildings will automatically upgrade once they have enough wealth/money and have the necessary upgrade paths >>Try to keep the factories away from the main population because they pollution and bring down the land value >Omegaco requires raw material and oil to make their products >>Will produce happiness and profits but also produce pollution and requires a lot of oil and raw material >Try to keep the factories away from the main population because they pollution and bring down the land value >Until you have a better sewage treatment try to have at least 2 sewage outflow pipes because it will overflow. I try to swtich between being one turned off and the other turned on to help prevent overflow. >With some tabs (like the school, mining, and tourism tabs) you can select the guide me button to help you with planning and building your city that specializes in a specific industry >If possible you can use mods to help you with your city
@TJusnow Год назад
It’s just wild to me that this was supposed to be the successor to SC4… I still play SC4 to this day. It’s community is alive and well.
@assetaden6662 Год назад
It had so much oppotunities but EA just ruined it. But I still love this game though, I love the multiplayer. Also it is kinda realistic, you don't see the Sims working at night or kids studying at night. Yes, I know that C:S has mods, but we're comparing base to base here. Especially I love the multiplayer. I still remember playing with buds, trying to build that common monument thingy(?). We failed, but still had so much fun.
@delroyclarke1989 Год назад
Love this, nice to see this back on the channel, was my 1st city building game, still got the original installation discs for it 😂😅 might have to redownload it again
@MG-247 Год назад
The nostalgia hit hard with this one. Thank you Conflict!
@Jive33 Год назад
Building size is so small in this game that it’s not fun to me. You build a city and before you even feel that you’ve gotten started…you’re out of land space.
@DanielLopez-up6os Год назад
Personally i still love to come back to this game cause it's just so different to Cities Skylines and getting the building upgrades unlocked feels like an achievement. The Expansions to get the Megatowers and OmegaCo makes it even more fun.
@just_in_time2249 Год назад
I’m sorry but Cities of Tomorrow is superior to any modern or futuristic-like DLC that skylines has ever done. I wish that existed…
@squib2118 Год назад
revisiting the cities of tomorrow pack is probably some of the most nostalgic i’ve been hit with in a while
@forbidden76 Год назад
I built a gaming PC for my future wife and I back in 2013 just to play this! OMG what a cluster F at launch. Servers were down and wouldnt let us play offline. We then played some Knight of the Old Republic together so at least it wasnt a complete lost. We never did come back to this game. I used my CD key in the EA App and it took so going to play tomorrow!
@cynaptic115 Год назад
Imma say it. I genuinely enjoy playing sim city 2013 more than cities skylines. C:S is a technically superior as a city builder, but sim city is just more fun as a game.
@KadmaNeeChan Год назад
I really loved making gambling cities with this 😅 it was just so much fun! Until everything went downhill and was time to start a new neighbour city 😂
@Nawaf- Год назад
The menu in this game is very pretty. Cities: Skylines should do it like that!
@mygetawayart Год назад
i will say, if they made a new SimCity game that has most of this game's functionalities, is entirely singleplayer and didn't have such small city spaces, it would be a great success. The game is perfectly playable, it's fun and nowadays it doesn't have any of the issues it had at launch. This franchise deserves another chance but they need to learn from their mistakes.
@Samuel88853 4 месяца назад
The option for multiplayer is good. Multiplayer is fun and people still play to this day multiplayer in this game
@mygetawayart 4 месяца назад
@@Samuel88853 I disagree but you can also have a multiplayer option that isn't the entire focus of the game or at the very least, doesn't diminish what a player can do on their own.
@brain_afk333 Год назад
Ah the nostalgia! I was so hyped about the game and played it quite a bit. Despite all the problema it had I always loved the modularity of the service buildings.
@gdhukLONDON Год назад
🤔 I can't remember buying any of the Sim City games. I think my first City building game was Cities XL - Interesting to watch but makes me love CS even more... Funny how over the years my choice of games have changed. Now I only get games that are different every time you play and can play these year after year without getting bored. I really hate to admit this but some of the most enjoyable games I have played were on the ZX spectrum or the C64. Cheers for the upload Dylan 👍
@cmpondeck33 10 месяцев назад
The fact that it had multiplayer makes it better than CS.
@JSXSProductions Год назад
I can't believe this game is almost 10 years old already. I remember being so hyped for it when it was announced. I played it a lot and was definitely disappointed. I liked a lot of things, like the expandable buildings, the regional megaprojects, etc... But things like the power delivery SUUUUCKED. The "electricity balls" just bounce around randomly. Which means the further away from a power plant a building is, it's statistically less likely to get power. So my cities always ended up having a huge power surplus, but some buildings wouldn't have power if they were too far away. UGH. Also only having 1 road into / out of the "city" (more like neighborhood) meant every city had a huge traffic bottleneck. Also no terraforming, which was one of my favorite parts of SC4. But Cities: Skylines fed my cravings.
@BROke4209 Год назад
Resident: we need more high wealth residents here. Nerd: gotchu. *deletes everyone* 🤣😂🤣😂
@everettashton2052 Год назад
I had to play this for class lol
@DiamondOrPoor78 Год назад
When you realize kids born in 2013 will be a decade old
@diarian Год назад
as someone who still plays this (yes ik), but this game for me is nostalgic and its fun enough😅
@kevinj834 Год назад
Literally loved this game but the maps were just so damn small. Also, I was one of the viewers you had back when you had vids on this game!
@HenBasketFireAlarms Год назад
I don’t know if it’s all the sci-fi movies, but even when the game came out when I was thirteen, OmegaCo just seemed like it was somehow going to end up being malicious
@heathjake25 Год назад
Maybe if the game didn’t fail we would have an OmegaCo and Dr. Vu story.
@RAI-1911 Год назад
Somehow I just remembered I did play this back in the day... It has its flaw but pretty fun regardless...
@NathanFlanagan Год назад
Looking forward to the next one,this game was really enjoyable. Shame they never fixed it fully.
@SageLakshmi Год назад
What was it they didn't fix? I've found a lot of complaints people were making were because they didn't understand the design of the game. The only issue with the game that is still persistent today is building bus stations that travel to other cities still clog your regional roads
@NathanFlanagan Год назад
@@SageLakshmi Yeah, traffic is still a mess, which basically kills the game. I think the resources don't balance properly also it's very frustrating not to be able to link the cities correctly. You, hit a certain point where you just can't build anymore. Hopefully we'll get a new one soon Can't argue the innovation with megatowers and Sky ways, not that I could ever manage to build them.
@Stettafire Год назад
​@@SageLakshmi The AI
@chucktrow8577 Год назад
This game is how I found your channel. 10 years now?!!
@guilgateno1878 Год назад
Its good to see you back playing simcity! Great job! You should call your city RiverNerd
@amaroaverna923 Год назад
Modulars buildings was such a great idea.
@Sandis_Abele Год назад
Man C:S needs the expandability thing, if only this had more expansions and a bigger map and just BIGGER, my gosh id play the shit out of it.
@gulashgamer2730 Год назад
i love Simcity and its sad that EA probably wont make a new SimCity game, maybe never. :[
@gulashgamer2730 Год назад
@prometheus8587 Год назад
Cities of tomorrow is so unique it made the game twice as good.
@heathjake25 Год назад
SimCity will always have a place in my heart for that expansion, I love messing with those megatowers.
@chloeneal4006 Год назад
Did you ever buy the cities of tomorrow DLC. I did and really enjoyed the different aspects of it with the drones and mega towers. Was awkward to get the balance right with the mega towers which I'm assuming was there way of increasing population in a city without adding more space on the map. Oh and Omega Co I used to really enjoy the money making aspects of Omega Co until eventually the government find out its a mega health hazard
@SageLakshmi Год назад
The megatowers were tough to implement on my maps because they were always so hard to balance. If I remember correctly, the population in megatowers didn't really leave the tower too much. They would stay inside their tower and claim unemployment even if there were jobs around the megatower
@klamin_original Год назад
I think what killed the game was the small map size.
@Officiallyitsandygee Год назад
Ten years, game deserves a remake with obvious issues addressed. Single player big maps alone will change the game and fix up zoning.
@Stettafire Год назад
It's called cities skylines lol
@Officiallyitsandygee Год назад
@@Stettafire pumped about CS 2
@Ratkill9000 Год назад
I had waited until after Maxis/EA made it so you could play this game offline and by yourself a long while later. I had been hyped during college when they were dropping videos before launch. Having been a fan of SimCity 3000 and SimCity 4, I had high hopes for SimCity 2013. I have moved onto Cities Skylines and theres a lot I like about that game. But the population stuff in that game plus not being able to connect to neighboring cities or create your own complete metropolitan area, kind of makes the game a bit more difficult. Plus not being able to have a Nuclear plant go critical, causing indefinite radioactive areas, is kind of a bummer.
@netkitten Год назад
Not gonna lie, I loved (and still love SimCity 2013). At least the gameplay, server and technical issues aside. Is there anything that you would take from Simcity 2013 and add it to Cities Skylines, out of curiosity? I honestly love the region connectivity, shared utilities, and modular buildings.
@netkitten Год назад
I also love how the citizens seem to have real personalities and live day to day, which made things feel more alive.
@Stettafire Год назад
I genuinely think they took the communities dissapointments with SimCity and took that into SimCity. City size, terrain tools, complex road building stuff like that
@danieljckson Год назад
This is actually a good game. If the maps weren’t so small I would have loved the game.
@djoldsoulkid3407 Год назад
I remember my grandma buying this game for me I wasn’t able to play it on her Pc 10 years later still haven’t played it but I will
@a_dudegames3186 Год назад
I haven't played sim city in ages 💀💀💀💀
@zapparel8207 Год назад
I played again this game last week, but how you get some worship? What version did you play?
@meikahidenori 4 месяца назад
They're under tourism in the city specialisations
@simonro9168 Год назад
Every SimCity-save (in every game except SC4) always feels a little samey to me. Whereas all my Cities: Skylines saves are different and distinctive. IMO SimCity does the simulation aspect a little better, like you said, but that’s only because it doesn’t *allow* for the detailing like C:S does.
@SKRWildfire Год назад
Its also because simcity was never really about detailing/make it look nice. It was legit basic build and manage
@Stettafire Год назад
​@@SKRWildfire SimCity 4 had nice terrain and you could modify your map. Simcity2013 had nothing.
@FARBerserker Год назад
i started playing a few days ago as well again. it is still fucking hard and the music score, especially with cities of tomorrow addon . . IS STILL BETTER THAN CITIES SKYLINES! And the modular plopables are still incredible nice. AND THE FACT THAT ROADS CARRY WATER AND ELECTRICITY!
@QuirkyAvik 3 месяца назад
JFC it's been 10 years. I still play Simcity 4 by the way and enjoy it. Infact when I feel adventurous I try to play Simcity 2000 but due to it being old it throws tantrums.
@LulfsBloodbag 9 месяцев назад
I never really saw sc 2013 outside of people making intentionally bad cities like CallMeKevin, but I find it interesting how much of this game's features have been added to cities skylines 2. Modular buildings, wind moving air pollution, water and electricity under the roads etc.
@alessandrobaroncini6769 Год назад
Does anyone know where to get this game? I really have no clue
@GodSonBlessed 21 день назад
I'm obsessed with sim city 2000, 3000 and 4. So I was horrified by the Sim City 2013 launch. I'm still playing Sim City 4 Deluxe.
@mashumonku Год назад
So excited for this series
@ey7290 Год назад
Cities Skylines is undoubtably the best city builder on the market, but SimCity 2013 in some aspects like the moving trucks, and the real days (sims going to work in the morning, coming home at night) is far superior (Yes I know there are mods for this for CS, but I'm talking strictly Vanilla)
@Battlefield2021 Год назад
I remember the launch being so miserable, they gave anyone who bought it a couple free games to pick from lmao.
@alexanderupb4546 Год назад
I hope this will be a series! But i have a question, do you think we will have another sim city game and a cities skylines 2!
@ColdSid Год назад
I don’t think cities skylines 2 is coming anytime soon with all the updates and dlc content I think it’s not happening .. hopefully I’m wrong
@alexanderupb4546 Год назад
@@ColdSid in my opinion i will thin C:S 2 will be announced end of 2023 and be released end of 2024 in my opinion!
@ColdSid Год назад
@@alexanderupb4546 hopefully 🙏🏼
This game just came out I saw lirik playing it on twitch...felt like yesterday..
@MatthewChenault Год назад
Name it in honor of Total Biscuit.
@ConflictNerd Год назад
Oh man, how much I wish we could hear TB's take on the state of gaming these days. 💔
@Stettafire Год назад
@MatthewChenault Год назад
@@ConflictNerd, so true. I ended up getting into his content around the time Simcity (2013) came out. He had a truly magnificent voice and could capture my attention better than many others online at the time. Every time you play this game, I end up thinking about him.
@PeteJohnsMusic 2 месяца назад
Loved Sim City (not this one of course). Love your accent too. Australimerikiwinadian?
@Japonicastar Год назад
Dylan thinking he can’t do a Scottish accent. No sir, you do a very good impression! 😅
@deefdragon Год назад
This game had some great potential in theory, but unfortunately, somewhat failed to deliver on it. Expandable buildings would be incredible for example, as no two power plants are gonna be actually the same. Unfortunatly, the way its set up its closer to leveling up buildings vs making each building its own thing. I do hope theres a cities skylines 2 soon and they can take the best parts of what they have learned from 1, and bits from this game etc. etc. etc. and make an incredible sequal.
@atari_1 Год назад
I am not good with (giving) names but I‘ll give it a try. What about NerdCity County? Or like- Nerdsim County. Maybe I can inspire you :>
@flobiish 10 месяцев назад
@0:59 "No one got early access." I got early access. Well, I mean, there was a limited beta release. The beta experience was far superior to the release day experience as the servers weren't overloaded and beta didn't have access to the later game bugs (many of which were never fixed).
@flobiish 10 месяцев назад
@10:50 "Why is it being weird?" They stopped fixing bugs. Who knows how old that one is?
@flobiish 10 месяцев назад
@12:19 Let's hope you're on a map where the great works wasn't broken. If it was broken, it's pretty much guaranteed to still be broken.
@colinvanful Год назад
lmao ! switches from a real bad scotch acent to a real bad burummy accent lol
@thegoldennuggetyt2993 Год назад
AWESOME! I have many good memories of watching your cities of tomorrow let's play however long ago. Thanks for keeping up the great content, it's good to see you still getting good views.
@vajda_vvy Год назад
Say what you want about it, and I won't deny its shortcomings, but at least the game looked good back then and still does today. Personally, I find Cities Skylines unplayable without the visual mods because the game is just so ugly. Even the vanilla buildings are mostly terribly designed and executed, at least buildings in SimCity look pretty cool.
@gdhukLONDON Год назад
CS would only be a average builder game but the Mod and Asset creators have taken the game to a whole new level. As you can see from the CCP packs that have been released they do listen to all of us and fingers crossed when CS2 makes it's debut they will incorporate everything we want into the main game. However it's gonna be a RAM killer probably and a min 32gb probably. - Console players are in for a treat when Sidai's map pack is released and will make the game a lot more fun for them but I really feel here should be no more DLC released after this batch but I have that feeling there is more to come 😔
@luis4ever887 Год назад
Exactly, C:S is so horrible in terms of looks
@manboy4720 Год назад
i love the aesthetic of this game. the tilt-shift, vibrant colours, the philip glass-esque music that plays, it's honestly a lot more appealing than CS. cities skylines looks fine (and can be improved with LUTs and other graphical mods), and most importantly it plays much better, but it just lacks some of that unique pizzazz that simcity games have. especially the music, it's considerably better in simcity, whereas in cities skylines it's quite forgettable and a bit bland.
@Skulljeep00 Год назад
I still have this game and all it's expanded add ons.
@DarkVeghetta Год назад
Always online and making design decisions around multiplayer in a city builder killed this game and rightfully so. I think EA walked back the always online part after a year or so, but the damage was already done and all goodwill spent. It's a shame; this could have been a great game had EA focused on improving the SimCity experience for their core audience instead of chasing the ephemeral 'wider audience' and thus alienating nearly everyone that was a veteran SimCity 1-4 player.
@ozstarkgaming9239 Год назад
Thank you for this! Didn’t know I needed this but looks like I did!
@iljaxox526 Год назад
Building batteries is just part of the nostalgia haha
@red_devil17 28 дней назад
If only this game allows huge maps or purchasable adjacent territory this game would be a lot better vs CS assuming both in their vanilla level
@vanyadolly Год назад
I just can't get around them giving us smaller cities and regions and also TAKING OUT FARMS. I could live with SimCity: Rural Town Edition, but at least give me my fucking farms.
@ixnatallietheidiotxi8710 Год назад
It seems like a lot of the models in this game were reused for the SimsCity Buildit mobile game
@jamesdunn8013 Год назад
I think the first time I watched your videos was do to you playing this game day one and I was a poor high schooler back then so I couldn’t get the game.
@virus1007 Год назад
All i needed was sim city 4 with cities: skylines roads
@carpemkarzi Год назад
Cool, been a hot minute since I’ve played SC2013
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