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In this sermon, Pastor Dale Partridge delves into the concept of divine election as explained by the Apostle Paul in Romans 9. Paul addresses the perplexing question of why many Jews reject Christ despite God's sovereignty over salvation. He clarifies that spiritual heritage is not based on ethnic lineage but on God's sovereign choice. Through examples like Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, and Esau, Paul demonstrates that God's election is independent of human actions or will. The sermon emphasizes that salvation is determined solely by God's mercy and will, challenging the common belief in free will and underscoring that humans are saved because God chose them, not the other way around.



3 июл 2024




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@-RM- 19 дней назад
Thank you Dale for this sermon. I appreciated every moment (and agreed with all of it, too!). I cannot believe the amount of vitriol seen in the comments below.
@kalewidman3291 19 дней назад
I would encourage everyone to go watch Joel Korytko’s video on Romans 9. It pulls in context and proper hermeneutics way better than this video does.
@joshuamyers34 19 дней назад
@@kalewidman3291 checkout Soteriology 101 chanell for very in depth non-calvinist understanding of these passages.
@jeremymace8671 20 дней назад
If you don't have involvement in your salvation then you don't have involvement on the special gifting of becoming a Calvinist so this sermon isn't needed.
@_derpderp 20 дней назад
Don’t forget *keeping your salvation.
@MrAndyhdz 18 дней назад
Sure, continue to think you can negotiate with the creator of the universe who is time immortal on your salvation.
@Jesus.is.my.saviour 16 дней назад
That's a philosophical argument. It's not a biblical argument. Are you who fight against the doctrines of grace even believing in the bible as highest authority? Seems that most of you believe more in your own philosophical reasoning than in God's word. Dale argued in this sermon with the Bible over and over again! You didn't reference scripture with that kind of arguing and you didn't answer his biblical arguments either. That tells a lot... That's why Dale is absolutely right with what he said in the introduction (4:09-5:09): Most non-calvinists are not careful interpreters of the word. I see it in the comments section all the time. Non-calvinists lean to be philosophers, not exegets. The problem with it is that even our thinking is by nature depraved by sin (Eph 4,17-18; Rom 12,2-3). That's why we should believe more in scripture, than in our depraved philosophical arguments. Please Stop! You don't fight against Calvin. You fight against five points that Jesus and the Apostles taught (f.e. in John 1+3+6+10+15+17; Acts 13+16+20; Romans 3+5+7+8+9+11; Ephesians 1+2+4+5). Did you ever studie these chapters carefully? If you didn't, do it! I love all of you, everyone of my non-calvinistic brothers and sisters in Christ. I just can't agree with your soteriology.
@joshuamyers34 12 дней назад
@@Jesus.is.my.saviour do you realize your biggest accusations of non-Calvinists (not being careful interpreters, or doing proper exegesis, applying extra philosophy, etc) could also be said of Calvinists? The reformed perspective is not the only perspective of scripture that can use scripture to support itself. You ought to be diligent in fully understanding opposing arguments.
@Jesus.is.my.saviour 11 дней назад
@@joshuamyers34 Yes brother, you are right, at least in some sense. Of course: Calvinists use philosophical arguments too and "not all" calvinists are careful interpreters of the scriptures. I didn't say that and didn't meant it. First of all my comment was an answer to another comment of a person who wasn't refuting Dales biblical arguments and arguing with philosophical ideas instead. But let me be clear: Calvinists are "on average" better exegets, have more scripture knowledge and and use less philosophical arguments. That's just true. Like Dale said: If someone was writing 700 pages on three verses of the Bible, it was mostly a puritan (calvinist). These guys took the Bible seriously, more than others. The puritans were the best theologians ever! But also true: Some people who have a great bible knowledge are not Calvinists. I'm sure most of them they are lying to themselves because I was lying to myself, too... I was reading through romans 9 and many, many other passages and I already knew deep down that it teaches calvinism, but wasn't able to accept it for months, like many before me. Careful and honest exegets can't oversee calvinism in the Bible, because it's there! Total depravity, unconditional election, irresistible grace and the preservation of the saints are clearly in the Bible (and the 3rd point too, but not as clear as the others)! There are really hundreds, maybe over thousand bible verses that teach calvinism, it's really everywhere!
@thomasfryxelius5526 18 дней назад
I think Rom 9 is where we see if we can do proper Bible hermenetics. When we see "it does not depend..." do we then ask what "it" is? Or do we assume it is about individual salvation even if that is not the topic in question? When we see the potter-clay analogy, do we read the Old Testament and see what the Bible teach about it, or do we import our own ideas of what we think it should mean? Finally, do we read on and follow Paul's reasoning all the way through so we get the whole flow of the argument? Do we notice that Paul says hardened people can still be saved if they do not persist in unbelief or do we asssume a hardened person cannot believe?
@ethanpeterson7551 18 дней назад
Haven’t watched this yet, but from the title, I’m wondering.. are you saying I… can… CHOOSE to become a Calvinist? 🤣
@relearntv 12 дней назад
If you choose to follow Jesus, it means that God has already chosen you. Blessings.
@ethanpeterson7551 12 дней назад
@@relearntv then did I get a choice?
@kalewidman3291 19 дней назад
Even if Calvinism were true, this video is inconsistent and misleading. Why? Because if God predetermines everything, then whether or not I become a Calvinist is completely out of my control. Therefore, it makes no sense to make a tutorial on “How to Become a Calvinist” if the only thing that will make me a Calvinist is God predetermining me to be one.
@rbellamy804 15 дней назад
He literally says in the beginning of the video that it's "tongue in cheek." Also, you saying "if Calvinism were true", is like saying "if scripture were true." A Calvinist is a person who simply accepts what the Bible teaches about salvation.
@Jmoffit22 15 дней назад
I had heard of you with the ear but now my eye sees. It’s my belief Job is a story of salvation, a rich, religious man coming to true faith and that Elihu was the only true believer prior to God speaking. Not a common view but neither is Calvinism 😏 So tired of hearing people regurgitate the same line, that God never answered Job’s questions. Job had all his questions answered when God revealed himself. Other than that, amen.
@_derpderp 20 дней назад
I believed the gospel as soon as I was old enough to understand it, resting in His promises and mercies enduring forever. Then I learned TULIP and that salvation rested on my performance, feelings and knowledge. I grieved for decades almost to death. Now, I know which seed they would judge that I am. But I could never deny the Gospel of Jesus Christ the only means of salvation and peace to all men. But…Calvinism? I can’t believe two incongruous gospels.
@douglasmcnay644 17 дней назад
How does Calvinism make salvation rest on performance, feelings, and knowledge? Can you give a reference for this claim?
@TarasGrig-qw6mt 19 дней назад
Lol this brother keeps comparing inanimate objects God created to man made in His own image
@joshuaschaeffer2820 19 дней назад
Oof, sad to see this from a guy who seems to really care about the Bible
@relearntv 12 дней назад
Why is it sad?
@jonathanrocha2275 20 дней назад
I think this may be a timely message for me. I’m actually thinking of become a Calvinist/presbyterian
@TheRomans9Guy 19 дней назад
Don’t do it. Calvinism is a terrible, blasphemous, maybe even evil theology based on hideous misinterpretation of a few key Bible passages.
@-RM- 19 дней назад
@@TheRomans9Guy This, coming from someone who calls himself "TheRomans9Guy"? Am I missing something here? Have you actually READ Romans 9?
@TheRomans9Guy 19 дней назад
@@-RM- Of course. But when Romans 9 is read with zero understanding of the context, it can lead to one coming up with terrible interpretations. Especially Calvinism. It would be the same today with something like the “MAGA” slogan. If someone heard that slogan but had no idea of the context behind it they could, and most likely would, come away with horrendous misunderstanding of the actual concept behind it. That’s what has happened with Romans 9.
@Jmoffit22 15 дней назад
@@TheRomans9Guy True. We serve a different God. You serve the god of the Jews who believed yet taught faith plus works. The god of Pelagius and his semis- the Roman Catholic Church, Arminius, the Wesleyans and the vast majority of modern day “christendom”. To be honest, the same god of islam, hinduism, and all the other cults with a “synergistic” soteriology.
@TheRomans9Guy 15 дней назад
@@Jmoffit22 If you accuse me of worshipping a God whose rule is that his followers earn glory through works, you demonstrate you know nothing of my thoughts. And in not bashful in describing them. There isn’t any synergism is salvation. There is God’s great grace and mercy. He forgives all men all by himself, with no input from us. There is man’s humors and surrender. Man can surrender, but only because God gave him the power to do so. Then there is God’s granting of eternal life. No synergism there either.
@jonbrecke4436 18 дней назад
@douglasmcnay644 17 дней назад
@TheRomans9Guy 19 дней назад
Such a terrible misinterpretation of scripture in every breath of this video. Starts with absolute lack of context understanding, asks all the wrong questions of scripture at every turn, and concludes all the opposite things from the apostle. This is an abject bastardization of the text.
@-RM- 19 дней назад
Please explain.
@TheRomans9Guy 19 дней назад
@@-RM- The short version is: Everyone Paul’s 1st century world held the belief, before Christ came, that God only loved and chose the Jews as his people, and that (this part is supremely important) that it meant the Gentiles were dog meat. Sub human. Of course, that’s a hideous thing to say, (ask someone around you to agree that your race is the master race and that all other races aren’t even humans, and see how that conversation goes) but they not only believed it, they taught it from scripture. Many of the quotes Paul pulls in Romans 9 are actually phrases that were used by Jews in defense of this holy racism theology, but Paul is flipping all of them on their heads. He’s reversing the identity roles. He’s saying, ‘ok, you Jews like to say “Jacob I loved but Esau I hated” because you think it’s God saying he hates anyone who isn’t you, well what if God does hate people, but it’s you that he hates? How would you like your holy-racism-theology if YOU’RE actually the Esau??’ That’s the short version. Paul is correcting the Jews’ doctrine of election, not establishing a new one. That’s why he says all the things he says in chapters 1-5, in places like Rom 5:18 and 11:32.
@joshuamyers34 19 дней назад
Not to mention critical passages omitted or cut off short. Most of these proof texts need greater context. People should really read Romans 8-11 consecutively to digest the whole message. I wish Dale would have read more of Jeremiah 18 when he referenced it. He cut it off just before Jeremiah tells the people to "repent" so that God doesn't shape them for a dishonorable use. This is a warning of Judgement (Judicial hardening) on those who choose disobedience.... not arbitrarily or unconditionally molded for reprobation and damnation.
@TheRomans9Guy 19 дней назад
@@joshuamyers34 Right. And the English translation is not incorrect, Paul is asking “what if?” in the beginning of his potter references because the Jews already believed this theology, but he’s asking what if it were true but the roles were reversed? How would you like it then?? Paul knows it’s not true to begin with, God does NOT predestined some to glory and some to wrath, but what if it were, and you Jews were the wrath vessels??
@joshuamyers34 19 дней назад
@@TheRomans9Guy well, when I read that part about God enduring vessels of wrath, I think of how God endured wicked rulers like pharoh for a time, in order that God's power and glory would be seen in the final outcome. Also the entire Bible points to the Gospel. Jesus had to endure the wrath and hatred of the Jews (from the same lump) who acted dishonorably and crucified him.
@joshuamyers34 20 дней назад
There's just so many knots of misinterpreting scripture, missing the point, and false statements to disentangle here, it could take hours. I'm sorry Dale, I respect a lot of your opinions on social and cultural issues but these theological determinist viewpoints misrepresent God's character and are a real stumbling block for little ones not yet strong in their faith.
@TheRomans9Guy 19 дней назад
@Jmoffit22 15 дней назад
What precedes every evil work? The satanic notion that man is able to complete it. Think about it. Ability 👀
@TheRomans9Guy 15 дней назад
@@Jmoffit22 What precedes every miracle Jesus performed? The satanic notion that Jesus was able to perform it. Think about it. Your logic is terrible.
@relearntv 12 дней назад
What about this sermon misrepresents God's character?
@joshuamyers34 11 дней назад
@@relearntv the implications of this determinist philosophical systematic misrepresent God's Character by: 1. making God to be the author of evil, reprobating most of humanity to hell without them having any ability to do anything about it, and for no apparent reason. 2. Making God and Christ appear to be deceptive, dishonest, and duplicitous... telling people to "seek the Lord" and to "believe" in him, and not wanting any to perish but all to come to salvation etc, when clearly that is not his desires under this systematic.
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