
Resource Rage - Papua New Guinea 

Journeyman Pictures
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The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea has made a $16bn deal to extract the country's natural gas. His people have responded with violent protests, which could plunge the troubled nation back into chaos.
"It's just like raping a woman. They're going to rape our resources." The landowners living along the length of the proposed pipeline have been promised huge benefits from the plan to extract gas from the Southern Highlands and export it to Asia. But they don't believe it and are up in arms: in scenes of chaos fuelled by a legacy of watching promised riches pass them by, they cut down power-lines, wielding guns and blocking roads: "You never listen - I'll chop you people". Ironically, most of the people living in the resource-rich Southern Highlands, live without power, without hospitals and without education. The MD of Australian 'Oil-Search'- which has a 29% stake in the project - agreed that the money the government has received in the past, "have not been seen in resource areas". Project Operator Exxon Mobil refused to comment. But the Governor of Gulf Province says he'll sue Exxon for over $2 billion for what he alleges are failings in their environmental impact study. With four dead, the former commander of the PNG Defence Force has confessed to fears that, "we are setting the stage for another Bougainville crisis in the Southern Highlands".



30 май 2010




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@rmfyi 14 лет назад
Excellent video! Keep up the great work! This mirror brings light to our humanity.
@Yourismouter 10 лет назад
thank god for independent media like journeyman pictures that I get exposed to papa new guinea. soo much injustice in the world, its really sobering :(
@HLecterPHD 14 лет назад
$16,000,000,000 and no locals benefit by $1. fuked up
@WOLFROY47 7 лет назад
its bloody obvious, if you educate them, they can, learn, how to take out, law suits, against the exploiters, thats a no no ?
@koolfraser 13 лет назад
@kingdomoffspring6 how is it exploitation?
@TommyRahmawan 8 лет назад
and the 'prosperity' of Papua New Guinea
@gulugul78 7 лет назад
we are supposed to be caretakers of Earth. We are Earth!
@PHlophe 14 лет назад
@FlatulenceFox i am glad you clarified this.they are not black because they are not of direct Bantu or Nubian extraction.Pretty much in the same way an Italian can't look like a Norwegian phenotypically ( yes I know there are exceptions).Those people are just dark skinned just like south indians and sri lanki are dark.
@ianaldo30 7 лет назад
Migrated from Africa you stupid
@cymonebreathe 14 лет назад
I hope the protesters win... for sure, Papa New Guinea has so much to lose if these deals go through. They're trying to do the same thing in Ithaca, NY.
@gandalfthegrey41 14 лет назад
I predict, The money from this project will never reach the needy and will only fuel a drug /alcohol fueled banana republic i.e. in the pockets of a privileged few.
@Checkpoint360 14 лет назад
While I grieve for these people, I do come to the conclusion that this is yet another sign that the world is overpopulated. How many people and groups want royalties? How could all of these people be satisfied while maintaining investment return? While oil and gas is wildly profitable, too many fingers in the pie is just that. And further, as was noted, the government of Papa New Guinea has received how much? and has done what? It's not only the evil corporations here.
@PHlophe 14 лет назад
@youngbuck189 nice write up youngbuck. spread the truth bro.You need to keep those revisionists and all those people who romancize past ( and recent ) murder-conquests.I am surrounded by people who still use terms such as "the colonies" when they are refering to oversea department.They really think they are holier than thou.
@slick3166 14 лет назад
TBH, I reckon we should just leave them alone. I'd like to keep my country independent and free from globalism, so should they if they want to.
@rosey312 14 лет назад
@cannoir people of sri lanki do have african heritage. from the Ademan association: 1. The Malaysian Negrito 2. The Philippine Negrito 3. The Shompen of Great Nicobar 4. The Moken of the Burma Coast 5. The Vedda of Sri Lanka 6. The Veddoid of Southern India 7. The Dravidians of India 8. The Naga of India 9. The Kubu of Sumatra and others
@lorenzo8500 14 лет назад
I've heard this story before. Big coporation promises prosperity and puts the people in poverty.
@gandalfthegrey41 14 лет назад
In my opoinion, it's exploitation rather than racism which is responsible for all the chaos. Capitalism has failed humanity big time. I very much doubt that New Guineans would have not been exploited, had they been white. It's a phenomenon above racism. Exploitation, if you can, you will. no questions about that. Like in IRAQ, In Africa, in India and in Afghanistan(although they relatively have paler skin colour). It's a race for resources.
@Mxyzptlk562 14 лет назад
@go311 Not knowing about a group of people or being ignorant of their existence is totally different from hating them. To Hate is a conscious decision and it means you have intense aversion or hostility towards someone or some group based on fear, anger or some sense of injustice. With that being the case if you say you hate these people then you do have a strong emotion. Being that you have never even met one Papuan, it is clear that your hatred is extremely irrational and ignorant.
@onomatoh 14 лет назад
GO Papua New Guineans! Resist!
@SEECH7cornishgrimemovement 14 лет назад
@plastof i agree
@rosey312 14 лет назад
@rosey312 continued: 10. The Ayome of New Guinea and others 11. The Papuans of Papua-NewGuinea 12. The Melanesians of the Pacific 13. The Australians 14. The Tasmanians 15. The Khoisan of South Africa 16. The Pygmies of Central Africa 17. Negritos in Japan and China 18. Negritos in the Americas and "Luzia
@Mxyzptlk562 14 лет назад
@go311 Yes, but have you noticed that there relatively petty tribal disputes and wars don't affect anything or anyone outside of their immediate area. Whereas, when the "civilized" countries have disputes and conflicts entire regions of countries are affected. And let's not even get into the level of butchering that the so-called "civilized" countries do at a level that is so industrially efficient and impersonal. I think I can deal withe folks who live in mud huts when they have a dispute.
@youngbuck189 14 лет назад
@amberled Has a lot to do with the nature of European civilization. Europe killed each other for thousands of years until finally setting their sights on other peoples. So when they did, the warfare, what we now call total war was completely new to the people they encountered. No other culture is as bloodthirsty, brutal, and violent than European culture. Their economic polices and actions are similarity brutal and ruthless.
@youngbuck189 14 лет назад
@Idyllsofmarch You just proved my point. You are in favor of conquest because you are on the winning side. If you are like me, Eastern European and Irish, or just not Western/Central European, then you look at Western European culture as murderous. To me, killing people and subduing them without provocation successfully is not a badge of honor, its disgraceful. And if you think that conquering is different than murdering and being bloodthirsty, then you cant see the forest for the trees.
@WOLFROY47 7 лет назад
again, nobody, mentioning, that trees, absorb carbon dioxide, lose the trees, whats, going to, mop up, the carbon dioxide, you enjoy, breathing dont you ?
@RollioPolleaous 14 лет назад
@THE48LAWS "you're" I think after this point this might devolve into trolling.
@rosey312 14 лет назад
@FlatulenceFox Actually, like the austronesians, the have genetic markers that are only found in africans groups Infact, they call themselves black and even Austronesians, they Contain a group of people called Negritos who are found from south asia, the south pacific and Brazil. If you look hard enough, you can find the few rare pictures of many groups who are now considered extinct. The research does not just look at skin, but at DNA and language.
@aviyanka070 14 лет назад
this is in sane... their own people betraying to them... i wish the green land will still remain green...
@cymonebreathe 14 лет назад
@cymonebreathe the only thing i dont like about this media representation here is that the problem is said to be a wrong distribution of the "benefits of this development project". this is going to KILL THE ENVIRONMENT and such "benefits" are NOTHING compared to the dignity of the country's status as a natural jewel .
@mysticx0 14 лет назад
@GGLebo23 theres always an excuse...lol. lets say i agreed with you. explain jamaica. sudan. somalia. nigeria. liberia. i could go on and on.
@RollioPolleaous 14 лет назад
@THE48LAWS An Essay Couldn't help myself.
@weepingod 14 лет назад
Papua is an imensely rich rescourse nation, my host country share half an island with these guys. Our side most of the whites are from USA while on their side they r mostly aussies.
@GGLebo23 14 лет назад
@mysticx0 wtf are you even talking about anymore. What does this have to do with my comment or your original one?
@Redisthecolor5 14 лет назад
money kills
@auxmahn 14 лет назад
@go311 So who is Australia to be bowed down to?? they have their country we have ours!!! We would be better of if you did not leave Europe.
@Bexly 14 лет назад
Always promises unfulfilled...always
@jazera91 11 лет назад
think people, before you sell your land, the oil ,gas, gold,, is given to you by GOD to bless you, so you can have a good life here on earth , but yet you are giving it away to the white man, why cant you see GODS blessings for you and you keep the land,and its wealth for you and your children, think people!! think!!,
@akilsomething 14 лет назад
this rell sad
@tutukereu2813 5 лет назад
Australia want gas from PNG, and Amerika want gold,silver from PAPUA INDONESIA
@TheAndinsky 14 лет назад
you know what, all this racism out here is killin' me. there are no cultural groups that are evil from within; it is always the same, people within bad living conditions, lack of food and lack of security, always have tried to do anything just to change it. just like the economic reasons made some Europeans wanting to conquer some places, tribe leaders in parts of Africa sold off people they arrested during conflicts or that injured tribe law to European slavetraders. so don't be silly!!!!
@youngbuck189 14 лет назад
@CoffeyBreaks Violent resistance. Money isnt real, ask those tribal people.
@youngbuck189 14 лет назад
@RedGunBullets So people like yourself believe exactly what the documentary wanted you too. What these never tell you is how much of the profit goes out of the country to foreign business . The governments of these countries are getting a pittance, which they do waste. But let's not blame the victims smart guy.
@Mxyzptlk562 14 лет назад
@go311 rac·ism (rszm) n. 1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. 2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race Not sure how much clearer of a deifinition you would need.
@GGLebo23 14 лет назад
@mysticx0 majority=control=power
@TheAndinsky 14 лет назад
@TheAndinsky ... it is rather that there are no racial groups that are evil from within..., cultural may be indeed... like racists...
@mukhanti59 11 лет назад
Today political everyway in the world the head always the winner,the people always the loser.
@mysticx0 14 лет назад
@nedatronics could but doesnt, we all know exactly who they mean, dont sugar coat it.
@iArsalan 14 лет назад
@Yogiphildas Every single traditional African religion is monotheistic and those cultures haven't exhibited the same behavior? The problem is within us human beings, not religion, race, etc. Those are just excuses, distractions from having to look at ourselves. Their own spokesman says to them "You blindly signed it!" They're fighting each other and signing their land away. "Allah will not change the condition of a people until they seek to change themselves." -Quran 17:31
@mysticx0 14 лет назад
@GGLebo23 you just took away all credit from any black person who ever made it in politics or the justice system or as a business owner to make your racist point that only whites are working in those areas. lol...i love when people do that, as if there are no blacks in politics or own businesses...
@plastof 14 лет назад
@RedGunBullets 14 лет назад
@youngbuck189 im not blaming the so called "victims" why are they actaullyl victims? did the losed somthign or just hat to continiue ther live like always? of course its bad not to help this peopel by devoloping ther rigion more which should be absolutly done 100% but ther is not argument what so ever to try to stop this EXTREMLY poor nation to develop, so a statments like they should no do it and if they do they are evil is not even funny its ridicules
@boubs91y 14 лет назад
@Mxyzptlk562 14 лет назад
@go311 I have no problem dealing with a racist. My posting the definition was not to silence you; it was to give you clarification about what and who you are. And, of course being a racist is not a postive thing. It is quite disgusting, primative, and it is the mark of a moral degenerate. Most of all it is irrational. So it follows that all you have to say is hightly suspect and misinformed. But as far as your being a bigot goes, hey, as long as you know you are one it is fine with me.
@youngbuck189 14 лет назад
@RedGunBullets but you are babbling nonsense
@blacklion1798 14 лет назад
@blackkat888 unfortunately for you, "from a very higher perspective," that is your subjective point of view, not objective reality as you pretend.
@onimotoko 14 лет назад
@RedGunBullets learn to spell before babbling nonsense.
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