
Saeed Naqvi-"Being the Other: The Muslim in India" (Complete) 

Asia Society
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NEW YORK, November 2, 2016 - The veteran Indian journalist Saeed Naqvi discusses his latest book Being the Other: The Muslim in India with Philip K. Oldenburg, a research scholar at the South Asia Institute at Columbia University. (1 hr., 41 min.)
Read an excerpt at Asia Blog: asi.as/rptVbd



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@maqboolfida786 3 года назад
Parsis who were driven out of iran by muslims..don't feel 'being the other' in India among hindus.. Tibetians driven out of China by the CCP don't feel 'being the other' in India among hindus...why is it that only Muslims feel such 'fear'?? Did they ever introspect what about their religion, nature, culture and history gives them this feeling when Hindus of India have been welcoming of every foreign community from jews to parsis to buddhists or tibetians to afghans and africans.
@frankenstein1991may 7 лет назад
Well Mr. Naqvi here highlights all that there is good and secular about the 800 year long islamic rule in India (a fraction of one side of the whole story) and also swiftly places the blame on the Hindus for the gradual death of secularism in India. But can he deny the basic fact that the rise of Hindutva is a reaction to radical islam, which btw is very much present in India. He only talks of poets and musicians, but he swiftly ignores the badshahs who brought hell upon his non muslim subjects fro 800 years. He challenges anybody to find him a urdu couplet which praises mullahs, but he ignores the basic fact that persian and not urdu was the court language of the badshahs and mullahs ideology dominated every decision the sultans ever took. Massacre of the hindus and desecration of hindu temples were the badshah's greatest triumph and this is not me saying, this has been documented by their own courtiers. So u see Mr. Naqvi, even though you try to play on false sense of victimhood, your supremacist thinking in mind is taking a peek through your speeches whose rough summary is : India was Rama Rajya under muslims but have degenerated into a space inhabitable by civilised people under the hindus. This will not work. Your saying "We have loved this land" demonstrates that you donot think yourself as belonging to this land. So before raising a finger at the hindus, first take a look at your own backyard. Why did you not mention the uprooting of Kashmiri Pandits from their ancestral homeland?? Some food for thought...
@luckyjaipal 6 лет назад
Funny thing is 96% of Indian Muslim supported for the creation of Islamic nation Pakistan, they wiped out 26% of Hindus and Sikhs living there from thousands of years , but stayed back in India so that they donot loose their ancestral property’s but took all the wealth and lands from Hindus and Sikhs , now there are less then 1% Hindus left in Pakistan side , Bangladesh used to have 36% Hindus but now less then 7% , When Muslims can have Islamic Pakistan and Bangladesh, why can’t Hindus have Hindu India , Now Muslims will say India said it will remain secular state , even Jinnah said Pakistan will be a secular state , now they are proud that it’s pure Islamic state , bottom line is Muslims want secularism and Democracy only when they are in Minority , the day Muslims become majority they will kick secularism and democracy out and force Sharia on Non Muslims, this is the reality
@mindblows8077 6 лет назад
I agree 100% with Reddy when he says "the day Muslims become majority they will kick secularism and democracy out and force Sharia on Non Muslims, this is the reality".
@jubbamuna9274 6 лет назад
Mindblows Arab countries have millon Hindu people they can get all basic right
@The_Formidable 6 лет назад
@Deepak Singh BJP and RSS accepting India as a secular country? LOL.. They want a Hindu Rashtra and they made their intentions quite clear from the very beginning..
@The_Formidable 5 лет назад
@sakata gintoki Don't worry, RSS will never become secular. Their principle stand is Hindu Rashtra and they always stood for alienation of minorities.
@The_Formidable 5 лет назад
@sakata gintoki Hindus don't own Indian subcontinent, so there's no question of them giving Pakistan. Hindus, just like Muslims or other community are residents of this subcontinent. Most Muslim majority regions that were part of Indian subcontinent became Pakistan. So don't give yourself too much importance. 7.5 million Hindus moved out of Pakistan during Partition to India. Similar number of Muslims migrated to Pakistan from India. So the partition is complete unless you wish for another.
@rjhaveri8bh 6 лет назад
Worth thinking upon...A very dear muslim friend of mine has sent me this!!!!!!! Until today no one has told you the truth that ???? There are 3 lakh new mosques in India after partition, yet the babri masjid such a big deal for muslims. No other country in the world has these many mosques. There are only 24 Churches in Washington. 71 Churches in London. There are 68 Churches in the city of Milan in Italy. While in Delhi alone there are 271 churches. And you call a Hindu communal.
@zaryabamin9479 5 лет назад
Ra JeSh Is Babri Masjid an issue for Hindus? It was our Masjid which was razed if Hindus are to be liberal and secular then give up the claim that Ram Mandir should be erected there when you know well there was a Masjid standing there. We can look at this at both sides. 3 Lakh new Masajid and thousands which have been destroyed and some even converted forcibly into temples within India am I wrong Rajesh? This is truly what is worth reflecting upon.
@juggybro9441 4 года назад
@@zaryabamin9479 who the fuck was Babar and what the fuck was he doing here in India Why are masjids use for ?
@kushaq1173 6 лет назад
hindus never called muslims other, they present themselves as arabian outsider as others, making seperate mini pakistans in each city
@ajaygmaharaj 7 лет назад
Resistance means Jihad,, so finally you (mr Sayeed Naqvi) arrived here as true Muslim, Congratulations for finding your self...
@Asif-mz4pv 7 лет назад
Mr. Gautam, Bingo! You, Sir., have hit the nail on its head.
@ankurrathore1773 3 года назад
@himanshusrivastava2025 3 года назад
Question at 47:00 is a million dollar question. Saeed Naqvi studiously avoids Muslim separatism and the role his class (landed gentry of UP) played in empowering the Muslim League. Without their 87% vote for ML, would ML have the power to make life so difficult for the project of keeping India United and secular?
@pratyushmishr 6 лет назад
As I come from Varanasi, i can relate to him so much. People who don't belong to Awadh or that belt will never understand it. I have heard Ustad Bismillah Khan not just in Kashi Vishwanath Temple but also in Sankat Mochan Temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman. He was always the first person to perform at annual Sangeet Samaroh at the temple, untill he lived...I was a kid then like 8-10 yrs old, had very little understanding of music, but i loved the beats..taal. Even today if you visit Vns during Holi time, or Dev deepawali, you will find the true Ganga Jamuni Tehzeeb at display at locals are proud of that as am I
@shekharpatel 4 года назад
Mr. Naqvi’ s schizophrenia has taken over the center stage. Poor man still lives in the memory of past grandeur s of being an elite. He cannot let go of the hopes of returning to become a ‘ruler’ especially after he is resigned to accept the reality. Mr Naqvi could have enjoyed covering Beatles in India as a reporter, now the Beatles are long gone, and what we have here is a dodderer with diminished memory and fragmented dreams. Sad.
@himanshusrivastava2025 3 года назад
Wallowing in Muslim rule nostalgia - perhaps he thinks Muslims have a special right to be kings. If not, at least king makers. Muslims are citizens just like anyone else - live with it.
@shreevatsarao3260 7 лет назад
this was held in NY ... but not single counter argument made ?? good job Asia society
@Bhavik630 7 лет назад
Coz most of us are scared to speak out against the atrocities of Islam on Hindus for over the centuries.
@pulakification 6 лет назад
Saeed Naqvi is the typical example of ‘successful in life’ Muslims, after they succeed and see the other side they no longer want themselves to be seen as a Muslim but can’t leave their cult/religion either because it will make him an apostate and bring death fatwa on him. He got sad when his childhood friend Mehta called him a Muslim.
@rjhaveri8bh 6 лет назад
I feel good muslims who are good human beings who they are followers of prophet mohd should research o these facts and once convinced they should educate other muslims about these facts. 1. Before prophet mohammed died he had announced his successor, yet when prophet mohd died there was a power struggle. 2. caliph utman who was a umayyad himself converted and was responsible for compilation of quran 130 years after prophet died. it is said he did this piece by piece verse by verse and then destroyed the original collections and all existing copies of the prophets teachings. 3. prophet mohd was never in favor of taxes but caliph utman installed his umayyad cousins as governor of alexandria and then collected taxes from muslims. he was also killed by muslims due to discontent of the muslims. 4. Prophet mohd grand sons were killed in karbala there are folk tales and books written 1000s of years ago which suggest hindus defended grandson in karbala yet muslims will not tell you this. 5, It is well known fact that hejaj bin yusuf governor of Iraq had killed 4 companions of prophet, yet muslims call mohammed bin qasim as their hero knowlng very well that mohammed bin yusuf was only a general appointed by yusuf bin hejaj. The orders to attack actually came from hejaj bin yusuf.. yet muslims call mohammed bin qasim as their hero. 6. It is well known fact that Raja Dahir had given shelter in Sindh to a well-known follower and family of Imam Hussian, Muhammad Bin Allafi?a man much sought by the Umayyad in their deadly hunt for eliminating the last of the Ahl-e-Bait (Prophet Muhammad?s immediate family). That, according to some very believable sources, Dahir had even offered asylum to Hussain ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Mohammed, who was being persecuted by other muslim at home. That as a result of this offer, Hussain was on his way to Sindh when he was seized at Karbala in Iraq and killed most viciously. Yet muslims ignore this truth and creat false stories about him. 7. If is well known fact that the gupta king wife and Imam hussain wife shahrbanu were sisters yet muslims ignore these facts when I say hindus were realted to Imam hussain family. 8. Rajab dutt and his 7 sons and several hindus died in battle of karbala yet muslims ignore these facts. In susequent battle ghaznavi kille the entire dutt village. 9. Sanatan dharma has been looking after interest of good muslims from the beginning of your religion, we have been always compassionate to muslims but the same is not happening in Pakistan and Bangladesh where not only hindus have been exterminated but even minority muslims right are being suppressed. 10. In 1947 90% Indian muslims voted for creation of Pakistan and then later the same muslims stayed back in India and claimed they were loyal Indians. If they were loyal why did they vote for creation of Pakistan. We all now understand your Muslims ancestors were practicing Taqiyya (deception). But when India and Pakistan were divided based on religion, Pakistan a Islamic country and India a hindu country. Yet it was hindu majority that created a secular constitution that allowed all Indian including minorities to practice their religion with full freedom, unlike pakistan and bangladesh were minorities were exterminated the same did not happen in India. Till date they do not tell the muslims you are not belonging in India. 11. It was hindustan where a hindu king build the earliest mosque in 7th century so that the arab traders could rest and pray. 12. It was prophet mohd who said that mujhe hindustan se dandi hawa aati hai but muslims ignore these facts. 13. it is hindu majority parliament that approved haj subsidy to continue for muslims minority of India post independence, even hindus in India dont get pilgrimage subidy. Do you even know how much 1000 crores are spent on muslim haj subsidy in India, even muslim countries including Pakistan does give haj subsidy. 14. It was abdul ghaffar khan who was jailed in Pakistan soon after partition. We love muslims like bachaa khan or frontier gandhi, we feel he is part of hindustan culture as much as we are. but many muslims ignore these facts. 15. many muslims are forgetting that Indian muslims who went to pakistan became muhajirs and continue to fight for their rights in pakistan. 16. many muslims Have forgotten that it was pakistan who killed 4 million Bangladeshis including muslims in 1971. 17. it was hindu majority who allows muslims to build mosque freely in India even after partition, there are 3 lakh new mosques in India after 1947. 18. it is a hindu majority India where muslim actors and musicians are getting famous because hindus film/ music fans dont think same way you think. In a hindu majority country the 3 khans are top of the charts and AR Rahman the most prefered musician. 19. it was a hindu Vikram Sarabai who was mentor to Abdul Kalam who made India proud. We love muslims like Abdul Kalam, we feel he is part of hindustan culture as much as we are. The whole nation wept when he died. 19. Dont ever forget that it was a hindu king Raja dahir who had given shelter to the family of Imam Hussain. did you know pakistani considers mohammed bin qasim as their hero who was sent to kill Imam hussain's family who was in shelter under raja dahir. check out muhammad bin qasim uncle who was governor of iraq was enemy of prophet family, you might want to research on the history of hijaj bin yusuf. Yet on national television we have Imams in India who support Mohammed bin Qassim and Taimur. 20, it pakistanis who are killing muslims in balochistan, and in 1971 they killed bangladesh muslims and hindus, it is pakistan who sent taliban in afghanistan to kill muslims there. 21. Dont ever forget that when RSS went to help Kashmiris during the earthquake it did not ask anyone their religion before helping them yet pakistan when it sent aid to Nepal a hindu country it sent them beef packets which was only intended to help muslim victims knowing very well that hindu Nepalis dont eat beef. Its very clear you have a lot to learn about india. Pakistan curriculum teaches hatred and in such conditioned environment you could not have access to facts and history to understand right from wrong. 22. should we even forget that mughal ruler humayun also cheated his rajput rakhi sister which forced her to kill herself in jowhar. 23. Indian muslims forget the pligt of kashmiri pandits but they remember the rohingya and palestinians. If so much lies have been told about hindus to create hatred towards hindus can we even trust that what is said about jews could also be false. how can we believe the current Indian muslims have the best for hindustan in their heart. Those true muslims can research these fact and share with other muslims if they feel these points are true. We owe muslims to speak the truth if they are true muslaman.
@ashutoshmishra2017 6 лет назад
His speech has a very few truth and mostly lies and full of mockery . He spoke as a muslim not an Indian. There also Hindus were able to think another way but muslims were talking about only one way which shows there hatred and fear of Hindus.
@dushyantsinghrahine2521 7 лет назад
This is just a nostalgic lament of speaker for his feudal past. There is no effort on his part to address the lack of leadership in Muslims in opposition to Jinnah. However, he has intelligently pointed out some very key things like the role of Nehru and others which must be dealt with.
@Asif-mz4pv 7 лет назад
DSR, Right on! Creepy role Nehru played? Naqvi is selective and the demand for proportionate representation for the minorities or for that matter for anybody is absurd. And his failure to mention the role the Cold War played for the formation of Pakistan, for Nehru was wedded to his spiritual soul mates in the Socialists Soviet Union the nemesis of the west. How about that Mr. Naqvi? Will he answer the most salients of the issue raised here by the fellows?
@dushyantsinghrahine2521 7 лет назад
Mike Hakeem, True. Moreover, even his lament seems to be selective. He proudly owns the Qutub Minar and laments lack of lighting on it (as if it was being done selectively) while numerous other monuments of far more significance which are are being neglected lie scattered across the country. This view of Indian Muslim community specially elites to connect themselves only to the invasive rulers and plunderers of past and disown the history prior to that is the key problem in total assimilation and identification of Indian Muslim community as Indians first. And it can only be addressed by the community itself by self-realization and careful, unbiased introspection.
@keshavr9617 6 лет назад
That is exactly the point. These Nawabs and Zamindars of UP/Bihar were the ones funding Jinnah and now after 70 years, they turnback and wonder what happened.
@tanujsaaraswat7810 4 года назад
Just concrete facts.....Hindu(and other non-Muslim) population and their places of worship have been decimated in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. On the other hand, the population and places of worship of Muslims continue to grow manifold in India. That is not possible if a community is being treated as "the Other"
@loretbiget784 7 лет назад
just yesterday all muslim groups protested as on Muslim girl sing a Hindu sacred song. what is really happened with this "open" culture? all this happened because of "saffron"? I think that is other way around, like khilafat and mopilas . sorry to hear so much wrong information about cast from knowledgeable men like mr Naqvi. cast system was twisted in time of brits, not that anything was open to "democracy" .
@adityabanerjee7145 7 лет назад
Panditji did not partition...muslims did...have u not heard of the Islamic republic of Pakistan
@adityabanerjee7145 7 лет назад
No Saeed...though 99.9 % of the Indian muslims have Indian ancestry they try to act separate.... can Saeed write a book on the Hindu ancestry of muslims
@himanshusrivastava2025 3 года назад
57:00 why should Hindu Muslim relations in India depend on building bridges in Pakistan (an impossible dream, we’ve tried enough up to and including ABV)
@pradipamahadeva3404 6 лет назад
Naqvi doesn't seem to understand that most of these poets were hindus musicians.
@choubeyritesh10 7 лет назад
What a convenient change of side just after a couple of Modi years. It seems that a lot is more to come in the near future in terms of "resistance" which is not strange though. I hope one Hindu would rise from nowhere in Pakistan and Bangladesh and speak up the brutality of Islamic rule. Narrative has started changing its character in the moderate and liberal muslim world of India. This is the new world we should get accustomed to.
@Thoughtomobile 7 лет назад
Saeed Naqvi! Thank you for the most eloquent illustration of India. You have cited several Urdu scholars who made contributions to the Indian culture. Yes. To me, and millions of Indians, they are integral part of the Indian society - a secular Indian society. My resentment is almost solely generated by those Muslims in India who do not have any respect either for the scholars you have quoted, nor for the rich contributions they made to the Indian arts and culture, and the bridges they built between the Vedic Tradition and the Mohammed’s tradition. There are many strands of Muslims in today’s India. One is the growing number of Muslims who believe that the Saudis are exemplary Muslims, and they must emulate them. This is the strand of Indian Muslims who are responsible for some, if not all, the inter communal resentment and strife. A little less fanatic, but yes fanatic is this fellow Asaduddin Owaisi and his younger brother (name not worth remembering). Then, I have some other issues: What is wrong if the Muslims of India cease and desist from consuming beef. That is not a religious requirement. When I was a student in India, a large portion of the Foreign Students came from Muslim countries that includes Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan… you name the country, that country was represented. Everyone of the Muslim students I have known from the above constellation swore that they do not consume beef, with the sole purpose of respecting the sentiments of the Hindu society which was their host. Now, if foreign Muslims could do that, why not the Indian Muslims also swear to the same? Next, Muslim men practice polygamy. Then, the community runs our of women available for other Muslim men. As a result of that, they go and start seducing women from other religious communities, mainly Hindu. This is called Love Jihad. I do not see any problems with Inter Religious Marriages, but if that stems out of the polygamy in one community, and that other men would have to “import” brides from other communities, I think that it poses a serious problem. There are several other issues on which Indians of non-Muslim communities have compromised in favour of Muslims. However, I ask: the Muslims should renounce the consumption of beef, as well as polygamy. That would loosen the soil on which the two communities may sow the seeds and start cultivating a harmony.
@snr5950 7 лет назад
I had great regard for Mr Saeed Naqvi as a great intellectual but alas today after listening to him I come to a sad conclusion that he is a bitter n prejudicial Muslim amplifying the victimhoo with lies.
@jayoopatwardhan4040 4 года назад
You reminded me of my days 40 years back in Indore . We never knew people ‘s religions there and it was so cosmopolitan ,there were never any riots based on castes, Today when we notice this is because we are forced to see the inhuman behaviour towards all nonhindus .There has been a colossal loss of tehzeeb , art and cultures we were so rich with multidiversity .Some of the stories after independence are horrific too!
@aniketmore3449 6 лет назад
Wasted My Time. I Want My Time Back.
@harisadu8998 3 года назад
Watch the difference between this video and him 11 years ago when talking to Steve Paikin.
@rj6404 5 лет назад
Funny how people hav no idea n call Hindu a religion , it's a geographical name given by Persians n Arabs to people who lived near the banks of Sindhu , mispronounced as Hindu , none of Vedas , Upanishads or any scriptures as any mention of the word Hindu , Sanatana Dharma is not a religion , it's a set of principles to hav a fulfilled life , there is no hatered in it , Naqui is an Indian , he has all the rights that has been bestowed by the constitution , we need more people like Naqui , there is a reason why none of the muslim nation can even come close to the greatness of India !
@bharat7525 4 года назад
Just wondering is 'religion' defined by having a god and one book? Religion means 'retying' to spirituality, whatever the many means. Spirituality can have many forms/methods/experiences. Monotheism tends to be authoritarian: one belief, one text, usually one leader and everyone else and their valid experiences are wrong and to be dismissed/punished. Religion and spirit have and had many components as there are humans, long before and probably long after current accept beliefs fade. Hebrew means people across the river, Christianity is named after the torture.
@somebodysomebody2671 6 лет назад
the people who kill muslim for beef r hindu but what do u call the mob who kill any body for a rumour like child theif .u r misunderstood about india plz visit through lenght and breath of india dont try to judge it by your small mentality
@vasukinagabhushan 5 лет назад
Why muslim historians do not go beyond recent history of post partition. Shashi Tharoor is secular, like most Indians. The speaker does not go behind Nehruvian utopia, which was never really a utopia. Qutub Minar is part of broken Vishnu Temple.
@firna1864 2 года назад
Hawa badal khuki, I can only say you are courageous man. Not everyone admire a beautiful things and people, some will distroy and will always feel jealous.... Tum careful raho.
@subhashmahale8607 4 года назад
All goodie goodie well projected. What about the darker side Mr Naqvi. So much for u being against sweeping things under the carpet!
@adityabanerjee7145 7 лет назад
And what of all Unesco...are not Red Fort and Qutb Minar in the Unesco heritage list... like Bodobodur and Prambhanam are heritage sites of Hindu-Buddhist heritage sites in Indonesia
@yalmazalpha1 6 лет назад
Finally the Sanity comes to Mr. Saeed after years of bewildering around as BJP's apologist.
@rjhaveri8bh 6 лет назад
The fact of the matter is there are no Jews left in Arab and Muslim countries, no Buddhist left in Afghanistan, no Hindus left in Pakistan and Bangladesh, no Zoroastrians left in Iran , this itself is evidence of lack of tolerance towards others by Muslims, if you see other side Muslims are flourishing in India a majority Hindu country and non-Muslim country. Infact the history is the first 3 caliph had done betrayal to prophet Mohd so the Muslim today are not even followers of preachings of prophet Mohd the first attack on sysanaid empire Persia in 932 was soon after death of prophet Mohd despite they had peace treaty agreement with each other. Soon after attack it was complete massacre, priests and religious scriptures burnt alive. So no it is not joke it is part of history and factually accurate. In recent times one Muslim state in India and it ousted all the Hindu pundits (the original inhabitants) from there is Kashmir. During prophet mohd times there were so many jews, why after prophet mohd death all jews disappeard en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_Arab_and_Muslim_countries and also prophet mohd family was also killed by muslims. If you lied so much how can we beleive what you say about jew is even true. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-IkFTddWZEmY.html Where all the jews disappeared from all the muslim countries. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Lv3y4OrjmPc.html humanity cannot be in isolation for muslims only we need to see this in context of everyone. right now jews are only left with 67 sq km land and now the muslims want to push them into the sea, why no instead 80 muslim countries accept the palestine people, there are no other jew country in the world. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-787H1xsWiKY.html The truth is islam is hijacked soon after death of prophet. this is same like all othert religion hijacked by people with vested interests. So when you talk about muslims 90% muslims are actually supporting and following those who killed the prophets family. Lets not forget as soon prophet died his daughter fatima house was burned and she was pushed by caliph umar which caused her miscarriage. the event of Ghadir Khumm, which took place a few months before Muhammad passed away. According to both Shia and Sunni sources, Umar was among the many who pledged allegiance to Ali at this event. And yet In Medina, after the Farewell Pilgrimage and the event of Ghadir Khumm, Muhammad ordered an army under the command of Usama bin Zayd.Muhammad gave Usama the banner of Islam on the 18th day of the Islamic month of Safar in the year 11 A.H. Abu Bakr and Umar were among those that Muhammad commanded to join Usama’s army, However, Abu Bakr and Umar resisted going under the command of Usama despite order of Mohammed. However, while a few companions were ready to join Usama’s army, many other companions, including Abu Bakr and Umar, disobeyed Muhammad’s orders. So there was mutinity even as Prophet Mohammed was alive, lead by Abu Bakr and Umar. Umar's political capacity first manifested as the architect of the caliphate after Muhammad died on 8 June 632. And you speak lies and hence your ignore these facts Surah Al Imran, chapter 3 verse 49, Al-Quran 3:49 Mohd is appointed as the messenger of children of Israel (He is not prophet of Muslims rather he was prophet of Israelites). You also ignore. that in Bible which is 5000 year old it says Israel was chosen land for the jews. they crossed the river with Abraham and were given this land by Allah/god.
@rjhaveri8bh 5 лет назад
The fact of the matter is there are no Jews left in Arab and Muslim countries, no Buddhist left in Afghanistan, no Hindus left in Pakistan and Bangladesh, no Zoroastrians left in Iran , this itself is evidence of lack of tolerance towards others by Muslims, if you see other side Muslims are flourishing in India a majority Hindu country and non-Muslim country. Infact the history is the first 3 caliph had done betrayal to prophet Mohd so the Muslim today are not even followers of preachings of prophet Mohd the first attack on sysanaid empire Persia in 932 was soon after death of prophet Mohd he would not allow this as they had treaty agreement with each other. Soon after attack it was complete massacre. So no it is not joke it is part of history and factually accurate. In recent times one Muslim state in India and it ousted all the Hindus from there is Kashmir. During prophet mohd times there were so many jews, why after prophet mohd death all jews disappeard en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_Arab_and_Muslim_countries and also prophet mohd family was also killed by muslims. If you lied so much how can we beleive what you say about jew is even true. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-IkFTddWZEmY.html Where all the jews disappeared from all the muslim countries. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Lv3y4OrjmPc.html humanity cannot be in isolation for muslims only we need to see this in context of everyone. right now jews are only left with 67 sq km land and now the muslims want to push them into the sea, why no instead 80 muslim countries accept the palestine people, there are no other jew country in the world. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-787H1xsWiKY.html The truth is islam is hijacked soon after death of prophet. this is same like all othert religion hijacked by people with vested interests. So when you talk about muslims 90% muslims are actually supporting and following those who killed the prophets family. Lets not forget as soon prophet died his daughter fatima house was burned and she was pushed by caliph umar which caused her miscarriage. the event of Ghadir Khumm, which took place a few months before Muhammad passed away. According to both Shia and Sunni sources, Umar was among the many who pledged allegiance to Ali at this event. And yet In Medina, after the Farewell Pilgrimage and the event of Ghadir Khumm, Muhammad ordered an army under the command of Usama bin Zayd.Muhammad gave Usama the banner of Islam on the 18th day of the Islamic month of Safar in the year 11 A.H. Abu Bakr and Umar were among those that Muhammad commanded to join Usama’s army, However, Abu Bakr and Umar resisted going under the command of Usama despite order of Mohammed. However, while a few companions were ready to join Usama’s army, many other companions, including Abu Bakr and Umar, disobeyed Muhammad’s orders. So there was mutinity even as Prophet Mohammed was alive, lead by Abu Bakr and Umar. Umar's political capacity first manifested as the architect of the caliphate after Muhammad died on 8 June 632. And you speak lies and hence your ignore these facts Surah Al Imran, chapter 3 verse 49, Al-Quran 3:49 Mohd is appointed as the messenger of children of Israel (He is not prophet of Muslims rather he was prophet of Israelites). You also ignore. that in Bible which is 5000 year old it says Israel was chosen land for the jews. they crossed the river with Abraham and were given this land by Allah/god.
@kushaq1173 6 лет назад
please what is wrong with ramrajya. do u believe in caliphate
@firna1864 2 года назад
Muslims as 'others'is all about marginalized or minorities in India. Minorities protection and right to live in peace with majority. All over world we have countries which have majority and minorities within their countries usually when the things or policies fail the ruling party needs someone to blame. many Hindus live in countries beyond India where they are minorities....time to think.... Congress and Muslim League wanted power and there did not see eye to eye. This is very dangerous game of violence. as Saeed says many minorities are like any other people as teachers, doctors, tailors, etc. systematically removing or denying the opportunities to wider stata of people including many minorities makes it very lopsided forward/backward movement. people have many identities and just by calling them muslims is outdated. Mughals in India would not have lasted if they had not gained the trust and love of majority. They were just few and we have to look at their policies and administration. which had both good and bad decisions making. nevertheless Colonial powers when they saw India were shocked at our prosperity and their lives were in hovels. Africa, many parts of Asia, china and Latin America had been exploited and suppressed. In India people only knows partition, They should look at other histories and see how people have come out. Post- colonial identities and dialogue is needed. European countries India and rest of colonies were just free source of abundance of raw materials and labour. Free education, free health and poverty is being tackled in Other developed countries. Can the govt ever think about it... its so sad to see targeting minorities to cover up their failures. I really like the looking of Bangladesh...it has many answers to our problems. First dividing the state of Bengal..by British.
@manutrivedi1891 3 года назад
Finally this guy has lost it.
@DrLekhasriSamantsinghar 6 лет назад
he is grt. and honest. would like to bargain with him. but he thinks perhaps he is grt. a drunk muslim is not bargain worthy.
@butterfly12329 2 года назад
What a realistic interview by Naqvi Saheb..
@rachanakarki4747 6 лет назад
i dont lyk the manner of a guy . that nt a pefect way to ask quest.. its doesnt show respect dude
@yalmazalpha1 5 лет назад
@1:23:10 and thank me latter.
@narenvasishtha9535 6 лет назад
Cundame atrocities of Muslim rulers
@pooransinghsikarwar732 6 лет назад
Chachajan bala concept khatam hogaya hai .
@snr5950 7 лет назад
Also I always thought you as a progressive n liberal intellectual Muslim but u r worse than a Madrassa Muslim. For yr kind information an average Indian Muslims n Hindus bothered abt yr discourse.
@anilchauisms 5 лет назад
How nicely he spoke
@Safina757 6 лет назад
India’s borders are joined by Afghanistan that connects other Muslim countries where Islam came first. Mughal’s were the rulers & I am sure acted ruthlessly as all the dictators do. Muslims came to this land & called India their home. What a shame that Indian Hindu’s are so full of hate that they don't want to recognize Muslims contributions to India's beautiful tapestry!!!!
@bharat7525 4 года назад
Muslim contributions have been publicly recognized. Their other history could be acknowledged. This gap may be the issue.
@VeraHolm 6 лет назад
Lot of people landing up here from BJP IT cell... not good, not good... great speech by a great man !!!
perhaps not everybody, do not become colour blind
@F.I.K 5 лет назад
And it's a request to everyone don't compare Indian Muslim to other Muslims around the world. whatever problems we have is because of non-Muslims that include Hindu and media and others, Who doesn't accept anybody is Muslim unless and until he is a big bearded mulla. we Muslims don't give them power but you guys do. you guys need to stop that. get Mullas off our back. and then you will see what INDIAN MUSLIMS are.
@F.I.K 5 лет назад
@@naveenviegas3498 I agree. I will try t do whatever I can. promise.
@rifanbudi34 4 года назад
lslam promotes tolerance Surah Al-Mumtahina, Verse 8: لَّا يَنْهَاكُمُ اللَّهُ عَنِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يُقَاتِلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَلَمْ يُخْرِجُوكُم مِّن دِيَارِكُمْ أَن تَبَرُّوهُمْ وَتُقْسِطُوا إِلَيْهِمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُقْسِطِينَ Allah does not forbid you respecting those who have not made war against you on account of (your) religion, and have not driven you forth from your homes, that you show them kindness and deal with them justly; surely Allah loves the doers of justice. Surah Al-Mumtahina, Verse 9: إِنَّمَا يَنْهَاكُمُ اللَّهُ عَنِ الَّذِينَ قَاتَلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَأَخْرَجُوكُم مِّن دِيَارِكُمْ وَظَاهَرُوا عَلَىٰ إِخْرَاجِكُمْ أَن تَوَلَّوْهُمْ وَمَن يَتَوَلَّهُمْ فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ Allah only forbids you respecting those who made war upon you on account of (your) religion, and drove you forth from your homes and backed up (others) in your expulsion, that you make friends with them, and whoever makes friends with them, these are the unjust. Islam promotes kindness Surah Al-Araf, Verse 56: إِنَّ رَحْمَتَ اللَّهِ قَرِيبٌ مِّنَ الْمُحْسِنِينَ surely the mercy of Allah is nigh to those who do good (to others).
@The_Formidable 6 лет назад
So many Lindus are on fire because Mr Naqvi started speaking the uncomfortable truths...
@ramraghuwanshi2562 5 лет назад
No issue this is how we r.. We don't care what u think
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