It is refreshing to see women making Goju-ryu karate videos. Further, In the martial arts world, proprioception seems to be rarely taught. If it is a new concept, see here: "Proprioception, or kinesthesia, is the sense that lets us perceive the location, movement, and action of parts of the body. It encompasses a complex of sensations, including perception of joint position and movement, muscle force, and effort." My Sensei encouraged us to learn roller skating which forced us [learn or fall] to develop proprioception. Cheers, Terry.
Ah, this is such a lovely comment to wake up to, Sensei Terry! I still feel incredibly self-conscious when I make videos, because I know my karate isn't as good as Ché's. But I also want girls and women to see themselves reflected in gi, so I suck it up and try put something out there every once in a while. Your support and public kindness (and your excellent emails) reaffirms that there is value in what I do. PS: I was inspired to touch on proprioception after reading Oliver Sacks' excellent book "The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat" - a woman lost her entire sense of proprioception and could only move her limbs if she was looking at them. An outstanding read on how the brain can completely trash the body. PPS: I loved rollerblading as a teen - should totally pick it up again 🤣
They keep me humble! And I know that people love them, and that's what we're here for: making the content we love and that people love to see! Thank you for this lovely comment 🤗
Karate black belt lady Clare has a disarming smile, but as a back up she took up karate which is an excellent form of self defence especially for a woman, having the element of surprise, can you imagine seeing Clare in her everyday clothing (not in her gi) would you guess she is a karate black belt, just trying to get my point across, ie the element of surprise, turning her delicate hands and feet into lethal weapons, all women should take up karate, the benefits are unbelievable ! OSS ❤️🥋...
For sanchin-dachi logics, I usually suggest to turn 45 degrees on the back foot (left when turning right and vice versa) avoiding incoming tsuki with your chest (and you may counter same time with gyaku-zuki which becomes front hand punch). Even boxers, who have problems with simple calculations on fingers and learning problems due to their overused heads as punching targets, get it. :o) By the way, that's why katas with sanchin-dachi start always from right foot sanchin-dachi for right-handeds by default but what do I know.
Ne serait ce que les gedan barai, ils sortent du "Gamaku" En "To De" le Gamaku est l'essence même de l'équilibre et de l'efficacité, les coudes ne doivent pas quitter la ligne du Gamaku (contraction dans un temps infine entre l'aine et l'aiselle.) Sinon vous perdez l'efficacité de la poussée de la jambe arrière. N'y voyez pas une critique, juste un renseignement sur la progression de votre Karaté. (Le Gamaku est l'essence même de la recherche de "L'ikken Hissatsu" base du Kata Sanchin.)
Thank you for taking the time to write such a thoughtful and kind comment - I am always grateful for constructive feedback so that I may improve my karate! To recieve such thoughtful feedback is one of the best results of having our channel 👏