
Researched NDEs for 40 yrs; Uncovered SHOCKING Scientific PROOF of the Afterlife | Dr. Raymond Moody 

Next Level Soul Podcast
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@pttp321 Год назад
“Realigion is a distorting lens that stands between people and God”. Brilliant!
@JustReed Год назад
Yup. The cover story to truth.
@oober3690 3 месяца назад
So then why do so many experiencers see Jesus and then become more religious?
@cecileroy557 Год назад
O MG - I read Life After Life when I was in my 20s in the 1970s!! Dr. Moody's book opened my mind and I've never looked back. I'm now 72 and I'm still "learning and searching"! As ALWAYS - a great segment!! Thank you!!!!
@elsu6501 Год назад
Great. 👍👍👍
@carries.9919 Год назад
Wow Cecile, I also read Life after Life in the 70's and I'm also still learning and searching. It's been a great journey and I'm learning so many interesting things as the years go by! I'm so thankful to Dr. Moody for writing about his NDE when it was not such an accepted subject back in the 70's.
@kathryncargill3015 8 месяцев назад
Me too! Read it in the late 70’s and I’m 71 now. Been interested and fascinated since I read his book
@bobbiegentilquore9496 Год назад
With all respect ,as an animal rescuer and person that has has many Animals I cannot say they grow up with the idea that someday they will die, but I say with absolute certainty that they are aware when their time to cross is near. Two weeks ago my parrot that I had for over 30 years (since she was a baby) has a horrible accident and I had to help her crossover As the vet walked to the back to get the needle she immediately limped to me and spent the last five minutes of her conscious life giving me kisses. She knew and both our hearts were broken
@johnnyzee383 Год назад
I agree..I had to put my beloved dog Shia down in March and I think she knew what was happening..we had a vet come to the house and she was comfy in her blanket and I was giving her kisses and petting her,and she was licking my hand,over and over..I had people she knew come over to say their goodbyes and she was so happy to see everyone, but in the end she just knew what was coming...but I think she wanted to go to sleep and be rid of the pain she was experiencing..I believe our consciousness survives death,and I believe that I will see my baby again..I miss her beyond belief.
@duketinntinn8498 Год назад
I know that you loved your bird very much. My shitzu was a daddy's girl wait by the door till that I came home had diabetes for the last five years before she passed on. Your baby was no doubt very confused with terrible pain but that doesn't prove that he knew he was going to die. God bless
@lenBrill1971 Год назад
@duketinntinn8498 . . . . do you feel better you got that off your chest? You couldn't just leave it alone. You don't know the bird didn't know what was coming. You assume it didn't.
@bobbiegentilquore9496 Год назад
@@lenBrill1971 you really have no idea what you are talking about. No, I don’t feel better at all “getting that off my chest.” What I wrote was the truth and not only was it horrible losing my baby - it hurt more knowing that she knew and was scared. Yes -she knew! First of all you have no respect of the hurt of my loss nor the respect of a different opinion. You are a very cruel person I have had many dogs during my life and each and every one “knew” that their time to leave had come. Do you even have enough love or empathy in you to hurt - or realize - that they know their time approaches and may be scared? Your comment was cruel and hurtful
@paulustarsus Год назад
Man, that's some serious, serious stuff right there. Hope you're doing a bit better as time goes on.
@t.lc.777 2 года назад
What an honor to have such a brilliant mind and pure heart like Dr. Moody on. Love his life’s work and contribution to humanity. Thank you, great interview. 🙌
@billjacobs2799 Год назад
I had my NDE in 1985, I didn't know what it was until I went to college and researched it Dr. Moody's book was a part of that research. I am not afraid of death since that experience, what I had happen was, I was asked "if I had done everything, I wanted in this lifetime?" I thought for what seemed a long time and responded I don't know I'm still young. (I was 25 at the time) Immediately I was asked "If I come back do I have anything to offer? (I had the sense that it was asking would I benefit mankind by going back)" I responded "yes", for the same reason as before because I am still young. My experience started in the tunnel, and I saw a light in the extreme distance, and I started go towards the light. I never saw the one that was communicating to me it was more like mind to mind while I was in the tunnel.
@courtneycoley8487 Год назад
@smithface8791 Год назад
Years ago I was working with a woman in her very late twenties. During morning tea, she was quiet and suddenly told us that when she was about 8 years old she had a very strange dream. Then she said it was much more than a dream. She had contracted meningitis from playing in dirty water and suddenly saw her long blonde hair hanging at the back in hospital. Then she said she was in a tunnel that seemed corrugated inside, and lots of people were going down the tunnel at the same time and that they were all white. She said she was blissfully happy in the tunnel. She heard a voice say: “Push the child back”, and another voice said to her: “Go back to your mother, she’s waiting for you”. She said that she loved her mother dearly but would have preferred continuing in the tunnel. I had read Dr. Moody’s book and knew what she was talking about, and replied: “Anne, that wasn’t a dream, that was a Near Death Experience! After that experience she said she had become very psychic.
@MaizaGatti Год назад
Dr Raymond Moody I read your book around 40 years ago and it made life make sense. I never stopped searching since then. Thank you very much! Greatings from Brazil.
@tomjosi742 Год назад
Beautiful conversation with Dr. Raymond. Thank you for bringing him on.
@patriciadecicco8809 Год назад
I ALWAYS love you Dr. Moody, and Alex, thanks so much for bringing him on. Hope you're feeling better! ❤ It was an awesome interview.
@PeriLyons123 Год назад
WOW. WHAT A VALUABLE, ENRICHING AND ENLIGHTENING INTERVIEW! -And damn, Alex- RAYMOND MOODY!! How validating and great for you and your important work!! There are so many treasures to unpack here! Am listening for the second time. Am so grateful for this show, and for your way of interviewing in such a respectful and “drawing out” way. Happy Season of Joy to you and your fam. 🌺
@Mindywright27 Год назад
What a lovely man! I’ve never seen Dr Moody interviewed. I could listen to you two talk for hours. Alex, you are are an exceptional interviewer. Congratulations on your success in Next Level Soul! I’m here for the ride, sir!
@db5837 Год назад
I was comforted by Moody's book in the 1980s after three of my family had died. I did some research and found the "tunnel" experience can occur due to lack of oxygen while passing out, the NDE could be recreated by a Canadian neurosurgeon by stimulation of the temporal lobe (can't remember whether L or R) and the brain has single cells dedicated to family or close persons actually nicknamed "grand mother cells" which, upon the final flicker of activity might explain seeing deceased relatives. I know two people who were resuscitated from cardiac arrest (one had three arrests during the process) and neither said they had an NDE. On the other hand, years later, I was in an extremely agitated and annoyed state (caused by the actions of a family member) during the burial of an elderly relative when a sudden warming and calming feeling washed over me. It was definitely external in origin. It seemed that either there was a benevolent spirit in that cemetery or it was that deceased relative who calmed my feelings. I have never forgotten that moment.
@teresab9894 3 месяца назад
Omg! Raymon Moody! I’ve read all your books in the 90’s. Thank you!
@trinacogitating4532 Год назад
Oh, wow. I really, really like Dr. Moody. I've heard people refer to him in other interviews here, but thought he was probably overrated. My mistake, lol! He's a delight to listen to, and I love the integrity with which he approaches the subjects here.
@richardharris2494 Год назад
Great interview! Thank you!
@trustyourheart9098 Год назад
Loved this interview ! What a delightful human … great interview Alex ..xxx❤
@davidoverstreet6900 Год назад
His near death experience and past life books in the early 1990s is what really got me back into spiritualism. This was mind-blowing information at the time.
@silentbullet2023 Год назад
The first ever recorded account of the tunnel, the light, the life review and the message "point of life is to love" belongs to Plato's reporting of an Armenian warrior, named Er, who was about to be burned at the funeral pyre, according to the customs, when he suddenly comes back to life and tells his comrades what had had happened during he was dead.
@2012evolution 5 месяцев назад
Thank you Moody, you are the godfather of spirituality for me.
@melissachaya Год назад
People all over the world have experienced the same kind of nde's. There is NO Way all these people are lying!! GOD is real! There is a afterlife.
@dkyle3021 2 года назад
Dr. Moody,you are a truth teller, you have helped a lot of out thank you for helping Dannion B awesome love and light❤️🇨🇦🙏🦋
@NextLevelSoul 2 года назад
Thank you kindly
@eurekaelephant2714 Год назад
Respect to the pioneers who pave the way. Cant help but feel that 'scientific proof" will no longer be such an important criteria upon which to judge reality in the future. Perhaps he would have been grateful and glad to know this, as he very much would now. Thankyou.
@elvynethecrone Год назад
I wonder why it is That I can believe that this is a stage and we're all actors, but I come up on a wall when it comes to me being the director.
@michealhodge1483 6 месяцев назад
This just proves Life is Pure 💕
@saltyark7564 9 месяцев назад
This is such an incredible episode, I’m so glad I found this channel, I’m so happy that some people are able to put this into words.
@bonniebarlow4939 Год назад
It's so great to "meet" Dr. Moody at last. What a cool guy.
@slk6823 Год назад
I myself, experienced things in life that proves that Jesus God is always there, guiding & helping us. My experienced started when I was a very young girl & up to now still experiencing some unexplainable events & its getting more & more constant. I thought, there was something wrong with me, but since watching this channel, I dont feel alone anymore. Take care and God bless everyone.
@ufooverlondon4494 Год назад
Wonderful Conversation!
@mindfulnessasia1082 Год назад
The Supreme Lord states,: "For one who has taken his birth, death is certain; and for one who is dead, birth is certain." (Bhagavad-gita 2:27). Krishna explains why there is reincarnation and that reincarnation is miserable. Death is a suffering condition. It's like a person being kicked out of their apartment and they don't know where they are going. You are completely lost and alone. No protection. No one can help you. When a person dies, he will again be born. It's a cycle a person can't get off by themselves. This world is full of suffering. Incarnation means the living entity is taking on one body. After the body is finished, he takes on another flesh body. Those people who think reincarnation is enjoyable are not very intelligent. We must understand what is a person. Who is reincarnating? People's idea is that they are the body. I am the spirit soul, the atma, the spark of life, within this body. I am using this body. The body is continually changing. The molecules which made up your body seven years ago have all gone out. What happened to all the food that we ate over the years? Some of the food that we take in becomes part of the body. The molecules which make up the brain get turned over completely in 3 days. Appearances are deceiving. The body is not a constant thing. But I am. Can anyone here tell me where your baby body is? Where is it? Are you gone? No, you still exist. I existed then and I exist now. This means I am not the body. The self, the living entity, is the aware witness. You don't cease existing when your old body ceases to exist. I can't do the things I used to do with my body. It's you who is taking on another material body after you leave this body. The spirit soul does not die. Only your body dies. Each of us is an eternal spark of the Supreme Lord. We are of the same essence of the Supreme Lord. In Bhagavad-gita, chapter 2, verse 22 states: " As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones. People want to extend their lives because they want to exist. But they will continue to exist without their old bodies. When your body breaks down, you get a new one. It's already arranged. We leave our body behind like we leave old clothes behind. We must also understand that a person is not their mind. The mind is a subtle body which is covering the spirit soul. The mind is material. When a person leaves the gross material body, he is still covered by the subtle material body, which is full of material desires. It is the mind which acts like a type of nucleus around which a new gross material body develops. You take your mind with you, also all of your memories. This new body may be in many different species of life. In the Srimad Bhagavatam it describes that the mind indicates past and future bodies. The living entity gets a certain type of sense organs which are grouped around the mind. According to your mentality, you get a certain type of nose and tongue. One man's food is another man's poison. The pigs love to eat stool. The human tongue cannot eat it. When a person smells bacon in the morning and wants to enjoy this, this is a pig body he wants to eat. So similarly the pig is waiting in the morning for someone to pass stool in the fields. In this world you find so many different species of life. They all have different types of ears and tongues. The shape of your desires determines the type of body you will take on. Many people have a human body now, but they develop animal consciousness. They are only interested in eating, sleeping, mating and defending. If you will not use your human ability to inquire into higher spiritual questions, there is no need for you to take on another human body again. Taking on another human body is not the goal of life. Developing spiritual consciousness so that a person can go back to our real home in the spiritual world is the goal of the human form of life. Why am I, the eternal spark of the Supreme Lord, stuck in this temporary world, taking on body after body? The cause of our being in this world is that we have material desires. We want to imitate the Supreme Lord, trying to be the enjoyers and masters. Trying to play the role of the Supreme Lord, we just end up suffering. If you didn't have a desire to enjoy the senses, you wouldn't have them. To be free from material desires we must be purified by the Supreme Lord Himself. By my own power I cannot break through the wheel of birth and death. I must surrender to the Supreme Lord. As my attachment to the Supreme Lord increases, my attachment to this world decreases. As long as I am interested in serving me, I cannot be in the kingdom of the Supreme Lord. Everyone there is simply enjoying serving the pleasure of the Supreme Person. I must develop my love for the Supreme Lord. Become aware that you existed 10 years ago. 10 years ago I had a certain type of body and wore certain clothes. For you, the self, there is never birth or death. Nor do you ever cease to exist. The self is not slain when the body is slain. As you go from a youthful body to an older body, you move from body to body. I have quoted the Supreme Lord as He spoke in the Bhagavat-gita because it is not possible for us to completely understand reincarnation. To know about the science of reincarnation we have to go to the source Who is above the laws of reincarnation. We are not interested in speculating about reincarnation. The Supreme Lord tells us what the situation is. We ask that you humbly listen and then contemplate on it on your own time. Your existence is not dependent on the physical body. There is not a single atom present in your body that was present 10 years ago. The matter that made up your brain 1 week ago is not the same matter that is in your brain today. Your existence continues as you lose your body. The spirit soul is wandering in the material world. Sometimes the living being is high and sometimes low. I am in reality a spirit soul, a part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. I am now in the unfortunate situation where I am covered by the material modes of nature. Previously I had another body and I thought that was me. Now I think this body is me. I am actually in an unnatural condition when I am in the material world because I am eternal by nature and this world is temporary. I am not supposed to experience death. Reincarnation is not a natural condition to be in. Everyone is struggling to survive. This struggle is coming from the spirit soul, but it is mixed in by ignorance of thinking that I am my body. Real evolution is not that the species of life change. The spirit soul goes from lower to higher bodies. The mind is not the brain. The mind is a more subtle energy, which cannot be seen by the material eye. Your desires, hopes, ambitions, attachments, fears, all of this is stored in the mind. Often this is from a previous life. You, the spirit soul, are covered by the mind. You are not spiritually liberated just by leaving this body. A person is still covered by the subtle body when he leaves his material body. It is the mind, the consciousness, which determines which type of body you will take on. If your consciousness is that of an animal, you will take on one of the many animal species according to your desires and your karma. If your consciousness is that of a demigod, then you will take on a demigod body. Different living beings have different types of tongues, different senses. All these senses are for enjoying. There is someone in those animal bodies looking out through the eyes just like you are looking out through your eyes. We can create our own future by developing a certain type of consciousness. We cultivate a certain type of consciousness by what we do with our senses. What you do with your life will affect your consciousness. Animals are interested in eating, sleeping, mating and defending. This is what humans today are primarily interested in. We organize our whole lives around these activities. We cultivate a future animal form of life by doing this. The human form of life is not meant for this. It's much easier to do these things in animal bodies. What makes the human form of life special is that we have the ability to inquire into who we are, why do I suffer, what is the purpose of life? Of course, we still need to take care of our material needs and eat, sleep, mate and defend. However, there is also the fifth activity, which, unfortunately, most of us neglect. The Supreme Lord gives us what we want. However, we must also experience the reactions for our actions. We have to pay the price. If you want to develop spiritually, even if you don't become perfect in this life, you will at least attain a human form of life in your next birth. You will not lose any spiritual progress you have made. You will have the opportunity to continue where you left off. But why wait for another body? You can make this birth the last.
@nicholasgoh3526 Год назад
I used to think my life is a tragedy. Now I know it’s a comedy. Life is a joke and I never want to come back again.
@summermelville3403 Год назад
That warm loving bright light is the source and he was there holding me before i was born yet pre birth memories arent researched.
@elizabethshannon24 Год назад
juliabarks loved the comment, the script of my life...the writer had ADD!
@mickeykelly7421 Год назад
I really haven't heard him answer your questions!!!!
@184.0 Год назад
No religion, just faith in Jesus !! God won't be mocked. Love is the answer. John 3:16. God bless you all ;)
@websurfer5772 Год назад
Proof that we can show other people and get them to believe it? Really? This I gotta hear. And, yes, I already know that Dr. Raymond Moody is one of the OGs of NDEs.
@smithface8791 Год назад
@@herminepursch2470Not believing what they want, but what is truth?
@holenawall954 Год назад
I would choose almost all comedy. It has to educate me or make me laugh. Comedy or not, it will make me cry.
@RoseOdette Год назад
You mention that animals are unaware of death, please do a little more homework before stating that humans are superior to the other animals on earth. Elephants are aware of death and return to the elephant's graveyard every year to grieve their dead family members. I really am sorry for mentioning this as I love this channel very much. But when humans act superior to animals - their credibility is lessened: not to mention exhibiting arrogance over the animal kingdom.
@rebeccaspratling2865 Год назад
Humans have to believe they're superior. It's cognitive dissonance because of how animals are treated by humans for pleasure. When humans believe they're not superior they stop contributing to the unnecessary harm of them. It's a hard pill to swallow for so many.
@cac1682 11 месяцев назад
but what were the 20 or so characteristics of all NDE's that he talks about in the beginning?
@catherinegreen3255 Год назад
is it just me or does Mr Moody sounds like The Hooded Claw from Penelope Pitsop?
@sungoddiss Год назад
Thanks for this.
@Rivertowner 7 месяцев назад
What is the basic differences in the experiences of people from various religious backgrounds?!
@taverntimes6806 Год назад
The brain is still active...all these people came back. They were never dead
@GaryAndSusanTalbott Год назад
I'm a hospice nurse, I can say with certainty there's life on the other side
@courtneycoley8487 Год назад
What things have u seen?
@GaryAndSusanTalbott Год назад
@@courtneycoley8487 that's not for here. Too detailed
@RHandro89 7 месяцев назад
I’m so curious to know more!
@helmutschillinger3140 5 месяцев назад
What is life?
@missannmcd Год назад
I have transitioned from palliative care to at home hospice care. I don’t feel afraid of death but it makes me sad to leave my children behind.I have 3 boys and 1 daughter.
@Anna-jg5br Год назад
You are brave in the face of death, Ann! I hope I will be brave too when my time comes. It will be sad to leave loved ones but I believe we shall meet again - energy, which we are, doesn’t die but is transformed. Sending good wishes to you
@Kristi-j3g 7 месяцев назад
From nde. It will be okay when you get home you will understand the love 💕 of the creator😊 don't be afraid🎉❤
@juliebarks3195 Год назад
The script of my life was written before I was born. Turns out to be a low-budget horror film.
@gusmarokity6482 Год назад
Miss Equinox you spoke for me ! Wonder if you'd like to disclose a short outline of it. I'll do the same in return.
@susanneschmidt6159 Год назад
She may have meant that as a reference to her real life...
@francisdaly9841 Год назад
I think you're right susanne schmidt she was talking about her own life and I feel her pain,I'm deep into battle with myself in my head and I think I'm losing the battle I just want to go home were I belong and its not here on earth
@lynamor2959 Год назад
Lmao ~~ same!!!
@Jewriffic Год назад
With regards to Animals not knowing they will die I am reminded Elephant behaviour indicates they understand death. Their caressing the bones of departed members of their group can not be ignored. And to consider they often return to a specific area when their former members go when they sense they are going to die. Greetings from S. Africa.
@CBL-if8jr Год назад
S o true. We should refrain from feeling s u p e r i o r than animals ....
@lorimiller4301 Год назад
I woke up one morning to all the dogs howling. I felt dread immediately. I found the sick dog I had rescued. She had her head up on a piece of the base of a chair and she had just passed. Somehow the other 4 dogs knew. They understand, even cats. I've brought deceased ones home for them to say goodbye. We are all telepathic, it's just some are more open to it than others.
@LadyPC Год назад
Hi Philip, Philippa here, also from South Africa. Just recently my cat went next door to die early in the morning after I have held her in my arms the previous night saying good-bye and informing her we were taking her the next morning to the vet to put her to sleep. I did Reiki Energy Healing on her as I held her and told her to say hi to all my previous pets... 💞 Thanks for your contribution and platform Alex! 🌷🙏😘
@LOVEISTRUTH300 Год назад
When I heard that the first thing I thought of was elephants. I'm not sure but I think Dolphins are similar.....
@fretnesbutke3233 Год назад
At this late stage,and we're still grasping at ways and reasons how and why we're somehow above animals..we presume that they don't comprehend the end of life.
@issamelias1747 4 месяца назад
Dear Prof. Moody, I‘ve read your book right after it had been published. I‘m a medical Dr.& was working in an emergency department in England. One night I was called to an emergency heart attack of an elderly gentleman. While examining him he suddenly died. After having defibrillated him 7 times - he came back , & the first thing he said was „ why did you bring me back?“ since I had read your book, I immediately understood that he had been somewhere else, but he was too weak for me to ask him what he meant. After his transfer to the ICU. I asked the colleagues how his condition was; they told me he had passed away the next day. That statement of the patient proved to me that all you had written in your book was absolutely correct. Greetings from Austria. Medizinalrar Mag. phil. Dr. med. Issam Elias 🇦🇹
@autonomydepthconsciousness7633 2 года назад
It's good to see Dr. Raymond Moody doing well...I am fascinated with his work & NDEs. Thanks for bringing him on.
@melodyebuskin5490 10 месяцев назад
@elsalohengrin7777 Год назад
Sorry, but as far I know Elephsnts know when they ate going to die! Leaving the hetd snd othets of the herd are mourning....
@angalmeida29 Год назад
Agree So do dogs ! They stop eating before they pass away
@JustLoveOneAnother Год назад
My mother had a massive heart attack in the late 80’s. The only take away that I remember her saying as she was recovering was that she was no longer afraid of death. I wonder if she had a NDE but didn’t want to talk about it openly. In 2012 she passed away and my sister said she saw mom’s soul leave her body but just before that mom asked my sister why my dad was there in her hospital room sitting in a chair in the corner. My dad passed away in 1995.
@slomo4672 Год назад
Heart warming
@sallym2192 Год назад
I too saw my husbands soul gently rise out of his body….I always considered that to be a true gift from God to allow me to see that. It was so comforting to witness that small miracle
@courtneycoley8487 Год назад
​@@sallym2192what did it look like?
@kennethhacker3014 Год назад
Wow!!! Great comment
@smithface8791 Год назад
@@sallym2192 I saw my mother’s soul that looked like a vapour very quickly cross the aisle of the church in front of me at her Funeral Mass.
@mildreddiaz6435 Год назад
I’m not a doctor or scientist or anything like that. But I have to say that based on my life experiences which is not a NDE for me but premonitions of loved ones passing or illnesses or even birth. I have seen people who have passed and when I do I see always a bright light. I have encounters with God. While I am well not in a NDE. So with that being said I know that their is life after this life. God is real no doubt about it! Wishing you all a blessed day🙏
@Jeffrey_DeBlaay...888 6 месяцев назад
to all who read this, and all who don't...sending you infinite peace, perfect health, abundant wealth, joyous freedom, and unconditional love... 🙏🏽💜💜💜💜💜🙌🏽
@neuyM Год назад
I have been drinking a cup of tea while listening to this podcast. Suddenly I realized that there was a tag attached to the teabag string. Getting curious I read it and it floored me! It said, be guided. Listen to the whispers of the universe.
@rebeccaspratling2865 Год назад
I love that!
@mejae8829 Год назад
Its a sign❤
@mitevstojan4296 8 месяцев назад
That's a pretty generic and common phrasw
@carolynd4388 Год назад
He is humble and genuine. His work was completely groundbreaking at a time when such things were NOT respected AT ALL within the mainstream. He had a great deal of courage to come forth with his research even though he himself was a huge skeptic. I have so much gratitude as he really did open consciousness for so many to finally be believed and have validation, as well as the NDE field of study as to really kick off to where it is today.
@starrynight3363 Год назад
Hi. But Dr Moody himself is not an NDEer , right ?
@Gee_na Год назад
@@starrynight3363 from his Wikipedia "Moody claims to have had a near-death experience in 1991 when he attempted suicide (which he talks about in this book Paranormal) which he says was the result of an undiagnosed thyroid condition which affected his mental state.[4] In an interview in 1993, Moody stated he was placed in a mental hospital by his family for his work with mirror gazing." I need to read this book, i wasn't aware he did until i wondered if he was still living (he is! : ) But the Book is called.. Paranormal: My life in Pursuit of the afterlife..
@starrynight3363 Год назад
@@Gee_na Hi Geena, wow 😯 thank you so much for your reply, 🙏🏻😘. Poor guy what he's been through ... Way back in 2001, I read "Closer to the light " by Melvin Morse, MD, and Moody gave the forward. It's a 200 pg., small paperback. It is little story after case-story of little children in the hospital describing their NDEs!! Have u read this? And finally in March of 2021, 3 months after my Dad's crossing over, his spirit energy has been moving small objects near me, along with electronics being manipulated, showing these signs to my husband too, and to my brother. So sadly or bittersweet I've gotten confirmation that we do transcend this 🌍. Peace & joy 🌈💙💗🙏🏻
@Gee_na Год назад
@@starrynight3363 you're welcome 🤗. I wasn't aware either until i saw that! (to be a little more clearer than i was in my response 😁)
@COSjultrakay Год назад
Absolutely ..
@starfishw7138 Год назад
Might be interesting checking in with animal communicators to see what animals say about their concept of death??
@smithface8791 Год назад
A female Anglican priest, now deceased, once said that her daughter, family and pet cat had been visiting and had left to go home. Shortly afterwards, the cat came back into her house and she immediately thought that the family had returned and waited for them to walk back inside. Not so. On their way back, they had let the cat out to relieve itself, it was struck by a car and killed. The cat, now in spirit, had returned to the house.
@Kristi-j3g 7 месяцев назад
Nde myself, animal lover Animal's are from the same energy as humans ❤
@colleenjensen8525 Год назад
How wonderful to see you. I read your book Life after Life in 1995 after my Dear daughter and my grandson were killed in a horrific car accident. I did get an apparition before the accident, which scared me to death. But I didn't know then, but I read everything I could get my hands. Your book was one of the first. Thank you so much for this interview.
@mirgrande7683 Год назад
If another animal had no concept it could die. Why the fight or flight response ? It would just stand there unawares it was going to get its throat torn out ? Animals on farms are known to show intense fear when being penned for slaughter ? I think they are very aware of death. What about the 'elephant graveyardss' ?
@teresarohlin1859 Год назад
I was driving in I-5 freeway north of bakersville California and suddenly I saw hundreds of cattle in pens and so crowded and solemnly standings as there was no place for them to go. I felt incredibly sad as I figured out their fate. I had been on across the country trip during the pandemic in early February 2021. I had passed through Missouri and Oklahoma days earlier and the cattle were spread out in beautiful pasture with grass and trees. It was so serene. Compared to central California where these cows were at the end of the line before slaughter and there were no green pastures or trees. It was all brown dry fields, they stood crowded in mud with no place to go. It was very hard to see this and smelled very bad 20 miles before I even came upon the scene. I felt despair that this was happening and could not be stopped.
@Arnuld15Governator Год назад
12:20 that is not true at all. Some animals can pick up when one of their own or even a fellow human is about to pass. I remember reading a story about a cat that lived in a hospice home for the elderly, and the cat would always either sit at the front doorway or be inside of the room of the person that is going to pass hours before they do. I know when some animals are deathly ill that they have a habit of either trying to run away from their loved ones before they pass. My own dog tried doing so during his final week of his life because I think he knew deep down that he was not going to live longer, and I had a gut feeling that he did not want us to watch him pass in front of him. There are also snakes that will find a secluded spot before they die.
@timenixe Год назад
I was about three or four when I had an NDE, but am not sure why. The experience was more profound than my short years preceding it, and I’ve never forgotten it. It has shaped my life since, and lessons I learned through it are still unfolding to date. Whether inside the brain, or beyond the body, the effect was spiritual, making room for expansion and calibrating awareness of possibilities in life.
@ginaiosef 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing this video! I love Dr. Moody and keep track of whatever is related to him. Besides this, I wanted to tell you that regarding animals, you might not be updated or interested in if and how animals relate to death; is been a while now since is known that animals know and leave the place they live in and "go to die", they are preparing for death, which means they "know" - Indians in your contry are familiar with this process - and also animals grief, there were actually elephants and monkeys filmed during the morning process. I love animals and their world, I am also an nde but not entitled at any knowing, I just know. I make this comment for the love of animals only. Humans used to be aware once of this process and in Tibet they say that one sense the coming its of own death two years prior and starts to prepare for it. Is our approach to death that is wrong, the culture we build around it. Instead is as natural as birth and might be the only important and real events in life. There is no death actually and if we start from this the whole story change. Anyway, thank you for this video! ❤ (Please escuse my English if necessary ).
@lorimiller4301 Год назад
Thank you for sharing. They do know. If you have had animals and loved them then you know that they know. I had a huge dog that couldn't jump into the truck anymore and it was time to put her down. We went for a little walk and she sat and stared at the park. I just knew that she understood she was looking at it for the last time and she was savouring it. We went back home and went to the truck and she jumped in just perfectly for the last time. She knew. She passed in the truck with me and the vet. June was a wonderful dog. I had to promise my family I wouldn't bring any more pets home but I told them that it's null and void if they show up on my doorstep, and she did.
@ginaiosef Год назад
@@lorimiller4301 ❤️
@jord1242 Год назад
No one goes to the theatre for the ending, they go for the performance. Life isn't about arriving, rather about the things that happen. Once you understand this, it all becomes clear
@judithadair2363 2 года назад
I love Dr. Raymond Moody. He is brilliant, curious, friendly, and so kind. I love him especially because he is a Southerner as am I. :-)
@bettecarlson3660 Год назад
I attended a psychic fair in Denver around 1999. He was a speaker. I accidentally sat in his guest chair but when he arrived I moved over we had a lovely chat for about 15 minutes. I was eagerly awaiting his presentation but I fell asleep right in the front row. How embarrassing. Soon after I was diagnosed with ovarian tumors which were draining my energy. I'm glad to be able to hear what I missed. (Fortunately the 2 large tumors were non malignant. However days before the surgery my cousin called to say a TV evangelist pronounced a healing of ovarian tumors. I wonder if that was my healing. )
@judithadair2363 Год назад
@@bettecarlson3660 How fortunate you were to meet him so closely. Miracles occur. It doesn't take a human to announce them. All healing comes from God. I'm so thankful you got the medical treatment you needed. Many doctors believe in God's power, too. Bless you!
@t.lc.777 2 года назад
What a great honor to interview such a brilliant mind and pure heart. Thank you for this, great interview.
@NextLevelSoul 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@hombre1mia 2 года назад
I cannot believe that I only discovered your channel yesterday. The guests and content are amazing! Thank you.
@NextLevelSoul 2 года назад
Thank you 🙏
@amandabarrymore778 Год назад
Theres some great guests ....i only discovered it recently!!!!
@klaverfour8999 Год назад
Also... just recently... strange...
@erad05 Год назад
It’s great to finally hear and see Mr. Moody after having red his books 40 years ago … which have certainly impacted my path and spiritual perception. 40 years ago it was still completely out of sight to talk about these things like NDE or out of body experiences or healing etc. Thanks for bringing him to your show. This is a really wonderful channel you run! 🙏
@mariaphillips8664 2 года назад
I just love Raymond Moody!! I watched his documentary about "Life After Life" in 1979. And, since then, I have been following these stories for over 42 years now!!! Thank you.
@helendillard7784 Год назад
I have loved and followed Dr. Moody since the 70’s. I love his openness, yet also his scientific skepticism. He never puts himself in a box.
@shirleysharma2573 Год назад
I picked up his books from a second hand bookstore in Delhi in the seventies. There was an articlein the magazine The illustrated weekly by Kushwant Singh in the seventies. So I had read 2 of his books then. I belived because my grandpa was a mediun back then.
@jolantaswiderska7061 Год назад
I never experienced NDE but l know there is life after death. Both my deceased parents, my uncle, my cousin contacted me in my vivid dreams ...my dad was so clear telling me ( telepathically ) not to worry too much about life on Earth as Earth is only a place to learn thrue bad or good experiences...He told me that our true Home and life is where he is now...l bealive 100 % in his message. I think he wanted badly give me a hope and strength, after his life regression he saw how much he hurt me, when I was a child, teenager and even later on married. My husband also abusive, mentally and physically towards me, and my dad still taking his side. My father always steted, woman - wife's responsibility is stay quiet
@jolantaswiderska7061 Год назад
Cont... women must stay quiet and serve her husband. I forgive my dad and even my this days ex - husband. Possibly my dad and my husband behavior towards me it was my Karma. At least I learn to speak my voise with no fear and stand up for myself...💥
@wmluna381 Год назад
​@@jolantaswiderska7061Interesting. Thank you for sharing your story.
@winnanne1 Год назад
I love Raymond Moody. I had the privilege of visiting the major oracle sites of Greece with he and his wife. Later he recreated the experience of the original Oracle of the Dead and used it to help people who had lost a parent or another loved one and felt they had an incomplete communication with the person who had passed. I had that experience, facilitated by Raymond, at his place in Alabama. It was profound and I would say it altered my life for the better, I will be forever grateful to him.
@christodean 7 месяцев назад
So glad to have found this. Raymond has been one of my heroes for many decades and everything he says here resonates profoundly. Great interview. First time i gave seen him talk and his humility and wisdom reinforces all the wonderful light Raymond has brought into our era. Thank you both. Xx
@bernardbester3033 Год назад
Really enjoy your discussions. However, I categorically disagree that animals don't know when they are going to die. Some animals definitely know they are about to die...
@freshimpactco.8698 Год назад
If animals feel loss and mourn death, surely they understand death as a concept of no longer being present.
@joo-youngmcnee8959 Год назад
Read Dr. Moody's book "Life After Life" and Gideon's New Testament about 40 years ago. Went from atheist to agnostic to Christian within a couple of years. Thankyou!
@Godskingdomwithin Год назад
Religion does not =spirituality. God is experienced, and the relationship with God is a personal relationship. I experienced “God“ on LSD back in 1974, and it was a state of pure perfection, and cannot be described using language. To sum it up and put it as simply as possible-“All is ONE and ONE is ALL;” it was like looking through the eyes of everyone and everything that has ever been created, and will be created. It was one point of perfection which encompassed all knowledge-Gnosis. It was by far the most profound experience of my life .
@lindajohnson9282 Год назад
Elephants head to their local ‘elephant’s graveyard’ when the time comes. I also know that cats run off to die, sometimes, too. So there are species of animals that are aware of their impending demise.
@elenavonpavel-pitts3442 Год назад
I also read, about 40 years ago, Dr Kubker Ross "On death and dying" and "Lifte after Death"...I consider both these doctors went above and beyond in trying to explain the ramifications of death.
@idafriedman1449 Год назад
I met her in Florida in the early 90s
@pineconey Год назад
I believe the difference between a psychedelic experience and a near-death experience is that with the former, you do experience a release from the binding, routine consciousness and in many cases gain a sense of the awe-inspiring limitlessness of the universe, the eternal nature of the spirit, and a deep feeling of love for everyone, but there aren't the spirit guides, life review, and loving, non-judgmental light associated with the latter, and if your ego, your self-esteem is not ready for the psychedelic experience, it can be potentially upsetting. So, I think your analogy about restaurants is close in some ways. A similar experience can also be achieved through successful meditation. If you've read Be Here Now by Ram Dass (Richard Alpert), you've encountered his story of RD trying to get his guru to trip. He gave the guru a mega dose of LSD, thinking he'd "blow" the guru's mind, but as time passed, nothing was happening and never did. The guru's mind can't be "blown" because he's *always* in that state of enlightenment. What a gift to those who've learned that level of meditation. Thank you for having Dr. Moody on your show. He's the western OG to be sure when it comes to bringing light to the NDE.
@Youtubeissokewl Год назад
We're not the only animals that fear death. Mothers protect their cubs
@jimsmith1549 Год назад
This is my first experience of Raymond Moody and I found him to be a totally genuine and open guy. Not an ounce of falseness and possessing a delightful sense of humor! Very humble too. I've not even read his seminal work "Life after Life"-----yet have heard ABOUT him for a long time. So Alex thank you for this lively interview that introduced me to this legend. One last thing, his direct experience of Source where he felt he was melting was amazing. He said it occurred at a very very difficult time in his life --- so our ego has to be sort of "beaten down" to go beyond our ordinary day-to-day "reality" ?
@NextLevelSoul Год назад
Thx for watching!
@waynesumner1829 Год назад
The Robin Landsong interview was right up there with there with the most enlightening. What a dear sweet soul she is to share her lower and Higher Self so completely! Wow, an 8 yr. Old's NDE made public!
@waynesumner1829 Год назад
Alex, We have a suggestion for a great podcast...get a proffessional actor to play the role of The Apostle Paul, and fo a "live" segment with "him" . He had a real NDE or "out of body experience " after he was stoned and left for dead on one of his missionary journeys. See Acts 14:19 and II Corinthians 12:1-4.
@FranBrochu-y6i 4 месяца назад
​​@@waynesumner1829than you Wayne im going to read them
@kencrotty3984 Год назад
What I like about Raymond Moody is his unpretentiousness, so free of cant and smugness. What you see is what you get; impish humor and truly being fully himself: a breath of fresh air!
@vincam4674 Год назад
What a great man, I have a 1976 hard copy of Life After Life and a copy of Reflections on Life After Life 1978 copy. I see most Medical professionals attribute CPR for bringing people back but I think the decision is really made on the other side whether you come back or not by greater powers.
@ricdowning2283 Год назад
'We are GOD's stories." I LOVE THAT! 👍
@growmother8636 Год назад
Thank you both for sharing your light with us! 💚💚💚
@Sam7seas Год назад
Read Raymond’s book when I was 14 a year after it was published. It influenced my life - thank you Dr. Moody for your insight, curiosity and courage ❤ thank you for this amazing interview. Great questions and insights.
@FlaviaMagic Год назад
I was 14 as well :)
@100geemo78 Год назад
@@FlaviaMagic I also read it as a 14 year old in 1992. Such an intriguing subject.
@paulhoward979 Год назад
I admire this wonderful man so much! A pioneer in life after death, at least with proof! God bless you Raymond, your phenomenal 👍
@jamesmcorby1697 Год назад
Great interview with Dr. Moody all this makes so much sense to me
@carmenbalko1372 Год назад
@merakli2022 Год назад
Near-death experience is not death. Period.
@ladychatelaine697 Год назад
Raymond, I hate to tell you this but, Jesus mentioned the afterlife during his time on earth. This was long before you and others realised it's true! 😳🇬🇧
@lovewon6281 Год назад
Thank you, Dr. Moody for answering the call for humanity!!!!!!!!!!
@kingapri8794 Год назад
"animals don't know they will die" ridiculous. You don't need to ask a lion. A lion kills things. A lion bleeds. A lion watches other lions die. C'mon now.
@alexandramcleod2079 Год назад
Wow! How wonderful Raymond Moody is on your show!!!!!!
@norseman43211 Год назад
Death is only a transition to another reality. Never a truer word said. Excellent podcast and Guest 👍🙏👍
@donnariggs1567 Год назад
What a wonderful interview. Love reading his books back in the day...and I've never had a NDE Dr Moody seems to be a real hoot thank you for sharing your knowledge the true gift!!!!
@Ann-j4y Год назад
I love the idea of creationism being taught in school and to study all the stories from all over the world. How wonderful that would be. There are so many amazing stories and so many that are almost identical. We would soon see how really connected we all are. I’ve always believed that church is separate from God. The churches are manmade and have manmade rules whereas God is our creator and knows everything and is filled with love for all his children. Not just the ones who belong to a certain church.
@Secular_Monk Год назад
It's pretty clear that some of the higher intelligence species do understand that they're going to die. Elephants, for example. "Elephants do grieve, and they are one of the few animals who are similar to humans in mourning patterns. Believe it or not, elephants cry. They bury their dead and pay tribute to the bodies and to the bones." ~ The Five Animals That Grieve - HarperCollins Publishing
@janetrush8340 Год назад
I could listen to him for hours. What a wonderful interview.
@scottwehrman6721 Год назад
L❤ve hearing him talk!!! Has anyone had weird experiences like this? 30 yrs ago, I was pursuing a motorcycle driver, who unfortunately crashed thru the side of a house. Hours after the incident I was very upset and called my mother to talk , waking her up. Turns out she was dreaming about me trying to buy that corner house he crashed into, telling me not to buy it because accidents like to happen there. It was like she picked up my stress level while I was on scene watching the guy die in front of me.
@amandabarrymore778 Год назад
It was raymondthat got me on my spiritual pathway and enjoyed his book too ThankYou so much mr M and so glad you are better xx Amanda UK
@zoeydeu2261 Год назад
Please do another interview with this amazing man! Raymond's so interesting, warm and full of knowledge ♥️
@JefferyT1991 Год назад
He’s dead
@perpetualbystander4516 Год назад
@ivandrago8439 No, he's alive and well.
@JohnGarrettHudson Год назад
I cannot recommend enough, if you are here on this channel then there are two movies you’d most likely love, and I suspect in certain ways they got a lot right about the afterlife 1. Defending Your Life (uplifting romantic comedy) 2. What Dreams May Come (drama).
@kathryncargill3015 8 месяцев назад
Defending your life is one of my all time favorites
@danielarvidson Год назад
Respectfully I find it fascinating that the pioneer of NDE stories to the modern world, still “ doesn’t know “ if there is an afterlife or if the stories are true or not. I get it though as I have heard thousands of stories myself & I still don’t know for certain either. Like it resonates & I hope it’s true but do I have 💯 certainty… no. I watch them cause they give me hope that they are true. I feel it would be easier for the people that have had them to establish a belief off actual personal experience. I am envious of all NDE’s in that way .
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