
road rage on cyclist 

Jake Parks
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Lady in BMW 328i gets mad about biker riding on the road, then proceeds to yell at me about it. I think she thought I was the other guy.
Washington state law allows bicycles to ride in the road and act like a motor vehicle, or ride on the sidewalk and obey pedestrian laws.
This happened in Bremerton, WA on 11th Ave near Naval. If you're curious, yes you can read her license plate, it is BEU3630. I reported it to police once I got home, but apparently I have to report it immediately for them to dispatch a patrol to the area, otherwise they won't do anything unless I was injured.



17 сен 2024




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@prettysasquash5275 7 лет назад
She is an idiot, and what a great parent to curse like that with her child in the car. Some people have no class. Keep riding safely.
@bboy1hunnid329 7 лет назад
Pretty Sasquash I mean you also have to teach your kids not to be a punk and stand up for yourself when you believe something is wrong. (Even though she was wrong)
@corvusboreus2072 7 лет назад
There is a big difference between righteously 'standing up for yourself' and stupidly starting shit by going off half-cocked and abusing random strangers.
@OttawaDriving 7 лет назад
How sad...lady road raging at another road vehicle while child sits in the back and looks on.
@dixunang3424 7 лет назад
Ottawa Driving
@ctbdids3437 7 лет назад
Whilst legal, dangerous to be on the sidewalk. Wrong of her to display anger towards you and use her car as a weapon. Different position here in the UK. If there's a path (sidewalk) along a road you must ride on the road. Road sense, positioning and comunication make for safer riding imho.
@cyclistar7601 7 лет назад
Regardless to anything else, I love the "Get on the sidewalk, you are not a car" just after she mounts the sidewalk with her car.
@WestcliffGoPro 7 лет назад
Harrogate Cyclist lol 😂
@RealmsofPixelation 7 лет назад
Lol that ignorant woman in the BMW...is just another classic example of a driver that assumes they know the laws. That cyclist DOES NOT have to get out of the road. She must wait for a safe pass or ride behind. That is the law.
@VPPAF 7 лет назад
nice language for her kid to hear
@TastyBega 7 лет назад
funny, here in Australia your not allowed to ride bikes on footpath. must ride on road.
@DanielBrotherston 7 лет назад
This is the embodiment of "all cyclists are the same"...what ignorance. And in front of a child...she should be ashamed of her self.
@k-rj740 7 лет назад
Here is some info about cycling on a sidewalk and vehicular cycling: “*Wouldn’t you just be safer biking on the sidewalk*?” While biking on the sidewalk would eliminate the very rare overtaking crash, it would increase the bicyclist’s risk for the far more common right hooks, left crosses, and drive-outs, and would make left turns far more complicated and less safe for the cyclist. Sidewalks present many more blind spots and physical hazards (such as poles, newspaper boxes, and intruding shrubs and tree limbs) than roadways do. If there’s a sidewalk on the left side of the road, but not the right side, cyclists would be traveling against the flow of traffic, which has been shown in traffic safety studies to increase the cyclist’s crash risk by a factor of four. “*Biking in the middle of the lane like that sure looks dangerous*.” Driving in the middle of the lane actually protects cyclists against the most common motorist-caused crashes: sideswipes, right hooks, left crosses, and drive-outs. A bicycle driver’s top safety priority is to ensure he or she can be seen by motorists with whom they might potentially be in conflict, and bicycling in the middle of a lane is one of the most effective ways to do that. Most overtaking crashes involve a motorist who attempts to squeeze past (illegally) in a lane that is too narrow to share. “*I thought bicyclists had to keep all the way to the right*.” While most states do say that bicyclists must drive as close as “practicable” or as “safe” to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, they also provide many exceptions to this rule, including: •When overtaking and passing another vehicle •When traveling at or near the same speed as other traffic •When preparing for a left turn •Where a lane is too narrow to share safely with another vehicle •To avoid any condition that makes it unsafe to continue along the right-hand curb or edge Many surface hazards - such as potholes, puddles, debris, and broken glass - are more common near the edge of the roadway. Keeping to the right can often hide a bicyclist from a turning motorist at the critical time and place. Check out this animation to see all the hazards a bicycle driver faces when trying to stay to the right. “*You’re gonna get run over*.” Bicyclists across the nation who drive their bicycles in this manner have logged millions of miles without serious crashes or injuries. By comparison, bicyclists who hug the edge of the road, or ride on the sidewalk get into crashes much more frequently. “*You’re impeding traffic*.” All road users routinely and legally delay other road users. “Impeding” is when a driver delays others in a particular way that has been defined by the state to be unlawful. A motorist waiting to make a left turn from a two-lane street will delay motorists behind him. Transit buses stop to pick up and drop off passengers. Pedestrians in crosswalks delay motorists who are required to yield to them. Convenience must take a back seat to safety. In our training courses we teach cyclists how to minimize the delay they might cause to other road users, while still driving in the safest possible manner. It’s rare for a bicyclist to cause more than 30 seconds of delay to passing motorists. On the other hand, traffic lights are often as long as 90 seconds. cyclingsavvy.org/hows-my-driving/
@Studzuki 7 лет назад
K-R J that is some great info, thanks!
@mindedchaos 7 лет назад
K-R J I ride on paths fuck riding on roads
@ingeposch8091 7 лет назад
+Jackboy i live in the Netherlands, we have some great cycling-infra here.. however i can't always make use of it, for i ride a transport-bicycle with HUGE panniers filled with MAIL. during the first hours of my mailround i'm exempted of the use of, even the mandatory, cycle lane. why? because when my panniers are filled to the hilt, the back of my bicycle is over 1m30 wide! in places like shown in this vid, where there is NO cycle lane i ride on the road, and.... I TAKE THE LANE! which is the safest way to cycle for it prevents morons (as i suspect you are one) to make a close pass at me and when they, against ALL better judgement, still do so, i have some room left for an evasive action. it is NOT SAFE for a cyclist to ride on the pavement or in the gutter!! have a nice day, and... LEARN HOW TO DRIVE SAFELY!!
@bboy1hunnid329 7 лет назад
Bruh that's too long I ain't even read shit you had to say all I know is hold this L for taking all your sweet time to type that bruh bruh
@ingeposch8091 7 лет назад
2things Bboy... 1. i'm not your "bruh". 2. your writing skills are possibly even worse than your reading skills.... greetings from Noord-Scharwoude, the Netherlands.
@jhheadley 6 лет назад
Why are you on the sidewalk? That's very dangerous at that speed. Also confusing for traffic because you keep going back and forth.
@AJGeeTV 7 лет назад
What a horrible place to cycle - and what horrible people!
@Studzuki 7 лет назад
AJGeeTV I just saw one horrible person... the one that yelled at me.
@oxnardmontalvo7749 6 лет назад
Well... this isn't a bike a lane. from my point of view - going on the road is the only way to go. becasue there is no way for pedestrians left when a cyclists uses it, also when another road crosses, you always have to go around the corner a bit, to actually cross the road- casue of the curb stones. so yeah - the bmw lady is a nutjob, but I would drive on the road if I'd live there. cycling on a sidewalk is way more dangerous.
@loknlode 7 лет назад
BEN3530 or 3830. I would give that video to the cops Jake. She can't pull up on the sidewalk like that. But it's a typical BMW driver. Apparently when you buy one, you get to drive and park however you want. And be a jerk.
@jazzzzdude 7 лет назад
It's reassuring to know that BMW drivers are tossers in the US too, not just the UK.
@Himitsu_Chan 7 лет назад
In germany aswell lol
@norton750commando 7 лет назад
I can confirm the same in Canada.
@lauraam4608 7 лет назад
Generalize much ? Not sure what you think you're modeling as a parent or for anyone on RU-vid without a healthy skepticism that there is any validity to the opinions that are not unifying in nature...
@Studzuki 7 лет назад
These generalizations are important to bikers that rely on the courtesy and skills of other drivers to prevent getting hit by cars, and they have some science to back them up. I won't immediately judge somebody that drives a BMW, but I will typically give them wider berth in case they decide to do something stupid. jalopnik.com/science-confirms-that-bmw-and-prius-drivers-are-the-wor-1120783177
@jeremyb1975 7 лет назад
Had a similar aggressive driver in Auburn, WA...he didn't like the fact that we were riding in the lane, even though we were close to the edge. So he honked several times and then moved in on my riding partner to push him into the shoulder (which was about to end in half a block). Unbeknownst to him (and us) there was an unmarked cop car behind him and they actually pulled him over.
@Studzuki 7 лет назад
jeremyb1975 Yikes! good time to have the cops there for you.
@NinjallenC 6 лет назад
I want her to find this video and read the comments.
@twhiz5611 7 лет назад
I was riding home from work and someone did the same thing to me. I just ignored it and continued on. I got nothing to prove and no time for assholes.
@OnYourLeft 7 лет назад
With those speeds, I'd have been in the center of the right lane. But if she tried to block my path like that for any reason (a dangerous and selfish move), I probably would have run into her car. She'd then get out, and I'd call the cops and let them view the footage at the scene. Make her stay put for a while.
@OnYourLeft 7 лет назад
And drivers in Washington suck. I lived there for a couple of years. I hated driving and riding there.
@calebpetrick4819 6 лет назад
Is it ironic that the guy riding on the road broke no laws, while they guy on the sidewalk is breaking some (e.g. going through red crossings and jumping up curb). Yet she yelled at the wrong guy who was breaking the law, while thinking it was the guy that wasn't breaking the law... To tell him to do what the law breaker was doing?
@alavista4218 6 лет назад
"She picked on the wrong guy." You did nothing...
@jeffbrunton3291 7 лет назад
In the U.K. You cannot cycle on the sidewalk, but usually it does no harm, so mostly folks recognise that it is often safer and fine Interesting to see that it is legal in your state But her driving her CAR onto the sidewalk in front of some one is always going to be an offence. And nice language with her kids in the car And it always gets me that half of drivers want us off the road, and the other half complain when we are on the sidewalk
@detlev9486 7 лет назад
Be careful. This seems dangerous. Stay safe bro ✌🏻
@MrkiSerbian 7 лет назад
This is not road rage. That is stupid yelling.
@banzairunner9997 7 лет назад
You gotta be nuts these days to ride that bicycle in the road… People texting and not paying attention... just a matter of time
@northof7570 7 лет назад
I would like to share my story I bike every where i mostly allways use side walk because my experience with drivers with road rage any way this day the side walks were very busy so i was riding the road a man behind me started honking and yelling get off the F#%&ing road i ignored him just wanting to get far up enough past the walkers he got more inpatient when i did not respond he sped up hitting my back tire i wiped out luckily i was fine i was mad ready to fight lol he gets out hes a huge body builder looking guy he grabs my bike and throws it on the sidewalk he gets in the truck drives away.I decided to let it go.Here comes the best part! i get back on the sidewalk two minutes later a cop pulls up beside me i figured its about the guy who almost killed me.He sais its illegal to ride my bike on the side walk and gives ma a TICKET! I try to tell him about the incident and he rolls his eyes and leaves .Still i would rather the ticket then dead like so many innocent bikers their is a certain stigma when it comes to drivers and bikes on their roads
@vindicator05 7 лет назад
Yikes! That child! Another shirt and you get some perfect Chucky at 2:05
@CrimsonKnight813 6 лет назад
You handled that well. :)
@Tracks777 7 лет назад
Nice video! Keep it up!
No both are wrongs its illegal for cyclist to ride on the sidewalk. Plus she can be charged for harassment. She owes you an apology. Now if she refuses to you need to call Police and press charges for harassment.
@Studzuki 7 лет назад
Safety First Sorry, that is wrong in Washington State. app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=46.61.755
@mindedchaos 7 лет назад
Safety First not in the uk police don't do shit I ride on paths I rather ride on there than be splattered by some dick in a car
Police has started ticking wreck less drivers and rule breakers....
@robtheslob5264 7 лет назад
Most states allow cycling on most sidewalks while prohibiting doing so "within a business district", typically your high pedestrian traffic, downtown areas.
@HidingCorpses 6 лет назад
She's my kind of woman. I would have got her number.
@WokeSteve 6 лет назад
Frustrating to have these bikes in the way,there should be a bike lane.
@budmax777 6 лет назад
My fave jumps man..
@sognsvann3 7 лет назад
haha you neigthboorhoodstreets are the same size as the motorways here in norway
@seansean9675 7 лет назад
washing state law allows bicycles to ride on the sidewalk and obey pedestrian laws. does that include your "jaywalking" as 0.46?
@Studzuki 7 лет назад
I started out as a kid crossing the street without using a crosswalk. I moved on to harder crimes like diagonally walking across four way stops. Now its so bad that I've resorted to videoing myself going against red ped lights. It's getting out of control and I was hoping somebody would notice and care enough to tell me to stop. I even try to hide my crimes amongst the chaos of this road raging MILF. Sean Sean, I'm glad you found me out. I'm glad you took the time to show you care about my safety. I need to change and it will be hard, but you've helped me take the first step and realize I have a problem. Thanks buddy.
@seansean9675 7 лет назад
jake parks, that is actually a really funny response lol
@rd58rd58 7 лет назад
whether you have to dismount in a crosswalk depends on the state. Jake's use of the crosswalk though was not dangerous to anyone. But I have seen cyclists going in one direction with traffic, then hook into perpendicular r crosswalk at speed and expect to be yielded too when that is not reasonable.
@chris_noswe 7 лет назад
Riding on the sidewalk... Thumbs up!
Добрая весть 😂
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