
Rich Man & Lazarus Parable: What Jesus Said About Death & Afterlife | FULL Exegesis |  

Christ Over ALL
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@ChristOverAllJeremy Месяц назад
Only someone with a computer brain can make the last connection. Watch till the end: 0:00 The rich man was evil during his life 2:46 Will God deliver you from your earthly trials in this life? 4:48 Do we have recognizable souls/spirits apart from our physical bodies? 7:37 Can heathens repent in the torments of the afterlife? 16:19 Can the dead be aware of what takes place on earth? 17:37 Is this parable based on a real event of the afterlife?
@hm_hono5016 Месяц назад
Please Jesus Christ of Nazareth I need you in my life.
@TheFightingSheep Месяц назад
Jesus wants you to throw away your worthless life so he can give you his priceless life. There is no need to ask. Just believe and receive. God bless you, child.
@thebonezone4717 Месяц назад
@JacobAnaya369 Месяц назад
Say it out loud in private and public and you will be freed, believe have faith, go get baptized, read your Bible as often as possible, preferably every single day and walk after the spirit and not the flesh it won’t be easy but it will be worth it.
@Joshua-rc3zk 26 дней назад
Bit dont we all need hum. Seek him with all your heart, you will find him.
@christophblaeser Месяц назад
Sam, very great and good, that you show these topics of our Lord and our faith, too. ✨️
@leedavis3704 Месяц назад
I find this parable has the greatest meaning to how evil is represented on earth and in heaven, I will put my faith and comfort in the Lord Jesus Christ not in earthly places or things
@LClayton67 25 дней назад
One other very important message is that the rich man also knew Lazarus would be resurrected and why he pleaded with Abraham to send him to his brothers so they wouldn't experience the same fate. It seems we are very aware of earthly matters.
@chasa7817 Месяц назад
I can see what he saying Jesus when he died an was resurrected when he appeared to his disciples he had hands fingers feet everything even told Thomas to put his finger in the hole in his hand and his side so it seems that our new bodies will still resemble our old bodies but glorified ❤
@cliffgarrett11 Месяц назад
I’m a simple man. I see a Sam Shamoun video that mentions exegesis and I click it
@YosefVasquez-t7i Месяц назад
That’s in everyone’s point of view, because if the bad goes straight to punishment then what’s the point of the last resurrection where everyone resurrects to await their judgement? There’s is contradiction no matter how you look at it… how do you go straight to your punishment before your judgement? 🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️…. This is just a parabol?
@Mr10glorious Месяц назад
I certainly don’t agree with the idea that everything that Lazarus put up with God allowed to happen to him and didn’t deliver him from any of those things and that he was a Christian or something like that? God allows thousands of people to go to hell, which is the worst thing that could ever happen to anybody! If he allows the worst thing that could ever happen to anybody, to happen, what won’t he allow? He’s not in control of everything and everybody, if he is at the very least, he’s mean! Which I certainly don’t believe! Especially when you read the old testament, how God continually delivered people and delivered the Israelites! Look at the Psalms? Or why didn’t Jesus have a horrible life open till the time he was getting truly persecuted, which was towards the end? I could go on forever, but I won’t! Well one more thing, the word, salvation means healing, deliverance, preservation, Soundness and wholeness. Nothing missing, nothing broken! Which you can have on this earth now! Also, you can lose all of these things on this earth now! But it’s not God doing things to you he gets blamed for everything!
@jacquesvincent3897 Месяц назад
@JeanLouiseHallal 2 месяца назад
You Look Great My Brother Handsome AS a Hot 🔥 Priest 🎉🎉🎉
@carrie_k Месяц назад
Lord forgive me of my selfishness. Take away my possessions and my comfort, only so that I may turn to You and You only. The Lord is our supplication and the great creator of our universe! Lord please forgive my heart and for my wicked ways ✝️🧎🏻‍♀️
@buckanderson3520 Месяц назад
Thank God that we are given grace as we grow. I see grace as God's allowance and understanding for our weakness and our imperfection. We are given grace to be able to make mistakes and learn from them instead of being condemned by them. His grace gives us room to grow up. We don't do good works in order to become His children but because we are His children. Given not earned.
@GodisonlyGood Месяц назад
@@buckanderson3520 thank you well said.
@GodisonlyGood Месяц назад
@@buckanderson3520 I was so looking for these words last night on a comment section. So many people, I feel express the phrase “ get right with God” in so many other ways too. It’s preaching man’s doctrine of condemnation, leaving no room for Grace, or rather they don’t think about the fact of mentioning that so if somebody didn’t know, God would just beat themselves up. That’s what I used to do because that’s what people told me and that’s how I feeling, being a baby in Christ it’s only been three years thank God I know better now. Thank you 🙏
@GodisonlyGood Месяц назад
@@carrie_k I like to make sure I’m admonishing myself, especially because I’m alone here on earth lol 😆 as ( 3 years ) newbie in Christ, I fell into sin and then started to believe “this must be what God want”… 🙄 never again!! I know how easily I can let selfishness and stubbornness and pride from my fleshly mind and body take over. MARANATHA brothers and sisters !!
@seancrippen2167 Месяц назад
​@@buckanderson3520you don't need to lose your possessions. Just be willing to use them to bless other people in need.
@wordleturtle Месяц назад
This isn't a parable. This really happened.
@silasd5269 Месяц назад
Still has the meaning.
@funnygaming2672 Месяц назад
@@silasd5269 well yes ...Op just pointing out that just what happen my brother/sister 🙏🏼✝🤗🧕🏼
@tongakhan230 Месяц назад
It did. But not the way some might think. TWO LIVING GROUPS in Jesus' day were involved in Jesus' story.
@thomasbrown7199 Месяц назад
Wow this just goes to show you the Diviness about Christ
@wordleturtle Месяц назад
@@thomasbrown7199 the Bible translators don't list it as a parable. A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. This was something that actually happened. Names are used here. No names are used in the parables of Jesus. You have "the wicked servant" or "the prodigal son." Here Lazarus is named.
@mmmbug Месяц назад
"If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead." Here, Christ prophesies his resurrection and the continued unbelief of those who reject God's word. For Christ is the word, and to reject the word is to reject him!
@Zero090397 Месяц назад
Nice catch
@DavidKing-qd3sp Месяц назад
Christ raised a man named lazarus and they still killed him
@rocco9611 Месяц назад
Exactly right, that passage is about the rejection of Yeshua, (Jesus) even after HE rose from the dead. Sam is completely wrong, this parable has nothing to do with consciousness after death which by the way the scriptures are very clear on; just word search the scripture on the word sleep and its reference to death. In Ecclesiastes 9:5 it states that the dead know nothing, in John 11:11 Yeshua, (Jesus) said, "Our friend Lazarus sleepeth" and in 1 Thessalonians 4:14 Paul says, "But I would not have you to be ignorant brethren concerning them which them which are, (ASLEEP), that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope." ( As you can see Paul is stating that the souls of the dead are indeed asleep.) It always amazing how people who call themselves christian say that GOD is a loving GOD in one breath and then in the next say that HE will sentence all sinners to eternal torment. If that is their idea of a loving GOD I would hate to be at the mercy of an unloving one. These people completely wax over what Yeshua, (Jesus) said in Matthew 10:28 "Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul, but rather fear HIM which is able to destroy both the soul and body in hell." I'm pretty sure that means to cease to exist because let's face it, what is the benefit or purpose of GOD torturing the souls of the dead for eternity? Do they believe it is an eternal, "I told you so." Much love, peace and blessing
@TeStOs78 Месяц назад
Sam is such darkness on this that it just reminds us that we all have to reason with God in his words and not take another man's interpretation as the infallible word. This is a parable about the Jews, being portrayed as the "rich man", they have the covenant of Abraham fulfilled in them, the blessings and the knowledge of God. The Gentiles on the other hand are portrayed as the "poor beggar" Lazarus, for they were not the "chosen", for salvation was of the "Jews", and they could only feed on the scraps that fell from the chosen nation. But it is the believing Gentiles who were being saved into the kingdom and the unbelieving Jews who were rejecting Christ were dying in their sins. Even when they saw one raised from the grave, Lazarus, they would still not believe unto this day.
@reesedds Месяц назад
THIS is the point of the parable. And yes its a parable. Its in a line of them. 2ndly, if we take it literally, we are to believe that Abraham has some part in the afterlife and in judgment?
@GodisonlyGood Месяц назад
My ex husband of 14 years, knew I was homeless, and being abused my the current husband ( whom died on sept 11,2022 ) I had no where to go, it was winter time too. His parents have enabled him his whole life, and still are. I was paying for our daughters food, and needs while his parents paid his rent, because our daughter was there with him and his wife, until I could get on my feet. The Lazarus story reminds me of this story. He doesn’t believe in Jesus and has ZERO empathy. It’s been 3 years now, she’s back with me, I’ve reached out to him numerous times out of love, and he rejected everything. It’s sad because people like this have been blinded by the Lord now too. I’m so grateful, the Lord chose me, I have no idea why…but I love Him because I leaned that He loved me. ❤thank you Jesus Christ.
@jakestrother9032 Месяц назад
@JeanLouiseHallal 2 месяца назад
Praise God
@duanethomas2843 Месяц назад
All praises be to our God!!! For the gift of eternal life thru Jesus Christ. Excellently done Sam!!!
@leonvedgar Месяц назад
In some interesting discussions, it is said that the rich man was in Purgatory and not hell because he’s concerned for his brothers, and there is no concern for others in hell, only hatred. But because it says he’s in torment in the flames, we automatically assume, hell. In my St. Joseph edition of the New Testament, the place is mentioned as "netherworld" and not hell, thus for some people the rich man in the story is in Hades or Sheol. Sheol is the Hebrew name, and Hades is the Greek one. It’s also known in Catholic theology as the “limbo of the fathers.” Now if the eschatological state is“damnation.”, how can the rich man be damned and not be in hell? Some explain that this is because, before the time of Christ Hades had two compartments: one for those who were damned and would eventually end up in hell, and one for the saved (who make it to heaven in due course). Purgatory didn’t yet exist before the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our Sins. But the rich man somehow showed "Compassion" for his brothers so does that mean he could have been saved by the infinite Mercy of God and have gone to purgatory after Christ's resurrection? Because nothing is impossible for God. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one @shamounian‬?
@TeStOs78 Месяц назад
"Purgatory" doctrine is purely a heretic doctrine made up by the Roman Catholic church, just as the doctrine of "Indulgences" which was a temporal satisfaction that was a part of the sacrament of penance.
@timtauber5557 Месяц назад
Even if the damned repented which they are incapable of, I doubt it would have any effect.
@SecretosSagrados Месяц назад
Sometimes you impress me immensely and sometimes you disappoint me greatly. If you insist that a spirit 'roams' after we die, then you have to explain why Paul clearly said that he will wait while asleep in 1 thessalonians 4:15-16? Did Paul lie? The parable you read is a parable, it's symbolism to teach something. If it is not a parable, then pls explain to me which telephone company have coverage in hell? You can't speak from one side to the other. It's symbolism to explain something OTHER than hell. Also, if a person dies with alzheimers, does that mean he will roam around aimlessly? Come on man.😂
@lsk4087 Месяц назад
Haven't heard the whole thing yet, I hope one question will be addressed in this video. Namely, the the rich man caring about his family while in Hell. How is that possible?
@kurtwinslow2670 Месяц назад
LOL Sam seems now to be teaching eternal security, which I believe, and I know he rejects. Poor Lazarus though he suffered in this life and the Lord allowed it. God was able to ensure his eternal state Sam now says. He's right in this teaching because God is the author and finisher of our salvation. Hallelujah Jah saves! Even though I disagree with Sam concerning eternal security, I really like listening to him, I've learned so much from him.
@TeStOs78 Месяц назад
You said poor Lararus, but it's a parable, "Lazarus" represents something else under the surface of the name used.
@kurtwinslow2670 Месяц назад
@@TeStOs78 Parables don't use real people, like Moses, Elijah and Lazarus. Parables also indicate a truth i.e. what constitutes reality. The reality being those that trust God were in one section of Sheol\Hades, while those who don't trust God are in another section of Sheol \Hades. But those who trusted God historically are no longer in Sheol\Hades, for he led captivity captive and ascended to heaven, taken the saints with him. And those in Christ presently will go to be with Christ at their death, they'll not go to Sheol\Hades. For Christ has the keys to death and Hades. And when he returns, he will bring his saints with him; blessed is he who is partaker of the first resurrection. Unlike those who will be partakers of the second resurrection, where death and hades will be cast into the lake of fire after the great white throne judgement.
@TeStOs78 Месяц назад
@@kurtwinslow2670 That's where you go into your own understanding. Let me help you to see your confusion and unbelief. When Christ died, was his soul in hell for the three days in torment or did his so called spirit/soul journey back to heaven speaking, acting & doing everything with the Father until the days passed?? Show me the scriptures which say Christ went to heaven after he died and not the grave?? Show me from creation where God created man by placing an "immortal soul" into him that exist outside of his body rather than the breath of God bring man to life as a mortal soul?? Go back to the formula of man's creation and tell me what God said man was formed of?? When Jesus was told that Lazarus had died, why didn't he say Lazarus had gone to either hell or heaven, why did he say Lazarus had falling asleep? He didn't say Lazarus body had fallen asleep, he said, Lazarus the man, has fallen asleep, so was Lazarus conscious in that sleep?? You just buried yourself in your own contradiction when you speak of a resurrection. If you claim persons are either already in hell being tormented or in the heavenly paradise, then what biblical sense is there of a resurrection? For what sensible purpose?? The words of Paul and John say differently, in John 5:25:28 it says, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live." If the saints are in heaven, why they will hear his voice in the graves and come forth?? John 5:29 says those who have done evil shall come forth as well, so tell me, if they're already in hell being tormented, then why would they be resurrected when they were never dead to begin with? You have to be dead to be resurrected, if you still exist in some form, then you're not dead and there's no need of a resurrection. Not only that, Rev 20 says after the 1000 years, all the lost would be resurrected and satan would gather them Gog & Magog to go against God.. Are you telling me that they would come from their torment in hell, unite with satan against God, only to be judge. Can you face a penalty before you're judged?? Then how can the wicked face torment before their judgement which comes only after the 1000 years reign in Rev 20?? Do you know what "judgement begins at the house of God means"? When the apostle Paul comforted those in Thessalonica about their loved ones who had died, and they sorrowed thinking that Christ would come and their loved ones will be left in the graves, why didn't Paul tell them that their loved ones were already in heaven in 1 Thes 4:14-17?? Paul says in vs 14 that those who died were sleeping in Jesus, so how is it that you and others speak of a doctrine of the resurrection in ignorance that contradicts the dead rising from their graves at the second coming and not some "immortal soul" doctrine that is the devil's lie from the beginning??
@JeanLouiseHallal 2 месяца назад
YES this is awesome
@funnygaming2672 Месяц назад
Wow so wicked ...i never thought of that, someone so mean that they cannot even repent or say sorry at all even Infront of GOD !?The God of Love at that ...Just WOW, some really do have hardened heart. I know we can be mean and do horrible despicable things but most regret it and think about what they have done for years tormented by their action, but some are proud of their wrongdoing.
@Paulzor923 Месяц назад
I really don't understand how you can believe in God but not believe in the spiritual world and think that when we die that's it lights out? That's sn atheistic view to me. What is the point in believing in God if you don't believe in the after life?
@smithereenes Месяц назад
on verse 24, can someone please explain how did the rich man recognized Abraham even though he had never seen him before?
@TommyTomTom9 Месяц назад
Are we responsible if our family member (that is secular) dies before they are saved? Could we have tried harder? How do we become fishers of men without scaring the fish away?
@theotherorange3586 Месяц назад
How do you catch fish without scaring them away? Depends on the fish you are going after and what tools you have. The more you read the Bible the better the rod.
@funnygaming2672 Месяц назад
Pray for them, some may get save trough you ..
@dansallthingspoliticsrelig523 Месяц назад
Dogs is also a term used for gentiles. The great sin, is that gentiles were more charitable than a Israelite. Jesus used the word Dog in another parable. The Lord told her he was sent to the house of Israel, that it was not correct to give the bread of the children to dogs (gentiles). She replied he could give her scraps. Her child was saved. Bible stories and parables have depth to them.
@aacraw Месяц назад
I was always taught never to take parables literally as they usually have a deeper meaning. I respectfully agree and disagree with some of the things mentioned in the video
@maximumreality8144 Месяц назад
Considering how Christ, at times, used hyperbole and fictional unnamed characters (such as the rich man; Lazarus's name means "God has helped" and therefore may not be referring to an actual person) to teach, how literally should we take Christ's parables and why?
@WiggTheMobileBarbR Месяц назад
We are “sleep” until the Judgement. This parable explains Isaiah 66:23-24
@Miguel_Mats 11 дней назад
That contradicts the story told by the Lord. Our soul is very much awake after death.
@harvestworkers626 17 дней назад
This is not a parable as this man claims.
@aderohunmuadewale6739 Месяц назад
Sam Shamoun, please write 2 or 3 books on: 1. Exposing the weaknesses of Islams as a religion of the devil. 2. Defending the arguments that muslims use against Christianity. 3. Explanation of some unclear portions of the Bible. Sam, please consider writing those books. God will help you in Jesus' name.
@silasd5269 Месяц назад
John 8:44 and Revelation 3:9 tell you the religion of the devil.
@Zangified02 Месяц назад
Brother if your willing to take the time like Sam or Godlogic the go check Sam’s plethora of articles and videos
@JeanLouiseHallal 2 месяца назад
@Tyrannus_Gaming 11 дней назад
There's a scene in the new Betelgeuse movie, where a well-off woman is in the afterlife where she screams, "I know people! Help me!" The lady at the counter scoffed, then said, "Not here you don't."
@JeanLouiseHallal 2 месяца назад
@JeanLouiseHallal 2 месяца назад
@Chrissiela 22 дня назад
Sorry, but I think he is way off the mark here. Who did THE JEWS (those who were "rich" ( having Moses and Abraham... and THE ORACLES OF GOD, along with the bless and protection of Od, etc, being his CHOSEN people) consider "DOGS"? What about the Canaan woman, who approached Jesus for a blessing. To who hesaid: " It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to DOGS"? To which she replied: "Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table."? He is missing the connection here and the reason why "the rich man" is described as he his (5 brothers, purple raiment, good things in life, KNOWING ABRAHAM). This parable has nothing to do with physical death or post-mortem torment. Note that it is the rich man's TONGUE that is being tormented by A FLAME. This parable, like ALL parables was directed at THE JEWS (the religious leaders, in particular), as it is THEY (the supposed "rich" men) who needed his chastisement. Lazarus does not represent a poor, struggling believer. He represents the GENTILES to whomthe gospel (and blessings of God) are about to come..... as do THE DOGS who comfort him.... as the unbelieving Jews are about to be CAST OFF.
@Gouravquicksidekick 12 часов назад
Lord all the goodness I have is because of me. Rest is my fault.
@baiya7685 Месяц назад
JUDAISM believed in 1 GOD (YAHWEH), Accepted TORAH and MOSES, Rejected BIBLE, QURAN, JESUS and MUHAMMAD SAW...CHRISTIANITY Believed in TRINITY (SON, FATHER, HOLY SPIRIT), TORAH, BIBLE, MOSES and JESUS but Rejected QURAN and MUHAMMAD SAW...ISLAM Believed in 1 GOD ALLAH, TORAH, BIBLE, QURAN, MOSES, JESUS and MUHAMMAD SAW...JUDAISM 71-70=1...CHRISTIANITY 72-71=1...ISLAM 73-72=1... PARADISE People are MUSLIMS@BELIEVERS OF ALLAH, THE ONE GOD, THE UNSEEN...Who are the One group of MUSLIMS mentioned by Prophet Muhammad SAW of Each People...One Group of Ahlul Kitab @ People of Scriptures of ORIGINAL TORAH and BIBLE...One group of MUSLIMS of End Time is Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah @ Sunni who the QURAN had reached them via Multiple Mediums and Ways by words from ear to ear, eye to eye, door to door into every inch and corner of Lands. Thats why Prophet Muhammad SAW added MUSLIMS among Jinn and Mankind of END TIME are the biggest group who will enter PARADISE...MUSLIMS the Ummah@People of Muhammad SAW, the Last Tribe to Walk on Earth but Honoured to be the First group to be Judged on the day of Judgement compared to other people of Generations and Civilizations who lived before us...MUSLIMS had FAITH in Allah SWT, All Angels, All prophets, All books sent down, Judgement Day and Qadha & Qadr...MUSLIMS deniably Accepted the Message of all Prophets "Laa ilah Haa illallah" @ "No God is Worth of Worship Except Allah".🥰😭...TORAH VS MOSES pbuh individual Miracles ? BIBLE VS JESUS pbuh individual Miracles ? QURAN VS MUHAMMAD SAW individual Miracles ? Which one would you think Most Miracolous ???...The Books were revealed for the People and his individual Miracle for his own usage to support him truly from Allah SWT…Those kind of Miracle normally reflects of their Time Frame belief, Civilization, Way of life, Custom, Culture and Tradition...Moses pbuh was a JEW, their culture was Black arts and Magic, so his individual gifted STAFF which splitted Red sea, turns into big snake was Miracolous to get JEWS People believed in Allah SWT, More People believed in MOSES rather than the TORAH itself…During Jesus who was minority JEW living in Palestine ruled by the ROMANS, they were specialize in Medicine which none of any Civilizations had ever achieved before, so it is his gifted Miracle of curing leper, arising dead, cure blindness was Miracolous to get JEWS and ROMANS to believe in Allah SWT...More People believed in JESUS rather than the BIBLE itself...Now, How about the QURAN ??? Muhammad SAW was an ARAB, and ARABS are so proud and skilled in Eloquent and each time after the Hajj, all Tribes will sit around Kaaba to listen to the Poets and the Winning Tribes Poet will be hanged up on each corner of Kaaba…it’s a Grammy Award given not to the Individual but to the Eloquent, Poets…The Night Journey to 7th Heaven to meet the creator at Sidratul Muntaha was an individual gift which till today many cannot accept it because its above Human Mind imaginary and acceptance Limit...QURAN was promised guarded by Allah to be Living, Guiding millions of Jinn and Mankind daily till day of Judgement even though they dont Understand Arabic...When Quraish People said, Muhammad made up and copied previous Scriptures, Allah himself challenged 5 times whole Jinn and Mankind combined to produce just a Verse but none had ever come closer to its Eloquent, Balagah, illeterature, Arts and Advices even though it has been 1497...More people believed in the QURAN rather than MUHAMMAD SAW individual miracles itself😭🥰...The individual Gifts or Miracles given to all Prophets expired by Time means once they died, no one else can use it anymore. For example Noah's Ark and Moses Staff might be in the Muzium but no more usable but The QURAN will not expires by Time and only will be lifted up just before the Doomsday😭🥰 #savepalestine🇵🇸
@steffanjansenvanvuuren3257 Месяц назад
Remember, the Lord does not give useless information. That is why He was very specific about making it clear that there was A RICH MAN and there was a POOR MAN. And the Lord was VERY specific about not even mentioning the RICH MAN's name, because that rich man's name was no longer in the Labs book of life.
@27steve Месяц назад
2Corinthians 10:4 NLT - We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. Galatians 5:10 NLT - I am trusting the Lord to keep you from believing false teachings. God will judge that person, whoever he is, who has been confusing you.
@tongakhan230 Месяц назад
The Rich man and the Beggar was an allegorical story targeting two LIVING GROUPS of people in Jesus' day. No one can stretch his arm from Abraham's bosom to hell with water from nowhere. He will have to have a very very long arm which he wouldn't have since his arms are rotting in a grave. His voice box is also rotting in a grave. How would he have a conversation? Why isn't faith in Jesus even mentioned (cf John 3:16). The dead cease to exist as God stated over and over. Genesis 3:19. Ecclesiastes 9:5,10.
@VirginHolyFire Месяц назад
You are reading a parable of God. If Hell was a literal place of eternal torment then where do all the people go who have never heard of Jesus Christ their entire life❓ The Lake of Fire is a parable for eternal annihilation both body and soul.
@alanhales6369 Месяц назад
Shamounian, There you go AGAIN, showing your ignorance of the Bible. Not only does God always deliver us from troubles, (If we exercise our faith) but Jesus has ALREADY delivered us, and has given born again Christians the authority to overcome troubles. This wasn't a parable, it was a true happening. Under the Old testament, the righteous dead went to Abraham's bosom, including Abraham, and he knew what was happening where he was, it doesn't mean people in Heaven know what's going on on earth. .
@angeloachuil4944 Месяц назад
Sam, how then do you explain Dan 12:1-3; Jn 5:28-29; Act 2:34; Rev 20:12-14 in contrast to this parable?
@WDYD Месяц назад
The first thirty seconds and your already wrong, it's not a parable, it's not factual about the afterlife. This was directed to the Pharisees that were there!!
@RAMSCESH Месяц назад
Sorry man, but you have a problem with this explanation: Do you mean that the rich man was condemned for not doing good works or for not repenting? I do not dismiss your appreciation of the suffering beggar, there is a similar example (cf. Acts 3:1-10) but, could it not be that the beggar was a sinner who repented late of his past life and in order to avoid the fire of wrath (cf. 2 Thes 1:4-10) suffered torments on earth for delaying in examining himself (cf. 1 Cor 11:30-32). And what matters here is not whether we are asleep or awake in Hades but: What is the Path of salvation that begins only with repentance but does not end there? Why did Jesus go to preach to imprisoned spirits who were not in Hades (cf. 1Ped 3:19-20, Hch 2:27)? Therefore, It must be taken into account that the scenario presented in the parable cannot be before the episode narrated in 2 Thes 1:4-10! Not even Hades is an excuse to flee from the wrath to come (cf. Mt 3:7)! Be lovely in Christ.
@Ewelina-y4w Месяц назад
also about purgatory: Matthew 5:25-26, Luke 12,58-59 or Matthew 12,32
@DavidKing-qd3sp Месяц назад
WRONG.......Sam is wrong on his understanding of this text.... First, it is a parable as Sam has said. It is not to be taken literally. The text teaches several things that contradicted Jewish thought. They taught the rich were blessed and the poor were cursed and lost. The believed they were saved through their heritage rather than Christ. that is why Lazarus is in Abrahams bosom. The parable also teaches that mere miracles of themselves will not bring about conviction or redemption because Christ did raise a man named Lazarus but it did no good to the Jewish nation. And with reference to the great gulf, that supports the truth that there are no second chances for salvation after death and that there is no contact with the living after you are dead. (Eccl. 9:5-6) It also teaches that while we are saved by grace through faith we are judged by our works and the rich man had no works of love. (Rev. 20: 12) If this were not a parable would the Angels carry Lazarus to the bosom of Abraham or to Christ? The rich man had 5 brothers, so did Judah, the father of the Jewish nation. Some may say 11 but the other 6 were half brothers. And if it were a literal story would the rich man want only enough water to wet his tongue or would he ask for a swimming pool or a near-by lake? Final thought, Sam has much too offer but no one man understands the whole bible, there is wisdom in many counsellors. In my understanding, hell fire annihilates the sinner. The fire goes out once the sinner has been punished for his sins. What is eternal about hell fire is that the consequences of the fire are eternal and not the fire. Read the book the fire that consumes by William Edward Fudge or listen on line and you will never again believe in eternal hell fire. For the God we serve is love and love will punish but never torture for eternity, that is Demonic. Limbo. Purgatory, eternal hell fire are RC teachings from the dark ages.
@sinclairr77 22 дня назад
Can u explain Ecclesiastes chapter 9 “the dead know nothing” and in the grave “there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom” ?
@DavidKing-qd3sp Месяц назад
Hades (Greek) means the Grave not a pit of fire SAM is WRONG but the unlearned suck it all up
@biso5749 Месяц назад
Sam, i fully agreed with your teaching this by Holy Spirit-but somehow still confused how you agree to catholic doctrins with purgatory-and prays for those who died…
@signorsoprano541 Месяц назад
Seems the point Yeshua is really trying to make has nothing really to do with the afterlife, per se, but rather He is making a point about the Pharisees, which was His custom (He constantly spoke about the Pharisees and pointed out how they are wrong and leading the people to destruction). Seems the immediate point that Yeshua is trying to convey that the Pharisees's belief that simply because they are physically descended from Abraham that they will receive the rewards of God's Kingdom is not the case, which is a point Yeshua made many times. The rich man clothed in purple are the wealthy and ruling Pharisees, who lead the people astray and steal from the treasuries and whatnot. And does not Lazarus represent the normal Israelites who are looking to the Pharisees to teach them correctly the things of God as He conveyed them to Moses? Not saying what Sam is saying about the afterlife is not true. I'm just pointing out the first and immediate point of the parable.
@NicDamon-sp2mh Месяц назад
Your speaking as all this happen. It's a parable. I'm a believer in the Bible. But you can't use a parable as if it's something that really happens. These is a lot to learn from it. I have wondered for some time if we soul sleep. This video doesn't proven anything in my opinion. The best place in the Bible I find something about this is when Jesus says not to fear man but to fear God who can kill the body and soul.
@FatT45 Месяц назад
What does the "he will wipe away evwry tear in Heaven"? Is it bwcause of the knowledge of the Earth or Hell and who is there, becasue we will see what Jesus sacrifice coat him and the Father, or because we will weep tears of joy being with our Lord?
@rolandolugo5135 Месяц назад
And nothing about purgatory… because it doesn’t exist…
@christophblaeser Месяц назад
The oligarchs and the billionaires and many millionaires and even I (with minimum wage in Germany); who live a better life than the poor, living on the streets, drown on the sea while fleeing from war, poor condtions; have to and should fear the punishment of hell so that they and I, do better than the rich man in Jesus' parable.
@kpriede2050 Месяц назад
You kind of repeat the same thing over and over and over again. Could be 10min shorter.
@DakotaHighlander Месяц назад
The great gulf is the space between the core of earth and the invisible cities (Abraham’s Bosom) located in the spirit realm in Earth’s upper atmosphere. There is an astral plane existence which shares the same space as physical objects but not sharing the same dimension, and Sheol shares the same space as the earth’s core but has no light so there is nothing to see, but God provided temporary illumination and also allowed his condemned eyes to see through the Earth’s layers all the way to the cities in the astral plane which share the same space as the earth’s atmosphere, so the great gulf Abraham described was actually a misunderstanding of the reality that God gave them both X-Ray vision and telescopic vision so that they could spot each other through the entire radius of the freakin planet haha! The Father’s house is a megalopolis on the Sun in the astral plane while Abraham’s bosom, which has been empty since the Resurrection is a megalopolis in the earths atmosphere in the astral plane, and when Elijah went up, he went up into this city in the sky, not to the Father’s house, and I believe this is the only recorded sample in history of what happened when a believer died before Christ rose again: an angel arrived in a chariot of fire and they rode towards a tornado in the astral plane and were caught up in the wind and went up into the sky like a spiral staircase. Now that Christ rose from the dead, according to visitations that people have had, it seems that flying angels take you by the hand and carry you like a plane carries a sign behind it and takes us to the sun’s surface, but our soul doesn’t see the sun and only sees the city in the astral plane.
@jacobkuhn4487 14 дней назад
Thank you . For teaching me this and thank you lord for this truth .
@lyndon633 Месяц назад
HEAVY REVIE - thanks for the meat - chops and steaks
@in_the_night_watches Месяц назад
Thank you. Great exegesis.
@amildas Месяц назад
My oh my everything you said Sam is the same thing that was said by those people who claimed to went to hell and came back to life have said. scary because it means it's true. Hell is real
@edmcn9160 Месяц назад
HI, As a Christian how do we deal with burial at death? Cremation or burial? Does it matter?
@justice8718 Месяц назад
Jesus only cares if it fulfilled prophecy or not.
@JeanLouiseHallal 2 месяца назад
Ecclesiastical 10:9 says we know nothing when we Die?
@atgred Месяц назад
Yes. But read the context. It is writing from a mere human thought perspective. It is showing you that without the Wisdom of God we say stupid things. Because in this same book we have phrases like “eat, drink and be merry because tomorrow we will die”. You think that is the thought of someone with God’s Wisdom?
@keironmoore7480 Месяц назад
It's referring to the state of the body when it dies. All vital functions of the body ceases.
@zellerized Месяц назад
Ecclesiastes 9:10. Its contrasting the evil with the righteous. The dead, nonbelieving know nothing without God. You didnt read the book but you should also learn about Hebraisms so you know that all is vain under the sun, which means "without God".
@prrquaa Месяц назад
What do you guys think about near death experiences?
@sebastianbucur5135 Месяц назад
The jews say that Adam and maybe Seth too were berried in the cave of Machpelah - hence why he insisted to buy it.
@reggiesmith5909 Месяц назад
Your discrimination of the dogs is not based on scriptures. Stop adding to scriptures.
@RobertZulueta-s8e Месяц назад
No Sam....telling others to repent is godly as well...
@angeloachuil4944 Месяц назад
If the spirit can be rewarded or tormented at death away from the body, then what is the resurrection and final judgment for at the end?
@brianarmstrong9118 Месяц назад
Sam he did ask for mercy. But good teaching
@ChooseLife-rb3uk Месяц назад
Q for Catholic? Where is purgatory .
@JoanGraves-e5t Месяц назад
Moses and the profits were there with Abraham?
@vakazxinalauz9420 Месяц назад
Praise GOD almighty Jesus Christ of Nazareth amen 🙏❤️
@petegallegos827 Месяц назад
Read 2nd Esdras 7:70 to the end of the chapter.
@highlanderthegreat 15 дней назад
@intentionally-blank 10 дней назад
I've wondered about that myself. Reading the surrounding context here and even prior to this singular passage helps. But he who is joined with all the living has hope, for a living dog is better than a dead lion. For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten. Their love and their hate and their envy have already perished, and forever they have no more share in all that is done under the sun. - Ecclesiastes 9:4-6 ESV So I'm thinking the point is a comparison to the living having forward hope whereas for the dead this has concluded. Not that they don't have awareness, but it's now fixed. Life having a boundary at death. Jesus=Yeshua explains this in the exchange about Lazarus and the unnamed rich man, what happens after death and this passage must be interpreted in that light. Not all was known prior to his appearing. I run into difficult to understand scripture such as in Proverbs as well where there may be a Hebrew idiom that is lost on me. I'll keep this on my research list as often something else leads to a deeper understanding of scripture. Peace!
@malakiyahamari8448 Месяц назад
Hmmmmm🤔 I'll have to listen to this a few more times.
@Stefan-X24 Месяц назад
Abraham's bosom is purgatory?
@tauoahead4505 Месяц назад
Brother Sam. Luke 16: ‘Lazarus and the Rich man’ is not a parable. This is a real story of what was happening in the real life. Jesus said “There was a rich man….,” check it brother.
@ChristOverAllJeremy Месяц назад
Watch till the end!
@Mr10glorious Месяц назад
Father Abraham have mercy on me send Lazarus! He did not just say Abraham, son, Lazarus! He cried for mercy!
@angelgonzalez9614 Месяц назад
This was an idiom. It wasn't meant to be taken literally. Soul sleep belief was their before the SDA church. Abraham Bosom is metaphorical. I do believe in hell, but it was made for the fallen angels. Jeremiah 32:35. These hell tortures never entered Gods mind . The gnashing of teeth was meant for the lake of fire. I may be wrong tho.
@ChristOverAllJeremy Месяц назад
You didn’t watch till the end. It happened.
@jakejonmul 10 дней назад
One thing we have to remember with parables, they are stories. They are not meant to be literal. We can't take too much from them besides in regards to salvation. You can't make theology of the afterlife out of them. This is a common teaching tool in that culture. The average person even knew this. They know it's fiction, even if maybe some real names are used.
@intentionally-blank 10 дней назад
Is this a parable such as you suggest? Jesus=Yeshua spoke parables and noted when they were that. Further, he explained them afterward. Is Abraham real? He specifically refers to Lazarus by name and the rich man without a name, which might even have more meaning as a few passages prior we see the Pharisees were present where Yeshua spoke of the evil of money (Luke 16:14). Pay no attention to bible headers that say something is a parable - only what Yeshua said. Finally, what in the account differs from what is taught in scripture, specifically what was revealed in the new testament through the apostles and others that was otherwise unknown before Yeshua walked? With many such parables he spoke the word to them, as they were able to hear it. He did not speak to them without a parable, but privately to his own disciples he explained everything. - Mark 4:33-34 ESV I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings from of old, things that we have heard and known, that our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD (YHVH), and his might, and the wonders that he has done. - Psalm 78:2-5 Shalom!
@elguan737 Месяц назад
Did anyone else's hair stood at the end?
@terryharmon8503 Месяц назад
Question. When the Pharasees brought the adulterous woman in front of Jesus in the Temple and he wrote on the ground, was the ground in the Temple covered in dirt or was it stone?
@ce6236 5 дней назад
@Sweetonionct Месяц назад
What’s interesting also is that God said to Abraham “I will bless you, and the world will be blessed through you.” God gave Abraham wealth, which he then used to bless others. The rich man had wealth, and didn’t even give crumbs to Lazarus. This adds to the significance of seeing Abraham, and how the rich man, even in torment, wants Abraham to be generous.
@ifeawosika966 Месяц назад
Blessed means saved in this case. It wasn't of monetary value.
@Sweetonionct Месяц назад
The first word ברכ, yes. More specifically it means literally to kneel like in prayer to give honor. But the second word is ברכה, which is referring to a physical blessing like giving gifts and generosity. And we see Abraham’s generosity demonstrated throughout his life.
@ifeawosika966 Месяц назад
@Sweetonionct Genesis 22:18 says in thy seed shall all nations of the earth will be blessed. I take this as Jesus came from the lineage of Abraham. All nations are blessed through God's steadfastness for us. Abraham was by no means a poorman. So I'd say wealth is a tertiary aspect.
@Sweetonionct Месяц назад
Right, but that word in Gen. 22:18 is still ברך (misspelled it before), which is indeed prophesying of Jesus. Basically because Abraham blessed people on earth, God will bless the earth spiritually. Sort of how David built God a house, and God told David He would build David a house.
@TeStOs78 Месяц назад
It's a parable and "the rich man" in the parable represents the Jewish nation, while "Abraham" represents God.
@Iampowerful8 Месяц назад
Abraham is the father of Faith.
@salsalazar9063 Месяц назад
This is not a parable!!
@alkantibo2 Месяц назад
this is why I am not a catholic anymore,. i do not believe in purgatory
@CollinsSheen Месяц назад
@gabrielhinojosa8183 Месяц назад
he’s just confused
@DaddyKratosOfTheShire Месяц назад
@Christiangirl007 Месяц назад
@samehyoussef5086 Месяц назад
@Tu-Vi-Dau-So Месяц назад
wow, 40 years as a Christian, I dont recognize this point at all even though I have heard this story 1000 times WOW!, Thanks Sam
@biso5749 Месяц назад
Thank you Holy Spirit-thru Sam, your warrior-our teacher-i understand Your Words-trully amazing. Thank you sam. God bless you
@Tu-Vi-Dau-So Месяц назад
Glorified Body! That is what Christ has promised us . We dont just live as Angel, but also with a glorified body
@toivotorvinen Месяц назад
I have a friend who does not believe in Hell. Just calls it the garbage dump. Thinks all are saved. Everyone goes to heaven. Reads the Literal Bible. Cannot get thru the veil put up. Sad.
@airgunslugslingers Месяц назад
@FatT45 Месяц назад
Thank you Sam as Ive always been confused and actually told people, " well so and so cant be in Heaven unless God being in Eternity doesnt experience time and once we die we already there as the Paul tells us first thw dead in Christ will raise. Awesome yeaching and clarification
@ashleeheaston2202 Месяц назад
I wish you would do lessons on how to study the Bible and find the corresponding verse the way you do. There is just so much and it so overwhelming.
@Steve-gn9nz Месяц назад
Praise The Lord for ur gift of teaching Sam! I got so much from this…u are a blessing to me and I’m sure to many others…peace be upon u🙏
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