
Responding to Allegations of Domestic Abuse 

The Survivor Diaries
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8 сен 2024




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@SweepLab 9 месяцев назад
As someone who is showcasing themselves as a legal professional and styling themselves as experienced and knowledgeable on the topic of false allegations in the context of domestic abuse, I find your view point and tone anything but objective. You talk with a somewhat of a feminist and subjective tone and make several sweeping statements such as false allegations are RARE! when in fact that’s not the case, so much is the fact that the court of appeal echoed down to the family courts to stop giving non molestation orders out like sweets because they were being abused frequently as a method and device to attack the other party. It’s a well known FACT that lots of bitter and aggrieved parties will attempt to weaponise the courts against the other in an effort to try to ouster the other party for sometimes unbeknown reasons relating to anything other than the best interest principles of their children and these applications are very often made on a ex parte basis (without notice ) to the other party in an effort to try and manipulate the courts and get the boot in before any fact finding direction is even made by the court in the form of statements and evidence schedules. And basically sometimes not in the presence of any evidence other than , he said , she said , and basically the court is very split on decision making and believability . You also fail to mention that 40% of men in the uk suffer domestic violence at the hands of women , you take a somewhat biased approach in your video and your information is misleading and opaque. It may be helpful to consider the content of your videos and sources of information you seek to send out to the wider public and address the SRA (solicitors regulation authority) on their codes of ethics and behaviour because what you showcase is potentially damaging and can have the ability to bring the profession in to disrepute.
@thescousegeek 4 года назад
So what happens if and when allegations of domestic abuse are found at hearing to be untrue? The "defending" parent, or non abusive parent, as well as the child, has been subject to further untold abuse and harm arising from these allegations, as well as likely thousands and even tens of thousands of pounds in legal costs, to what outcome? Finally have their relationship and contact reinstated and simply expect to be told to walk away and be happy about it? In a criminal court, are false allegations not themselves punishable? Why is there no comeback in the family courts to such false allegations?
@thecultofjohnnydelr.soulsw7010 3 года назад
It doesn't matter, true or untrue, the system want your money, for as long as possible.
@PaulMichaels01 Год назад
I couldn't agree more with your summary. I have gone through precisely what you outlined for over two years with the case only due to complete at the end of April 2023. Findings were not found, yet the accuser has no consequence for the blatant lies and defamation. Any man would of course never condone any abuse towards a woman (or man) if that man wasn't an abuser themselves, but generally women do not seem to apply the same towards men and this is what needs to change as the children are too often the casualties of false domestic abuse claims.
@eldrebeukes3971 9 месяцев назад
@eldrebeukes3971 9 месяцев назад
@rosspearson2805 Год назад
I was in a very toxic relationship. And %100 I reacted back badly to her controlling me on everything little detail in our relationship. I never made rules or told her to do anything. Yet I'm the abusive one. 2 mum's have done this to me. The first has calmed down and we now have a really good 50/50 shared care arrangement now. And I know several females that have admitted to stoping contact to hurt the father's. I know lots of women that have basically abused the children but only a couple of men that have been abusive. Definitely not rare for women make stuff up.
@actionburger7455 7 месяцев назад
I have been trough this arrested interviewd locked up and then bailed 3 months of sleepless nights not eating all the whispers going on from so called freinds of hell time i will never get back guess what i got a NFA.....i just about had a nervous breakdown false allegations are so spiteful hurtful and can destroy ppl
@hairydog3764 3 года назад
Never had a fact-finding. The ex made evidentially false allegations against me which his solicitor signed off and the Cafcass officer believed. Welcome to a world of hell. My legal representation was fantastic and the judge who put the end to the misery was fantastic. None of it should ever have gone to court if anyone had asked if my ex could provide evidence of his allegations.
@m.w.1064 2 года назад
I think false allegations should carry criminal charges. Furthermore, family courts should be made public instead of private.
@tchircablina3181 Год назад
Unfortunatly the authorities dont want the real victims to feel intimidated by the possible repercurssion if she/ he can prove the facts, and get her/him self convicted.
@eldrebeukes3971 9 месяцев назад
@sarahm5610 4 года назад
What about the issues of proving non-physical abuse especially when it is minimised or not really understood by many professionals?
@HinaKhan-zm4cn 3 года назад
For more information you can check out court help limited channel
@Brit267 2 года назад
Really curious about this too. I have this issue to deal with. I can prove some things through a lot of correspondence but not everything.
@rubiUDDIN786 2 года назад
A friend of my is going through a false allegation, his wife put a non molestation order against him. She blamed him for abusing her in every possible way there is. She use to provoke him and then voice record his reaction. She use to hide her phones under the bed, in toys etc. He thinks she might even have messaged her self from his phone to use it against him as he was stupid enough to give her his phone. At the moment he can’t see his children. What can he do? and can his wife use these voice recording and text messages as an evidence?
@mascerbuosseb8214 Год назад
@nickmanvan8181 3 месяца назад
Same thing with me
@therpp9183 3 года назад
ppl forget that some so called domestic abuse is subjective... one situation occurs that is intended for the greater good of a child.. can be taken out of context by the other person just because that person dont like what is being said and feels offended or just knows the situation was wrong and dont like being proven wrong.. so they complain and lie or make up a story that they was scared and offended by what was said... so it boils down to subjective when its verbal communication (so called abuse).. obviously any kind of physical violence will never be subjective coz thats plain black and white..
@therpp9183 3 года назад
Ppl in court need to aware ..that those being unreasonably accused of domestic abuse..that to get around the charge or accusation in court even though the influence of said accusation has had its effect...it can be changed to domestic discourse instead...as did in a family case with me... They changed it on the fly in court ..due to it being a criminal offence ..and no criminal law can be judged in the family court
@mattyboy47 4 года назад
This was going well until you touched on the "Patriarchal" rubbish. Yes false allegations occur in proceedings, but yes men can be and very much are victims of Domestic abuse, it's not balanced or fair to introduce any patriarchal references into this huge problem victims face, both male and female. Our own experiences of Domestic abuse are valid, regardless of gender and stereotyping. Please please remember this. Truth must be sought in family court, and fact finding ought to be addressed the moment refusal of contact begins. The TRUTH should be the priority, and that's the most important factor here, regardless of sexism in courts, we don't need it and isn't helpful.
@carlosbrown9493 3 года назад
There is not one male refuge I have heard of ??
@gcmarcal 3 года назад
@@carlosbrown9493 You type domestic abuse on google you are flooded with organisations towards abused women. There is a couple about men but apart from listening to you and giving moral support they dont offer anything. I know that as I have called them.
@AM1465 3 года назад
Referencing the "patriarchy" is indicative of an axe to grind.
@adampiper3656 Год назад
Yeah legal aid solicitors offer free half hours so they can talk mother into going down the down the abuse route given this is how they earn there money If a father is proven innocent they should get all the money spent back
@geralafrezza Год назад
What if both parents are found to be abusive?
@whatsgoingtohappennext 9 месяцев назад
What if the accusing side happens to be CIA
@numerouno2532 2 года назад
I think the comments relating to a Fact Finding Hearing and "Why would mothers do this?" are possibly valid considerations in an ideal world. However, as you mention in the video, the burden of proof in family court is woefully low, we live a society that assumes 'no smoke without fire', the parent making the accusations is likely to get legal aid, the parent defending the accusations is not likely to get legal aid, leading all to often to lawyer vs litigant in person. More delay without contact and an important one is.. the situation where the non abusive parent is STILL trying to look out for the abusive parent (where in this case the abusive parent has made false allegations), knowing that whilst the findings of abuse may be found to be false, there is damage done to the abusive parent that you don't really wish for instance where the allegations are proved to be so unrealistic that the judge considers limiting that parents contact with the child. This is a scary prospect If the non abusive parent (with false allegations) knows this might be likely and don't think that would be in the best interest of the child(ren)
@TheShabu2 5 месяцев назад
Sadly in the current system, youre guilty on the onset. Polixe so their investigations then issue NFAs and everyone thinks that it ends there. The accused then has a record and stigma because of it
@jennyli365 3 года назад
I am living under one roof my ex because we are joint tenant to a council flat while going through divorce. He is abusive and my child picked the same abusive behavior and sometimes can be very rude to me. What I can do is to understand my child ‘s feeling and try to be more tolerant and patient to her. I went for solace to get help to deal with the distress caused by the domestic abuse. Sadly, the local social service did not address the domestic abuse in the house and only blame parents ‘s conflict causes negative effect on children. I agree with you that it is just unfair. In fact , I stopped arguing with him and talking to him since the day I handed my divorce petition. He plays dirty little tricks, such as switch off the light while I have a show in the bathroom, bring stray cats in to make me scared because I have cat phobia etc. thank you for the video and let me understand my position as the non abusive parent. Could you please help and give some advice how to make the social service or the Cafcass address it . ?
@factorylad5071 2 года назад
There are a lot more fish in the south China Sea.
@vixen1143 3 года назад
In my case the court have not gone down the j12 route, it wasn't mentioned by the court or my solicitor or barrister. I was abused in the relationship emotionally and psychologically but I have not evidence. In response my ex has accused me of being mentally unfit to look after our son and claims I'm abusing our son because he has bruises. He's 2 year old and the 3 bruises he's had have all been due to his lack of balance or judgment (miss judging a space). I feel like the abuse that's true has no proof and the abuse that's not has something that could be interpreted as proof.
@therpp9183 3 года назад
in my case my sons mother and social services was using the fact that i was raising concerns with the her and social services calling it domestic abuse ..that i said she was allowing her friends to discipline my son..and it was wrong coz our son will be confused about who to listen too..and she had 5 to 6 friends more less living with them all week... also that i turned up at my sons mothers home in the mornings to help walk our son to school and bring him food and drink coz his mother never gave him breakfast and even though we all talked and was friendly.. apparently she told social services she was scared and had anxiety every time i showed up.. but she was that scared that on the very day i received a nmo.. she still said i can attend our sons birthday party...
@sljones9103 7 месяцев назад
Men can change and stop being abusive
@PaulMichaels01 2 года назад
To state that it is very rare for mothers to make false claims of domestic abuse makes you a very dangerous law practitioner. You're reasoning of "it just wouldn't make sense" is so absurd. As with any allegation, ones motives are always at the root of the allegation. A mother claims the father is domestically abusive, the mother gains the majority of time with the children, in some cases, the mother then has much higher financial rewards in both the divorce or benefit entitlements and certainly towards the benefit of the marital home. Just the reasons outlined above are plainly obvious and if you did not consider this when making this video, then shame on you. You should be embarrassed to make such statements whilst in the public arena. Also, of course you would want a fact of finding hearing at every possible opportunity. This is where you can, of course financially capitalise. I just hope that you never make your way into a Judges position as you would be a very dangerous one, to say the least.
@montecristo8624 2 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Roj5ViEKeYg.html She is a dangerous practitioner indeed.
@zombiedoctor9428 Год назад
I agree. It's a shocking comment for someone in the legal system to claim. A narcissistic abuser WILL lie and falsify evidence to come across as a victim. They do this because it's impossible for them to accept any blame, so their fantasy world needs to marry up with reality. Many abusers will have extreme narcissistic traits, so they'll project their faults onto their victim. They will accuse you of the exact thing they are actually doing to you. It's almost a confession of the crimes! They will point the finger at you before you point the finger at them. I think the legal system really needs to get up to speed with personality disorders.
@vonidevlin4164 Год назад
I am 1-minute and 21 seconds into this documentary and so far I have all the evidence on what you have said in just over 1 minute.
@naimisddiken2792 Год назад
I think it is unjust for the family court to deal with domestic abuse because always they forbid contact to children. It is the criminal court to deal with as like in FRANCE to avoid any abuse of the system - all women make this kind of allegation because it is easy
@davidrippingale 3 года назад
Please help what if you have been falsely accused and it had already been proven by fate to be false and yet they try to accuse of the same false allegations a second time round as this is happening to me please what can be done as I feal I should not have to prove myself a 2nd time round
@AM1465 3 года назад
I'm no expert but isn't that double jeopardy?
@Wildcamp-lifestyle 4 месяца назад
Is having an affair domestic abuse?
@hiaslayer Год назад
Can you please refere me to a DAPP for women that is tailored to the specific abusive conduct of women?
@jondownes9264 Год назад
Jesus us men have no chance
@mightyrem 5 месяцев назад
so one parent is abusive and the other is non abusive? I don't think you can be so black and white about it
@factorylad5071 2 года назад
We're you both beating up on the kid ?
@naimisddiken2792 Год назад
you're biased , you're saying show it it is false! when the women not showing is it is true then!!!!
@yunusdutlu2636 3 года назад
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