
Resident Evil Village (Zero Punctuation) 

The Escapist
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@theescapist 3 года назад
Watch this week's Zero Punctuation episode on Returnal early. www.escapistmagazine.com/v2/returnal-zero-punctuation/ Watch it early on RU-vid via RU-vid Memberships and support our content for just $2 / month.
@LightStrikerQc 3 года назад
Should review Hellpoint... Need a copy?
@stpirate89 3 года назад
I was intrigued by returnal, and after that review I am going to give it a go :) thanks Yahtzee!
@Goliath000 3 года назад
That doll house..... Fuckin.... Destroyed my sleep for a week because my wife bought a doll and I kept thinking it was going to kill me. She put a Walkie talkie in it and made it talk whilst she was at the shop... Came back to an axe in the fuckin thing and me in a corner shaking, not knowing what was going on..... Fuck doll's and everyone who has ever liked them...
@myballsgetlikt1313 2 года назад
@@Goliath000 iiìiiì8iikiiiuikiiiii8ikkiiiiìikkkiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiikiiiimikikiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiii iìiiiiiiiiìiiiiiiikiiuiiikkiikiìiiimiuiiiikiiikii ili 8iì 8kiu8uiii8iiimìii8iikiii8iiiiiimiiiìi8kiì8u8ìiiiiiikiiuiìiìuiiiiikiiiiii8ìiìiiìkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii8.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiìi k88kìi8ìi8kì8iikiiiìiii8iiiiìiuiiiikikii7iiiiuiiikiii8iìiiiìiiiiikiìiiiiiiīii8i8iììukiikiiii8iiiiimikiiiiii8ìkiikikii78u mikiikkiikiikiiiiiiikiiimkiiiikiiiiiiii8iikii8iiiiiiiuuuiìuiikiìkiikìiuiiìkkk8kkiiiiikikiiiikkiikikįiiikiiiuiiikiiiiiiiikiiiiii iiikìiiikiiikkkikiii8kkikkiiiikumikiiiik.mkkikiiiikii8iiiiikki7ikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik8ikikiikkkiiiikimiiikkiiiiiikiiii8iiikkkiiikkkkikkikikiiiiikiiikkkiikikkkmiiiiiikiiiikikiiiiiikkii ikiikì8iiiiiiikkii8ikiiiiikiiii8iiikiiiiikiiiiiiiiii8iiiikikiiikkkiiikkkiiiiiiikkiiiiii8kììii8iiikkkikkkiikikkkikkiiiiiikiikkkimiikkiikiikiķkk is ikkiiii8ikikkiiiimki8iiikiiiikikikikmiìiikiikiikiikii ķikimi88ikiikimiikkiiiikiikkkikkìmkki8iikikikiiikiikiiiikkikkkiikiiiiiiikiiikiikiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiikiikikmkiii Vikki kiķiiiikìiimikik8iikikim8kķikikikii kiikiiiiiikmkkkiìkiiki Iloilo lookout outlook iikkkikikki ikkkkiiìikiiiikkiiiikkikiiikiiiikikikmkiiķiikikiikmiķkkiikkiikkkkiki iik8iik8kiiiiiiikiikiıu ukiikkiiiiii7iiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiki.aluminium to ikii8iikkkikikki ìiık8imiiikkkimkkìikk8miikiiiiiìiiiik iiiii8ìiiiimk7koliko iiiikiik8iiik8k8iìki8honolulu kìiiìkmmk.imiikkiikiikiķkk okķ 8iì imaì ikki iķkiiikkuiiiiiiikmiiiikìikiiiiimmmkkmmkiiiiimiikkimiuimkik8ìk kìiiìkmmk.imiikkiikiikiķkk iikikikiikikiikimkkkkimiiķikimkiķķiiikkkkmkikiii ikkkkkkkimiķkkkiiķkiiikiiiikikiik ikiiikkkiķkkkiki.ikii8iii7ignominious kkkkmimkkkkikkkkkimkkkkķkkikiiķìikiimkkiiimkikik ķkkmkiiik8ikiiikkkiķkkkiki.ikii8iii7ignominious kick kkkikmikiikkk8kikikiikiķmkikikkikikiiikiikkiiiiikiiikikiiikkikkmkkkkķiikikkikkkkkikikiiiiiiikikkkìm8mikiiikìkk.kik8ikiiikiikikkiikiiikkmiikiikikkkik.iiikmkiikkiiiiikkiikikkii8kìiiìkmmk imiikkiikiikiķkk k7i kiikkmiiiiikmiiķiikkikikk8iiiiikkiikmikiikimikiìkkiiikìkii ii.iikiiikkmiikiikikkkik iii8ikkkkkikkkiikkkk.iikk.kiiiiikkkkkkikmikiikkikkkkiiiiiiìikkikkiiiik8ì is iiikiimkikikkkiķiikiikkikkiiikì kkkkiìkkkiiukki8o ili ikiiikkkiķkkkiki iikii8kìķii.ikii8iikkkikikki kolikoimiikkiikiikiķkk kiìi8ıu ukkk88iiikmìiiikikk8ui8iikii8kìķii i8kimiikkiikiikiķkk kiiikikikikiiikkiiu8look ikiiikkkiķkkkiki.ikii8iii7ignominious no ķiikkiikiiiuii8iikuikikiik8kikkkìkkikkkiiiki kikki8ikiikkikikkikkkkìikiiiikikiiii koliko ikk8iki6uiiikuiiikiikikiìi8iiiìikiiiiikkkkiimikiikkikkkkiikiikk ikii8iikkkikikki ill 8kìķii.ikii8iikkkikikki ikik8kkiki8iikkkikk7iikkkiii7kikiiikkikkiikiiukkiiiiiiikiii7wilkin kìkiiiii8iikii8kìķii kkii8iikii8kìķii ik7iikikkkikkiikikkiikkkikkiuiiikiikkkkkiikkkkiiikiikiki in oil oni oni koliko kiiikikikikiiikkiiu8look iiī7ikiiikkkiķkkkiki kķiiìikiìkìiikkiikmkkkkķi kķiiìikiìkìiikkiikmkkkkķi kk6iiiiiìkkkiikiķ 8iì kiik iikkkikikki ìķii.ikii8iikkkikikki ii88kìķii.ikii8iikkkikikki koliko kiìi8ıu I ìkikiikìkiikikkiiiìkkì8li ik8ķuiì kkkikıikkki kkkkkiììk iikii8kìķii įii likì kìiiìkmmk kiki8ìkikkmkìkkkkiķ kìkiiiiì ìķii.ikii8iikkkikikki ìķii.ikii8iikkkikikki i 8iì ķiikkiikiiiuii8iikuikikiik8kikkkìkkikkkiiiki ķiikkiikiiiuii8iikuikikiik8kikkkìkkikkkiiiki iikkkikikki kill ììiiìmķk kiìi8ıu and kìiiìkmmkì niggers ìķii ikkkkkikm8ìkkikkikkk.iiikikìkiikikikķkikiìk ikkkkkikm8ìkkikkikkk.iiikikìkiikikikķkikikìkii n ìķii.ikii8iikkkikikki likì I I 8iikkiikkikkkkkķķkkķkkķkkkkiķķķkkkkkkkķkkkkkki8ķkkkikkkk8kķiķkkkk78kìķii.ikii8iikkkikikki iikikmkmkkuķ8kiiì7iiìkiikķkkkkkkķiikkkkkkikimkiikkmiiukkikikkikkiiikk8kk.kiimikikk8ikkkkkiìkikkiiķ.likì iikikmkmkkuķ8kiiì7iiìkiikķkkkkkkķiikkkkkkikimkiikkmiiukkikikkikkiiikk8kk.kiimikikk8ikkkkkiìkikkiiķ.likì ìk8iikikkķkikkķiķ8kkikķmkikiìkiìki kiik Klink kkk.kķk8ķķkiiiikkkkkkkìkkkkìiikikķkmkkķkkìkkiķk8ìķii iikii8kìķii iìk.i ķkķkkkikkkkkk ķķii ķķii kiikiikiķkk kiikiikiķkk l ikkkk.ikkķkkiiiikķ ķkkmkiiik8ikiiikkkiķkkkiki.ikii8iii7ignominious iiiiiìikikkimik.ikki ìķii ikik8iiikķomķkmkkkik iìiiimikk.ììikkkiikii8n kk8ikkkuiœi.kkķķk iikikkkķiķkk
@johnlong8952 3 года назад
One of the funniest moments was after the second time getting my ass thrown down the factory. I paused it to say fucking again!? And then Ethan knowing it's bullshit says irritated "again?!"
@user-Jay178 3 года назад
@Two49 3 года назад
Ethan acts as the voice of the player on more than one instance, and I love it.
@Plute-Oh 3 года назад
@@Two49 every 10 minutes: what the fuck?
@renodesmin4675 3 года назад
I think I enjoyed watching Ethan grab a switch in the castle, then getting his whole hand chopped off again. Seriously, this man cannot help losing parts of himself wherever he is. It doesn't help that he was able to reattach it with some more patented "goop juice" lol And not just the hand, but the clothing he was wearing with it as well!
@lilcubo3355 3 года назад
Lol I loved when in 7 he started by sounding scared and confused then got angrier as the game went on and when fighting jack AGAIN after a bunch of times he said "this is getting old jack!" And when he had his hand cut off in 7 (funny I had to specify) when he got the gun he was like "ok fine" all angry. Ethan winters sass makes him the best resident evil character in my eyes, he has so much personality.
@PewPew_McPewster 3 года назад
The biggest pro of RE Village is that it got Yahtzee to say "mommy milkies".
@MolecularMachine 3 года назад
I dunno, I saw the comment and it took me by surprise anyway.
@JJusmi 3 года назад
@grrggrrg4805 3 года назад
@CMDRZero01 3 года назад
I die inside everytime I heard the game grumps say it and this just tied the noose and pushed the car off the bridge.
@thisiswhatilike54 3 года назад
@@CMDRZero01 *made it even better FIFY
@ChengTeoh 3 года назад
So the most "genuinely terrifying horror experience" is trying to escape from the creepy screaming baby ... I feel like there's a joke about fatherhood in there somewhere but I'm not smart enough to come up with something clever, lol.
@randomyoutubeuser7315 3 года назад
I found men found that section easier due to having irl practice of running away from unwanted children
@rob98000 3 года назад
It lands the metaphor better in catherine
@GoldieTamamo 3 года назад
Yeah, I was all like: "Aww, cmon, this fetus doesn't even have buzz-saws exploding out of its chainsaw-wielding borg face, Yahtzee. How can you find this scary when you've already reviewed Catherine? You're just hiding in obligatory pre-prepared cupboards from the thing like you always complain about having to do in stealth games" But then I realized, what was strong about the Beneviento sequence, was not the baby, but everything leading up to that. The creepy deserted graveyard and abandoned garden that looks like it was once the site of a wedding procession, the fog, the weird elevator trip where you give up your photo of Mia and it feels like someone is playing with you Jigsaw-style in the background, as you explore an unassuming little house on a hill--'that's' where the magic was.
@snackplaylove 3 года назад
The bit right at the start where you have to carry the thing? Totally agree.
@tommyguerrero2350 3 года назад
Growing up, the scariest thing a modern gamers can face in a videogame.
@link2125 3 года назад
I remember watching Jerma play through RE:Village, and when he got to the dollhouse bit he said something to the effect of "It's like the developers saw PT and said "welp, this shit's not getting made ever, let's just put that in."" Which, yeah, kinda sums up that part.
@Valleyraven007 3 года назад
Honestly, its the best pt like experience I've had since pt
@lissaquon607 3 года назад
To be fair - its not like anyone was using PT anymore. Waste not want not.
@SamFreelancePolice 3 года назад
Is that the PSYCHO that ZERKED OFF on stream to Lady Tiramisu?
@jamesmccomb9525 3 года назад
@buzter8135 3 года назад
@@SamFreelancePolice wait wu-
@kyubbiman2255 3 года назад
The ratio of sharp things finding their way into Ethan's body to the fact that he hasn't lost more limbs automatically qualifies him to be a Son of Sparda
@CapraDaAlbaRegia 3 года назад
Aaaand that's a jackpot
@emptank 3 года назад
Now there's a crossover to rival end game. Resident May Cry: turns out the umbrella corporation really was run by Satan this whole time! Wesker can crawl back out of hell and have an epic fight with Chris Redfield while some whiney emo in the background has a poetry slam contest with the Napoleonic midget
@YeloughAnixPriest 3 года назад
Sparta. It's spelled Sparta.
@LovinTheSickBeat 3 года назад
@@YeloughAnixPriest Sparda as in the Legendary Demon in Devil May Cry. Not the Greek Sparta
@YeloughAnixPriest 3 года назад
@@LovinTheSickBeat Huh. Wack.
@Yuhara_rev 3 года назад
Are there any spoilers in this video? I don't want to get spoiled on Ethan Winters' inside leg measurement
@mikey9835 3 года назад
@jda165 3 года назад
Carfol dude he almoste spoilers it
@russelpattison4020 3 года назад
@@jda165 well he does this for a living gotta be smart enough to talk about the pros and cons without spoiling it
@therosebot5230 3 года назад
Yes, and it's really annoying 😔
@insaincaldo 3 года назад
@@therosebot5230 If you thought you could come here, not just watching, but go to the comment section and avoid spoilers. Then it probably doesn't matter what is being talked about, because you are to dense to retain any of it anyway.
@TheRealGuywithoutaMustache 3 года назад
"Maybe he couldn't find a boulder to punch that morning" Heisenberg approves of your joke
@eemelimeemeli 3 года назад
Bro how do I see you everywhere
@madkoala2130 3 года назад
welcome to ur little corner of RU-vid
@stevenotsojobs 3 года назад
@Zack Smith no its really not. in fact i say from that point on the game loses all focus and soils the bed sheets
@AngryLittleGnome 3 года назад
But you're just some guy without a moustache* :P
@gabehasfurther4081 3 года назад
@@stevenotsojobs I found the Factory fairly scary. They tried to combine the armored Ganados and the Regeneradors into one monster and like half succeeded, but the atmosphere of the factory was so beautifully twisted it that it made up for some weaknesses in their design in many parts. The thing holding them back is the same problem 90% of the enemies in the game have: they are too fucking simple. The heavily armored enemies in RE4 for example would have new weakpoints and behaviors that would force you to use your surroundings and develop new strategies. The Soldat are like, "you need to carefully execute shots on this small reactor on my chest using perfect timing and accuracy... Unless you don't want to, in that case just put a few rounds into anywhere else on my body and you'll stun me and make me completely defenseless for like 5 minutes".
@greenfolder2437 3 года назад
I like the part where one of Piss Breadfield's squad members essentially says: "You should have just fucking told Ethan what was going on." And then Piss sheepishly says: "yeah." Like even HE knows that was stupid.
@paws27 3 года назад
I found the funny as well, in an annoying kind of way. Basically the writers just throwing their hands up and saying "We don't have a reason why he kept it from him."
@greenfolder2437 3 года назад
@@paws27 //Yeah unfortunately true, sigh...At least the gameplay's still pretty clean.
@toprak3479 3 года назад
@@paws27 That seems like the entire philosophy behind every non-sensical thing in this game. It's actually camp.
@Karoku2100 3 года назад
I think Chris just didn't want to bank on the possibility that Miranda seized control of Ethan and wanted to be sure he wasn't going to be puppeteered by her somehow.
@greenfolder2437 3 года назад
@@Karoku2100 //Makes sense but if so, I really wish he'd just tranqued Ethan or knocked him out immediately.
@Eighty_Ninety 3 года назад
Everyone is talking about Yahtzee saying mommy milkies but what I can’t stop thinking about is “FORGET ABOUT THE FUCKING OCTOPUS”
@Ramsey276one 3 года назад
@jimnicholas7334 3 года назад
I'd like, but then i'd ruin your 69 like count
@quinton1630 3 года назад
It’s funny how much punctuation and pause was in that bit. ZP’s gimmicky “zero punctuation” appears to not be around much anymore.
@ryanvaros8827 3 года назад
Best joke in the vid, speaking as someone who has tried to cram octopi into places they don't belong. Feel free to take that out of context I know I have no way of making that sound sanitary.
@bleachdrinker5448 3 года назад
Kind of a problem, his review was pretty shit. Two "chapters" lack drops and instead rely on a bullshit Gmod game. RE8 isn't as good as 7 but its still good, christ its better than RE3 Remake. But its apparent he doesn't like survival horror games. Yeah he praises Silent Hill 2, but what of the ACTUAL best entry 3? Amnesia was shit because it was boring because staring out of a closet or out from under a bed. There is horror then there is SURVIVAL horror where you try to figure out what to do. Where is the Pathologic 2 review? If it as good as Undertale, surely it can use a review. Ok never mind, no review and Yahtzee doesn't know what he likes any longer.
@jcace13 3 года назад
I bet Capcom were kicking themselves watching Lady D receive so much attention when the game was already finished and she wasn't in it a whole lot.
@Hillthugsta 3 года назад
Well they did question why everyone thought she was so damn popular
@CommanderViviax 3 года назад
They're afraid of success. Success would have had Lady Dimetrescu in as the main or a major boss. Apparently her awesomeness was lost on them. When they get close to success. They go back to other stuff.
@warandconquest6522 3 года назад
There’s always the DLC
@MrDevious88 3 года назад
It's like Vaas from Far Cry 3. Both only meant to be the number 2, but ending up being much more interesting and popular than the big baddy.
@RacingSnails64 3 года назад
I wouldn't find seeing her and her cult get a prequel
@abloogywoogywoo 3 года назад
Chris: A volcano shaped sweet shop... very interesting development... Chris: ... Chris: BUT HOW DOES IT TIE INTO THE UMBRELLA CORPORATION?!
@zyriantel9601 3 года назад
*Punches boulder contemplatively*
@gabrielkaddis2851 3 года назад
The shop is secretly run by Wesker, and the candy is made with mutated lemons.
@angel__king 3 года назад
@@zyriantel9601 there’s litterally a callback for that in game it’s one of my favorite lines XD
@KeithFraser82 3 года назад
@@zyriantel9601 [boulder punching intensifies]
@talleywa5772 3 года назад
Well you see, Spencer once visited that candy shop while touring the globe for subjects and components for his bioweapons. In fact, he had eaten a red and white lollipop which was so good it was the inspiration for the Umbrella logo color scheme.
@superspider64 3 года назад
God Yahtzee that "Vililililililililige" bit caught me so off guard, keep it up you wonderful brit
@Morningstar91939 3 года назад
He’s Australian, actually.
@pyronexus1 3 года назад
@@Morningstar91939 he is from Britain but moved to Australia.
@Ramsey276one 3 года назад
Fully agree, starter
@shagy9111 3 года назад
hahahaha i was gonna comment the same. LMAO
@hailmuffins6934 3 года назад
@@EresirThe1st Now all he needs is to move to Canada and he'll officially have lived in every English-speaking country anyone gives a shit about.
@talonoch7008 3 года назад
Never thought I'd ever hear Yahtzee speak the words "Mommy Milkies" ever, but here we are
@lowcostfish 3 года назад
I'm almost certain I've heard him say it before.
@lehelisbored 3 года назад
In all the streams and other videos that references RE8, that's the only way he refers to Lady Dimitrescu.
@DelishushSchrambleSchmeg 3 года назад
Truly the darkest timeline
@Quiltfish 3 года назад
I'm sure it was in that early video "Stonking Great Tits" tirade, if only subliminally.
@KeithFraser82 3 года назад
@@Quiltfish I understood that reference!
@AstroFan428 3 года назад
I loved Heisenberg actually referring to Chris's boulder punching. I lost my shit when I heard that. 😂
@Roseforthethorns 3 года назад
Thought that was excellent
@lnsflare1 3 года назад
*You're damn right.*
@Deimnos 3 года назад
You forgot the Asshole part. That, i think is the most important one :))
@KingsNJenssons 3 года назад
@@Roseforthethorns of course it's something to make fun of
@AstroFan428 3 года назад
@@immersion_lad I like to think Chris came back from RE5 bragging to everyone thinking it was cool, but everyone made fun of him. So it's now just his most well known characteristic, even to enemies. lol
@Roseforthethorns 3 года назад
I’m genuinely glad to see that the second house scared the pants off of everyone else too.
@matwang1 3 года назад
Except Cr1tikal apparently.
@BroAnarchy 3 года назад
Well... Yeah
@popatsot1 3 года назад
I was genuinely more scared of the first areas werewolves. But maybe that had something to do with I started on the hard difficulty. The second house takes away your ability to fight so you should know what's coming. I've played to much outlast and amnesia and I think it jaded me.
@abloogywoogywoo 3 года назад
Definitely. Why the fuck wasn't that abomination in Amnesia: Rebirth!? I mean, it has fucking birth in the fucking title! What happened to you Frictional Games?? You used to be cool and scary...
@matwang1 3 года назад
@@moniquesantrifcer1447 understandable. He’s not for everyone, but I generally follow him because he seems to be a good dude.
@carlosmiguelteixeiraott3643 3 года назад
"A giant castle owning woman" And judging by the internet's reaction the emphasis is on GIANT.
@abloogywoogywoo 3 года назад
giantess, if you're into that sorta thing...
@mdb45424 3 года назад
she is 9 feet tall ;3
@nullpoint3346 3 года назад
@@abloogywoogywoo by the disturbing standards of giantess porn, she's a minigiantess.
@AngryIrishBenjamin 3 года назад
@Komnen0s 3 года назад
When Yahtzee said "the _fucking_ Umbrella corporation," I really felt that. Part of why I liked 7 so much is that it puts the global conspiracy stuff aside (to a degree) and focuses on doing its own thing. And yeah, I get that it starts to creep back in at the end of the game, but it's subdued enough that it didn't sour the experience on the whole. I'm disappointed to hear that 8 doubles down on that stuff again, as I appreciated that 7 got away from it for a little while.
@obsidianwarrior5580 3 года назад
I mean what you heard isn't exactly correct, they didn't really double down, to be honest it's more or less the same degree as 7.
@gerikhighwind668 3 года назад
It's honestly less than RE7. More akin to an Easter egg than a conspiracy.
@li-limandragon9287 2 года назад
@@obsidianwarrior5580 I feel 7 is little overrated just because it comes of so much better compared to RE6 which is a mess. Both RE4 and RE2make have tighter gameplay and you can engage with the characters even if they’re aren’t as nuanced as Ethan and Mia.
@TheCyclicGamer 2 года назад
@@obsidianwarrior5580 Umbrella wasn't even mentioned in RE7 until the very end (Or if you saw that photo of the helicopter after Mia's section), and it wasn't even the same Umbrella Corporation either.
@li-limandragon9287 2 года назад
@@TheCyclicGamer Raccon City is just mentioned on a magazine you can easily miss. I personally don't mind the series overaching plot, it's just RE5 and RE6 that took the fun and mystery out of it.
@shiknobi2055 3 года назад
*Tidie up speech notes *fixes tie *clears throat BIG MOMMY MILKERS
@cranederoc 3 года назад
I read tiddy instead of tidie so yah...
@B.B.B 3 года назад
@abloogywoogywoo 3 года назад
Bad youtuber! No extra thicc ladies for you!
@shiknobi2055 3 года назад
@@abloogywoogywoo :(
@nooneinparticular3370 3 года назад
I'm left speechless.
@wimvaughdan7032 3 года назад
"Pushing the octopus" sounds like a saying that can be used in the same spirit as "jumping the shark".
@Cobalt360Degrees 3 года назад
If 'pushing the octopus' doesn't become a regularly used turn of phrase for 'forcing something that doesn't work' I will be so sad.
@adrianomaly1760 3 года назад
“Stop trying to make Fetch happen. It’s not going to happen!”
@freddymcshreddy6586 3 года назад
I’m still chuckling on that “Forget about the fucking octopus!” bit.
@ArcaneAzmadi Год назад
I need to try and make it a Trope.
@BonsaiPop 3 года назад
I thought it was a pretty tasty octopus once I poked its eyes out so it’d stop judging me.
@fistofthebrownstar 3 года назад
Calamari Burgers anyone?
@alexnoman1498 3 года назад
Some octopi are big enough that a slice of its tentacle would be the size of a patty. No eyes involved, then!
@zyriantel9601 3 года назад
@@alexnoman1498 I mean, shit, Umbrella can make giant mutant zombie sharks, I don't see why octopi would stop them.
@ogquinn408 3 года назад
@@zyriantel9601 Im sure at this point umbrella could make Shin Gojira tbh
@G0LD3NF1RE 3 года назад
Only way to eat octopus is Oh Dae-su style.
@Exail01 3 года назад
That octopus burger analogy works for so many franchises
@Spined1234 3 года назад
Paper Mario comes to mind.
@PsyrenXY 3 года назад
Sonic the Hedgehog too. (The Octopus is his friends and the full 3D platforming)
@li-limandragon9287 2 года назад
@@isaywhateveriwantandyougot7421 I think it was more the first staff used a special type of calamari that when cooked right was delicious but Konami wanted them to add more sauce and eventually fired them and hired of a bunch of low grade western chefs to have some saucy octopus but they had was uncooked Spaghetti covered in tomato sauce.
@the_flaming_tree_troll9380 3 года назад
He got me laughing at vilililililililage
@elberethgilthoniel1397 3 года назад
Yup. What's another one of your favorite examples of Yahtz going for literal and grammatically correct commentaries on Game's all too frequent willingness to play fast and loose with writing conventions? For me it's Yahtz going "Hungh!" like he's being punched in the stomach whenever he pronounces the title of games that have a colon separating their two elements. So, something like Assassin's Creed "Hungh!" Revelations.
@joeyparkhill8751 3 года назад
@@elberethgilthoniel1397 Duke Nukem "Hungh!" Forever!
@RufusOmega 3 года назад
@@joeyparkhill8751 Actually there is no colon in Duke Nukem Forever's title.
@joeyparkhill8751 3 года назад
@@RufusOmega Innocence "Hungh!" A Plague Tale
@joeyparkhill8751 3 года назад
@@RufusOmega there really should be though!
@justcallmeSven 3 года назад
I like how the concern about "someone from a previous game ruining the experience" mentioned in the RE7 review was literally one of the first scenes in 8.
@ivanrzhanoy9389 3 года назад
I honestly don't know if I want to play RE7 anymore. What's the point of spending 10 hours to save your wife if she's going to die anyway?
@Tornd42 3 года назад
@@ivanrzhanoy9389 RE8 SPOILERS She gets better.
@jaxelt1 3 года назад
@@ivanrzhanoy9389 Play RE7 and take the other waifu instead
@Manganization 3 года назад
@@ivanrzhanoy9389 You might want to continue playing.
@weaponizedlizardmen360 3 года назад
@@ivanrzhanoy9389 I don't think you know what you are talking about..
@alexsnider8247 3 года назад
Chris didn't want Ethan to get involved beyond watching his *wife* get killed.
@thomastakesatollforthedark2231 2 года назад
To be fair ethan wouldn't have allowed Chris to do anything to her
@Greendalewitch 2 года назад
@@thomastakesatollforthedark2231 To be fair *Spoilers* It is not Ethans wife. It is Miranda in disguise. Chris could have just explained his actions instead of having Ethan believe he just suddenly turned homicidal.
@WolfyFancyLads 3 года назад
"It ruins his everyday man image." Once the big plot twist happens, this phrase becomes very apt.
@extremetoast5723 3 года назад
His personality is so basic and blank that he automatically becomes an every man. Trying to characterise him (ie that twist) when he’s a blank slate feels misguided IMO.
@WolfyFancyLads 3 года назад
@@extremetoast5723 I was more leaning for the "not every man cos every man isn't [spoiler] like he is", rather than his personality. :P He is pretty bland, I won't contest that.
@gavin8517 3 года назад
That twist was honestly a good one tho, better thrown in this game
@extremetoast5723 3 года назад
@@WolfyFancyLads yeah but what I’m saying is that they spent two games not characterising him, they literally don’t even show his face, he’s basically a self insert blank slate character, so creating a big revelation about him feels misguided
@WolfyFancyLads 3 года назад
@@extremetoast5723 Fair enough. I never really focused much on his personality anyway. :P
@bluethundermonkey 3 года назад
hearing yahtzee say "dirty boy no mommy milkies for you" hit me like a fucking brick
@jman2856 3 года назад
Look, if your Resident Evil game’s last half isn’t going to have the scares or the atmosphere of the opening hours, the only thing you can do is cool shit which is something RE7 dropped the ball on pretty hard.
@pulkitsharma4927 3 года назад
In 7s case, it happened after 2/3 mark. It is only the tanker and mine segments which were more action focus(far less than Village's action scenario) which were only 2-3 hours long. Village drops that at halfway mark but to be fair it is decent bit longer and on my first playthrough which was on hardcore, factory was genuinely tense due to limited resources and enemies requiring precise aiming in dark.
@BeepSmile 3 года назад
Warning, this review has major spoilers: at 3:45, a reference is made to Ethan's inside leg measurement which is fine - everyone with legs have inside leg measurements, however the vid tells us to which side he hangs. If you prefer to not have this spoiled, I suggest you avoid this vid for now.
@songanon 3 года назад
The octopus analogy actually fits perfectly . I will say it is a good game and I had tons of fun , but adding some of the octopus back into the game really was a little of a disappointment, but at least there misstep isn’t as low. Still cool characters and great moments still recommend it !
@li-limandragon9287 2 года назад
Agree, I’m one of those people who do love the main characters and lore when it doesn’t take it self too seriously so I don’t mind Chris showing up. I can understand why Yahtzee and other people have reservations about it, but RE4 worked even with the silly qualities of the previous games. The new villains were easily better than anything introduced in RE6. Capcom just needs to learn to craft better lore that doesn’t fall so hard into Metal Gear territory.
@yamibakura8597 3 года назад
Yahtzee saying "Mommy Milkers" made my entire week. And the background gag of "Did somebody order a trash waifu"- that made me chuckle as well.
@theyoushowshow6605 3 года назад
I'm cracking up at the "Vill-lll-llll-llll-age" comment.
@DeputyDerp 3 года назад
From an intellectual perspective, I understand that Yahtzee has now canonically uttered the phrase 'no mommy milkers for you', but my body refuses to accept this reality - my hands are shaking, my vision is swimming, it's getting hard to breathe, I've thrown up twice, and I'm reasonably sure all my blood has turned to marmite.
@zyriantel9601 3 года назад
I think you might've just had too much Marmite, bud
@Juranas 3 года назад
Knees weak, arms are heavy?
@e2rqey 3 года назад
It's not marmite, it's *_the mold_*
@Tombud-ti7gn 3 года назад
And a couple of days ago, he said cringeworthy
@gomjabbar6246 3 года назад
Being someone who generally likes to chill out in front of a computer, the pandemic never really hit home until I realized Yahtzee hasn't been in contact with people for so long that he is no longer hit with a deluge of shame just thinking about writing the words 'mommy milkers' into his script.
@matesafranka6110 3 года назад
To be fair, most Europeans think pretty homogenously of "America" as well. My favorite instance of this was when a friend of ours found out that she and my brother will be in the USA at the same time, and said they should definitely meet up. My brother was going to Colorado, and our friend was going to New York.
@jonathansotelo4877 3 года назад
In fairness there is a lot of regions in America where two places are the same. "I'm surrounded by cousin lovers who don't like people a darker shade than them." Well now you could be anywhere somewhere between fucking Washington and the fucking South Eastern seaboard.
@jacobfreeman5444 3 года назад
I think most Europeans fail to understand the scope of the USA. That each state is roughly the size of their country.
@Hillthugsta 3 года назад
@@jonathansotelo4877 Washington....the state or the district?
@jonathansotelo4877 3 года назад
@@Hillthugsta Both, more or less.
@ichoffski4707 3 года назад
The difference is that America is based on the culture of the British Isles, making it more homogenous than Europe, which has four main culture groups... and none of them share the same language.
@a_blitz 3 года назад
I wonder who would even buy those monsters as biological weapons, since usually all you need to deal with them is just one guy with alot of luck and several guns...
@Pizzarugi 3 года назад
Not even military grade guns at that. Shotguns tend to do the job just fine. The only exception is when the monsters are humans with superhuman capabilities like Wesker, and how you need rocket launchers just to stun them. Why isn't Umbrella pumping out more Weskers?
@Mariodash23 3 года назад
It might be less about making bioweapons for other countries to use and more about purging the world to bring about a new species of humanity. Basically transhumanism with fleshy viruses instead of Adeptus Mechanicus slamming toasters on their junk.
@Mendrawza24 3 года назад
@@Mariodash23 Exactly this. As the lore goes, the three founders of Umbrella were eugenicists who were looking for immortality and super-humans. The expensive B.O.W.s they sold was how they secured extra funding for their research, a means to an end.
@fightingmedialounge519 3 года назад
Still a abd plan leonfuegi.
@francesco8000 3 года назад
The tragedy of this review is that we know Yatzhee love RE7 but right at the end he predicted that capcom would fuck it up again by "bringing back previous RE characters no one cares about" while showing Chris redfield. Yatzhee knew that his love for the new RE was doomed to end with a boulder pouncher.
@li-limandragon9287 2 года назад
But people *do* care about the RE characters, they care about them so much that new replacement characters are generally disliked. Ethan was one of the few new protags to be a accepted and loved. Capcom just overuse Chris too much, he’s the least interesting the cast.
@KeithFraser82 3 года назад
Zero Punctuation anime-themed goth/emo rock album of the week: *Only One Way To Go From A Peak* by the *Impalement Weirdoes* (tracks include *Shoot Me And All My Friends* and *Trash Waifu* ) Zero Punctuation prog rock album of the week: *The Acreage Over Which It All Takes Place* by *Inside Leg Measurement*
@Ronin777z 2 года назад
The restaurant desperately trying to sell octopus burgers analogy is my new favourite Zero Punctuation joke
@kezisthename 3 года назад
"then it's back to fantasizing about your high school french teacher in a milkmaid's outfit" dude i dont laugh often but i fucking whEEZED
@johnwrath3612 3 года назад
That bit in the dollhouse is scary as FUCK though. Holy shit, that creature in the basement is crazy. I normally get irritated by the parts in games where they randomly take away all your gear, but only being able to run made that bit so much scarier.
@ianrocco8453 3 года назад
They took away your gear because they didnt want footage of people attacking an innocent baby. But before you reply but it puts you in its mouth let me remind you thats what all babies do.
@RogerCRocha 3 года назад
“Europe: somewhere between Manchester and Istanbul.” 😆
@KeithFraser82 3 года назад
Ireland: "Am I a joke to you?"
@Badenhawk 3 года назад
I mean, it’s only like a 30 min drive across Europe, right? 15 if you are on the autobahn.
@hedlund 3 года назад
@@KeithFraser82 Meh. Manchester is at Ireland's latitude, at least. The Scots, however..
@Oscar_Lasco 3 года назад
"Sad Cyprus noises"
@IoAKAIolite 3 года назад
I can't believe it Resident Evil got Yahtzee to say mommy milkies
@22QXX112 2 года назад
we get it I heard it. and everyone saying the same thing in the comments
@IoAKAIolite 2 года назад
@@22QXX112 thank you for acknowledging my existence
@22QXX112 2 года назад
@@IoAKAIolite I was joking not being serious
@justinschnoor9459 3 года назад
I loved how Heisenberg even references Chris's love of punching boulders
@dsilva369 3 года назад
@@JaelinBezel no, the chemistry teacher with lung cancer who cooks meth
@weaponizedlizardmen360 3 года назад
@@JaelinBezel you're a special one aren't you.
@jeffs4996 3 года назад
I still don’t get how he found out about that though- did he hack into the BSAA and read Chris’s after-action report on the events of RE5 or something?
@kjj26k 3 года назад
@@JaelinBezel 'Cause he called Chris Redfield a "Boulder-Punching Asshole!"
@sbfh014 3 года назад
@Gruntvc 3 года назад
Leon is our only hope now. Unless Chris hooks up with Rebecca Chambers or Jill I guess.
@waitwhat4302 3 года назад
@@Gruntvc He couldn’t, the steroids gave him funny balls.
@TDUShelby 3 года назад
I heard "village," "first person combat," "exploring houses," "weird cult family/ies," and combined it with the fact it's the second game in a new branch of survival horror, and immediately thought NOT of Resident Evil anything, but Fatal Frame 2. I should now mention FF2 is my all-time favorite horror game, and I really, really, really want to play RE8. I'm just watching this for the laughs, really. EDIT: Fixed stupid error.
@matthewgosling421 3 года назад
Not enough people are openly appreciating his ability to say "vilililiage"
@deborahamos5401 3 года назад
I don't even know that much RE lore so when it connected 'back' I was like 'well that's weird'
@cruye9633 3 года назад
hearing yhatzee say "mommy milkers" is something
@iaMk69 3 года назад
I mean there's going to be more material for Chrisposting, so that's definitely a win in my book.
@aericraadley 3 года назад
lest we forget RE7 had a rediculous action segment at the end too where you played as Mia. i like RE8 infinitely more because of the variety. youre not shooting the same goop monsters over and over AND its wayyyy more replayable. not to mention mercenaries mode!
@li-limandragon9287 2 года назад
Yahtzee just can’t get behind the main cast and lore of RE, which is fine I love em and other people love em, but that doesn’t mean everyone has to. RE7 felt like breath of fresh compared to RE6 which had little camp and self awareness but all stupidity and Micheal Bay action. You can definitely take the existing characters and lore and have interesting new threats, but Capcom feel the need to tie back to Umbrella but if they ain’t gonna bring Wesker back then there’s no point imo.
@TheCyclicGamer 2 года назад
@@li-limandragon9287 And honestly I'm with him. Resident Evil is essentially the 'anime' of the horror gaming genre, much in the same way that Metal Gear is the anime of the Stealth Action genre, it's all style over substance with it's characters, convoluted plot points and retcons, over-the-top moments that either devalue or contradict it's tone, and so on. The other thing is that horror doesn't work in a serialized format, only in anthology, and while horror movie sequels are basically proof of this in and of themselves, Resident Evil is the biggest proof of this in terms of horror gaming, where RE1/R, RE4, and RE7, and to a lesser extent RE2R are considered the best of the series, primarily because they are mostly standalone stories. As for Wesker and Umbrella, they can stay the fuck dead, Umbrella and anyone associated with them have been dead and gone since RE5 and I don't see how Wesker managed to survive getting blown up in an active volcano while taking two RPGs straight to the face, if they do bring him back it's just going to be a Rise of Skywalker Palpatine/JBA Dio situation where a fan favorite character is brought back for the sake of fanservice but otherwise has nothing left going on for them.
@li-limandragon9287 2 года назад
@@TheCyclicGamer Sure but RE1/R, RE4 and RE2R show much people do like these chatacters and lore, RE2make especially made the characters seem geuinely human and intresting not just generic 90s archetypes . The reason why RE5 and RE6 messed up is becuase it tries to treat it seriosuly while splooshing on the action and melodrama , Claire and Sherry's bond in RE2 hooks you in, Leon and Chris exploding buildings and punching out monsters is just popcorn to watch. I feel you can bring Umbrella back but in a different and better manner, like Chris becomes the Wesker type of the company but good and spends a game trying to make sure it doesn't become bio-horror murder Inc or you bring back of one of the Ashford twins back from Code Veronica and they spend the game trying to take revenge on Chris and Claire, a personal tight focused story is where horror shines.
@TheCyclicGamer 2 года назад
@@li-limandragon9287 I personally don't like a majority of the characters or the lore to be honest, and considering the gaping plotholes and inconsistencies between the original games, their remake counterparts, and their sequels, I find it hard to be invested in the lore of a story that literally cannot keep track of itself. Resident Evil was never meant to have sequels, it just did because it got too popular for it's own good, and just like with Stranger Things essentially going down the same path, those sequels took a perfectly straight forward standalone horror plot and turned it into a mess of an octopus that devalued it's horror overtime. Horror only works in an anthology format because horror is all about fear of the unknown, and again I'd rather Umbrella just stay dead, they literally have nothing else going on for them anymore, and your idea is bringing back the Ashford twins is even more ridiculous than bringing back Wesker. Just let the dead stay dead and focus on new stuff for god's sake.
@li-limandragon9287 2 года назад
@@TheCyclicGamer "I find it hard to be invested in the lore of a story that literally cannot keep track of itself" literally every big franchise is like that tho man, even Tolkien made retcons to his own lore and there's plenty of plotholes and inconsistencies in his own mythology and is anyone ever gonna give him shit over it? Of course not. RE has plenty of flaws but I still respect it warts and all becuase it's enaging. Yeah the horror isn't always parmount but neither is the horror something like Evil Dead which the games take influence from. Even in games like RE2 and RE3 which have the Umbrella stuff, there's still plenty of "fear of the unkown" from moment to moment, it's about terrifying situations. Supernatrual horror works best in a anthology format but for RE which is not supernatrual can work for either if its enaging. Games like RE5 and RE6 weren't enaging as horror or action. Why I said bring back one of the Ashford twins like say Albert, is not only becuase his death was ambiguous in the first place but the why I see it, is have it be antagonist entiretly focused on killing Chris and Claire, no big conspiracy, no big grandioise bullshit. Just a simple desire to make the heroes pay in blood, personal horror is absoutely terrfying the Silent Hill series proved that.
@natedeland9355 3 года назад
I do agree, the doll house was clearly written by a different team, and it was great
@Skarwind 3 года назад
Probably what they wanted to do with the entire game but some big wig Probably went, "Needs more shooting and stabbing! HURRY Durrr."
@pulkitsharma4927 3 года назад
@@Skarwind they wanted the game to feel like a carnival of horror with different areas feeling like you are playing a completely different horror game. That was core philosophy since the beginning.
@thechannelforeverything2170 2 года назад
I loved the "Octopus Burger" analogy at the end.
@rg975 3 года назад
Everyone always says how much they loved 7, but thought it was just good and not much more. Limited enemy types, small map, and frustrating scripted sections set it firmly behind a lot of entires in the series for me. Plus, I didn't find it very scary either. I still thought it was good because I love the series, but I enjoyed 8 WAY more. I like action horror RE just as much as the slow paced tank horror RE, and 8 is great action horror. The production values this time around are insane, and the ending absolutely blew my mind lore wise, delving deep into the roots of Umbrella. Here's my list for best RE games that I've played from best to worst REmake2>RE4>REmake>RE8>RE>RE2>RE7>RE3>RE5>REmake3>RE0>>>>>>>RE6
@R0ssMM 3 года назад
"Call me your naughty breakfast" got me laughing more than I have done at a ZP in at least a year, and that was only 20 seconds in x-D
@jimhjortsberg2990 3 года назад
"She dies at the end of the first chapter" How very Ubisoft of you, Capcom.
@SangerZonvolt 3 года назад
As someone who only played and enjoyed RE 5 and 6 (coop with a friend I should add) and love the whole crazines of it, the mecha part had me more intruiged than anything else you said. Just loved joking with my friend about how the Chris survived the 5th helicopter crash within a week and then he just crashes the sixth one. But seeing as this game doesnt have coop I´ll probably just consume the story via the Indiemaus video about it that will come out at the end of the month.
@FioreFire 3 года назад
The octopus works for *me,* if you catch my drift. It's all the flexible prehensile appendages that can get into all the nooks and crannies that does it. Very effective. Helps it multitask all the paperwork I give it very well, and is especially handy for those moments where someone drops a pen in the crack behind a heavy desk or something. You know, proper employee stuff, for the octopus who works for me to do.
@NelsonDemifur 3 года назад
"Why do always insist on pushing the octopus?" Just might be the best line from this review
@shankypanky8879 3 года назад
I couldn't control my stupid simpleton brain to laugh every time Yahtzee said "Vi le le le le le ge."
@EionBlue 3 года назад
Ironically, Octopus is a delicacy in Japan, make of that what you will...
@al77709 3 года назад
Honestly, I liked the adventures of Ethan "what do you mean people can't just glue their hands back on" Winters. RE8 was a good mix of zany and scary, which really is the atmosphere RE should be going for. Did you know that Resident Evil had a manga? Did you know that it's set in a Catholic girls' school? It's Mean Girls meets Maria-sama ga Miteru, but with more zombies. We need that kind of zany.
@mikedawolf95 3 года назад
It’s funny how when fighting Heisenberg, he taunts you by calling Chris Redfield “That boulder punching asshole!”
@jamisong.9653 3 года назад
"Forget about the octopus!" Amen, seriously
@Uniscorn123 3 года назад
I REALLY enjoyed the game, but it didn't hit me the way 4, 7 and in my case the RE2 Remake did. I think Yahtzee hit the nail on the head by pointing out that 4 and 7 were good for very different reasons. And Village absolutely felt like we were playing Resident Evil 4 one minute and Resident Evil 7 the next. For me, the result was an admittedly good time but a very disjointed one. It's a good game, but not a classic.
@cinco_de_la_tarde 3 года назад
Same. What it did prove to me though was that they should make more RE games like 4. Even this one which wasn't all they way in on it was still a blast to play.
@pulkitsharma4927 3 года назад
For many this lack of cohesion will be its selling point. After the first 2 dungeons and fair bit of exploration in the village, I had no idea what the game would throw at me and I loved that.
@sanken21 3 года назад
1:31 like an essence of accounting Both debt and credit must balance, but the game was balancing between horror and action
@whywright2663 3 года назад
Every one that complains about Ethan piloting a "mech" (more of a tank) apparently forgot about chainsaw duel in Re 7, both events are cool and ridiculous...
@Zeratultheking 3 года назад
I checked out on both seeing RE7's first boss and the mechanic of magic water heals severed limbs. Its one thing to say healing items bring back your health its another to say it fuses limbs together. RE hasn't been the most logical game series but it at least kept the severing of limbs until you were low health or instant kill attacks. That and the fact that as a FPS makes no sense as an RE game, and from what I've seen both in RE7/8 all enemies magically know where you are through walls at all times, so the perspective makes no sense. Whereas any other game, you have to alert them(for the most part) that you are there.
@jaxelt1 3 года назад
@@Zeratultheking Without spoiling anything the magic healing water makes perfect sense for Ethan specifically and is fully justified by RE8's plot
@roys.1889 3 года назад
My suggestion to the hypothetical octopus burger stall: make some takoyaki
@afkalmighty1557 3 года назад
They did, and named it DMC. But there's still more octopus to go around.
@fightingmedialounge519 3 года назад
I don't think that would fix much.
@finalfantasylord1 2 года назад
honestly the doll house was truly scary whoever designed that part needs to see a head doctor
@USMC49er 3 года назад
Like Yahtzee said in one of his reviews, it's a hard sell to full retail price horror games when indie games do it cheaper and the novelty wears off after a few hours. The castle and the puppet house were the peak and that is about 4 hours of content in RE: VIII
@shippouma121 3 года назад
I mean compared to 7 where the peak was jack that’s pretty good honestly.
@SolarFlairIsBestPony 3 года назад
People seemed to get a lot out of the village itself as well. Looking for secrets, seeing what new things showed up while you were away, the early parts of the game before the castle, et ctera.
@pulkitsharma4927 3 года назад
@@shippouma121 maragaret was good too
@hipolitoalanis443 3 года назад
Honestly, I thought that the octopus joke would lead to an ending much, much worse than that.
@Timmy_T 3 года назад
I was expecting a Racistcraft joke
@nocturem 3 года назад
I was expecting a tentacle joke
@joeyparkhill8751 3 года назад
I was expecting a joke that would have to be edited out during the year end 2021 ZP Compiliation video
@abloogywoogywoo 3 года назад
tentacle rape is a low hanging fruit for someone as chad as yahztee.
@fightingmedialounge519 3 года назад
Except yathzee already made that joke abloogy.
@RobertAniFreak 3 года назад
I mean it is true, they started the franchise out as a survival horror with limited resources Now turned into a freaking comedic shooter
@Skarwind 3 года назад
8 definitely felt silly. It started out good (all maybe 5-7 minutes after the intro) then got teenager slasher flick levels of stupid. I think the art and level design is the only good thing out of this game.
@fetsburner6039 3 года назад
I love this man’s humour - a mouthbreathing Marvel movie watching fuck
@darkhelmet87 3 года назад
4:47 Dr willhelm von nutzenburber: oh it's all guns and bombs guns and bombs with you people!! I will admit I admire sniper's ability to underhandedly murder a hapless victim when they can't even see you, and I can see the appeal of watching thousands scream in terror before being vaporized in an atomic blast! But the thrill is all over in an instant. Where's the heart? Where's the artistry? When making monsters, you get to relish in your victim's horror and desperation! You also get all sorts of options- do you want a massive lumbering brute to crush your enemy, or a horde of hyperactive little gremlins to rip them apart? Perhaps an unstoppable all consuming blob! They sky is the limit! You can cry "efficiency" all you bloody well want, but give me the wonderful world of monster making any day my friend!
@themetalone7739 3 года назад
RE can't stop trying to be a game that appeals to everyone. Capcom made this one the way it was because too many people (IE focus groups) complained that RE 7 was "too scary". The irony of trying to appeal to everyone is that you often end up appealing to no one.
@toprak3479 3 года назад
That last sentence sums up the main issue with most AAA titles these days. And people really complained about a horror game being too scary? That's FUCKING BONKERS.
@rcurl44 3 года назад
I remember reading an Extra Punctuation where Yahtzee condemned all the people who didn't like Bioshock Infinite as people who "don't enjoy having fun" and I feel like that exact same line could be used against Yahtzee in this review.
@traceyrinaldi4759 3 года назад
Tbh RE:Village oddly gives me a Bioshock feel. I've sold some of my friends on the game referring to it as "Dumb Bioshock" but with better gameplay lol.
@Bloodyshinta1 3 года назад
Playing the game in normal may have had a hand in his enjoyment. The game is far too easy on anything but hard core and it removes a lot of the tension
@rcurl44 3 года назад
@@Bloodyshinta1 I just think he focuses way too much on story in these games. Imo, RE7's story was really dumb too. But I liked the gameplay so I didn't care. This has way better gameplay to me so thats why I like it so much
@guldamar6782 3 года назад
I've just finished it after waiting to grab it on a sale. I actually watched this review when it came out but ended up forgetting almost all the spoilers. It feels like such an odd game overall and I can't tell if I love it or hate it. It feels like a pastiche of previous Resident Evil games. All the RE games have the power arc. You start weak with weak weapons and then end with powerful ones so I think it was smart to place the true horror pieces earlier in the game. All I could think of while playing was 8 is to 7 what 5 was to 4 if that makes sense.
@TheCyclicGamer 2 года назад
Same, but at the very least RE5 kept RE4's gameplay and foundation, just changed it up a bit with some added co-op. Village on the other hand tries to take RE7's gameplay and foundation and mash with RE4's and it just doesn't work.
@demondays3956 3 года назад
5:01 i fucking love this analogy.
@mysterygamer4086 3 года назад
id never thought id see the day where yhatzee would say "no mommy milkies for you"
@timothylewis2527 3 года назад
I'm surprised it took this long, actually.
@Ramsey276one 3 года назад
@pickledparsleyparty 3 года назад
So, this is the second time RE Team used "murdered wife" drama to hook us only to completely nullify that moment with the rest of the story. The RE writing team is like a super hot person at the bar who reveals when you go home with them that they wear adult diapers and really avoid changing them as much as possible.
@magnusrathoriel8456 3 года назад
I agree with that statement, though I prefer to look at the RE Team using an analogy that Gabe Morton used in a LDO episode "Like a very hot woman but when you approach her she goes AHHHHGLUUUUBAAAAAAHHHHH". I was really interested about RE Vilililililage but the moment I learned that it just pulls out "insert conspiracy shit", I gave up... Mommy milkies looked very intriguing... then...
@TheCyclicGamer 3 года назад
Second time? What was the first time?
@pickledparsleyparty 3 года назад
@@TheCyclicGamer RE7. You fight Mia to the death in that game's first enemy encounter. Was the coolest idea I've ever seen, in horror. And then you find out that the story is about mold that makes you invincible. So, a lot of early drama wasted to keep her alive through the whole game. After that first time, the other 3 of her murders don't mean anything.
@TheCyclicGamer 3 года назад
@@pickledparsleyparty Ah I see.
@grumboflipflorp5688 3 года назад
I think where Vilililillage falls short is that it’s not so much a middle ground between 4 and 7, but a shuffle of all the good bits that don’t fit cleanly together. On the one hand, you have an action oriented experience with gun play tighter than a pack of botflies taking the shape of a woman to lure you in so she can try and tie your carotid into a knot like a cherry stem, but on the hand, you have lots of claustrophobic environments with about enough lighting to see 2 feet in front of your blacked out nose and about 2 actually scary bits, and the switching between the two is a bit jarring, see also the example of the 10 foot long fetus monster then the cyborg factory switch
@persephonedoe64 3 года назад
"Oh boy, someone new and human and relatable who we've not yet witnessed do something really embarrassing like be in Resident Evil 5" lmao xD
@Vecchio_Rhosod85 3 года назад
Looks like we gotta put Lady Dimitrescu into the pile of memorable but under-used video game villains. Along with Vaas from Far Cry 3.
@MobileTech296 3 года назад
“An ordinary man pushed to the brink”. I need to have that printed on my business cards to reflect my mental state after the past year and a half. lol
@KeithFraser82 3 года назад
Area Man Pushed To The Brink By Lack Of Tall Lady Content In Resident Evil 8 -The Onion
@paolosworld99 3 года назад
0:37 i really, really, really like this sound.
@ismellstatic 3 года назад
The bit in the doll house was fucking traumatizing and I was playing it surrounded by loud drunks
@davos6129 3 года назад
Wow, I 100% agreed with this. The game was over and I thought "huh, this really went down the hill after the doll house." I think if the game had been only the castle but two or three times as big with vampire mommy as the major antagonist and in between we temporarily leave the castle to go do the house, then the game could've been perfect. But instead the castle was too short and we had to go and deal with the lake and the factory too; none of which were as good as the castle and the house
@christianbeck7901 3 года назад
From what I gathered, it seems like they're trying to appeal to a larger fan base by toning down the straight up horror so it feels like a supernatural fps with still some measure of tension
@lissaquon607 3 года назад
yea - the puppet show stuff also seemed to be in that vein. Which I can understand - they were like "nah we are proud people were scared of 7 but we needed more people to buy and play our game"
@toprak3479 3 года назад
"Yeah! Let's do that. That worked last time." RE5 btw
@pulkitsharma4927 3 года назад
@@lissaquon607 and RE7 is best selling RE😂. I think the choice to move towards action was less for market reasons(though it could be) and more because of its influence from RE4 just like how RE7 was influenced by 1 and not to mention that RE8 is still the scariest game in franchise after 7.
@AmzK 2 года назад
Fucking hell dude, I watched your vids like 10 years ago (from a local magazine "free" DVD) and absolutely loved them! When the magazine went under (and RU-vid subscriptions weren't a widely known thing), I forgot about you. Seeing your vids now is a refreshing slap in the face, and I can't believe how much I've missed them!
@anomaly7853 3 года назад
I was genuinely thinking "You're talking about the dollhouse bit, right?" as soon as he mentioned an exceedingly frightening portion of the game.
@Wolfrover 3 года назад
Be fair, Redfield has always been horrible at explaining things. It's almost a defining point of his character. Heck, his own men point out that it would have been better to actually try talking to Ethan... As pertains to Umbrella Corporation (which is defunct; that symbol on the altar is being used by another company now), keep in mind that most of the monsters you're fighting were not the product -- they're the buggy experimental prototypes and knockoffs. The marketed versions of their bio-weapons could be dropped behind enemy lines with orders, then put into storage if they won. (That's not even counting their non-military products from the cover operation. Pain relievers, cup noodle, a tourism company, cosmetics... remember the First Aid Spray? Another fine product of the Umbrella Corporation. (A weakened T-virus makes a great substance for repairing wounds. No known side effects... so far...)) That said, the monsters this time out are offshoots of an experiment in resurrecting the dead through duplication. No actual connection to Umbrella until you get several degrees out. It's just that the Mold-infested nematodes produce some odd mutations when host compatibility is low. The most compatible subjects were Lady Dimirtescu and Heisenberg. (Mother Miranda thought Lady Dimitrescu was almost perfect if it hadn't been for that blood disorder making it so the final version had to consume fresh human flesh and blood or turn into a tumor.)
@highwaytoheaven99 3 года назад
The problem with Resident Evil franchise is the same as it has always been: Capcom doesn't know if RE is a horror franchise or an action franchise...
@lordanonimmo7699 3 года назад
That's not the problem,if they made games like RE7 horror amd survival focused and other games like revelations action focused it could be a good solution but they don't know what to do because these two types needs different designs,the action residemt evils are unique so are the survival.
@toprak3479 3 года назад
I guess they can't make a cohesive survival horror game. It has to be an action thriller with Outlast-ish horror segments here and there, otherwise it won't sell as much.
@CommanderSuberox 3 года назад
I swear the resident evil series is becoming more and more like the Metal Gear Solid series with the over the top boss battles the robot boss fight is just great fun and love it. Especially in the re3 remake it feels like mgs when you use the rail gun.
@Matuse 3 года назад
As an octopus that enjoys watching Marvel movies, I feel personally attacked on multiple fronts.
@Tombud-ti7gn 3 года назад
Could you say, 8, fronts??
@dblundz 3 года назад
They acknowledged the boulder punching. So it's officially canon and not just a meme/gameplay gimmick........ 10/10
@TheDiegorockz 3 года назад
A bit funny how Yathzee laughed at the classic Re fans for not digging Re 4 silliness and now he sounds exactly like them when he talks about 7
@stevenotsojobs 3 года назад
well its more he wanted one or the other
@matthewroddick9737 3 года назад
I guarantee Yahtzee was talking about the blood baby as the horror peak. I had seen that prior in a let's play and even by my fourth run of the game (I'm obsessed with completion and those challenges are ridiculous) I was still crapping myself a little whenever that thing comes barreling down the staircase. It's a mad dash to the bedroom hoping that meaty colossus didn't see you, and even though it was the least threatening thing in the game, I was still unnerved by its presence...until I realized it is way slower than Ethan, like embarassing levels of slow. Even in the very last part when you call the elevator, as long as you just get in the elevator right away, he won't get close enough before the elevator lets you in, and then you're done.
@nicksnrub7265 3 года назад
This horror game also refuses to be silent hill 2. 1 out of 5.
@potaterjim 2 года назад
"This is just like those comic covers where Superman is about to dropkick a baby" That's actually a startlingly accurate description of it. I absolutely _loved_ village, even though the plot was kind of hilariously stupid. Chris even has plenty of time to tell you why he did it, but of Ethan reacting as if someone just murdered his wife and stole his baby in front of him, Ethan acts like a small child being excluded by the cool kids
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