
Satan getting defeated by God's Power through the Cross of Jesus-Passion of Christ Edited Scene 

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17 окт 2024




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@pauljuliano6676 3 года назад
"If the world hates you, remember it hated me first" -Jesus Christ
@bertsonder 3 года назад
If He loves His creation why the hell did He put snake the satan on the place where human lives in, thats one million question, would you put a tiger inside your child room then you say you love your child
@rjz.9739 3 года назад
@@bertsonder That's the question that you should ask jesus when you die ,if you are going to heaven but if not you can ask satan . better yet read the bible before you die it will tell you .
@acojankovic3709 3 года назад
Because Lucifer wasn’t a serpent he was Gods best Angel they wanted his kingdom .!
@rjz.9739 3 года назад
@@acojankovic3709 Yes you are right .
@elmarieking9590 3 года назад
@@bertsonder Elohim, our Creator, created Adam & Eve in His image and in His likeness - Óne with Him, no distance at all. Why the snake? First, it was not a snake as we know it, it is symbolic and represents our soul, our thoughts. As the Trinity in Gen 1:26,27 decided to "Let us make mankind in Our image .. and let them rule over .." Só He had to bring their creation (Adam) into a situation to make his choice, otherwise God would've created poppets on a string. So yes, He very well knew before Genesis Adam will eat of the Tree Elohim warned him nót to eat, that's why He sent his only beloved Son to undo whatever went wrong in the Garden of Eden: Romans 5:12-21 🌾 The Garden of Eden was not a physical garden. It was Adam's thoúghts he had to check, as God did not create him to work. Follow Aaron Abke or C Baxter Kruger on YT, or get The Mirror Study Bible by Francois du Toit for great insight in the Word of God. Blessings to all !
@BellaBanker 4 года назад
I know I’m not the only one who is Satisfied seeing Satan defeated! Long live Jesus Christ the Messiah! Glory to GOD!
@alliasstar7289 3 года назад
What verse says "weep for satan" I want to actually read this verse for myself because I'm pretty sure that's not real
@davidmesler3718 3 года назад
@VoltBolt1984 3 года назад
Satan’s head was crushed just as it was foretold. Now I am free because of what Jesus Christ my Savior has done for me. Long live King Jesus.
@chrisrender2419 3 года назад
@chrisrender2419 3 года назад
@@rocklee6673 you to shall bow
@michaelo2535 3 года назад
One drop of Gods power shakes the earth.
@brethrenjc.3606 3 года назад
@elvinrosetes31 3 года назад
@goteamslugs 3 года назад
@Jay-yf6ww 3 года назад
God Almighty
@Praise___YaH 3 года назад
YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@prosubzero89 3 года назад
It is finished... to see the enemy sitting there like that makes me feel so good , I can’t wait to spend eternity with you all and our father in heaven !!!
@elmarieking9590 3 года назад
John 17:3
@Zio-777 3 года назад
He did for us what we couldn’t do He paid our price for sin... Thank Jesus for your sacrifice
@flamingwarrior2589 4 года назад
While the world stood by and watched, Christ conquered ALL things!
@tonyshumway7652 3 года назад
Ezekiel 33:22 Now the hand of the LORD was upon me in the evening, afore he that was escaped came; and had opened my mouth, until he came to me in the morning; and my mouth was opened, and I was no more dumb. Genesis 4:7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him. Proverbs 16:17 The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that keepeth his way preserveth his soul. Numbers 22:12 And God said unto Balaam, Thou shalt not go with them; thou shalt not curse the people: for they are blessed. Joel 2:24 And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall overflow with wine and oil. 2 Peter 1:12 Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth. Matthew 12:41 The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here. Romans 11:26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: Jude 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. Titus 2:14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
@darvensloco8248 3 года назад
Fr amennnn
@goteamslugs 3 года назад
@Itachisan-cf9ic 3 года назад
@Praise___YaH 3 года назад
YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@douglaskelly9173 4 года назад
The moment that Satan realised that Christ is here to stay!!!
@WhoAmiWhatsMyName 3 года назад
Sata wanted equality for all of the angels but yall to blind to see. Have some sympathy for the devil.
@ThyNam3less 3 года назад
@@WhoAmiWhatsMyName foolishness
@elmarieking9590 3 года назад
satan, not Satan .. Christ, not christ 💞 after the cross of Jesus, satan is a doing word, a verb, as he is destroyed together with our old sinfull nature which we inherited from Adam: Col 2:15 Just as the sin of the world are gone in Christ, so Satan, thus satan who now is at work in the unbelievers. Rom 5:12-21
@WhoAmiWhatsMyName 3 года назад
@@elmarieking9590 im still here, im im still here, im im still here this is why this why you missed
@throne_glass1942 3 года назад
@@WhoAmiWhatsMyName He's the Father of Lies and you obviously believe him instead of God's Word!
@eddeewhat5553 4 года назад
It still amazes me that we spend an astronomical amount of money looking for other worldly life. We had one come who’s kingdom was not of this world. He did countless miracles in front of multitudes. What did we do we killed him unjustly. He did all that so that all that believe in him shall be saved. Thank you Lord beloved Son of the Most High God. Shalom
@adrielgutierrez523 4 года назад
@pyramidhead138 3 года назад
has it occurred to anyone that those "space aliens" may actually be fallen angels manifested from demons? maybe those aliens ARENT from a far off world, maybe theyve lived with us all along.
@capt.macmillan5055 3 года назад
@throne_glass1942 3 года назад
@@pyramidhead138 I think that as well everytime my family talks about aliens. I don't believe that God created them because the Bible doesn't mention them and we are his creation so maybe they are just Demons!
@ozymandiasia1335 3 года назад
@@pyramidhead138 Yes I've always thought that too. There are no other beings in far of planets besides ours, says the word of God. We are the only creation with consciousness. These aliens are just demons who've been here with us for thousands of years. The world must know
@wawaelias8842 3 года назад
@KingofgraceSARA 3 года назад
AMEN, brother!
@Ayyshaddy Год назад
Just so you know angels sung and praises God for your victory!!! they fought battles for your soul and now your free. praise our brother, jesus christ. You now dwell in the holy spirit. hope ur doing well.
@evanroldan9566 3 года назад
The Rain Drop Was God's Tear For God So Loved the world
@gutsgalore1376 3 года назад
Jesus was just a superhero character in an old book of myths. The writers based the character on Moses, Elijah and Elisha, other mythological characters. The character of Jesus was crafted from various Old Testament prophets into a historical figure to communicate the claims of the gospels allegorically. These allegories then started to be believed as fact during the struggle for control of the Christian churches of the first century.
@DuzzinsSama 3 года назад
@@gutsgalore1376 tacitus, jospheus, and The Roman empire would like a word with you.
@DuzzinsSama 3 года назад
@@gutsgalore1376 But all human efforts, all the lavish gifts of the emperor, and the propitiations of the gods, did not banish the sinister belief that the conflagration was the result of an order. Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judæa, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind. Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths. Covered with the skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to the flames and burnt, to serve as a nightly illumination, when daylight had expired. Nero offered his gardens for the spectacle, and was exhibiting a show in the circus, while he mingled with the people in the dress of a charioteer or stood aloft on a car. Hence, even for criminals who deserved extreme and exemplary punishment, there arose a feeling of compassion; for it was not, as it seemed, for the public good, but to glut one man's cruelty, that they were being destroyed. -Tacitus Strange of you to suggest this when not even the romans themselves denied Jesus was real.
@karlbrady5453 3 года назад
@@gutsgalore1376 You will find you are wrong when you meet Him face to face.
@ryangreen2493 2 года назад
@@gutsgalore1376 you do realize that Jesus did walk this earth right.... that there is proof that he actually existed.
@9ner4ever34 4 года назад
@nota13xxsfbiagent32 3 года назад
@Chester Gilman🤨. Wut
@forg6980 3 года назад
But he already came 2nd time in the east establish new covenant and he passover. 3rd christ will be comming by fire in also written on bible. 2nd christ will come to establish and reopen the the covenant that Pope closed.written by John Revolution 7-1
@elmarieking9590 3 года назад
@Chester Gilman 🌼 Yes, He is risen right inside our skull and will finally appear from inside of those who believe, as we are the clouds He will manifest His 2nd and last appearances. The devil has been defeated at the cross, he does not exist any more, only in the mind of wrong thinking.
@elmarieking9590 3 года назад
@@forg6980🌼 This is not Biblical. The 1st coming took place with the outporing of the Holy Spirit: Acts 2 - Also Col 1:26,27 clearly says "Christ inside of us, wether you believe or not". Now we eagerly await for His 2nd and last appearances, which will be from within us, as we and Christ are One. We are the clouds, symbolic. 1Thes 4:13-18 The pope has got nothing to do with the word of God. Jesus also died for his sin, just as that of his earthly mother Mary.
@capt.macmillan5055 3 года назад
@ericsantana1184 4 года назад
Even God himself is a great superhero and he will always be greater than the devil
@JMUDoc 3 года назад
Because the devil was _created_ inferior. "I will always be able to run faster than my son because I both of his legs amputated the moment he was born" is about as deserving of praise.
@JMUDoc 3 года назад
@Enoch Duah Nothing and nobody should be worshipped, but especially not those that demand and expect it.
@JMUDoc 3 года назад
@Enoch Duah I don't worship anything. And I wouldn't worship anybody that expected, demanded and COMManded worship even if I thought they were real.
@Rotisiv 3 года назад
@@JMUDoc See if your arrogance and pride will profit you anything once you’re buried naked in the dirt with maggots consuming your rotting body. You’ll be wishing if you had known God in your lifetime.
@JMUDoc 3 года назад
@@Rotisiv 1. There is no arrogance or pride in anything I've said - I'm no more "proud" of being an atheist than I am of not believing in ghosts or alien abductions. 2. What if there's no afterlife? You would have wasted the one and only life you'll ever get on a non-existent god and empty promises of heavens...
@dan_bellamy3361 4 года назад
The first, only, almighty, savior, Redempter, Hero His name is Jesus Christ❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏
@ronaldjeremysiciliano9804 Год назад
Amen Jesus is my Lord And Savior 😊🙏❤
@metalcastengines9917 3 года назад
Thank You Lord God, Heavenly Father, for Your Beloved Son Jesus Christ who died for us on the Cross to save us from sin🙏
@avakate6227 3 года назад
Jesus heals. Nothing is imposible with God. God is the best doctor. God loves yall. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.
@evanroldan9566 3 года назад
Jesus Will prevail
@JMUDoc 3 года назад
"God is the best doctor." Then I take it you've never been to a (human) doctor, or taken any medication in your life?
@0808phoenix 3 года назад
@patriot4780 3 года назад
I cannot wait until the day when he screams for real!!!
@Slevin.Kalevra 3 года назад
In time my brother! God be with you always!
@thedolbywompers 3 года назад
Very yes
@isaacmuniz1706 3 года назад
@saigie3908 3 года назад
@@RU-vid304s He’s talking about the Second Coming
@evanroldan9566 3 года назад
The devil and those who follow him will be judged at the end of time
@jenlisa6631 3 года назад
I love you Jesus
@orlamarch721 3 года назад
@James Conway fuck you
@Winter-bs2iz 3 года назад
@James Conway have you seen your own face 💀
@orlamarch721 3 года назад
@James Conway fuck your stupid face
@MixedBeauty01 3 года назад
And he Loves us too!!❤️ It’s best to pay no mind to ignorant people. As for this old man in the comments, he oughta be doing something better with himself rather than being this old and trolling in the comments! Sad sight to see
@natedog8749 3 года назад
We all love Jesus, amen!
@michaelsuarez1126 5 лет назад
@mklizzar 4 года назад
Well the bible says that this planet belongs to Satan and that satan is the ruler of this world and that he will rule the entire planet for 7 years with the mark of the beast after ww3.
@ClaytonBigsby93 4 года назад
You state the truth, but it therefore poses the question of why you would go by “Illuminati agent” as your account name... don’t you think? Does it not make the passive statement that you know and understand the Biblical truth of satan’s impending defeat at the hands of Christ , and yet willfully embracing the side of satan? Or perhaps I am misinterpreting and if so , forgive me. It just seems kind of... strange
@bannedaccount3752 4 года назад
Yeah, that's why we all are subdued by consumerism.
@ClaytonBigsby93 3 года назад
@Vance L. Gilmore Fool.
@michaelsuarez1126 3 года назад
@Vance L. Gilmore I already know. The name LORD JESUS CHRIST when computed using roman numerals the result is 666.
@GhostMonkey772 2 года назад
I started drinking when I was 16. I would drink at parties, but I also started drinking alone because I was unhappy, and I was in a lot of emotional pain all the time. My mom was very aggressive when I was younger, and my brother hated her and so did I. He started hanging out with shady people, he started failing all his classes, he was never home, and my parents fought all the time. I also ran away several times. I was always trying to figure out a reason as to why I was here or what the purpose of life was. So, I started looking at different philosophies, religions, and beliefs. When I was 18 after I was hungover, I got on my knees and I prayed for the first time. I asked if God was real that he would show me he was real because I couldn’t take it anymore. I was crying when I prayed for this. At that moment I felt a presence come over me like a wind. It was barely noticeable, but it was unlike anything in my life I had experienced up until that point. I was surprised when I felt it and I remember saying “what was that?” after that experience I pretty much forgot what happened and kept partying, until my senior year when I got arrested. After my arrest, my parents lost all their trust in me and I was expelled from high school. I was told never to come back. At that time, I felt afraid and hopeless. That’s when I started looking for God, and I prayed that he would reveal himself in my life and that he would give me signs. My prayers began getting answered so consistently that I couldn’t deny that God was doing something. It was mysterious and compelling. I ended up in Church and started reading the bible hours a day. I stopped hanging out with all my other friends because they were continually getting arrested. I was able to forgive my family and myself and to ask to be forgiven. I noticed how at Church people were judgmental and how they formed cliques but were afraid to be around anyone else different from them. It increased my faith because I realized Jesus was not like that and ever since I was young, I saw people as people regardless of who they were. After a while, it’s like I could see God's presence was in my life and then it felt like he wasn’t, and then he was, and then he wasn’t. One day I woke up and felt more depressed than I ever have in my entire life. I felt like I was dying on the inside. That night I prayed, and I said, God, I don’t see my life five years from now I'm going to die Jesus save me Lord, please save me. I was weeping when I said it and when I asked him to save me, I felt a presence inside of me like a heartbeat, and I felt it once like a pulse, and I said Lord please save me and I felt it again even stronger. It was like radiance. When I woke up the next morning, I had transformed everything felt brand new like I was a kid again. All my fears and all my racing thoughts everything was gone. I looked at my hands, and I said this can’t be real, it's impossible. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw a different person. I started praying, and the holy spirit became entirely real to me; it was washing over me and inside of me. It was total love and peace, and I heard a voice but not an audible one, it was an inner voice. It said I am with you; I love you, I will never leave you, it’s done it’s finished. That was May 3rd, 2009, and ever since then I’ve followed God, I have seen many things change and many things I know wouldn’t have changed without faith and belief. I know what it’s like to be lost to feel you have no hope. Don’t ever think you’re stuck, or life can’t change because it can. My mom is a Christian now, Its night and day. Some of the things that went away during that period were severe anxiety and my addiction to alcohol. I’ve seen and experienced so many things that are miraculous and seen how God has worked in my life. When we ask God to forgive us for what we’ve done and turn away from our sins and wrongdoings and we believe in Christ's sacrifice everything changes. His word says if we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that he died and rose again we will have eternal life but not just life after death but abundant life in the present. Our sins are erased not only past, present, and future but our burdens and fears are lifted also. Our thoughts, our minds, our hearts, our souls are transformed and united with God and we know his spirit lives in us. If you seek, pray, and knock you will know JESUS IS KING!!! HE LIVES!
@Pipiduga2 21 день назад
He Lives , Jesus is the Light of the World , Bread of the Life , He heals , He is powerfull . I am very happy you find God and your mom is better . keep going !❤ if i can ask , what is your denimination ?
@corrine.talbot8 3 года назад
The amount of satisfaction from watching satan defeated is the best feeling in the world!!!!!
@esthermichael1021 3 года назад
He shouts...still today...coz he can't accept his fall🙂
@juanjoyaborja.3054 3 года назад
@elmarieking9590 3 года назад
@@juanjoyaborja.3054 Yes.
@elmarieking9590 3 года назад
@Shiva Shankar When you say "he is master", of whom are you talking?
@stanleyyelnats3754 3 года назад
@@elmarieking9590 Your house must suck
@elmarieking9590 3 года назад
@@stanleyyelnats3754 No my darling, my house are full of joy, as we know that we know.. that we know 😝 and no one can take away this know 🎶
@pleasedontwhipmemaster2353 4 года назад
Jesus is my Lord and savior amen🙏❤
@timkeener319 4 года назад
@adrielgutierrez523 4 года назад
@latinmoses8417 4 года назад
@lking1842 3 года назад
Amen, Hallelujah. Praise and Glory be to God in the highest.
@thecoldhardtruth6819 3 года назад
He was mine too until he betrayed
@kingterreke 4 года назад
He is my savior healer and deliverer
@skyblue-bo6yo 3 года назад
And one drop of His precious blood is powerful enough to cleanse me from all sins..Praise God for His Amazing Grace..
@shawneldridge4465 3 года назад
🙋yesssssss, there will be a time and day when the devil and his demons + all those who are wickedness and do evil against us shall be destroyed on judgment Day. Until that time comes we must continue to have faith, to believe, to trust in the heavenly father and keep praying for those who needs it and for those who are breaking gods laws.
@eduardomagana3858 3 года назад
Glory be to the Lord. May he forgive us of all our sins, have mercy upon us and let us be with him forever.
@deesparks1061 4 года назад
This scene is so epic it made me mad and happy at the same time That one-man could do so much!
@IAMSURAJRANA 3 года назад
Bro can u give me a link of full movie
@deesparks1061 3 года назад
@@IAMSURAJRANA passion of the Christ
@kyleellis8665 3 года назад
Why mad?
@deesparks1061 3 года назад
@@kyleellis8665 Because id take his place in a hot second for what he's gone through.
@DanielKovacs33 3 года назад
God did this out of love for all of humanity and because we could not make it to Him through our own works. Jesus, God in the flesh, does not ask that we take His place or try to live out His suffering on the cross, only that we believe on Him through a spiritual understanding that we can’t save ourselves from hell and our sins, but He did indeed pay it all on our behalf. Believe on Him as Savior, God, and Lord alone for your sins today!
@annachristopher1525 3 года назад
Love you Jesus ♥️🙏🙏💙❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@jamesthompson3016 3 года назад
Praise jesus ❤
@rinkubml2082 3 года назад
Glory To The Almighty God Jesus ✝️✝️✝️❤
@MariaNunes-po5rc Год назад
The Almighty GOD is the father YHVH... CRIST is god but is the son of GOD. Crist also has several titles gaven by the Father to his son. Crist is Lord of the Lords King of the kings. Prince of peace. He will soon rule the world under God,s command. Matthew chapter 24 Luke chapter 21. Thank you
@kart554 3 года назад
We are all saved by the blood of our Savior on the Cross
@Cjnw 3 года назад
And now, you can still receive it at Mass in church on Sunday!
@user-ts2tm7zu1b 3 года назад
@@Cjnw no you receive his grace by faith.
@RichChanLikesTacos 3 года назад
This scene made me tear up and be happy at the same time! As soon as i was feeling sad i felt a warm touch on my leg probably from God(Jesus) or one of his archangels from heaven Much big unconditional love, blessings, and good vibes to all!💗🥳💜
@andywhata 3 года назад
What’s the movie ?
@jacobbittner9131 3 года назад
That’s the Holy Spirit he wants you that warm touch is a sign to keep your faith in the lord he is the truth the alpha the omega!!!
@RichChanLikesTacos 3 года назад
@@andywhata the passion of christ :D
@kevynwilliams5435 4 года назад
Hallelujah 🙌 Praise The Lord Jesus Christ
@Praise___YaH Год назад
YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified/Pierced for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Egyptian Semitic: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moshe (Moses) wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Egyptian Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@winstonsims9021 4 года назад
Praise be to God forever
@carloscaceres5111 9 месяцев назад
Jesus, God, Mary, you are always good, you are the source of my strength and happiness, my place is decided by you, I love and thank you my eternal familia, amen forever 🔥✝️🙏🏽🕊️☀️🦁
@verghese-xm1vp 3 года назад
Our king is coming He will throw away the devil with breath of his mouth by majesty of his arrival ! To lord Jesus Christ be glory and dominion forever !
@elmarieking9590 3 года назад
Jesus will not "throw away the devil with breath of his mouth..", as He alreády destroyed him 2,000+ yrs ago !! Colossians 2:14,15 🌠 Satan today is that person living without the Holy Spirit, in other words, the carnal mind or natural man. Jesus already came to us and is living inside of us: Col 1:26,27 😇 but yes, He's last coming will be very soon: 1Thes 4:13-18 Peace & grace to all 🙏
@RadiomattoliDwaraka 3 года назад
Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus
@illiguxstorm893 3 года назад
Praise Jesus Christ Hallelujah! Bless him and his holy name AMEN!!
@gutsgalore1376 3 года назад
Jesus was just a superhero character in an old book of myths. The writers based the character on Moses, Elijah and Elisha, other mythological characters. The character of Jesus was crafted from various Old Testament prophets into a historical figure to communicate the claims of the gospels allegorically. These allegories then started to be believed as fact during the struggle for control of the Christian churches of the first century.
@illiguxstorm893 3 года назад
@@gutsgalore1376 Your proof?
@gutsgalore1376 3 года назад
@@illiguxstorm893There are no histories that mention Jesus at the time he supposedly lived. All accounts came decades to hundreds of years later. The parallels with old Testament myths are well documented. If you want some scholarship on the subject, watch this: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-bQmMFQzrEsc.html
@illiguxstorm893 3 года назад
@@gutsgalore1376 Thank you for the offer but I'll happily decline and even more happily believe in my Lord and Savior if I may.
@gutsgalore1376 3 года назад
@@illiguxstorm893 YOU asked for proof. So basically you choose to stay ignorant and brainwashed for the rest of your life. It's your life.
@AJ-lo7kc 4 года назад
And he was defeated and thrown into the abyss for a 1000 years only for him to return so christ can get him again
@lakiyahshadou6442 4 года назад
No it’s 2,000 years
@4DreamWeaver4 4 года назад
Matt Klubeck why does he get released again? If he is captured, I would keep it that way!
@TravellerTinker 4 года назад
@Matt Klubeck what will happen after the Earth is destroyed?
@ClaytonBigsby93 4 года назад
@Matt Klubeck and that said best explanation is exactly that :) very well said and is what I also believe is what is intended to imply through Gods word that he gave to us should we choose In our hearts to hear it.
@fabiana7157 3 года назад
You people come up with some very interesting fairytales, it's funny that you don't even realize that your imaginary heaven is simply a dream, the nicest thing the human mind can come up with. A peaceful, beautiful place. Everything is just human imagination lol, heaven is what they came up with after realizing that life on earth is quite brutal and random most of the time. Like people creating a safe space because they can't deal with reality. I'll never understand how you people willingly lie to yourselves like this.
@charlottedunios3664 3 года назад
Glory to our Savior Lord Jesus Christ Amen.
@sir.joshuarane.doebler3762 3 года назад
That's a story there... Thanks Jesus. Praise and Glory to God. God Bless. Jesus Christ, is the name of God. He lives. Praise and Bless God's holy name.
@jn80ny 3 года назад
King Jesus reigns forever and ever! I can’t wait until my king comes back and I may be with him for eternity. I love you all, may God bless you always. #JesusLovesYou #AcceptingJesusWasTheBestDecisionEver
@tonyadcock7347 3 года назад
How could one but a lost soul give that powerful and yes True message ...our Savior...
@iidentifyasayoutubertoday7025 3 года назад
It's sad to think that there are people in this world who don't realize what Jesus did for them. To have someone give such an amazing gift and to have it never be received and then in the end they will wish they did.
@JMUDoc 3 года назад
It's sad to think that your god has the ability to convince every person who has ever lived, and will ever live, but instead relies on imperfect apologists arguing from a book he rendered implausible to most of us.
@SoapyOrangeCat 3 года назад
@@JMUDoc The bible is written to speak to wise men and young children. Have you read/studied it?
@JMUDoc 3 года назад
@@SoapyOrangeCat "The bible is written to speak to wise men and young children." But if your god wants everybody to believe, shouldn't it be written to speak to everybody? And what a convenient out that is - it lets you label those that don't believe it as stupid! "Have you read/studied it? " Yes.
@katiee9005 3 года назад
@@JMUDoc everybody has a conscience given to us by God correct? All people know there is God some just choose to reject it, and God is not gonna force us to believe and obey him , he lets us choose but he warns us of consequences when we disobey him. And God doesn’t own us anything , we don’t deserve heaven as people , but he still wants to give it to us as free gift. He wakes us up every morning and gives us changes to repent. Soo if person doesn’t wanna listen to him and accept his gift , that’s his choice. God won’t force him to obey lol
@JMUDoc 3 года назад
@@katiee9005 "everybody has a conscience given to us by God correct?" Wrong on both counts. I have a conscience, but I don't believe it was given to me by your god. And some people apparently have no conscience at all. "All people know there is God" So the Bible says. And its followers are unable to prove. "and God is not gonna force us to believe and obey him" 1. By not convincing me of his existence he is forcing me to not believe, and depriving me of the chance of salvation. 2. Satan knew, and chose not to obey. Belief in your god's existence would not entail obedience (but NON-belief DOES entail NON-obedience). "he lets us choose but he warns us of consequences when we disobey him" For the warning to be worth anything, I must believe it came from HIM. And I don't. "And God doesn’t ow[e] us anything" If your god wants and expects me to believe in him, he must offer something that convinces me because belief is NOT A CHOICE. If you think it is, choose to believe - right now - that your current religion is nonsense, and some other religion is correct. You can't - I can no more decide to believe that you're right than you decide to believe somebody else is. "we don’t deserve heaven as people , but he still wants to give it to us as free gift." If there is a condition (and there is: repentance) it's not FREE. "He wakes us up every morning and gives us chan[c]es to repent. " Repentance is both a command and a gift, according to the Bible. This is impossible - you can't reasonably command somebody to do something they can't do unless YOU make them able. "Soo if person doesn’t wanna listen to him and accept his gift , that’s his choice." If your god has not convinced me that this gift is coming from him, my non-acceptance is not a refusal of "his gift", and I cannot reasonably be blamed for the consequences.
@andersonsa4753 Год назад
“Viva a Cristo! Pois ele venceu a morte!!”
@cyruscyru2993 7 месяцев назад
Amen lord jesus soo satisfied as you rise upon the evil as an king ruling the entire universe praise to you lord jesus christ jesus live a long i stand your side jesus i love you praise to the lord jesus the king of kings the alpha and omega of the entire universe please lord keep me with you when i come to the judgement day lord i do whatever you say and come to you my father amen 😭😭😭✝️✝️😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭✝️😭😭😭
@georgegrantrivera8998 3 года назад
In the Holy power of God, in the Holy power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Evil is now defeated. Ameb 🙏👆👑
@Praise___YaH 3 года назад
HERE is Our Savior YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@_earner8981 3 года назад
Jesus is my shepherd, amen♡♡♡♡
@aniaclaudia0370 3 года назад
@victorvigil7892 3 года назад
May Lord and my God, Thank you Jesus for all did for us, I love you most loving Jesus
@ChiefCedricJohnson 3 года назад
James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
@juanmaiam 2 года назад
The One who is above all, the greatest name of all names. The One who was dead and now is alive. The One that knows everything, even more, the One that is Everything. May all the power, honor and glory go to Jesus, yesterday, today and tomorrow. THE KING. 👑
I rebuke you Lucifer in the mighty Name of my Eternal lover of soul Lord Jesus Christ....
@elmarieking9590 3 года назад
Lucifer or Satan as you wish, is defeated at the cross of Jesus. He is no more. Col 2:14,15
@NARESHKumar-qr4vb 3 года назад
I want to see Satan to be put in lake of fire at last by the lord. Amen. Praise my father
@mako9324 3 года назад
The best part is this actually happened and satan was defeated while Christ rose from the dead
@mimicutiee6975 3 года назад
I love You Jesus our Messiah ,thankyou for Your allmighty love , i give my life to you i hope for our brothers sisters to also witness and learn about Jesus, in the name of Jesus christ! AMEN!!!!
@tancvideos 2 года назад
GOD'S Word is so super powerful...! What He promised, He will bring to pass! And FEELING SO CONFIDENT... JESUS LOVE YOU!!!!!!!😇❤️💯
@samuelduvall8130 3 года назад
Jesus got struck down but he became more powerful than he could possibly imagine
@Praise___YaH 3 года назад
YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@frankfrega1302 3 года назад
OK obie wan Kenobi
@virginiar.gomezgarcia8642 3 года назад
@Elizabeth-fv6iy 3 года назад
thank you so much for this amazing video I needed to hear this 😊🙏
@kathyhazzard2649 2 года назад
I love this seen....watching Satan knowing he is defeated....eternally
@andersonsa4753 Год назад
“Live to Christ! My friends, for he conquered death and conquered this world."
@sta7586 3 года назад
Only our LORD has the POWER and GLORY!
@johndemcko8585 3 года назад
Alleluia! Thank You Jesus for defeating sin and death.
@ChristianWalker22713 Год назад
Truly This Man was the Son of God
@ryanward8039 Год назад
IS the Son of God.
@wrongway1100 2 года назад
You know at times I thought this was a bit overrated. But then I watch it again and definitely change my mind. Realizing that changes everything
@danitzamolina5017 3 года назад
No greater love like Jesus Christ on that cross even with all that pain he looked at them with love and asked for them to be forgiven what a wonderful Lord we have thank you Jesus praise worthy is your name you are our king forever and ever our God has risen Amen!
@aniaclaudia0370 3 года назад
@brethrenjc.3606 3 года назад
*Truly This Was the Son of GOD* - Centurion
@gutsgalore1376 3 года назад
Jesus was just a superhero character in an old book of myths. The writers based the character on Moses, Elijah and Elisha, other mythological characters. The character of Jesus was crafted from various Old Testament prophets into a historical figure to communicate the claims of the gospels allegorically. These allegories then started to be believed as fact during the struggle for control of the Christian churches of the first century.
@yesyas4204 3 года назад
@@gutsgalore1376 this is how I know Jesus is real because people will walk across desserts and swim through oceans to argue that he isn't real. Never seen people so determined
@kentonshields6205 3 года назад
AMEN God be the glory
@gutsgalore1376 3 года назад
In the oldest biblical literature, Yahweh is a storm-and-warrior deity who leads the heavenly army against Israel's enemies; at that time the Israelites worshipped him alongside a variety of Canaanite gods and goddesses, including El, Asherah and Baal, but in later centuries El and Yahweh became conflated and El-linked epithets such as El Shaddai came to be applied to Yahweh alone, and other gods and goddesses such as Baal and Asherah were absorbed into the Yahwistic religion.
@poseidonthein6581 2 года назад
This films looks like real life 👍👍when I see this films so many time but my tears always fall in my eyes🙏🙏🙏🙏
@s.satvinraj 3 года назад
Come Lord Jesus Christ, show thy glory, amongst many Cherubims and Seraphims. Amen.
@Houstonfreddy 4 года назад
@signumverum3427 3 года назад
This scene makes me cry every single time
@heisrizn 3 года назад
Thank you Jesus...
@Vishalvakani44 6 месяцев назад
Love you Jesus ❤❤
@carsonfarist8590 2 года назад
Hallelujah thank you LORD for dying for me and saving my soul. Doing all for me Amen
@KruZX11 3 года назад
God is king He's the best
@basematorozco2543 3 года назад
@elmarieking9590 3 года назад
To repent means to change your mind, to agree with the words of Truth. Jesus came to take away the sin of the entire world: John 1:27, John 3:16,17 with the promise never to think of that ever again: Hebrew 10:17 💫 This obviously does not mean we can live an ungodly life, but at least we try not to live a life that does not pleases Him 🌼 "Through our union with Him we have experienced circumcision of heart. All of the guilt and power of sin has been cut away and is now extinct because of what Christ, the Anointed One, has accomplished FOR US. For we've been buried with Him into His death. Our "baptism into death" also means we were raised with Him when we BELIEVED in God's resurrection power, the power that raised Him from death's realm. This "realm od death" describes our former state, for we were held in sin's grasp. BUT NOW, we've been resurrected out of that "realm of death" never to return, for we are forever alive and forgiven of all oyr sins! " Col 2:11-13 🌠 Saved by grace.
@user-ts2tm7zu1b 3 года назад
@@elmarieking9590 THANKYOU!! I cannot believe people do not understand grace. People believe in works or WATER BAPTISM to save them. The bible clearly says faith saves and faith only. OSAS!!. God Bless
@SuckiSuckiNow 3 года назад
@@user-ts2tm7zu1b OSAS is false doctrine. The bible clearly states they're christians who can lose salvation by willfully sinning after receiving knowledge of God these are called Backsliders. Backsliding means to instead of obeying Jesus teaching and obeying his commands you instead continue to sin and be rebellious. If you continue down this path the bible says they trample on the blood of Jesus and there remains no more sacrifice for sin. Essentially sending your self to hell. The ones who get saved are the ones who keep Gods commandments "The Saints"
@user-ts2tm7zu1b 3 года назад
@@SuckiSuckiNow saying what you're saying, you're spitting on the blood of Jesus. You're saying, his sacrafice wasn't good enough and we need to be perfect everyday. that's wrong. we sin billions of times a day and don't know it. 1COR 15 1-4 belief in the gospel saves!!!! get saved today.
@SuckiSuckiNow 3 года назад
@@user-ts2tm7zu1b thats not right if you love Jesus you obey him. Obey. The bible says few. You know why is few. Because its hard to follow. We want what we want. We want sin. Jesus wants Love. If You Love him you stop sinning that simple.
@benjaminviloria594 3 года назад
Thank you LORD GOD for sacrificing you life to save our soul from hell...thank you LORD ...
@dylanpabon5591 Год назад
JESUS opened the Doors of Heaven with his mortal death and that's the biggest pain of hell ! I will follow Jesus the rest of my Life ✝️❤️
@whodat3873 3 года назад
Yo, honestly this movie was hard to watch without crying 😢
@multiyapples 3 года назад
Jesus is my Lord and Savior.
@Praise___YaH 3 года назад
HERE is THE ONLY Savior YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@PETERJOHN101 3 года назад
I don't think Satan was bright enough to realize his error until after the resurrection, when Jesus stepped out of the tomb, smiled, and said, "Now, it begins."
@gutsgalore1376 3 года назад
Youre reading a lot into what fictional book characters did.
@PETERJOHN101 3 года назад
@@gutsgalore1376 Oh, it wasn't fiction... He appeared to me fully robed standing in my living room on May 12, 2010 at 4:25 PM... I was not ill or on medication or chemically impaired... you should realize he is already taking control over the nations and will soon be ruling from Jerusalem.
@gutsgalore1376 3 года назад
@@PETERJOHN101 You ARE delusional. Who else saw this? You are extremely narcissistic to think that a "creator of the universe" would show up in your living room.
@gutsgalore1376 3 года назад
@@PETERJOHN101 You're a doomsdayer. Why don't you do something to help the planet instead of trying to condemn it because you suffer from self-hatred?
@oliverwilson4516 3 года назад
@@gutsgalore1376 Jesus Christ is, was, and always will be. He is the Creator of the Universe. Repent and give your life to Him, or you will be crying with Satan in Hell.
@princej8413 3 года назад
For god so loved the world that he gave his only son John 3:16
@buhawi95 3 года назад
And yet here we are in the biblical times The world is about to change. But our darkest days lie ahead, only at the end of the tunnel we will see light And have faith that our best days are yet to come Trust in Divine Plan
@예리밍-i1b 2 года назад
하나님 주님 저의곁에서 부디 사탄.악마들이 유혹하고 뭐라할지라도 하나님의 따뜻한..성령에빛으로 저를 붙잡아 인도하여주옵소서...😿😥
@o.dluthuli2264 3 года назад
I got them CHILLZ!✝️❤️😭
@jaykay3468 3 года назад
This part always makes me she'd a tear
@SethMacLeod95 3 года назад
Thank you, Jesus! I sent even begin to comprehend a Love like yours but all I can say is thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for taking the place I deserved to be. Thank you forever, Jesus
@elmarieking9590 3 года назад
Agree wholeheartedly, as this new life in Christ is amazing .. to know that we know. How precious His love and grace 😇 Gal 2:20 says "i no longer live, but Christ is living in and thru me". We were made One in Christ, no distance ever again. Wherever i go, I AM going, whatever i speak, I AM speaking, whatever i think, I AM thinking .. as i no longer live. My old life has been cruisified, it is no more. One with our Creator, our Savior and our King! By grace 💫 Col 1:26-29
@michealcharlesbaines809 3 года назад
GOD is going all the time,our Lord Jesus Christ suffered n died for us,may his holy name be praised now and forever
@Chris-zf9de 3 года назад
Mission Completed Conquered death and Sin + Respect
@iofthetiger67 3 года назад
Amen! Thank you Jesus!! 😊
@jodevs6077 3 года назад
The Greatest Love in the History of Mankind
@avunurisaiteja9118 3 года назад
Thank you so much jesus nd love you so much jesus infinity and beyond nd forever and ever jesus ❤️Amen ❤️😍😇🙏🙏
@thesamson1091 Год назад
This is just the beginning God is coming
@marygracemortejo5190 3 года назад
God will bless us amen
@camryn4076 3 года назад
Jesus is my Lord and Savior thank you Jesus.
@brothers7sisters399 3 года назад
@Toxic-tr2jz Год назад
@troyburnex Год назад
0:26 I love how Mary is just looking around while chaos ensues. Like she's already aware of what's transpiring
@Michael-id8ko 4 года назад
Jesus my saviour
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