
Roasting my Audience's Favourite Anime 

Glass Reflection
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@DavidDyrewolf Год назад
12:50 I'm that guy who answered Gintama and said this was the easiest question ever. It's funny, when people ask what my favorite movie or song is, I always struggle to come up with an answer. However, when people ask what my favorite anime is, Gintama comes out so easily. It has been my favorite anime since 2016 and I actually caught up and watched the show alongside the final 3 arcs as they came out. To this day, no anime or piece of media has given me the joy or made me feel emotions to the extent Gintama has. Which probably sounds super strange to anyone who hasn't seen the show to the end. It is my favorite anime and will likely be my favorite for years to come.
@tokugawashigeshige8862 Год назад
Based answer- I didn't need to think about it either. I've considered it my #1 since it ended, but even years before then, I knew it would take the top spot as long as it properly adapted the ending of the manga (which I hadn't even read, but trusted would be great).
@cthellis Год назад
I find “top X” to be difficult and with a tendency to fluctuate depending on mood. And while my top two as much by the manga as the anime (especially since the Space Brothers and Chihayafuru anime are not finished) I do feel comfortable seating them at the head of the table. Maybe because they are just underwatched by the community, so it always gives me an excuse to wax poetic and encourage other people to watch. Anyway, I’ll be surprised if they go anywhere for a while.
@DavidDyrewolf Год назад
@cthellis I love Space Brothers but fell off of Chihayafuru in the third season. Being incomplete is the only thing keeping Space Bros off of my favorites list and A1's best shows list
@OliveDasi Год назад
Fellow Gintama here!
@Jtr_ceral_killer Год назад
i applaud you good taste sir. i forgot about the voting and Gintama would have been my number 1 as well.
@russell5700 Год назад
I'm one of those 17 people who put down Legend Of The Galactic Heroes. Not only have I watched the entire series twice but I've also read the original novels. On my MAL list it is one of three shows that has a 10. As challenging as it may be to recommend the show especially to newcomers, if you can tolerate the dated animation, it's in my opinion easily a masterpiece.
@russell5700 Год назад
As a side note, if the episode count of the OVA is intimidating, the same studio released two movies that remake and expand on the first two episodes of the series. My recommendation would be to watch those if nothing else to understand what the enthusiasts of this show like about it so much. Names: Legend of the Galactic Heroes: My Conquest is the Sea of Stars Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Overture to a New War
@raywilliam7483 Год назад
do you have a recommended watch order for the shows since I see they have a remake?
@russell5700 Год назад
@@raywilliam7483 I have not watched the remake so I can't comment on it. My understanding is that it has only adapted about a third of the story at this time.
@zotaninoron3548 Год назад
@@raywilliam7483 I watched all of the original series after watching the first season of the remake, learning it was a remake, and being unsatisfied with where it had left off at the time. I think rather enjoyed the original series quite a bit. Wouldn't call it my favorite anime ever. I think I prefer it to the remake it many ways. tbh.
@aidanb4477 Год назад
I think it's probably the best story anime has told in my opinion, but it definitely is not super rewatchable due to its heaviness and length. Love that show though.
@MikeyInsanity Год назад
"My audience does not have bad taste." High honor.
@tonythekillab8189 Год назад
If Tristan Ever wanted to Start Internet drama with Joey and Garant, he could take solice in saying his fan base has better taste in anime than them.
@NosstheBoss Год назад
@@tonythekillab8189 Hell yeah!
@metricstormtrooper Год назад
I do 😁
@ShenSeiken Год назад
4chan eagerly awaits next year's polling.
@hogue3666 Год назад
Challenge accepted
@ElysianLys Год назад
Natsume's Book of Friends made me the person I am today. The protagonist's gentleness and vulnerability gave me the push I needed to be kinder and open with the people I love (even when I felt like I needed to keep my pain all to myself), and I'll always hold it in the highest regard because of the profound impact it had on me. But Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu is way up there for the sheer ARTISTRY. I'm not immune to loving Big Shounen Thing, I too cried during Fullmetal Alchemist, but for me, it's the smaller gems that make the biggest impact specifically Because it feels more private and special if it isn't everywhere. I really love your idea that your new favorite anime is just beyond the corner and I'm looking forward to finding more in the future! (Putting this here because despite being subscribed for years, I MISSED THE DANG SURVEY.)
@Javier-rm6ql Год назад
I am so happy to read someone mention that Natsume Book of Friends. Such a good story.
@alexandergifford Год назад
I mean I listed Natsume's Book of Friends as my favourite in the survey and was really disappointed when it didn't get a mention. It really is such a delightful show and I will forever lament that it doesn't really have a following in the West.
@ConvincingPeople Год назад
The only reason I haven't seen more than two episodes of Natsume's Book of Friends is that the episode with the tiny shrine god with only one worshipper made me sob so hard that I had to stop watching the show and never got back to it. For me, that's an endorsement.
@UltimateTrainer Год назад
There's a reason why Countries in most forms have a dropdown with a limited list of countries so its easier categorize the people from US and UK
@alpine1600s Год назад
The UK isn't a country. It's a conglomerate. 🤣
@sirrliv Год назад
I have to wonder how many people from the US answered with their home state rather than their country. I admit, I did; Howdy from Texas. Other countries have states/counties. Why isn't that level of pride as much of a thing outside of the US (except for edge cases like Yorkshire)?
@machina5 Год назад
@@alpine1600s lol ecksdee
@lethanerplays5284 Год назад
@sirrliv because in terms of the UK, the entirety of England, Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland is only like 1/3 the size of Texas
@Gappasaurus Год назад
@@alpine1600s Yet it’s still referred to as a “country” more often than not 🤷‍♀️ Same with the USSR back in the day. Blame majority public perception.
@PinkSakuraFlower1 Год назад
To be fair, when you asked us for our favourite anime, my brain went through a roller coaster and got stalled twice
@borgtennis Год назад
Ha ha ha, same here!!
@paulkemner829 Год назад
I could maybe pick by genre, maybe... but I like different shows for very different reasons. I wonder if that's more common for the people who can't decide easily.
@PinkSakuraFlower1 Год назад
@@paulkemner829 At least for me, I'm in a similar boat. My favourites anime for their own reasons, but when deciding on an all-time favourite anime; it could rang from the anime encapsulate a lot of things you like or choose how special it is to your heart or how you would define what is your favourite anime.
@Lukiel666 Год назад
So true. Do I go with the first one that got me interested; Miyu Vampire Princess? The one Lodoss War that my friend helped make a fan dub of for the university of Toronto Japanese cultural association? I got in to anime when my friend introduced me to VHS and then later imported laser disc.
@kenban8533 Год назад
I wouldn't have picked Stein's Gate for number one, but can't say just how happy it makes me to see it there. You're right. Your audience has great taste.
@kingdoom5022 Год назад
Evangelion at 3rd place is 🗑️ taste , also steins gate is overrated , its not even better than steins gate 0 lol
@stanleyteriaca2184 Год назад
Great taste? Are we cannibal eating anime fans?
@kylekgh Год назад
@@kingdoom5022 Not everyone should be entitiled to an opinion 🤦‍♂ How can you be so wrong
@wraithflaire1639 Год назад
I feel at least 5% of people who said Stein's gate voted for it to seem cool. That anime has a certain main stream pseudo edgy quality to it.
@Paradox-es3bl Год назад
Honestly, I enjoyed the movie way more... but I think it requires watching the series, first. Otherwise the quasar pulse of feels wouldn't have had any effect, really.
@ShroomKeppie Год назад
I've been writing software for databases for over 35 years now, and what you do NOT do when creating a poll is allow free-form text for things like "Where are you from?" You create a dropdown select list, or radio buttons, but NEVER NEVER NEVER free-form text. You're lucky you didn't get a bunch of "Texas" entries, though I'd bet you actually did.
@Sylancewillfall Год назад
For me, Baccano. Very few anime of that length had such a high level of detail and world building. An absolute peak of perfection. World building, good animation, multiple story lines and graphic content. Had it all in spades... need to rewatch it quick see you all soon!
@LaddRusso91 Год назад
Also the music was dope. Back when it came out, it was one of my favourite
@Sylancewillfall Год назад
​@LaddRusso91 the opening alone shows how good it is. Also love the irony of me discussing this with ladd russo 😂
@BilliamWasserman Год назад
Baccano is what I put as my favorite anime as well! It is so good and accomplishes so much is a relatively short amount of time. Also need to rewatch it again soon!
@asddsa28 Год назад
Same that’s what I put down I love the characters
@VampireHunterC Год назад
I think I wrote down Baccano too!
@JackRackam Год назад
Demon Slayer with only a single vote is shocking! I wonder how many people in your audience are like myself, having been a fan of anime for over 10 years but not having as much time to watch the latest shonen hotness and maybe growing a bit less interested in the genre as a whole. I tend to pick up a series only if it gets a glowing recommendation from yourself or a close friend, or if I know it's a classic that's held up under the test of time Also worth mentioning I put down Shin Sekai Yori as my favorite because it's a fantastic show I never would have discovered without your channel
@XxIcedecknightxX Год назад
Shin Sekai Yori is my no. 1 too, Hell yeah!
@EnzoDraws Год назад
Hey, this video was great and all, but I wish we could like see the actual entire list! In a spreadsheet or something. It would be so interesting to analyze and get the full order.
@amara560 Год назад
Yes that would be awesome!
@ColorMeAya Год назад
Yes please!
@TheMickellPickell Год назад
So happy Made In Abyss made the top 5 for people
@ConvincingPeople Год назад
I wonder how things would break down if you got more granular about people's favourite parts of the series. Like, I unironically really want to meet the kind of weirdos who rank The Golden City of the Scorching Sun over the first season because I have a sneaking suspicion that, like it or not, they are My People and I should be with them.
@marinellovragovic1207 Год назад
​@@ConvincingPeople Welcome friend, for you have found your home.
@Amoneywilson00 Год назад
Legend of the Galactic Heroes is from 80s but still relevant to today.
@BeansWithHam Год назад
Put Darker Than Black as my favourite (well because it is). Everything about the show just hits perfectly for me. The episodic storytelling, the art style, the mystery, the worldbuilding, the music, etc... It's the anime that really got me into thriller-style anime and it's the only show where I own it not once but twice on DVD and blu ray: the individual volumes and the original complete series. I even love season 2 (unpopular opinion, know). It's just a show that has a very special place in my heart.
@DeviousRy Год назад
The ost for season 1 and 2 are amazing, especial the season 2 ova finale
@yunogasai1338 Год назад
Now if only the anime got a rerelease. I only have an omnibus of one of the manga series( the only one that made it to the U.S.)
@pspublic13 Год назад
The first season was god-tier but they should have stopped there.
@CoconutJewce Год назад
Chinese Electric Batman is definitely a great classic that often gets forgotten, I agree.
@CaedenV Год назад
Darker than black is a good one. I don't think it would make my top 10 list anymore, but it is really enjoyable to watch! ... But not gemani... We don't talk about that...
@Ash_Wen-li Год назад
Legend of the Galactic Heroes is legit my favourite anime. It's a perfect storm of things I like: intricate massive plot, space and space battles, classical music, history, complete neutrality of both sides. Silly and dry humor, politics, and Yang Wen-li casually shitting on his corrupt government
@Kristian.B.Kristiansen Год назад
Legend of the Galactic heroes is a one of a kind masterpiece. I have seen hundreds of animes, and nothing does what Lotg does anyway near as good.
@scienceme9794 Год назад
Agreed. There's a reason that it's considered a classic.
@yeetkunedo Год назад
Yeah, the whole “you LOGH fans don’t really exist” shit bothers me. It’s like we can only be elitist pricks or nonexistent. I don’t care if you like something else more than that or have never watched it, I’m happy you love what you love. But I love LOGH.
The grand epic
@WelcomeToDERPLAND Год назад
Yeah, its easily one of the greatest pieces of media ever made- no idea why he acts like its impossible for people to actually like it.
@nick1wasd Год назад
Next time you do something like this, you should mention it at the end of a video; I almost never check community posts, so I missed the whole boat and filled it after the tallies were in (Durarara as favorite btw.) I'd like a breakdown of the other data points like age and spending habits, if only to see what sorta people follow you on the regular
@wormspeaker Год назад
In this episode, an Anime Nerd learns about data cleanup and why you never use a free-form text field when a drop down list can be used instead. But on the subject of favorite anime? I think the only way to answer that one is which anime have I gone back to watch again because I enjoyed it so much the first time... that would be 'Aishiteruze Baby' for me. Hits my dad spot. I haven't watched it again since my daughter was born though. Dad spot getting haymakered already by my little girl. Once she's all grown up I might go back and watch it again.
@Shebeast3 Год назад
love that show 👏
@ravenpotter3 Год назад
Puella magi madoka magica. It’s been my favorite since 5th grade. Every year-ish I rewatch it. I’m in college now It’s not because it was my first real favorite series. I’ve rewatched it many time and have appreciated it more each time! And saw details in the art more each time
@tdata545 Год назад
Awe darn it, I missed the survey. Would have said, easy; "Oh Edo Rocket". A more obscure one, but for some odd reason that one really resonated with me. Edit: BUT, Mob Psycho's getting close to toppling it, haven't finished this finale season. For similar reasons, mixing comedy with a heartwarming tale of perseverance.
@GlassReflection Год назад
Just double checked and yeah, you would have been one of those single vote persons. and I mean it was a Madhouse anime made during the Peak madhouse years but it's just not anywhere near as known as their other works from the time.
@tdata545 Год назад
@@GlassReflection OH I KNOW, and it's not me being pretentious. I REALLY love that anime. I think I came across it on demand, and watched it. Loved the 4th wall breaking and the heart of it all. My favorite cartoon of all time is Rocky and Bullwinkle. I also love the theme song, that's definitely in like my top 25. Still say When They Cry is number one, and then maybe dot hack sign number 2 first opening. Then GITS Stand Alone Complex 1 as three. Which are both animes I mildly like.
@pinkfoxboi1331 Год назад
Yeah I missed it too and I just submitted mine today cuz I figured maybe theirs a chance it could be included n a later vid
@eleinaedelweiss6215 Год назад
Yeah i missed it too. Probably gonna choose bakemonogatari s2.
@haosmagnaingram6992 Год назад
Been meaning to watch it. It’s a Seiji Mizushima and Shou Aikawa show, probably next on my to watch list
@kamuyking551 Год назад
I didn't get to participate in this, but my favorite anime is Golden Kamuy. things like Mob Psycho 100 are up there too, I liked Chainsaw Man, if we're going full recency bias, and in terms of manga, that's my preferred medium in which to enjoy Fullmetal Alchemist. but if we're talking pure brain rot. if we're talking obsession. if we're talking this thing lives in my head rent free. if we're talking I could write 10 pages of analysis at any given moment, basically unprompted... it's Golden Kamuy. I'm aware of the show's flaws... it doesn't look nearly as good as some of the prettier anime on this list, and it trends into weird, off-putting humor that a lot of people would find disturbing, upsetting, or worthy of several content warnings sometimes. but I love chaos, humor, well plotted dramatic themes, and especially the intermingling of those things, and this show feels like it was made for an audience just like me. that's the fun of a niche favorite... not just anyone will like it, but if you do, you'll feel like it suits you more than anything else would. and, most importantly, Golden Kamuy is my favorite because I've had more fun watching that show with my friends than any other show I've watched with them, ever. it literally has the most positivity attached to it of any show I've experienced. I can only hope that this show can do for others what it's done for me.
@aaronstanley6914 Год назад
Dude I got into anime because of you. I watched 90% of all the anime you recommend I the early 2010s. Planetes was just one of them gems you introduced to me.
@YoMateo. Год назад
Who didn’t come from TikTok raise their hands.✋
@Davadro Год назад
Just hearing a single mention of Toradora in a modern youtube video is enough to make me happy.
@devonedwards1364 Год назад
that's actually really sad
@iota-09 Год назад
Ngl i'm still salty that minorin... Yeah.
@PeterIsATeacher Год назад
I was THIS CLOSE to putting Planetes as my favorite, and ended up going with Gurren Lagann because it's an easy-viewing, feel good anime for me, but Planetes was right up there. Thank you for recommending that way back when
@enjaad1654 Год назад
If only the animation was better, Planetes would be amazing. Well, there is still the manga.
@Spinoguy03 Год назад
I raved to my friends about how Mysterious Girlfriend X would just suck you in, swish you around a lot, and then spit you out, yet you'd want to go back for more. There's something about it that was so captivating, even though I couldn't put enough spit on my finger in order to figure it out. I wish I could say it was my favorite anime of all time, it's definitely up there though.
@FengLengshun Год назад
Pictured: least passionate Mysterious Girlfriend X fan. You guys are so weird and based at the same time, I love it.
@Spinoguy03 Год назад
@@FengLengshun lol I need to leave room for others to be more passionate, set the bar low 😅
@pattongilbert Год назад
Mysterious Girlfriend X really is one of my favorite manga. A lovely series.😊
@SCN214 Год назад
Based taste. MGX is also one of my fav romance manga and anime.
@twixraiderhm Год назад
Why is it that hard to believe that Legend of the Galactic Heroes is someone's favorite anime? The criticism it seems to get in this video is because of the high episode count, but then Gintama doesn't get judged by that same standard, despite being more than 3x as long if you watch the entire thing. LoGH is honestly, legitimately, a great show, and the idea that people would miss out on it because it gets painted as a 'meme' show makes me a bit sad :(
@voncho1127 Год назад
Preach it Brother.
@a.thales7641 Год назад
Logh is one of my top 5+1 Anime.
@tiktokexposed898 10 месяцев назад
I think it just gets a bad rap because the annoying elitist fanbase around it. i dont really care people can like what they like but i remember when i first starting watching alot more anime there was this subsection of anime "elitist" that acted like if LotGH and Serial Experients Lain werent your favorite anime you had bad taste and didnt know what good anime was. Any time a show has a annoying fanbase like that surrounding it, the type where its not good enough for them to enjoy something but everyone has to agree or somethings wrong with them, its going to turn people off
@Cometstarlight Год назад
I’ve got a list, but I think the top right now is the original run of Violet Evergarden. The movies make it rank a little different, but Violet Evergarden is just so good that words can hardly describe and I only found it because of your videos. I recommend it to all my friends now (especially people who can’t get into most anime because it’s so different than what most people who aren’t into anime think anime is)
@rroxez4915 Год назад
Ayo saaame. VE became my favorite and gave me my fave female character at the same time
@sirrliv Год назад
I can certainly respect Violet Evergarden being high on one's list. Its technical production aspects, animation, artstyle, music, acting, can put even Makoto Shinkai films to shame. For me though, I couldn't shake the feeling that after Ep. 4 or so, the story's progression just kinda... stopped. Violet by the end of the series was more or less the same character she was at the end of Ep. 4. Having gone back to it more recently, I don't even entirely agree with myself on that score, especially having watched the English dub, which I thought was fantastic. But nonetheless her character growth is very subtle. Most of all, pure personal preference, but I absolutely hate the sense that my heartstrings are being plucked like a harp; I need those emotions and hard feels to be earned, not to be told "This is meant to make you cry, you should be crying now." What broke me on VE were the specials released between the series and the movie, including the "Automatic Machine Doll" sub-movie, which were all the aspects of the series I liked the least brought front and center: Episodic tales of the emotional issues of characters we don't know and don't care about, all with a great big Reset button at the end. They felt like a waste of time and snuffed out all interest in the series for me to the point that I haven't even watched the final movie yet. Tl;dr: Totally respect it, deserves all its accolades, but just didn't click with me.
@Bongkaiii Год назад
There was once a time when I first got into anime where I thought I couldn’t watch anything that wasn’t like DBZ or Bleach, but this channel helped convince me to open my eyes to everything anime had to offer. Some of the first ones I ventured into and enjoyed thanks to Arkada are Mushi Shi, My Teen Romantic Comedy, Death’s Parade, Barakamon, and the influence just took hold after. 😊
@iota-09 Год назад
Underrated comment
@Grimsikk Год назад
Mushishi is an underrated gem of a show. I haven't actually finished it yet, but I go back and watch the next episode every once in a while, because it's such a chill and ethereal show.
@martianpudding9522 Год назад
I think the concept of "favorite" is pretty interesting because it's not necessarily what you think is the best or even what you subjectively enjoyed the most, but more like just the one you feel the most fondness for. So for example if people choose one piece and you say that's just basically the sunken cost fallacy in action, I don't think that actually matters because something can be your favorite just because you spend that much time with it regardless of how good it is. I think personally my favorite tends to be whatever my latest obsession is and I think that's also fine because I guess that's what I really care about most of the time.
@herbertwalter8693 Год назад
the best feeling is when you find something with A LOT of content to obsess over
@quincyquiz Год назад
yes! I'm someone that really cares about the distinction between best and favorite - people do surveys and lists all the time for best anime, but I find that discussions about favorite anime tend to be a lot more interesting and varied
@SCN214 Год назад
Kudos to the people that answered Mysterious Girlfriend X. Us fans really do have an addictive unbreakable bond with Urabe and the anime.
@yunogasai1338 Год назад
Mysterious girlfriend x is so cozy( especially the manga). The world feels very lived in and I like that. The art reminiscent of the nineties probably helps too.
@Le_Dom Год назад
I wrote down Baccano for mine so I think I'm on of the single digits who has that has their favorite
@waltworks8389 Год назад
You made me choose between Princess Tutu, Planetes, Kino no Tabi, Serial Experiments: Lain and Nana, and I hate (love) you for that T.T And yes, it was because of you that I gave a chance to those anime (except Nana, which I then found out is favorite of yours too), which are now my all time favorite
@kingdomdani Год назад
For me, my favorite is and has been Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu S1 specifically. I watched it a year after its airing and it was the first anime that made me feel something more than emotional. S2 was pretty good. In fact it made me bawl my eyes out, but you could see it was losing steam at the end.
@Ash_Wen-li Год назад
Have you seen March Comes in Like a Lion? You'll probably like that too
@FengLengshun Год назад
God, I need to watch the second season of that anime. The OP is just so, so good too.
@CelestiaLily Год назад
especially since his video convinced me to watch it too!!! Like alright go ahead and roast me then xD
@cthellis Год назад
Rakugo is typically my #3. Fights with 3-gatsu a bit, and Kyousougiga. But Space Brothers and Chihayafuru are my so-far-untouchables. Similar to some other series, Rakugo gets emphasis from being a whole story, tightly told, over 1-2 cour.
@kingdomdani Год назад
@@Ash_Wen-li Haven't gotten around it. But I already know I will like it. Serious dramas are my jam.
@hollowaegis3374 Год назад
6:48 I'll admit as someone who put One Piece as his favorite this made me laugh so much, I can't help it okay? It's precisely because of how long I spent with those characters and world that I love it so much lol :') it was tough though because I usually like mentioning my top 3 together instead of just my favorite one
@cerethi. Год назад
I am one of the ones who picked Fruits Basket, and I want to explain part of why. There are so many more reasons than these, but at the core this formed the attachment I have to it. The year after my mother died I watched the original Fruits Basket anime for the first time, and I clung to Tohru. I wanted to be cheerful like her through it. It then became so cathartic for me, because in truth my mother was a pretty awful, abusive person (both physically and mentally) so the other characters having to deal with similar stuff made my attachment to it even stronger. Then finally, I had a daughter, and I wanted to be a mom who was a good mom who could get through depression and still be there and strong as a single mother for my daughter like Kyoko was. I've lost count how many times I've rewatched the first anime, reread the manga, and I've even rewatched the new anime 3 times now.
@PhilosophicalBum21 Год назад
I watched Laid Back Camp because of you, Arkada. And while it's not my favorite anime of all time, it's high up on my list. I watch very few anime multiple times, but I've seen most episodes of it 2-3 times. The soft art style, delicious-looking food, the sound design, the fun traveling, sweet characters, humor: Such a wonderful comfort show. Watching it feels like savoring a hot soup on a cold day. Thank you for your work, Arkada!
@mickbrown7793 Год назад
Pretty sure I put down Legend of Galactic Heroes, making me one of the few. And I was being 100% honest. I'm not saying it's objectively the best, but this is a very subjective question and it hits the notes I like - particularly the movies.
@arisusan5124 Год назад
Man, I was sad not to see MP100 make the list with what a masterwork it’s been for storytelling and animation. Except! If CLANNAD (Combined) slots in below it at number 12, then that means it only barely missed out at spot 11. Not bad for a shiny new anime competing in the nostalgia stakes
@minemasterjake2 Год назад
I remember deliberating between Fullmetal Alchemist: Brootherhood and Soul Eater for my choice of favourite anime quite a lot and FMAB beat it out because of its far more satisfying ending. Soul eater was my gateway into anime after one of my friends was watching episode 6 and I really liked it so I got a full box set of it. That first fight scene's choreography was just *Chefs kiss*.
@Shebeast3 Год назад
I still love soul eater 😁✌️
@KingofCogs1 Год назад
GR, Would you ever consider releasing the whole list with votes? I'm curious to see the raw data.
@timobrenn Год назад
If I filled out the form, Steins;Gate would have included 0 in my mind as it is in the same story. I get explicitly stating Brotherhood because its a completely different adaptation and just "Full Metal Alchemist" tends to mean the 2003 version. Steins;Gate is my 2nd favourite anime of all time, closely behind Mushoku Tensei
@kokoro7996 Год назад
14:00 So glad that Fruits Basket is No. 10! Justice for Laura Bailey’s Tohru voice! Also glad that people picked March Comes in Like a Lion.
@Declan_ChristoTube_VA Год назад
Steins;Gate + Steins;Gate 0 are an inseparable package for me. Total masterpiece.
@rileyspanishgames Год назад
I agree! I think we can ignore the movie of course but to leave Zero out of the equation is doing Steins Gate a huge disservice.
@OniNoSweeney Год назад
My favorite is Revolutionary Girl Utena and I'm very surprised it wasn't even mentioned.
@EnzoDraws Год назад
Kinda surprised and sad to not see HxH(2011) on this list, unless I missed it. It's my personal favorite and I definitely thought it could be in the top 25 or even top 10
@TheArcSet Год назад
I love lots of both versions, but it definitely deserved to be an automatic write in. Though I guess I haven't thought about it for a while, same as D Grey-man.
@FGBFGB-vt7tc Год назад
I have watched "A Place Further than the Universe" twice during the Pandemic. As a person in my forties it is hard to find a show that speaks about my dreams and fears as an adult. The last ime I had a similar experience was with "Space Brothers", which I loved to bits as it spoke to my dreams and the realistic consequences, tradeoffs and joys of following them.
@robreid5229 Год назад
Was suprised at Ghost in the Shell as a franchise not even charting well enough to get a mention all video, but perhaps that's just me being and old head who is out of touch haha. Really enjoyed the video.
@LaddRusso91 Год назад
I always go back to the series and the 1st movie.
I legit shed a tear in hearing number 4 and number 1. They're my favorite shows of all times and I'm proud to see that more than ~20 and ~10 years later they're still so cherished and loved. Quality's just timeless. ❤
@fakesmile172 Год назад
I'm a newer subscriber, brought here by another RU-vidr. I missed the survey, but my favourite anime would probably be Konosuba. While there are a few anime that are more important to me, Konosuba is the one I've rewatched the most, and I love both the Japanese and English voices. I'm excited for the Megumin spinoff and the eventual season 3!
@Yosterix Год назад
I have found that, in particularly long fandoms, peoples first is often their favorite. Final fantasy for example, many people state that 7 is their favorite, and when I talk to them about about it, it is also the first that they played and completed, which for me is 9 (my favorite). If I had to pick a favorite Anime, I would probably say Cowboy Bebop. Sure like most of us (old enough to remember a time before widespread internet and streaming services) in my childhood I watched DBZ, Pokemon, Naruto, Digimon and others because they were in the afterschool cartoon slot. But when looking for something new as an adult, Cowboy Bebop is what I started with and I haven't looked back. Because of that, I've found guilty pleasures and genuine greatness. It's not always about peaking to soon, but where that peak leads you. Psycho Pass (not including the season exclusive to Amazon Prime) Log Horizon Goblin Slayer (I do like an average bloke on a mission) Assassination Classroom The Saga of Tanya the Evil Darwins Game Deadman Wonderland Desert Punk And many many more, all because of Cowboy Bebop.
@TheMonkeee Год назад
Missed the survey but found Hyouka through your video and it became my favourite, so wanted to thank you for that even if this comment goes unnoticed
@chaotic_cassie7915 Год назад
I would like to thank you for your video on Aria- because I’ve rewatched the show around 6 times and it’s my favorite anime, it’s so comforting and relaxing and feels like home now, and didn’t know it existed before that video
@tokugawashigeshige8862 Год назад
I don't think there's any reason to assume bad faith from the people who chose Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It wasn't my answer, but it is a legitimately fantastic series that holds up well. There's pretty much nothing else in anime that compares for people who like political stories with an epic scope.
@unknown123455 Год назад
16:00 I appreciate the video, the list and the subtitles, but at 16:00 for Cowboy Bebop those subtitles said "enemy" instead of "anime," and that that the internet would rank it as being in the best "enemy" lists of all time, which is still perfectly true, considering how good Vicious was as a villain, but also true for best Anime of all time. Its certainly in my top 20. Also, since all of my guesses for your reader's top 10 list were wrong, I shall share my top 10 list with the approach of "Best Anime in Each Genre" instead of "Best Overall Anime Ever Created (based on my preferences)." I think the "Best Anime in Each Genre" is a fairer spread than just top 10 dramatic anime that made me cry inside. "Best Anime in Each Genre (based on the preferences of Shining_Falcon)" 1. Travelling Multi-Country Journey- Sora yori mo Tooi Basho (A Place Further Than The Universe) 2. Mystery- Hyouka 3. Comedy- Kekkai Sensen (Blood Blockade Battlefront) 4. Historical Series- Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn) 5. Emotional Drama- Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April) 6. Historical Film- Kaze Tachinu (The Wind Rises) 7. Multi-Genre, Multi-Character Surprise with Best Multi-Accented Dub- Baccano! 8. Epic Action/Comedy- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (Gurren Lagann) 9. Political Drama- Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch (Lelouch of the Rebellion) 10. Nostalgic Film- Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa (Castle in the Sky) And for the record, I watched Spice and Wolf and Steins; Gate, Nozaki-Kun (Dub), Nichijou (Dub), and Rascal does not Dream of Bunny Girl. Thank you for introducing me to them or convincing me to watch them when I needed a second opinion. Once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH GLASS REFLECTION- ARKADA!!!!!!!!
@eugenefindit Год назад
After so many years watching you, of course there's bound to be at least one show I checked out because of you and really enjoyed. So on that note, thank you for getting me to check out Bokurano and Monster. 😁
@NameHierEinfuegen Год назад
I'm still thankful to that - most likely underpaid - student employee in the manga store that recommended "Monster" and "Blade of the Immortal" to me almost 20 years ago. I asked the guy to recommend me a few manga when I visited that store the first time in my little university town. I picked up both series out of curiosity and stuck with them till the end. "Monster" for the amazing storytelling and "Blade of the Immortal" for the art. (Seriously till today I haven't found a single manga that I would consider superior in style to latter. In a world of fast disposable manga using texture sheets, a fully drawn and hand shaded manga really sticks out.)
@ConvincingPeople Год назад
Two series I really liked but have yet to finish and have two of the best opening themes of all time.
@PeterOHanrahaHanrahan Год назад
My top 5 has got to be as follows (In no particular order): 1.Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 - Deserves more love. 2.Land of the Lustrous - Phos' character arc is brilliant. 3.Ranma 1/2 - Rumiko Takahashi's character writing is next level. 4.Whisper of the Heart - After watching so many romance that are set in high school and what not, this was such a heartwarming breath of fresh air. 5.The Dissapearance of Haruhi Suzumiya Link Click, Kiki's Delivery Service, Love is War, CLANNAD After Story, Yu Yu Hakusho, Perfect Blue, ToRaDoRa and Violet Evergarden as well.
@Grimsikk Год назад
Land of the Lustrous is an underrated gem (pun intended).
@pesGTZ Год назад
Here's my guess for @13:30: 1.) FMAB 2.) Lupin 3.) Cowboy Bebop 4.) Evangelion 5.) Made in Abyss EDIT: Damn, I almost got them all but that top 1 was unexpected
@brianwise5850 Год назад
I give you a thumbs up for Lupin, because a good amount of fun watching that show.
@Snailing_Suika Год назад
Railgun S is my favourite anime (actually all of Railgun and even Index 1 and 2 and also the Accelerator spin off - but not index 3) a single Individual by the name of 10032 made me binge all the 3 lightnovel series OT, NT and GT in 3 weeks alone. I dont just decribe my favourite anime and light novel I mainly describe my favourite anime character as its impossible to tell why I love the show so much without spoilers. I cannot think of a situation when I last was fascinated by a "single" character to this obsessive extend. And fascinated by the moral development of the circumstances and science around this character. despite subjectively speaking: Madoka Magica is the best one ever written to me (like seriously name a single anime with better pacing, character development and over all story and cultural / religious influences all at the same time) and all three with Steins;Gate are tied as number 1.
@pfeilspitze Год назад
"Favorite" is definitely hard to pick, because it can mean so many different things. I'd consider "most rewatched" a different category, though, since my favorite doesn't necessary have the same "that one incredible arc" that other things might, which are more "I just want to see that again tonight".
@Tiederian Год назад
I've love to actually see the whole list
@me-myself76 Год назад
Wait, where does Shinsekai Yori stand amidst all this? I voted for that (with a thank you note, actually).
@themikx2939 Год назад
Maybe only 1 or 2 voted for that one? Which would be a shame cause that’s a great series
@RoughSmoothie Год назад
That makes two of us. Wish we could just see the entire list
@editorkoya Год назад
I did too haha!!
@iota-09 Год назад
@@themikx2939 admittedly i wouldn't be surprised, ssy along humanity has declined are two great shows that were considered among reddit's "best of rewatches", but while the latter suffered from a trincated adaptation(could have done so much more...) The former suffered from a change of staff that was jarring for many.
@johnsos2153 Год назад
just wanted you to know this new flavor you are putting on your content is so enjoyable, didnt took part on the thing waiting and hoping for a new oportunity to place
@drthmik Год назад
I wonder if I’m the only person who picked “Kino’s Journey” as my favorite
@aishahsiddeeqa8311 Год назад
It’s my favourite too
@LaddRusso91 Год назад
Seems like nobody talks about it anymore
@Lab_Member_X Год назад
Stiens;Gate is (obviously) my top favorite anime of all time but I didn't think that Zero was bad at all. I mean it gave us Gate of Stiener with Lyrics for heck sake and I absolutely LOVED that jump to the future. I'm glad it showed us what would have happened so that we can appreciate the Stiens;Gate world line better Edit: And of course that ending WITH the song was just absolutely fantastic.
@Adam.C Год назад
I voted Stein's;Gate! I'm so happy it is thought of so highly here, like I know it's not exactly underrated but it doesn't get talked about much these days. Oh and for the record I did watch A place further than the universe because of you and loved it. Watched it twice, which is saying something when we're all so busy these days.
@yeetkunedo Год назад
I didn’t take this survey, and LOGH is absolutely my favorite anime ever. I’m not elitist about it. It’s just unfathomably fucking good in terms of narrative. I’m not a liar, either. Nor am I joking. One cannot live off of jokes alone.
@MABlacksmith Год назад
Fooly Cooly for the win!!! Also, FMA (2003) being in the Top 10 makes me happy. I tried Brotherhood (ended right after the Sloth battle) and just couldn't buy into it as much.
@JackRackam Год назад
Any chance we get to see the full list?
@yuu-kun3461 Год назад
Thanks for Tutu and Chihayafuru recommendations ✌️ Some of my favs.
@del-la-sol Год назад
I always miss these surveys when creators do them. I find it funny that most of the top answers are on my list of "Popular Anime I'll Get Around To Watching Eventually". I need to get more cultured.
@TheBlunkBeanie Год назад
Noooo, i miss the survey, i would have said Violet Evergarden, tears where just flowing and probably made me a more vulnerable person and made me try to understand myself more. Theres times where i realize those things made me go on the verge on tears and made me want to grow as a person. Inspirational stuff.
@luceph Год назад
Watching this video made me feel so old. I started watching anime when I was just a kid in the 80's. And as of now, my favorite anime is still Vision of Escaflowne. I remember having to finish the show in English with Dutch subtitles as the French channel I was watching it on never aired it in it's entirety. And at the time I barely understood either of those languages. It's one of the few show that I keep buying the new support so I can enjoy it (vhs, dvd and now BR). I don't think I will ever love an isekai as much as I love Escaflowne. I'm surprised that there was no Gundam or Macross series listed.
@GenerationZ313 Год назад
It's boggles my mind whenever I hear about someone who mentions they've been watching anime since the 1980s because of how much time there is between then and now. Mad respects, though. As for Macross, I heard that franchise for the longest time has been unavailable for North American audience as Harmony Gold owns the license and refuses to relinquish the rights to it. As for Gundam, I can only guess it's because there are some many different iterations that also vary in quality, making it difficult to justify.
@luceph Год назад
@@GenerationZ313 I have one Macross serie that was released legally in France on dvd but all the rest are pirated. The Macross creator is well aware that the fans outside Japan are pirate (i can't remember what he said exactly when he was invited to Japan Expo several years ago). Hopefully, it will change soon as Harmony Gold & Big West reach some kind of accord in 2021. I really want to support this saga in a legal capacity. Gundam there are way too many shows to get a top spot but I was surprised by no mention at all.
@vkristof01 Год назад
Huge respect for the two Nazo no Kanojo X fans. That's already like a hidden gem in ecchi.
@ConvincingPeople Год назад
I wonder if one of them has read his other manga, which, godspeed my dudes.
@jagerstarfall7470 Год назад
I would have to say ZOIDS Chaotic Century/ Guardian Force as my favorite anime. My brother and I would always race to the tv when we got home from school to watch it before the dreaded homework. However due to a scheduling change it went from 3PM to 6AM. We adapted accordingly. Wake up at 5, get ready to go, eat breakfast while watching tv and arrive to school sometimes before the teachers and bus kids. Mom drove us.
@LucLightWolf121 Год назад
My favorite animal series at the moment is DR. STONE. Don't care if it gets roasted. I still love it.
@GlassReflection Год назад
Nah Stone doesn't get mentioned. and double checking....yeah no votes for it whatsoever. A shame though because it is quite good, but that's the interesting thing about talking "favourites" even if it's good it might not be good ENOUGH...
@linkolek Год назад
@@GlassReflection "Favourite", "Good" and "popular" are three different things, after all. Fires are popular, but not many people would say it's their favourite food, for example.
@benedict6962 Год назад
A lot of people like their animals roasted
@seraphonica Год назад
I haven't even watched this yet but... seriously... you are KILLING it on the title cards, Tristan.
@mepollack Год назад
Ended up voting for Fate/Zero myself, apparently not a super common answer, but most of my favorites are up there on this list. Happy to see Steins;Gate made number one, pretty sure I watched that one on your recommendation, and it’s had a permanent place in my top 5 ever since. El Psy Congroo!
@kingdoom5022 Год назад
Fate zero is my second favourite anime of all times after made in abyss
@mepollack Год назад
@@kingdoom5022 Excellent taste.
@ducktorlarsen5574 Год назад
You're the reason I decided to watch So Ra No Wo To (Sound of the Sky) and I loved it.
@articircle Год назад
same! such a wonderful show
@gustavohernandeza.890 Год назад
I like this kind of roasting: poignant but not mean-spirited
@tronletham7077 Год назад
Steins gate used to be my favourite anime too. But now my favourite is mob psycho 100 especially after the chef kiss ending.
@Tsaniko Год назад
How was ghost in the shell (at least season one) not in the top or mentioned, everything about the first season is amazing intro storyline animation voice acting (English va is still one of the best of all time in anime) and the outro were all memorable interesting and fun. Saga of tanya the evil is my second favorite.
@freekashyyyk896 Год назад
I’m gonna guess that hinamatsuri, golden kamuy, bloom into you, cyberpunk edgerunners, Eizouken, and girls last tour are in the top ten, those are some of my favorites.
@rowanwinged Год назад
I'll admit, Glass Reflection has fallen off the radar recently. But it is SO nice to hear your voice again.
@slyassassinxx4466 Год назад
Bro what? Nah he’s been getting better lately
@iota-09 Год назад
@@slyassassinxx4466 i think he's just saying he's not seeing him around much anymore, which tbh, i do agree with, he used to always be in my sub list and ow this is the first video of his i saw in a good while, the last teo i remember being the made in abyss video and the "i watched all the anime of this season" video (which ironically i did not watch)
@rowanwinged Год назад
@@slyassassinxx4466 Yep, iota_09 is right. I love Glass Reflection. Thanks for the save.
@slyassassinxx4466 Год назад
@@iota-09 oh ok, for me it’s the exact opposite lol. I’ve been seeing him much more lately
@jammin868 Год назад
It's my first time seeing one of your videos but hearing that Fruits Basked made it into the top 10 was really surprising and made me really really happy. It's my all time favourite show and it means so much to me haha
@TK-867 Год назад
My favorite anime is one of the most overlooked series for some reason. Danmachi. I know, I know. Objectively speaking there are better shows out there but the charm it has with it's character interactions is awesome, and they are super likeable.
@bilditup1 Год назад
This season is pretty solid, IMO, extremely underdiscussed
@Jtr_ceral_killer Год назад
i love how all the myths and legends from around the world are mixed together and not trying to outshine each other.
@declanm810 Год назад
8:50 just wanted to point out that if 1 person put Demon Slayer and 2 people put Mysterious Girlfriend X, that’s 100% more people, not 50 as you said :P Also, while the One Piece anime has had (and still does have) massive pacing issues, janky animation and many other problems, episode 1015 is probably the best episode of *any* anime I watched in this past year. It’s only one episode in ~1050 now, but genuinely the animation, sound design, cinematography and impact for that one episode was incredible
@kingdoom5022 Год назад
I love that one piece ep but nah made in abyss s2 ep 10 and 7 , kaguya s3 ep 13 , 86 ep 22 and 23 , summer time render ep 15 , chainsaw man ep 8 , there were much better episodes last year
@iota-09 Год назад
@@kingdoom5022 oh i was reading summer time rendering, the plot of that series get so stratified it's genuinely hard to follow just due to its sheer complexity and density... I was wondering if the anime was gonna be a good adaptation.
@MrWheelman82 Год назад
Legend of the Galactic Heroes is my fave! I didn't fill out the survey, I think. But I don't care about the prestige of it, I just love it to death, and it introduced me to Mahler, so I'm eternally grateful for that. Edit: I love Steins;Gate as well, especially the VN of S;G 0, and Code Geass is always up there, as is FMAB, but nothing beats LotGH for me.
@TheAsmrOtaku Год назад
My favorite anime is “Monster”
@meditalisoo7 Год назад
Very good answer. I wonder how many people voted on it.
@stalkerorstalker Год назад
Also GTO is my new years resolution this year. I've put it off long enough and will actually finish before the end of this year I can't wait to watch it.
@OurayTheOwl Год назад
I would love to see the full list to see everyone’s answer
@pineapplebison5069 Год назад
Shame i missed the poll, i was surprised to hear a lack of Kill La Kill rep. I guess i would have been one of the unique answers there, honestly a super easy choice for me.
@hypersonicpiano6120 Год назад
I voted Kill la Kill, and since it wasn't in the list of single vote entries at least one other person did also.
@SpiritKitten Год назад
My favorite will always be yu yu hakusho!❤️
@SpiritKitten Год назад
I'm a little sad there is no mention of yu yu hakusho...🥺💔
@LuisLopez-oj3lh Год назад
YES! More love for Yu Yu Hakusho💙💙
@jakeyu2404 Год назад
I put Clannad. No anime has made me cry as much and it makes me feel so alive. If you watch it you will bowl your eyes off, as sure as if you will bleed if you get stabbed. I'm constantly on the look out for sad anime and I'm waiting for the day a new one arrives that can dethrone this uncontested champion.
@snorxaljasermusic8613 Год назад
Now I'd be curious to see the entire list, if anything to see where my #1 (revue starlight) would have ended up (I also didn't have the chance to do the survey before now)
@NaramSinofAkkad790 Год назад
Wish I would have seen the survey. Hyouka hands down. Easiest question ever.
@battleon81 Год назад
Jokes on you. One Piece is so solidly my favorite that I willingly rewatched the entire series (including movies, crossovers, and specials) when the pacing during Dressrosa got too slow. I binged it all in a few months over summer vacation. More episodes=more content to enjoy.
@alyssahallister 8 месяцев назад
Only discovered your channel recently and long after this video, let alone the survey, but this got me thinking all the same. Over the past 20 years, you could have asked me that question and I'd have answered very differently. But I am not sure all of those answers would even still be in my top ten today. If you went all the way back to the beginning of that period, it would be Cowboy Bebop, but that then got overtaken by Escaflowne, not because it's a better anime, but because I genuinely loved everything about it and I still wish it were the modern template for 'isekai anime' rather than.... what we have now. That was then overtaken by Kare Kano, which reigned for a few years at the top of my list even as I got around to watching objectively better anime. That lasted right on up until From the New World, which in turn lasted until Log Horizon came out and was everything that I had wished SAO was. That managed to stay on top until Amanchu, even though I was disappointed by the ending, which was then completely eclipsed by Yuru Camp. Yuru Camp then pulled an amazing feat of being knocked out by Eizouken and then reclaiming its spot at the top of the list, which is where it's currently defending its position as champion against Frieren, and is mostly only hanging on because I had read the manga already and so I'm a bit harder on the adaptation than brand new fans might be.
@cthellis Год назад
If you say anything mean about Space Brothers, you would be lying! And I would cry!
@5ksub30 9 месяцев назад
My top 3 Anime of all time haven’t changed too much over the years (outside of number 3 moving Higurashi and Steins;Gate down): 1) Air Gear (always a vibe) 2) Pale Cocoon (super obscure ahead of its time early CG OVA) 3) A Sister’s All You Need (can’t believe how much this series resonated with me; immediately bought the light novels and they don’t disappoint)
@dr.pudu2173 Год назад
I think in this moment in my life... My favorite anime is Golden Kamuy. Nice comedy, drama, action, badass moments, great characters and you learn about Japan in that time.
@iota-09 Год назад
Man i can't wait for the rest of the series to be completed(haven't watched the last part yet because of that)
@OliveDasi Год назад
I'm stuck between that and Gintama. The only reason Gintama has the edge over Golden Kamuy is because Gintama has a personal impact in my life. But damn, Golden Kamuy is such a good and under appreciated anime.
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