
Rend Collective and the DANGERS of The Christian Music Industry... 

Brylan Riggs
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@leraewagner210 2 года назад
God is separating the wheats the tares and the goats in these end days. We must remain vigilant and be obedient to God at all costs.
@BrylanandLisa 2 года назад
@CWS1985 Год назад
@nicolep7241 Год назад
@paul7874 Год назад
No thats not biblically correct. When Jesus returns in the clouds with his Angels He will seperate the Goats from the Sheep. Jesus has not returned yet. But He is coming very soon. God bless you
@naomiscott4434 Год назад
Worship leaders (Not all) have no respect as to what they wear, either. Women are singing onstage with tight pants...you can see their crotch...tight shirts, too. Men are wearing torn jeans, shirts that say anything, and also tight where their anatomy is showing. This is not worship or sacred to come as a body of Christ in the presence of the Lord. We have dress codes in place for humans, but not God! God says our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit...God...and to be holy, and perfect. The temple was kept in immaculate shape, and God honoring. Not us.
@72nyyfan 2 года назад
In the way the Pandemic exposed the condition of the Church I feel is what's happening right now In Christian Music. God is requiring more❤️🙏
@BrylanandLisa 2 года назад
So true!!
@jamespalmer7811 2 года назад
It is either the great falling away, or either separating the wheat from the tares.
@LambeauLeeeper 2 года назад
Wow. Never thought of the Covid problem that way. God finds a way in any situation to expose the truth.
@PD-fe7dz Год назад
@@jamespalmer7811 Both!!! If people think that God is not going to correct (chasing) His children, then they have another thing coming. One thing that's true and for certain, is that the children of God hear HIM. This pride, and disobedience and outright rebellion by the church will soon stop!! The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church!!! God is ministering to His children and showing them where they are going to far off from HIM. If God raised you from nothing, there is nothing that the world can do for you. If you lose income for standing up for the Word and what you know is true, then God can get you some more money, another job or whatever you need!! Most of these people were so humble when they didn't have anything, and that's where they should have stayed when God blessed them. If I have to go back to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich I will, rather than to have my mind go into a debased state for NOT speaking the Truth and trying to change the image of God and say that all these sins are right, when it's printed on a third grade level in the Bible, that it's not!!!! No way! It's wrong and a sin, even if I'm doing it!!!!I We need prayer and deliverance, but we can't change the WORD!!! ROMANS CHAPTER 1! It's a serious wraft to get turned over in your mind and body where you can say and do anything you want because you're out of control! You don't ever want God to give up on you!!! Even with the Constitution, you CANNOT say and do anything you want to do!!! It's the most an unintelligent thing a society can do to themselves. Sadly a lot of people are finding out the hard way!
Did you SEE a pandemic?
@marymack1 2 года назад
"...it gives a confusing message." Exactly. "For God is not a God of confusion but of peace."
@BrylanandLisa 2 года назад
Amen Mary!!!
@williambryant8950 Год назад
I love Rend Collective and Chris is such a gifted and compassionate singer/songwriter.
@ST52655 4 месяца назад
Yes he is
@joecharles33 Год назад
Okay but what he actually said was “I deconstructed my faith and now it’s stronger than ever” [paraphrased but you can go look for yourself]. The truth is, for those of us who grew up in the church, if you DON’T have a story that includes some form of deconstruction is your faith really your own or is it what you’ve been told it should be? And if you don’t think social justice is important as a believer, take a closer look at the man whose name you wear. Jesus was more socially minded and more of an activist than anyone I know. He hung out with the marginalized, the sinners, the social pariahs and gave a listening ear to the unheard. Rend Collective and Chris in particular are hitting the mark. Could they be better? Of course, but so can we all. Let’s not be so concerned with the splinter in our brother’s eye but worry about the plank in our own.
@vladtheinhaler8940 Год назад
Jesus wasn't an activist, he wasn't on this Earth to fight for social issues of his day. Jesus came to Earth in the flesh to pay for our sins on the cross. He also taught about the Kingdom of God and how we are to live our lives which is pleasing to God.
@ST52655 4 месяца назад
I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home with godly parents who studied the Bible with me and taught me to be a good Berean. In my late adulthood, I reexamined the theology and doctrines that I was taught by them and by the church to make sure those beliefs are in fact biblical. Yes! The beliefs I was taught are biblical, and my faith remains strong. I never deconstructed my faith, whatever that means. I simply dove deeper into the Word of God.
@elizabethcochran3395 2 года назад
As a rend collective fan, it has been really heartbreaking to see where their leader has gone. I have concluded that I shouldn't purchase any more of their music, but I feel I can still listen to their older stuff that I fell in love with at first. Doing so would remind me that they need prayer too.
@BrylanandLisa 2 года назад
Great response Elizabeth!
@Akitorbenov Год назад
Amen, there are some great songs, above all Hymn of Ages.
@phyllislunsford8657 Год назад
Dear Elizabeth it was devastating and heartbreaking for me to start to discover the truth about main stream “Christian music”to most these people it’s a job, it’s money if you listen carefully to their lyrics you can see it, you can hear it. I suggest you go to whatever band you’re investigating go to their website see what they say about God is their theology correct or do they even talk about God. For instance Laura dangle all of her merchandise has lyrics to her song on them not one word about Jesus not one word about God. Nothing on her website said anything about our Lord and Savior. God, or the holy spirit I felt the Lord asking me a question in my heart when this was first being revealed to me because I didn’t wanna believe it. And I didn’t wanna give it up. And the question was “are you worshiping the music or Me (God)” And what I discovered is I was worshiping the music it makes me feel good. That is so Satan‘s plan from the beginning our flesh our flesh our flesh. It’s a hard journey you’re on but very rewarding to know the truth and to not take part of any tricks or wiles of the devil. If the seed is bad then the fruit is bad. and their music is the fruit. And you will find the seed in the things they say in the people they play music with and the things they believe. We must search out if the seed is good or bad and then choose to obey God and not take part of the evil things in this world. OR were give IN to our flesh and listen to bad fruit from ungodly people that believe they’re doing God’s well but it’s evident they’re not because in our mind we’ve rationalized it somehow
@joecharles33 Год назад
@@phyllislunsford8657 A few things to address here… firstly I looked for Laura Dangle and could not find her website or her music. I think you were referring to Lauren Daigle??? If so, I did find her website and her merch page. You are correct, her clothing has lyrics from her songs. Specifically “You Say I Am Loved”, which may not be a quote from the book of Deuteronomy but is certainly true about our God. The other quote was “Look up child” which again may not be a direct quote from scripture but is far from a vague reference to keeping our eyes on our God… and is very close to the title of a hymn that many American Christians hold near and dear, “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”. Third, artists like Lauren and Rend Collective who dare to speak love and mercy into the lives of those do not profess Christ are a much brighter reflection of Him than those who stand in ridicule of both the art and artist, as well as those their art and life might reach.
@phyllislunsford8657 Год назад
@@joecharles33 I replied to your comment but I guess I did it wrong so just look in the other comments of the string and you’ll see my reply to you and put your name on it thank you
@JoJoDragonslayer 2 года назад
I grew up liking a few different Christian artists that ill still listen to on occasion, and i might listen for a bit as im flipping through the channels but for a few years now I've found that I actually prefer the old hymns I grew up with in church and I'm trying to find versions of those I can listen to ❤
@jetstream2467 2 года назад
SAME, Jo Jo!
@2arizona1990 2 года назад
@jonathanbormann5077 2 года назад
Check out Celtic Worship
@daveyjuk 2 года назад
Check out reawaken hymns
@reginaford8575 2 года назад
Songs, hymns, spiritual song, making melody in our hearts… read the Word. We have warnings thru out scripture!!!
@vinylthoughts5201 2 года назад
Hi Brylan, Love your content! I remember back in the day, I used to get so defensive towards those who would criticize the "Christian" music movement, As I have grown in my faith and gotten a little older, I have noticed a huge shift occurring within the CCM community. It all goes back to the matter of doctrine. Most of the pioneering artists were from very questionable areas of doctrine, as a younger believer all we ever really thought about was that these guys were singing about Jesus! Fast forward to today, I don't listen to much in the "Christian" market as it truly is a market/business built on very erroneous theology and money. Thank you so much for speaking up about this, there definitely needs be voices like yours calling this stuff out!
@BrylanandLisa Год назад
Thank you for sharing this! I appreciate the encouragement 🙌🏻
@steveharris9610 Год назад
Very well said. My friend! Most Christian music and " worship " has simply become a commodity, packaged and sold to the Christian community for financial profit and worldly acclaim!
@brentlatham5529 7 месяцев назад
Well I asked the RU-vidr exactly what it is that he was doing so wrong and you are now the second person I’m asking to actually clarify why it required 10 minutes of telling me that the lead singer isn’t living what he sings about. Honestly I’m starting to wonder just who the wolf in sheep’s clothing is. So please watch this video again and then tell me briefly what it is that is so bad. Thanks
@ahhitskatie9094 2 года назад
Had them on my heart a little while back as I remember their lead singer also posted some concerning things on social media a little while back. Goodness, my heart hurts to see so many walking away from The Lord and running right on into the world. Praying for that whole band.
@NatePaddock 2 года назад
I think of the position of the entertainers (they are not preachers). Unlike secular artists, any artist that gives indication of being a believer immediately begins their career under a microscope: Every lyric, every social media post, how they dress, other entertainers they associate with, and their family life. What is their denomination? Do they even go to church? Why is he still single?! We eat our young with a ferocity that should terrify any aspiring musical artist. That is why U2 for a long time refused to acknowledge the existence of "Christian music," and why Bono suggested a few years back Christian musicians are not writing with honesty about the tough topics the Scriptures actually deal with: murder, adultery, ego, addiction, drunkenness, betrayal, the emotions poured out within the Psalms. Why would they when they are required to walk on eggshells? Thus, we are stuck with "oh how He loves me" "fill up my cup" and various songs about going "down to the river." Some artists have simply given up and dropped out, like Jonathan Thulin and Manny from Group 1 Crew. In the 90s, we used to have more honesty like this lyric from the Prayer Chain's Dig Dug: "Can you hear me? Do you even know me? I'm just like the rest. I need to put my fingers in your wrist"
@sherylm777 2 года назад
So sad they are dropping off like flies. You can't deny the prophesies. They are being fulfilled everyday.
@heididauer4116 2 года назад
Ugh I have tickets to see Mercy Me in concert in a few weeks and Rend Collective is opening up. Before I ever purchase any future music or concert tickets, I will be checking IG pages! Thank you for continuing to shed the light on these artists. So disappointing!
@AtTheDockOfTheBay Год назад
Go anyway to see and hear what they do and say. You can tell about on Bryan & Lisa’s channel.
@heididauer4116 Год назад
Wanted to give a report on seeing Rend Collective in concert. They opened for Mercy Me. The lead singer used two Bible verses out of context. He also said that “faith is just a fancy religious word for trust.” 😮 My teen daughter and I looked at each other and said, um the word is in the Bible! They are talented musicians for sure, but it was more like being at an Irish rock concert with just a few songs that mention God or Jesus. Did not feel like a Christian concert at all.
@joecharles33 Год назад
@@heididauer4116 so you’re saying that faith is not trust?? I would contend that to an un-churched person or someone not yet versed in Christian vocabulary equating faith to a “fancy word for trust” is a very good introduction into a deeper conversation. I would further argue that seeds were planted by just that one statement.
@heididauer4116 Год назад
@@joecharles33 No, you read it wrong. Our point was the word faith is in the Bible, it’s not just a “fancy religious word” like the singer stated. It’s God’s word, not a “religious“ word!
@cjsublett1995 6 месяцев назад
Please don't be so easily swayed. I have seen them live! They are fun, talented, and ultimately direct people toward Jesus. Channels like this one can be "witch hunts". Make your own decision based on Godly discernment. It's ridiculous to buy whatever you see on the internet.
@jacobbhancock Год назад
This was excellent, thank you! I thought I was crazy for judging Christian artists by what they were posting in June of 2020, I’d write them off for posting that. Anyway, I love how you reminded us to pray for them. We have to pray for them and I appreciated the reminder!
@charlesgriffiths750 2 года назад
I'm sorry but most modern "Christian" music targets the wallets of believers who turn their discernment off to listen to something that pleases or tickles their ears. There is so little that truly praises the creator of everything and instead praises or elevates man. It is either mind numbing repetitive, sensual, or obviously written by someone whose theological acumen could be compared to that of a 6 year old. Music that praises and worships the triune God should please Him, not us.
@scottevans2685 Год назад
"...believers who turn their discernment off..." Unfortunately, most don't have any discernment to begin with. It's why the church is in the fallen state it's in.
@2arizona1990 2 года назад
Brylan, this was very difficult for me to watch. As someone with strong roots from Ireland, I've loved Rend Collective's music for a very long time, and hearing what you've had to share is heartbreaking. Having said that, I want to thank you for sharing this very difficult truth. This is mind-blowing that anybody in a Christian format could actually state the things that he is stating, that are very antithetical to Biblical truth. It seems interesting to me that he is worried about how history will treat you and if it will be kind to you. Someone who is a genuine follower of Christ shouldn't be worried about those things. They should be fully concerned about how God thinks of your ministry and the effectiveness of the Light of God within you. I fear that Mr Llewellyn is going to be very surprised someday.
@BrylanandLisa Год назад
This is so well said! I appreciate your encouragement and for hearing me with an open heart 🤗
@davidlancaster7784 Год назад
It hurts me to see this as well. I live in the UK and in the early days of my faith I was listening to things like Hillsong, Rend Collective, Rob Bell, and I remember doing a study series led by Andy Stanley. It's sad to see how all these have compromised, fallen away, had their head turned by the world etc. It's sad to see that what seemed true and 'deep' compared to the cultural Christianity that I grew up around has proved to be false and heretical. I thank God that He has given me the discernment not to be lead astray by these false teachers. It grieves me though that more and more of 'mainstream' Christianity is succumbing to the world. The way is indeed narrow as the Bible tells us. Thanks Brylan for your commitment to the truth.
@carl13579 Год назад
@@BrylanandLisa Indeed, we should expect to be hated by the world. John 15:18
@charitywahome7412 2 года назад
I don't understand what's happening with Christian musicians...and it's becoming tricky. We need God's Divine Discernment. It's now best to stick to hymns. God is still good and glory be to His Holy Name 🙏🙌.
@BrylanandLisa 2 года назад
Amen Charity! All glory to God 🙌🏻
@nichole1041 2 года назад
$$$ and fame
@scottevans2685 Год назад
They fall into the celebrity lifestyle, which values fame and fortune above all else. They forget that their mission is to glorify Jesus and to lead others to Him. That's a very different mission from that of secular musicians of the same genre, and it's a mission that puts them at odds with the culture. Popular secular musicians need the culture's approval to thrive, while CC musicians can only be effective if the culture despises what they stand for. It's a contradiction that very few of them appear to be spiritually mature enough to grasp and rely upon the Lord to deal with.
@jakesenkow7684 2 года назад
I was jarred this morning when I considered how many of Jesus’ teachings, parables and commands instructed us on the importance of music during worship -0!!! Now, certainly music always been part of the worship experience from O.T. times because music is a form of celebration. My point is that we have to give importance to the things that Jesus felt were important. Maybe churches put so much emphasis on music because it’s the easiest way to fake spiritual vitality and it effectively covers critical deficiencies in real depth.
@colleennicholl9810 Год назад
These bad spirits are all around us, we need to be careful and vigilant at all times the world is changing fast but we must stand our ground in the name of Jesus christ our saviour.
@jesuslovewalkministry1959 2 года назад
I have just found your channel and I appreciate everything you are doing for the Kingdom of God. Yes I do agree that we are to pray for those that have fallen but God gave me a vision it won't stop Him from exposing and them going through the downfall. God is merciful and He is giving them time to return to Him. Moses asked God several times to not kill the people as well as Abraham. Sometimes our prayers will not stop the wrath. Thank you again and blessings to you and your ministry
@BrylanandLisa 2 года назад
Very well said and its true!
@selahrichardson 2 года назад
Agreed. Many of us with prophetic gifts, know exactly what's happening. The shaking that started in 2020, is to shake and expose. At the end of the day, only God knows what will truly happen with each of these people who are being exposed during this shaking. (I've even seen it in smaller local churches as well.) Shaking sifts the wheat and tares.
@ourblissfulhaven 2 года назад
What happened now? This is so concerning! Father help us especially bc some of our youth listen to a ton of these Christian singers and their lifestyles don’t match up with the bible. It’s deception and our youth & new believers will get confused. 🙈 I pray God helps us!! 🙏🏼❤️
@BrylanandLisa 2 года назад
@reginaford8575 2 года назад
Christ is the standard. No one else!!!
@baldrith827 2 года назад
It's very sad. I hope he will repent and turn to Jesus. I just listen to my Celtic Worship album and sermons now. Thanks for what you do Brylan. I did mention your channel in my church Bible study. I think your messages are vital to us walking thru this dangerous world.
@tanyarue7236 Год назад
Praying for all Christian music to begin to truly worship God and giving the praise a glory that He deserve, my churches praise team and myself as well. That we can see more worship happen in a corporate way, rather than it being just focus in one person stepping out and making it a show.
@miaminight5637 2 года назад
As popular as Christian artists and preachers, teachers and so forth are, I don't think I've ever heard any of them has ever given up their popularity and wealth. They've gotten such a great taste of it, that their not going to give it up, not even for the truth of Jesus. 🕊💜🙏✝️
@IsaiahEli 2 года назад
You will know them by their fruit. God bless you brother. Appreciate your work for the Lord. Jesus is coming!! Amen. God is merciful. He always forgives. Never be ashamed to take your failures to him. He is for you, not against you! God is with you in the storm. He knows your troubles, he hears you! He is for you, on your side, always! It may feel silent at times, but he’s holding you close! May the Lord return soon! We are drawing closer. He is coming! Believe and trust in the Lord, you will be saved. Period. May the Lord bless you all! Hang in there family. Stay strong. It is not easy following the Lord. We are scoffed at. We give up our earthly dreams, our fleshly desires. What the enemy offers is short lived, but heaven is forever! Life may seem or be unfair, but God is with you! Always remember that. Things may get better or worse for you, but a kingdom awaits you! Finish the race! Repent daily and carry your cross. This world is fading fast. Your troubles are temporary! I made this channel because I felt guilty for not witnessing enough, I’d appreciate any kind of support. Don’t give up! God loves you so much! So do I. The Lord bless you!!
@marisa5359 Год назад
Heartbreaking. Draw this man back to You, Lord, and protect minds from being swayed by this. Brylan, additionally, I request prayer for my son Timothy. He is a college freshman seeking a degree in worship ministry. We have raised him on the Word of God and its truth. He is very strong and determined in his faith. Prayers he can keep standing against the grain would be greatly appreciated. He knows he is going into an industry that is compromising right and left and that he will face be facing a fierce spiritual battle, yet it is an area feels called to.
@cindylambert6333 2 года назад
He needs to get saved and delivered from satanic bondages.
@407mari 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing this video and sharing the truth. We has the body of Christ need to be praying for discernment when it comes to the music we listen to and by whom. Just like preachings. People have to remember not everyone in that day that says Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. God have mercy on all these worship leaders, pastors and teachers twisting the Word for their benefits.. , they need to come back to their first love..so they can be corrected by the Father. Before they have to face Him as their Judge
@eladiocofresi5202 2 года назад
The sad thing about hearing about these artists and their faith deconstructions is feeling not knowing what is safe to listen to from the person or even the culture. While I occasionally listen to a few other bands, I found myself wanting to be sure they are sound in doctrine before the sound and language sung.
@sarahkirbach5040 2 года назад
Gross. I’m so glad you shared this. We, as true Christians will always be hated for what we believe. Jesus said so. Jesus said paraphrase that they will hate you bc they hated me. The world hates Gods standards. It is absolutely mind boggling to me how these people have the gall to say they’re representing Christ. Well, this is for sure, let the wheat grow among the tares bc one day everything will come to light and all will be accountable to God. Which is sad for quite a few. I’m just so upset over this stuff it’s like what’s the point in calling yourself a Christian, why don’t you just go and say you’re not. I don’t know, forgive me Lord if I have the wrong attitude.
@kmhemeyer 2 года назад
All of this makes sense. Lucifer fell and brought 1/3 of the angels with him. Praying that repentance and fear of the Lord will return to the church!
@hollynelson7489 2 года назад
Yes, thanks for pointing this out. I didn't know Rend Collective had gone in this direction. Other than John Cooper from Skillet, I don't follow social media for Christian music artists/bands. So I wouldn't see what they post. Very sad news, indeed.
@dougtriplett Год назад
John is doing wonderful ministry work. He us calling the receivers out in the music industry. We need to keep praying for his courage and strength
@austinsatrom5339 2 года назад
I think you walk a dangerous line in questioning his faith because this isn’t even a central/gospel issue. Additionally, supporting BLM isn’t out-right unbiblical. I will admit his statement about trans women being called a man is overly simplistic and hints at accepting trans ideology. An alternative interpretation of his post is that we as Christian’s need to check our heart posture when addressing those who call themselves trans. Are we trying to simply prove that Thomas and other are ridiculous for trying to become a woman or are we sharing gods truth in love to show them gods design for gender is the best way? I’m not saying we completely bend a knee and address them in a way that is contrary to actual science/biology, but we are called to use empathy as they have they have what the DSM calls a mental illness (gender dysphoria). If he in fact does believe in the trans ideology then that is concerning, but until there is a conversation with him about this, I don’t think it is wise to simply assume this is how he feels based on a couple Insta posts and BLM banners and question his faith.
@Gmusic734 2 года назад
Finally. Thank you
@vladtheinhaler8940 Год назад
Support for BLM the organization is at the very least foolish. They have been shown to be frauds.
@kathleenkeane3067 Год назад
Brylan, once again you hit the mark - 2020 unearthed alot of people that really were not of us, "the body of Christ I mean" we need to pray for discernment in all these area's, may God protect His flock! Bless you and yours.
@vinauttv7167 2 года назад
It’s good to see someone representing Christ without drinking the PC Kool-Aid. This social justice nonsense has permeated deep into church culture.
@BrylanandLisa 2 года назад
Exactly my brother!! We must face these issues through the lens of Gods Word, not through worldly ideology 🙌🏻
@smason3541 2 года назад
I just quit listening to music. Occasionally I drop in and then I hear it over and over again. Blasphemy! Great job for calling them out to Christians that are unaware of this situation.
@BrylanandLisa 2 года назад
I appreciate you Sarah!
@Blindowl1234 Год назад
Happened to find your channel tonight. I know someone who is a Christian, and who worked closely in music production, with several contemporary Christian music groups. He would only say they don't often believe the words they sing. He simply left it at that. So many younger people follow these groups almost as idols. All I can say is know those that labor among you. I hope more Christian musicians don't post stuff like their personal viewpoints, like so many secular groups, actors and actresses do.
@rosieadcock7610 Год назад
Brother Bryan..... I praise and thank God Most High, for allowing me to come across your video.....! I have been given the task of choosing worship songs for our very small church in South Africa.... We are following reformed doctrine and desire to be as untainted from error and the world as much as possible! Choosing music is becoming more and more difficult..... Could you please give me a list of singers /groups to avoid to keep our worship pure....? I keep in the back of my mind Lev 10 v 1 to 3..... We desire to be pleasing to our Lord and Saviour.... We may be very small (15 to 20 of us) but that is our hearts desire. Thank you again for this message. SOLI DEO GLORIA.
@dreaedwards9103 Год назад
Absolutely broke my heart, always loved this band... but how can we, true Christians sit back and say nothing? I believe wholeheartedly about extending grace to people, but to talk about justice and never to bring up the murder of unborn children. We need to stand together before the true standard is over written.
@BrylanandLisa Год назад
So well said Drea!
@WHSuperman2005 Год назад
Well, you understand that he is a human and it might not be as we first see.
Curious, what was your stance "during that time" in 2020?
@erics7004 2 года назад
I'm listening to less and less Christian modern music, I've really liked this band.this is so sad.
@Meggerz207 Год назад
I appreciate so much the background you get on these folks. I can always count on your content. I never think about going to each one’s website or Instagram. I am one of those that just listen to their music. So wowzie wow. I now know to dig a bit deeper. This is so disappointing. The entire Christian music industry seems to be falling more and more into the ways of the world just to appease society’s demands and for them to “fit in.” Well - the Bible does warn us about this.
@codybuchanan3972 Год назад
2nd Timothy 3:5 kjv Having a form of Godliness but denying the truth. The word of God is clear about those things. Jesus said your either for me or against me. No gray area. Praying for your channel. God bless
@PD-fe7dz Год назад
The only way to endure sound doctrine is to have a dose of sound doctrine daily, pray daily, and fast often, and The Word will keep you and your mind from going off of the Word! Get your oil, because you're going to need it to stand!!!
@basher2209 2 года назад
Not exactly sure how I found your channel but I really enjoy your content and call to holiness
@BrylanandLisa 2 года назад
Thank you David! I appreciate the encouragement 🤗 I hope to hear from you more!
@trueworshiplife Год назад
As someone from Northern Ireland, native to Rend Collective and also involved in Christian Music. None of this surprises me at all, thankyou for sharing truth.
@bobbygray5404 Год назад
In from NI too Rend are just another pop group ..not very spiritual music
@mauriceb53 Год назад
I'm originally from Belfast and a member of the Church of Christ where all we have is congregational singing without instruments, which is the New Testament pattern. We have no authority for these singing groups that only encourage entertainment instead of true worship to God.
@melissaconner9538 2 года назад
I stopped listening to K-Love three years ago. After watching videos like yours, I realized this "worship" is not really worship... if these singers don't follow Christ, they don't follow the Bible...then who are they worshipping? It's all a front for their own popularity and standing in this world. They don't live their faith, because they don't know their faith and/or they're ashamed of it. I won't listen to so called Christian singers like this. I'm very picky on who I listen to now.
@kylecravens6501 Год назад
I appreciate you sharing this. I wasn't aware of these issues. The disturbing thing is we're about to roll out a Rend song as the big new song we're doing for a major conference with the worship ministry I'm part of and now I'm re-reading those lyrics with a new lens. The song is Let it Roll. What sounds biblically sound at first glance could be twisted and perverted easily if understood to mean the political viewpoint from which he is writing. I interpret the song differently and from a biblical standpoint but I'd rather sing songs that are not subject to such various interpretations and where the writer isn't clearly bowing his knee to the antichrist spirit/agenda. That said, I'm going to make our worship pastor aware of this as I'm sure he is not aware. Odds are we will still do this song as people are already invested into it but probably not any future Rend songs.
@jhn146A 2 года назад
As prophesied in God's word.
@WillSpires 2 года назад
Brylan it reminds me of a verse, "“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. -Matthew 7:15. I'm grateful that God put inside me a distaste for the Christian music industry. Unfortunately it's rife with scandal and corruption. It wasn't always that way, but when people in positions of influence start chasing fame and money it cuts them off from the sunlight of The Spirit, and their consciences become darkened and they lose wisdom and eventually become deceived. Personally I find that the less attention I give to today's Christian music the more I can actually focus on and hear what God wants for my life.
@kenboose4473 Год назад
God bless you! This is all very eye opening.
@steveharris9610 Год назад
"For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God " John 12:43 KJV. That verse pretty much sums up the situation here. Too many Christian singers desire the world's approval rather than God's!
@bookreader7108 2 года назад
This is so sad. They worry about what others thinks of them but they care not what Jesus says. I afraid they will hear "Depart from me ye workers of iniquity I never knew you". I want to hear "welcome in my good and faithful servant".
@JamesMiddletonDesign Год назад
That is so sad to hear. I have already ditched all of my Bethel and Hillsong music. Just goes to show: Follow Christ only.
@jhsams1977 2 года назад
I know we talk about what they have said. But has anyone held them accountable? I highly doubt it. I think this is where we all as Christian get off track is we don't have accountability! Someone to be in your corner to talk to you when we see things like this arise. One thing that ticks me off is when I was a kid in the 90's we could sit down and have a discussion about things and not worrying about being offended. We need to get back to the Word and less in the world! Thank you for bringing this to mind, I had no clue about this. I find some secular music to have more biblical truth than Christian music today.
@BrylanandLisa 2 года назад
This is so well said! There is no accountability because Christians have become so weak due to adopting societies definition of "love", which is to accept everything!
@emvdhout Год назад
The main emotion I feel when looking at this video is that it makes me sad. Sad about the lack of unity in the church. Sad about christians that rather peck on eathother than bringing unbelievers in. Sad about people that still don't understand what the Lord said in Matthew 3:4-7 . How are You to judge another? To expose another in front of millions here on youtube? Isn't the Lord the One who judges? Isn't the Holy Spirit the one whe brings sin into light? A cheap call for prayer in advance doen't make it any better if after that you deal a lot damage to someones personality by exposing him like this. As for the music. When you sing their music, it's your words coming out of your mouth, and it's your heart that is involved at that moment. Not theirs. For the record, I strongly disagree with Rend's appaerant view on 'social justice' and 'BLM'. But I can't judge their hearts. Only One can.
@BrylanandLisa Год назад
First of all John, I did not "expose" anything. Everything I share in the video was freely shared by Rend Collective and Chris. Also, God is the final judge but NOWHERE in the Bible will you find a verse that tells Christians to ignore those who misrepresent the Truth of Gods Word. Many of the New Testament letters were written to call out the fake Christianity that was spreading amongst the Churches. The Bible tells us in Matthew 7 not to judge Hypocritically and goes on to say that we should use RIGHT judgment. Discernment is given by the Holy Spirit and we are called to use discernment. Do you want to back up any of you claims with Scripture?
@emvdhout Год назад
@@BrylanandLisa Which claim do you mean? I am happy to back up anything from scripture, but am not sure what you refer to?
@spencergroup 2 года назад
Ugh, where do I start? I guess the thing that stuck out like a sore thumb to me is the post that said something about "reimagining your faith." As Christians we don't "reimagine" our faith, God's Word or Christianity. God and His Word never change so it doesn't need to be "reimagined." We don't get to redefine the meanings of things, whether it is marriage, gender, or what it means to be a Christian. Words like "deconstruction" and "reimagine" are words that people use to design their own form of Christianity. It doesn't work, however, and is not acceptable to the Holy Father. Also, I noticed that one person was not mysteriously silent about calling out the truth, but got lambasted by Chris Llewellyn. The way I see it, identifying a man performing in a woman's sport is an issue of social justice for the women HE is competing against. Additionally, it is not hateful to call a biological male a man. Anyway, great video. I appreciate you calling out the truth.
@blessed3584 2 года назад
I truly believe God is sifting the true believers vs false converts. May we all ask for Gods strength to firmly follow Him no matter the cost. I find it disturbing none of the popular women's Bible Study teachers failed to thank God for the overturn of Roe vs Wade. Grace to you my encouraging brother in Christ! 🙂
@ronwalczak7120 Год назад
This is very troubling my Heart is hurting. We as Christians should be praying for all these false hoods that the word of God warned us about.
@davinityridder7595 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for speaking out about this. I had no idea he was a wolf.
@saraz9017 2 года назад
The way is narrow
@markchristensen3353 4 месяца назад
One thing that came to mind while listening to Stryper, driving home after work, is if Christian artists really talk about the Holy Spirit. The indwelling of, being filled by, being led by, baptized by holy fire etc. I know some groups tend to write things differently to reach a non Christian audience but straight up Christian music I think is missing on some stuff.
@genesaloky9251 6 месяцев назад
Thank you. Truth be told.
@Jojo-pv3uf 2 года назад
I dont think you’re being fair here. When someone thinks of justice they have every right and choice as given by God to decide what issuss of justice they want to focus on. Many devout christians believe that on issues of abortion which tend to cause division and strife, its best to keep their thoughts and beliefs to themselves and their families. Afterall the bible says that the holy spirit does not live where there is strife. Secondly, there are sins within the body, and sins outside the body. You dont see christians talking about premarital sex, children out of wedlock, etc- as issues of justice even though they are. This is where the hypocrisy of christians sometimes get exposed. The sins we commit, we are silent on- but sins of others, we are loud on. The bible tells us to first examine ourselves and the speck in our own eyes. If you’re doing that, you’ll realize you do not have time to worry about others sins. We will all stand in judgment of God one day. For every baby that died as a result of abortion, and for every woman who died as a result of not having that option.
@vladtheinhaler8940 Год назад
Christians should follow the word of God on this matter. Jesus gave us an outline to follow when we must confront another professing Christian: “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector” (Matthew 18:15-17). So the first step in handling sin in the church is for someone with knowledge of the situation, often the pastor or an elder, to confront that person in love, expressing concern and explaining the spiritual ramifications if the sin continues. If the sinning member refuses to repent, a second step must be taken. The one who originally confronted the person needs to take along other godly people and visit the sinning member again. The presence of others may serve to induce the sinner to repent; if not, there are witnesses to all that is said and done, preventing any false claims or denials later. This interview needs to include Scripture-based reproof and opportunities for restoration. Verses such as 1 John 3:3-10, 5:18, Luke 14:25-27, Matthew 7:16-23, and Ephesians 5:3 may be helpful at this time. If, after the second step, the church member still refuses to repent of the sin, Jesus says to “tell it to the church” (Matthew 18:17), an action that would bring even more pressure to bear. If that fails, then the offending member is to be removed from the church and considered an unbeliever (cf. 1 Corinthians 5:9-13). This process shows the seriousness of sin in the church and the need to strive for reconciliation. The steps that Jesus outlines to protect the purity and reputation of the church should not be sidestepped or ignored. What kinds of sins should a church confront? Since everyone is a sinner, including the pastor and elders, where do we draw the line between the sins everyone commits and those worthy of confrontation? The answer seems to be the lifestyle sins committed by those who will not inherit the kingdom of God (see 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and Galatians 5:19-20; see also Titus 3:10-11). These are public, ongoing sinful choices that are differentiated from those sins we commit in our hearts because we live in the flesh. For example, a Christian struggling with impure thoughts or personal jealousies is not defaming the name of Christ as he wrestles with those sins. They are private and unwanted. They are sins for which the person needs repentance, but they are not lifestyle choices. However, a professing Christian who lives in open, unrepentant adultery, sexual immorality, drunkenness, or any of the other sins on Paul’s lists must be confronted. Sin in the church must be handled properly, that is, in a biblical manner. Church leaders who choose a sinful path are not exempt from discipline: “Those elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone, so that the others may take warning” (1 Timothy 5:20). Unfortunately, many churches today never practice church discipline, even in glaring instances of impropriety and obvious sin. The result is that the ministry of the church is undermined and the legitimacy of its message cast in doubt. If the Bible says that Christians don’t do X, but there are assumed Christians in our church who are doing X, with no consequences, then outsiders are right to wonder whether we take the Bible seriously.
@allenc4909 Год назад
I think some of these artists start out as genuine but later, they choose the world instead. It doesn’t negate their past faithful worship to the Lord, but we shouldn’t be influenced by their new opinions or work. Other artists aren’t grounded theologically from the get go, so it’s not surprising that they apostasize.
@BrylanandLisa Год назад
Excellent response Allen! I 100% agree with you 🙌🏻
@dixonjamesofficial Год назад
I think it’s important to not judge from a high horse of a RU-vid or Instagram platform but instead engage with other Christian’s as brothers to more fully understand where they’re coming from. The problem with the idea of a “biblical truth” outside of early orthodoxy is that everyone has their own cultural idea of what that is. Simple literal readings without deep understanding of background and context yield simplistic interpretations that seem convincing but are not historical. Many people who have deconstructed their faith have done so by reading the Bible more deeply and expansively, and have biblical reasons for believing what they believe. We don’t get to hold the all the cards as to what is “biblical”. We have got to start having conversations in unity instead of having everyone talking and judging the other side from their platforms.
@vladtheinhaler8940 Год назад
There is an objective biblical truth, not all interpretations are equally valid. There are guidelines to follow when interpreting the Bible. 1. Understand the literary genre The Bible contains several literary genres, including historical narrative, prophecy, poetry, wisdom, theological treatises, and apocalyptic. 2. Accept the plain sense meaning Once we understand what the genre is, the next logical step is to accept the plain sense meaning of the text within its genre. 3. Determine the meaning for the original audience We believe, based on the word of God through the Apostle Paul, that all the Bible has timeless relevance and application for everyone-believer and unbeliever (2 Timothy 3:16-17). However, that does not mean that the Bible was not written to a specific audience. For example, Deuteronomy was given to the Israelites before they crossed the Jordan, Romans was written to churches in Rome early in Nero’s reign (c. AD 55-57), and Hebrews was written to the scattered Jews in the second half of the 1st century likely before the destruction of the Jerusalem temple in 70 AD. So, questions we need to ask of the Genesis 1-11 passage, are: 1) Who was the first primary audience? 2) What did the Holy Spirit wish to communicate to them? These questions are important to answer, so that we don’t read into the text an interpretation which is not intended by the Holy Spirit. 4. Use Scripture to interpret Scripture Today many Christians have a limited knowledge about the contents of the Bible. This makes it difficult for them to understand passages directly or within the broader context of Scripture. Even though they can read, that does not necessarily mean that they have an ability to understand what they are reading. 5. Interpret a text within its context It has been said that a “text without a context is a pretext.”7 It means that a text can be interpreted to mean something different from the author’s original intention or can be interpreted to mean what we want it to mean. Both approaches are wrong. To properly interpret a verse or passage it must be understood within the context of its surrounding text-paragraph, chapter, book, and the whole Bible. Each book of the Bible has a primary purpose and key theme(s). Likewise, chapters and sections of chapters generally focus on a particular topic or small range of topics. We must remember that the overriding context of the Bible is God’s plan for redeeming the elect of mankind. Therefore, the primary purpose of the Bible is to reveal man’s lostness in sin and his need for a redeemer-the Anointed One, the Messiah/Christ. This begins explicitly in Genesis 3:15 with the announcement, in the midst of the curse on Eve’s sin, that a descendent of Eve would conquer Satan. 6. Interpret figures of speech correctly Every language uses figures of speech-often to make statements more interesting or memorable. Good Bible translations deal with the challenges associated with figures of speech, for example translating idioms into reasonable equivalents in English. However, some figures of speech are more challenging to interpret, and care must be taken to derive the meaning as intended by the Holy Spirit and the human author. Examples include Jesus’ use of hyperbole in the Sermon on the Mount. 7. Do not read an interpretation into the text Interpreters sometimes read an interpretation into (eisegesis) a text rather than reading out of (exegesis) the text. For example, it is pure eisegesis to suggest that Genesis 1:1-3 describes, in stylized form, a Big Bang incident.10 Similarly, to claim that there is a gap between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 is purely speculation with a feeble attempt to defend ‘deep time’ for geological processes to occur. 8. Consider the historical context To interpret a verse or passage in its historical context, we must start with information which the Bible provides elsewhere that relates to what we are considering. For example, God tells Noah to take seven pairs of clean animals into the ark (Genesis 7:2). To this point in the narrative, we are not informed what is meant by ‘clean’. Presumably, the pre-Flood patriarchs had been informed of the meaning. We need to turn to Leviticus 11 to gain insight into the meaning of ‘clean’. Once we have considered the biblical context, we can expand our consideration to include ancient cultural information. Bible dictionaries can provide additional insight. But it is wise to compare what multiple dictionaries say, as each can have a theological bias. We don’t need to have an extensive knowledge of ancient history to understand the Bible’s teachings. However, we can mistakenly assume that the historical context is so different from our own that the text no longer applies to us. Thus, we can lose sight of today’s relevant application of a passage. 9. Apply the wisdom of the ages For the past 2,000 years Christians have been interpreting the Bible. There have been many dangerous misinterpretations of Scripture. These have included heresies such as those which appeared in the first few centuries of the NT Church (e.g., Adoptionism, Marcionism, Gnosticism, Docetism, Nestorianism, Arianism, and Pelagianism). Others appeared during the Middle Ages. In the Modern era, old heresies are constantly being reworked (e.g., Unitarianism) and new ones have appeared (e.g., Kenosis Theory, Prosperity Gospel, and Open Theism). Early councils, the development of creedal statements, and the writings of theologians (e.g., Athanasius, Augustine, Anslem, Luther, and Calvin) have helped to steer Christian theology and Bible interpretation in an orthodox direction. Thus, we should respect the wisdom of those of the past who have given considerable thought to the interpretation of the Bible. However, when the fathers contradict Scripture, we are to follow the teachings of the Bible. This is a principle that was re-established during the Protestant Reformation. Jesus teaches that we must not accept the opinions of the elders over the written word of God (Matthew 5:21, 27, 33, 38, 43; Mark 7:8). When considering how others have interpreted a verse or passage, we must avoid the celebrity mentality (e.g., “John Calvin taught …”, “John MacArthur says …”). Even the most godly and intelligent commentator or preacher can be mistaken. The believers in Berea were credited with being noble because they examined the Scriptures daily to see if the things being taught by Paul were correct (Acts 17:11). We are to have only one final authority for all truth-the Bible.
@mikewgilliam 2 года назад
I’m glad you are a Bible believing and Bible living man. People like you are getting less by the day. We need Christians to stand for the truth of Gods word. If it hurts us then we need it, God knows what we need to grow. One day we will be judged for our lives and I know the road to hell is broad. Lastly God sends no one to hell, we reject the word and Jesus. We send ourselves.
@PETERJOHN101 Год назад
This was a much better discussion than what I heard you record in a video I critiqued earlier. In this one, you were more specific and didn't gloss over the offenses in question. Remember that many of your viewers don't recognize the people you are referring to.
@phyllislunsford8657 Год назад
Thank you for your videos I have just subscribed to you because I like what you have to say. The Lord has been revealing to me about “Christian music“ For about three years. To be honest I was devastated because very few very few truly are biblical born-again obedient Christians to the word of God. Therefore if the seed is bad the fruit is bad their seed is bad so of course their fruit will be bad their music is beautiful but the words are not God honoring. They will lead many to hell. I’ve heard many people repeat “a lyric from a song thinking it was scripture that is sad people learn more from music than they do the Bible because they don’t search after God with their whole heart. I listen to hymns old hymns that safe. Thank you keep speaking boldly and loudly for the truth while we still have platforms. Soon there’s coming a day where we will be silenced or our head will be cut off I say cut my head off I will proclaim the truth to anyone who will listen and even to those who don’t wanna listen
@AllThingsTheology Год назад
Just some thoughts here from a slightly different (but not liberal) perspective… Do with them what you will, I’m not looking for a fight. It seems that your issue with Chris is that he doesn’t fit the American, ‘evangelical’, “made in the image of John MacArthur” mould. He talks positively about deconstruction, but I’m sure would define it very differently to you. He posted lots about racism and nothing about abortion (which, I agree, was unfortunate), but both are issues of injustice; and I doubt it would have been an issue if he’d posted lots about abortion and nothing about racism. As a Christian who lives outside of the USA, this incredibly narrow view of what a Christian must do or be is very clearly an American construct. Christianity doesn’t have to fit the ‘American evangelical’ mould to be biblical or valid.
@joecharles33 Год назад
@vladtheinhaler8940 Год назад
Christianity in America is hardly Christianity, at least for the most part. According to data collected, most Americans who profess to be Christians have heretical beliefs. Seven out of ten respondents in LifeWay’s survey affirmed the doctrine of the Trinity-that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three Persons but one God, and six in ten agreed that Jesus is both human and divine. Their orthodoxy-and consistency-ended there. More than half went on to indicate that Jesus is “the first and greatest being created by God,” a heresy known as Arianism, which the Council of Nicaea condemned in 325 A.D. Seventy percent of participants-who ranged across socioeconomic and racial backgrounds-agreed there’s only one true God. Yet sixty-four percent also thought this God accepts the worship of all religions, including those that believe in many gods. Two-thirds admitted that everyone sins a little bit, but still insisted that most people are good by nature, which directly contradicts scripture (See “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God,” and “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”). Over half said it’s fair for God to exercise his wrath against sin, but seemed to waffle about which sins deserved wrath (not theirs!). Seventy-four percent said the “smallest sins” don’t warrant eternal damnation, in contrast to Jesus’ brother, who when writing at the Holy Spirit’s inspiration taught that even one infraction of God’s law is enough to sink someone.
@vladtheinhaler8940 Год назад
Evangelicals are not a monolith. The only relevant requirements for what is required to be a follower of Jesus are found in the Bible. Anything else is created by man and has no relevance to anything.
@ct8765 2 года назад
When I see what Chris Llewellyn has posted and what he apparently believes I don't see a Christian, I see a goat pretending to be a sheep. Like an ever increasing number of 'Christians' in the Christian music industry he's to be marked and avoided.
@brich2542 2 года назад
Especially if he considers Yahweh to be hateful. Well, if he doesn't like God or God's judgments, what does he have to do with God?
@ct8765 2 года назад
@@brich2542 That's a good question. I'm guessing now that he's "deconstructed his faith" it's only a matter of time before he outright denounces his faith altogether, or he embraces a gospel that's a biblical perversion to it's core. Though, based on the social justice gospel perversion he's already embracing one could argue he's already there.
@nichole1041 2 года назад
Jesus said Matthew 24:5 many will come saying they are Christians and will deceive many
@cynthiadavis5599 Год назад
i have a hard time listening to gospel music when i find out that the singers heart was not really iin it. some of these act and dress in a very ungodly manner.
@oriolesandravens 2 года назад
Are there any Christian bands out there, being played on mainstream radio, who do not have wonky theology? I turn on two stations in my area where I live (three, if I can get the D.C. station to come in) and they seem to be playing a lot of Bethel, Hillsong, Elevation, and the like. I turn on the fourth and it's mainly small church pastors preaching the Word solidly, with some worship music in between the programs. I prefer the latter.
@reginaford8575 2 года назад
@WalkInFreedom 2 года назад
I've never heard of some of the groups you mention but i find this really sad. 😥
@lauragodin6908 2 года назад
Yes, and thank you. Praying always 🙏
@cjsublett1995 6 месяцев назад
"When you speak the church awakens We believe the change is coming Holy Spirit Let us see it. Your name is power over darkness Freedom for the captives Mercy for the broken and the hopeless"... Those are lyrics we don't want people to hear, right?? How about "We will praise You when our hearts are breaking, praise You when our world is caving, We will not be moved. We will praise You 'til we see Your Kingdom Greater things are surely coming You are God and You are on the move."
@tracealyea5841 Год назад
Brylan love your videos man. You’re a true man of Christ and I commend you for that. Also you look a lot like Jeff Durbin!
@Ralf1erudd Год назад
Only found your channel today and am liking it so far. Have to say as a serving musician I don't believe anyone should be allowed to get up and minister unless they are baptized in the Holy Spirit. The truth is so often that those that minister in the spirit convict people of sin and get pushed out of ministry by carnal leaders
@mbeg2006 7 месяцев назад
Just discovered Rend Collective today, though had heard their song "Build your Kingdom Here" a few times before. A few thoughts: 1- I don't think hardly anybody knew much about BLM in June 2020, so I'm inclined to grace for that. 2- The apostle Paul rejoiced when the gospel was preached, though some of those preaching it were doing so out of selfish motives; I think as long as we are careful about the theology of the songs we sing/listen to and remember that they are written/sung by humans who can be deceived/mistaken and who sin, it's not a problem. What is the fruit of their lives? 3- Yes, the transgender affirmation and no mention of abortion are bad signs. 4- I'm not sure there is a generally agreed upon definition of the word deconstruction as regards to faith. Some people mean it as examining the bits and pieces of one's faith to see if they are truly Biblical and making corrections as needed. It may bring some people to abandon their faith all together, but if that happens it begs the question: was it true faith in the first place? 5- Please take John MacArthur off your list of reliable teachers. He has thrown a number of abused women & children to the wolves. This is one area where most of the church could use a good self-examination and correction of their beliefs, how Biblical they are (or not). Mike Winger does a much better job on this topic; Washer and some others are pretty quiet about it as far as I can tell.
@denmitchell1000 Год назад
Now it makes sense why they may have changed the venue where I bought tickets to see them in concert to a church that has also moved away from teaching the bible. I had no idea about the lead singer & really am wondering if I want to go see them in concert with what I know now. Thank you for sharing
@dougtriplett Год назад
The biggest issue is pastors that don't stand for truth. They don't stand for sound teaching. I've had pastors tell.me they don't care about the music and what the creators believe.
@alexjohnson4567 11 месяцев назад
Testimony in the form of music doesn't need to be perfect because our lives in fact are not perfect. When I listen to music by Christian artists, or music referred to as a part of the CCM grouping, I take it as less of preaching and more testimonial. I do believe there is a difference between songs that truly worship the Lord, and songs that explain a person's story or thought process regarding their faith. In my opinion, there just needs to be a clearer line drawn between those two. Thank you Brylan for all of the hard to hear information in this video, you are helping people to see the key points as to why the music created isn't a direct connection with what artists preach outside of their music. I would love to know peoples' thoughts on my above thoughts-always open to everyone's responses. Praise God we can talk about this in the open without retort.
@KNIGHTFOX80 2 года назад
The answer is very simple these people are not Christians and at best they are false converts. The Christian music industry is just that exactly, an industry. For the purpose of making money and selling records. Most of it has nothing to do with Christ or praise and worship and is being marketed to people who want an emotional experience just like every other music industry. If you all are going to pray for anything then pray that the body wakes up and recognizes all of these wolves and sheeps clothing, and mark them and avoid them as we were commanded to in the scriptures. That means stop listening to them stop buying their records stop using their music in church and stop making excuses for them as if they are just lost sheep because they are not even of us. They keep falling away because they are not of us just as scripture also says.
@loriclark2060 2 года назад
Agree 100%
@Chewy725 Год назад
Wow, well said! You don't listen to Spencer Smith's channel, by any chance?! Cos that sounds exactly like what he's always saying!!
@RobRuffMusic Год назад
Unfortunately when the music industry chooses who to promote and who to put on the radio, They do not take into consideration a artists personal holiness, doctrine, or relationship with Christ and love for the truth... They only consider musical talent. Christian leadership in any faucet, including music, must be put to the test... Their doctrine, theology, righteousness, etc must be tested before being put on a huge stage to influence the masses like that....
@ToddCawley-bu4ow 5 месяцев назад
No one knows their hearts and everyone at some point in their life questions their purpose and faith. You aren’t human if you don’t.
@rachelnavarrete3925 Год назад
Also, if anyone has kept tabs on Gungor over the past few years, you might have seen and read some really strange things on their website and socials. Some things have been retracted recently, but it’s still worth keeping a close eye on as far as their theology and if they’re even walking with the Lord or not currently.
@dominiclapinta8537 Год назад
I grew up on straight forward and honest Christian music. None of the bands i really listened to back then and still listen to today, have deconstructed. i always get ministered to by them. Alot of the bands today that seem to get the most attention in the religious music industry, even their music that is sung in churches today. usually dont interest me for the long haul.And yet so many people who identify as Christian, dont seem to be able to see that these bands now a days, are more just making pleasant sounding noise, instead of true Holy Spirit filled praise and worship music. mainly because, many of them now a days, have went to colleges to be taught how to make "Christian" music, instead of already having learned how to make music, and then having conviction from the Word of God, and THEN coming together with others who have the same mind. Here's a good question. How come most of this new music that many churches are now singing, cant just simply praise and worship and awesome God? Can we just get back to praising God, because He Is?
@ST52655 4 месяца назад
Yes! Let’s just praise the Lord. ❤
I truly enjoy watching and listening to your message so when I put the ❤s it symbolizes The Father and Son and Holy Spirit
@VioletFlowerz Год назад
Thank you so much for sharing. Like you, I am concerned for Christians who have substituted sound doctrine with "social" justice and other woke ideologies. I pray that God will open their eyes and let them see THE TRUTH. May the Holy Spirit guide them toward righteousness. 🩷
@sunflowergrowing 11 месяцев назад
Rend Collective is coming to my town in concert, my Christian peers going even though I’m warning them not to support the band until RC repents and fully accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Right now they are preaching a different truth.
@noname47032 7 месяцев назад
I thought this might be coming from the band itself. I've been in Christian music over 20 years, playing in churches of 35 up to churches of 3,500 people. That's a lot of responsibility and I need to be held accountable to what's *written in the word*. Paul talks about correcting other Christians when they do wrong. In 3rd Corinthians he said "first post a video about their sin on RU-vid, only after they've been shamed should you correct them." Wait a minute, Paul said nothing of the sort. He said approach them directly at first, then if that doesn't work, have one or two others join you and try again. And there is no 3rd Corinthians. Matthew 7:1-3 states tge law of sowing and reaping, and my friend, you're planting shame here. I feel ya, the hard truth is it's VERY easy to get on stage and just entertain the church or let the talent go to your head. That's why you have my permission to check *me* against the word. One of the biggest churches I led worship in got split due to adultery at the highest level. I talked to one of my fellow musicians who knew the lead pastor and offered to travel with him to curb the temptation. We agreed, *all* of us run the risk of falling to temptation and yes, more often than we care to admit, we do fall. Even me. That will NOT change God's truth. Whoever believes and is baptized *shall* be saved. End of story. Period. Even if he has to have a heavy rock tied to his neck and be thrown in the ocean. Tune in, or better yet, attend a church this week. Day and time don't matter. Ours is currently in the book of James, please look up The Good Fight Church in Yukon, OK if you'd like to join us...or hold any of us accountable for sonething.
@seanjustinification 2 года назад
I have been saved for a long time and can honestly say that I have never heard of this band. Thanks for the warning though.
@fredmckinney8933 Год назад
In our last church, back in St. Louis, I played bass in our church's praise band. Until that time, I saw nothing wrong with CCM. But about 5 years ago, I ran across material documenting all the unscriptural practices and false worship going on with Hellsong, Beth-hell Redding, and Hellevation. I told my wife about this and asked her if we could switch churches, and she said no -- so I grudgingly stayed. But it just so happens that we moved away in early 2020 to a small town in the south central Missouri Ozarks for a new job for my wife that, interestingly, pays better, AND with a lower cost of living here, plus we're closer to both of our families. Plus, we found a little country church we love that's less than 5 minutes from our house, does exclusively traditional worship, and even uses the same hymnal I grew up using (Heavenly Highway Hymns -- in shape notes, no less). I soon became the organist there...and then, just recently, I got the worship leader gig, even though it means we now don't have anyone to play the organ (instrumentally, it's just piano now). And I have NO plans at all to implement contemporary worship, either.
@fredmckinney8933 Год назад
@@KO-bt6jb Because I don't believe in being dictatorial, forceful, and abusive.
@fredmckinney8933 Год назад
@@KO-bt6jb Something you need to consider is that it's difficult to find a church in St. Louis that does exclusively traditional worship. Yeah, there are Independent Fundamental Baptist churches, but due to the NUMEROUS child sex scandals going on in those churches, not to mention other forms of ABUSE, I totally refuse to be a part of them. Yeah, there might be some good ones out there, but the bad ones have given even the good ones a bad name. Not to mention, the lack of grace and the pompous, arrogant, self-righteous, and Pharisaical attitude you display is PATHETIC. Let's just say I would not want to be YOU on judgment day.
@candycane7628 Год назад
Church is supposed to be a sanctuary. We are not supposed to go in there eating food on our cell phones or listening to loud unchristian music. Churches are supposed to humblest in the sanctuary and be a place where we come repentant and sorrowful for our sins. That sanctuary is no longer here. I don't walk into that unGodly place any more. Middle 70's, I am very sorrowful that people don't see that the end is here and they aren't concerned where they will Spend eternity. Very sad indeed
@arclemons1967 Год назад
I'd never heard of them before now, but, thanks to this video, if I ever come across their music, I'll be armed with right knowledge. Thank you!
@teriter5712 2 года назад
Jesus wasn’t joking about last days and end times deception. I pray about EVERYTHING! Matthew 24:4-5 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
@kristabinkley5228 Год назад
You're spot on for sure!
@aaronchavous1968 2 года назад
After hearing about Maverick City, I’m wandering about Alissa Smith. She sings with Upper Room. I’ve seen some of their worship services on RU-vid and I love them. After listening to Vineyard Music I’ve been enjoying them more. Oddly enough my aunt sings some of their songs at our church.
@severelybaffled4414 2 года назад
Personally, I used to love Upper Room, Bethel, Elevation, and Jesus Image. But it doesn’t take much digging to realize that they are all connected and associated with each other. I dug deeper into what they believe and found that I could find no scriptural basis for their beliefs. Bethel for example, has had many controversies that you can search about if you are interested. Jesus Image, they have an ‘image’ of Jesus for every service but it is not actually what Jesus looks like and the Bible talks about worshipping images. And the pastor is Benny Hinn’s son-in-law. Benny Hinn still preaches there from time to time. What makes this associated with Upper Room is that singers from these other churches and even the preachers also sing with Upper Room and preach there at times. Since I know what the others believe, I safely assume that they are not right either. Sorry that this is such a long response, I just thought I’d share my experience. I thought Alissa Smith was such a beautiful singer and full of humility. But I personally do not want to support their beliefs.
@aaronchavous1968 2 года назад
I had my suspicions when I heard one of Upper Room’s songs. I forgot the name of it but, it seemed to sexualize the love of Jesus. I find such songs that do this dangerous and are treading on dangerous ground. After I heard that song being sung at Upper Room I’ve started to slowly pull away and started listening to Brian Dorskin and David Ruis. They’re the ones who started Vineyard. Anther guy I like is Lindell Cooley. He has his own church now. He came out of the Brownsville Revival.
@allenc4909 Год назад
❤ Elyssa Smith of UR.
@eddiegreschak9995 Год назад
I listen to alot of jazz and classical as an alternate to christian bands simply because of musical preference. I still listen to Phil Keaggy and love the classic 80's christian music scene. Its good to have different genres of music to listen to as always keep in mind whatever you're listening to doesn't pull you away from your faith in Christ, also love bluegrass music, God bless you in your ministry
@HannahSCHAITELFunTIME 11 месяцев назад
I like a lot of those same genres!
@rawar777joshanderson 2 года назад
Gah...this kind of thought seems to be bleeding into everything. It's more dangerous to listen to supposed "Christian" music if it is subtly leading you away than to listen to non-Christian music that is simply about neutral stuff.
@migsteele Год назад
Had to wait for 5 mins for you to get to the point and it turns out you’re just upset about BLM and are quite hateful. I think Chris is sitting closer to Jesus’ view than yours. Upset about the minutiae. Just showing hate.
@joecharles33 Год назад
I agree with the thesis of your statement but I would argue that this content creator isn’t being hateful (at least intentionally). He is simply too caught up in the dogma of religion to realize that Jesus was and God is the most social justice minded of us all. I wholeheartedly agree that Chris is sitting close to Jesus and is reflecting His light and love. “This is the greatest commandment and the second is like it. Love your neighbor as yourself.”
@vladtheinhaler8940 Год назад
​@Joseph Charles You are attributing man made ideology to God, that's not wise.
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She just PROMISED to persecute Christians... Reaction!