
Sarah Palin Is Already Sick Of Trump 

The Young Turks
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Sarah Palin fired off a scathing op-ed late last week, accusing the Trump administration of committing the same kind of crony capitalism that he railed against during his campaign. And Sarah isn’t alone - many Trump voters have already said that they regret their decision to vote for him. The Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this. SUBSCRIBE to Ring Of Fire: / golefttv



8 сен 2024




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@HucklePeel 7 лет назад
You know something's wrong...When Sarah Palin is quicker to realize that Trump's full of crap than some Trump Supporters
@Lorderuptshun 7 лет назад
pretty much
@JenellBC 7 лет назад
gsts(3) Obama??? What does Obama have to do with Trump's actions and Sarah's opinions of Trump? NOTHING, cry baby.
@Mosie926 7 лет назад
gsts(3), I talk crap about Trump every single day and never voted for Obama!
@Mosie926 7 лет назад
***** I'm lost...I didn't vote for Obama why am I a loser, pathetic or arrogant? I do care about the millions per day it costs American tax payers to guard and divert traffic for the Trumps in NYC. Australia is notorious for not accepting refugees so it's no surprise they didn't accept them. Obama himself did not sell those planes to Iran. What's wrong with regulations? The wars in Somalia started before Obama was in office, they just continued while he was in office.
@waterandafter 7 лет назад
+gsts(3) t'rump won, now get over shillary & obamamama and actually expect this new prez to be accountable to the position you voted him in for. Or are you going to spend the next 4 years blaming other people (one that didn't even win) for this "winner's" failings? The actions he's already taken to build his swamp are not the fault of maboma or shitlary. They are his to own.
@daviddeli913 7 лет назад
The Trump Presidency will make George Bush look like a genius
@felixmadison5736 7 лет назад
During an interview with Trump, Bill O'Reilly told him that Putin was a killer. Trump's reply: "There are a lot of killers. You think our country is so innocent?" To you Trump supporters reading this, what would you have said if President Obama had given that same answer to O'Reilly?
@joyceboleware3014 7 лет назад
What now ?
@rayg5445 7 лет назад
He drained the swamp and is now refilling it with water from the Fukushima meltdown site.
@graemesydney38 7 лет назад
A little girl asked her Dad one day, “Dad, do all fairy tales begin with ‘Once upon a time?'” Her Dad replied, “No honey, some of them begin with ‘If I’m elected.'”
@bijanz2729 7 лет назад
Sydney'what is a fairy tales?
@alansinclair394 7 лет назад
If you are deplorable enough to have bought the snake oil from the guy. Tough shit, you did it to yourself, you should have listened at school and got yourself a decent education.
@alansinclair394 7 лет назад
I agree, the Dem's and more left leaning parties around the world swung to the right in the 1990's. I'm from Scotland originally and see Europe potentially falling apart too. Both sides of the Atlantic are going down the routes of the ugly past.
@endless031 7 лет назад
People really thought a billionaire is going to look after the poor and the middle class?
@ozymandias8346 7 лет назад
Yeah. I am 16 year old. I love political science. Please check out my channel.
@dangerouslytalented 7 лет назад
Trump is not a billionaire, he just plays one on TV. His fortune is essentially a combover, an inheritance inflated by debt and fraud.
@Marasma101 7 лет назад
dangerouslytalented I love that metaphor
@kratos1019 7 лет назад
Hannity called Trump's dad a blue collar millionaire lool.
@dangerouslytalented 7 лет назад
Kratos101 Trump's father inherited his money from his brothel keeper father, who fled Germany to avoid paying off debts.
@Chalky. 7 лет назад
You'd think that after this Republican voters would learn their lesson and not be so dumb in who they vote for, but I thought after George W Bush they'd have learned a lesson... But here we are with Trump, and I'm sure if an even worse Republican candidate comes along in 4 years they'll vote for him to because some people seem to have the intellect of a potato.
@Chalky. 7 лет назад
MoppyPuppy Trump only won the Republican primary because people kept supporting him and going to his rallies, so his supporters are to blame every step of the way for not having a better Republican candidate and then for voting for him and everything that happens the next 4 years.
@Chalky. 7 лет назад
MoppyPuppy Trump is veeeeeerrry different to any previous candidate because he was in no way an establishment choice like just about every previous president and for the first time ever the voters take full responsibility for their president.
@markbishopiii1577 7 лет назад
Seriously!! What will it take for Conservative Republicans to recognize that they're on the wrong side of humanity??
@leonmane1880 7 лет назад
Mark Bishop III half of idiot America not supporting them maybe? ugh the deplorables
@aurorawolfe6060 7 лет назад
"Sarah Palin is already sick of Trump" I never thought I would say this, but... I agree with Sarah Palin
@serfincolorado 7 лет назад
WOOOOOAAHH!!!! I just saw my cross the street neighbor *ripping* out his trump signs and flinging them across his lawn!!!! He's an old working dude, I bet you he's pissed about social security and medicare cuts.
@serfincolorado 7 лет назад
Satans Little helper I did so see you.
@CampingforCool41 7 лет назад
When Sarah Palin is the voice of reason, you know we're in some deep shit.
@Zerofrust 7 лет назад
Pretty much lol
@yamotoshintaro3837 7 лет назад
I said this again.. Trump conned his way to the Presidency. The slogan, LETS MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, WILL TURN TO LETS HUMILATE AMERICA AGAIN.
@riversbaldridgejr9758 7 лет назад
yamoto shintaro
@Sosueet 7 лет назад
Sick of hearing about palin, nobody even cares about her, and on top of that, stop pretending we actually elected trump. WE DID NOT.
@ROOKTABULA 7 лет назад
If Àmerika installing Orange Hitler was not proof of the End Of Days, being able to nod so heavily in agreement with Sarah Failin' is the final nail. We're done. Hell's a popsicle.
@jessiehogue. 7 лет назад
If Hell's a popsickle, I'm ready and willing to suck! ...Wait... what? o_0;
@sydnicunningham7305 7 лет назад
This is what I have been saying since after the election. If an Trump supporter does complain about Trump it is literally the biggest" I told you so" moment I have ever had in my entire life and I'm only 17 going on 18. My hope is that Trump is out of office when I graduate from college so I don't have to get an job while he is running the government. I have no sympathy left for any Trump supporter,all I can do just seat back and watch the strom unfold
@sydnicunningham7305 7 лет назад
Molly Puppy I never said that , I don't like Clinton either but anyone is better than Trump. Also I am just sharing my opinion on the matter it is pretty rude to tell someone to shut the hell when I calmly just shared How I felt about the situation. Which I can do ,so No I will not shut the hell for speaking my mind cause I have the right to it's my future I'm worried about.Please Don't respond to my comment by being rude when you don't even know how I even feel about an candidate. All I'm saying is the man conned all of his voters and as an result the country might end up in an terrible state because of it. Don't take your hate out on me.
@sydnicunningham7305 7 лет назад
I already said that I don't like Clinton either so I don't know where you got that from. it's not about Clinton, I can easily find million of things wrong with her as well. I'm not saying people should of voted for Clinton. I saying that Trump only wanted to be president for power but he doesn't actually care about the country. He is going to send our country into an terrible state because of his choices. his choices could directly affect his voters who he promised to do things for. the main point I'm getting at is it was known that Trump was going to make these types of decisions during his campaigning process. He's an Business man that conned people for years,why wouldn't he con his voters. Anyone would be better at being president then Trump. Not necessarily Clinton. I didn't like neither of the candidates this election. Even his vice president would be a better president then him. that's all I have to say. like the guy said in the video if he ends making people lose money and their houses than that's their fault for voting for him. I'm just echoing what he said in the video
@queenroyaltyrules55 7 лет назад
Trump supporters if you're now having buyers remorse that's on you. He told you who he was and he showed you who he was . This is your fault take responsibility for thus major mistake that we all have to deal with.
@Warrogue1 7 лет назад
His final sentence: "You guys are going to pay the price of voting for Donald Trump," by losing their health insurance, etc. Unfortunately the rest of us are going to pay for it, too.
@willback8513 3 года назад
Not to mention a pandemic
@THESocialJusticeWarrior 7 лет назад
Trumpies still love him. Most of them are trolls and they see him as one big troll that is trolling all of us and they love it.
@highlight9014 7 лет назад
Donny is going to make sure of one thing during his term......him and his rich buddies are gonna get sooooooo much richer. Sorry America a country gets the government it deserves.
@DarthBunny314 7 лет назад
So, basically Trump is doing what everyone who was paying attention thought he would do....got it
@tomtheeagle1 7 лет назад
My favourite phrase in the English language is "I told you so". Trump supporters are going to get sick of hearing it.
@davidroberts1689 7 лет назад
Maybe they need a safe place...ROFLMAO@Trump supporters
@robashton8606 7 лет назад
All the Trumpanzees seem to have gone rather quiet. Strange that.😂😂😂
@Deadpool4president 7 лет назад
My aunt and uncle voted him solely in the hope he would get rid of Obama Care. Now he's adopted Hillary Clinton's plan. They threw all of their morals out the window for nothing.
@jamesirwin7677 7 лет назад
Alanna Booplesnoot you do realise that The affordable health care act was brought forward to help those people without health insurance. To do away with it leaves the most poor in your society without health care.
@PeterSpencer-rr4mc 7 лет назад
As has been said, nothing to be done for a dumb peckerwood who votes against their own interests. Most of these sad people regrettably live on the right of the spectrum
@gadyariv2456 7 лет назад
it's not their fault the democrats voted for Hilary in the primaries. don't blame disgruntled trump voters, blame the democratic party for offering them no viable alternative to trump.
@davidwinters8325 7 лет назад
The Democrats rigged the Primaries.
@gadyariv2456 7 лет назад
David Winters They obviously did, but they didn't really need to. Hillary would have won the primaries any way, because democrats hated him. America might have loved him as a Candide, but the democrats hated him for the very reasons people loved him.
@davidwinters8325 7 лет назад
ha ha No refunds!
@davidwinters8325 7 лет назад
You canvassed for Bernie? It must've really hurt when he sold out and backed Hillary? ''You people''? That's racist.
@gadyariv2456 7 лет назад
***** the democrats rigged the primaries, and more democrats voted for Hillary Clinton. both statements are correct. She didn't win because they rigged the primaries, she won because more democrats voted for her, that doesn't change the fact the DNC colluded with major media outlets to give an advantage to Hillary, denied potential Bernie supporters the vote through voter purges, the same thing they so often criticize Repablican are dong. If the Democrats didn't rig the primaries Hilary would have won none the less. but they did, they muddied the water, created resentments among the Bernie Sanders camp. engaged in a disgusting smear campaign and did every thing they could to alienate Bernie Supporters, despite all of that, all indications suggest that the majority of Bernie supporters voted for Hillary. Despite all that the democrats still blame Bernie Sanders for Hillary lose, calling him Ralph Nader of the 2016 elections. The fact is that SHE lost to Trump, Despite being a massively flawed candidate she could have won easily, but did every thing she could possibly do to lose these elections. If the democratic party and democratic primary voters don't learn from the mistakes of 2016, the democrats are going to lose in 2020 again.
@We_Reddit 7 лет назад
Republicans, Democrats alike, the swamp needs to be drained on both sides. Unfortunately, we need to deal with the next four years so people can unequivocally get that guys like Trump isn't the answer to the change we need. Hard lesson coming right up...
@tiredoffools8929 7 лет назад
You are absolutely correct.
@topsywiegersma1086 7 лет назад
Some RU-vid User
@robertbaur3145 7 лет назад
"Here's the 1 percent I don't agree with Sarah Palin..." I betcha never in your life you would have heard yourself saying that at some point in your life.
@dodopoopinpoop 7 лет назад
WHAT WE AGREE WITH SARAH PALIN!?!?! That's it get in the bunker, it's the end of the world.
@robertoctarmani 7 лет назад
dodopoopinpoop it is the end of human kind as we know it. :(
@omaralyafai2368 7 лет назад
She supported him to get a job now she didn't get a job and now she speaks the truth. When she can't do corruption herself now she's against it
@xmateinc 7 лет назад
If trump wasnt a billionaire before, he's gonna be now....
@jayjones4412 7 лет назад
Sarah Palin is an even bigger joke than Trump, but I agree with her here. Trump is pumping the swamp up as this guy says
@sharonkaley1331 7 лет назад
I have never heard a reporter speak more of the truth in my life than this guy
@OllyRoberton 7 лет назад
Sarah Palin making sense?!....2016 continues to defy normality...
@nurseypie 7 лет назад
I do have sympathy for them. Black people voted for HRC over Bernie for the same reasons: UNDEREDUCATED, ILL-INFORMED & TRIBAL. Neither nominee should have made it. Now, its time to stop bashing each other and get Crazy Man out of the White House. First step for voters is to remove the GOP majority in the Legislative branch.
@davidroberts1689 7 лет назад
True Republican Donald Trump supporters will lose their house and then blame Democrats for this happening. "You can't fix stupid."
@bfrfoxtrot 7 лет назад
Sounds like Palin didn't get something she was promised.
@jena2664 7 лет назад
@dawnsstar5918 7 лет назад
I second that Amen.
@LouMontana-wc7nr 7 лет назад
The Queen of Stupidity is going after Trump the King of Ignorance? Sounds like a new reality show.
@gwats19577 7 лет назад
I couldn't said it better myself.... I went out before the Election, and started the re-fi process on my own home, and cleaned up my finances..... Now I'm in a better position to 'wait out' this Orange Fool's Presidency, and hope the Country learns from this terrible mistake, and starts voting in it's own best interests..........
@armlovesmetal1036 7 лет назад
That is what we are going to try to do. Bill Maher said he already pulled out of the stock market and out his money elsewhere so the republicans can their hands on it.
@circuitdude1 7 лет назад
armlovesmetal Bill Maher is a leftist sellout piece of shit
@kacenoroyal 7 лет назад
Got to pay the price for voting for someone who promises to save jobs for the jobless. It was an easy vote. Now what he does with your vote..... it's on you. Some of my friends said that Hilliary was gonna go door to door to take away their guns. Feeble minded people. Plethora of lies led him to the Presidency. Let's pray he will not ruin our county, but somehow help? PRAY!
@pamhathcox8831 7 лет назад
If you think Hillary wasn't after guns...well, I can't help you. I am with you, we all need to pray for Trump. He has his work cut out for him without all the bashing he's taking. Add that on top of everything else he has to fix and he's in for a rough term. But I truly think he will be successful, he loves a challenge. If he gets rid of late term abortion, the ObamaCare nightmare, and continues to bring jobs home, he will be a success in my eyes. I hope you will actually pray for him, since his success will be our success.
@christopherdowns7629 7 лет назад
The biggest red flag with Trump for me was he gave money to Hillary. I always argued he wouldn't get rid of the insiders cause he is one.
@community1949 7 лет назад
Now we've got the next 4 years to deal with this mess - but I think Trump will keep unraveling until he's impeached sometime next year - told you so!!!!
@eddiemaxblack 7 лет назад
Oh, I do sympathize with some, not all, but some, Trump voters. Not all of 'em are a bunch of deplorables. They're angry. Therefore irrational. They need to start making informed and rational votes -- in future,
@questworldmatrix 7 лет назад
+MoppyPuppy My sentiment exactly.
@oGaLaCTiCo 7 лет назад
i cant believe people actually voted for trump. just checked regretful trump voter tweets... WHAT DID YOU GUYS THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN, HE IS A "BILLIONAIRE" BUSINESSMAN. ffs i didnt think people lacked this much common sense. wish we had two presidents. trump for his trump supporters and bernie for the rest of america. that way trump can bend his supporters over all he wants and leave the rest of us the hell alone.
@oGaLaCTiCo 7 лет назад
although if we lived with 2 president, trump and bernie, trump would just blame bernie for messing "his" america up, leading to a civil war because trump supporters are to gullible and would believe every word he says. wish we just had bernie... :/
@MN-tc5nx 7 лет назад
Get that Orange Oaf out of the WH
@Chalky. 7 лет назад
Maybe Trump tried the Tic-Tacs on her and even she has standards.
@whatliesbeneaththeweave3518 7 лет назад
Grover lol
@Roof_Pizza 7 лет назад
She prefers Mentos.
@metalzonemt-2 7 лет назад
Angry Sarah Palin went to her computer, put a stamp on the corner of the monitor and sent angry e-mail to Donald Trump
@kikomilano7392 7 лет назад
He's right. Don't have sympathy for Trumpers.
@jamiecox2256 7 лет назад
Hell.....I'm tired of Trump and palin already! !!
@Doom2pro 7 лет назад
Trump isn't going to drain the swamp... He brings the swamp.
@zipjay 7 лет назад
we should start calling him the swamp monster
@MsShell1125 7 лет назад
This guy will knock watergate out the box. Just sit back and watch.
@dangerouslytalented 7 лет назад
he already has outdone watergate: Watergate was about planting a listening device in the DNC headquarters to listen in on their private conversations to get dirt on them, and Trump's Russian friends did the modern day equivalent, hacking the email server. So this is watergate on steroids.
@TheMackoftheyear 7 лет назад
+dangerouslytalented shut up
@dangerouslytalented 7 лет назад
TheMackoftheyear It is basically the exact same scandal as watergate, except it was revealed even before he got elected.
@rickelmonoggin 7 лет назад
Well, Sarah Palin isn't going to pay a price. Probably she's just pissed that Trump used her like he uses everybody else who trusts him.
@stillbill9937 7 лет назад
Trump said the other day, he won't need anybodys vote for 4 years. He's saying basically that he'll do what he wants..
@Teddi-6 7 лет назад
Still Bill And that's what keeps me up at night
@jtjones73 7 лет назад
Trump is being a business man, plain and simple. Anyone in charge or even just high up in a company does the exact same thing that Trump is doing. They find those that have helped in the past, put them into positions where they can help in the future, and make sure that the deck is stacked in your favor. This however is the problem. President of the United States is NOT a corporate position (at least it should not be), it is a representative position where the person represents the United States as a whole, rich and poor, christian, muslim, jewish, EVERYONE.
@tehonerapata7971 7 лет назад
She tried to play him but got played herself
@enderz1341 7 лет назад
I think we heard him wrong... he was actually saying "Dredge the Swamp!" So he could pull all the fetid, putrid garbage to the top of the pile.
@WarrenWebber 7 лет назад
"Why is Sarah Palin surprised by this?" Because her fame as a dummy is on its 8th-year streak now
@bhagamshikannegundla3484 7 лет назад
Love the response, sucks to be you!!! Take ownership for your vote!!! Educate yourself!!!!
@samlee3039 7 лет назад
Dude, never get married. Can you imagine "Ladies and gentlemen Mr. and Mrs. Cousins".
@resellworld 7 лет назад
That's his last name? Holy Shit! XD XD XD "Hi, we're the Smiths." "How are you, we're Cousins"
@nakianiteshade 7 лет назад
"I am agreeing with Sarah Palin.... does not compute... system functions shutting down........."
@antred11 7 лет назад
Why. What she says may make sense, even if she's saying it for the wrong reasons.
@darkdan3379 7 лет назад
tell em "sucks to be you" we did predict that this would happen. the trump administration will be a major failure.
@kentthalman4459 7 лет назад
Scaring times indeed when Sarah makes sense.
@oGaLaCTiCo 7 лет назад
how do you trump supporters like that trump snake oil? was it worth it?
@Uncledrip 7 лет назад
CanTheCaroKann Win go get layed bro
@oGaLaCTiCo 7 лет назад
StuntDevilJohnny i dont want to get bent over by your papa trump.
@Uncledrip 7 лет назад
CanTheCaroKann Win funniest comeback ever lol someone is a little salty it seems ;)
@oGaLaCTiCo 7 лет назад
Not really, u must be new to RU-vid or socializing in general if you think that's salty lol
@Uncledrip 7 лет назад
CanTheCaroKann Win you ended your sentence with a period, signaling you're mad (that's how it is with most people) plus I've had my account for years bro smh finish high school and go to college
@yvesmenard3383 7 лет назад
Trump voters loosing their house? Their health insurance? It's Darwin Award time!
@anyjacob1235 7 лет назад
the real problem is people who didnt vote for him are also gonna pay
@cinnamonstar808 7 лет назад
come back next year when your 401k is worth 2 cent...
@dangerouslytalented 7 лет назад
She hugged Trump, and found knives in her back.
@benjigraham4264 7 лет назад
that's the beautiful thing about this. the ones who targeted obama have to turn their sights on trump.
@arapahosundancer 7 лет назад
Next to trump palin is a genius.
@jayyyzeee6409 7 лет назад
He didn't give her a job so she's getting back at him.
@PokerDegen 7 лет назад
Jayyy Zeee she was offered a job and declined you dumb uneducated piece of s***
@LowGhostRider 7 лет назад
Right. She didn't get her treat for being a loyal bitch so now she doesn't care to lie about him anymore. This is just republican politics.
@fmanh 7 лет назад
you know you have a problem when the guy is even to insane for Palin....
@MeetThaNewDealer 7 лет назад
It must be a cold day in hell because I agree with Sarah Palin.
@kpax45 7 лет назад
Trump used Palin and dumped her! That is what he does! She should have had the sense to know better!
@oldyellerschannel4676 7 лет назад
Like she actually believed The Pig Trump would keep his word...Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!
@trickster3696 7 лет назад
trump isn't even president yet and his term is already dead in the water
@patryk635 7 лет назад
trickster3696 he is, stop listening to your jewish TV lol
@trickster3696 7 лет назад
Patryk Kruk wow saying the jews manipulate things, i'd say you need to think of new material but you idiots don't have enough brain cells for that so you just repeat what other dumb asses say, how about you go crawl back into your cave you pathetic little troglodyte
@oldpeculiar1786 7 лет назад
Jewish TV ? ... What is wrong with people.
@TheBlazersfan22 7 лет назад
do you not know how to read .. he said "yet" you fuckin idiot. go back to school republicans. better yet . go commit a crime so you can get the death sentence like roof. less idiots on this planet the better.
@delphi-moochymaker62 7 лет назад
You like Trump because you don't need to think under him. He is going to do that for you while providing silly soundbites for you to spew. Like you just did. Then he will separate you from your rights, and financial future, while you praise him. Do you understand what a patsy is? If you look it up in the dictionary, you will find your photo.
@mikeortiz6745 7 лет назад
I have no sympathy for anyone who voted for this clown I will happily stick around for the next four years just to see them get what they deserve they were warned but didn't listen I agree you did this to yourself.
@zapkvr 7 лет назад
Eight years. The idiots won't learn. And Melania will win in 2024.
@doaftheloaf 7 лет назад
melania's an import and can't run. his dunderfuck kids, on the other hand...
@ybrix101 7 лет назад
Funny. I got sick of Trump eight months ago.
@lilyrubinstein247 7 лет назад
So true, the ignorant will alway be just that. Don't feel sorry for the Trumpster.
@edwardhoekstra3102 7 лет назад
Never thought I would agree with Sara Palin.
@garymeister515 7 лет назад
It kind of scares me too.
@almightycatman 7 лет назад
I read that op-ed, and yeah, it's a real Twilight Zone moment when you suddenly find yourself agreeing with something that dingy Sarah has to say. Another one is Bush Jr's evil brain Carl Rove on some of the cable news shows lately, bashing Trump. It's truly a topsy turvy world when you're on the same page with Carl Rove!!
@TheSongDuck 7 лет назад
dean c v
@landfair123 7 лет назад
I tried to tell the people I know. Some called me a traitor. No one had ever called me that before.
@RoarshackCanada 7 лет назад
turning the swamp into a cesspool
@Skyprince27 7 лет назад
Roarshack Probably the alligators crawled away to live in the nearest septic tank because they couldn't take the smell.
@tflowers31 7 лет назад
I was reading about a woman that voted for Donald Trump. Then she said she has a chronic illness and she needed to sign up for oboma care insurance.
@sandyliddell1319 7 лет назад
Yep it is on the Trump supporters. Educate yourselves. Sad. We all are going to pay the price now.
@doubleghod 7 лет назад
ABC anyone but clinton......that is the mindset that put trump in office
@stephencsoma564 7 лет назад
he drained the swamp alright. now the gators and snakes are in your backyard.
@realtalk1424 7 лет назад
@ninosawbrzostowiecki1892 7 лет назад
Perhaps it's time for the non-deplorable Trump supporters to demand their electors to vote for somebody else.
@pbh9195 7 лет назад
for once Palin did something right.
7 лет назад
The Republican LIST OF MORONS is long. And Palin & Trump might be in the top ten.
@stillbill9937 7 лет назад
This is like a Mel Brooks movie, the Producers. Picking the worse people he can. Trying every every thing he can to have a flop.
@redwing1067 7 лет назад
Maybe Santa will come early and give us Bernie Sanders via the Hamilton electors....
@christy7270 7 лет назад
FYI, people were losing their insurance on the Obama care plan because it was too damn expensive. And the common worker who bought their insurance policy through work doubled because of the Obama care plan. Stop blaming everything on Trump and the people who voted for Trump!
@dennispadilla3089 7 лет назад
***** I also think its wrong when one who disagrees with trump as i do to resort to calling anyone names because they disagree with them. WE CAN NOT CHANGE ANYONE'S MIND IF WE DO THAT I feel we could win by telling the truth .Believe me i can and have gone down that road.When trumps supporters come at me that way. I know that they get frustrated because i give them facts not rumors or as donald would say (HE HEARD OR MANY PEOPLE ARE SAY ) and then he will lie you can tell when he is lying when he starts off that way. Only after they conduct themselves in that manner when they just come with calling me names will i resort to that . The beauty in that is when they do that its is when they have no facts only made up stuff fake news .. SO JUST GIVE THEM THE TRUTH AND THEY CAN NOT STAND THAT. BUT WE CAN NOT GIVE THEM THE TRUTH WHEN WE START WITH NAMES CALLING
@pamhathcox8831 7 лет назад
Dennis, you can give us your version of the facts all day long, but the fact is...people could not afford ObamaCare. We were penalized for it by the IRS. Late term abortion is murder. Israel is our friend. Private servers carrying Top Secret documents are a no-no. We can not, as a nation, take in all the refugees and illegal immigrants and hope to survive. We need to take care of our own citizens before we feed, clothe and insure the rest of the world. Our jobs need to stay here, not move because they can't afford to do business in this country. I am fairly certain you have an answer for each and every one of my points, but the bottom line is this - none of your answers will change the facts as seen from average Americans, the ones who supported Trump. Lastly, and probably the most important response to your post...Hillary called me the most vile names she could think of (none of which are true) and you want to talk about Trump supporters name-calling? Please.
@MountainMan23 7 лет назад
Don't *just* blame the people who voted for Trump for electing him. The DNC failed to provide a viable alternative, running a badly damaged candidate instead of Sanders. Sanders spoke to exactly the sense of disenfranchisement that Trump skillfully manipulated. Big difference? Sanders would have done what he said he'd do.
@badbitch8010 7 лет назад
Even Sarah is sick of him. Sarah!
@jamin4556 7 лет назад
If you voted for Trump you deserv e the L you are about to take....
@LinkRocks 7 лет назад
We're all taking the L for what those idiots voted for. Thanks, electoral college!
@jjp3058 7 лет назад
Hey Sarah, "hows that whole" drainy swampy thing "workin out fer yah?"
@Danadane314 7 лет назад
I'm with you. I have NO sympathy for people (R) duped by this craziness!😡 I disagree that it's only on them .... We will all pay.😡😡😡
@gitvin 7 лет назад
There was a celebrating Trump supporter on the news on 11/9 who spoke the truth about why he voted for DJT and I wager what he said is at the bottom of why so many voted for DJT. He said: "We need a man in the White House." So it is a plumbing issue - no more no less.
@thevoxofreason8468 7 лет назад
I have a sneaking suspicion that Sarah... (whispering now) may not be that smart. shhhhh.....
@hermenutic 7 лет назад
Oddly Trumps characteristics are considered Patriotic by some classes of Americans.
@sarawagabaza 7 лет назад
Weird times we're living in.
@daviel6595 7 лет назад
Very crazy times.
@nuid1 7 лет назад
"Oddly Trumps characteristics are considered Patriotic by some classes of Americans." Indeed. And they're all white, mostly over 50, mostly unemployed, mostly not very well off. Gun owners. Racists.
@lorenzowilliams8347 7 лет назад
Front row seats to the fall of modern day Rome.
@marktime1470 7 лет назад
Well.. I'm sick of SARAH PALIN~
@UncleBully-vx8rq 7 лет назад
Amen dude! he said it exactly....
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